Felicity Ch. 14 free porn video

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Chapter 14. Jana and Inga

Helen and Inga were celebrating their college graduation. That had happened two months before but neither felt they had celebrated enough.

Not that the had found college difficult, to the contrary they sailed right through difficult curriculums with ease. What they didn’t want was to be viewed as adults.

Both were lesbians and had been each other’s first lovers but now they ranged the field as accomplices in seductions which was why they were entering club Kitty. It was Thursday evening and women were stripping for women.

Helen had been there before but it was Jana’s first time.

Helen said, ‘We want to be to the right side of the stage. When the women dance the clothes they discard get thrown that way and they of course have to get them back so they have to come to us after their turn is over I have been having luck by just asking for a kiss in exchange for the items.’

‘Yeah but has that gotten you laid?’

‘Eventually, I make friends first. The owner’s wife was my first conquest on my second night here. The dancers are mostly amateurs and mostly straight, at least they are at the start. You may recall I love straight pussy.’

‘Don’t we all. You want a root beer?’

‘No, order the special chocolate, I’ll save you a spot.’

The dancers did solo dances then the last five did a dance together. Some pretended caresses to each other and with some there was no pretensions and a few got bold with each other.

The audience was always bold and caressed and squeezed any dancer’s body part they could reach. Each bill merited a kiss, each big bill merited tits in face. Touching pussy was forbidden but it happened.

When Jana re-joined Helen she had the Kahlua infused chocolate drinks.

‘I did not know anybody served these,’ Jana said.

‘You’re welcome. You just missed the dancer that I want next. She looks like Audrey Tatou.’

‘That doesn’t sound sexy.’

‘What do you think is sexy.’

‘That blonde right there.’

‘You narcissistic bitch, she looks just like you.’

‘No, look at the muscles on her. Her skin is flawless, and those tits…wow’

‘She noticed you. You have a dollar?’

‘I do.’

Jana got the kiss she wanted and a shy smile. Before she sat back down she had decided she wanted more.

The dancer was down to her bikini panties and a tiara. Jana looked for garment around her but found none.

Helen had ‘that smile’ on her face. She had the dancers bra.

‘I will let you have my tits for ten minutes for the bra.’

‘Twenty minutes.’


The dancers name was Inga and she had a British accent. She was reserved but she apparently found Jana fascinating and was surprised to learn she was a professional strip dancer.

Helen said, ‘She is very good. You may wish her to teach you a few moves.’

Jana slapped her shoulder but noted that Inga had not picked up on the double meaning behind Helen’s remark.

‘I would love that. This is just my second time here and I feel like a scarecrow when I dance. A client talked me into this but even though I am terrible up there the women seem to like me.’

‘We do,’ Helen said.

Jana slapped her shoulder again but then confirmed by echoing, ‘We do.’

Are there other garments around here you need to retrieve?’

‘No, I have just a simple costume. I did not expect to come out a second time.

Excuse me but I need to get back, I was number four.

Helen explained the format to Jana as Inga rushed back stage.

‘Your roommate still gone?’ Jana asked Helen.

‘Yes, in fact she will not be returning. Her job transferred her to Shreveport. Do you have plans for the extra bed?’

‘I have hopes for the extra bed. Here they come.’

The dancers came out and did their best to be erotic with each other but Inga just swayed back and forth until she gave up and walked towards Jana and handed her bra to her.

Jana kissed her lips softly. Inga had every intention of ending the kiss soon but didn’t until the announcer thanked the girls.

Jana helped Inga off the stage directly to her and kissed Inga again.

‘You have a key. I will be home late,’ Helen whispered to Jana.

Helen was one of the few McDuff women to live in the city. Jana lived in Felicity so when she came to town she stayed with Helen. That would not be possible for much longer since Helen had already decided to move back home.

Their college degrees had made each somewhat wealthy as trust money had become available.

Helen knew she wanted to teach but extreme disappointments in her love life reminded her how much she missed having her large family around her. Her aunts had guaranteed her a job at home whenever she wanted.

She wanted one for the next school year.

Her best lover was a married woman, she had just taken Helen by the hand and was walking her to the clubs office.

She was still wearing her dancers’ outfit although her bra was in her hands.

There was no talking after they went into the office, just torrid sex.

Jana had a more interesting turn to the evening. First of all they did not go to Helen’s apartment, they went to Inga’s.

As soon as she learned Inga was a masseuse Jana got naked and said, ‘Do me.’

Inga got nude and began the massage with practiced expertise. Jana loved Inga’s hands on her even if it was just a massage.

That changed when Jana turned over.

Before Inga resumed her work she kissed Jana softly. Then she presented her tits for Jana to kiss then kissed Jana’s lips again before moving to the foot of the table.

Her feet loved Inga, then her thighs loved Inga, then Inga loved Jana’s pussy.

Jana suffered through four orgasms before Inga continued up her body. As her lips arrived at Jana’s tits, a finger began to softly tap on her clit. It did not take Jana long to rush to another orgasm but she pulled Inga over her body until she could kiss her and wrapped her arms and legs around her.

Their lips, tits and pussies tried to merge into one.

Jana rolled them over and began to slide her body downward until she devoured Inga’s tits. She slid further down and devoured Inga’s pussy.

Jana returned to Inga’s tits and loved the softly then returned to her pussy and softly loved it for a long time.

Inga eventually had a climax for the ages and after catching her breath took Jana to her bed. As they cuddled and kissed Jana’s phone rang.

‘You may have noticed we are not at your place. Is that a problem?’

‘No, I am not I my place either. Cindy’s husband is on a trip and will not be back until Saturday. I have her for two nights. You may have my place for two nights if you can’t stay at Inga’s.

‘I will ask.

Helen is going to be entertained until Saturday morning. I was hoping I would be too.’

Inga answered, ‘I have two appointments tomorrow, both in the morning. I will be yours until Sunday if you wish.’

‘I wish.

Helen, I will be entertained until I need to go home on Sunday. I will go by your place in the morning and get my stuff. Say hello to Cindy for me. I love you. Bye.’

‘We were about to cuddle,’ Inga reminded Jana.

‘Kiss me.’

Before each drifted to sleep both knew they had a major problem. Yet they slept well in each others arms.

Helen and Cindy understood they were just fuck buddies but they really did love each other. They understood that even if Cindy did not have a husband they would never be partners.

But as their naked bodies slid over each other that night it did not matter at all.

Jana went to work with Inga the next morning. She had a room in which to work inside a ladies gym. After she asked permission do so from her first appointment Inga instructed Jana on proper massage te

It was a lot more complicated than Jana thought and was fascinated by the process especially the massage to feet and calves.

She also noted the woman wanted Inga, she did not wear a towel and her nude body was on display for forty five minutes and the ladies could see the erect nipples and the slick pussy. Jana got horny.

The woman had her eyes closed so Jana walked behind Inga and embraced her as she kissed her neck. Inga allowed an involuntary moan to escape that brought a smile to the woman.

‘So, I see she is not an apprentice,’ the woman said.

‘It means she can kiss me too.’

Before Inga could say it would still be improper Jana was softly kissing the woman’s lips. The woman caressed Jana’s face and prolonged the kiss.

When Jana at last ended the kiss the woman pleaded, ‘Please, I really need it.’

Jana kissed her again and as she began to rub her face on the woman’s tits she slid a hand to her pussy and began to rhythmically press over her clit. The woman was definitely ready as she had a nice orgasm in under two minutes.

Jana kissed her lips and asked, ‘Better?’

‘Much better.’

Jana looked at Inga expecting a smile but what she saw was great worry on her face. Jana suddenly understood she had placed Inga’s license in jeopardy. She mouthed, ‘I’m sorry,’ kissed Inga’s cheek and left the room.

‘Don’t worry, I will not tell anyone although I will daydream of it forever,’ the woman told Inga.

‘My silence will cost you a kiss when you come in and a kiss when you leave however. By the way, sex while someone is massaging you feet is awesome.’

Inga had to giggle at that and she ended up worrying less but she still did worry.

After the massage was over Inga did kiss the woman softly and left her to allow her to dress. Jana was waiting for her and was upset with herself enough for Inga to give her a soft hug.

The woman, her name was Laura, came out and handed money to Inga then said, ‘You are now officially fired. This where I am staying.’ She handed Jana a card from a downtown hotel with a room number on it.

‘I will be in town through Sunday night. I would love for the three of us to get together sometime. Oh, here.’

She handed Jana two tickets then kissed both on their lips and walked away.

Laura did not expect her wish to be fulfilled but she really wanted them so gave it a try. She was more than ten years older than them and not very pretty.

‘Still, miracles happen.’ she said to herself.

Jana and Inga watched her walk away until Jana said, ‘I want her.’

Inga slapped her butt then added, ‘Me too. What are the tickets to?’

‘A lecture on Paleontology at the Science Museum. It’s on Saturday afternoon. She is the lecturer.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Helen and I have tickets for it. I better call her, she will freak.’

‘My second client is coming over. Stay here.’

Jana stuck her tongue out and it took all her will power for Inga to walk away.

Helen was agog when she heard Jana tell her she had just masturbated one of her heroes and had been invited to her hotel room. She was pleased to hear she had a second ticket and told Cindy that they were going to a museum Saturday afternoon.

The phone call went on about how satisfying their evening had been with Helen’s end of the conversation punctuated by the occasional moan. Before Jana knew it Inga was hustling her out of the gym.

Their love making on her bed was frantic. Each got the other where they wanted to go before either paused to breathe.

Then someone’s tummy growled.

They giggled, got dressed and went to the deli for Rueben’s. Helen and Cindy were there so they joined them.

Inga and Cindy knew each other of course so no introductions were needed and conversation immediately went to how embarrassing it was to sit at a dinner table with Helen.

‘She is on her second sandwich,’ Cindy said.

Helen mumbled something about sex requiring a lot of energy and kept eating. The other three rolled their eyes then giggled.

Before their sandwiches were served Jana stood up and smiled towards the door. Laura had just walked in. Helen saw who it was and immediately brought a chair to their table. Laura smiled broadly and sat with them.

Helen stopped eating and just grinned at Laura.

Laura noticed and leaned over and kissed her lips.

‘I am so gratified to run into somebody that thinks I’m a somebody.’

‘You are a somebody,’ Helen countered. ‘The four of us will be in your audience tomorrow.’

‘Now that is gratifying,’ Laura said and kissed each set of lips giving and receiving a bit of tongue in each.

She sat and for the next hour the five gossiped and ate as if they had known each other all their lives.

After each had finished their second beer Laura asked if there was a chance any of them could spend some time in her hotel with her. The chorus of ‘Yes’ had her giggling.

‘In that case we better go, I only have five hours.’

For the next four hours Laura had a pussy at her mouth and a mouth at her pussy. The four women ravished her and each other. Everyone fucked everyone. Exhausted all fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs.

They were awakened by a phone ringing, Laura’s.

‘I am getting ready now, come up. I have some new friends for you to meet.’

Laura rushed to the shower but before the others could find the energy to get up someone knocked on the door. Helen was still nude when she opened it and was mesmerized by a gorgeous and dolled up woman with gray hair.

‘Come in, she just ran into the shower.’

‘And I see she was well taken cared of. Do you all make house calls?’

Each woman came up to her and kissed her lips softly then began to get dressed. They stopped when they saw the woman getting undressed. As soon as her ass hit the bed she had a pussy on her mouth, a mouth on her pussy and a mouth on each tit.

‘Her name is Elena and is the major sponsor of my tour stop in the city. Each woman paused and said, ‘Hi Elena.’

Elena said something unintelligible due to the fact Cindy’s pussy still covered it. Seconds after that her orgasmic groan was unmistakeable and that was immediately followed by Cindy’s.

The women rolled away from Elena and Laura kissed her pussy, tits, and lips then said, ‘Get up. It would be unseemly for the guest of honor and her sponsor to be late to their dinner. There are enough rumors as it is.

As they dressed the ladies saw the transformation from wanton woman to society icon in fascination. Laura was still Laura in her fancy dress. Five ladies understood the either you have it or you don’t.

‘Are any of you going to be here when we get back?’ Elena asked.

‘No, we see that Laura is going to ravish you and we would be scandalized by such gay sex,’ Jana said.

After the giggles subsided everyone kissed everyone and left.

Helen said, ‘Let’s go to the Vietnamese restaurant.’

‘How can you be hungry you ate one of everything at the deli.’

Helen reminded them, ‘Sex takes a lot of energy,’

The other three shrugged and they had fun and great food in abundant quantities at the restaurant.

As each couple got in bed that evening they cuddled naked with their partner and talked about what a great day it had been. None had sex that evening, well except for Laura and Elena.

Saturday afternoon the four were in the front row when Laura came out. They worried about showing too much enthusiasms but immediately learned Laura was a star in her own right. About two hundred people were absolutely giddy to be there with her.

Her lecture was funny and informative and it included a slide show with a prominent picture of Laura covered in dust.

‘It was supposed to be a mud bath but they ran out of water,’ she quipped.

hen the lecture ended Laura got another ovation and she sat behind a table to sign autographs and books. Helen had all three of Laura’s books and jumped up but was pulled back to her seat by Jana.

‘You want to be last in line,’ she said.

Helen understood and waited it out.

Elena had been overseeing the book sale table but when the books ran out she came over and sat with them.

‘I feel like a zombie. You guys drained me then wild woman consumed me. I’m too old for this crap.’

‘Sorry to hear that. Three of us were ready to repeat it after she is done,’ Jana said.


‘Yeah, Cindy has to go home and rearrange her bedroom before her husband comes home this afternoon.’

Elena leaned over to Cindy and said, ‘I loved your pussy.’

‘Helen said, ‘I am nowhere through with it myself, or yours now that I think about it.’

‘My house?’

‘We will follow you.’

Before Helen went towards the autograph table Laura got up and said, ‘Are we ready to go?’

‘Kiss Cindy, she can’t come with us.’

The ladies moved to block the view and Laura gave Cindy a soft kiss and hug. Helen gave Cindy a long hug and they all exited the museum. Helen rode with Jana and Inga. Laura rode with Elena in a chauffeur driven car.

They pulled up to mansion in the posh section of town and followed the women in. The chauffeur, a young woman, followed them in. All were naked before the filed into a bedroom with an enormous bed.

Although at times a woman found herself in the middle of a threesome all concentrated on a pussy they would not have available often.

That orgy never had the frenetic pace of the one the previous afternoon. They were making love, not fucking. Mostly.

Helen and Jana were surprised and pleased the chauffeur lived in their hometown of Felicity. Promises were made.

Late that afternoon Laura and Elena left the bed to get ready for another formal occasion. Jana and Inga said their goodbyes and went home. Helen stayed and interrupted the chauffeurs attempts to get in uniform often.

They would spend the night together.

Jana and Inga spent that night and most of Sunday trying to get done with each other. They had no chance.

Jana was on the phone with Inga as she drove home and for an hour after that.

Inga left from the gym after her Tuesday morning appointment and was in Jana’s townhome for lunch, which was each other.

She accompanied Jana to work at the strip club that night and was propositioned often even after she was sure everyone knew she was gay. It wasn’t until Jana’s turn and their kiss that the men left her alone.

For breakfast they had each other then Inga drove home, she had an afternoon appointment. She coaxed the two Friday appointments to come in late Thursday and that night she drove back to Felicity.

She drove straight to the strip club and waited for Jana to come out.

The joy on Jana’s face when she saw her was obvious to all and all that still a last glimmer of hope, male and female, gave up, Jana had a lover.

Before Inga drove home Sunday afternoon she had met everyone in Jana’s very extended family and had a key to Jana’s home.

‘ There is a lot of construction going on in this town,’ Inga had remarked.

‘Yes, my new Dad and his friends are re-inventing the town. Half of it was wiped out by a hurricane ten years ago but no one had taken on the task of rebuilding. Mom and Dad led a coup that voted the old bastards in charge out of office and bought the devastated land. The resort was there before but it sat shut down until Dad bought it.

The three blocks from downtown to the resort have investors building a new Felicity. Let me show you something.’

Jana led her to a three story building under construction and after donning hard hats she took Inga up the stairs to the third floor.

There were no door, no ceiling, debris was everywhere.

Jana guided Inga around the floor showing her offices and storage areas then took her into a large empty space in the middle.

‘And this is mine,’ Jana said with an arm flourish.



‘What is going to be?’

‘A dance club. Eighteen and up for all the kids stuck at the resort with their parents. Uniformed police officers will put a wristband on them and monitor their actions.

I am trying to get the city council to approve a night of strippers but they keep tabling it. Mom told me to rephrase the request and call it a Vegas style floor show.

Everyone knows what I want but are concerned that the place would give others the wrong impression about the town. I’m not sure it’s going to work at all but I want to try it. I will be one dancer but all my dancers would be in pairs.

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I’m in my late twenties, an educated professional living in a loving, tolerant community on the east coast with my lover and, if the political climate remains as it is, soon to be my spouse. She is the most wonderful person that I have ever met and we fell in love immediately when we first saw each other and have since committed our lives to one another. She was attracted to me during a presentation that I gave in The City a few months ago so she came up to me afterwards and introduced...

2 years ago
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Adventures Across Aarkathia

Long ago the continent of Aarkathia was formed of the bones of the Dragon it was named after. The great beast was slain by the combined efforts of three god-like heroes: Aven'Dashiel of the Icehome Elves, Badhagor the Orcish lord of the Stonehead tribe, and Coralia, human champion of the ancient Storm Horse Empire. They were aided in this task by a mysterious young woman known only as Demizida the Hooded, a trusted servant (and some say lover) of them all. The magical weapons used to strike the...

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The Girl Scout 16 PARTY

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

1 year ago
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U braku smo oko 5 godina,ja imam 28 god a moj suprug 29 i ova prica ce vjerovatno mnoge uzbuditi sto je nekako i moja ispovjest ali je sve do detalja istinita sto su se mogli neki od njih i uvjeriti.Prica pocinje prije tacno 2 god.Kao i u svakom braku ima uspona i padova pa tako i nas.Inace ja sam sa svojim muzem mnogo sretna i mnogo se volimo i najvise se nekako razumijemo u krevetu,iako mi muz ima stvarno mali kurac(oko 10 cm) to mi nekako nije predstavljalo problem jer je stvarno dobar u...

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A former undercover cop is forced to re-visit his last and toughest case. It wasn't much fun the first time. He certainly didn't want to meet that lot again. This gets a little dark and nasty in places so be forewarned. It has been sitting for many months, almost abandoned more than once, as others explored similar themes. I decided to finish it, so... For Anne... a friend, not always an easy thing. Thanks for the support. This is a work of adult fiction. ...

4 years ago
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Not Gay On the Job Training

Everybody's got a first time story. Being a 33 year old divorced guy, I thought all my firsts were long gone. You know, my first blowjob, my first fuck, my first older woman, my first three-way; I'd had some good times but I figured the rest of my sex life would be pretty run of the mill. On the downhill slide you could say.That is until I decided to become a porn star. Well, not exactly a porn star. I just needed to make a little money and I thought fucking on camera would be a stellar way to...

3 years ago
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Love Glue

Eventually I got out of her house and started a more normal, healthy life. I had two wonderful children, a boy and a girl, and then managed to become a nurse. Life was going so well until today when I came back home to mom to let my children meet their granny and young aunt. Mom looked my kids up and down with a raised eyebrow, practically asking if I was molesting them. “Honey,” mom said just before I was heading for bed--we were spending the night. “I'm sorry if you feel that I treated you...

3 years ago
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Time Out

This is a work of Adult fiction I would like to dedicate to my Master… Time Out…Once I have carefully removed all traces of Myself from your unworthy fleshI Make a point of flicking all of the seed off the blade of the knife acrossthe iron mask. The sound of steel glides over wrought iron right across yourcovered, sightless eyes.Since you were a bad beast this morning, I am going to leave you out here,alone with your mask, so you can think about things this week, pet. Being treatedlike an...

1 year ago
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The Extinguishing Sister

"I'm taking the car," Cindy said, picking up the keys off the kitchen counter, as her twin sister Vanessa was right next to her, looking into cupboards for food. "I just got called in to work. Someone got sick, and they asked me to fill in." "What?" Vanessa asked, slamming the cupboard. "You can't do that! I already claimed it! Mom and Dad said I could use it this afternoon." The 5'4", 22-year old, petite, curly haired, identical twin girls didn't care for each other, to say the...

1 year ago
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Little Girl Lost Chapter Two

Why didn’t I simply have him arrested? He had been brutally cruel to me, and I’d known he would not have let me live for long as his slave. I may be young, but I’m not stupid. Oh, I neglected to mention I’m only thirteen years old, but Bill seemed thoroughly afraid of what I could do to him now. Mom had been near hysterics when she heard my voice and would be on the warpath if I were not returned within the next hour. She’d said dad had flown in from Washington, DC. He is no one to tangle...

3 years ago
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Silent but horny

In my 20s I got my first apartment of my own, and took advantage of the complex pool as much as I could. I often snuck into the apartment complex pool at night, padding barefoot across the still-warm parking lot, hopping the fence, and slipping quietly into the water before sliding off my shorts. I’d float and paddle around, enjoying the sensual feeling of cool water on my naked body. Invariably my cock would harden and I would stroke it underwater as I swam, bringing myself to the edge of...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 240

Earlier in the afternoon, at the Prime's direction, Kayla and Art had a training session in the Ship. Kayla wasn't sure what the Ship had done for Art, since he had apparently finished before her, but she had spent what seemed to be weeks in the simulator learning about a spacesuit, and the proper use of its equipment while in free fall. The course even included some repair. The suit was capable of receiving "mental" commands in generally the same way that Security's helmets did....

2 years ago
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Oh What A Night

As the old 4 Season’s song stated, oh what a night. Having been a crossdresser on and off my entire life, I have done the old collect and purge routine too many times. After putting Jennifer away several years and relationships ago, the old urges returned recently. Having lost a considerable amount of weight and working out my feminine side emerged once and again, and boy am I having some fun. More about that in a later post. For now I want to share one of the hottest nights I have ever had...

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The Family Whore0

My wife and I have four of the nicest kids in the world. Mandy is the light of my life at fourteen years old. She is absolutely adorable. She has straight light brown hair to her waist, she is five feet two inches tall, and she weighs one hundred and five pounds. She has just gotten into her first B-cup bra and is very proud of her tits. She is also an A-student and reads all of the time. Our boys Tom, Dick, and Harry are thirteen, twelve, and eleven respectively. They are active boys to...

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Her First Stray

The phone rang jarring me from the semi-catatonic state of near sleep and deep fantasy I was in. It was 3:00 a.m. and I knew she had gone out tonight with her girlfriends to a local bar in Detroit near 8 mile. Since we lived apart, I in DC and she in the Michigan ‘burbs, I knew she got lonely—especially on the weekends. Those used to be "our" times—shooting pool, throwing darts, dancing till they threw us out and then off to the car and to whatever dark corner, alleyway, or parking lot we...

3 years ago
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Wasted Life or Not

Wasted life or not? I have been recalling my misbegotten youth. I skated through high school doing just enough to graduate. It was not that I was not capable. Just the opposite, I have a very high IQ and was able to qualify for a very prestigious college by scoring very high on the ACT test and entrance exam. Once in college I returned to my old ways. I was interested in wine, women and song. Attending class and studying were far down on my list of priorities. I spent the bulk of my time and...

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David’s stomach churned and gurgled as his sweaty brow ignored the hissing AC unit above. With jittery fingers, he tapped the desk phone and dialed a number which clicked after half a ring.“Jennifer, come in here please,” he ended the speaker call while she was mid-sentence. Not even ten seconds passed before a giggling Jennifer burst through the door like a ball of fire. Her thick, curly red hair bounced as she stopped abruptly in the door-way; some of it fell over her freckled face. An...

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The Future That The Feminists Dont Want You

The year is 2030. The United States is under the dictatorship of a far-right religious sect, and has annexed Canada. All rights have been stripped from women: The vote, the ability to run a business, the right to say "no" to male sexual advances.I'm in my mid-30s and working at an investment firm in Toronto. All females are now required to be completely nude at all times. While outdoors, we are permitted to wear shoes. Once inside the building, however, we must remove them, so that we are...

3 years ago
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Alice Does ItalyChapter 11

The smell of funeral pyres was well neigh overpowering through the evening air. Over half of the nomads who had attacked us had been killed; their bodies were now being burned, as was the usual practice for someone who had died honorably in battle. I really hated that so many brave men had to die to prove our point, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, at least, they would now pay attention when we tried to tell them something. On the morrow, I would visit the nomad camp to see if they were...

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I’d been away for a few weeks, hanging out in Europe, where I’d met up with some very open-minded and horny guys – and back in the UK I felt a need to catch up with local lads for some of the kind of fun which seems so much easier to find abroad – piss fun! 

I'd been really horny all morning and on Squirt for a few hours (!) I realized I needed to have some serious piss fun and soon. So I got messaging with a piss fan in my neighbourhood, 34-year-old bear of a guy, and we decided to meet when...

1 year ago
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Succubus Blessing 8211 Part 4 Making Rohan An Ally

“What the fuck were you thinking, Raj? It’s one thing to use my name to get the penthouse suite but to have a full-blown orgy in it? That is just horrid. Everything there is high-class carpet to ceiling and is now either broken or filthy thanks to you and your party guests.” This loud yelling outside my villa awoke me. I checked my phone to see I had slept for 2 days. It was 10 am, but I was still tired from using the kama zone. My villa was secluded, and I paid extra to be left alone. I peered...

3 years ago
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From sibling love to incest love

Hi my name is Deepak. I am from the South of Tamil Nadu. I have settled in Chennai due to job requirements. As I am the only son, I am very affectionate toward Krithiga, my elder cousin sister. I am 24 and she is 34. At 26, she got married to Vijay Kumar, who works as an Engineer in Chennai. Until then, we shared a lot of affection between us. As, I was 10 years younger, she looked after me like her baby. She used to show me greater affection than her other two younger brothers. After she got...

2 years ago
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Saving Atlanta The Invisible Hand Chapter 5

“Ho, Kash, ho, Kash, ho! Whew!” said Alex, letting out deep long breaths while maintaining sharp eye contact with Kash. The tanned Emily Ratajkowski lookalike was experiencing such emotions and sensations that she was unfamiliar with, inciting a mad raging arousal.Kash had wrestled his good friend Alex down to the bed and had made out with her so aggressively that she rushed to take off a piece of clothing at every turn. Slowly but surely, Alex was nude, aroused, and very happy of it. The sexy...

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Fresher Party

Hi friends mera naam danish hai meri ISS ka bahut bara fan hu kaafi saari kaahaniya mai ne yaha padhi hai kuch sachi hoti hai or kuch jhooti lekin maza dono mai aata hai Meri kahani bilkul saachi hai meri kahani agar pasand aaye to pls mujhe mail jarur karna.ya koi larki ya lady sex karna chahati ho to pls batao Ye ghata mere sath 2 saal pahle hue the jub mai pahli baar delhi mass com karne aaya tha sorry dosto mai ne aap ko apne baare mai to bataya hi nahi meri hight 5 ‘5 hai health v aachi...

4 years ago
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I like to share my wife

*****REPOST*****REPOST*****REPOST*****I like to share my wife.This all started in 1974.Just out of the Army and newly married. My wife Gale and I would share our fantasies while making love. Being 10 years older than Gale she would pretty much let me go on and on about my fantasies. As time went by she would direct the conversation in certain ways. We seemed to all ways end up talking about Ken , my buddy. Now Ken was a big biker type dude with a real bad ass chopper. He also had the persona...

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She Wanted To Cheat

This is a true story that someone told me recently. I haven't changed or edited anything.this is what happened the only time ive cheated but i want to do it again, tell me what you would do to me and i may send you some photo's i was out in a pub with my bf he was chatting with hi mates i sat off with a friend and waited for the band to start, a guy got chatting to me and although he was almost 50 he was polite and friendly although not much to look at, my bf kept bringing me drinks and i got...

1 year ago
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Anniversary CruiseChapter 8

Six Years Later It was a warm winter day in Miami. The sun was shining. A light breeze whispered through the nearby palm trees creating a soothing rustle. The soothing rustle was being periodically drowned out, however, by the sounds of large forklifts carrying crates full of luggage, cab drivers laying on their horns and tour buses spilling their contents out onto the tarmac. David Larson looked out the window of his cab at the large white ship that towered in front of the terminal. The...

3 years ago
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Fucking Hot Indian MILF Whom I Met Through ISS

Hi friends, I am back with my recent incident that happened. For those who didn’t read my previous story, please go through it first. Thanks for the response, from the women as well. For new readers, I am Madhu an engineer of age 23 from Andhra, studying in Hyderabad. I am a sports guy of 6 feet height with fair complexion and a perfect dick. After ISS published my story, I received many emails and messages in my hangout account. Of all the messages, I found two chats are interesting – one was...

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A Professors Secret

“You seriously need to get laid, girl,” my best friend shrieks as we enter the math class.“Shush,” I attempt to hush her from speaking so crudely. She is so fucking loud.“What?” She looks at me innocently. That bitch.I just shake my head and walk to my seat. I put all my stuff down and sit myself down. She also takes a seat beside mine.“Don’t you think our professor is so hot?” She asks me that every single class. My answer is also always the same. “Nope” Though, in all honesty, he is very hot....

College Sex
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His Mothers Hair Part II A

"His Mother's Hair, Chapter II A" By Melissa Anne Curling Grandma's Visit Author's note: Thank you all so much for the kind responses to the first two parts of this continuing story. There is, of course, a strong hair related theme to this part but not the intense roller scenes that have gone on previously. But, as time goes on, Wendy will get back to rolling hair; that's for sure. There is concern that Part Ib was not as well received as the first because there were so few...

4 years ago
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Opposites Attract

No sex in this story! I want to give a big thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my stories a much better read. Here I was at the Corner Café having my dinner. I’ve been coming here to eat for the last six months. My wife of seven years and I have filed for divorce and it should be final today. For six of the seven years our marriage was great, or at least it was for me. I sat there eating the ham loaf special while thinking about my past and how we met and ended up...

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Sabrinas New Love

The smells of his apartment lingered in my mind long after I left. Scented candles, fresh coffee from the kitchen, and the distinctly masculine scent of his bed. I enjoyed laying on his bed in the morning. Naked beneath his sheets, I studied the painting near the bed. A rich, deep floral painting that added to the warmth and sensuality of his room. He had a small studio, more of one large room really, in an old Victorian house. He filled it with warm blue tones and rich gold accents. Several...

Love Stories
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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 33 The Big Goodbye Part I

August, 1981, Milford, Ohio Tuesday evening, after our three-way lovemaking session, Jennifer and I dropped Stephanie at home. We’d pick her up in the morning on the way to the airport. Jennifer and I went back to Melanie’s house and sat with Pete and Melanie for a couple of hours. I could tell that Melanie was itching to ask questions, but for once, she controlled herself. That was good because I didn’t think she needed to know anything about what had happened today. When it was time for...

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Control By Sandra Silk This is all so crazy, that I guess I should just put down what happened and let you decide what I should do. To begin with, my name is Carl and I'm 15. Just 15 three weeks ago - and what a three weeks it has been. I live with Donna, my stepmother in a small town outside of New York City. She and my dad have only been married two years and he travels most of the time. So it's usually just Donna and I at home. And that can make it hard. See, I can't take my eyes...

2 years ago
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Celebrating Our Virgin Friend8217s 21st Birthday 8211 Part 4

Hi fans, before I dig into my story, let me convey a few thoughts that all you fans (400+) have asked me in emails. I have received so many emails and I have replied to each one of you. Some of you who are writers and write stories for this prestigious site, have told me that it takes a lot of time before your stories are published. I got in touch with their Help Desk. They informed me that the delay is due to many stories being copy-pasted from other sites on the Internet. They said they check...

1 year ago
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The Half LilinChapter 2

I was walking alone in the darkness. Darkness? I wasn't very sure. Maybe it was actually brightness, it was hard to tell really. Around me, thick mist swirled and flowed. I couldn't even see my toes. Just kept walking forward, not knowing why I continued to do so. A moment later, the mist in front of me parted and a womanly figure walked straight towards me. As she got closer, I could see parts of her body; her face, breasts and waist hidden by the swirling mist. "Mother?" I enquired,...

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