CheckpointChapter 2 free porn video

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Bonnie surfaced two weeks after Mona moved in; one day, I opened the door to head off to go to work (this was before Mona learned my CAP score) and this long lean chick got up from where she was sitting on the floor opposite the door and said, "I can't make the rent."

Naturally, I said, "Huh?"

Bonnie clarified things for me, "Mona was my roommate; now that she's living here I can't make the rent. You're Pete, right?"

"Uh, yeah..." I wondered what was next -- a lawsuit?

"Mona says you're pretty nice," Bonnie added, looking me over. I returned the favor. She was a long, tall drink of water in one of those flower-child floor-length skirts and a halter top that, well, seemed undernourished in the cups. The hair was long and blonde -- but a shade dark enough that I didn't think it came from a bottle, especially given the reddish highlights. The face was, well, plain -- a little rabbity with buck teeth and freckles and not enough chin to keep it from being just slightly pouchy. She was about as different from Mona as you could get -- long and narrow everywhere Mona was round.

I continued my sparkling repartee by grunting, "Uh, thanks. MONA!!!"

Mona stuck her head out the door and said, "Oh, hi, Bonnie. Pete, I told you about Bonnie..."

"I remember." That didn't explain why she was here, though. "She says she can't make the rent or something. I, uh, need to go to work." Yeah, I was sprouting feathers, big time -- I did NOT want to get into whatever fight this pair was going to have! I hurried off, wondering if I was going to have to subsidize this Bonnie's rent in order to keep my chubby little main squeeze in my bed where she belonged. Worry was distracting; they could be tearing each other's hair out, the cops could get called, Bonnie might convince Mona to move out (THAT was a worry -- I was already thoroughly addicted), I might have to appear as a witness in Judge Judy's court, -- all kinds of possibilities occurred to me...

Everything but what actually happened.

When I got home -- a touch later than usual, as I'd stopped for a beer to fortify me before heading on home -- Mona met me at the door, dressed in my favorite manner -- which is to say buck naked -- rubbed my crotch and got right to her point, purring, "Pete? Could Bonnie move in with us?"

Caught flat-footed again, I blurted, "Why would you want to do that? Why would you want another woman around? Is she gonna pay?" I couldn't imagine a scenario wherein there was no reduction in my domestic tranquility.

"Sweetie, Bonnie and I go way back -- we've been together for years! THAT won't be a problem..." Mona assured me, while making sure the blood all rushed to my little head, leaving the big one at a disadvantage. She had my cock out, running her little fist up and down it with the confidence of someone thoroughly familiar with the tools of her trade.

"Where will she sleep?" I sputtered. I was NOT giving up my office in the second bedroom!

Mona dimpled. "Why, with us, silly!"

"Won't that cut into... ?"

"Oh, no! In fact, she'll help! I can barely keep up -- you're SUCH a stud..."

The first thought that occurred was 'Bullshit!' That was laying it on a bit thick, I thought. Later, I discovered that at any given moment, just about any woman can ride three guys into the ground -- but they tend to take longer to recover than we do, so the next night, while the guy is likely to be fully recharged, she's likely to be looking for the night off. I've discussed Mona's method of handling such things -- and it works, pretty well, three weeks out of the month -- but Mona was approaching that fourth week, when women generally don't generally want anyone playing in the mess. Apparently, that came up somewhere in Bonnie's arguments earlier in the day... "Baby," I blustered, "In my limited experience, women fight over guys..."

"That's when one of them is STEALING," Mona assured me. "We'll be SHARING!"

"And what does Bonnie think of this?" I asked.

"She's fine with it," Mona replied, the undercurrent being, 'of course... ' Before I could say anything about wanting to hear this assurance from Bonnie, Mona turned and yelled, "Bonnie!"

Before I could decide whether it was politic to wrestle my erection out of Mona's grasp, Bonnie came around the corner wearing a baby-doll nightie short enough on her to allow me to tell that the drapes matched the carpet. In fact, Bonnie's pubic hair -- such as there was of it -- was more or less straight, flowing in from the sides to a peak at the center that pointed at her clit. Her eyes found my cock and lit up, "Oh, wow! NICE one!" I got the impression that Bonnie had seen a few -- an impression that she proceeded to confirm by going smoothly to her knees and SWALLOWING ME WHOLE!

"HOLY SHIT!" I gasped. Somehow, Bonnie managed to run her tongue over my balls while her nose was in my pubes and the head of my dick was in her throat! A week before, I'd have blown a nut right there, but I was becoming somewhat seasoned; still, I lasted MAYBE ninety seconds while Bonnie took the tip of my dick from her lips to beyond her epiglottis probably thirty times ... When I grunted incoherently that I was about to blow, she collected it all in her mouth, then proceeded to play with it, straining it through her teeth and showing it on her tongue before snowballing half of it to Mona. Needless to say, my cock didn't go down...

Bonnie's nipples came up, though, tenting the nightie; she had some serious points, there -- and there was something odd about them ... I reached out gingerly -- rings! Bonnie had rings in her nipples!

"You like?" Bonnie grinned like a shark. The aggression level here was totally different than the flower-child persona of the morning. This chick seemed pretty certain of her capabilities ... I just nodded. "I do, too," she announced. "I like to have them twisted a little while I fuck. Are you up for that?" I nodded again and found myself being led to my bedroom by my boner.

Bonnie knew ALL about fucking; after stretching me out on my back, she tossed her nightie over her head, revealing some VERY interesting tattoos, and proceeded to ride me cowgirl-style until we were BOTH wasted. Once again, the difference was night and day; sex with Mona tended to be gentle and loving and romantic, but sex with Bonnie was fucking -- hard-edged, get your nut and enjoy it to the max, go to Hell fucking! I learned later that was the way they taught it at the school where Bonnie learned about sex; her brother hung out with bikers, and Bonnie got sucked in to a gang. She'd been a 'seat cover' for a couple of years before things just got too harsh and Bonnie went looking for something more gentle than the kind of rough bastards that liked to gang-bang a bitch until she was wall-eyed. Mona was the other end of the spectrum, soft and cuddly and considerate and most of all, needy -- but she didn't have a dick, and now, after sampling the far side for a couple of years, Bonnie was interested again, particularly if the owner of the dick involved could manage to approach the idea of being a little bit considerate.

I could do that.

Bonnie had some of the damnedest marks left over from her days as a biker bitch; a favorite was on her right butt cheek, where an arrow pointed at her asshole beside the notation, 'Oil weekly.' Dipping Bonnie's ass let you know she'd been 'oiled' DAILY at one point -- and that sphincter of hers remembered EVERY trick! I have to sheepishly admit that I got off on twisting those nipple rings; she would get this look on her face and say, "God! That hurts SOOOO good!"

So Bonnie moved in, too, and I got a bigger bed. The next week, we ran into what COULD have been a complication of that 'down week' issue -- you see, Bonnie and Mona had been living together for years, and as sometimes happens, their cycles matched. Bonnie, however, actually got hornier when she was bleeding -- she claimed it was the 'bitch in heat' effect -- so I learned to fuck it bloody. The texture was a little different; I won't go into details to keep from grossing anyone out.

A couple of days later, the girls were in the kitchen cleaning up after supper, gabbing. I was working at the dining room table -- don't ask why, since I have an office. I had papers scattered here and there, and my desk was already a mess, probably. Anyway, they were providing a background mumble until Mona, suddenly ten decibels louder, says, "Yes! I'm happy! I'm gonna be with Pete until he tells me to go away, then I'm gonna sit outside on the porch and cry for a couple of days and hope he changes his mind! What's wrong with that? I want to have his kids, but with those bugs or lizards or walking toadstools or whatever they are coming, it doesn't seem worth it..."

Thoroughly keyed in, I picked up Bonnie's quieter rejoinder -- one that proved that she was the deep thinker of the pair: "Whiskers, Pussy Cat, despite the fact that Pete says 'Huh?' a lot, he's pretty smart, except for common sense stuff. Did it ever occur to you that he might be smart enough to get picked up? What's his CAP score?"

"Jeez, I dunno..."

"You don't know? You tie up with a guy in a grocery store and you DON'T KNOW his CAP score? What DO you know about him?" Bonnie demanded.

"Everything I need to know!" Mona insisted. "He's sweet and he loves my ass and..."

"Yeah, and he's a soft touch and he's got a nice long cock -- Hell, I love him to death, too -- but what possessed you to just up and go home with a strange guy on the spur of the moment is beyond me!"

"You had to be there!" Mona declared stubbornly. "We just clicked!"

"And you don't know his CAP score..."

"No, Cricket, I don't. It would be rude to ask, anyway!" (I never heard either of these pet names before this particular conversation, but I discovered that they'd been using them for years... )

"Pete..." I jumped a foot, guiltily, and Bonnie smirked a bit before finishing the question, "what's your CAP score?"

"I don't care!" Mona declared staunchly, sticking her head around the door behind Bonnie.

"I know you don't, um, Pussy Cat..." I replied.

"See?" Bonnie insisted, "He's not stupid -- untutored, but not stupid! He didn't call you Whiskers..." Bonnie drew a finger across her upper lip and I got it -- Italian girls sometimes grow a little fur there. Personally, I think it's cute... "But you didn't answer the question, did you?" Her eyes turned calculating.

"It's okay, I love you anyway!" Mona assured me.

I turned to Bonnie. "What about you? Do you love me anyway?"

Bonnie gave me a crooked smile that reminded me just how worldly she was and said, "Sweetheart, you beat the fuck out of just about any guy I ever had sex with -- but if you don't have a five at least, then there is something about you that isn't right. I DO kinda hope it'll be a long time before I find it, but..." She would cover her ass -- it had been burned too many times.

"Would you go with me if I was picked up?" I asked.

Bonnie cocked her head. "Can I be head bitch?" I flicked a look at Mona and Bonnie handled the objection, "Whiskers can't be head bitch -- she's too soft and cuddly."

"She still might be the favorite," I argued. Mona preened.

Bonnie laughed and nodded. "True, but she wouldn't WANT to be head bitch -- too much responsibility."

"Stipulated," I agreed.

Bonnie turned to Mona. "Pack your bag, Pussy Cat! Did you hear that fancy word? Our Petey isn't any three and a half, Hon..." She cocked her head. "C'mon, Pete, quit screwing around..."

Sighing, I reached in my wallet, pulled out my card and handed it to Bonnie. Her eyes bugged. "Fuuuuuck me!" Then she locked eyes with me and added, "Any time!" making sure I realized she was serious. Turning to Mona, she declared, "Pussy Cat, we have a problem! We have to find two more girls that we can put up with so our lover man has a full house!"

Mona blinked. "What?"

Bonnie flipped the card upright so Mona could read it. "Our Petey doesn't get just two girls, Sweetie -- he gets four!"

"You can go?" Mona's eyes glowed -- then her face fell. "You'd take me, wouldn't you?" she asked hesitantly.

"In a heartbeat, if I can," I agreed.

Mona frowned. "Why couldn't you?"

"If they pick me up somewhere and you're not with me..."

"I don't want to lose you!" Mona declared, her face tragic. "I want to go everywhere you go, okay?"

I thought about it. "That might be hard..."

"No," she insisted, "I can do it. I'm sure I can!"

"I dunno. What about the Men's Room?" I challenged.

"I don't care. Please?" She turned those killer eyes on me.

"Don't you have to work?"

"Do I?"

"Don't you have bills?"

"I don't have rent, now..." She eyed me sidelong, realizing THAT could change. "I don't have a car payment."

"I bet you have insurance on that piece of shit," I pointed out.

"If I ride everywhere with you I don't NEED a car!"

"That's a point," I conceded. "Cell phone?"

"It's not a lot..." Mona started picking her fingers.

"Food? Beverages? Clothes? Make-up? Shoes?" I tossed out.

"PLEEEZE!" Mona begged.

'What about you?" I asked Bonnie.

Bonnie shook her head. "I can't be that dependent. What happens if you DON'T get picked up?" She eyed Mona. "I'll carry me so you can carry her."

I rubbed my jaw. "We'll try it."

"YIPPEEE!!!" I ended up on the floor; Mona has plenty of mass low to the ground to tackle me.

Since then, basically, Mona is never more than thirty feet from me -- ever. That started the morning after she discovered my CAP score. She called in to her work and quit her job as a secretary at an auto dealership and she went to work with me. I ended up putting an extra chair in my cube for her. The boss freaked until he discovered that he was getting almost twice as much work from the two of us, and he wasn't paying salary or benefits for Mona; that made it all right. If I wanted to screw Mona in the janitor's closet, it wasn't an inappropriate workplace romance -- she wasn't an employee. Nobody was gonna get sued. We had a hairy couple of days; I thought I was going to have to quit because HR kept threatening to have Mona escorted off the property, but I found a couple of articles on 'The New Workplace' where women committed to a high-CAP individual contributed to the company in exchange for the ability to be close to their 'sponsor' at all times on the Net and the hassle went away. Nowadays, I don't go to the Men's Room alone; Mona shakes the dew off my lily. It's just how it is. Does it bother me? NO! We go shopping. We go to the grocery store. We go to the beauty shop. If I get grumpy about going somewhere, we either DON'T go, or Mona makes sure I'm happy about it. Do I have to draw you a picture? Okay: She gets down on her knees ... At this point, there are two other guys in my department with the same deal -- and the girls are basically fighting off female employees to defend their territory, and I'm VERY highly thought of for blazing the trail! Some turkey in the legal department created a 'sexual harassment waiver'; I've got about two dozen signed ones in my desk drawer, with sticky notes attached from the female involved making sure I know all of her contact information -- usually hand-delivered to make sure I can attach a face -- and other body parts -- to the piece of paper.

Same as Checkpoint
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A Trip to the Bathroom

Wrong Time for a Trip to the BathroomStrong hands pulled mine behind me, and I felt and heard the unmistakable sensations of a nylon tie-wrap locking my wrists securely behind me. A deep brown voice whispered into my ear, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like I got myself a little piece of white meat to play with".A very large black hand clasped tightly over my mouth prevented me from responding, protesting, or finding out what the fuck was going on, the voice continued: "I tell...

2 years ago
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Bullies Extended Ending

Bullies Extended Ending When I originally wrote the story I ended at the last chapter including the epilogue. I left the gender of the protagonist intentionally blank. I didn't have any greater truths for anyone. In general, after years of these tg sex stories (even those without sex) I didn't see a need for a happy ending nor justice. If you want happy endings and justice go to the real movies where the hero always wins and the villain gets it in the end. But after reading the...

3 years ago
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Fun again in Sanua

This is a true story of my latest trip to my favourite sauna and the unexpected action I found there. I found myself with an empty diary and opportunity to drive the hour or so my favourite sauna knowing that I had all afternoon to spend. The downside was that it was Tuesday and I wondered whether I'd be there all alone! After careful prep, trimming pubes, douching and making myself smell good I used a bit of moisturising cream to both tone my cock and smooth the entrance to my arse. I was...

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Waiting at the airport Victors point of vie

That cold winter afternoon my loving Anita gave me a ride to the airport. I was flying on a quick business trip. While we were waiting for my check-in I looked at my beautiful wife’s face and could see a sad look in her eyes.I knew I had not fucked her in the last ten days. My office job was killing me; I was too much stressed and tired every time I came home late evening. I made my sweet Ana promise that she would not fuck any stranger during my absence. She laughed and replied she would stay...

3 years ago
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Getting Even Ch 03 The Final Chapter

Zane stormed into his hotel room. The meeting with his biggest client yet wasn’t going well and he was pissed. This was the deal he had to close to finally lock in his promotion he was promised three months earlier, and had been working on for the last year. He had put more energy into earning this promotion since he met Bella and her two children. Though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, they were the reason he was working so hard. Part of the delay for his promotion was due to the bad...

2 years ago
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Overcome by LustChapter 2

Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as...

2 years ago
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Kidnapped and raped

?If you don?t like living with me you can just fuck off.? Mike walked up to me and shoved me towards the door. I stumbled and nearly fell but managed to stay upright. He pushed me again and I lost my footing, crashing to the floor. He stood over me, eyes wide with fury.How had we even got here? We were happy a couple of months ago. Never said a cross word to each other. It all seemed perfect. Until we moved from a 3 bedroom house to a poky 1 bedroom flat. That?s when all the rows started....

4 years ago
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Confessions of a Cunnilinguist

It was hard to take my eyes off of her as she sat on the couch, watching tv. We had just come back from a nice dinner date and she was still in her sexy dress that came just above her knees. She had taken off her shoes and sat on the couch with her legs folded under her. I was sitting in the recliner to the left, admiring her sexiness and getting horny. The dress fit tightly and did a great job showing off her curves but there was one thing I was really craving.People enjoy different sexual...

1 year ago
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Change of Season

The rain bounced off the storefront window like tiny pebbles. Without sentiment, wave after wave of wind pushed in the fall months. Temperatures were dropping, the tourists were leaving and Diana Foster was looking at a long, off-season alone.During the summer months Diana’s fabric store was a favorite among the well-heeled women from Manhattan and the Boston suburbs. Busy from opening to closing, each day passed in a blur. But the winter months were different. Diana worked mostly by herself,...

First Time
2 years ago
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Slut Week Day 1 The contest has started

If you would like to read part one before this, it will help with the story. Please score and comment and check out my other stories too! Amy and I moved to a table in the corner, carrying our Unexpected Surprise cocktails with us. We needed a little time to plan. We both knew how slutty the other could be, and both knew that we wanted to win, but we wanted to have fun on the way. Amy is one of the best people to know in Manchester (which is where I live). She knows just about everyone, can...

4 years ago
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A Farmers LifeChapter 05

Senior Constable George Rochester races out of the courthouse to his police car while talking on his radio. He soon confirms he’s the closest to the farm with the fire. He’s also a member of the local RFS so he has one of their radios as well. On the RFS radio he gives out the alert about the fire and its location while he starts his car, turns on the lights and siren, then he races out of town at high speed. Mark Meadows, the RFS sub-captain for that part of the Hartman RFS District lives on...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist story about a girl who seduces both her mother and father

I’m an exhibitionist. I guess I always have been and I expect I always will be. That point in childhood when most kids (or at least most girls) learn modesty, I didn’t. I do remember my folks trying to shame me into covering up when I would dance out of my bedroom in next to nothing while guests were at our house but my blushing just became part of my repertoire. As a teenager, I was completely open around Mom. If I knew only the two of us were home, I would walk up to Mom...

1 year ago
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AdultLove Dot Net

"Oh god, fuck me, fuck me, harder, please, oh god—" Janice moaned and pressed the vibrator harder against her clit. "Oh god, right there, right there, please, oh god—" Her entire pussy, spread open as far as her thighs allowed, trembled from the intense vibrations. The fingers she used to spread herself open shook, and she couldn't help the occasional swipe from them, loving the change of movement and sensation. "I'm going to come, I'm going to come, oh god, please, I'm gonna—" She...

1 year ago
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Steamy stranger

Kate had been out all night with sophia. They had been clubbing. Visited all pubs within the area. But now sophia was tired. She had been bitching about her ex all night. If kate was perfectly honest, she could have done without it. 'I'll drop you back in a taxi,' she told sophia. And that's what she did. The taxi driver started the journey back from sophias to kates. Kate was thinking about sex. She hadn't been fucked properly in months. She hadn't tasted a cock in nearly a year. She thought...

Drunk sex
3 years ago
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Zak Makes The Right Flight Connection

“Hurry up, Zak, you will be late for your flight,” said Kristen.I had a 5:00 PM flight to San Diego for a newspaper convention. This was an opportunity for networking. I was rushing to get out of the house.We were quiet on the drive to the airport and Kristen was busy sending text messages.“You enjoy the trip and have fun and no fooling around with the ladies. Now, if an interesting man comes your way then I do not mind. You call me every night before bed,” said Kristen.“I will be sure to call...

4 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 5

Michelle exclaimed, "This was even better the second time!" "And I got to see it this time too," my mother said with moistness streaming down her face. All this was such a turn around from the direction our lives had been taking. Yesterday I was about to tell my mother my world had fallen apart and then I got surrounded by Bubble-Wrap! Lindie. My Bubble-Wrap! No, my TWO Lindies were my bubble wrap. I wanted to be surrounded by them. I wanted to be surrounded by BOTH of my Lindies. So...

3 years ago
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Revenge On Bully

It started off as a normal day in school, when all off a sudden I saw my teacher bend over in front off my desk to pick up a pencil. I could see her butt in her cute little skirt. I think she did it on purpose I thought, no way I thought that’s just my blindness hoping that my teacher crush liked me back. Little did I know I was gonna get my wish later that day, when class ended my teacher asked to see me after class. “I hoped that I wasn’t in trouble, I walk up and ask if I’m in trouble.” No...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Alexis Fawx Stepmom Fucks Step Son Like a Porn Star

Alexis is trying to find her credit card statement but seems to be missing in. When she finally finds it, she sees a charge of over four thousand dollars charged to Bang Bros. She gets angry. She knows it has to be her horny step son, Johnny the Kid. She calls him to the living room and threatens to call his father. He starts to beg and she decides that since he’s so horny, he should fuck her. Johnny is shocked. Alexis is the dominant one today. She makes him eat her pussy, worship her...

4 years ago
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Making With My Messy Girlfriend

Hi everyone this is my first story and also real experence of my life. My name is Santhose (name changed) age 24 and I’ve got a friend name pooja who is so beautiful that friendship is tends to love we both loved each other her structure is 34 28 32 nice good round breast look like apple. Now comming to real experience and one day she came to my house when I was alone we already planned for this day to make fun. She came in nice neat chudithar without shall it look so sexy I said that she looks...

2 years ago
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Forever of the Wood Part One of Two

Daniel rose from his chair with a groan, wondering how many more times he might be able to accomplish it without help. As he picked up his cane from the table in his wrinkled left hand, he could almost hear old man Johanson’s words echoing back to him from across the many long years. My time is almost up, Daniel. I can feel it in my bones. Don’t you bother telling me it ain’t, ‘cause I know better. He understood now – standing in almost the exact same spot as the man who had been as a third...

4 years ago
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Daddys Daughters Diary pt2

Disclaimer all characters in this story are fictional and are over 18 years old. Daddy's Daughter's diary chapter 2The story so farCrystal writes a diary hoping her Daddy will read it and know her true feeling for him! James looked up at Chrystal ,he quickly pulled her hands from his face and pushed her away .“No Chrystal , it's not right!” James cried. Jumping off the bed, tucking his now limp cock in his trousers he ran from the room.“I am going to work, I will see you later. I love you as a...

3 years ago
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Daughter and Dad Part 2

Anita woke the next morning in her Dad‘s bed and searched for his body heat. It wasn’t there, and she struggled to wake up. They had slept in a spoon position through the night. On more than one occasion she had been woken by the sensation of his hard cock easing itself between her ass cheeks as he relived their lovemaking in his dreams. By wiggling her ass just the right way, she could move it into her crotch so that his cockhead rested at her entrance. As much as she wanted to take him...

2 years ago
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Had Fun With Neighbour Aunty

Hi friends, I am back with my another real story.thanks giving me a feedback to my first let’s tell about me.because i forgot to tell that in my previous story. About me: My name moorthi.I am little very slim and very athletic.i have 8 inch big size cock,because i like to masturbate daily.and after my first sex with my school teacher i dont like to masturbate because when i feel horny i can call to my teacher and had fun with her. About her: She is very lean with less amount...

3 years ago
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Sweeter than a Summers Dream

Escaping from the hassles of the city life to her small cabin by the lake was her favourite way of enjoying the weekends. To unwind, the first thing she always did upon her arrival, was to go to the lake and sketch, but that evening, she found herself struggling to find inspiration. Exhausted from her hectic week at work, she was stretched out on a long chair, with the skirt of her dress pulled up, enjoying the warm breeze on her legs. The heavy summer air and the waves breaking on the sandy...

4 years ago
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My hotwife lost a bet

After watching Sunday Night Football and being fucked by Kenny, her 8.5" Big Black Cock fuckbuddy. My wife made a bet on the AFC Championship with Kenny. If she won the prize was $1000 CASH but if he won she would dress in a French maid outfit and serve his friends drinks during his SuperBowl party.My hotwife lost the bet and spent the afternoon of the SuperBowl getting a manicure and pedicure then came home undressed, laid naked on our bed so I could shave her completely bald. While showering...

1 year ago
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The Boy DownbelowChapter 7

Cat was the first of the two to get past her shock. She flowed to my side in a flutter of rags, pointedly ignoring the other woman’ shivering form. She still flinched at the occasional scream, but it was obvious she was trying to prove something, perhaps that the murders didn’t bother her. Both women were afraid of whatever was happening outside. I, having the advantage of knowledge, felt no fear. Although I did feel an intense curiosity. I’d only killed three of the people outside, and my...

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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it’s about 99% fiction. There’s a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex, but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It’s intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not...

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A Family Possessed Part 2

She stood there for a few minutes, her body felt as if it was tingling all over, she had never felt like this before and her mind seemed full of mush, all she could think of was his touch and her own sexual arousal. She glanced around the empty room hardly believing that he had gone, then in a moments decision she turned and headed upstairs to her bedroom where she undressed quickly before collapsing naked on the bed. Her fingers were between her legs almost before she lay down and...

2 years ago
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Im really excited about thee Men who can hel

Hellos Everyone! I'm still waiting and looking for thee Men to help me out with my female side because I am so ready to come out and see how it feels like to be able to do it all with the right Men to get my Tushi into the actual private place where I can get some time alone with the right Men who can help with the things that I have been looking into for a while and I am so ready to come out and into the playground with the way things have a little more time to enjoy feeling that way like I...

2 years ago
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Cherry Falls

The first two that were killed were a couple in the woods, at night - a horny young man, and a reluctant girl; he was found with his throat slit and his ears cut off. She was the second victim, and she died from a stab to her throat, and her chest. The killer tweeted that before she took her last dying breath, she asked him, "Why ears?" His answer was, "Because a head is way too hard to cut off with a knife!" The third was a blonde girl with big... eyes. She was killed in the school...

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