Solace & Rosanna Ch. 03 free porn video

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“Bizarrey! Bizarrey!” Solace called as she entered her apartment. “Mommy’s home! Come here, sweetums!” That’s probably why she’s staying away, Solace thought. What self-respecting cat would want to be called ‘sweetums’? She dumped her cane and shoulder-bag at the door and began to search her one-bedroom apartment. She looked in all of Bizarrey’s known hiding places without success—under the bed (which was useless since she would not have been able to see her there anyway), on the window sills, under the table and on the bed. No luck. She returned to the living room, stopped in the middle of the room and began making a slow circle. As she threw up her arms in defeat, she happened to look up and see a lump of reddish brown fur and penetrating eyeballs staring down at her from the top of some very high bookshelves. “Wow! A new trick, Bizarrey? Now what would you have done if I hadn’t looked up? Well, I guess you would have come down for food, if nothing else. You nutty cat!” Solace smiled but suddenly flung herself into her favorite armchair and began crying uncontrollably. Bizarrey jumped down from her lofty perch and onto the arm of the chair, softly meowing and rubbing her soft furry body next to Solace’s arm. She scooped the cat into her arms and stroked the little head that she found so adorable. “Bizarrey, what’s happened? Why has Sanna changed? She had never seemed concerned about…about… Solace could not bring herself to say the dreaded words. Perhaps she had not been aware of the signs. They had known each other for five years and the issue of her visual impairment hadn’t been too much of a problem. Okay. So there had been a few minor accidents. But the consequences hadn’t been catastrophic, they were both still alive. Wasn’t that the important thing? Lately, Sanna had begun focusing a great deal of attention on what she perceived were Solace’s flaws. I think I handled this fairly well, she thought but did not voice.

Bizarrey turned around a few times on Solace’s lap and plopped down, a signal that she was in for a prolonged stretch of petting. Solace began to stroke the length of the feline with one hand as she yanked up the end of her t-shirt to wipe her eyes, stopping short of blowing her nose. She might be distraught, but that would not be good. Bizarrey jumped at the sudden movement, but did not scamper away as she usually did. “You don’t think the fact that I don’t see is horrible, do you B?” Solace asked as she reached for Bizarrey’s head and poked her in the right eye. Bizarrey gave her a nip on her finger and turned around on her lap so that her head was facing in the opposite direction. “I’m sorry, girl.” Solace thought briefly about calling for Chinese take-out, but she found she had no energy. It was as if she had been completely drained. She felt hollow. The only activity she could do was think and thinking was pretty crappy right now because the only thoughts running through her mind were of Sanna. Her mind drifted back to the first time they met five years ago.


Solace stood against a wall, sipping water from a sports bottle. She was eager for the rehearsal to get underway. She had never sung in an all women’s group and she was looking forward to it. She had come as close to the appointed time as possible. In fact, this was positively early for her. No matter that Katrina was going to start in a minute. She congratulated herself on her promptness and placed the bottled water into her overcrowded knapsack. She was absorbing her surroundings and marveling at the immensity of the apartment when her musings were interrupted.

“Do you need any help, Solace?” Katrina asked Solace with a smile in her voice.

“Nah, I’m fine, Katrina. But thank you.” Solace assured her, not wanting to play her poor blind woman role so early in the game.

“Okay. Just let me know, though. I want you to feel comfortable here.”

“Thank you.” Solace smiled an extended her cane in preparation of navigating the large room.

“All right, ladies!” Katrina Belvers bellowed over the din of excited female voices. “If you can get the same volume into your singing as you do your speaking, we should achieve some fantastic crescendos.” Peels of laughter greeted this remark.

“Please find a seat wherever you can. I’ll have more chairs next week. I promise. They were supposed to deliver the rest today, but there was a problem, of course.” She sighed in exasperation.

Solace gingerly picked her way across the room of sixteen women. She was headed for what appeared to be an empty blue chair. As she approached the object, she opted not to use the mobility technique she had learned (where you put your hand out to find out if there’s an obstacle) turned and plopped down on a very shocked Rosanna Romero, who abruptly rose in surprise, toppling Solace to the carpeted floor.

“I’m sorry.” They said in unison as a chorus of embarrassed chuckles rose and fell.

“Well, you might as well introduce yourselves since you seem to be getting intimate.” Came Katrina’s smooth voice as she made to go and help Solace to her feet, but backed away as she saw that Rosanna Romero had the situation in hand.

“I’m Solace Tynan. Did I break anything? I thought you were a chair.” Solace stated while trying to straighten out her peasant skirt and blouse. The women closest to them laughed.

“Rosanna Romero, and, no, you didn’t break anything.” She said calmly.

Solace noticed immediately the low, sonorous tones of her voice. It was very pleasant. She must be a second alto, she thought briefly. She looked up but as the light was relatively dim, she could not make out the features of the woman with the sultry voice standing before her. All she could discern was that her voice came from a slightly higher position, which meant she was a bit taller than her own five feet two inches. Rosanna handed Solace her cane, guided her to an empty seat next to her as if she had been guiding blind people all her life. Solace was rendered momentarily speechless.

Katrina began again “First, I want to welcome you to the first rehearsal of the Upper Manhattan Women’s Ensemble. I know the name may sound a little old school, but I’m open to suggestions. You can e-mail me with your ideas. Next, I’d like to let you know that Myron Owens, our Manager, for those of you who don’t know him, has already booked our first gig on September 29. I know that doesn’t give us much time, but I have ultimate faith in you all.” This last sentence she stated to sixteen women sitting there with their mouths open. “Okay, ladies, we haven’t begun to sing yet, so you can close your mouths.” Everyone laughed. “And now we’ll break into sections. First and second sopranos in the first two rows and first and second altos fan out where you can find seats.

“As usual, the sopranos get the seats. They’re such divas!” came the deep voice of a woman as she passed Solace, who had been guided to a seat by Katrina, probably hoping to avoid another accident.

“That’s right! That’s the way the Goddess meant it! All others bow down to the superior ones.” Proclaimed the woman sitting next to Solace.

“Ooh!” chorused the other sopranos in the section, except Solace, who was engrossed in removing her Braille music from her knapsack. As she laid it on her lap, the woman who had shouted the witty retort turned to her and said, “My name’s Ann.”

“Nice to meet you, Ann. I’m Solace.” She stuck out her hand to be shook.

“Great name.” Ann replied, giving Solace’s hand a brisk shaking.

“Sometimes.” Solace admitted.

“Is that all our music?” Ann asked in awe.

“Not all, just the pieces we’re studying tonight. It’s a helluva lot to learn.” Answered Solace.

“I’ll say.” Agreed Ann, opening her own folder.

The reh
earsal commenced and all attention was riveted to the process of making beautiful music. The women had been chosen for their abilities and their potential for enhancing the group. Solace was pleased that her Braille music skills were up to the task of keeping pace with such a challenging choral group. She felt exhilarated and was crestfallen when the rehearsal came to an end. Katrina thanked them and the women scattered in all directions. Ann stood and placed her hand on Solace’s shoulder saying, “You have a beautiful voice, Solace. It’s going to be a pleasure singing with you.”

“Thank you, Ann. You, too. This is gonna be so cool!”

“It is.” Ann agreed. “Do you need help getting out?”

“Thanks, but I’m okay.” She assured her.

“All right. See you next week!” Ann called back as she left.

“Okay!” Solaced answered.

Solace reached under her chair and began searching for her knapsack, which she was not finding. I thought I put it right here. She got down on her hands and knees and started feeling to her left and right when she heard a familiar voice say, “Is this yours?”

Solace stood up quickly and took the proffered knapsack. “Thank you. Rosanna, was it? Asked Solace.

“Yes. You have a great memory for names.” Rosanna answered. She remained standing in front of Solace.

“I wish I could remember other things as well. It’s just a fluke. Did you enjoy the rehearsal?” Solace asked while attempting to put on her knapsack, the straps seemed to have shrunk.

“Need some help?” Rosanna asked innocently.

“No. I’m just trying to get—“ Solace said through clenched teeth. “This damned thing seems to be—“

Although it was slightly amusing watching this woman struggling to get her knapsack on, Rosanna felt a twinge of guilt.

“Maybe you need to loosen the straps a bit. Here. I’ll do it.” She extricated the flailing Solace from the bag and yanked the straps out to an adult size, walked behind her and slipped it on her shoulders. “Is that better?” She asked.

“Yeah. Thanks.” Solace said gratefully, feeling slightly flushed. “I guess we better get out of here before Katrina throws us out.” She added.

“She won’t, but you’re right. Can I walk you out of here?” Rosanna asked tentatively, not really sure why she had.

Solace thought about it for a moment and decided to put the Super Blink act to bed for the night. “Sure.” She said, smiling up at the mostly unseen figure in front of her.

They went down in a well-lit elevator which finally allowed Solace to see the strong, café au lait features of the other woman. She had short, dark hair with fringed bangs that gave her face a youthful, sexy look. Sexy? And the blue chair turned out to be a blue tailored pant-suit covering what looked like a silk shirt. They exited the building and stopped under the awning.

“Where do you live?” Rosanna asked.

“On one hundred ninth street and Fifth, near the park.” Answered Solace.

“I’ll walk you home.” Rosanna stated.

“I walk these mean streets alone all the time.” Solace snapped before she could stop herself.

“I’m sure you do. I’d just feel better if you’d allow me.” Rosanna answered before she could stop herself.

“I just don’t want you to think I’m some poor, helpless blind chick who—“ She began and then realized the last part of Rosanna’s statement. Solace relaxed until she realized that she wasn’t quite sure which way was Madison Avenue.

“Er, Rosanna, could you tell me which way is Madison?” She whispered.

“Come on.” Rosanna took the arm without the cane and they began to walk west.

“And, yes, I enjoyed the rehearsal…very much.” Answered Rosanna belatedly.

“So did I.” Solace agreed and smiled “I think it will be a fun, challenging experience.” Neither of the women knew how prophetic those words would turn out to be.

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I dated Tomasa on and off for almost 2 years and our relationship was great honestly. I had no issues with dating and being seen publicly with her despite her appearance which was thick and sexy but also there was no doubt she was a trans woman. She was open and accepting of her gender so I needed to be as well. The sex was versatile and great and she hadn’t been on hormones for a long time.She had this routine for tucking her jewels when she was dressed up that I thought was so odd but I...

2 years ago
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The Bad Gatsby

Did you ever read the book "The Great Gatsby"?  Or see the film?  There are parallels with my story.  Like Jay Gatsby I'm a self-made man, working my way from poverty to amass a considerable fortune.And like Gatsby, my motivation came from a woman.  But while his driving force was the love of debutante Daisy Buchanan, mine is fuelled by hate, the venomous hate I have for one woman.  Consider me The Bad Gatsby.You see, I went to one of those preppy up-state dorm colleges where the girls all wear...

3 years ago
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Pleasures Of The Flesh 8211 Part 3

Hey its kk and am back with the next part. I am 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches tall, fair, athletic and a friendly guy. I really thank everyone for their feed backs. My email id is I have changed my email id my friends so if you send anything, please send it to my this email id. Please refer to my earlier stories to understand this one. So what else to say my friends. That woman is so fucking hot, that I really just can’t get enough of her. The sexual pleasure which she is giving me, I have no...

1 year ago
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Robs Choices Invitational 2007

I started writing and was interrupted by a week in the hospital, clearing up a few problems related to my congestive heart failure. While there, I came up with the idea to finish JPB's story, using portions, ideas, quotes and excerpts from some of his other stories. Please note that I asked for and received permission from JPB before finishing the story in this way. I asked Tech-san to edit it for me. Wow, I made so many mistakes in punctuation and spacing, plus run-on sentences, I was...

3 years ago
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Stepdaughter Lust

I married my wife a little over 7 years ago and she had two daughters from a former marriage. Their names were Brenna, 12 years old and Stacy, 11 at the time. While things between my wife and myself were good at times, we also had our rough times. We did the best we could and I pretty much accepted the girls as my own. We did all the family things, took vacations, went out together and pretty much acted like a whole family. Things between my wife and I pretty much went south in the sex...

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Gang of FiveChapter 19

From her first day at the club, Arlene should have been getting massages. However, Rebecca and the Gang had decided that only Dan should touch her. At the beginning, things were too strained for that level of contact. Since committing to make the marriage work, Dan had foresworn any more intercourse with the Gang, and they understood and agreed with his thinking. Instead, some lunch times had been used to teach him massage. Thus, when Pip stopped in one afternoon and set up a massage table...

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Straight Boy Bottom Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Alone at LastSo in the last chapter you learned how it all started. My girlfriend Gwenhad a thing for taboo sex, and as it turned out, so did I. Afterintroducing me to ass play, she started to use a strap on on me. I wouldbe lying if I didn't say I loved it. after awhile she convinced me to lether friend Nathan fuck me while she watched. I would also be lying if Isaid I didn't love that.So there I was, a straight (I swear) guy who had just been fucked in theass by another dude...

1 year ago
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I Took My Neighbors Bra A Life Changing Experience

I Took My Neighbor's Bra, A Life Changing Experience By Terri Hansay After seeing my neighbor Pam's bras in her laundry room these past several months, I have a huge desire to wear her bra. I feel really strange thinking this, but I decided today I would grab her pink bra. I have seen this pink lacy bra with its padded cup, so sexy I thought. I have grabbed it before in her laundry room and dreamed with it. So soft, it's a Victoria Secret bra the tag says. I have held it up to...

2 years ago
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Hunting at the Beach A Morality Tale of Dark Design

Hunting at the Beach, A Morality Tale of Dark Design Randall Wayne Mudge believed in patience. In this need-everything- instantly era when the lack of it had fatally sunk the ambitions of countless talented fools, Randy was no fool. He knew that if you learned to handle the boredom, the patient hunter would always be rewarded. He leaned against a cinderblock wall which shaded his pale skin from the bright summer sun. From this vantage, he could watch passersby as they enjoyed a...

4 years ago
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when we were Virgins

I was 19 at the time when i first lost my verginity. I was living on my own for a couple of years now, my family decided to move from ny to maine and I dident want to go so i stayed. They dident have the money to take everything but the things that they needed, so my mother asked me to clean out the appt they were living in. I went there The following day n started making phone calls to get most of the furniture out without throwing it away. On the second day i went n started...

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Susan and Adam

Adam and SusanA kinky Twisted tale of Family, Close Relations, Older/Younger. Up Skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple Partners, Cum play, Cream Pie “You know you've ruined my womb, I never should have let you in there”, Susan giggled. Adam replied, “it's your fault! You pushed back on me! I was fine with just getting your pussy”. They played the blame game feeding each others ego, fanning the flames of their taboo lust. Susan had always been promiscuous. She missed her graduation while birthing Adam....

1 year ago
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Hot Fuck After Confession

This story is just a fiction.I am May, 20 years old. I am horny and naughty especially for hot daddies. I do horny things everywhere, in the office, in a club, as in everywhere. I offer sex and blowjob for free and let daddies fuck the way they want. Im a dirty slut, really dirty.I wanna be fucked by daddies who can shoot a blast of hot, thick, milky cum. And the older the daddy is, the hornier I become.One day, I decided to go to a church to confess about my horny deeds. I approached the...

3 years ago
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A Night Out

This is a short true story about me and my wife Kate. Nothing too crazy but I don't have a whole lot of people to tell my sexual adventures to, so now that I have a site I can share with I thought I would put this one out there for your reading pleasures. So one night me and Kate were out bar hopping together a few counties away from where we live. This way we can act a little more crazy than we do where we live and not have to see people we know again in public; at least that was the plan. ...

4 years ago
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Father and Son 2

It was a hot July day. Right after my wife left for work, I took a shower, wrapped myself in a bathrobe and sat in one of our lounge chairs in the backyard. No fences but low shrubs define our orders with our hard-working neighbors who leave early in the morning and return late afternoon. All day, I am the only person in the neighborhood. Working from home is great! It was around 9am when Greg came to join me. He was completely naked as always in my wife’s absence. “Hey!” he mumbled and sat...

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creepy landlord leads group sex

I rented a room in an upstairs apartment last year. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, and I rented the smaller room. It was above another house (owned by the same guy) that was rented to someone else. Anyway the landlord said ‘if I ever need to move back in here, I reserve the right, but I probably won’t because I am happy living with my girlfriend at her house.’ Anyway, the landlord Mike was 72 but kind of a young 72 and could pass for late 50’s or so. His girlfriend was in her early 50’s....

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Poker WifeChapter 4

Lisa drove to the address, that was on the paper that Megan had given her earlier that day. She didn't really get too nervous, until she was sitting in the car outside of her destination. "This is it, time to go see who's in there and what they want with me." she thought to herself. After looking at the house number, to make sure that it was the correct address, she made her way to the door and rang the bell. "Hi, I'm Lisa. Brian my husband said to come over here to spend the weekend...

1 year ago
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My sexy MIL

To tell something about myself, I am 28, 6′ and have an average built. I am working in MNC. My parents stay in Asansol and I stay in Kolkata with my wife. We had been married for the past 1.5 yrs and stay in a rented apartment near my in laws house. Since my wife is her parent’s only daughter I had always been a favorite of my in-laws especially my MIL. Now to tell something about my MIL, she’s a middle aged woman about the age of 40 having great assets, good-looking and always have a smiling...

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Cocktail the first sip

Lisa tossed and turned one last time and then she gave up the idea of going back to sleep. She ran her fingers through her hair, thinking about whether to hit the shower or make some coffee first. She finally made a high bun and sat up on the bed to head to the kitchen, and that’s when she saw Bob sitting on the couch and staring with a piercing gaze set onto her face. She sauntered slowly to him, picked him up in her lap and caresses the furry arched back to hear a reassuring purr and a mew....

Group Sex
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Not a Bad Trade Off

in the day, that I was in college, we had pay phones on each floor. You could receive calls for free, on your end, and talk for hours. It was on a late Friday night Saturday morning, as I passed one of these phones, I answered a call. 'Hi, you don't know me, I'm trying to reached one of your room mates. His name is Gary, he some times works for me and I find that I need him to come in. Since I am in some what of a tight I need to ask you to locate him, and if you can't could you find some one...

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The Widow Ch 10

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter ten Brian surprised Fran by showing up at her office just before the end of the business day. He was pleased to see the smile on her face and the way her eyes brightened when she saw him. ‘I hope you don’t mind that I’m a bit early,’ he said. Fran smiled. ‘Hi, Brian,’ she said. ‘I’m not at all upset. I finished early, too. I was just about to call you.’ ‘You know, my dear!’ Brian said, ‘You look fabulous in that outfit!’ Fran felt...

4 years ago
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DNA I like to walk to work on the days that aren't too hot or humid. Virginia Beach weather can be very unpredictable with the exception that from May through October, everyone knows it will be both hot and humid. Today was one of those rare exceptions to the September weather pattern. It was seventy-five degrees and the humidity had dropped low enough to not guarantee the need for a shower by the time I got into work. I smelled the fresh cut lawns and the subtle hints of humidity...

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