Modern Pirates free porn video

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At least it was over quickly, he wasn’t exactly a spring chicken.

Carol was 24, the oldest of the three friends who had jumped at the chance for a free holiday in the sun. She was about 5’ 9”, and was the proud owner of a really nice pair of tits. They were 100% natural as far as Peter could tell, yet despite being at least 36D there was no hint of sagging. As Peter watched her, she sat up, shook her long blond hair, and turned onto her front, loosening her bikini top to prevent tan lines, seeming to almost tease Peter as he tried to get a glimpse of her nipples.

The other two girls, Sophie and Tina, were both slightly slimmer than Carol, but there the similarity between the two younger friends ended. Sophie was tall, her long legs putting her at over 6’1” when she wore heels, and her long chestnut coloured hair reached down her long back to the top of her firm buttocks.

As well as being the youngest of the group at 17, Tina was by far the smallest too. She was only 5’2”, and almost always wore killer heels at any opportunity to compensate for this. Her breasts, around 32C seemed huge in comparison to her tiny waist and slim, petite body.

Hassid, one of the crew on the yacht, called out, disturbing Peter from his comparison of the girls.

“Mr Wright Sir! Look! Boat come fast!” he shouted, pointing to the East.

Peter turned and peered towards the brightly lit islands they were passing. The boat was a small powerboat, clearly with powerful engines, but at this range he couldn’t clearly see how many crew it had.

“Get the rest of the crew up here Hassid, they may be in trouble and need assistance.”

Hassid scuttled from the bridge and went below, returning a minute later with the two other crewmen, plus the cook trailing in their wake. By now two figures could be made out in the boat, one standing at the wheel, the other curled up in the bow. By now, the girls had put on sarongs around their waists and joined the men at the rail. As they watched, the speed boat closed the gap and turned to run parallel to their course.

“Help! My friend, he is hurt!” shouted the man at the wheel, in the accent of the local people.

“What happened?” Peter shouted back.

“Bad accident. We hunting on island, he get attacked by wild pig.”

It sounded plausible enough, so Peter ordered the engines to be cut, and the smaller boat came alongside, as Hassid returned with the first aid kit.

As they helped the injured man on board, they could see blood on the front of his grubby t-shirt. Hassid helped the second man aboard, and then secured the speedboat to the side of the yacht.

“Here, I must show you.” Said the local man, passing the bag he was carrying to his injured comrade.

Suddenly he pulled a pistol from under his top, as the injured man leapt to his feet, knocking the cook flying, and also produced a gun from the bag. For a split second, nobody moved. Hassid was the first to react, diving for the side, but one of the other crew was in his way and they fell to the deck in a heap.

BANG! The first man fired into Hassam’s back, before firing again into the other crewman. Almost simultaneously, the supposedly inured man shot the cook and the remaining crewman. Peter and the girls were frozen to the spot. The first man smiled, his face twisting into an evil grin as he raised the pistol once more and fired into Peters head, blowing his brains all over the deck.

The two men lowered their pistols and pushed the girls into a heap on the deck.

“Stay there or you die.” The first man said in broken English, before turning to the second and ordering him to throw the bodies into the sea and keep an eye on the prisoners. He turned and headed to the cockpit, and got the yacht underway towards the island they had appeared from. A few minutes later a cove came into view, and the yacht sailed in, tying up at a jetty, now effectively hidden from the outside world. He then sounded the horn twice, before switching off the powerful engines.

“Get below” The first man barked, grabbing a handful of Carols hair and half dragging her into the cabin and along to the saloon. The second man pushed the other two along and brought up the rear.

“Sit,” he ordered. The three girls fell to the floor obediently, and put their hands behind their backs as ordered. The two men grinned, and walked behind the girls and jerked their skimpy bikini tops loose.

Trying to cover their breasts resulted in a swift couple of slaps around the head for the girls, before their arms were tied behind them using their bikini tops.

The two men looked at the women properly for the first time. Wow, they liked these three! They knew their boss would probably let them have one of them later since they had done so well today, but they were very tempted to start now! Just as they were thinking this, they heard a car pull up to the jetty, so they shrugged and went up on deck. Sure enough, it was Sebastian, their boss, and his loyal bodyguard Ramon.
Sebastian was totally ruthless, but he also looked after people who were loyal to him. Ramon would kill you for fun if he thought Sebastian wouldn’t mind your loss.

“Well done! This is a beauty! We will get a good price for her when we sell her back to the stupid Americans we stole her from!” Sebastian said, roaring with laughter. “Any problems?”

“No boss, they died easily. And we took three gringas alive too. They nice, boss.”

“Well done. You will be rewarded handsomely of course. Now, bring the women to the compound, and we will see what treats the owners have left for us!” Sebastian said, turning away to walk to the secure compound hidden amongst the trees where they ran their operations.

By the time the three babes had been dragged into a richly decorated room and pushed down onto the leather couch that dominated one wall it was early evening, and starting to get dark. Over the hum of the air-conditioning unit, the whimpering babes could hear what sounded like hundreds of men in another room.

Suddenly the door swung open and in walked Sebastian. As the girls looked up at him, they could instantly tell he was in command here. He was far better dressed that the other men they had seen, and the other men seemed to shrink in fear of him. Following him into the room was the biggest man they had ever seen, he looked pure evil. He was a big Hispanic man, dressed in black, with tattoos all the way up his thick muscled arms. His face was twisted by a massive scar running along his cheek, and his eyes radiated pure evil. When he closed the door, they were alone with these two, plus their two original captors.

“Now, first things first. Ladies, my name is Sebastian, I am in charge here. As long as you behave, you will live. If you cease to behave, or cease to amuse, you will die. Ramon here takes great pleasure in killing.”
The way he said ‘amuse’ made the girls skin crawl. “Ruben, Bora, leave us now. Wait outside, you may receive a further reward later. Ramon, pay them double the usual rate.”

Ramon handed the two men thick envelopes which they took greedily, already tearing them open before the door was even closed behind them.

“Now, stand up.” Sebastian barked, “Let’s have a look at what we have been brought.”

The girls got to their feet, their arms still bound behind them. Sebastian walked around them, examining them closely. Stopping in front of Carol, he looked at the terrified blond girls gorgeous breasts.

“They are nice. Are they real? I HATE fake tits.” He spat. All she could do was nod weakly and whimper as he reached out and squeezed them. He was gentle at first, but then got rougher and started to twist her nipples until she screamed.

He just laughed and let go of her, moving to Tina, the youngest. “You! How old?”

“Se-sevent-teen,” She stammered, “Please don’t hurt us.”

Sebastian laughed coldly, as he ran his hand down her flank before cupping her breasts. He then turned to Sophie, by far the tallest girl, and ran his hands down her body and down her long legs, before turning her around and groping her ass. He looked pensive as he crossed to sit on his desk facing them across the room. Suddenly the thought hit the girls all at once – HE WAS TRYING TO DECIDE WHICH ONE TO FUCK!!

“I am going to have one of you. And you will make sure I enjoy it, or else.” With this, he nodded to Ramon, who pressed a button on the wall. A panel slid away, revealing a window that looked out across what appeared to be a bar. It was packed with the kind of men that had captured them in the first place!

“Those are my men. If you do not make me enjoy my time with you, then you will be out there with them. There are at least 50 of them out there at the moment, plus more due back soon. Observe what happens to those who displease me.”

With this, Ramon said a couple of quick words into the intercom, and the girls watched as a young woman was dragged out onto the balcony across from the observation window. The crown went wild, chanting and jostling each other. Suddenly the girl was pushed from the balcony into the baying mob below. Ramon smiled a sick smile as he turned back and closed the wall panel.

“So, you see what will happen to you.” Sebastian smiled. “So, you decide between you who is first for me.”
In the silence that followed, the girls could hear distant screaming through the wall.

Carol suddenly stood up. “I’ll do it, if you let us go afterwards.”

The girls thought that Sebastian was thinking about this offer, until he burst into laughter, and looked at Ramon who also roared. “Perhaps you do not understand. You will buy your temporary safety with this gesture, not your freedom.”

The girls were devastated. “Still, I accept you as the volunteer.” He said, still laughing as he watched the girls’ hopes shatter.

Before she could change her mind, he was across the room and dragging her to her knees in front of him.
He pulled a knife and cut her bikini top, finally freeing her arms.

“Ramon – bring those two back in.” Sebastian said, looking down at the blond babe on her knees in front of him. When they had returned and closed the door he continued, “Ramon, you choose one, the last is for those two.”

Carol started to protest, but Sebastian held his knife against her throat. “Remember – you are either in here, or out there, that is the ONLY deal going.”

“Now, start to work on my cock. Bite me, and I cut off your nipples and throw you to my men.” He snarled down at her, while pulling down his expensive trousers.

Behind him, Ramon jerked tiny Tina to her feet and threw her onto the couch. Sophie had backed away and seemed to be trying to squirm her way backwards through the wall as the two dirty men, one still in his bloodstained top, advanced towards the leggy brunette.

Carol realised her only hope was to end this as quickly as possible, so she shut her eyes, took a deep breath and opened her mouth to accept the semi-hard cock. Wanking the base of it with her hand, she bobbed her head up and down the shaft, occasionally stopping to run her tongue around the tip and foreskin. At least it was clean, she thought, as Sebastian’s cock hardened for her.

Ramon had simply pushed Tina down onto the sofa and started mauling her, his dark hands looking massive against her petite frame. She squirmed under him, but was powerless to get away from his bulk. He grabbed a handful of her hair and, moving himself into a sitting position, forced her to kneel in front of him. He jerked the knot loose, freeing her arms, and then told her to take out his cock. A few slaps to her head soon made her less hesitant, and she pulled down his shorts. She almost jumped as she saw the size of it! It was huge. Only semi-erect, it was already 10 inches long and as thick as her wrist. She was almost stunned by it as he took her hands and wrapped her finger around his shaft. She couldn’t even get her fingers much more than halfway around it as she started to work her little white hands up and down his thick dark shaft.

Sophie wasn’t fairing much better with her two attackers. They had backed her into a corner before seizing her and taking it in turns to grope her fine body, especially her perky tits and nice firm arse. Next they dragged her over to a chair in the middle of the room and pulled her over the arms of it, so her head was at one side, her tits hung in the middle, and her nice arse pointed up in the the air at the other, with her gorgeous long legs trailing onto the floor. Her arms were still tied behind her back with her top, as the bloodstained man stood behind groping her arse with one hand and fighting to undo the rest of her bikini with his other. At her head, the other pirate was trying to force her mouth open, eventually succeeding by slapping her until she complied with a howl.

By now, Sebastian was fully erect, and fucking his hardened shaft in and out of Carols mouth as she spluttered below him. He soon grew frustrated at the lack of satisfaction this was giving him, and ordered her to lie on her back on a low stool he dragged from the corner of the room. Her head tilted back, so he could force his cock down into her tight throat. As he did this, her gorgeous tits shook with ever thrust. When he was sure he was going to cum, he forced himself to withdraw until the feeling had subsided, giving Carol chance to get her breath back.

By now, the first of Sebastian’s men was balls deep in Sophie’s throat, her long hair hanging down over her face. The man had reached forward and was slapping her swinging tits with all his might, as he could feel her screams through his cock in her throat. The second guy had finally removed her bikini bottoms, and the long haired beauty was desperately reaching back with her bound arms to try to push his hard shaft away from her pussy. He grabbed her wrists, twisting them viciously away from her private regions, and lined his cock up for the assault. He pushed, but with the dryness combined with her tensing muscles was enough to prevent him entry.

“She too dry!” He howled with frustration.

“Her mouth is wet, I we swap?” Said his friend.

As they swapped ends, Ramon was also getting frustrated. His problem was that his cock simply would not fit into the tiny girl’s mouth, so all she could do was lick the tip and work it with her hands. Ina fit of rage and frustration, he slapped her round the head, pulled her to her feet by her hair and then bent her over the arm of the couch. Pulling some lube from his pocket, he ordered her to get herself wet while he massaged his cock to get it fully hard and lubed up. Feeling her pussy was still dry, her squeezed some lube on there too, and lined up his massive shaft. Tina had only slept with one guy before, and his cock had been tiny compared to this, so to Ramon it felt like he was having a virgin again. He could only get his cock in slowly, even with his whole bodyweight behind it. She was so tight!! When he was barley halfway in, he felt the end hit something solid – her cervix! Man, he had another 5 inches to use yet! He started to work it in and out, trying to loosen her up slightly. As he eventually managed to get pumping in and out at a reasonable speed, he felt her loosen and start to get slightly wet involuntarily, so he increased his speed behind the bent over babe, and was soon thrusting in and out of her like a man possessed.

Sebastian had managed to regain control over his cock, and had got Carol working it more gently this time as he played with her gorgeous tits. Her nipples were clearly starting to harden, so he ordered her to remove her bikini bottoms and play with herself. Soon she was working her clit, and he noticed her back arch slightly, and a tiny groan escape her lips. He left her working on herself and crossed to sit in front of

Tina on the sofa. Her eyes were screwed up tight from the shafting she was getting from Ramon behind her. Sebastian called Carol over, and made her sit on his lap with her back to him and then slowly lowered her onto his cock. It slipped straight in to the hot girl’s warm, wet pussy which was so hot it seemed to burn as he entered her. She groaned slightly before slowly working her body up and down his shaft. Soon she was bouncing on his cock as though she was riding a horse, her gorgeous tits bouncing up and down in front of her.

The two men holding Sophie down had managed to swap ends, and Sophie had opened her mouth to accept the dry cock after only a minor slapping to remind her who was boss. Her arms were unceremoniously forced up her back again as the man who had previously been at her mouth lined himself up behind her. By now she was starting to grow weary and lose some of the fight she had had in her to start with, so the second man to try to fuck her succeeded. His saliva coated cock still had some difficulty entering her, but managed after a couple of thrust. She was almost relieved – at least he wasn’t slapping her tits now! Soon however he was thrusting into her like a madman, his cock seeming to harden inside her. The man at her mouth was also benefiting, as each thrust to her rear forced her throat onto his cock.

Sebastian was determined to let this hot blond humiliate herself by making her cum during his rape of her, so he made her work her clit as she bounced on him. Meanwhile, he thought about what he could do to her next. Soon she was groaning and tossing her head as she rode him with her eyes firmly closed. He could feel her start to lose her rhythm, then suddenly she screamed loudly as he felt her pussy clamp around his shaft and her body convulse. Once she had settled, panting, he pulled her off his cock and pushed her face down onto the sofa, so her knees were on the floor and her hips, chest and head were pressed into the luxurious leather. She could feel a wet patch near her belly and she felt slightly ashamed knowing that these were her juices. She didn’t have long to think about it however before she felt a searing pain. Sebastian had rammed his cock into her tight, virgin arsehole in a single thrust! It felt like she was on fire. She was sure she must be bleeding! Her recent orgasm was forgotten as Sebastian thrust into her, again and again, and again, all the while calling her a slut for enjoying her rape!

As much as Ramon was enjoying watching Carol get fucked in the arse, he knew he’d never be able to fit his cock into Tina’s. It had been a major effort getting it into her pussy! Still, she felt a bit looser now she was starting to get wet. Every thrust still banged against her cervix though, and that meant a large part of his cock was going unused. He could almost feel the roof of her pussy opening on some of his deeper thrusts, so he pulled out until just the tip was in, took a deep breath, got hold of the tiny babe tightly around the waist, then rammed his massive cock home! He couldn’t see, but her eyes shot open and she nearly fainted from the sudden pain of her cervix being forced. His cock seemed to hit a wall, but then slowly eased through and he was suddenly in. He looked down, and it was all in, all 11 and a half inches. Her arse was against his stomach. He started to thrust in and out, and suddenly she screamed. Ramon didn’t care; he just carried on enjoying the tightest girl he’d had in a long time.

Sophie wasn’t fairing much better than the other two. She was choking on one dirty smelly cock, while another was being rammed into her harder that she had ever known. Neither cock was especially large, but the brutality with which they were being used made up for that. She was so nearly passing out from choking on the cock in the throat, that it came as a relief when he pulled out of her mouth. The relief didn’t last long, however, as he shot his load into her pretty face, forcing her to close her gorgeous brown eyes and let it run down into her mouth. God, there was tons of it; he seemed to be cumming for an eternity when he finally stopped grunting. He grabbed a handful of her hair and used it to wipe his cock clean, laughing as he watched her dripping face.

The man at her rear was also starting to buck into her, and he too seemed to grunt for ages. He shot his hot seed up her sore pussy, before pulling out and dripping the last of his seed all over her nice arse.

Sebastian also decided he needed to cum. His fucking of Carol’s tight arse was making her scream and bite the couch in agony, and that pain was what turned him on more than anything. At the last second, he pulled out of her arse, pulled her onto the floor and forced his blood-and-shit-smeared cock into her mouth.

“Hope you like it, you slut!” He yelled at her as he fired his hot load into her throat. He pulled out and she coughed it all down her chin and onto her amazing tits as he fired more into her face, before milking the last of his seed into her hair.

Tina’s incessant screaming was still filling the room as Ramon thrust into her. He looked down, and decided that little brown hole looked so inviting. He could never get his cock in, but....

He reached for the lube as he carried on thrusting into her, took some in his hand, then without warning thrust his lubed middle finger into her tight arse. Man, he could hardly get his finger in! She started to fight back viciously, desperately trying to get away as she howled in agony. He liked it so much better when they fight! One last thrust and he fired his load deeply into her. He kept her body pulled tight on his cock and finger, enjoying the sensation as her wriggling milked his cock. He always produced a lot of seed, but this must be a new record. As he pulled her ruined pussy off his massive cock with a plop, cum oozed out and down her leg. Turning her round, her forced her to lick his cock clean, before dragging her over to where the other two girls waited.

“Now you sluts. I want every drop of cum licking off you all. If I find one missed drop, or see any hands being used, one of you goes to the crowd.” Sebastian said, reaching for his trousers. At that moment, the phone rang. Sebastian answered it, listened for a second, grunted and hung up.

“Ramon. It seems they have caught another boat already.....”

Its my first story, sorry its a bit long. Plase give me feedback, and I'll try to improve for next time!


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Ye beware of dead Pirates

Blood leaked from his mouth as he whispered a few words from an ancient voodoo spell. “I’ll be see’n the lot of ye again… and if’n not ye, then ye decentents ya wretched dogs. Ye hear my words, and hear them well. I’ll be coming back for my vengeance. And when I do… I’ll be unstoppable ya hear?” he managed to choke out before dying. In what felt like a flash of the mind, his eyes opened. He was cold, lifeless. Skeletal fingers with raw flesh draped on lifted to his face. Letting out a sigh...

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Modern Age

Modern Age Man, I just love living in the Modern Age. Technology is such a wonderful thing - and so sexy too! Here I am, all frillied up for my lady, kneeling before her with her collar around my throat, with her hand on the back of my head pressing my face into her beautiful, beautiful pussy, and with my tongue working all over that gorgeous clit of hers as I try to coax it into becoming a cock. Yes, it is true that if you lick it hard enough and lick a clit well enough it can...

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Modern Renaissance

It was late when I arrived in Jersey. I was to meet a friend at a renaissance festival to be held at the Smithsonian in New York the following day. I decided to stop at a hotel near the G.W. Bridge, which crosses over into New York, for the night. I had the vallet take my things up to the room I purchased and headed to the hotel bar for a martini before turning in. I sat at the bar for sometime sipping martinis and chatting with other travelers at the bar. One of the gentleman at the bar caught...

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Modern Woman

I have been married to a wonderful man for twenty seven years. Our youngest of five children finished school and left for college eight months ago. I thought that my husband and I would really enjoy being empty-nesters. Boy, how wrong I was! He just worked longer hours, leaving home before I was out of bed in the morning and not getting home until dinnertime. And it was a dinnertime that had been pushed back later and later. I was frustrated and upset. I was even angry at times, but whenever...

2 years ago
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Modern Relations part 02 Kevin Masters Alexandra

After Kevin had painted her eyes shut, Alex had entered her own little dark world, getting wetter and wetter as first she sucked his cock and then as she sat passively while he took pictures of her cum covered face. Just giving him the camera had nearly brought her off. Each click of the camera increased her arousal. Pictures were proof and proof is power. Kevin now had pictures that could seriously damage her reputation. She felt small, helpless and… happy. "Alex... who is M?" repeated Kevin...

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Modern Dominating Divorcee

Hey all thanks for your comments on my previous experiences. It was great to read them and thanks for all new proposals that you made, surely gonna get unite and make your wishes true. Keep sending your response to This context is all about a lady who is independent and aged around 33. She has her own boutique in Mumbai and is divorced just a year back due to some complexions in marriage. She is fair with 5’7 height 70 KGS and 34 d- 26- 36 figure. I received her email on my Kolkata diaries...

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These first chapters will be about setting up the story. At the moment I'm going to recommend to read Anne West's story as that's the one I'm gonna be focusing on the most until I feel like i have written enough to pursue other characters and possibilities. When it comes to the mens side of the stories I recommend Edward Lee, as that at the moment is my secondry objective of characters. I have a rough idea of what to do with those characters so they will be receiving the most amount of updates.

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Beckys fate at the hands of pirates

Author’s note:  This is my first ever story!  It comes from one of my rape fantasies and there is more of the story to come, if the reviews are positive.  I also have some real life sub/slave experiences that could make for good reading, as well as other rape fantasies.  But I wanted to get my first time out of the way (kind of like losing my virginity again!) and see what people think.  Please email me any comments you might have.  My email is [email protected].  As I lay in bed listening for...

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Captain Horatio Horn and the Slutty Space Pirates

Losing two ships in as many weeks never looks good in your official reports. Captain Horatio Horn, top of the class at the academy, fastest to get command of his own ship, and general military badass, sat sweating alone in the escape pod. Two meters tall, short black hair, and a ripped body the envy of any soldier which filled his sharp dress uniform to perfection, Horn looked back on the events of the previous day. This time at least he had managed to get all of his men off the ship before...

2 years ago
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RetributionChapter 8 Caribbean Pirates

In the morning Linda walked downstairs for breakfast with Carla. Carla was practically walking on air. “Hey, Carla, good morning. You look happy today,” Linda said. “I lost six pounds! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy.” I had to give her a boost to cover the time we’re gone in the Caribbean, whispered Tink. Carla brought Linda a large waffle, sweet strawberry syrup and a plastic tub of Cool Whip. Already sitting on the table was a bowl of sliced, fresh strawberries. “Looks like we’re...

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 06 Valentines Day Master

“I’m home,” Alex yelled as she closed the door. “In the bedroom,” Kevin called distantly. Alex put her briefcase down on the fourier table, then headed to join her future husband. She thumbed her engagement ring, loving the novelty of it. Alex found Kevin toweling off his head leaving the rest of his lean muscular body wet. “Mm, dripping man. Just what I need,” she said, hugging his moist body from behind. “Careful, you’ll ruin your suit,” Kevin cautioned. “Casual Friday at work today,...

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Modern Relations part 08 Its Complicated

Wendy: 4:40 PM “Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “that better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.” “It’s me, can I come up?” “Alex?”...

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Modern Witch

Your name is Allison LaCroix, and you are a modern witch. It's honestly kind of glamorous. You are awoken by sunlight streaming through the windows and the sound of pages turning. You get up to see your demon familiar, Titivillus flipping through some book or other. His red eyes dart across the pages, reading with inhuman speed. His pitch black skin shines darkly in the sunlight. You can see his cock literally curled up in his lap. Demons dont wear pants, which is unfortunate as their junk can...

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Modern Relations part 05 Alex and her Mother Summer of Love

“Well, was I right about Halloween being fun?” Alex asked Kevin.“Yeah, I’m... I’m kind of blown away. I’ll never look at Cynthia the same way again.”Alex looked askance at Kevin. “No questions about my behavior?”“Well, how do you feel about it?”“I was worried, but my disguise worked, so I reveled in it. Looking back? No regrets,” she said, then gazed searchingly in Kevin’s eyes. “How about you?”“Me?”“My story, does it change the way you look at me?” Alex blushed shyly. Kevin shook his head....

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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT Part ONEGETTING THEREFlying to Jamaica was extremely pleasant. It was exhilarating to see the Island’s green lush and practically skimming the waves of Montego Bay, just before the wheels touched down. As we disembarked, my hubby took my hand and held it lovey-dovey like. This small gesture made me warm, wet and my nipples got hard under my thin, light weight chiffon halter dress reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe’s white number.The weather was unbelievable....

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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT - 4THE PARTYMy knees were a little wobbly as I was gaining my balance I saw that we were surrounded by a group of sexy people. The lights in the room changed and I noticed that the dance floor was empty and in it center was a well-padded breeding bench with a light shining down upon it. The bench itself was raised just high enough that a man could stand and fucked his woman.I was not ashamed and in my soul I wanted more orgasms. Looking at the people who...

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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT -3THE CLUBI noticed that the doctor was no longer in the room. Janeda took out a little dildo like plug and put it in me. I guess it was to stop my man’s seed from dripping out of my womanhood. Janeda kept me in my breeding position for twenty or thirty minutes and making sure that my pelvis was elevated. I guess it was to make sure that Montague’s sperm would have the time to do their ‘duty’. Then she undid the straps and helped me off the table. “My knees...

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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT -2MANDATORY BREEDINGThrough all of this I inadvertently was touching myself. Then with the most of tactfulness, Janeda guided us through many naked bodies to our room.Our suite was a spacious one. Through the French double doors we could see the distinct blue of the Caribbean. The center of the room was occupied by an enormous four post bed. To the side was an OB/GYN pelvic examination table with calf and ankle stirrup supports as to keep woman’s legs...

4 years ago
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Modern Relations part 04 Alex and her Mother Halloween

Kevin lay semi-spooned over Alex as she finished her story.“Unfair!” he exclaimed with mock outrage. “You can’t just drop a bomb like Clayton plowing your mom, and then stop. Keep going, you bitch.”“Now be nice,” Alex admonished.Kevin popped up to get water for them. He filled two glasses then carried them into the bedroom, handing Alex hers. “You recovered pretty fast from... all the ick,” he said. “Do you suppose running Phil off gave you an advantage.”Alex sat back against the headboard feet...

3 years ago
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Modern Tanisha Aur Sonakshi Ki Desi Thukai 8211 Part 1

Hi thi issliye kafi jaldi ghul mill gayi.usski figure dekh ajj sudhir ka mann machal gaya.ajj raat to apni biwi ki bhi acche se thukai kiya,usse kya malum tha buddhe ko TANISHA ne pagal bana diya hai. Next din hi TANISHA ka saman lekar kuch worker aa gaye aur shift karwa diye.ussne batay ki usski ek friend ,jo khud bhi ek airhostess hai 2 din baad anne wali hai,actually usski new shadi hui hai issliye ussne leave le rakhi hai.TANISHA ka sudhir ke flat me khub anna jana laga rahta ,kabhi usski...

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modern day slave

Modern Day Slave – Part 1: Typical Work Day In the morning i wake an hour early so that i enjoy the privilege of preparing You breakfast. i ensure Your clothes are prepared for You, and Your shoes shine before i leave for work. You have generously left me my daily allowance on the counter. If not for Your discipline, i would foolishly squander all my earnings which can now be used better to serve You. During the workday, You lovingly send me text messages. In the morning it is a list of errands...

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Modern Slave Labour

Being a sissy slave for child hood friend Timothy Lynx was a harsh cruel reality Being a sissy slave for child hood enemy Timothy Lynx was a harsh cruel reality. Brittany formerly known as Brian had been under the supervision of Timothy for six months now. Living in the bleak mountainous area of North America, there was little room for escape. The vast baron land that encircled the mansion stretched for miles. Brittany had tried with all her courage to escape, though plans had been...

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Modern Fantasy

This story started off as a series of requests from on Eka's Portal so some of the story elements come from them but all of the characters and fine details come from me. In a world with all the modern comforts: T.V, cars, the internet, etc. but also many different fantasy races living harmoniously with humans. Humans still made up the majority of the population, about 65% according to the census. With Elves and dwarves, each at 10% and the other 25% made up of...

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Modern NobilityChapter 2

My breath caught in my throat when I saw the young woman. She was tall and elegant with perfect breasts, hips, butt, and legs. I felt jealous of her beauty for one moment, then I thought of my perfect boy claiming her and my pussy flooded, causing me to squirm. I glanced at Emily, and she smiled, opening the Dm section and showing me a conversation with her sister that began with a photo of my son, standing before the door to his room in swim trunks, with a towel over one shoulder about to...

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Modern Family Phils Birthday PresentChapter 2

MODERN FAMILY PHIL’S FATHER DAY “Dad! Knock next time!” I heard my mom screech from upstairs at Jay. Haley giggled mischievously as doors slammed and grandpa yelled. “What is going on? What were you doing? You know what? I don’t want to know!” Jay hastily retreated from upstairs and was ready to leave. My mom came following down while tying up her robe. “You should really have knocked, Dad!” my mom said. “It isn’t seeing you naked that is a shock. I’ve seen you naked since you were a...

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Modern Family

100% fiction! I come from a well to do family in Delhi. Our family could be described as somewhat a modern family I have a younger sister who's 20. My dad's 45 and my mom is 40 and I myself an 22 years of age. My mom is the bomb shell of the family, she's 5'8 has large D cup breasts and a perfect ass. Shes has curves to kill for. she looks younger than her age. Both my sister and mom receive a lot of attention from men in public places or at parties that we host or go to. We are prominent...

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Modernized And Impregnated Aunt

Hey guys, so I am a regular reader of ISS and recently I ended up having an incest encounter and I thought that you should be able to read about it, because it was just plain amazing. So I am Karan, 6 feet tall and 7 inches dick, living in Delhi. This is a story about me with my Aunt, Rani. She’s 33 years old, nice and thin, with 34 C boobs. She’s from a rural background and married my uncle 11 years ago. My uncle is not a very active man and they had been trying to bear child for a long time...

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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 31

The big ass of slutty Katin is hidden in a very sexy with an black, skin tight and net like underbutt hotpant which emphasizes her monster ass properly. Furthermore her football sized silicon tits are put into a black, skin tight and net like shirt encases these massive boobs perfectly. Katin is fully body shaved, except the hairy trapeze above her pussy. The edges of the trapeze she shaves. # Katin is ready for my cock Sexy Katin is laying with her back down on an usual bench to sit, which...

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Modern Farm

Just for heads up: Personally, it was not easy to let these things happen the way I tell them in this story. I am a very courteous and kind person, and need much personal overcoming and discipline equally to do such despising things to women and even destroy a mother and daughter connection in the end. Of course, there are always moments when I would like to take Katin and Sylvia in my arms instead of punishing them further. Especially when Katin or Sylvia look me in the eyes screaming or...

4 years ago
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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 1

The big ass of slutty Katin is hidden in a black, skin tight and net like underbutt hotpant which emphasizes her monster ass properly. Furthermore her football sized silicon tits are put into a black, skin tight and net like shirt encases these big, hard and massive boobs perfectly. Katin is fully body shaved, except the hairy trapeze above her pussy. The edges of the trapeze she shaves. It is a usual night, the guests served by sexy Katin tonight. Katin is getting a lot of tip due to her...

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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 20

Another night, there are still some guests are around. The guest are tipping the sexy waitresses Katin and Sylvia a lot, due to the hot dress they wears. I do my usual job in the bar, mixing drinks and watching the both hot waitresses doing their job. # Dress of daughter Katin The ultra horny daughter Katin is dressed very sexy with an black and netlike C string in short version, which begins at clit and ends between the ass cheeks. Her big together pressed ass cheeks hold the small piece of...

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Modern Mage A Hunters Dilemma

Gabriel Roarke had been a Hunter for over a decade, ever since he recovered after his family was attacked by a Vampire. To be more precise after that creature had killed his parents and then turned his sisters forcing Roarke to kill them if he wanted to live. He had spent six months in a hospital recovering from physical injuries he’d received from surviving that night and cleaning up the mess so that he didn’t go to jail for murder. He didn’t tell the police or the doctors, nurses and...

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Modern Mage Chapter 4

I woke as I felt Sindee shift beside me. Opening my eyes I saw her swinging her legs over the side and sitting up. I looked over to the clock to check the time, realizing that she had sat there sleeping at my side for most of the day made me feel better than any medicine or Magick could have. “Time to get ready for work now” I asked in a sleepy tone. Sindee turned to look at me smiling, “I was trying not to wake you; you need to rest and let your body and the IV replace the blood you...

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Modern Day Cassanova The Beginning

At age 13, and with his mother in such a state, Michael's father was given custody, and he went to live with his father and his new girlfriend, Tina. Michael was nervous about living with someone he didn't know, but was glad that he was able to stay in the house he grew up in. Tina was 26 and a total knockout, with wavy blond hair, a meaty, yet firm ass, and what Michael would find out accidentally was a D cup bust. Even though she was largely at fault for ruining his parents marriage,...

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Modern Day Casanova the intro

Michael left the assembly and entered an old storage closet used for the science department, for some reason it was always unlocked. About ten minutes later the door opened and Amanda walked in shutting the door behind her. She looked extremely nervous as she walked over to Michael and stood face to face with him. “You’re late”, he said coolly. “I got held up talking to Mr. Harris”, she pleaded to him. Michael grinned, “I don’t care, just get started”. Amanda looked reluctant and nervous for a...

3 years ago
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Modern Maturity part 2

“Who’s your best lover?” Mike was steering the pontoon up the small canal and the gentle hum of the little motor had almost put he and Jan into a trance. “Why you,” Jan didn’t hesitate with her answer, “why?” “OK, very politically correct answer,” Mike chuckled, “but let’s go with the same question but add besides me.” “Well now,” Jan thought a moment, “that makes it difficult.” She took a couple of minutes then began to think out loud. “Bob was awfully good that first time...

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Modern Maturity

“Well, hello neighbor,” she smiled as she greeted her new neighbor for the first time since they’d pulled their motorhome in the lot beside the one she and her husband had purchased a year before, “are you just staying a short time or did you two buy the lot?” Mike had been so busy redoing and checking the RV’s connections, that he’d hastily made the night before when he and his wife Jan had gotten in, that he hadn’t seen her walking up. “Good morning,” Mike spoke reflexively almost...

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Modern Love Story 1

God, there has to be an easier way to make a living. Dave Parker was on his back in the loft of an old detached house in Surrey. The owner, who had recently been widowed, was having some work done on the house before she put it on the market. The Private House Sale Act of 2007 compelled the vendor to indemnify the purchaser of a property in the event of any major work needing to be done in the two years immediately after the sale. It was possible to get insurance cover for this contingency,...

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