Lipstick free porn video

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I tried to close my eyes against the sunlight glaring through my bedroom window, but it was no use. It cut through my eyelids like a laser beam, making me pull the blankets further over my head. Normally, I don’t have a problem with mornings. But then again, normally, I don’t go out and get plastered the night before either. A once every few months thing, I did it to blow off all the stress I managed to pick up. There were two small, tiny items going for that morning though.

One, I could remember everything that happened the night before, and I didn’t go home with anyone. For that, I thanked whatever cruel gods who came up with vodka in the first place. Two, it was a Saturday morning, which meant I could nurse my hangover in private. Contrary to popular belief, my misery does not like company. Running my tongue over my teeth felt like I was licking mossy bark. Added to that was the taste as if someone had poured an entire bucket of cigarette butts in my mouth. Wet cigarette butts. To say that I was not in my best shape that morning truly would have the epitome of understatement. However horrible I might have felt, I still need to crawl out of bed and into the shower, among other details. Details such as my bladder having a 12 round boxing match with my kidneys.

Peeking my head above the covers, I pried one eye open and peered blurrily at the small bedside clock. Squinting, I let out a small sigh. It was definitely too early to be dealing with this, but my bladder, somehow sensing I was about to get up, began pounding. Slowly pulling the blankets off, I got myself first to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Then, through sheer willpower, stood on two very wobbly legs. Stumbling to the bathroom in my little one bedroom apartment, I braced myself for the moment I turned on the light. I knew full well it was necessary, but I also knew I would want to claw my own eyes out for a few seconds. Flipping on the switch, bright, white light slammed through the tiny room and straight into my head. Barely biting back a screech, I found the toilet through mostly closed eyes and half-stumbled, half-fell towards it.

Once my bladder was satisfied, I turned to the shower. Getting the water going, I adjusted the temperature. As I stood there with the water running over my body, I briefly considered dropping a toaster in the tub with me. Nah, not a good idea. My ex would have been too grateful. Finishing up, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed for my towel. That’s when I noticed it for the first time. Lipstick. A perfectly printed note on my mirror in lipstick. Deep red, almost maroon, it stood out starkly against the clear surface of the mirror. My mind quickly ran over the details of the night before. I had gone to a local bar, gotten drunk, and had taken a taxi home. By myself. No one lived with me, so where did this from? My head swiveled back and forth, trying to see if anything was out of place. Nothing. Everything was right where is should be. Except for the lipstick. Letting out a short breath, I studied the message written on my mirror, growing more confused as I did so.

‘From the corner of your eye,

You see me dark and fair,’

That was it, nothing else. Written in a female hand, the letters were precise. My face showed through the spaces of the letters and I could see the puzzlement in my eyes. Who had done this, and why? Wrapping the towel around my waist, I made for the front door, only to find it locked, just as I had left it the night before. This was entirely too strange for me, especially today. Heading back to the bathroom, I grabbed glass cleaner and some paper towel, intending to make short work of the message. When I came into the bathroom however, a new surprise greeted me. The lipstick was gone. Not a trace remained on the mirror. It had simply disappeared. Fully confused now, I decided I must have imagined it. That was the only explanation that fit. A hangover hallucination. I didn’t know if such things existed, but it sounded good to me.

The rest of the day drug by as I tried to get over my suffering. At odd times though, the memory of that lipstick message played through my mind. Toward mid-afternoon, I couldn’t take it any longer. I grabbed my keys and coat and walked out the door. I decided to hit the mall, do a little window shopping, maybe take in a movie. Anything to put the lipstick out of my mind. Pulling into the parking lot, I caught a flash of deep red hair from the corner of my eye. The same shade red as was on my mirror that morning. I whipped my head around to look, almost causing an accident. The owner of the hair had moved out of my sight however. I decided the incident earlier had me all wound up over nothing.

Throughout the next week, life returned to some semblance of normal. No new messages appeared on my mirror. Every so often though, I thought I caught a glimpse of red hair. When I turned, it was gone. Several times it happened that way. Otherwise, life was firmly back in reality.


I slept in that next Saturday. Not for fear of waking, but rather because I had nothing better to do. Rolling over, I came face to face with my alarm clock. Groaning, I pushed myself up and sat on the edge of the bed. Looking around my room, I thought maybe, just maybe, my friends and what little family had were right. I hadn’t had a girlfriend in way too long. Girlfriend, hell, I hadn’t even had a woman in way too long. Not that I had been looking. I couldn’t find anyone who attracted me. Sighing at the futility of my thoughts, I levered my self off the bed and made my way to the bathroom for my morning ritual.

Getting there, my hand hesitated for some reason on the light switch, a rare sense of premonition flooding through me. I peered into the darkened bathroom, trying to see the mirror. From where I stood, everything was dark. Damn, my imagination was working overtime and dragging my common sense along for the ride. I had to quit this. I flipped on the light and to my relief, no message was waiting for me. So it was my imagination. Turning the shower on as hot as I could stand it, I stepped under the spray. The stinging water helped to wake me up and by the time I was finished, I felt really good about the day. When I pulled the shower curtain back, it was there to greet me. Deep red as before, in a precise female hand. Lipstick on the mirror.

‘But when you turn to look,

I am no longer there.’

What the bloody blue blazes? Staring wildly, I knew I had checked the damn thing before my shower. Moving close to the sink, I carefully reached out one hand out to the touch the writing. Lipstick smeared on my fingertips and I gazed in wonder at it. My sight traveled back up to the mirror and before my disbelieving eyes, the message began to fade until there was nothing left. Not a trace. Nothing but my own face looking back at me. Slowly, I dropped my gaze and looked back at me fingers. Red still stained them, giving me proof, at least in my own mind, it really had happened. Grabbing my towel, I stumbled out of the bathroom and into the living room, searching for something to write with.

Finding a pen and a scrap of paper, I jotted down the first message. Under that I wrote the one from that morning. Just as I thought. It was a poem. One that I had never seen before. Settling back on my couch, my towel draped across my lap, I stared at my fingers and let my mind wander. Who was doing this and why? I thought of all the females in my life. None of them would, or even could, do this. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. After gazing at the ceiling and getting a headache from attempting to get a grasp on this, I gave up and got up. Back in the bedroom, I dressed and headed out the door. Maybe I should look into buying myself a watchdog? Doberman pinscher perhaps? Something that could rip a person arm, or head, off? Immediately after that thought came another, it wouldn’t do any good. Whoever had it managed to do it while I was in the shower less
than 5 feet away. Between that and the rather neat trick of making it all disappear as I watched. Almost casually, I glanced down at my hand, not really surprised to see the deep red staining my fingers.

My stomach growling, I figured the best thing I could do was find a restaurant and get something to eat. I knew just the place to go. On the way there, I stopped by a convenience store and picked up a pack of cigarettes. I hadn’t smoked in over 5 years, but right then, I didn’t care. I needed the nicotine rush.

The waitress showed me to a table towards the back of the smoking section. As I sat and split my attention between studying the menu and studying the Saturday crowd, I busted the cigarette pack open and pull one paper coffin nail free. Placing it on my lips, I lit a match from the book I snagged at the convenience store and inhaled a deep lungful of smoke. The buzz was tempered by a short coughing fit. It had been too damn long. I made up my mind on what I wanted to order and sat back to enjoy the cigarette, checking out the crowd through the smoke as it curled upward toward the ceiling. Typical for a Saturday.

The older crowd in to get the early bird special. Families in here so mom and dad wouldn’t have to cook. From the look on their faces, though, the aggravation wasn’t quite worth the time out of the kitchen. I chuckled to myself and took another drag, feeling the heat spread itself out from my lungs. From somewhere off to my side, I heard a woman laugh. A deep throated laugh that brought to mind images of bedrooms and naked bodies pressed together. A sensuous laugh guaranteed to excite and tease a man just so. I looked around for the source of the laugh and saw a flash of red hair and part of one creamy smooth cheek. Then it was gone. Abandoning my table for few moments, I pushed through everyone else trying to spot the woman. It was no use, she was gone again.

That night, the dreams started. At first, I couldn’t remember too much of them. Only bits and pieces. A flash of red hair in a moonlit background. The delicate curve of a woman’s smiling lips, coated in deep red lipstick. Slightly upturned nipples as she dropped her blouse. The heat of our bodies pressed together. Myself inside of her, pouring out everything I kept hidden. A feeling of ecstasy, but also a feeling of pain and having something drained from me. The pleasure was worth it though. I woke, sweating under my sheets and shivering at the same time. For some reason, I had a difficult time getting back to sleep. The dreams continued on this way for the next week. Every night I would wake under sweat-soaked sheets.


By the next Saturday, I had almost convinced myself I was going insane. No way this could be actually be happening. Mysterious messages appearing and disappearing as if by magic on my mirror. The night before, I went to bed, but tossed and turned the entire time. My mind refused to let me sleep, knowing what I would find there. And I was still catching glimpses of that dark red hair. The Saturday sun had risen hours ago and was shining brightly through my closed window shades. Fear coiled tightly in my lower stomach as I thought about what might be waiting for me in the bathroom. The more I considered it, the more I came to see if I just avoided the bathroom for this one day, I would be fine.

Even if some kind of message was waiting for me, I couldn’t read it if I couldn’t see it. Finally, I screwed up my courage and rolled from my bed to start the day. Not even glancing in the general direction of the bathroom, I padded into my kitchen in just my boxers. Fixing myself a cup of coffee, I watched the day begin to unfold out my back window. The sky was a deep blue with a few small clouds floating in the distance. Sipping at the hot liquid in my mug, I could see kids playing in the sparse woods which populated the area behind my apartment building.

Walking into the living room with my cup still over half full, I punched the button on my stereo, filling the room with the sounds country music. Guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas blended into one melody. I stood there for a few seconds before realizing I was getting chilled standing there in just my underwear. I set my cup down on the coffee table and started back to my bedroom. Passing the bathroom, I noticed the light shining brightly under the door. The light was off when I went to bed, I was sure of this, and I had not set in there all day today. With a curious sense of detachment, I watched my hand come up to push the door open. Part of mind shrieked at me to stop, but my body wouldn’t respond. Instead, it stepped into the bathroom. Try as I might to look away, my eyes were guided to the mirror. There it was, dark red and glistening in the stark light, contrasting against the clearness of the mirror. I trembled slightly as I read the words written in a deep shade of lipstick.

‘When you come to believe I’m not real

And your imagination thinks as such,’

My head spun and the room tilted around me. My legs turned to rubber and I sank to tile floor, not noticing the cold in my shock. As I stared slack-jawed at the mirror, the words again faded until they were just a memory. The same way they did the week before. All I could think was, why me? What was this all about? I sat there on the bathroom floor for an untold time before the cold finally seeped through my shock. I climbed unsteadily to my feet and barely made it to the bedroom before collapsing on the bed. All I see before in front of me were those deep red words and flashes of deep red hair. My dreams came slamming back into my mind with an uncontrollable force and my physical reaction was obvious. Obvious to the point of being painful. Reality was slipping through my fingers and the only thing I could do stand there and watch it go.

Taking a breath, I tried to regain some self-control. My legs still somewhat rubbery, I managed to pull on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. Hazily remembering my jacket and keys, I stumbled out of my apartment and almost fell down the stairs before catching my self. One of my neighbors saw me and asked if I was feeling alright. I mumbled something about working too many hours and started down the stairs. Emerging into the sunlight, I breathed deep of the fresh air. The world around me seemed to be it’s normal everyday self, but underneath I could sense something else. Something different. What it was I couldn’t tell, but it was there. Almost touchable. The taste of it was on my tongue like the tang of metal. The fog lifted from my mind slowly and I walked from my building at a brisk pace. Out of every place I knew, there was one I could go which was close and offered peace and quiet. So it was with that idea in mind I climbed the library steps three blocks later.

The air inside was cool and smelled faintly of old books and knowledge. This was one place I felt at home in. I wandered the stacks, not really looking for anything in particular, just looking. Every once in a while, I stopped to read the back of a book that caught my eye, but invariably I would put it back and move on. What I was really trying to do was get mind off the lipstick, the mirror, the woman with red hair, the dreams, all of it. A few times I was able to forget for a couple of moments, but it always came back, sneaking back in when I wasn’t looking. After over an hour there, I had wandered the aisles two times over and was about leave when I felt someone brush by behind me. I heard a deep, sultry female voice say, ‘Excuse me.’ That voice. It was the same one from the restaurant, from half a dozen chance encounters where I never saw her face. I spun on my heel and caught the site of the back of her hair as she rounded the corner, her bottom swaying beneath a pair of tan slacks. I hurried to follow her, but as I was about to round the corner, I ran into the librarian. She was a woman who had been at this library since god was in pre-school. She fixed me with a baleful stare and proceeded to lecture me about running in the library. All t
he while she was talking, I nodded and edged around her until I had a clear shot at the door. I walked as fast as I could and burst out into the sunlight. I looked everywhere, but like all the other times, she was gone. I swore softly to myself and wondered how long this would go on.

That night, the dream was more erotic than ever. When I tried to wake from it though, it held me in a grip of iron. Her breasts pressed against me. Her lips, that color of dark red desire, ran over my chest. Her buttocks glowed softly pale in the subtle light. Her hair caressed every part of me, teasing me to a hurtful excitement. I felt as if my skin were on fire and my entire body would explode. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, she edged me up another notch. I had never felt anything as sensual or erotic as this and I knew if I didn’t wake soon, it would kill me. I felt a scream of ecstasy and agony welling in my throat when she leaned over me, her hair brushing my face, and whispered she would see me soon. I came to with the scream still inside of me, sitting straight up in my bed.

I couldn’t concentrate all the next week following, the dream intruding on my daily life. If it wasn’t the dream, it was the woman herself appearing, then disappearing. Every time I looked for her, she seemed to fade into thin air. As the week wore on, I began to dread what Saturday would bring.


Friday was always a good day for work, even with the black cloud that was hanging over my head. Spirits were lighter on Fridays than any other day. I managed to make it through the day without thinking too much about Saturday. Each time I did though, the fear which had become so familiar to me clenched in the pit of my stomach. Reality itself was a tissue I could almost see through were I to look hard enough. By the time the work day was through, I had decided to stop by at my apartment just long enough to change then spend the night at a hotel. I couldn’t face the idea of seeing that red lipstick the next day. I wanted to believe I was still as sane as the next person. But with all that had happened, I couldn’t be sure of my own sanity. Pulling up to my apartment, I glanced without meaning to at the small window in my bathroom. The glass was dark and no light shimmered from within. I repressed a small shudder and breathed a sigh of relief.

Once inside the apartment, I hurried to change and leave. Stopping briefly on my way to the bedroom to check my messages, a grand total of one from my mother, I made the bedroom in almost record time. I quickly stripped and headed to the bathroom, knowing my visitor wouldn’t be here until the morning and I would be long gone by that point. The shower felt wonderful, anchoring me to what little sense of reality I still had. I turned the water off and reached past the shower curtain to rescue my towel when my hand brushed someone else’s. Someone soft and feminine.

I whipped the shower curtain aside and caught a glimpse of red hair flying around the corner of my bathroom door. I jumped out of the shower and lost my balance as my wet feet slipped on the tile floor, driving my knee into the floor with enough force to make me wince. I half-crawled out of the door and pulled myself up along the frame. Standing there dripping wet and still nude, I knew I had missed her yet again. Banging my hand against the wall in frustration, I hobbled back into the bathroom searching my towel. I felt the stubble along my cheek with one hand and glanced in the mirror to see if I needed to shave when my legs went numb. I fell against the wall as my eyes registered the fact she had been here early, as if she knew what I had planned. Glistening darkly on the mirror was the same dark red as before. The shock flooded through my system as I read the words before me.

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It was Saturday after Thanksgiving, the kids were bored and wanted to see the latest teen movie. I was exhausted having done six loads of laundry, sweeping, mopping and other dirty jobs you can't bribe a teenager to do. My husband decided to take the girls out to the movie and pizza to give me a much needed break from the whines of teenage girls. I waved bye to them as they drove down the street. Alone at last I locked the front door closed my eyes and a satisfied smile crossed my lips...

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The Porn Map! How nice would it be to have a map that pointed you to all of the porn you could find on the Internet? What kind of cartographer do you have to be to get a job like that, anyway? Does it involve mapping out perfect titties and wet pussies? Because if so, you know I’m all fucking in!That’s the promise behind The Porn Map. Even though it’s not a literal paper map that you keep in your glove box for road trips, it’s still a guide that introduces you to all kinds of porn you never...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Poker Night

"Call," Greg said, tossing his chips into the middle of the beat-up, hand-me-down table.Sophie frowned. Her boyfriend was a terrible bluffer, but she believed he was holding a decent hand. He just kept getting lucky tonight."Raise," Emily smiled, cheerfully tossing in another ten buck chip. She was a bubbly little blonde, all smiles and pearly whites. Sophie had known her since middle school—before her tits had popped out of nowhere one summer and packs of drooling boys had started worshipping...

College Sex
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Monica part3

It was late, and the minutes passed slowly. Midnight had been long ago, it seemed, and yet the night remained in that timeless hollow that are the wee morning hours. The lamp beside me was burning low and I flipped the page of my textbook, shifting ever so slightly. Against my chest, Monica stirred, and for a moment the words became gibberish and all I felt was her soft breast rolling against my skin, all I smelled was the vague fragrance of her shampoo. I watched her face as she blinked awake,...

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Friend Ki Girlfriend Ab Meri Fuck Buddy

Mera naam Kshitij hai aur mai B .Tech 4th sem ka student hu. Aman mera classmate hai aur mere hi sath ek kiraye ke kamare me rahta THA. Usaki ek girlfriend thi jo hamare hi class me hai. uska naam Nancy hai. Bahut hi sundar maal hai. Badi badi chuchiya, charhara badan, tikhe nayan naksh. Sabkuchh tha uske ander. Vo bhi apne friend ke ghar me rahti thi as a paying guest. Hamare kiraye ke Ghar ke taale ki ekk ekk chabhi hm teeno ke pas thi. Nancy aksar Aman se milane aati aur chhud karr...

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The Trespasser

His POV It was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

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Motherly sisterly love pt 1

A fictional story with a touch of reality thrown in.I was a typical lad of 13yrs old you know getting taller,hair underarms,hard-ons and of cause something I wasn't bad at wanking, along with sport and hanging out with the guys at school. I had 2 sisters older than me Chelsea 16 and Mandy 18, they where no fun as all they where into was clothes and make up.My parents where ok dad was a bit modern and mum was well cool always wearing the latest fashions, right thats a bit about my family let the...

1 year ago
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The Neighbor From Apartment 10

I looked through the peephole and saw the sweet face of the neighbor from apartment 10. I wondered what she wants from me. We had a nodding acquaintance and sometimes greeted each other with apathetic "Hi" since she moved to live next door to me nearly a month ago. I opened the door and blinked with surprise. Her arms were encased in plaster up to the armpits. The tips of her fingers were peeping above the cotton padding, twitching slightly from time to time. She smiled nervously and started...

1 year ago
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Porn Zog gets a hell of a lot of traffic for a website whose title reads like gibberish. I think the first four letters do the trick; you could probably slap 'porn' onto any random bunch of letters, add a dot com, and watch the perverts roll in. I'm not sure the name explains all of the traffic, though. With around 60 million visitors a month, there's probably more to their popularity than just a name that hints at fuck flicks.For example, the fuck flicks themselves probably have a lot to do...

Porn Aggregators
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A Girl her Cello and wanting Sex

Hello. My name is Sara, a posh name for a gifted girl, I am told, but it is my name all the same, and thanks to my parents I am very well educated, very pretty, again I am told, and a musician, I play the Cello, a big thing shaped like a violin, and I confess to liking the feeling of it between my legs.You people reading this might be wondering why I admit to telling you why a girl of f******n would like feeling something, similar in shape to another woman, between my open legs.I know what...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 15

When Captain Prawit and I arrived at the firing range, Lieutenant Chatchai had the men at work already repairing the area of the tam-nop (embankment) to be used for firing and the area on the next dike or embankment where the targets would be placed. With the rain that the area had received lately, the space between the two locations was filled with some eight inches of water, and it resembled a rice paddy – if a small one. The taller embankments were very visible now with the areas between...

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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 Fun Part 2 next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

2 years ago
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Time To Play

Driving down Albert Road was always the problem when trying to get into the city. Being the only road that leads straight into the centre of town from the highway, you quite often get a load of tourists making a "brief stop" on their journey to stock up on all sorts of snacks and drinks. But today was just ridiculous. Fancy that; it’s my eighteenth birthday and we’re stuck in traffic so long that we could have already been in and out of town if we’d left the car at home and walked it! But my...

Mind Control
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Sir and Madam

I coughed and gagged as he withdrew his cock from my throat, spit trailing from my mouth and tears running down my face. He was lying on the bed and I was on all fours between his legs, looking up at him as he let me breathe for just a few seconds before pushing my face onto him again. Then I felt her tongue on my pussy. If I could have gasped I would have; all I managed was a muffled groan onto his dick. Her hands were spreading my arse cheeks open as she ran her tongue from my clit across my...

Group Sex
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Sarah Carerra 320 Video Music Awards

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: July 2, 2012) Chapter 20 - Video Music Awards I looked over at Emily, dressed as Chloe. She was still staring out the window in awe as we approached downtown Los Angeles, where the Video Music Awards...

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Restraining Amy

Amy suddenly farted – or at least, it sounded like it. And it also sounded really wet.She gulped, sheepishly looking around to see if anyone noticed. Luckily, the lobby of her downtown Los Angeles apartment building was empty save for the front desk clerk, who was far enough away from her now.It was just past 10pm on a Friday night. Amy hurriedly walked into a corridor where the elevators were located, carrying two paper bags full of groceries.Another wet, squishy sound emanated from Amy’s ass....

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Employees Must Wash Hands

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before my group showed up for our reservation and checked in with the hostess. She showed me to our table while I waited for my five dining guests to arrive. This was a dinner event to celebrate a friend’s birthday so we chose a special restaurant that happened to be near my apartment downtown. The usual white table cloth, mood lighting, and finely dressed staff type of place in Denver, CO. To my pleasure our waiter arrived to introduce himself to me...

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Sissy ghetto bitch

4 ghetto guys was surfing on porn sites, looking at random sissy babe pictures when they accidently found a picture of someone they know. Like every album they clicked that specific one with a tranny dressed so girly with mouth open and showing legs. The guys had such a stone hard erection after watching all the pictures, they even said "I Would bang that sissy pussy 4 sure!" and everybody agreed. It was that guy from elementary school named C****. They started to chat with him, pretending to...

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Avon Ding Dong minis the Dong Lesbian

In my job as an Avon lady I was always getting phone calls from women asking me to call on them.This call came early in the morning. I answered the phone and heard a very well spoken woman asking whether I could call on her later that afternoon. I looked at my diary and said I could. I noted her address and told her I would be there at 2.30.When I put the phone down. I thought that the voice was not the usual type of caller I got. It was sophisticated, almost posh but very well spoken. I knew...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 4

Arriving at the Archer home, Doug rang the doorbell. “Good morning, I’m Doug Smith. This is my Administrative Assistant Cindy Smith, and my lawyer, Kendrick Jones. We have an appointment with Mrs. Archer. Is she available?” “Yes, sir. Mrs. Archer is expecting you. Please come in and I will show you to the sitting room, and let Mrs. Archer know you are here.” The sitting room was a nicely furnished and pleasant place to meet with someone. I decided that I would like to have a small meeting...

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The nice couple

I know this couple Tom and Jean who are in their 40's.Tom is a strange guy.I do a lot of work around their house because he is very feminine and doesn't like getting dirty.So Jean pays me to do it for them.They are in their late 60's.Jean is kind of the man in the relationship and she dresses and looks a little like a guy.Tom or Tommy as she calls him is very feminine even the way he talks.I always had a suspicion something else was going on in this marriage.One day I am working at their house...

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The Mirror Part 9

The Mirror: Part 9This fuck had now gone on for almost 15 minutes when Dana took Mika`s hand away and turned the vibrator off. I was exhausted. I could feel my legs shaking from exertion as they struggled to hold me up. Rena began to work her arse mussels to help me, and in an instant, my climax that had been controlled for a far too long by Mika, erupted with all the intensity of a mini Vesuvius. Rena’s scream was so loud, that for a split second I forgot where I was and almost jumped up in...

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New Jock TalesChptr 2Pony Party

“Jesus Fuckin Christ Dillon---where you learn to fight like that ?” “LOL, my dad. He started teachin me shit a couple of years ago. Then I started boxing last year---won my first match, got my silver gloves” As I pointed above my bed at my prized possession, I went over to the mini fridge to fish out some beers. Four of the guys plus Ricky, the bat b o y had showed up from the invite earlier that day. Couple of the guys had argued that the bat b o y wasn't part of the team, that he was...

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Onenight Stand With A Sexy Girl 8211 Part 1

Hello Friends, I am AJ short for Ajay, from Bangalore. I am here to tell about the story of how I met a hot girl online and had crazy fun. This is my first time writing, I would love it if I get some constructive criticism. The current story is going to be slow and long, so those who are looking for short or quick ones, come back to my next stories. (This is the intro part, those who want action can skip the next two paragraphs) I was getting bored that evening, so I started to chat online...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 20

The next morning I rousted the two sleeping beauties out of bed at 6:30; late for me, early for them. We had a lot of work to do today, and that called for an early start. Janey was in good spirits, but Sally resented the time away from my cock. She felt I owed it to her, to make up for the last 6 days. I felt differently. You don't make up for things lost due to discipline. Else, why bother? If you're just going to get it later, why bother keeping it from you now? That was one reason I...

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Our new baby sitters mum 1

The girls evening routine was bath, tea, story time, bed. Since they were naked for their bath and for bed they insisted, and we accepted that they remain naked for tea and story time. When Phillipa was five and Mary was three, a single mum, Helen, and her 13-year old daughter, Wendy, moved into the house across the street from us. Wendy was already a well developed beauty, and her mother, Helen, was obviously where Wendy's beauty came from; at 30 Helen was still stunning. When we...

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Revelations Pt12

Karen says we need to get these to the lawyer immediately, James says whats the hurry. Dad wants to marry Paula during the midnight candle light service Christmas Eve. He wants us all to spend Christmas at the Cabin and he has a lot of arrangements over the next week. But they pulled it off, the guys got together and made all the arrangements with the church, getting the devorce finalized, the girls decorated the cabin for Christmas and most importantly Danny took Paula out and purchased a...

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AxemanChapter 7

Within days, my post was confirmed by others. (and disputed by countless, faceless, nay-sayers.) Teams came back scarred and scared. People were complaining of lost teammates and the insane speed of the ghouls. I was even attacked for downplaying their danger. How much stronger of a warning did they expect? I stated twice the danger of the second floor and its dual bosses. My original post shot up the forum rankings, by Friday, it had over a half-million views. Saturday, I, we, received a...

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 16

King Kenneth was smiling smugly after making his shocking announcement. I knew that the smile would leave his face quickly, if I didn't stop Brenda from launching herself at him. Just to be on the safe side, I put one arm around her waist as a kind of anchor. "What do you mean you have arranged his marriage?" Brenda demanded. The King gave her a dirty look and spoke to me, ignoring my girlfriend. "There has been bad blood between Axon and Scania for over three hundred years. A...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 3

Part 3 of Book #1. Chapters 5 and 6. Please review and let me know if you want more Chapter 5: Da’ Place Adventures Sunday that week was definitely going to be a day of rest. After all my adventures on Saturday including a coast to coast airplane flight, I was exhausted. Collette called me and asked me if I wanted to get together tonight and I asked her for a rain check. I ran some errands during the day and late afternoon I spent watching a football game on my television and around 6 PM when...

2 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 16

Still Bill’s turn: Doctor Seavers raised an eyebrow. “I accept your premise, Miss Haley...” “Mizz,” she said, showing her wedding band. I’m thinking that just maybe Haley’s feisty side might be less than profitable here. “Yes. I apologize. But accepting your premise, would you be up to a little examination by our own faculty, just to validate Auburn’s findings?” Okay ... Here comes Haley the Berzerker now, swinging a war hammer. “Yessir. Bring it on. But let’s make it interesting. If I...

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Double TwistChapter 195

“We were nostalgic for a time that wasn’t yet over.” —Nina LaCour, We Are Okay 16 MAY 2022 It’s hard to imagine a more perfect after-prom than my family had. The event was fun but getting to our suite was perfect. We even had a ritual undressing. Usually, we just fall on each other and get out of our clothes. Saturday night, we undressed one at a time, helping fold clothes and admiring our mate as she (or I) was unveiled. Then we spent time as the subject of the moment stood naked...

3 years ago
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Midnight Date

“It’s always so deserted out there, you know,” Janice said. “And I always feel so naughty doing it, too.” “Yeah,” I replied. My best friend Janice had just told me that she snuck out of her house at night to explore our neighborhood.  “Of course, since it’s getting colder outside, we can’t go exploring outside much more this year.” She appeared to concede this point, although I sensed some hesitation there. “Hey, you wanna go out this Saturday night? You know, explore together?” I looked...

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