BattlesphereChapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 40
- 0
The Battlesphere 'Thor' was in geosynchronous orbit around the planet Durbin. It was delivering the 6th infantry division, for extended deployment. Battalion Commander LTC Daniel C. Sharpton was getting ready to board the shuttle taking his company (HHC 1st Bn. 6th Inf. Div.) down to the surface and the disembarkation point.
His Bn. Sergeant Major had assured him the men were all onboard. His XO had informed him that the rest of the Bn. was similarly ready for departure from the 'Thor'. He looked around the huge shuttle bay, and was still amazed at the size of this ship. The emperor never stinted with his troops.
Daniel was the last man into the shuttle. He would be the first one out when it grounded. That was the way he was. If it had been a war situation, his XO and SGM would not have let him do this.
General ranks are as follows: BG. is brigadier general, 1 star. MG. is major general, 2 stars. LTG is lieutenant general, 3 stars. General is 4 stars. All are referred to as General. The ranks denote specific positions held within their military.
Other officers are: Second lieutenant is 2Lt. (or 2LT), First lieutenant is 1Lt. (or 1LT, or LT), Captain is Capt (or CPT), Major is Maj (or MAJ), Lieutenant Colonel is LtC (or LTC), and Colonel is Col (or COL).
The officer who is 'second in command', is usually referred to as 'XO', regardless of his/her actual rank.
For the enlisteds: CPL is corporal, Sgt is sergeant, SSgt is Staff Sergeant, SFC is Sergeant First Class, MSG is master sergeant, SGM is sergeant major (highest ranked enlisted man)
Two hours later, the rest of the division was down. The Commanding General of the 6th Infantry Division, Major General Anthony Wallace, was already holding an 'all officers' call for officers of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and above.
"Hey, DC!" LTC Frank Tilman (Battalion Commander of the 2nd Bn., 6th Inf.) said, as Daniel entered the theater.
Daniel had been called 'DC' by his friends since he was a child; and by those of equal rank and above, since he joined the army.
"Hey, Frank. Any idea what the old man is going to brief us on? I would have thought it a bit early for this kind of call," Daniel said to his friend.
"Nope. I was going to ask you. Damn, now I have to sit like a clueless civvie." ('Civvie', 'CV', and any derivative, is the term the military uses to refer to civilians.)
Daniel laughed, grabbed a cup of coffee, and went to the table to register his presence with Division. He pulled a flat card out of his breast pocket, and passed it in front of a scanner sitting on a nearby table. A small electronic chirp acknowledged that his presence was recorded.
Daniel and Frank, basically shot the shit for the next ten minutes, until an announcement to 'find seats' was made. Everyone placed their mugs or other containers on the tables, and went to find chairs.
A voice roared out, "On your feet!"
Everyone who was in the theater sprang to rigid attention, as the Commanding General walked briskly to the podium at the center of the stage.
"Be seated," the General said.
They all sat and waited for the Commanding Officer to tell them what was going on.
"As you all may have noticed, the schedule for getting the 6th to make planet-fall was sped up quit a bit," General Wallace said.
There was a chuckle from the gathered officers. That had definitely been the topic of conversation in many orderly rooms.
"The HMS Thor will be breaking orbit, at anytime now. Supply ships will be dropping off ammunition and other supplies, for an extended deployment. The political situation here on Durbin is such that his majesty, and the general staff, have decided that a show of force (other than a few ships floating by in space) is needed here," the general paused for more chuckles.
"The reason Durbin is important, is that a certain small plant grows here. It grows on very few planets, indeed. It is instrumental in making the longevity drugs that are now being commonly used throughout the civilized galaxy. During the recent war, which His Majesty ended so abruptly a couple of years ago, this planet was hit by the aliens. Its defenses were stripped for the fight against said same aliens.
"This planet has resented that attack, which they blame on the Emperor and the Navy. It is unfortunate, but there it is. A movement has started on this planet to withdraw from the Empire. The Emperor frowns on planets (especially ones that are contributing to the imperial coffers so well) leaving the Empire.
"While it is theoretically possible for a planet to leave the Empire, it has never before been done; and the Emperor does not want a precedent started here. He has bent over backwards in order to smooth ruffled feathers, here.
"Our job is to show the people of Durbin that the Empire has not forgotten them, nor is the Empire just an entity sucking money from their pockets. We will show the flag, and we will be training here with the fledgling Durbin military. That sums up the political problem.
"Now, as to why the Thor is breaking orbit, and why our deployment was accelerated. The recent war has caused a number of political problems in other parts of the galaxy. One of our main concerns is Earth, and her stability.
"Since the outbreak of the war, Earth has been gearing up on war materials and shows no signs of stopping, or even slowing down. Not even with the war's end has Earth ceased from its building of implements of war. Our allies are nervous about them, as they are closer to Earth than we are. So, we are sending a major portion of the Navy, to augment two of our allies. That should give Earth pause to rethink its position. That said, let's talk about our deployment, here..."
Emperor Richard Newcastle was giving his two-year-old son a piggyback ride. The crown prince was laughing happily, as his father bounced around the suite that was the Emperor's aboard the Battlesphere Rising Dragon.
Richard Newcastle had finally decided it was time to take his wife and son to New Haven, and have symbionts introduced into their bodies. His son, Richard Preston Newcastle was now old enough to handle the process.
Richard sighed. He swung his son from off of his shoulders, and went towards his bedroom. His wife was feeding their daughter. Alicia Vonda Newcastle was the newest member of the royal family, and a Princess of the Empire.
Richard smiled at the sight of his wife and daughter together on the bed. His daughter was nuzzling at his wife's breast, greedily feeding. The empress of 137 worlds winced as her royal daughter bit and pulled too hard.
Richard felt his wife mentally tell their youngest offspring to slow down, and be more gentle. It was more an emotional message than a verbal one, but the tiny princess paused. She seemed to listen to her mother, then went back to the important task of feeding.
"They are more instinct at this age, Vonda," Richard told his wife.
"I know, but with this ability to commune between minds, we should be able to instruct her much earlier. Besides, I swear she bites on purpose!" Vonda said with a yelp, as the princess once more bit down on her mother's nipple.
Three hours later, the Dragon Rising achieved orbit around New Haven. This was the Emperor's first time back since he had left, two years ago. It was his family's first ever visit. The people of New Haven were ecstatic at having the royal family to visit them.
A reception was thrown for Richard and his family that evening. Everyone who could get in, showed up. The local news feeds showed constant streams of video of the empress and the children.
For hundreds of years, these people had only heard of the Empress, and the Emperor's oldest child. Now, for the first time, they were seeing the royal family together. Most importantly, they were seeing them 'in person', on New Haven.
Four men, and two women were gathered in a secure room, deep under the Terran Senate building on Earth. These were the most important movers and shakers in the Terran Federation.
"This room is sealed?" Harold Greenstreet, President of the Terran Federation asked.
"Yes. This room is now independent. Nothing can penetrate the shielding. 'Sweep' says the room is clear of all electronic devices," Vanessa Hollingsworth, Chief of Intelligence responded.
"Excellent. Has their been any success in trying to penetrate the Newcastle Empire's naval yards?"
"No. Since the Emperor came back from wherever he got those larger battlespheres of his; every spy we had in place, has been exposed, arrested, and/or deported. It's not just us, either. My contacts in other governments tell me they lost their spies, also," Vanessa responded sourly.
"How close are we to duplicating the new technology our admiral Gordon saw being used? I know we got excellent sensor readings of the battles those huge ships took part in," Eric Spitner, finance minister asked.
"We have been improving our gravity compensators somewhat. It's nothing like what the Empire can do, but it should give us an edge on everyone else. We still have no idea what those beams were that they used to take out the aliens.
"Nor do we have the remotest idea of how to even begin to copy the force fields that his ships showed. There is a whole list, pages long, of what we could use from their technological base, but we no longer have access," David Abernathy, Science minister responded in a wistful voice.
Harold Greenstreet rapped on the conference table.
"Enough of that. We have what we have, and we will make do with it. The Terran Federation is still the largest political body in known space. It is time to bring some of our recalcitrant children back into the fold," Harold said bitingly.
"Another side effect of the Empire's new technology, is that they are the brunt of much dissatisfaction and suspicion from neighboring governments. Those governments fear that the Empire will now annex them or conquer them," Vanessa replied.
"Well, that's something. With everyone watching the Empire so hard, they have mostly missed our continuing build up of war materials, and ships, and crews to man them," Nigel Rains, minister of the armed forces retorted.
"What is the media doing to divert attention from us, and onto other subjects," Harold asked his propaganda minister.
Paula Bickerson took a breath and said, "We have leaked several items to the I.N.S. (Interstellar News Service) about questionable actions taken by both the Empire and the Caliphate, during and after the war.
"We have also pointed them towards the rising prosperity that this bout of building is doing for us. Of course, what they don't know is WHY we are experiencing this prosperity, but it is being played for all it's worth," Paula said with a slight smile.
LTC Daniel Sharpton was inspecting his companies, one at a time. They were spread out over a twenty-kilometer line. It was this line, which was his battalion's responsibility to hold, during this exercise.
He was approaching C-o-C's area of responsibility. He was always impressed with the captain of this company. She was tricky, and always went that extra mile to accomplish her mission.
Captain Melinda Jackson was a short woman and very, very energetic. Daniel was always a bit amused, but understanding of her attitude. It was an attitude of a small person trying to make big tracks, in a world much larger than they were. She did it well, with a certain flair and class.
Daniel approached C companies toc (toc = tactical operations center). All units in the military from company level and up ran a toc, in the field). He returned Melinda's salute and asked for a SitRep (SitRep = a situation report).
"Sir, Company C has deployed to its assigned area of responsibility. In addition, we dug two fall-back positions, and have set hindering charges throughout the area," she said from the position of 'parade rest'.
"Relax, Melinda. Let's go look your line over, and then we'll check those positions," Daniel said, and off they went at a brisk walk.
Terran Federation Rear Admiral Peter Lindel was sitting on the battle bridge of the TFNS Aslan. It was a battleship and the flagship of Task Force TF 81. There were forty combat ships, 15 troop transports, and six giant Galaxymaster cargo ships in the task force.
For the past three weeks, they had been driving fast and hard into Caliphate space. The TF 75 had already accomplished its task, and was now acting as a guard on the worlds captured. TF 81 was doing something a little more dangerous. They had been pinching off a small triangle of Caliphate space, which contained two sides of a triangle. The third part of the triangle was going to be the planet Durbin, and it was in Empire space.
The last intelligence report, said that the people of Durbin were dissatisfied with the Empire. Now was an ideal time to feel them out with a display of power and a small invasion. It was the opinion of intelligence that the people of Durbin would put forth nothing more than a token show of resistance, if that.
So far, everything had worked out very well. No messages of help had gone out through the FTL systems, no ships had gotten past the pickets that were guarding the perimeter of the systems to be taken over. These three worlds were going to make up a core, from which the TF hoped to expand.
In orbit around Durbin, was something the TF was not expecting. Nor were they expecting the 6th infantry division to be firmly emplaced on the planet itself. Two Empire destroyers saw the incoming fleet, and sent a warning to the planet. They tried contacting the incoming ships, but received no reply.
They activated the two 'Mark 7 automated battle forts', which the Thor had dropped before its departure, bringing them on-line. Then they did something they were loath to do. They turned and ran. They also dropped four stealthy surveillance satellites.
"Damn," Admiral Lindel muttered as he saw the two destroyers fleeing. "There goes the secrecy of the task force."
There were also two 'battle forts' to deal with. He winced. The power and effectiveness of the Empire's Battle Forts was well known.
This was going to hurt more than just a bit.
Daniel had only been sleeping for three hours when he was awakened by the watch officer.
"Lieutenant, this had better be a life or death situation; or it is going to be your death, a slooow one," Daniel said, yawning himself awake.
"Yes, Sir. It is. There is a large force of Terran Federation ships approaching the planet. The two destroyers that were in orbit tried to contact them, but they came on in, silent. Assuming worst case, the destroyers activated the two battle forts. They sent an FTL message of invasion, and got the hell out," Lt. Kerry reported briskly.
Daniel was wide-awake by the time the Lt. was halfway through his report. He made his way to the toc, and was soon talking to the brigade commander.
"Daniel, your battalion and the 2nd, are the only ones out in the field, right now. There is a battle raging overhead. The Forts are doing their job, and are doing it well. But they're just automated gear. They're going to lose. I have seen the data feed.
"I want you to do a max combat load. Grab as much pre-positioned munitions as you can get in the next two hours, then have your battalion climb into a hole, and pull the damned hole in after you.
"Division is already alerted, and is trying to get moving. Their people were out of position, however, and it's a mess back here. You and the 2nd are it, in case this is an invasion. At least, until Division gets its act in gear.
"The units within Division that had been on ready alert, are already on the road. We are splitting them between you and the 2nd. Get ready to receive about two companies worth of platoons of various types, which will hit your lines in about an hour and a half. They are fully combat loaded, so you won't have to worry about that.
"Daniel, I can't impress on you enough the seriousness of this situation. You are hereby granted 'autonomous authority'. Make whatever independent moves necessary. Take the battle to the enemy when and as you see fit, if you don't here from me or from Division within the next twenty-four hours. Is this understood?" the voice of his brigade commander said over the secure radio.
"Understood, Sir. I'd better get a move on if it's as bad as you say," Daniel said.
"It's probably worse. Good luck and Godspeed. Brigade: out."
Daniel was busy for the next twenty minutes getting things moving. His headquarters was up, and he had vehicles moving to the ASP (ammunition supply point) for ammunition for his units.
He was surprised to discover that he was getting two platoons of armor. Tanks, to be exact! Two platoons of tanks were eight tanks. These were the Argent II tanks, as well! He made sure to grab extra basic loads for these babies. They represented something with a lot of punch and kick.
Admiral Lindel read the report again, with awe. Out of the original forty combat ships he had brought in-system, only sixteen were undamaged. Ten had been destroyed outright.
What was worse, was that the forts had fired a group of missiles around the planet on purely ballistic courses. These missiles had taken out two Galaxy Cargomaster ships, along with one fully combat loaded troop transport.
Then the two Imperial destroyers had returned, on a high speed flanking maneuver. They damaged three and destroyed two transports, before they escaped into hyper-drive.
First Lieutenant Jack Whittier, Imperial Special Forces, had gotten his team out well before the low yield tactical nuclear air bursts had taken out so much of the 6th division.
The three vehicles that made up the teams transportation were specially hardened and protected from anything short of a near miss/direct hit with a nuclear weapon, or a hit with an ion cannon.
This was one of the contingencies for which Jack and his team had been well trained. When the order came to scramble, SF-16 already had their PABS loaded in the three armored combat carryalls. They were lucky in that they had been preparing to go on an exercise the next day, as an aggressor force against units already in the field. (P.A.B.S = power assisted battle suits)
1Lt. Whittier had been closely monitoring the battle overhead via a stealth satellite's feed. When the last battle fort had been destroyed, he knew he would have only minutes. The invasion force would soon turn its attention to the military units leaving the city of Carone. His vehicles were well ahead of Division, and he meant to keep it that way... for now.
His vehicles were equipped with the Empires best and latest communications gear and defensive weaponry. They were incredibly heavy, being made of collapsed/condensed battle-armor steel. They were design intended for a team of fifteen to twenty Spec For personnel to be able to operate from them, for extended periods of time.
No one who was a PABS operator was without at least three years military experience, if they were enlisteds. Officers had to have at least one year of 'line officer' experience, at a minimum of Platoon Leader level-of-duty, prior to serving in a PABS unit. All of them had to have gone through Special Forces training schools, and had that special mentality required of all Special Forces troops.
"Sgt Cho?" Lt Whittier asked over the radio
"Sir?" came the response.
"I think bad things are going to happen. We need to go to ground, and get ready to weather fiery rain from the heavens above," LT Whittier said.
"Understood, Sir. I make it about six clicks to the ring of hills we have been running for. Ground after passing first range?" Sgt. Cho asked.
"Affirmative. They'll make a good deflector from any heavy blasts that might go off near here," the lieutenant said.
So it was, that SP-16 dropped from the ten-meter height at which they had been traveling, just after passing those first hills. This put a hill between each of themselves, and the city of Carone.
Just before grounding, the vehicles fired heavy spikes into the earth beneath them. These would help to stabilize the carryalls in case of extreme blast-winds. Each spike was attached to a special cable. When tension was placed on the cables, it caused the spikes to act as anchors for the carryalls.
"I am picking up an EMP burst, Lieutenant. Make that two EMP bursts," SSgt Billow said from his panel behind the pilot's cab.
"Well, that might explain the two nuclear air bursts I just saw on the feed from the satellite," the lieutenant said in response.
"I make us about fifteen klicks from the 1st Battalion, and about thirty klicks from the 2nd Battalion, Sir," Sgt. Morrison said in her soft drawl.
"Ok. I have vehicles pulling into both Battalion locations, at staggered intervals. Looks like some of the division managed to survive," the lieutenant told his crew.
"Well, this is just dandy. Don't they know they are being watched by everything that's up in orbit, right now? Are we really sure we want to place ourselves under the command of whoever is in charge over there?" Sgt Morrison asked sarcastically.
"Knock it off, Morrison. That Battalion Commander can't help it if stragglers are coming to his location. Hell, we had plans to come out here ourselves, remember?" SFC Carver said from the back of the crew compartment.
"Sorry. It just seems that people are pointing arrows saying, 'look, here is a safe zone'. Sort of goes against all my training," Sgt. Morrison finished in a soft voice.
The Terran Federation forces were finally down. Or what was left of them after the mauling they had been given up in space. LTG Phillip Brandon was pleased with his unit's response, but worried about the build up of surviving forces to the southeast of the city.
While the majority of his forces had come through the original battle, the loss of the cargo ships and troop transports had been enough to cause him to re-evaluate his situation. It had slowed his timetable considerably.
Admiral Sethton looked up as Captain Arnold Billings entered the room. "Ah! Captain Billings. I see you are doing well after your adventure of two days ago." Admiral Sethton said briskly. "Yes, thank you. We have made repairs to our hyper generator number three, and are ready to depart. I would like to thank you once again for your help and intercession. Without it, I am sure we would not have survived." Captain Billings said gratefully. "Yes. Well, this brings me to what I wanted to...
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Richard Newcastle, one of the most powerful men in the known universe jumped to his feet and did a little dance while chortling. His wife, Vonda looked at him as if he had lost his mind. This caused Richard to start laughing. Richard Preston Newcastle, the heir to the empire, was feeding at his mothers breast. He cared for nothing except the nourishment he was getting. Vonda listened with that part of her mind that let her read minds. She listened to her son as he fed, and he was becoming...
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n coming hyper drive wake detected. Enemy ship's will break out in 10 minutes!" Said the voice of the ship's new AI. Captain Colter rolled her eyes at the voice. She was still finding it hard to get used to. The personnel who installed the AI had come on board with the new XO. She just hoped it worked as well as her new XO did. All bridge crew were at their duty stations and in vacuum suits in case of explosive decompression. "Breakout of incoming ships in 5 minutes captain. I have firm...
Emperor Richard Newcastle was addressing the Assembly and the House of Commons. When the emperor had set up his government, he realized the need for balance, and representation across the board. While he had ennobled a lot of people, that did not necessarily equate to common sense or political knowledge. Originally he just had a House of Lords. But that proved unsatisfactory. The House of Lords tried to make laws beneficial for the lords, and was not really beneficial to the whole. He...
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As Betty recounted the events of her last tryst with Bill, Joanne’s mind wandered. Images of him swam in her head. Those images were clipped from afternoons he’d spent at her pool with Sarah, her daughter. Evenings he’d stayed for dinner. And then there were the memories of Sarah’s moans and cries as Bill fucked her senseless in her bedroom. The bedroom next to Joanne’s. Joanne couldn’t hear every breath they took. But she heard enough to know that Bill was nearly insatiable. Bill had...
Interludes It was the burning sensation on her arse that woke Ginny. Still half asleep she reached down to rub at the sore spot and found another hand there. She felt around a bit and realized it was a woman’s hand. This finally pulled her up out of sleep and she remembered what had happened and why her arse was so deliciously sore. ------ She had been looking for a second shot at her bungled Friday night date when she ran into just the person she was looking for, Katie Jordan. She...
I woke up to find Gayle was already pulling on his gray suit. He’d just showered, the scent of his lavender soap was strong in the air still. That was unusual that I would notice, I usually couldn’t smell him. ‘Oh, you’re up.’ Gayle said casually as he pulled his shoulder length chocolate tresses behind his shoulders tying a black ribbon to keep it in a single tail. ‘Yes I am.’ I replied. I wasn’t sure where we were or how I had gotten there. I remembered Raphael from the night before, and the...
-phenylalanine Note: I had to edit this because for some reason when it published a bunch of random words and errors were inserted into the text - unsure why. Hopefully it’s fixed. -phenylalanine The next week went by fairly sedately compared to her other recent activity, and after that Tegan had her scheduled week off to allow for her monthly visitor. As far as Tegan could tell Brandon and Yeong were progressing nicely and in the brief moments she saw them seemed happy together, in a...
An Arresting Officer Officer Greg Morris couldn’t wait for his shift to end, so he could just go home, pop a few beers, put his feet up and call it a day. It had been one of those days that just seemed endless. Greg was proud to be a Police Officer. He worked hard, was diligent, helpful to everyone, did whatever was required of him. He took his job seriously. Greg was proud to say that he had yet to ever draw his weapon, despite working in a tough area. Greg was also proud to say that he had...
Momo: Housecat. She’s very lazy and affectionate, loves to speak in third person. Sonja: Golden doodle. She’s very happy and energetic. Chloe: Mouse. She’s shy and is afraid of everything. Betty: Milking cow. She’s highly intelligent and mature with a dominant personality until she herself is dominated. Leah: Yellow-spotted salamander. The most animal-like of the hybrids, she is a mute and retains the same metabolism and skin as her original form. Her sweat is addictively sweet and...
I sat in my office, pretending to grade papers. I had a big pile of student reports describing their experiences with masturbation, kissing, and oral sex. They were all progressing. But was I giving them what they needed? Was anyone being left behind due to lack of individual attention? It would be so much better if I could work with just one couple at a time….I buried my face in my hands. I had done this many times before, yet at this point in every semester I was assailed by the same doubts....
Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone screaming. When she finally came to she was lying down, staring at a strange ceiling. Confused, she tried to sit up... and immediately regretted it as pain lanced through her chest and...
PROLOGUE: After Anne and Jamie’s ordeal in the bathroom of their place of work, they decided to become life partners, and have hopes of getting married, but sadly, they cannot due to the non-gay marriage in their state of residence, but none the less, they still love each other dearly. It has been 3 months when they first met….and this is that story. Anne awoke at around 2:30 AM, feeling groggy, she went to the kitchen to get some cough medicine for her cold and a hot cup of...
Rod wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She nearly gasped as his lips found hers, his tongue gently pressing between her lips, his arms tightening around her waist. His hands slid up her back and back down to her waist again as the kiss continued for a few more moments before his grasp of her loosened and he stepped back. ‘Wow,’ she stammered as she stepped back and looked up at him. ‘I um, wasn’t quite expecting that!’ He simply smiled and they began talking about the...
The following is a story of romance, discovery and love. If you’re looking for a lot of hot sex, it isn’t the story for you. The sex comes at the end and is hopefully loving, tender and gentle. I have to thank my muse, the lovely Mona Lisa of Literotica. XOXOXOX’s to you, Sweet Thing. * I thought the first thing I would have noticed as I entered the luxurious penthouse apartment might have been the lavish furniture or the fine art along the wall or the exquisite chandelier in the entryway....
It’s been a week of turmoil for both ladies. Lara wished she had put on the note to Sam to call her on a week night Sam was hardly able to suppress her excitement and nervousness, the wait was simply excruciating. Sam’s work usually ticked by with ease, but now seemed to drag by at an almost slow motioned rate. It wasn’t much better at home either, time seemed to be spent either reliving the Vegas experience, or wondering what to say when it came time for the phone call. Why had Lara been...
Lisa was feeling wonderful. Here she was, sitting at the breakfast table in the dining room of a smart hotel in London. To one side she had spread a number of tourist brochures and leaflets, all with information about the terrific things to see and do in this, the most exciting city in the world, all ready for her to pick and choose her activities during this four day midweek break. Only a few weeks ago if anyone had suggested to her that she would be here now she would have said that they were...
It had been a long day and Jeanette was exhausted. She walked through her front door and immediately kicked off her high heels. They flew across the room, a shining blur of red vinyl smashing into a plump cushion pillow and bouncing off the corner of a walnut chair leg. Jeanette smiled a tired smile and tossed her auburn tresses out of her eyes. The work day was finally over. She shrugged out of her navy blue blazer and let it fall to the floor. Her black nylon shod feet stepped into the lush...
You arrive at work to find a large bouquet of 2 dozen Roses mixed with wild flowers. You smell them and then read the card: ‘Can’t wait too see you honey. Missing you Every Minute. Have a wonderful Day. David’ You smile and then pick up the phone to call me. Unfortunately you get my voice mail and so you hang up. You fire up your computer and shoot off an email to me. ‘Can’t wait for tonight. Thanks for the flowers. You have a wonderful day too.’ You then set about doing your work. You get...
The air was cool as it gently blew through the windows of the cabin. The curtains fluttered softly in the light breeze and the sounds of night played a symphony for the lovers as the crickets, cicadas and frogs played their songs of love. The moon was full and seemed to cast a silvery look to everything. He lay on his back with his eyes half closed enjoying the sensation of her fingertips lightly running up and down his chest. She lay on her side with her leg thrown across his thighs watching...
Alan’s flashlight cut through the dust and gloom of the old attic, illuminating in small portions boxes and other sundry stored for no one knew how long. He had come to this house before, the first time as a teenager looking for a place to be alone. When he was told this house, only a couple of miles from his home, was part of the family estate, he investigated. It wasn’t a large house, but it offered some solitude from the pressures of his life. It was on one of these first trips that he...
I awake and turn my head sleepily to see you next to me, sitting up in bed, your long red hair in a halo around your face as it fans out across the pillow. You are writing on a pad, your brow furrowed in concentration. I can feel my renewed erection pressing against the mattress and seeing you like this, deep in thought and distracted, makes me want to possess you, to have you completely. We played our waiting game, and what a delicate and satisfying game it was, but I no longer want to wait. I...
It was one of their occasional confession sessions. They did that from time to time. Em had come rather late to the infidelity scene. Ambrose had been an occasional player on that circuit for a long time. He was older by a decade-plus. This time they were sitting over the dinner table at home on a Saturday night not long after they’d returned from a European holiday. They were well fed and had several wines each to their credit and were chatting about their trip. Em and Ambrose liked going on...
Part 3 of St Wintermute’s School for Girls and its Headmistress, Ms Angela Hyde(her of the penchant for caning young schoolgirls) will return soon.I don’t know about you but as I get older I seem to be more horny, not less. I was surfing the net one morning after work, looking for something to inspire a good wank when I came across a video of a large breasted woman using a strapon on a man whilst milking his cock. I had toyed with my arse before when wanking, but had found the idea of...
Em had always found it difficult to resist a straight-out proposition from someone she was enjoying lunch or dinner with one-on-one and with whom she had established some empathy. Sometimes she wondered briefly whether this was entirely proper. Mostly she put this unworthy thought out of her head immediately. Even if she didn’t, even if the thought lingered which it sometimes did and which was always very sexy, she usually ended up with an urgently ardent new cock between her legs. So when...
Written with a little help from Tender Cowboy ???? Life changed dramatically after moving in with Jamie. I found that I had traded the comfortable but boring life of a mild mannered housewife with a cold and distant husband for an exciting life with an indomitable free spirit who pours his fiery passion for beauty into everything he does, whether he’s crafting a new beer, building a car, or making love. We both work hard all week, but the weekends are for fun. Whether we are taste testing his...
The loops of leather tightly wrapped around her breasts then fastened to the harness she wore caused those breasts to stand out proudly, reddened, just out there for the use and abuse of her Master. The harness was a simple thing, really. Basically, a ‘V’ running from crotch to shoulders, from front to back. The bottom was cleverly sewn so that He could have access to her cunt and ass, but it maintained the continuity of the outfit. To this harness could be fastened a multitude of additional...
I am a photography buff, spending an hour or two most Saturdays and Sundays shooting pictures. If you are in my neighborhood on the weekends, you will see me coming and with my camera bag and tripod. My neighbor, Beth is usually outside tending her garden, and when we see each other, we exchange greetings. Beth asked me what I liked to photograph. It was an innocent question, but I decided to turn our conversation toward sex. I said that I wanted to take erotic pictures of women. She said good...
I was lucky and retired early. Although there was plenty to do, both at home and in a part time volunteer job I took on, I found that I was nowhere near as active, and had started to put on more weight that I wanted. Living in the Chilterns, I decided to see more of the local countryside and started to take walks out of the town and into the hills. This week, we have been blessed by a real Indian Summer, so as the footpaths would be dry, my walk this week was one that I had wanted to do for a...
We made our way back to our hotel room and quickly entered and shut the door. Jill turned and looked at me.“Oh my God!” she exclaimed. I gave her a few moments to collect her thoughts, savoring her beautiful, flushed face. My wife. How did we get here? This was so not us.“Are you turned on?” I asked.“God yes... I know I'm soaked,” she said, holding her hands on her cheeks. “I am a strong, independent, woman...but...when you told me to pull my panties down, I almost came.”“Oh? You liked that...
Wife LoversSummer in the Sonoran Desert can be brutal. It is Arizona's answer to a pizza oven. The heat is dry, intense and sometimes oppressive. The way to cope with the heat are the local lakes and the Salt River. This year, I had bought an annual pass and found a nice quiet place to relax on a lake. I was there for about an hour when a woman in her fifties came by and was startled by my presence. "I did not see you there," she said. "Just me, my chair, a cooler, and a book to read. I am enjoying the...
MILFSlowly I wake up. The rays of the sun enter through the slats of the blinds, and as I open my eyes, I see stripes painted across the walls of the room by the sun. My mouth is dry, and I am confused as to where I am. I have a moment of panic and then memory returns.I recall yesterday, my shame at having been caught shoplifting, my humiliation, the spanking I received and finally the pleasure and the shame of being subjected to all the lesbian sex play. I am alone and wonder where my stepdaughter...
TabooReaders are advised to read “Local Affairs" parts 1 & 2 first. Being awakened by a ringing phone before eight in the morning was not Greg’s idea of the leisurely Sunday lie-in he had hoped to have; but the melodious chuckle that greeted his rather surly “Hello” immediately dispelled his initial mood. It was Sarah. “Hi Greg – sorry to be ringing a bit early. I hope you’re not feeling too worn out.” “No, Sarah, I had a lovely time, and I’m still enjoying the memories.” “I enjoyed it too,...
Straight SexFrom the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Day by day, the desire to be rescued fades. Here, I no longer fear being found out. I feel free. Returning to civilization is far from my mind. Carter tugged insistently on Gavin’s hand as they walked along the beach, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks before sluicing through the tide pools their constant companion. They’d left the camp after devouring a meal enhanced by the pink fruit that had become a staple for the castaways, Grant wanting to...
Fantasy & Sci-Fiby Scarlett O'maraAn unexpected, erotic and satisfying encounter between two lovely, intelligent, well-educated, single women produces a lasting effect on them both. The author tells the story in such vivid, graphic detail that the reader feels they are in the room watching the two women make love. An enjoyable and arousing read for both women and men. The author hopes readers will comment on her story. She encourages constructive criticism.During my last two years of college, Jennifer, a...
Professor Carter and Sandy agreed to meet for lunch on the Monday after Thanksgiving. They both wore a French pin attached to their clothes so that they would recognize each other. God help them if there was a Bastille Day celebration going on in Atlanta . Sandy wore the same clothes as if she was having lunch with the girls. She wasn't trying to dress like a slut or even seduce the professor. Sandy was looking forward to an interesting intellectual conversation. There were two things that...
Wife LoversEm had always found it difficult to resist a straight-out proposition from someone she was enjoying lunch or dinner with one-on-one and with whom she had established some empathy. Sometimes she wondered briefly whether this was entirely proper. Mostly she put this unworthy thought out of her head immediately. Even if she didn’t, even if the thought lingered which it sometimes did and which was always very sexy, she usually ended up with an urgently ardent new cock between her legs. So when...
Straight Sex