Checkpoint 300 free porn video

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Note to the reader: The following story is fiction and takes places during an interrogation of 19-year old Lieutenant Gabi Aloni , who is doing his national service in the Israeli army, which is compulsory for Israeli Jews. Gabi deserted from the army, he had been working at Checkpoint 300, which is a large Israeli military checkpoint on the entrance/exist from the Palestinian West Bank city of Bethlehem. Gabi, an Ashkenazi (European) Jew fell in love with, and had a relationship with Amira Khalidi. Amira is a secular Palestinian Muslim Arab girl who studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem- their relationship is not welcomed by the Israeli army and led to Gabi’s desertion and later arrests. The military police are interrogating him. Enjoy.

M.P.: ‘Lieutenant Gabi Aloni, 19-years old. Son of Amos Aloni and Yaeli Aloni, Amos is a professor of computer science at the Technion and Yaeli is a civil engineer. Grandparents emigrated from Poland. Gabi grew up in Tel Aviv- has completed two-years of national service- one year left. Your file makes for interesting reading. You come from a good family, a respectable family, you had a bright future ahead of you. Why did you throw it all away for some Arab pussy? The army is going to throw the book at you. ‘

Gabi: ‘Her name is Amira and she’s not just some pussy, she’s the light in this dark and cruel world!’

M.P.: ‘Still doesn’t answer the question. Why did you throw it all away and betray your country? After all Israel has done for you!’

Gabi: ‘Have you ever read Danniel Quinn’s Ishmael? There’s a scene where the Nazis take over the world and eliminate all non-Aryan people. They settle everywhere from America to Japan and the future generations are never told about the war or that other races and people ever existed. One day in Japan- two blonde hair, blue eyed teenage boys- are sitting in their high school when one turns around to the other and says ‘I can’t help but feel like we are being lied too.’ I feel like that boy and can relate to the feeling of being lied to.’

M.P.: ‘What?’

Gabi: ‘Growing up, I was never told about the Palestinians, we knew nothing about them or ever met one. In school we are told they are Arabs, and not Palestinians because Palestinians do not exist and this is our historic homeland. We’re made to believe that before the Jews returned to Israel in the 20th century, this was an empty barren land and the Arabs only came here from other Arab States because Jews had made the desert blossom. Arabs are depicted as ugly, stupid, liars, dirty and terrorists- I did not know my high school was built on the remains of a destroyed Arab village.’

M.P.: ‘That’s outrages! You’re out of line.’

Gabi: ‘No, you’re out of line and outranges! The whole system and enterprise is out of line! What’s outrages is the fact I’d never met an Arab until I was in the army. Like most Israeli guys, I thought Palestinians girls were backward, ugly and dressed like ninjas, so imagine my shook when I came to work at checkpoints and saw they looked like nothing I’d imagined. I saw Palestinian girls who were so beautiful and were dressed in very fashionable and modern clothing. I didn’t know how to explain it and so like my colleges, I assumed they must be Christians, because there is no way they could be Muslims.’

M.P.: ‘You still haven’t explained why and how?’

Gabi: ‘Why is this so important? We broke no laws, I’m in love with a Palestinian girl and I would help her get passed checkpoints. That is all. She’s not a criminal and we’ve done nothing wrong?’

M.P.: ‘Nothing wrong! We are at war with these people. This land between the River Jordan to the Mediterranean is our land. But we are in danger of losing this land to them. Why? Because they keep having children and our birth-rate is low. There are 6.8 million Israeli Jews in this land and if you add up the figures from Judea and Samaria (The West Bank), inside Israel proper and Gaza, there are 5.8 million Palestinian Arabs in the same land. This is a sperm war to ensure Israel survives and you’re spilling your good seeds into a Palestinian girl and helping their numbers. If more Israelis have relationships with Palestinians like you, then Israel could cease to exist.’

Gabi: ‘That’s positively disgusting, but I will tell you how it feels to lay next to a beautiful, fiery and intelligent Palestinian girl. Her skin is the color of olives, light but colored nonetheless, her hair is black and curly and her eyes big and black. A perfect hour glass shape, nice bust, small waist, round butt. She is the beauty of Palestine and I would consider it an honor to have children with her. I dream of the day, I can walk in the streets holding her hand and my parents can visit her parents. I’ve never encountered a girl like her before.’

M.P. :’You’re really something else. You know, the Shin Bet (Secret Service) raided Amira’s home and found extremist material. Just look at this picture of her. She is at a BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanction) rally in Germany, do you know about BDS? They are anti-Israel group, who call Israel an Apartheid state and call on Western countries to impose sanctions on Israel and boycott the Israeli economy. They have already got Western universities to boycott academic exchanges with Israel, unless the academic or institution denounces the Israeli state. They are the greatest threat we face.’

Gabi:’Love in a time of Apartheid, it’s got a nice ring to it. But what you fail to understand is that BDS is not against us. BDS calls for one democratic state for Jews, Arabs and anyone else who wants to live in this land. A secular democratic state with full equality for both Jews and Arabs, instead of this ethnic exclusive state, which our government is trying to build. They are a peaceful organisation that advocates civil non-violent resistance. To answer your question, yes I knew she was a supporter of BDS. Where is she, what have you done with her?’

M.P.: ‘The Shin Bet has taken her to a facility and may decide to press charges. For now, she’s in administrating detention. But you still haven’t told me how it happened.’

Gabi: ‘You bastard, if you’ve so much as harmed a hair on her body, I will…’

M.P.: ‘I wouldn’t finish that sentence, if I were you.’

Gabi: ‘I don’t care, I would sacrifice everything to be with Amira. You really what to know why and how it happened, okay, I’ll tell you, if it means you’ll leave me alone. Before I met Amira, I was in a terrible state, I was very depressed. Normally, when I’m upset my friend Eldad, cheers me up, but not this time. Me and Eldad use to do everything together-we were like brothers-but when Eldad joined the army he was assigned to a different regiment from me. He was stationed in Hebron (Southern West Bank), and every time I would see him, when we were both on leave, I noticed how much he had changed. He was more withdrawn and depressed, his girlfriend, Edith was in the same regiment as him, and she became concerned.’

M.P.: ‘I will have to look Eldad up, go on.’

Gabi: ‘One day, Edith phoned me and she was crying. At first, I couldn’t get any sense out of her and then when she was able to muster together a sentence, she told me Eldad was dead. I didn’t believe her at first and told her to stop kidding, but she would not relent. He committed suicide, pretty much in front of her, took out his pistol and placed in on his head. She told me about the rough time they were having in Hebron- and the last few weeks before his death were particularly bad. The Jewish settler, the ones we are there to protect, had been engaged in violence against the local Palestinians. Eldad made the fatal mistake of trying to stop the settlers from attacking and was attack by the settlers himself. One day, during a scuffle, he accidently shot and killed a Palestinian woman. For days after that, he couldn’t sleep and I guess it pushed him over the edge.’

M.P.: ‘Sometimes, our job forces us to do ugly things
, it’s a tragedy.’

Gabi: ‘Anyways, I was incredibly depressed after that and I contemplated taking my own life. Not only because of Eldad’s death, but I was starting to have doubts about what I was doing, and then Amira came into my life. Like a breath of fresh air she breezed into my life. When I first laid eyes on her, I felt my legs shake, my heart melt and I wanted to stare and look away at the same time. I didn’t speak to her and later that night, when I lay down to bed, I couldn’t stop thinking about her, but I was unable to masturbate over her. I felt she was too beautiful to be defiled and I could just imagine her discovering me masturbating over her and being angry and disappointed. She was positively angelic too me, you know, almost holy too me.’

M.P.: ‘What are weird man you are. All this over a Paleshtinaiim (Derogatory term for Palestinian) whore.’

Gabi: ‘Don’t call her that, never insult my Falsteeni (Palestinian) lover, she’s has given me than my parents and this system ever has.’

M.P.: ‘Listen, your bitch and all like her, would cause a second Shoah (Holocaust) against us. She’s a whore.’

Gabi: ‘You don’t get it do you? Palestinians are not the Germans and this is not 1939, there will be no second Shoah, the Palestinians just want their rights- nothing more.’

M.P.: ‘She really has confused you, hasn’t she? I think you’re gonna need therapy or something.’

Gabi: ‘The whole country needs therapy, our entire society has been traumatised and paralysed by fear. But, me, I am thinking clearly now.’

M.P.: ‘Continue with your Romeo and Juliet story.’

Gabi: ‘You see, you can never understand and so all you can do is mock. To understand, me and Amira, you should know the poem Majnun and Leyla. Like the poem states, I believe my soul was tied to hers before our creation, but it was our misfortunate, to be born in this time and place.’

M.P.: ‘Cut the poetic crap.’

Gabi: ‘Anyways, I would see her every morning on her way somewhere. Sometimes she would be sitting at the checkpoint for hours and I would see her reading books and waiting. Eventually, during one such day, when we were not letting anyone through, Amira turned to me and began screaming and yelling. Even angry she was beautiful. I just stood and stared at her and she just looked bemused at my facial expression. I was zoned out and didn’t respond and I moved my eyes downward at her bust. She paused from yelling to ask what I was looking at and then she realized and screamed pervert. Amira spoke perfect Hebrew and naturally my colleagues overheard and moved over towards us.’

M.P.: ‘What happened then?’

Gabi: ‘They got aggressive with her. One guy in my unit, Avigdor, came over and tried to must together enough Hebrew to insult her. I hated Avigdor, he speaks terrible Hebrew and is five years older than me. He came over from Russia and now he thinks he owns the place. He has his eye on becoming a member of the Knesset for the Yisrael Beiteinu party and he looks up to Avigdor Liberman, the party leader. He is a horrible man, very cruel and sadistic and when Amira kicked off, he had his excuse to brutalize her. Amira would not stop shouting and Avigdor took his baton and smack her across the legs. He then hit her a few times and then she was detained and taken away to an Army holding cell.’

M.P.: ‘If you loved this girl, why didn’t you try to intervene to stop her from being beaten?’

Gabi: ‘I know and I have felt shame ever since that incident. I don’t know why, I did nothing, I just didn’t. Perhaps, I was just afraid? I didn’t want to look weak in front of my unit and beating Palestinians is nothing new. Anyway, weeks had passed and I hadn’t seen her and then she comes back through my checkpoint. I notice scaring on her face. We held her at the checkpoint and I finally started speaking to her. I tried small talk, but all I got is hostility from her and then eventually I asked her about the scaring. She told me to mind my own business, eventually we let her through and I discovered she was studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.’

M.P.: ‘Yes?’

Gabi: ‘So when I was on leave, I went to the university and tried looking for her. At first, I couldn’t find her and tried for days. Eventually, I did run into her and when I saw her, I ran over to her and tried talking to her. She was flabbergasted and tried to walk away from me. But as her back was turned and she was pulling away from me, I blurted out sorry. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face me. And then I said, I’m sorry for how we treated you, sorry for how we have treated your people and sorry for how we are going to treat them. I told her, I regret everything from the occupation to not defending her. She looked confused and asked who I was and why I was saying these things. Then I said, my name is Gabi Aloni and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.’

M.P.: ‘And then?’

Gabi: ‘She was stunned but agreed that we could go to lunch. And then I explained everything to her from my friend suicide to my deep personal thoughts. By the end she was sympathetic towards me and agreed we could be friends. We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet on campus. After that we’d walk on the campus and spend hours talking and joking. She was starting to have feelings for me, but initially resisted doing anything about it.’

M.P.: ‘What would you talk about?’

Gabi: ‘Stuff. She was studying education and had ambitions to be a teacher and she would tell me about those ambitions. She wants to set-up a school and teach her own curriculum, so the future of Palestine, will be an educated one.’

M.P.: ‘What a stupid bitch.’

Gabi:’Don’t call her stupid, you asshole.’

M.P.: ‘Another outburst like that and I will be adding to the charges. Now, you developed a relationship which turned romantic? Right?’

Gabi: ‘Correct. It took us months of talking in person, via email and on the phone before clear romantic feelings to manifest itself. We finally decided to go steady, four months after first speaking to one another. We would meet just off the Hebrew U campus and have dinner, after a while, she would introduce me to her friends. Most were wary at first and some even hostile, but they mostly, came around to the idea. Most were Palestinian activists and they helped show me the path from militarism to peaceful co-existence.’

M.P.: ‘You really believe that don’t you? Do you think I serve in the military because I am a man of war? No, I am a man of peace, but the Arabs will not have it. We have tried to make peace with them- but there is no one to make peace with.’

Gabi: ‘That’s nonsense! Who invaded who in 1956? Who launched the pre-emptive strike in 1967? Who invaded Lebanon on 1978, 1982 and 2006?’

M.P.: ‘They invaded us and tried to destroy us in 1948 and 1973.’

Gabi: ‘I do not like the leaderships of the Arab world, but this is simply not true. Anyway, we have brutalized our Arab neighbours and occupied the Palestinians for over 60-years. If they do hate us, then it’s because of what we have done to them. There is only one way to end militarism and the conflict. One State for both Arabs and Jews, which both are equal citizens. No to occupation and no to war. We need to realize we are not in Europe, but in the heart of the Arab and Muslim world and integrate into it.’

M.P.: ‘Okay, calm down. Let’s finish your story.’

Gabi: ‘I had my first kiss with her. Her lip stick tasted of cherries and I was very nervous. I was a terrible kisser at first, bless her, she was very patient. She taught me how to be gentle and to use mouth wash. I even learned how to use my tongue in the right way and not to suffocate her. I finally lost my virginity to her- actually- it was a long process before I lost my virginity. We started off with grouping, moved onto masturbation and then oral sex. She would give me a handjob and suck me off and I would do the same to her. Then one day, she ski
pped class and we went to a friend’s apartment and there we did it. I slowly undressed her and ravaged her with kisses. It was her second time and so I was very nervous.’

M.P.: ‘Looks like she didn’t wait for you.’

Gabi: ‘She had a boyfriend before me and she lost her virginity to him. But despite being nervous it was the best experience of my life.’

M.P.: ‘So tell me what happened on the day of your desertion?’

Gabi: ‘It was a tense day. It was hot and the checkpoint was overcrowded, our commander randomly decided to close the exist to the checkpoint, but not the entrance. We had Palestinians piling up and once inside they were trapped. We had people trying to get to hospital, some very sick people and they were making a commotion, but my colleges just laughed and punished them. This went on for two hours and we had a mini-riot at the checkpoint-but we manage to calm the situation down. But then Amira turned up at the checkpoint and some female solider randomly decided to pick on her. Amira being the strong woman she is refused to take it and she answered back. A mini-scuffle broke and I intervened and attacked my commander.’

M.P.: ‘And then?’

Gabi: ‘A huge fight broke out and other Palestinians started rioting again, in the midst of chaos, I took Amira’s hand and we escaped the checkpoint. We managed to get onto a bus bound for Jerusalem, once we arrived, we boarded another bus to Tel-Aviv. My uncle has an apartment there and he’s out of the country, but I know where he hides his spare key. We stayed in the apartment for three days and managed to avoid arousing suspicion. But we both knew we couldn’t stay in Israel. I know a drug-dealer in Tel-Aviv, who also forges documents and so I contacted him and we arranged new ID’s, passports and plane tickets. We were planning on flying to Amsterdam, and then once there, we would claim asylum. But when I went to pick the documents up, the police showed up and they arrested me. Amira knew, if I wasn’t back by a certain time, to escape. Which she did.’

M.P.: ‘Yes, she was later picked up by Shin Bet. Okay, that concludes our session. A psychologist is coming in to assess you, because I think you have psychological issues.’

Gabi: ‘Our system has criminalized love. I have lost everything for my beloved and all I seek is to be with her again.’

Gabi was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress and an equivalent to Gulf War syndrome. He served one year in prison and then was released due to his psychological state. Amira was thrown into prison and committed suicide in her cell. She left a love note for Gabi, in-which she said their two souls were eternally bound, and in the next life shall be together. But the occupation had made their love impossible. Gabi was lost without her and he left Israel for Germany, where he now resides.

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It was a busy week, they seemed to have a sudden influx of interested clients, and James worked steadfastly; drawing up plans and designs, in between meeting with people, to discuss and exchange ideas, and update his clients on his progress, making adjustments as they saw their dreams coming to light, and had second thoughts, or different ideas. Iris was kept busy too, as she typed up reports, and sourced materials, she made sure that James had everything he might need to complete his...

4 years ago
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Kathy makes my fantasy come true

We rose from the sofa but before she could turn to the bedroom, I wrapped her up in my arms, her naked body pressed against me, and I kissed her. It was a kiss of passion and longing, of excitement and desire. It was the kind of kiss that pulls you from reality to fantasy and I enjoyed every moment of it. “Come on lover boy. Let go, this is going to be so hot I can’t wait any longer.” she pulled me by the hand into the bedroom. Bill was asleep his breathing heavy and regular. I quietly slipped...

1 year ago
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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 4

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #4"Oooh, oh, mmm... That feels so nice," Anna complimented, holding her friend's head up between her legs. Melissa let out a sexy, muffled moan at the praise.After some time I got her free and they stopped, letting Melissa relax and massage her wrists. Anna and me took up positions on either side of her. We all lay together for a while, warm bodies up against each other."So, is this going to be a regular thing?" I asked."Not if you're thinking of tying me up...

4 years ago
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A walk in the park

As the sun was shining bright and the sky was clear blue, nothing much else to do, I was sitting around at home, wondering to myself, what to do? Doing the typical chores and being bored, I was relieved when the phone rang, that sweet sexy asian voice on the other end of the call."Hey babe, what you up to today?", wasn't much else to say except "Nothing". "Feel like coming out today, just chill for a bit?" She said. And how could I refuse?, It was a sure sight better than simply sitting around...

3 years ago
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the mall

Today she was going to the mall to find a guy to suck cock. She was hoping for a big thick one. She wore a tight shirt and short skirt. No underwear. Her tits are large and her pussy shaved. She was very good at sucking cock. A gay man taught her how to suck it deep and drink the the mall she walked thru the sporting section. Her back arched so her tits were very noticeable. One man stared looking at her. She walked by him and rubbed his chest and walked away then looked back at him and...

3 years ago
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Live Bait Part 1

My job allows me to meet many different attractive women over the course of the year. Some of these women tend to be very outspoken and have caught me off guard a time or two. This particular story took place when I was out with some friends of mine. We were chasing girls closer to my own age, but got a text saying it might be in my best interest to come visit a group of ladies a little closer to home. Now I am 24, and at the point in my life where my mind is better at getting into a woman’s...

2 years ago
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25 June 2009Chapter 6

After the second viewing, Abby had Brad stand and passionately kissed him. Wolf whistles abounded, “Practicing for your wedding night already?” One teased getting a laugh. “Hope you’ll take pictures and video of your wedding night for us!” Another shouted. “Those definitely won’t go on YouTube!” Abby joked, kissing Brad again. “Can we go for a walk? I need some air,” she asked. They went for a stroll to catch their breaths. Several banquet rooms were bustling with activity. Women dressed...

2 years ago
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Miyukichan In Land

NOTICE - This is based on the anime and manga series 'Miyuki-chan in...' by CLAMP. It is recommended that you read or watch it before posting a thread. Also, linking to previously created threads is perfectly fine, as long as there is no closed-off 'Easy Exit (where Miyuki-chan doesn't end up in a relationship)' thread in a route. There are no limits to the source material for a thread, as long as the start thread follows the '(name) Land' naming convention. ============= START...

2 years ago
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The HomestandersChapter 34

A warm summer afternoon, a nice back yard with a pool, a grill, and a few friends have been all the ingredients needed to make for any number of memorable parties, perhaps the best of all possible parties. It didn't take long before everyone was in swimsuits, splashing around in the pool -- well, everyone but Shae. She was wearing a spectacular string bikini that somehow emphasized her height even more, but she gave the pool a pass to keep a close eye on Sergei and Milla in a small plastic...

1 year ago
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Sex In Hospital

Hi to all ISS readers and I’m Sachin from Mumbai name changed due to security. I am of 21 and story is of my friend Snehal she is also 21 and I’m a regular readers of ISS and big fan of it. Yeh meri pehli story hai kisi galati ke liye mafi chahata hu. Main abhi seedha story pe ata hu yeh kuch lagabagh 8-9 mahine pahle ki bat jab mai Mumbai me study kar raha tha main roz jab bhi bored hota ta tha aisehi ek din Maine dekha ki muze ek ladki ki friend request hai to maine turant receive kar li....

1 year ago
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Losing my virginity to my brother in law

100% fiction! Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim, fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby...

First Time
4 years ago
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understand what it means to be a bisexual male chatper 2

It was during lunch time and I was hung with my girlfriend Ashley. Ashley was bi as well so I know her girlfriend all thou she would never let the two of us be alone. At the time she was the only one who knew I was as well. Anyway I was talking about David to her. “Yeah I know him, he in my France class.” I look up at her. “What do you know about him?” I ask trying not to show any emotion. “Why do you want to know you like him more than a friend?” I turned away looking around. I hate that she...

1 year ago
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Annie the bad girl Part one

Note : This story is completely fictional! My siter (Annie) always has been a nice girl up until a couple of years ago. Before she started to turn badshe was in the choir and boy she had the most amazing voice. Annie's voice sounded beutifull like smooth waves smashing against the shore. She always was doing very good in school. Annie always got into honor roll. But that was when she was in seventh grade. Now me and my sister are in high school. It was really lucky to get a room that I had to...

4 years ago
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Ships Ahoy

Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Jason Nichols climbed above deck, the majestic sunrise bathing the sky with florid orange. The five-foot-eleven White man with 19% body fat and 36-inch waist wore royal blue Kanu Surf swim trunks with cargo pockets on either leg. He carried with him a thermos of hot, dark roast instant coffee. It was 6:23 a.m. on Thursday morning and his balls were drained. He took a seat on the lounge chair and daydreamed about the night before.Below deck of the 31-foot 1979 Bombay...

2 years ago
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My New Houseplant 1

Coming home, I shut the door a bit harder than Id meant to. It was a temptation to just drop everything in the hallway and sprint down to the basement, but I resisted. Taking a few slow, deep breaths, I made myself calm down, telling myself I had the whole evening alone and there was plenty of time. Placing my coat on its proper hook by the door and leaving my snowy boots on the mat, I made my way upstairs. Once my bedroom door was shut, however, I couldnt resist stripping immediately. I...

2 years ago
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Hello Ms Doctor

I am a 23 year old man with dark brown hair and eyes. I have a muscular build and a strong appetite for sex. Maybe too healthy. I can’t get my mind off of women. No matter what I’m doing if I see a sexy women or my mind wanders, my cock hardens. I’m not sure why, so I’ve made an appointment to see a doctor to see if this is normal. On the day of my appointment I was rather nervous for obvious reasons. I sit in the waiting room apprehensively and jump at my name being called.‘Come with me and...

1 year ago
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Subslut for Blacks Ch 02

I looked at the time, 10pm. He would be here soon. As I had that thought, the phone rang. Call display told me it was HIM.“Hi, Master,” I answered.“Hey, bitch, you ready?”“Yes, Master.”“Come out, I’m driving up your street,” and he hung up!I grabbed my purse and keys and locked the door behind me. I went down the stairs and came out the building just as his minivan drove up and stopped waiting for me. I walked towards him and saw that James was sitting in the front with him. I smiled as I...

1 year ago
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Teras Horse Ride

Let me explain. On a school trip to the zoo when I was around 12 and just entering puberty I stopped to look at the zebras and there was one with his cock hanging, almost touching the ground. All the girls were giggling and pointing as it would jerk and then suddenly stiffen and rise to stand straight out under his belly. I noticed some older ladies sitting around on benches avidly staring with their legs crossed and thighs pumping quickly. As we watched, the zebra walked to...

2 years ago
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Kept Ive Become His Dirty Little Secret

I lay on the bed as he shut the door behind him. With cum dripping out of my pussy, I lay there discarded, used. Staring up to the ceiling, my heart still racing from what just happened, my normal thoughts started coming back. I had come a long way from the innocent girl my parents had raised. I waited a few minutes before standing up and going to the shower, one of the few pleasantries in the room. He gave no indication of when he would come back next, he kept all the control for himself....

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kendra James Serena Blair Mona Wales Between Heaven and Hell

Serena Blair has just passed away and she finds herself in the purgatory waiting room. Soft elevator music drones on. She looks around and sees nothing and nobody except a magazine left on one of the chairs beside her. She shrugs and picks it up, looking at it to pass the time – it has pictures of sexy girls on it. Seemingly a bit flustered and hurried by Serena’s arrival, an angel Mona Wales scrambles into the room from a door and apologizes for keeping Serena waiting. She explains...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lily Larimar Give Me Some Credit

Lily Larimar has gotten fired from her job and now she can’t pay her phone bill. She tries to get her stepbrother, Tony, to help her out. The bill is for Lily and her boyfriend, and Tony isn’t cool with it. When Tony declines to help, he goes to take a nap. Lily waits until she thinks Tony is asleep, then sneaks into his room to help herself to his credit card. Tony catches her in the act, at which point Lily claims she’ll do anything to get Tony’s help. Tony...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 1

Claude grinned to himself when he first spotted the girl. She was all he could have asked for - and had. Madame Therese's specialized in the production of made-to-order synthetics. Want one who worships the ground you tread on? Or maybe one who detests you? Or more, one with a pathological fear of the opposite sex? Girls and boys in every shape, size, color. Any feature you could want. Every one with her own unique personality and characteristics. Even with the tanks, though, it took some...

2 years ago
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A Squirt Here A Squirt There Chapter 1

Chapter One Sitting naked on her deck, Cindy spread her creamy thighs wide and revealed her semi-trimmed red haired pussy to the world. She reached one of her hands down between her legs and spread her nether-lips and sent a command to her bladder to release what was stored up in there. The red head let out a blissful sigh as her hot, honey colored piss trickled out of her at first and then turned into a powerful arch. “Ooh,” she hummed softly as her free hand began to fondle her dusky pink...

4 years ago
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Under a Witchs Spell Ch 5

I ask her what time it is and I am surprised that it is only about 3 in the morning. I must not have been asleep long between the time she slipped her cock into me as my last moments as a woman and I awoke with my cock between her legs. After kissing me deeply, Tatyana says “Wait here while I get you a towel” Stepping from the shower, she wraps the lone towel around her torso. I am in awe as to how sexy she looks even now after satiating my lust. She goes to the closet, grabbing another...

2 years ago
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My Thai MILF 12

As soon as we got home Gan went to bed and I headed to check on Lin. Not to my surprise she was naked laying on her tummy watching the cameras from my house. I climbed on the bed and told her that she was a very naughty voyeur and needed to be punished. Lin smiled and she will take the punishment but Mee told her she could watch. Mee had said that it made her hornier thinking that her Mother and I were watching them fuck so she was putting on a great show. Lin asked if there was a way to cam...

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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

4 years ago
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Houston 2Chapter 3 Tied Up and Surrogate School

Franck couldn't believe how excited he was at the thought of tying Felicia up and fucking her. His cock was leaking like a faucet. His slacks bore a large wet stain, and so the first thing he did on entering her apartment was to remove them, go to the sink and wash the pre-cum from the inner side of the material, and drape the slacks close to the air-conditioner that blew in cool air from its place in the living room window. Felicia was naked first and waited patiently for him to finish,...

1 year ago
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Couples mmf Independence part 3

As I sat there, stairing at the hot scene I could feel Jon walking up behind me. I looked up, little emarassed, and started to stand. "Stay where you are? Don't like the movie?". I said hell yes, you two are hot. I then felt Mary slip next to me on the couch, and her lips slightly pressed against my ear and said "we loved playing for you". I turned toward her, and we stared in one anothers eyes and kissed. I could feel my pulse race and the blood begin to flow back into my cock. I then...

4 years ago
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Pelle the CollierChapter 11 How Pelle Can Put His Fears to Rest

A day after his return from Birkenhain, Pelle uncovered the kiln. He found the coal of the usual good quality but he felt no satisfaction, only apprehension. Secretly he dreaded his next trip to Birkenhain. What if Ingeburg would take a liking to her new life? What if she, living with the Baron's family, felt shame at being married to him? If he stayed in the forest he could hope and dream of her at least. If he went to Birkenhain a cruel reality might just crush those dreams. Nevertheless,...

4 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 29 Gathering

That evening at home, I got Dad caught up to date on what was going to happen, and let both Mom and Dad know that I was continuing to develop new skills. I told Mom we might have to put her bread warmer in a museum some day, and then I lifted the salt shaker off the table and moved it in a little circle in the air above it to demonstrate what I meant. We got a call from Cyrus at 8:30, to let us know Grandpa was coming in pretty much right on schedule, at 9:00. We decided to head out to the...

2 years ago
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Wendys Boyfriend

Wendy's Boyfriend About six months ago I was dressing for pleasure. Yes I often dress up with nowhere to go and no one to see, that's something T's do. Anyway I was playing with an overly sexy secretary look, my hair was down loose with a little wave added to it. I was in my tightest corset, it takes me down six inches to twenty three, and what would be a high waisted pencil skirt except as short as it is there isn't much pencil to it. A rose satin blouse that really shows off...

3 years ago
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Space Ranger Morgan Bailey Episode One

[NOTE: This page is pretty much background on the universe; Feel free to skip ahead if you want to get to the 'meat' of the story.] In this future age, the peoples of the Confederation of Worlds expand ever outwards, across the galaxy and into the uncharted universe. At the fringes, on the frontier, there are numerous things to consider when one considers authority. While the Confederation of Worlds has an overarching decree of laws, their treaties indicate that the individual races also have a...

2 years ago
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Meeting You

“This is it. He’s coming here.” She bites her lips as she reads the flight details he sent via email. They’ve been chatting and exchanging emails for over a year now, talking about everything and anything under the sun. The connection was there from the very start, the light teasing and easy flirting, the random topics and jokes, and the companionship. It was a bit hard with the time difference, him being busy with his work, and her being a post-grad student, but she’d smile and feel good...

4 years ago
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Jakes Vacation

Introduction: Jake's hot aunt Jessie welcomes him into her home as his parents are finalizing their divorce. Marie and her husband David were going through some hard times. It seems that everything that had once defined their relationship was gone. They simply weren’t attracted to each other in the way that they were back when they were first married. Although they had both been faithful to one another during their 18 years of marriage, they were also both ready to move on. Sometimes these...

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