Princess Ayumi and the Pirates
- 4 years ago
- 39
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The waters around the small tree-covered island, jutting proudly from the calm sea, were dangerous. I knew this; I had been told. The coy young lady, whom I had spent half the previous evening with at The Red Lion warned me as her eyes twinkled and my hands massaged her thigh. I got nowhere with her, despite me drunkenly boasting I could bring any girl to a powerful orgasm with my tongue, but we discussed a few fantasies and I got a kiss on the cheek. She smiled sweetly and welcomed me to the village, before warning me again not to venture towards the island – about three miles from the coast – unless I wanted to get into trouble. They were pirates' waters.
Any advice to avoid the good fishing grounds was always going to be ignored, and the following morning I loaded a small yacht with my fishing gear and a Thermos flask of hot tea. The sea was calm and land was just a minor footnote on the horizon. I could see the "Pirate Island" a couple of hundred feet away but it was silent and still, save for a few birds nestling in the plethora of trees that had taken root on the lonely outcrop.
It was peaceful and serene and I opened my flask to take my first drink. It was a great spot for fishing as within an hour I had six fish in my bucket that would make a wonderful lunch on the fine Summer's day. The soft lapping of the water against the side of the boat was relaxing and enjoyable, and I leant back in the vessel. It was too nice, and I pushed my boots off with my feet.
My trousers and top soon joined my boots and I looked around the sea before continuing. I knew I was alone, but I just wanted to check. The rough wooden bottom of the boat irritated my exposed back as I lay down and I gave a satisfying sigh as my underwear was abandoned onto the rest of my clothes; being naked and at sea was wonderfully relaxing and so enjoyable.
I savoured the Sun's rays, closed my eyes and daydreamt. I could see my ex-girlfriends dressed in latex bustiers and corsets walking around me and blowing kisses towards my naked body, offering promises they would have to keep. I could see the girl from the coffee shop sliding a chocolate flake between her bossom and "forcing" me to retrieve it. I could see the girl from the pub naked and "making" me eat her pussy as if my life depended on it. I licked my lips and panted, my hands gravitating towards my erect cock.
The first stroke was heavenly; the cool air of the sea wind breathed gently over my glistening tip and made me feel alive. Shivers of pleasure and contentment swept through me and I groaned, savouring the moment; the subtle lapping of the water and the sea birds squawking overhead played a calming soundtrack to my self-pleasure. It was gorgeous.
My other hand squeezed my nipples and glided over my body to touch my balls; I spread my legs further to allow my fingers to touch and to probe my perineum; a sizzling warmth spread instantly through my loins and my cock glowed and radiated with lust. The naughtiness of masturbating on the open seas tickled my arousal, it felt so dirty and so dangerous.
My hand circled my glans, swirling the first drops of pre-cum around my engorged head; I groaned: it had been a few days since I had had sex or played with myself and my deep-seated desperation washed over me. My balls tingled and my cock throbbed: climaxing on the open seas as the swell of the water rocked my boat would be so satisfying. I made long deep strokes with my hands, sliding my palm over my glans with squeals and groans.
My mind danced with erotic imagery: the slut on the corner of my road, begging me to pound my cock into her stretched pussy, the masseuse in the big town squealing as my fingers pressed on her sex, my landlady caning me for late payment: I fantasised with wild abandon as my fingers pressed on my perineum, rubbing it in circles as my body begged for a release.
"Huhhh-nnnn," a voice called and my boat rocked violently.
"What the... ?" My eyes blinked as I struggled to adjust to the bright light of the Sun streaming through my now-opened eyeballs. "Hey!" I yelled as I struggled to focus on the movement. I felt the boat tip downwards as someone stepped onto the boat in front of me; they were wearing black but I couldn't focus.
"Some sea dog," a female voice called in a dismissive tone. "Thinking it's OK to wank himself off in our waters." I coughed, and scrambled to the end of the vessel, my heart beating furiously in my chest: who was this woman?
My eyes blinked and I put a hand up to shield my eyes as my other hand belatedly protected my modesty. She was in her late twenties, with dark hair that cascaded down her scowling face to her bosom. She wore a black hat with the Jolly Rodger motif printed upon it, a white top, tied with a knot so that her midrift was exhibited, and a red jacket open at the front. My mind salivated at the prospect, still in excessive horny mode as her outfit was completed by a black skirt and sexy boots. I wanted to fuck her, and ignored the danger the sabre she was clutching, presented.
"These are our waters," a second voice told me, and I looked over to a larger boat alongside mine flying the Jolly Rodger flag proudly. The second girl, dressed in a crimson pirate's outfit banged her sword on the side of my boat and snorted as looked at me. "Just another twisted mainlander, take him ashore."
I objected, claiming to be in safe waters, but they ignored me. I pleaded with them, begging them for mercy but the first pirate threw my clothes onto her boat and she sat down, nodding towards the oars and tapped her sword. I tried my best to cover my nudity but it was too late: she had seen everything and she taunted me as she navigated us towards the island.
I protested vainly but she had a sword in her hand and a mischievous glint in her eye. My questions about what they were going to do went unanswered and my eyes slipped upon the small island, encased in thick trees.
My clammy hands slipped on the oars as I kept glancing towards her: she was sexy and I chastised myself for fantasising about the woman kidnapping me. Her skirt rode up slightly as she leant back and my cock twitched: I was so close to climaxing when I was interrupted and my testosterone levels were still too high.
My boat reached a narrow inlet and the bottom of the boat crunched as it hit the soft, sandy carpet of the small beach. My kidnapper's accomplice was already waiting for us; her much larger vessel was already tied up and she dragged my small boat further in land. "Get out," she barked as I stumbled in the boat.
"Can I have my clothes?" I stammered. They laughed and the long-haired pirate who had boarded my boat, pushed me by the neck as I disembarked. I fell onto the sand with a yelp, spluttering as I inhaled dry sand.
My captor pushed the point of her sword against my exposed thigh, digging it in painfully. "Move," she barked. I scrambled away from her and her weapon, but she followed me, directing me up the beach and into the small woodland.
It was not a big island and it took just a minute of painful barefoot walking between the trees to reach the centre of the isle. Occasional squelches of mud oozed between my toes where the tree cover was broken and twigs dug into my skin, causing me to yip in discomfort.
I got no respite or sympathy; the sexy pirate followed me with her sword outstretched, directing me to the clearing in the very centre of the island. I could hear the rustling of the wind through the trees and the breaking of the sea against the island, but she lowered her sword and stood a few metres from me, leaning against a tree.
A tent was erected on the edge of the clearing and there was burnt ground a few feet away; she saw my eyes linger on them for a moment and I looked away. "So what happens now?" I asked a little aggressively. "You're..."
"What happens now," a voice behind me barked. "Is that we show young men that our waters are not for filth." I spun to face the other woman walking into the clearing carrying my clothes, my bucket of fish and a sword. "Tie him up."
I coughed and protested, backing away and desperate to get away from them. "No. Look, I'm sorry, I'll go away and won't say anything to anyone. Promise." The two women advanced on me, and I scurried away from them, jumping into the forest and sprinting away from them.
I got a dozen metres from the clearing, my feet treading painfully on nature's carpet of hurt, when I was bundled to the ground by one of the girls. I cried in shock and in discomfort as I landed on a small bush, that only yielded so far before scratching and tearing my exposed skin.
I was smacked viciously across the rump and a sword jabbed my thigh. "Do that again," I was warned. "And you'll be pissing blood for a week." I gulped; I didn't doubt they were serious, and was hauled back to the clearing by my kidnapper.
The two women didn't waste any time in binding my hands to two trees a couple of metres apart. It stretched my arms painfully and my shoulder ached after just a couple of minutes while they whispered conspiratorially but I struggled against my rope restraints and they did not yield; I was stuck.
"Who are you?" I asked, my eyes watching the two controlling women as they stood looking at me; they oozed control, the sultry look in the eyes, the firm grips on the swords and the malevolent smirks as they slowly inched further apart.
"Sandy, the Pirate Wench," my kidnapper called from my left, stopping and leaning against a tree outside their tent. I giggled and bit my lip; it was too silly a name to be taken seriously. Her frown intensified.
"Captain Ramona Bluebeard," the other lady called to my right. For the first time I got to focus on her: she was slightly older than Sandy, and more my age, but had the same evil look in her eyes as well as an incredibly toned body. "And these are our waters."
"We don't like filth..." Sandy started but stopped as I burst out laughing.
"A pair of pirates with morals, now I've seen everything!" I struggled against the binds as I yelled. "Now let me go!"
"Little brat needs teaching a lesson," the Captain cried and nodded towards her friend. "Perhaps the rat won't be quite so cocky after a hundred."
"Untie me," I demanded as Sandy knelt into the tent and picked up a rucksack. "This has gone far enough," I said. "I promise I won't come back here again; let me go and give me my clothes back." I tried to look over my shoulder as Sandy walked around me, but my arms being pinned above my head restricted my vision.
"I shouldn't have done what I did, and I'll go, never breathe a word of this to anyone." I heard the zip of the bag slide open as Ramona's mouth erupted into a wide grin. She walked in front of me and stood a couple of feet away, pushing a finger underneath my chin to lift it up to her eye-line.
"Smile for me," she patronised. "Big broad smile." I forced a grin with a snort. "Keep smiling and we might just think about." She raised her eyebrows and stared into my gaze; what was her game? I hesitated, not sure what to do: those split seconds were torture. Something was about to happen but I didn't know what.
I sensed movement behind me and my upper back erupted into agony with a crack as dozens of fires stung my skin. I fell forward, straining against my bindings and yelled as my flesh burnt with pain. "What are ... help! HELP!"
"We're three miles from land," Ramona cackled. "Yell, scream for help. I'll even join you!" She teased. "Won't do any good."
"Leave me alone," I begged but the Captain nodded towards her accomplice and my a split-second later pure pain ripped through my back as Sandy brought the weapon firmly on my exposed flesh. "Help me! Help me!"
Ramona giggled. "Help!" She screamed. "Some wild pirates are teaching this rat a lesson." She pulled a face and listened to the sound of the wind in the trees and shrugged. "No-one's coming," she added. "We better get back to your punishment."
I protested and begged for forgiveness but Sandy was relentless and flogged me a further six times. Each time, I screamed in pain: it was torturous and inhumane but the sexy pirate in front of me nodded appreciatively as my back exploded into a mass of stinging welts.
Tears formed and I held them back, closing my eyes and struggling against my ropes tying me to the trees. I felt Ramona trace a finger along my body, pressing against my erect cock and teasing: I must be depraved if I still had an erection.
Sandy gently rubbed her flogger over my back and tickled my skin with it's leather straps dancing lightly on my flesh. I wriggled and squirmed, much to my tormentors' amusement, and Sandy moved the flogger to my buttocks, my thighs, legs, testicles and nipples, lightly wiggling it over my skin. I recoiled when it gently flowed over my cock: they were just toying with me but it I would prefer the teasing over angry punishment with the weaponry at their disposal.
I think Sandy sensed my body entering a relaxed state; the birds tweeting and squawking combined with the gentle breeze and soothing touch of the leather tails were sending me into a dreamy haze. I had forgotten my predicament!
Sandy reminded me of my precarious position with a sharp whip across the buttocks, followed by two further high-intensity hits. I yelled in agony, but she returned to light flogging across my thighs and upper back where I barely felt the weapon in her hand.
I groaned and writhed as the flogger swept over my skin: I knew my ordeal was far from over. Sandy took pleasure in reminding me with a further two ferocious whips of the flogger, causing the tails to sting my punished bottom and the tips curl around my thigh and land painfully on the thin skin.
I screamed; hopping on one leg as a volley of profanity left my mouth. Ramona laughed loudly; her face had exploded into sadistic glee as the flogger struck me and I had barely been able to deal with the intense pain.
I was confused by Sandy constantly altering the strength of her strokes; it didn't make any sense except to befuddle me. Ramona was watching intently as her friend softly dragged and lightly struck my bare bottom. My body sizzled from the smacks I'd received earlier but the softness of the flogger was tranquil and soothing.
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These first chapters will be about setting up the story. At the moment I'm going to recommend to read Anne West's story as that's the one I'm gonna be focusing on the most until I feel like i have written enough to pursue other characters and possibilities. When it comes to the mens side of the stories I recommend Edward Lee, as that at the moment is my secondry objective of characters. I have a rough idea of what to do with those characters so they will be receiving the most amount of updates.
BisexualAuthor’s note: This is my first ever story! It comes from one of my rape fantasies and there is more of the story to come, if the reviews are positive. I also have some real life sub/slave experiences that could make for good reading, as well as other rape fantasies. But I wanted to get my first time out of the way (kind of like losing my virginity again!) and see what people think. Please email me any comments you might have. My email is [email protected]. As I lay in bed listening for...
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Evil Magic World 2: The Fugitives By Pulsar His name was Erik. It was his birthday and he was proud of himself! He was strong, clever and had been selected to be an engineer, which was what he wanted to do. His parents were cool with him, and at 18, he had just two more years of studies so he could be on his own! A good work, a good wife, a few slaves if he could afford some, the road was all traced before him. He was going out with Lydia, as they had grown up together. She...
Holidays had ended, and the time was back for studies. Tony, a 17 years old teenager woke up that day with the thought in his mind. Quickly, he dressed up, went downstairs to meet his parents and have breakfast. He hurried up, because he did not wanted to be late on his first day. Twenty minutes after, he was in the bus, travelling to the school with some of his neighbour's friends. Tony was the only child in a common citizen's family. His parents loved him, and always exhorted him to...
Professor Neville Longbottom sat up straight at the High Table of Hogwart's Great Hall. Only a few of the teachers he'd known fifteen years ago when he'd been a student were left were still teaching. He'd started coming back as a guest lecturer for Defence Against the Dark Arts, and when Professor Sprout retired, she'd recommended him as her successor. Professor McGonagall, to his surprise, had no hesitation in offering him the job. That was ten years ago, the first time he'd sat at the...
No one knows where it came from, but it spread across the multiverse. A strange force, filled with power. It was hard to explain but could be understood as the combining to two ideas made real. Evil is Sexy. Rule 63. That the force of evil are some how more sexually appealing then the forces of good. Also that no matter what, there is an inverse gender/sex version of all beings in the multiverse. So this is what the force does in the universe... It turns the force of evil into sex woman,...
Evil Magic World 7 ? Some Wishes Might Not be Wished To learn more about this universe how it works, etc, you should read Evil Magic world 1 before. Dan was part of a noble family. His father's social status was rather high compared to the other nobles in the area. Dan's mother, Donna, did not work. She had met her husband Mark at school and never left him since that day. They found that they completed each other so well in their perversions that they got wed quickly. Needless to say...
EVIL BLESSINGByJArthurPayetteWithin a mansion where George Hearn was recently hired, a girl not quite living drifted toward him in the form of a mist. Lovely was her voice as she spoke to him and soon he followed her wispy form to the second floor of the great house, pausing at the door which she said was her room, the very room where the old lady who owned the place slept. Her lovely voice said, Come to me.He didn’t know her words registered in his mind, not in the fabric of the air. “Where...
Aunt Marlette sighed and smiled, it had been a long exciting day. She had just turned 64-years old and was happy how the birthday dinner with her only nephew, Ryan, turned out. She got up from the couch, then made her way to the bed and laid her 6'2, 340 lbs. body next to her young 19-year old nephew. The bed was so small that he rolled into her chest. His hands instinctively raised in defense of his face, and they grabbed breast flesh and he may have accidentally squeezed one of her nipples....
Our first conversation occurred at Doc Disorder's, the neighborhood bar. I stepped in just like I did every day after work. Only this time, I saw a strange face -- a really adorable brunette with hypnotic dark brown eyes. She also looked like she just came from work. She wore a short black jacket and a slightly above-the-knee black skirt. Black nylons and pumps completed the ensemble. She eyed me from across the bar and motioned me with her flashing brown eyes to sit next to her. She was...
Evil Magic World 8 - Twin trouble Macho, macho, macho man... This old tune was made to measure for him! Miles was a real macho. In his childhood, he had been frequently naked with his twin sister, Tiffany. He had always been the leader in all their games, having something more between the legs. In their early age, the girl had been jealous of him and had often asked to have one... for birthday or Christmas! It always amused their parents, James and Mary. Miles was turning 7 when they...
Evil Office Girls... Part 2 by Silvy Richards Outside, in front of Charly's, as they waited in a line that was rather long, Ron cringed when he overheard the girl just ahead of them reassuring her blushing boyfriend that he was going to be great tonight, that he had nothing to worry about. Grabbing his crotch, she promised to make him hard right before he went on stage. Thinking the office girls might have been bluffing when they said tonight was 'Amateur Night', Ron came to the...
The Evil Twins Diana Fox and her twin brother Peter lay head to toe in her large bed. Itis a typical Saturday morning and Diana is sprawled over her brother with hiscock buried deep in her mouth. Similarly, Peter's tongue is buried in his sisterspussy. The only sounds are the muffled moans and slurps of the seventeen year-olds.As he laps at his sister's cunt lips, Peter grips a cheek of her tight bumin each hand and separates them, revealing the tight bud of Diana's asshole.He forces the middle...
'Muhahaha!' laughed the evil bad guy as the young and beautiful lass ran as fast as she could, stumbling over every single rubbish bin in the alleyway! At last, she tripped, tumbling head over heels with a loud crash! 'Oooh, my ankle!' the blonde babe cried while caressing her thigh in uttermost pain. The bad dude pointed at the weeping girl and laughed once again. 'It appears that you have tripped and hurt your foot! You will never walk again! Ahahahahaha!' The woman got up and proved...
Beth tugged Ann's discarded costume over to her and examined it "Where do you get the stuff? I always wondered" "Mostly from second hand stores and then I alter them. This one I got off EBay, you can try it on if you want" Beth considered for a moment then stepped into the legs. Beth struggled into the leather garment, it fit Ann very well and she wasn't quite as skinny but with some effort and help from Ann she managed to get into it. She pulled the zipper up but it would not close...
Evil Magic World 3: Don't Bother A Noble By Pulsar John was a young noble. At the age of 17, he was very pretentious. Due to his status as noble, he did what he wanted to, and with who he wanted to. On the street, he could pick any woman to please him, and he did. He had made arrests of four who had not accepted to be fucked. His parents were rich and had a rather high position in town, for his father, Georges, was the 8th judge at the Court. His mother, Wanda, loved to pick up...
EVIL DUDES-CHAPTER 2 By Randy MacAnus The four of us shared an old farm house, with a barn, a large yard, and a huge basement. It was roughly in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. The surrounding farmland, beyond the woods, had been sold to an agribusiness. We never saw anyone we didn't want to see. We pulled the van around to the back of the house, and walked our new sex slave in, still bound, naked and blindfolded. We had a protocol in place. He would never see our faces. Or...
Respectability is beginning to close in around Benni. He is given another task more suited to a much older and experienced specialist in the field of strategic business development. Benni’s approach is ad hoc but he does get assistance from a beautiful woman who works for the enemy – the mall. With Benni being Benni the hero is bound to pull this one off, but how? SEVENTEEN Benni ‘Mr Popularity’ James was driving to his workplace from his new apartment three weeks after his promotion, still...
With one woman left in his wake yet not forgotten, Benni makes a determined effort to make his mom like him, at least a little more. It’s time to try to set himself up to make some real money so he examines what are his main interests and concludes there are only two – women and vehicles. He shrugs, thinking that’s not much to go on but it’s his own fault that he allowed his eager penis to get in the way of coming out of college with a useful degree. SEVEN Gladys James was hanging out the...
Pardon the shortness, this is an intro thread. Let’s meet Mary Sue. She is totally perfection. Mary is brave and good. Mary is a hero She is the woman everyone fall in love with and seem to be perfect at everything. You may have seen her in fan fiction writing. She all ways save the day and seem to be connected to the main character in some way. Mary Sue is a tall leggy blond with gigantic breast and a beautiful face. It fact she the MOST beautiful woman in the world. Sometimes she has powers,...
Genre- EVERYTHINGIntroduction:This is chapter one of this series. There will be several chapters. Also, this story will tie INS, coincide, and interact with another author’s story on this sight. I hope you enjoy it. It is just a fiction fantasy and do not condone the acts within nor should this be attempted. I will welcome all comments positive or negative. However, I do request negative responders to speak intelligently if you wish me to take you seriously. I am an amateur at this so hopefully...