Rescued Or Ensnared By A Siren? free porn video

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From far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through… Soft lips breathing lifegiving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact.
As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed and began to breathe on his own, the soft lips began to caress and gently kiss his dry lips and cheeks. "No, only Linden…" The Prince mumbled in protest as he feebly attempted to evade the nuzzling lips.
"It is Linden, my Love." An Entrancingly lilting, but totally unfamiliar Voice reassured him. The lips recommenced their nuzzling, soft kissing, and caressing as Vandar slipped back into a peaceful oblivion.
An intoxicating hypnotic Song brought him slowly back into semi-awareness. He couldn't make out the words, but he could somehow understand the lustful emotions that were an integral part of the Song. Intense erotic satiation and physical love were being promised in exchange for a full surrender of all volition.
As he fought to open his eyes the Singer kissed his eyelids and they Magically dropped closed again. The cloying, sweet lips began their endless seduction, kissing, licking, and nuzzling at his lips, then moving to nibble at his earlobes and neck.
An erect nipple and soft breast next teased his lips; then long tendrils of hair caused a tantalizing shiver on his feverish skin as the woman trailed her face across his body. A small hand gently cupped his cheek, then moved down across his chest, then down to warmly envelop his swelling manhood. "Only Linden…" Vandar insisted weakly, as he struggled to open his eyes.
"I am your Linden, make love to me. I need you so much!" The Singing voice pleaded sweetly. With an intense effort, Vandar opened his eyes; he was startled to see the face of his beloved Linden. Her face was close to his, and her insatiable need for him was evidenced by the intense yearning look on her face.
Vandar painfully reached his hands up to cradle her dear face in them. He drew her to him and kissed her with a feverish intensity and delirious need as she wrapped her soft legs around him and began to place him within her hot, wet core with one small hand. She reared back and impaled herself on him in triumph!
He felt an intense pleasure as she engulfed him, then he looked up at her in revelation. The Truth Seeing was working; he had been tricked and Enchanted! Long raven tresses curled down past emerald green eyes and alluring red lips to encircle large globed, erect nippled breasts. She was a beautiful, enticing woman but she was not his Linden!
The tormented and betrayed Prince used the last remnant of his will power as he rolled and threw the Enchantress off him with all of his remaining strength. He felt a tremendous wrench of pain in his wound and he fled, once again, to the now welcome haven of unconsciousness.
The relentless lips were the first things he sensed, when next he came around. They sang their lustful, erotic, and hypnotic tune and then began their kissing, licking, and sucking anew. This aroused Vandar incredibly until he regained enough awareness to remember their lies. The insiduous rape was beginning again!
Vandar did his best to forget how incredibly erotic the Siren's tawny body had felt to him, for Siren he had deduced her to be. He had to concentrate on his escape, he knew he’d have to use his mental, rather than his physical powers to succeed. He steeled himself to resist the ministrations of her warm, wet lips and soft body. He strived to turn his desire to rage. He meditated on Linden's innocent Virginal trust in him and her sweet love as the exquisite but diabolical torture continued.
"No." The Prince realized his thinking of sweet Linden only seemed to legitimize the feelings of arousal and lies the Siren was using to weaken his resolve. His escape would have to be through some other means.
Xandar had told him he possessed the ability to use Magical Powers, if only he would. If the Truth Seeing he had unwittingly used on the reflection frame and used to see the Siren in her natural guise were any indication of the ease with which Wizardry could be performed by an Adept, he should be able to teach himself.
First Vandar battled to visualize in his mind a wall blocking out the Siren's hypnotic Singing. He built it rock by heavy rock and was gratified to find, at last, that it seemed to be working. The higher the imaginary wall grew, the less he heard of the alluring Siren Song.
Thus greatly encouraged and relieved from the maddening Song, he looked closely with his mind at his wounded shoulder. He began to picture the wound closing and mending from the inside out, torn muscles becoming whole and strong again. He thought intensely of healing, soothing thoughts.
The excruciating pain in Vandar's shoulder eased to a tolerable level as he felt an eerie tingling come from the ground into his back, legs, buttocks, and head, and merge in his shoulder area. A revelation struck him; the Power was coming from the Earth!
He felt much stronger. He opened his eyes to see the exotically beautiful Siren staring in astonishment at his wound. He looked at it himself and he was amazed to find it was healing. Bloody slivers of the splintered shaft and clots of blood had been pushed from the gory wound by his rapidly regrowing flesh.
The Prince rolled over and shoved the Siren off him. He got his arms underneath him and struggled to rise. A lance of pain went through his shoulder, but he was grateful for it now because it served to bring him more awareness.
Vandar stood shakily and saw himself to be in a rocky seaside cavern. He was surrounded by the booty from the numerous wrecked ships brought to their destruction by the Siren's irresistible Song.
The Siren had stood and was looking at him in disbelief, he could tell from her face she was still singing desperately but the rock wall blocking his hearing held firmly. He resisted looking at her enticingly nude body and looked around for his clothes, swordbelt, dagger and other gear. He buckled them on and found a likely looking sword that would fit his scabbard.
As he gathered supplies and readied himself to leave, the Siren grew increasingly more frenzied. Finally, she grabbed up a sword; she raised it overhead and rushed at him. Vandar had built up a lot of rage and frustration because of her attempted rape of him, but he had no desire to kill or injure even so murderous a beautiful young woman.
Vandar drew his own sword with his left hand and caught and held her swung sword overhead. He grasped her swordhand with his right hand and found himself face to face with the small Siren. They were also chest to firm breasts; he fought valiantly to avoid being drawn back to thinking about that as the Siren’s erect nipples seemed to stab him.
He was still weak from thirst, hunger, and his wound. Though much larger than she, he couldn't overpower the Siren physically. He had a sudden inspiration and looked mentally at the soundproof rock wall he had built in his mind and then at her sleekly vibrating throat; he moved the wall!
The Siren dropped as if she had been shot with a poisoned arrow! She grabbed her throat and tried to Sing. Vandar could hear again now, and he could see she could breathe normally, but the only sound she could make was a hoarse croak. The Prince looked in triumph at the now vastly less harmful woman.
Vandar cleared his throat and told the Siren. "I think you'll have to find another line of work now. If you'll behave, I may come back in a few summers and remove that Spell." The Prince derived a lot of satisfaction from delivering the short speech.
The silent siren clutched frantically at him; she was trying to plead with him, but he couldn't hear a thing. The Prince regathered his supplies and walked out of the cavern area onto the beach. He saw he was on a rocky island surrounded by the beautiful blue sea. The rocky shore of the island was heavily strewn with the wreckage of many ships.
He had no idea of how far the island was from the Castle, or of how long he had been there. The stubble of youthful beard he had grown showed he might have been unconscious for as long as a couple of sun cycles. The one thing he was very sure of was that he wasn't going to risk allowing the Siren from under his Spell to ask her.
He also had a suspicion her shock at seeing him use Magic was the only reason he had physically been able to hold against her attack. After a short exploration, he found an intact dory that must have belonged to a fisherman who had become the Siren's victim.
Vandar could not remember the Siren having fed him anything since his capture. He felt as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. He checked the small kegs he’d brought out of the cave. One contained fresh water and the other a sour wine. He poured a measure of each into a flagon, and drank deeply.
Feeling greatly refreshed by the diluted wine, he looked through a box he had brought from the cave and found some dried meat. Vandar reflected that though the meat looked like the hard tack sailors used on long voyages, he didn't know enough about the Siren's eating habits, or her methods of disposal of her victims, to eat any meat from her larder.
He returned the meat to the box then he scavenged along the shoreline. His warrior training had included many hard-earned lessons on living off the land. Vandar watched closely for bubbles and he soon found a place to dig for clams.
He dug with his dagger until he had thrown a couple of dozen clams up on the sand, then he sat and started opening them. The raw clams were succulent and delicious. Vandar felt a hunger for the salt in them he knew was caused by his loss of blood. After he drank another flagon of the watered wine he felt almost human again.
Vandar sat on a smooth rock in the shallows and cupped a handful of the clear seawater and began to cleanse his wound, the warm, salty water was very soothing. By the time he had throughly cleaned the bloody, half-healed wound, the combination of his weakness and his full stomach were inducing him to sleep.
He went back to the protection of the cave and carefully bound the silently groveling and pitifully pleading Siren to ensure she didn't cut his throat while he slept. Then he lay down for some much-needed rest. The last thing he did was to think of his family and of the terrible pain they must be going through.


When the Prince awoke it was nearly dark; he lay silently alert until he remembered where he was. He looked over at the Siren and was gratified to see she was still securely bound. He had tied her hands over her head to a handy spar.
The nude Siren made an intensely erotic picture of enslaved and defenseless vulnerability and femininity. She writhed her body around; she was silently offering him the erotic pleasure his swiftly healing young body hungered for.
The treacherous thought came into his head that if he yielded and gave the Siren what she was literally begging him for, no one else need ever know. Instead, he got up and threw a blanket over her.
The Prince was well rested now and he decided to try the Magical healing again. He lay back and visualized his wound as it had looked when he cleansed it on the beach. Then he thought the healing thoughts that had worked for him the last time.
The constant ache he had been feeling in the wound disappeared as he again felt the Power surge up from the earth and through him. When he looked again the wound was much improved.
This seemed to be as good a time as most to escape from the island. It was imperative he return to the Summer Castle as quickly as possible. He knew word of the attack and his disappearance would have been sent at once to his Parents and Linden. Vandar couldn't bear to think how terribly his loved ones must have been suffering because of his disappearance.
The Prince had decided to escape at night because he knew nothing of the forces that had attacked him, or their present location. The only two things he did know for certain about them were that they wanted to kill him badly and they'd cursed well almost succeeded! He surely wasn't going to advertise his survival by sailing to the coast in broad daylight.
He gathered a few more items he felt he might use, along with some dried biscuits and cheese he found packed in the stores from the wrecked ships. He then released the Siren. She again began to silently beg him to release her from the Spell, but he had hardened his heart to withstand her.
He had known from Childhood that as Royalty he would someday be responsible for dispensing justice. Although the Siren had saved his life, she had not done so for altruistic reasons, but only to put him under her own erotic Spell. He had never heard of any man who had survived that. He felt his leaving the Siren marooned and voiceless on the island was a fitting punishment for her many crimes.
Vandar had loaded his equipment and arms in the dory when he began reconsidering his decision. Sir Gannon had trained him to use any and every available weapon in a fight. He was only an inexperienced warrior and fledgling Wizard against unknown odds and the Siren had some awesome Mystical Powers over men, as the many stark ship wrecks around her island stood mute testimony to.
She might be useful as a powerful weapon in intelligent hands. Vandar went over this decision in his mind to make certain it wasn't some diabolical mental Power of her's that was coercing him to make it. He went over and over it, and his reasoning still seemed to be logical, so he returned to the cave to try to work out a treaty with the Siren.
He first sat her down and covered her infinitely desirable body with a blanket so he could concentrate. He then spoke reasonably to her. " I don't know your name so, for now, I'll simply call you Siren. I want to explain to you I am the only one who can release your voice from the prison I have built for it, so it is to your advantage to see no harm comes to me. Do you understand and agree with me?"
She nodded her head in reluctant agreement. At the slight movement, the blanket slipped down to expose her large breasts. He pulled it back up to conceal her.
"The men you rescued me from tried to kill me and would have succeeded, but for you. For that much I am grateful, but as to what you did to me…" The Prince's voice faltered as he blushed in remembrance. He changed the subject immediately.
"I am betrothed and sworn to wed another, so I will not give in to you. Right now, I'm going to sail to the coast to rejoin my men. If you will agree to accompany me and assist me for the next few Moons, I will entreat the King to give you a pardon for your crimes and I will try to work out a compromise with you."
A resigned look came over the Siren's expressive face. Then her mood changed drastically and she nodded her head in avid agreement and pleasure. The blanket slid down when she got up and she threw her nude body at him in wanton abandon. Prince Vandar dodged her like the Red Plague!
"No. We'll have to have a few rules between us and the first rule is we'll have none of that. Get dressed." After giving him a very disappointed look the Siren clumsily tried to don some clothing, but all she accomplished was some ineffective motions.
It was soon apparent to Vandar that clothes were simply beyond her understanding. He assisted her in putting on some of the smaller of the sailor clothing she had scattered around the cave. He tied her long, wild hair at the nape of her all too shapely neck with a piece of leather like a boy would, then he slapped a wide-brimmed hat on her head.
With the loose clothing, she would pass for a young lad, except for a close examination. He allowed her to gather a small bundle of her personal items. She managed to do that much by herself.
He found some small stockings and boots that must have belonged to some long forgotten cabin boy and handed them to her. She looked at them blankly. He resignedly sat her down on a nearby chest and he put the stockings on her, then he laced the boots to her small feet. She was so unused to clothing and footwear he had to assist her to the boat.
Vandar had a sudden inspiration and knelt in the sand. With a forefinger, he wrote out his name in the sand. "V-a-n-d-a-r, Vandar." He told her. "That's my name. Can you write yours?" Vandar had no idea whether Sirens were the way they were because of a curse or if they were born that way.
Evidently, this one had either been educated as a child or some poor, doomed sailor had taught her, because she picked up a stick. "Lorelei", she wrote, then she looked up at him for approval.
"Lorelei. That’s a beautiful name. Quite a fitting one for someone who lives by the sea." The Prince told her. She seemed to enjoy hearing her name immensely and she urged him to say it again. "Lorelei." He repeated for her as she cocked her pretty head to one side to listen intently. He reached over and refastened her shirt over her distracting breasts.
The Prince picked up the boat anchor, he coiled the rope, and he placed them in the boat. As he bent to shove the boat into the water, she reached to help. They shoved it down the beach into the water, he assisted her in, then he climbed in and they sailed out to sea.


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Rescued by a Snow Angel

1971 was a pretty good year for me. I got the first real big promotion of my career as a home designer. I had worked a lot of years as a builder, an actual hammer and saw guy, when I got a somewhat private gig with a local Montana businessman, Burnett Perkins, who wanted specific perks on his new self designed home. We had met as I worked my way up the coast to Portland Oregon and Yakima and then east to Helena, Montana. I had a crew of 9 independent contractors and usually hired locals as we...

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It was Thursday afternoon. Melissa was home alone, as she always was at 3:22 p.m. on a school day. Both her mom and dad worked and never arrived home earlier than 5:45 p.m., and then always her mom. Mr. Kendall usually hit the front door somewhere between 6:30 and 7 p.m. He had a long commute. Melissa was busily texting away on her new iPhone 6, a birthday present only three days old, grinning widely at the bang she'd just put on a fellow student at Martin Luther King High School. Melissa and...

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Cala de Sirena

Don Taylor’s vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he’d be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn’t understand why she left him, or...

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Sirena looked around her "workshop." She'd bought an old laboratory on the sub levels of Relun city from the main university. They had been happy to get rid of it since the sub levels were now mostly used for casinos and the more vice driven entertainment of the city. Being below ground didn't bother her a bit and the place was perfect for what she wanted to do. Two months ago she'd finally decided to strike back at all the preps who would pick on her and her friends for being more intelligent...

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Cala de Sirena

Don Taylor’s vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he’d be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn’t understand why she left him, or...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Cala De Sirena

Don Taylor's vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he'd be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn't understand why she left him,...

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Return to Cala De Sirena

Jenny Edwards sat in at the small table in the little café sipping a soda and waiting. She brushed her light brown hair out of her blue eyes as she drummed her fingers on the table. This was a meeting she'd avoided for over five years, but now, she knew it was time to deal with this situation once and for all. A petite brunette with brown eyes walked up and said, "Jenny?" Jenny looked up and saw her ex-sister-in-law, Amy Taylor, the woman who broke her brother's heart and the reason he...

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Rescuing a Princess

Rescuing A Princess? Author's Notes by Bill Hart I've been working on this story on and off since October 1996. The inspiration for this story originates with a cartoon posted by Mike Allegretto to one of the pictures' groups at that time. If you're familiar with the cartoon or the site, then I'm sure you'll be able to guess at least one of the transforms in the story. When I first sat down to write this story, I didn't expect it would be very long, but it took on its own...

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Damn, I was beginning to wonder why I did this. Search and Rescue is a long job with a low success rate for the individual teams. You always hope you will be the one that makes the find and that you bring them out. The worst is when you are too late. The ringing of the phone had brought me out of a deep sleep. From what the commander said this was going to be a high profile search. A plane went down in the mountains west of here. They had an approximate area, and the search planes should have...

2 years ago
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Rescue Me

This story may not be altered or reposted without the expressed written permission of the original author. ************ Rescue Me By Lindsay Hart 5pm. Another day done. I was just shutting down my computer and getting ready to head home as the phone rang at my desk. "Hello." "Oh, Kelly, I'm so glad you haven't left. Somehow I knew you would still be there. I can always count on you to give me a full day's work. I need help and don't know what to do." The lady on...

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My thanks as usual go to Techsan for having a look over this one before I repost it. Only one thing that he came up with that might cause some confusion. He wanted me to use the word pavement, where I have chosen to use the word tarmac. A pavement in the UK is where pedestrians walk (A Side walk to all you colonials). Although they can be surfaced with tarmacadam the same as car parks can, as is the case in this story. * Back in those days I had considered myself to be a bit of a Don...

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Back in those days I had considered myself to be a bit of a Don Juan, sowing my wild oats wherever I could. Well, anyone that lived through the later part of the sixties will remember what it was like back then. Free Love, they called it, the Pill had been invented, was becoming widely available and there was no HIV to worry about back then. Yes, there were other things you could pick up, but a couple of trips to the clinic normally sorted those out. Christ, if it had two legs and a skirt, you...

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Rescue turns into Recreation

I am heavily involved in search and rescue operations in the back county. The mountains are very steep and we end up with numerous calls for people who went off trail trying to take a short cut only to find their path ending in a cliff. It is too steep to backtrack up so the 911 call comes in. I have always had this fantasy. Calling out the three of us make our way down the hillside trying to locate the stranded hikers. We find them and I gear up first and head over the side of the...

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Rescuing Princess Nina And Other Tales

Wiping his broad sword on ginas beard he sapt and called his hosrse Synopsis: in a land removed in space and time a Vagabond Wanderer is hired to rescue the snotty princess from the vile hands of villains heaping unnamable tortures and humiliations on her. ?Will he stop them in time? Of course not.  Disclaimer: Strictly Adults Only Material. If you are not of legal adult age or this kind of material is illegal or considered unacceptable in your country/state or community.? please?...

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Rescue in Rome

Janie Ward sat on her suitcase and looked, almost dumbly at her phone, not even sure what to do next. It had been almost a life long fantasy, a hope, a dream, and here she was, sitting in the tatters of her great European Adventure, her longed for trip to Rome, and she was on the verge of tears. Thoughts raced across her mind, as she fought back the tears: ‘How could Marge do this?’ She’d scrimped and saved and had been scheduled to go on this dream fulfilling trip to Rome with her friend...

2 years ago
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Rescue Me Ch 02

Dear Readers, Thank you for all your comments. I have edited Part 1 to take into consideration some of the errors you pointed out… Sorry for the confusion about the first name… I was getting ahead of myself. Ben is the man in the story and the girl who had remained nameless in the first part of the story is Sam (Samantha) the narrator. Again, I hope that no one will be offended about the love that develops between a disabled man and an able bodied woman. Please let me know if you think that...

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Rescue Me

Dear reader, this story tells of the love between an able bodied girl and a disabled man. I did a little bit of research to see if these events could actually happen and I have concluded that they could… If for some reason my research has led me to improper conclusions, I hope that I won’t offend anyone with the story that follows. * I met my husband Ben back in college. I had known him since freshman year and we were the best of friends. We did not get together until senior year because I...

2 years ago
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Rescue My Wife From Her Affair Part 3

Hello readers, hope you enjoyed my previous stories “Rescue wife from her affair part one and two”. Those who are all not yet finished yet, go and read it. After fuck with maid rasaathi, I went to our room and have some hot drinks. Due to tired and drunken position I fell in bed. I woke up at evening 4o clock only. Some of my friends went. I ask my friends that when are they leaving? They told waiting for me only; they need to reach their home before 6. I ask them to go, don’t wait for me....

4 years ago
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Rescue the Captured Superheroes

PLEASE ACTIVATE GAME MODE! CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! In the eternal battle between good and evil, there will always be superheroes fighting supervillains. On the side of justice are the men who have been endowed with enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, and supernatural abilities. These righteous heroes use their powers to protect the weak and helpless, and to right wrongs caused by the evil villains who seek to exploit and ruin others for their own personal benefit and power....

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Rescue Climber

I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...

1 year ago
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Rescuing My Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! My father , a catholic by birth, was married to mother , a non-christian, 25 years ago. The product of their marriage was sister Olga , 24 years old, and me (20 years old). Daddy never cared about religion but mom did her best to drag Olga's feet to marry a guy who belonged to mom's faith. Mom never tried to play this game with me because she knew that I had a liberal free mind. Olga dated a few guys before but each time mom was able to blow the...

2 years ago
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Rescuing Dianne Ch 02

The reader should read RESCUING DIANNE before reading this part in order to understand the plot. GE286 I awoke and saw Dianne watching me as I napped on the plane back to Ocala. She looked so sweet and childlike as she smiled. She said she couldn’t believe how much she liked me. She said she felt I really liked her and even more important, I respected her too. She really wanted to kiss me again. She was a bit frightened. She had bet her life on the impression she got of me. That I was honest,...

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rescuing Tamara

TRUE STORYMY GIRLFRIENDS ROOMMATENEEDS RESCUINGBack in 1984 I was at my girlfriends just finishing dinner, when her phone rang. Chris answered & after a few words handed it to me." Tamara (her roomate ) wants to talk to you. puzzled I took the phone. "hey Tam, whats up?" Her voice was slurred badly, she was hammered! " Guy I need you to come get me please, I'm so fucked up I will get arrested if I try to walk home.""Tam, I just finished a 12 hour shift, I'm beat, take a cab.""I'm broke,...

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Rescuing My Friend From Sadness

She was in fifth standard when I first met her. But after seventh standard I recognized her as a woman. She was not gorgeous or ‘celebrity like’ sexy, she was just a standard young girl. Obviously not my girlfriend, I did not see her in that way, but I knew that her body was ‘well rounded’. May be some guy would want to ask her out. Now were both alumni of the same engineering college. Now this story tells us about the events of 14 February of first year in my college. We were close friends by...

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Rescue Me 2

This story may not be altered or reposted without the express written permission of the author. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Comments are always welcome. New e-mail is [email protected]. Rescue Me 2 By Lindsay Hart "Hello?" "Hi, Beth. This is your little sister." "Kelly!! Oh, wow, sweetie, I was just thinking about you. I've been trying to call your apartment for a couple of days but your phone has been out of order. I've been so worried...

3 years ago
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Rescue My Wife From Her Affair Part II

Hello friends, this is the second part of the story of “Rescue my wife from her affair”. Those who were not read its previous part please go and read it first. After got to know about my wife affair, always I had my eyes on her activities. I can’t find any changes in her behavior towards me nor my family. So I understand that she doesn’t hate us. She loves us as usual. But she loves him too. That’s the problem. I want to confirm her affair. So I made a plan (From ISS stories). While she went to...

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Rescue All my life I've been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I've always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make. Then one day I learned how right I had been .... I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head. I headed out of town, thinking I'd visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch. The engine...

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Rescuebreathing Difficulties

I had just stormed out of the local bar when some jackass bartender wanted to be an asshole and refuse serve me anymore. I had gotten into an argument with my boyfriend while we were there because he said I’m too snobby to get drunk ... What the hell is that even supposed to mean? ... Because I know I’m a higher class than most there, I’m too good to get drunk? Is that what he meant?! Or ... Maybe he wanted me to get upset. Maybe this was a plan to make me mad so I’d leave. I did notice him...

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Rescuing the Girl Next Door

WHACK! Aaahh!! WHACK! Assshh!! No more mother, please! WHACK! Yaaah! Stop!! You're killing me!! WHACK! Aaahhhhh! I'm not a whore! Let me go!! In the quietness of an early Saturday morning in June, the noise coming from my neighbour's kitchen sounded loudly through the shared wall of the semi-detached house. The teenaged girl was receiving another beating from her self-righteous, bully of a mother, the third beating I'd heard in the six months they'd lived next door and it sounded by far...

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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...

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