Bk 2, Ch 1: Interlude free porn video

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Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone screaming.

When she finally came to she was lying down, staring at a strange ceiling. Confused, she tried to sit up... and immediately regretted it as pain lanced through her chest and belly.

The pain soon subsided, and Alena was able to take stock of her current situation. She glanced down and immediately noticed that feathered shafts no longer stood out of her chest and belly. In their place were tightly-wrapped white bandages. Well, white except for where a little red blood seeped through.

She blinked slowly, turning her head and coming face-to-face with a short-haired girl lying on her right side with her head propped up on her hand about two paces away. It took a second for Alena to recognize that it was Emmy--the girl prodigy who had taught Alena how to wrestle. Emmy smiled widely and flashed her the thumbs up.

"Why hello there sleepyhead!" Emmy exclaimed.

Still a little groggy, Alena took a second to register the words. What was Emmy doing here?

Alena looked Emmy up and down. The girl was heavily bandaged, even more than she herself was. One cloth was tied around her right thigh. Bandages were wrapped around nearly her entire torso. They were thickest around her midriff, where a huge stain spread from her left side. Judging by the freshness of the blood, the wound was probably still bleeding.

"Are you okay?" Alena asked, skeptically concerned. Groggy though she was, Alena had an inkling of what Emmy’s answer would be. She was the Flat-Chested Demon after all.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about me," replied Emmy cheerfully. "It's mostly stopped bleeding," she said, gently tapping the bandages around her belly with her free hand.

"You won't believe this," continued Emmy unbidden, "These guys know way more about healing than we do. I got my innards slashed up pretty good and thought I was a goner, but some old hag was able to stitch them back together. It was really fascinating to watch!"

Breathlessly, Emmy went on to tell the whole story about her fight, her wounds, and her treatment, gesturing and hacking and slashing as if she was still in battle.

Alena sighed heavily, exhausted. She didn't know what was crazier, the fact that Emmy could still move around despite her wounds, the fact that she had remained conscious as her guts were sown together, or the fact that she seemed to have enjoyed the experience. Alena herself felt like shit; even just breathing was painful. Emmy’s good mood made it feel all the worse.

It wasn’t just the sliced flesh of her left breast that was making it painful. The bandage around her chest was too tight; it was compressing her chest and squeezing her breasts flat against her ribs. It probably had to be that tight to stop the bleeding though. It could have been worse; it would probably have been even more painful if she’d had bigger breasts.

I guess small breasts do have their advantages, she thought, I can’t wait to tell that to Loni.


In an instant, all the memories of that day came rushing back. The barbarian attackers, the slaughter of her comrades, the two arrows piercing her body. But most vividly, the accusing, questioning look in Loni’s eyes as she crumpled on the beach, a bloody hole carved in her belly. Tears welled up in Alena’s eyes and she sniffled once, then twice.

“What’s wrong?” asked Emmy, concerned.

“It’s nothing,” replied Alena unconvincingly. She brought her left hand up to wipe away the first trickling tears, but it was already caked in blood.

She knew it was her own blood, but in her mind, it was Loni’s.

That thought broke the dam and now a flood of tears flowed down her cheeks. Emmy shuffled over and curled up next to her, bringing an arm over Alena’s chest to embrace her gently.

“You’re alright. It’s okay,” Emmy said soothingly.

Alena broke down and sobbed, hugging Emmy close. It hurt to move, and the weight of Emmy’s small frame caused the wounds in her chest and belly to ache. But right now, the emotional pain outweighed the physical.

As Alena sobbed into Emmy’s hair, Emmy too felt a knot well up in her throat and tears well up in her eyes. Emmy had lost so much—all of her friends had fallen in Zavala’s defense, and she’d seen the bodies of her family piled up like trash in the square. Emmy had thought she was on her way to join them. A part of her wished she had. In a moment, she was weeping bitterly into Alena’s shoulder.

Alena realized then that Emmy was not an inhuman goddess of war, living only for pain, death, and battle. In reality, Emmy was just a frightened little girl, as terrified of death as Alena herself had been. Her cheerful demeanor was a front, masking the hurt and fear she felt inside. The pain of death might have been preferable to the pain of surviving.

Together, Alena and Emmy cried out their pain until no more tears would flow. They stayed in each other’s arms, each finding the other’s presence soothing. Nothing could fill the void in Alena’s heart, but she felt now like her life wasn’t over.

Looking beyond Emmy, Alena could see a heavily bearded man sleeping fitfully. Alena knew she should've panicked at the sight of an enemy lying in the same room, but she was too tired for such things. Still, his presence confused her.

Emmy followed her gaze and could guess Alena's questions.

"We're in the Chief's house. You and I were brought in here to be treated by the invaders' healer," said Emmy, "I don't know why though. All the others here are invaders."

“How long was I out?” asked Alena.

“You slept for about three days.” Emmy left out the feverish ravings and the fact that she’d almost died two nights before. Alena didn’t need to know that just yet. “When you’re up for it, we’ll get you some food.”

“Okay,” replied Alena. Despite sleeping for three days, she felt weak and tired. Food sounded good, but right now she needed more sleep. Alena drifted off, Emmy still in her arms.


Three days. It had been three days since my forces captured Zavala. It took a day just to get the square to be cleared of corpses, let alone the houses and fields. The embers of the grain silos where the bodied had been piled for burning were still hot. The captured wounded that could be moved were brought indoors on the second day. There were only 108 now; thirty-one had died of their wounds.

My warriors were settling into a rotation of sentry duty, rest, and building defenses. Building defenses was most important. Despite my best efforts, a single Zavalan villager had escaped and had managed to warn some of the outlying farmers. Without a doubt, they had gone to warn whatever armies existed in the area that a large force had managed to capture Zavala.

Based on the terrain, I expected any attack to come from the water. The overland terrain was heavily wooded and only one narrow road. Nor were there any good points to disembark troops quickly for twenty miles in either direction. Even if there were, a single watcher on the water would have spotted them with ease. Any army large enough to attack my force would have to land on the beach.

I spent some time talking to some of the captured and wounded Zavalans, trying to get a feel for the major militaries in the area. Most were decidedly uncooperative, but with some… convincing… I got enough to piece together a decent picture of the area.

These lands were on the northern end of what they called the “Empire of Arkadia” in the land of Amazonia. Zavala itself was located on the banks of a long, thin fjord that cut east and south to join the brackish body of water the Arkadians called Claymore Bay. Claymore Bay opened to the Great Sea far to the east, but was enclosed to the west by a wide isthmus known as the Golem’s Neck. The landmass north of Claymore Bay Bay, which contained all the territory explored and conquered by the Clans, was called Land’s Head. Arkadian legend held that in the days of the divines when the world was covered by water, the warrior goddess Helena slew a mighty golem, creating the land. When the golem fell, the sea filled the gap left by Helena’s sword. The rocky strip of The Neck was all that held the golem’s head to his body.

Villages and towns speckled the coast of the Claymore Bay with the regional capital a few days travel to the east. The good news was that the region’s armies were essentially local militia, and would have to be mobilized before they could be brought to bear against us. The bad news was that there was a lot of them and since most were concentrated along the waterfront, it was relatively easy to gather a large force. I expected them to take some two weeks to muster a reaction force. It was day four; I had little time left. I planned to use that time to entrench and reinforce my position.

Each morning I took time to check up on my wounded warriors. These men and women had sacrificed themselves on my command; I owed them nothing less to show my appreciation. Sigrid knew when I would arrive and hobbled over to brief me on each casualty’s condition. Aarik Olufson had died in the night. That wasn’t unexpected, but it was still unfortunate. None of the others’ conditions had changed. I spent a few minutes talking to the ones who were awake.

At the end of the longhouse, Hroaldr Jonssen was trying hard to sleep. He popped one eye open as I approached.

“Damn kids won’t shut up,” he grumbled.

The “kids” were of course the two young Zavalan girl warriors lying half a dozen paces away. They were supposed to be great warriors, identified by some of my Chosen men during battle. At the moment they lay curled up together like cute little kittens. Looking at them like that, I suspected Torstein Ironbones and Geir Buckshelm had gone soft in the head.

I’d ignored them before, but now I noticed one of them staring up at me. I stared down at her in return. Slowly, she unfurled herself from the arms of her counterpart, a lioness waking from an afternoon nap. She stretched her legs luxuriously, her gaze locked on mine as she stood. Her eyes betrayed neither fear nor defiance. Indeed, her expression seemed to me more like mild curiosity, a satisfied predator idly eying next week’s meal. Her hand on her uninjured right hip, she looked me up and down and then regarded me steadily. I returned the favor.

She looked to me to be about thirteen or fourteen summers. She was taller than average for her age with a body that was lean, fit, and tanned. Her sandy hair was close-cropped, slightly matted after days without a wash. She wore nothing but the bandages that covered virtually her entire torso, from the tops of her breasts to the bottom of her hips. More bandages wrapped her right thigh. Her hairless pussy lay bared, in stark contrast to the modesty her bandages provided the rest of her body.

“You should lay back down, girl,” I said, “Your wounds are serious.”

“Nah, I’m good,” she responded nonchalantly.

“You should listen to your Lord,” I said, adding an edge of authority to my voice.

“Why?” she asked.

Huh? I was at a loss. Was I using the wrong word in the local trade-speech? How could someone not know why they should listen to a Lord? Was she deliberately defying me? But as I gazed into her eyes, I saw neither ignorance nor defiance. This girl just saw no reason why she should lie down when she was perfectly capable of standing.

“So you’re the one who killed two of my warriors I take it.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“It should’ve been three,” she responded matter-of-factly, pushing restlessly at the straw floor with her toes.

“You must be feverish. I sincerely doubt that a welp like you has the skill to beat one, much less three, of my warriors,” I said.

“Why don’t we find out right now?” she retorted.

I blinked a few times then realized that my mouth had been hanging open just slightly in an expression of incredulity. One look at her made it clear that that was crazy. The bandages above her left hip were stained red. A smaller red splotch stained the bandages around her right thigh. Tougher men than I would be bedridden for weeks with injuries like that. Sigrid herself said the girl was lucky to be alive. I cleared my throat to cover my shock and to buy a moment to collect myself.

“No. You missed your chance to die in battle. Your wounds have not had time to heal.”

“It’s not a big deal,” she responded, “I can handle it.”

Ha! I thought. I like this girl! She was straightforward and tough. Maybe Geir was right about her. That, or Geir needed significantly more bladework.

Of course, I couldn’t say that. Outwardly I shrugged and turned towards the door. “It’s your funeral.”

She followed me out of the manor house. There were a couple wooden practice swords propped up on the wall outside. Even on expeditions, my warriors liked to polish their sword skills either to improve or relieve stress. We each grabbed one and walked down the steps to the square. She felt the weight, took a few experimental cuts, and winced as the movements aggravated her injuries.

“You sure you want to do this?” I asked.

In response, she assumed a fighting position. I too took up a fighting stance.

“Come at me then!”

Without hesitation she lunged forward, aiming to impale me in the gut. I batted the blade aside with ease. She redressed and jabbed at me. I swatted away her sword with contempt. Any real fight would have ended right there.

“It’s not a damn butter knife, girl!” I sneered, derision coloring my admonishment.

“Then give me a knife!” she replied, “I’ve never fought with one of these before.”

“I saw you fighting with one during the battle,” I said.

“I picked that one up off the ground because I didn’t have anything else!”

“Then show me the skill you showed back then!”

With a mighty roar I charged, aiming to deliver a chop to her collar. Deftly, she deflected my blade, allowing it to slide down the length of hers. She followed with a waist-high slash, forcing me to back away. She riposted and I knocked her blade aside with a backhanded parry, then swung to deliver another chop to her collar. She ducked underneath the blade and sprang forward. She slashed, aiming to take my guts out. But the move was predictable—a standard technique taught to all swordsmen. I knocked her blade away with another backhanded parry, then smacked her on the back with the flat of my own as she blundered past.

“One to zero,” I said, backing away, “With that skill you couldn’t beat the greenest of rookies!”

Her brow furrowed and she pursed her lips. She hadn’t liked that comment.

A small crowd of my warriors had gathered at this point, eager to watch the duel. Rumors of the Zavalan warrioress had filtered around amongst my host, and many wanted to see if the rumors were true. Some of them had briefly watched her duel with Geir in this very square just a few days ago. This fight seemed no less real. I assumed a guard stance and awaited the girl’s attack.

She advanced cautiously this time, circling, circling, awaiting an opening. I lashed out with a horizontal slash as she picked up her right foot. Instead of trying to block my attack, she rolled underneath and sprang forward in a counterattack. Surprised by the move, I barely managed to turn away her blade with my own, allowing my momentum to carry me forward and give me some space. I turned back to face her and attacked with a series of cuts. I swiped low first. Then at her neck. Then a jab at her belly. She turned aside each attack with some difficulty. I pressed forward, locking up her blade and bringing the fight in close where I could bring my superior strength to bear. Aware of her disadvantaged, the girl ducked my left-handed punch and rolled away. I pursued, forcing her back on her heels with a flurry of blows. Wood chopped into wood as she blocked each thrust. All she needed was an opening. She found one as I launched a reckless head-high slash. Ducking the move, she lunged forward.

A lesser swordsman might have felt her blade crunch through his chest. But I twisted aside, allowing her blade to pass under my left arm. I used that arm to trap her extended sword arm against my body, then tapped her on the head with my wooden blade.

“Two to zero,” I said, releasing my grip and shoving her away.

The girl was good, no doubt about that. She had great instincts and was quickly learning how to use her weapon. Still, she had no chance against me. Her wounds were sapping her strength; she glistened with sweat and panted heavily, her face flushed with a trace of fever. Nevertheless, she resumed her stance, determined to continue.

I attacked aggressively, thrusting forward then hacking horizontally. She gave ground and avoided both attacks. She leapt forward to counterattack, imitating my earlier downward swing at the collarbone. I blocked it edge-on, using my superior strength to stop her blow. She rebounded off the blade, her arms swinging high. Seeing an opening, I lunged. Quick as a flash, the girl side-stepped my thrust, then brought her own sword down, knocking mine to the dirt. I kept a hold on the weapon, but at the cost of my balance. Lunge interrupted, I stumbled forward until my throat rested on the tip of her blade.

“One to two,” she said, smiling weakly.

The assembled crowd applauded, hooted and hollered. I put down the practice sword and stood. The match was over.

“Alright you traitorous bastards, get back to work!” I shouted in mock rage. My warriors went back to what they were doing, laughing and patting each other on the back. More than a few coins changed hands.

The girl swayed slightly and fell to one knee, exhausted, pale as snow. Now that my bloodlust had faded, I noticed that the splotches of red on her bandages were significantly larger and redder than they had been before. The fighting had re-opened her wounds and she was bleeding once more. I knelt and draped her right arm over my shoulder, then stood. She leaned gratefully on the support as we hobbled back towards the manor house.

“What’s your name, girl?” I asked.

“Emmy,” she replied breathlessly, “And you are?”

“Tore. I command here,” I replied without my title. Lord Baron Tore Aurkyn was too much of a mouthful and this one seemed to care little for titles of nobility.

“That was fun; we should do that again sometime,” she said cheerily.

I nodded in agreement as I pushed open the longhouse door. With a little more training, little Emmy had the potential to become a truly formidable warrior—perhaps one of my best. Her training would receive my personal attention.

We picked her way past the others to her spot at the end of the longhouse. Hroaldr and the Zavalan girl were both fast asleep now. Emmy took her arm off my shoulder, turned towards me, and slowly unwrapped the bandages around torso, exposing her flat, hard breasts and the toned muscle of her belly.

“If I couldn’t see you didn’t have a cock, I’d swear you were a boy. Are you sure you’re not a enoch?” I chortled jokingly.

Emmy reacted as if I had struck her. Her shoulders slumped slightly and the smile disappeared from her face. Her cheerful nature faded in an instant and a thin veil descended behind her eyes. Clearly, my words had touched a nerve.

“My dressing need to be changed,” she said wollenly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," I said apologetically.

Emmy nodded, but her face said she hadn't forgiven me. She continued removing her bandages, but now turned away from me so that I could no longer see her breasts. Instead, I saw the long, red cut that ran down from the top of her right shoulder blade and disappeared into the bandages around her waist. A scab had formed, but the sparring had caused it to crack, and rivulets of blood now dripped down her back.

Of course, her back wasn't the only thing I could see.

"I have to say though, that’s one tight ass," I said lecherously.

Emmy whirled around, ready for another fight. She saw me chuckling and it took her a moment to realize I was kidding around with her.

She smiled invitingly. "Come and get it, old man."

I grinned broadly and laughed. After a second, she started to laugh as well. As she did so, some of the sparkle returned to her eyes.

"Please," I said, "I doubt you could put out in your condition."

"Put out?" she asked, head cocked slightly in confusion.

I shook my head, chuckling some more. I guess Emmy really was still a kid at heart. I turned to grab a stack of fresh linens as she continued unwrapping the thick layers of dressings around her waist.

As the bandages around her waist got looser, blood started to flow more freely from her left side until her hip was slick with blood. With a mighty grimace, Emmy pulled off the last layer of linen, revealing a nasty sword wound. Her entire side must have been split open! Sigrid had stitched the wound shut, but blood flowed steadily around the newly-snapped threads. Emmy glanced at the wound then quickly pressed her hand to it to slow the bleeding.

"That wound is serious," I said, rushing over, “We should have my healer take a look at it.”

“Just shut up and bandage the damn thing,” she grunted through gritted teeth.

“Fine, move your hand.”

Gingerly, she pulled it away, her fingers sticky and wet. She held the end of the dressing while I wrapped it tightly around her waist. When it was wrapped, I grabbed a bowl of water and a cloth and used it to clean the cut on her back and the blood on her hip and thigh. As I did so, we chatted about our duel.

“You anticipated my attack in that third round, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Yep,” she replied, washing her blood-stained hands in a bowl of water, “I learned the hard way that you barbarians like to lunge when your opponent leaves their guard open. That’s how I got this thing,” she said, tapping her bleeding flank. “I figured you’d use the same move. So I gave you a false opening and you took the bait”

I was surprised that someone so young had such a cerebral understanding of combat. She said I relied too much on brute force. I rebutted that that style suited the shield wall in which Clan warriors preferred to fight. I told her that from my point of view, she relied too much on freedom of movement and used her sword like a knife. She said that it was because she had trained with a knife from a young age and was most comfortable with it.

By that time, I had finally finished changing the dressing around her right thigh. I had other duties to attend to, so we agreed to put our conversation on hold. I walked out astonished and more than a little frightened. Emmy had fought me on near-equal terms with grievous injuries and an unfamiliar weapon. I now heartily agreed with Geir’s assessment: he had been very lucky to survive his encounter with her on the battlefield.


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CHANGES The gentle rain spattered on the pavement and gathered in rivulets that expanded as they approached the catch basins. The low hanging clouds and mist dimmed the street lights of the quiet cul-de-sac. Most of the houses were dark shadows in the night. The usual flickering of a TV in the living room window of the old army veteran who had insomnia was the sole hint of human consciousness at this late hour. At the end of the street the two storey Cape Cod was also darkened,...

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Screaming for Vengeance

Hi Folks. After the the whacked our craziness of Savannah and last weeks exploration of swinging, I wanted to just do a straight ahead no gimmicks just people story. There will be no explosions or special effects this time. (I can't promise that next week. This is also another shorter one. Unfortunately I can't promise that next week either. So enjoy it. As usual I have to thank the incredible Mikothebaby who also named this story, she's more than just an editor, she's one of my very best...

2 years ago
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Dawn PatrolChapter 4

We were jumped by five D. VIIs on our way to the target. My God, those Germans were aggressive! We were higher than them, yet they attacked us. The D. VII had a decent rate of climb, but not as good as the SPAD 13. Maybe it was the 5:4 advantage that they enjoyed. Whatever it was, they came at us like a swarm of hornets. We had no choice—we had to answer their challenge or be shot down as we tried to get away. We had talked about a change in tactics when in a dogfight over the last few days....

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Brian and Aunt Em and the family

Chapter 5 When Sylvia turned 17 he decided that she was now old enough was ready to feed him. He seduced her and she fell pregnant. While all this was happening, Brian’s eldest son, Garth had already been sexually active outside the home, felt that if his Dad was getting his rocks off with the ladies in the family, he was entitled to as well. He chose his step-sister Marie, Rachael’s daughter, who was 17 by that time. Marie had light brown hair, big blue eyes and a curvy but not fat...

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Naukrani Ko Seduce Karke Choda

Hi frnds , main rahul kumar , dhanbad jharkhand se , meri age h 20 yrs , graduation kar raha . Ye incident mere ar meri naukrani ke bch ki jo mere hi age ki thi , ar ye bat h karib 4-5 mahine pehle ki jab maine uske sath pehli bar sex kiya , wo mere lyf ka bhi pehla sex tha . Mera naukrani jiska nam dimple h usne hmare yha kam karna suru kara tha 1 sal pehle ke karib . Jab wo aai to maine uske traf jada dhyan nahi diya tha , kyuki main bzy the apne pdhayi me ar apna family business bhi dkhta to...

3 years ago
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Pat Revisited Part two

I had spent a disappointing night alone. Yes, I had fucked Pat last evening, but she spent her night getting banged by a younger guy. A much younger guy.Today would be a better day if things went to plan. Of course, I wanted Pat's pussy again, but Alice, Pat's friend, was in the mix.My phone buzzed. It was Pat, and she sounded concerned. "It's Alice. She is being a right fucking pain in the ass. Talk to her."Alice came on the phone and told me she was sorry, but it was all too much, and she...

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Bisexual Crossdresser Fucked By Drunken Roommate

Hello, people. I am Sahil. I am currently living in Mumbai in a shared apartment with my roommate Raj. We both doing our engineering from different colleges in Mumbai. This story is based on my and my roommate’s real life experience. Which is how I am engaged in a sexual relationship with Raj. Let us start with the introduction. Introduction: Sahil The author of the story. I am 24 years old. Since I was at 14 I have a very strange fantasy of Crossdressing as a beautiful girl. Whenever I was...

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My True Submissive Story

My true submissive story. Unlike the other stories that I've written here, this one is actually true. I was 21 at the time, never really had any submissive thoughts as such, I knew myself that I was poorly endowed, but my girlfriend at the time didn't seem to mind, so why should I. Obviously as this is true I've decided to change everyone's name, I know the chances of being discovered are slim, nevertheless I think its best to change them anyway. Perhaps when others know what...

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Adoptive Mother Teacher and Reporter slowly come closer to deeds to be done

And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 10 Rocky uses his old hags1

Sheila kept gobbling Rocky's prick , she knew that he had hogtied the others in various rooms and would be using them later. Eat it all up Mom Rocky exclaimed as she quickly ate his man jism before Rocky grabbed her by the leash & led her to the first bedroom where she found Nina Rogers ( her sons mother in law) tied to the bed. The blonde slut was collared , leashed & ball gagged . Rocky quickly took the gag out of Nina's mouth and told Sheila to sit on Nina's face. Quickly Nina...

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2 Wrongs My bestfriends gf

Back then, My buddies and i we would always kick it at the homie Kengi's apartment (not his real name) We drink about every weekend and you see most of the time i would stay over. Sometimes I would bring my gf along and do what we do over there. Having a few drinks and you know it goes down when you're feeling it, taking risk pretending you're drunk, early headache kicked in or a false argument to check out the room real quick ahah Well that was us, just doing me and having a few drinks. I...

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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 3 The Joys of Mothers Loving Sons

Session 5 with Jill Daniels “Thanks for coming in today,” I said to Jill Daniels, smiling at the mother of Mercedes. Normally, I saw Jill on Friday after my session with her daughter and not on Monday. The woman nodded. She lay on the bed beside me. I was working her towards my cuddle therapy. I loved the look in her eyes. She had this wild gleam. Almost haunted. She was realizing things about herself. Things she didn’t think she was capable of feeling. “So, how was the tape?” I asked. I’d...

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Runaway TrainChapter 80

The 10 days prior to the Dallas show were hectic. We bounced from San Diego to Dallas to Nashville in the space of 16 hours. Liz had rented a large warehouse outside of Nashville where a new stage was being constructed. She had decided to put on an entirely new show since she was extending it another hour and bringing in several special guests. The group of people I had conscripted to drive ticket sales had spotted early on that they couldn’t wait until 7 p.m. to start buying. They launched...

5 years ago
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CounselingChapter 1

Los Angeles, California. November 28, 2008 "TMZ; where famous people display their true colors." "TMZ, the show that tells you everything you need to know about celebrities!" "TMZ is bringing breaking news that will open your eyes to another world!"

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Finding ways of Satisfaction when you miss someone Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was at my farm house. I was just remembering the good old times I had spent with my husband at this place before getting divorced. However, ever since my divorce, I had a couple of dates with younger men. It was always fun to indulge with them as they had great energy and they could satisfy my needs. Although, my recent partner John had gone out of the town and I was missing his touch. You need to keep finding ways of satisfaction when you miss someone. I also thought of checking out an...

Extra Marital Affair
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english mature sluts

this is true- it was a lads night out for me and my mate, we were both 19 and had left the girlfriends at home, which meant one thing, we were going to cheat on them to our hearts content!! however it had been a slow night, bar a few dances and the odd kiss, we had both struck out. so it was now half two and we were sitting in a quiet bar, blind drunk, lamenting the night. now in all honesty i cannot remember exactly the sequence of events that lead to this lol ( the price of boozing) at one...

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Oh Papa

The green trees and balmy temperatures should have been pleasant, but Shanu’s stomach twisted in knots. Her father had rented a house in Bombay for the Thanksgiving break; this would be the first time she’d seen him since that memorable, magical night they’d spent in bed, the night he found out Shanu was a call girl. The night Shanu found out her father needed call girls. When her mother Vimla joined them the following day, Shanu wanted to crawl under a rock. Yet Laxman Sharma seemed completely...

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Eleanors Descant 07

It was a couple of weeks after the party, when Eleanor got the kinky urge again. She conveyed this to me by using her activation word of ‘pornoslut’ so I knew I had to come with a new scenario for the next time we met. It just so happened that a friend at work had been talking about a place in Camden Town, London, called ‘CHARLIE BROWNS’ which was an adults only movie house. Their membership Gimmick was that couples joined for £5, Males joined for £15 and single women joined for free. I suppose...

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Penises I have touched

Dicks I have touched.Paul. First cum in mouth. 7th grade. Swallowed his sperm regularly through 8th grade.Tim. 10th grade. High school basketball player 9.5” sucked his penis, masturbated together once. No cum.Ty. Black police officer (off duty). Went to his house and sucked his dick. He came in my mouth.Strip mall sex shop. Guy in his 20s offered his anus at glory hole. He lubed my penis with KY. I inserted into his butthole and slid in and out until I had an orgasm. He thanked...

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Bus Ride Part 3 Training Begins

This is a continuation of Bus Ride – Parts 1 and 2. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 3 – Training Begins “Hello?” “I said Hello!” Gaby felt a hand on her shoulder and she awoke with a start and peered up at a girl in her twenties with dirty blonde hair. “I’m Mary!” She smiled down at Gaby. “I brought you some breakfast and then I’ll prepare you for...

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Extra lessons from a woman

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

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I never heard of queen of spades until

Have you heard of the queen of spades? I hadn't until I become one. A little bit about me to start. I'm 27 blond with blue eyes and a up turned nose, my husband says that he thinks I'm every man's dream but I don't, but I do I think he's full of shit about that cause for one think I only have a B cup and most men seem to like double D's. I do have a firm ass plus I do keep my pussy bare of hair, more so I can see the cock going in and out of me. I find that a huge turn on. A year ago I had my...

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The simple truth miami 2012

Ok, so I'm in college. love to party, drink, and fuck, and occasionally study. However, i really like fucking. relationships are cool bu t i guess i haven't found the right girl yet because whenever I get into a relationship i always find myself fucking around with other gorgeous women. I don't mean for it to happen but it does. I mean what, i have high standard, and am attractive. Girls basically throw the ass at me. Like i said I haven't found the It girl yet or else i would be able to fight...

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Journey before Destination

With a lazy hand, she reached out for the phone beside her on the bed, picking it up and blinking wearily at the screen, running a thumb across it, a mechanical motion which she put no thought into as she tried to clear the sleep from her eyes and mind. She pursed her lips slowly and furrowed her brow, it was half an hour before her alarm was set to go off. Blinking a few more times, still unaccustomed to the early morning light, she set her phone down and leaned up on her elbows, listening...

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Heavenly Aunt Only For The Day

Hello Friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Recently re-met an old conquest and it triggered my wish that I should contribute to ISS too. Now let me introduce myself, I am Sarma,38 years old, married but single based in Hyderabad. I work in an MNC and have been traveling mostly. Now coming to the story, this happened 15 years ago. I was fresh out of engineering and started working in a software company in Hyderabad. It’s a large company that takes multitudes of...

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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 3 Seduction

The following year was busy for both Prue and Ty. During the Winter Season, Ty met Maria Holtan. She was a year younger than he was. He had become totally fascinated with her. Prue and Vincent didn’t like her, but Ty believed he was in love with her. Prue’s dislike stemmed from her knowing who she was. She hoped for Ty’s sake, his uncle had finished with her. Otherwise, things could get ugly. Maria had been introduced to Ty by his uncle as the daughter of Baron Holton who had a district in...

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One warm Saturday morning I was outside on my patio drinking coffee. Just enjoying the sun and warm breezes.When my neighbor came over she was smiling from ear to ear. I offer her a cup of coffee. So I had to ask her. Whats making you so happily this morning? She raised hands to the sky,with a twinkle in her eyes. Told me that her husband will be gone for the next year over seas. I know that they won't getting alone. Over all the times her and I have talked. So I thought to myself no one knew...

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My Friend Corey

Corey and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He was in my third grade class. All of the kids mad fun of him for being the new kid. I was the only one that wanted to be his friend. He was two months older than me. As we got older and our bodies developed, we began to notice each other in ways we hadn’t before. I would tease him by walking around in revealing clothes, and he would tease me also. Corey and I never had anything very romantic between us, for neither of us had...

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BILLY SCHEMES Billy meanwhile was trying to figure out how to get Rose alone, he had to, he so was consumed by wanting to pop her cherry. Well until Billy could figure out how to get her alone he would have to be satisfied flirting and maybe stealing a kiss when he could. As a bit of time went by Billy continued to meet her on the bus and walk her to school. He would also catch the bus on the way home with Rose. Soon he was holding her hand on the bus and putting his arm around her, Rose was...

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SelfBound and Found

SELF-BOUND and FOUND The realtor had set me up in a house that was on the market while my condo was getting ready to close. The place was a huge old 50's style home set right on the beach. While the view from the living room was beautiful I found all the secluded places the home provided more interesting at times. The small bedroom off of the garage in particular, it must have been the maid's quarters at some point, what better place to keep a sissy. The long weekend was coming...

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Jed was a droob. It’s true, he told me so himself. I know its hard to believe, I mean Jed, of all people, a droob! I’ve known Jed for seven years and I never once suspected it. We’d meet for lunch every now and then, or go out to a jazz club or a bar, and I never knew. He never told me, until yesterday that is. We were at this great little Italian place, I had the individual pizza and Jed was having the linguini with clam sauce. It was a good meal. We talked, we schmoozed, we gossiped. A...

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Fervour of the Past

Fervour of the Past by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long voyage over turbulent seas. I myself was more than glad to get off. While I had been forced to splurge my last funds on a private cabin, it had been a cramped fit. The moist air was almost still. I wouldn't have minded more breeze from the sea. Even though the port town of Heva was close to the polar circle, the summer sun kept me uncomfortably warm under my...

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A Walk in The Park Part 4

All through the following day I had Angie on my mind, I was besotted and it was touch and go if I was going to get back in time, I was rushing.I didn’t even go home to change I just went straight to the park, parked my car and rushed around to the kiosk just in time to see Angie putting the shutters down, she looked so nice in her flowing summer dress which if I am honest was a tad too short but nice none the less.“Oh Hi Frank” she said as she saw me approaching, “Did you want a drink as I was...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Introduction: FAMILY GUY Part 5 FAMILY GUY Part 5 Father, Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding – Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughters steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didnt know how much noise they where making and how loud they...

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Bitched Part 2

Jimmy drove us in my car downtown to the financial district, not too far from where my office was. We ducked into a Starbucks. "I'm useless without some coffee," he said. "Me too," I replied. He told me to save a table; he went to get the drinks. He returned a few minutes later with a large, black coffee for him and a small caramel latte for me. "I figured you should like this, yeah?" he said, placing it in front of me expectantly. "Kind of a girly drink." I just told him,...

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Research and Degenerates

Markus, or rather Marque changed her mind the moment she let her current young redhead form climb into the expensive dark blue car. As she hit hte start button,the engine roared into life. Yet...she stopped. The teen in a green cocktail dress, had lost all her confidence and her pure smugness in her victory over Andrea and Jeremy. They'd tried to prank and humiliate him, but he turned the tide on them. Yet as the girl was ready to leave she figured out that she didn't want to leave at...

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“Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, having carefully considered your proposal, we don’t feel we are in a position to proceed with your proposal.”Catherine let the paper fall from her fingers and slide onto the kitchen table. She picked up the next envelope.“Thank you for your novel proposal. We regret that at the moment we are not accepting any unsolicited work.”She opened the final letter.“Thank you for contacting me about your work. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s quite a fit for...

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Tommys First Time

"A Parody of Third Rock From The Sun" Tommy just *knew* that tonight was going to be THE night. August had called him around six that evening and told him that she was sorry about the other day, and that she thought they shouldn't fight any more. She told him that she wanted to make it up to him. Tommy's 15 year old body was raging with hormone over-load, and he knew that was why he and August were arguing so much. He just wanted to fuck her, and she just wouldn't let him. It was...

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Welcome to Fuck Town

Before we begin the story, there are a few things that I, the owner, must share. These stories will be somewhat based on the games created by sexhotgames.com and Meet n' Fuck games, even though the title seems to be only about the games related to Fuck Town. The content of the stories that I will create will be mostly on the free games provided by sexhotgames.com and Meet n' Fuck. You can choose to create your own story based on the other parts that I have not used yet. I hope you'll enjoy...

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You Just Been Angelad Ch 04

The envelope found itself in the mail picked up by William he had been out of town and had ran past the post office. Throwing it in the seat next to his he was ready for getting back home. Living alone for the most part he was excited for the solitude he was enjoying more and more. Making some instant coffee he finally sat down looking through the bundle one envelope caught his eye a cream color velum envelope. He broke the seal and the most intoxicating scent permeated the air. Elegantly...

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Internet HookUp

I’ve been an active bi-sexual guy for most of my life..since I was about 17. I’m now 58, married and have two kids in their early 20’s, and live in Central NJ. I’ve been married for 37 years to the same girl. She’s a wonderful person and I love her deeply. She however, has no idea of my bi-sexual side. Neither do my children. For that matter, I’m not out at all and keep my bi-sexual life very well guarded. Throughout my adulthood I would stop at adult bookstores and adult movie theaters for my...

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