The InvestigatorsChapter 22
- 4 years ago
- 32
- 0
It had taken one more breakfast than Nallen’s original estimate but Daddy was now — very carefully! — walking around — with Mom and Debbie’s fussy assistance. Nallen had asked him to wear some just-above-the-knee shorts so that he could watch my father’s new calves work, make sure they were working correctly. Also some light shoes for needed arch support. Evidently walking is just like riding a bike, once you learn you never really forget how.
We had decided that Uncle Peter — the man had practically adopted us after Daddy saved Debbie — would be so blown away by this development that he would forgive Debbie’s multi-day disappearance. Even more after Nallen had determined that both Franscesca and Peter had the genes for the gift — we still had no evidence for weather something caused carriers to attract each other on Earth or whether carriers are in fact very common, if not universal — if that’s the case then the traveler must have been an incredibly long time back. Betian culture strongly ... encourages anyone who has potential to be given a chance to immigrate. It would be as if the six of us simply walked out of the world one day.
Daddy was the one to make the call. It was not a long delay, perhaps five minutes. The O’Reillys must have thought their daughter would try slinking back home pretending that nothing had happened. Mom answered the door, just as they would expect.
Both came to an immediate halt seeing Daddy, still in the exercise shorts, showing off his very real legs. They had seen Daddy in the hospital — various other times as well — and had a clear enough idea about where his legs should end.
“Whoa, what the fuck?” Uncle Peter said, barely a whisper. “There’s a story here I’ve gotta hear.”
Aunt Fran didn’t even complain the way she usually would at her husband’s swearing, instead making the sign of the cross over her chest several times, her eyes wide.
“Have a seat, this will take some time.”
Uncle Peter was as surprised seeing me with a man — any man — as he had been seeing my Daddy’s new legs — his eyes narrowed seeing Debbie on the floor, seated between where Mom and Daddy sat. He took the chair offered — his usual when visiting — but he was walking carefully as if one of us were a wild animal and the slightest noise would provoke an attack. His wife Aunt Fran joined him walking just as carefully.
“Uncle Peter, this is Nallen t’Laptrour ... my husband.”
“Wow, I didn’t think you were even interested...”
“I wasn’t. He opened my eyes ... he’s very special, Uncle Peter, as in ‘not from here’ special.”
He shook his head as if rejecting the idea, turning instead to his daughter, “And you, young lady, just where the fuck have you been?”
Debbie lifted her chin, looking directly into her father’s eyes, “Where I belong, with Dave and Martha. They showed me just how special Nallen is.” Debbie ran one hand along Daddy’s restored legs, pushing the short’s hems up, showing there was no seam.
Daddy cut in, “First, Peter, let me say up front, nothing inappropriate has occurred. But we ... and I do mean ‘we’ love Debbie.”
Peter O’Reilly let out a slow breath. “That’s good ... that’s real good. You know what I’ve told you, I just wasn’t expecting it so soon. Now there has to be some reason you’re telling us this. No offense, Mister t’lap...”sorry, don’t remember your name, but someone from another planet doesn’t just come out and say so without reason. I wouldn’t believe a word of this except David havin’ legs again is a damn strong argument. Speakin’ of that, could you get up, walk around, show me that part ain’t some kinda scam?” I noticed the more agitated he got the more his diction slipped.
“Sure, good idea.” Daddy got up with Debbie’s help, then walked around the room before re-taking his seat. “I do still need some help balancing, I’m told there’s a long ways to go yet concerning strength.”
“Okay, I’m convinced they’re real. Now back to my question, why us?”
We all looked to Nallen, after all he was the only one who really understood.
“Mister O’Reil...” “Call me Peter”
“Okay, ... Peter, thanks — you may call me Nallen as well — the reason is that I am offering you a chance to come to Allland. Both you and your wife.”
“And we get there how? Beam-me-up-Scotty, you got the Tardis hidden around here?”
I shook my head, nothing like that, Uncle Peter. There’s a door in the hall.”
“You’re shittin’ me.”
“Not at all, Peter.” Mom answered him this time.
“Nallen’s mother is holding it open from the other side so we can go back, we can’t do it from here,” I added, trying to be helpful.
“So, what ... magic?”
“We’d call it magic, they call it thaumaturgy. I can’t say how strong either of you are but both you and Aunt Fran have the gene, Nallen was able to detect that much.”
“Nallen regrew my leg, it took several sessions, I had to eat enough material, that’s why we were delayed getting back.”
“Amazing,” an awed whisper.
“That’s all well and good, I’m happy for you David, but,” Aunt Fran could no longer hold back, “you know the law! Debrah Lanita O’Reilly. You have to be seventeen.”
“Not in Betia Momma. Sixteen.”
A quick gasp and a couple tears, “And you’re really okay with this, Martha?”
Mom brushed her hand along the girl’s neck, “It surprised me, but yes.”
“Alrigh’, you know neither of us have close family. Frannie’s folks never forgave her taking up with ‘the heathen’, not even Debbie comin’ along fixed that. An’ my brother is simply a waste ah oxygen. But I do have guys countin’ on me.”
“One thing I should say, Peter, this might be a deal breaker. Betia has some very ... open ideas when it comes to sex and sexuality. Martha and I haven’t been through it yet but we’ve been told there’s some kind of mandatory adjustment period. Nallen tells us it’s to teach that natural sexual expression is a wonderful thing.”
O’Reilly’s face shut down. “This some kinda cult? You expectin’ me ta?”
“Nothing like that, Uncle Peter. Nallen’s the only man I’ve ever been with. They executed a man for rape a couple days ago. But they do force you to drop your inhibitions.”
“Like I told David and Martha, our own kids go through it when they’re ready to become adults.”
“Can’t say I’m opposed ta that execution. There was a girl at my school ... anyway it wrecked more than jus’ her.”
“They impaled him, a spear up his butt!” Mom looked almost ill.
“Damn, now that’s makin’ a statement.” Aunt Fran crossed herself again.
Daddy wrapped an arm around Mom’s shoulder, “You know what Nallen said, you could still watch their evidence...”
He looked between Uncle Peter and Aunt Fran, “They read memories right from people’s minds, Lin says they showed it as part of the punishment hearing. Both the woman’s — thank God she survived — and the guy’s.”
I was just about ill, remembering the scene of that shaft rising from the otherwise featureless can, swaying around hunting for its target, the trickle of blood once it did.
Franscesca must have seen my turmoil, “You okay, Linda?”
I took a deep breath, my gorge barely under control, “The execution ... it was bad. He had it coming, no question, but it was drug out on purpose.”
She gasped, “Why were you watching, you weren’t...”
“Oh no! Not that! I was there because it was part of Nallen’s official duties. He’s the one who ordered the impalement. His father confirmed it.”
Another hard look crossed Uncle Peter’s face, “Okay, so yer not just someone from another world, yer someone important from another world.”
“I am the oldest son of the Sislonno of Londrail. That is something like ‘Duke’ in your terms.”
“‘Bout all I know of that crap is that ‘Duke’ is someone important, near the top o’ the heap.”
Aunt Fran started weeping when Debbie walked over throwing her arms around her mother’s neck, “I’m going with them, Momma. I would love for you and Daddy to come too.”
It took more time, more tears, but I had known it was going to happen. Uncle Peter had been a sci-fi fan as long as I’d known him. There’s no way he’d reject a chance to move to a different world, a world with real magic — and there was no way Aunt Fran wasn’t coming with him! But just as he said, there were families counting on him; Arrangements needed to be made. He didn’t think it should take that long, a few days at most. Just activate his business’ inheritance plans. It should be much more orderly than if something had happened to him like a car crash or heart attack.
I believed him when he promised to keep quiet, the risk of this getting out was entirely his. A single door in an apartment wasn’t large enough for any kind of invasion.
Most of the tears were Debbie’s. Her parents thought — and mine agreed — that it would be safer if Debbie returned to Earth for the remaining few days, keep her school happy for one — they had already called a couple times but Uncle Peter wasn’t about to say anything about her running off. She clutched Mom in a tight hug before leeching onto Daddy.
Daddy pushed her back after blowing a wet raspberry on her neck. They stared into each other’s eyes for a timeless moment then slowly came together. Their eyes closed as one, their heads tipped in unison. Daddy’s hands were around her waist, holding her tight to his chest. It wasn’t a steamy kiss but it promised so much, incredibly beautiful to watch.
It went on perhaps a bit too long, they jumped apart at the sound of Uncle Peter whistling, both index fingers between his lips.
“Okay, break it up, you two.”
I hung back with Nallen as Mom and Daddy went first, I really wanted to see Uncle Peter’s face when they disappeared into thin air.
He didn’t disappoint, “Okay, that’s ... that’s ... damn, I don’t know what it is, but it’s sure something.”
I gave Debbie one last hug before going through myself, followed moments later by Nallen at which point Wanallee’s door vanished. Mom and Daddy were already looking a bit subdued about leaving Debbie behind.
Aneeka rushed over the moment I appeared, she had been left on the Allland side simply to reduce the number of explanations that would have to be given. She had barely gotten her arms around me when Nallen came through, she let go and jumped onto him, holding on with both arms around his neck and legs around his hips.
“Alright, alright, I’m back.”
“That was scary, I kept worrying that something happened to you.” she sniffed.
“Nothing like that, Peter O’Reilly is simply a cautious man.” Nallen looked to Mom and Daddy, “Your legs might have been impressive but his eyes just about dropped out of his head when you used the door.”
‘I’d have loved to see that.”
“You good here?” Wanallee asked everyone. “I need to get back to Londrail.”
“Sure, Mom. It’s about time for lunch.”
“That’s why I need to get back there.”
Lunch today was another plate of finger sandwiches like my first meal with Mern and Wanallee.
After we were finished I got to chuckling about the morning, “It was different seeing Uncle Peter unsure, usually he is so in control.”
“No kiddin’ there, Lin.” Mom took a deep breath, “Okay, Nallen, I know we’ve danced around this. Obviously at this point David and I are staying, I guess we need to go through your adjustment period.”
“I’m glad to hear that ... that you’ve decided to stay. Now that David’s healed it should be soon, but there’re still a few lessons with the teacher you should both do. I only fixed the gross damage of his amputation, thaumaturgy can do much more, roll your bodies back to prime condition so to speak.”
“Was wondering about that. Wanallee seemed so young. Hardly seemed like she could have a twenty-five year old child.”
“Nallen told me Mern is almost two hundred. Said Wanallee is forty-five.”
“I’d call him a cradle-robber but well ... they are just so obviously happy together,” Daddy mused. “Too bad people on Earth can hardly ever find that.”
“The TQEF changes things, Mister Piance,” Aneeka spoke up, “People can’t lie to themselves, say they’re in love when what they really want is to get off.”
Both Mom and Daddy started laughing. He managed to choke out, “That’s sure the truth!”
We stacked the lunch plates back on the cart — Teeja hadn’t stayed during the meal today — before returning it to Londrail through a door Nallen opened. Then it was off to the library, where Daddy would use the teacher.
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I told my wife that I would like to see her with another man, a black man with a large cock. And I expected she was going to lose her mind and throw me out of the house. But that is not what happened.I was laying in bed next to my wife Sara a good woman who had supported me in all of my endeavors. We had a good life, a nice house, cars, manicured yard everything that I could imagine I wanted. All of this was due to our successful business. All of this made it more difficult to bring up my...
This is a selfish story, and was only written so that I could finally get it out of my system. It has no entertainment value whatsoever, and I really can’t recommend anyone reading it. For those who found my holiday story a tad depressing, well, you haven’t seen anything yet. I wish I had never written it, but I couldn’t find it in me not to. For Cathy. *** We were a perfect couple, I didn’t have a pot to piss in, and Cathy didn’t have a window to throw it out of. We met at the insistence...
He led her to a carriage drawn by a strong, black horse and driven by a man dressed smartly in long coat who tipped his top hat as she climb aboard. She sat on the bench seat while he sat opposite and presented her with a box of Belgian chocolates and a dozen red roses. He pointed upwards as they drove along the street. Her gaze fell upon a banner which read, "I'm Sorry." A truck drove alongside carrying a string quartet. He retrieved a jewellery box from inside his jacket and opened it...
Cheaters never prosper, they used to tell me. I’ve made a life of cheating, and while I wouldn’t say I’ve prospered, I wouldn’t complain. My wife never really understood me. Hell, I never much understood her. But over the years, we managed to develop an ‘understanding’. We don’t pry too deep into each other’s affairs, business or otherwise. I still remember the first time I broke those solemn vows to love no other but my lovely, frigid, back-biting, bitch wife. I mostly remember that girl’s...
She held her glass as if it would break at any moment, dangling at her side, swaying with her hips, her eyes staring at the gold champagne. Every time she sipped it her eyes flitted outward like a security camera. It was almost as if she were afraid someone would see her drink it. When she let the glass fall back, she rotated it so she could drink the next sip from an edge that had not been smudged by her lip gloss. She was always keeping to the edges of the room, tucking her knees together...
Straight SexAfter giving Erin her instructions, Joey then closed the little box and put it back into his pocket and then asked, “As a lesbian, have you ever had a hard male cock to fuck you?” “Not a real one. I have had cock shaped dildos inside my pussy,” Erin softly admitted. “I am assuming then that you have never sucked an actual male’s cock?” Joey said. “I have never done that. I was brought up in the lesbian culture and never allowed to date boys. My only sexual experience involves girls and...
It started when I was 16 years old. David was a few months older than me, and we both attended Martin Luther King High School in Holyoke. It was late May, and school was due out in two weeks. We had summer jobs lined up with David's dad, a landscaping contractor in Holyoke. Since the beginning of April, we'd been working Saturdays and some Sundays. The day it started was a backbreaker. We both were seriously dragging, me especially, who weighed like 113 lbs sopping wet. I was 4" shorter...
January 2012. Houston, Berlin and the Padmoscovnye A Nocturne The telephone rings. It is dark in Manfred Randolf's bedroom but not completely. During the week he lives in the penthouse of the Randolf Corporation office tower and at night the lights of corporate Houston throw a constant dim glow into the room. Randolf turns over, reluctant to be disturbed. In his mind, there is a vague idea that his PA can be left to answer the 'phone. But she does not answer and the ringing keeps...
Another day, another four jobs. That's the unofficial motto of us telephone repairmen here in NYC. Our day consists of, seeing your foreman first thing in the morning, getting your assignments for the day, getting in the repair van and hit the road. Same routine everyday... well almost everyday. Today started out just like almost every other day for the past 13 years that I've been in this company. Rolled up to my first job, saw the customer, fixed their phone. Picked up my next job and sure...
As soon as he opened the frontdoor, Brad knew something was going on. He had just been jogging as he used to do on Saturdays, and longed for a warm shower, but realized the situation was serious. His wife Martha was shouting at their 18-year-old daughter Ruth, who just sat on the couch, silently staring back. “Your daughter was stealing my make-up,” Martha yelled towards Brad when she saw him. “And I’m sure this wasn’t the first time.” “It was, instead… I was just borrowing some,” Ruth...
IncestJack and Danielle stood waiting for the elevator. Danielle kept shifting her weight as she could feel Jack’s cum running out of her and down her left thigh. “Stop squirming!” Jack ordered. He then cracked a slight grin as the elevator arrived. They stepped on the elevator and headed toward the lobby. “We’re going to eat here in the hotel,” Jack said. Feel free to order anything you like. I’m sure you’re hungry.” “Oh and one more thing,” Jack added. At no time during this meal...
When Lydia awoke the next morning, rays of sunlight penetrated the thin curtains of the window which was nearest her side of the bed. There was a strong tang of sex remaining; a pungent mix of body odour and stale cum, after the passionate lovemaking between her and Andrew the previous evening. Her mouth felt dry and she could still taste him on her tongue; the fruit of a blowjob which, she remembered fondly, had given Andrew particular pleasure. She could feel a large damp patch on the sheets...
Love StoriesHey, Hey, What can I do? I gotta woman and she won’t true! I walk the town, keep searching all around. Looking for my street corner girl. Traveling riverside blues. Robert Johnson She was there waiting, looking a little pissed Cause I was late. Climbing in she looks hot! That tite little body wrapped in a tiny little flowered dress bobby sox and white sneakers. “I want to get high before,” she says sliding over to touch his leg. Looking her over he smiles, “Of course my dear, I...
This happened over 30 years ago. Admittedly at the time, I never expected it but at thirteen years of age, I would never had to consider that it would have happened. Growing up , I had a good number of friends and acquaintances. One "older guy" (about 18) had been k**ding around with me for sometime about rolling and horsing around with friends by wrestling with them and knocking each other to the ground. At that age, I never even gave it a second thought, but was reminded of it every time I...
CRUEL INTENTIONS ? By Sonya Esperanto [email protected] ? This is a non-profit story. It is also not intended for anyone below 18. ? Solar Woman is a property of Nightwing316. Power Princess is a character from Squadron Supreme and hence, belongs to Marvel. Sersi is an Avengers character and also belongs to Marvel. Voodoo is a character from WILDC.A.T.S., and so hence, belongs to...
“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?” She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious...
I couldn’t believe what just happened. I was at a party with my best friend Alicia, when she announced to everyone my neat little trick. After showing everyone that I could tie a cherry stem into a double knot with just my tongue, I attracted the attention of three guys. Scott who was the ring master, got me all worked up while I was dancing with him and his two friends, Brian and John. Next thing I know, I was the center of attention as Alicia seduced me into giving Scott a blowjob. Once...
Group SexI was transferred to work in another city. Hence, I was forced to leave my boyfriend and moved to this new city alone. Despite of that, my boyfriend and I often do cyber sex in the net. He even taught me some hot websites where I can download free porn movies to spice up our cyber sex sessions. One day inside my office room, I was so bored and horny. I started to download a porn movie. While watching it, I started to lift my skirt and rub my hand on my pussy. My panty starts to become wet...
Ronnie and Susan Modine picked up Mindy and me at just after 7 p.m. on Saturday evening in their family's Chevy sedan. We were going to the drive-in, and the show was set to start at 8 p.m. I had called Susan the same day Mindy had told me about her arrangement with them. At dinner, Mom and Dad apologized for making plans for me and told me that I wasn't obligated. I acted the part of The Noble Son, assuring them that I didn't mind chaperoning Mindy on her first official date and that...