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Ah, but how the body tires with age, and the beauty and virility we took for granted in our youth become our most sought after goals, ever more distant, like a ship drifting away on the horizon.

How would I fare today should a similar adventure befall me?

As I look down the broad, leaf filled bridleway, deep in the heart of the forest, in the very same spot where those two ladies, the vixen and her slave, had briefly taken over my existence twenty years before, I have to wonder.

Would they even stop for me now, feeling me suitable for their game, man enough for their passion? At twenty five I had lived up to their challenge and played my part with conviction. Should it happen again right now, the mind would be willing, but the body? Maybe not.

I smiled; as if anything like that would ever happen again. That was a once in a lifetime experience. That was a meeting of minds, bodies, fluids and depravity that any man would look back on and wonder, had he really been so lucky, or had he been in a haze and dreamt it all?


It was early September, still warm for the time of year, and the early afternoon sun was flooding through the canopy of trees.

I was on my usual Sunday afternoon walk from a friends, to the country cottage were I lodged, on the other side of the forest. As it was mild, I had removed my jacket and carried it, casually slung over my shoulder as I waked, following the trail of horses hooves in the boggy peat. My white cotton shirt was loose at the neck and I wore skinny black jeans.

Before me, in the leaves at the side of the path, I saw a riding crop made of black leather with a silver top. Clearly it has been dropped by a careless rider. I scooped it up, and tapped it against my palm testing its sting. I intended to drop it off at the riding school I would pass on my way home. I flicked it against my thigh as I walked, and smiled, quite content with the world.

And then behind me the roar of an engine became clear, getting closer, following me up the bridleway. This was unusual as the path was not designed for vehicles or often used by them. I turned to see who was approaching.

An expensive metallic red Range Rover was heading toward me at quite a speed, bouncing along the uneven track.

As it drew close I could see an attractive woman with scraped back blonde hair, and with dark shades, scowling a little as she drew close. She slowed down, and her nearside window lowered as she drew alongside me. Her scowl changed to a smile as she leant over and looked me up and down. Her gaze settled on my riding crop.

“Hmmm…Lord of the Manor, are we?” she teased.

I gulped, a little in awe of her beauty, and I pointed ahead further up the track.

“I…um…think you will need to turn back Miss,” I advised, “This track comes to a dead end for vehicles.”

The woman smiled again. “You are sweet,” she purred, and she beckoned me into the car. “Come boy, jump in, and bring your riding whip too. I have some business to sort out, and you will be my perfect helper.” The door sprung open and I jumped into the passenger seat, my heart racing, powerless to resist her commanding tone.

The woman raised her sunglasses and looked at me through captivating blue eyes. “How old are you?” she questioned.

Fuck. This woman really knew how to take charge; no “hello”, or anything.

“I’m 25 Miss.”

“Anita. I’m called Anita. And this…”

The woman pointed to the back seat, and I became aware of another, younger woman sitting there, looking at me.

“This slut is called Samantha, though she should be called Piggy, because that’s all she is now, a horny little fuck pig. She’s 17, and about to get the fucking of her life.”

The girl lowered her head, biting her lower lip and looked up through wide dark eyes.

My cock was swelling and stiffening in my pants. Something arousing was occurring here.

The younger woman was captivating. She was naked but for a leather dog collar padlocked around her throat. Her long, straw blonde hair had a slight wave, and was loose around her slim shoulders. Her body was amazing.

She had slim arms and long legs, pale skin, and big heavy tits, thrust upward invitingly. She had gorgeous puppy fat, but all the lovely firmness of youth.

Her areola were pink, and her nipples were like two berries; they looked long and hard enough to cut through glass. Her belly was tight and her waist nipped. Her hips were wide and her thighs looked strong and muscular; she was the perfect hourglass.

She was licking her lips as she looked at me seductively, looking aroused and horny, for every inch as if she were desperate, longing for the “fucking of her life.”

Anita had pulled the 4x4 away, and was turning the vehicle into the undergrowth of the forest, off the beaten track. I looked to her. She was grinning wickedly beneath her shades.

Anita looked older that Samantha, but wonderful and sexy for her age. I guessed she may have been 35 or 40; what would now rudely be called MILF, although the term had not been coined back then. She obviously worked out as she had a strong physique, and she was dressed in tight grey sweat pants and sweat top which she had unzipped to show off a plunging cleavage. Her breasts looked augmented and firm. Her body was lean and muscular and her skin, veined in places, had a creamy copper spray tan. Anita looked expensive; every inch the rich older dominant who I guessed was very used to having things done her way.

The Range Rover crashed through the thick undergrowth until we came out in a clearing.

“Perfect,” Anita smiled as she pulled on the handbrake and shut off the engine. “Jump out.”

I stood at the side of the 4x4 as Anita slammed her door and paced around to my side of the car. She swung open the rear door and climbed up onto the seats on her knees. Then she roughly dragged out the naked young blonde gripping her by her long hair. The girl tumbled out onto her knees in the mud and the leaves, looking up at us, her dark eyes wide and desperate.

“Spread your legs slut. Ass up high,” Anita hissed, as she pushed the girls face down low and released her grip in her hair.

“Yes Mistress,” the girl whimpered, her voice thick with desire.

Anita went to the boot of the car and flung the tailgate open. She returned with a heavy looking leather holdall, and a spreader bar, with black leather restraints at each end. She threw the items down beside the blonde girl, who remained still, breathing hard, watching.

Anita stepped to me and took the crop. She had raised her sunglasses up into her hair. Her eyes were sparkling, full of urgency and lust. She was excited, desperate to disgrace Samantha in ways that would thrill us. She had clearly planned the scene carefully. Whether I was a lucky addition, or adding a stranger to watch and perhaps participate had been part of her plan, I could not tell. But I was thrilled to be involved. So thrilled my cock was an iron shaft in my pants, tenting the front of my trousers ridiculously.

Anita pointed to my stiffness with the riding crop.

“Best get those trousers off now, boy,” she commanded. “Boxers too so we can see the size of your cock. It better be fucking huge. And undo your shirt buttons fully, but keep your shirt on. I don’t want you catching a chill.” Anita grinned. “I bet you have quite some body under there.”

As I started to undo my fly, Anita stepped over to Samantha, raised the crop high, and brought it down, a stinging blow across the blonde girl’s proffered backside. “Ouch,” Samantha squeaked. She reached back to brush the cheeks of her arse with her palms as a red welt grew immediately on her pale skin.

“Let’s tell this nice young man why you’re here shall we fuck pig?”

Samantha clutched at her stinging buttocks and nodded, with the side of her face against the ground. “Yes Mistress.”

Anita tapped Samantha’s fingers away from her buttocks with the tip of the crop, and lashed the girl’s cheeks again. Samantha’s body tightened, and I winced, feeling her pain.

But she was evidently aroused by her situation. As she rocked her weight back and forth and spread her legs, I could see the plump folds of her pussy lips glistening with the juice of her arousal. The crop whistled through the air as it came crashing down again. Samantha moaned hard and whimpered with pleasure.

“Tell the nice young man who you are bitch,” Anita commanded.

“Yes Mistress. I am your best friend’s daughter.”

“Yes you fucking are,” Anita said, cropping the girl again, hard.

I was casting my trousers aside and pulling down my boxers, letting my jutting cock spring free. I unbuttoned my shirt as Anita had asked.

Anita whistled, looking at me.

“My, my, you are a good choice. Look Samantha. Look at the lovely boy who's going to fuck you.”

Anita cropped Samantha again.

The blondes arse cheeks were becoming a mass of red welts.

“And what simple task do I pay you to do girl?” Anita questioned.

“To clean your house Mistress,” Samantha offered.

“And yet, when I came home this afternoon, how did I find you bitch?”

My cock was pulsing hard. I was struggling not to grasp my thick shaft and start to masturbate over the wicked scene before me.

“I was on your kitchen table Mistress.”

Anita cropped the girl again. She hissed with delight.

“And…I was fingering myself, making myself cum, thinking of you. I couldn’t help it Mistress. I’m sorry. You make me so horny and slutty.”

Anita knelt beside the girl and grasped her by the hair, tugging the girls head back.

“So now Samantha, tell the young man how our relationship has changed.”

Samantha nodded, “Yes Mistress. Now you own me. I am your whore and slave. My body is your possession; a toy for your use and delight. I wear a collar to show I am yours.”

Anita pulled the pleading girl over to the trunk of a nearby tree.

“Well girl. Now you will get a taste of just how your Mistress likes to play.”

The dominant blonde pointed to the base of the tree. “Get on your back slut. Then slide your arse cheeks up the tree so you are on your shoulders, your legs splayed in front of you, and your cunt and arse are presented to us.”

Samantha struggled into the position. She looked gorgeously ruffled with her long blonde hair spread around her shoulders in the leaves and mud of the forest floor. Her back was up against the tree. Her long legs were spread and her puffy pussy lips gaping, wet and inviting. Her plump arse cheeks were a mass of burning red stripes.

My cock pulsed, jutting from between my shirt tails, pre cum now dripping from the swollen head. God how I wanted to slide my length between those pussy lips, and feel the hot wet grip of her cunt around me.

But it seemed Anita had other ideas. She had thrown the heavy holdall at Samantha’s side and unzipped it. Now she took up the spreader bar and approached Samantha again. Anita was flushed, breathing hard, clearly aroused and excited by what she had planned for her young plaything.

“Put your hands on your hips bitch, and stick those legs out straight.”

Samantha straightened her legs immediately, propping herself up with her hands beneath her hips, her gorgeous heavy tits bouncing each side of her chin. Once Anita had fixed her with her legs divided by the spreader bar, the leather restraints fastened around her ankles to keep her exposed and her shaved plump pussy on display, the girl looked so obscene it was almost untrue.

“Oh God,” I groaned as I started to stroke at my aching cock.

Sweat was sticking loose strands of Anita’s hair to her forehead and high cheek bones as she knelt, and searched in the bag. She drew out a metal contraption which looked like scissors but with two blunt flanges at the end which formed a ring about an inch deep. The ring opened as Anita squeezed the handles of the contraption. I recognised it from the medical documentaries I avidly watched, uh hmmm, ok, from porn, as a speculum.

Anita made her way to Samantha and spanked her unturned arse cheeks with her free hand. Samantha moaned loudly. “Oh fuck Mistress. What are you doing? Fuck me, please fuck me. I’m so horny.”

“Don’t question me slut,” Anita snapped, as she put her fingertips to Samantha’s tight arsehole and kneaded the pucker firmly until two of her red fingernails disappeared within. “You’ll get what you’re given.”

Samantha wriggled as Anita put the ring of the speculum to her pulsing anus and applied pressure to the flanges until they sunk within her bottom.

Anita signalled to me. “Come here boy, quickly.”

I hurried over. Anita gripped my arm and positioned me with my feet either side of Samantha’s face so that she was staring up between my legs, and I looked down to her arse, impaled on the flanges of the speculum.

God, it looked so fucking sexy as Anita took the handles of the instrument, leaned down, and firmly forced them open.

“Oh fuck, oh my fucking God,” Samantha cried out beneath us as the tight ring of her anus unfurled like a flower and became a gaping hole. The speculum locked her arse open to be plundered and used.

“Jesus,” I hissed as I grasped my stiff cock and began to beat it in my palm over the cavern Anita had made of Samantha’s rear orifice. Looking down I could see the beautiful pink walls of her rectum pulsing within, gaping.

“Yes,” Anita laughed, pleased at her scene. “Beat that cock hard boy.”

She pushed two entwined fingers deep into Samantha’s cavern, and the girl beneath her shuddered, overtaken with delight.

I gritted my teeth as I slid my tightly gripped fist up and down, up and down, until my fist was a blur, and the pre cum frothed at the eye of my cock.

“Oh God Miss,” I yelped. “I’m going to cum.”

Anita laughed. “Yes boy. Cum hard. And squirt it all into the Piggy’s arsehole. Don’t miss a fucking drop. I want all your hot cum inside her.”

“Oh fuck, yes Miss,” I hissed. “Oh God.”

It was way too much. I felt the surge within; the pulse that was driving my hot cum from my swollen ball sack, up my shaft and, “fuck!”

I shoved my cock down, stuffing the head into Samantha’s spread hole, and into the heat of her bowels. I pumped spurt after spurt of thick, sticky cum into her most private place.

When I pulled back, gasping for breath, I could see a pool of my white fluid, churning in Samantha’s arse. She was gasping beneath me, eyes closed, cupping her tits and tugging her erect nipples between her fingers and thumbs. Her long legs were spread wide by the spreader and pushed down until her feet almost touched her shoulders.

I was speechless, suddenly aware of our surroundings, and I looked around.

Anita snorted with laughter. “That would shock any walkers, wouldn’t it boy? Seeing you filling the girl piggy’s arse with cum. Well. I’m going to need you hard again soon. Squat right down over piggy’s face.

“And you slut,” Anita pointed down at Samantha who now looked up at her through wide eyes, “you lick the boys arsehole, understood?”

Samantha nodded and licked her lips greedily. “Yes Mistress.”

“You lick him deep, with your tongue right inside his arse. Lick him until he is fully hard again.”

It felt so dirty, but I was going to do what I was told. I squatted down and spread my thighs over Samantha’s beautiful face.

I had never had a woman lick my arse before, and I shook with pleasure as I felt Samantha’s eager tongue slide into my orifice as she spread my arse cheeks with her fingernails. I had not expected the sensation to be so strange and overwhelming. I guess it is alien for a man to let himself feel so vulnerable. But my God, these women were so wicked. I was nothing but a slave to their pleasure.

My cock began to twitch, and thicken again almost immediately, as Samantha’s tongue snaked inside me, turning, tasting, teasing me.

Anita had returned to the holdall and she rummaged inside.

“And since you love my fucking kitchen so much bitch,” she called out, presumably to Samantha, “I brought some items from it to use on your slutty hole.”

Anita drew out of the bag what appeared to be a large bottle of oil and a fresh cucumber.

My head was under the spreader bar, Samantha’s thighs resting on my shoulders.

Anita unscrewed the lid on the large bottle of liquid and began to pour it from some height into Samantha’s gaping arse, spread before me.

“There we go slut,” Anita cooed. “The finest Spanish olive oil, up the finest British arse.”

She must have poured half the bottle into her, so that when she took the cucumber and shoved it firmly into Samantha’s orifice like a plunger, a cocktail of cum and thick oil gushed out over the girls cunt, between her thighs and down over her belly and tits, and into her hair.

Samantha groaned loudly as her tongue continued to flick in and out of my pucker, and her fingernails raked my arse cheeks. My cock had gradually stiffened with arousal, and I cried out as I felt Samantha slide one long finger deep into my rectum alongside her tongue. Anita pulled my head back by my hair, and she laughed with delight when she saw how erect I had become.

Anita let the cucumber fall to the floor and quickly unfastened Samantha’s tethered ankles. She shoved me, and then dragged the dishevelled young girl onto her back from under me.

Taking Samantha by the hair again, Anita rolled the girl from side to side on the forest floor so that the sticky mess on her body gradually mixed with the leaves and earth as Samantha scrabbled back and forth in the grip of her Mistress.

“There we go,” Anita laughed as she signalled for me to kneel before Samantha. “All little fuck pigs love to roll in mud, don’t they?”

Anita reached across and smeared Samantha’s face with the mixture of oil, cum, and saliva from the girls open mouth and tongue.

What a sight Samantha was as she propped herself up on her elbows with her long legs spread wide as I crawled before her.

She was breathing hard. Her voluptuous body streaked with oil, cum, leaves and earth. Her arse was a mass of livid red wets. Her makeup was smeared over here face, and her hair was a tangled mess of goo, mud and leaves.

“Now,” Anita demanded of her slave, “Tell us, you dirty, dirty whore, what you want this boy to do.”

Samantha was so desperate she had slid one hand between her obscenely spread legs, divided her cunt lips and was madly frigging her clit with her fingertips.

“Oh Christ,” she screamed out, “Fuck me. Stick it in me. Fuck me hard,” she snarled. “I’m a dirty fucking bitch. Fuck me like a dirty bitch!” As she finished speaking, she came, and squirted girl juice all over her hand.

I am not sure I have ever felt so wicked as I slid up over the girl and shoved my hard cock into her dripping pussy. Anita leaned in and kissed her, sucking her tongue between her own spread lips, and I kissed her neck, her shoulders and her tits as I pounded her hard. My arse was slamming, rising and falling beneath my shirt tails as I fucked for all I was worth. God, I fucked her hard.


As I said, it’s just a memory now.

Sometimes memories lie so close you can touch them. I stare down the empty path, and I can see us there as I roll from the girl, entirely spent.

They laugh as they collect their things and scamper back to the car.

They leave me naked, my cock oozing cum, in a cloud of diesel and earth, wondering just how lucky one guy can be.

As I said,

It’s just a memory now.


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What the fuck had that been about? Every other time we’d run into pirates, they had wanted to talk first. They weren’t bloodthirsty maniacs just out looking for people to kill. They were trying to get rich by capturing ships, slaves, and loot. They wanted us to surrender so that they wouldn’t take any casualties. If we surrendered instead of fighting, they got our ships and all of us as slaves. Talking us into surrendering was much better than fighting and maybe getting killed. These people...

1 year ago
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Miss Porters Ass

Ding-aling-aling-aling!"Ok class, you're free to go. But please remember to bring your two thousand word essay on the American political system to me by next thursday at the latest." Miss Porter was my history teacher and, although I was glad the school day was finally over, I was devastated to have stop staring at her amazing assets. Her long blonde hair ran over her shoulders and sat softly on her handfull-sized breasts, which her low cut blouse showed were obviously eager to escape from the...

1 year ago
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Seaside Frenzy dedicated to Roz

The sun is warm on our bodies, although the full heat of day had long gone from it. Side by side on our towels, still damp from the sea, we lie in a depression in the dunes, waiting for the sun to warm and dry our naked bodies. Propping myself up on one elbow I look down at you, wondering at the smooth flow of your curves, seeing the tiny droplets of water clinging to the golden, near-invisible down on your body. A light gust of breeze whispers through the marram grass surrounding our hollow,...

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Larkin Love 600 135000

There aren't many universal truths out there. Creation is a finicky beast that often avoids definition the harder you attempt to apply it. However, not all things in life are mysterious and subject to chaos. Some things just are. Things like big-tiddy goth girlfriends being fucking awesome.Big-Tiddy Goth GirlfriendNo matter what style of dress or life you subscribe to, everyone wants a big-tiddy goth girlfriend. There is just so much to love. First, and most obviously, are the big tits. You can...

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Tim and Jane Naked in SchoolChapter 2 Tuesday Morning

Precisely at 7:30 am, Tim was at my door to pick me up; Tom hadn't left for work yet, so he invited Tim in for a cup of coffee while I finished getting dressed, as it were. "Tim", Tom asked him, "Jane tells me that you went through something similar to what she and the rest of the girls went through, is that right?" Tim told him yes, but not in the "trading" sense; his was strictly beating by his father and servicing his mother. "If you ever need to talk to someone, just let me...

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Mayors Daughter

He tells the officer “And that’s how it happened. Trust me, its true sir.” The policeman looked at him, thinking about everything he’s been told. The way the driver described it was quite graphic he thought. Here you are, driving up the road, when all of a sudden you see this curvy, slender blond haired woman jogging and as you pass her you see her smiling at you. As you look at her you instantly pay attention to her figure and those tits of hers. Why wouldn’t you? She’s looking right at you...

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Three J

I came back home from the office after a long day. There was this new guy at work just starting up. He was so tall and handsome. I couldn't get him out of my mind. My wife had dinner ready for me and starting talking about her day while I sat down. I listened but my mind was still wandering to this cute guy. I never talked to my wife about my same sex attractions and would die if she found out. Besides she was the perfect wife so sweet and understanding. Not to mentioned the most beautiful...

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Lucky Me

When I was 5 years old my sister would dress me as a girl and we would play together all day. My sister was 5 years older than me and she would always have her friends over, I really liked dressing up with her and her friends. Then one day our mother came home and my sister had me all dolled up with makeup and a real pretty dress. My mom told her that she was going too far, that just playing dressup was one thing, but if our dad saw me dressed like this he would be pissed! So we...

1 year ago
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The Relic

The Relic by Elrod W Hot, sweaty, exhausted. That and more. Mark silently cursed the jungle heat and humidity for the umpteenth time. Today was the last scheduled day of their dig, and Professor Manning was being a tyrant about getting every last bit of possible work done. Once the rainy season started, it would be impossible to get any work done as the jungle undergrowth turned to muck and slime. And the warning signs of a weather change were evident. So the archeaology...

4 years ago
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Mujhe Meri Girlfriend Ne Mere Birthday Pe Khush Kiya

Hi friend’s mai ISS ki stories 2 saal se padh raha hu aur aaj mai apni ek real story aap logo ke sath share krna chahta hu and I hope aap logo ko pasand aaegi. Mera naam Rohit hai mai 19 years ka hu aur meri girlfriend ka naam Shama hai jo ek jalti hui aag hai bht hot aur sexy hai uski age 18 years hai abhi humne uska 18th birthday manaya hai. Ye baat aaj se 3 mahine phle ki hai jb hum meri sexy girlfrnd ke sath mera birthday mana rahe the meri aur. Shama ki friendship 1 saal se thi hum daily...

2 years ago
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The Summit Part II

I barely remember the fifty minutes of traffic as I drive back to my house from dropping Sue off at Robert's condo. My brain keeps replaying that unforgettable mountain top sex Sue, and I shared and those last words she said when I dropped her off, "... it will be a dinner for two." I'm a few minutes from home when my phone buzzes with a text message from Sue, which I key my car to read aloud to me.Hi, I'm going to my sister's, Kelly. Everything's okay. Don't respond until you get home. Then...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Getting your own back

Getting your own back. 18 year old boy gets a misterious power and turn the tables on his 3 bullies Dylan was running as hard as he could, his chasers had been after him for 5 minutes. He rounded the corner to find a dead end, coming to a halt he turned to see the 3 lads who had been chasing him, they had been bullying him for years, at 18 he was hoping it would stop but hadn't yet. He cowered down perpering to get the useral beating, they would give him. This time something was...

3 years ago
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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 8

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 8 - The Big Day A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. The spring semester has started, and it's now time for Tommi to fulfill the contract. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The buzz of the alarm clock sounded excessively loud that morning. Tommi...

1 year ago
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Carols First Threesome

Carol’s First Threesome   My wife Carol and I had been discussing the possibilities of a threesome but would always wonder who we could get much less trust. One night while making love I suggested my best friend of many years Greg. Knowing that there was some sort of physical attraction between them and knowing I fully trusted him I thought he would be a natural. From the way my wife reacted when I mentioned it and the way she exploded, I knew he would be the one.   Not long after moving...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 62 Conundrums

April 26, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I saw in the paper that the Penguins finished off the Capitals last night,” Dave said. “They did! I’m not sure who they’ll face just yet, since the Bruins and Canadiens are still playing their series, and it’s close. In the West, it looks like the North Stars are going to beat the Blues and the Oilers are going to beat the Kings. Now, on to business - how many people signed up for interviews?” “An even dozen,” he said. “And I heard from Penny that Doctors...

3 years ago
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How I made This Horny Girl A Slut

Hi all, am new to ISS i generally read/write stories in other sites. ok here is my first story and this happened real and hope you all enjoy reading this. This story happened in Chennai 3 years ago. I was moving around with a girl whose name is Priti(name changed). She is 5’7 with a lean structure, nice but little bit over sized boobs for her 58 kgs weight and a good ass which is firm and smooth. I was not serious about this girl and neither she was however, she is real horny so I use to often...

3 years ago
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My Softball Coach Ch 02

We both knew that Ryan would not be mad at us for being together… just that he’d be very surprised since Kasey hadn’t talked to him about it before. Ryan grabbed his clothes and hustled across the hallway to the bathroom and got dressed. We heard Ryan yell out from downstairs. ‘Erin, Kasey, you both here!?’ I quickly slid on a pair of shorts and a tank top, well, at least as quickly as I could, considering the hindrance of a cast on my ankle. ‘I’m changing my clothes Ry, hold on, I’ll be down...

4 years ago
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My Hot Moms Big Asss Seduced Me

Hi, I am rony 18 years old. This is actually an incident that happened with my one of my friend. He is also of same age he has a sister mother and father in his family. He had sex with this own mother. She is 38 years old with stats 36 32 38.She has a big juicy ass and boobs.Anyone can have a hard-on on looking her assets when she walks. I will tell the story from his side. I I am 18 years and a simple boy as you are but my view towards my mom changed.One day I was watching tv and my mom came...

2 years ago
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My Slave 8211 Part III

This story are going to be my forth part of that story my slave my slave 1,2 you read now this was fourth first on I cant count pls check it out and send me feed back to Rony thanks Some of it landed on her lips. Instinctively she lick it and opened her mouth; more cum landed on her hair and dripped slowly down her face into her waiting mouth. She could not help smiling as she looked up at this guest through the glass. With a slight regret, she felt a jerk on her lead. She crawled away from the...

1 year ago
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Coming HomeChapter 4 The Third Little Rub

Another few tortured weeks dragged by until one Saturday night she stayed an extra long tIme in the shower again. I excitedly remembered that each time she'd done that before there'd been a backrub request. So, naturally I was in the kitchen, wearing only the short shorts. Thinking about what might possibly happen in a few minutes had lubricant running out of me and there was a wet spot on my shorts right there at the table. Then the bathroom door opened and she emerged wrapped in her...

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9 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 9 Cindys Deflowering

——————— Part 9: Cindy’s Deflowering ——————— I carried Cindy over and set her down on the couch, lifted her legs, and pulled her butt to the edge of the cushion. I felt a tugging on the back of my underwear, and turned around to see Stacy pulling them off of me. She worked them down over my ass and when she finally pulled them down over my erection, my cock sprang up throwing a line of precum onto the cushion just below Cindy’s ass. I think there is going to be a lot more mess on this couch...

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Costume Drama Part 2

The two girls took hold of Jack, one at each wrist, and led him to the door of the bathroom. When they had taken him inside the second girl slipped back and he heard the key turn in the door behind him. It was a huge room with a black and white marble floor and a Victorian bathtub in the centre slightly raised on a pedestal. The walls were cream coloured and yellow lighting gave the room an atmosphere of gothic menace. Jack watched the second girl walk past him as she tucked the key down...

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Lost EmpireChapter 9

Laughing Derrick read all the reports that came in, the commander of the ship that had fired on them screaming that they were an ancient evil that needed to be destroyed. Leave it to be said that the man, was placed in a restrictive jacket and holding cell. After Shelby detected the change in scan designed to specifically to detect them, Derrick became very interested in the man responsible for it. "Shelby," Derrick started, "can you link with the Ranger computer, obtain onboard video...

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EvilAngel Jennifer White SpitSoaked BJ And Fuck

Raven-haired, big-eyed babe Jennifer White caresses her thick body and shows off her bodacious booty. She wraps both hands around porn pro Mick Blue’s big cock and gives him a spit-soaked blowjob. Uninhibited Jennifer slobbers on his balls and kisses his asshole in a delicious rim job. Mick fucks her from behind, rubbing her clit as she moans in heat. Jennifer slurps his fat boner, tasting her pussy juice on his shaft. She bounces to a euphoric orgasm on his thick rod. Her big butt shakes...

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HotwifeXXX Blake Blossom New Hotwife Blake Begins To Blossom

Beautiful and bubbly blonde wife Blake is new to the hotwife scene and was extremely excited and wet to know Latin lover Ramon was gonna be the first new big cock to fuck with her soft hot tight married pussy! Ramon of course enjoys her perfectly big natural tits before licking up her sweet pussy juices and slips his hard cock right inside her dripping pussy, getting right to work pounding her juicy ass. Now as a teacher Ramon has Blake learn to deep throat his throbbing cock and rewards her...

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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch6

I was eagerly awaiting today’s delivery of clothes, it would give me some more confidence to go down to the shops, I had a list of fruits and vegetables to buy as a result of the previous night’s discovery, and a juicer to purchase to make smoothies with them all. I walked into the shower and carried out my now perfectly practiced routine. And as much as I liked the fragrant body washes and shampoo, I couldn’t help but spray a mist of perfume to top it off. No sooner had I finished eating...

3 years ago
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A Sexy Doppelganger Helpmeet for Everyone

Earth! Finally, earth again! It had been visible on screens for many days, but Jason could see it with the naked eye now, looking through the one tiny actual window on their spacecraft, in the very center of one end of the cylinder they lived in. Earth, that lovely place with blue oceans, white clouds, and open space. So much space. He and Alison and Tom and Melissa had left earth in 2060 and been gone two years ... Two years in space. Their living quarters were a rather small tin can. It...

2 years ago
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The Edge

I hate you!" I screamed at him. "Well I hate you right back"! He yelled. I threw the vase that held the dozen roses he bought me earlier at him and it shattered against the wall. Water, glass, and roses covered the floor around him. I don't know why but at this moment he made me beyond sick. I wanted him out and I didn't care that it was 2 am or that it was pouring outside! I don't even remember what we were fighting about but it was serious at that moment and our argument was pretty bad. I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Revenge is Sweet Chapter One Capturing the Ghost

“Stop right there!” The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...

4 years ago
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Silky Selkie

Silky Selkie By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 "They're back again," Lynette said, as she opened the doors. She pointed through the entrance of the lingerie shop, Silky Selkie, into the mall. Three boys stood nearly, leaning against the back of a long, wooden bench. The boys had been coming by the store for several days. They leered at the women customers and made rude remarks. One of the three, a short boy with spiky blond hair, saw Lynette pointing. He jabbed the taller, husky boy, who...

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moms sissy

You know those words that just have so much impact on you they just shut you up and keep you thinking for the rest of the day? There have been other instances in my life that have done this to me, all of them done by my mother. The first time when I was a c***d she asked me if I had tried on her pantyhose in the bathroom. This was true because after I had my fun with them I placed them in the hamper. That was one of the very first times I had ever worn female clothing. Naturally being a little...

1 year ago
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The Passion Of Two Friends Chapter 4

"Hey, Hey, Wake up." I said while shaking Rod. Rod's eyes opened and looked at me with a smile. "Good morning, Ken. How was your night?" Rod asked. "It was OK..Better with you here though. Hey, But we need to take a shower. Lets go in together." "Sure, but we need to be covered up, my mom might be up, and she is usually in the kitchen" Rod explained. "Oh come on, Its 7:00 in the morning. If she is, Oh well" I said. Rod sighed. We both got up off the bed and walked...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 77

The two of them lay there naked for quite a while longer, enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies. Jess broke the moment by speaking first. “Ok, you WILL have to get home eventually, so you should probably unbind me.” Emma rolled Jess back up on all fours once more. She bent over to unbuckle the first strap on the spreader bar between Jess’ wrists, then stopped. “Hey,” Emma asked. “What time is Aaron getting home?” “He had to work late, but when he last texted he said he’d be home-”...

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AssParade Kelsi Monroe Abella Danger Kelsi Monroe Vs Abella Danger

Abella Danger and Kelsi Monroe were accidentally double booked for the same scene. When they both showed up on the day of the shoot, they weren’t very happy. So Kelsi had the great idea to have a twerk contest and the winner, picked by the director, would get to perform with J-mac that day in the shoot. After both chicks twerked their asses off, the director just couldn’t pick one over the other. He claimed that the contest was a tie, therefore they both would get to perform with J-mac. However...

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Daddy and I

It all started one night when I got up out of bed, I was very sleepy. I walked downstairs to get a glass of water. I slowly walked down the stairs trying to be as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake my daddy. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard moaning coming from the living room, I was curious so I walked over to the door and noticed it was open a little bit. I looked through the gap in the door I couldn't believe what I saw! It was my daddy sitting on the couch watching porn and...

3 years ago
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The Shop

The Shop - By Felicity Lovechild I had just split with my girlfriend and was feeling rather lonely. I passed by a corner shop and, feeling rather randy decided I'd get a dirty book to massage my lonely hours that evening. As I entered the shop, a rather elegant woman greeted me with a beaming smile. Her thick jet black hair fell to just below her shoulders, and her big brown eyes was as warm as her smile. Her immaculately made up face did well to mask her years, but looked...

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