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Flic was painting her toenails. God, life in the colonies was so boring. There were no parties, at least not the kind she would want to be seen at. Bill wasn't even an officer, just a Private. None of the potential officers Daddy had found were suitable for her. Mind you, the officers' parties were probably boring as well. All the officers she'd met so far were much too serious and likely talked too much shop anyway. Like those tedious gatherings Daddy dragged her along to sometimes, when he wanted to show her off to his business friends. Maybe she could tell Denise to lick her pussy to provide some relief from the boredom? Looking down her slim body she could see that the pussy in question was, as usual, perfectly trimmed -- med-tubes did have their uses. Perhaps she could work out on her exercise bike for a bit? Her legs were her best feature, and having them done in a med-tube just didn't pass the time as well as real exercise.

The sound of her sponsor entering the pod interrupted her thoughts. "Flic," Bill called. "I'm back. We need to go out to see someone."

She sighed, it was such a pain being a concubine. Why did she have to score only 5.3 on her CAP test? Daddy had tried of course, but there was no way he could increase her score, or even get the Confederacy to ignore it and make her a sponsor anyway. Still, he had done the next best thing; he had set up a pre-pack for her. Bill, her sponsor, was compliant and Denise, his second concubine, was there to handle all the drudge work in their pod. Daddy was looking after both their families back on Earth, and she messaged him regularly to let him know how things were going. Bill and Denise both knew that a word from her would have repercussions for their families. That kept them both in line, despite her technically being Bill's concubine.

"Do we have to?" she replied, "I'm waiting for my nail varnish to dry." Why did Bill have to ask her to go out at such an inconvenient time?

"I'm sorry Flic, we have to go. Orders."

"Bloody orders," she called to him. "Always interfering with the important stuff." She closed her robe and came out of her room to see Bill. He'd been through the full Marine upgrade so he was two metres tall now. He hadn't changed his appearance much otherwise, still with the same mid-brown hair and permanently bemused look that he had when he was first introduced to her on Earth. At least he'd fixed his eyes so he didn't have to wear those geeky glasses any more. She was glad of that, the geek look most certainly did not suit the image she wanted him to project. He was in his full dress uniform; that was unusual. He looked worried as well, but that wasn't her problem. "Do I need to get into something formal if you're in your full uniform?" she asked.

"Flic, you need to wear one of those grey shifts. They want you dressed as a concubine." Bill looked nervous as he asked her.

"No I will not!" Flic shouted. "Those shifts are hideous. I wouldn't be seen dead in one. It was bad enough being forced to wear one on the voyage here. I'm never ever going to wear one again! Never! Do you hear me William Osbourne?"

Bill flinched. That was just the unfortunate reaction he had expected from her. "It's not me Flic, it's orders. You have to."

Flic launched into another angry tirade as she went back into her room to look for a formal suit to go with his dress uniform. How dare Bill try to tell her what to wear! He had no fashion sense whatsoever. She decided on a white blouse with a conservatively cut dark-green jacket and matching short skirt. There were a few silver details, but not so many as to appear vulgar. Flic would never want to look vulgar. Her legs were her best feature, so she wanted to show them off with the skirt and shoes she had picked. The blouse had a scoop neck, but not so low as to distract from her legs. Details like that were important.

As he was waiting for her to get changed, a voice came through Bill's internal AI link, «Private, this is Centurion Robertson. Give her one more warning about her clothes. If she ignores it then let her come dressed as she wants. I will deal with the problem.»

«Yes, sir, » Bill replied subvocally. That worried him even more, the Centurion was obviously monitoring things personally. That meant trouble, for both himself and for Flic. Officers didn't involve themselves in trivialities. When Flic emerged in her green suit he tried once more, "You really should wear a shift Flic. They don't like concubines disobeying orders."

"I'm not wearing one of those fucking awful grey things for anyone!" she stormed. "End of argument! Let's go and see whoever it is who wants to see us." She couldn't believe that Bill was still pressing the point after she had already told him that she wouldn't wear one of those dowdy shapeless things. What did he take her for?

Bill shrugged and led her out of the pod. She hadn't made a wise decision, but that was down to her. He had tried his best to dissuade her.

When the two of them arrived at the Civil Service reception area, the woman at the desk ignored Flic and just talked to Bill, "Private Osbourne. The Centurion will see you shortly. Please take a seat."

As they sat waiting, Flic glared at the receptionist, wondering what a Moslem woman in a headscarf was doing here. Hadn't the Confederacy left all the Moslems behind on Earth? Pulling her mind back to their current situation, she asked Bill, "Is a Centurion important?"

"Yes, Flic. He's the equivalent of a Major. You'll need to be very polite to him and do whatever he says. Best to stay quiet at first, until he starts talking to you. He'll probably want to speak to me first."

Flic started to get angry, but she managed to suppress it. Out in public she had to act more circumspectly. After all, she was supposedly the concubine with Bill as her sponsor. This Centurion, whoever he was, would expect her to play the obedient concubine. It wasn't something she enjoyed, but it was one of those annoying things she had to do now and then. A bit like attending Daddy's parties to smile at those fat, leering business partners of his. Bill was looking even more nervous than he had in the pod. Well, that wasn't her problem.

In his office Mark was refreshing himself from the file on the two he was about to see:

Sponsor: William Osbourne, Marine PFC, Age 16 CAP 6.5;

Concubine: Felicity Osbourne, formerly Barham, Age 18, CAP 5.3.

The AI had flagged him earlier, and he'd seen how far things had degenerated between the two of them inside the pod. When this case had first crossed his desk, he'd made some enquiries on Earth, and had got some interesting answers back. The sponsor would get a refresher course, and his concubine would get a sharp lesson. She would definitely need curing of her bad habits. He didn't expect that she would need recycling. She was obviously spoiled and over-indulged, but she wasn't stupid. She should be capable of learning what she needed to learn quickly enough to avoid the worst. Sitting up straighter in his chair, he told Shahana to send them in.

When they entered, Bill stood rigidly to attention in front of Mark's desk, saluting him. "Sir! Private Osbourne reporting, sir!"

Flic stood to one side, a couple of paces back. She posed herself to better show her legs and smiled at the Centurion; the nameplate on his desk said Mark Robertson. He was sitting there, looking very formal in his Civil Service uniform. Strangely, he had made himself look about forty with some grey in his hair and beard. Surely he could have had that fixed in a med-tube? This was obviously shaping up as a very formal meeting. Bill had been right to warn her to play her role as concubine. Irritating, but she could do it if she really had to.

Mark acknowledged Bill's salute. He asked, "Private, tell me what you were doing earlier this afternoon."

"Sir! I was being Court Martialed, sir!"

Flic gasped. What on earth was happening here? And why was she involved?

"On what charge Private?" Mark continued.

"Sir! Failure to control a concubine, sir!" Bill replied.

Flic immediately knew that this was big trouble for her. She changed to a more submissive pose and stopped smiling, that obviously wasn't appropriate any more in the current circumstances. How much worse was it going to get? Perhaps she should have put on one of those horrendous grey shifts after all? Bill had been more insistent about it than he usually was about things.

Mark carried on relentlessly, "And what was the verdict Private?"

"Sir! Guilty, sir!"

"And what part of your sentence was relevant to the Civil Service?"

"Sir! To transfer concubine Felicity Osbourne to the Civil Service for an indefinite period of obedience training, sir!"

Flic's heart sank. She was really in for it now. And it was probably all her own fault. Damn! Why couldn't she have been a sponsor? Why couldn't Daddy have fixed it like he fixed everything else for her? She just wasn't at all suited to being a concubine. She deserved far better.

"Thank you Private. Dismissed," Mark told him.

Bill saluted and marched out.

Flic stayed where she was. Having heard everything, she knew that for the moment she belonged to the Civil Service, not Bill. Oh God! The Civil Service. They couldn't put her in one of their brothels, could they?

The Centurion pointed silently to the spot where Bill had stood. She quickly moved there, standing still, waiting for him to speak. She thought back, wondering what she'd done to cause this. When she started thinking about it, there were rather more reasons than she expected. She had become careless, much too careless. The latest was last week. She'd been serving at a party Bill was throwing for some of his Marine buddies, when one of them had ordered her to get him a beer. She told him to get his own fucking beer and stormed off to her room. She'd had enough of being ogled all evening as the Marines had got drunker. Bill had persuaded her to go back and apologise with a blow-job. She did it because she realised that she'd gone too far that time. She blamed it on PMT, but the excuse and the blow-job obviously hadn't been enough. She'd become far too casual in the way she treated Bill and his buddies. Now she was going to suffer for it.

While she was thinking, Mark looked at her. Eighteen, blonde mid-length hair, blue eyes and perfectly turned out. From the pictures on her file she hadn't had much done in the med-tubes. Good legs, which her green skirt showed to advantage, and a relatively small bust. She probably thought a large bust would be vulgar and beneath her. After twenty seconds silence he began, "If your neighbour's dog bites you, what do you do about it?"

Flic wondered what his question was getting at, as it didn't seem relevant. She had to answer anyway, "You have it put down." Quickly she added, "Sir," at the end; the situation seemed to call for it.

"Correct. We do the same to concubines that bite sponsors," he said calmly.

This interview was not going at all well Flic realised. Was the Centurion going to kill her? Bill had said 'obedience training', surely that wasn't execution? Suddenly the Civil Service brothel began to look less unattractive.

"What if your neighbour's dog doesn't bite anyone, but just digs up your flowerbeds and shits on your lawn?" Mark asked.

Flic felt relief hearing that. He wasn't going to kill her, just punish her for not being a proper concubine. Undoubtedly it would be unpleasant, but almost anything was better than being recycled. The answer to his question was obvious, "You send it for obedience training, sir."

"So why are you being given obedience training?" he asked.

"Because I dug up people's flowerbeds and shat on their lawns, sir."

Mark had to work hard to suppress a grin at her response; she caught on quickly. She was probably intelligent enough to learn from her mistake, so he wouldn't have to recycle her. That was a relief -- recycling a concubine was always the very last resort.

"You shat on your own lawn as well," he told her. "Private Osbourne's record now has a black mark on it thanks to you. That will mean slower promotion for him, and I suspect that you would rather be concubine to a Corporal or to a Sergeant than to a Private?"

"Yes, sir. I can see that now." She did see it now, but she hadn't until the Centurion had pointed it out to her. She'd really messed things up by thinking just of herself, and not of the wider impact of her behaviour. She resolved to act more carefully in future, if she got out of this in one piece.

Mark changed his line of attack, "I made some enquiries when Private Osbourne's case first came to my attention. Your father is a very influential man, used to getting his own way. I suspect that he let you have pretty much anything you wanted when you were younger, and arranged for inconvenient things like speeding tickets to disappear, didn't he."

"Yes, sir," she replied. He had that right. She'd never even bothered to count the number of tickets and such that Daddy had smoothed over for her.

"He even tried to get your CAP score increased," Mark pointed out.

"Yes, sir. I know he tried. He wasn't able to do it though." That had really annoyed Flic; it still did. Whenever she'd wanted anything, Daddy was usually able to organise it for her. Unfortunately he couldn't seem to get anywhere with the Confederacy. As he'd put it, there were no handles for him to get any leverage on them. They didn't owe him any favours, and he didn't have anything they needed.

Mark went on, "Indeed he couldn't. But he did come up with an interesting alternative. It seems to me that he set you up with a pre-pack. Private Osbourne's sister is at an expensive private school, with her fees paid by one of your father's charities. His father and brother, together with his second concubine's former husband, have sinecure jobs with one of your father's companies. Underworked and overpaid. All three of them have secretaries who are more qualified for fucking than for filing."

She hadn't known the exact details, but that sounded like something Daddy would have arranged. Flic was sure the Centurion was right, including the detail about the secretaries.

Mark continued, "I presume that the continuation of these arrangements depends on the contents of the messages you send to your father every few weeks?"

Flic made a quick decision that it was best to tell the truth here. She knew AIs could act as lie detectors, and undoubtedly there was one checking on her right now. The Centurion seemed to have worked it all out anyway, so she wouldn't be telling him anything he didn't know already. "Yes, you're right. As long as I tell Daddy I'm OK, he'll keep looking after Bill and Denise's families ... Sir." She almost forgot the 'sir' that time. The depth and detail of his research worried her.

"One thing does puzzle me," Mark asked. "Why did your father pick Private Osbourne? I'd have thought that he would rather have chosen someone who was officer material."

"He tried to, sir, but none of the potential officers would go along with the arrangement. Bill was the best of the ones who agreed."

Mark could understand that. She was obviously a spoiled rich girl who would have deterred a lot of possible sponsors. Far too high maintenance, especially with the amount of control she would have under the deal her father was trying to set up. "How did your father set up the extraction?" he enquired.

"He wasn't able to, sir. He was trying to arrange for us all to go together as a pre-pack, but that was taking a long time to set up. While we were waiting, the three of us spent a lot of time together in coffee bars and restaurants. One day we got lucky."

Mark felt relief at hearing that, and the AI had confirmed that she was telling the truth. There would have been big problems to investigate if her father had been able to influence the location of a random pickup.

Pausing, he let her stew for a bit. "I'm not going to interrupt that arrangement at the moment." Flic sighed with relief. "Many of the parties involved are on Earth and so are none of my business. I am only interested in the three of you that are here on Waller. You three are my business."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Flic emphasised the sirs. Maybe she could salvage something from this disaster after all.

"And you are the one among the three who is causing me problems. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to realise that you can't go on the way you have been."

"Oh yes, sir, I realise that, sir. I'll be better in future."

"Good. Then strip naked, you're improperly dressed," he ordered abruptly.

Flic realised that she didn't have a choice here. She had messed up and was being punished for it. Daddy punished his people when they made mistakes and this Centurion Robertson was doing the same. In some ways he even reminded her of Daddy; his automatic assumption of obedience to his orders gave him the same air of authority. Even his apparent age and his hair, with some grey deliberately left in, enhanced the image of authority. Perhaps that was why he kept it that way? She started unbuttoning her jacket.

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Out on a Tether By Morpheus Reno Nevada, Tuesday October 2nd. High school is an utterly amazing place. Not only is it a bastion of learning and education, but also a social melting pot where you can interact with a lot of different people, giving you the opportunity to make contacts and friendships that can last a lifetime. Who am I kidding. School sucks. Maybe, if I'd been a big buff jock like my older brother Brad, then school might not have been so bad. After all, he...

4 years ago
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Dentist Aunt And My Adventure

Doctor Aunty. Hi Everyone my name is Akshay Bhosale I am from pune. This is My first story and I thought I should share this experience with you all. I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and have been reading stories since 4 years and got a lot of ideas of seducing from this place. I m an athletic body guy with dick more than 6’ I haven’t measured it and stamina to fuck whole night (and that’s money back gurantee …lol). Now coming to the story this is about my experience with my cousin aunt who...

3 years ago
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Club Pick up

I went to the club with a bunch of co-workers to celebrate the end of an important sale. We were drinking and having a great time. This one guy that I worked with was dancing with a hot red head. He went to use the men's room and she danced with me. She was rubbing her ass against my junk, which responded like any guys would. At one point she reached back and squeezed and said "Impressive".Vinnie came back and she was dancing with him again. About a half hour later he got a call from his fiance...

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Lean In

You keep teasing me under these stars. You lean in ever so close; I can feel your breath mix with mine, your lips invade the bubble around mine. And then you back away, and I can see the sky, but your eyes are burned into my thoughts, a soft hazel I can just barely make out.You’re the girl of my dreams, and this is the scene of my dreams. I want you to pinch me. I want you to reassure me that all of this is real. I want you.I try to reach for you, but in the moonlight you give me a look. I put...

First Time
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EvilAngel Francesca Le Natalie Porkman Lesbian And BJ 3Way

Delicious, candidly named Natalie Porkman confesses her deepest sexual secrets to busty MILF Francesca Le. Francesca squeezes Natalie’s big tits and strokes the cute girl’s wet pussy as Natalie opens her mouth wide for a vigorous face fuck from Francesca’s husband, Mark Wood. It’s a double blowjob for Mark, as Francesca takes a turn sucking his cock and covering his dick head with slobber. Natalie’s hairpins fall out as she gives sloppy head. She eats...

2 years ago
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Through the YearsChapter 7 Competition and ldquoRiderdquo Back

I had made some sandwiches and had some sandwiches and a salad for when the girls came back from their walk. After the girls had eaten, I was cleaning up the dishes when Wren told the girls, “We’re going to play a game called ‘Black Jack’. It’ll be fun for the winner but might be a little more tempting for the losers. Tim will explain the rules including the prizes along with the penalties for losing.” Approaching the table where they were all still sitting. “Ok, you all know how to play...

4 years ago
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My boyfriends roommatePart 4

My boyfriend's roommate...Part 4 I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and with all the other symptoms of an acute hangover. I lay in bed, trying to get some more sleep but that wasn't coming either. I reached for my phone and checked my messages. One was from Kabir, checking if I had woken up. As the events of the previous night was coming back to me, irritation crept in. Kabir had chosen to continue at the party even when his girlfriend was drunk and wanted to go home....

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Before my boyfriend and I met and became a couple, my boyfrend lived in a collective. First in one with seven others, both men and women, also one with three girls. When my boyfriend moved for himself, he moves into an apartment with seven others. Many worked, some commuted from house, family and to work. The first time he had sex with just one man was one who lived there for only weeks for work, but had houses and family outside the city. He had had sex with men before, but only in groups....

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The New OwnerChapter 9

Note: I love this story as if flows onto my computer. I hope I do it justice as it is much longer than I anticipated. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. I did take some liberties in the management restructuring or this chapter alone could have been a book. As it is my editor suggested I split it into two chapters because it was too long. Please accept them as they are, I have plans to use some of them in the future. As always constructive criticism gratefully accepted and ways to...

4 years ago
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Sex Encounter With Hot Bangladeshi Virgin Girl

I am Shaded, hot sex oriented person. Engineer by profession. My age is 25. I am not a pro but I have gone through some super adventurous sex in my life for which I think I am lucky. I like to meet women in Facebook or Skype and have hot conversation. Be passionate while reading the story as it is a slow pace real like hot story! Every bit of it is true. No more time wasting! straight to the story. Her name were Aisha, a beautiful young girl from the village. She was just 18 when this happened....

3 years ago
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Matilda and the AssassinChapter 3

Matilda stretched as she awoke, her skinny arms reaching for the ceiling. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before opening them slowly. Something felt odd. Her eyes darted right and then left without lifting her head. It was too quiet. And then she remembered she was not in her own bed in her own apartment. She listened for sounds. There were none. Rolling out of the strange bed, Matilda winced at the dull pain between her legs. She plopped down on the side of the bed with her legs...

3 years ago
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Sex on the beach3

Maria thought she might be in love with the new guy in her life. His name was Michael and he was tall, dark, and definitely handsome. He towered over Maria but she loved the way they fit together and she always felt so protected by this tall, masculine man. They'd met at some obscure party Maria had ended up at, someplace where she only knew one person, and that person was at best an acquaintance. Maria had been alone at the party full of strangers until Michael had found her and she...

2 years ago
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john the computer man

Every day after school i always rush to my bedroom to go on my laptop to watch porn, talk to guys online and read porn stories. After losing my virginity a year earlier to my sisters ex boyfriend (they broke up because she caught us both in bed) i hadn’t had much luck with guys. They were all too immature in my school and most were still virgins. I wanted an older bloke, one like the guys i talk to on porn sites. I am 17 years old, tall about 5 ft 7, slim- size 8 and have nice boobs- size 32...

3 years ago
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Hi allthis is a true incident happened to me recently.I had to go on a business trip to a small town in central India and there was no flights to the place so i booked a train ticket first class. I had to take the train from New Delhi and be fore boarding i bought my self a nice bra with D cups a matching lace panty and thong, a pair of panty hose, transparent full length nighty with just a string to tie it in the front. I bought a cpl of packs of smokes and a bottle of whisky and got on the...

4 years ago
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Steamroom Encounter

It had been an enjoyable but hard workout at the gym, and Sarah was now looking forward to a refreshing shower and a relaxing massage in the steam room. Everything was booked and paid for.Stepping out of the shower, Sarah wrapped her clean and toned body in a white bath towel and made her way across to the steam room reception. She was greeted by a male masseur who she didn’t recognize. He introduced himself as Adam and apologized that her regular masseur, Leah, had been taken unexpectedly ill...

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Teachers Daughter

Hey there Horny Readers it's me ink, a guy of age 20 with 6 inch thick and long tool. I'm back here with a new story which happened when i was in high school. This story is about how i had sex with my Social Science teacher's daughter Janu . Janu was short and had busty boobs i don't know exactly her boob size but it was unusually big for her at that age. She is fair and has a cute smile. Her mom name is Sugu (will be a special one so read fully). Please Do LIKE & SHARE and also subscribe...

3 years ago
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Ken proves his point

Kenny was out on a two-day navigation trial with two other scouts Harvey and Nigel. They were well into the High Country, a mountainous region of Australia, and had set up a small camp for the night. Over the meal Harvey said " Hey Kenny, is this the area the guys say that you found the naked chick or something?" "Oh that's a lot of shit Harv don't believe Kenny, hes full of it" said Nigel. Ken remained silent for a while then commented " I 'll show you arse holes tomorrow where this...

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An unusual f amily 1

The first time I suspected my family was not like every other family was when I was 18. Being a teenage boy, I had all the normal hormones and urges, and I had become fond of masturbating. It wasn't something my family talked about a lot, and I knew that my older sister on occasion played with herself. But it was certainly not discouraged, and to me it was normal to fondle myself in my pants or even out in the open while we were watching television or sitting outside on the patio. In my family,...

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Caroline Ch 0802

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Plenty of sex in this one (mostly anal)! Caroline’s Tale The Villa Mimosa – Jo’s period and Caroline’s basque! The Villa Mimosa, Mike’s villa on Lake Maggiore, was built on a hillside between Stresa and Baveno overlooking the lake and the islands. The journey up on Monday...

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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 3

Well, I was only able to do this easily for about a week. Because after that, Cindy became my roommate. At first I thought she did not like me, because when I tried to talk to her she said very little. But finally I realized that she was just really really shy. But now I was feeling like Deena. Because as soon as my classes were done I would rush to our room and take a bath. In fact, I imagine Cindy thought I was a clean freak, because I took baths every day! Sometimes 2 or 3. And after one...

1 year ago
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My bestfriends dad

I always thought my best friend's dad was hot. He's in his late 40's and in shape and his hair is greying at the temples, which I think is sexy and he's divorced. Last winter I went over to spend the night, but Lindsay was running late getting home from her boyfriend's house and as the weather got worse, she ended up getting snowed in. So did I. I was 18, but still lived at home. So after a couple of attempts at getting my car unstuck, I called home and let them know I was staying put. Greg was...

2 years ago
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Construction SeductionChapter 7

It was on a Friday evening at Ricky’s bar on the last Friday of May. The five McClain Construction men were all seated at their usual places at the bar talking about Ashley coming back to work during summer vacation from college. Looking forward to working with her for another summer Greg Sandler said, “Can you guys believe what a beautiful girl Ash has become?” Darren Doyle, Skip Furman, Nick DiAngeli, and Sam Glickman all shook their heads in agreement. The night they spent with her after...

3 years ago
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My favorite black girl

My favorite black girl is an escort that I will call F. She's a single mum, late thrities and stunningly beautiful with a gorgeous size 6-8 body but tits that are a D cup. Ok, so they have been enhanced but they feel and look amazing. She may be an escort but we have met loads of times now and we are more friends than anything else. I still pay for my time with her but she lets me see her for half her normal rate and provided she doesn't have anything else on I get to stay for as long as we...

2 years ago
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Camping Out PT 5

Camping Out PT 5I wake up later in the day—about 3:00 or so to a scorching tent. Must have been a hundred degrees in here, sweat pouring from my pits and ass. The smell of my unwiped hairy crack smelled like a pig trough. Damm---I gotta go shower up now. Exiting the tent I see one of the quads sitting near by. Pointing at it, and glancing over at Blankinship, he replies “ya—there's only 5 out riding right now. I walk near by him, heading for the quad, and he exclaims—kinda loudly actually, “God...

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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 2

Day 2 WednesdayI continued my march on London. Occasionally the path took me away from the river, which is as of now, plainly a river.After lunch I came upon a young couple – mid-20s – sitting on a bench beside the river. The man was thin, bespeculated and wore typical hiking clothes for this time of year. So to did his wife or partner - a rather plain, mousy brunette dressed almost identically to him, also bespeculated. They were talking to one another as I approached, beyond saying “hello” to...

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DorcelClub Rebecca Volpetti Rebecca 4 You

Rebecca and Raul, newlyweds, are a happy couple, but Raul spends most of his time at work. One evening, they receive his boss for dinner and the latter makes him the most indecent offer. He will consider giving him a promotion if Raul lets him sleep with his wife. Upset at first, Rebecca will take the lead and accept, her husband has sacrificed too much to see his advancement stopped now. In turn, then together during an intense double penetration, the two men will fill the beautiful Russian...

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Fattie pickup

It was a night of drinking and partying a few weeks ago…….I ended up in my usual watering fountain to have one last drink before going home, I was buzzing really nice and felt good!! at the same time felt a little horny as well. In the bar my eyes caught a glimpse of a latin looking women to the best of my guessing she was about 45 years old dark to medium color skin and the CLEAVAGE she had on her was mind blowing, for the longest time I had not seen such remarkable huge breasts filling out of...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 72 Not The Steve I Know

December 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How bad?” I asked. “Well, if my initial, off-the-cuff analysis is correct...” “Which it usually is,” I interrupted. “Thanks. So, if I’m right, the MBA playbook says cost-cutting, including rounds of layoffs, reductions in benefits, and increased fees for our products and services.” “That would wreck the company,” I said. “But it would improve the bottom line today!” Elyse countered. “And that’s how you know why I will never go public and never...

2 years ago
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How I became a cheating slut pt2

Of course what really had me turned on wasn't just Evelyn's boyfriend peeking on me, it was that he fucked me... in front of Alan's grandpa no less... it was my first steps towards being the whore I am today. I wasn't guilt free, but the sexual excitement I had just from thinking about it was overwhelmingly intense. Alan had asked his grandpa if he had seen anything in the hot tub, but he just shook his head and ignored him... I didn't know if he was just refusing to tell Alan, or if...

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Kicking and ScreamingChapter 3

“So, it’s done now. The divorce is final. And you can marry Consuela now. A smart choice, I might add. Just not one that most men in my experience would have made. You’re a rare fellow, Jack Jackson. Incidentally, where the ‘Jack’ come from, anyway? It’s not your legal name, and as your wife, I definitely noticed,” Jill commented on the notice that we both received that the divorce waiting period was over and the settlement took effect. “All that time as my wife, and you never asked....

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