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When I first went to work for Margaret Denton, I knew nothing about her




By John Comstock



When I first went to work for Helene, I knew her only by reputation.


She was the founder and CEO of a software development company in Houston and I was a 30-year-old rising star in the computer world.? She met me at a conference, recruited me hard, luring me from a good job in Dallas, and promised to make me part of her inner circle.


I had no idea then what she really meant . . .


She was young, in her late 20s, but had already made her mark nationally and internationally, writing code in her teens and copyrighting everything she did.? By the time she was 25 her company was generating more than $50 million a year in sales and she was a coveted speaker on the national lecture circuit.


Not only that ? she was stunning.? About five-seven, long black hair, a killer body, and four-inch spike heels that had rapidly become part of her trademark look.? I admit I started fantasizing about her from the first time I met her at the conference.


My first few months on the new job were idyllic.? We churned out one new software product after another and the bonuses flowed in a never-ending stream.? Six months after my arrival she asked me to travel with her to a conference in Boston.


She was scheduled to be the keynote speaker and her hosts treated her like royalty.? I wasn?t surprised to see every man in the room salivating at the idea of bedding this gorgeous, successful woman ? but I was surprised when she started talking about them.


We were having an after-dinner drink on the first night of the conference.? Her keynote speech had gone well and we?d retired to the bar with three of her hosts, all of them men.? She leaned over to me after a few minutes and nodded at the other three, all of them temporarily distracted by a passing bar maid.? ?What do you think, Donald?? she whispered.? ?Do you think I should bed one of them tonight??


I nearly spilled my drink, and when I felt her hand on my thigh I froze.? A moment passed, then she took her hand away and started talking to one of the other men.


An hour later she left with one of the three and didn?t return.? I didn?t see her again until the next afternoon, and she made no mention of the night before until a 4 p.m. meeting she?d scheduled for the two of us in her room.? We needed to review our plans for a breakout session we would be jointly conducting the next day.


We talked about the session for a few minutes, then she asked if I wanted a drink.? I was sitting on a couch and when she came over to me with a drink in each hand, she sat down next to me.? Right next to me.


?Here?s to success tomorrow,? she toasted, looking me in the eye, and we both took a sip of our drinks.? She didn?t remove her gaze, then toasted again:? ?And here?s to success tonight!?? I didn?t know what to say, but I joined her in another sip.? She put the glass down, leaned back and absently dropped her hand onto my leg.


?You know, Donald, it?s really rather amazing what men will do to get into my pants,? she said, and her hand began to move up and down my thigh.? ?I mean, they?ll agree to almost anything, and I?ve closed some of my best deals by giving them a taste.?


By this time my throat was dry and my cock was engorged.? Her hand drifted idly across it each time she reached the top of my thigh, but she didn?t look down and didn?t seem to be all that interested in what was happening to me.


?Take tonight, for instance,? she said.? ?I?ll be sitting next to the CEO of one of the largest electronics companies in the country, and I know exactly what he?ll be thinking of.? By morning, we should have a multi-year contract with his company.?


Suddenly she sprang to her feet and headed for the bedroom.? ?Time to get ready,? she called back over her shoulder.? ?See you this evening!?


As she left the room, I found it hard to breathe.? I had no idea what was going on, but my blood was racing.? It took a few moments for me to get up and leave.


That night I watched her from across the room as she and the CEO laughed and joked and maintained eye contact throughout most of the dinner ? and the next day on the plane home she handed me the draft of the memorandum of understanding the two of them had put together that nailed down the contract.


The next few weeks were uneventful except for my fantasies.? Clearly, this was a woman who knew what she had and used it to get what she wanted.? Trouble was, I had no idea what she wanted from me.


The answer came at the next conference.? We flew in two days early so she could do some shopping, and she insisted we stay in adjoining rooms so we could meet whenever the fancy struck her.


We spent the second morning working together on our presentations.? As I started packing things up at the end of the meeting, she walked behind me and I suddenly found her hands on my shoulders.


?You know something, Donald?? she asked.? ?I think you just might be what I?ve been looking for.?


She began massaging my shoulder and neck muscles, gradually drawing my head back to lean against her stomach.? I didn?t say a word.


?You may think everything comes easily for me,? she said.? ?After all, I?m still in my 20s, I?m a multi-millionaire, I run a major corporation and I have men stumbling all over themselves every time I come into a room.


?But I?m here to tell you the pressures are incredible, Donald.? Just incredible.? I need an outlet, a dependable outlet, somewhere I can turn where I don?t have to worry about flattering a man?s ego to get a contract or doing whatever he likes in bed to keep him on board.?


She stopped the massage and walked around the table, then leaned over and looked into my eyes.


?I need you, Donald.?


I stared back at her, the hair rising on my neck.


?Can you be my outlet, Donald?? What do you think??


?I . . . I . . . I don?t know exactly what you mean,? I said, my voice breaking a bit.? She was such a vision, her breasts spilling toward me as she leaned over, her gorgeous face alight with interest.


?It?s simple,? she said, standing up and beginning to unbutton her blouse.? ?I need a man around me who doesn?t demand anything.? A man I can toy with.? A man I can have whenever I want him ? without ever having to meet his needs.?


She finished unbuttoning the blouse, then took it off.? ?Can you be that man, Donald?? she asked.? My cock gave me the answer.


She was wearing a deep black bra that matched the color of her hair, which spilled down across her shoulders.? When she reached for the zipper on her skirt, I tried swallowing, and failed.


The skirt whispered down her legs and onto the floor as she stepped out of it and walked around the table toward me.? She was wearing a black g-string and the bra, nothing else, and stood almost six feet tall in her trademark heels.


She reached down and took one of my hands, pulled me to my feet and began unbuttoning my shirt.? Before I knew it she was releasing my cock from my clothes and stripping me.? She pushed me onto the floor and stood above me, staring greedily at the size of my cock and my naked body.


Then she reached behind her and unhooked her bra.? When her breasts fell clear my cock stiffened even more and began to bounce.? She raised one of her legs and moved the tip of her stiletto heel to a position just above my balls, slowly lowered it until it touched the space between them, then gradually ground the tip into my groin.


?There are only two rules here, Donald,? she said, staring down into my eyes from far above me, her breasts crowding my line of vision.


?Number one, you do everything I tell you to do.


?Number two, you don?t dare have an orgasm.? I want you ready, willing and able whenever I want you.? I don?t ever want to wait for you.?


She didn?t even pause for me to reply.? She knew she had me.? I had no idea how to obey her second rule, but knew I?d try.


She took her foot away, then stood above me, one leg on either side, facing my cock with her ass immediately above my face.? She slowly untied her g-string and let it fall away and I found myself staring at her beautiful black bush.


?Do you like what you see?? she whispered, but again didn?t wait for an answer.? She bent her knees and lowered her ass toward me, and before I knew it she was speaking more loudly.


?Your tongue, Donald!?


She descended even further and my tongue plunged into her cunt.? She gave a gasp, then ground her ass cheeks onto my face and simultaneously grabbed my cock with both hands.


I nearly came . . .


?Don?t you dare,? she barked.? ?We?re just getting started.?


Over the next five hours she fucked me every way imaginable, hardly spoke a word to me and had eight or ten orgasms.? By the time she finished with me and headed for the shower to get ready for the opening dinner at the conference, I was a quivering wreck on the living room floor.? I lay there for almost half an hour, listening to her moving about in the bathroom and the bedroom, and was still there when she emerged, stunning, ready to bedazzle every other man at the conference.


She looked down at me, smiled at the stiff cock and the engorged nipples that still tormented me.


?Better get ready for dinner, Donald,? she said.? ?And then come back here after dinner and wait for me.


?Of course,? she said, ?it might be a long wait.? I?m supposed to have a drink with the chief operating officer of a metallurgical company after dinner, and who knows what might come up.


?Just wait for me, no matter how long it takes.?


She walked to the door and looked back at me one more time.


?Oh, and Donald ? don?t touch it while I?m gone.?


I didn?t have to ask what she meant.? My cock knew. ??


I lay on the floor for another few minutes, then slowly pulled myself together and went to my room.


I arrived at the dinner a few minutes late, but managed to carry on an agreeable conversation with a young woman seated next to me.? She was a public relations person for the conference and had nothing resembling Helene?s style or physical assets.? But she was somewhat attractive and my hormones were running wild.


I looked up once and found Helene staring at me from another table with a big smile on her face.? When she saw me looking at her, she slowly shook her head, and I knew the public relations woman was off-limits.? Helene glanced at the side of the dining room and tilted her head, so I excused myself from the table and met her near one of the colonnades along the rear of the room.


?How are you feeling, Donald?? she asked, somewhat mischievously.


I didn?t answer.? I didn?t think she needed or wanted an answer.


?Look, I know you?re turned on now,? she said, ?and I know every woman in this place will light your fire.


?That?s fine,? she said.? ?I don?t mind if you get even more frustrated than you were when I left you in the room.


?But remember this:? I own your cock now.? That?s the third rule:? You can tease yourself all you want by hanging out with other women, but if you ever have sex with any of them I?ll fire you instantly and you?ll never spend another moment with me.


?It?s your choice, Donald,? she said, then smiled again and walked away.


I watched her moving languorously back to her table and nearly came on the spot, then went back to the young public relations woman and flirted with her shamelessly for the next hour.? I?m sure she expected me to take her for a drink (and who knows what else?), but as the final speaker concluded his remarks, I excused myself and headed back to Helene?s room.


The hour with the public relations woman had been delicious.? I was so turned on I?m sure it radiated out of every pore, and I could tell she was responding.? When I reached Helene?s room I immediately took off all my clothes and lay back on the bed.? My entire body was throbbing, and I realized Helene?s second and third rules were the ones that had thoroughly ensnared me.? Giving up control of my cock was the most exciting thing I?d ever done.


I eventually fell asleep, and she didn?t return to the room until almost six a.m.? When she did, she was horny as hell.? ?I fucked him, Donald,? she said as she crawled into bed with me.? ?I fucked him three times, and by the end of this conference we?ll have another multi-year contract.? I?ll be fucking him again tonight and tomorrow night.?


She whipped the covers off the bed and saw the size of my cock.? She leaned over and took it into her mouth, began sucking it ferociously.? I thought I?d erupt, but she squeezed my balls as hard as she could and I cried out.


She slapped at my cock once, hard, then again, then threw herself onto the bed next to me on her back and spread her legs.


?Suck me,? she ordered.? ?Suck all that cum out of my pussy.?


I slid down the bed, knelt between her legs and buried my face in her cunt.? It was full of juices, some of them hers.


?All of it,? she commanded.? ?Suck all of it out.?


She came three times in the next two hours, then fell into a dead sleep until noon.


The next two nights were the same.? I teased myself by flirting with attractive young women each evening, then waited for Helene?s return.? Each time, I sucked her to repeated orgasms.


And then it was time to fly back to Houston.? We were sitting in adjoining seats in first class.? Helene had pretty much ignored me since falling asleep that morning, but she finally looked over at me thoughtfully, then whispered, ?Is your cock erect??


I just blinked, and she laughed.


?Okay,? she said.? ?Here are the rest of the rules.? From now on, I want you available to me all the time, not just during conferences.? That means you?ll be moving into the same building as my penthouse.? I don?t want anybody else knowing about us, but I want you there whenever I want you.


?Of course, you have a choice.? You can quit and try to find another job.? Might be hard, though.? You?d need a good reference from your boss.?? She grinned and ran her hand up my thigh, pausing to squeeze my cock.


I found my voice.


?I don?t want to quit.? Just tell me what to do and when to do it and I?ll be there.?


She leaned over and looked into my eyes.


?You really dig this, don?t you?? she said, and I nodded.


?Unbelievable,? she said, and shook her head.? ?I thought I?d have to blackmail you into being my permanent boy-toy, and here you love it!?? She grinned again and leaned back in her seat.


?We?ll see,? she said.? ?We?ll see just how much you love it as time goes by.?


I didn?t like the tone in her voice, but I didn?t let it worry me much.? I just sank back into my own seat and surrendered myself to my fantasies.


Over the next few months we fell into a routine.? At the office we were the picture of decorum.? I wrote code, she did deals.? But at home and on the road, everything changed.? I could always tell when she?d had a bad day at the office:? My phone would ring shortly after 7 p.m. and within minutes I?d be on my knees in her bedroom, my head buried between her thighs.


She actually did understand that I needed to have an occasional orgasm, if only to protect my health, but she didn?t want it to happen at her place or when we were on the road together.? ?I?ll let you know when you can go back to your apartment and masturbate,? she said, ?but don?t count on it being very often.? And if I ever catch you fucking another woman, we?re history.?


Because she was such a well-known executive, she frequently attended black-tie events in Houston and served on a number of high-level civic committees.? Her picture appeared frequently in the Houston newspapers, always with some handsome or rich or elderly (and rich) man, and there were many times when my phone didn?t ring until early morning.? She loved telling me about her lovers, in great detail, and it amused her to see how it turned me on.? The more aroused I?d become, the more she?d tease me, with her words and her body, and she became an absolute expert at sensing when I was about to lose control.? Whenever that moment arrived, she?d pull away and bark at me to be careful.? Then she?d push me onto the floor on my back and walk around me, entirely naked except for her stiletto heels, enjoying the way my body quivered and my cock shuddered.? ?Don?t cum, Donald,? she?d say in a soothing voice.? ?Don?t cum or you?ll have to leave ? and then I?ll never call you again!?? Then she?d laugh and lower her cunt onto my face for me to service her again.


Things went on this way for almost a year.? Sometimes she wouldn?t call me for days on end, and wouldn?t even give me permission to masturbate.? Total arousal.? Nowhere to go with it.? She knew that and did it on purpose.


But I really couldn?t complain. ?I was earning a lot of money, making love to one of the most beautiful women I could imagine, and not incidentally acquiring a reputation myself for superior software.? Helene was generous in that regard at least.? She didn?t try to take credit for my work -- although she did remind me that everything I did belonged to her since I did it in her employ.? I couldn?t take it with me if I ever decided to leave.


Not that I wanted to.? I couldn?t imagine being away from her for any lengthy period of time.? I was totally in her thrall . . . and when she upped the ante again I didn?t hesitate.


?I want you to watch,? she said one night while she rode me to her third orgasm in an hour, her cunt sliding up and down my shaft as she hovered above me.


?Wh . .. wh . . . what do you mean?? I gasped, trying to hold onto my sanity as she drove down on me again.


?I?ve installed a hidden camera in my bedroom and a monitor in your living room,? she said once she?d shuddered to a stop.? ?From now on, whenever I bring a man back here, I want you to be sitting in your living room without any clothes on watching the monitor.? I mean, it?s great having you show up after the fact and listen to my stories about the men I?m fucking, but it will be even better to have you watching.? If I know you, that?ll just take your frustration up another notch and make you an even better lover for me.?? She reached over and began squeezing my cock as she spoke and within seconds I was gasping for release.


It didn?t come.


That night I sat in my living room, naked, my cock rigid, and watched as she came into the bedroom with one of her CEO friends.? It was clear she intended to please him, something she?d never done with me.? She sat on the edge of the bed, making sure she was directly in front of the hidden camera, and began unbuckling his belt.? His pants slid to the ground and she pulled his cock out of his briefs, began licking it.? The camera caught her raven hair moving up and down as she sucked him for a long, long time.? Somehow, he didn?t explode in her mouth, and when she moved her head away I could see his enormous cock, glistening from her juices.? She pulled his briefs down, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, left him naked, then turned her back to him and bent over the bed, raising her dress above her waist.? The camera displayed her naked ass, pointing upwards toward him.? He moved forward and quickly, harshly, rammed his cock into her cunt!? She lurched forward, but caught herself on the mattress, then held herself rigid as he banged in and out repeatedly.


He came quickly, but that wasn?t the end of the evening.? Within moments she was kneeling on the floor sucking him again to make sure his cock wouldn?t diminish.? Not long afterwards he pulled her to her feet, whirled her against the wall and rammed his cock into her cunt with a tremendous upward thrust.? Helene rose almost a foot off the ground, then threw her legs around his thighs.? They rocked there, back and forth, with him pounding into her as hard as he could.? She came first and he wasn?t far behind.


When it was over, she pushed him away onto the bed and stared down at him, then slowly unbuttoned her blouse and took it off.? Her skirt fell to the floor and her breasts sprang free when she unhooked her bra.? Last were her panties, and the camera caught the full glory of her pussy as she crawled onto the bed and straddled him.


For the next half hour she was all over him, sucking on his nipples, playing with his balls, kissing him, rubbing her breasts on his face, sliding her cunt over his slowly recovering cock.


When he was ready, she let him turn her onto her back, raise her legs and enter her once again.? It took him a long time to cum this time, but the camera followed every movement, and when he finally exploded, she looked directly at the camera throughout his orgasm, staring at me before erupting herself.


He left soon afterwards, and she looked at the camera again, waiting.? I was in her room two minutes later ? and she spent the next two hours fucking me, having one orgasm after another.? ?What does it feel like, Donald?? she asked, moving seductively on the bed.? ?What does it feel like to watch another man fuck me, watch him get off, and know you?re never going to have that experience?? What?s it like knowing I can fuck anybody I want and you can?t have anybody but me??? By that time I was trapped between her thighs, licking her cunt, and she was playing with my cock as she teased me with her words.? I nearly blacked out, but, once again, she sensed my point of no return and released me.


By morning I?d fucked her four times.? She finally fell asleep, but the last thing she did was grip my straining cock, stare into my eyes and smile.? ?You?re mine, Donald,? she whispered, kissing me lightly on the lips.? ?You?re mine.?


Then she shooed me away and I headed back downstairs.




By John Comstock



When I first went to work for Helene, I knew her only by reputation.


She was the founder and CEO of a software development company in Houston and I was a 30-year-old rising star in the computer world.? She met me at a conference, recruited me hard, luring me from a good job in Dallas, and promised to make me part of her inner circle.


I had no idea then what she really meant . . .


She was young, in her late 20s, but had already made her mark nationally and internationally, writing code in her teens and copyrighting everything she did.? By the time she was 25 her company was generating more than $50 million a year in sales and she was a coveted speaker on the national lecture circuit.


Not only that ? she was stunning.? About five-seven, long black hair, a killer body, and four-inch spike heels that had rapidly become part of her trademark look.? I admit I started fantasizing about her from the first time I met her at the conference.


My first few months on the new job were idyllic.? We churned out one new software product after another and the bonuses flowed in a never-ending stream.? Six months after my arrival she asked me to travel with her to a conference in Boston.


She was scheduled to be the keynote speaker and her hosts treated her like royalty.? I wasn?t surprised to see every man in the room salivating at the idea of bedding this gorgeous, successful woman ? but I was surprised when she started talking about them.


We were having an after-dinner drink on the first night of the conference.? Her keynote speech had gone well and we?d retired to the bar with three of her hosts, all of them men.? She leaned over to me after a few minutes and nodded at the other three, all of them temporarily distracted by a passing bar maid.? ?What do you think, Donald?? she whispered.? ?Do you think I should bed one of them tonight??


I nearly spilled my drink, and when I felt her hand on my thigh I froze.? A moment passed, then she took her hand away and started talking to one of the other men.


An hour later she left with one of the three and didn?t return.? I didn?t see her again until the next afternoon, and she made no mention of the night before until a 4 p.m. meeting she?d scheduled for the two of us in her room.? We needed to review our plans for a breakout session we would be jointly conducting the next day.


We talked about the session for a few minutes, then she asked if I wanted a drink.? I was sitting on a couch and when she came over to me with a drink in each hand, she sat down next to me.? Right next to me.


?Here?s to success tomorrow,? she toasted, looking me in the eye, and we both took a sip of our drinks.? She didn?t remove her gaze, then toasted again:? ?And here?s to success tonight!?? I didn?t know what to say, but I joined her in another sip.? She put the glass down, leaned back and absently dropped her hand onto my leg.


?You know, Donald, it?s really rather amazing what men will do to get into my pants,? she said, and her hand began to move up and down my thigh.? ?I mean, they?ll agree to almost anything, and I?ve closed some of my best deals by giving them a taste.?


By this time my throat was dry and my cock was engorged.? Her hand drifted idly across it each time she reached the top of my thigh, but she didn?t look down and didn?t seem to be all that interested in what was happening to me.


?Take tonight, for instance,? she said.? ?I?ll be sitting next to the CEO of one of the largest electronics companies in the country, and I know exactly what he?ll be thinking of.? By morning, we should have a multi-year contract with his company.?


Suddenly she sprang to her feet and headed for the bedroom.? ?Time to get ready,? she called back over her shoulder.? ?See you this evening!?


As she left the room, I found it hard to breathe.? I had no idea what was going on, but my blood was racing.? It took a few moments for me to get up and leave.


That night I watched her from across the room as she and the CEO laughed and joked and maintained eye contact throughout most of the dinner ? and the next day on the plane home she handed me the draft of the memorandum of understanding the two of them had put together that nailed down the contract.


The next few weeks were uneventful except for my fantasies.? Clearly, this was a woman who knew what she had and used it to get what she wanted.? Trouble was, I had no idea what she wanted from me.


The answer came at the next conference.? We flew in two days early so she could do some shopping, and she insisted we stay in adjoining rooms so we could meet whenever the fancy struck her.


We spent the second morning working together on our presentations.? As I started packing things up at the end of the meeting, she walked behind me and I suddenly found her hands on my shoulders.


?You know something, Donald?? she asked.? ?I think you just might be what I?ve been looking for.?


She began massaging my shoulder and neck muscles, gradually drawing my head back to lean against her stomach.? I didn?t say a word.


?You may think everything comes easily for me,? she said.? ?After all, I?m still in my 20s, I?m a multi-millionaire, I run a major corporation and I have men stumbling all over themselves every time I come into a room.


?But I?m here to tell you the pressures are incredible, Donald.? Just incredible.? I need an outlet, a dependable outlet, somewhere I can turn where I don?t have to worry about flattering a man?s ego to get a contract or doing whatever he likes in bed to keep him on board.?


She stopped the massage and walked around the table, then leaned over and looked into my eyes.


?I need you, Donald.?


I stared back at her, the hair rising on my neck.


?Can you be my outlet, Donald?? What do you think??


?I . . . I . . . I don?t know exactly what you mean,? I said, my voice breaking a bit.? She was such a vision, her breasts spilling toward me as she leaned over, her gorgeous face alight with interest.


?It?s simple,? she said, standing up and beginning to unbutton her blouse.? ?I need a man around me who doesn?t demand anything.? A man I can toy with.? A man I can have whenever I want him ? without ever having to meet his needs.?


She finished unbuttoning the blouse, then took it off.? ?Can you be that man, Donald?? she asked.? My cock gave me the answer.


She was wearing a deep black bra that matched the color of her hair, which spilled down across her shoulders.? When she reached for the zipper on her skirt, I tried swallowing, and failed.


The skirt whispered down her legs and onto the floor as she stepped out of it and walked around the table toward me.? She was wearing a black g-string and the bra, nothing else, and stood almost six feet tall in her trademark heels.


She reached down and took one of my hands, pulled me to my feet and began unbuttoning my shirt.? Before I knew it she was releasing my cock from my clothes and stripping me.? She pushed me onto the floor and stood above me, staring greedily at the size of my cock and my naked body.


Then she reached behind her and unhooked her bra.? When her breasts fell clear my cock stiffened even more and began to bounce.? She raised one of her legs and moved the tip of her stiletto heel to a position just above my balls, slowly lowered it until it touched the space between them, then gradually ground the tip into my groin.


?There are only two rules here, Donald,? she said, staring down into my eyes from far above me, her breasts crowding my line of vision.


?Number one, you do everything I tell you to do.


?Number two, you don?t dare have an orgasm.? I want you ready, willing and able whenever I want you.? I don?t ever want to wait for you.?


She didn?t even pause for me to reply.? She knew she had me.? I had no idea how to obey her second rule, but knew I?d try.


She took her foot away, then stood above me, one leg on either side, facing my cock with her ass immediately above my face.? She slowly untied her g-string and let it fall away and I found myself staring at her beautiful black bush.


?Do you like what you see?? she whispered, but again didn?t wait for an answer.? She bent her knees and lowered her ass toward me, and before I knew it she was speaking more loudly.


?Your tongue, Donald!?


She descended even further and my tongue plunged into her cunt.? She gave a gasp, then ground her ass cheeks onto my face and simultaneously grabbed my cock with both hands.


I nearly came . . .


?Don?t you dare,? she barked.? ?We?re just getting started.?


Over the next five hours she fucked me every way imaginable, hardly spoke a word to me and had eight or ten orgasms.? By the time she finished with me and headed for the shower to get ready for the opening dinner at the conference, I was a quivering wreck on the living room floor.? I lay there for almost half an hour, listening to her moving about in the bathroom and the bedroom, and was still there when she emerged, stunning, ready to bedazzle every other man at the conference.


She looked down at me, smiled at the stiff cock and the engorged nipples that still tormented me.


?Better get ready for dinner, Donald,? she said.? ?And then come back here after dinner and wait for me.


?Of course,? she said, ?it might be a long wait.? I?m supposed to have a drink with the chief operating officer of a metallurgical company after dinner, and who knows what might come up.


?Just wait for me, no matter how long it takes.?


She walked to the door and looked back at me one more time.


?Oh, and Donald ? don?t touch it while I?m gone.?


I didn?t have to ask what she meant.? My cock knew. ??


I lay on the floor for another few minutes, then slowly pulled myself together and went to my room.


I arrived at the dinner a few minutes late, but managed to carry on an agreeable conversation with a young woman seated next to me.? She was a public relations person for the conference and had nothing resembling Helene?s style or physical assets.? But she was somewhat attractive and my hormones were running wild.


I looked up once and found Helene staring at me from another table with a big smile on her face.? When she saw me looking at her, she slowly shook her head, and I knew the public relations woman was off-limits.? Helene glanced at the side of the dining room and tilted her head, so I excused myself from the table and met her near one of the colonnades along the rear of the room.


?How are you feeling, Donald?? she asked, somewhat mischievously.


I didn?t answer.? I didn?t think she needed or wanted an answer.


?Look, I know you?re turned on now,? she said, ?and I know every woman in this place will light your fire.


?That?s fine,? she said.? ?I don?t mind if you get even more frustrated than you were when I left you in the room.


?But remember this:? I own your cock now.? That?s the third rule:? You can tease yourself all you want by hanging out with other women, but if you ever have sex with any of them I?ll fire you instantly and you?ll never spend another moment with me.


?It?s your choice, Donald,? she said, then smiled again and walked away.


I watched her moving languorously back to her table and nearly came on the spot, then went back to the young public relations woman and flirted with her shamelessly for the next hour.? I?m sure she expected me to take her for a drink (and who knows what else?), but as the final speaker concluded his remarks, I excused myself and headed back to Helene?s room.


The hour with the public relations woman had been delicious.? I was so turned on I?m sure it radiated out of every pore, and I could tell she was responding.? When I reached Helene?s room I immediately took off all my clothes and lay back on the bed.? My entire body was throbbing, and I realized Helene?s second and third rules were the ones that had thoroughly ensnared me.? Giving up control of my cock was the most exciting thing I?d ever done.


I eventually fell asleep, and she didn?t return to the room until almost six a.m.? When she did, she was horny as hell.? ?I fucked him, Donald,? she said as she crawled into bed with me.? ?I fucked him three times, and by the end of this conference we?ll have another multi-year contract.? I?ll be fucking him again tonight and tomorrow night.?


She whipped the covers off the bed and saw the size of my cock.? She leaned over and took it into her mouth, began sucking it ferociously.? I thought I?d erupt, but she squeezed my balls as hard as she could and I cried out.


She slapped at my cock once, hard, then again, then threw herself onto the bed next to me on her back and spread her legs.


?Suck me,? she ordered.? ?Suck all that cum out of my pussy.?


I slid down the bed, knelt between her legs and buried my face in her cunt.? It was full of juices, some of them hers.


?All of it,? she commanded.? ?Suck all of it out.?


She came three times in the next two hours, then fell into a dead sleep until noon.


The next two nights were the same.? I teased myself by flirting with attractive young women each evening, then waited for Helene?s return.? Each time, I sucked her to repeated orgasms.


And then it was time to fly back to Houston.? We were sitting in adjoining seats in first class.? Helene had pretty much ignored me since falling asleep that morning, but she finally looked over at me thoughtfully, then whispered, ?Is your cock erect??


I just blinked, and she laughed.


?Okay,? she said.? ?Here are the rest of the rules.? From now on, I want you available to me all the time, not just during conferences.? That means you?ll be moving into the same building as my penthouse.? I don?t want anybody else knowing about us, but I want you there whenever I want you.


?Of course, you have a choice.? You can quit and try to find another job.? Might be hard, though.? You?d need a good reference from your boss.?? She grinned and ran her hand up my thigh, pausing to squeeze my cock.


I found my voice.


?I don?t want to quit.? Just tell me what to do and when to do it and I?ll be there.?


She leaned over and looked into my eyes.


?You really dig this, don?t you?? she said, and I nodded.


?Unbelievable,? she said, and shook her head.? ?I thought I?d have to blackmail you into being my permanent boy-toy, and here you love it!?? She grinned again and leaned back in her seat.


?We?ll see,? she said.? ?We?ll see just how much you love it as time goes by.?


I didn?t like the tone in her voice, but I didn?t let it worry me much.? I just sank back into my own seat and surrendered myself to my fantasies.


Over the next few months we fell into a routine.? At the office we were the picture of decorum.? I wrote code, she did deals.? But at home and on the road, everything changed.? I could always tell when she?d had a bad day at the office:? My phone would ring shortly after 7 p.m. and within minutes I?d be on my knees in her bedroom, my head buried between her thighs.


She actually did understand that I needed to have an occasional orgasm, if only to protect my health, but she didn?t want it to happen at her place or when we were on the road together.? ?I?ll let you know when you can go back to your apartment and masturbate,? she said, ?but don?t count on it being very often.? And if I ever catch you fucking another woman, we?re history.?


Because she was such a well-known executive, she frequently attended black-tie events in Houston and served on a number of high-level civic committees.? Her picture appeared frequently in the Houston newspapers, always with some handsome or rich or elderly (and rich) man, and there were many times when my phone didn?t ring until early morning.? She loved telling me about her lovers, in great detail, and it amused her to see how it turned me on.? The more aroused I?d become, the more she?d tease me, with her words and her body, and she became an absolute expert at sensing when I was about to lose control.? Whenever that moment arrived, she?d pull away and bark at me to be careful.? Then she?d push me onto the floor on my back and walk around me, entirely naked except for her stiletto heels, enjoying the way my body quivered and my cock shuddered.? ?Don?t cum, Donald,? she?d say in a soothing voice.? ?Don?t cum or you?ll have to leave ? and then I?ll never call you again!?? Then she?d laugh and lower her cunt onto my face for me to service her again.


Things went on this way for almost a year.? Sometimes she wouldn?t call me for days on end, and wouldn?t even give me permission to masturbate.? Total arousal.? Nowhere to go with it.? She knew that and did it on purpose.


But I really couldn?t complain. ?I was earning a lot of money, making love to one of the most beautiful women I could imagine, and not incidentally acquiring a reputation myself for superior software.? Helene was generous in that regard at least.? She didn?t try to take credit for my work -- although she did remind me that everything I did belonged to her since I did it in her employ.? I couldn?t take it with me if I ever decided to leave.


Not that I wanted to.? I couldn?t imagine being away from her for any lengthy period of time.? I was totally in her thrall . . . and when she upped the ante again I didn?t hesitate.


?I want you to watch,? she said one night while she rode me to her third orgasm in an hour, her cunt sliding up and down my shaft as she hovered above me.


?Wh . .. wh . . . what do you mean?? I gasped, trying to hold onto my sanity as she drove down on me again.


?I?ve installed a hidden camera in my bedroom and a monitor in your living room,? she said once she?d shuddered to a stop.? ?From now on, whenever I bring a man back here, I want you to be sitting in your living room without any clothes on watching the monitor.? I mean, it?s great having you show up after the fact and listen to my stories about the men I?m fucking, but it will be even better to have you watching.? If I know you, that?ll just take your frustration up another notch and make you an even better lover for me.?? She reached over and began squeezing my cock as she spoke and within seconds I was gasping for release.


It didn?t come.


That night I sat in my living room, naked, my cock rigid, and watched as she came into the bedroom with one of her CEO friends.? It was clear she intended to please him, something she?d never done with me.? She sat on the edge of the bed, making sure she was directly in front of the hidden camera, and began unbuckling his belt.? His pants slid to the ground and she pulled his cock out of his briefs, began licking it.? The camera caught her raven hair moving up and down as she sucked him for a long, long time.? Somehow, he didn?t explode in her mouth, and when she moved her head away I could see his enormous cock, glistening from her juices.? She pulled his briefs down, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, left him naked, then turned her back to him and bent over the bed, raising her dress above her waist.? The camera displayed her naked ass, pointing upwards toward him.? He moved forward and quickly, harshly, rammed his cock into her cunt!? She lurched forward, but caught herself on the mattress, then held herself rigid as he banged in and out repeatedly.


He came quickly, but that wasn?t the end of the evening.? Within moments she was kneeling on the floor sucking him again to make sure his cock wouldn?t diminish.? Not long afterwards he pulled her to her feet, whirled her against the wall and rammed his cock into her cunt with a tremendous upward thrust.? Helene rose almost a foot off the ground, then threw her legs around his thighs.? They rocked there, back and forth, with him pounding into her as hard as he could.? She came first and he wasn?t far behind.


When it was over, she pushed him away onto the bed and stared down at him, then slowly unbuttoned her blouse and took it off.? Her skirt fell to the floor and her breasts sprang free when she unhooked her bra.? Last were her panties, and the camera caught the full glory of her pussy as she crawled onto the bed and straddled him.


For the next half hour she was all over him, sucking on his nipples, playing with his balls, kissing him, rubbing her breasts on his face, sliding her cunt over his slowly recovering cock.


When he was ready, she let him turn her onto her back, raise her legs and enter her once again.? It took him a long time to cum this time, but the camera followed every movement, and when he finally exploded, she looked directly at the camera throughout his orgasm, staring at me before erupting herself.


He left soon afterwards, and she looked at the camera again, waiting.? I was in her room two minutes later ? and she spent the next two hours fucking me, having one orgasm after another.? ?What does it feel like, Donald?? she asked, moving seductively on the bed.? ?What does it feel like to watch another man fuck me, watch him get off, and know you?re never going to have that experience?? What?s it like knowing I can fuck anybody I want and you can?t have anybody but me??? By that time I was trapped between her thighs, licking her cunt, and she was playing with my cock as she teased me with her words.? I nearly blacked out, but, once again, she sensed my point of no return and released me.


By morning I?d fucked her four times.? She finally fell asleep, but the last thing she did was grip my straining cock, stare into my eyes and smile.? ?You?re mine, Donald,? she whispered, kissing me lightly on the lips.? ?You?re mine.?


Then she shooed me away and I headed back downstairs.


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Amazing Navratri

By : Deny_shah Hi friends I’m Deny from Anand, Gujarat. I’m Studying in MCA this is my first story so enjoy. I’m came from good family so fell free to mail me and I have done sex just once I never lie to you.I’m of 21 years old, ye baat tab ki he jab me 20 ka tha mere baju vale ghar me akshar ek ladki vacation me rehne ko aaya karti thi.uska nam madhuri tha dikhne me aachi thi figure b aacha tha may b 32-28-34. Hamari aachi banti thi.wo mere se 2 saal badi thi.hum aache dost b the so ek din...

2 years ago
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Kissing CousinsChapter 4

When I finally turned 17, I visited my Granny again for the summertime ... just like always... I was so bitter because all my friends from school talked of how they were leaving to go here and there. I wasn't allowed to leave the Bayou. My parents insisted that I visit Granny's and also learn the value of a dollar. I got a small cashier job at the market in town working for a church friend of Granny's, Mrs. Delacroix. Cousin Hap had come back home for the summer vacation, he'd been...

3 years ago
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A Reunited Crush

It all started in my last year of junior school when, like adolescent boys tend to do, I had a crush on a girl in my class. Living in the same small village, our families had known each other for years and Andrea Jones definitely knew I liked her. But, for some reason that my juvenile brain couldn’t fathom, she wasn’t interested in being a girlfriend, not even as we progressed through secondary school together. She’d occasionally flirt with me — but that was it. After secondary school, I moved...

4 years ago
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Strangers On The Train

It was quite cold when I got on the train. I was rubbing my hands to keep warm. The station was ….and I had to go upto Ahmadabad. It was slightly warmer on the train as all the windows, except one or two here and there were down. I found it was somewhat dark inside too but the little chatter and warmth there was made it much better than the bleak platform. I was ready to dump my luggage, to curl up with a book and to have a nap. I hoped it was not congested or noisy in my coop. When I reached...

2 years ago
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Talk About Getting LuckyChapter 2

I pulled out of Jen's ass and she moaned like she wanted it back in her but I knew that if I came again now I would not be much good the rest of the night. I sat back and watched this young, thin blond white girl getting some great loving on the big black cock she was riding. It seemed like hours that these two were going at it and I enjoyed every minute of it and then there was a knock on the door. I asked who it was and the voice on the other end said James. I quickly opened the door, let...

2 years ago
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Turning Straight Men Gay for BBC

I was in a bar in the big city an hour from where I taught. One of my favorite eighties bands was playing and although my wife didn't want to come, I wasn't missing it for the world. I wasn't in the bar five minutes when I heard my name being called out, "Mr. James, Mr. James!" I turned around and saw two of my ex-students and former players from a couple of years ago coming towards me. "Mr. James, what are you doing here?" asked Matt, the quarterback on my old team. "Came to see Blonde...

1 year ago
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A Day At The Office

I had been thinking about your challenge of getting a little more risque to enhance our sex all day that Thursday when I drove up from Port Elizabeth to visit you at your office. An accident just outside of Grahamstown slowed the traffic to a standstill. That was all traffic except the taxis, which seemed to believe that the road also encompassed the nearby farms and that the small spaces between the cars were suitable for a Grand Prix.It was hot, and tempers even hotter, but eventually the...

Office Sex
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My first time

I've been thinking about this for a few years now and was always very afraid because I am married. i was swimming at the local pool and when finished swimming I was in the locker room changing and ther was this guy across the row. he was about 25 or 30 years old blue eyes blonde hair and very solid looking. As he took off his swimsuit I couldn't help notice he had a large, wide think cock hanging limply as he just got out of the pool. he was kinda stroking it as he dryied off and it started to...

1 year ago
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Winners Choice

It was really pretty stupid on my part when you think about it. I was wearing nothing but a pair of panties and I decided to raise the bet by saying ‘If you win, you get to choose. Anything, anything you want’. I knew the moment that those words left my mouth what Jake wanted to put in my mouth. Trevor and Liv had both folded and were just watching the hand play out. I think they knew what was going to happen but I was just too stubborn to fold and gracefully give my panties up. ...

2 years ago
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Cleaning Up

After working all day, I usually come home to a relatively peaceful house. My wife and I don’t make a big mess, so it’s easy to maintain. I don’t eat right after I get home. I prefer to wait and see what we are in the mood for before starting on anything. What I found told me that my wife was in the mood for something else! As soon as I came in the front door, I saw the living room in major disarray. There was laundry all over the floor, couch, and coffee table. Shirts, socks, and underwear...

4 years ago
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Strict Rules for Engagement Pt 3

“Now that was an exciting and tasty dinner.” She said with a beaming smile on her lips. Brody just stared at her for a moment without saying a word. This woman looked and sounded like his mother but who he saw was a sex goddess who could rival even the hottest pornstars in existence. “Holy fuck mom. That was so intense!” He said as he tried to get the feeling back in his legs. “I know hey, just imagine if he caught us, how would we have explained that one?” She said as she got up...

3 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 24

Bralan had gone by the time dinner concluded in the main hall. The laughter and reverie that filled the room was nothing compared to the lightness that pervaded Denae's heart and mind. The time was right for Denae to tell Jorgarn that she had loved him from almost the first moment she met him. She would confess the confusion in her mind about what role he should play in their relationship. She planned to tell him all the thoughts that had haunted her brain since the week before her...

3 years ago
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A clean start

At 18 years old, I was just starting out in the ‘real’ world. After leaving home for university, I found myself in a vibrant and hectic environment. A place where I could lead the life I had always dreamed of. In previous years, I had squandered many opportunities , leaving my self confidence levels relatively low. Any romantic occasions would lead to disappointment on both sides as I grappled with demons that just wouldn’t budge. I saw university as a chance to break free and to defeat...

2 years ago
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My Mom8217s Friend Miru Aunt

Hi am Sundhar age 19 from Chennai and myself am a great fan of this site, I had read almost all the stories in this site. I liked many stories but some are not real, but mines are a true story. This is the story about my love to my Miru aunt and thanks for sending your comments and if possible please send your story to my mail address and let me intro myself am a great fan of this site and my size 8″ maximum And this incident with my aunt when I was in my vacation leave of 10th grade I had...

2 years ago
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A True History Book TwoChapter 7

Thursday morning, I decided to go to Wichita. I got in my truck and headed there on my own. I had a destination in mind; Wichita State University. It took me just over an hour to get there. Once there, I noticed something I hadn’t taken into consideration; parking permits on this campus. I went to the Campus Police Department, to see where I could park. I walked in the door. There was an officer sitting behind a desk. “Help you?” “I hope so. I’m enrolled up at HCC, but I wanted to do some...

3 years ago
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The Bag revised Mistress version

So. I expect that you’ve already read my pathetic husband’s version of the last few months. I’ve just read it – and as a result he is curled in the fetal position at my feet crying, maybe through remorse, but mostly because he has just sustained a reasonably brutal beating of his balls and cock, for being a LYING LITTLE SHIT! (He just received 3 more stamps from me on his bruised and unbelievably swollen member).Some of what he told you is undoubtedly true. He has for the last 9 months spent...

2 years ago
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African slave queen daughters dirty games

Rachael had not been ravished again since little Mobana had taken his own personal revenge nearly a week ago. His games of torture had pushed her to the edge; but since then marooned in this remote palace harem she had spent her captive hours trying to make conversation or rationalise with the other concubines. They were from around the world and although English seemed to be spoken by most it didn’t really help. They acted mute either through fear or by the continual practices of sexual...

4 years ago
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Primary Pleasures

Sandals flopped against her feet as she charged down the sidewalk. A few heads turned, noticing her slightly disheveled clothing and the flush spread across her cheeks. A tight t-shirt was shifted to the side, thrown on in a hurry. Her white jean shorts were left unbuttoned, barely clinging to sweaty hips as she walked. She charged her way down the sidewalk, breathing heavily with one thing on her mind. A hand reached into her pocket, finding a cell phone and unlocking it to start a text...

1 year ago
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My Aunt

Note: This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My family and I have a summer camp in New York.  We go every summer with my parents and our relatives.  One day my whole family decided to go into town.  I decided to stay home and swim in the lake.  After about an hour or so I got really tired and bored so I got out of the water and went inside.  I was heading to my room upstairs when all of a sudden my aunt walked out of the bathroom completely naked!  My aunt is very...

4 years ago
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Amys Little Fuck List

I didn’t get the response I was hoping for though when I knocked at her door and handed her the roses.”What The hell are these for”she said rather sternly ,”I ‘m not the woman you should be giving them too”. I tried to tell her why I left so quickly last week ,but she claimed she knew why . She then told me that she had set me up to be with her sister that day”she is the one you should be apologizing to”. “Sit down let me tell you about Sara”she said then went and retrieved a photo album and...

2 years ago
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Short and Sassy 2

Short and Sassy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 5 Lori and Stu walked out of the restroom and right out the front door of the club. Kim was waiting outside holding the cab, as the meter was already running. "Ok, let's just pretend that nothing happened to anyone tonight," said Lori. "Definitely, I think we all just partied too hard tonight and had too much to drink," said Kim smiling as she looked at Stu. "Sounds good to me," said Stu slouching back and...

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