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Our first conversation occurred at Doc Disorder's, the neighborhood bar. I stepped in just like I did every day after work. Only this time, I saw a strange face -- a really adorable brunette with hypnotic dark brown eyes. She also looked like she just came from work. She wore a short black jacket and a slightly above-the-knee black skirt. Black nylons and pumps completed the ensemble.

She eyed me from across the bar and motioned me with her flashing brown eyes to sit next to her. She was sipping a vodka martini, the same as me.

"Some coincidence," I told her.

"You don't recognize me?" she asked.

She did look familiar. But I couldn't quite place her.

"I just started working in your department. You've been staring at my legs all week, haven't you?"

I gulped hard. It was true. There indeed was a new set of legs that I'd been ogling, but the face was always buried in paperwork.

"I have a little mirror that sits on my desk. A quick glance and I see all the voyeurs in the office. You're public enemy number one. Your name's Jason, isn't it?"

I just nodded in response. I was feeling slightly intimidated, like I was a 4 year-old caught stealing pink-frosted cookies from the cookie jar.

"I'm Lori."

She extended a slim pale hand and I grasped it firmly. It was warm and soft. Her smile was friendly and inviting.

We continued to talk about work, all the while she stroked my calf with her leather pump. It was only small talk but I hung on her every word. Soon, her delicate hand found its way to my crotch, instantly waking it up.

"I'm sorry Jason, but I've got to get home. I have a lot of reading material to catch up on. I'll see you tomorrow. Buh-bye"

I was so aroused, I thought about masturbating right there in the bar's bathroom. I reconsidered and had two more martinis before going home and falling fast asleep.

Right before quitting time the next day, I found a house mail on my computer from the "new girl." It politely asked me to show up at the Holiday Inn at the corner of town and to get a room for the night at approximately 8pm in my name. She said that she found me rather cute and wanted me to excuse her brusqueness the previous day by joining her for an intimate dinner in a private room. I should bring the Chardonnay, she said in her sweet note, and she would bring the dinner.

I didn't see or hear from my new co-worker again until 8:30pm when she called me from the hotel lobby to get the room number. Seconds later, there was a knock on the door with a stunning vision behind it. At the office, she was always the epitome of conservative businesswoman. In the hotel, she projected a snapshot of femininity, a wet dream come true.

Instead of severely tied back, her dark, silky hair was worn loose and softly caressed her angelic face. Her business suit was replaced by a simple floral sundress, and her deadly leather pumps were replaced by a pair of strappy sandals. But the most shocking change was the playful smile that spread across her lips. Instead of unattainable princess, the image she projected was a flirty sweetness.

I first noticed that she had a paper Macy's shopping bag with her. It must be dinner, I assumed, as she made her way to the couch. We started on the Chardonnay as she continued apologizing for what she called rudeness.

"You liked ogling me in the office this week, didn't you Jason?," she said as the playful smile slowly turned into a mischievous one.

I blushed. Noticing the paper bag between her legs, I leaned forward and peaked inside.

"No, Jason. There is no dinner in there. But I was hoping to have you for dessert," she purred, batting her eyelashes.

She grabbed the handle of the bag with her foot and brought it up to my hands. I removed its contents one by one: two pairs of handcuffs, electrical tape, rope, a small silver ring, and a strange-looking harness. I looked at my colleague. She returned the look as if she were sizing up her prey.

"I don't understand," I mumbled. "Are you kinky? Do you want me to tie you up?"

I was quickly awakened from my confusion by a sharp slap to the cheek.

"Yes and no," my temptress serenely stated. "If you want to have breakfast here in the morning, it would be wise to do as I say."

I meekly followed her orders from then on. Lori told me to disrobe and lie flat on the bed. I shuddered as she manacled my wrists to the top two corners of the bedpost and put the key on the nightstand. She then slipped off her pumps, climbed on the bed, and seductively placed a dainty foot on my chest. I smelled perfume and leather and my cock bobbed obscenely in front of me. She rolled her nylon stocking down her milky white leg, slowly and sensually. Waving the nylon in front of my face, the process was then repeated with the other leg.

I moaned from her teasing manipulations. But the sexy vixen proceeded to tie my ankles to the bottom two corners of the bed. She then slowly removed her clothing until she was just clad in bra and panties. They were green, just like the ribbon in her hair. She hovered over my face and planted a deep kiss on my trembling mouth. I swooned as she removed the last vestiges of her clothing.

Lori then straddled my face, facing my erection. Something cold and hard was slipped over it. All that I was able to see were her lovely creamy-white buttocks, but she peered around to tell me that she put a cock ring around my shaft to prevent any "accidents."

I then used my tongue to explore every nook and cranny of this delicious goddess, from the small of her back to her belly button, and everything in between. She tasted heavenly and soon her abundant juices coated my face from my forehead to my chin, and dripped down my neck. My own cock pulsated helplessly and leaked a copious amount of pre-cum as Lori blew softly on it and darted her tongue at it like a dagger.

I went mad with lust but thoroughly pleased my goddess orally for over an hour and gave her multiple orgasms. She kept me going by bringing me to the brink several times with her wet pink tongue. She even suckled my balls in her warm mouth which almost sent me over the edge. But, alas, I was denied.

We were still locked in a "69" when Lori fell asleep. I, of course, could not sleep a wink and when she awoke at dawn, I had a splitting headache. Leaving me bound, she showered and dressed quickly, placing a ten dollar bill on the nightstand, next to the key.

Picking up the key, I thought Lori was going to finally release me. But she just re-positioned me and re-cuffed my hands behind my back. For some reason, I let her, maybe because I thought I'd finally get to cum. With obvious dexterity, my "date" attached the leather and metal harness to my privates over the cock ring. I winced as the metal bit deeply into my already bloated package. My complaints were met with swift action by my tormentress.

She turned away from me and daintily lifted her sundress. Glancing at me with a saucy wink, she wiggled out of her panties and proceeded to stuff it into my mouth which she expertly sealed with the tape. The taste of her essence distracted me as she rolled me onto my belly for an ankle to wrist hogtie. I was still in dreamland when she used the rope to cinch my elbows together. This furiously snapped me back into reality as the pain seared into my muscles and my brain.

"Uh, oh. 9 o'clock. I'll be late for Ally McBeal. Gotta run," she sung.

As she headed to the door, I hollered through the panty gag. My seductress swiveled on her heels, and drank in the image before her on the bed: a hogtied, gagged, horny man with no relief in sight. She brushed a lock of hair from her eyes and blew me a kiss.

"All I promised you was breakfast in this room in the morning," she dryly sneered. "Just order from room service after the maid finds you."

With that, my enchantress opened the door and pulled the "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" off the outside doorknob. She sashayed over to me and dropped the sign in front of my nose. The last I saw of her was her delectable rear end as it swayed from left to right and out the door.

Chapter 2

In five minutes my mind began to clear. It was still a bit numb from the Chardonnay which I was still able to taste along with Lori's womanly essence on my trapped tongue. I looked around the room and thought about my sorry situation.

"It may be as much as twelve hours until the chambermaid finds me," I shuddered to myself.

My pinioned elbows were causing me distress, as were my constricted testicles. But my immediate thoughts were on my full bladder. I drank half a bottle of the wine the previous evening and I would have to relieve myself eventually, I thought.

In no time at all, my bladder was causing me unbearable agony, and I just let loose, It was the first time I had wet the bed since I was five or six years-old. I was mortified and tears welled up in my eyes. It was also rather painful evacuating my bladder through my compressed penis and testicles.

That got me thinking about other issues. Thank god I hadn't anything to eat for dinner, or the chambermaid would be in for a real mess.

My shoulders, severely pulled back as they were, were soon numb. I didn't feel much pain in them -- only a slight tingling. I hoped that there would be no permanent damage. I also wondered how I would face Lori at work, if and when I ever got back. Would I rip into her? I doubted it. I would probably never want to look her in the eye again and would hope that she'd never mention this to anyone else.

Somehow I'd managed to fall asleep. I slept in fits and starts for about an hour. At about 9am, the harsh sunlight unmercilessly broke through the clouds to wake me up. Lori was thoughtful enough to leave the curtains wide open to assure me an uncomfortable morning.

Oddly enough, I started to think about by torturing vixen again as her taste on my tongue started to arouse me. The blood never retreated from my cock, so I was still erect, but I would soon find myself rubbing myself on the urine-soaked sheets below me. I thought about Lori and masturbated myself against the bed. I closed my eyes tight and pictured her in that adorable floral sundress and her exquisite feet in those strappy sandals. Faster and faster I rubbed, like a dog in heat. I was disgusted by the smell of my stale urine, but I blocked that out and concentrated on Lori. She was cruel, but beautiful and I wanted to release my pent-up need in the worst way. It was indeed the worst way: rubbing my restricted engorged cock against wet bedsheets until it chaffed. I didn't care; I would rub it bloody raw if I had to.

Lori was kind enough to put the clock where I could easily see it. It was a little after nine in the morning, and here I was at the Holiday Inn, hogtied and rutting my bed in isolation. But it was no use. The cock cage was just too tight and I was just too exhausted, horny but exhausted.

Just then I heard a light knock on the door and it slowly opened. I shut my eyes tightly and buried my face in the mattress. I heard a deep intake of breath and the door slammed shut. I looked up and it slowly opened again. Through tear-stained eyes, I saw her enter and close the door behind her.

She was a petite woman with long, dark hair tied back in a ponytail. She had an olive complexion and, underneath her powder blue dress, had a tight athletic body. She reminded me of an Olympic gymnast. Just then a knock on the door startled us both.

"Maria? Maria?"

She opened the door only partially, stepped outside, and closed it a few inches. It seemed that she was hiding me from someone. I heard a muted conversation in Spanish and soon Maria came back inside my room and closed the door behind her.

Maria the chambermaid slowly walked up and hovered above me. I wondered what she was doing. She slowly ripped a piece of paper from my back, the tape ripping out the stray hairs that I had growing back there. It seemed that Lori had taped a message to my back before she left. I didn't even notice. The maid walked closer to the window. I looked up and saw a message written in Spanish. Maria turned it over and read what must have been the same message in English. I managed to read only a few words but caught the gist; Lori basically explained the situation. I did catch the last two words -- "HAVE FUN!" I shuddered and turned beet-red as I heard little Maria giggle out loud.

I don't think she spoke any English but I did catch a few words here and there; words like estupido and other put-downs that I learned in my High School Spanish class.

Maria went over to the dresser drawer and opened it. It seemed that Lori left my wallet there and my chambermaid helped herself to my cash, my ATM card, and credit cards.

Oh, my god, I thought to myself. If I don't check out, the hotel will just continue to charge me the daily room rate and leave it up to the maid to see if everything's all right. If Lori keeps mum and Maria doesn't tell anyone, who knows how long I could be kept a prisoner. What especially worried me is that Maria had my wallet. She had a good reason to keep me occupied while she spent my money. The only people who could save me weren't likely going to. Lori could tell them anything she wanted to at work. I probably would just back up her story when (and if) I ever returned.

Maria gently got down on her knees and looked me squarely in the eye. Her big brown eyes were as wide as an eight year old's on Christmas Day. She pinched her nose, obviously an allusion to my pee-soaked sheets, and slapped me with her tiny hand -- hard!

With my cash and cards in tow, Maria left with the "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" and put in on the outside doorknob as she left. I started to sweat until she returned a couple of hours later. It must have been her lunch hour since she brought a brown paper bag with her and a can of Pepsi. I heard her behind me eating and watching television, "The Jerry Springer Show."

The numbness in my shoulders and groin started to turn into a throbbing pain again and I moaned through my gag. In seconds, I felt Maria jump on the bed and straddle my back, knocking the wind out of me. She grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked my head back. Cursing me in Spanish, she spit in my eye and, taking the Twinkie in her left hand, she pushed it into my face. The creme-filling went up into my nostrils and I had a tough time breathing, but managed to force the air out and maintain a clear passage. Maria left me alone to finish her lunch and her television show.

I realized at that point how hungry I was. The smell of a Twinkie isn't exactly the kind that whets appetites, but I hadn't eaten in 24 hours. Her sugary phlegm started to dry on my right eye. That left me essentially blind in one eye, albeit temporarily.

Just then the telephone rang and Maria nonchalantly answered it. She spoke in Spanish but it sounded like she was discussing money, my money I assumed. Maria eventually left but returned at 5 o'clock in her street clothes and a duffel bag. What a knockout -- my cock throbbed again in salute to her exquisite beauty. She wore tight denim jeans that simply made love to her lithe body and little black ankle boots that I've always adored. A tight yellow T-shirt complete the ensemble, Maria's pert B cups standing proudly. She pulled the powder blue scrunchie from her hair and sat down in front of me, gently brushing her lustrous brown mane. My chambermaid seductively crossed her legs and let her right foot bounce and wiggle in front of my upturned face. She just smiled the whole time.

When she was satisfied with her hair she ripped the tape from my mouth and the panties from my parched lips. Before I could utter a sound she stuffed a Twinkie in it. I hungrily wolfed it down. This followed another then another, until finally, I had consumed six Twinkies. I was now thirstier than I'd ever been in my entire life.

"Wwwww.......agua, agua..." I croaked.

Maria moved behind me with the duffel bag and removed the cock and ball harness, at least she tried to. Unless my cock softened a bit, that just wasn't about to happen. She went to the nightstand and removed the Bible from the top drawer and brought it over to me. Maria opened the book to the middle and placed my testicles inside, then SLAMMED the book shut.

"AAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!" I howled, like a pathetic wounded a****l on a desolate country road.

This apparently did the trick because both the harness and ring slipped off and the circulation returned to my manhood. That's when the real pain started. The nightmare of numbness culminated in this ungodly suffering and for five minutes I screamed into a pillow that Maria pushed into my face. Then she removed a gag from her duffel bag and inflated it in my mouth until it stretched my jaw. It was hollow in the middle and she threaded a clear tube through it. The tube was four feet long and she let the free end dangle on the floor.

My chambermaid let my tortured cock relax for about a half hour until she slipped what seemed like a condom over it. I would later find out that it was a Texas catheter and she promptly slipped a 1 3/4 inch wide hose clamp over it, down to the base, and tightened it. The free end of the tube was slipped into the opening at the tip and she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

Maria took a mini boom box out from her bag, placed it on the dresser, and turned it on. A song from a CD started to play; it was that song from The Offspring called "Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)."

Maria did a little dance for me and when the chorus started, so did she.

"Give it to me, baby...Give it to me, baby," Maria sang along to the CD.

My cock started to swell and soon the hose clamp was evilly biting down on the base of my organ. I suddenly realized what Maria had done. I had no choice but to pee into my own mouth and swallow. As thirsty as I was, I don't think I would resist anyway. I just hoped that the hose clamp wasn't too constricting. It would surely prevent orgasms, but if it prevented urination, then I was a dead man.

Chapter 3

"Good night, Jason. See you tomorrow morning," my evil little chambermaid said to me in broken English.

She put the "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" back on the doorknob and blew me a kiss. In a flash, she was gone.

I would soon learn that the human waste recycling apparatus that Maria set up was indeed workable. The urine went from my bladder, traveled up the tube, and down my throat. When my belly filled, the process started over again. Although I caught a few winks here and there, the next morning, when Maria returned, I was both exhausted and queasy. But I couldn't vomit, not unless I wanted to choke to death.

Maria released the rope that bound my elbows, and the feeling slowly rushed back into my shoulders. I would need a chiropractor, definitely, and a doctor, maybe, to tend to me. But I had more important and immediate things to tend to, like how to explain my absence from work the previous day.

Maria undid my hogtie and put the key to the handcuffs on top of my wallet which lay on the nightstand. She was dressed in her street clothes: a miniskirt, and cowboy boots. Apparently it was her day off. She kissed me on the head and with a simple "adios," left the room.

With great difficulty, I struggled to my feet. I was weak and woozy from lack of nourishment and fresh water but I somehow managed to free my hands. Not surprisingly, my wallet had no cash, but my ATM and credit cards remained. Like an idiot, I wrote the PIN number for my bank cards (my maternal grandfather's birthday) on the back of my Social Security card.

I made a couple of telephone calls and soon discovered that my bank account was cleared out and my credit limit was reached, even on my Chevron account. I wonder how Maria did that so quickly. That was $4000 in my checking and $2500 on my bank card. How would I pay my rent? It was due the following week.

Luckily, Maria took care of my hotel bill and left my clothes. I stumbled home, shaved and showered, and wolfed down four scrambled eggs, four pieces of wheat toast with butter, and a whole carafe of Maxwell House. I somehow made it into work almost two hours late.

"Jason, what happened to you? You look like hell. Where were you yesterday?" my boss jumped at me. Luckily, she looked more concerned than angry.

"Uuuhhh...food poisoning. I'm all right now," I told her.

"Nonsense," she said. "I'll have the new girl drive you home. You're in no condition to operate a car."

I hung my head. Five minutes later, Lori exited the boss's office and approached me.

"C'mon lover, let's go home," Lori purred as she winked at me.

I followed her to my car meekly and handed her my keys. Lori looked around carefully and opened the trunk.

"Surely you don't expect to ride in the car with me, do you?" She didn't wait for a response. "Get in."

Lori must have taken the scenic route because my head was knocked silly. When we finally pulled into my apartment's parking area, I was seeing double. Lori opened the trunk and we walked to my door.

"Ladies first," I said.

THWACK! Lori slapped me hard across my cheek and I saw stars.

"Sarcasm will get you nowhere, you little bitch," she hissed.

"I'm sorry," I humbly replied, and cast my eyes downward, wondering what happened the the sugar and spice side of her.

"Go run me a bath, bitch, and be quick about it."

I followed her orders as she looked around my apartment and basically made herself at home. I also tidied up the bathroom for her.

"Your bath is ready."

THWACK! THWACK! This time Lori hit me across both cheeks with the palm of each hand.

"Shouldn't that be, 'Your bath is ready Mistress?'" Lori shot back.

I repeated the line correctly and she invited me into the bathroom.

"Remove my pumps with your mouth, bitch. But if you get teeth marks on the leather or any slut saliva on it, your balls are mine...they're mine anyway but if you disappoint me, I'll use them for jewelry. Maybe I'll make you wear them as jewelry. That would be ironic, wouldn't it?" Lori pondered.

She made it extremely difficult for me and didn't cross her legs. I had to get down on my chest but managed to get her 21Ú2 inch heel between my lips. With great difficulty, I pulled off her left shoe without using my teeth and repeated the process with the other.

Lori ran her black nylon-covered toes across my face and over my lips.

"You think you're cute don't you, bitch? All the little girlies at work probably fawn all over you, don't they?"

I thought it was a rhetorical question and didn't answer.

"I SAID DON'T THEY?!" Lori repeated, shoving her entire left ped toward the back of my throat.

"Ymmmmmfffff...Mffffftrsss" was my muffled reply.

Lori giggled and added "While I take my bath, I want you to buy some decent food for this dump. I took a look at your fridge and cupboards. All crap! Junk food! I want you to buy some good food...and some nice wine," she added.

"With all due respect, Mistress, I have no money."

"Look, bitch, I noticed that nice watch in your top dresser drawer. Pawn the damn thing and go shopping for me."

Lori then slammed the bathroom door in my face and turned on the bathroom radio, loudly, to a top 40 station.

"Damn, she found my good watch," I thought to myself. "It was probably worth a grand but how much could I pawn it for? Before Lori mentioned it, I was considering it myself to pawn it for the much-needed cash. But now I was going to have to pawn it for her."

I had to drive about 20 minutes out of my way to the pawn shop and made it back to my apartment with the groceries in 90 minutes. I got $200 for the watch and spent $100. I put a hundred dollar bill in my sock, inside my shoe.

When I entered my apartment, Lori was on my couch in my blue terry robe, brushing out her hair. She was nude under the robe and had her legs crossed. Her feet were elegantly pedicured. Her toes were as lovely as her face. Lori was indeed lovely, but oh, so cruel.

"I expect lunch on the table in an hour. Call me when it's ready. Oh, and one more thing. I want you totally nude when I return."

Lori then took my "Entertainment Weekly" magazine from the coffee table and went into my bedroom, closing the door behind her.

I disrobed, then made Lori a Chinese chicken salad and opened a bottle of white wine for her. It felt ridiculous cooking in the nude.

"Mmmmmmm...my compliments to the chef," Lori said, tasting her first morsel of broiled chicken. "Oh, I almost forgot, bitch. Your lunch is waiting for you in the bathroom."

Our eyes met. Lori had a an impish gleam in her eye.

"It's in the tub. You get to drink my dirty bathwater. Consider yourself lucky, bitch. It could have been a lot worse."

I excused myself and went into the bathroom. I looked down into the tub at the soapy, filmy water and dipped my hand into it. It was about room temperature. There must have been 20 gallons of water in the tub. There was no way I could drink all of it. I got down on my knees for a closer inspection. I could also see stray hairs floating in the dirty bathwater. Just then, I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head. Lori had kicked me with her bare foot.

"Get started, bitch. It should take you all day and night, if you're lucky, that is. You better be through by tomorrow morning though. If you're not, then you don't get to go to work tomorrow, and we all know how important your job is now that you're broke. Oh, by the way, if I catch you cheating...like, say, opening the drain...then you get to start from square one. I like taking baths. Good luck and god bless, and NO HANDS! Remember, you are not to leave the bathroom until you are done," she added as she cuffed my hands behind my back, her voice dripping with cruelty.

I breathed in deeply. Lori must have had some bath oils in her purse. It smelled of lilacs. I put my lips to the water and took a sip. It was bitter, but I continued until my knees ached and my neck was stiff. For three hours I drank, got up, urinated in the toilet, then immediately retreated to my knees again, and repeated the process. I looked down into the tub. It looked as though I hardly made a dent. After another two hours Lori entered the bathroom. She blindfolded me with one of her dirty nylons while she tinkled in the toilet, then removed it when she left. I sometimes heard her in the other rooms of my apartment, but sometimes it was quiet. At one point, I think she might have left and returned to work. There were no clocks in the bathroom, and Lori had already removed the radio, so I really had no idea what time it was. The bathroom was windowless as well.

I finally made some headway and it looked as though I was halfway through my task when I heard what I think was the front door opening. Minutes later, Lori entered the bathroom.

"Hello bitch. I just came from a delicious lobster dinner courtesy of that 100 dollar bill that I found rolled up in your filthy sock. Our boss thanks you as well, although she thinks that I treated her. I think she's quite fond of me but is losing patience with you."

Lori blindfolded me again, but this time it sounded as though she was evacuating her bowels.

"So, bitch, how's it going? Now, you make sure that you swallow all of my cute little hairs, okay? If you don't, I may have some bigger things for you to swallow."

With that admonition, I heard the toilet flush as Lori removed my blindfold and closed the door behind her. I shivered, but my cock jutted obscenely in front of me and painfully stabbed the porcelain tub wall.

I must have urinated a hundred times that day and night, but I was beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. Only an inch or two remained when Lori once again entered the bathroom. She looked as though she slept for hours.

"Still not done yet, bitch? I'm having breakfast. I expect to shower when I'm through. I expect an empty tub...no hairs!"

I smelled coffee brewing, just what I needed to urge me on. The tub was soon empty, only a few hairs remained: some long ones from atop Lori's head, some short and wiry from her pubic mound. My weary tongue collected them all, then I stood up and walked over to the sink. I ran the cold water, cupped my hands, and in one mighty gulp, washed Lori's hairs down my throat, coughing and gagging the whole time. My Mistress' lovely visage soon appeared from behind the door.

"Good bitch. Very good. You may go to the kitchen and eat my leftovers while I shower. We have a busy day of catch-up to do at work today. We don't want to disappoint the boss lady now, do we? I hear that you're already on her shit list."

Chapter 4

My Mistress Lori and I drove to work together. I should say, she drove while I bounced around in the trunk. I hardly got any sleep the previous three days and had a long difficult day ahead of me. My body and mind craved sleep but I had to muster up some self-control.

Lori and I worked all morning in my office. I actually shared an office with another woman, but she called in sick that day. I was lucky enough to have a private bathroom there, too. At least I thought I was lucky. Lori would soon prove otherwise.

At around 12:30, we sent an intern out for lunch. I ordered a tuna salad on rye and Lori ordered a taco salad. When our order arrived, Lori promptly took my sandwich and flushed it down the toilet, right in front of the intern. He looked at us both and just shook his head and left. I was starved more than I was mortified. I cried real tears in front of Lori and got down on my knees.

"Please, Mistress, I'm famished. I need food. I can't stand it," I blabbered.

Lori planted her pert rump on my desk and crossed her legs, letting her burgundy pump swing playfully from her toes. She dug her fork into her salad and put way too much lettuce, cheddar, and ground beef into her mouth. With overstuffed cheeks, she mocked me.

"Don't worry bitch, I'll make sure I leave you over some tortilla chips. What are you so angry about anyway? I paid for the damn tuna sandwich!"

Lori kept her word and let me have the chips. I hungrily chewed and swallowed every last bit. I even licked the salsa from the bottom of the plastic bowl, while she watched, noisily slurping iced tea from a jumbo-sized cup.

"Thirsty, bitch?" Lori said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Yes, Mistress," I answered, with fear in my voice.

"Good, follow me."

Lori led me into the bathroom where she showed me a large box. It was apparently delivered when I was otherwise engaged at the hotel.

"It's a portable toilet. Just some pieces of plastic and chrome shipped discreetly from a medical supply company. It shouldn't be very hard to assemble. I think all you'll need is a Phillips screwdriver."

I think I understood what this all meant and meekly began to assemble the toilet. Lori left my office while I worked putting corner "A" into slot "B." She returned just in time to see the results of my handiwork. Lori brought a paper shopping bag with her and lifted a very large funnel from inside.

"You did say you were thirsty, didn't you my pet?"

I nodded and Lori went behind me to cuff my hands. She glanced toward the bathroom floor; there was an area to the left of the real toilet big enough for the portable. She set it down there and had me get down on my back and slide underneath it. Through the metal frame of the toilet, Lori placed a blindfold across my eyes. She then placed the pointed end of the funnel in my mouth and wedged the flared end down into the metal frame; it was a perfect fit. She lowered the seat and closed the bathroom door.

Lori finally slid down her skirt and panties, and sat down with a sigh. She leaned forward and opened my fly. I was semi-erect.

"My, my, bitch. Aren't we randy today."

As she giggled, a steady stream of her urine splashed into the funnel and hit the back of my throat. I gagged, but kept my composure. Lori drank a lot of tea that afternoon and I certainly felt it. It was pungent, frothy, and filled my belly, but I swallowed every last drop. I was overwhelmingly bloated from my battle with the bathwater, but this tasted rather pleasant compared to the dirty, soapy water; warm and salty -- and it came straight from the source. I didn't realize it at the time, but Lori applied the harness to my privates as I was indulging in her womanly nectar.

My cock grew as I drank and soon my poor organ felt the evil bite once again.

Lori stood up and pulled up her panties and skirt. She washed her hands and re-applied her makeup in front of the mirror. She left the bathroom without saying a word, shutting the light, and closing the door behind her.

I lay there in darkness and silence for what must have been an hour. My poor wrists were numb from having to bear the brunt of my weight and my jaw was sore from having to stretch around the funnel.

I soon heard the familiar click-clack of high heels enter my office and approach the bathroom. But something was wrong. It sounded like two sets of heels.

"Laying down on the job, huh Jason?"

"Oh my god," I thought. It was my boss' voice, Ms. Hullaby. She was in her early 40's, a tall redhead with a slender figure; a very nice woman--or so I thought.

"Lori tells me that you have qualities that weren't listed on your resume. Perhaps you'd like to share them with me now," Ms. Hullaby said in a gentle, but mocking tone.

I was silent.

"Bitch, answer the boss lady!" Lori interjected.

Muffled by the funnel, I replied in the affirmative.

"Good," Ms. Hullaby responded. "Excuse me, Lori, I think I'd like to try out the new toilet."

Lori left and I heard my boss lift her dress and lower her panties.

"I'm on the rag today. I hope you don't mind, Jason."

Soon, Ms. Hullaby's special elixir was spiralled downward through the funnel. It tasted different than Lori's but I didn't waste a drop. My boss replaced the used tampon with a fresh one and washed her hands.

"Thank you Jason. Your career here at Henderson, Frye, and Hullaby will definitely take a new direction. You've heard of the glass ceiling? I think we've just found the glass toilet."

Ms. Hullaby stepped out to speak to Lori. I heard them on the other side of the door.

"I never would have suspected ole Jason as a bloody Mary kind of guy. I've always suspected him as the Gin and Tonic type. Anyway, I spoke to my lawyer and I think we can make a contractual arrangement with Jason. I pay his debts and you train him for me. When you're through, I get him lock, stock, and barrel."

"And me?" Lori interjected.

"You get Jason's old job and salary. And I get him at my constant beck and call. In fact, I don't really care for the name Jason. I think I'll re-christen him becky, since he'll be at my beck and call, now and forever."

"Lovely. Don't worry Lisa. I understand what you're looking for. I'll brake the old Jason and rebuild him in the image that you have in mind. When I'm done, his own mother won't recognize him. I'll soon have him doing things that he wouldn't even dare say aloud. As bad as he thinks things are now for him, like they say, 'You ain't seen nothin' yet!' He'll merely be becky, slave to Ms. Lisa Hullaby--nothing more.

"Perfect. The two of you can live in my condo in the city. I think you'll find everything you'll need there and more. In fact, if you do a REALLY GOOD job, I may even allow you to continue living there at your current rent. That's almost a 400% discount! My dear becky and I will just have to make do in the 'burbs. I don't think it's what he had in mind, though, of a white picket fence future."

The two women laughed heartily and Jason/becky knew his fate was sealed.

The meeting at the lawyer's office lasted all of twenty minutes. I was soon spirited away to Ms. Hullaby's condo in the city. Lori was kind enough to give me a tour. There was a wire cage on the balcony, just large enough for a big canine, and one in the master bedroom's large, walk-in closet. There was another bedroom that was converted into an office, and a third room, one that Lori called a "playroom." There was also a living room/dining room area and, of course, a kitchen. Much of the condo, except for the two bathrooms, kitchen, and playroom, was covered in thick white carpeting.

Lori kindly explained the house rules to me.

"Rule number one: You are never to stand upright while you are in this house, unless directly following an order, like preparing my meals and cleaning up.

Rule number two: You are never to wear human clothing while in this house.

Rule number three: You are never to sit on the furniture.

Rule number four: You are never to speak unless directly ordered to answer a question.

Rule number five: You are never to eat human food again. From now on, you will eat generic dog and cat food, or whatever is on sale.

Rule number six: You are to carry out every order with all expediency unless otherwise directed. Failure to do so will be a severe testicular beating. You will then be given a second chance. A second failure on your part will result in an even more serious scrotal punishment. I don't even want to tell you what a third offense would entail."

After I stripped and got down on all fours, Lori attached a two inch wide black leather dog collar around my neck and locked it on with a silver padlock. A small silver tag dangled from it and was engraved with the following: "MY NAME IS BECKY. IF LOST, PLEASE RETURN TO LISA HULLABY."

Lori cuffed my hands behind my back and had me shuffle on my knees into the dog cage on the balcony. We were on the 15th floor of the high-rise and I had a lovely view of the city at night. However, Lori failed to put a blanket down on the bottom of the cage; as a result, the wire dug unmercifully into my knees. It was a cool night, but it would soon get colder. Lori left me there until morning, when the temperature bottomed out at 50 degrees.

I was shivering when Lori released me in the morning.

"I trust you had a pleasant night's sleep, my pet. I know I did."

Lori looked lovelier than I'd ever seen her. She looked well-rested, happy, and glowing. She was absolutely purring to me.

"Now becky, I'd like some breakfast. When you're done, you may open up a can of Mighty Dog and put it in the dog bowl that I've gotten for you, the one with your name on it. Then you may join me for breakfast, at my feet."

Lori unlocked my handcuffs and I painfully stood up and stretched my aching joints. I prepared coffee, fresh squeezed orange juice, bacon, two eggs-over-easy, and biscuits for her and opened up a can of dog food for myself. It looked horrible and smelled even worse.

While the two of us enjoyed breakfast, Lori started to mumble to herself.

"Damn pits. I don't like pits in my juice. Damn it!"

Lori kicked me in the ribs with her bare foot.

"You'll pay for this, bitch!"

After breakfast, I cleaned up and joined Lori in the playroom. She bent me over a padded horse and shackled my wrists and ankles.

"I'll be right back, bitch. I have to change and get my workout tape."

Lori returned ten minutes later, put a video cassette into the VCR, and turned on the 35-inch television. She looked absolutely dazzling in her aerobics outfit and took my breath away. It was a two-piece, lime green Lycra ensemble, with cute little yellow cotton socks. On closer inspection, the socks were embroidered above the ankle in red with Tweety and Sylvester; only the cat was in the bird cage as the canary fluttered above it. Lori also wore white Reeboks and a lime green scrunchie to tie her hair back.

After a good 45 minute workout, Lori finished her bottle of Evian and approached me.

"Time for your punishment, becky. You do know why I'm going to punish you, don't you?"

"Yes Mistress," I responded. "Because I inconsiderately allowed pits to fall into your juice."

"Very good. There's hope for you yet."

Lori removed her Reeboks and her socks. They were moist with perspiration, so she had to literally peel them off.

"Open wide, bitch."

Lori stuffed both of her damp yellow socks into my mouth and covered my lips with a strip of metallic duct tape. I tasted her feet and my cock began to twitch. She groaned mockingly at this sudden development while she attached a parachute stretcher to my balls.

"Lets see if we can stretch these babies for Ms. Hullaby. She mentioned something about wanting them at about knee level," Lori said nonchalantly while she poked at them with her index finger.

I shuddered at the thought and wondered if she was serious.

Lori attached a short link of chain to the ring at the end of the parachute and threaded it through an O-ring that was screwed into the floor. I moaned through my gag as she pulled out all the slack and drew my sac painfully downward.

"I think five kicks should suffice, don't you becky dear?"

She snapped her middle finger and thumb at my trapped balls and I jumped, pulling them further away from my body. I nodded wildly.

"I thought so...here goes..."

Lori stood back, took aim and THUMP! She landed a direct hit to the center of my imprisoned sac with the side of her left foot. I lunged forward and felt like I nearly pulled my balls completely off. On her second kick, I thought I would pass out and on her third, she made a glancing blow to the side of my left nut. I started to moan in earnest.

But it was on her fourth kick that I let out a muffled, but blood- curdling scream. Lori landed an uppercut with her toes and I saw stars. I actually thought I did pass out because I suddenly saw Lori's face in front of me. At first, I thought it was an angel. But I blinked my eyes and realized that it only looked like one. It was just Lori passing smelling salts under my nose.

She patiently waited fifteen minutes before delivering the final blow. Luckily, she missed her target completely, and kicked me in the thigh, her toenail leaving a deep red scratch.

"That ought to teach you a little more vigilance with my breakfast. If I catch any more pits tomorrow morning, your poor testes will pay even worse. Now I'm going to remove your gag and I want you to thank me, my pet."

Lori ripped off the tape and I winced. She pulled off a considerable amount of facial hair since I hadn't shaved for a few days. The yellow socks, moist with Lori's foot sweat and my saliva, was plucked from my mouth and I sucked in fresh air.

"Th,th,thank you Mistress. You surely didn't deserve pits in your orange juice. I will be more careful next time."

"You bet your balls, you'll be more careful next time. Their very existence may depend on it."

It was the beginning of my first full day living with Lori, and it wasn't even noon yet. I wondered if I would survive.

Chapter 5

Lori left me shackled to the horse until well into the afternoon. She went shopping with some spending money that Ms. Hullaby graciously offered her. She spent some on items that she deemed necessary to train me, but I got the distinct feeling that she spent much of it on herself. Lori returned hours later carrying several bags from the local mall's department stores. She entered the condo humming happily to herself.

"Oh, my!" Lori exclaimed upon entering the playroom. "You ARE well hung!"

I didn't know what she was talking about until she described it to me.

"My pet, your balls are the size of g****fruits...ruby red, juicy g****fruits. They must hurt something awful."

Lori took her index finger and gently poked my left nut. I let out a blood-curdling scream.

"WIMP! I see that a gag will have to be your constant companion."

Lori slipped off one of her periwinkle espadrilles and shoved it toe- first into my mouth. Her narrow foot meant that I was able to gobble down nearly half the shoe. She found a leather bootlace and tied a knot in the middle of the shoe, right in front of my lips. Lori took the two free ends and tightly knotted them behind my head, wedging the shoe deeper into my mouth which cut into the corners of my lips.

"Now I better get something to cool the twins down."

I sobbed softly in my restraints as my balls throbbed in agony. I tasted the dirt and grime from the floor of the mall on my tongue but could do nothing -- only swallow. However, the leather and the taste of Lori's toes were heavenly. They gave me some measure of satisfaction.

Lori returned with a rubber bag filled with ice and another shoelace. I winced and jerked forward when she pressed the cold pack against my bruised scrotum but Lori just giggled girlishly. She took the leather lace and tightly wound it around my sac and tied a knot. This just served to intensify the pain, since the parachute spreader was still attached to my balls.

"I'm going to take a nice, long, soothing bath. When I get back, I expect the family jewels will have lost a little weight.

My sac was numb within minutes and within a half hour, I felt a dull thump on the floor behind me. I was very frightened and started to softly sob.

Lori returned to the playroom an hour later with a pink cotton terry robe and her hair wrapped in a pink towel turban.

"Oh my! What have we here? Bitch, I think you've lost something. These must belong to you."

Lori bent down behind me and picked something up. She brought it over in front of me. It was the parachute and the ice bag.

"It seems your nuts got so frightened and cold that they retreated into your body. I guess I'll have to coax them back out."

Lori put on a latex surgical glove on her right hand and put a small dollop of Ben Gay in the center of her palm. My eyes went wild with fear as she went back behind me and slowly stroked my cock. They were short, slow, maddening strokes that gave me virtually no pleasure but definitely put me in the mood.

"I'm in the mood for love, simply because you're near me. Funny, but when you're near me, I'm in the mood for love."

Lori removed the glove and, with her thumb and index finger, plucked my left testicle and wrapped a short choke collar to it. She tightened the slack and attached a 5 pound weight to the free end, letting it drop and swing freely. I screamed into the espadrille as Lori repeated the process with my right testicle. She even swung the two weights at each other and played them like Click Clacks.

"Well, my pet. You ARE due two meals per day, but I think that I'll leave you like this until morning as punishment for screwing up my juice. But don't worry, I'll free you first thing in the AM. After all, who else will prepare my breakfast?"

The last thing I saw was Lori giggling as she scurried toward the door. She turned and blew me a kiss.

"Good night, my pet," Lori said before she shut the light and closed the door.

I was alone for maybe two minutes when the pain in my testicles subsided to dull ache. But the heat in my cock nearly paralyzed me with pain. The espadrille muffled my ear-piercing shrieks but I'm sure that Lori heard me anyway. I tried desperately to shake loose from my bonds but it was useless. Useless AND painful, especially since the shackles cut into my skin if I struggled even slightly. I was sure to have scars on my wrists and ankles when this ordeal was over. That is, IF it ever ended.

For over ten minutes, my penis felt as if it were on fire. Even after most of the heat had extinguished, it felt raw and tender -- almost as if it had been skinned. My tears formed into a puddle on the floor beneath my hanging head. I was drained and fell asleep crying to myself.

At 8am, Lori released me and I prepared her breakfast. My hands were unsteady as I worked the juicer. My Mistress sat at the table eyeing every move that I made. She looked simply beautiful, although she wore no makeup and her hair fell wildly and loosely about her shoulders. Lori wore an extra large men's white T-shirt with no panties. This fact was made obvious after she parted the blinds and sunlight filled the dinette and shone through the thin cotton fabric of her top.

"Becky, my pet. I think it may be a good idea for you to swallow any and all pits that you find. In fact, you should try that every day when you squeeze my juice. It's a good way for you to remember how much I despise them. Consider it a helpful hint."

I did as she said, but it wasn't easy. Swallowing orange pits is bad enough, but on an empty stomach? It wasn't as easy as it sounds.

I served Lori and proceeded to do the dishes from the day before. They had stacked up while I was chained to the horse.

"Becky, leave the dishes for now. I want you to keep me company while I eat. Come here, under the table at my feet."

I crawled under the table and waited on my knees. Lori's slim feet and unvarnished toenails teased me unmercifully. Her toes danced all over my face while she ate her breakfast and read the morning newspaper.

"Becky, I want you to suckle each of my toes and give them a nice bath. Do a good job and I may reward you. Do a bad job and...well, you know the rest."

I eagerly complied and ran my tongue juicily over and between each of Lori's adorable little piggies. Then I took each one individually into my hot mouth and gave each their own private tongue bath.

I was in heaven and my still-raw cock started to respond. Lori was enjoying my homage to her feet and her T-shirt started to slowly ride up her hips. I couldn't help myself and glanced upward at her pussy. It was such a quick glance that I hardly saw anything, but Lori obviously caught me peeking. She rammed the heel of her foot up into my nose. At first, I thought she may have broken it when I saw stars.

"You'll be all right. Here, hold this up against your nose and tilt your head back," she said, handing me the dirty dish rag. "I do hope you realize that the punishment for what you just did is quite severe. Peeping at a lady is one of the worst things a slave could EVER do. But, believe me, you've just peeped your last peep. When I'm through with you, you'll never even think of looking above a lady's kneecaps again. In fact, you'll be too afraid to."

Lori brought my dog dish out and a can of chicken and liver Alpo.

"To intensify your punishment, I'm going to do something that normally you have to earn. I'm going to allow you to masturbate to orgasm. Sounds great, huh? HA! Do you realize how horrific last night's punishment would have been had you not been so hot for my bod? Lust absorbs much of the punishment. When that desire is sated, all you'll feel is the pain. Oh, becky, there will be pain, lots of P-A-I-N," Lori growled each letter into my ear.

Lori put the dish on the floor and had me kneel in front of it.

"Okay lil doggie, put some hollandaise sauce over that," she giggled.

My cock was still greasy from the Ben Gay and I was fearful that rubbing it in would reactivate the heat. But I complied and started to jerk off. I stared at Lori's pretty ankles as she egged me on.

"That's it bitch...bark...I wanna hear you bark!"

When I hesitated, she kicked me in the ribs.


Within seconds, a jet of pearly-white cream shot out from the tip of my cock as I aimed at the dish and grunted. Bullseye! A second shot, then a third and fourth spewed all over the chicken and liver slop. I squeezed my cock and pushed toward the head, milking out every last drop.

"Good bitch, very good. Bon appetite."

Lori put her bare foot on top of my head and gently eased it toward the bowl filled with the brown gunk and white spunk. I flicked my tongue at my warm jism and took a deep breath. I hadn't eaten in 24 hours and was hungry. The Alpo smelled vile but I dug in, using my tongue to scoop up a clump dripping with my seed. I chewed it several times and it finally slid down my throat and I repeated the process. My nose started to bleed again as I was eating and it dripped into the bowl."

"Tasty, bitch? You might as well get used to the taste of blood. You may be seeing a lot of it soon."

Chapter 6

"Let's go, peeping tom. Crawl to the playroom and wait for me," Lori ordered.

I waited on my hands and knees, silently, for a half hour before Lori finally strolled in. She looked devastatingly beautiful in a pair of blue jeans that hugged every curve of her luscious figure and a black and white T-shirt with "DON'T FUCK WITH ME" emblazoned on the chest. She wore Reeboks on her feet and her hair was tied back into a ponytail.

Lori lowered a chain from a ceiling pulley. I never noticed it before because I usually had my head down in the playroom. At the end of the chain dangled two cuffs that my hands were locked into. My feet were then cuffed to a four foot spreader bar and Lori cranked the winch until I stood on tiptoe.

I watched her walk over to a trunk in the corner and retrieve a black burlap bag. She brought it toward me and emptied its contents on the floor. They were clothespins! Hundreds of them, in fact. They were plastic and decorated in a rainbow of colors.

"I wonder if there's enough slave flesh on you to clamp all these little fellas onto. Well, we shall soon see, won't we, bitch?"

I thought it was a rhetorical question and remained silent. Lori slapped me across the face and I finally answered.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Let's start with that useless tongue of yours."

I was forced to stick my tongue out as far as it would go and Lori placed six all around the tip. I could no longer put it back inside my mouth.

"I guess we should work on that other worthless appendage. I'll have to soften it first, I see."

I looked down at my hard penis. That only meant one thing. WHAP! Lori kicked me in my balls and I swung in my bonds. But my cock started to wilt and she began to place clothespins from the base on the underside to just below the crown. The skin just below the head is extremely sensitive and I thought I would pass out from the pain. In fact, I totally forgot about the pain in my scrotal sac. As a finishing touch, Lori put one right on the very tip of my cock, pinching my piss slit closed.

I was in unbridled agony as Lori got down on her knees in front of me, a very unusual position for her to be in. She placed more clothespins on the skin between my anus and scrotum. Finally, she pinched every available inch of loose skin on my sac and covered it with a clothespin.

A sheen of sweat started to coat my body as Lori placed six more clothespins on each nipple and the area around them. She stood back to admire her handiwork.

"You look so handsome, becky...so colorful...so festive. It's a pity that when I'm through with your training program, your looks will be one of the things that you'll unfortunately have to lose."

Lori put six more clothespins on both of my ears and even put one over my nose, pinching my nostrils shut. I could only breath through my mouth -- and even that was difficult with my tongue in its current predicament. As I moaned, she grabbed twenty more and attached them to my armpit hair.

Lori moved very close to me and our eyes met. She sensed my fear and giggled, then placed five more on each of my eyebrows. As a finishing touch, she put a clothespin on each of my eyelashes, which effectively prevented me from opening my eyes.

"That should be enough...for now," she added ominously. "I'm going to the movies. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone, okay bitch? By the way, I'm seeing 'The Thin Red Line.' I hear it's a three hour film. I may join some friends for drinks afterward. Don't wait up. Bye-bye."

In a flash, Lori shut the light and closed the door. Only ten minutes passed until my calf muscles started to feel the strain. But I had other pain to concentrate on, or at least try to ignore. I prayed for her swift return. The wait was unbearable.

When Lori returned home from the movie, she had a surprise for me.

"Bitch, I'm going on a little vacation starting tomorrow. I'm meeting my sister in Acapulco. She just purchased a villa and I'm gonna help her break it in for 14 fun-filled days."

A two week reprieve! I felt relieved.

"But that doesn't mean my power over you will diminish. No sir-ee. I'm leaving you my sister's new telephone number. Starting at midnight tomorrow night, and every hour thereafter, I want you to call up and leave a short message on her answering machine. I want you to do this for 24 straight hours. Don't think you can trick me, bitch. My sister's digital machine is equipped with a time and date recorder on it. There's no possible way to fool the machine or deceive me. Get used to it, bitch. I may have you do it often during my vacation."

I almost started to cry. That was indeed worse torture than what I was currently experiencing.

"If you fail the assignment, I will use the cane on your balls, whacking them once for every hour you miss. If you pass out from the pain, I'll do it all over again."

I really did start to cry.

"I'll free you in the morning. Good night, bitch. Pleasant nightmares."

Lori once again shut the light and closed the door. She had packing to do.

The next morning I brought my sore, torture-wracked body into the kitchen to make Lori breakfast. She seemed much happier than usual, even whistling while she read the newspaper.

She called a cab and left without ever saying goodbye. She just left me with a list of directions, things to take care of around the condo while she was gone. The first thing I did was take a nap. I would need all the rest that I could get if I wanted to complete Lori's sleep deprivation assignment. I didn't sleep at all the night before, trussed up on my toes like I was.

One hour later, the telephone rang, waking me up from my slumber.

"Hello, bitch? It's your Mistress. Hope I haven't woken you up," Lori said from the airport pay phone, giggling all the while.

She called me again when she arrived in Mexico, then again when she was settled in at the villa. I was so sleepy, yet anxious to sleep. I was too afraid of what she might to to my balls.

I finally managed to sneak in two hours of sleep. Lori seemed to call me often during the day, telling me how lovely her sister's place was. I started my assignment right on schedule and called the number that she gave me at 11:59pm. Lori's pre-recorded voice answered.

"Hello bitch, I'm not in at the moment. I'm out having some fun. At the sound of the tone, please tell me how magnificent I am...BEEP!"

"Mmmmmistress Lori, you are the best lord and master that a slave could ever have. I wish you were here with me. I kiss the...BEEP!"

I only had ten seconds to record my message. I would have to learn to be more concise with my thoughts for next time. I just hoped to god that she wouldn't hold it against me.

I called up the same number every hour on the hour, leaving a ten second message. At 6am, I checked in with Lori's machine, then tried to take a nap. I set an alarm, but it was no use; I just couldn't doze off.

It continued like this until the 23rd hour -- 11pm the next day. I called the number as usual but on the third ring, instead of the pre- recorded message, Lori picked up the phone.

"Hello, bitch. Happy to hear from me?" she said not too clearly. Her voice was a little distorted.

"Yes, Mistress," I stammered.

"Guess where I am."


"Rhetorical question, bitch. I'm calling from a hot tub...in my bedroom. That's right. I'm reclining in a soothing whirlpool and I have a bottle of Dom Perignon with me and I'm talking on the speakerphone. Doesn't that sound simply delicious? Yep, this is the life. I could really get used to this. Now bitch, I want you to listen carefully. I want you to get a book for me from my bookshelf and bring it to the phone."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Let's see, bring, uh, 'Exit to Eden.' No, no, no. Make it the Stephen King book, 'Gerald's Game.' Yeah, that's it. Bring it right back to the phone."

"Yes, Mistress."

With bloodshot eyes, I wearily shuffled over to Lori's bookcase and selected her hardcover copy of "Gerald's Game."

"Mistress, I have it."

"Very good, bitch. Now I want you to read it to me, cover to cover."

I let the words sink in.

"What's the matter bitch, didn't you hear me? You'd better get started, it should take a few hours."

I couldn't believe my ears. I thought that I only had an hour to go with Lori's sleep deprivation assignment and now she wanted me to read to her for the next several hours. I didn't know how I would be able to do it.

"If you falter, bitch, I'll thrash your testicles with the cane once for every page that you neglect to read aloud. I mean it. Now begin."

I opened the book and began to read. Lori was still finishing her first glass of champagne when I read the first three pages. She had consumed the entire bottle by the time I finished the first third of the book. It was nearly 1am, and Lori giggled incessantly during my read. She took a dry washcloth, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and yawned.

That's the last I heard from her for the next three hours. But I dared not interrupt my book recital; I just continued hoarsely reading with a parched throat and a dry tongue. I was too afraid to ask permission to slake my thirst with a drink of water. I finally finished the novel, without a further peep out of Lori. I just figured that she abandoned me, but I still didn't hang up. I finally fell asleep at 4am on the floor with the phone receiver cradled in my lap.

At 10am in the morning, I was awakened by a knock on the front door. To my surprise, it was Ms. Hullaby.

"Jason, I've got a lot to tell you. Please sit down...on the couch. I'm here to offer you your old job back," she said, holding my hands.

I was stunned.

"It seems that Lori has been embezzling funds from my company and used it to buy some Mexican property. She wasn't planning to return."

I finally spoke up.

"Did you have her arrested? Are they sending her back to the states?"

"No, Jason. It seems that Lori celebrated a little too much last night. The authorities found her nude body at the bottom of her jacuzzi. Between her elevated blood alcohol level and the heat from the water, Lori passed out, drowning herself in the process."

I looked up at Ms. Hullaby.

"So that's it?"

"That's it, Jason. Ding, dong."

I smiled.

"If you want to do something right, you've got to do it yourself," she added.

I smiled again.

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EvilX is one of those porn sites that doesn’t really give away much in the title. When I first saw the link, I kind of assumed the shelves would be stocked full of goth girls, dominatrixes or those demonic succubus whores I see on the hentai sites. It turns out it isn’t any of those, but I can’t say I was the least bit disappointed by what I actually found inside.EvilX.su might not give away anything in the name, but the site is giving away a shitload of OnlyFans content, Patreon packs, and...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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Laying here in my bed I close my eyes and he comes to me. Ever since I was 16 I would dream of the devil, every night he would arrive. Always the same tall, muscled, long black hair, and piercing green eyes, and tattoo always on his right pectoral muscle. There were two snakes wrapped around a sword and a red ruby in the middle. He would slip into my bed and spread my thighs apart, slipping himself between them as his lips captured mine, nibbling softly on my lips as I would bite his lower lip....

3 years ago
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Laying here in my bed I close my eyes and he comes to me. Ever since I was 16 I would dream of the devil, every night he would arrive. Always the same tall, muscled, long black hair, and piercing green eyes, and tattoo always on his right pectoral muscle. There were two snakes wrapped around a sword and a red ruby in the middle. He would slip into my bed and spread my thighs apart, slipping himself between them as his lips captured mine, nibbling softly on my lips as I would bite his lower lip....

1 year ago
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Mother caught me 2

I had a lot of fun when I was a k**. Not all boys get to wonder around the house in a bra and panties anytime thay want. Mom was real good letting me explore my sexuality. And I took full advantage of it, I think my cock was hard twentyfour hours a day after that first time she caught me playing with myself and told me it was allright and I could do it anytime I wanted to. The first few times felt strange but really turned me on so I got comfortable real quick. We would be sitting in the...

3 years ago
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Blindfold game

This was a game devised by a couple of friends of ours from an incident at a party they’d had, not a sex party or anything like that it was a birthday party for Allison. Allison and Ricky were into swapping in a low key way as they were essentially friends of my sister. My brother in law had told me that a game had been devised as a result of an incident that Allison had which she also confirmed and it was her and her husband who planned the game. Allison said at the time of this...

1 year ago
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UPS Package Mistake Gay

I was delivering a package that was left at my door by mistake. The house numbers were correct but the address was a mile away on a street with a similar name. I parked and walked through a small courtyard to the front door. This home was in an expensive upscale neighborhood. I rang the doorbell and waited. No one answered so I placed the box by the door and proceeded to my car. Movement through a window I passed caught my eye. The blinds were open enough that I could see the back of a chair...

2 years ago
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Never Again Ch 01

10 years ago… ‘No, no way, so not happening. There’s no way you can win this. You may be faster, but I’m smarter and sneakier.’ Scott had both of Gia’s wrists encircled with his long fingers, but she twisted her arms outwards, forcing him to release her. She headed up the hill as fast as her bare feet would allow. For a moment, he didn’t chase her but instead watched her run, absentmindedly admiring her long legs and ass. ——————- Scott and Gia had known each other since the very first day...

3 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 3

No, I wasn’t nervous about my upcoming date. Much. Honest. Maybe a little. The reason? Making a first date to walk our dogs seemed just too... normal. It lacked the conventionality and formality of a restaurant date, it was almost as if we’d already met. My suggestion of a doggie play date had been spontaneous, her response natural and unfeigned. In some ways that was immensely reassuring, in other ways worrying – this wasn’t one of the complicated steps required for the full SoCal mating...

3 years ago
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Love and other sins part 1

"Nav...sob..sob..sob.. Come over here ..sob..sob..sob" "what?now?" "sob..sob.. Yes..sob..sob" "but its impossible!Just look outside.." "Nav.. Come over or i will do something..sob..sob..." the line cut.  So here i was gunning my bike through rain, wind and poodles of water at 1 am on a frigid december night. All of it was a soup and one that was going to scald me. The female of human species is not only dangerous but also delirious.  "Give me a towel"  I said with as much...

1 year ago
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My Mother has a surprise

100% fiction! [Due to some symbolic error this is revised story of my previous posted story "My Indian Shemale Mother"] The Morning was so gray with clouds free that, when I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing at 8:00 AM, I barely realized it was morning. Groaning, I pulled my blankets closer to me, turned over, and tried to go back to sleep. No 19-year-old boy likes waking up for high school at seven in the morning, but i's even worse on December 21st, two days before Christmas vacation...

3 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 25

"Are you really going to castrate Wren, Mistress?" I asked her over dinner. "Why yes," Miss Corinne replied in her Mississippi accent, sweet and sing-song. "I most certainly am, Danielle." "Oh," I nodded. We were sitting on the roof, fifty stories up in the middle of Memphis, which seemed awfully high to me. Much of it was covered by a large canopy, almost like a circus tent, but open and airy, and the pastel canvas snapped high above our heads in the late evening breeze. It was...

3 years ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 8

Wednesday December 17, 2014 “Maria, have you seen the...” Kate paused for a second to search for the right word. “Pañuelo that was in the hamper?” “Sí, Señorita Jessica. I put it in la comoda with Señor Jacob’s other pañuelos.” Kate was glad the handkerchief from the trucker had not gone astray. She doubted she’d ever be able to find him again but there was comfort in knowing that he wasn’t just a figment of her tired imagination. She made a mental note to get it from Jacob’s chest of...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 19

After class, in her car, Emma messaged Todd back. “Hi, Todd. I’d love to go out sometime. Just let me know the time and place.” She stopped by the apartment building and changed into her “dog walking” clothes. There was nothing special about them except that they were more “muddy dog paw” friendly than the rest of her wardrobe with dark and busy stain-hiding patterns. She didn’t think that would be important today for the meet-and-greet, but it never hurt to be prepared. While she was...

2 years ago
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Roadside Assistance

My car died at the light on the way to work today and a guy helped me push it out of the road and into a parking lot.  I thanked him and he asked me if I had roadside service.  Even though we do have it, I told him we didn't in the hopes that he'd stick around and help me.  He was a young country boy who was looking really good.  He wasn't real tall but he was built well and really attractive with a great smile. He asked if I'd call a tow truck and I said I'd just call my dad and have him help...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Foreplay With Recently Broke Off Cousin Sister 8211 Part 2

Hi guys this is Rahul here, I will straight a way jump to the continuation of my story with my cousin. If you have not read the first part, please read it. Above is the link: So after my relatives went off, I and my cousin Nisha used to text each other. Not very often though but yes once in 10 15 days and we used to talk about that night. At that time whatsapp was not prevalent , so we used to chat in fb or google talk. She used to ask me if I am having erection, then she would tell she would...

3 years ago
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Mom Helped To Touch Sister 8211 Part 2

This is second part of the story, thanks for all the amazing response and the mails I got. Now coming to the second part, that day sister went to trip for a week when I went to house the door is opened I went inside saying mom and she came from kitchen, I was stunned to see her as she was wearing sleeveless black short blouse covering just her boobs, It was just like bra (it was not looking like blouse) and black color matching sari few inches below navel, I could say just above pussy, if sari...

1 year ago
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Layover Love

Tim looked out the window of the airplane as it descended into Detroit’s Metro Airport and noticed the dark thunderheads moving in from the southwest. “That does not look promising”, he said to himself as the plane got ready to touch down. After a bumpy landing and driving for what seemed like forever to the gate, the plane was parked for the short layover before continuing its trip to sunny southern Florida. As most of the passengers gathered their belongings and exited to finish their...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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My adult spanking

I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed to another man, a complete stranger, in such a naughty way.I signed up to a gay spanking fetish website,...

2 years ago
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Getting Sis Pregnant Chapter 4

I lined up my achingly hard cock to her wet, glistening fuckhole and pushed into her slowly. She moaned loudly as my cock penetrated into her tight young model's body. I watched her face as I parted her thick soft lips, stopping just as my cock head nestled up against the entrance to her tunnel. "Look at me slut, I want to watch your face as I push my cock deep into your dirty cunt. I want to see your expression when I fill your womb with my Master seed!" Anna groaned again at my words, and...

3 years ago
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Family Strip Poker The next generation 23

Even after so many years of an incestuous marriage, we fucked liked we were still in college. I undid Brian's pants, they fell to the floor and of course his hard cock standing out. I took off his shirt and then I took his hand in mine. I brought him to the other couch and laid down first. I put on the condom on his cock, as he watched our kids. Then he preceded to get on top of me and he inserted his cock into me nicely. Our kids couldn't help but notice, that they weren't the only incestuous...

3 years ago
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Mom fucks pregnat daughter

"Are you ok in there?" her mother’s voice echoed from behind the bathroom door, along with two loud knocks that she played over and over in her head. "Y-Yes. I'm fine mommy..." The girl said. Her mother sighed, but after a few minutes the girl could hear her mother walk away. Rubbing her eyes furiously, she stood up, grabbing onto the wall. She looked at herself in the mirror. Messy, dark hair. Blood-shot, brown eyes. Pale...pale skin. She leaned against the sink. Why her? Why did...

3 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 17

"So, what do you think, Joe?" asked Kelly. "Is this place is beautiful, or what?" "Ah, yeah ... it's gorgeous." "I just love coming here," said Jill gleefully. "It's the ideal place to be nude. I feel like I'm the queen of the world but at the same time, I feel tiny and unimportant." "It really gets my creative juices going," Kelly added. "It's the perfect spot to have you model." "So where do you want us?" asked Jill as she did an impromptu pose on the blanket Kelly...

3 years ago
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A Magical Wardrobe

I guess I should start this tale by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Brad, I just turned 30 years old, and I have LOTS of money. You see, as long as I can remember, I was always a computer nerd. After finishing college, I got a job with a big tech company. Two years later, I was sick of working for someone else so I started my own company. Four years later, I sold out to my original employer and cashed out for more money than I could ever have imagined. During all...

2 years ago
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On the Other HandChapter 2 Searching for Miss Left

Most guys who are single and looking for a long-term relationship with a woman are looking for Miss Right. Not me. I was looking for Miss Left, for all the reasons I've already explained. It occurred to me that the best place to start was the Internet. I could place a cleverly worded advertisement on one of the personal sites and see what happened. It would cut down a bit on the trial-and-error part of finding a woman who at least fit my basic criteria. It took longer to craft the...

4 years ago
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The maid

Becoming the maid..It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived atthis place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run byMistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size andMistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males intobeautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first dayI arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off atthe front automatic gate. I gave the driver his fare and then...

3 years ago
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Sissy Slave To My Master Kamal

Hello master and mistress , I am your sissy slave Arvind alias Ananya . I am novice in story writing so please ignore my grammatical mistakes . I am working in a private firm , I am a regular visitor ISS . I really fond of gay story and submissive and feminine character story . Read many stories related to above topics and loved to be sissy sex slave to any man (masters) and women (mistress) . Let me come to the story , due to this interest I started chatting with guys to be my master and treat...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Across the Unclaimed LandsChapter 5

I may have been cozened, or I may have made the best exchange of my young life. I decided to make the best of it when I drifted into a savage encampment in a morning fog, before I was aware. I sculled to the shore, and taking up my tin of nails, leaving all my other worldly possessions behind, I strode to a fire before the largest skin hut, and seated myself. The inhabitants looked askance at me in curiosity, but offered me no molestations, unless you count the small naked urchins who tumbled...

3 years ago
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Sex with a Stranger

It was after I had left the movies, I stopped at an all night diner, there was a number of other guys close to my age there, as I entered I went directly to the toilet to wash up. After I was in the toilet the door opened, one of the young men had came in he looked at me and went over to the urinal. As he stood there I thought it funny that he wasn't making any sound of urinating.You know how it sounds as you urinate in the john. I looked back to see what was going on the guy was standing...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon with sister

Hi! My all friends. I am Raj Malhotra, 25, single 5’9” want to share my real hot experience with my real elder Sister to all of you. It was happened recently before just 2 month. She is 27 married having a child of 4 years. She is a very beautiful, sexy and hot lady. I always want to fuck her. I also tried many times before her marriage to fuck her but always I feared if she told anyone what will happen. How ever I succeed to put my hand on her boobs in night when we sleep and many times I saw...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black A Happy Ending Second Half

TYRELL Hospital 11:22p.m. (Monday) I had planned to marry LaJoria two weeks before she was due to give birth. I got our marriage licenses and had the court day all ready for us, but the baby had other plans. Her bag of waters broke today. “ I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to spoil your plans.” she apologized. I stroked her shiny brown hair and told her…“It’s not your fault baby.” I guess we could still get married after the baby’s born? Big Momma came into the room after the doctor came in to do...

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SSBBW Encounter part 3 her view

I could feel his hot come as it dripped from my face onto my cool skin. I watched him as he collapsed back onto the bed. I hoped that he still had the stamina that he claimed when he first responded to my ad. Oh he definitely had a talent with his tongue and fingers, and I had already come several times but, like the old saying, ‘there’s nothing so willing as a woman who’s just been had!” I was still so worked up and I watched his semi hard cock for a clue. Was this it? The smell of our...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 73

Tiffany wore a white sundress when she walked down the steps to the apartment on her birthday. Phil greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. “You look very pretty,” he told her. She did, too. Her dark hair shined and the light garment set off the tan she had developed over the summer. He grey eyes sparkled. She had started the day with breakfast in bed – fixed by Molly and served by Katelyn. Phil had come back from practice and given her a gold rope necklace that now adorned her neck. Hailey...

1 year ago
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Gretas Story 6 Naked in College Required Courses

I have to admit, that as a Liberal Arts undeclared student, I was without focus my first semester in college. I was trying everything from sculpture to botany, with a required English composition and History of Western Civilizations tossed in, with my one elective being something called Social Psychology. None of my pledge sisters were in my classes, so more often than not I was the only naked student in the classroom, except for the sculpture class,. At P-FIT it was not unusual for a student...

4 years ago
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It Isnt FairChapter 6

Daddy did something that totally surprised me. He brought home a potential girlfriend. Miku taught upper level Civil Engineering classes at the university. Her age was between daddy’s and mine. She was pretty and fluent in English. When they started sweet talking each other in Japanese, I wanted to be sick. After dinner, I took daddy in the bedroom and asked him what we were going to do, since I slept in his bed, and there wasn’t a guest room in our new apartment. Daddy said he didn’t know....

1 year ago
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ShesNew Liv Wild A Naughty New Nymphomaniac

Lusty Latina babe Liv Wild is new to the porn scene, but that does not mean she cannot command the camera with her intensely sexual attitude and perfect body. The cute and playful girl knows just what to say to make everyone want her. Today, she reveals that one of her biggest fantasies is to have a gang bang. I guess it is safe to say, Liv loves cock. Well, lucky for her, she gets to indulge in our studs dick, running her tongue up and down his shaft while she gets ready for some serious pussy...

2 years ago
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Stop lying sissy faggot

''Mike mike stop no stop please oh no mike please please not there not like that noooo''''ahhhhhh ahhhh myyyy ygooooooddddd miiiikkkkke nooo noooooo ahhhhh ahhhhhhh''''mike mike please please i will suck you all night , please dont fuck me mike pleaseeee''''what? im not fucking you , your way too tight''''ahhhhh fuckkk mikeeee''''my ex gf toy love that tight boy cunt tho...'''''oh you open up just like she did, half in and you are twerking that cute ass ''''ahhhh ahhh ahhhh mike mike mike my...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 20

Tiffany and Phil were sitting on the couch playing a video game when Hailey and Katelyn returned. Hailey groaned when she saw their activity. “They’re dorks,” she said. “I finally fall head over heels for a guy and he’s a dork.” “Is that ‘Winter Wizard Wars?’” Katelyn asked, sitting down beside Tiffany and forcing the other two to scoot over. “You play?” Tiffany asked as she hit the pause button on her controller. “Sort of,” Katelyn admitted. “I mean I’ve played it with my brother. He’s...

3 years ago
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Nebraska Boys

So it was the summer when we were about to be freshmen. We woke up real early and decided to ride our bikes. So after about five hours of riding we decided it was time to take a break. We had packed a lunch and so we stopped by the river to eat it. I was 13. a somewhat atheletic body. Peircing blue eyes and trimmed brown hair. Cody was 15. He had a real atheletic body. Soft smooth skin, green eyes, and shaggy black/brown hair. Needless to say the was gorgeous. And all of the ladies...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Mona Azar Violet Starr My Sexy Roommate Vol 2 E2

An insatiable Violet (Violet Starr) tells her boyfriend (Derrick Pierce) about the hours of fun she and her roommate (Mona Azar) had together the night before. Derrick loves the idea and tells Violet, “I want to see that”. Violet likes to share so she and Derrick engage in some 69 foreplay where she makes certain her roommate can hear her moans. Mona smiles as she immediately understands Violet’s “Call of the Wild”. She heads straight for the bedroom and joins the welcoming lovers for an...

3 years ago
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My First Virgin

I realize that lots of people have really wild sexual histories, scores of partners, men, women, both, threesomes. foursomes, orgies, non-stop fucking of one kind or another. Well, me, I’ve fucked two women, my first wife and my second wife. Boring, huh? I was a virgin when I met my first wife, Laura, and it took us about six months before we had sex. Then, after twelve years of marriage, she died of cancer and three years later I married Coleen, who, sadly, died two years ago, also of cancer....

2 years ago
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Wife in Heat

Most people will find it hard to believe that I have so willingly accepted such a deferential and compliant position in my relationship with my wife, Kate. That is primarily the result of her unique physiology, as will be described in this story. My name is Ryan, and we are both twenty-four years old now, with a four-month-old daughter. We got married right after graduation from college, and then bought a home in a middle-class suburb of Atlanta.This story begins when I met Kate in college...

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Gwen 2

I helped her unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants.   I tried to push them down, but they hung up on my cock.  She giggled and reached in my boxers to help.  When I felt her hand on my cock I nearly came right then.  A shock went through my body, and something as close to an orgasm as I could have without ejaculation caused me to arch my back and nearly fall... "Don't do anything for a minute baby, I have never felt anything like this before, it is just so good.."  Her face lit up and her eyes...

1 year ago
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Right Neighborly

MY Neighbor Lady     At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of it with my hands, and I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I came so much that it was always best to jerk off into the bathroom sink I wouldn’t leave any tissues or even...

3 years ago
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Date with a Domme

You knew from the moment you met her that she was “different” than every other woman you’d dated. On your first date with her, for the very first time in your life, you felt like what it must be like to be a female. She picked the restaurant AND the movie and picked you up in *her* car. Halfway through the movie she went down on you and kissed the end result into *your* mouth after you first deposited it into *hers*. She paid for everything too, opened doors for you, and complimented you on...

3 years ago
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Smalltits was correct that I could expect more visits. Barely 40 minutes after she'd disappeared, the second 'ghost' of the night was entering my tent. I'd had a long day and was drowsy, almost asleep, when hands parted the flaps of my tent. By feel, I knew immediately that the Ghost of Christmas Present was Bigtits. She had a bit more 'junk in her trunk' than I'd found attractive in daylight but in the darkness of the tent she had all the sweetness of a nice, plump peach. Sinking my fingers...

2 years ago
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What does a wife expect

Hi, i m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded people..how loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm and like minded cpls and females for casual or one...

1 year ago
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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

3 years ago
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My Ywo Mommies pt 2

My Two Mommies By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Chloe dragged him into the ladies room and inside the handicapped stall, closing the door. He was mortified as she folded down the changing table and wasted no time lifting him up onto it. "Good thing I ate my wheaties today!" Chloe teased him as he was stunned as his head and feet hung off the plastic fold down compartment, which was bolted to the wall. "This is embarrassing Chloe," said Charlie, tearing up. "Please,...

3 years ago
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Life on Another PlanetChapter 13 Sue Interrupted

Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011 11:15pm Jesse and Sue were lying together in her bed having made love just as they had each Saturday evening for the past six weeks. They had become very comfortable with each other. Jesse was realistic and knew he wasn’t in love with the lovely young lady, but she was a wonderful partner in bed and a delight to be with at any time. He had managed to accept a second invitation to dinner at the Chens two weeks earlier and this time, all had gone well. He did not suffer...

2 years ago
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May I Mother Part II

There wasn’t much hesitation in calling Cindy. Only in my wildest dreams did I ever think this would actually happen. Could she be serious? There was this big “what if” going on in my mind about this being a set-up. I mean, after all, I am dating her daughter and she could be setting this up to see where I morally stand with our relationship status. Even if she were to pull such a stunt, she would be just as guilty as I am, right? She could play it off as “playing along to see how far he’d go”....

2 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 7

When I finally got out to dry off I noticed that Shaeta and Katia kept taking surreptitious glances at my dick, making sure it came back up to specs I guess. Fair was fair, they'd both let me have a good look at their goodies and there was no sense trying to hold out on them. They seemed satisfied by the time I pulled my pants back on. My opponent was still out when we got back and it had been longer than an hour at least. I walked over toward him and no one was there except a young boy...

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Kissing CousinsChapter 8

Approximately 1:30 a.m. I woke to Carrie sucking on my cock. By the time I had totally awoken, my cock was 100% hard. She smiled at me, "Good morning, lover. I just woke up from this terrible dream." I bit again, "What dream was that?" Carrie smiled, "It was a nightmare. You weren't making love to me." "Well, we better fix that, shouldn't we?" "Oh, most certainly." I turned her over on her back and mounted her pussy. It was wet and ready for my cock. I thrust balls deep...

3 years ago
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Drops of Glitter

Shit, this was happening. “Where?” Kate breathed against Ella’s lips. They were never going to make it to a bed. Kate’s hands roaming over Ella’s body in this bathroom stall were making it difficult to hang on to any rational thought.“Yours?” Ella was leaning against the tiles. The cold surface helping her cling onto sanity. Kate’s palm on her breast had other ideas.“Too far.” Those lips on her neck and she was spinning, tumbling, dizzy, “I need you now, boss.” Her fingertips slid under the hem...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Summer Set Jessica Fucks Black Cock

Summer Set Episode 1'Jessica Fucks Black Cock'Jessica and I had been dating about a year. She was a cute, petite red head, around 5 foot 2 inches tall, with sexy legs, great calves and nice feet. Her ass was to die for! A succulent bubble butt with a nice dip in her back. Her tits were small, but had a tear drop shape to them that made them hang when she bent over. She had a nice demeanor to her. A smile in her green eyes always. But, if you got her riled up in bed just right, she could talk...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 42

When I woke up just a couple of hours later, I still had one of my sexy little sisters sleeping atop me with my cock firmly lodged inside her womb. This was definitely one of the best ways to wake up every morning. With my morning wood surrounded by a wonderfully tight, warm, young pussy. It wasn’t just my cock that was enjoying my little sister’s presence. I loved feeling the slight weight of her soft, warm body laying atop mine. The silky smoothness of her toned legs entangled with mine,...

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