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Solace “Sol” Tynan stood, swaying slightly, as she watched her now ex-best friend and lover, Rosanna “Sanna” Romero, stride purposefully across the street. It was a damned good thing she was holding tightly to her mobility cane because she might have made quite a spectacle of herself by crumpling to the sidewalk for no good reason that anyone could discern. Well, she new she would have a good reason, but no one else would. Rosanna neither looked left nor right, only straight ahead—which was probably the course she planned to chart for her life from now on. Nice and easy was how Sanna wanted it, no embarrassment or second glances. She had told Solace that she needed to simplify her life, and that life no longer included someone with a visual impairment—no matter how close they had become. It would just be too difficult. A lump formed in Solace’s throat as she recalled that unbelievable conversation. Rosanna’s short, beautifully styled dark brown hair fanned out behind her in the gentle, warm breeze. Solace smiled to herself remembering how Sanna was always the picture of fashion—her suits impeccably tailored. She looked down at her own clean, but faded jeans and tie-dye T-shirt and sighed. This is probably one of the many reasons we’re not together anymore. She was forever harping on me to do the dress-up thing. Oh forget it! Now I don’t have to worry about that crap anymore! I’ll dress up when I have to and not any time sooner. The only item of clothing that Solace and Rosanna could agree upon were shoes. They shared a passion for footwear and favored the same style—comfortable but decent enough to wear to work. To that end, they had prowled many a shoe store in search of the perfect footwear.

Her smile faded as she wondered why Rosanna had requested this meeting. Hadn’t they settled everything? She could have just as easily called or e-mailed her. Couldn’t she? If Sanna was nothing else, she was proper and could be formal to the hilt. No, meeting in person was much kinder, but to whom Solace thought wryly. Perhaps Sanna actually needed to see Solace for one last time before she plunged into her new life—and family. This did not ease the ache in Solace’s soul.

As they approached each other from opposite sides to meet at the corner of 84th street and Fifth Avenue, right across the street from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Solace thought, for one very brief, ecstatic moment that Rosanna had a mind to try to breech the growing chasm and heal the festering wounds by inviting her to talk things over at one of their favorite dining haunts. But, again, Solace was wrong—wrong about so many things she had been so certain of only ten short months previous to this gut-wrenching reunion. She had leaned to simply embrace Rosanna (even a kiss on the cheek had been rebuffed in recent months), but Rosanna had gently fended her off by placing a firm hand on her cane.

“What’s up Sanna?” Solace asked. She hoped Sanna could not see the perspiration stains beginning to form under her arms. Damned deodorant was supposed to keep you dry no matter what. Well, that was another lie told to the American public. Add it to the miles-high pile of rubbish sold to John and Johanna Q. Public every year!

“I don’t have long. I have a dinner reservation.” Rosanna answered curtly.

Well, she was going to dinner anyway. “With whom?” Solaced asked before she could stop herself. Her inquisitiveness was one more aspect of their relationship that had recently begun to annoy Rosanna. She would have to try harder to control herself. But she couldn’t simply turn off her emotions.. Lately, Sanna had become more businesslike in their dealings, seemingly attempting to wring out the last vestiges of feeling between them.

“You’ll never change. You’ll always be nosy.” Rosanna sighed in exasperation.

“There was a time when you knew my nosiness was concern.” Solace reminded her softly, beginning to make circles with her cane over the cobblestones as her agitation grew.

“Well, I’ve changed.” Rosanna said as she ran her fingers through her hair. She stared straight at Solace. “Listen. I can’t do this. I—we can’t be friends anymore. I don’t want you to call or e-mail me. It’s too hard.”

Friends! Wow! That was how she boiled down their relationship—not even best friends. Never mind anything else! Solace watched Rosanna as she began to pace in small circles, a sure sign that she was nervous.

“Too hard for whom–Matilda?” she shot back. She began rummaging in her shoulder-bag for a tissue. Dammit. She never had them when she needed them most. She found an old crumpled dinner napkin and began to dab at her now tearing eyes.

“Leave Matilda out of this, Solace. This has nothing to do with her. It’s just you and me! And for God sakes, stop crying. You’re not being fair. We both agreed to separate. Didn’t we?” Rosanna said through clenched teeth, her Latin accent becoming more pronounced as she became more upset. She moved toward Solace, turned to see if anyone was watching and stepped back, her heels beating a staccato rhythm on the sidewalk.

“First of all, why should I be fair? You’re not! And I never agreed to anything. I was informed and not given one damned chance to protest. And why the hell shouldn’t I cry? I can still feel. You can’t order me around anymore. I don’t work for you. She almost corrected Sanna’s improper sentence, but she thought better of that one. She raised an eyebrow as Sanna advanced, thinking that she really had changed if she had the inclination to strike her. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it when she realized that whatever she said would only fan the impending flames of hostility that were rolling off Rosanna in waves. This had been the way for the past six months. Solace would say something she considered fairly innocuous and Rosanna would snap out some nasty retort. It had become quite tiresome and draining. Perhaps this was the right thing. But she couldn’t help wonder what had happened? What had she done? Had she been so horrible in their five years that it should come to this? She couldn’t help the last comeback. “Now, who’s the blind one?” She received nothing but stony silence. Well, what could Sanna say? Once again she cursed her name, for Solace was definitely not in a comforting mood at this moment. Rosanna was saying something. What?

“I’m going to send the movers to get the rest of my stuff. I’ve already packed. I’m not taking much. You can have…” Solace did not give her the chance to finish as she interrupted.

“I don’t want one freaking possession of yours if you can just walk the hell out on me after all this time. Keep your shit!” Her voice became shrill and began to rise in volume. Solace backed away from Rosanna, who in turn moved closer with every step Solace took.

“Solace, please! Don’t make a scene!” Rosanna begged as she attempted to place what she considered a steadying hand on Solace’s shoulders. In her haste to back away from Rosanna, Solace had begun to back up into a tree with low-hanging, pointed, branches and Rosanna could see that she was in danger of falling and possibly injuring herself.

“Take your hands off of me. I never want you to touch me again!” Solace screamed and wrenched herself from Rosanna’s grasp. Her last words came to an abrupt end as her feet became entangled in her cane and she tripped, falling on her butt. She tried to spring back up, but Rosanna reached out and grabbed her by both arms, hauling her up as if she weighed nothing more than a rag doll. Rosanna held her an instant too long and then released her. She was grateful that Solace could not see her glistening eyes or hear her pounding heart. Was she making a mistake? No! Life would be much easier now!

“Are you all right, Sol?” Rosanna whispered.

Why did Sanna have to be so goddamned strong? That was too
much of a turn-on and this was certainly no time to be turned on!. Solace cleared her throat before speaking to give herself more time to catch her breath.. “No, but I’m hoping I can survive this.” She answered mournfully. She slung her bag over her shoulder. Dammit! She had bent her cane. This was the second one this month—the first cane having succumbed to a rude pedestrian who had tripped over it and bent it until it resembled a horseshoe. The wretched individual had walked away without even offering to pay for the damage.

“Goodbye, Sol.” Rosanna kissed her softly on the cheek.

No fair! Why did she get to do that and I didn’t? Solace clung to her.

“Sanna, please don’t do this to us.” She begged through her sobs. Rosanna broke the embrace. Solace whispered and watched as much as she could as the only woman she had ever loved walked out of her life forever.

She felt hollow and could barely shamble over to a bench to sit down to collect herself. She hadn’t been sitting for two minutes when she popped up and blurted out. If that witch took Bizarrey, I’ll kill her! Several passersby gave her the eye, which she did not see. And would not have cared if she had been able. She made her way hurriedly to the next bus stop. Bizarrey the Cat, was communal property that belonged to her!

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Rick slowly drifted into consciousness, blinking in an attempt to chase away the hallucinations of sleep. The room was illuminated in a soft golden light, as the first rays of sunlight penetrated the windows. He slowly exhaled, yawning peacefully, before carefully rolling onto his side. His gaze settled upon his mistress, who positively glowed under the current light, strands of hair draped across her face. A soft, relaxed moan escaped her throat as she raised an eyelid, focusing on her pet's...

4 years ago
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MaroonedChapter 4

Some time during the night, we had gotten moved around somewhat. As I awoke, it became pleasantly obvious that I was holding something wonderful in one hand and was partially trapped by some very fine thighs, but not as close to Paradise as I longed for. The urge to move those few inches and complete the consummation of our highly unlikely relationship was countered only by my respect for her emotional state. Trying to put myself in her place was difficult, but I tried. Three days ago, she...

2 years ago
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A lyrical little item, I hope, drawn in part from my real experiences and in part from the losses of others, friends. A love song to my wife, and long may she be just that. It always made me smile. Thinking about my wife, I mean, and the way we… well, the way we started off together. We were maybe a little older than most who meet and then marry for the first time, both of us twenty-seven, differing in chronological age by only a matter of weeks. By then, statistics tell us, most of us have...

3 years ago
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Wishes Do Not Exisit but You Always Have Choices

Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Elsa Jean Joanna Angel Talk Derby To Me

Everyone is ready for the big day, stretching by the rink, everyone except Arabelle and Sovereign. They’re both sitting in Suzy’s office, sharing their happy news. After a few minutes, the three girls walk into the rink and announced the big news. Because of her condition, Arabelle will not be able to compete in the Backyard Texas Brawl….looks like they’ll have to postpone the game. Gia doesn’t agree, demanding Allison find another team since she can’t...

2 years ago
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I was dozing off in front of the television—typical for a Thursday evening—when I heard the door bell ring. Or thought I did. I wasn’t sure so I continued to keep my eyes closed, then it rang again. So I got up and went to see who was stopping by at–10:45 at night? I opened the door and didn’t recognize the silhouette so I stepped onto the porch and heard a voice I hadn’t heard for ages. “Hi. It’s me— Dee,” she said. It all came rushing back like it always does when I hear her or from her....

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Leilas Humiliation

A fantasy by dahCopyright © 1999 by dahLeila's Humiliation, Part 1Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office, she had decided to make him her new doctor. It would be good to see someone she knew, as she had just moved to the city.She entered...

1 year ago
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Sexual Liaison Trainee Teacher Jac

Jac was a young trainee birthday party. Jac was a decent looking and pleasant girl like the girl next door. We had a slow dance together and i just fell for her. i caressed her back and she offered no resistance. i started to hug her closer with her soft breasts in body contact to my chest, my dick became semi hard. she was abit embarrassed. i led her out to the garden outside. We wasted no time. in our privacy, we kissed and fondled each other in desperation. i removed her bra from within and...

3 years ago
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Life After Bikini Beach Chapter 5

Life after Bikini Beach: Chapter 5 I walked out of Bikini Beach in a state of semi-shock. I had done it. I was Tasha. Oh, I was happy. Very happy. And, yet, at the same time, I also could not believe that I would be a woman for the rest of my life. I COULD still change my mind. But, I knew I would not. My brain floated on such a high that everything just seemed dream-like and unreal. I knew that every day would not be perfect. I knew I would have sorrows, angst, and I...

4 years ago
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Stupid Mailbox

A very good article I found defining a snapshot, a slice of life, or a piece of time. August 11, 2007 by Joel Falconer When I was in high school, I remember an English teacher sternly warning the class: "A short story has a clear-cut beginning, middle and end. I will look for this in your story, and if I cannot find it, I will fail you." What she didn't realize is that a good short story seldom works this way. She was stuck in the rigid conformity to the linear that the educational system...

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Pretty sure that i licked until my tongue was numb

For some reason i have always had a fantasy of being pleased by or just pleasing a pregnant woman every since i can remember.(i am at moradabad now my id any one need some secreat realations then mail me) this remained a fantasy of mine until my senior year in high school when i was working in a bookstore. I took this job in hopes of receiving discounts on textbooks as i was planning on attending college upon graduation and never in my wildest dreams did i ever think that anything more would...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 6 ApprenticeChapter 12

Dusty and Suzan reached the double doors that lead to the council chambers. They had passed a few offices that the council members and others made their own. Now they were at their destination. There was a single desk outside the council chambers, and at it sat a very striking and attractive red haired woman. She looked to conceivably be in her mid-thirties, but with mages that didn't mean anything. She was dressed in similar robes as the guard out front with the same sash over her...

1 year ago
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Little IndiansChapter 15 Morning Sickness

Life had changed now. Madeleine and Penn rarely spoke to each other, and Madeleine spent all of her time in Poe's room, or her own. Penn was not welcome in either. Winter was closing in, and, although it rarely snowed in Gynt, the mornings were frosty, the nights were cold. Dee's position had changed, too. She no longer felt excluded from the Madeleine and Penn club, as it had been dissolved, or, more like, exploded. How she wished that circumstances had been different! Mrs Beale could no...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 191

The following are compliments of J & B As we age... A traveling salesman visits a small town in the Midwest and sees a colorful circus banner: DON’T MISS THE AMAZING GOLDSTEIN! Curious, he buys a ticket and sits through the usual circus acts. Animals, clowns, contortionists and other performances - but where’s the Amazing Goldstein? Finally the trumpets blare and all eyes are turned to the center ring. There in the spotlight is a table with three walnuts on it. In comes a little old...

3 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 6 The Winter

They celebrated Christmas as the snow fell for the tenth day in a row. It hadn't been heavy, but it was steady and cold. Kieu-Linh and her parents were not overtly religious, and Hitch had long-ago lost his faith in God, but it was traditional for him, a time when he'd enjoyed moments with his family, though just as often he was deployed and had to use video chat to see his wife and daughter. They had cut a couple of branches from a pine outside the bunker and built it into a tree-shaped...

2 years ago
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Verka Booth Wali Aunty Ko Choda Part 8211 4

Mera naam Jimmy hai aur main Chandigarh me rehta hun. Mera email address hai ‘’. Koi b lady mujhe is email per contact kr skti hai. This is a continuation to my previous story ” Verka booth wali Aunty ko choda”. Jinhone nhi pdi wo is link per jaa kr pd site hain ‘’ . Pehle to aap sab ka bohat bohat thanx jo aapne is story k pichle part ko itna pyar diya, bohat saare fans k mujhe mails b aayi, shukriya bohat bohat. Aur aap...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 94

After days of fucking with Jonelle, Kim, and now Lorrie, Laura really needed some rest. And yet both Sholandra and Yvette had left messages on her answering machine, messages so hot that it nearly melted as she played them back. And at work, Barbara's eyes kept smoking when she looked at Laura. God, she wants to eat me alive, Laura thought, both flattered and aroused, but ultimately fatigued at the thought. But I need to rest. Fortunately, she was able to plead travel and work exhaustion...

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