Princess Ayumi and the Pirates
- 4 years ago
- 39
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In the morning Linda walked downstairs for breakfast with Carla. Carla was practically walking on air.
“Hey, Carla, good morning. You look happy today,” Linda said.
“I lost six pounds! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy.”
I had to give her a boost to cover the time we’re gone in the Caribbean, whispered Tink.
Carla brought Linda a large waffle, sweet strawberry syrup and a plastic tub of Cool Whip. Already sitting on the table was a bowl of sliced, fresh strawberries.
“Looks like we’re celebrating those six pounds.”
“Yes, I’m so happy I need to celebrate. Losing weight makes me hungry!”
Linda laughed and enjoyed the strawberry waffle and coffee. She cleaned up the dishes after breakfast.
“Where are you off to today, Linda? Any jobs on the horizon?”
“Fred Jackson wants me to turn pro and do the LPGA tour with him, after a lot of training first. He’s going to line up sponsors for us. He thinks I’m the next Tiger Woods. Female version. But first, I have some unfinished business down in Florida to take care of.”
“Florida now? First DC and now Florida. Our Angel really is a busy one!”
“Oh, Carla, stop with all the ‘Angel‘ stuff. I’m not an Angel and besides, we don’t want to explain to someone why you call me that.”
“You’re right dear, of course. I’ll try to stop, but I won’t stop thinking it.”
“Bye now Carla. Lots to do today. I’ll be flying out tonight if I can get a reservation.”
Back upstairs in her room Linda called Fred’s cell phone and he answered on the third ring. “I’ll do the golf pro thing with you, Fred.”
Fred held the phone away from his mouth and yelled something unintelligible. “Fantastic. I promise you won’t regret this Linda. I’ll start getting in touch with potential sponsors right away. When can you come in and start practicing? I’m thinking it would be best if we started playing eighteen holes together. That gets us out of sight from prying eyes and gets you some exercise and a chance to use all the clubs in real situations. Then you can work on your swing later at the driving range.”
“Whoa slow down, Fred. All that sounds like a great plan, but I have to take a short trip to Florida to take care of some personal business first.”
“How long will you be gone?”
“Probably a week. Could be a couple days less or a couple more, depends on how things go.”
“When do you plan to leave?”
“Tonight, if I can get a flight out of here.”
“Okay. Let me know the minute you return. I’ll start lining things up here.”
“Sure thing, Fred. Bye now, I have to run.”
Linda ended the call and opened her laptop. She found a flight out that night on Delta and booked a business class seat. The flight left at 8 p.m. and arrived in Miami at 10 p.m. Next, she booked a hotel room in Miami and checked for a cruise ship. The Opal Princess was leaving the next day and still had rooms but Linda’s checking account was too low and her debit card was refused. She needed to go into the credit union this morning and add money to her account. Linda wondered, Now where can I find some extra money...
I know, I know! whispered an excited Tink. In the backpack!
Linda laughed, I was only kidding Tink. Linda removed $17,000 from the backpack and put it in her purse. Then she changed clothes and went downstairs.
“Bye, Carla, I’m leaving now.”
Linda heard a “Be careful and drive safely,” as she headed out the door.
She got in her Toyota and drove over to the credit union, went inside and walked over to the safe deposit box section. ‘Wet pants‘ Kathy was working that station again.
‘Hi, Kathy. Heard anything from Melody?”
“She called me yesterday. Melody said she loves her new job and doesn’t have to worry about robbers and things. She wouldn’t tell me what ‘things‘ meant.”
Linda laughed. “I need to add some things to my box today.”
“Let’s get you all taken care of then, Linda,”
Linda put $10,000 in her safe deposit box and after Kathy helped her lock it back up she added $6,500 to her checking account and another $500 to her savings. Linda got in her SUV and used her smart phone to call and make reservations on the Opal Princess, leaving for the Caribbean the next day. The cruise would arrive in Jamaica the second day out. Perfect.
We need to go shopping! Ret whispered.
Shopping! Mouse yelled.
Me too! Count me in for shopping! Tink added.
Okay sisters, shopping it is. South Central Mall? Linda whispered.
Receiving affirmative nods, Linda started the car and drove to the mall. She went inside and bought a couple of modest two-piece swimsuits, a little black dress, three pairs of shoes (without steel toes), some new panties and bra sets from Victoria’s Secret and some shorts and blouses. She also loaded up on sunblock and cosmetics. Can’t be too careful.
On a whim Linda went into a ‘Spy’s R US‘ shop just for fun and because Mouse wanted to look around. Inside the store she spotted a surveillance camera on sale for eighty bucks. The clerk walked over to help her.
“Hello, Miss. Interested in surveillance cameras?”
“Well, I never thought about them before, but I saw this one on sale.”
“Yes it’s old technology so we have to discount the price. It still does the job though. What exactly did you need a surveillance camera for?”
“I was thinking of covering the back door with one.”
“This has a very short range unless you connect it to the internet. Then the range is unlimited. It’s battery operated and a charge lasts for about twelve hours. It’s motion sensitive so you don’t have to worry about wasting the battery charge.”
“How do I connect it to my laptop?”
“It comes with an app. You just plug this into the USB port on your laptop and it loads. Just follow the instructions on the screen. If you don’t want to use the internet the range is only one hundred fifty feet.”
“Oh, no. I don’t want to use the internet. I don’t want some hacker to use my stuff.”
“You do know about the camera eye on your laptop, right?”
“What camera eye?”
“Most newer laptops have a built-in camera for people who want to Skype. The problem is hackers, sex perverts, the government just about anyone can use it to look at you without your being aware of it. Smart phones, too.”
“Damn! That sucks. Anyway to stop it?”
Good thing we haven’t done anything odd in front of the laptop, whispered Mouse.
“Just put some masking tape over the lens and you’ll be fine. Here, come around this side of the counter and I’ll show you what to look for.”
The helpful clerk showed Linda the small spot on his laptop where the lens was hidden and she decided to purchase the surveillance cam. Mouse wanted to play with it.
“What about my phone?”
“That’s more complicated and depends on the brand name. Instructions for various phones are available on the internet.”
“Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.”
Back home again Mouse convinced Linda to hook-up the surveillance system, and load the app on the laptop. She wanted to try something different.
Is it working yet? Mouse whispered.
Yes, can’t you see the picture of us standing here? whispered Linda.
I had my eyes closed. Okay, now everybody watch us, Mouse said.
The girls all watched the laptop carefully. Linda’s body shimmered and blurred, then turned wispy, almost like a ghost.
I can see through us! shouted Ret.
We’re not invisible to electronics yet, but pretty damned close! Linda whispered.
Oof. That takes a lot of energy to maintain. Maybe if I practice a lot it’ll get better and easier, Mouse whispered.
“Good idea. That was great, Mouse,” Linda said out loud. “Now lets get packed up for the trip. One suitcase only, and the backpack full of money. Then we take a nap for tonight. It’s going to be a long night for us.”
But Mo-om, whispered Ret.
Linda just gave her a stern look and the girls settled down for a nap.
The phone alarm went off at 4:30 and Linda got up. Come on ladies, I want to get out of here by five, Linda whispered.
Why so early,? Mouse asked.
We need time to get some supper on the way, and the flight reservations said to check in two hours early to process through TSA, Linda answered. Weren’t you paying attention?
No, Mouse giggled. I was busy trying something.
Something new? Tink whispered.
Yes! Look over at the TV, Mouse said as she pointed at the television on the desk.
Linda turned and looked at the TV, and it vanished.
Mouse! Ret shrieked.
Awesome, Tink whispered.
I can make things vanish now that we’re not even touching. I don’t have much range yet though, Mouse whispered smugly.
“Linda, I’m leaving to go shopping now. I just wanted to say goodbye before I go,” Carla said.
Linda looked through the door and saw Carla standing in the hallway. She gulped, and said, “Okay Carla. I’m almost ready to leave too. I’ll be back in a few days.”
Way to go, Linda! Another upgrade! whispered Ret.
I should have expected that. I can ‘see’ into bodies, why not through walls ‘n’ stuff? Linda replied.
It just keeps getting better and better, Tink whispered.
I wonder if we can see through boy’s clothes, Mouse speculated.
Mouse! Three mental voices responded.
Well, it could be fun, right? Mouse asked.
Mouse, make the TV reappear and let’s get going, said Linda.
Linda mentally carried her suitcase and backpack down to the SUV, guiding them along with her hands.
She started the car and asked, Where do we want to eat supper?
We can’t eat at all three, so since y’all can’t make-up my mind, I’m getting a fried chicken sandwich at Wendy’s with fries and a drink,
Linda said.
Linda parked the Toyota in the long term parking lot and caught a shuttle to the airport. It was a good thing they left early. TSA was busy and slow. A man standing in the back of the line pulled out a gun and yelled something about ‘Allah’. Linda took control of the man’s arm and stopped the trigger from working. Airport security ran up with their weapons drawn and Linda made the terrorist point the gun at them. Bang! Death by cop! Linda symbolically washed her hands.
After all the excitement died down Mouse hid the backpack full of money from prying eyes and electronics. TSA never noticed a thing. Still, Linda barely made her flight. It was light outside and she wanted to watch the takeoff but she was stuck in an aisle seat. A fat business man sat by the window with the shade pulled down working on his laptop.
I want to see the takeoff, Ret complained.
Me too, but this tub of lard is in the way, Mouse whined.
Shall I? Tink asked.
I have this one, Linda answered. She reached in and gave the man a little urine leak in his pants. The guy looked around, put his laptop away and headed for the toilets. Linda smirked and ‘stole’ his seat by the window.
What happens when he comes back? Ret asked.
Diarrhea is not a fun thing on an airplane, Linda giggled.
Won’t the flight attendants make him return to his seat? Ret asked.
No, I fogged him all the way back, a very smug Mouse said. He wasn’t invisible, just ignored.
The girls watched the plane take off and were properly impressed with their first experience on a plane. Once they got too high and couldn’t see much, the excitement wore off. The man did come back and glared at Linda, then got a funny look on his face and hurried back to the toilets. He stayed there the entire trip.
Two hours later the plane landed in Miami.
Linda caught a taxi to the hotel and checked in. It was after midnight by the time she was settled in her room and the girls went straight to sleep. Linda asked for a 6 a.m. wake-up call. The Opal Princess started boarding early.
At the boarding ramp in the morning Linda stood in line with her suitcase and ‘invisible‘ backpack full of cash. When it was her turn she paid for her reserved room with the debit card and handed her passport and suitcase over to the attendant.
“Your luggage will be delivered to your room. The passport stays in the purser’s office so Customs at all the ports of call will be satisfied and you can get off the ship to explore. Here’s your ship’s charge card too. The purser hangs onto your debit and all charges go from the ship’s card to your card that way.”
“Thanks,” said Linda. “Now how do I find my room?”
“Harry here, will be your guide. He’ll make sure you find your room and remember, no tipping. Tips are included in your fare.”
“Okay, lead on, Harry.”
Linda got to her room and Harry showed her all the amenities, which weren’t much. It was an ‘inside‘ room with no view of the ocean, but for a last minute trip, it was okay. Besides, Linda reasoned, she would only be here for a couple days. She hid her backpack in a clothes drawer for safety. Linda and the girls were too excited to nap, so they went out and wandered around the Opal Princess looking at everything and oohing and aahing at all the cool stuff on board. Linda found a deck chair to recline on and read some brochures about the trip while they waited for departure. On board the drinking and gambling age was eighteen. Linda smiled and the girls whooped it up. There were four swimming pools on board. The pool on the top deck was adults only and clothing optional. Mouse inquired and Linda shook her head no.
What if we go up there invisible, just to check it out? Mouse suggested.
Silence. No one bothered to answer Mouse.
Gambling? Mouse asked.
That might be fun. Linda the TK crap shooter! Ret whispered.
Roulette is where the big money plays. Thirty five to one payoffs, Tink whispered. Linda can guarantee which number the ball stops in.
Mouse added, Ret is the poker queen! She can read minds!
All of them laughed about the possibilities on board. Gambling, hmmmmm. Could be fun, and profitable too.
Food is included in the fare but not drinks, Linda whispered. The girls ‘ears‘ perked right up.
We may not get another chance like this till we’re twenty-one, Ret offered. After all, you did say the legal age was eighteen on board.
We can at least taste something, right? Mouse asked.
Tink just giggled.
We’ll see. Y’all need to behave now, Linda warned them.
What about our passport and debit card? The purser has them. We planned to just jump ship in Jamaica, Ret the practical asked.
Linda whispered, I’ll just tell him we got an emergency back home and have to leave the ship in Jamaica. Then after we finish our business in Cayman, we can come back and fly out of Kingston.
Mouse nodded.
Ret whispered, That should work.
I’m hungry. Can you please feed me some of that free food? Tink asked.
The girls laughed and Linda searched out a lunch buffet. All four girls got what they wanted and loaded up a bit for each of them on the plate. After lunch the ship’s horn blasted loudly three times. They were under way.
The girls hurried to the railing and waved at everyone on the dock as tugs pushed and guided the huge floating city out to open water. With another blast of the horn Opal Princess said goodbye to Miami.
Linda went back to her room and found the suitcase emptied out and all her things put neatly away. She checked the backpack and it looked untouched. The money was still inside. Linda estimated they still had over fifty grand in cash.
Let’s change then go to the pool and watch boys, Mouse whispered. If Linda helps, we can ‘really’ watch them.
Linda ignored that last comment and changed into her swimsuit, grabbed a beach towel, sunscreen and her purse and headed to the rear deck.
Isn’t this called the larboard deck, Tink asked. I’m not real clear on ship type things.
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Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain * It was Day 4 of their so far extremely memorable holiday voyage through the Caribbean, and they had taken on all the food and supplies that they needed for...
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College SexWarning: Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain Day 2 of the Caribbean vacation started out normally enough, but Rick Chaplain could not help but look at his girlfriend Ashley with a little less love and a little more hostility now that he knew about her relationship with Keith Stevens. It was probably a little hypocritical for him to be...
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The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and...
Susan & I often traveledto the Caribbean for our vacations. We loved the laid back atmosphere and all the sun and gorgeous beaches. Last year though we arrived to find that the airline had lost my only bag containing all my clothing including my swim suit! Imagine arriving in the Caribbean without even having a swim suit to wear! I had just resigned myself to going down to the gift shop to purchase a pair of those crummy over priced swim trunks they sell when Sue spoke up. “You could always...
I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...
* * * * *Struggling to get comfortable behind the wheel of my Kia my son said, "Grandma sure enjoyed that."He'd detected the subtext. My mother's gift, generous as it was, was also intended to... What exactly? Embarrass me, humiliate me, manipulate my son?I said, "Yeah, she did."An hour ago, at Thanksgiving dinner, while my step-father sliced the ham Mom announced the secret I'd known, and kept, for the better part of two decades: she'd established a trust fund for my son.* * * * *My family, my...
I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...
The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...
A few years ago, my girlfriend at the time was a wild, horny and curious girl that was 23 and just beginning to explore her sexuality and the Caribbean was just the perfect place for this adventure. She was a stunning beauty, with a perky rack 36DD's, tight little body, banging ass, long black hair, and fair skinned (think K. Kardashian). She enjoyed wearing very little so she could get all the attention she could from the guys and girls. I was immediately turned on by her frisky nature and...
VoyeurSusan & I often traveled to the Caribbean for our vacations. We loved the laid back atmosphere and all the sun and gorgeous beaches. Last year though we arrived to find that the airline had lost my only bag containing all my clothing including my swim suit! Imagine arriving in the Caribbean without even having a swim suit to wear! I had just resigned myself to going down to the gift shop to purchase a pair of those crummy over priced swim trunks they sell when Sue spoke up. “You could always...
CrossdressingIt was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...
OutdoorDinner smelled great and I was hungry but not so much for gourmet cuisine as for fuel for my tired body. I walked around the top tier of the dining room and found my table, number 42. It was a table for two with a great view of most of the dining room. It was a view I really wouldn't need. My client had balked on his Caribbean cruise, electing a business meeting in Belgium rather than relaxation on the beach. However, my services as his personal bodyguard were both specific and already paid...
The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...
Cornelia knew it would be hot but this was worse. A rain had just finished and the humidity was very high. Then since they were on horses there was the heat, sweat and smell of horse adding to it ... Lastly the volcano was just beneath their feet. Cornelia was close to fainting when the Count called a halt at the top. It had only been a half hour maybe a little more when they reached the top. But to Cornelia she wondered how she was ever going to make it back down! "Here we are dear...
Mark I sat in the right seat of my 737-700 – the co-pilot’s seat. Cindy was pilot-in-command, and Elsa was strapped into the jump seat with The Lump, as she affectionately called Philip Emerson, sleeping with her left nipple in his little mouth just in case he woke up and needed an instant supply of mother’s milk. The radio came alive and I paid careful attention. “November One Mike Whiskey, you are cleared for the visual approach to runway one-zero at St. Croix. Contact tower now on...
Day 13 Garage Mike "NO LAUGH AT ME!" Noma said. She grabbed the boys, and stomped to the cave. I climbed to my feet, and rubbed my jaw as I looked at the cave. With a sigh, I started for the cave when Noma came out carrying a basket. The boys followed her the whole time, as she started walking towards the far end of the tidal pools. "Noma, wait up love," I said. She stopped and glared at me as I caught up to her. "Look, I'm sorry. When you did that thing with your fingers, it...
Officially they do not exist. Not matter what else divides them, governments all over the world agree that the existence of a race of Amazon Pirates with technology far exceeding our own must be kept secret. Knowing we are being watched by beautiful women (men are incapable of surviving interstellar travel) who can swoop down from the sky, or mingle with us to observe at close range to pick their targets could do nothing to prevent them from doing as they please, and would only cause panic. In...
I was rested and refreshed by the time Tiffany returned. She was exhausted. Her pussy was raw and her lips were puffy from so much cock sucking. I didn't know this, of course. “I need a little rest.” she said as she closed the bath door for a self inspection. “I feel pretty good, I'm going to head up to the surf bar.” I called through the door. “OK, have fun. I'll be in dreamland.” Tiffany answered. She was relieved to be alone for awhile and be able to rest and clean up from the...
I had knee replacement surgery. Big improvement. I could walk without pain. They didn't tell me the truth about the convalescence, though. It was much slower than anticipated. Based on their schedule, Tiffany and I had scheduled a week long Caribbean Cruise. Several weeks before the cruise, I realized that I wasn't going to be in tip top shape. When I took the pain meds, I was a zombie. Sleeping 20 hours a day. When I weaned my self from the meds, the pain was really annoying. Back to...
Chapter One Old Jim Grinsted had been up and down the aisle a couple times. Married once – the father of three now grown children – he’d been married again for a few years. Didn’t work out. So now he was on his honeymoon with Sabina – 30 years his junior. Honeymoon? Horsefeathers! Yes, he’d given her a $2,000 diamond ring (small change for Old Jim), but it wasn’t like they’d gotten any licenses or seen any preachers. Nothing legal about it. But Sabina thought it was her honeymoon, she fooled...
I had just messaged her an hour ago to let her know that what I would be wearing. I had on a black baseball cap and a bright red tank top with blue shorts. I was going to have 3 days and nights stay in Grenada and I wondered what sights I might behold besides what BigRed500 had in store for me. She wants me to keep her real name a secret, so from here on I’ll just refer to her as “Red”. I read as much as I could about the islands that I had visited and I was really hoping to do some fishing,...
Authors Note: This story, a suggestion by a reader, contains bisexuality, gay sex, anal sex, inter-racial sex and group sex. If this is not to your liking I suggest that you not read the story. Thank you! INTRODUCTION Barry and Lucas Nevin were brothers who worked together in the film industry. They had been successful producing and directing R rated movies made for cable television. Recently they had received a contract and financial support to make a movie that would be shown in hotels and...
I woke before dawn the next morning refreshed and feeling a renewed sense of confidence, energy and excitement. I got out of bed, leaving Jacque to sleep in and fixed a large cup of coffee then made my way down to the surf. I was making it a habit of enjoying a short morning stroll on the dark beach, naked, with just my cup of coffee after dropping off our beach chairs to save our spot for the day. The water pouring over my feet and ankles with each wave and the cool morning breeze flowing...
ExhibitionismLate into the summer evening the steel bands were still in full song. You could hear them even above the hubble-bubble of Frank’s patrons. Anyway, the doors and windows were open. It was steaming, man. Our eyes met across the tables. Guys came to Frank’s Bar to find other guys and hopefully get laid. He was a lager drinker, a good sign. I was on iced cider, the latest craze. He was coloured, probably Caribbean. This part of London had its share, especially on carnival day. When he went...
Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain The sun was setting in the far west, and the Collins family was stretched out across a number of plastic deck chairs around a large table covered with drinks....
In light of comments for Chapter 1, I put the next two chapters together. Having said that, they may still need to be bulked up a bit. These chapters were meant to set up characters and the plot, and thus aren’t meant to be erotic themselves. Chapters four and five should take care of that. Chapter Two September 1717, the Caribbean, It had seemed almost too easy. Despite having the apparent disadvantages of a bulkier ship and several leagues of distance between them, His Majesty’s Ship...