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Copyright© 2005 by Alfie Higgins

We were married young; too young. That's it in a nutshell, I guess. She got knocked up. I always thought it was just bad luck. But I don't know, now I'm kinda wondering if she didn't set me up. She's capable of it. I sure learned that over time.

We were twenty; we were pregnant; we got married. That's what you did back then, no questions asked. I should have asked some questions, I know that now. But we loved each other. I always figured we'd be married eventually. It's just that eventually came along a lot sooner than I'd planned.

We were double dating at a drive-in movie, we in the back seat, they in the front. Between flicks the other couple went to the snack bar to get something to eat. Helen was already drunk. As soon as the door closed, she was on me like flies on shit. I was young, dumb, and horny. I have no other excuses.

"Come on, baby. Let me get that zipper down. Oh, yeah! I really need to get fucked tonight, baby."

"Helen, I don't have any rubbers! You're right in the middle of your cycle. We can't do it tonight."

"Donnie, please. You can pull out. I just want to feel you inside me for a bit."

How does one argue with that logic? I wanted to get laid too. But I wanted to be responsible. Okay, we would do it a bit, then pull out. Helen whipped out my dick, pulled down her jeans and panties, and then just climbed on board.

She started humping me with a vengeance. I was trapped underneath her. Any pullin' out to be done would have to be her decision.

My disclaimer: this was early enough in our relationship that I had never seen her truly drunk before. At that time I had no idea that she transformed into a mindless maniac after downing a few. That's my excuse, take it for what it's worth.

So I was sitting in the back seat of this '72 Chevy Impala, getting boffed by my girlfriend. I learned over the years that being on top was her favorite position. She always got off when she was on top. And that night, she wasn't getting off (of me) until she got off.

The speaker on the window had just announced "Five minutes till show time!" when Helen and I were ready to make a baby. I knew what was happening. I had some presence of mind, still.

"Helen, pull off! I'm going to cum! Please, get off of me."

"Oh, Donnie, just a few more strokes! Just a little more, baby. Oh, yeah, FUCK ME!"

She started cumming like a banshee and she dragged me with her. I spurted a full load of 'fuck up the rest of your life' into her extremely fertile pussy. Helen hopped off, zipped me up, and more or less had it together when the other couple returned with sodas and popcorn.

But I knew. I knew that we had just rolled the dice. I just hoped that they wouldn't come up snake eyes. As if.

So that's how it went. We had two kids right off the bat. I hung around and finished college, even with a wife and kid. Our second one was born just after graduation. Alright, it isn't what I expected out of life, but all in all it wasn't bad.

The kids were great. The marriage seemed solid. I loved my wife. We started building what looked like a future. It was the American dream. It just started a little earlier than I expected.

So there were a couple of things about my wife that I knew about right from the get-go. You take the bitter with the batter. No one is perfect. I knew she had her faults, I just didn't think her faults were fatal.

First and foremost was the drinking. My wife straight: a sweet, funny, smart little girl. Cute. No one would ever call her beautiful. She was cute on her good days. Her shape wasn't something to write home about. She was chunky, that's the word: chunky.

She did have tits, I'll give her that: big, soft, round, responsive tits. They kinda grew up with the first baby and never left her. They were her best features.

Anyway, I was talking about drinking. Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde time. One minute she was this sweet innocent lumpy little thing. Then she would down a few drinks - she preferred Manhattans - and suddenly she was this vicious attack shrew on the make. And every sentence she spoke contained some variant of the word 'fuck'.

Strangely she was only a shrew to me. To everyone else she was Ms. Available.

She only got really drunk at parties - at least in the beginning. Since she only went to parties with me - at least in the beginning - I was her protector when she got really, really drunk. But she looked at me as her jailer.

She would sock down three or four of those whiskey and vermouth concoctions and suddenly she hated my guts. I was a '"fuckin' mother fuckin' son of a bitch". The later into the evening it got, the more variations of 'fuck' got into her sentences describing me.

When she finally agreed to go home with me, she wanted to fuck. So I always got laid on those party nights. I went with the flow during the party, trying to keep her calm, trying to minimize her damage.

Some people might think of me as a spineless wimp. Maybe so. But I got pissed at her. I told her the hell off. It's just that I recognized this 'Jekyll/Hyde' thing going on and knew that tomorrow (after the hang over) she would return to Dr. Jekyll: sweet, loving, funny. Since these Hyde episodes only occurred a few times a year, I just looked at them as a cross I had to bear.

She was young. She had never sewed any wild oats. She never was with anyone else sexually. I told myself she was just letting off steam. I told myself that eventually she was going to screw around on me. If she got drunk and I wasn't there to protect her, she would be easy pickings. Easy pickings? If I weren't there she would probably take on every man available. I knew deep down that she had no inhibitions when drunk. I had come to realize that I had married a potential slut.

I told myself that I was mature enough to handle it. I would forgive her indiscretions, mostly because I thought she was basically immature and poorly raised, but still good in her heart of hearts. I told myself that she would grow out of this phase and then we would have a mature marriage. I told myself.

You sit around contemplating these eventualities, knowing that someday you were going to have to deal with them. It never crossed my mind that my little wifey would remain faithful to me. And yet I never considered being unfaithful to her. It was another indication to me that I was the mature one. I would have to be the one to pick up the pieces once her infidelity finally occurred.

I was suspicious rather early in our marriage that she had slipped. There were several occasions when I couldn't totally verify what had happened one way or another. All I knew was: she got drunk; there was an available man around other than myself; I wasn't there; she couldn't remember what happened.

That was Helen's fallback position. When she really fucked up, when she really got out of hand and acted up, that's when she just couldn't remember what happened. It was her version of 'no harm/no foul'. If she couldn't remember what happened, then nothing happened.

It sounds ridiculous, but she believed it. It baffled her when I complained about her behavior at the party the night before, calling me 'mother fucker', trying to humiliate me in front of our friends or business associates. She just didn't understand why I was so upset. She couldn't remember doing it, so she didn't do it. Simple as that, case closed.

Yes, the bitch was seriously flawed. Why did I stick with her? Well ninety-eight percent of my life was absolutely perfect, that's why. Except for those few days a year when she lost control, Helen was a wonderful wife. Affectionate, good in bed, fun to be with. My children were like Campbell soup kids, dark-haired and beautiful. My daughter was a sweet little princess, my son a hell-raising athletic little boy. They were perfect.

We had bought a really neat old house in a picturesque storybook village, the kind of place where everyone is your friend. I had what remains in my memory as the best job of my life. The work was challenging but doable. I was the fair-haired boy in the company. Eventually I could see myself running the place. My future looked great.

So I knew Helen was going to screw around on me. I just knew it. I'm supposed to ditch all the rest of the good stuff because of that? I'm supposed to throw the baby out with the bath water?

It was a question of balance. Didn't the 98% good outweigh the 2% potentially awful? I was determined to try to understand her motivation. I was going to deal with it, when it happened, in a mature intelligent way. I wasn't going to let it destroy my life. That was the plan.

And then it started. She took a job outside the house. It was a nighttime job as a banquet waitress at a local resort. She wanted to 'get out of the house'. I guess we could use the money. So suddenly two, three, four nights a week she was out working.

She was usually home before midnight. But then it started to get later. She came home smelling of alcohol. Somehow I wasn't surprised.

I asked her about it. She gave me the old line: "the gang just wanted to get together for a few drinks after work." Yeah, I'm sure they did.

Sometimes she would come home from work way too late and then want to rape me. I would be asleep only to be woken up by Helen pulling my dick, getting it hard so she could climb on board. Suspicious? Who me?

I was trying to remain rational about the whole thing. Okay, said I, let her sew some of her wild oats. Is it going to kill me? I'm not a wimp, and I'm not a cuckold. I'm a rational Homo sapien who is trying to understand a difficult situation. That's what I told myself.

Things seemed to spiral out of hand. I got THE PHONE CALL; the "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR WIFE IS?" phone call.

I asked, "who the hell is this?"

The caller said, "Your wife Helen. She's in bed with MY BOYFRIEND. Right now."

I repeated, "who the hell is this?"

The caller admitted to being the wife of an acquaintance of mine. She's fucking around on my acquaintance, so why the fuck is she upset about her boyfriend fucking around on her? I got the picture though. This was no crank call. Otherwise why would she admit her own guilt?

My internal temperature had already been stirred up. Now I began to stew. This was a small community we lived in. Before long, everyone would be knowing my business. Suddenly that rational Homo sapien started to lose his cool.

Finally the dam just broke. It was eleven o'clock at night. I was talking to a friend on the phone. I saw my wife walk to the back door with a strange expression on her face. I put my hand over the phone.

"Where are you going?"

She looked almost panicked. She said, "I've got to get out of here for awhile."

I said, "At eleven o'clock at night?"

But she was gone. I heard her car leaving the driveway. I had no idea where she was going or when she would be back. I finished my phone call, went to bed and attempted to sleep.

I had a meeting with the executive vice-president of my company at 8:30 in the morning. Eight-thirty arrived and still no Helen. I called in sick. Someone had to take care of the children. I was it by default.

At about noon my wife came home. She smelled like a liquor factory. I had already decided, 'fuck this, I'm just not going to put up with it anymore.'

She came back contrite. She was so sorry. She couldn't remember what she did last night. This time that little ploy wasn't going to be accepted.

I said, "Helen, where the fuck have you been. You do remember that I had a meeting with Al Johnson this morning?"

She looked a bit guilty. "Oh, shit, I guess I forgot about it."

I agreed with her. "Yes, I guess you did. I guess you forgot about a bunch of stuff: like telling me you were going out; letting me know where you were going to be; informing me of when you were going to come home; admitting to me who you were going to be fucking!"

She look aghast. "I never..."

I wasn't taking her shit anymore. "Helen, give it up. You smell like a cheap whore. You're a drunken slut. I've known about your fucking around on me for quite some time. But now you've gone too fucking far."

Well, denial didn't work. She tried tears. "I'm so sorry. It just happened. We had a few drinks and I ended up in bed with someone."

"Well this 'just happened' shit has been going on for a long time. Did you 'just happen' to slip out the door late last night without a word?"

She said, "There was a party I really wanted to go to. I was missing it and you were on the phone. I just decided to go."

"Fuck this shit, Helen. You went out to get laid. Don't deny it. You've never been a good liar and you don't have a leg to stand on. Now tell me about it. Is there one guy or are there a bunch of guys? If it's one guy, do you love him?"

She was obviously trying to figure out a lie that would cause the least amount of damage. "It's only been a couple of guys. Sometimes a guy at the banquet would hit on me and sometimes I would go to his room with him, but only if I was drunk, I swear!"

The bitch seemed to think that her being drunk was a 'get out of jail free' card. Maybe it was in the past. But she had gotten out of jail free for the last time.

I told her, "Look, Helen. This is it for us. You've got to choose and you've got to choose now. Your choices are the marriage or the boyfriend. Don't give me this shit about it being the occasional stray you are fucking. I know you are having an affair with one guy. Do you think you can keep that kind of thing secret? Especially someone as stupid as you? Give me a fuckin' break. I've been cutting you some slack, but that's all over now. It's your choice, sweetheart. But once you make it, there's no turning back."

She saw a way out. She was willing to agree to anything. "I'll do whatever you want. I want our marriage. You are the person I love. I never really loved him."

So she acknowledged the affair even as she agreed to end it. Let's see if she wanted to abide by my rules.

"That's not all, Helen. You are quitting your job. Now. And the next party you go to without me, the next time you come home with alcohol on your breath, the next time you get home significantly past your scheduled time of arrival: that's the end for us. I no longer accept any of the shit you've been feeding me."

"Okay. Anything you want, Donnie. I'll do anything. Please don't throw me out."

Even as she agreed to my terms I was wondering. Maybe I caught her by surprise. Maybe she thought I'd go along acting like I didn't know what was happening until she made up her mind about her bartender boyfriend - or he made up his mind about her. See I had been asking around. I had learned not to put my head in the sand. Here I was a college graduate with a really good future and she was fucking around with a low-life reprobate bartender and half-way thinking she was falling in love with him. There's no understanding the mind of a drunken slut.

Then again, making it with a bartender insured that she was close to her sources. So it has a certain degree of perverted logic, I suppose.

I wasn't done with my questioning. "Why did you insist on fucking me so many times when you came home after being fucked by that other guy? That really pisses me off."

She tried to look contrite, but she admitted the truth, I guess. "I had trouble getting off with anyone else. I don't know why. I really needed to cum so when I got home I fucked you. You can always make me cum."

It's always nice to know that she considered me to be a flesh and blood dildo to be used after she was finished with her real fucking.

So it developed through all of this turmoil that I guess things were changing. It started out pretty cut and dried. I loved Helen, even with all of her faults: even though I was a border-line genius and she only used her brain when it was absolutely necessary; even though my friends were lawyers and doctors and professional people and her friends were waitresses and traveling salesmen and, yes, bartenders.

Perhaps it appears that she was open and free and I was closed and repressed. But nothing could be further from the truth. I liked to party as much as she did. But I remembered the parties after they were over. I recognized when party-time was appropriate and when it wasn't. I accepted that our children needed parenting 24/7, not just when I felt like being a parent.

So Helen, post-affair, expected things to fall back into their previous patterns. She thought I would forgive and forget and things would be as they were, just with her having to be more careful about how she acted.

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Question of a Curious Son Part 4

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3 years ago
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Question of a curious son part two

When James first woke up in his father’s bed he wondered how he had gotten there. He then remembered that not nine hours ago he and his father had some of the best oral sex James had ever had. After he sat up in bed he heard his father down stairs in the kitchen. James got out of bed and reached for a robe, but before he put it on he thought why am I doing this, my father has already seen all there is to me. After he had walked down the stairs to the living room he peered outside and looked out...

2 years ago
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Question of a curious son

“What’s wrong my boy?” asked his father. “Nothing dad.” “Do you remember when we were able to tell each other anything?” asked James “We’re still like that son, nothing has changed.” replied his father “Well, okay then I have something to ask you.” “Have you ever had gay sex of any kind?” asked James nervously. “I did have it several times in college…Why do you ask son?” “I ask because I saw you last night blow your load all over your room” “I see.” “Did you like what you saw?”...

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Question of Lust

PLEASE READ: This is open to other people to submit story sections. Only want to say that impregnation is highly encouraged, and in general keep it filled with smut. No kinks are off limits when you're adding your own chapters. Jake woke up on his eighteenth birthday with his usual sexual urges. He grew up with two incredibly attractive twin sisters. Ciara was pale skinned and freckly, with B cup boobs and an incredibly impressive ass. She was at least bisexual, but a virgin. Furthest she went...

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I'm thinking for thanksgiving I will have my husband baste our girlfriends kunt with Cum so I can clean it up for her, just wondering if you think he should put it inside so I can suck it out or on the outside so I can lick it up off her lips????? Maybe we can post some pics....any other ideas?

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Question for the men

I have been talking with men, and, most men say 'They like to fuck a smelling foul pussy!' because, it give them pleasure during sex, and, like the smell of sex in the room, more like a workout. My quesion is, What do you prefer, a smelling foul pussy? or, a pussy don't have no scent at all?PS. If wondering about my pussy, my pussy don't have no scent.

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It was already eight twenty-five and the twins were not ready. If they didn’t leave in five minutes they would be late for school…..again! She screamed up the stairs for them to hurry. Although it was raining hard she managed to get the pair of ten year-olds to class on time. I always seem to be rushing these days she thought as she made her way to the old part of town and Sanger’s Food Market. She preferred Sanger’s to the new super stores, it was less crowded, friendlier and their produce and...

Cheating Wifes
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Questions of the Heart Ch 02

Have you ever wondered, what it would feel like, to hold a total stranger, and want her with all of your soul? Can you live up to her expectations? Will you make her as happy, as your words have lead her to believe? Does the longing in your heart quit making it hard to breathe, or does it just continue, stronger than before? The big question still needs to be answered. Why would she ever consider allowing you any where close to her? Will she see, that you are there, because your heart won’t...

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Hot Little Pussy

Introduction: The games we play HOT LITTLE PUSSY! Whats better than sex? More sex with a game, or two thrown into the mix. Some people think sex gets boring, same old thing all the time. Well, let me tell you it doesnt have to be that way. Of course when I started out I had no idea what to do or really know how to tease and please a man. But as I got, more educated, I realized the things I could do to turn a man on. I did learn fast though, for a female, one size does fit all. In all my...

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The Zethriel Project Chapters Seven Ten

The target's name was Gendoran Thriftwind, and Keria was close enough to smell the scent coming off his blonde hair. She'd found him in the loft above his shop--he'd foolishly left the window open. Keria had her legs hooked on one of the rafters and held her upper body out in midair, arms outstretched. She could drop ontop of Gendoran and break his neck, or stab him, or whatever suited her, whenever she wanted, but as eager as she was to get back to Zethriel, she felt as she usually did...

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Stuck in my Neighbours House III

I didn't know what to say to her, I knew what she was going to ask, I just hadn't planned on answering her. I should be in my own house by now eating bacon, not sitting with a near complete stranger in her house, dressed as a girl. I took a few moments to think of an answer, but I couldn't find one, so I asked her a question in the hope she'd forget what just happened. "Why... shouldn't you be at work Mum?" I asked, I was starting to get used to calling her Mum by now. "Oh I decided...

1 year ago
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My New Life 1

MY NEW LIFE. PART 1 BY D. RAMONE My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places...

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Stay the Course Part Five Satisfying Sarah and Sir

“Sweetie?” Robert interrupted my thoughts. “Yes Sir?” I answered still smiling in my thoughts. Sarah was standing next to him. Changed from her uniform, she was wearing a tight t shirt, cute little mini skirt with 3 inch heels and a huge lusty grin. I stood up and went to stand in the aisle next to her; Sarah looked at the seat where I had not long ago given Nick a blow job. I looked at Sarah and she kissed my cheek as she brushed past me to sit on the seat I had just vacated. ‘The Get Your...

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Mansi and Jiya

They were warm and firm and had a smooth silky texture, exactly as she had expected. Two of them were thicker than her wrist and they lay in neat heart shaped curves on her breasts. The remaining four were slightly thinner but longer and they made beautiful curves around the heart. Even in her intense state of arousal, Mansi could not help smiling. This was Jiya's speciality. No one else could do it with such perfection. Jiya's mountain of an arse was still only a few feet above her face with...

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SargeChapter 33

After a successful project, it usually took a couple of weeks for me to sink into a deep dark funk. I was about halfway though my cooling off period after the case of the slightly special tech thief. It was a nice payday. I didn’t need the money, but as my not really friend, Mason had said recently, “In life money is one way of keeping score.” I didn’t like Mason at all, but he was right about that. Of course, not only did I have it piling up in my bank, I had even more uncut diamonds...

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making them pregnant pt 9

“I understand that everyone in the practice can’t use any form of birth control. How have you kept from having more than one c***d?”“Just have not been serviced at the right time of the month, I guess. However, I think some how you will cure that situation,” was her reply as she winked at me.Anna walked in and said, “Your next appointment is early by about 15 minutes. Are you recovered for the next procedure?”“Yes” as I zipped up my pants. The two Nurses looked at each other. “I will get Mrs....

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 22

On the drive home from the airport, Gwen received a call from Amber Stahl. They spoke for quite a while before Gwen placed her phone back in her purse. "Amber wants to interview us about our trip to DC. She was upset last week when we told her about our trip and her station wouldn't send her to cover it. They felt that the heavy hitters, like Bill Hardy would have the thing covered. Channel 5 is an affiliate of the CBC network. Their world and national news is anchored by Hardy. Amber...

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Five Card Studd

Last Saturday my boyfriend Al, invited me over to watch the Clint Eastwood movie marathon at his place. I arrived about 1:30 pm just in time for the first movie. Around 3:00 pm, the door bell rang and three of Al's friends showed up. One of the guys even had his 15 year old son Tim with him. The guys reminded Al it was time for the traditional Saturday poker game. Al tried to convince the guys the Clint Eastwood marathon was far more important, and besides he had already invited Cathy (me)...

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Lucky StiffChapter 15 Party

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A big side effect Sissy Story by YKN4949 Part 1

Chapter 1: A Terrifying DiscoveryI woke feeling the same as I had every morning for months, ecstatic. There is no other way to describe the way I feel when I wake up in the morning. I popped up off of my pillow, slapped off the alarm and was out of bed in a matter of seconds. I wanted nothing more than to get to school, go to class, see my friends, go to cheerleading practice, and just do everything an 18 year girl was supposed to do. I mean, I don't like to brag or anything but I had the...

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First Time Anal

I have always been intrigued to see how it would feel having some kind of toy or dick in my ass. I am a 24 year old male who has only ever been with girls but has always had an urge or a curiosity for guys. My girlfriend is sometimes a bit shy when it comes to the bedroom department where as I am always horny and always up for trying something new and different. My girlfriend knows of my feelings in regards to men and is 100% fine with them. Recently I brought up the idea of anal play. She is...

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AftermathChapter 7

After about an hour I was summoned into the kitchen where Martha and Weena each had a mug of tea. "No catastrophe?" I asked. "No. Just girl-talk," said 'she-who-must-be-obeyed'. "Did you talk to Angus?" Martha nodded. "So, will it be tomorrow or Sunday?" "Tomorrow, if it's still okay, please." "Of course it's still okay! What might have changed?" "Gordy! Stop teasing her! She's nervous enough." "Yes, dear." "Martha?" "Yes?" "Have you had lunch with...

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Hey Neighbor III

I began rocking back and forth, very aware of the size of the Rob, loving how his cock pushed and prodded against my walls, squeezing his cock as I rocked slowly. Ali flipped over and rolled up to let Bryce enter her face to face, and I felt and heard their syncopated slapping and sighing as he pushed and probed. Rob had begun grinding up into me, so I started bouncing on him as well; matching his thrusts and feeling him slide in and out. Rob’s pace was superb - he obviously was enjoying...

1 year ago
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Comeback Massage Because Of An Hot Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hello all, I am classy from bangalore and people can contact me on if u like to pass any comment I am back with my remaining part of the incident which happened in the spa.Thanks for the response given by many readers. Now getting back to the story, as I said last time my monster was half hard and the lady n the massager were smiling. Seeing that I was feeling a bit uncomfortable with it and suddenly the lady asked me am I ok or is there any problem? I said nothing as such but little bit...

1 year ago
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Damaged Goods

It had been a long journey that I was on. Four years in college and four years at the seminary. I had degrees in philosophy and in theology. I chose this for myself. I had a sign from God when I was recovering from Cancer as a young child. Jesus came to me several times during my recovery. Not sure if it really happened in present time or just in dreams like I had believed. He told me this was the path that I needed to go on. It would be a long and tedious journey with lots of sacrifices. This...

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Crazy Cat Lady

It was just another investment for Rich Willard. Another bank sale of another old property in another dying small town. As he was going to a lunch nearby, he decided to actually visit this place instead of doing his usual buy-it-sight-unseen-fix-it-flip-it routine. After all, he still had the keys in his briefcase. The town of Springville was founded in the mid-1800s when its main industry was the foundry. Eventually a glass company and several textile mills also opened, attracted...

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Double Act ndash Chapter 2

"Doesn't that feel good?" she whispered at my ear."God yes," I said, not sure if it was loud enough for Tim's benefit.I opened my eyes and saw him staring at my tits. Given that they were a little bigger than my s!ster's, Beth was making the most of them for his benefit. She ran her hands over and over them, letting her fingers flick the bullet-hard nipples. Then she ran her hands down to my waist and undid my skirt. I stepped out of the clothes and turned to face my s!ster. We grinned at each...

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HannahChapter 19 Coming Home

I welcomed Donny and Charli home about six, and Lisbeth came running through the door a few seconds later. I got everything out of the fridge, put it on the table and we began to eat. Donny had that satisfied look about him, and Charli was wearing her best 'freshly loved and lovin' it' look. Lisbeth was chewing and smiling, shoveling in the food as only growing kids can. The meal was almost over when Lisbeth spoke. "Mom, can — oops! — may I have a coke?" Charli's light olive...

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My Weekend With Dawn Our Last Night Together

"You guys are so hot together, and if we had more time, I would love to watch you two continue. However, we need to wrap things up here and start getting Autumn on her way." I hear a dull moan from both of you, but you separate and eventually we are walking Autumn to the front of the hotel to catch a cab to her hotel and then the airport. Before we part, we all hug, kiss, and promise to stay in touch (God, I hope to stay in touch as I could only imagine what it would be like if we meet up...

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