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Alaskan Extreme

by Poppcorn

Chapter 1 - Jack?s Plan

It was time.  He needed to get a girl before winter set in.  Until now, his entire focus had been on improving his large cabin, getting it equipped for Her; even making it entirely self-sufficient, and completely off the grid.  He wanted no traceable links to mainstream society.

The transformer panel from the solar panels and the wind mills he had bought and installed produced a satisfactory hum as daytime power was accumulated.  ?Power, sewage, water, and heat all finished,? he thought with satisfaction as he entered his dungeon for a final inspection.  ?The cage is ready, that?s probably the most important item,? he whispered.  His eyes moved around the room, making sure his new toys were in proper order.  With a silent nod of approval, he turned off the lights and climbed the stairs to ground level.

At his favorite south-facing window, he sat down at his small work desk and considered, ?Where to go?  I?ve been too busy working on the details to decide on the big picture.?  Deciding to squander some of his precious electricity to help direct his quest, he powered up his laptop and flicked the switches to enable his small aperture satellite terminal to lock in his internet connection.

?It has to be far away from here, so know one will know,? he mused as he shifted his way across an interactive map.  ?Yes, ? Utah.?  He chuckled, ?That?s definitely my best chance for gathering up a virgin.?  It was the work of a few keystrokes and he had a room booked in Provo, Utah for a week.

?Tomorrow, my adventure begins.?

The next day dawned sunny and bright as he loaded his specially equipped Cessna Caravan.  The amphibious craft was one of his prized possessions and sole lifeline to civilization and survival should something unexpected occur at his remote cabin location.   Only after carefully following his pre-flight checklist did he start the thundering engine.  Once his instruments confirmed his engine was idling to perfection, he threw off his mooring line, climbed up into the cockpit, and began taxiing across the icy cold blue waters of his private bay to line up his Cessna for takeoff.

The light chop made for an uneventful takeoff and soon he was in the air?with his next stop Anchorage.  He knew from experience that the green wilderness that passed below would soon be inundated with months of snowfall and bitter cold.  This trip was just in time because he intended to be fully enjoying his new slave before the first blizzard of the season.  He grinned happily as he set the autopilot for the next leg of his flight; his long-awaited quest for the perfect slave was underway. 

After a quick landing in Anchorage, he traded planes and?got in his small jet.  Again, he painstakingly reviewed his pre-flight checklist before radioing the tower for permission to taxi.  He couldn?t help but wag his wings after liftoff.  ?Another step closer,? he thought eagerly.

As expected, the commercial air section at the Provo, Utah airport was quiet.  In the office, he arranged for refueling and reminded the staff that he didn?t need any other servicing.  ?I want the bird ready to go at a moments notice,? he told the staff.  ?My schedule is uncertain so get my return flight plan to Anchorage registered so I won?t be delayed.?

It was noon, so he decided to go on the prowl.  ?A mall is the first place to go,? he thought.  ?There?re always young coeds in malls.?  Before parking his rental?car in the mall parking lot, he cruised around the entire mall checking for security cameras on the rooftops.  Satisfied that there was a large zone uncovered by security, he parked his car and walked as close to the mall in the blind zone as he could.  ?They won?t associate me with the car,? he thought with satisfaction.  ?It?s not likely I?ll grab Her directly, but it?s best to be prepared.?

Sooner than he thought possible, he saw Her out of the corner of his eye.  Her long sunset red locks immediately drew his attention.  Then, after seeing Her beautiful emerald-green eyes, he had to have Her.  She was the goddess of his dreams, five feet seven inches of chiseled muscles topped with a beautiful face.  He locked eyes with Her as he slowly changed direction, focusing directly on her table. 

Awkwardly, he bumped against the nearest table with a clatter.  He reddened in embarrassment and hurriedly spoke, "Oh, ? sorry.  It seems I?m always stumbling over myself when I see a beautiful woman."

When she didn?t immediately reply, he added, ?I'm Jake.  What's your name??  Inwardly, he winched at the crude first contact and promised himself he?d be smoother if she gave him a second chance.  He continued to smile down at the girl, mesmerized at her youthful perfection.

The young woman, Jaslyn Brooks, was bemused at his stumbling approach but couldn?t help but tell herself, ?Wow!  He?s handsome!?  Then she blushed at her inner thoughts and whispered to the man, ?My name is Jaslyn.?

"Mind if I sit down before I fall again?" Jake asks with his smile broader than ever.


?Sure,? she giggles and inwardly flinches again.  ?He must think I?m an idiot,? she thought.

Unaware that Jaslyn?s inner turmoil mirrored his own, Jake managed to chat a bit with the young beauty.

She reveals to Jake that she?s twenty-two, a college senior, and studying nursing.  Jake tells Jaslyn that he?s twenty-eight, already graduated from college with a degree in mechanical engineering and that he?s interested in settling down in a rural area in Utah.

?Everything I told her is basically true,? he thought, ?except for using a fake last name and misleading her about where I actually live.?

?Wow,? Jaslyn told herself, ?it must be nice to be a trust fund baby.  It sounds like he has lots of hobby interests.  He mentioned outdoor living, off road adventuring, and an interest in building a cabin off grid here in Utah.?

?I have to be careful about revealing major clues about myself like my being a pilot and owning aircraft,? he reminds himself as they talk.

Abruptly, Jaslyn realizes that she?d been at the mall far too long.  ?I?m sorry, Jake, but I must leave; I have class in an hour!"

The abrupt shift in conversation reminded Jake about his true task.  ?It?s now or never,? he told himself.  ?I?ll never find a better candidate than this girl!?

"Would you go out with me tonight?  Please, ? money is no object, this has been such fun for me and I?d like to continue our discussion over a great meal.  This trip, I'm only in town a week for a few morning work meetings.  I really don't want to eat alone,? he literally begged.


Jaslyn thinks, ?Why not, my class load has been killing me and I deserve a break.  Besides,? she adds with a blush, he seems so awkward, he must be nice.?  While the thoughts race through her head, she ignores the image in the back of her mind about how he obviously must have a lot of money.

"Sure,? she says eagerly, ?let me give you my phone number and address.?  As she writes her information down she adds, ?I?ve heard the Melting Pot is a great restaurant but haven?t been able to afford it because of my limited budget.  I?m pretty sure reservations are required, so it might be too late for tonight.?

Jake chuckles, ?No worries, I'll get us in.  I?ll pick you up at 7 tonight?"

"Perfect!? she said, not really believing that she?d accepted a stranger?s offer for dinner.  ?I?m sure he?s fine,? she reassured herself as she hurried out of the mall.  ?He acted like he hadn?t had a date in years.  He kept blushing every time I looked at him, ? it was kinda cute that he was so unsure of himself.? 

Jake had done a lot of thinking while he waited to pick up the young girl.  While he was embarrassed at his inept introduction to Jaslyn, he was canny enough to realize that it likely worked to his advantage.  ?If I was too smooth,? he told himself, ?she?d have pegged me as a young businessman looking to bed a local girl while traveling.?

?But,? he told himself sternly, ?you better focus on the mission!  She?ll never be mine if I?m too openly linked to her.  I don?t need any law enforcement nosing around afterward.  Be careful, Jake!?

Silently anticipating her reaction to his surprise, Jake knocked on the door of her apartment.  After parking, he?d carefully avoided being noticed by anyone and made it to her door without encountering anybody.  ?So far, so good,? he thought.

Jaslyn opened her door and felt a quiver in at the sight of the handsome Jake filling her doorway with a huge assortment of long-stem fire and ice roses.  ?Flowers,? she told herself quickly, ?I haven?t been given flowers since my high school prom and that was far too long ago!?

"Wow!  You look so beautiful!? Jake exclaims.

?Are those for me?? Jaslyn asks coyly.

Jake takes the opportunity to step into her apartment and he grins, ?Roses for a rose!?

She takes the flowers and can?t resist burying her nose in the bundle, drawing in their pungent smell.  ?Hmmm,? she whispers, ?wonderful!  Thank you so much!?

?Oh, but these roses don?t compare with your beauty,? he answered.  ?Corny,? he thought, ?but She expected some sort of compliment.?

While Jaslyn scurried back into her kitchen, Jake surreptitiously pulled Her phone from the purse sitting on an entry table and quickly popped off the battery to silently kill the device.  In just a few seconds, the now turned off phone was back in her purse.

Relaxing now that the first part of the evening has gone according to plan, he is able to appreciate the beautiful dark purple dress she chose to wear on their date.  The dress was cut to accentuate her narrow waist and then snuggly fit across her hips, ending just above her knee. 

?Hmmm, ? no hose and sensible heels,? he thought.  ?I wonder how silky her thighs will feel?  Oh!  I can hardly wait to find out.?

"Let?s get going; reservations are at 8:30 and it?s an hour ride.  You ever ride in a jag?"

She looks at the sleek silver car and her chin drops. "Wow!  Are you for real?"

"I?love fast cars and beautiful women," he smiles.

?She?s easily distracted,? he thinks with an inward smirk.  ?She won?t be thinking of this stupid car when I pop her oh so carefully guarded cherry.  The challenge will be to get her to cum before I get my cock in her for the first time.  Then the inexperienced cunt will feel guilty that she enjoyed our first rape.?

Outwardly Jake maintained his cheerful demeanor and he laughs, ?My company said I could ?chose any car I wanted to rent? so I decided to think fun and sporty.?

She shakes her head in wonder at the amazing car.  ?Wow!? she repeats as she slips carefully into the car.

Jake carefully watches to see if Jaslyn inadvertently flashes him as she swivels her legs into the car.  He?s a bit disappointed he didn?t get a flash of her panties.  He gently closes her door and heads around the back to the driver?s side.  ?But, I got Her!? he whispers aloud as he gives himself a mental ?high five.?

Dinner is pleasant and each relaxes as they laugh and enjoy the good food and company.  Jake discovers a lot about her background without revealing too much about himself.  Finding that he likes Jaslyn a lot causes a momentary twinge of guilt at what is in store for the innocent woman.  Jake hardens his resolve and reminds himself this is the culmination of months of long work and hundreds of thousands of dollars.  ?Just think of her as your private cunt,? he tells himself.  ?She will live solely for my pleasure.?  Then a bit more fiercely, he adds, ?She won?t have a choice!   Her freedom will soon be gone forever.?

The one oddity that he noticed was that she didn?t want wine, beer, or a mixed drink.  Instead, she was content to drink cranberry juice and mentioned trying to avoid carbonated drinks.  ?I do enjoy coffee and tea,? she admitted as if it were a vice.

After he ordered desert, she excused herself to go to the ladies? room.

As she walked away, Jake smoothly swept her glass off the table and set it on his lap.  He dumped a finely ground white powder into her glass and used his spoon to dissolve the drug into her drink.

The chocolate fondue strawberries were delicious but a bit sweet.  Jaslyn drank all her tart cranberry juice and laughed at the perfect complement of sweet and tart between the desert and her drink.

Jake sipped his red wine and enjoyed watching every drop of drug tainted cranberry juice pass her lips.  ?Soon,? he thought with eager anticipation.

Jake paid cash for the meal and slipped his arm under his date?s.  As they strolled out, he whispers, ?I have more surprises my beautiful rose.  Shall we go?"

"Sure," she answered while stifling a yawn.  ?What?s up next, ? a rocket ship ride to the moon??  Then she laughed and added, ?No, tomorrow?s a school day.  The moon trip will have to wait for a weekend date.?

When she realized she?d implied she truly liked Jake and hoped for another date, she giggled and leaned against him as they walked.

Jake laughed back and said, ?Well, I was thinking something more normal like a movie back in Provo.  But maybe we can ride the rocket on our next date.?

This time, Jaslyn sat down on the seat of the Jaguar under the increasing influence of the drug cocktail Jake had slipped into her drink.  The deliberate way she swung first one leg and then the other into the car forced the bottom of her dress to climb high enough up her thighs to almost reveal her panties.

Jake sighed at how close he?d come to discovering what color and type panties such a conservative young woman would wear on a first date.  ?Soon,? he whispered as he ran around the back of the car. 

Only moments away from the restaurant, and well before he reached the freeway, Jaslyn drifted off to sleep.  The soft music playing on the radio helped lull her into a deeper sleep where the drugs would now prevent her awakening.  A quiet snore from the passenger side of the Jaguar brought a grin to Jake?s face.

Ignoring what he?d mentioned about a movie, Jake headed directly toward the airport.  On the way, he rummaged through Jaslyn?s purse and made sure the cell phone was still off and that no other traceable electronic devices were in the purse.

There was little traffic and he made rapid progress.  At the airport, he used his gate pass at the private aircraft terminal and drove right up alongside his jet.  I was well into the evening and long past sunset.  Unloading his prize was a simple task.  Jake buckled Jaslyn into a seat and cuffed each of the captive?s wrists to an armrest.  She slept on not knowing that her life had just changed forever.

He locked the jet and used baby wipes to wipe down any of the surfaces of the car that he or the girl had come in contact with.  The rental was then parked at the airport?s rental car return.  The keys and rental form went into the after hours lock box.  Satisfied that fake, but fully functional credit card would get charged for the rental, Jake walked back to the other terminal.  He still had a long flight ahead.

She was still sleeping.  Just in case she awoke, Jake set a small kit bag on his copilot?s seat that had items to help subdue Her if She woke at an inopportune time.  He finished his preflight, taxied out of the hanger, and contacted the tower for a take-off slot.

The return to Anchorage was uneventful except that he was exhausted by the time he landed.  To ensure he could sleep, Jake pulled up her dress, and rubbed alcohol on her rump.  The syringe contained sedative to make sure she would sleep while he took a nap.  Pleased with the belated discovery about her choice of underwear, Jake eased the filmy red panties under her butt and down her legs.  He drank in her scent and sighed deeply in appreciation.  ?Hmmm, a true redhead,? he whispered as he pocketed the underwear.  Delaying playtime for later, Jake reluctantly drew the hem of her dress over her red bush and curled up alone on a sleeping bag laid in the aisle way.  He fell asleep dreaming of her still hidden charms.

Waking was difficult.  The quiet musical tone of his phone alarm woke him, ? but he was still groggy.  The cool, almost freezing, air outside the jet quickly changed that; he was wide awake before his bags were stowed in the Cessna.  Moving Jaslyn was less exciting than he?d hoped.  It was awkward trying to gently move her form wrapped in a blanket down the narrow stairs of his jet and up into the cockpit of the Cessna.  He growled in frustration, ?I really want to start playing with my new toy.?

Certain that she?d awake something during the long and rough ride to his cabin; he fitted specially made cuffs to her ankles and wrists.  After padlocking the cuffs in place, he slipped a padlock through the last link of a short chain already anchored to the floor and then locked that into the ?D? ring of an ankle cuff.  Three padlocks and three chains latter, Jaslyn was firmly attached to the plane and virtually a part of the copilot?s seat.

Hungrily, he drank in Her slim form, the full mounds of her breasts under the now wrinkled dress, and reluctantly turned away.  ?I want her fully awake when she?s undressed for the first time.?  Humming happily, he cleaned the jet, locked it up, and began the pre-flight checklist for the Cessna.

By now, over half the day was twilight so when She started to stir, it took Jaslyn some time to orient herself. 

Jake had already noticed the young woman stirring.  ?This should be fun,? he thought.  He engaged the autopilot and loosened his seatbelt.

The expression on her face told it all!  Shock, horror, and then understanding flickered across her face after she recognized him seated beside her. 

?Jake what's going on?" she demanded.

Surprised that She hadn?t panicked yet, Jake leaned over and calmly slapped Her face; hard.  ?From now on, you will call me Master!? he declared in a in a loud, firm voice.  ?Do, you understand??

Jaslyn could only stare back at him open-mouthed in amazement.

?Stupid, slut!? he muttered as he backhanded the other side of Her face in an equally hard blow.  Before she could recover, his other hand drew an arrangement of rings and straps toward her head.  The bemused woman didn?t resist as he jammed an oversize leather-wrapped ring into her mouth behind her front teeth.  He had the ring-gag?s head straps tightened and buckled in place before she could react.

?Huuhhhh!? was her protest.

Jake grinned at his captive and slipped a cock gag through the ring-gag and strapped it in place.  He couldn?t help but laugh at her look of bovine helplessness with the gag in her mouth, eyes wide open in alarm, and the straps to dehumanize her beautiful face.  He kissed her forehead.  ?We?ll talk later slave.  I?m busy now.?

?Mmmffff,? her muffled shrieked of anger slipped past the cock gag set deep in the back of her throat.  Furious, Jaslyn lurched about trying to free herself.

Now buckled up again, Jake leaned over and spoke loudly over the engine and airstream noises, ?That?s twenty-five for unruly behavior.  I would advise you control your anger and breathing so you don?t earn too much punishment or excite yourself to the point of vomiting.  With that gag, vomiting could be deadly.?

?What?? she screamed inwardly.  ?Slave!  Punishment!  What the fuck is he talking about??

Jake slipped a headset over Jaslyn?s head and adjusted the fit.

Locating the intercom switch, ? and double checking that he was nowhere near the radio transmit switch, Jake keyed the mic and spoke in a normal voice.  ?First, your mic is off, so shut the fuck up!  Secondly, yes, ? you?ve been abducted and you are already far from home and civilization.   Your old life no longer exists.  Lastly, ? you live only to serve me; as my slave, ? my slut, ? my whore, ? whatever I want, ? you will do nothing but strive to please me, your Master.?

?If you understand, nod.?

Jake sighed when Jaslyn shook her head in denial.  ?That?s twenty-five more,? he voiced into his mic.  ?Don?t be stupid, you cunt!  Nodding indicates you understand my comments, not that you agree with me.  One last time, ? nod if you understand.?

This time, Jaslyn nodded.

"Good!  I believe you are starting to get the picture. We will be landing soon so enjoy the scenery and welcome to your new home, ? Alaska.?

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Friends meet to explore thier kinky desires Part

Part 3 – The Hotel GardensYour panties sit on the table in front of us, in normal circumstances you would have grabbed them, to hide them from anyone seeing, but here and now and with what you now knew and what you had recognised as seeing after being given an explanation, the panties were left laid on the table between us. Your hesitation was not about not being aroused, or willingness to feel a collar fastened signifying your submissive role....these things aroused you greatly, but how far...

2 years ago
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Cats Away Mice Play

Cat’s Away, Mice PlayBy BLGIt all started the weekend my husband was out of town on a business trip. We lived in a small suburban town, with very friendly neighbors. My next door neighbors were a couple of professional business women Una and Brenda sharing a house. Next door to them was a couple, Stephanie and Rob, he was a truck driver so he was gone a lot and she was a housewife who did a lot of home sale parties. And next door to them was the last house on the block which was an old mansion...

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A Lack of Understanding

Dede and I were making out on her family's sofa. Nothing unusual about that. I always walked her home after school, and we'd spend at least half an hour making out before her sister, Karen, got home from her classes at the University. Karen at nineteen, was two years older than Dede and me. We'd been going together for almost six months. We'd had sex together five or six times, mostly this was limited by our not having a place where we had the time and the privacy to get ourselves aroused...

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MAU 5K Chapter 6

Chapter 6 I woke up feeling refreshed. I slipped on a sheer robe, and went out to the kitchen to make some coffee. I felt so good. It looked to be a cool, clear day today. I figured I should get dressed. I hated to take off my sheer babydoll. I felt so sexy in it. I loved the way the soft material felt on my skin. Well, there will be plenty of time to wear these sexy things. I went into the bedroom and now I had to decide what to wear today. I selected a pair of bikini underwear, a...

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Louisas Lessons

Louisa sat on her bed thinking over the events of the last two weeks. She was 18 and had just finished college, and was enjoying her last summer at home before moving away to University. In the last two weeks she had begun secretly dating one of her fathers friends and colleague. He was 35, not that much younger than her Dad, but he was good looking and in good shape. Her Dad knew she was seeing someone, but she had managed to keep Greg's identity from him, but she knew she would have to tell...

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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 8

Holmes awoke in the darkened room - what a dream his pipe had caused; maybe Hove was right, and the substance was too noxious? Holmes moved his right leg, it collided with something warm, soft and very undream -like. The body next to him stirred. "Dear lord, how did I? This is... What's the time?" Ruby's voice asked, in confused concern. "One moment," Holmes rolled over and retrieved his hunter from the bedside table, "Twenty past one." He answered. "What happened Mr Holmes? How...

1 year ago
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Pervy For Preggos

Ryan was in blind date hell. It had begun that afternoon, when his best mate, Malc had called him up at work. “Alright, Ry?” he had begun breezily. “Looking forward to tonight?” “A date with Sue’s mate, the 22 year old nymphomaniac ex-beauty queen? Yeah, I’m looking forward.” “Ah… yeah… about Lisa…” “She hasn’t backed out has she?” “No, mate, no. She’s really keen.” “So what’s the problem? She isn’t a bloke is she?” “Nope. I can pretty much guarantee that she’s not that.” “So, what?” “You...

4 years ago
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Haunted MansionChapter 1

"Why are we walking up here?" Brandon whined, as the six teens scampered up the steep stone steps that led up to the decrepit old mansion that lay on the edge of town. Brittany turned back to him, pivoting, like the cheerleader she was, on one foot. "Because of all the rumors that it's haunted, god, why else. Brad, talk to your brother." Spinning back around, Brandon thought he could see her panties as her pleated skirt swirled. She skipped a couple steps and caught up with her best...

1 year ago
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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 22

Mona came in and said: "10 tomorrow morning. You look tired." "I am." "Go home." "OK." I was waiting for the Dean a bit before 10 on Friday. "Thanks for the pep-talk yesterday." "You're welcome. Did the meeting proceed well?" "Better than I had hoped. Before I get the committees down in the dirt, though, I had a few questions." "Not unexpected." "Advertising?" "For the chair, say half a dozen academic places plus The Australian. Final text to be approved by this...

2 years ago
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A Night in the Hotel

The Hotel’s bar is virtually empty now. Sitting across from you with my knees between yours, and lightly touching my hand, you tell me to wait 10 minutes then come up to the room.In the room you begin to make preparations. On the side tables by the bed, you lay out your toys: vibrators, dildos, paddle, belt, singletail, and ointments. Not that you plan to use them all, but for interest and decoration. You light a dozen candles in the room, open a bottle of wine, shut the lights off, and turn...

4 years ago
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felix becomes felicity

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 1 “Gynecomastia is the abnormally large development of mammary glands in males, resulting in breast enlargement……… In teenage boys this does not have to be linked to obesity……… The word Gynecomastia  derives from the Greek for woman and breast”     I logged off from my regular searches on the internet and felt sick as usual. I am 16 and a normal schoolboy, except I have this condition of Gynecomastia, the “woman” and “breast” bit ringing in my ears! Basically...

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Amys family 1

"You let some strange man drive you home!" he shouted, "Amelia do you have any idea what could have happened to you?" Amy's body shook. Her father was well known for his temper both at home and at work. Her eyes moved to her mother who stood silent in the doorway. A fading bruise on her face. Her stare was blank as she regarded her husband and daughter. Amy turned her face toward her father, "Mr. Stevens is the Cheerleading coach. I know him, he is the Algebra teacher too." Tears fell...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 39 I Was Dropped On My Head

March 3d, 2019 Hello Everyone, Last Saturday, I was dropped head first on concrete. I was attending a meeting of one of the groups my wife and I do charity work with. The meeting was being held in one of the members shops. He had an inversion chair that he was letting people try. I have wanted to use one since the 1980’s. In I went, over I went and headfirst into the concrete I slammed. My shoes were not on tight enough and my momentum pulled me out of them. I thought I had broken my...

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 6

The wedding was extremely beautiful, I had to admit. The brides were gorgeous, though for many it was an adjustment to attend a wedding without a groom. Jessica and Jamie took their vows, pledging to love each other for life, but crucially omitting the old passage about "forsaking all others", of course. That part would have been a lie, since they were both part of my personal harem. It didn't bother me that two of my ladies were putting rings on each other's fingers and swearing to love...

3 years ago
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Handsome Goes to College Ch 03

Everyone depicted in a sex scene is 18 or older. ***** Chapter 3: Start Up Troubles I called the producer Hayley had put me on to, and found him receptive once he placed me as the infamous high school porno king. He also gave me the name of a lawyer he said he did not have on retainer, but would certainly use if his present legal advisors failed him. I was careful to explain I had nothing at the moment, but was just putting things in place. I assured him I had all the actors, scriptwriters...

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I want to get married Shall we begin with sex

Deep inside the lands of demons and monsters at its heart laid the demon kings castle. It was the very definition of what a typical demon kings castle would be. Made of black obsidian and surrounded by lava moat with many towers which had spikes all over them. In the inner portions of the castle within the throne room, a giant throne made of pure obsidian laced with rubies and strange red light held the demon king. "Haaaa~ ... ... ... ... I want to get married. When will my husband arrive! This...

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Operation Harem

OPERATION HAREM - SPECIAL OPERATIONS BY BELINDA On September 11th, 2001, the world changed for the United States. The impossible had happened, New York was essentially bombed. The first time the U.S. was worried was when the V2 project started to work on the New York Bomb. Fortunately, that work was destroyed in a Lancaster bombing raid. "Sir, Osama may still be alive, and we need to stop the network. The special units we have sent are doing their part. But, we need to get closer,"...

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"I would like to propose a toast," Dean Litton announced, "here's to everyone who made last year one of the best in the history of our company, without all of you, none of this would have been possible!!!" "Hear, hear," someone from the back of the room shouted, and another started singing the refrain from "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow!", which was followed by a standing ovation!!! "Thank you from the bottom of my heart," Dean replied a little sheepishly, "now, let's have some desert so we can...

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I own JoyceChapter 4 Orgy at Hampton Hotel contd

Chapter 1 Sharon Smythe was Joyce's ( Mark Evans mom )bff. 49 year old , today , she was riding Mark's giant cock while , he sucked on the Indian woman's big tits . Jane (Raj's mom )was no longer wearing a saree instead she was waiting to suck on Mark's giant knob . Her big brown nipples were at attention as Mark kept sucking on her brown tits , they were delicious . As Mark came in Sharon's pussy , Jane got down & began bobbing on Mark's giant dong , to make him stiff once again ....

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Beyond Bray Road

I thought it all started with a phone call, but, as usual, I was wrong.It took me a minute to get up to speed, because my buddy Bruce was talking fast and I had no idea what had fired him up."Is this what it comes down to, you keeping secrets from me?" he demanded. "Don't go off on another one of your tirades about hidden functions in phone apps! I told you the app would report back to Mark. If you would have written it for us, you would have known it sent us summaries. Mark says he's never...

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Sexy teacher and her student

From the moment I entered high school I saw her. Mrs. Jaymes. She was a vision. Unfortunately I would have to wait until junior and senior year to possibly have her as my English teacher. All of the guys at school would talk about how good she looked, and of course she knew it. Not that she flirted with any of us or teased us in anyway. She was actually very strict in her class when she wanted to be, but also knew how to make you laugh. I would go home almost every day after school and think...

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Wife Becomes A Muscular Cop

Samir and Anita had got married after a brief courtship. He was a 6-foot, 26-year-old, confident young man, with a gym-honed body and a smiling visage. His wife was an equally tall, stunning, 23-year old, athletic type who loved swimming and riding a Harley in a leather outfit. Their honeymoon week at the Ananda spa in the Himalayas was one of unbridled passion and lust. She loved to tease him and showed signs that she would be the dominant partner in their lovemaking. When she came out of the...

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My preuni days and dabbling with sex

'To much of anything, is not good for you'.Mr Sweeney owned the sweet shop, way across from the entrance of my finishing school, 'Queens Gate', an exclusive all Girls finishing school.We knew boys and men were keen on snaring one of us for sex, as rumours abounded about our insatiable lusting and d**g abuse, non of which were true, just 'Red Top', chitter-chatter to sell papers, with page three exposing three sixteen year old girls topless, who just happened to be a year ahead of me. The...

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It Just HappenedChapter 9 Jennifer

Ed and Jen came in and found us embracing, Millie commiserating with me because of the predicament I had just described to her, broke and being forced into kowtowing to a rich girl in order to hold on to my job. I pulled my head away from Millie, hoping to alert her that we had company. She misunderstood and thinking that my intention was to kiss her, she closed her eyes and pushed her lips into mine. "Ahem!" Jen said rudely interrupting what was becoming a very tender moment between her...

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That day in clinic

I don’t know why I forgot to wear men’s briefs that day, perhaps I was just so used to the comfortable feel of silk panties I didn’t even think about it when I got dressed. Maybe I had an u*********s desire to be caught; literally to have my little secret uncovered. So here I was at the walk-in clinic, with no desire to go home and change, just on the off chance I might be caught wearing women’s underwear. Surely, if I had to disrobe they would give me one of those gowns to wear.It was the end...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 18

A gloomy pall hung over the inside of what had once been a video arcade. Black candles, many burned down to little more than stubs, guttered out a smoky glow. The plate glass windows at the front of the main room were so covered with graffiti that little light passed through them at all. The smell of cloyingly sweet incense hung heavy in the air. Lolling about on putrid bits of mismatched furniture were dozens of dark shapes that on occasion moved, but for the most part lay still as death....

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My sister Blair had always been pretty little girl, but lately, I noticed I was becomming more and more attracted to her. She had a pretty face with long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, as well as a perfectly tight little ass to go along with it. Just recently though she had started to develop a pair of nicel firm tits, which were driving me crazy. I found myself constantly jacking off think about her, almost every day, and was getting more restless each time. I wanted to fuck her so bad,...

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BadTeensPunished Audrey Royal Jessica Rex Insert This

Jessica Rex slides her panties aside to masturbate in her bedroom. Rubbing her clit, she bucks her hips and grabs her tits as orgasmic bliss courses through her body. Attracted by the noise, Audrey Royal comes into the room to see what her stepsister is doing. Audrey tries to tell Jessica to cut it out and keep it down, but Jessica has other ideas. Grabbing her stepsister’s hand, Jessica pulls Audrey down onto the bed and convinces her that they should masturbate together. The girls lay...

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My First Sexual Experience

My name is Zoe and I lost my virginity on my sixteenth birthday. Today was one of my favourite days in the whole year, and this year I was having a party to celebrate. I was quite reluctant to have a party at first because I’m not really one of the most social people in the world, however my friends soon convinced me. I was not an unpopular kid at school but at the same time I was also not one of the populars, so I also worried about what the turn out at my party would be. I had straight...

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Probably Both

"Which bedroom do I use?" That was the question that I had originally intended to use as the title for this story. But this new title is not the answer to the above question. Here's why. My cock had been at half mast for hours as I had debated with myself how she would react to the words that I had been trying to properly phrase for most of those hours. Should I use subtle seduction or should I just plain hit on her, you know, 'I'd like to fuck you? Would her eyes pop open or would they...

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ugly duckling part IV

Within a week of seeing Barbara unexpectedly at that distant town, I received a letter in the mail, postmarked from a rural town about 30 miles from where I had seen her. I could not believe it! But I guess it made sense, my name and where I was from was probably printed on the fight program, probably in the local paper as well, it would not be too hard to track me down from there. The letter was four and a half pages long, too much for me to recount entirely. She described how thrilled...

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Travel Agency Scouts

=== Travel Agency: Scouts === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial website or mailing list. The Travel Agency setting is used with Morpheus' permission; thanks to Morpheus for beta-reading the first draft. "Travel Agency: Scouts" first appeared on the morpheuscabinet mailing list in January 2013; a slightly different version appeared on...

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The Bonobabes

The hundred years between 2011 and 2111 saw many changes to society, but perhaps the most astonishing is the ubiquity of genetically-engineered bonobo concubines, known colloquially as "bonobabes". It all began in the late 2030s, when Gynecorp, a Brazillian/American biotech company, developed the technology to augment ape intelligence to human-like levels, and began looking about for ways to profit from the technology. Due to the expense of the process, it was decided to focus on producing ape...

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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 4

“Oh, damn it, Uncle Jesse ... so fucking good!” DJ Tanner screamed as Jesse Katsopolis pounded her slick pussy from behind in the shower. “Well, someone must have slipped me some Viagra or something like that, because my sex drive is even more revved than usual. I’m a horndog as it is, so you can guess how that goes. I’m also a cuckold, just not the extreme kind, Deej. Becky helped me realize this earlier today, but it’s really true,” Jesse told the plump, cuddly widow as he rammed her...

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Chronicles of Amy Episode 1 The Beginning

Amy is a part time transvestite who enjoys to dress very sexy and go out and have some fun. So a few years ago, on a Thursday evening, she was sitting in her favourite cafe, looking at the poeple passing by, flirting with some attractive males, who were charmed by her appearance. She was wearing black fishnet stockings, 4 inch black leather high heels, a miniskirt that was barely covering her perfect ass and a white, very tight top. The cafe was quite full and so basically the only free seat...

4 years ago
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Marine GamesChapter 5 The Olympic Trials

Once we had qualified for the trials the extensive training began. The Trials were being held in April and May of this year. Both Bob and I received received large amounts of paperwork. There was information regarding where and when the trials were to be held. Information regarding available room and board that they supplied, as well as available hotels, if desired. Since both Bob and I had low enough qualifying times they were going to arrange our expenses. There was information on meetings...

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Teasing Tormenting Teens

I honked the horn to hurry her up. That girl really does take too long to pamper herself. As if no boys at the mall will look at her if she's not perfect. Every hair in its place, make-up well applied, skirt showing all leg...mmmm those legs.... SNAP OUT OF IT! I cant let this happen again. Its not right. She's my daughter and I'm her mother. Enough with the longing looks already before she freaks out! DeeDee, my daughter, finally comes sprinting out of the house. A vision of pure teenage...

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BurningAngel Holly Hendrix A Very Adult Wednesday Addams Holly Hendrix

Holly Hendrix takes the role of our favorite OG creepy emo goth girl Wednesday Addams. Small Hands comes to kill his girl, but then ends up having a change of heart, confessing his true feelings for his dear when he finds her apparently dead with a cord around her neck! But she was only napping, being stirred awake by talk of pummeling her asshole and murder. He touched her cold dark soul in a way that no one ever has before – and she wanted his cock for her own, to be inside of her,...


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