Downhill RacerChapter 3 free porn video

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Manny was the first to wake up. It was after nine when he awoke. He looked over at Jackie. She was still sleeping soundly. Then he looked at Trace. He was snoring lightly, dead to the world. It didn't look to Manny like either of them was going to get up any time soon. Manny decided to get dressed and go to town for a Sunday paper. A girl-friend of his in college had been fond of saying that Sundays were for reading the New York Times and fucking. He was going to at least buy a copy of the Sunday Times.

When he returned, Trace and Jackie were sleeping but Trace looked like he might wake up soon. Trace had promised to fix breakfast this morning but Manny made a pot of coffee anyway. He wasn't sure how long he was going to have to wait for Trace. Manny sat down at the kitchen island with his coffee to read the paper.

Trace smelled the coffee and came awake with a start. He looked at his watch. It was almost eleven. He saw Manny at the table and assumed that Jackie was awake too. In his haste he abandoned all pretense of modesty. He sat on the edge of the bed in the altogether and pulled his gym shorts over his hips. His chest was still bare and he didn't bother putting on shoes or socks. He stumbled into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Trace knew that it had been after five when he got back to sleep. He looked toward the bed and saw that Jackie was still sleeping. He guessed that she too had had some difficulty getting back to sleep after their thought provoking encounter. He greeted Manny and said he would fix breakfast as soon as he had brushed his teeth.

When Trace came out of the bathroom, Jackie was just beginning to stir. Trace wasn't going to fix anything fancy. He threw some frozen sausage into a cold frying pan and figured that by the time it started to cook he would be awake enough to do the rest. He sat down with his coffee and picked up part of the paper.

Jackie woke up. She wasn't wearing a watch but she guessed that if Manny and Trace were already in the kitchen area, it must be pretty late. Considering the events of the previous night, like Trace, she wasn't feeling particularly modest. She got out of bed wearing just her panties and walked to the bathroom. She was kind of aloof and didn't say anything to Manny or Trace. Manny knew better than to say anything to her when she was in this kind of mood, but he did notice how she was dressed.

Manny thought, "Hopefully the attitude is just temporary, probably because she's still half asleep. At least she doesn't seem too worried about modesty. If she loses that attitude and gets a little playful, making a movie of her and Trace could get pretty hot."

The sausage started to sizzle as it thawed and Trace got up to tend to the cooking. As he was cracking the eggs into a bowl Jackie exited the bathroom and came over to the table. She had found a shirt in the bathroom and had at least partially covered herself. Of course her legs were still showing and it was pretty obvious that she hadn't found a bra. Trace thought, "Its amazing how good she can look, even in a rumpled up shirt."

As she approached the table, Jackie said somewhat matter-of-factly, "I don't think I want any breakfast. I just want some toast and coffee." She continued, a bit more conversationally, "I have been dying to get in that old claw foot tub ever since we got here. If you guys don't have any objections, I'm going to do it while you're eating." She continued, "I'll take my coffee now. Trace, can you bring my toast when its ready." She didn't wait for an answer. She poured a cup of coffee and left the kitchen area.

As Jackie walked toward the tub, she stopped at her suitcase and dug out a razor. At the tub she put the coffee and razor on the window ledge behind the tub and turned on the water. She adjusted the spigots until she felt the water temperature was right.

Even though she was about twenty feet away, Trace and Manny had a clear view of her. Jackie stood at the side of the tub with her back to the kitchen area. She unbuttoned the shirt and let it fall from her shoulders to the floor. With her hands she pushed her panties down over her hips. Her panties dropped to the floor and she stepped out of them. She was naked.

Trace was watching her. He had seen her naked yesterday, but today was different. Yesterday she had exposed herself a lot but she had acted like she didn't notice or as if she had no idea what effect she was having on Trace. Today the charade was gone. It wasn't a game anymore.

Jackie stepped into the tub. She turned toward the head of the tub which was in the same direction as the kitchen. Both men were looking right at her. She looked briefly at Manny. Then she shifted her eyes and glanced at Trace as she quickly sat down. Jackie knew this was no longer a game. She lowered her eyes to the water and began to soap herself. She shut the water off when it reached her waist.

Trace was still fixing the breakfast so he was facing the rear of the cabin. He was able to see her out of the corner of his eye. Jackie took a sip of the coffee, then put one leg up on the edge of the tub. She picked up the razor from the sill and began to shave her leg. When she finished, she put the leg down and was just lifting the other one as the toaster popped. As she put her other leg on the edge of the tub she said sweetly, "Trace, would you bring me my toast. It doesn't need to be buttered."

Trace took the two slices of bread out of the toaster and put them on a small plate which he took to Jackie. Considering that Jackie was in the bath with no clothes on it might have been appropriate for Trace to ask Manny to take the toast to her. Manny noticed that Trace hadn't done that. "That's okay," he thought, "the more turned on each of them gets, the better the movie will be."

In spite of her wishing that she was a bit more covered, most of Jackie was prominently displayed. At the side of the tub, Trace stood over Jackie and surveyed her body. He imagined the small area between her legs that was covered by water. The front of his gym shorts tented out in front of Jackie's face. She tried to ignore his erection. She looked instead into his eyes, knowing that he was looking at her. She took the plate of toast from him and put it on the window sill along with her coffee.

As Trace returned to the kitchen, Jackie resumed her shaving. She couldn't help but think how differently she was feeling about him. Despite her nakedness and leg position she hadn't really felt exposed in front of him. It was weird but it was more like taking a bath in front of a long time lover or a husband.

Trace finished preparing the breakfast and fixed a plate each for he and Manny. As the two men were eating their sausage, eggs and toast, Jackie rehashed the events of the previous night.

Jackie had really had trouble trying to accept what was happening and understanding how she felt. After leaving Trace and returning to her bed, she had stayed awake until almost six o'clock, thinking about what was going on. After some thought she knew that the only reason she had not cheated on Manny while he was sleeping twenty feet away was that Trace, for some reason, had stopped. She knew that if Trace's hand had gone two more inches up the inside of her thigh there would have been no turning back.

In Orlando she was just in heat. She would have stopped. Anyway, nothing really happened. But last night was different. Yes, she loved Manny and she certainly had no intention of leaving him but there was also something special about Trace. She felt as if they had been lovers already even though they had barely touched. Today Manny was going to make a movie of them in the act of seducing one another. This was going to get dangerous.

Jackie guessed that if things got hot between her and Trace they would probably make love. Jackie knew that she would not be able to stop herself. Trace wasn't just some hot body. He was an important part of her life.

Making love to Trace would have an effect on her marriage. It probably wouldn't change the way Jackie felt about Manny, but she couldn't be sure. And then, what would it do to her relationship with Trace? If they made love could she just say goodbye in a few days and go on with her normal life? No matter what happened, Manny would feel threatened.

Jackie finished her bath about the same time that the guys finished breakfast. She grabbed a nearby towel and stepped out of the tub to dry herself off. Trace had his back to her but Manny saw her drying off and said, "You could come over here and do that. Trace is not exactly a master chef and a little entertainment could make this breakfast a lot better."

Jackie smiled at Manny's joke. She wanted to be careful but if she didn't continue teasing the guys a little, Manny would start imagining that something had already happened between her and Trace. Besides, the teasing part was safe and she loved it. When she had dried off she wrapped the towel around her and went over to the table.

Her playful attitude was once again evident as she stopped by the kitchen island and looked at Trace. She said, "I thought the toast was exceptional. I thoroughly enjoyed it while I was shaving myself." As she said this she lifted a leg up onto the table edge and said to Trace, "See, smooth as silk. Wanna feel?"

Trace gawked. Even Manny caught his breath. When Jackie had put her leg up on the table, the bottom edge of the towel had ridden up enough to partially expose her neatly trimmed bush. Trace ran his hand slowly up her leg, feeling its smoothness, but he kept his eyes focused between Jackie's legs. It was amazing to see the lengths she would go to to tease him.

She put her leg down and adjusted her towel. As she walked over to Manny she jokingly said to Trace, "I can't imagine what dinner will cost me." She addressed Manny with an impish grin on her face, "I'm ready to make the movie." She struck a pose like she was modeling the towel and asked, "Is this how you want me dressed?"

Manny looked at her and thought, "Jesus Christ, that would be hot!" But he said, "It certainly is tempting. But no, I saw last night how easily you can lose a towel. Maybe you ought to go in the bathroom and put on a little something more."

She then whispered to Manny, out of earshot of Trace, "Are you sure you're ready to see your wife kissed and fondled by another man?" Before he could respond, she added, "You know how easily I get aroused."

Thinking about what she had said, Manny went silent. Jackie's words had given him an erection and at the same time had instilled a considerable degree of concern in his mind.

Jackie went over to the suitcase and picked up a fresh pair of panties and her sweats. Trace watched her backside as she went into the bathroom. He thought about what she had done only a few minutes ago and visualized having his arms around her and removing the towel.

When Jackie came out of the bathroom she was wearing sweats. They were made of alternating panels of green and silver parachute cloth. It might be more appropriate to call her attire a warm up suit. She had combed the kinks out of her hair and put on some makeup. She looked fresh and clean, as if she had just stepped out of a fitness magazine.

Manny went in the bathroom as Jackie came out. When Manny came out, he had traded his pajamas for a warm up suit. The one Manny was wearing wasn't nearly as elegant as Jackie's. It was more like the traditional sweat suit. While Trace finished up in the kitchen, Manny and Jackie folded up Trace's bed clothes and turned his bed back into a couch. They sat down and waited for Trace.

Trace got the last of the dishes and pans into the dishwasher and joined Manny and Jackie in the living room. Trace was still wearing the gym shorts he had put on the night before. It was now nearly one o'clock in the afternoon. They had slept so long that the day was already half gone. The three of them discussed the movie that Manny wanted to make.

After nearly an hour of discussion, they settled on the dance scene that took place in a night club. As Jackie and Trace had written it in their story, a husband and wife went into the night club separately so that the husband could watch his wife flirting with the other patrons. Jackie would play the wife that was acting like she wanted to be picked up and Trace would play the part of a visiting businessman.

Jackie and Trace were surprised at how Manny was when they started to set up the scene. Like a real movie director he wanted things to seem authentic. He asked Jackie to put on a skirt, however she had not planned on that type of attire at a winter cabin.

Manny wouldn't be discouraged though. After some searching through his own things, he found a large shirt that he said would do the trick. He wanted Jackie to wear it like a dress. She went in the bathroom to try it out. As she changed she couldn't help but laugh to herself about Manny.

She took off her comfortable warm up suit and put on the shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra but she did have panties on. She hadn't brought any heels so she put on a pair of flats. In spite of it being winter her legs were nicely tanned and her bare legs looked as if she was wearing hose. She might be wearing a shirt instead of a dress and flats instead of heels, but she wasn't actually dressed much differently than if she was really going out to a club for dancing.

The shirt was plenty long, about mid thigh in length. It was the buttons all the way down the front that made it a little sexier than a dress she might have worn. Of course, being a shirt, it was cut high on the sides and showed a lot of her legs.

Jackie came out of the bathroom wearing the shirt and the guys whistled. She looked fine. Manny made Trace change from his comfortable gym shorts into trousers and shirt. He also insisted that Trace put on shoes and socks. Once he was satisfied with how they were dressed, he was ready to start the filming.

Manny summarized the scene they would do. Jackie had met Trace at the bar and after about an hour of get acquainted type stuff she had asked Trace to dance. They would start filming with the two of them beginning to dance.

Jackie's behavior would be aggressive, putting on a good show for her watching husband. This would lead Trace to let his hands roam and do some fondling. When the two returned to the bar, Trace would get even more suggestive, using Jackie's willingness on the dance floor as a reason to take further liberties.

They would stop filming there. All the touching would be on the outside of the clothes but it needed to be suggestive enough to set up the next scene, which was supposed to take place in the parking lot.

"Okay, I'm going to put on some music and you two start a nice slow sexy dance. You're trying to seduce the other person. Play it like in the story.

Manny put on a soft rock CD and picked up his camera as Jackie and Trace nervously looked at each other. The two of them held each other close but apparently not close enough for Manny. Before turning on the camera, Manny again reminded them to follow the story.

Trace held Jackie closer and looked at her questioningly. She nodded her head and quietly said, "Don't worry, its just a game, Manny's fantasy."

The music was a soft Kenny G song. Like in the story Jackie rubbed her body against Trace, giving him little grinds as her hips swayed to the music. Jackie rested her head against Trace's chest.

As the two danced, Jackie's grinding got stronger. Trace picked up on this and ground his hips into hers. One of his legs was between Jackie's legs and his growing manhood rubbed against her. Trace held Jackie tightly. Their bodies were becoming one. Trace felt Jackie against his upper thigh. Her hip rubbed against him. He buried his head in her hair. Trace thought, "This is getting good."

Jackie was lost in her own thoughts, "It's good to finally have his body pressed up against me. His hands feel as if they are burning holes in my dress. With the bulge in his pants rubbing against my hip and his leg rubbing between mine, I'm getting really turned on."

Trace's right hand was resting just above Jackie's waist. With the fingers of his other hand he was tracing little circles around the middle of her back. The shirt Jackie was wearing was a cotton one but to Trace it felt like silk. He wanted to run his hands all over it. He didn't feel a bra strap and guessed that she probably wasn't wearing one. He wasn't sure but he thought he could feel Jackie's nipples hardening against his chest.

Trace inhaled Jackie's perfume. From what she had told him in the emails it was probably "Breathless". Now he knew where it had gotten its name. Trace brushed Jackie's neck lightly with his lips and licked his way up to her earlobe. From what he knew about her, she would be quivering in seconds.

Jackie let out a little moan as Trace started to brush his warm lips over her neck and earlobes. Jackie whispered to Trace, "Aaah. You know how I like that don't you." Trace knew a lot about what Jackie liked from their Internet conversations.

Trace let his right hand slip down from Jackie's waist and onto her butt. He continued to run his tongue and lips over Jackie's neck and nibble on her ear lobe. The skin on Jackie's neck felt like velvet to Trace. He could feel her excitement building as he sucked on it.

Trace softly sucked Jackie's neck, trying not to leave a mark. Jackie's neck and nipples had gotten her in trouble many times, even as far back as when she was a teenager. Jackie knew that she was losing control. She was getting totally lost in the dance. Trace's mouth was on her neck and her nipples were brushing against his chest.

Trace slipped his hands under Jackie's shirt tail. He put his hands on the thin material of her panties and squeezed Jackie's ass cheeks. What Trace had just done was not in the story. Manny was surprised by it while Jackie was lost in the moment and didn't even think about it. She thought that Trace's hands on her panties felt wonderful. Trace held Jackie like he was trying to keep her from getting away.

Jackie wrapped her arms around Trace's neck. The music stopped but Manny kept filming. Jackie and Trace were holding on to each other. Manny could see that they were really worked up but he was enjoying it almost as much as them. Manny's excitement showed in the front of his pants.

Finally Manny shut off the camera and said, "Okay, thats enough of the dance. Lets move to the bar. Trace and Jackie realized that the music had stopped but it was a few seconds before their bodies separated.

Jackie and Trace walked over to the kitchen island and the stools that would be the bar in the scene. Manny started filming as Jackie reached the island. Jackie sat on the stool, at first rather lady like, pulling her dress, (the shirt), down to keep the sides of her panties from being visible. Finally abandoning her attempt at modesty, she parted her legs invitingly and allowed Trace to stand between them.

Although the story's action was not sexually explicit at this point, it was certainly suggestive. With the exception of Trace putting his hands under Jackie's shirt, the action on the dance floor had been pretty faithful to the way Trace and Jackie had written it. The action at the bar was to be a continuation of the same.

Manny zoomed the camera in on Trace standing between Jackie's spread legs. Looking through the viewfinder, he was getting a far better view than the husband in the story would be getting. He knew that the businessman was supposed to get more aggressive now and the wife would still be very receptive, trying to put on a show for her husband. Manny expected this to get pretty good.

Jackie and Trace sipped their drinks and talked. Because of the loud music and noisy conversation in the bar, (imagined of course), Trace had to put his mouth up to Jackie's ear in order to be heard. As he did so he blew in her ear and nibbled on her neck.

Jackie put her arm around Trace's waist and pulled him up against the chair. Trace was nestled tightly between Jackie's legs. Trace had one arm over Jackie's shoulder, massaging her upper back. His other hand was caressing the upper part of her butt. Jackie had forgotten about the camera and the story. She was letting her feelings dictate her response.

Following the story line, Trace put both hands on the sides of Jackie's breasts. He massaged them lightly, then moved his hands around to the front and teased her nipples. Manny put his eye to the viewfinder of the camera and watched intently as Trace tweaked Jackie's nipples. Manny knew how sensitive his wife's nipples were and his cock jerked to attention when he heard her purring like a kitten.

In the story the woman's dress had no buttons, but who was paying any attention to the story at this point? Trace's fingers slipped between the buttons of the shirt and gently squeezed a bare breast. Manny lowered the camera in an attempt to see what was happening. He was delirious with excitement. Manny had fantasized about seeing another man's hands on Jackie's breasts. Now it was really happening.

Jackie was breathing deeply now, dying to put her hand between Trace's legs but that wasn't in the story. Manny was shooting over Trace's shoulder, trying to capture Trace's hands on Jackie's heaving breasts. Hoping that Manny wouldn't be able to see her, Jackie put her hand into Trace's lap and massaged his hard cock.

Trace was pleasantly shocked by Jackie's aggressiveness as he knew it wasn't in the script. He also realized that Manny probably couldn't see what Jackie was doing. Trace still had one hand inside of Jackie's blouse. Manny seemed to have the camera trained on that. Trace let the other hand drop and gently rubbed one of Jackie's thighs.

Trace carefully moved his hand between Jackie's legs. The camera wasn't focused on it but Manny was still able to see Trace's hand. Manny didn't say anything. This was really what he wanted to see. Manny wasn't concerned about the extra touching. He could see that Trace's hand was still on the outside of Jackie's panties.

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About Lisa

I met Lisa in my final year at uni I was working in a community mental health home. Lisa floated between two houses, one with two males and the other with two females. Wednesdays were when she was supporting the females, one of which was involved romantically with one of the males at the house I worked on a Wednesday. As Lisa and I got to know each other I was offered more work. She recommended me highly to her managers. Typically I'd take the lad shopping and then take him to the gym. At the...

4 years ago
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Fat girl lover

I am an 18 year old senior in high school that is looking forward to graduating. I have had more than my share of pussy, but have noticed a problem. Most girls can’t handle my 11 1/2 inch cock. In fact, it seems that the only chicks that can are the older women I’ve banged or fat girls. I have decided that from now on, I won’t even go for the skinny little bitches, but get my lovin’ from big girls and older women that know how to fuck! Let me tell you the situation that clinched it for me. I...

1 year ago
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Another ChanceChapter 10

When I could, I got daddy aside where Grace couldn't see or hear me. "Pop," I said. "I want to do Wagoners Chevy last, please." "No problem, David. I don't like General Motors products. They treated their employees like crap. GM is the biggest reason the UAW (United Auto Workers) formed. We'll all regret it in the end." "Gosh, Pop, I didn't know you felt that way about GM products. I'd planed on buying Grace a '55 Bel Air two door hardtop." "Two reasons I can't let you do...

2 years ago
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The One I Love

My eyes trailed down his body. God, he was so hot. I shivered involuntarily at the sight. Sigh… I loved looking at him. He was six foot two and had the most amazing hair and eyes. He always smiled and he had a wonderful smile. His whole face lit up when he did. Not only that but he was such a wonderful person too. So sweet and kind, always making me smile. Wow, how did I ever end up with someone so damn amazing? We were watching some scary movie, but I was mostly watching him, or hiding my...

First Time
1 year ago
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Fucking My Sexy Mom 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up next day at about eight in the morning. I thought I had a dream that had lasted all the night. But then I recognized that I was in my dad’s room. My shorts were lying on the floor and the mattress under me had spots of our juices. But mom was not in the room. I got up from bed. I took my shorts, but did not bother to wear them, and went to my room naked. I took bath while thinking about the events of the last night. I got dressed after taking...

3 years ago
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Member of the Wedding

Member of the Wedding By Ellie Dauber © 2020 Somebody knocked on the door. Three times. Me, I was sitting down, _very_ carefully attaching my sheer white stocking to a garter. "I'll get it," Cathy Steiner said. Cathy, my best friend since Brownie Scouts, was already in her maid of honor's pink chiffon dress. It was a lot simpler than the rig I was going to be wearing, but then _I_ was, Angela Fletcher, Marty Hanson's bride-to-be; soon to be his bride-that- was. The chain...

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The Best Man

The Best Man © 2012 by Nom de Plume The cellphone in my purse rang insistently as I pulled into the parking space outside my apartment. I fished it out and glanced down to see whether I should answer as a man or a woman. It was Jim! "I thought you were on your honeymoon. Had it with married life already?" "It's a long story, bro. I'm on my way over." "Over from where?" "The airport. We're getting drunk tonight." He hung up before I...

2 years ago
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A Lawyers Ladies Taking Ruth Home

My mother-in-law continually amazes me. She is always alert to any opportunity for sex. We are sitting at the dinner table tonight. Ruth, my mother-in-law, a very young sixty five, is sitting next to me, with my wife, Beth across from us. Ruth says to Beth, "I don't see that salad dressing you had last time, the French vinaigrette type." Beth says, "I have some in the refrigerator. I'll be right back." My wife turns to fetch the bottle and Ruth's hand is in my crotch unzipping my...

2 years ago
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Seducing Sarita aunty

Hello, ladies and gentle men. This is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories hope you like it, and your suggestions are always welcome [email protected], here we start so there was this lady, my neighbor, Sarita aunty 34 years of age whom I used to fantasize about, is a divorcee, she got great assets though. She used to live with her 6yr old girl.My mother and Sarita aunty were good friends, so she used to regularly visit our house. So, one fine day, I was alone and watching porn on my...

4 years ago
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Aunties are the best

Hello, friends its me Hari. Well this is my first post. Any gals or aunties of any age looking for real hardcore fun from chennai contact me my E-mail id is Well coming to the story straight now This true Incident occurred 6 months back which I cannot forget in my life About me I am 26 yrs old single well built fair 6 ft , with 8 inch thick Rod definitely any female would die for my long lasting cock I love to eat pussy that’s my hobby. I like in good built house Next my house is the house of...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Visitor

I have always found it hard to get into the Christmas Spirit. I could never understand why people would put themselves in debt, for gifts that in a week or two, would be placed in a pile of unused items. Besides, people become all cheerful on Christmas, but as soon as January rolls around, they are back with the same old sour puss attitudes. Just because I do not get into the Christmas Spirit, doesn't mean I am a scrooge. I had much rather give than to receive. I have always help out at the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Private Monika Fox An Extreme Debut

Blonde, big tits and extremely horny, that’s Monika Fox, a sexy Private new girl who we have the pleasure of introducing to you today in Private Specials, Couples in Porn as she pays a visit to the home of the legendary, Cherry Kiss. Despite a hot squirting fuck with her husband, Monika is still not satisfied and it’s now up to the cocks Vince Carter and David Perry to finish the job as they join in for a wild gonzo threesome that includes deepthroat blowjobs, extreme anal, DP and a climatic...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Naomi Swann One More Time For Teen Squirter Naomi

Step brother Jake is hungry for another taste of teen step sister Naomi’s sweet hot pussy juices but she is worried that last time they almost got caught. Naomi not wearing panties only made Jake harder and they quickly head into the shower to make a mess of things. After a few ounces of pussy nectar gushes out, they take it to the bed to make it easier for Naomi to swallow all of his inches down her throat and deep inside her tight teen pussy, for more gallons of squirting all over the...

3 years ago
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Old Ties

The fact that it was going to be a long drive home after a particularly quiet night shift was almost inevitable and was confirmed as his car entered the choking tunnel. The general speed of most vehicles slowed from a respectable sixty to an agonising twenty before transforming into the dreaded stop-start that is the joy of inner city driving on a weekday. Sleep deprived and unable to wind the windows down for “fresh,” cool air, Aaron turned the music up, hoping the last cup of coffee that...

Straight Sex
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Wisened Woman

I enter Costa Coffee after a particular troublesome shoot for the latest “Wisened Woman feature in the “Reader’s Choice”. If it wasn’t the editor’s aunt I would have told the stuck up bitch to get out. As I take my position at the back of the line I spot her at the counter. As she turns my eyes drink in the playful intelligence look on her face and in her brown eyes. My god this woman just screams “Wisened Woman” Under my breath, “Please lord make me stay here until I can try to approach her...

3 years ago
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Starting With Sister Ending With Part 8211 1

Hi this is rana from Hyderabad before coming to story little about me I am good looking buy 24years, with good body with 6inch tool I respect women and I love sex too any interested girls or aunts can contact me to “” Coming to the story this is between me 21 and my sister 23 this is not a real story it’s my fantasy I like to do sex in this way My sister is a dusky beauty with big boobs I like my sister I use to masturbate every day thinking my sister Every day me my sister use to sleep in...

4 years ago
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The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...

2 years ago
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Extra Servies II

Finally, it’s Friday and I only have two big yards to do today. I know I'll be done before 2 o'clock and I'll get to go home to get my weekend started early. I was excited as I dressed and grabbed my paper work for the day. Getting to the first yard, I zipped through it like nothing. The second yard took a bit longer, because they wanted a little more detail then usual. Apparently they were having a huge get together this weekend, and needed it to have extra attention. So I did just like the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Huntress Ch 04

Okay, well Chapter 4, here it is. Thank you for those of you who are reading this and are enjoying it and commenting and rating. Like I said in one of my comments (that I’m sure was not read by anyone other than me) I have up to chapter 9 written, and I am just editing as I upload, but I think after this chapter, I will slow the uploading down a little bit just so I don’t get behind on my actually writing and completion of the story. Enjoy.. ++ Sage had looked into the eyes of many dying...

3 years ago
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First time dogging experience

Well, i finally did it, after years of fantasising about it, reading about it, talking about it...i let my fuck buddy take me dogging.The main concern for me was going somewhere and meeting someone that knew me/recognised me, i think i would actually DIE of embarrasment!So me and 'B' travelled (for what seemed like ages) to a dogging spot in Edinburgh called Longniddry, where there are 3 car parks. I was SUPER excited, but very very nervous as well, although ive been seeing 'B' on and off for...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Facebook Friend

Hi friends this is arjun again, today I like to share one of my best experience in my life when I am searching for a good job for my life. So for searching job I use to go to internet center a lot to check my mail often so at same time I use to open facebook in order to pass some time like that, at 2013 facebook is like whatsapp now people use fb like a part of their body so me too use it a lot for getting engage my self busy like my friends. So like that I seen a beautiful girl who is mutual...

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Inclusive Is Good Seduction Through Cinema 4

We ended our last encounter sharing a shower. Nothing of any consequence occurred because we were exhausted. Sloane excused herself to go to sleep. Siobahn asked if we could talk a bit before I left.She poured us each a Jameson and repaired to the den."I genuinely like our situation. We have a special trust and enjoy mutual respect without baggage. There are boundaries that we are very comfortable which makes our relationship very rewarding.  I love the idea that you treat me with exclusivity,...

4 years ago
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Gloryhole Surprise pt1

It was a late fall afternoon and I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late picking me up so I told him that I’d start walking home and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park I needed to pee really bad, so I went to the public restroom that all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise..While sitting on the commode peeing, I felt something thump me on the back of my head. When I turned around...

2 years ago
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Black Onyx Ch1

Onyx Blessing Chapter 1 I was walking about downtown one day when I came across this odd store. It had scented candles, incense, masks, clay figures, earrings, and so on. The floor was like an old hut. Planks of wood laid across, with matching wooden shelves. As I browsed through the the various oddities, I noticed this necklace. It was a polished onyx rock with a hole drilled through the top, and a black leather strand going though it. I knew I wanted it. I took it up to the...

3 years ago
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Friends wife pisses herself

This happened when we were much younger, and partying a lot harder. After a long day/night of drinking, we ended up back at my apartment. My friend's wife was beyond hammered, and went directly to the spare room and passed out. We stayed up and had another couple drinks before he headed to the spare room to join her, and I went to my room. A few minutes went by and then I heard him shouting a bunch, "Fuck, what the fuck, seriously!" So I got out of bed in my boxer shorts and went to check on...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 15 Grafton II

“By the way, what was the flooding like three years ago?” I asked Evans. “A lot of rain. The upstream tributaries in the Range really got hit. And that meant there was really a lot of water in the Clarence. They talked about the Great Flood – well, we nearly beat the record. But our house is over eight metres above high water, so we weren’t in danger.” At nearby Lilydale, the Clarence River peaked at 20.94 metres at midnight on Monday, 28 January 2013. That was close to the 1954 flood...

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How I becoame

How I Became ? by TammySue Chapter 1 Every time I see a kid in diapers, I remember what happened to me the summer I was 14. I had just found out how good things could be between my legs. I got caught by my mother. Mom blew up. Finally she yelled that she was going to send me to live with Grandma for the summer. I was so upset about how she had surprised me, I was more concerned about being made to spend the summer with Grandma. But as I got to thinking about it I realized...

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Im a Black Cock Super Star Now Gay

I was bored and horny as hell. It was another dull Friday night, just after 10pm and no one was online so I decided to drive into town and buy a couple new toys and rent a flick. My girlfriend and I had just broken off our engagement after she found out I was bisexual and I was depressed. My male friend was off with his family for the weekend, so I had plenty of time to waste. Since I had only planned on going in for a couple minutes, all I wore was a pair of sweat pants, flip-flops and a...

2 years ago
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DoortoDoor SalesmanChapter 2

Noon Sunday, I crossed the city limits sign for Ridgeville. I stopped at a filling station and called the number I had for Robert. He was calling himself Robert, but I had called him Rob four years and it was difficult to talk to him and remember the name he desired. I received directions from James, and when I found the address, it was a cheap motel, not as Rob had explained. I went to the room number, finding it in the back, a smelly dumpster fifteen feet from the door. I knocked and a...

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Synopsis: To understand the true significance of her traumatic experience, college-student Laurie must undergo a radical and empowering cognitive therapy.Author: Adam Lily ([email protected])***********Dear Reader:This story delves into themes of power and race. It might be someone's stroke fiction, and that's great—let me know—but it likely won't appeal to many.So if you do like this story, please let me know. If you hate it, let me know that, too. But if want lighter fare, go elsewhere....

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Afternoon By The Pool

As they rested by the pool, listening to the construction going in the house next door, she leaned over towards him planting a light kiss on his lips. He stirred at the touch and reached his hands to her body. Theirs lips met and they began a lovers tongue dance. Their tongues danced lighted across each other’s, both let low moans escape their mouth and their hands began to wander over each other’s body. She lifted his shirt over his head and began to plant kisses down his very trim,...

2 years ago
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Rope Marks Part Two of Three

Cyra was filled with mixed emotions as she made her way back to the bar to meet Jake. She wondered if he would sense that she had engaged in a sexual act mere moments ago. “A very satisfying and intense sexual act,” she coyly grinned and thought to herself.As she pulled her hair back and tied it in a ponytail, the thought of being alone with Jake filled her belly with a flutter. She liked Jake; she was very sexually attracted to him. He was tall, handsome, and had a great physique. The thought...

3 years ago
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My friends mom

Hi this is your Kevin I had been best friends with Mani since we were in High School. We always had a lot of fun back then.. Both of us had spent a lot of time at each other’s homes, and our parents didn’t seem to mind. We finished high school and went off to different colleges, but as time went by we drifted apart. Mani’s Mom was a nice lady, good looking but a bit overweight, I know that I would have had a crush on her if she had a better body. I finished college and returned home to find a...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kenzie Reeves Orgasmic Gaping Anal

Petite, cute Kenzie Reeves shakes her perky tits, masturbates her tender clit and fills her pussy with a thick dildo. Classic stud Michael Stefano eats her tasty cunt. He thrusts his fat cock inside her eager twat, making Kenzie moan in wild euphoria. Michael switches holes to pork her throbbing butthole. Kenzie gasps as his big cock stretches her tight sphincter. He buttfucks Kenzie to a frenzied orgasm and anal gaping! She gives Michael a two-fisted, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Kenzie swallows hot...

2 years ago
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Katie becomes my daughter Ch 2

As we waited for a waitress to notice us (they were always busy on Saturday mornings), a buddy of mine, Ken, came over to greet me. He caught sight of Katie examining the menu, and gawped at her. Josh cleared his throat and his brow darkened ominously. Ken greeted me, and asked who the kids were. I introduced them, Katie oblivious that Ken was openly apprising her shapely figure. Josh stood up and gripped Ken's hand in a "warm" handshake. I heard something crack, and Ken rubbed his hand....

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The Barter System

Running. There were some consequences of a brisk jog that Sienna always could rely on. Firstly, it always made her sweat, of course, and she secretly enjoyed the way the salty, sticky perspiration pasted her running top and leggings to her skin. Second, there was always that heady, invigorating rush in her brain from endorphins released through physical exertion, giving her a charge throughout her entire body. Thirdly, it always made her feel strong, not like an ox per se, but more like feeling...

Quickie Sex
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Star Wars Sex

by Anonymous 2016 c Rey had just turned 18. She was in her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She had short brown hair and blue eyes. Finn walked into the hut. Finn is black around 5' 11” and muscular. He sees Rey looking at herself in the mirror. “Rey, you are so beautiful, are you sure that you don't have a boyfriend?” asks Finn “No silly, I told u that before” says Rey “Can you zip up my dress for me?” as Rey turns around while holding up a light brown dress...

1 year ago
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Changing Room

Changing Room By Rosie "Sir? Are you sure you're buying these pants for someone else?" she asks and pulse starts to race. But before I reply she goes on. "If these are actually for you? Why don't we just cut the crap and measure them right here and now?" My head spins and I'm evaluating the possibilities here but I guess the moment to deny the pants are for me has already passed as the salesgirl is already walking around the counter towards me. She is smiling in a...

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