- 2 years ago
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In light of comments for Chapter 1, I put the next two chapters together. Having said that, they may still need to be bulked up a bit.
These chapters were meant to set up characters and the plot, and thus aren’t meant to be erotic themselves. Chapters four and five should take care of that.
Chapter Two
September 1717, the Caribbean,
It had seemed almost too easy. Despite having the apparent disadvantages of a bulkier ship and several leagues of distance between them, His Majesty’s Ship the Martin Luther had not only kept pursuit of the mysterious scarlet crumster for more than four days, but had trapped it within a lagoon as well. The crimson, three masted vessel weighed anchor in the middle of the teal waters, seemingly unconcerned about the ship of the line cutting it off any escape into the ocean. The Martin Luther turned starboard upon reaching the bay of the lagoon, ready to unleash a broadside into the stern of the crumster at any moment. Such a barrage at the least would shatter the stern and scuttle the ship, if not strike a powder store and annihilate it, and the boat was in no position to evade or retaliate. Again, it had seemed almost too easy.
Only one person aboard the ship of the line felt not even the least bit surprised at the pursuit’s unlikely end. Captain Frakes watched his quarry with tired, impatient eyes. It took great effort for him to not dismiss the possibility he was sailing into a trap, and after four days of pursuit it became impossible. Such tactics needed discipline and patience to be carried out over such a time, and those he hunted were not known for possessing either quality. They were men that, for a few short years, lived by the cutlass and died by the rope. Burning a swathe through any coastline cursed by their presence, pirates had little value for their own lives, and even less for others. Men caught in their wake were sometimes butchered in moments, other times over days, and women… It was the ghastly tales of women at the mercy of such beasts that compelled the once young Lord to become a Captain in the first place.
Sir Patrick Frakes had relentlessly hounded buccaneers, mutineers and privateers across the New World for a decade. Under his command the Martin Luther had become as easily recognized across the Americas as any of the corsairs he pursued, and just as feared. It was an honourable life, but a deadly one. In spite of his best efforts, Captain Frakes had lost many men to combat and more to storms, disease and mostly desertion. However none of this was uncommon among naval crews, regretfully. More troubling to Frakes was that for every pirate ship they destroyed these days, two more took it’s place. For all his battles won, it seemed he was fighting a losing war. Therefore, when he received orders from His Majesty to try a very different tactic, Captain Frakes understood. He didn’t like it, but he understood.
‘Deck looks empty.’ Frakes turned to his first mate, whom he could always rely on to state the obvious, then back to the ship. The crimson crumster was not only empty of hands on deck but seemed ghostly quiet. Frakes wondered if there were anyone indeed on the ship, and said so. ‘You think maybe they’re in the trees, Captain? Fixing to ambush us?’
‘We can only hope.’
‘Um, well, quite. Then perhaps we could dispense with this pardon rubbish, and instead just sink the ship and be on our way. Repay any intended mischief with interest, right Sir?
‘I’ve thought about it, all right. But you know we can’t do that, Campbell.’
‘Murray, Captain’ Captain Frakes turned to his now sheepish looking commander. ‘You lost Campbell almost a year ago. I replaced him.’
‘Right.’ Frakes looked back upon the red ship. ‘Apologies, Murray.’
‘Sir, has retirement ever occurred to you? I’d say you’ve earned it at least twice ov-‘
‘No.’ Captain Frakes extended his spyglass and examined their quarry more closely, making it as clear as he could the conversation had run aground. A flicker of movement behind the window of the Captain’s cabin snared his eye. As Frakes homed in, he only caught the damask curtains swishing shut. Looking up, he inspected the figure just walking out of the cabin and waiving to him from the poop deck, not quite believing what he was seeing.
With the naked eye the distant figure appeared to be a tall, slender figure in black pantaloons, a white shirt and with a jet mane spilling out of a red tricorn hat. Through the spyglass Captain Frakes saw the mane was really a drape of thick curly locks, the pantaloons were tightly belted around a slender waist and the white shirt partially unbuttoned from the top, hinting at a chest that would put a scullery maid to shame. She had a spyglass of her own and smiled as she used it to examine Frakes examining her. It was the defiant and predatory smile of one always ready to take on anyone in the way of whatever she wanted. In short, it was most unladylike. Another captain would have seen the danger in that smile. He would have judged correctly that this strange woman was someone best left alone. But Captain Frakes was only partly aware of her. Right then as he touched a band hanging from a chain around his neck, Frakes could only see another woman who dared sail, on another continent and in another life…
‘Ready a boat, Commander. I’m heading over there.’
‘Aye, Sir. And your away team?’
‘No away team, I’m going alone.’ The First mate stood there, open mouthed, watching Captain Frakes climb into the lifeboat. Finally as the boat began to lower into the water, he ran to the rail and called out.
‘Captain, are you sure this is wise? There isn’t a corsair in all the Spanish Main who wouldn’t want your head for a trophy, and you’re rowing out to a strange boat without a guard. Shouldn’t we discuss this?’
‘There’s nothing to discuss. The ship is yours, Campbell.’ The Commander opened his mouth, as if to say something, then closed it and gave Frakes a salute.
‘Aye, Captain.’
She was waiting at the starboard rail of the scarlet vessel and beside her a rope ladder was unfurled for him. Captain Frakes tied the lifeboat to the ladder and warily ascended. At first he looked up at the woman, but the tan skinned, raven tressed rogue still had her shirt scandalously open, and as she bent over the rail, her breasts strained to break loose. They seemed slightly larger in that position, and Captain Frakes wondered if he could really see her nipples pressing against the cloth, before lowering his red, shamed visage. Hearing her smugly chuckle above him, Captain Frakes willed the blush away from his cheeks and resumed climbing the ladder. When he finally reached the rail, his face was a stoic mask, devoid of any crimson.
‘Welcome aboard the Siren, Captain Frakes.’ Strong hands for such a slender woman grasped his own and helped him over the rail. ‘I’m Captain Lizzy Boyle.’
‘The Siren? That’s… an unusual name, did you choose it yourself Madam-‘
‘Captain, not Madam, My Lord. And yes, the ship’s name is more or less, my idea.’
‘I see.’ She was going to be even more trouble than he first thought. ‘Dare I ask how you found a crew civilized enough not to chain you up in the hold to be raped at their leisure, let alone one not so superstitious as to fear having a woman aboard?’
‘My crew is foraging for supplies on the island, you’ll meet them shortly My Lord.’
‘I see you expect me to address me as Captain, yet you do not show the same courtesy.’
‘Of course, I apologize, Captain. But we do have our differences.’ Captain Lizzy walked to the rail and looked out past Captain Frakes. ‘For one thing, I still have control of my ship.’
Spinning around, he watched the Martin Luther sailing away. It must have cast off as soon as he left the ship, for even through his spyglass the ship of the line looked small. ‘What the Devil is going on there?’
‘I’d wage
r it’s a mutiny, Captain, perhaps the fastest ever committed.’
Captain Boyle examined her stranded visitor as he watched his ship, his crew, his entire life sail off into the west. His face remained stoic and stern so she could only guess at the emotions beneath. Was he cursing his former crew in rage, striving not to panic, or simply dumbstruck at this turn of events? Boyle stepped closer to better inspect the deposed shipmaster, his shoulders were an inch or two higher than her own, and nearly twice as wide. The hands resting on her railing were broad, scarred and callused. Grey hair covered the sides and back of his head, and were creeping into the brown hair on the top. His face was hard, not just fixed with a grim expression but worn down, as if by years staring straight into salty winds. He looked like a remarkably fit man almost twice her age. This was a disturbing surprise, as everything she had ever heard of the pirate hunter said he was supposed to be a few years older at the most.
When the Martin Luther became a dot on the horizon, it seemed to lose it’s hold on it’s former master. Turning around, he leaned against the rail and lowered his shaking head. ‘What was I thinking?’
‘You wanted me for yourself, perhaps?’ Frakes looked in confusion at Captain Boyle, who grinned back. ‘You were thinking I invited you over for tea and feared competing with your crew for my attention. Or were you asking someone else, Sir?’
‘Just what are you doing here, on this ship, within this sea?’ Frakes stood up straight and looked down, slightly, at her. ‘And I remind you, mutiny or not, I am still an officer of His Majesty’s Navy. Play games with me at your own peril.’
‘I do not fear any peril.’ Captain Boyle stepped towards Frakes, who backed up against the rail. Before he could sidestep she trapped him with her body. Their chests pressed together, their noses almost touched and her predatory jade eyes challenged his guarded brown ones. Boyle could feel the quickening of his heart beat through her breasts, betraying a mixture of apprehension and excitement Sir Frakes could keep from showing in his face, but not his loins…
‘Please, Captain Boyle’ He inhaled deeply and tried to shift his right leg away from her, but confined as he was, there was nowhere for it to go. ‘I only ask what your purpose here is.’
‘I am simply waiting, Sir,’ she lowered her right arm and slid her hand between Frakes and herself, ‘for the crew to return with supplies.’
‘And the purpose of the crew, and your ship?’
‘Well, it’s rather useless to have one without the other, My Lord.’
‘I’ve heard Lord Frakes, that you’ve seen every pirate you’ve captured hanged. Is this true?’
‘Yes, until recently.’
‘Then we have a problem, Sir. You see, I’m not sure it’s safe to tell you what we do on the Siren, which means…’
‘There’s only one kind of ship it could be.’
‘Devilishly inconvenient, isn’t it, My Lord? Whatever shall we do with you?’
Frakes looked down to see the slender fingers he felt brushing his leg ever so slightly, then snapped his head back up as he looked once again into her dark cleavage instead. Only her eyes showed that she noticed, her eyes and her questing fingers. They ran intermittently across his muscular leg, sending currents through his cotton britches and getting closer to his expanding cock each time. He tried to push her hand away but found himself holding it. The currents from holding her hand were even stronger, and he quickly let go. Desperate for a way to get any sort of space between them, he finally remembered His Majesty’s damned pardon.
‘Captain Boyle, you remember I said I brought in pirates to be hanged, only until recently? In my coat pocket, I have a decree from King George. You would be very interested in what it has to say, so if you’ll just let me take it out…’
‘Allow me, Sir.’ Captain Boyle slid her hand into his coat and withdrew a folded sheet. She stepped back to open and read it, allowing him regain his breath, then asked him. ‘Sir, have you ever hanged a woman for piracy?’
‘No, by the grace of God, no.’
‘But there was always that risk, wasn’t there? Before this.’ She raised the hand with the pardon while watching his eyes widen and his face drain of color. It was the time she saw any emotion on his face up close and it was a look of a man imagining his worst nightmare. Interesting.
‘Ahoy, Captain!’ A woman’s voice came from beyond the bow, to which Frakes ran and looked over. Four women, dressed in varying levels of men’s clothes, looked back at him from within a rowboat loaded with small casks of rum, baskets of colourful fruit and the odd batch of fowl. They looked surprised to see Frakes, but not nearly as surprised as he was to see them.
‘For heaven’s sake, Captain Boyle. Just how many women are on this ship?’
‘The entire crew of the Siren is of the fairer sex, My Lord, all sixty hands. I’d wager you’ll not want for company, assuming we don’t maroon you on the island, that is.’
Chapter Three
All hands were soon back on the Siren and a half circle formed around their unexpected visitor. They were mostly a hodgepodge of English, French and Spaniards, the rest were of Moorish, African and even Native stock, and every one was indeed female. None looked older than their captain, and many were just barely women. Almost none were taller than their commander either, save for a negress who stood head and shoulders over Frakes himself. Long hair, so thickly braided it looked like rope hung over her shoulders, ending past her slim breasts. Like all the crew she stared intently at Frakes, even when the others looked to their Captain as she began speaking.
‘Lord Frakes here, our gentleman caller,’ Captain Boyle paused to let the laughter pass, ‘has brought a decree from King George himself.’ Captain Boyle held out the letter before her crew. ‘His Majesty, being most gracious, has offered to pardon any pirates who turn themselves in before the beginning of next September. Is that not correct, My Lord?’
‘All English ports have been made aware of this pardon. You’ll have to hand over your ship upon sailing in, of course, but all will be forgiven afterwards. ‘I must also warn you, the Royal Navy will not be spending the year just sitting idly by. By summer’s end, they’ll have a ship of the line behind every wave. Any brigands who do not see reason before then will find themselves with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and nowhere to expect mercy. Even if… even if they’re women.’
Several moments passed, as the Siren’s crew took in his ominous words, before Captain Boyle spoke again. ‘I trust no one here found his, rather melodramatic, warning in any way unclear?’ After another pause, she continued. ‘Then we’re ready to vote. All in favour of accepting the King’s Pardon say Aye, all opposed, Nay.’
One by one the votes women voted and the tally counted. For the first time in Captain Boyle’s memory, not a single Aye was tallied. To Frakes credit, only when they finished voting did he unleash a broadside of outrage building up inside him. ‘Don’t you women understand? This is a chance to save your lives!’
‘That’s enough, My L-‘
‘What the Devil are you girls thinking, that sailing is just some jolly adventure? For the second time in a day his face was as crimson as the Siren’s hull, this time with anger. ‘Well it bloody well isn’t! It’s long hours of tedious, back breaking labour, confined day after day within a space barely larger than a small church, and all that’s with God smiling on you! Otherwise your companions are storms, sickness and hunger. You have to dry-dock the ship and scrape off the barnacles and shipworms eating away at the hull or they’ll scuttle you as quickly as any reef. Wild weather will toss you like a rag doll and dead calm will leave you stranded for days in the middle of the sea. And after all this you not only become sail
ors, but pirates? Did you expect to become rich and famous like Drake? To sail into London with the Siren’s bow gilt in gold like Cavendish? Those days ended almost two centuries ago. Now men on a pirate ship will live for three or four years before they’re either pickling at the bottom of the ocean or dangling from a gibbet. You, you will be fortunate if you last the year without being killed and raped, perhaps in that order!’
A steely eyed Captain Boyle pressed the barrel of her gun against the bottom of Frakes’ chin. ‘You are finished.’ She hissed, stepping directly in front of him before raising her voice so everyone could hear. ‘Interrupt me again, and I will shatter your skull into a thousand splinters. Is that understood, My Lord?’
‘Madness… this is mad-‘
‘Is that understood?’ She pushed his head back with her pistol and cocked it. He tried to nod, then through clenched teeth said
‘Right then.’ Captain Boyle took several steps backwards before lowering her pistol and turning around. ‘Now, since we won’t… listen to reason, the next question is what to do with our esteemed guest?’
‘I say we throw him overboard.’ Someone in the back of the crowd remarked. ‘He’s going to be trouble.’
‘You’ve never been anything but trouble!’ The negress was loud and sudden, startling all who heard her as she turned around. ‘Why shouldn’t we throw you over as well?’
‘Sheba…’ With barely a whisper, Captain Boyle regained the attention of the ship. ‘We’re discussing our unexpected visitor here, remember? What do you say about him?’
‘He’s a Lord. We can ransom him, can we not?’
‘Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.’ Captain Boyle returned to Frakes. ‘Well Sir, what say you?’
‘My House is old, but small. They have little to offer.’
‘Oh dear, you’re just not making it easy for us, are you?’
‘I tried to make this as easy as possible, Captain. It is you who are making this difficult for yourselves.’
‘Then we ransom him to the Navy.’ Sheba answered. ‘He’s their best pirate hunter, that must give him some value to them.’
The crew erupted into a frenzy of shouts and arguing, a frenzy which Captain Boyle cut short by firing into the air. ‘I’ll not have my crew turn into a mob! We’ll decide this the way we’re supposed to! All in favour of ransoming our caller back to the Navy say Aye, those who would maroon him say Nay.’
The second vote was slower, more divisive than the first, and the sun was just over the western horizon before the women of the Siren narrowly decided on holding Frakes for ransom.
‘His Lordship doesn’t seem too pleased about this.’ Remarked a plump redhead clad only in breeches. ‘Perhaps we should maroon him for a spell anyways. A few weeks alone on the island might make him more appreciative of our company.’
‘We’ll hang for this for certain.’ A crew woman who wasn’t too pleased herself told Captain Boyle. ‘How do we know the Navy won’t send Frakes himself to chase us down?’
Captain Boyle stared back at the former Captain Frakes. His face was the stern mask once again but she still remembered how he looked when she asked him if he ever hanged a woman. She thought about telling the crew what she saw. Instead she walked to her cabin door. ‘If you wanted to live forever, you should have voted for the pardon.’
Jen started to cum. And she dug her nails into Steve’s back. And kept her legs locked around Steve’s waist. And she screamed as everything went white. Her orgasm overtook her. Jen left her boyfriend’s house early. Like usual. She enjoyed the sex they just had but was going to miss him on his business trip to Puerto Rico. She got in the car and drove away. By the time she got on 66 she noticed a note under the windshield wiper. That’s odd, people never left annoying...
This introduction of the characters is full of sexual tease, but the dirty stuff follows in Chapter Two. THE BEACH Her skin glistened in the moist, hot Caribbean beach air as the burning sun reflected off her body. Brooke was applying oil to her tanned, smooth skin, as her eyes, hidden behind dark sun glasses, darted around the beach, watching the men that were staring at her with unmasked desire. A knowing smile appeared on her lips as she basked in the male attention, and that all too...
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Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain * It was Day 4 of their so far extremely memorable holiday voyage through the Caribbean, and they had taken on all the food and supplies that they needed for...
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Warning: Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain Day 2 of the Caribbean vacation started out normally enough, but Rick Chaplain could not help but look at his girlfriend Ashley with a little less love and a little more hostility now that he knew about her relationship with Keith Stevens. It was probably a little hypocritical for him to be...
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Sometimes, it's the small things that shape one's destiny. In Hayley's case, that thing was a little alarm that went off one rainy college evening just as she was about to get off while making love to her boyfriend Nathan. She's now compelled to tell what happened that night to her best friend Sarah. * Hayley walked through town with her best friend Sarah. They were on route to an outdoor concert in the park situated in the middle of town. It was a beautiful spring day and she had the whole...
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Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I hope you enjoy! TheCaptain The sun was setting in the far west, and the Collins family was stretched out across a number of plastic deck chairs around a large table covered with drinks....
Jessica stared out the window of the private jet as it flew over the island of St Lucia. She still could not imagine who had requested her and why all the secrecy. The only information that her boss had disclosed was that she would be working in St Lucia for two weeks with a new client developing a website for a new resort. The plane touched down on the tiny airport runway. The view was spectacular, lush green tropics and white sand beaches with the most beautiful water Jessica had ever seen....
This story is dedicated to a fellow author, sound critic, and good friend – sirhugs. Thanks for being there to help out, with ideas, suggestions and support, this one’s for you, mate! :D. Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I...
Chapter One: (November 1717, the Caribbean), Truly nothing was quite like waking up to the gentle rocking of a calm sea beneath the deck, the warmth of a golden dawn shining through the window and the gentle ticking of a man’s whiskers against one’s inner thighs. Lizzy Boyle smiled and arched her back off the bed for a moment as ‘Sir’ Patrick Frakes darted his tongue in and out of her, occasionally planting soft kisses on her inner thighs. It was more than carnal pleasure that pleased Lizzy,...
Last summer my wife and I decided to take a week vacation to a small Caribbean Island. We were taking her younger s****r as a High school graduation gift. As background, I am a 28-year-old Stock Broker, my wife is a gorgeous 24-year-old Marketing researcher, and her 17-year-old s****r was getting ready to go to a small Eastern College. Both my wife, Ann and her s****r Dawn are blondes with great athletic bodies. They are very close despite the age difference, and I honestly had never ...
This introduction of the characters is full of sexual tease, but the dirty stuff follows in Chapter Two. THE BEACH Her skin glistened in the moist, hot Caribbean beach air as the burning sun reflected off her body. Brooke was applying oil to her tanned, smooth skin, as her eyes, hidden behind dark sun glasses, darted around the beach, watching the men that were staring at her with unmasked desire. A knowing smile appeared on her lips as she basked in the male attention, and that all too...
We were spending our third anniversary of swinging together on this sun-drenched Caribbean island. It was wonderful-sensuous moonlit tropical nights with the surf lapping at the shore; days around the pool and hanging out at the beach bar. It was intoxicating. Now we were in our cottage with the stranger that we had met at the bar. You and I had become acquainted with him when we were enjoying our rum drinks, and found him pleasant and charming. We invited him to join us for dinner, and he...
The day had been perfect. And now the sun, getting lower, was splashing brilliant red and gold hues across the caribbean sky. I saw you look at me and returned your knowing gaze. We both felt it, the attraction, the a****l magnetism. Maybe it was the waves, the wine, the sun, or this beautiful place. I came to you and kissed you deeply, lingering there and not wanting it to end. I could feel the heat of your pressing body as you swelled beneath me. But we both knew that there were better things...
Last summer my wife and I decided to take a week vacation to a small Caribbean Island. We were taking her younger sister as a High school graduation gift. As background, I am a 28-year-old Stock Broker, my wife is a gorgeous 24-year-old Marketing researcher, and her 17-year-old sister was getting ready to go to a small Eastern College.Both my wife, Ann and her sister Dawn are blondes with great athletic bodies. They are very close despite the age difference, and I honestly had never looked at...
Don and Sue have been married almost three years. They got married when Don graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and after Sue’s freshman year in college. Off and on, both Don and Sue jog a mile or two four or five days a week and sometimes enter 5K or 10K fun races. Don is 25, 5’11”, 160 lbs. He is a resident engineer for a large Architectural and Engineering Company. In high school and college, Don was shy and didn’t date much due to lack of confidence. His family was low income, but...
Ken, Barbara and Raphael had gone to the small beach near by. It had some interesting and colorful shells. There was also some really stinky seaweed. In the harbor there were only the local fishing boats moored to the docks. A lazy sea gull or two soared in the sky screeching at the interlopers on the beach. They sat on the sand for a awhile until something bit Barbara on the rear. "Ow, what the heck just bit my butt? Golly Ken that really hurts! Would you look at it? Geez it stings!" Ken...
Raphael and the Count had waited for an hour after their guests had retired. Their guest's drinks had been drugged. Both men had told each other that they wanted to continue with the one that they had screwed before. This time would be different. Their partners would be in a dream state. They would participate thinking that another was with them. Then the men would switch places. Of course some pictures would be taken. Due to the nature of the conversation before their guests retired for...
Your first few days at State College felt lonely. One roommate was always away hanging at his older brother's fraternity. The other was already back at home, unable to be apart from his old high school girlfriend. But you came upon an intriguing poster at your entry way. The Sultry Sirens, State College's only all-girls choir, was looking for male soloists for their fall tour. The poster included details about the auditions, but your eyes were drawn to photos of the choir members. They looked...
InterracialHayley walked through town with her best friend Sarah. They were on route to an outdoor concert in the park situated in the middle of town. It was a beautiful spring day and she had the whole weekend off to wander and do as she pleased. The warm pollinated air fell in invisible folds around her body. She wore a soft spring dress with no bra for comfort. As she walked down the peopled sidewalk she completely lost herself in the passing bodies. It was as if every young man with a little spirit in...
Chapter 7 Jessica was deeply sleeping, dried tears upon her face. The night was warm and humid, a stark contrast to the dream Jess found herself in… Jessica could not see an inch in front of her face. The room was dark and very cold, an uncomfortable cold. She was standing, completely nude, her legs spread with her ankles held in place. Her wrists bound together, were stretched high above her head. Jess cried out, ‘Help! Someone please help me!’ An all too familiar voice whispered in her...
Chapter 4 Jessica walked out of the bathroom, at the same time there was a knock on her cabana door. She opened the door, and there stood Stan, dressed in black slacks and a tan short sleeved button down shirt with a black palm tree print. Jessica stepped toward him, drawn in by his cologne. She inhaled deeply, his light musky scent was almost intoxicating. ‘Mmmm, you smell wonderful!’ Jessica whispered. Stan struggled for words to describe the woman standing before him. The skirt and halter...
As the first to awaken aboard the luxury yacht out in the middle of the deep blue sea, Rick Chaplain decided to get a bit of fresh air up on the deck, and sat out in the open on one of the numerous plastic recliners with an orange juice to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere, and the tranquil peace of it all. He knew he had a lot to think about, but for that short moment in time at least, none of his troubles seemed all that dire and he was able to take a much-needed break for himself. A bit of a...
This is the continuation of Chapter One. Please read that introduction first. THE FIRST NIGHT OUT The two couples sat at a table together and ordered drink. Just as John predicted, every man in the place was staring at his wife – ogling her ass and tits. They ordered drinks and appetizers and sat back listening to the pounding of the music and watching the beautiful bodies on the dance floor moving to the beat. After their second drink John whisked his wife off for a dance, and they enjoyed...
While part of a continuing story, this chapter can stand alone. Brooke woke up the morning after her night of debauchery with a smile on her face. Her sleeping husband’s arm was wrapped around her naked body. The fog of morning slowly gave way to visions of the prior night. Jake, the “bad boy”, and his cock buried deep in her mouth, as she deep throated this stranger in the dance club bathroom. The pounding her husband had given her from behind later that night, as she watched her sister play...
For the next few days, Josh and I spent every day and night together. We explored the island on Vespa scooters, discovered remote waterfalls and swimming holes, went deep-sea fishing, and spent relaxed days on the beach or by the pool. We were especially fond of a certain beach cabana that we staked out, which was a comfortable respire from the heat and offered a certain degree of privacy with drapes that closed, a queen-sized bed and comfortable pillows. Of course, once we were alone, our swim...
BisexualAfter the amazing new experience I had just been through, I was feeling a bit giddy, and unsure of where this was all headed. Josh and I were both needing a shower at that point, so we jumped in the super shower stall and washed each other’s bodies. I loved running my hands all over him from head to toe, and sliding my hands all over his cock and ass. This was to become a regular ritual for us in the days ahead: mind-blowing sex followed by a relaxing shower for two. We went through a lot of...
Gay MaleI woke up to the sounds of the waves crashing and the full moon shining into the window. For a moment I was disoriented, like waking from sensuous dream. Then I remembered the wonderful treatment my cock and ass had received from Josh, and smiled at the thought. He was lying next to me, gently rubbing my back. The musky smell of cum was still in the air, combined with the tropical floral scent wafting in the window with the sea air. I really was in paradise at that moment, and felt like I was...
BisexualFor all of my adult life, I considered myself your basic straight white male. Through a dozen girlfriends and two marriages and I’ve always enjoyed the company of women, and still do. However, over the years, I’ve fantasized often about being with a man, or even better, in a threesome with a man and a woman. This is the story of a trip to the islands, how those fantasies came true, and how it changed my life forever. I had just gone through a painful divorce, and needed to get away for a...
BisexualI was on my vacation for a month in Jamaica, sitting in the hotel bar sipping on a Red Stripe Sorrel, a Jamaican brewed beer and relaxing. I’d worked six months straight without a break, and I was so ready to relax. Then he walked into the bar. Damn he was so handsome and sexy in those painted on Levi jeans. His eyes were an electric blue against his dark brown tanned skin and I couldn’t ignore them. They burned into my very soul. I asked the bartender, “Who is that handsome man?” “That’s...
Gay MaleThis is the continuation of Chapter One. Please read that introduction first.THE FIRST NIGHT OUT The two couples sat at a table together and ordered drink. Just as John predicted, every man in the place was staring at his wife – ogling her ass and tits. They ordered drinks and appetizers and sat back listening to the pounding of the music and watching the beautiful bodies on the dance floor moving to the beat. After their second drink John whisked his wife off for a dance, and they enjoyed the...
Wife LoversThe story starts with an offer I received in the mail for a new credit card from Islands Bank. The card offered a fantastic balance transfer interest rate, and if you transferred at least $10K it included a deeply discounted rate on a vacation at a tropical resort. My wife, Shelly, and I jumped on the offer. I had lost my full-time corporate position a few years ago and had been taking whatever short-term contract work I could find. Our credit card balances were high, and so were the interest...
The six of them met at the entrance to the horse barn. The Count promised that it wouldn't take more than three hours to ride up to the rim of the volcano and come back down. Stephen gave his wife a peck and waved as Cornelia and the Count slowly rode out. Then he gave his daughter a peck as she told her dad that they might not make it back until after dark. When Raphael heard that his hopes for seducing the young red head went much higher than before. He wondered if his employer would have...
Her husband Stephen, had begun his search by looking through all of the Count's papers. Most of his correspondence was to his family. Some was to various women he had fathered children with who wanted money for their children. Nothing political was ever alluded to except the letter from his father that had told him that he would not have to serve in the armed forces of his nation. He had bought Joe an exemption. He had finished his search surprisingly fast and was stumped for a short time...
It didn't take long for the good Count to make his move. But of course it was done after they had taken care of the horses. Cornelia wasn't very horny by this time yet she knew that Stephen would need the time to finish his hunt. She almost sighed in resentment at the step since she really couldn't figure any other way to satisfactorily detain him for the time needed. For the Count he finally got his way and he enjoyed it immensely. He felt her orgasm and then unleashed his own into her...
Barbara was ready for anything with a penis. Raphael was quick to take control of the situation. He guided her toward the shadows in back while the limbo still ran in the front. He bent her over with her face mere inches from her husband 's penis disappearing and reappearing in the font of the young island girl. She could see her expression of ecstasy as her husband pound in and out. Then she felt a shaft enter her loins and it was a nice relief from her turmoil. Now she could relax and...
When Cornelia arrived back at the house she got a nod from her husband. She felt somewhat better about what had happened. Her husband had found something which made her dalliance, despite the fact her husband had condoned it, had been done for a good reason. "How was your ride dear? It seemed to be warmer than usual today." "It wasn't quite what we expected Stephen. It was a hot and sweaty ride. So after we got to the top we walked down the path. There was a wonderful pool of water...
Mama JoJo had her lightest drum beating and her voice carried across the light air into the bedroom where Cornelia's red hair spread across her pillow case. Perspiration from her night's activities sparkled in the delicate moonlight coming in the French-doors of their bedroom. Still asleep she got up from her bed and walled to the French-doors. She opened them quietly and stepped out onto the veranda. Her steps gradually took her up the path toward the top of the volcano. Mama JoJo could...
When the Count and Raphael greeted the women at breakfast that morning they were shocked. Barbara and Cornelia looked ill at least. Shaky, sunken eyes and generally paler than usual the two had few words to say. Ken and Stephen were also worried. "I'm sorry to say my dear Count that we will not be able to stay any longer. Our wives are ill and we need to get them to a hospital soon. We can't thank you enough for your hospitality. I know you had expected us to stay longer but we have to...
Ken couldn't sleep. He had to take a walk and think. Their suite in the Panama Victoria Hotel was very nice. If you wanted it even had hot and cold running maids. They hadn't been up to that. No, he just wanted to walk. Pedro snuck up behind the gringo and hit him on the back of the head. It was enough to knock him out. Others were taking him away. All he wanted was a little money for his effort. Emilio stuck his knife into the Panamanian and watched him die without a noise. He had done...
JAV fans know the name Caribbeancom, or at least the real ones do. The company has been putting out Japanese dirty movies for decades now, building a name for themselves around the world with their sexy Asian sluts and filthy encounters. I first heard about the brand mentioned by weeaboos years ago, and of course, now I’ve had a lot more experience with their flicks ever since I started reviewing Japanese Adult Video. They’re one of the biggest names in Japanese porn, and don’t you want to know...
Premium Asian Porn SitesThey pulled a polyethylene drop sheet over his body as he lay in the trench. Demonic laughter merged with the sound of heavy plastic. “Dancin’ with the devil now, motherfucker,” somebody said up above the crinkle. More laughter, voices fading off toward the outer fringes of the junkyard. They left the knife in his thigh, along with three bullets in the trunk of his body. Officer Townes Baylor was rat feed. Everything was a swirl of nothing and darkness. No angels showed up to lead...
Straight SexFrom far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through… Soft lips breathing lifegiving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact. As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed...
From far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through ... Soft lips breathing life giving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact. As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed and...