Concertina free porn video

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The house had liquid colored chandeliers. They sparkled when the lights in the parlor were flipped on. The carpet was a rather luminous shade of aqua. It was scrubbed every week. It had a healthy shimmer and a rather antiseptic smell. It had a new carpet sort of smell. The carpet was installed everywhere. Everywhere except the kitchen and the upstairs den. It was laid perfectly on each step of the staircase. The staircase had shiny, newly polished banisters.

Valerie and Michele were holding court at the bottom of the staircase. Valerie, (Concertina’s pal,) was the red head with small breasts. She had small perky breasts and full lips and her lips were made up, (rather horishly Concertina thought,) with a cranberry shade of lip gloss. The brunette was named Michelle. She was yet another friend of Concertina’s. All told, there were four women at the party. Michelle, Valerie, Concertina and Sophie, (she hadn’t arrived as of yet.) I mean, Concertina didn’t invite just anyone to her party. Yes, Concertina had acquaintances. She wasn’t exactly a recluse. These four women were special. They were Concertina’s pals. She had known them forever. Well, Michele wasn’t Concertina’s pal. Concertina was pissed at her. You’ll hear about that later dear reader.

Michelle read an awful lot of Dickens and she read an awful lot of Woolf. Tonight, she hardly looked like an intellectual. Michele was decked out in a pair of gray dress slacks. She wore a matching gray vest and the vest was topped off by a gray shirt underneath. A baggy, heroin chic shirt. That is, it had long sleeves. It had long sleeves and it was rather bulky in size. Michelle had a self image problem. She thought that she was fat. She weighed 96 pounds exactly.

‘What are we celebrating?’ asked Michele, looking around the room as she sipped a glass of champagne.

‘Concertina’s getting married,’ said Valerie. She made a clicking sound with her mouth and she thought that Michele was rather dense. The purpose of the party was on the invite. Hadn’t she read the invite? Perhaps she feeding the white monster again.

‘Is that him?’ asked Michele, pointing out an attractive little dish with plainly parted hair. The dish was all decked out in a blue suit and for a moment Michelle thought that his suit was black. The light was playing a trick on her eyes.

The young man was holding serve by the baby grand. It was positioned by the dining room window. The young man took a drag of his cigarette and then he placed his hands on top of the piano.

A sense of dread overtook the young man and he felt a knock in the pit of his stomach. The young gentlemen looked towards the kitchen. He dreaded the appearance of Concertina, his fiancée. She was an emasculating little bitch sometimes. The little tart hated it when he touched that fucking piano with his tobacco stained hands. The young man took a puff of his square. He blew the smoke towards the window. He wondered why he was marrying Concertina. He damn sure didn’t love her. Oh, but her money was so tempting.

‘Is that him?’ asked Michele. She wondered if she needed drugs tonight. Concertina’s cheery disposition was a bit much sometimes.

‘The one and only,’ laughed Valerie, watching Concertina as she made her way through the double doors of the kitchen. She was wearing a little black number with spaghetti straps. It had spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline that made it impossible to look at her face. A semi-plump, rather plain face. Concertina was a rather attractive thing. She had curves in all the right places. She wasn’t fat, but she certainly wasn’t thin.

‘Hi darling,’ she smiled. Concertina kissed her fiancée’s cheek and then she wrapped her arms around his waist. Concertina gave her fiancée’s ass a slight squeeze.

‘Not here,’ he smiled. He made sure that his hands weren’t touching the piano. Concertina always had a fit when she her fiancée touched the piano.

‘Hi Val,’ laughed Concertina, waving rather simply at her chum. Val and Michele were standing at the bottom of the staircase, some 25 or 30 feet away from the spectacle. The spectacle by the piano, dear reader.

‘Isn’t she speaking to me?’ Michele asked, whispering to Valerie. Valerie was still waving at Concertina. Michele wondered if Valerie was capable of doing two tasks at once.

‘You took money from her, Michele.’

‘I screwed up Valerie. I told her that.’ Michele hated this whole scene. Everyone in Concertina’s little circle was so fucking phony. Michele was as phony as anyone. She always kissed Concertina’s ass. That’s the way it was though. If you weren’t in Concertina’s world, you were a nobody.

Ok, so Michele had damaged her relationship with Concertina. Ok, so Concertina paid Michele’s rent for three months. Ok, so Concertina put Michelle in rehab. Ok, so Concertina gave her a place to crash when she got evicted. Why did Michelle get evicted? The darling spent her rent money on an ounce of cocaine.

Michelle didn’t see the problem though. Concertina wasn’t a fucking saint. Her siblings hated her pomposity and her father was a drunkard who couldn’t handle money. Ok, so Michele forged a check in Concertina’s name. In this life, everyone made mistakes. Everyone except Concertina. Concertina was perfect.

‘What do you want from me?’ shrugged Val. She watched the busboys as they circled the crowd. They balanced full trays on their palms with relative ease. Valerie felt her sobriety slipping away and she felt a clamminess in her palms. She was one of those recovering addicts that couldn’t be in the same room with an alcohol related substance.

‘You wanna a drink?’ laughed Michele. She wasn’t appalled by her lack of taste. She owed Valerie that one. Valerie was always sucking up to Concertina. They, (Concertina and Valerie,) had been rather chummy lately. They, (Concertina and Valerie,) had discovered a lost long kinship of some kind.

‘I don’t want a drink,’ Valerie growled, eyeing Concertina’s beau. He and Concertina were holding serve by the piano. She had to say, he was a rather tasty dish.

‘He’s rather yummy,’ Michele chirped, taking a sip of champagne. Michele saw someone doing a line of coke on the baby grand. The little bitch was going to explode. The thought of it, (Concertina’s melt-down,) excited Michele to no end. The champagne tasted a bit more sweeter.

‘That’s Concertina’s fiancée?’ asked Valerie. She felt the cigarette smoke as it collected in the back of her throat and she wondered where her sense of morality had come from. When it came to men, there were no rules. Often times, sex took precedence over friendship. Both Michele and Valerie took what they wanted. They didn’t care about the consequences. Besides, Concertina believed in the same theory. When you wanted something, you took it. How strange, Valerie and Michele were actually on the same wavelength for a change. The idea was rather surreal.

‘By the way Val. Why did Concertina invite me?’

‘You know her. Concertina never wants to make a scene. She’ll deal with you in private. Besides, public squabbling is rather tacky.’

‘Ask a simple question, get a simple answer,’ thought Michele. She wondered who Concertina had cried to. Now she knew why people were avoiding her. The game was afoot. For now, Michelle was socially dead.

Part II

Sophie had always hated social shindigs. She wondered if she belonged with Concertina’s crowd. Her father had come into a great sum of money. That part was true. Sophie had been poor for most of her life. It was strange, being in Concertina’s world. She was standing in front of a house that had angel like shingles on the roof. It was painted beige and for some odd reason, the color reminded Sophie of her father. He was a tank shaped mulatto man with a dragon tattoo on his right bicep. On the first of every month, he placed the bills on the left side of the table. The bills went on the left and the cash, (his check from the Park Dist
rict,) went on the right side of the table. She remembered the flickering light bulb in the living room. It worked when it wanted to. It always irritated her father’s eyes.

‘God damn it,’ he would sigh, filling every envelope with cash. The next day, each wad of cash was turned into a money order. Every money order was mailed out. Every money order went to a specific creditor.

His lips watered and for a second, a dishonest thought entered his mind. The pile of money got smaller and smaller. As more envelopes got stuffed, Sophie’s dad became resigned to his fate. He wasn’t going to have much spending money for the month. Daddy always paid his bills though. He always preached about good credit and fiscal responsibility. These two elements were the key to everything.

Sophie sighed. She felt the aftereffects of the coke that she had done before the party. Sophie felt somewhat euphoric. She was a little bit buzzed, but she wasn’t acting like a fool. Besides, Sophie always leveled herself off with a valium. She knew exactly what she was doing. Sophie was in control.

‘I’m ready,’ she told herself. Sophie eyes closed. She tried to erase all those negative thoughts. Her father had taught her to hate the rich. Sophie’s father thought that fate was un kind. Everyone else enjoyed the good life except him. Sophie’s father felt left out.

She knew one thing. It was great to be in Concertina’s circle. Sophie wanted to belong. She wanted to hob knob with the beautiful people. This was her chance.

She shut the door softly and grabbed a drink from the waiter’s tray. Sophie scanned the crowd. She didn’t recognize most of the male flesh. All of the male guests were decked out in blue suits and power red ties. There hair cuts were clean and conservative

Sophie saw Concertina’s beau by the piano. She gave him a wave and then she flashed him a smile. Sophie was quick about it. She didn’t want Concertina to suspect something. He grabbed the wine glass from the piano and gave Sophie a silent toast. She smiled, nodded, and looked away. Sophie spotted Michele and Valerie by the staircase. She saw Val’s head as it turned away in disgust.

‘A catfight,’ purred Sophie, placing the wine glass beside the piano. She wined her way through the crowd and she smiled at all the men. Sophie never smiled at ugly people and she never smiled at poor people.

‘Where’s Concertina?’ Sophie asked, bringing the conversation between Valerie and Michele to a stop. Valerie heard the voice and she recognized it immediately. The voice was detached, oblivious and sarcastic. Michele was talking, but Valerie couldn’t hear her. Val heard an echo and then a whisper.

‘Will you excuse me?’ Val said.

She pushed past Michele and Michele mouth’s was left hanging in mid sentence. Michele knew who it was. She knew the voice but she didn’t feel like turning around. The action required to much effort. They weren’t exactly friends, Sophie and her. Truth be known, Michele looked down on anyone who inherited money. You were naturally rich or you weren’t. Then again, she had no beef with Sophie.

‘The Princess is in the kitchen,’ said Michele, her back turned.

‘Am I going to see your back all night?’ asked Sophie.

Michele laughed and then she turned to face Sophie.

‘Hello darling.’

Michelle smiled and then she flashed Sophie a rather sardonic grin. It said ‘I’m not a touchy feely type of person.’

‘What did I do?’ asked Val.

Michelle grimaced. Valerie was going to whine all night until Michele soothed her ego. The chick was so fucking needy.

‘What the fuck are you talking about, Val?’

‘You say hi to Sophie, but you don’t say hi to me?’

‘Grow up Val,’ whined Michele. She watched Concertina’s beau as he lit up a cigarette by the piano.

‘What is he doing with Concertina?’ purred Sophie, gazing at Concertina’s beau. Valerie shot the young man a glance. All told, there were three pairs of eyes on the young man. Valerie wondered why this fellow, (Concertina’s beau,) was so popular. Especially tonight.

‘What the fuck is his name?’ asked Val. She thought that snapping her fingers was the key to mental recall.

‘Jonathan, his name is Jonathan.’ Michele wasn’t surprised at Val’s shoddy memory. Too much partying, she thought to herself

‘His name is John,’ cooed Sophie. She wondered why she had shared this little tidbit. In Concertina’s circle, names were unimportant. Names were unimportant unless you were dating. Names were unimportant unless you had been intimate with someone.

‘John, his name is John?’ squeaked Michele, who covered her mouth.

‘Somebody has a secret,’ laughed Val, giving Michele a nudge. She didn’t want Michele to force a confession out of Sophie. Gossip was sexier when it was unsolicited.

The three women shared a laugh and then they all watched the kitchen door. They were disappointed when Concertina didn’t emerge.

‘You still on Zoloft, Sophie? You haven’t been this happy in ages.’

‘You’re horrible,’ laughed Val. She gave Sophie a reassuring look. In her heart, Valerie knew that she wasn’t laughing at Sophie. Yes, Val’s conscious was in the clear. Valerie thought so at least.

‘Actually, I’m on Pacil.’

‘What is that exactly?’

‘It’s a tranquilizer,’ chirped Val. Val knew everything about everything.

‘You’re the expert on pharmaceuticals,’ laughed Sophie. She rather enjoyed that zinger. The silence was wonderful and the party was so much better when Valerie wasn’t talking. Michele laughed and then she thanked Sophie with her eyes. Someone had finally shut Valerie up.

‘There’s Concertina!’ yelped Sophie. She watched the kitchen door as it swung open. Concertina was holding a small copper bell with a golden tongue. John saw Concertina and then he threw his cigarette butt into the wine glass that was on the table beside the piano. He straightened his posture and fiddled with his tie and then he put his hands in his pockets.

Concertina made her way towards the middle of the room. She wined her way past the smell of imported hair oil. Along the way, Concertina flashed a few flirtatious smiles. She bounced off each male body with relative ease. Each gent gave Concertina a curtsey as she walked by.

The humanity cleared and all the gents joined John by the piano. Concertina saw the wine colored carpet again and she saw Michele, Valerie, and Sophie. They were standing by the staircase. She waved at Sophie first and Sophie responded in kind. Then she waved at Val. Val knew what the bell was for. She did not look at Michele. Instead, Concertina put her knee in John’s groin. She kissed John’s cheek and she stained it with cherry colored lip gloss. He grabbed Concertina by the back of the hair and pulled her close and he gave her a rather dispassionate kiss. He looked towards Sophie, who crossed her arms in either disgust or curiosity. She felt hurt. She wanted to know what his game was. Was he trying to prove something. Had he enjoyed Concertina’s money that much. She practically humiliated him in front of everyone. The money dear reader, it was all about the money. John had to make his act look legitimate. Although, he wished that Concertina wasn’t so aggressive.

Concertina released John’s lips and then she strutted towards the center of the room. Concertina looked over her shoulder. She glanced seductively at John and then she shot a glance towards the staircase. Concertina scratched the edge of her lip with her index finger and then she winked at Sophie.

Concertina rang the bell rather prissily.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the roundtable.’

‘What’s the roundtable?’ Sophie asked, excited by the promise of something new and unexpected.

‘It’s like truth or dare,’ huffed Michele.

‘It’s better than truth or dare,’ cackled Val.

Sophie put her finger to her mouth. She shushed her compadres by the staircase. The three sets
of eyes, six in all, focused their attention towards Concertina. She was standing in the center of the room with a shit eating grin on her face.

Concertina picked up the bell and rang it rather gingerly. She placed it on the table beside the piano. The host was standing in the middle of the room.

‘As you know, men aren’t allowed to participate in the roundtable.’

The male contingent let out a disappointed groan. Concertina held up her hands and shushed the stragglers that were still talking. Concertina pounded the air softly and pleaded for silence.

‘All of you know my fiancée, John. He’s going to join our roundtable tonight. For the rest of you gents, drinks will be served in the basement. I hope that you enjoy the game room.’

On cue, the blue suits headed for the game room. Their talk was giddy but it certainly wasn’t loud. The men formed a single file line near the head of the staircase and then quickly disappeared into the basement.

John stood by the piano and his hands were in his pockets. He was rather mindful of his hands. He didn’t want them to touch Concertina’s piano. That piano was her ‘baby.’

Concertina mouthed the words, ‘I love you.’ John smiled and he held the smile for as long as he could. He was relieved when Concertina finally looked away. John hated it when she bought love into the equation.

Concertina smiled. She took a breath and she clapped her hands. She rang the bell and then all the roundtable participants made their way towards the couch. Sophie and Val chatted like schoolgirls and they laughed uproariously. Michele stood at the bottom of the staircase for a moment longer. She The sound of their laughter of made Michele sick. She thought that Val was a bitch. She thought that Valerie was a cheap little follower who enjoyed the scent of new money.

Michelle looked over at Val. She and Sophie were giggling and carrying on.


‘Yes, darling,’ she answered. Concertina didn’t look at Michele.

‘Am I still in the roundtable?’

Michele’s lips puckered. She hopped from foot to foot and she waited patiently for an answer. Michele thought that Concertina was being a bitch.

Concertina huffed dismissively. She crossed her left leg over her right leg and she put her hand on her chin. It was true, she did detest Michele’s presence. Then again, ripping Michele apart was so much fun. The roundtable was fun, especially when Valerie brought up Michelle’s mother.

Michele’s mom had died of alcohol poisoning when she was sixteen. Daddy didn’t really like mummy and burying mummy was so expensive. So, he buried Michele’s mother in a potter’s field that he owned. Yes, Michele had to be a part of the roundtable. It wasn’t the same without her.

‘Well?’ Michele asked.

Concertina’s rested her elbow on the armrest. She placed her fingers on her chin.

‘Well, what?’ smiled Concertina.

‘Am I still in the fucking roundtable?’

‘Yes, yes,’ she waved, rather dismissively. She turned her attention towards the newcomer, who was sitting by Valerie. She patted Sophie’s leg and then she looked over at John. He was fidgeting by the piano.

‘Darling, sit down next to me.’ He waved her off and he looked towards the window and he wished that he was somewhere else.

‘I’m fine darling.’

‘Ok, but don’t scratch the piano.’

‘You and that fucking piano,’ he mumbled. He wondered why he was getting married. At least Concertina and him hadn’t had sex yet. The thought of it sickened John. He felt like a whore.

‘Stop grumbling and sit by me,’ she smiled, patting the cushion of the empty seat.

‘I’m fine,’ he nodded. John said ‘stop, stop’ with his hands and then he gazed at Sophie. Sophie felt his gaze and she squirmed in her seat. Sophie looked at Concertina and Concertina smiled rather sardonically.

‘How do we play?’ Sophie inquired. She looked at Val and then Val looked at Michele. Michele looked at Concertina and then Concertina looked at Val. Concertina nodded at Val and Val cleared her throat.

Naturally, Concertina stepped on Val. Concertina always monopolized the floor during the roundtable session.

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LukeI had been downstairs at least twenty minutes before Tina appeared in the doorway. In the meantime, I had found out that Cara, Andy and Rob had come prepared, knowing that many places require, at least, smart dress on New Year’s Eve. Rob had run Diane home, so she could get changed, with Cara and Andy taking over my room.So much for an hour, it had taken over two from Sam waking us, until I made it down, now at nearly quarter to eight, Tina was the only one not ready. Sam took full...

3 years ago
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I Have a QuestionChapter 3

He waddled up, so cute with his hard cock hanging under him looking so manly and virile. He settled in next to me as I turned to him and kissed him like I'd never kissed my son before. My hand went down between us and I gripped his cock as my tongue explored his eager mouth. His hands were now all over me. Now that Kyle seemingly had permission, all his fantasies were now coming true and he was racing headlong into this new and so exciting phase of his life. I no longer had any hesitation,...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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Cap DAgde 2

The next morning when I woke up I could feel that my pussy had been well fucked. I threw back the sheet and looked down at my swollen lips. They were still distended - no doubt Sam's really thick prick was the one that had done the damage. His cock was as thick around as a beer can even though it was quite short in length - only about five inches long. I closed my eyes and thought back to the night before. I had been fucked by first my husband, then two other men who I barely knew. Finally, one...

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It’s playful mind you and I’m smiling as we fight for position of who’s on top. I get Claire on her stomach and throw myself over her ass and when she feels my cock head at her entrance again. I push back inside and start hammering away at Claire using her meaty ass as a cushion. I put my hands over her shoulders, she’s shorter than me by a foot, and use that to brace her in place so she can’t get away. We’re both grunting and panting like animals as I take Clair like an animal hard and as I...

2 years ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 1 The Reality Show

Let me introduce the show first. It is a reality show on TV where many girls and boys are looking for their perfect match. There will be tasks and eliminations. In the end, anyone who manages to stay until the end will win the whopping 1 million dollar plus other rewards. Elimination will be done based on voting, and at the end of the week, one contestant will be voted out. Since it is a dating show, it involves lots of sexual stuff and tasks. The couples and the contestants will be judged...

3 years ago
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Hot Son Bangs Hot Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi iss lovers.This is aaliya sri. I would like to share my experience with you guys. Please do feedback and comment. Ok lets go. I am 46. Average color. I am a beautiful lady with a stunning figure of 38-34-42. Both me and son are very friendly and they care for each other a lot.I am used to wear only sarees.I live in bangalore. My son’s age is 18. He is athletic and not so beautiful. My husband works in dubai. I have one daughter who is married and settled in us. Son (anil) was left in a...

2 years ago
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Their First Time

My friend Mary and I had decided to go for walk thru the woods-maybe a mile or so from our neighbor hood back to a secluded swimming hole where we were hoping to skinny dip and catch some sun. It was a very nice summer day. We are both in our late thirties and in good shape but we are not in our twenties any more. When we got to the swimming hole there were about ten boys already there swimming. We thought that since we had walked that far we might as well sit by the water and get some sun on...

2 years ago
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Train Me Do Mardo Se Chudi

Hello dosto mera name varsha jain he. Me delhi ki rehene vali hu meri age 22 sal he or me iit kharagpur me padti hu.Ye meri peheli story he agar koi galti ho jaye to maf kar dena I hope you will like the stoy so let’s start Ab me apne bare me kuch batati hu, me 22 sal ki hu, mera rang gora he or meri figure 34dd-28-32 hai mera badan slim he or dikhne me achi khasi hu. Ab me sidha story pe aati hu. Ye bat tab ki hai jab me delhi se kharagpur ja rahi thi. Meri tarin subah 9 baje ki thi me 8:30 ko...

4 years ago
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Going Down the Fire Road

Going Down on the Fire Road A few weeks earlier Tom had just gotten his new, to him, Jeep. He was so anxious to take it four wheeling. His girlfriend has been busting on him about how it would be show and no go. But was talking about him or the Jeep? Finally on a Sunday morning he called Tracy up and told her that today was the day. He was going to be by her place in an hour or so and had her pack a cooler. Tracy was 23 and had the girl next door looks. She had brown curly, shoulder length...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Wake Up Shower

This story can stand on its own, however, it is recommended that the viewer have read ‘The Night to Come’ series to full understand. This is a continuation of what happens after the night came… As always, I hope it is enjoyed. I twitched awake, stretching languidly in my empty bed. Cold metal bumped against the warm skin of my wrist, making me jump. My eyes opened to see a pair of black handcuffs on the bed beside me. I rack my memory, trying to figure out how they got into my room, but my...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Keira Croft Surprise Anniversary Cuck Vid for Hubby

I’m off on another business trip and my incredible wife Tia sends me a message telling me to check out a video she made for me. She’s dressed in super hot lingerie with her nipples peaking out of the top. She tells me she wants to have a little fun while I’m alone in my hotel room – she starts fantasizing about another man fucking her while I watch. She pulls out a massive dildo & slurps and sucks on it in the sloppiest way possible, humiliating me about how much...

3 years ago
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Alone in the Woods2

I originally posted this on my account, xxxArtemisDawnxxx, on* '...' thoughts. 'I'm going to fucking kill her.' I keep repeating over and over as I'm forced to walk home. 'Oh don't worry Alyssa, I won't get fucking hammered and leave the party without you.' I think of all the things I wish I could do to Elle, getting even more pissed because they're all illegal. Earlier in the night we went to a Christmas party together. Booze, drugs and slutty elves....

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Klan8217s Woman

Tammi Buckner sighed and gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the bedroom of her double- wide mobile home. The pretty blond 23-year-old turned this way and that, trying to look sexy in the long white robe and the pointed white hat. At length she puffed her cheeks and gave a snort of resignation. There was no way she was going to look good in the robes of the wife of the local grand dragon of the Knights of the KKK. Her husband, Mike, was still at work at...

2 years ago
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I would not have believed it possible, but it happened. I have heard it said that more all less any woman will fall for enough flattery and clearly that is what occurred to me. I have actually been quite shy all my life and that is what made it all the more surprising.I was travelling home from work on the train, a bit later than usual. Being a bit later it wasn’t quite so crowded so I had a seat and was enjoying a bit of a read, a nice girly book I had been promising myself as a guilty...

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The Governor had always taken his job very seriously. He sat behind the desk in his office, watching impassively as the latest inmate was led in. "Stand on the line!" the female guard instructed her. She didn't resist the order; she just tried to clear her thoughts of every emotion, and stood looking straight ahead of her. "Jackson, Natalie: Charged with attempted armed robbery; detained on remand, pending a preliminary hearing," the guard continued. The Governor looked Natalie up and...

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Ecstasy of a Kiss

Copyright © 2002 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission Both of them thrived on the opportunities that their first kiss represented. As much as they both wanted to rush each other and crash together, giving into the hunger that dwelled within them, they chose to flirt with what they desired. Theirs was not a flirtation...

2 years ago
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The Amazing Story of the Amazing Awesome Girl Who Is Amazing

Have I ever told you that I am the best sneaker ever! Because I totes am. Sneak, sneak, sneak, I went as I moved past the rows of beds filled with sleeping women, and I didn't even hum my theme tune or anything. And it's a really great theme tune. It goes, "Na na, na na naa." Oops, wait, there I went. I looked around. No one heard; everyone still slept. Still best sneaker ever! Go team Awesome Girl! That's me by the way, Awesome Girl. Okay, technically I'm Henchgirl Number Thirty Two...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 21

Roberta, Fran, and I talked all afternoon. They acted like they had nowhere to be, nothing pressing to do, and nobody for whom to do it. Talking for hours and hours lets you start to understand someone, and as I got to know the two of them, I found myself wanting to know them better. I passed the time hearing Roberta tell me about her childhood and early adult years. "My father left us when I was small, and mom had to work crazy hours to keep the roof over our heads. If it hadn't been for...

4 years ago
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Special Delivery

Please note this is a work of fiction that contains many adult themes, including transformation of one sex into another. It is intended to be read by persons who are of age as defined by their local laws. If you are not in that category stop now. This story also contains elements of human trafficking and forced prostitution which in real life this author considers to be disgusting. For information about real life human trafficking and how to help stop it visit this website: It was...

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Gretchens Diary 1

Gretchen's Diary Tuesday November 3, 1981 After Rob left for the office I got dressed for my doctor's appointment. They had called last week and said it was time for a check up. It would be easier to just pull on some slacks and a blouse but Rob insisted I wear my navy dress for my appointment. I think he knew what a hassle it was to get fully undressed and then dressed again at the doctor's office as my exams always entailed me naked except for the hospital gown and my legs situated...

2 years ago
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James Finds Trouble

This late on a Monday night, the subway car rumbled along nearly empty. Trying to avoid the looks of the couple at the front of the car, I found a seat near the back. I slowly sat down, and even then it was too quick. Holy crap, it hurt. It had been real–not a dream. Despite telling myself that, everything still had a surreal feel to it. The lights in the subway car. The couple holding hands but not talking or looking at each other. Even my breath going in and out of my chest. Nothing felt...

1 year ago
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I’d driven by the bookstore lots of times. Often, I’d thought about stopping, but I never did. Sometimes, when I got home, I’d close my eyes, and pretend that I had stopped, and gone into one of the booths, and had, well, I’d had a good time.I’m fifty, married, and work in a profession where discretion is absolutely necessary (I‘m a CPA). My wife has pretty much given up on sex since she started menopause so I’m left with porn and masturbation. Neither does an awful lot for me. I mean, it gets...

Gay Male
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Young couple

So Ryan finally steps into view and his jaw almost dropped. There stood the angel he has been talking to for a year now. She had on a white tank top where he could see a hot pink bra through and she was wearing a mini skirt. She had extensions on her eye lashes with very beautiful loose curls.   Brandi stood there and couldn't believe that this man Ryan was standing infront of her he looked a lot bigger in person than on skype. He was muscular. Tall. Blonde hair blue eyes and just as she...

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First date with new Black Daddy continued

Darron sat on the edge of his king sized bed looking at me standing in front of him. I edged myself between his thick legs and ran my hands through his beard while we kissed passionately. His room was big and masculine with a dark wood bed frame and furniture. i pulled his shirt off over his head and he held my hips and pulled me down on top of him while he fell back. His thick build dwarfing me and i rested comfortably on his hard body feeling his huge cock brushing up against my belly was...

2 years ago
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Jack and DianeChapter 13

Milla got David and me to her office as quickly as possible to prepare her plan of attack. "We can't be sure of their approach to this but there are a couple of issues we will have to deal with; namely, the alleged assault, and Jack's arrest. However, having spoken to the police this morning, I don't think the arrest is going to be a problem." "Diane may be more of a problem, if she sticks to her story," I contributed, morosely. "Yes, and we don't want to let her know too much...

3 years ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son part7

I grabbed my dildo from his hand and stood up in front of him. I noticed his cock getting hard in his pants. I guessed he had started imagining me fucking my pussy with the glass dildo. I smiled to see his erection, but he couldn’t see the naughty smile on my face because he was looking down at the dildo in my hand. “Sit,” I said softly. Adam sat down on the bed, now he was looking at my face. I threw the dildo on the bed, and then standing in front of him, I started taking off my clothes. I...

1 year ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 8

I was in a comatose state for three days. The paramedics had me transferred to the University Hospital, where I was sedated and kept under a suicide watch. When I came out the cops officially informed me that my wife and unborn child had been pronounced dead at the site of the crash. They told me that the driver had been thrown clear of the crash, had survived and was being held in custody. He'd been determined to be DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), and was going to be charged with two...

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Once In A Blue Moon

Once In A Blue MoonBy: Londebaaz Chohan“Just shut up, bitch. I have always fucked you hard and long but not today. I have another important appointment to keep and I have decided to finish you rather early”. This was Prof. Murphy talking to his assistant teacher Mr. Edgar Vanesa. “But Prof. you are killing me, what the fuck; you are not giving me time to adjust for your god forsaken length and the girth”. Whispered Edgar as Prof Murphy had him bent over the arm of the office sofa and rammed his...

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A Romantic Night

After that evening in the love nest created by Corporal Higgins I was, as you can imagine elated. It was hard to act normal the following morning going about my duties, being of a quiet shy nature helped me hide my feelings and at times like that I was glad. I thought that I’d overcome my attraction to females, and in joining the service made me think I could be more normal away from Emma’s influence. I obviously under estimated how living in a world of women in a way would not let me forget...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

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Across That LineChapter 3

Saturday was no better than Friday for the couple who'd been married only a year and a few days. They didn't try to avoid each other, but neither did they seek each other out. They spoke politely to each other, discussing inconsequential topics, but the passion between them was dead. Sunday flowed into Monday and the weekly work schedule reasserted itself. Brad slept on the living room sofa more often than not. Ashley slept in a cold bed upstairs with the door closed so no one would hear...

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Gang Banger Slut

For those wondering why I haven't been entering any new short stories here lately, perhaps this story will help explain a little bit. It's sorta short, but I think you will enjoy it nevertheless.*Now I love a big black prick as much as the next white woman, but when the six men, or should I say nearly men, holding guns, and knives somewhere on their person that were attached to those pricks, and directing their anger at my presence in their territory, well it can be somewhat disconcerting. Of...

1 year ago
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Andy Handcuffs The beggining

It was 8 AM when Andy woke up. He looked exhausted, probably due to the all-night-long sex that he had been doing with Adam. Andy was a tall 21 year-old man, brown hair and beautiful green eyes with the most defined six-pack in all Britain. Adam was a boyish 18 year-old boy, tall with blue eyes, hair and a bubble-butt to die for. He didn’t know very much about Adam. Actually they just met the night before. But at least it had been a good fuck, that’s all it mattered. Andy got up, dressed...

1 year ago
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Dark and Wonderful Things

Cass Raven walked slowly through the crowd of guests, smiling occasionally when she saw a familiar face. It amazed her that she barely recognized any of these people. But then again, it wasn’t her party so she wasn’t that surprised. She scanned the crowd of people in search of Leo, but to her disappointment he was nowhere to be seen. Trust him to disappear from his own party. She smiled wryly to herself and accepted a flute of champagne from one of the many hired waiters. She’d known Leo...

2 years ago
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Parisian Surprise Part Seven

This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but...

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