Sam's Caribbean Vacation free porn video

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It was Friday, the day before my high school graduation, and I was on a ladder in the gym, hanging a banner that read 'Good Luck, Graduates' when my cell phone rang. The banner was a sincere message, but with the area economy idling and the job market sparse, I kept reading it as sarcasm.

I was the one up the ladder because I had lost a round of rock-paper-scissors to Neeka, who now stood on the polished floor with one foot on the bottom rung, holding it steady. I only had a tiny bit of suspicion that she had cheated and read my mind so she wouldn't be the one teetering 40 feet up with her head in the steel rafters. I was sure she wouldn't have done that because if she fell off it could have meant weeks in the hospital, but if I went splat it would just have been several minutes of cussing and not much more.

I finished tying the banner off on the metal braces before I snatched the phone from its clip in the waistband of my shorts.

"Hello," I said, not bothering to look at the small screen to read the caller-ID information. Neeka had programmed it to use different ring-tones for calls from my friends than it did for calls from numbers that were related to my profession. The short bit of Wagner's Die Walküremeant that this was such a call.

"Good afternoon, Miss Kramer," the voice on the phone said. "I'd like to talk to you if you have a few minutes."

David Solomon didn't bother to identify himself, which was fine. I recognized his voice from his flat Northern accent and the way he casually dropped a name that he wasn't supposed to know, just to shake me up. Conversations with him weren't give and take exchanges so much as they were competitions to see who could wring the most information from the other person while giving up as little as possible in return.

"Sure. When and where?" I asked.

"Right now, if you don't mind. The telephone company van by the curb".

I leaned over and looked out the high window that overlooked the school parking lot. Sure enough, there was a phone company truck there with orange cones all around and a guy behind it fiddling in the green box by the curb.

"Be right there," I said, and closed my phone.

"How did he find out?" Neeka asked.

She'd been listening in by tapping my grey cells. I can't even call that snooping, since it seems that she lives in there most of the time and it gives me a wonderful outlet for my tendency to be a smart-ass without running the risk of offending anyone. Mainly it gives me a reassuring, security-blanket-feeling to know that there is someone who is zero distance from me at all times.

David Solomon's business card said he was the Second Assistant Deputy Director of the Homeland Security Department of the United States of America, which sounded to me like someone who was buried so deeply in the bureaucracy that he could fake it by just taking lunch meetings with the other Second Assistants and plotting how to move up to First Assistant and cut out of the office even earlier in the day. His real job was something else. Mr. Solomon was the chief liaison between all the diverse and acronymic Intelligence agencies — CIA, DIA, INR, DISA, NSA, ETC. — and the covert — I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you — Operations groups that had been roughly consolidated in the wake of 9/11.

"Duh!" I said. "The man has connections. If there were something he thought he needed to know and he couldn't find it out, I'd be worried."

Solomon had scored points with me for brilliantly orchestrating the rescue of a couple of VIPs who had been kidnapped by 'foreign nationals', a euphemism I had learned was used inside the Intelligence Community when they meant 'Bad Guys not from around here'. I had an equal amount of juice with him because I had been instrumental in freeing the hostages without calling attention to him or his operatives.

Solomon didn't visit socially. If he was here, there was a problem. If Solomon had a problem, it was probably something terribly important that couldn't be solved by conventional means, up to and including bombing it or invading it.

Neeka stayed behind to cover for me while I ducked out the back door and around the corner of the gym, where I scooted between the rows of parked school busses and then crossed to the other side of the road. When I came up to the back of the truck, the man squatting beside the junction box looked up at me and touched the brim of his cap. It was Max, one of the Operators and a former special operations soldier who had been on the rescue team. I supposed he was there so I would know this meeting was legit and not a trap laid by someone. Knowing that people like Solomon existed was making me paranoid. I wasn't sure that wasn't entirely a bad thing, which shows how messed-up your head can get when you start playing with the pros.

I smiled sweetly at Max. Just as I was about to knock, the back door of the truck opened and I quickly stepped inside, and into a different world.

Solomon has a thing about being comfortable in the field. It may be that upholstering the backs of bogus utility vans and faux commercial trucks with comfy chairs, coolers, task-lights and all manner of communications gear was a waste of the tax-payers money, but the government wasted billions on so much stuff that barely qualified as 'holes in the ground' that I wasn't about to say anything at all about him turning the odd plumber's van into a rolling executive office.

A man I hadn't met before shut the door behind me and sat down on the jumpseat next to it with an arm across his lap, poised just inside his open suit-coat. I ignored him and slid into a leather chair on a sliding track in the floor before reaching out to shake hands with the hawk-nosed, hatchet-faced Mr. Solomon.

"Good to see you again, Sam," he said with a friendly tone. He took my hand without hesitation.

"I wish I could say the same," I said. "But I have a feeling that meetings with you are not conducive to my continued good health."

He snorted, a much more convincing sound than a laugh would have been. He wasn't used to dealing with people who spoke the truth quite as bluntly as I had put it. No doubt that was from talking to Senators and other politicians, who, it seemed to me, had standing restraining orders against the Truth.

"I might say the same about most of those you have had occasion to meet in your — ah — other persona."

He was right about that. More right than I liked. Until I met Mr. Solomon I had never actually killed anyone. Since then, my body count was greater than zero — the only number I would acknowledge in my head. I was still very unhappy about that change in my record, but there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. Feeling perpetually guilty was something I had decided was unproductive, even though in unguarded moments the feeling did manage to return and even to bring its friends, depression and grief.

My change of mood must have shown on my face. Solomon decided to cut to the chase.

"You've probably seen the media coverage of the young women who have gone missing while on vacation in the Caribbean?"

I nodded. "I remember a couple of them disappeared from different places. I assumed they had been killed by local criminals who decided to prey on the more defenseless tourists. If you're interested, then I guess there is more to it than that."

"Quite. The specifics of each case make them appear to be random events, but the similarities are inarguable. Eight young women..."

"Eight? I only heard of two!"

"Eight. All girls between the ages of 18 and 20, although mostly on the younger end of that range. All similarly attractive-looking, in the same wholesome, schoolgirl way. All unmarried, although most had boyfriends and two were engaged to be married. All of these girls have disappeared without a trace in the past few months. All were tourists. Five Americans, one Canadian, one from Ireland, and one girl from the Ukraine. Some of the abductions were not reported because their families assumed it was a kidnapping and a ransom demand would be forthcoming. No demands were ever received. Some of the crimes were kept from the media by the local authorities because it was feared that it would impact the tourist trade on which these places depend."

"How were they abducted? Do you know?"

"Not yet. But there is one rather curious feature to the crimes that everyone finds interesting, but seems to shed no light on them. Nothing but the girls has been taken."


"We are fairly certain that some of them were taken from their hotel rooms in the middle of the night. And yet nothing else was stolen or even disturbed. Money, credit cards, jewelry, clothes, cameras; nothing of value that the girls had with them and which we might have traced if any of it had been fenced or sold on the street."

"I remember one girl was at a club. How about her?"

"Everything she had with her apparently vanished, too, but none of it has turned up."

"So, the kidnappers are only interested in the girls? That's creepy."

"And that is why I was asked to become involved. Whatever is going on has the potential for creating a very nasty scandal if it becomes public under the wrong circumstances. This administration already has enough on its plate as it is."

"You have a theory?"

"I have a suspicion. I do not yet have enough information to know if it is justified and I am not prepared to discuss it until I do."

"What do you want me to do?"

I already had an idea, but I didn't want to buy a bigger problem than I had to. Although this was only my second encounter with the man, I was already aware that volunteering for one of his jobs carried with it an implication of expendability. He had never actually said that if I screwed up the government would 'disavow all knowledge' of me or my actions, but I wasn't born the day before yesterday under a cabbage leaf. Accepting responsibility wasn't something anyone in power ever liked to do, and my History texts hadn't mentioned anyone actually doing it as a matter of policy since President Truman was in office.

"The government of the United States would like to send you and your partner on an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Caribbean Sea."

"How nice! To what do we owe this honor?"

"You are the right age. You are unmarried. And you are very attractive."

"Why Mr. Solomon! I didn't think you'd noticed."

"Hurmm." He choked back a laugh. "You two are also the only operatives who fit the profile."

I noticed that he was addressing me as though Neeka were in the truck with us. The time he had spent alone with Neeka while she gave him the telepathic play-by-play of what I was up to during the hostage rescue back in early May must have impressed him quite a bit.

"So we're bait. You want us to go get ourselves kidnapped or shanghaied or whatever. Are you sending bodyguards with us?" I asked, nodding toward the beefy man by the door who hadn't taken his eyes off me or his hand out of his coat the whole time.

"That would be rather like setting a tabby to guard a tiger, wouldn't you say?" This time he did laugh, and with no help from me.

The man by the door didn't look amused at all at hearing the comparison. His gaze became more steely and his shoulders tensed. I swiveled my chair so I was facing him.

"Sam," Mr. Solomon said in a tone that was part warning and part pleading.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt him."

That really got the guy's blood going. His eyes narrowed and he looked at Mr. Solomon for the first time to see if he was being put-on. It was very tempting to mess with him, but I had already seen how badly I could rattle the most professionally-scary people and that was kind of unsettling. I mean, you'd think that the most elite ex-Force Recon, ex-Green Beret, ex-SEAL, ex-Delta, ex-whatever special operations unit I might have missed would be made of sterner stuff, but every one of them I had met so far had very nearly freaked when I introduced them to The Dragon. I think it must be that seeing a 5' 1", 110 pound, blonde, blue-eyed, 18 year-old girl turn into a grey-green, scaly, fire-breathing monster with blood-dripping yellow teeth and claws is something that doesn't get covered anywhere in the courses on 100 ways to kill silently, jump out of planes and wait til the last possible second before pulling the ripcord, sneak up back stairs quietly while carrying an arsenal on your back, swim miles underwater in the freezing cold, or make a bomb out of a can of bug spray and a handful of thumbtacks.

They don't seem to mind that I can tear cars apart, bend iron bars into pretzels, or jump over small buildings, but my animated make-up scares the bejeebers out of them. Go figure.

"You made Colonel Brock feel like a fifth wheel, you know," Solomon said, tossing out a piece of gossip to try to get my attention back so I wouldn't do what ever he thought I was thinking of doing to his bodyguard.

Brock was the commander of Sigma Seven; one of Solomon's teams of go-anywhere, do whatever is needed, and get out without being spotted Operators. He was magnificently suited to his job and he was one of the few men I had met since I took up being a superheroine who actually scared me. I guess partly for the same reason he made my skin crawl, he also made the more intimate parts of my body quiver as well. I still had fantasies about what it might be like to spend some quality time between the sheets with him and I wondered if he hadn't felt the same about me.

The fact that I had managed to save Brock's life the last time we met had probably ruined any chance I might have had to know him better. That I had done it by accident added to the insult. Brock worked off a steel-strong sense of duty and an equally hard self-image of himself as a professional soldier. I had put some cracks in that by being in the right place at the right time to keep him from being perforated. Me being a 'little girl' just poured salt into the open wound.

"How is the Colonel?" I asked.

"Keeping busy," he said, which was a polite way of saying I didn't need to know. "He was one of the people who advocated giving this assignment to you. He was quite enthusiastic about it."

Brock was one of the least animated people you were ever likely to meet. Brick walls generally have more vivacious personalities. To hear him described as being enthusiastic about something was jarring. For him to be strongly in favor of giving me this assignment meant he either had complete faith in my abilities to carry it out, or he wanted me to vanish off the face of the Earth along with the rest of the victims. Either way, I must have had more of an effect on Brock than I thought.

I decided to take it as a vote of confidence. If Brock's professionalism had deteriorated to the point of his becoming vindictive, Solomon would have fired him in a skinny second. At the level these people worked, emotions could not be permitted to influence decisions. Even I knew that getting emotional in the field could get you very quickly dead.

"When do we leave? You know we have Graduation tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't dream of keeping you from the ceremony," he said, taking a thick manila envelope out of a drawer and handing it to me. "Your plane doesn't leave until Sunday afternoon."

I wasn't the slightest bit surprised or offended that Solomon had arrived completely prepared or that he assumed we would be willing to help him. 'Detail-oriented' didn't begin to describe how he worked. He was probably a genius and everything I had seen of him made me think he was he best person for the job.

"And if we do manage to get ourselves picked up by the kidnappers?"

"Then you may deal with the situation as you see fit."

The thing I liked best about Solomon was that despite the level of detail in his plans, when he gave you an assignment, he gave you an assignment. I knew he would have liked very much to know what was going on every second, but only so he could provide whatever support we might need. If his being in the loop might compromise the outcome of the mission, he was smart enough to know when to butt-out.

He was also smart enough to know that he didn't know everything. If you had a contribution to the plan or an idea to offer, he would listen. Although maybe that was just me never knowing when to shut up and let the people in charge run things. I had been sort of mouthy before my transformation. Afterwards, the knowledge that I could pound anyone in the room into sand loosened my tongue even more.

The other implication in leaving things in the hands of the people 'on the ground', 'in the field' or however you want to describe it, was the assumption that the Bad Guys were just targets to be 'neutralized' or whatever the current euphemism was for killing. I still told myself that I would avoid that if I possibly could, but I had to admit that sometimes the bastards just didn't want to be reasonable. A stern talking-to or a slap on the wrist just wasn't going to do it for people who had already decided that it was going to be you or them and they were totally committed to making it you.

When I got into this line of work, I had illusions that I could change people, to make them see the error of their ways. So far, most of the change seemed to be in me. In darker moments, I wondered if the risks I took while giving the Bad Guys as much rope as they wanted before I had to turn it into a noose were really worth it. Surely it would be easier to just go into things with the idea 'kill them all and let God sort it out'? But if I let myself believe that, didn't that make me as much of a threat as the people who created the problems in the beginning? Sometimes my level of job-satisfaction is pretty low. I never thought it would suck to be a superheroine.

"So quit," Neeka said in my head. "Give it up. You don't have to do this."

"No. I won't. I can't."

We had this conversation regularly. She knew just what it would take to get my head screwed back on right. I knew it too, but having the conversation felt like reciting an oath or a catechism something. It always made me feel better.

"I do it because I can. I do it because for whatever reason, I have abilities that few people have and if I don't use them to make a difference in the world then I'm really not a human being after all."

You try getting up in the morning knowing that you are so totally different from everyone around you that you may as well be an alien from another planet. You see how long you can go, knowing that as your abilities grow, you get further and further away from the person you were. See if you don't start to doubt your own humanity and that the most important thing in your life doesn't become the belief that you are still one of Us instead of one of Them.

At the speed of thought, all this took only a fraction of a second. When I nodded and squared my shoulders, Solomon thought I was acknowledging the mission.

"Good!" he said. "You can reach me through my office or by calling any US Embassy or consulate. Just mention my name and they will put you through."

He waved a hand at all the electronic stuff in the truck. I had no doubt that he could use it to talk to anyone, anywhere, at a second's notice. It was reassuring to know that if we somehow got ourselves into something really deep and smelly, one call would being bring the Marines — literally.

Neeka and I excused ourselves from the after-decorating party with the excuse that we had some shopping to do. Instead, we went back to my house and into the basement workroom that she won't quit calling the Dragon's Lair.

I opened the bulging envelope and dumped everything onto the desk. It was a big pile of papers and stuff. When we got it all sorted out, we had plane tickets, passports, visas, permits, IDs, and several credit cards apiece that probably could be used to buy an entire department store, or anything that we might need to complete the mission.

"Holy credit limit, Sam," Neeka said, fanning herself with the plastic, "this is gonna be a lot of fun! We get to party and Uncle Sugar gets the bill!"

"Now you see where all those taxes the coffee shop took out of your pay went to." I said.

"And well worth it! I had no idea being your partner would be so — rewarding!"

"Better than riding around on that thing?" I asked, indicating the huge motorcycle that was lurking malevolently under a tarp at the far end of the room.

Neeka was torn. Dressing up in her costume and driving the bike all over town at insane speeds was her favorite part of our partnership. She had a hard time deciding if being handed a fistful of no-limit credit cards and told to go party in exotic places appealed to her more.

"Almost," she finally allowed. "Hey, wait a minute! These say Monique Diamond, not Monique Morgan."

"Mine say Samantha Draco."

"Ha! From the constellation Draconis, the Dragon. Someone in the government has a sense of humor."

"Apparently. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, the joke might be on us."

"Or it could just be that Mr. Solomon picked aliases he thought we could remember."

"That's better. I'll sure turn my head the first time someone calls me Miss Draco. Solomon strikes again. That man is too smart for his own good."

"You'd rather someone with that kind of power were an idiot?"

"Oh, heck no! Still, sometimes he scares me more than Colonel Brock. In a totally different way, of course."

"Still thinking they might haul you off to the underground lab and take you apart to see what makes you tick?"

"Sometimes. But not as long as Solomon thinks he can use me."

"You left out 'to do his dirty work'."

"It's dirty work all right, but someone has to do it."

"You and Brock are more alike than you think. You both have a strong sense of duty. His is to his country."

"And mine is to the human race as well."

"Sam the Earth Mother?"

"It helps to think that way. Actually, it helps a lot. I feel closer to people."

Neeka knew I had been having a hard time dealing with having killed those men. She couldn't live halfway inside my head and miss it. She was always there to remind me of what was important.

"Like love," she said, flooding my head with the warmth of her mental embrace.

I wrapped my arms around her and we hugged for a while as we danced through each other's heads, sharing a pure emotion that drove my depression back into its box and slammed the lid.

There are things that people do to show love. They touch. They caress. They kiss. They make love. Picture doing those things mind-to-mind. You can't. I know. The best you imagine isn't a fraction of what it feels like to feel love at the source, to tap into the pure flow, to dive in and feel it with your whole being. It's the most incredible thing you can imagine, and we had it. Whatever happened, we had that. It made everything good.

When she found that she could visit my dreams, we thought that would be a lot of fun, but neither of us had managed to work up the courage to try it again.

It made sex so fantastic that it was scary. A couple of times, we had gotten confused about who was who. I would see the red hair over my shoulder and not know it wasn't mine. Neeka would play with my boobs using my hands instead of hers. I felt what she felt and on and on until it threatened to spiral out of control. Afterwards, it brought us so close together that we had to cut back on the telepathy to make sure that we stayed two separate people instead of one gestalt.

Still, the times we had managed to drag or trick our boyfriends into bed with us at the same time had been truly awesome adventures in experiencing more orgasms than should be legal. She would cum, I would feel her cum, she would feel me cum and pretty soon our brains would be spinning. I know it made Steve and Jim feel seriously studly to bring us to the point where we would climax continuously and either beg them to stop, or beg them not to. I think it was the fact that they had us so totally at their mercy and I suspect they even exchanged a few high-fives over that, but I wasn't in any shape to confirm it at the time. Boys keep score. Girls just keep cumming. I think we got the better deal.

Once we had the plastic, we both wanted to hit the mall and see if we could run up the national debt a few more decimal points, but sanity prevailed. The chance that someone would recognize us and know that the names on the cards didn't match was a risk neither of us felt was worth taking.

"Just wait till we get there!" Neeka said. "By the way, where is 'there'? Where are we going first?"

The airport abbreviation on the plane tickets said VIJ. Neither of knew where that was. We had to turn on the PC and look it up before we discovered that our first stop would be the island of Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands.

"Virgin Islands?" I said.

"Hush. Just hush," Neeka said, giggling.

"Yeah, but do you really think they'll let us in?"


It was too late. We giggled until the tears started. It was silly and stupid, but it was funny just the same.

After we wound down, we sat dabbing our eyes with wads of tissue and tried not to set each other off again.

"Now we have to tell Bambi and my parents," Neeka said. "Oh my God! What am I going to tell my parents?"

"You won a contest?" I suggested. "No? Tell them we met a nice Jewish boy who is giving us free tickets to visit him and his mother in the British Virgin Islands."

"That's better, but I think Daddy might have some questions."

"Then tell your mother the truth and let her figure out what to tell your father."

"You want me to tell my mother that I'm going out of the country for a few weeks while I try to get kidnapped and probably murdered?"

"OK, scratch that. Tell them Bambi is sending us on a holiday as a graduation present."

"Now that will work. All you have to do is get her to go along and we're home free."

"Um. I hadn't thought of that. How is she going to take this?"

Not at all badly, as it turned out. I tried to subtly suggest the idea of the trip as a present, but I wasn't as subtle as I thought.

"Mom, I think I need to get away for a while after graduation."

"You mean, go off somewhere and kick up your heels before you go to college in the fall? That sounds like a wonderful idea. You have seemed kind of down lately. Maybe a trip will do you good. Where were you thinking of going?"

"The Caribbean. Maybe the Virgin Islands."

"That sounds like it would be a lot of fun, honey. Just stay away from the places where those girls were abducted." She thought for a moment; then she looked at me funny. "Or was that the idea?"

"Busted! Crud. You know me almost as well as Neeka does."

"Thank you. Are you really going to try to find those missing girls?"

"Yes. Or at least learn what happened to them and put a stop to it. The Federal People asked me to go, so this is an official trip. We already have tickets and passports and everything."

"Oh. Then how can I help? You certainly don't need my permission."

"We need you to cover for us with Neeka's father. Pretend you're giving us the trip."

"Sam, I won't lie to Fiona. If she agrees that this is what she wants to tell Carl, I'll go along."


Mrs. Morgan had been keeping our secret from her husband for a couple of months now. Adding one more small fib to the pile she had already told him wasn't a problem. Anything would have been better than telling him what his daughter did on those occasions when she ran out of the house in a sudden fit to go visit me. I'm sure he just thought she was having a good time before finishing high school. If he knew she put on spandex and black leather and went out kicking criminal butt, he might have had a problem with it. Fiona Morgan did too, but she was so proud of her daughter for having the courage to do it that she was willing to shut her eyes to the danger.

It also helped that Neeka didn't tell her any more of the nasty details than she had to. I tried to do the same thing with Bambi, but she always knew when I was hiding something and she almost always got it out of me. Sometimes she was sorry she did, but it didn't stop the interrogations.

Graduation was every bit the big deal I thought it would be. The ceremony was a sell-out, with every seat filled and a lot of people standing in the aisles. We probably could have filled the football stadium too. In fact, the only reason we didn't have it out there was the looming threat of a hurricane turning the wrong way and hitting us instead of Key West. So instead, we had it in the gym where the weather wouldn't spoil everything.

I thought I was going to be calm and mature about the whole thing, but every time one of my friends walked across and picked up their diploma, my eyes started to tear-up. I kept thinking that I'd never see them again after this.

When it was my turn, I tried to keep it together and focus on things so I could treasure the memory later, but it was over way too fast and before I knew it, I was walking back up the aisle to my seat with the blue leather folder in my hand. The one thing I remember vividly was seeing Yvette and Jan waving to me from the bleachers. Jan looked happy, but Yvette looked about as miserable as she could be. I suspected she felt she had to be there — she's my birth-mother after all — but it still must have been very hard for her to see me again. Neither she nor Jan came down afterward to talk to me. I understood. I had just enough empathy with Yvette to understand why she had treated me the way she had, but understanding and forgiving can be very different things. Forgetting wasn't even a remote possibility.

It was Friday, the day before my high school graduation, and I was on a ladder in the gym, hanging a banner that read 'Good Luck, Graduates' when my cell phone rang. The banner was a sincere message, but with the area economy idling and the job market sparse, I kept reading it as sarcasm.

I was the one up the ladder because I had lost a round of rock-paper-scissors to Neeka, who now stood on the polished floor with one foot on the bottom rung, holding it steady. I only had a tiny bit of suspicion that she had cheated and read my mind so she wouldn't be the one teetering 40 feet up with her head in the steel rafters. I was sure she wouldn't have done that because if she fell off it could have meant weeks in the hospital, but if I went splat it would just have been several minutes of cussing and not much more.

I finished tying the banner off on the metal braces before I snatched the phone from its clip in the waistband of my shorts.

"Hello," I said, not bothering to look at the small screen to read the caller-ID information. Neeka had programmed it to use different ring-tones for calls from my friends than it did for calls from numbers that were related to my profession. The short bit of Wagner's Die Walküremeant that this was such a call.

"Good afternoon, Miss Kramer," the voice on the phone said. "I'd like to talk to you if you have a few minutes."

David Solomon didn't bother to identify himself, which was fine. I recognized his voice from his flat Northern accent and the way he casually dropped a name that he wasn't supposed to know, just to shake me up. Conversations with him weren't give and take exchanges so much as they were competitions to see who could wring the most information from the other person while giving up as little as possible in return.

"Sure. When and where?" I asked.

"Right now, if you don't mind. The telephone company van by the curb".

I leaned over and looked out the high window that overlooked the school parking lot. Sure enough, there was a phone company truck there with orange cones all around and a guy behind it fiddling in the green box by the curb.

"Be right there," I said, and closed my phone.

"How did he find out?" Neeka asked.

She'd been listening in by tapping my grey cells. I can't even call that snooping, since it seems that she lives in there most of the time and it gives me a wonderful outlet for my tendency to be a smart-ass without running the risk of offending anyone. Mainly it gives me a reassuring, security-blanket-feeling to know that there is someone who is zero distance from me at all times.

David Solomon's business card said he was the Second Assistant Deputy Director of the Homeland Security Department of the United States of America, which sounded to me like someone who was buried so deeply in the bureaucracy that he could fake it by just taking lunch meetings with the other Second Assistants and plotting how to move up to First Assistant and cut out of the office even earlier in the day. His real job was something else. Mr. Solomon was the chief liaison between all the diverse and acronymic Intelligence agencies — CIA, DIA, INR, DISA, NSA, ETC. — and the covert — I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you — Operations groups that had been roughly consolidated in the wake of 9/11.

"Duh!" I said. "The man has connections. If there were something he thought he needed to know and he couldn't find it out, I'd be worried."

Solomon had scored points with me for brilliantly orchestrating the rescue of a couple of VIPs who had been kidnapped by 'foreign nationals', a euphemism I had learned was used inside the Intelligence Community when they meant 'Bad Guys not from around here'. I had an equal amount of juice with him because I had been instrumental in freeing the hostages without calling attention to him or his operatives.

Solomon didn't visit socially. If he was here, there was a problem. If Solomon had a problem, it was probably something terribly important that couldn't be solved by conventional means, up to and including bombing it or invading it.

Neeka stayed behind to cover for me while I ducked out the back door and around the corner of the gym, where I scooted between the rows of parked school busses and then crossed to the other side of the road. When I came up to the back of the truck, the man squatting beside the junction box looked up at me and touched the brim of his cap. It was Max, one of the Operators and a former special operations soldier who had been on the rescue team. I supposed he was there so I would know this meeting was legit and not a trap laid by someone. Knowing that people like Solomon existed was making me paranoid. I wasn't sure that wasn't entirely a bad thing, which shows how messed-up your head can get when you start playing with the pros.

I smiled sweetly at Max. Just as I was about to knock, the back door of the truck opened and I quickly stepped inside, and into a different world.

Solomon has a thing about being comfortable in the field. It may be that upholstering the backs of bogus utility vans and faux commercial trucks with comfy chairs, coolers, task-lights and all manner of communications gear was a waste of the tax-payers money, but the government wasted billions on so much stuff that barely qualified as 'holes in the ground' that I wasn't about to say anything at all about him turning the odd plumber's van into a rolling executive office.

A man I hadn't met before shut the door behind me and sat down on the jumpseat next to it with an arm across his lap, poised just inside his open suit-coat. I ignored him and slid into a leather chair on a sliding track in the floor before reaching out to shake hands with the hawk-nosed, hatchet-faced Mr. Solomon.

"Good to see you again, Sam," he said with a friendly tone. He took my hand without hesitation.

"I wish I could say the same," I said. "But I have a feeling that meetings with you are not conducive to my continued good health."

He snorted, a much more convincing sound than a laugh would have been. He wasn't used to dealing with people who spoke the truth quite as bluntly as I had put it. No doubt that was from talking to Senators and other politicians, who, it seemed to me, had standing restraining orders against the Truth.

"I might say the same about most of those you have had occasion to meet in your — ah — other persona."

He was right about that. More right than I liked. Until I met Mr. Solomon I had never actually killed anyone. Since then, my body count was greater than zero — the only number I would acknowledge in my head. I was still very unhappy about that change in my record, but there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. Feeling perpetually guilty was something I had decided was unproductive, even though in unguarded moments the feeling did manage to return and even to bring its friends, depression and grief.

My change of mood must have shown on my face. Solomon decided to cut to the chase.

"You've probably seen the media coverage of the young women who have gone missing while on vacation in the Caribbean?"

I nodded. "I remember a couple of them disappeared from different places. I assumed they had been killed by local criminals who decided to prey on the more defenseless tourists. If you're interested, then I guess there is more to it than that."

"Quite. The specifics of each case make them appear to be random events, but the similarities are inarguable. Eight young women..."

"Eight? I only heard of two!"

"Eight. All girls between the ages of 18 and 20, although mostly on the younger end of that range. All similarly attractive-looking, in the same wholesome, schoolgirl way. All unmarried, although most had boyfriends and two were engaged to be married. All of these girls have disappeared without a trace in the past few months. All were tourists. Five Americans, one Canadian, one from Ireland, and one girl from the Ukraine. Some of the abductions were not reported because their families assumed it was a kidnapping and a ransom demand would be forthcoming. No demands were ever received. Some of the crimes were kept from the media by the local authorities because it was feared that it would impact the tourist trade on which these places depend."

"How were they abducted? Do you know?"

"Not yet. But there is one rather curious feature to the crimes that everyone finds interesting, but seems to shed no light on them. Nothing but the girls has been taken."


"We are fairly certain that some of them were taken from their hotel rooms in the middle of the night. And yet nothing else was stolen or even disturbed. Money, credit cards, jewelry, clothes, cameras; nothing of value that the girls had with them and which we might have traced if any of it had been fenced or sold on the street."

"I remember one girl was at a club. How about her?"

"Everything she had with her apparently vanished, too, but none of it has turned up."

"So, the kidnappers are only interested in the girls? That's creepy."

"And that is why I was asked to become involved. Whatever is going on has the potential for creating a very nasty scandal if it becomes public under the wrong circumstances. This administration already has enough on its plate as it is."

"You have a theory?"

"I have a suspicion. I do not yet have enough information to know if it is justified and I am not prepared to discuss it until I do."

"What do you want me to do?"

I already had an idea, but I didn't want to buy a bigger problem than I had to. Although this was only my second encounter with the man, I was already aware that volunteering for one of his jobs carried with it an implication of expendability. He had never actually said that if I screwed up the government would 'disavow all knowledge' of me or my actions, but I wasn't born the day before yesterday under a cabbage leaf. Accepting responsibility wasn't something anyone in power ever liked to do, and my History texts hadn't mentioned anyone actually doing it as a matter of policy since President Truman was in office.

"The government of the United States would like to send you and your partner on an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Caribbean Sea."

"How nice! To what do we owe this honor?"

"You are the right age. You are unmarried. And you are very attractive."

"Why Mr. Solomon! I didn't think you'd noticed."

"Hurmm." He choked back a laugh. "You two are also the only operatives who fit the profile."

I noticed that he was addressing me as though Neeka were in the truck with us. The time he had spent alone with Neeka while she gave him the telepathic play-by-play of what I was up to during the hostage rescue back in early May must have impressed him quite a bit.

"So we're bait. You want us to go get ourselves kidnapped or shanghaied or whatever. Are you sending bodyguards with us?" I asked, nodding toward the beefy man by the door who hadn't taken his eyes off me or his hand out of his coat the whole time.

"That would be rather like setting a tabby to guard a tiger, wouldn't you say?" This time he did laugh, and with no help from me.

The man by the door didn't look amused at all at hearing the comparison. His gaze became more steely and his shoulders tensed. I swiveled my chair so I was facing him.

"Sam," Mr. Solomon said in a tone that was part warning and part pleading.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt him."

That really got the guy's blood going. His eyes narrowed and he looked at Mr. Solomon for the first time to see if he was being put-on. It was very tempting to mess with him, but I had already seen how badly I could rattle the most professionally-scary people and that was kind of unsettling. I mean, you'd think that the most elite ex-Force Recon, ex-Green Beret, ex-SEAL, ex-Delta, ex-whatever special operations unit I might have missed would be made of sterner stuff, but every one of them I had met so far had very nearly freaked when I introduced them to The Dragon. I think it must be that seeing a 5' 1", 110 pound, blonde, blue-eyed, 18 year-old girl turn into a grey-green, scaly, fire-breathing monster with blood-dripping yellow teeth and claws is something that doesn't get covered anywhere in the courses on 100 ways to kill silently, jump out of planes and wait til the last possible second before pulling the ripcord, sneak up back stairs quietly while carrying an arsenal on your back, swim miles underwater in the freezing cold, or make a bomb out of a can of bug spray and a handful of thumbtacks.

They don't seem to mind that I can tear cars apart, bend iron bars into pretzels, or jump over small buildings, but my animated make-up scares the bejeebers out of them. Go figure.

"You made Colonel Brock feel like a fifth wheel, you know," Solomon said, tossing out a piece of gossip to try to get my attention back so I wouldn't do what ever he thought I was thinking of doing to his bodyguard.

Brock was the commander of Sigma Seven; one of Solomon's teams of go-anywhere, do whatever is needed, and get out without being spotted Operators. He was magnificently suited to his job and he was one of the few men I had met since I took up being a superheroine who actually scared me. I guess partly for the same reason he made my skin crawl, he also made the more intimate parts of my body quiver as well. I still had fantasies about what it might be like to spend some quality time between the sheets with him and I wondered if he hadn't felt the same about me.

The fact that I had managed to save Brock's life the last time we met had probably ruined any chance I might have had to know him better. That I had done it by accident added to the insult. Brock worked off a steel-strong sense of duty and an equally hard self-image of himself as a professional soldier. I had put some cracks in that by being in the right place at the right time to keep him from being perforated. Me being a 'little girl' just poured salt into the open wound.

"How is the Colonel?" I asked.

"Keeping busy," he said, which was a polite way of saying I didn't need to know. "He was one of the people who advocated giving this assignment to you. He was quite enthusiastic about it."

Brock was one of the least animated people you were ever likely to meet. Brick walls generally have more vivacious personalities. To hear him described as being enthusiastic about something was jarring. For him to be strongly in favor of giving me this assignment meant he either had complete faith in my abilities to carry it out, or he wanted me to vanish off the face of the Earth along with the rest of the victims. Either way, I must have had more of an effect on Brock than I thought.

I decided to take it as a vote of confidence. If Brock's professionalism had deteriorated to the point of his becoming vindictive, Solomon would have fired him in a skinny second. At the level these people worked, emotions could not be permitted to influence decisions. Even I knew that getting emotional in the field could get you very quickly dead.

"When do we leave? You know we have Graduation tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't dream of keeping you from the ceremony," he said, taking a thick manila envelope out of a drawer and handing it to me. "Your plane doesn't leave until Sunday afternoon."

I wasn't the slightest bit surprised or offended that Solomon had arrived completely prepared or that he assumed we would be willing to help him. 'Detail-oriented' didn't begin to describe how he worked. He was probably a genius and everything I had seen of him made me think he was he best person for the job.

"And if we do manage to get ourselves picked up by the kidnappers?"

"Then you may deal with the situation as you see fit."

The thing I liked best about Solomon was that despite the level of detail in his plans, when he gave you an assignment, he gave you an assignment. I knew he would have liked very much to know what was going on every second, but only so he could provide whatever support we might need. If his being in the loop might compromise the outcome of the mission, he was smart enough to know when to butt-out.

He was also smart enough to know that he didn't know everything. If you had a contribution to the plan or an idea to offer, he would listen. Although maybe that was just me never knowing when to shut up and let the people in charge run things. I had been sort of mouthy before my transformation. Afterwards, the knowledge that I could pound anyone in the room into sand loosened my tongue even more.

The other implication in leaving things in the hands of the people 'on the ground', 'in the field' or however you want to describe it, was the assumption that the Bad Guys were just targets to be 'neutralized' or whatever the current euphemism was for killing. I still told myself that I would avoid that if I possibly could, but I had to admit that sometimes the bastards just didn't want to be reasonable. A stern talking-to or a slap on the wrist just wasn't going to do it for people who had already decided that it was going to be you or them and they were totally committed to making it you.

When I got into this line of work, I had illusions that I could change people, to make them see the error of their ways. So far, most of the change seemed to be in me. In darker moments, I wondered if the risks I took while giving the Bad Guys as much rope as they wanted before I had to turn it into a noose were really worth it. Surely it would be easier to just go into things with the idea 'kill them all and let God sort it out'? But if I let myself believe that, didn't that make me as much of a threat as the people who created the problems in the beginning? Sometimes my level of job-satisfaction is pretty low. I never thought it would suck to be a superheroine.

"So quit," Neeka said in my head. "Give it up. You don't have to do this."

"No. I won't. I can't."

We had this conversation regularly. She knew just what it would take to get my head screwed back on right. I knew it too, but having the conversation felt like reciting an oath or a catechism something. It always made me feel better.

"I do it because I can. I do it because for whatever reason, I have abilities that few people have and if I don't use them to make a difference in the world then I'm really not a human being after all."

You try getting up in the morning knowing that you are so totally different from everyone around you that you may as well be an alien from another planet. You see how long you can go, knowing that as your abilities grow, you get further and further away from the person you were. See if you don't start to doubt your own humanity and that the most important thing in your life doesn't become the belief that you are still one of Us instead of one of Them.

At the speed of thought, all this took only a fraction of a second. When I nodded and squared my shoulders, Solomon thought I was acknowledging the mission.

"Good!" he said. "You can reach me through my office or by calling any US Embassy or consulate. Just mention my name and they will put you through."

He waved a hand at all the electronic stuff in the truck. I had no doubt that he could use it to talk to anyone, anywhere, at a second's notice. It was reassuring to know that if we somehow got ourselves into something really deep and smelly, one call would being bring the Marines — literally.

Neeka and I excused ourselves from the after-decorating party with the excuse that we had some shopping to do. Instead, we went back to my house and into the basement workroom that she won't quit calling the Dragon's Lair.

I opened the bulging envelope and dumped everything onto the desk. It was a big pile of papers and stuff. When we got it all sorted out, we had plane tickets, passports, visas, permits, IDs, and several credit cards apiece that probably could be used to buy an entire department store, or anything that we might need to complete the mission.

"Holy credit limit, Sam," Neeka said, fanning herself with the plastic, "this is gonna be a lot of fun! We get to party and Uncle Sugar gets the bill!"

"Now you see where all those taxes the coffee shop took out of your pay went to." I said.

"And well worth it! I had no idea being your partner would be so — rewarding!"

"Better than riding around on that thing?" I asked, indicating the huge motorcycle that was lurking malevolently under a tarp at the far end of the room.

Neeka was torn. Dressing up in her costume and driving the bike all over town at insane speeds was her favorite part of our partnership. She had a hard time deciding if being handed a fistful of no-limit credit cards and told to go party in exotic places appealed to her more.

"Almost," she finally allowed. "Hey, wait a minute! These say Monique Diamond, not Monique Morgan."

"Mine say Samantha Draco."

"Ha! From the constellation Draconis, the Dragon. Someone in the government has a sense of humor."

"Apparently. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, the joke might be on us."

"Or it could just be that Mr. Solomon picked aliases he thought we could remember."

"That's better. I'll sure turn my head the first time someone calls me Miss Draco. Solomon strikes again. That man is too smart for his own good."

"You'd rather someone with that kind of power were an idiot?"

"Oh, heck no! Still, sometimes he scares me more than Colonel Brock. In a totally different way, of course."

"Still thinking they might haul you off to the underground lab and take you apart to see what makes you tick?"

"Sometimes. But not as long as Solomon thinks he can use me."

"You left out 'to do his dirty work'."

"It's dirty work all right, but someone has to do it."

"You and Brock are more alike than you think. You both have a strong sense of duty. His is to his country."

"And mine is to the human race as well."

"Sam the Earth Mother?"

"It helps to think that way. Actually, it helps a lot. I feel closer to people."

Neeka knew I had been having a hard time dealing with having killed those men. She couldn't live halfway inside my head and miss it. She was always there to remind me of what was important.

"Like love," she said, flooding my head with the warmth of her mental embrace.

I wrapped my arms around her and we hugged for a while as we danced through each other's heads, sharing a pure emotion that drove my depression back into its box and slammed the lid.

There are things that people do to show love. They touch. They caress. They kiss. They make love. Picture doing those things mind-to-mind. You can't. I know. The best you imagine isn't a fraction of what it feels like to feel love at the source, to tap into the pure flow, to dive in and feel it with your whole being. It's the most incredible thing you can imagine, and we had it. Whatever happened, we had that. It made everything good.

When she found that she could visit my dreams, we thought that would be a lot of fun, but neither of us had managed to work up the courage to try it again.

It made sex so fantastic that it was scary. A couple of times, we had gotten confused about who was who. I would see the red hair over my shoulder and not know it wasn't mine. Neeka would play with my boobs using my hands instead of hers. I felt what she felt and on and on until it threatened to spiral out of control. Afterwards, it brought us so close together that we had to cut back on the telepathy to make sure that we stayed two separate people instead of one gestalt.

Still, the times we had managed to drag or trick our boyfriends into bed with us at the same time had been truly awesome adventures in experiencing more orgasms than should be legal. She would cum, I would feel her cum, she would feel me cum and pretty soon our brains would be spinning. I know it made Steve and Jim feel seriously studly to bring us to the point where we would climax continuously and either beg them to stop, or beg them not to. I think it was the fact that they had us so totally at their mercy and I suspect they even exchanged a few high-fives over that, but I wasn't in any shape to confirm it at the time. Boys keep score. Girls just keep cumming. I think we got the better deal.

Once we had the plastic, we both wanted to hit the mall and see if we could run up the national debt a few more decimal points, but sanity prevailed. The chance that someone would recognize us and know that the names on the cards didn't match was a risk neither of us felt was worth taking.

"Just wait till we get there!" Neeka said. "By the way, where is 'there'? Where are we going first?"

The airport abbreviation on the plane tickets said VIJ. Neither of knew where that was. We had to turn on the PC and look it up before we discovered that our first stop would be the island of Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands.

"Virgin Islands?" I said.

"Hush. Just hush," Neeka said, giggling.

"Yeah, but do you really think they'll let us in?"


It was too late. We giggled until the tears started. It was silly and stupid, but it was funny just the same.

After we wound down, we sat dabbing our eyes with wads of tissue and tried not to set each other off again.

"Now we have to tell Bambi and my parents," Neeka said. "Oh my God! What am I going to tell my parents?"

"You won a contest?" I suggested. "No? Tell them we met a nice Jewish boy who is giving us free tickets to visit him and his mother in the British Virgin Islands."

"That's better, but I think Daddy might have some questions."

"Then tell your mother the truth and let her figure out what to tell your father."

"You want me to tell my mother that I'm going out of the country for a few weeks while I try to get kidnapped and probably murdered?"

"OK, scratch that. Tell them Bambi is sending us on a holiday as a graduation present."

"Now that will work. All you have to do is get her to go along and we're home free."

"Um. I hadn't thought of that. How is she going to take this?"

Not at all badly, as it turned out. I tried to subtly suggest the idea of the trip as a present, but I wasn't as subtle as I thought.

"Mom, I think I need to get away for a while after graduation."

"You mean, go off somewhere and kick up your heels before you go to college in the fall? That sounds like a wonderful idea. You have seemed kind of down lately. Maybe a trip will do you good. Where were you thinking of going?"

"The Caribbean. Maybe the Virgin Islands."

"That sounds like it would be a lot of fun, honey. Just stay away from the places where those girls were abducted." She thought for a moment; then she looked at me funny. "Or was that the idea?"

"Busted! Crud. You know me almost as well as Neeka does."

"Thank you. Are you really going to try to find those missing girls?"

"Yes. Or at least learn what happened to them and put a stop to it. The Federal People asked me to go, so this is an official trip. We already have tickets and passports and everything."

"Oh. Then how can I help? You certainly don't need my permission."

"We need you to cover for us with Neeka's father. Pretend you're giving us the trip."

"Sam, I won't lie to Fiona. If she agrees that this is what she wants to tell Carl, I'll go along."


Mrs. Morgan had been keeping our secret from her husband for a couple of months now. Adding one more small fib to the pile she had already told him wasn't a problem. Anything would have been better than telling him what his daughter did on those occasions when she ran out of the house in a sudden fit to go visit me. I'm sure he just thought she was having a good time before finishing high school. If he knew she put on spandex and black leather and went out kicking criminal butt, he might have had a problem with it. Fiona Morgan did too, but she was so proud of her daughter for having the courage to do it that she was willing to shut her eyes to the danger.

It also helped that Neeka didn't tell her any more of the nasty details than she had to. I tried to do the same thing with Bambi, but she always knew when I was hiding something and she almost always got it out of me. Sometimes she was sorry she did, but it didn't stop the interrogations.

Graduation was every bit the big deal I thought it would be. The ceremony was a sell-out, with every seat filled and a lot of people standing in the aisles. We probably could have filled the football stadium too. In fact, the only reason we didn't have it out there was the looming threat of a hurricane turning the wrong way and hitting us instead of Key West. So instead, we had it in the gym where the weather wouldn't spoil everything.

I thought I was going to be calm and mature about the whole thing, but every time one of my friends walked across and picked up their diploma, my eyes started to tear-up. I kept thinking that I'd never see them again after this.

When it was my turn, I tried to keep it together and focus on things so I could treasure the memory later, but it was over way too fast and before I knew it, I was walking back up the aisle to my seat with the blue leather folder in my hand. The one thing I remember vividly was seeing Yvette and Jan waving to me from the bleachers. Jan looked happy, but Yvette looked about as miserable as she could be. I suspected she felt she had to be there — she's my birth-mother after all — but it still must have been very hard for her to see me again. Neither she nor Jan came down afterward to talk to me. I understood. I had just enough empathy with Yvette to understand why she had treated me the way she had, but understanding and forgiving can be very different things. Forgetting wasn't even a remote possibility.


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The Caribbean Experiment Chapter 1

The strong Caribbean winds buffeted Jacque and I as we strolled along the one mile stretch of pristine beach at the start of our three-week holiday.  The warm breeze and the taste of the sea was a welcomed change from the hectic month we had in the city.  We didn’t even stop to unpack once we arrived and made a beeline straight for the beach.  We have always relied on these get-a-ways to recharge and reconnect as a couple. We had only planned on a short walk before getting back to get settled...

4 years ago
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Sex in the Caribbean Natalia Part 2

In a previous story, I narrated how a student of mine and I had gotten involved. I have been a university professor for many years, and at that moment, one of my students, Natalia, was in need of some money to help her family. I tried to give her a hand, just that helping her meant she had to pretend she was an escort so that my boss could have sex with her. Because of the power he has, I also had sex with Natalia that night, although it seems that what happened between us was something...

College Sex
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Caribbean Cruise Ch 03

Warning: Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain Day 2 of the Caribbean vacation started out normally enough, but Rick Chaplain could not help but look at his girlfriend Ashley with a little less love and a little more hostility now that he knew about her relationship with Keith Stevens. It was probably a little hypocritical for him to be...

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Caribbean Cruise

Rick Chaplain was one of those All-American boys, dashingly handsome, intelligent, and witty, with short-cropped dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a rough, matured, attractive face that was weathered and appropriately tempered by the elements. He was originally from Patton, Ohio, a small town in the middle of nowhere, and had learned from a very early age how to make his own fun and get his own level of enjoyment out of the most bleak and disheartening of circumstances. Having been...

2 years ago
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Caribbean Blue

The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and...

2 years ago
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Caribbean Vacation part 1

Susan & I often traveledto the Caribbean for our vacations. We loved the laid back atmosphere and all the sun and gorgeous beaches. Last year though we arrived to find that the airline had lost my only bag containing all my clothing including my swim suit! Imagine arriving in the Caribbean without even having a swim suit to wear! I had just resigned myself to going down to the gift shop to purchase a pair of those crummy over priced swim trunks they sell when Sue spoke up. “You could always...

3 years ago
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Caribbean encounter

I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...

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Under the Caribbean Sun

* * * * *Struggling to get comfortable behind the wheel of my Kia my son said, "Grandma sure enjoyed that."He'd detected the subtext. My mother's gift, generous as it was, was also intended to... What exactly? Embarrass me, humiliate me, manipulate my son?I said, "Yeah, she did."An hour ago, at Thanksgiving dinner, while my step-father sliced the ham Mom announced the secret I'd known, and kept, for the better part of two decades: she'd established a trust fund for my son.* * * * *My family, my...

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Caribbean Encounters More

I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...

3 years ago
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Caribbean Blue

The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...

2 years ago
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Wild in the Caribbean

A few years ago, my girlfriend at the time was a wild, horny and curious girl that was 23 and just beginning to explore her sexuality and the Caribbean was just the perfect place for this adventure. She was a stunning beauty, with a perky rack 36DD's, tight little body, banging ass, long black hair, and fair skinned (think K. Kardashian). She enjoyed wearing very little so she could get all the attention she could from the guys and girls. I was immediately turned on by her frisky nature and...

2 years ago
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Caribbean Vacation part 1

 Susan & I often traveled to the Caribbean for our vacations. We loved the laid back atmosphere and all the sun and gorgeous beaches. Last year though we arrived to find that the airline had lost my only bag containing all my clothing including my swim suit! Imagine arriving in the Caribbean without even having a swim suit to wear!  I had just resigned myself to going down to the gift shop to purchase a pair of those crummy over priced swim trunks they sell when Sue spoke up. “You could always...

2 years ago
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Three Ladies And Their Caribbean Cocktails

It was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...

3 years ago
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Caribbean Cruise

Dinner smelled great and I was hungry but not so much for gourmet cuisine as for fuel for my tired body. I walked around the top tier of the dining room and found my table, number 42. It was a table for two with a great view of most of the dining room. It was a view I really wouldn't need. My client had balked on his Caribbean cruise, electing a business meeting in Belgium rather than relaxation on the beach. However, my services as his personal bodyguard were both specific and already paid...

3 years ago
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Caribbean Blue

The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the...

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Caribbean VacationChapter 4

Cornelia knew it would be hot but this was worse. A rain had just finished and the humidity was very high. Then since they were on horses there was the heat, sweat and smell of horse adding to it ... Lastly the volcano was just beneath their feet. Cornelia was close to fainting when the Count called a halt at the top. It had only been a half hour maybe a little more when they reached the top. But to Cornelia she wondered how she was ever going to make it back down! "Here we are dear...

3 years ago
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RetributionChapter 8 Caribbean Pirates

In the morning Linda walked downstairs for breakfast with Carla. Carla was practically walking on air. “Hey, Carla, good morning. You look happy today,” Linda said. “I lost six pounds! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy.” I had to give her a boost to cover the time we’re gone in the Caribbean, whispered Tink. Carla brought Linda a large waffle, sweet strawberry syrup and a plastic tub of Cool Whip. Already sitting on the table was a bowl of sliced, fresh strawberries. “Looks like we’re...

4 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 88 Making Love In The Caribbean

Mark I sat in the right seat of my 737-700 – the co-pilot’s seat. Cindy was pilot-in-command, and Elsa was strapped into the jump seat with The Lump, as she affectionately called Philip Emerson, sleeping with her left nipple in his little mouth just in case he woke up and needed an instant supply of mother’s milk. The radio came alive and I paid careful attention. “November One Mike Whiskey, you are cleared for the visual approach to runway one-zero at St. Croix. Contact tower now on...

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Sams 1000 Island River Run

The 1950 cherry red Harley-Davidson FLH motorcycle gleamed in the late June morning light in Bill and Helen O’Toole’s driveway. Sam was strapping a small cooler and a duffel bag to the back. The bright sun was drying the dew from the grass. “Sam, I’m sorry,” Helen argued. “I can’t help but think this is a bad idea. I know you’re eighteen and legally there really isn’t anything I can do to stop you, but I don’t think you should go alone.” “Hell, mom,” Sam complained. “I’m not a baby, I can take...

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Sams lesbian encounter

Samantha, or Sam as her friends call her was excited with the thought of going to the beach. It was her first year in college and first time away from home for a considerable amount of time. She had made a few friends in her dorm that constantly tell her about how much fun they had on the beach. Coming from the mid west she had never been to a beach other than the shore of a lake. Having a day off from classes, she thought it was the perfect time to go shopping. Catching a bus into the city Sam...

3 years ago
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Tiffany does a Caribbean Cruise 5

I was rested and refreshed by the time Tiffany returned. She was exhausted. Her pussy was raw and her lips were puffy from so much cock sucking. I didn't know this, of course. “I need a little rest.” she said as she closed the bath door for a self inspection. “I feel pretty good, I'm going to head up to the surf bar.” I called through the door. “OK, have fun. I'll be in dreamland.” Tiffany answered. She was relieved to be alone for awhile and be able to rest and clean up from the...

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Tiffany does a Caribbean Cruise 1

I had knee replacement surgery. Big improvement. I could walk without pain. They didn't tell me the truth about the convalescence, though. It was much slower than anticipated. Based on their schedule, Tiffany and I had scheduled a week long Caribbean Cruise. Several weeks before the cruise, I realized that I wasn't going to be in tip top shape. When I took the pain meds, I was a zombie. Sleeping 20 hours a day. When I weaned my self from the meds, the pain was really annoying. Back to...

2 years ago
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White Slaves of the Caribbean

Chapter One Old Jim Grinsted had been up and down the aisle a couple times. Married once – the father of three now grown children – he’d been married again for a few years. Didn’t work out. So now he was on his honeymoon with Sabina – 30 years his junior. Honeymoon? Horsefeathers! Yes, he’d given her a $2,000 diamond ring (small change for Old Jim), but it wasn’t like they’d gotten any licenses or seen any preachers. Nothing legal about it. But Sabina thought it was her honeymoon, she fooled...

4 years ago
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Sex with a Caribbean Islander

I had just messaged her an hour ago to let her know that what I would be wearing. I had on a black baseball cap and a bright red tank top with blue shorts. I was going to have 3 days and nights stay in Grenada and I wondered what sights I might behold besides what BigRed500 had in store for me. She wants me to keep her real name a secret, so from here on I’ll just refer to her as “Red”. I read as much as I could about the islands that I had visited and I was really hoping to do some fishing,...

2 years ago
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Hot Action in the Caribbean

Authors Note: This story, a suggestion by a reader, contains bisexuality, gay sex, anal sex, inter-racial sex and group sex. If this is not to your liking I suggest that you not read the story. Thank you! INTRODUCTION Barry and Lucas Nevin were brothers who worked together in the film industry. They had been successful producing and directing R rated movies made for cable television. Recently they had received a contract and financial support to make a movie that would be shown in hotels and...

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The Caribbean Experiment Chapter 2

I woke before dawn the next morning refreshed and feeling a renewed sense of confidence, energy and excitement.  I got out of bed, leaving Jacque to sleep in and fixed a large cup of coffee then made my way down to the surf.  I was making it a habit of enjoying a short morning stroll on the dark beach, naked, with just my cup of coffee after dropping off our beach chairs to save our spot for the day.  The water pouring over my feet and ankles with each wave and the cool morning breeze flowing...

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Late into the summer evening the steel bands were still in full song. You could hear them even above the hubble-bubble of Frank’s patrons. Anyway, the doors and windows were open. It was steaming, man. Our eyes met across the tables. Guys came to Frank’s Bar to find other guys and hopefully get laid. He was a lager drinker, a good sign. I was on iced cider, the latest craze. He was coloured, probably Caribbean. This part of London had its share, especially on carnival day. When he went...

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Caribbean Cruise Ch 08

Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain The sun was setting in the far west, and the Collins family was stretched out across a number of plastic deck chairs around a large table covered with drinks....

2 years ago
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Caribbean Sirens Ch 0203

In light of comments for Chapter 1, I put the next two chapters together. Having said that, they may still need to be bulked up a bit. These chapters were meant to set up characters and the plot, and thus aren’t meant to be erotic themselves. Chapters four and five should take care of that. Chapter Two September 1717, the Caribbean, It had seemed almost too easy. Despite having the apparent disadvantages of a bulkier ship and several leagues of distance between them, His Majesty’s Ship...

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Caribbean Contract Ch 0103

Jessica stared out the window of the private jet as it flew over the island of St Lucia. She still could not imagine who had requested her and why all the secrecy. The only information that her boss had disclosed was that she would be working in St Lucia for two weeks with a new client developing a website for a new resort. The plane touched down on the tiny airport runway. The view was spectacular, lush green tropics and white sand beaches with the most beautiful water Jessica had ever seen....

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Caribbean Cruise Ch 04

This story is dedicated to a fellow author, sound critic, and good friend – sirhugs. Thanks for being there to help out, with ideas, suggestions and support, this one’s for you, mate! :D. Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I...

4 years ago
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Caribbean Sirens Ch 01

Chapter One: (November 1717, the Caribbean), Truly nothing was quite like waking up to the gentle rocking of a calm sea beneath the deck, the warmth of a golden dawn shining through the window and the gentle ticking of a man’s whiskers against one’s inner thighs. Lizzy Boyle smiled and arched her back off the bed for a moment as ‘Sir’ Patrick Frakes darted his tongue in and out of her, occasionally planting soft kisses on her inner thighs. It was more than carnal pleasure that pleased Lizzy,...

4 years ago
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Wild in the Caribbean

A few years ago, my girlfriend at the time was a wild, horny and curious girl that was 23 and just beginning to explore her sexuality and the Caribbean was just the perfect place for this adventure. She was a stunning beauty, with a perky rack 36DD’s, tight little body, banging ass, long black hair, and fair skinned (think K. Kardashian). She enjoyed wearing very little so she could get all the attention she could from the guys and girls. I was immediately turned on by her frisky nature and...

3 years ago
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Caribbean Adventure

Last summer my wife and I decided to take a week vacation to a small Caribbean Island. We were taking her younger s****r as a High school graduation gift. As background, I am a 28-year-old Stock Broker, my wife is a gorgeous 24-year-old Marketing researcher, and her 17-year-old s****r was getting ready to go to a small Eastern College. Both my wife, Ann and her s****r Dawn are blondes with great athletic bodies. They are very close despite the age difference, and I honestly had never ...

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The Affair in the Caribbean

A long weekend in the Caribbean on the company dime seemed like a fantastic idea, but the reality of seeing Chris with his wife during the whole trip was frustrating.   Also, the sexual tension had been building between us as the days went by.   Because Chris was there with his wife, and our other coworkers were around, we had to behave ourselves.   I could not always be good, though.   I am 5’4” with small but perky tits and shapely legs, and because I know that he loves my ass, I wore my...

2 years ago
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Caribbean Temptation and Seduction Chapter One The Tease

This introduction of the characters is full of sexual tease, but the dirty stuff follows in Chapter Two. THE BEACH Her skin glistened in the moist, hot Caribbean beach air as the burning sun reflected off her body. Brooke was applying oil to her tanned, smooth skin, as her eyes, hidden behind dark sun glasses, darted around the beach, watching the men that were staring at her with unmasked desire. A knowing smile appeared on her lips as she basked in the male attention, and that all too...

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caribbean fun

We were spending our third anniversary of swinging together on this sun-drenched Caribbean island. It was wonderful-sensuous moonlit tropical nights with the surf lapping at the shore; days around the pool and hanging out at the beach bar. It was intoxicating. Now we were in our cottage with the stranger that we had met at the bar. You and I had become acquainted with him when we were enjoying our rum drinks, and found him pleasant and charming. We invited him to join us for dinner, and he...

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More Christine in the Caribbean final act

Following on from the story Christine in the Caribbean The cleaning job was carrying on for a while but I doubted much cleaning would be done if Sonia was about! Probably more panty sniffing and jilling!!We had become friendly with a couple called Richard and Mary. I worked with Rich but he was based in a different office. We played tennis after work a couple of afternoons each week. I had joined the Music Society on the island as I sing and play guitar. I got Mary to join as she said she liked...

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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

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The Caribbean Adventure Begins

Wow, it had finally happened and Linda couldn't believe that she and Steve were actually out at sea. They'd sold there home and cashed in everything they owned to buy a late model catameran, and now were on their second week of sailing the Caribbean. Island hopping was quickly becoming a way of life and they were finding that the few locals they met can be extremely friendly. They were happy and enjoying the freedom of felling as if they were the only two people in the world, a couple of days...

2 years ago
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Summer Caribbean trip

Last summer my wife and I decided to take a week vacation to a small Caribbean Island. We were taking her younger sister as a High school graduation gift. As background, I am a 28-year-old Stock Broker, my wife is a gorgeous 24-year-old Marketing researcher, and her 17-year-old sister was getting ready to go to a small Eastern College.Both my wife, Ann and her sister Dawn are blondes with great athletic bodies. They are very close despite the age difference, and I honestly had never looked at...

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Caribbean Temptation and Seduction Chapter Three The Submission

While part of a continuing story, this chapter can stand alone. Brooke woke up the morning after her night of debauchery with a smile on her face. Her sleeping husband’s arm was wrapped around her naked body. The fog of morning slowly gave way to visions of the prior night. Jake, the “bad boy”, and his cock buried deep in her mouth, as she deep throated this stranger in the dance club bathroom. The pounding her husband had given her from behind later that night, as she watched her sister play...

Wife Lovers
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party in the Caribbean

My first wet and wild pajama party in the Caribbean(My very first time writing this type of story, first time entering a competition, but it feels good. All constructive comments welcomed. here goes)I was nearing then end of my summer vacation. I had been on the island of Trinidad for 13 days and had thoroughly enjoyed the warmth of the people the sunshine the beaches and the rich blends of food to stimulate my taste buds. Everyone was friendly and made me feel more welcome here than any other...

3 years ago
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Caribbean Lust

The day had been perfect. And now the sun, getting lower, was splashing brilliant red and gold hues across the caribbean sky. I saw you look at me and returned your knowing gaze. We both felt it, the attraction, the a****l magnetism. Maybe it was the waves, the wine, the sun, or this beautiful place. I came to you and kissed you deeply, lingering there and not wanting it to end. I could feel the heat of your pressing body as you swelled beneath me. But we both knew that there were better things...

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