- 2 years ago
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Julie was lying in bed in England on her first night back from Africa.
She went with a well known archeologist, Mr Merrin, who was previously knowas Father Merrin. Father Merrin, as we shall call him, lost his faith afterit had been tested by living in Nazi-occupied Europe, and so he decided toleave the Church.
The scene is a familiar one to those who lived through their times. In asmall town in Poland, three German soldiers were killed. The three Germanswere singled out for attack by the locals because they had raped a 10 yearold girl. Such rapes were common, but what the soldiers had done which perhapsincesnced the locals was that they raped her vaginally, anally and orally.And more than that, they did it in the town square, in front of a hundred on-lookerswho were kept back by trained machine-guns.
The mother of the child wept as she saw the soldiers rape her child. Theby-standers saw rough fingers penetrate her. They saw here little mouth stretcharound the shoving in of an adult penis. Finally, perhaps for the child's sake,one of the soldiers put his pistol into her vagina and pulled the trigger.She died without pain.
And so it was that the soldiers had to die. The German officer and the localsdiscovered the bodies. The crowd gather around the bodies, as they had beenstabbed in the town square, where the market was, in other words, just nearwhere they had raped and killed the child. The crowd had about 20 people init. The senior German officer in attendance said to the crowd, 'for the deathsof these men, 10 of you will die.' He paused and looked at Father Merrin andsaid 'and you will choose them.'
The Priest said that his God would not let him do such a thing, as choosingwho was to be shot would be the same as killing them himself.
The German scoffed with a soft laugh. 'You will choose or I will kill themall. And as for your God, God is not here today Priest.' He pulled a childout of the crowd (she was about 6) and shot her through the head. The bloodspurted onto her mother and the child's body hit the ground with a thud.
Father Merrin then chose who was to die.
It was as he pointed his finger at the remaining nine, preferring the illand the old, that he had ceased to be a Priest.
This was the man that Julie had worked with in Africa for two years. Beforebecoming a Priest, Merrin studied archeology at Oxford, and this was the professionto which he returned. There had been rumors, just outside Nairobi, Kenya, thata Church had been built in 500AD, an impossibility as Christianity had notreached there yet. Their job was to investigate it.
Julie was the young, bright archeologist, fresh with her Ph.D, that was assignedto help Merrin on the dig.
What happened during that dig, at that church in Nairobi, can be told herein a few sentences. There were 30 people in all, and Julie was the only oneto survive. She didn't know how she escaped, but Merrin thought that she wasspecial, because she was the only woman on the dig, and the only Virgin.
Julie had a Roman Catholic upbringing, and not only didn't have sex beforemarriage, but she didn't masturbate either. The sexual desires of any younghealth adult she sublimated into her studies or her voluntary work. The desiresshe had during the two years in Africa melted under her little food, her hadwork and her constant prayers. The temptations at the dig were the strongestshe had ever felt.
The men, naturally, worked without shirts, as the temperatures were in their40s Celsius. She watched them as the muscles of the Black natives moved underneaththeir skin, their flat tummies strained as they hauled rocks. She noticed howthick their thighs were. Everywhere she looked there was flesh. Sweat, of course,poured off her, and between her legs, the combination of celibacy and desiremeant, literally, that her vaginal juices would overflow the thinness of herpanties, and dribble like sweat down her thighs.
The men, of course, propositioned her as often as they could, and it tooka year before they gave up. Merrin had given her and taught her how to shoota revolver, saying that was the only way she was going to leave a virgin.
It was during their time there that Julie came across evil. The details ofwhat happened we do not know.
But after the men had started dying off at an alarming rate, Julie had beenpicked up on the outskirts of the dig. She seemed mad. The Church had literallydisappeared, and so when she started talking of a digging team of 30, the policethought she was mad. No bodies were found. There were no records of a dig (shelater found out that it was done secretly, to avoid government interference).
As she had an English accent, the local police just took her to the Embassy,who arranged for a week's stay in Nariobi before sending her back to England.In fact, while in hospital, she lost all memory of what had happened.
She did not believe that evil, true evil as she saw in Africa, would followher back to England. She had prayed every night to keep the evil away. Shehad prayed every night, except tonight. And perhaps because of that, the evilreappeared. The evil was here. It was just outside her bedroom door.
She didn't need to see what was making the rustling noises outside her door.She knew the mark of the footprints, she new the darkness of the fur, the longforearms, the robust hindquarters. The faces of these creatures were clearlythose of some sort of wild dog, but eyes were different. They were knowingeyes, the eyes of a creature that knows that it is looking at and which hasan intelligence of evil behind it. They were not puppets moving at Satan'scommand, and they were not wild animals in the strict sense either: they werethinking, planning, conscious beings, who had actively decided to serve thePrince Of Darkness.
The size of their bodies was such that they could have broker through thedoor in a moment. They were slightly larger than the largest dog you ever saw.Not only were their heads larger in proportion to their bodies, emphasizingtheir superior intelligence, but they genitals were larger as well. Their testiclesproduced larger than necessary amounts of semen. The penis, when erect, wasno long and skinny like a dog's, but was the length of a human's and twicethe width. It was a penis that had two functions: one was to impregnate, andthe other was to cause pain in the receiver.
The rustling of feet became louder, and a strong wind started blowing againsther window. Anyone in the street would have seen that there was a storm developing,but that it blew at only one window, and the moon's light shone everywhereexcept for that one house. Inside, internal doors started to bang shut, therefrigerator started to strain as the temperature had dropped, but nothingcould be heard outside, and all outside was quiet.
Inside her bedroom, Julie's own room started to heat. Her thin body, slimas in Africa she was almost on permanent diet, started to perspire. The summernightdress that she wore began to stick to her skin. Puddles of sweat developedunderneath her arms, and between her legs, at the tops of her thighs, the pantieswere drenched with sweat. The dry mattress soaked up her perspirant.
There was a loud bang as one of the dog creatures through it body againsther door. It banged its body again, and again, creating terror in the shakingJulie. The body of the thrusting creatures weighed hundreds of kilos, but itwas lacking determination. In fact it was almost playing. Bang went the doorand the lock flew off and the creatures entered.
The dog creatures were exactly as they were in Africa. They were so massive,their teeth so large in their large heads, that Julie knew they could killher at any moment they choose. A bite to the throat would be a merciful wayto die. More painful would be for one of them to grab her by the arm, and shakeits head two and fro as if it were killing a rabbit, while it dragged her bodyacross the room. Heaven forbid, they might work as a pack and kill her my ahundred small bites and clawing rips.
A dog moved up towards her and bit her by the ankle. It wasn't a snappingbite, but a bite that remained, its teeth fixed around her ankle. It pulledJulie off her bed and in the middle of the floor. It was not till later thatshe realized that the bite did not produce pain, it was more like a firm gripof a man's hand rather then the sharp pain of a dog's bite.
It had little trouble pulling Julie across the floor. As it did so Julie'snightdress dragged up around her waist, exposing her panties. As the firstdog held on to her ankle, another one came forward and bit into her panties,scratching her skin with its upper canines. The panties caught on the dog teeth,and it snapped its hard left and right, ripping the panties off her one leg.It took a step forward, its head above her pussy. Repeating the action, itripped and then pulled the panties which broke the elastic which was aroundthe other thigh. It looked straight down, and its saliva flowed out aroundher pussy. Its top teeth scraped over her pussy, biting its jaws together,and ripped the panties off completely.
While this was happening, and she almost didn't notice, another dog had grabbedher by the left wrist. Another my the right wrist and they pulled her armsaside as if she was going to be crucified. It was this moment that she thoughtshe would die. She waited for the large knife, the bite to the throat, thestrike of lightening which would follow her off. But it never came. A fourthdog pulled at her nightdress, biting and pulling till she was completely naked.The dog then resumed its position, biting her right ankle.
Both of the ankle dogs, at the same time and as if working with one mind,pulled her legs apart. They pulled, and pulled, and pulled. Pain started developingin her hips, tendons became tight up her legs. She felt that if they pulledany more her pelvis would break. The pain increased and she passed out.
Julie was unaware how long she was unconscious for. She just knew when shewoke that things were better. Her hips were sore but there was no pain. Shefelt – wonderful, actually. Perhaps it had all been a bad dream. Shedreamt of her last boyfriend, that was over a year now since she had sex, goingdown on her the way he use to. He was such a good lover. And she remember howshe would be licked my him, and how he use to sometimes growl and pretend tobe a dog.
Her serenity was disturbed as she became more conscious. She opened her eyesand looked up. She was indeed being licked, by one of the creatures. Her sexualpleasure now ceased, the sexual wetness between her legs stopped. The creaturewas larger than the others, and they all served him, hold her legs and armsin position. The creature licked and licked, as if it were dying of thirstand Julie's organs were simply a faucet producing needed moisture.
The dog stopped licking and looked up. Its eyes met Julie's. it was not dog.It was clear that this was Satan. Whether Satan is an idea or a concept orsomething within all of us, she didn't know. But she that this dog knew whatit was doing. And it was doing evil.
The dog walked forward, up Julie's body, dripping saliva along the bottomof her tummy as it moved. It started licking her breasts, growling at her.For the first time, Julie wet herself, the urine forming a puddle underneathher bottom. The dog started licking her face, forcing its tongue into Julie'smouth, stopping her from breathing through her nose when its tongue blockedher nostrils. I started biting her hair and pulling at it, making her headrise up so that when she opened her eyes she would see.
What did she see? The penis was growing. It was growing large and out ofthe dog's body. The tip started rubbing in between Julie's legs. Dripping fromthe penis was semen, so excited was the animal on top of her. The dog pulledat Julie's hair more, forcing her to watch whether she wanted to or not. Itlowered it hips. It was slow and deliberate. It was going to rape her.
The penis, once it was in place, no long moved slow. The dog forced itselfinto her with one great thrust, so that there was no doubt that it was insideher. The force of the fucking was extreme, with each thrust like a man witha heavy body punching her in the groin, again and again, again and again, tillshe became red and started bleeding. The penis inside only became harder, itswidth grew even more, and it became just a little longer, but long enough forit to be thrusting so far in that it was touching her cervix.
Pounding is the only way to describe the thrusting. The pounding was frantic,like a man trying to escape death. It hit into her again and again, causingher pain. Her muscles contracted around the penis, trying to determine whetherthis was rape or extreme pleasure. She didn't notice at the time, but eachpenis on each of the other dogs also started dripping its semen.
At the end of this performance the dog had ejaculated inside her. Fittingwith the size of its genitals, there was a lot of semen, and it started runningoutside of Julie almost straight away. In totally, the dog had been takingJulie for about 15 minutes. She later calculated, therefore, that she had beenraped for well over an hour, because each of the other dogs had their turnto rape her as well.
After the rape, Julie was left on the floor, naked, with the semen havingbeen absorbed inside her body. Her hips ached where the dogs held her legsapart, her wrists and ankles were sore, but there were no teeth marks. Hervagina was bruised and sore.
Julie could report what happened to the police, but what good would it do.They would laugh at her, or contact a psychiatrist for assessment. She couldgo to a local priest for comfort, but how many of them had the experience ofseeing evil with their own eyes, and how many of them had actually come faceto face with Satan.
She passed out, and woke in them morning. The sun was glimmering in throughthe curtains. Although she had been violently raped by dogs, she felt thatsatisfaction and lack of tension which comes from passionate love-making. Fromthen on she put Holy Water at her door and window to keep out such creatures.She knew that with God's protection she would be safe. She had forgot aboutthe episode, as far as she could, within weeks.
With the love of God, with the protection of his Grace, she need never fearevil again.
Four weeks late, her period was late.
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My Atha, father’s Sister and her Daughter-Part-II Hi all ISS readers, I’m regular reader of ISS stories, I liked lot of the stories that the guys narrate the stories on this. Its fun, so I like to write a story of mine, so Please Enjoy my story and give reply at This is Suresh from Hyderabad Let me introduce myself properly before I narrate my stories. This is a another Sex encounter with my Atha( Aunty ). Friends, welcome to the exotic world of sex and lovers of mummies sisters daughters...
IncestWednesday started with me jolting awake to the alarm. For the first time since I was able to get back into this bed, I’d had a terrible night of sleep. I started my day mechanically and got myself to school to attend my meeting about ten minutes early. Mr. Peterson showed me into his office and we waited for Coach Mullins who finally showed up just before the meeting time. I waited for them to start talking. I had no desire to say another word so long as I lived right now. He started....
After fucking Mark the first time, I was feeling like I had crossed a line that I shouldn't have. I felt like I totally lost control and should not have ventured down the path that I did. I spoke with my husband, Dave, about how I was feeling. My husband is the love of my life, we have been married for 12 years and even though I had dreamed about fucking other men I have never acted on it. Dave told me that he was OK with what happened, he loved me, and stated that I shouldn't be concerned with...
That night he dreamt about the mysterious girl that had saved his life. In his dream he saw her voluptuous breasts and her shoulder-length hair as she ran on her long slim legs with her pubic area being covered only by a piece of animal skin. He wasn't able to see all of the details of her face in his dream but he knew that she was exceedingly beautiful. Vincent got up at nine the following morning. He prepared himself a generous breakfast of eggs and bacon then he undertook the...
"Would you soap my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me, smiling. Standing in a communal shower, the sounds of other people laughing and bathing reduced to a backdrop of sound, a distant hum, I stared at her. I'd met Ann the evening before, soon after I'd arrived at this weekend workshop. Located in a hot-springs area in northern California, a clothing-optional community that found its roots in the hippie days of the 60's, it had enjoyed a renewal in this new-age decade. A...
my grandmas been dead for like 6 years now so me and my grandfather has now been diagnosed with dementia. I always feel bad for my grandad. And always wanted to take care of him the way my grandma use to. All of his needs. Even the sexual needs. I cook for him. I do his laundry and clean his his house. I write all his checks and make sure all his affairs are in order. I take care of his cock very well. When I see him drinking is always our signal. I hear him stumble to my room at like 12 or so...
The communication device had worked better than anyone could have expected. Capt Fin and her team had been pushing the boundaries of telepathic communication these last few years, the final result been the device in front of them. It was designed for transmitting thoughts more than actual words, hopefully spanning any language barrier. And the response had been almost instant. Crouched defensively, the armour shelled bug had come to within ten feet of the shield its antennae waving, mouth...
BeginningsI suppose I've always been a bit obsessive compulsive, even from an early age. From as far back as I remember when I developed an interest in something it consumed me. These interests included gymnastics, playing the piano, and various other activities. I would go through periods when I would spend hours each day practicing piano or gymnastics. I also had a very intense interest in my bum from a very early age. I always loved the shape of my ass and how it felt (gymnastics helped a...
"Boss, can I talk to you?" I looked up, it was Cameron Nhite. Cameron is a college sophmore who had come to work for me last October, shortly after the current school year had begun. I pushed myself back from my computer desk and swivelled my chair to face her. "Close the door and take a seat Cammy." She turned back to the door and I let my eyes rove up and down her ripe, petite young body. 'Was it finally time?' I thought to myself, watching her movements. She was wearing a bright...
I had been eyeing her for so long. Even though she had a boyfriend I was determined to get my way with her. She wasn’t like most other girls though. She would not be easy. Our conversation, though, went from ‘Hi’s’ and ‘Hello’s’ to steamy midnight phone sex ending up with me cumming in my pants. My cock dribbled at the thought of finally getting her alone. I remember that day well though we had just come from the campus cafeteria. She had ordered a pina colada and was sipping it through a...
Denzil Penhalligon an me growed up down Port Wen. One Sat day us went up the smoke for a bit of a spree . We went up on the train to Paddington which is as near London as the train gets. We bought they saver tickets about a month afore so’s we could afford it. We knew the streets weren’t paved with gold but we had at least expected some tarmac not pot holes held together with more pot holes and us ant realised how much they rip off bastards charged for everything. Anyway us went up the...
It was the same feeling that washed over her a fortnight ago and by the time it was over, she had found herself sleeping next to two women whom she had not even known. Fearing the impending implications, she had fled the hotel room and rushed home. This time, the feeling was stronger, and Amy found herself fighting a lost battle. A tiny part of her brain though, was silently enjoying this strange sentiment… Amy was a tall blonde with lovely eyes and a round face, dimples that would warm...
It's mid February and cold outside which is normal for a northern climate that we live in. Lisa is working at a convince store and I'm looking for work in my field. Computer repair. I graduated from a local university five years ago. I got work right out of school, but lost my job just before Sandy and I divorced. It's a tough field to find work in. I guess it's a good thing I graduated top in my class. My highschool buddy Ted was second and remembering the fact that he owed me a...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Hikaru: the Perfect Slave Note: Mark's friend Tom requested a Japanese, young woman for his slave. Mark found Hikaru Hojou, an exchange student, at Rogers High School. June 6th, 2056 – Hikaru Hojou – Kyoto, Far East District I knelt in my fuku: a plain, white, buttoned-down shirt tucked into a short, red-green tartan skirt. Loose, white socks clung to my ankles. Everyday, my master Tom would select one of a dozen different outfits for his slaves to...
I put on a tight red dress that was well above my knee along with my ‘fuck me red heels’. I didn’t bother with a bra and put on a red thong which didn’t really do a great deal in covering my cunt. I went down to the hotel bar and Jane was already sitting at a table. I sat down at the table and my skirt rode up, a lot of leg was on show as she said, “you look up for it” and laughed. Immediately the waiter was at the table. I hadn’t seen him before, but he was similar to the rest. Black as...
Emma wants to buy some new shoes for her pretty feet! Her girlfriends have all told her about their favorite Personal Shoppers who have a great selection of shoes. She gives them a call to see if they can squeeze her in and they come over with a shoe rack full of shoes for her. The first thing she notices about the two of them is that they’re Handsome. The Second thing she notices about the two of them is that they have a Huge foot fetish and make a point to pay her many compliments about...
xmoviesforyouHey guys this is Rahul from Bangalore again with another story.. I’m from Sarjapur.. This time it’s about my neighbor who just moved in recently and she was unsatisfied.. So first day when she moved in she was showing the packers and movers where to place the households and I saw her then and we just had eye contact. So days passed and I used to keep looking out for her and I noticed that she had two young kids, she used to go drop them to the bus stop. Now talking about her she looked really...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, Sorry about the long delay in posting my second story, I lost my login info and just now found it. I hope you will think it was worth the wait. This will hopefully clear up some things I left out of my first story. y name is Orin Haskins, I am now 73, but was 18 when this series of events began. I was always big for my age, and fairly slender, at the time I was 5'10 and weighed about 135lb with jet black hair, brown eyes (my aunts called them...
Incestfeminization – transformation – sissification – femdom – blackmail – anal masturbation – cock worship – crossdressing – whoring/prostitution – sissyI lean forward, staring at a big cock going in and out of a girl's tight ass on my computer screen. I'm jacking myself off so hard, and I can feel the thong pressing against my asshole, I don't know why it's turning me on so much right now. I'm getting close, and stare intently at how the cock rhythmically thrusts into her ass. Suddenly, my cock...
by darkfan90 This is the story of how my life change in a way I never dreamed it could. My name is Alex. I am doing my second year of collage. I am a 19 year old, 5'8”, 135lbs Caucasian boy. I am tall and skinny and I ware glasses. I have never been in a fight, but I am pretty smart. I have always been a nerd in school, but it has allowed to to do well here. As a result my parents have helped me get a condo off campus this year that I have just moved into. Witch I am very happy about, because...
It’s my birthday today and I know that my husband Chris and our Michael are planning something big. If you haven’t been reading the other chapters Chris and me wanted to have a threesome and that is when Michael became our new friend they would both fuck me in my mouth, pussy and ass. They would tie me up and whip me hard. They would also use all kinds of toys on me the biggest been a 12 inch long 3 inch thick dildo. Over the last couple of months we have gotten more torture devices so the two...
Group Sex