My mom and her dildo
- 2 years ago
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Constantius' spies or traitors seemed to be getting their act together. I accepted no place to stay and chose my own. They were usually only where the destitute would stay. No matter where I went, I was pursued with uncanny accuracy. I covered my tracks with all the tricks I knew but still the soldiers flushed me out. The city was just getting too hot to hold me.
At the same time, Constantius began to really round up all the Wodenists. The numbers in custody grew all the time. I would like to think it was conviction but it was more like McCarthyism all over again were somebody denounces an enemy as a Communist.
The arena was the only place to hold the thousands of people and the conditions they were held under was abysmal. There was no law and soldiers went into the arena to have sport with the captives and this was not just rape and murder. Every crime known was perpetuated on the people. The arena was well guarded and I think it was mainly aimed at me.
The persecution only became less when I started using my stingers on the soldiers. This was done in the barracks that was set up in the city. Normally a legion was not allowed too near for fear of it being used against the rulers.
Again I was almost caught and had to keep moving. It was almost like I had a microchip implanted on me and they were just triangulating my position. Some of the Wodenists I trusted were sent to find Mithridates and Lazeez and ask them to leave the city. There was nothing they could do to help.
I was a scientist and tried to analyse what was happening. One time I went into the sewer that was under the city with a small boat. When I came up close to the river, I was again pursued. It crossed my mind that somebody else may have come back in time and produced a way to track a person.
Eventually it came to me to find who was giving the soldiers their directions. I did not want to use one of the few stingers I had left and used the regular arrows. I pierced one man's breast and for a day I had a chance to rest.
When the chase started again I found a man dressed as a legionnaire but obviously was not. Another arrow pierced his armour and I had more chance to rest. A few days later I tried the same thing but as the arrow came close it veered off and I used two more with the same result. It was then that the truth finally seeped into my mind. Constantius was using people that could actually use magic against me.
I asked my own questions of the senators but this time it was done by messenger. A senator would send somebody to meet me at a time and place of my choosing with the answer if he had one. Apparently Constantius had combed the empire looking for people to fight me. It was a well known fact that mages assisted in battles or wars but I figured it was just the bullshit that men of this age wanted to believe.
I did remember Fidelis Marius having short talks about the subject. I had to believe the existence of magic because I was in this age and not the one I was born into. I had met no other mages and had no proof that they actually could do as they said they could. People bought snake oil even easier now then they did in my time.
The abilities of the magical practitioners were unknown and Constantius probably had the best he could get. The talks with the senators dropped to nill as I went hunting. This was not that dissimilar to what I had been taught as a lad. I had to quickly search out a target and then eliminate it before the soldiers got me. I had little intelligence to go on and tried using my mind to find my enemy as they did me. It didn't work.
Those that sought me did not detect some of the few Wodenites that remained free and this was the only way I knew to find the enemy. I was not sure of their purpose but I used many arrows on people that did some directing but the supply of targets seemed to be much higher than my supply of projectiles.
Another time I was almost caught when I killed a supposed mage to find out that he was just bait. I left with an arrow in my back and another in my leg. It was only a stinger that I had that dissuaded close pursuit by the mage.
Those in the arena were now being put to death a few at a time to lure me out of hiding. An attack on the imperial box was useless, because I could not get near the arena even when the spectacle was not going on.
I found three men that would plant the explosives as I wished and they would trigger it at the right time and I would not be near. Constantius was not in the city and I was not able to find out who was leading the fight against me. Each of the senators gave different opinions and I could not be sure if any of them were right. I resorted to just buying information. It felt good when the explosive destroyed the man but the next day I was pursued once more.
Two days after the explosion my name was broadcast but by then everybody in the city knew that I was here. Constantius came back in a form of procession and I got close just to spoil his day even if his mages would tell him of my presence. Somebody was a good tactician because I could not get close enough to put an arrow into Constantius even though I had no immediate wish to do so.
Sextus Aquilinus brought me the current news and he seemed very worried when giving it. "Constantius has managed to capture one of Julians's children. It is the young woman named Patricia. Tertius, the son of an officer by the name of Lucius was taken too. I heard that many others were killed."
This shook me. I loved Patricia. She was the nearest woman to a wife I had unless it was KhAvar. I immediately knew that this was a trap. One I would not be able to avoid. Before I could reply Sextus said, "That is not all the bad news. He sent one of his legions to a small town in Persia and found two of your women. I do not know how this was done because there were hundreds if not thousands of towns to search. He must have very good spies."
This really shocked me for again. Magic had to have been used. The girls best chance to safety was to live anonymously with a small guard detachment. Patricia and Tertius meant that there were quite a few deaths because Julian would not leave her unprotected and Tertius was at the Rhine site with her.
Events had been going too good for too long and now I had a ruthless man that had control of my immediate family.
"Where does he keep them?"
It was hard to tell but I thought I saw the faintest smile creep onto the man's face before it disappeared. "I can find out for you."
With my suspicions aroused I said, "I would not put it past Constantius to have actors take the place of my women and the boy. How can I verify that it is really them?"
"They were in the procession."
"I was not able to get close. I cannot just walk into Constantius' trap without some knowledge of who is really there."
"Constantius has a party where he shows off his captives. Perhaps I can have somebody ask them a question or two and the answers should prove to you who they are."
"That sounds like my only hope." I thought for a few moments and then gave him the questions that only one person in the world besides me could answer. Sextus listened avidly and now that I watched him closely, I saw that he was not behind me or not much. I could see that he may have been influenced by Constantius or any number of other groups. A lot of wealth could have been shifted to get this particular senator to shift his allegiances.
I was currently living in an attic so I had no need to go home. I did want to follow Sextus to see just where he would lead me. If the smile was an indication of his loyalties then he would have to report to Constantius as soon as possible.
Before we parted, Sextus asked, "Is there anything I can get you? I could put you up at my home for the night."
"Thanks, I have a place to stay near the main gate. I have to keep moving in any case."
"Do you have silver?"
"I have enough gold to last me for a while. Thank you for offering."
We parted cordially with each of us going in opposite directions. Once out of sight I went slower and veered toward the imperial palace. At the same time I was listening for the distinctive sound made by Sextus' carriage.
Sextus did go to his home though but in a half hour when I was about to leave my roving perimeter, I saw the carriage again. I came close once and saw the blinds pulled but I could smell Sextus when I went downwind.
The carriage pulled into the imperial grounds and the gate closed. Wary of magical bloodhounds I kept moving. One position I had never used was the top of a synagogue that was near the palace. The top level was ten metres higher than the palace walls but it was not directly across from the front gates.
Tonight I used this and hurried to the top by climbing one floor on the outside of the building and the rest inside. I had just enough time to see Sextus being admitted to the palace before I had to leave.
A mage would tell Constantius that I was near but only suspect that I knew Sextus for a traitor. Constantius could now use this information to lay another trap for me with Sextus as the bait.
I had scouted this area many times from different locations and had acquired a lot of information in the process. The castle and grounds were difficult to enter but even if there were no walls then a mage would find me before too long.
With no better target in mind, I went to the nearest watch station but there was no alarm given out. I had to wonder if this was planned or the mages were just not everywhere as they may like me to believe.
It was four hours later that a century of men came my way and I led them on a few turns until I could see just who was directing them. I hurried to the north but heard men coming to cut me off and I headed east. I stayed long enough to see who was leading the pursuit.
I put on a burst of speed that the well muscled legion could keep up. I turned south then west. Again I ran as fast as I could down the streets instead of over rooftops and through walled enclosures.
I heard some excited yelling ahead and burst on four men. One was an officer and two runners; and a mage.
The men drew their swords but I was moving very fast and used my feet or my two swords but mostly I used my mind. It took longer than expected because the mage was fighting me too with his mind but he was not strong.
The two runners fell first with stab wounds but they were not dangerous to their health. The mage ran then and in seconds the officer fell to the ground. I raced after the mage and he turned on me with a knife. I beat it down quickly and kicked him in the nuts. I left the man in the alley we were fighting in and went back to heal the three men.
After returning to the mage, I threw him over my shoulder and ran down the alley and then climbed a wall with a lot of difficulty. On the other side was some trees in a simple garden that looked to be going to seed. The mage was left senseless until I returned. If I didn't then he would die. I left to find the other mage if I could.
I made a similar play for the other mage but he was better defended. He could also defend himself better with weapons and with his mind. In the end I had to kill instead. Three of his men had died but I was able to heal six others before I fled. Soldiers were coming and there were too many to fight.
With the hope of a respite in people chasing me I returned to the first mage near dawn. I kept the man from using his muscles and woke him up normally. I did not think he could see me but that did not matter. "My name is Jón of Germania or the Hand of Woden. You have been chasing me for a while now. We are going to have to have a talk."
I could feel something tickling my mind and instead of kicking the man I tried to analyse it. It took a moment but I saw that it was actually a way of gaining control of my body and sending pain to me. It had almost no strength and I just deadened my own nerves to the discomfort he could cause. He could probably hurt anybody else with this sort of attack.
The man gave up suddenly as if the effort had used all of his strength. I said, "You did not do that very well. I will show you how it is done but you are not going to like it. The pain I cause is the most severe pain you have ever felt. In your case it will last a quarter of a minute but feel like all of eternity. The pain will happen again and again until I get what I want."
I took hold of the man's body and caused the pain I had mentioned and stopped when I said I would. It took quite a while until the man could even be forcibly roused.
"That was the first sample. I think we have time for one more then we have to get moving." I was sure if the man could shake his head he would. The pain came back and I had to monitor his heart because he looked like this would kill him. Getting the man to focus back on me the second time took longer. I also had to heal the man but without the endorphin rush.
When I got the man's attention I gave him back a shadow of his former control of his body and a bit more for him to speak. "Do you wish another demonstration or is that enough."
"Please, no more. I will do what you wish."
"Then tell me how many more people with your abilities are in the city looking for me?"
I was going to correct him but I let it lie. "Tell me where they stay."
"In the Imperial Palace mostly."
"Did Constantius bring some of my family to this city?"
"I do not know for sure but that is what I was told."
"Fair enough. Now tell me what you know about their capture."
"It was my time to leave and try to find you so I was not able to hear much. Those that took your people suffered a lot of casualties. Constantius demanded that those he sought be brought here undamaged."
"How did you find KhAvar and MehrAk?"
"I do not know. We worked as a large group and the information became clearer as we sought them out. It took days to narrow the area down and then Constantius just sent some of his special men after them. I do not know about any deaths or how they were captured."
"How is it that you can track me?"
"We have gone to your sermons and were able to get close enough to make a kind of contact with you. I do not understand this and nobody really does. It is just something we can do."
"Show me how it is done."
"I cannot. I just get close and try to fit myself into your body. That is how I can cause pain. Somehow or other I get to feel your presence when we are close."
"How close for you and then for the others?"
"If the night is quiet I can find you in a third of a mile. Others can do it up to a mile."
"Is there some way of hiding so that you or the others cannot detect me?"
"I do not know. Whatever you have is very strong and we can see you from far away. If I searched for somebody else I would have to be, at best, ten paces away."
I did not necessarily believe the man but I did not necessarily disbelieve him either. There were many questions I wanted to ask but I did not have time and with another mage dead and one captured or dead they would be looking for me much harder.
"I cannot stay here much longer. There are a lot of questions I have to ask. Before I let you come after me again I would kill you..."
"I will leave the city and never come back. I will not hurt you."
"I am going to leave you the way you are now. I will come back later and we can talk more. If they find you I suggest that you say that I burnt you out and you cannot find me any more. If I catch you chasing me again I will let the pain you felt before stay with you until you die of it."
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I’m one of those guys who can’t pull a date: Babes who don’t know me don’t want to go out with me and babes who do know me fob me off with the same excuse. It’s pathetic, really but I get to watch a lot of TV which pleases my mom as she likes to have a shoulder to cry on when the hero chooses the slut over the really nice babe. Later in the movie I feel like bawling when the hero boringly realigns true to type and dumps the slut with the big tits and goes dozy on Miss Flat Chest who cutely...
Hi, I am Stephen. I am 21 years old, horny stud. My mom is Dona and 43 years old, super sexy lady. I spied on my mom since I was 16 year old; she is sexiest lady for me on this earth. She is divorcee and living alone with me. I could make it out in my 5 years spying on her that she has strongest libido and desire to get fucked by different manhood. I have seen her getting fucked at least by ten different men in our own house. She has lesbian relationship with one of her friend also. I...
I was excited that Susan had sent me an airline ticket to go out to visit her. She had mentioned when she was staying with my folks that she wanted to get together with me again before I went back to college.I was excited to see her again. I liked having sex with my mother’s best friend. Thankfully, my mother never found out. I’m not too sure she’d want to know that information. My mother’s friends all like me. I think Susan was the luckiest out of all of them. She was the one I fucked. ...
Wife LoversPart 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...
One month later... Time: June 5, 8243 11:27 PM I spent a full month at the capital after my coronation. The position of my political enemies lay in ruins, and it was a priceless opportunity to build new alliances and political structures before the opposition could recover. With Jibran's help, my standing within Utility now is more solid than it's ever been, my home faction in High Tech is thrilled to have me as Cunif Califar, and I even have some good relationships with Health, not as...
Jim was the typical high school stud. He was the star running back for the football team, held the record for home runs on the baseball team, carried a 4.0 grade point and dated the sexiest girl in school and head cheerleader. He also had scholarship offers in both academics and sports from over a dozen highly rated universities. He was a stud in every way, including having a nice 8 inch cock which was the envy of every guy that shared a locker room with him. And though he had been with 6...
For some time, I had been going on camera so my son and his friends could watch me. They did not know who I was, but I knew them. I knew who each of them was and learned about the things they liked and what they enjoyed watching. I have written before about being online with them. This all occurred when they were in high school -- they were eighteen or nineteen years old. I learned very soon that they also enjoyed seeing the "real me" when I got home from work. I usually wore skirts or dresses...
It was the morning after the night before. From their time in the swimming pool, Sarah and Uncle Mike had calmed down a lot and had spent the evening trying to avoid talking about what had happened. It was only after some wine had been drunk and inhibitions vanished that things happened again. Uncle Mike had gone down on Sarah as she sat back, sprawled on the big sofa in her parent’s lounge. His expert tongue and fingers had fluttered round her clit and cunt, and he had kept her edging for a...
Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...
“She is all yours!” the man with the crooked nose and glasses that were way too large for his thin face said to me indifferently as the $100 bill left the long bony fingers of his right hand. It fluttered on its way to the ground when the girl’s father reached out with his right hand and grabbed it, pulling it to him as he immediately placed it into his back pocket. His dark brown eyes were narrow and scary as he looked at his 18-year-old daughter. She was tall, slender, and her body was...
Jan Is A Bad Mom pt 5 After some world class pestering, Judy finally convinced Jan to help her get in on what was happening. The next time the boys were due to come over, they would be ready for them. When the boys came over later that week, Jan was laying out in her teeny tiny red bikini that left little to the imagination. The boys all smiled when they saw her laying there sunning herself practically nude and were anticipating a fun afternoon. Jan sat up to greet them, her ample breasts...
TabooNeighbors. Everyone has them. Sometimes they get along with them, sometimes they don't. My wife and I are fairly lucky. We live in a suburban neighborhood full of tract houses. Front and back, our house contacts four others; our two next-door neighbors and two that adjoin our backyard. We've never had any major problems with any of them but our relationships with each vary. On the right rear we don't know the people. On the right, next door, we're cordial with them, never socializing or...
Princess of Trimaria - Part Two By Scott Ramsey CHAPTER 16 Aliana was so distracted by Marc's arrival that she didn't see the orc approaching until it was almost upon them. The creature had been hiding outside the ring of stone monoliths and used the bulk of the knight's warhorse to conceal its approach. It wasn't until Marc had whirled Keri around that the creature revealed itself, charging forward with its sword held low. The handmaiden had precious little time to act, and...
Narrated by Rahul Hello dosto, main Rahul. aaplogo ne dekha kitchen mein Bharti ko dikhate hue main apni maa ki gand chod raha tha. Kavita aunty maa ke kamre mein so rahi thi. Unhe kamre mein lock kar hum teeno yaha kitchen mein the. Mujhe aur maa ko dekh Bharti kafi uttejit thi aur abtak jhad bhi chuki thi. Main ab bhi jhada nahi tha. Maa mere lund ko pakad muh mein lekar choosti hui Bharti ko dikhane lagi. Fir lund ko muh se nikal haat mein lekar hilati hui mujhe dekh boli: Ise bacha kar...
strangely enough i split from my boyfriend and my mother her second husband in the same week my mum beth is 52 im jean and 28 so we decided to drown our sorrows and have a night out we went for a meal then on to a hotel bar afterwards my mum is big breasted big arse but in shape was wearing knee length skirt white blouse that showed her ample breasts off nicely black heels and either stockings or pantyhose ,i was dressed in black pencil skirt black sheer pantyhose white blouse and black heels...
‘Two more lattes please,’ So Jennifer, how are things now, since your split with Jack?’ ‘Oh, so, so. I’m doing ok. But well, you know.’ Sue eyed her friend. They had known each other since school. They had kept in touch with each other and met regularly for coffee, but this was their first meeting since Jennifer and Jack had split up. Sue had been unsure how to broach the issue. The topic had been skirted around as they drank their first coffees chatting about all sorts of things, but now...
I can’t believe that my boyfriend wants to do this, but I agreed that I’d do anything he wanted. I didn’t think it would be this, though. He wants to watch me having sex with another man. I tried asking him why he wants this. All he said is that it’s always been a fantasy of his. I’m not sure what kind of fantasy that is, but who am I to judge? He had me find someone. It was me who was going to have to fuck him, after all, right? We went to bar, thinking we’d just scope the place out. It was...
My wife's interest in sex had long since waned. Blame our many k**s she's tending to or my own overactive libido; the result was the same: morning shower masturbation. Let's face it, that particular activity only goes so far and it wasn't long before I took to the internet to find oral gratification. Unfortunately, my ads only had men reply. Thank you very much, but I'm very comfortable in my manhood and wasn't interested in having a guy suck me. But after a couple of months, I had to admit...
Kari and I had always been a pain in the ass to each other and after our folks died in a car wreck things just got worse. I was nineteen when she got married to Don and kicked me off of the estate and I ended up in a shitty little apartment in the bad part of town. I managed for a year and then the company I worked for went into Chapter 7 and that was that. The only upside was the company lawyer told me a legal right to live back at home so I enlisted his aid and was soon back at home in my old...
I plopped on the couch, trying to figure out what just happened. Why had she gotten so mad She pretty much willingly stripped for me. But when I kissed her, she got pissed at me I shook my head. Pulling my legs onto the sofa, I finished the movie and tried to forget about Miracle and her mixed signals. Hours later, I heard footsteps. By now, it was pretty late; around one in the morning. Miracle walked in the room, and sat down by me. I glanced at her. She was staring at the television....
Lisa turned to Her maid and said "Dear Bambi, Please tie these males up in the traveling restraints and get the slave chain ready with the others also. And get my Pony boys ready. Let me know when it is ready." "Yes Ma'am." The maids were completely different from the slaves. After the Women on Sabrinia took over control of their planet,they soon realized that it would be necessary to have individuals to fill a sort of "middle management" position, not quite slaves, but not quite Mistresses,...
I agreed and we ended finding two 18 year old guys named Bruce and Billy that would help fulfill her fantasy. Bruce was a tall thin kid with a cock about 9 inches and Billy was short, but his cock was huge and long. This kids cock was every bit of 10 inches and very big around. We agreed to meet them at a hotel one night and they knew I was going to film the fuckfest so Melissa could watch it later and they were both cool with it. Melissa and I got to the hotel and she showered and shaved...
Hello, my friends. My name is Joe. I am 30 years old. Though I am an engineer by profession, I have been working as a tour guide for the last 7 years in Kerala. I am 5 ft 10 inches tall, fair, good looking and athletic in physique. I have always loved meeting new people all over India. Well, I am straight and bisexual in nature and in the course of my life; I have had all kinds of sexual encounters. I was working as a private taxi driver when I was called by my agent asking if I could take...