Solace & Rosanna Ch. 20 free porn video

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2003: The homeless woman stared up at Solace’s window. Her bony fingers lightly gripped the handles of her ancient shopping cart, which contained her entire life. Her eyes blazed with determination. She wore a tattered tee-shirt with the phrase “Isn’t It Ironic?” emblazoned in large, red letters. Surprisingly, her jeans and sneakers were in relatively good condition for she had finally relented and used what little money she had saved to purchase them at a thrift shop. Her hair, however, resembled a matted bird’s nest perched atop her head and she intermittently scratched at her scalp to ease the incessant itching. Her thin frame and diminutive stature nearly rendered her invisible—until she spoke. Her shrill, stentorian tones could be heard for blocks as she bellowed her dire predictions. No small wonder passersby allowed her a good deal of room.

The woman could no more explain why she felt compelled to follow the drama of the people she had been shadowing for the past weeks than a cat could write its name. She only knew that she had awakened one morning with intense, overwhelming feelings, which caused her to roam the streets of New York City in search of total strangers who needed her particular guidance. She had made herself known to the rose and now she would see what reception she received from the one who gave comfort.

“Hey, what are you doing?” a voice called, “Get outa here!”

She paid no attention and continued her vigil.

“Did you hear me? I said get outa here,” came the booming, insistent male voice.

The woman turned to see a tall, burly, bearded, man wearing glasses coming towards her. He wielded a newspaper and made as if to swat at her as if she were an insect. She rummaged in her shopping cart for the can of mace. Brandishing the weapon, she watched his approach. He stopped short, noticing the object in her hand.

“Hey! You can’t have that! It’s illegal. I’m gonna call the police.” He reached into his pocket for his cell phone.

“I only want comfort here. I don’t want trouble. I don’t want trouble,” she stammered, waving the can in front of his face.

“Well, there’s no comfort for you here. Go to a shelter or some place,” snarled the man as he held the phone to his ear.

“I have to give the rose comfort. That’s my job. I have to give the rose comfort. Comfort is here.” The woman shuffled nervously from one foot to the other, one hand on her can of mace, the other in a white-knuckle grip on her shopping cart.

“I told you. There’s no comfort here for you. Hello? Yes, I’d like to report a homeless person who needs to be escorted to a shelter. She’s being a nuisance.”

“Liar!” shouted the woman. She had simply been standing there. She knew her rights. She had a right to be wherever she wanted as long as she wasn’t harassing anyone. That is what her case worker had told her, and she made a concerted effort to adhere to that rule.

At that moment, Solace came hurtling down the steps, hair flying, white cane thrust out in front of her. She’d had to turn back three times because she had nearly left her apartment without her MYM identification card, her transportation card and, unbelievably, her dance shoes. She wore blue shorts, a white tank top and white sneakers, minus socks. Her dance bag was slung over her shoulders. She and Jessie had gone to their favorite cabaret, and she had slept late as a result of getting home at one o’clock in the morning. She was now in danger and dread of breaking one of Ardena’s most sacred rules.

She heard the booming voice of Adam Hunter, her neighbor. What was he going on about now? She hoped she could just slip passed him without becoming embroiled in another of his rants. As her feet hit the pavement, she noticed someone standing in her way.

“Excuse me,” she said, trying to move to one side. The stranger blocked her path. “Excuse me,” she repeated, annoyance and impatience coloring her tone.

“You are comfort. Your rose needs comfort,” came a firm, clear female voice.

“Don’t listen to her, Solace. She’s just a homeless woman. I was calling the police to have her taken to a shelter.” Adam piped up. He withdrew a handkerchief from his shirt pocket and mopped his perspiring forehead. The humidity was stifling and oppressive, but he was too self-conscious about his excessive body hair to wear shorts. He noted, with appreciation, Solace’s lovely even tan and fit physique.

Solace barely heard Adam. Her mind fixed on the woman’s words. Did she know this woman? No, how could she? Adam had said she was a homeless person.

She turned to him. “Adam, calm down or you’re going to have a heart attack or a stroke in this heat.” She turned to face the woman. “I don’t think I know you, but you seem to know me—at least you seem to be trying to tell me something. But I really don’t have the time to figure out what it is. I’m late enough already.”

Had Adam not alerted her, Solace would not have known that the woman was homeless, for she could not see the disreputable state of her hair and clothes. She would simply have assumed that the woman was either on the way to or from a laundry facility.

“Adam, leave her alone. Was she bothering you or something?”

“No, but—“ Adam began lamely.

“She does have a right to walk the streets, you know.”

“She was staring up at your window, Solace. You never know what people are going to do these days. She could be psychotic. She should be in a place where she can get some help,” he said with conviction. Remembering his cell phone, he punched the END key and returned it to his pocket. It seemed the woman was making motions to leave.

“Adam, you’re a great block watchman, but I don’t think this woman is going to hurt me or anyone else. She just seems to have a message for me, which is really strange but–” Solace pressed her watch, she was going to have to run to the bus stop. She prayed she wouldn’t have to wait too long. She grimaced, imagining the looks of bewilderment she would receive as she jogged with her cane. “I have to go.” With that she trotted off down the block, leaving Adam to his righteous indignation. She could hear the creaky cart behind her. She felt her stomach give a little lurch. The woman was following her. Why? Hadn’t she relayed her message—something about comforting a rose?

Adam lumbered, panting profusely, behind the woman and Solace. He wanted to see where she was going. He had appointed himself Solace’s bodyguard—at least in the neighborhood, and he felt it was his duty to see that she was safe from vagrants and muggers, if he was able. He turned the corner in time to see Solace hopping on the bus and the woman standing there, muttering. He watched her make her way up the block and hoped it would be the last time they crossed paths.

Solace dashed into Make Your Moves. She waved a hasty greeting to Franz and ran to the locker room. She had five minutes before Ardena locked the door. She thought she probably should not have come, as she was unable to come early and learn any new steps. Please, let her do stuff I know today. She quickly disrobed and donned her dance outfit, unaware of the appraising stare she was receiving from Casey Deans, who was also late–again. Casey licked her lips as she watched Solace strip off her form-fitting shorts and tank. She briefly stood there, clad only in her bikini’s and bra, her smooth, taut body a sight to behold. Casey could barely tear her eyes away long enough to put on her own dance gear. Solace’s creamy complexion, kissed with a hint of caramel, was positively mouth-watering. She was sorry to see Solace dress so hurriedly and was even sorrier that she could not undress her. She, too, placed her clothes in her locker and strode over to the now dressed woman.

“Hey, Solace. It’s Case
y. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s late today,” she called as she approached.

“Casey? You know, I don’t even know why I came today,” Solace said breathlessly. Without thinking, Casey took Solace by the arm and led her towards the door. Solace was surprised but said nothing and allowed herself to be escorted. They walked briskly towards the dance studio and arrived just as Ardena was marching towards the door, ready to lock it. Casey held up a hand and ushered Solace through the door.

“We made it, Ardena. You can’t lock us out,” Casey smiled triumphantly.

L.D. watched Casey escort Solace into the room. She knew Solace was capable of finding the room on her own. She became instantly suspicious. Where had they met? Had they come together at all? She would find out. She did not trust Casey. She had seen the open, hungry stares the woman had been giving Solace over the past weeks. Her internal fuming came to an end as Ardena called the class to order.

“Okay, folks. We’re going to have a short warm-up session because I want to get right into rehearsing. I also expect you all to book some time to come in and practice on your own. I’ll want to see your dances in two weeks–and they’d better be perfect. You know MYM not only depends on your fees, but on its patrons. You also know that you do not want to get up there and embarrass me—or yourselves. Nervous laughter exploded around the room.

Oh, thank God, Solace thought. She’s not going to do anything new. I’m saved. She breathed a sigh of relief.

They ran through their warm-ups in record time and paired off with their respective partners. The next thing Solace felt was L. D.’s presence, followed by her strong, firm hand in hers.

“Are you ready, Solace?” she asked as she stood in front of her, waiting for their theme music..

“I think so. I enjoy the music to our dance so much, it’s so sensual.” Solace felt herself blush at this admission. She really should think about what she was going to say before she simply blurted it out. She stood there, uncharacteristically quiet, waiting to see what consequences her words would have—if any. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own and she had recently found herself fantasizing about Ms. L. D. Jansen. At these times, she would be torn between her feelings for Rosanna and the definite physical attraction she felt for L. D. She rationalized that it was the intimate nature of their performance. Ugh, life was just too complicated sometimes.

L. D. smiled and blushed in return, noting Solace’s casual use of the word sensual. For reasons she could not fathom, Solace’s presence reduced her to a mass of quivering lust, her eyes becoming slightly unfocussed and her body tingling from the roots of her hair to the tip of her toes. It was a delicious feeling and L. D. savored the moment when… What? There were few women who had produced such an intense reaction in the ultra-cool Ms. Jansen. They were both yanked back to attention by the sharp rap of Ardena’s stick and her calling of their names.

“Are you two going to dance or stand there and discuss the moves?” Ardena asked sarcastically. The women had missed their entrance. Their instructor was a perfectionist and she would not tolerate inattentiveness in her dancers. She glared at L. D. since she knew the gesture would be totally lost on Solace. But she knew that Solace could hear the impatience in her voice.

Solace and L. D. snapped to attention and moved to the middle of the floor. Their music began and they went through their routine with only a few minor glitches.

“Not bad, but it needs practice, ladies. It has to be flawless and seamless. Set up some practice time during the next two weeks.” Upon delivering this edict, Ardena turned to see the next group who were assembled and ready to go as their music began.

“Can you make any practice sessions this week, Solace?” L. D. asked hopefully.

“I’ll have to. If I know Ardena, she won’t let us perform if it’s not up to her standard.”

“How about Monday evening?”

Solace checked her mental calendar and told L. D. that would work.

“Shall I book the time here or do you want to do it?” she asked as they moved towards the exit.

“I…have a dance studio in my apartment. We can work there…for nothing.” L. D.’s heart raced. She did not know whether Solace would feel comfortable working there, but she thought she should at least ask.

“Wow! Now that is too convenient.” Solace rolled the thought over in her mind and gave her answer. “That would be fine, L. D. I’ve never seen a private dance studio. It’ll be a new experience.

L. D. released a silent breath of relief. She was going to have Solace Tynan all to herself—at least for a rehearsal. Feeling emboldened, she ventured, “Maybe we could have something to eat afterwards. Would that be possible, Solace?”

“You’ll be sorry, L. D. I eat like a cow after a dance workout.” Solace replied with a grin..

“I think I’ll be able to provide enough food for you from somewhere,” L. D. answered confidently.

They arranged to meet at a common spot where L. D. would then take her to her apartment. Impulsively, L. D. leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Solace’s cheek. She thought she would have an orgasm right there in the middle of the corridor.

For Solace’s part, she was surprised by the kiss, but not unpleasantly so. Her emotions swirled. The women parted with more than dancing on their minds.

On Monday, L. D. prowled her favorite haunts, searching for cheeses, breads, and pastries, which she thought Solace might find delectable. She did not raid The Jansen’s wine cellar because she and Solace really did need to practice and alcohol would be counter-productive to that particular activity. Perhaps next time—and she desperately hoped there would be a next time.

Solace met L. D. at the appointed bus stop. L. D. asked if she could take Solace’s arm but Solace gently refused the offer, saying she would be fine unless some unsuspecting pole decided to make her acquaintance. L. D. winced at the image. Becoming accustomed to Solace’s humor regarding her visual impairment would take some time. She did, however, take her arm once they reached The Jansen and Solace did not protest as her vision was next to nil in dim lighting. She was unable to see the expensive yet tastefully-appointed lobby or the raised eyebrow of John Dodge, the security officer. She was also unaware that L. D. was leading her to an elevator until she heard her press a button..

Solace’s senses immediately went into warp speed and she began to ramble, “Uh, L. D, why can’t we walk? I’m very good with stairs.”

L. D. noted Solace’s mood change with mild surprise. “The elevator leads right to the studio. It’s faster and it’s only one floor down,” she answered, trying to reassure her guest. She took Solace’s hand, it was ice-cold. “Don’t worry, Solace. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“It’s not you. It’s the elevator. What if it stops or something?” Solace asked, her voice beginning to rise in pitch and intensity.

“That won’t happen. This elevator is very reliable. Don’t you ever take elevators, Solace?”

“I try to avoid them as much as possible. I hate them. I have to use one when I go to my chorus and it still freaks me out after all these years.” Solace could feel beads of perspiration trickling down her blouse, causing it to stick to her. Goddess, get me through this with a modicum of dignity, she begged.

The elevator arrived and L. D. gently prodded Solace inside and the doors closed silently behind them. L. D. pressed the button for the studio and…nothing. The car did not move.

“What’s happening?” Solace shrieked.

“It’s okay, Solace. Calm—“

Solace screamed before L. D. could get in another word.

“Solace, please.. We’re okay. L. D. was doing her best to stay calm because it was obvious that Solace was becoming completely unglued. Damned elevator!

“L. D., do something. Press a button. Do something!” Solace wailed, slumping to the floor.

Remembering, L. D. pressed the Door Open button and the doors slid open on their well-oiled track. Solace leapt up and flew out into the lobby.

“I am not getting back in there, L. D. I am not! Why didn’t it go down?” Solace was shaking furiously and she was having difficulty catching her breath.

L. D. crossed to her and placed a protective arm around the smaller woman’s trembling shoulders. “We were only stuck for a few seconds, Solace. We’re okay.” She soothed. L. D. looked up and glared at Dodge, who was boldly staring. She gave him a look that said “Say anything about this and you’re outa here”. Dodge moved back to the entrance thinking that Ms Jansen had her hands filled with this one and still wondered how she managed to find such beautiful women—even if they were hysterical.

“There is no such thing as seconds when you’re stuck in an elevator, time stands still.” Solace held on to L. D. She could feel her breathing slow and a sense of control return to her battered nervous system.

“Okay, Solace. We’ll take the long way down.”

“Thank you.” Solace sighed as she took L. D.’s arm. They made their way down and around until they reached the elaborately decorated doors of the renovated ballroom. She flung open the doors and guided Solace into the cavernous space.

“You know, L.D. when you said you had a dance studio, I don’t think a room the size of the Roseland ballroom came to mind. This is amazing. Solace twirled around the floor and L. D. followed her. She took Solace’s hand and they did an impromptu Waltz around the polished floor. They followed the rhythm of their bodies and only stopped when they had run out of breath. Solace and L. D. stood there, breathing deeply, standing only inches apart. Indulging her fantasy and curiosity, Solace wound her arms about L. D.’s neck, drew her close and sought her lips. She could not help the fleeting comparisons to Rosanna, which she would think about later. The kiss began soft, tentative, and exploratory, and they melted into it as if sinking into marshmallow cream. As it became more urgent, L. D. nearly crushed Solace with the force of her wanton embrace. She was drowning in arousal and would have eased them onto the hardwood floor had Solace not withdrawn her lips. They stood again, panting and flushed.

“I’m…I’m… We better practice. Is there somewhere I can change?” Solace said, fighting her own rising desire for her sensuous dance partner.

Finally coming to her senses as well, L. D. said, “Of course. I’ll show you…I’ll take you. It’s this way.” She led Solace to what was once a powder room. As Solace closed the door to the room to allow some measure of privacy, L. D. leaned against it. How am I going to do this? I want her so much. I’m not sure I can do this. Her inner voice commanded, “Of course, you can do this L. D. Get a grip. L. D. was thrilled, though, to find that Solace was also attracted to her. She wasn’t even bothered by the fact that Solace had made the first move. But in a way, she had started it by kissing Solace on the cheek. She knew they had both felt the fire and thrilled to think of the moments to come. She crossed the room with a confident swagger and prepared their music.

Solace emerged and they commenced practicing their routine. Rough spots were worked out until it was to their, as well as Ardena’s, high standards. They were unaware of the time until Solace pressed her watch and it announced the time to be 9:30.

“I’ve got to go.” Solace said as she reluctantly disengaged herself from L. D.

“Are you hungry? I have all kinds of goodies for you.” L. D. said, disappointed that the evening was coming to an end.

“I’m always hungry,” Solace said with a sly smile.

L. D. guided her to a table set with silver trays. She uncovered each, describing its contents and offering Solace a taste of each item. She held Solace’s fingers just a little longer than was necessary as she handed her each delicacy. The gesture was not lost on the other woman. True to her word and her appetite, Solace devoured almost everything in sight.

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Vic stood alone in the bedroom, staring at the reflection in the full-length mirror as though taking notes. Dark hair, cropped close. Dark eyes, both by nature and by the distant look of loss in them. Full Mediterranean lips in an olive face. Torso covered by a black t-shirt. The leather jacket that went with it was thrown over a chair. Hips and legs clad in tight faded jeans that covered the tops of lace-up boots. "Yeah, I'm a sight alright," muttered the well built butch woman. She...

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He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...

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Vegas Ch 06

This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that will help me...

3 years ago
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My First Time at the Adult Book Store

I have seen this bookstore in passing on the interstate for years. Hearing stories from people that had visited there and reading comments posted on a web site, kept the thought of visiting this place in the forefront of my mind. One afternoon work was slow so I took off early. With extra time on my hands I made the decision to visit my first ABS. The parking lot in the rear of the store had a couple of semis and a few cars, my cock was already beginning to stir. I browsed for a few minutes in...

4 years ago
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The Lonely Wife Chapter 2 Revised

Chapter 2 - A New JobDarren could not believe he had to take a job as window cleaner after his Uncle fell and broke his leg. Here he was a qualified teacher and was reduced to washing windows for a living mind you if yesterday was anything to go by he was going to enjoy this job. His cock already started to harden just thinking about what he did with that Anita yesterday, and she also paid him £500 for the windows and he supposed his services to her.Well now he had his Uncle’s biggest client...

2 years ago
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Man Of My Dreams Love Revealed

Tim and I walked upstairs holding hands and my heart was pounding so loudly I thought the whole neighborhood might hear it. Tim squeezed my hand. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was. We were about to reveal that we were lovers to our parents. Tim had kissed me in front of all of our friends at prom and if we didn't tell our parents we were lovers, then they would eventually find out from someone else, which was something we didn't want. We stood in front of our parent's bedroom...

2 years ago
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House Of Whores

Belinda was feeling so blissful she almost purred in contentment as she sipped tea and looked out the kitchen window. Outside of their country house the fields and woods were bathed the rich sunlight of an autumn afternoon."Wow, I've forgotten how beautiful it is out here," she said. Belinda had quit her secretarial job and moved back home from the city after breaking up with Carl. She was tall and blonde, but her glasses and sweater couldn't completely hide the knock-out body underneath, slim...

3 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 8 The Plan

12 July, 1686 Early Morning "So Isabel, are you absolutely certain you are agreeable with this?" Carmen asked the young Spanish girl. "After everything others have already done to me, and what waits for me back there, by the powers, yes... I'm fine with it," Isabel answered honestly. It was early morning two hours before sunrise the bay was still mired in fog but high above was a clear black sky sprinkled with stars. A waxing moon shined down, giving both the anchored ships and the...

2 years ago
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memories of the locker room

As I recall, my times in the locker room were somewhat embarrassing at first.I was a rather skinny k** and had a slightly underdeveloped cock and small balls.I stayed as far from the main crowd as possible, but enjoyed stealing glances at the many larger cocks. I remember thinking I can't get hard, as it would put attention on me and they would make fun of me.I was standing next to my locker getting my body dried when all of a sudden this k** I barely knew sat down on the bench in plain vies...

2 years ago
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Me And My Sister

Hi my name is Mahesh. First I will give you me and my family description. We are four in our family me, my father, my mother and my sexy sister Sona. She is 5ft 2inch having very nice tits and boobs size 36 she is slim and very hot. I love her boobs a lot.Now, I am starting the real story. I started masturbating when I was 14 and was always having a desire of sex. I use to masturbate thinking that I am fucking my sister. But I was not knowing that one day my desire will come true. It happened...

1 year ago
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Evil Teacher

It was the first day of high school for Alice and her brothers Josh and Mathew. They had heard that their scared. Finally its was time to MEET her and get to KNOW her. When they got there it was time.... When they walked in and shook her hand. she had this devilish smile. They found their seats. They had a POP QUIZ on the first day of schoundiesce said what the hell to her on accident. She madly yelled to them WHAT DID YOU SAY? Alice quickly said nothing miss sorry and tried to run but was...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 5

"Ladies and gentlemen," the posh English accent announced over the airplane's tannoy, "I'd like to thank you for flying Soixante-Trois airlines, and on behalf of the company, I'd like to wish you all a safe stay in Paris and a very Merry Christmas!" "Joyeux Noel!" Jessica said to the passengers as they disembarked the plane, barely giving the attractive young stewardess in her tight blue skirt and high-heeled shoes a second look as they stepped out into the cold December air. Once all...

2 years ago
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Moms Cum Tribute IV

I did not know if I should approach her about this, the uneasy tension between us or just ride it out. And to be honest, I was getting very horny from the lack of fun time with her and her photos. I wondered if maybe that was her game, to make me incredibly insatiable for the next time. At the end of the week, she nervously approached me just to tell me she was going away on a business trip for a few days. Oddly, she added that I should let my friends know as well, ‘in case they need a...

2 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 10

Her ex-husband, William, had showed up out of the blue yesterday, professing his love for her. The man who had cheated on her multiple times, broken her heart, and destroyed her confidence, had told her that he was sorry and wanted another chance. She had thrown him out, but the whole thing had made her feel very upset, ruining her plan's with Alex for the day. And Alex had been very sweet, bringing her her favorite flowers and fruit from a local farmer's market. But it just wasn't...

4 years ago
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Life with neighbors Part 2

Life with neighbours Part 2I(Vijay) had shared my story with my neighbour Savita. As mentioned Savita and I were fucking each other everyday. Savita was to leave with her husband leaving behind her daughter at home. It was Saturday when Savita left. I went for breakfast and Kumkum, the daughter was at home. She was 20 years old, 5'3" tall had big boobs 34B size. She did not know cooking. We had breakfast of Milk, Cornflakes and Omlette which I prepared. I asked Kumkum whether she would like to...

4 years ago
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Virgin Sex 8211 Going With The Natural Flow

This is a story of friendship, love, romance, ecstasy, and passion. I have changed the names to maintain anonymity. It all started with a wrong Facebook friend request. I was wondering who is Riya. It appeared that she was in the same school as mine and had the same common school friends. I was around 24 years of age living in Pune back then. I was working as a fresher in a reputed IT firm. Facebook was not as big as it was today. I checked her photos. She had a cute smile and was on the heavy...

3 years ago
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The Watcher

Preamble: Hello! I once worked at a gym. Shouldn't be surprising that the sight (and smell and sound) of all those fit people can sometimes lead one's thoughts astray... Enjoy!The Watcher I turn the bucket upside down and sink down on it with a sigh, stretching my legs. My non-smoker's cigarette break always takes place in the dark corner of the equipment room of the gym, a place so stacked with weights and gear and mats and broken treadmills that they swallow up the sounds from outside. It's...

3 years ago
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Busted 6 The Moment of Truth

Busted 6: The Moment of Truth(Continued from Busted 5)Donna had just left. I could still taste my own cum on my tongue. It really wasn’t so bad since I had been drinking so much juice and water lately. I read on-line that fruit juices tend to make your cum sweeter. I figured I might as well make things a little easier on myself by at least making my cum taste better. I can affirm that it does work! What was strange to me was that I felt myself beginning to think about having trouble with...

2 years ago
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The Innocent Cuckold Part 3

The Innocent Cuckold Part 3 The next morning I awoke feeling exhausted, hurt, and angry. For the life of me I could not imagine what had got into Beth to make her act this way. Granted we have had some problems in our marriage in the past but I felt we were over the difficult parts and were really handling life in a positive, loving manner. So what happened? I mean we have one night of indulgence at an adult video store and Beth loses her mind and starts treating me like shit. It's...

2 years ago
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Inner Secrets

Six months have passed since I had found out my inner secret that I was half and half and six months since I had amazing sex with my mother and girlfriend, Alexia. But Alexia and I didnt work out after that, which I was pretty upset about but in the end I knew it wasnt going anywhere.I found myself a job in an office answering the phone for a newspaper called Holls - a news paper on the news locally. My boss, Sylvia, was a complete goddess even though she was about twenty years older than I...

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Chapter 1My name is Susan but preferred to be called Sue. I am 45 and have a decent body, although a bit on the curvy side. I am blessed with firm, large breasts that I (unsuccessfully) try to hide. This is a story about my Son and I. My Son is 18. His name is Ray and he is a wonderful Son and a beautiful boy. He is so sensitive and caring, nny Mother would be proud of have such a Son. It's Friday afternoon and my Son is home from school. He is waiting in his room for his mother's daily visit....

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Tight leggings

This happened recently. It was right at the bar This was the kind of place where adults brought their k**s of all ages, from infants to teens. I was enjoying a pint at the bar and watching a game on the TV when a couple came in with their daughter and took a booth to my right. I sat for a while with one eye on the game and one eye on this little high school girl who was fixated on her cell phone while her parents watched the football game and ordered drinks. Soda for her. Grey sweater with some...

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Curious Cora

Cora, short for Corinne, 14 years old, was weeding the garden with her older brother Dave, 16. They were nude, enjoying the warm day. This was a common occurrence since they’d grown up in a nudist family. Following along behind him with both on their hands and knees picking weeds, she saw his soft penis and testicles hanging down and that prompted a question. “Hey Davey, what’s the big deal about sex? There are so many references to it everywhere.” He stopped and looked back at her, then...

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CoEd Big Tit Fun

Hi, my name is Jonny. I am a twenty eight year old lawyer from Toronto. I work for a large law firm and specialize in divorce cases. I must say that this is a really good way to meet some extremely interesting people. Despite my young age, I have come to be very well respected by my colleagues. I have started to get a large number of cases directed to me due to my high success rate. Because of this, I started to really get stressed out. Being only 28, I really did not want to suffer a nervous...

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Melissas RiteChapter 4

From a comfortable chair near the side of her bed, Melissa watched the antics of her two slaves with amusement, her lips curled into a wicked smile. Susan's naked body shivered, her skin glistening with perspiration. Her breath came as rapid gasps and wet grunts, her face buried in the wet pussy of the girl that lay spread under her. As she licked at the musky, steaming cunt, it made her own arousal spike such that her pussy ached for release as well. Susan's knees were splayed out to...

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Lost My Virginity With An Aunty Whom I Met Online And Had A Rough Sex

Hey, I am prajwal, I have been reading stories on iss from a month and I feel I must share my story also. Here we go I was 19 when this happened, I am 6 feet tall and good looking guy, and this aunty I met online her name is Raksha , she is 29 years old and she has lost her husband in an accident, She is 5.7 feet tall sexy ,fair and had a very curvy figure. Her breasts were 36d size, and she had some nice ass and sexy naval. Beginning Back in April 2015 I was a bored student and I always...

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EvilAngel Ava Sinclaire Twerking Rimming And Anal

Blonde dynamo Ava Sinclaire teases in a poolside setting, bouncing her plump, natural titties and peeling bright yellow fishnet stockings from her bountiful butt to jiggle and twerk for the camera. She excitedly chows down on muscular stud John Strong’s stiff prick, greedy to lick his balls and rim his asshole. He peels off her hosiery to pummel her pussy doggie-style. Her round rear rotates on his cock as they moan with delight. John next dribbles lube onto Ava’s sphincter and then...

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The Twists and Turns of Revelation

Chapter One My life began just under 25 years ago when I arrived in this world as a screaming, crying baby boy. Looking back from the vantage point of today's perspective, I guess I grew up quite the typical boy, rough and ready, always up for a fight and dirty from dawn to dusk. My passage through puberty was, I imagine, similar to that of every other boy of those days when life was so much simpler. That I never developed into the muscular, powerfully built young man of my secret...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingBangor

I slept fairly well. I realized that the outcome of this was not heavily weighing on my mind. Perhaps that was a sign of wellness. Whatever happened, I had Kelly and Cheryl. I had my family. I knew I could get my father to move to North Dakota. I’m sure he was very lonely in the world where he lived with my mother. Over the course of the night Jenny had crept over to my side of the bed. We were spooned together lightly with her arm around me. It felt nice that she still trusted me when it...

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An Incestuous Episode Incest Statutory Rape or Brotherly Love

PS: Thanks to StoriesOnline's volunteer editor TeNderLoin for his assistance. I've been reading so much here on the net and in the news in regards to the criminality of sex between someone 18 or older with someone beneath the legal age of each State's legal law (usually 16 or 17) and also sex between family members (incest). I've just read a news article where a girl (woman) of 24 was sentenced to five years in prison for having sex with a 14-year-old and I've read numerous stories of...

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My slut friend Nikki

The following story is dedicated to painprincess93. It was a Friday afternoon when I ran into a close friend of mine Nikki at the shops. She was buying brandy and some other boos for a fun weekend that she was planning to spend with her friends on Saturday. We chatted briefly and considering we hadn't seen each other in a long time Nikki invited me over to spend the night telling me that her parents is away for a few days and she has the house to herself for the weekend. I said that sounds...

2 years ago
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BEGINNER’S LUCK.For most, the first sexual experience stays in the memory forever for obvious reasons. For some, these memories are cherished, for many, however, they have often turned out to be bungled sessions of clumsy groping and premature ejaculation, just to be treated as learning experiences from which to improve in the future.I am now in my mid-sixties, have been married and divorced more than once, and have been fortunate enough to have had more than my fair share of women, some...

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When Two Souls ConnectChapter 16

After eating their second breakfast at the cafe they had discovered the day before, they drove to the town where Erin had lived as a child. She had wanted to go to the church where her parents had been buried and deal with some of the things from her past. Jack waited for her at the car and watched as she sat knelt on the grass and talked. When she came back to him, tears were streaming down her cheeks and he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "I'm free," she...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Jericha Jem Piper Perri Lucky Fuck

Sisters Jericha Jem and Piper Perri just can’t seem to get along. After getting all dolled up, they argue in the bathroom over whose St. Patrick’s Day dress is the cutest. Unbeknownst to them, their stepbrother Logan Long is hiding in the closet perving on them and jerking off. When Piper notices Logan, the girls demand that he come out. Instead of getting angry, they ask him to decide which costume is better. When Logan chooses Jericha, the girls argue about his decision. In the...

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my mexican lover 2

Well it has been a couple of weeks that me and my new love have been fooling around. We dirty chat all day back and forth on the windows messenger. She calls me over to her desk, saying she has a question on something she is working on.I walk over to her desk and she is looking really cute today. She is wearing a low cut grey shirt, with a knee length black skirt. As i am standing over her, i am looking down her shirt at her beautiful 40d breasts. She is wearing a red satin bra with lace trim....

3 years ago
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A Bettered LifeChapter 14

"Have I been an insufferable prick for the last ten years?" Will asked his mother as they drove across the Memorial Bridge into New Hampshire. It was well before dawn—they had left Augusta at four in the morning—and he had sipped an entire twenty-ounce cup of cappuccino to infuse himself with some caffeine. "Not exactly," Kate answered after a moment of consideration. She gave him a guarded look, but there was the faintest hint of a smile playing in the corners of her mouth. "But kind...

2 years ago
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And I Thought We Were Over

This is a story near and dear to my heart. I will remember it forever! It had been 5 months since we had said goodbye, it had been 2 months since we stopped sleeping with each other and it had been 6 weeks since we had spoken. You were with HER now, well let’s be honest you had been with her for 4 months now and I needed to try and move on. Last month would have been our 2 year anniversary and I remember the day because I remember crying, hoping that you would call me, or text me or anything...

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