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This time of the year is usually so beautiful, Maggie thought, as she stared out of her window. Oh, the leaves were still turning brilliant hues of red and orange and yellow. But it was 1864 and Maggie was in Virginia. Sighing, she turned away from the window, once again cursing the Fates which had had her turn a marriageable 17 at the start of the War Between the States.

Maggie could see only one benefit to being unmarried at the God-awful age of 21. When she worked at the hospital, along with every other able bodied woman in the county, she wasn’t required to work in the more critical wards or assist the doctors in surgery as were the married women and the widows. Even in the midst of war, there were things that just weren’t proper for a virgin to see. So, Maggie sat with recovering soldiers, changed some bandages, wrote letters home for those who couldn’t do it themselves, brought water to fever-parched lips.

She’d received so many proposals of marriage that she’d stopped counting. She would laugh and flirt with the soldiers, but she never seriously entertained their offers. Maggie had her heart set on a man just like her father. Of course, she had never actually met this man she would marry. Yet. But she knew what she wanted him to be like. He would be tall and broad of shoulder. His eyes would twinkle with a genuine sense of humor. His hands would be large enough to take care of her and protect her from the world, but gentle enough to wipe a tear from her cheek.

‘If I don’t stop this wool-gathering, I’ll never get anything accomplished today,’ Maggie mused, turning away from the window. She set about dressing for the day, wondering if, even at this early hour, her father had already left for the hospital. He was too old to join the ranks of soldiers himself, but he’d been the county doctor for more years than Maggie could remember and spent most of his time at the hospital. As his only child, Maggie divided her time between the big house and the hospital. They still had a few servants, but most had fled long since. Maggie’s mother had passed away several years before the war.

Maggie ran a brush through her fair locks and secured them at the nape of her neck in a bun. Her dress was somewhat out of fashion, but suitable for working at home or the hospital. Her bountiful curves strained the worn fabric but her beauty was timeless, and, as her father had told her many times, would probably remain so. She was the mirror image of her mother, who had been a raving beauty even at two score and ten.

The day was long and tiring. Maggie spent most of it washing and rolling bandages, then taking them to the hospital where she’d held the hand of a grievously wounded soldier while he died. She never knew his name, but she wept a tear for a life cut short. Maggie trudged home at twilight, a new basked of bloody dirty bandages to be washed and rolled. Father had still been in surgery when she left. Again. She reminded herself to leave something warming for him for whenever he returned. If he did. He often stayed days at a time at the hospital.

The shadows cast by the trees were lengthening into dusk when Maggie rounded the last curve before her home. Once again daydreaming about her faceless suitor — this time he was a knight of old, striding up on a white horse to rescue her from a dragon — Maggie didn’t notice the noises behind her until it was too late. Two sets of hands grabbed her arms. She screamed, but one filthy hand clamped over her mouth and fetid breath fanned her ear, ‘Scream and we’ll have to hurt ya, Missy.’

The breath Maggie had drawn to scream was cut off by a thick arm squeezing her middle, hefting her off her feet and dragging her into the trees beside the road. Struggling, she heard fabric rip and felt the cool autumn breeze on her back. Her struggles acquired new energy and Maggie felt she had almost got free of her captors when one of them clubbed her on the back of the head and she lost her wits.

When Maggie regained consciousness, it was to feel the cool air on her bare legs and hear the raised voices of the men arguing about who would have her first. Apparently they’d discovered her virgin condition and each wanted to be the one to break her in. Maggie took in the dirty blue coats and surmised they were a small band of Union deserters.

Fear blinded Maggie to her surroundings and, as she tried to make her escape, she stepped on a small branch, alerting the men to her attempt. She was dragged back and each man held a limb to the ground to prevent further foolishness on her part. Instead of fighting, now each man did his part to further tear her garments from her body. The old and worn fabric ripped easily and in a matter of moments, Maggie lay naked on the ground, ruined scraps of dress below her.

Coarse remarks burned her ears.

‘Look at them titties,’ one said with his tongue hanging out.

A second grabbed one and squeezed, hard. Suddenly, they all joined in, pawing Maggie, leaving dirty marks on the most private parts of her soft white skin. Maggie sobbed uncontrollably. Suddenly, the heavy drum beat of horses’ hooves sounded in her ears and she looked up to see a huge white horse bearing down on them.

An officer, by the insignia on his collar, probably coming to join his subordinates, Maggie groaned to herself. He jumped down off his horse and Maggie closed her eyes and steeled herself for ravishment. Instead, she heard the hard sound of flesh meeting flesh. She cracked open one eye and saw this new soldier fighting off the old dirty curs who had attacked her. He finally drew his gun and shot one. Maggie had seen enough at the hospital to know that the man on the ground was dead. The other two ran through the trees, screaming something about how he could have her, there were others.

Maggie, still dazed, tried to pull the torn pieces of her dress together to cover her nakedness. She looked up when she saw the stranger pulling off his uniform coat and tried to struggle to her feet. But he stopped her and merely put his coat over her shoulders to give her a better covering. Maggie accepted his offer, closing her eyes in silent thanks for the body warmth the coat still held.

‘Do you live near here?’

Maggie snapped up her head at the sound of his voice. Her eyes were drawn to his face and when she saw him fully, her eyes widened. His hair was dark and short, framing a face as handsome as a Greek god in one of Maggie’s father’s books. His green eyes sparkled with some inner light. His features seemed to have been chiseled by a master sculptor who had been bent on displaying the masculine features in perfection. The dark mustache that rode his upper lip and the shadow on his cheeks gave him a dashing look which made Maggie’s body respond in unfamiliar ways.

Her breasts tightened and swelled, and she could feel her nipples tightening into hard little points. Something like a flush of electricity swept through her body, centering in her loins causing Maggie to wiggle in discomfort on the hard ground. A strange wetness gathered between her legs and Maggie suddenly found it difficult to draw a breath.

‘I said, ‘Do you live here?’ Miss’

‘Oh, no…I mean, yes, just up the road.’ Maggie could barely get the words out. ‘Thank you for coming to my rescue. I didn’t know the Union had any gentlemen leading it, Captain.’

‘Name’s Rafe, ma’am. Captain Rafferty Slater, at your service. I saw what those men were up to and I just couldn’t let a pretty thing like you be spoiled by the likes of them. And you are?’

‘Maggie Donnelley. Thank you again. I live in that house just around the bend. May I offer you some refreshment? Our cook probably has dinner waiting.’

Rafe helped Maggie to her feet and helped her find her shoes and they walked the last little bit to Maggie’s home. Maggie had a hard time staying on her feet. She tripped several times, each time caught by Rafe’s strong arms. Once inside, Maggie excused herself to
repair her appearance. She returned in moments, wearing one of her better dresses. This one was still pretty and not very worn, but showed more than a little décolletage.

Cook had, indeed, left dinner, a stew rich with meat and vegetables in a thick sauce and bread still warm from the oven, in the kitchen for Maggie and her father. Rafe and Maggie ate together, enjoying one another’s company. Then, as the hours grew later and the sky grew darker, Rafe built a fire and the two sat back to watch the flames.

The length and excitement of the day combined to make Maggie drowsy. The small glass of wine she’d consumed with her dinner only added to that effect. Sitting properly on opposite ends of the parlor sofa, Rafe watched Maggie’s head nod toward the armrest. Gently, he eased himself closer to her and softly he eased her head back to his shoulder. Rafe silently admired the beauty in his arms by the light of the fire.

She was a rare beauty indeed. A fine jewel he had rescued from the swine. Thoughts swirled around in his head, causing him to question his motives. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs. He was a young virile man with a beautiful young woman in his arms. He did what any such man in his position would do. He turned her face to his and kissed her.

Maggie woke slowly, not wanting to end the dream she was having. Rafe, the knight on his white steed, was standing over her, leaning down and kissing her. His lips were so warm and real on hers. Maggie breathed deeply the scent of him, of man and horse and whiskey. Suddenly, she felt the pressure of a hand on her breast. The shock opened her eyes and she realized that her dream was not a dream. Rafe was kissing her. It was his hand on her breast. The heartbeat that jumped in her chest made him look down at her and smile.

No words were exchanged. Rafe, silent, hoping Maggie wouldn’t decry her maidenly virtues, Maggie, silent, hoping Rafe would overlook her virgin state and claim her. Their silent answers were found in the yielding of Maggie’s lips beneath Rafe’s own. Her small arms circling his neck, drawing him closer, her fingers threading into his hair.

Rafe drew Maggie fully into his arms and kissed her deeply. His hands caressed the length of her back, winding into her hair, releasing it from its confining bun. Her blonde hair spilled over hands.

Maggie felt him releasing her hair and then felt his hands at the fastening of her dress. She felt the release of tension as the dress fell forward away from her bosom and Rafe’s hands sliding it further off her shoulders. His lips followed his hands from her lips to her neck to her shoulders. As more skin was exposed, Rafe kissed it. His lips began to trace a fiery line from her collarbone to where her heart thudded beneath her breast, finally to capture one pink peak in his mouth.

Maggie moaned as Rafe’s mouth enclosed her nipple. Never in her life had she felt anything so heavenly. She wanted the moment to go on forever, but a new pulse beat, throbbing to life between her legs told her there was more. She arched her back into Rafe’s caress and allowed him to work his magic on her body. She allowed him to slide her dress off her hips and onto the floor, then stood while he removed her petticoats, stockings and drawers. Oddly, she felt no shame in standing naked before him. She watched as he stood and slowly undressed in front of her, each item baring more velvet covered muscles. His strength was more obvious as he removed his shirt. Maggie’s eyes caressed his chest.

Rafe caught the direction of her eyes and, taking her hands in his, put her hands against his chest. ‘It’s okay, darling. You can touch.’

Maggie blushed prettily at the frankness of his words, but immediately threaded her fingers into the mat of hair on his chest. Desire made her forget her timidity. The naked lust in Maggie’s eyes fanned the fire of Rafe’s wanting, and he quickly shed his pants and drew her into his arms.

Maggie had been kissed before. Recovering soldiers tried to steal kisses from her often, many times succeeding. Never before had one stirred her passions as this Union Captain did. Never before had she stood, naked, in man’s arms with the knowledge that he would make love to her. Rafe scooped Maggie into his strong arms and carried her to her heretofore chaste bedroom. He laid her across the bed, then, parting her thighs with his knees, settled between them with his head at her breasts.

Rafe nuzzled those twin plump peaks until Maggie was writhing with desire, bucking her hips beneath him, not really knowing what she wanted him to do. She only knew there was an incredible heat between her legs. A heat that threatened to engulf her in its flames. Rafe kissed her breast one more time then dipped his head to her navel. Maggie cried out in pleasure when his tongue dipped into this virgin dimple. His breath warmed her skin his tongue drew gooseflesh as he traced a path down her navel to her woman’s mound.

Rafe nuzzled his nose into the fragrant patch of fine downy black hair, drawing a shocked cry from Maggie. She tried to sit up from the bed, but was stopped by Rafe’s arm resting across her stomach, holding her down on the bed. His tongue licked out and found the little nub of pleasure hidden there wringing a sob of pleasure from Maggie. He continued to taste of her essence, his tongue running over every inch of her womanly folds to her most secret places.

Maggie’s mind was in a blur. She tried, but could not draw one coherent thought. She could only accept the pleasure Rafe was determined to give her. The intense fire and throbbing grew until Maggie could not catch her breath. It continued to pulse, like her heartbeat, until it burst in a glorious cloud around her that threatened to steal away her very sanity. When she began to float back to the earth, Maggie felt something foreign and hard pressing into the juncture of her thighs. Instinctively, she parted her legs further to accommodate him. Her climax had made her very wet and Rafe had no trouble pressing into her, inch by inch.

He gently pushed past her virgin’s barrier and stole her brief gasp of pain in his mouth as he kissed her. Soon, every inch of his manhood was buried into her silky sheath. It felt so good, Rafe had to grit his teeth and concentrate not to spill his seed too soon. When Maggie relaxed, he began to thrust gently. Soon, Maggie’s legs were wrapped around his hips and she was meeting his thrusts with those of her own. Maggie was again lost in the sensation of pleasure as she spiraled toward climax once again. An aura of bliss exploded around the two lovers and both cried out as wave after wave washed over them. Rafe felt his seed explode into Maggie’s body.

In the aftermath, feeling as though every nerve ending in her body was being stimulated, Maggie rested her head on Rafe’s shoulder as they snuggled together. She closed her eyes to allow sleep to win its war with her brain.

Rafe, feeling the small body next to him relaxing next to him, hugged her briefly to him and kissed her forehead. It’s a good thing he’d been watching this particular Rebel gal. He knew if he was patient, he’s get a chance. He’d been so right…

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Captivated Ch 01

Chapter 1 – Suspicions Isle of Enchantment, Eastward Lighthouse No.1 Five years later… East of Maine, and only accessible via the Biddeford Ferry, a charming little island lovingly nicknamed the ‘Isle of Enchantment’ stood serenely in the middle of the Atlantic. It was given the name by the superstitious residents of Mount Desert Island because they truly believed it was an enchanted place. And they weren’t wrong. The little island was a serene, picturesque island with a small...

4 years ago
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School Knickers A shared enjoyment Part 1

The film that was in production when I was working there was a comedy featuring, among other things, lots of actresses and extras dressed as school girls. One day, in the middle of July, I was asked to take an upgraded *********** to one of the young ladies who had not been required on set until slightly later than some of her colleagues. With revised *********** in hand I trotted round to one of the cast’s caravans and knocked on the door. ‘Come in,’ came the voice from inside so in I went....

2 years ago
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My Story

My Story Unlike many other men who desire to dress or be dressed in feminine clothes (and there are far more than most people imagine), my mother's underwear had never held any real fascination for me and I had never fantasised about wearing lingerie or female accessories. In my case it had started with Helen, a former girlfriend, who had told me that she had always been turned on by the idea and had decided for some reason, that I would make an ideal model to practice on. We were a...

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The LockedOut Neighbour

With a groan I slammed my almost emptylager bottle onto the table and stood up. I briefly debated putting on some trousers but then figured what the hell – if someone wants to knock at the front door ten minutes after I’ve got home from work then they’ll just have to put up with me in my white Calvins and shirt. Opening the door I was a little surprised. It wasn’t some kind of charity mugger or local councillor garnering votes. No, it was my hot as fuck neighbour, Warren. I could qualify that...

1 year ago
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For the Love of AliceChapter 3

Spring 1995 I returned to university in the New Year and was soon once more engrossed in study. On the last Saturday in February, my world was torn apart. The first hint was when Joe burst into my room. "Your dad's at the door." A million and one questions race through my mind. I was dressed and downstairs in less than a minute. One look at Dad's face confirmed the worst. "Mum?" I asked urgently. "She's fine. It's Alice." "What! What happened?" "We're not sure exactly....

4 years ago
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I Danced Around The Kitchen

I danced around the kitchen, the music low so not to wake him. I was dressed in one of his button up shirts, black lacy thong and a matching bra, something that I threw on when I had woken that morning after deciding to make my guy breakfast in bed. My long dark blonde hair danced down my back in its natural waves. I knew the smell of the bacon I was cooking would eventually wake him. As I turned the bacon over I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist and as his lips touched my neck I closed...

3 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0606

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! This is another chapter laying down the relationship between Jo and Guy. As with most of Chapter 6 it tends towards the romantic. There is more sex on the way – honestly!). Joanna’s Tale, 05: Jo sorts Guy out! (No sex) Then the doorbell rang and my heart started to beat...

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Just discovered Grindr

I don’t know how I was so late to the party, but I have recently discovered Grindr - and what a discovery it has turned out to be!My first afternoon on there and my phone was bleeping for ages, I guess as a new profile in the area I registered a lot of interest. Out of choice, my ideal guy will be Indian or Pakistani, and younger....but in all honesty, pretty much anyone will do for a horny little cumslut like mei arranged for a Pakistani guy in his 40’s to come over. I thought I’d just give...

3 years ago
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The Internship

You are 19 and just finished your first year of college. Instead of spending your summer in a meaningless minimum wage job, you apply and secure yourself an internship. You have been at this position for nearly two months. With a bit of experience under your belt you find that the employees around you trust you with more tasks, respect you more, but still try to pawn of menial tasks on you. You try to make the most of the rest of your time working as: Oliver, a naive boy from the suburbs with a...

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Josh MurdochChapter 5

"Josh, we've hit the jackpot!" John Randall practically shouted as Josh came in the door. "What do you mean, John? I have no idea what you're talkin' about." "You know about the gold strike up north of Santa Rosa, don't you? They've got a tent "city" set up and runnin' an' the miners' association wants us to extend our line up there an' carry out the gold for them. They're offerin' a pretty penny to us if we'll take the job. I agreed to it, but you have to be willin' to...

1 year ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 4

"You're the famous Texas Ranger Waite Phillips, aren't you?" I said, in amazement. I'd studied his photograph that was in the Encyclopedia. I found it during my research and patterned my outfit after his picture. I just knew I was in the presence of greatness. I quickly removed my hat and I held out my hand in a sign of friendship (I hoped). "Waite, this here fella is claims to be Matt Dillon," Jessie said, with a laugh. I frowned and as I turned toward him, I queried, "What's so...

4 years ago
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My Birthday My Fantasy

"I fucked him", she whispered almost silently before turning over to sleep. At the time of the writing of this story my wife and I have been married over thirty years. She has presented me with two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. They grew up giving us lots of grief but mostly love and joy. For years Lynn, my wife, talked a pleaded with me to get a computer. You have to realize I'm just an old fashioned sort of man and leaping into the new age of computers just didn't set well with...

1 year ago
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Birthday at the Hotel Bar

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: All sex is between characters over 18. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are times when I love the travel that comes with my job, and there are times I don’t. I travel every week, more or less, getting to be home every weekend. On the plus side: Seeing new cities, visiting different companies and helping them with their tech problems, getting them solved and then moving on. Meeting new people. Frequent flier miles that let you take great vacations inexpensively,...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 22 Monday August 9 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010 “It’s day seven for the second wave,” Jake said. “Your capacity to read emotions, thoughts, and desires has manifested fully. Even Julie and Carol are nearly there. Now that you have developed the raw capability, you are ready to learn how to use it. We’ve already gone over the basics, so let’s work on something more advanced.” Jake took a drink of his Coke and set it back down on the kitchen table. “When you get a chance, I encourage you all to go out into public....

4 years ago
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My First MFM

One of my earlier boyfriends was a guy named Paul. We dated for over a year. Paul was a nice guy and in general a pretty good boyfriend. He always treated me well. Paul had a couple of best buddies Steve and Jim that he was very close to. Apparently they had known each other from grade school and were life long friends.Paul spent a lot of time with his two friends. It seemed even when we went out his two friends would always catch up with us and hang out. This was fine with me as they were nice...

2 years ago
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Tent 15 Ch04

Derek's eyes shot open. He'd been so wrapped up in his incestuous thoughts he'd forgotten his swimsuit had fallen off during their mishap. "Oh god…" Miranda muttered as she began whipping her head back and forth for any sign of their clothing, "I don't see them anywhere. Check underwater!" Derek was getting worried. He ducked his head underwater and began looking around for anything. It was clear enough that he could see a good distance but there was nothing around. His stomach sank....

3 years ago
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After Tuition Class 8211 Part III

By : Devteen Hi everybody, i am back with the third part of my story “AFTER TUITION CLASS”. After that incident in the pond i became a slave for my friends. Because shyam & sandeep said all the things even i masturbated looking at my moms body, to joy and others. They started to talk dirty about my mom and sister even i was near them. But they acted decently in front of my mom and sister calling them aunty and chechi. But they usually call them “vedi(bitch)”. Even hearing that i didn’t...

3 years ago
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Her name isn’t Cheyenne, it’s Pat. Pat used to be a hotel manager, until she discovered Shambala. Shambala, from what I can tell, is a place that existed thousands of years ago, populated by aliens and spirits who created our Earth as a form of experiment. Not everyone on Earth has a soul, Cheyenne informs me in her soothing customer-service trained voice. Some of us are reincarnated citizens of Shambala, here to guide the soulless ones towards greater understanding and steer the earth towards...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 15

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 15 – My Training Course continued ------------------------------------------------- Wednesday -------------- Breakfast went as it did the previous day. I ate too much and felt a little bloated and rubbed my stomach as I walked back to the lift. The rubbing must have loosened the robe’s belt because it came undone as I walked. I couldn’t be bothered to fasten it again and fortunately I saw no one on the...

1 year ago
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Futanari Mistress

He took a breath and his face shifted. His hair lengthened and spun into long curls. “Mika?” He held out his arms as they thinned and his fingers lengthened. He stood up. “Mika, what’s happening?” I had no idea what was happening. I had never seen or heard of anything like it. It was like I had marked him myself. I took a breath and felt the exchange. It was weak, smoke where Olivia had been a fire, but it was there. Lucas leaned forward. His eyes intense and like glued to mine. “I...” he...

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Tampa Bukkake

TampaBukkake! Bukkake is an interesting thing. First of all, I'm surprised it came from Japan. It sounds like some shit that would come from Florida. Second, I'm surprised it has a name. It could have gone unnamed and just been how gang bangs end.Instead, bukkake has gained a life of its own. It became its own entity with its own fanbase. If it didn't already exist, I would assume that not very many men want to stand inches away from a dozen guys all cumming, but I would have been wrong. It...

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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 12

It took Corec and his friends six days to get from Lanport to the Storm Heights, their pace slowing toward the end as a thin layer of snow built up on the road. They had to slow down even more once they reached Tarvist Pass. The pass may have been straight and flat in comparison to the other paths through the mountains, but it was still rougher going than a real road, and while the snow was still light, there was enough ice to make the footing treacherous. They had to make frequent stops to...

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Joes Humiliation

When I opened the front door I knew something was different, I could sense it in the air. I shut the door and dropped my cases in the hall, glimpsed my black hair passing the hall mirror and headed straight for the lounge. There was nobody there, but there had been and recently by the look of the two wine glasses and discarded bottles that littered the coffee table carelessly. A low constant thudding noise registered in my hearing from above and I hurried to the staircase afraid of what I would...

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Little Shop of Curlers

Little Shop of Curlers Belladonna My eyes opened to greet the morning sun peeking into the window of my warm bedroom. It was a welcome sight. The weather of late October was decidedly hit or miss in my northern, little suburb. It was already unlike most of my Halloween mornings of recent years. They had mostly been overcast, windy affairs. The occasional year had a sprinkle or two. One even had an evening snowfall. Blessedly, the dreaded cold had decided to hold off until at...

2 years ago
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Trained to be Daddyrsquos girl 4

I tried to pretend I was happy sharing Daddy with his little whore but I couldn’t hide my sadness, or jealousy whenever he decided it was her turn to receive his load. He frowned as he saw tears drip down my cheeks as I watched him smile as he pulled out of her pussy after using us both in bed. He sent her off and led me into the bathroom as he showered.”What’s the matter baby?” He soothed as he held me as I towelled him dry.”I get jealous Daddy” I said looking up at him. His steel blue eyes...

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HandsOnHardcore Abella Danger Ass Fucked By Her Attorney

When American bombshell and total sex fiend Abella Danger isn’t getting her anal needs met she calls it quits with her hubby and hires divorce lawyer Chad White to represent her. But when the attorney meets with the gorgeous brown-eyed babe who is still in a state about that fact that her husband won’t ass fuck her despite her requests, Mr. White takes the opportunity to please his needy client. And nothing is off-limits for this American man, as he goes down straight between her...

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Lonely in Tokyo with Two Puppies

At first I got a big English mastiff, a strong dog to make me feel safe at home. He had thick muscles, little fur, and black vacant eyes, with a serious and set expression always on his face to match. He was to make me feel safe, I repeated to myself when picking him out nervously at the local breeder…but from the beginning he was so much bigger than me. Trying to pull on his lead as I walked him back to my apartment through the bustling city, he just seemed to have a mind of his own, his...

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