ProeliatorChapter 18 free porn video

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Constantius' spies or traitors seemed to be getting their act together. I accepted no place to stay and chose my own. They were usually only where the destitute would stay. No matter where I went, I was pursued with uncanny accuracy. I covered my tracks with all the tricks I knew but still the soldiers flushed me out. The city was just getting too hot to hold me.

At the same time, Constantius began to really round up all the Wodenists. The numbers in custody grew all the time. I would like to think it was conviction but it was more like McCarthyism all over again were somebody denounces an enemy as a Communist.

The arena was the only place to hold the thousands of people and the conditions they were held under was abysmal. There was no law and soldiers went into the arena to have sport with the captives and this was not just rape and murder. Every crime known was perpetuated on the people. The arena was well guarded and I think it was mainly aimed at me.

The persecution only became less when I started using my stingers on the soldiers. This was done in the barracks that was set up in the city. Normally a legion was not allowed too near for fear of it being used against the rulers.

Again I was almost caught and had to keep moving. It was almost like I had a microchip implanted on me and they were just triangulating my position. Some of the Wodenists I trusted were sent to find Mithridates and Lazeez and ask them to leave the city. There was nothing they could do to help.

I was a scientist and tried to analyse what was happening. One time I went into the sewer that was under the city with a small boat. When I came up close to the river, I was again pursued. It crossed my mind that somebody else may have come back in time and produced a way to track a person.

Eventually it came to me to find who was giving the soldiers their directions. I did not want to use one of the few stingers I had left and used the regular arrows. I pierced one man's breast and for a day I had a chance to rest.

When the chase started again I found a man dressed as a legionnaire but obviously was not. Another arrow pierced his armour and I had more chance to rest. A few days later I tried the same thing but as the arrow came close it veered off and I used two more with the same result. It was then that the truth finally seeped into my mind. Constantius was using people that could actually use magic against me.

I asked my own questions of the senators but this time it was done by messenger. A senator would send somebody to meet me at a time and place of my choosing with the answer if he had one. Apparently Constantius had combed the empire looking for people to fight me. It was a well known fact that mages assisted in battles or wars but I figured it was just the bullshit that men of this age wanted to believe.

I did remember Fidelis Marius having short talks about the subject. I had to believe the existence of magic because I was in this age and not the one I was born into. I had met no other mages and had no proof that they actually could do as they said they could. People bought snake oil even easier now then they did in my time.

The abilities of the magical practitioners were unknown and Constantius probably had the best he could get. The talks with the senators dropped to nill as I went hunting. This was not that dissimilar to what I had been taught as a lad. I had to quickly search out a target and then eliminate it before the soldiers got me. I had little intelligence to go on and tried using my mind to find my enemy as they did me. It didn't work.

Those that sought me did not detect some of the few Wodenites that remained free and this was the only way I knew to find the enemy. I was not sure of their purpose but I used many arrows on people that did some directing but the supply of targets seemed to be much higher than my supply of projectiles.

Another time I was almost caught when I killed a supposed mage to find out that he was just bait. I left with an arrow in my back and another in my leg. It was only a stinger that I had that dissuaded close pursuit by the mage.

Those in the arena were now being put to death a few at a time to lure me out of hiding. An attack on the imperial box was useless, because I could not get near the arena even when the spectacle was not going on.

I found three men that would plant the explosives as I wished and they would trigger it at the right time and I would not be near. Constantius was not in the city and I was not able to find out who was leading the fight against me. Each of the senators gave different opinions and I could not be sure if any of them were right. I resorted to just buying information. It felt good when the explosive destroyed the man but the next day I was pursued once more.

Two days after the explosion my name was broadcast but by then everybody in the city knew that I was here. Constantius came back in a form of procession and I got close just to spoil his day even if his mages would tell him of my presence. Somebody was a good tactician because I could not get close enough to put an arrow into Constantius even though I had no immediate wish to do so.

Sextus Aquilinus brought me the current news and he seemed very worried when giving it. "Constantius has managed to capture one of Julians's children. It is the young woman named Patricia. Tertius, the son of an officer by the name of Lucius was taken too. I heard that many others were killed."

This shook me. I loved Patricia. She was the nearest woman to a wife I had unless it was KhAvar. I immediately knew that this was a trap. One I would not be able to avoid. Before I could reply Sextus said, "That is not all the bad news. He sent one of his legions to a small town in Persia and found two of your women. I do not know how this was done because there were hundreds if not thousands of towns to search. He must have very good spies."

This really shocked me for again. Magic had to have been used. The girls best chance to safety was to live anonymously with a small guard detachment. Patricia and Tertius meant that there were quite a few deaths because Julian would not leave her unprotected and Tertius was at the Rhine site with her.

Events had been going too good for too long and now I had a ruthless man that had control of my immediate family.

"Where does he keep them?"

It was hard to tell but I thought I saw the faintest smile creep onto the man's face before it disappeared. "I can find out for you."

With my suspicions aroused I said, "I would not put it past Constantius to have actors take the place of my women and the boy. How can I verify that it is really them?"

"They were in the procession."

"I was not able to get close. I cannot just walk into Constantius' trap without some knowledge of who is really there."

"Constantius has a party where he shows off his captives. Perhaps I can have somebody ask them a question or two and the answers should prove to you who they are."

"That sounds like my only hope." I thought for a few moments and then gave him the questions that only one person in the world besides me could answer. Sextus listened avidly and now that I watched him closely, I saw that he was not behind me or not much. I could see that he may have been influenced by Constantius or any number of other groups. A lot of wealth could have been shifted to get this particular senator to shift his allegiances.

I was currently living in an attic so I had no need to go home. I did want to follow Sextus to see just where he would lead me. If the smile was an indication of his loyalties then he would have to report to Constantius as soon as possible.

Before we parted, Sextus asked, "Is there anything I can get you? I could put you up at my home for the night."

"Thanks, I have a place to stay near the main gate. I have to keep moving in any case."

"Do you have silver?"

"I have enough gold to last me for a while. Thank you for offering."

We parted cordially with each of us going in opposite directions. Once out of sight I went slower and veered toward the imperial palace. At the same time I was listening for the distinctive sound made by Sextus' carriage.

Sextus did go to his home though but in a half hour when I was about to leave my roving perimeter, I saw the carriage again. I came close once and saw the blinds pulled but I could smell Sextus when I went downwind.

The carriage pulled into the imperial grounds and the gate closed. Wary of magical bloodhounds I kept moving. One position I had never used was the top of a synagogue that was near the palace. The top level was ten metres higher than the palace walls but it was not directly across from the front gates.

Tonight I used this and hurried to the top by climbing one floor on the outside of the building and the rest inside. I had just enough time to see Sextus being admitted to the palace before I had to leave.

A mage would tell Constantius that I was near but only suspect that I knew Sextus for a traitor. Constantius could now use this information to lay another trap for me with Sextus as the bait.

I had scouted this area many times from different locations and had acquired a lot of information in the process. The castle and grounds were difficult to enter but even if there were no walls then a mage would find me before too long.

With no better target in mind, I went to the nearest watch station but there was no alarm given out. I had to wonder if this was planned or the mages were just not everywhere as they may like me to believe.

It was four hours later that a century of men came my way and I led them on a few turns until I could see just who was directing them. I hurried to the north but heard men coming to cut me off and I headed east. I stayed long enough to see who was leading the pursuit.

I put on a burst of speed that the well muscled legion could keep up. I turned south then west. Again I ran as fast as I could down the streets instead of over rooftops and through walled enclosures.

I heard some excited yelling ahead and burst on four men. One was an officer and two runners; and a mage.

The men drew their swords but I was moving very fast and used my feet or my two swords but mostly I used my mind. It took longer than expected because the mage was fighting me too with his mind but he was not strong.

The two runners fell first with stab wounds but they were not dangerous to their health. The mage ran then and in seconds the officer fell to the ground. I raced after the mage and he turned on me with a knife. I beat it down quickly and kicked him in the nuts. I left the man in the alley we were fighting in and went back to heal the three men.

After returning to the mage, I threw him over my shoulder and ran down the alley and then climbed a wall with a lot of difficulty. On the other side was some trees in a simple garden that looked to be going to seed. The mage was left senseless until I returned. If I didn't then he would die. I left to find the other mage if I could.

I made a similar play for the other mage but he was better defended. He could also defend himself better with weapons and with his mind. In the end I had to kill instead. Three of his men had died but I was able to heal six others before I fled. Soldiers were coming and there were too many to fight.

With the hope of a respite in people chasing me I returned to the first mage near dawn. I kept the man from using his muscles and woke him up normally. I did not think he could see me but that did not matter. "My name is Jón of Germania or the Hand of Woden. You have been chasing me for a while now. We are going to have to have a talk."

I could feel something tickling my mind and instead of kicking the man I tried to analyse it. It took a moment but I saw that it was actually a way of gaining control of my body and sending pain to me. It had almost no strength and I just deadened my own nerves to the discomfort he could cause. He could probably hurt anybody else with this sort of attack.

The man gave up suddenly as if the effort had used all of his strength. I said, "You did not do that very well. I will show you how it is done but you are not going to like it. The pain I cause is the most severe pain you have ever felt. In your case it will last a quarter of a minute but feel like all of eternity. The pain will happen again and again until I get what I want."

I took hold of the man's body and caused the pain I had mentioned and stopped when I said I would. It took quite a while until the man could even be forcibly roused.

"That was the first sample. I think we have time for one more then we have to get moving." I was sure if the man could shake his head he would. The pain came back and I had to monitor his heart because he looked like this would kill him. Getting the man to focus back on me the second time took longer. I also had to heal the man but without the endorphin rush.

When I got the man's attention I gave him back a shadow of his former control of his body and a bit more for him to speak. "Do you wish another demonstration or is that enough."

"Please, no more. I will do what you wish."

"Then tell me how many more people with your abilities are in the city looking for me?"


I was going to correct him but I let it lie. "Tell me where they stay."

"In the Imperial Palace mostly."

"Did Constantius bring some of my family to this city?"

"I do not know for sure but that is what I was told."

"Fair enough. Now tell me what you know about their capture."

"It was my time to leave and try to find you so I was not able to hear much. Those that took your people suffered a lot of casualties. Constantius demanded that those he sought be brought here undamaged."

"How did you find KhAvar and MehrAk?"

"I do not know. We worked as a large group and the information became clearer as we sought them out. It took days to narrow the area down and then Constantius just sent some of his special men after them. I do not know about any deaths or how they were captured."

"How is it that you can track me?"

"We have gone to your sermons and were able to get close enough to make a kind of contact with you. I do not understand this and nobody really does. It is just something we can do."

"Show me how it is done."

"I cannot. I just get close and try to fit myself into your body. That is how I can cause pain. Somehow or other I get to feel your presence when we are close."

"How close for you and then for the others?"

"If the night is quiet I can find you in a third of a mile. Others can do it up to a mile."

"Is there some way of hiding so that you or the others cannot detect me?"

"I do not know. Whatever you have is very strong and we can see you from far away. If I searched for somebody else I would have to be, at best, ten paces away."

I did not necessarily believe the man but I did not necessarily disbelieve him either. There were many questions I wanted to ask but I did not have time and with another mage dead and one captured or dead they would be looking for me much harder.

"I cannot stay here much longer. There are a lot of questions I have to ask. Before I let you come after me again I would kill you..."

"I will leave the city and never come back. I will not hurt you."

"I am going to leave you the way you are now. I will come back later and we can talk more. If they find you I suggest that you say that I burnt you out and you cannot find me any more. If I catch you chasing me again I will let the pain you felt before stay with you until you die of it."

Same as Proeliator
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The day following the incident at the movie theater, Ethan and I text each other nonstop. The only pauses in communication were obligations at work on both our ends. However, I got off before him, and would have to impatiently wait to hear from him between messages. He wanted to see me earlier, but responsibilities at work kept arising. It’s now nine thirty at night when my phone finally beeps again. Guess what? He asks me. You’re gonna die of old age before they let you leave? I guess in...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part Nine

As I marvelled at the huge cock head nestled inside my warm wet mouth, I realised that I was still a novice when it came to sucking another man's cock. I had no problem with someone sucking my manhood of course, licking it gently until my hot warm juice flooded a greedy throat. For now, my soft lips encircled the engorged cock head while I ran my tongue under the shaft, testing the sensitive area, putting myself in his position.Martin's hips jerked up, I stopped him grinding into my virgin...

Gay Male
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Marcy takes a lover

My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Boston, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 34 years old, and I've been married to Jason for 11 years now. Jason is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...

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My Father in law fucked me and our Virgin maid

Hi, This is Rajesh again with my new story working in MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I am having a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8 inch cock and satisfying many Ladies and Aunties. I met my old college flame Bharathi recently in Chennai who had married our classmate, a Brahmin boy Rahul from our class. She had opposed her parents and married Rahul. Rahul Parents had accepted her as their daughter in law, but her own parents had disowned her. She had flown to...

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The Rest Stop Part 2

The Rest Stop: Part 2 Alyssa yawns as she opens her eyes, sitting in the backseat. It's about nine o'clock in the morning. She looks out the window and only see's trees, surprise surprise! Her mom is as always sleeping and her dad is driving with an angry look on his face....she sometimes wonders why her parents are still together? Her mom doesn't do a lot of talking anymore. The reason why being that her mother caught her dad cheating on her last year. Alyssa was angry at her dad...

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PrincessCum Dakota Tyler March 2023 Flavor Of The Month Dakota Tyler

Ricky Spanish is really, really into his stepsister Dakota Tyler, but she likes to make stupid bets. For example, she bets Ricky she can blow the biggest bubbles and chug a drink the quickest. At every turn, Dakota uses her tight petite body to her advantage to make sure she wins. Today, Dakota and Ricky are going through clothes to give away when Dakota bets Ricky she can fit in the suitcase. If she wins, Dakota claims she can suck Ricky’s dick. Ricky tries to tell Dakota to cut it out,...

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Its My PartyChapter 51

It was twenty minutes after the attack of the Dinofelis when the conference call finally ended. Jada looked at her watch and thought that by using a little of the evening twilight, they still had almost four hours of decent light left. If they stayed out of the central channel, they could avoid the current and have the kayaks secured in the boathouse in less than three hours. Then there was a short two-kilometer hike across some gentle switchbacks to climb to their home sanctuary. Heck, they...

3 years ago
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Breaking In

I am not entirely proud of what I did, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute and maybe you shall understand. See, I have been working overtime at the managerial aspects of my work lately, so my sleep schedule is completely broken. But at least that night I am getting a nice, relaxing sleep. It is the first one I had had for weeks, in fact. Or at least, it would have been, were it not for the fact that I was rudely jolted out of sleep by a sudden, loud crash coming from downstairs. Here is...

1 year ago
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Moms Rape CureChapter 5

Captain Elsworth pulled the Missy alongside and hailed the two men. One was a giant. At least, his body was huge. His chest was a barrel, and his arms were as thick as Matt's thighs. He had a small head for the big body, and there was a witless expression to his face. The other man was thin and wiry, with dark, curly hair, a hooked nose, thin lips and a bony jaw. His eyes had a steely glint. He took the rope that Captain Elsworth tossed him and hooked it around the bow cleat of the small...

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DreamsChapter 3

The next day Josh got into the office early again. He felt sore due to two days of sex with Jane. It was a great weekend plus he had a good night's sleep. He was surprised that Jane didn't show up for work. 'I must have fucked her sore and she can't walk right, ' he chuckled to himself. "Hi Josh," Victoria walked in with a pile of documents. She work a nice pair of white slacks that fit tightly about the ass with a flare at the cuffs and beige satin brocade blouse. Her long hair...

2 years ago
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The Pet Part 2 the first hour

She’d adapted it especially for those special occasions when she’d invite one, but only one, of her friends around to abuse Kim for a while she drove them around the city. The back of the van had been completely stripped of all its fittings and the floor had been refitted with a mattress. In each of the four corners, a large hook had been fastened to the interior and Kim was suspended in mid-air by ropes attached to his ankles and wrists, the other end of each stretch of rope firmly tied...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 82

Gothenburg Sweden is a seaside city that oozes old world charm. Its old classic architecture combines easily with modern skyscrapers. We walked for hours, seeing everything from the Liseberg, Scandinavia's largest amusement park, with roller coasters galore, to the museums in the arts district, where the Museum of Fine Art – the Göteborgs Konstmuseum, house an amazing array of classics and famous Nordic art. Rebecca dragged Colleen onto a couple of coasters that looked positively lethal,...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 53

August 24, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written August 26] I was a bit groggy after the alarm went off, which was due mostly to spending too much time getting caught up on the diary last night. I will have to tell Gracey and Liya about the diary, since they’re both going to be here for most of the next seven months. Hopefully, that will allow me to keep more closely to current. School will also help in that vein. I hope. Mrs. Palecek dropped Civia off at 7:50, a result of the new plan that we...

3 years ago
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A Night To Masturbate About

Hey guys and girls. I am Loathlover (obviously not my original name). Well I have been reading sex stories for last couple of months and they have encouraged me to share a little story of my own. Well I am a new person here so if you like my work or not please write to me on First I would like to explain the lady in the story, she is like an apple nobody can dislike her. She had a figure of 34-30-36, fair in color and liked to wear salwar-kurti. This all happened when I was home from my hostel...

3 years ago
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Wife and Friend

The questionnaire was asking me about my extremes. ? I’m a conservative professional guy. And I have a wonderful Wife key holder and an approved?friend/no sex playmate.? Keyholder as is she hold the key to a chastity device which I am intermittently required to wear.  Part of our play is me getting locked up and threatened.  Threats of public humiliations, particularly in front of her girls friends are a huge turn on for me, when we go that route. ? ? Susan, I met on a train to NY.  She was a...

3 years ago
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Setting up my boss

Let me start by saying that my boss is a huge asshole. He treats people who he perceives lower than him like crap and for the most part people let him get away with it. One day, his wife stopped by our store to see him. She was a true definition of a milf. She came in wearing a yellow dress that hugged her beautiful curves. Her breast were plump but not saggy, her ass were also thick but firm. She looks like she takes care of herself really well. Well on my way to the break room, I over heard...

2 years ago
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Lost my ass cherry

ok so one day after work i decided to go to the local XXX theater to see what was on. nothing really good in the straight theater. so i went over to the next theater and saw some gay porn. it was a twink being rimmed by a tranny. I decided to go in and in the far back corner of this theater there was a group of 3 men and when i walked in they came up to me and asked if i wanted to "play". so i said why not. so they all took out thier dicks and their sizes were outstanding. the white guy had at...

1 year ago
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Meri Behen Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Dosto, me ab aap ke samne mamata ki chudai ka part -2 la raha hu. Mamata aur suraj ki pyaas shayad abhi bhuzi nahi thi. Maggy khane ke baad suraj mamata ko kis karne laga. Mene dekha ki uska land phir se tan gaya. Mamata boli are abhi to kiya tha ye to phir se ready ho gaye. Plz suraj ji ai nahi. Suraj bola darling ye dil nahi maan raha he. Tu he hi ek dum mast. Mamata boli ki bhai aa jayega. Suraj ne kaha abhi to sirf 2 baje he woo 5 baje tak aayega. Dont wory es baar me jayada maza aayega....

2 years ago
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Parttime Husband

I got home from working out at my friend's place. It would've felt weird to shower there, so I jogged the half-mile home and went inside. After a few minutes of catching my breath, I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge and went upstairs to my room. I stripped naked and went into my bathroom and started the shower. I had to take a shit, so I sat down and took care of business and flushed. The water was perfect and I just let it hit me on the forehead and chest for a while. I took...

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I Want to Play a Game the Game ContinuesChapter 5 The Game Continues

Officer Reynolds sat through the whole video in a morbid silence. He had watched many of these games before of course, but only ever on recorded film, never live. The feeling of helplessness he felt just watching the two girls suffer and knowing there was nothing he could do to help made him feel sick right down to the pits of his stomach. He wanted to put a bullet through Michelle's head right there and then but he knew the only way to save his sister was to play the game her way for the...

2 years ago
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Carnival EroticaChapter 2

The two young Americans sat nursing cups of coffee at a small sidewalk cafe. Both women were exchange students who had come to Romania, one to study the language, the other its culture. Kristy Anders' passion for the culture of Eastern Europe had its origins in American vampire movies and her youthful fascination with Transylvania. She had scrimped and saved since a sophomore in high school and along with modest help from her not-well-off parents and a generous grant, she was now spending...

3 years ago
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the masked lady

“You are invited to our masquerade ball” the invitation read; a picture of a masked couple kissing at the top. “How fun” I moaned to myself, a room full of adults getting drunk pretending that their identity is somehow masked by a piece of paper. My cynicism level climbed. But the invitation was from a business contact and I remembered the quote from Oscar Wilde about giving a man a mask and he will tell the truth. I hushed my cynical side and marked my calendar. The party was in the nice...

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Youre my Bitch for Now Gay

The first time I sucked and deepthroated a cock, my throat was sore for almost a week, and I felt a bit ashamed and dirty. But, it was such a thrill to submissively kneel down and have a horny married man grabbing my head and forcing his stiff prick inside my mouth, shoving it down my throat, that I knew I had to try it again. So I ran another ad on craigslist that started off like this:"Are you a married man? Have you wondered what it would be like to get your cock sucked by another married...

3 years ago
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No Strings Attached Disenchantment

That night whilst I laid next to Liam and listened to his peaceful breathing; I found myself unable to will myself to get out of the bed and leave. Selfishly, I had chosen to stay despite not feeling like I deserved him. The idea of just going and never knowing his love again was overwhelming. For whatever reason, he had sought me out, but due to his preference for sadism and his level of intoxication that couldn't happen.~~~Several days then pass with Liam leaving the bed early and only...

1 year ago
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Lost ToysChapter 22

Lost Toys 22 – Going Home Ida Whitetree – Friday, July 10th, 2015 “Please, just hurry up a little,” I panted. I was fucking my hips up and down giving my all to the only man who I had ever let pick me up at the counter. Worse or thankfully, his two little whores were giggling in the shower. Gigi was passed out across the foot of bed, spooning exhausted teenaged flesh. She didn’t have a morning shift. I was going to need to wear yesterday’s uniform. I hoped I’d at least have time for a quick...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Naomi Swann Dainty Blonde Naomi Swann Rough Banging Results In Explosive Squirting

Watch the blonde babe with perky tits, Naomi Swann, as she does a back-to-back scene with Tyler D. The gorgeous chic just finished doing a scene. The dripping cum on her face is clear proof that she has enjoyed the scene so much. Naomi cleans up her face and does a little interview with Tyler. All the talking and teasing made Naomi all wet and horny again. She lies on her back and lets Tyler facefuck her tiny mouth while she plays with her tight pussy. Tyler can’t contain his lust any...

3 years ago
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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 25 MotherDaughter Issues

On the evening after calling Deirdre, after spending another hour on the internet and reviewing resort hotels, Maureen sent an e-mail to her daughter with a proposed plan. She had a flight to San Francisco on the 21st and she would spend the night in an airport hotel. On Saturday the 22nd, she'd drive up north and pick up Deirdre in Eureka before heading to The Bellweather Inn which was located on the Redwood Coast. They would stay until January 2 before they would head back to Eureka....

1 year ago
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Midnight petal

I am mia this is based on a true story. Hearing her close and lock the door behind me (* as I showered leaving wet white breast dripping wett)* slowly..she gazed at me from afar as I saw her throbbing orgasm slowly rise.. biting her lip . Moaning. We had always been close aunt kim and I. As I rubbed my vagina slowly. Tugging my nipple softly. Circling it with my finger.. she growled. Orgasming.’yes..’ she moaned. Watching me shower. I knew her glare.. throbbing..overwhelmed her biting her lip...

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