Lipstick Blues free porn video

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Lipstick Blues by Peggy Sue It all started at the Jewish Community Center. There was a pageant and I was Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. There were lots of 12 and 13- year olds in the pageant and we were assembled beforehand when suddenly there appeared a young man and women in our midst who were putting lipstick on everyone and rubbing a little of it on our cheeks. My heart filled with terror and I didn't know why. I saw that people had lined up in front of the man and the woman was going around making up those who weren't in the line. I saw that the woman was putting the lipstick on heavier so I got in the man's line. When he painted my mouth I could have died, my heart was pounding so hard. Later one of the other boys went to the woman and asked that his lipstick be put on darker which she did. Why didn't I do that too? I was entranced and terrified but the terror won. I couldn't remember all the commandments because my heart was making too much noise. When I got home the first thing I said to my mother was, "They put lipstick on me." She answered, "You look nice." So I ran off to the bathroom where she kept her lipstick and tried it on. It was even more terrifying so I washed it off quick. Then I missed it so I put it on again. That was terrifying so I washed it off. After a little while of this my lips were sore from scrubbing so I had to stop. When my father came home they noticed the lipstick residue in the soap dish and he made humiliating remarks. That was the last they ever heard about my new obsession. For obsession it was. I searched out and tried on every lipstick in the house. I knew where my mother kept her new ones and her old ones, knew she was wearing Revlons and Hazel Bishops and a whole lot of others whose names had rubbed off. I especially liked to raid her purse when it was lying on the stairs, put on the lipstick in her purse, and dash upstairs to the bathroom to wipe it off. If it didn't wipe right off I scrubbed it off. I especially liked the ones that had to be scrubbed off, shows how perverse I was. A few weeks after the pageant I met Mary. Mary was a little short blonde about a year younger than I. Mary had been at the pageant too - she was the one who missed her lines when I didn't say all 10 commandments. "Why were you so scared?" she asked. I denied it and she scoffed at me. "My mother always has Truth Time when she thinks I'm in trouble. She says if I don't tell her the truth then she's not sympathetic when I later get in trouble. So Truth Time - what's going on?" What the heck. I was in hot water anyhow. It couldn't get worse. So I told her everything. Unexpectedly I felt better and I agreed to come to her house to continue the conversation. Immediately she produced a dark red lipstick and put it on. She kissed me gently and rubbed my lips with her finger, told me I couldn't rub it off. When we got to her house she handed me the lipstick. My knees were shaking but I put it on. Mary stared at me, walked around me, then shook her head and kissed me lightly again. We sat down to talk. She wouldn't let me rub it off, and after we ate some milk and cookies she made me touch it up. Then Mary's mother came home. I was about to run for the bathroom in terror but Mary sat on my legs and wouldn't let me. So in came her mother. She took in the situation at a glance and sat down with us. "Mom my friend has a problem." "I'll say he has a problem - that's the wrong color for him. You can't put the same color lipstick on a black-haired boy as you put on a blond girl." She went out and came back with another lipstick and a tissue. "Here, blot that off and put on this one." It was a rich bright pink that really did look a lot better on me, and she looked satisfied. That put me at my ease, and when Mary's mother said "OK, Truth Time." I spilled the whole thing easily. "This is a big problem," she said, "Problems always feel better on a full stomach." So she made us grilled cheese sandwiches and called my mother to say where I was. She said not a word about what we were doing. Afterwards she handed me the lipstick again and motioned me to the mirror to touch it up. I touched it up. We sat for a while talking about nothing particular and then it was time to go. Mary's mother handed me some cream and a tissue to wipe up then looked at me and hugged me gently. I felt warm all over and not a bit scared any more. "You'll do," she said, "now not a word of this to anyone else, both of you." Mary and I nodded our agreement. Mary kissed me gently and I went home. I couldn't believe my good luck. Here I'd found two great friends - one of them even a grownup! - and my greatest terror was now a much smaller terror, so I thought. I was to find out a lot about terror in the next few years. After that first meeting Mary was my best friend. We went everywhere together. When we were at her house I always wore lipstick and there was never a problem. I was refusing to get haircuts which was weird enough for my parents, but I was glad to have something for them to complain about that didn't terrify me. Mary's mother and my mother talked on the phone and she tried reassurance about the harmless things kids go through. It helped little, but I was adamant. Mary's mother even trimmed it into a unisex style and I couldn't be accused of being a mess. For a while that's all it was, just lipstick and long hair, but one day Mary was wearing mascara and so I had to try that too. How lovely! The pretty girl in the mirror blissed me out. My little cock got so hard that Mary couldn't miss it, and she said "Truth Time, show me what you're doing." She had showed me the little buds growing on her chest so I had to fess up. We both stared at the little wonder which only made it harder and longer. Finally she got down on her knees and kissed it, leaving a big red mark. "That's for later," she said and meant it. Then we went back to our usual talk. When Mary's mother came home that day she saw the mascara right away and made sure I knew how to take it off safely. But Halloween was coming and I wanted to be a girl. I didn't really want to be a girl - being a boy was enough of a problem - I just wanted to wear lipstick, and (it must have said in some Bible somewhere that) only girls wore lipstick, so for Halloween I wanted to wear lipstick so I had to be a girl. There had to be some training. Mary's clothes fit me OK except that her skirts were a little short. One day Mary's mother came home with a training bra for me. When I put it on I turned beet red but I had to go on with it, so soon I was dressed in the cutest blouse with shorts and all my makeup with my hair tied up in a ribbon. I was skipping around the floor with my little cock sticking straight up and making all sorts of cooing noises. Mary's mother must have noticed my boner because she suddenly remembered a previous engagement so Mary and I were alone. She was all aroused too so we shared our first orgasms by kissing each other's privates, and then we just sat around beaming at each other. Of course we fixed our makeup. Sometime later Mary's mother magically reappeared and made lunch and then we talked a little about my progress and what I wanted to do. She agreed that she'd buy me some outfits at the Salvation Army that wouldn't cost much, and I'd make up the cost by doing housework. The only sticking point was that I had to dress in my girl-clothes while I was doing the housework, so then the clothes would know what they were for. Somehow I missed the logic of that, but Mary's mother was so trusted by now that anything she said went. So sometime in my visits I'd put on my bra and panties and a pretty blouse and shorts and lipstick of course, and then I'd wash dishes or dust books or vacuum rugs. When I got back to my own house I offered to do these things for my own mother which she liked very much. I couldn't wear lipstick in my own home, but any peace I could make was acceptable, because my long hair was causing a lot of ripples. For Halloween I got my first skirt. It was all sorts of bright colors with swirls and stripes and only cost a dollar and it looked super with a bright orange blouse and orange lipstick, and I was in heaven. When my mother saw me she nearly laid an egg. She came to Mary's house to see us dressed and Mary's mother made her tea and talked mother-talk. My mother even insisted on paying the dollar which was alright and if she suspected what was really going on she never said a word. She liked the lipstick I was wearing - Mary's mother told her it was an old one of hers and my mother never considered that the shade I was wearing wouldn't have stayed on Mary's mother's lips for 2 seconds, but that was the way she was. Let me tell you this - my family was really a bunch of sweet and crazy people who loved me a lot, but they had no imagination about what life might be like outside their own little family island. And I didn't live on that island any more. I was going to take as long as I could to tell them where I actually lived, because there'd be hell to pay if they found out too soon or in the wrong way. It wasn't just lipstick that led me off their island but religion and politics and what kind of job a man could do that we could at least argue about, whereas lipstick would have put me completely off their map. So Mary and I went out trick-or-treating, with me dressed as a pretty teenage girl and her dressed as a swashbuckling pirate. I don't know which of us was more scary. One door we knocked on had a couple of teenage boys behind it. What they must have seen was 2 pretty teenage girls, one dressed as a pirate, the other dressed as herself. So we were invited in. Next thing I knew I was sitting on a couch with some strange boy's arm around me. If he hadn't stunk of cigarettes I probably would have let him stick his tongue down my throat just to see what it felt like. But he did so I didn't. We left soon. We were hoping for another more acceptable pair of boys but it didn't happen. Sigh. Afterwards we spent hours kissing each other in all kinds of private places. Mary's mother magically disappeared as usual for our sex play. She never even cautioned us about not getting preggers - probably Mary had all those cautions already down. In case you think that Mary's mother's magic was all of a feeling type, here's a completely magical incident that happened one day. Mary and I were hanging out at her house one day when Mary's mother came home. "Come with me to the Magic Beauty Parlor," she commanded in her gentle way, so I came with her. We got in the car and drove to a desolate street where there was a little copper hut surrounded by debris. The hut was about 10 feet square from the outside so I expected a little one-room place. But once inside there were large rooms and endless-feeling corridors. That was just the beginning of the magic. I never questioned how it could be that this could happen because it was all wonderful, and I was afraid that questioning would stop the wonder. Two women in the vestibule recognized Mary's mother and waved us through. They seemed to recognize me too. The way things happened inside is we went down a corridor that seemed blank. We'd turn a corner and there was the next place. I thought that the place appeared just because we were thinking of it, and no one told me otherwise. So partway down the first corridor we turned left and found ourselves in a room crowded with makeup. A 30ish man with a pleasant face greeted us by name. Somehow I knew his name was Eddie. "So," Eddie said to me, "you'd like to learn about makeup. Please sit down." I sat in a large chair and Eddie tied a cloth napkin at my neck and started testing color samples at my face. At length he made a sound of satisfaction. "Here we are, the perfect lipstick," he said, "the exact right shade for your skin, feels waxy when you rub your lips together but doesn't come off on anything, lasts all day but comes right off when you want it to." And he painted my lips with this wonderful scarlet color with just a hint of taste. The girl in the mirror was very pretty. Eddie hummed tunelessly and then emerged with a tube of mascara in his hand. "This will do just right for you, color with no texture, makes your lashes black and separate but doesn't look like makeup at all, won't come off if you cry or wash your face, then comes right off when you want it off." The girl in the mirror got even prettier. Eddie also came up with red and coral shades and a bunch of others. Thanking Eddie, Mary's mother and I moved on, she carrying a small box filled with makeup. We were back in a long featureless corridor, then turned a corner to a room full of wigs. A dark brown pageboy was just perfect for me. The girl in the mirror was so gorgeous that I had a boner. Mary's mother held my hand for a while and my boner relaxed, and we walked on. At a twist in the next corridor there was a fingernail room. I picked up a bottle of nail polish and a little animal jumped off the shelf and ran into the corner. "What was that?" I asked, startled. "A toad," she said, "that's what happens in here when you pick up something that's not good for you. I think we'll skip the nail polish for now." Which was alright with me. The next corridor went on for a while and then turned into a room full of clothes. She picked up a bra and tried it on me. It had just a hint of padding so that I looked like I had the buds of little-girl boobs. She picked up several of the bras and a few sets of panties. There were tables piled with shorts and shirts and a few fancy blouses, most of them in bright colors. There were a few skirts and dresses. She helped herself. I asked how she knew my size. She said "Everything here is your size, that's how this place works." I put on a fuchsia cotton blouse and some purple shorts. The beauty of the girl in the mirror started my heart pounding. I had to sit down for a minute. I tried to pick up some nylon stockings but there was a toad under them so I let be. "I think that will do for now," she said with a twinkle and we walked out onto the street where her car was still sitting. The tiny copper hut mocked my rational mind. "What is that place?" I asked, "and could I go there alone?" "You wouldn't find it," she answered. "Someday when you're much older you'll find it by yourself, but it won't be just girl-stuff you'll be after." And that was all she'd tell me. When we got back home, Mary was delighted to see my booty. She knew we'd been to the copper hut - she'd been there herself with her mother - and she knew as little about it as I did. But she knew exactly what to do with my boner. Mary's mother's name was Claire but I never called her that. I usually called her 'Mom' because that was what she felt like, but Mary's mother was a more accurate name than Claire so I'll go on calling her that despite the semantic awkwardness. I never said much about what she looked like because I was busy telling you about other things. So let me say something now. Mary's mother was tall - about 5-9 - and pretty, very pretty. She dressed in an enormous range of outfits, hair styles and makeup, as opposed to my mother who was also wonderful to look at but very predictable looking. One day she'd wear a tight sexy dress that made the most of her petite figure, and another day she'd wear a baggy sweater and jeans that showed nothing - and every kind of outfit in between. She always wore lipstick, but all the women did in those days. One day her lipstick was bright and sassy, and another day it was subtle. Whenever she got a new brand she always had me try it on so I could know how it tasted and felt. Even though she treated me as though I was sane and stable, she had no illusions about how crazy I was, and she knew that I'd sniff it out if she had a new lipstick and try it on anyway so I might as well do it in front of her. If I liked the taste and feel of the new lipstick she'd get one in my shade and it would add to my little personal pile in Mary's drawers. Believe me when I say that there were a lot of lipsticks in that drawer! I had Revlons and Hazel Bishops of course because I had to have everything of my mother's, but I also had Estee Lauders, Elizabeth Ardens, Cliniques, Macs, Prescriptives, Almays, Cover Girls, and about anything else you could name. I also had Coty 24s that I loved the taste of but I could never wear because they were so hard to get off. I didn't stay talking about Mary's mother for long, did I? Mary's father was killed in the war, and we always spoke of him with reverence. I wished I had met him. All these stories have a Halloween theme and they all have someone's aunt in the country where being a girl for a weekend was a lot more possible than it is around home. Mary's aunt Freddie was such a person. Freddie was Claire's sister and she was another cool lady who somehow knew how to help me with what I was doing even though I didn't have a clue myself. Aunt Freddie had a husband named Bill who was one cool dude. So Freddie usually dressed very sexy because it kept Bill's eyes at home where she wanted them. Even before I got started going to Freddie's house as a girl, I would go there as Mary's boyfriend and go fishing with Bill, hanging out for hours and talking guy things on some pier just nonchalantly piling up a peach basket full of flounder or catfish for everyone's supper. My mother was included in the fish-dispersal, so she already thought well of Bill and Freddie. So did my father who liked Bill well enough. I probably would have liked my father more if he was just someone's uncle because he was really an admirable man. But he had his program for who I was going to be, and I was dead set against his program, so that made a wall between us. Bill had no programs for anyone. When Mary's mother suggested that I go to Freddie's house as a girl it seemed the most natural thing. I wondered why we never thought of it before. That first weekend as a girl was the most exciting thing! Mary and her mother laid out several outfits which was all fine by me as long as there were plenty of bright colors. I spend all my time picking lipsticks to go with the outfits. I brought along a whole box of lipsticks so I could put them on and take them off and wear different ones at different times of day. When we got to the country I was a boy but I didn't stay that way long. Mary and her mother and Freddie had me in a skirt and blouse and lipstick right away. My hair wasn't really long enough to style yet but I had my pretty wig. I had socks and Mary Janes. Now I was a presentable girl. I was actually pretty. First Mary and I disappeared for a while to work off the sexual appetites all this dressup had spawned, then we were off to tour the nearby towns and get into trouble. Mary wanted me to find out how much trouble it was to be a pretty girl! And I wanted to feel what it was like to shop for lipstick by myself. There were a couple of boys in one shop who started following us around. They smelled OK so we egged them on. The one following me was kinda cute so I changed my lipstick to one that would leave a mark on him. I even flicked my tongue around his lips a little which he liked a lot but wouldn't you know it gave me a boner so I had to run off to hide it, with Mary shrieking with laughter in my wake. The lipstick store was a picnic in paradise. I was only going to buy one, but it felt like I tried on hundreds, preening in front of the mirror like a Barbie doll trying on new sweaters. The salesgirl must have felt we were like her daughters because she had endless patience with us. In the end the one I bought was a beautiful color but exactly the wrong kind - smelly and sticky and expensive and impossible to get off. But what's the sense of behaving rationally when you have a license to do the opposite? Freddie and Bill had to hear about all our adventures, and then we decided to go to a dance. I didn't have any kind of fancy device to hide my boner but Bill loaned me a jockstrap that would do. We spent the whole night of dancing getting our asses felt up and our mouths kissed, so we were very aroused by the time we got home. We stripped naked, washed off our makeup, and lay on the bed kissing each other all over. Afterwards Mary asked me if I liked getting kissed by boys. I said it sure seemed so. She asked if I wanted to do more than that and I didn't know. I liked playing at being a girl, at least for a little, and girls liked kissing boys, so why not. But to be a boy kissing boys seemed beside the point. And I could imagine sucking some boy's cock if I was a girl but not if I was a boy. The next day I was back to dressing as a boy because we wanted to go to a movie and Mary wanted me to feel her up and kiss her the whole time, which was more convenient if I was a boy. She promised that I could taste her lipstick any time and so she did. So I did too. So that was my first weekend at Freddie's. There were lots more. One weekend one of the boys I was kissing put his hand right on my boner. I thought I was in big trouble but he put my hand on his boner and we went on kissing. Eventually we did suck each other's cocks. I loved the taste and feel of his cock in my mouth. I loved the way he looked at the pretty girl in front of him. But when he looked at the boy whose cock he was sucking I was bored. But I was getting bigger, growing big boy-muscles and hair on my face, so that even though I wanted to wear lipstick as much as ever it made less and less sense. The girl in the mirror stopped looking gorgeous and started looking awkward. I was seeing less and less of Mary. Meanwhile, I got good at school to the point that my father was trying to send me to the same school he went to. I had to fight him about it. Finally I won by getting a scholarship to the school I wanted. That was so big he had to accept it. He was a good loser, I'll say that for him. But when I went to Mary's house to tell her what happened a funny thing happened. Instead of a house there was an empty lot where her house used to be. There was a weird sense of desolation over everything. It was as though the house had never been, that she and her mother had never been. In truth I never saw Mary or her mother again. I did find the copper hut again but that's another story.

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Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 6, 2010) Chapter 6 - Hospital Blues The constant hum of machinery and the intermittent beeping were the first things that I became aware of. The smell of antiseptic was next. I opened my eyes a moment later. A...

3 years ago
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Bobs Blues

Bob had the blues so bad he figured if he was able to look in the mirror he'd look like Grover, Harry, or Cookie -- the fuzzy and blue monsters from Sesame Street, which he was currently watching because the remote had stopped working and he couldn't get out of bed to change the channel. He knew the batteries in the remote were okay; he'd just put them in last week or maybe it had been the week before. With the day he had had yesterday, it was kind of hard to remember things. He was...

2 years ago
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How to Cure the PostPartum Blues

‘Oh my god!’ I cried as I came home from a date to find my husband had packed his clothes and left the baby untended. The baby was choking on a bead and rolling around on the floor. I called the ambulance, just in time. I was in shock. All because I wanted a little fun out of life, my child almost lost his! It all began the day Jeffy was born. I was terribly unhappy. There I was, only 19 years old, saddled with a husband who drank so much that he couldn’t satisfy me, and now with a baby too!...

2 years ago
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Helplessness Blues

Hi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....

2 years ago
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Tashita Loves Rhythm And Blues

I lived in a third-floor apartment. Tashita lived under me, in the second-floor apartment. How we met was pure happenstance, as was what transpired after we met.It was a warm spring afternoon and I decided to play hooky from work, to stay home and just chill. I had the stereo cranked up and admittedly, was jamming, having a good afternoon. I didn’t think anyone would care because surely, most folks would be at work.The banging on my door startled me. I quickly turned down the music and cracked...

2 years ago
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Monday Blues

As dawn broke I got out of my car in the car park, thinking of nothing in particular. As I walked to the underground elevator, I quickly look back at my joy and lock the doors with the familiar beep and flash of lights. Pulled my over coat closed as a breeze of bisque morning coolness blew through the car park. Arriving at the elevator, the quiet air of silence that only early morning offers. Still waiting...finally the audible bell as the doors open, still moving in a robotic manner as every...

4 years ago
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SRU Election Blues

SRU: Election Blues By Radioactive Loner The rain was whapping itself in big, fat droplets against the windowpanes of the town's mall as an individual slowly walked through the corridors, that person's eyes darting left and right, in search of an old-fashioned store with a name few would take seriously ... "Spells R Us." Of course, what approached that homey storefront was a former customer, who knew that the shop's potions, curios, and knick-knacks were all too serious. As...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

1 year ago
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Post Graduate blues

It was so easy. I was thinking about our relationship now. My husband (at the time) and I were participating in a special archeological study of a tribe which had no previous contact with modern man. We are both in our early 30s. I am rather tall at 5' 10" 140 lbs. with long blond hair and (if I do say so myself) a killer body!) Stan, my husband, was a shrimp at 5' 6", 120 lbs. with a physic of a child. He had longish brown hair with somewhat gentle features. A real Nerd! ...

2 years ago
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Smoking Blues

Smoking Blues by Brenda @2019 "Hey Bren," called my assistant Sarah. The home office called while you were out smoking. You Better call Mr. C back. He didn't sound happy!" "Okay, thanks dear. I will call him back straight away," I replied as I headed to my office. As I was opening my door Sarah continued. "You know, you really have been taking a lot of smoke breaks lately. We are all concerned about your health. You are the first boss we have had here that knows how to treat people...

4 years ago
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First time blues

I, satyam and suri are like minded batch mates at engineering college… despite busy with well paid jobs we maintained constant contact…continued to do so even after getting married … to implement our student day pact…met periodically to review progress …decided that nothing can be done till each of us became parents of two kids…and waited…a year later, i am blessed with twins …satyam and suri had a kid each … ‘…fellows…i am more ready than you…‘i often teased them…two years passed by… a week...

2 years ago
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Even Cowgyrls Get The Blues

                 Even Cowgyrls Get the Blues!                   Gay interr trans morph                           TJ Ryder            year 2054Place    New South African republic of Obeah.*****************************************************************pic 1    The lightning and heavy rain lit up the grim brickbuilding of the orphanange, its placque the only bitof ornamentation on its street-facing side exceptfor long, high narrow windows    Ojobango Banto...

1 year ago
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Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

Chapter 1. Life’s a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewater’s edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...

2 years ago
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Boot Camp Blues

Boot Camp Blues By Deputy Duffy In northern Vermont there's an old school building that was used once asthe State Police Training Facility. Some vandals had trashed the place recently,and Deputy Johns and I were sent up there to play janitor. And I certainlywasn't happy about it. But then, in the debris of some vandalized wooden lockers,I found these papers -- letters from a girl to her sister. It was kind of strange at first to read them, but it was also kind of titillating,too. It took some...

1 year ago
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Miniskirt Blues

Miniskirt blues: Something inside Sarah must have snapped. She no longer wore a slip or a neglig?e to bed. She now wore one of those tee shirt style pyjamas and something like boxer shorts. Increasingly she was becoming disinterested in sex with me and I was finding it hard to maintain an erection. Sarah would still cook and wash up but she was starting some sort of internet fitness business which was taking up increasing amounts of her time. Sarah would also do the shopping. S...

2 years ago
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Work blues

Work bluesPart 1 – staff training Another Melody Mitchell story‘I'm sorry" Melody got in first "but Tracy's only twenty-one and she needs the extra coaching if she's going to be able to cover for me next month when we go away to Italy. The only chance I have is if she comes here on Saturdays and we go through the work in the evening. She’s as bright as a button so she should catch on quite quickly if we can get down to it one on one"Melody knew that Steve disliked her bringing work home, but...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

3 years ago
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I was standing on the table with my only undy worn and being inspected bymy landlady for our night session. The husband was sitting at a king sizedchair infornt of me face to face wearing a red sleeveless chudidar and redlipstick, he was a cd and was a sissy to landlady and she was thecommanding person here. To the right were sitting 3 aunties of middle age-- one was wearing a small, thin n tight white blouse with an almostvisible black bra, n a white saree with dark red lipstick with a...

2 years ago
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Lipstick Look a very short story

I know when my wife has got another date, never a word spoken, or the fact that she is wearing stockings and heels, with skirt a couple of inch'es to short, hair done, nails painted, perfumed,... its the look ,...its the look as she stares in the mirror applying her dark red lipstick, her eyes glance back to see me staring at her, wanting her, the most wicked of smiles play around those dark red lips. She applies the lipstick knowing I'm wathching her. looking at her, knowing within an hour she...

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Lipstick mark on the glass

Lipstick mark on the glass In light of the moon followed thy shadow. You stood on the terrace with a glass of red wine in hand. A gentle wind otula? your naked torso. The colors of the night I saw the outline of your character. What do you think you want me to say ... I wonder all the time. Noiselessly on tiptoe, I approached you. I nestled the naked back. Your body is wrapped with warm hands. Fingertips when I roam naked body. Soft lips you are giving away a thousand kisses,...

3 years ago
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                                                                                      Lipstick                           By nobadge123                                     The following story is a work of pure fiction depicting no known person, if you                          are under 21 years or offended by material of this type then please read no further.                              Part One:                          PrologueOver the months her rejection festered inside him like a growing...

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Babysitting Blues

The fact that my gym was in the same building that I lived and worked was a plus. The incentive program my boss set up didn’t hurt either. The gym was state of the art and he could see my workout history any time he wanted to and he actually paid me for it. He insisted I stay in shape “for the business” he would say. I was perfectly ok with that as long as it resulted in money in my pocket and a tight body. The money was special. I didn’t tell anyone but the fact that a secretary, excuse...

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Jakes Saga Ch 08 School Day Blues

He pulled into the school parking lot, and strolled into the school, wearing a loose fitting pair of athletic shorts, with nothing underneath, and a comfortable t-shirt. Jake found his English classroom, and was not surprised to find it unlocked, with Ms. Dyers seated at her desk. She rose as Jake walked over to her, she wore a black knee high business skirt, with a light blue button down shirt, which gave her a very business womanly appearance. Ms. Dyers directed him to remove his shorts,...

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Cure For The Blues

It had been a long, hard day, and I was, quite frankly, deep in the dumps as I drove home that Thursday night. I knew the price of success was days like this, but I was on the verge of tears, from exhaustion and loneliness. Let me back up a second, and tell you a little about myself and my situation. My name is Anne and I just turned 45 a couple of months ago. Physically, I am about as average as can be. I’m 5-6 and slender, thanks to a regular exercise routine at a local health club. My...

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My Third Story by blueslipman

I know you're waiting for me. Even as I come through the door, I can feel you. I don't make you wait. I'm as excited as you are. So I drop the stuff I am carrying in the living room, quickly undress down to my underwear and hurry up to the bedroom, pausing only to remove a scrap of material from the pocket of my pants.Once I cross the threshold, I pause. You're sitting on the edge of bed. You've closed the blinds and you're waiting, waiting for me. And I smile, knowing that you planned this. I...

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My Second Story by blueslipman

As I mentioned in my last story, I have a nylon fetish. I love panties, slips, nightgowns and other items made from that wonderfully soft and sensuous fabric. I use them to masturbate because of how the fabric feels sliding up and down my penis, it is very intense. Sometimes when I am going at it I will put on a nightgown, slip, panties or some combination of these silky items for added stimulation. However, I am not a cross-dresser I just enjoy these items for sexual pleasure not for some need...

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Breakup Blues

Brandon sat in bed and admired the view he had of Annie in the bathroom. She was standing at the sink, bent over ever so slightly. The old t-shirt of his that Annie had on was riding up, so much so that Brandon could see where her legs met the curve of her cheeks. He smiled, still wrapping his head around the fact that Annie was his girlfriend.Brandon and Annie, short for Annabelle, had only been dating for two months. They met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. Brandon had just come off a...

Oral Sex
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Stepmother Blues

Jason woke up on the sofa at his father's house, and the first thing he realized was that he was desperately horny. He had been dreaming about sex again, and his eighteen year old cock was painfully erect. Idly, he listened for sounds in the house as he reached beneath the blanket covering him to stroke his bulge. The house was quiet, though Jason could tell it was already late in the morning. If he had been home, his mother would have dragged him out of bed already, whether it was Sunday or...

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The Hot Tub Blues

Jodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most...

1 year ago
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Nursing Home Blues

© 2003 Ronda was a babe. Blue eyes, Curly blond hair. She stood 5'4 inches tall, nice 34c breast and the tightest little 34 inch ass you every put yours eyes on. Ronda always had a bright smile for every one at work, Riverside Nursing Home. She had been a Nurse Aide for 3 years now. She married young, to a guy name Bill. A drunk, bum, He hadn't worked in 3 years. Ronda put up with him for her daughter. They got married in high school, he had been her first and only man. Which now she...

4 years ago
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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 5 Wedding Night Blues

June 9, 1971 Dear Diary: Do I ever have some hot news to write about!! No longer am I Miss Polly Oliver! It's Mrs. Harold Himmler from now on, or at least for the time being. And, even bigger news, Wally Baxter called from Los Angeles and said he may have something for me!!! Well, first things first. How'd I ever get hitched up with old Weird Harold? It wasn't easy, really. As you probably gathered, he and I had a pretty strange relationship. But that was only because I couldn't stand...

3 years ago
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Lipstick Lesbian Part Two

Early to bed, early to rise. I repeated this mantra after Mora left me. I wanted to wake early to go for a jog to clear my head. Why the hell did I dream of being with Mora’s client? Why was I starting to question my sexuality after all these years being stubborn and most definitely straight? I didn’t know what was happening to me and after I finished my run. Contemplating life’s greatest questions, I jumped into the shower before getting ready for Mora’s day of teaching. Applying the last...

3 years ago
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Lipstick Lesbian Part One

I was an escort of sorts, for women. A few of them just wanted me as a trophy, whilst the majority wanted me as their lover. Many of the times a client would present an offer and I can’t deny that I wasn’t tempted. Some of the women I would attend events with were actually beautiful, but most were just as sleazy as some of the men you meet. The reason why I never accepted an offer, or succumbed to the advances of one of the women I entertained was because I was straight, completely and utterly...

2 years ago
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Lipstick on a Grad Student Epilogue

The opinions stated below are not necessarily those of the author. This story is a fantasy, and a horror story. It is the author's choice of a possible interpretation of facts that are openly available to the public. In short, this is a work of fiction. Keep that in mind. _____________________________________ In the hills of Virginia, a balding man with white hair steps into a secluded cabin. The interior is homey and well-lit. "Status report?" the man asks. From a couch...

3 years ago
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Even Vampires Get The Blues

The Vampire Lord Flashman arose from the brass handled, walnut box and, tossing his long hair over his shoulders, raised his face to taste the night's air. He could smell moths, musk and moonlight but also something else. Something sweet, yet tangy, like... Like a peach. The Lord Of The Dark growled. The San Fransisco night air was a plethora of aromas, some pleasant, some rank. Her's was both and neither, but he recognized it still.It was the Contessa Santangelo's essence. How long had it...

2 years ago
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Third Wheel Blues

Snow crunched under the tyres of the four by four as Tim pulled up onto the driveway outside the chalet. “Here we go,” he said. He leaned over to Fiona in the passenger seat and kissed her on the cheek before they both giggled and flung the doors open. In the back seat Lilly pulled her shawl closer around her shoulders. Why had she even bothered to come? She was selfish, that’s what it was. The boot flew open, letting in a gust of crisp, alpine air and she gasped. “Come on Lil,” Fiona said,...

Love Stories
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Learning the Smugglers Blues

“So. Just what am I supposed to do with you, Sergeant?” I stood rigidly at attention and didn’t even really consider responding. It was clearly a rhetorical question. Nobody had actually wanted to hear what I had to say anyway. I was pretty certain some Colonel who I’d never even seen before didn’t want to hear it. I was also almost convinced I’d been sent over to him because every other Field Grade officer in the Division had worn themselves out berating me. The grim, bald Colonel looked up...

1 year ago
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Marine Blues

It was 1983, I had just finished basic training and advanced infantry training, and was stationed at Camp Lejuene NC. After in processing, and arriving at my first duty station, I met the other members of my platoon. As it turns out one of the guys was from my hometown area, he grew up about 60 miles from me. Dave and I became friends quickly and he asked the first payday there, if I wanted to go out with him and his girlfriend. I didn't like being the third wheel and told him so, but, he said...

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