- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
This time of the year is usually so beautiful, Maggie thought, as she stared out of her window. Oh, the leaves were still turning brilliant hues of red and orange and yellow. But it was 1864 and Maggie was in Virginia. Sighing, she turned away from the window, once again cursing the Fates which had had her turn a marriageable 17 at the start of the War Between the States.
Maggie could see only one benefit to being unmarried at the God-awful age of 21. When she worked at the hospital, along with every other able bodied woman in the county, she wasn’t required to work in the more critical wards or assist the doctors in surgery as were the married women and the widows. Even in the midst of war, there were things that just weren’t proper for a virgin to see. So, Maggie sat with recovering soldiers, changed some bandages, wrote letters home for those who couldn’t do it themselves, brought water to fever-parched lips.
She’d received so many proposals of marriage that she’d stopped counting. She would laugh and flirt with the soldiers, but she never seriously entertained their offers. Maggie had her heart set on a man just like her father. Of course, she had never actually met this man she would marry. Yet. But she knew what she wanted him to be like. He would be tall and broad of shoulder. His eyes would twinkle with a genuine sense of humor. His hands would be large enough to take care of her and protect her from the world, but gentle enough to wipe a tear from her cheek.
‘If I don’t stop this wool-gathering, I’ll never get anything accomplished today,’ Maggie mused, turning away from the window. She set about dressing for the day, wondering if, even at this early hour, her father had already left for the hospital. He was too old to join the ranks of soldiers himself, but he’d been the county doctor for more years than Maggie could remember and spent most of his time at the hospital. As his only child, Maggie divided her time between the big house and the hospital. They still had a few servants, but most had fled long since. Maggie’s mother had passed away several years before the war.
Maggie ran a brush through her fair locks and secured them at the nape of her neck in a bun. Her dress was somewhat out of fashion, but suitable for working at home or the hospital. Her bountiful curves strained the worn fabric but her beauty was timeless, and, as her father had told her many times, would probably remain so. She was the mirror image of her mother, who had been a raving beauty even at two score and ten.
The day was long and tiring. Maggie spent most of it washing and rolling bandages, then taking them to the hospital where she’d held the hand of a grievously wounded soldier while he died. She never knew his name, but she wept a tear for a life cut short. Maggie trudged home at twilight, a new basked of bloody dirty bandages to be washed and rolled. Father had still been in surgery when she left. Again. She reminded herself to leave something warming for him for whenever he returned. If he did. He often stayed days at a time at the hospital.
The shadows cast by the trees were lengthening into dusk when Maggie rounded the last curve before her home. Once again daydreaming about her faceless suitor — this time he was a knight of old, striding up on a white horse to rescue her from a dragon — Maggie didn’t notice the noises behind her until it was too late. Two sets of hands grabbed her arms. She screamed, but one filthy hand clamped over her mouth and fetid breath fanned her ear, ‘Scream and we’ll have to hurt ya, Missy.’
The breath Maggie had drawn to scream was cut off by a thick arm squeezing her middle, hefting her off her feet and dragging her into the trees beside the road. Struggling, she heard fabric rip and felt the cool autumn breeze on her back. Her struggles acquired new energy and Maggie felt she had almost got free of her captors when one of them clubbed her on the back of the head and she lost her wits.
When Maggie regained consciousness, it was to feel the cool air on her bare legs and hear the raised voices of the men arguing about who would have her first. Apparently they’d discovered her virgin condition and each wanted to be the one to break her in. Maggie took in the dirty blue coats and surmised they were a small band of Union deserters.
Fear blinded Maggie to her surroundings and, as she tried to make her escape, she stepped on a small branch, alerting the men to her attempt. She was dragged back and each man held a limb to the ground to prevent further foolishness on her part. Instead of fighting, now each man did his part to further tear her garments from her body. The old and worn fabric ripped easily and in a matter of moments, Maggie lay naked on the ground, ruined scraps of dress below her.
Coarse remarks burned her ears.
‘Look at them titties,’ one said with his tongue hanging out.
A second grabbed one and squeezed, hard. Suddenly, they all joined in, pawing Maggie, leaving dirty marks on the most private parts of her soft white skin. Maggie sobbed uncontrollably. Suddenly, the heavy drum beat of horses’ hooves sounded in her ears and she looked up to see a huge white horse bearing down on them.
An officer, by the insignia on his collar, probably coming to join his subordinates, Maggie groaned to herself. He jumped down off his horse and Maggie closed her eyes and steeled herself for ravishment. Instead, she heard the hard sound of flesh meeting flesh. She cracked open one eye and saw this new soldier fighting off the old dirty curs who had attacked her. He finally drew his gun and shot one. Maggie had seen enough at the hospital to know that the man on the ground was dead. The other two ran through the trees, screaming something about how he could have her, there were others.
Maggie, still dazed, tried to pull the torn pieces of her dress together to cover her nakedness. She looked up when she saw the stranger pulling off his uniform coat and tried to struggle to her feet. But he stopped her and merely put his coat over her shoulders to give her a better covering. Maggie accepted his offer, closing her eyes in silent thanks for the body warmth the coat still held.
‘Do you live near here?’
Maggie snapped up her head at the sound of his voice. Her eyes were drawn to his face and when she saw him fully, her eyes widened. His hair was dark and short, framing a face as handsome as a Greek god in one of Maggie’s father’s books. His green eyes sparkled with some inner light. His features seemed to have been chiseled by a master sculptor who had been bent on displaying the masculine features in perfection. The dark mustache that rode his upper lip and the shadow on his cheeks gave him a dashing look which made Maggie’s body respond in unfamiliar ways.
Her breasts tightened and swelled, and she could feel her nipples tightening into hard little points. Something like a flush of electricity swept through her body, centering in her loins causing Maggie to wiggle in discomfort on the hard ground. A strange wetness gathered between her legs and Maggie suddenly found it difficult to draw a breath.
‘I said, ‘Do you live here?’ Miss’
‘Oh, no…I mean, yes, just up the road.’ Maggie could barely get the words out. ‘Thank you for coming to my rescue. I didn’t know the Union had any gentlemen leading it, Captain.’
‘Name’s Rafe, ma’am. Captain Rafferty Slater, at your service. I saw what those men were up to and I just couldn’t let a pretty thing like you be spoiled by the likes of them. And you are?’
‘Maggie Donnelley. Thank you again. I live in that house just around the bend. May I offer you some refreshment? Our cook probably has dinner waiting.’
Rafe helped Maggie to her feet and helped her find her shoes and they walked the last little bit to Maggie’s home. Maggie had a hard time staying on her feet. She tripped several times, each time caught by Rafe’s strong arms. Once inside, Maggie excused herself to
repair her appearance. She returned in moments, wearing one of her better dresses. This one was still pretty and not very worn, but showed more than a little décolletage.
Cook had, indeed, left dinner, a stew rich with meat and vegetables in a thick sauce and bread still warm from the oven, in the kitchen for Maggie and her father. Rafe and Maggie ate together, enjoying one another’s company. Then, as the hours grew later and the sky grew darker, Rafe built a fire and the two sat back to watch the flames.
The length and excitement of the day combined to make Maggie drowsy. The small glass of wine she’d consumed with her dinner only added to that effect. Sitting properly on opposite ends of the parlor sofa, Rafe watched Maggie’s head nod toward the armrest. Gently, he eased himself closer to her and softly he eased her head back to his shoulder. Rafe silently admired the beauty in his arms by the light of the fire.
She was a rare beauty indeed. A fine jewel he had rescued from the swine. Thoughts swirled around in his head, causing him to question his motives. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs. He was a young virile man with a beautiful young woman in his arms. He did what any such man in his position would do. He turned her face to his and kissed her.
Maggie woke slowly, not wanting to end the dream she was having. Rafe, the knight on his white steed, was standing over her, leaning down and kissing her. His lips were so warm and real on hers. Maggie breathed deeply the scent of him, of man and horse and whiskey. Suddenly, she felt the pressure of a hand on her breast. The shock opened her eyes and she realized that her dream was not a dream. Rafe was kissing her. It was his hand on her breast. The heartbeat that jumped in her chest made him look down at her and smile.
No words were exchanged. Rafe, silent, hoping Maggie wouldn’t decry her maidenly virtues, Maggie, silent, hoping Rafe would overlook her virgin state and claim her. Their silent answers were found in the yielding of Maggie’s lips beneath Rafe’s own. Her small arms circling his neck, drawing him closer, her fingers threading into his hair.
Rafe drew Maggie fully into his arms and kissed her deeply. His hands caressed the length of her back, winding into her hair, releasing it from its confining bun. Her blonde hair spilled over hands.
Maggie felt him releasing her hair and then felt his hands at the fastening of her dress. She felt the release of tension as the dress fell forward away from her bosom and Rafe’s hands sliding it further off her shoulders. His lips followed his hands from her lips to her neck to her shoulders. As more skin was exposed, Rafe kissed it. His lips began to trace a fiery line from her collarbone to where her heart thudded beneath her breast, finally to capture one pink peak in his mouth.
Maggie moaned as Rafe’s mouth enclosed her nipple. Never in her life had she felt anything so heavenly. She wanted the moment to go on forever, but a new pulse beat, throbbing to life between her legs told her there was more. She arched her back into Rafe’s caress and allowed him to work his magic on her body. She allowed him to slide her dress off her hips and onto the floor, then stood while he removed her petticoats, stockings and drawers. Oddly, she felt no shame in standing naked before him. She watched as he stood and slowly undressed in front of her, each item baring more velvet covered muscles. His strength was more obvious as he removed his shirt. Maggie’s eyes caressed his chest.
Rafe caught the direction of her eyes and, taking her hands in his, put her hands against his chest. ‘It’s okay, darling. You can touch.’
Maggie blushed prettily at the frankness of his words, but immediately threaded her fingers into the mat of hair on his chest. Desire made her forget her timidity. The naked lust in Maggie’s eyes fanned the fire of Rafe’s wanting, and he quickly shed his pants and drew her into his arms.
Maggie had been kissed before. Recovering soldiers tried to steal kisses from her often, many times succeeding. Never before had one stirred her passions as this Union Captain did. Never before had she stood, naked, in man’s arms with the knowledge that he would make love to her. Rafe scooped Maggie into his strong arms and carried her to her heretofore chaste bedroom. He laid her across the bed, then, parting her thighs with his knees, settled between them with his head at her breasts.
Rafe nuzzled those twin plump peaks until Maggie was writhing with desire, bucking her hips beneath him, not really knowing what she wanted him to do. She only knew there was an incredible heat between her legs. A heat that threatened to engulf her in its flames. Rafe kissed her breast one more time then dipped his head to her navel. Maggie cried out in pleasure when his tongue dipped into this virgin dimple. His breath warmed her skin his tongue drew gooseflesh as he traced a path down her navel to her woman’s mound.
Rafe nuzzled his nose into the fragrant patch of fine downy black hair, drawing a shocked cry from Maggie. She tried to sit up from the bed, but was stopped by Rafe’s arm resting across her stomach, holding her down on the bed. His tongue licked out and found the little nub of pleasure hidden there wringing a sob of pleasure from Maggie. He continued to taste of her essence, his tongue running over every inch of her womanly folds to her most secret places.
Maggie’s mind was in a blur. She tried, but could not draw one coherent thought. She could only accept the pleasure Rafe was determined to give her. The intense fire and throbbing grew until Maggie could not catch her breath. It continued to pulse, like her heartbeat, until it burst in a glorious cloud around her that threatened to steal away her very sanity. When she began to float back to the earth, Maggie felt something foreign and hard pressing into the juncture of her thighs. Instinctively, she parted her legs further to accommodate him. Her climax had made her very wet and Rafe had no trouble pressing into her, inch by inch.
He gently pushed past her virgin’s barrier and stole her brief gasp of pain in his mouth as he kissed her. Soon, every inch of his manhood was buried into her silky sheath. It felt so good, Rafe had to grit his teeth and concentrate not to spill his seed too soon. When Maggie relaxed, he began to thrust gently. Soon, Maggie’s legs were wrapped around his hips and she was meeting his thrusts with those of her own. Maggie was again lost in the sensation of pleasure as she spiraled toward climax once again. An aura of bliss exploded around the two lovers and both cried out as wave after wave washed over them. Rafe felt his seed explode into Maggie’s body.
In the aftermath, feeling as though every nerve ending in her body was being stimulated, Maggie rested her head on Rafe’s shoulder as they snuggled together. She closed her eyes to allow sleep to win its war with her brain.
Rafe, feeling the small body next to him relaxing next to him, hugged her briefly to him and kissed her forehead. It’s a good thing he’d been watching this particular Rebel gal. He knew if he was patient, he’s get a chance. He’d been so right…
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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...
during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat. i would describe my looks as average and i dress in jeans and a bright coloured polo shirt marie h she is 20 years old, i would guess she is 5'8, she has hazel colour eyes and dusty blonde shoulder length hair and she has the most inoscent face, you look at here and you would bet your right arm that she has done nothing wrong ever. now to the...
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I want you.. NowUndress I commanded you and you started taking off your clothes first your shirt and then you went on to take off your leggins. Turn around I want to see your ass . You turned and continued taking off your leggins slowly while you were shaking you ass in front of me. You wanted to make my dick harder than it already was. I came from behind and started to kiss and bite your neck and you moaned slightly. I felt your body trembling I put my fingers over your thong and start...
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She was delicate, feminine, romantic and scarily intelligent. And mine. Jay would describe herself as pretty average looking – but to me, she was gorgeous. Fucking her had been a revelation; I’d never lost myself during sex quite that much. I was addicted. One afternoon in particular stands out from all the rest. My phone pinged mid-morning. New message from Jay. I could hardly believe my luck when I read her words – she had the afternoon off, so was it ok to come round? It was more than ok. As...
The next morning I woke up Asha. After having tea, we got ready for a flash tease. Asha wore a short backless dress with good 1/3 boobs popping out. After some time, Hari reached our room. Asha opened the door and invited Hari inside. Asha, “Ok, tell me, where we are going today?” Hari, “Vebinad lake, ma’am.” In the meanwhile, Farooq and Adi also arrived with food. Adi kept the food and left. Farooq served the food. Asha, “Hari, don’t call me ma’am. It feels like I am your boss. Am I behaving...
Hi readers I am Parthiv I am an average guy looking good white skin toned body height of 5’10”. I live far from parents due to job I work in a company at Hyderabad as assistant engineer so I lived lonely at my flat. As about my work there are less members of female in our company so I didn’t get as many female colleagues to chat. One day one of my friend suggested to read sex stories from this site you liked it first I didn’t listened about him. After some days I feel so bore and started...
I'm Damien. I'm thirty-five and single, 6' 3" and 205 lbs. I work the afternoon shift at a factory near Kansas City, where I live. I usually hit the bars after work in search of a girl to hang out with and, if we hit it off, we can go back to either her place or mine. Since KC is a fairly large area I never have to worry about running into a chick again if we don't get it on, although I do have more than my share of success stories. If I like one, we usually are together for no more than two...
Oral SexHi to all ISS readers. I am Vinay first of all let me describe about myself, I am 5’10” height, 73kg, 32W very fair, 9inch thick hard hot and 3inch wide dick with nice round ass and heavy thighs. I want to share my first childhood experience with u all. This incident happened when I was in 7th class. My family and I used to stay in Hyderabad city but my father got transferred to a town nearby. I then joined in a school. Near to our house there was a playground in which I used to play with my...
Incest“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.” —Neil Gaiman, The Kindly Ones “THE TYPICAL CLIMAX of a Shakespearean play comes in the third act.” There were a few titters in class and I had to think Ms. Levy knew exactly what she’d just said. “And that is where we find the death of Caesar and Marc Antony’s rousing speech, ‘Friends, Romans, Countrymen,...
The first day of college is always exciting. The most exciting part is finally getting to know which girls are in your class. I remember sitting on the 2nd last bench even though there was space available in front. It’s always the last benchers who are asked to move front not the 2nd last. A guy who I had spoken to barely twice was bombarding me with a barrage of information about our course. I was looking at the door when she entered. The room sort of went quite for a moment. Jaws on the...
Bill, relax," said Kat. "Lisa said that Haulover Beach is clothing-optional. You don't have to go in the nude if you don't want to." Bill said all right, proceeded to go into the bathroom, and changed into his bathing suit and a tee-shirt. "Here you go, sweetie," said Meredith to Mark, searching through her purse. "I brought some homemade granola bars, would you like one?" Mark said sure, "Lisa ... would you like one, as well?" Lisa turned around from looking outside and gladly...
Part 1 There is a private animal shelter in our town. It is always hurting for donations and volunteers to help feed the animals and try to get them adopted. I am one of those volunteers. Most of the workers here are young college kids. I could be their mother, but they treat me just like one of the gang. I hear all their boyfriend or girlfriend problems, complaints about their parents and often their sex questions. I don’t mind being the older member of our clique and I feel proud that...
This is another story in the same continuum as The Shower Head. Phoenix By Wolverine Now, I know what you're thinking. This Phoenix cat has gotta be a bad guy. I mean, hey, he turned an innocent, young man into a complete idiot of a slut. But before you go passing any judgment on me, spend some time in my shoes. You see, I run a very, very, very successful inter-dimensional service. One that certain goody goods may not find too moral. But my ladies enjoy the job they do, and...
What’s the 300 stand for in MILF 300? I assumed right away it didn’t stand for the number of videos in the collection, as 300 ain’t a very impressive number for a free tube. On the contrary, this cougar-loving free tube has well over 3,000 MILF movies in its archives. Maybe it’s a reference to that 2006 Frank Miller flick about the Spartans and the Persians, though there’s way less violence here and the sex scenes are considerably more explicit.Honestly, I don’t know what the 300 in
Mature Porn SitesNext he walked over to Keith. ‘You know, Keith, you’re not a very big man, in fact your no taller than a lot of women. I’ve always been quite curious about why we have Hermaphrodites, and no other mixtures of three chromosomal types in the human race. Well, through my research I hope to correct that little problem. But I also need to see if we can convert a genetically X-Y male into a true, genetically correct X-Y-X Hermaphrodite clinically, and without invasive and only partially successful...
Lately I have been thing about having some fun and excitement outside of the house. One of my biggest fantasies is having a woman use a strap-on on me. Me laying on my back with my legs up so that way I can see the woman approach me and start using it on me. I've also been fantasizing about playing with another man. Wondering if I could feel a differnce between a dildo or a real cock in my ass. Plus I'm curious about sucking on a cock and seeing what the pre-cum and cum tastes like. So...
I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite day time program when I hear a tapping on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole. I was always suspicious of day time knocks on the door, and all I could see was top of a young female’s head.I cracked the door open and she smiled. She immediately launched into a speech that she was an engineering student at a local college and was selling magazine subscriptions to help finance her way through school. She said that for each subscription she...
HardcoreSUBMISSIVE MALE REQUIRED. You are between 30 and 50. You do not feel confident with women. You will be well cared for and live in a luxurious home with servants. You will receive a tax free allowance of $3000 per month. In return You agree to be corseted and in chastity 24/7 with no exceptions. You will service the mistress in whatever manner she demands. Either the mistress or the maid will check and tighten your corset twice a day. Any irregularity will be dealt with...
My name is Clinton Conners. I'm thirty-five years old and at the beginning of this story, I was confused, and pissed off. Those were, however, the only things I knew about my situation. Of course, there were other things going on in my life, but at the time I was blissfully unaware of how stupid I was. As I looked around the small airport terminal, I was still wondering how the hell my boss had convinced me to be there at that moment, doing what I was doing. It was a Fall Friday morning, the...
Kittens, Unlikely Allies My mother sat in her seat surrounded by her kittens and her Advisors as the Fang sped toward the Sol system and the tiny planet called Earth. If I didn't love being a girl so much I would have happily shed my skirts for rough trousers and leather armor. I hadn't been born a girl, but my mother had been the youngest of her sisters and no one had paid attention to her or her offspring since it was her oldest sister who was in line for the throne of Lyconia....
Introduction: Wife Cheats on Husband as Revenge for Looking at Porn It was just another Tuesday, a Tuesday just like any other, Barbara was getting dressed to go to work, and her husband John was waking up already. They have been married for over five years and their relationship kept them both satisfied. Both agreed that they would not want to share each other with anybody else, just being a traditional, normal married family. Barbara loved John immensely. He continued to show his care for her...
The pillows felt like soft marshmallows as Bridget sunk into them. Lying there, fighting hard not to fall asleep, she heard the faint tap on the bedroom door. The first client had arrived and Bridget's mind began to buzz. Was it a fat, sweaty man? Would he be rough with her? Would he want her to perform some strange contortionist act? She knew they were high-end clients but even the worst sadistic men could be described as the quiet boy next-door type. The door opened and there stood her...
The week-long business trip Leslie had just begun was a welcome distraction. She couldn’t believe she was finalizing the end to her second marriage. “How could this have happened again?” she kept asking herself. But, at least for the next few days, she had a change of scenery and the chance to catch up with an old friend. Leslie got to visit San Diego twice per year as a Regional Sales Director for a global rental car company. One of her very best friends from high school lived in...
Tom was feeling frustrated, frustrated and angry that Arlene, his wife of 17 years wasn’t here at home. She was at her bloody mothers, the old hag as usual clicked her fingers and Arlene came running like a good little girl. Tom didn’t know why her mother needed her this time and really didn’t care but it was probably some big imaginary emergency of the old hag. “Why can’t the bitch just curl up and die and leave Arlene alone to lead her life as a wife to me and as a mother to Kate and...
It seemed as if the week just flew by and before I knew it, Friday was upon us. Wondering what kind of "get together" we could expect, I asked Ellen what Liz was like and what kind of parties she hosted. Ellen said that Liz was a wanna be player. She was always on the edge of things but never in them. If she had a party just about anything could happen but Liz always seemed to be a non-participant. When asked if we were required to "Dress to Impress", Ellen only said that she would wear...
I would meet the gas repairman (Neil) and also one of his work friends two weeks after my initial bit of fun with him. The repair had been a complete success, but on coming home one day I found him at home with my mum on the pretext that he had been checking out his work and carrying out his fatal safety inspections. Mum looked a little bit flustered, but to be honest I just thought he’d probably been chatting her up a bit more while he was carried out his work. I was to find out the truth...
Ok, so the encounters with my now Daddy = the guy that took my virginity started, I rode my bicycle to his house and we had hot times there, he drove his car to go and meet me but since I had no place to host we decided to meet by the Cemetery, those 6 miles that keep us apart were nothing since we both were feeling horny and our lust and desire for each other was growing with every time we met. I still not out of the closet neither he is but he is more experienced then me in all about sex,...
Chapter three: Getting my own bra 17 Planning to get my own bra This was going to be a lot harder than buying myself the panties. Girls get to ask their mothers who would of course understand completely. I couldn't ask my mother because she just wouldn't understand at all. She would get so upset that she would even make me get my hair cut really short and that had to be out of the question. I could take one of Brenda's bras or wait until she got a package of new ones but this...