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I noticed the new comers the day they moved into the house. I lived in a secluded area at the top of a small mountain in the Rockies. The cul-de- sac contained only seven houses, each quite nice, you might even say mansions, if they weren't such rustic designs. I had moved here a few years ago and of course knew all my neighbors. When the Franks moved to the beach, I was surprised, but they were like all of the other residents, older late 50s to mid-60s; the cold weather and snow was beginning to be a problem so they wanted some place warmer. I was the only resident in my 30s and also the only single one. I had inherited enough money when my mother died, to pay for most of my house. I liked it because it was remote, private, and was the perfect place for me to do my detailed wildlife paintings. I was not widely known, but I did make enough of a living off them to allow me to survive, and make the small mortgage payments without a real job. So when the moving truck showed up, I watched it unload, and knew the owners would be settling in. I gave them a week, thinking that at least they would have most stuff out of boxes. I then went over to introduce myself. I had brought some homemade cinnamon rolls as a welcoming gift. Standing on the porch, I was surprised when a woman opened the door. She was elegantly dressed, although casually, the outfit was obviously very expensive. She had accessorized it with lots of silver jewelry, again expensive in appearance. This did not surprise me, as most everyone was well to do on our street. What surprised me was that she was obviously Latin; everyone else on our street was a typical WASP. Not that it mattered, but it was unique. I had always felt that I was the outlier on our lane, as I wore my blonde hair long, pulled back in a ponytail generally, and had earrings in both ears. I told people, as an artist I needed to be a bit edgy in my appearance. "Hello, I'm Jansen, your neighbor from across the street. I wanted to welcome you and your family to the mountain top. I brought you some homemade rolls." "Well that is so nice. I'm Juanita Benitez. We've fell in love with this place the first time we looked at the house. It seems so peaceful. Please come in." "Oh, that's not necessary. I'm sure the place is still a bit unsettled since you just got here." "No really, please come in, we've pretty much got the house in order." I followed her inside and was amazed. The house looked fully decorated. There were no empty boxes or stuff out of place on counters. But what really struck me was how bright and cheerful the house looked. The Franks had these dreary looking drapes in the main room that were a washed out linen color. Now there were bright white curtains that made everything look almost sparkling. "I love what you have done with the house. Those new curtains look so much more cheerful than what was here before. I can see you have a great decorator touch." "Well really, those are the same drapes. Since they were a custom design, we got them with the house. I just gave them a thorough cleaning. If you use the right products and techniques you can work miracles with fabrics, even ones that have been aged and dingy after long use." Juanita then toured me through the house, where she introduced me to her husband, Eduardo. He was a tall, trim man that was friendly but a bit reserved as he was working on his computer at the time. When he stood up, I felt a bit embarrassed. It reminded me of my short stature; even Juanita was a bit taller than my 5'6" height. So when he had to get back to his computer, I was glad that Juanita continued the tour. I was constantly impressed by how well-kept everything was. Even though I had been in the house many times, the floors, windows, and even the built in shelves all looked so different, almost new looking. I raved to Juanita about how nice everything looked and what a job they had done with the place. I asked her what cleaning firm they had used. "We did everything ourselves. We ran a cleaning service for many years and became experts at restoring finishes, cleaning fabrics, and keeping a house in order. You can learn a lot about something when you make it your business." "Well it's all so impressive. I know I can't do anything close to this level of cleaning. I mean just the way you transformed the curtains in the main room is amazing. My laundry never seems to get things looking so bright." "Would you like some help? I would love to see your place and could show you some of our tricks if you want?" "Would you? I don't want to impose, I mean we just met, but seeing your house and how you transformed it from the former owners fills me with questions." "I'd love to. If you'd carry over some of my laundry products, we can do a load of your wash now and then you can show me your house. We'd hoped to make friends with our neighbors." So, unexpectedly, we headed back to my house. I was carrying a small box full of some laundry powder, bleach additives, and a few miscellaneous products. When we got inside my house, I was a bit embarrassed. The place looked nowhere near as neat or put together as Juanita's and I had been here for years. A quick look at the drapes, floors, and overall appearance was like looking at night after day. Her house just shone compared to mine. I reluctantly took her to the laundry. I always just threw stuff in a pile, as it was easier to do one load than sort stuff out. She immediately started asking questions about who cleaned the place, what they used, etc. I had to admit that I did the cleaning myself, obviously not very well, and had sort of just did what I thought was necessary. Juanita didn't seem surprised and asked if I was single. My affirmative answer had her shake her head yes. She told me that many of their clients had been single. It was so much harder to keep a place neat when it is just you; both from the amount of work and the desire to make everything sparkle. Single people become used to a place being only half way clean. I had to agree. She then asked me a few questions about what I normally use to wash my clothes, and looked at the washer. It was a good model and would do a good job with the proper products. She laughed when I told her I never sorted my clothes before washing and said she would start from the beginning for me. We would do the color items first, so I began to sort the dirty clothes into groups, separating out white, towels, jeans, and colored clothes. About half-way through the process, I lifted up a towel to place in the right group, when I saw the bra strap. Crap, I had forgotten all about that. I had a secret stash of women's clothes and would wear some lingerie every so often around the house. I normally didn't wear anything, but if I felt extremely horny I might put on a bra and some panties to masturbate. I had done that earlier this week and put them in the wash pile. I tried to shift some items as I sorted stuff and smoothly picked up a pair of jeans with the lingerie below them. But apparently I wasn't as smooth as I thought. "Jansen, you've got some color clothes under the jeans, go ahead and put them in the right pile." As I picked them up, I began to blush. They were a matching set; maroon lace and sheer, a pair of boy short panties and a balconette bra. I again tried to stuff them into the pile so she wouldn't see them. "Oh those look cute. They shouldn't go in the washer though. You definitely need to hand wash lingerie. Just put them in the sink and we can deal with them once the washer is going." I followed her instructions, feeling as if my face was on fire from the embarrassment. I continued to sort out the clothes and when done, she showed me what she used to clean them. As the washer kicked in, she indicated that we would deal with the hand washed items. She told me to run some warm water in the sink and added a product for delicate materials. I couldn't look her in the eyes, as she told me how to softly scrub them, paying special attention to the band of the bra where it went under the arms and the crotch of the panties. I was to use gentle pressure to rub the fabric together and massage the items with my fingertips. Once she felt I had done enough, she told me to let them soak while the washer handled the other colored clothes. Now I felt even more awkward as we had nothing to do but wait until the machine finished. I had decided to tell her that the clothes were left from a girlfriend, but first I had to get her distracted. I asked her if she had suggestions for cleaning the house. We then made another tour of the house, with her pointing out what should be done. I was amazed at how much work she thought it needed. As we entered the kitchen, I decided we should just sit and talk. So I offered her some fresh baked bread and something to drink. She said that would be lovely, and I got her a glass of wine and we went out onto my screened porch. I was trying to figure out how to work in the girlfriend story when she started asking questions. "So Jansen, how long have you lived here? What do you do for a living? How do you decide what to paint? Do make fresh bread all the time? What else do you like to cook? Ever tried southwest-style cooking? What else do you do for fun? " I had been rattling off answers, glad to put some distance between me and the earlier event in the laundry room. I was just beginning to get relaxed, and it was easy to answer her questions truthfully. I had almost forgotten about her seeing the lingerie when she asked if I was dating. Stupidly, I just blurted out that I hadn't really had time lately to date, as I had a deadline for some paintings. As soon, as I said it I wanted to take it back. I started to say something about my last girlfriend, but she went on to another question about how I sold my paintings. About then, the washer stopped so we went upstairs. I put the clothes in the drier and she told me how to rinse out the lingerie and hang it up. Luckily, there was a small built in rack on the wall where we could put it. After we had that done, we went back to the porch for another glass of wine and more questions. Juanita really seemed interested in me, but every so often I would ask her about her past and how she got where she was. It became apparent that they had been very successful and now were enjoying an early retirement. Soon, we heard the dryer stop and we went to sort out the clothes. She showed me how to properly fold them and we set aside a couple of shirts that needed ironing. I noticed immediately how brighter everything was and she seemed to like that I was happy with the results of her suggestions. Finally she said she should be getting back home to Eduardo, but asked if I would like to learn how to clean my house so it would look as nice as my laundry does now. She indicated that a few days of tips and instructions from her and I would be able to have my house look as nice as hers. She made it clear that all the work would be done by me; she would just supervise. I wanted her to become a friend, so at least she might be less likely to tell anyone else about my lingerie and I realized how bad my house looked after seeing hers, so I quickly agreed to her plan. She said that she would return tomorrow at nine. The rest of the day I spent painting to meet my deadlines. I had several places I sold paintings, but lately the sales had slowed and I really needed some cash to pay bills and my next mortgage payment. I had all but forgotten about Juanita's visit until I heard her knock on the door the next day. I opened the door, and she stood there with Eduardo. He was holding a large box of cleaning equipment and products. Juanita was holding a garment bag and a small satchel. "Good morning Jansen. I hope you are ready to tackle your cleaning today. I have a lot to show you on how to properly take care of a home." "Good morning Juanita, thank you for being so helpful. Eduardo, good morning to you too; I would have come over to carry that if you had called. I hadn't realized there was so much involved with cleaning." "Well, it was no problem for me to bring the equipment, being such a big box it might have been a bit heavy for you. We learned a long time ago, that top-notch cleaning requires the right techniques, hard effort, and proper gear. So if Juanita is going to train you, it is important that you are properly equipped. I should warn you, she can be a tough teacher. But just do everything she says, give it your best effort, and if you please her, you will be happy with the results." With that he winked at me, gave me the box of supplies, and patted me on the shoulder. He turned and kissed Juanita and left. I took the box inside, following her lead to the kitchen. I put the box on the counter and was going to offer her some coffee. I figured we'd go over some of the techniques before we started. However, she had left the kitchen as soon as I put down the box, headed toward my bedroom, so I followed. Once there she put the garment bag and satchel on the bed and turned to me. "Jansen, one of the most important things we learned in our cleaning business, is that the staff needs to be properly attired when working. If you are in a uniform, especially one designed for the job you will be more efficient and productive. It also instills a sense of pride in you work and lets the home owner know you realize your position as a domestic servant. So I brought over one of our uniforms that we had designed for our employees. I think I have a good idea of your sizes, based on what I saw in the laundry yesterday. Do you have a bra and panty in a beige or nude color? A style similar to the ones we washed yesterday would do fine." I was floored by her question. I had naively hoped that the lingerie wouldn't be mentioned again. I stammered a bit, feeling my face flush red. "Those weren't mine. They belonged to one of my girlfriends; she left them here by mistake." "Oh, Jansen, don't be foolish. You told me yourself that you hadn't had a girlfriend in ages. Even if a woman had left them, why would you wait so long to clean them or even keep them at all? Also, I don't think it was coincidence that the sizes were very appropriate for you. It is okay to like pretty things, I can see where a cute little boy like you would want to wear girl's panties and wish he needed a bra for real. I don't see a problem with that, in fact I've met many boys who liked to do just like you. So quit being prideful and answer my question." Again, I felt my face flush and knowing that she wouldn't believe anything but the truth, I admitted that I had a matching set in beige lace. "Good, I brought a few accessories for your uniform but I prefer you wear your own underwear when possible. Is the bra padded, or do you have forms?" "I, I, don't have forms and I don't really wear this stuff very often. "Well, it will be an essential part of your attire when I'm training you. I have some foam pads you can use. Go ahead and slip on your underwear. I'll get the rest of the stuff from my bags." I was very embarrassed, but didn't know how to get out of it. I was finding out pretty quickly, that Juanita had a strong personality and was used to getting her way. I got the lingerie from my closet and went into the bath to change. I felt really silly wearing only the bra and panty. I had always preferred larger breasted women, so my bras were a full C-cup and I normally padded them with socks to get projection. The panty was a tanga style that barely covered my butt and only held my small cock in place when it was soft. I didn't want to leave the room, so called out to her asking if she would hand me the uniform. "No. Come on out, I need to show you how I prefer my staff to dress. Your underwear is just the beginning." I hesitantly left the bath and walked to where she stood by the bed. She looked me over and even had me turn around so she could evaluate me. She handed me two large foam pads that I slipped into my bra cups. I wanted to cover my privates as the lace panty was sheer, but she pulled my hands back as she looked. Finally smiling she looked me in the eyes. "You have a cute little figure, a narrow waist and surprisingly large hips and butt for a boy. You did a good job picking a larger cup size for your bra; it gives you a nice proportional shape. I'm a bit disappointed that you aren't smooth shaven, but you can correct that later. Despite your nice shape, you'll still need to wear a foundation garment. I brought a long-leg panty girdle for today; it's in beige so it will match your other underwear. I assume you've worn hose before, so just slip the stockings that I have for you and attach them to the garter clips on each leg. One reason I like hose with a girdle, is that you can wear thicker, sturdier styles while cleaning and even if you get a run in one stocking, it is simple to just switch out with a replacement. Plus foundation wear is real helpful for boys as it keeps their male parts snuggly under control. You'll wear them whenever you clean for me." I put on the girdle as she watched; it fit tight but not painfully. She was right, I had worn hose before, so I rolled up a stocking, pulled it up my leg, and attached it to the girdle with the garter clip. The stocking had a lot of Lycra in it and molded tightly to my leg. She watched me intently, increasing my embarrassment at my situation. I knew my actions indicated that I had more than a passing acquaintance with female clothes. When I had that done, she opened the garment bag and took out a light brown dress. It was double-breasted, had dark brown contrasting cuffs on the short sleeves, trim around the V-neck collar, and on the hem. The trim was an eyelet design, simple but feminine. I recognized it right away as a maid's uniform, functional in design. She unbuttoned the front and had me step in, and then buttoned me back up. She then wrapped a half apron around my waist tying it tightly in back. It was the same dark brown color and eyelet style as the trim on the dress. She then opened the satchel and took out a pair of pumps in dark brown with a modest heel. I slipped them on they fit perfectly; with my small feet, I usually wore a woman's size 8. Stepping back, she looked me over and smiled. "I knew you would look good in our traditional working dress. We have a pantsuit style, but I really prefer my maids to wear dresses. Now sit down and let me put your hair up. I brought over some cosmetics too; just a touch of color gives anyone a more feminine appearance. Normally you would use lighter shades than mine, but these will do for today, unless you have your own makeup?" I shook my head no. I never went this far before, at most I wore underwear, hose and heels and owned no cosmetics. She expected my response and quickly began to transform me. She pulled my hair up on the top of my head, using a hair band and pins to put it in a tight bun. She then pinned a dark brown maid's hair band in front of it. She only applied some light brown eye shadow, some mascara, and reddish brown lipstick for cosmetics, complimenting me on my skin tone. Once she was done she had me stand up and walk around. I felt ridiculous, but I caught a glimpse of my transformed appearance in the dresser mirror. I had to admit, that from a distance I gave a convincing image of a female maid. Juanita saw me glance at myself and she smiled. "Quite pretty aren't you? Jansen you are a natural in a dress and I can tell you've worn heels before. That means I can put you in a bit higher heel from now on, making your legs even prettier. The main focus for a maid is skill at cleaning, but our best ones always looked good too. The confidence from their appearance allowed them to excel at their work too. Well, let's go have that cup of coffee now. I want to go over a few things with you before we start." We went to the kitchen and she outlined the work for today. We were going to focus on the bedroom, giving it a complete cleaning, including dusting, polishing wood furniture, vacuuming the carpet, and washing all the linens and even the drapes. After she explained how she wanted stuff done, I started while she observed and gave me direction. It was really hard work, especially with the attention to details that she required. I shuttled between the items I was washing and the room itself, working nonstop all morning. I was a bit surprised that the dress and heels didn't seem to interfere with my work, but I was aware of how the girdle, hose, and bra felt on my body. By lunch I had the room sparkling, and only needed to iron the sheets and drapes before putting them back up. Since we were doing so well, Juanita suggested we take a break for lunch; I told her I could make a light Cobb salad with rolls if that would do. She agreed, but told me I need to wash up thoroughly, even though she had me wear rubber gloves to clean, it was important to be hygienic. Also, I was to change my stockings and apron. She took out a very sheer pair of coffee color hose and a sheer brown apron. These were accessories for serving meals or when the maid was to be waiting on her employers. I did as she asked, and after changing I could see the subtle differences it made in my appearance. I still looked like a working maid, but with a bit more flair. I quickly whipped up the meal and served her at the kitchen table. While we ate, Juanita reviewed my work. Overall she was very impressed. I learned quickly and worked very hard. She could tell I had what it took to be successful at cleaning my house; I only needed the proper direction. I was proud of myself, although I still felt pretty awkward being dressed as a woman in front of Juanita. After lunch she showed me how to correctly iron, especially how to do the pleats on the drapes. Once I had the hang of it, she got ready to leave. She told me to finish and she would inspect it in the morning. "Jansen you have done really well for the first day, so I want to step it up a bit tomorrow. That will include addressing some of your appearance issues. First I want you to fully shave your body tonight. I want you smooth all over. If you prefer sheer or small panty styles like the one today, then include your private area. A small little patch or strip of hair is the most I want to see down there. All you will need is a pair of white panties tomorrow and your breast pads. Also wash your hair in the morning, I want to see what we can do if I style it. Once you are fully dressed, we will start on your bathroom and the wood floors in the hall. Both will require some heavy scrubbing by hand, so get enough sleep tonight. You can keep the uniform, girdle, and hose for washing later. I want you to be able to follow up today's good start with a strong performance tomorrow, bye for now." After Juanita left, I finished the ironing, made the bed, and hung the drapes. I couldn't believe how nice the room looked now. It was almost as if it was a new addition to my old house. Although I was more than a bit embarrassed by how I was dressed, I assured myself that this was worth it. Once I had the house clean, then I could change how I interacted with Juanita. I mean at this point she was understanding and gave no indication that she wouldn't keep this private. So after a light supper, I took a long hot bath and shaved myself as she had requested. Since all of my panties were either sheer or small, I knew I had to remove my pubic hair. At first I was going to leave a small strip, but once I started it seemed silly so I just went totally bare. That included my cock and balls. I had occasionally thought about being shaven, but now that I had done it, I really liked how I looked. I couldn't keep my hands off my smooth skin and wound up masturbating several times before bed. In the morning, I got up, made the bed so that the room looked perfect again, and took a quick shower to wash my hair. I had just wrapped my hair in a towel, slipped on my white satin thong, and a short robe when I heard the doorbell. I greeted Juanita and let her in. She was carrying a garment bag and satchel, like yesterday, and I followed her to the bedroom. Unzipping the bag, she took out another uniform, this time an off white with black eyelet trim. It had the matching accessories of an apron and hair band. She opened the satchel and took out a long white garment. It was an all- in-one, or a combined long-leg panty girdle and long-line bra. It was sheer with lace covering the bra cups, a center panel across the stomach, and around the hem of each leg. She also took out a pair of opaque black stockings and black pumps. As she lay out the clothes, I slipped off the robe at her suggestion. "Jansen, your appearance is much nicer with all that hair removed. Your smooth skin will look more appropriate for your training outfits. So I expect you to keep yourself smooth until we have finished your program. Now, I want you to try on this foundation for me; it gives a bit more control over your entire figure, but has the garter clips that allow you to still use stockings. After years of experience, it is one of my preferred style for my maids. Put it and your stockings on, and then I want to set your hair in some curlers to see how your hair looks with a bit more curl. Again, I prefer my maids to have a more formal hair style at times, so I want to determine what your best look is. Once I have your hair in curlers, then you can put on the rest of your uniform." I was surprised at the foundation garment, and putting it on, I could tell it was a much more restricting style than I had worn yesterday. It seemed to pull in my waist more, as well as give a more projecting shape to my bust. I had tucked my penis back in between my legs and the restrictive hold of the crotch pushed my balls into my body and smoothed out any bulge in that area. I had the feeling that Juanita had chosen it as much to demonstrate how she was in charge of my appearance at this point as anything. The feeling grew as she combed my hair and rolled the strands around each curler. This was a definite expression of her dictating to me how I was going to look. As she set each roller, she pointed out the process, where she wanted them placed, how to roll the hair, and how to tighten the set. She indicated that I would be rolling my own hair after today, unless I wanted to go to a salon. Once she had my hair all in curlers, she placed a white lace hair bonnet over them to keep them in place while I worked. She indicated that it would likely take the morning for them to dry. I put on the dress and apron, while she looked over my ironing from yesterday. She was pleased and said I was a good student. Once dressed, she took out her cosmetics and started on my face. This time, she was more thorough, using more products than yesterday, including foundation, blush and a variety of colors that gave me a much more feminine appearance. She even applied a spritz of perfume to complete my look. Yesterday, I had felt feminine, but today was way beyond that. My appearance in the mirror indicated nothing but a woman, even with my hair in rollers. It was more than a little embarrassing to have made the transition so easily. But I had little time to dwell on my appearance. Juanita put me to work and had me scrubbing the bathroom. She had given a small hand brush and a pair of bright pink rubber gloves. I had to thoroughly scrub the sinks, tub, and toilet fixtures. I then sprayed them all with a bleach solution allowing it to soak for a short period and then scrubbed them all again. Once those were gleaming, she put me on my knees, hand scrubbing the floors. She did let me kneel using an old towel as a pad, to lessen the pain and help protect my stockings. That was back breaking work, and my only rest was when she requested coffee. While I worked away, she sat on a comfortable chair watching me or occasionally making a call on her cell phone. I couldn't really tell what she was doing, as she only spoke Spanish on the phone. Finally I got the bathroom sparkling as she wanted. As it was close to lunch she asked if I had any ideas for something to eat. I offered that I could make a couple of French Dip sandwiches and a salad. That sounded good to her but she wanted to do my hair fist. I sat on the edge of bed, as she began to remove the curlers and dropped them into her bag. After she had them all out, she used her brush to shape them and sprayed the new look in place with lots of hair spray. Her new style for me, was straight hair down to my ears and then a mass of curls, with the bangs in front swept from right to left across my forehead. It was a very feminine style, perhaps a little old-fashioned, but in keeping with my maid's uniform. She left for the dining room, and I changed my stockings and apron for the sheer server styles. I had just finished clipping the stocking top, when I heard the doorbell ring. I started to panic, even if it was just a delivery person and not a neighbor, I did not want to be seen as I was. Then I heard Juanita call me. "Answer the door, Jansen, it is Eduardo. I invited him over for lunch. I needed to catch up with him on a few things, so I thought we could do it over lunch. Oh and don't worry about your appearance; he knows you've being trained in appearance as well as techniques of a proper house keeper." Despite her reassurances, I was deeply embarrassed when I open the door. He quickly checked me out as he stepped into the hall and smiled broadly. I softly said hello, and led him back to the dining room to be with his wife. As he sat down at the table, he kissed her and then turned to me. "Very impressive Jansen, you look quite appropriate in your uniform. I see why Juanita was confident in how you would look in it. The details of your hair and makeup really match the outfit. You should work a bit on your voice. Your volume is fine, but you need a bit more of a feminine speech pattern to be accurate to your appearance. Try speaking with more of a lilting tone and women often go up in pitch at the end of their sentences. It is almost like they end with a question. Also, do you know any Spanish?" "No. I never learned that language; I had French in high school. But, I will try to moderate my voice as you suggested." "That will be a good start as French is also a romance language and perhaps we can teach you a bit of ours. One thing that is always proper for someone working in a cleaning business is to try to relate to the customer. When we had Spanish workers, I always had them learn a little English for their bosses. Being able to ask whether they wanted the floor mopped, or if the bed sheets were to be ironed made it much easier to meet the customer's needs. Since Juanita is training you it won't hurt to learn to speak to her in her primary language. But we can do that as you do chores, for now just bring her a glass of wine, vino, and me a beer, cerveza, if you have it." "Yes, I have beer, uh cerveza and I'll get it right away, Sir." As soon as I said it, I felt a bit odd and embarrassed. He had not asked me to call him Sir and the implications suggested that I was indeed a servant rather than a peer made me blush. As I got the drinks, I rationalized it as just being appropriate for the role they were showing me. When he had talked about Juanita training me I guess he saw what we had been doing as that rather than just helping a neighbor. When I gave them their drinks, Eduardo looked me in the eye, and merely said: Senor, Si Senor. I repeated it and he smiled broadly. Again I felt odd, I mean I was already on the defensive given how I was dressed as a woman, but he was certainly reinforcing the difference in status by accepting my subservient way of addressing him. I retreated to the kitchen and made the sandwiches and salads. I wasn't quite sure they wanted me to eat with them, but they indicated as much and we sat and talked. They interwove their own conversations in Spanish as we talked. I could tell they were covering private subjects but didn't seem concerned to be speaking in front of me, since I didn't know the language. Finally when we had finished, I rose to clear the dishes, Eduardo again spoke to me. "Jansen, my wife has some duties to attend to this afternoon, but I'm willing to stay to continue your training. She says that the hallway is next on your instruction list, so finish cleaning up from lunch, comida, change back to your cleaning stockings, and then I will show you how to do the floor, suelo." I nodded my head, and instinctively repeated both of his translated words. As I left they continued to talk. I was a bit unnerved to hear he was staying rather than Juanita. He had much more of an authoritative presence and I felt acutely more embarrassed about my feminine appearance in front of him. I was back in my room exchanging the heavy stockings for the sheer ones, when I heard her leave. I went to the hall to find Eduardo sitting in a chair. He explained what I need to do to strip off the old floor wax to rejuvenate the floors. As with the bathroom floor, I was to use a small brush and a cleaning solution to accomplish the job. Kneeling down I began to slowly work my way up the hall beginning at the front door. I was very aware of how the scene must look, with Eduardo sitting comfortably while I knelt, back bent, scrubbing intently with small circular motions. He was not content to just watch but made comments and also continued my new Spanish lessons. The words for clean, mop, sweep, iron, and wash were repeated until I could faithfully respond to his questions. Learning those seemed straight forward and appropriate for what I was doing. But he was not content with just that, he began to teach me words for apron, bra, girdle, dress, and heels. I blushed as I repeated these. After an hour or so, he asked for a beer and I stood up to get one for him. The rest of the afternoon continued this way until I had scrubbed the hall all the way to the living room. My arms were sore and my knees and back ached. My pride was also hurt, as the afternoon spent kneeling working while he peppered me with new Spanish words had seemed to define our different roles. He made it a point to have me answer him, by repeating the word in Spanish, English, and then Spanish again, followed by yes Sir. When he left and told me to be ready tomorrow morning in a pair of pink panties with my hair done ready for Juniata, the answer of Si Senor left my lips without thought. Juanita showed up at nine with several garment bags and a large satchel. There were three uniforms in her bags: gray, pale yellow, and black. I still felt awkward standing there in just underwear, with my hair done as close to what she had styled yesterday as I could. After Eduardo left, I had eaten a light dinner, taken a nice hot bath and then rolled my hair trying to set the curlers where Juanita had, and then gone straight to bed. I was so tired I fell asleep quickly, even with the curlers in my hair. I was up early to have time to remove the curlers, comb out my hair and spray it in place. She seemed okay with my efforts, and laid out my uniform for the day. This time it was the gray striped dress, with silver and black trim. A rose-wood colored bra and girdle combination and dark gray hose completed the look. She also had bought me some cosmetics that matched my skin tone and had me apply them while she gave me directions. Once I was ready, the rest of the day was much like previous ones, me cleaning while she gave me instructions, but more and more our conversations were limited to Spanish words and phrases. Thursday was much the same, with me in the yellow maid's dress, and we had completed cleaning the entire first floor of my house. She had me do my own cosmetics that morning before she came and again seemed pleased with my efforts. Juanita had made it clear that we were to continue my cleaning lessons next week, so I was to wash all my underwear, uniforms, and accessories over the weekend. But what startled me was her parting instructions at the end of the day on Thursday. "Jansen, I hope you appreciate all that I have taught you this week and the sacrifice in time that I made. Because I spent all week here, I had to let the upkeep of my house go longer than I usually do. So I expect you to come over to my house tomorrow morning. You can spend the day, cleaning it and learning how to maintain a house once the intensive cleaning stage is complete. It won't be the hard manual labor you've done here, more like light dusting, vacuuming, and some polishing. I expect you to be fully dressed in your black uniform, hair and make-up done, and ready to work by 9. One requirement will be that all instructions and conversation is in Spanish only. Eduardo insists on that in his house for all our domestic help. Also, I find it a bit awkward to address you with a male name, so when you work for me, I will call you Janice. It is a nice feminine name and suits your new role. Unless there are any questions, I'll see you in the morning." I began to panic. I did not like the idea of being out of my house in my new uniforms, so I asked about getting dressed at her house. She was not agreeable, but did suggest that if I wanted to come over earlier, before the sun was up, she would leave a back door unlocked and a list of chores I could do before they awoke. Given that was my best choice, I agreed and she left. I immediately began to worry and wonder how I had gotten so far down this path. I mean before this week, I had only worn women's clothes as an erotic enhancer. Now I was feminized fully and wearing them all day. I had let two people see me that way and was following their requests on how to dress. The fact that I was to be at someone else's house, dressed as a maid, serving as a maid seemed so unreal. But the situation was real, so I followed the plan I had before, rolling my hair that night and getting up early, even earlier than on Thursday, so I could be ready before sunrise. Juanita had told me that I would normally be able to get several days out of each time I rolled my hair, but she wanted me to practice so she insisted I set it every night. So I had followed her request. The uniform was fairly standard, but the matching underwear was different than I had worn before. A thong panty was combined with a shaper body suit that had a thong bottom and four garters, all in black. The stockings were a sheer black with lace trim, much nicer than I normally wore to clean in. Fixing my hair and makeup, I was ready to head to their house just as the sun began to come up. I still found the whole situation surreal. Once inside the back door I began to do the chores on the list. As I worked I settled in and it began to feel familiar. She had times written down on the list by each chore, so I could see what I was to do for them. Most of the chores were light as she indicated, with serving their meals also included. I had begun to feel at home dressed as a woman at my house, and now surprisingly I felt that way here too. Before the click clack of my heels on the floor seemed odd, but now it was a natural sound. So too were the constricting feel of my shaper underwear and the smell of the hair spray and cosmetics. These would have been foreign before, but now seemed normal. I had finished polishing her silverware and unloaded the dishwasher, when I heard them stirring upstairs. Starting the coffee, I stood in the kitchen awaiting them for breakfast. Eduardo was the first downstairs, and he requested coffee. I understood him pretty well, but missed the word for cr?me, and he had to repeat it in English for me. Juanita joined him and after they had drunk most of their coffee, they ordered breakfast. I caught most of the conversation, but again had to ask for translations of a couple of words, grapefruit and jam. After I placed the food on the table, Eduardo told me to go into his study and bring back the ruler on his desk. I complied, and after giving it to him, he began to lecture me, in English. "Janice, you've already missed several words that I taught you earlier this week. You obviously need some incentive to learn my language, so I will provide that. You will carry this ruler in your apron pocket, so I will have it when I need it. It is inscribed with two words, respect and obedience. I expect you to show us respect by learning our language. As you are serving as our domestic servant you are to obey. Beginning now, every time you fail to understand a command or request, you will be disciplined with the ruler. You will repeat the word or phrase you failed to know and receive several swats across your butt as a reminder. For this instruction, you will assume the same position: legs spread about shoulder width, bent over at the waist, with your hands holding up your skirt in the back, so that you are exposed for your punishment. I will start with two words you missed at breakfast, cr?me and jam. Assume your position." I was stunned, embarrassed, and a bit angry, but felt I had no recourse but to comply. As I positioned myself as he had described, I saw the reason my shaper had a thong bottom. Bent over with my skirts held up to my waist, my cheeks were at the right height and unprotected for this spanking. I repeated the two words, first in Spanish, then English and again in Spanish. After I finished he swatted each cheek four times, telling me I would receive two blows for every word I missed. The pain was minor, as he didn't really strike me that hard, just enough to redden my skin, but the humiliation was immense. By submitting like this, I was obviously conferring more control to him and sanctioning his superiority to me. When he finished he told me to open my mouth and put the ruler in it to hold. I was to stand in the corner for five minutes, with the ruler in my mouth, my skirts held up, while I mentally repeated the words, focusing on learning from my mistake. Although it was a short period, it seemed forever to me. I could feel my face glowing red hot. As I stood there, I agonized over my whole situation. Why was I lettig these people push me like this? I should stand up to them, as this was clearly unacceptable. I tried to convince myself, that just because I liked women's underwear, I shouldn't allow someone to treat me like a child. But I couldn't muster the courage to go beyond thinking about it. So, once I was told to get back to work, I scurried to clear the breakfast table and put dishes in the dishwasher. I tried to get to the next task as quickly as possible. The rest of the morning went fairly well, as the chores were very easy compared to the ones at my house. I did miss one more word and Eduardo disciplined me again. This time the blows were much sharper and the pain more pronounced. As I stood in the corner, Juanita leaned in towards my ear and spoke softly in Spanish, telling me that I would soon learn to please him; Eduardo used this approach with all his serving girls and always had good results. Again the humiliation was greater than the physical pain, reinforced by my categorization as one of his servant girls. I had no more problems with my Spanish the rest of the morning and made it through lunch. Juanita had shown me how to cook one of their favorite Mexican dishes and both seemed pleased with how I had made it. Most of the afternoon was spent doing laundry, in particular hand washing Juanita's lingerie. She wore very sexy, lace-panties, push-up bras, and sheer nightgowns, all in pretty colors. I would have normally been excited by them, but because I was now dressed fully as a woman and being monitored by her, I kept my urges in check. I was finishing the last chore, dusting the living room shelves, which I had to complete before starting their supper when the doorbell rang. I froze, but Eduardo responded to open the door. I recognized one of my neighbors, Mr. Thompson, who had come to visit. They spoke briefly, and then Eduardo took him downstairs to his den to check something on the computer. I had immediately turned away, dusting the shelf intently, so my face would be hidden from Mr. Thompson. My heart was racing and a blush filled my cheeks. I was deathly afraid that he would see me dressed this way and recognize me. My reputation would be ruined at that point. I was still in this trance, my eyes focused on the shelf, when the men returned. Eduardo gave me an order in Spanish. It seemed like gibberish to me, my brain locked and was unable to decipher the words. He repeated himself, slowly this time, but I could hear the anger in his voice. He didn't wait for me to respond but told me to assume the position. I quickly glanced at him, panic in my eyes and handed him the ruler. I was afraid to look at Mr. Thompson. As I hesitantly began to bend over and reach back to pull my skirts up, I heard Eduardo tell him that they were training a new maid, a cute girl but rather slow. He thanked him for his advice and said that the couples should get together soon for dinner or drinks. By now I had my skirts up at my waist and was bent over. I heard Mr. Thompson chortle and respond to Eduardo that he wished him luck with his new servant. My face was as red and hot from embarrassment as it had ever been and any relief from hearing the door shut was short lived. Eduardo spanked me ten times across each cheek using far more force than he had before. He berated me for being so stupid in front of his guest, that I should have easily known the phrase. In fact I repeated it flawless when he asked and I apologized profusely, telling him I was scared in front of my neighbor because of my appearance. He laughed boisterously, telling me that I shouldn't worry, that I now looked nothing like a man, but he would have Juanita help me further with my appearance so that I would be a more convincing female. The rest of the night I spent cooking their dinner, cleaning up, and putting away items. The whole time my mind was occupied by how Eduardo referred to me. In his eyes I was no longer a man, more a servant girl. Juanita confirmed that assessment. The fact that he was willing to start my discipline in front of another person made we worried. He obviously didn't concern himself with my desire for privacy when I was dressed as a woman. Juniata talked to me about it, trying to reassure me that with a bit more work, my appearance would be as convincing as a female that no one would associate Janice with my male persona, Jansen. She thought this would make me feel better, but the way she phrased it, made it sound like that when I was dressed as a man I was role playing rather than vice versa. How had this happened in a week? As I was preparing to leave, Juanita told me to have a good weekend, be sure and have all my uniforms clean, and be dressed and ready for training on Monday morning. The weekend flew by. I purposely dressed as a man the whole time, even when doing my chores such as cleaning the maid uniforms. I was tempted to go to town and get a haircut or start trying to grow a beard, but I was afraid of how the Benitez's would react. I decided to finish out the cleaning of the upstairs, and then I could return her uniforms and put this embarrassing episode to rest. On Monday morning, I met her at the door and we began cleaning the upstairs. As before I served her lunch, and she had me try more of their recipes. I must admit I was kind of proud of how she and Eduardo complimented me on the food. The next few days flew by and by the end of Thursday we had everything sparkling in my house. Again I was filled with pride at how I had turned my house into a showcase. I was a little leery at the end of the day, as I was worried Juniata would ask me to clean at her house again, but when she told me she needed to go to town on Friday, I felt better. That was short-lived; as she told me she needed me on the weekend. Saturday I was to clean her house, as before and Sunday she needed me to help serve for a couple of guests. I was stunned. "Ms. Juanita, I greatly appreciate all your help in turning around my house. The time you spent training me was so useful. I understand that I owe you another day of cleaning so I have no problems working at your house on Saturday. But I must decline your offer to help serve on Sunday. First I think we are even on what I owe you, second I prefer not to be seen dressed this way. I know I look somewhat convincingly female, but I still think people would see it was me, and I don't want others to know I dressed this way for you." Juniata smiled at me and laughed softly. Shaking her head, she took my hands and stared me in the eyes very intensely. "Janice, you must understand that you now owe Eduardo and me more than a few days. I invested quite a bit in your uniforms, makeup, lingerie, and shoes. My giving you eight days of training will require much more than two days of work as payment. You will spend many days cleaning our house, but we also have need for a servant at our dinners or parties. Your infatuation with girl's clothes and prancing around in bras and panties can remain our secret, if you continue to be our maid. I can help you further your transformation so that your identity will remain a secret, if that will make you feel more comfortable. You are lucky that your body and face are quite feminine already, so if you agree to my additional suggestions, I'm positive that none of your neighbors will see our new maid is really Jansen and not Janice. It is your decision; if you want to remain hidden then you'll come with me on Friday to work on your transformation. If not and you refuse to pay back what you owe us, I can't guarantee that Eduardo won't let your secret out to Mr. Thompson or the other men. Even I would find no reason not to let my new women friends know such a juicy tidbit of gossip. But it is your choice. If you want your sissy desires to be a secret, be ready to go with me Friday morning." The bluntness of her threat caught me off guard and I stood there frozen for a second. I was turning everything over in my head trying to figure out the best option. It was hard to choose. If I broke off now, then I was guaranteeing that my fetish for women's lingerie would be known by probably all my neighbors. If I served as the Benitez's maid, then I would be highly visible in a feminine, submissive role. My only hope seemed to be that Juanita could change my appearance enough that my identity would be safe. Going with her on Friday seemed my only choice, so I told her I would go. She told me to be ready at 9 am. I was to wear my panties and an unpadded bra, of course, but otherwise could dress in a simple pants and shirt without makeup or doing my hair. That night I was torn about my decision. It seemed like a mistake to go further down this path, but I in the end I was more afraid of them gossiping to my neighbors. At least this way I had a chance to possibly remain anonymous. She arrived right on time driving her large SUV. The trip to town was uneventful, and we chatted in a mix of Spanish and English about the events of the week and her plans for Sunday. Apparently it was for a few new friends she had made in town through the business alliance. Thankfully none of the women were from our neighborhood. She drove to a part of town I was unfamiliar with, it was the poorer area occupied mostly by Mexican and other Central American nationalities who supplied much of the work force for area farms and light industry. This section of town had its own businesses, where only Spanish was spoken, and she took me to small colorfully decorated hair salon. Walking in the door, she was greeted warmly by the owner. They had a rapid conversation in Spanish, at a speed and with words that made it hard for me to follow. Once she finished, Juanita turned to me and told me to do as I was told and she would be back in a few hours for me. There was no offer of what was planned or any request for agreement on my part. When she left, the owner, Carla, led me to one of the chairs and began to examine my hair. Satisfied with her exam, she prepared a solution and applied it to my hair. I could tell from the odor, it was likely a hair coloring, probably blonde from the peroxide smell. She kept it on my hair for about 30 minutes, sitting me under a dryer to speed the process. Once she was satisfied it had been there long enough, she rinsed out my hair. Combing out my hair, Carla looked it over and trimmed it lightly before she rolled it up in curlers. I sensed from the pattern she used, I would have my normal feminine hairstyle. When she finished, she led me to another chair where a young Spanish girl started working on my nails. She shaped and filed my toenails painting them a bright red. On my fingernails, she applied short nail extensions, filed them and used a polish that matched my toes. Once she was done, Carla came back and laying the chair back began to work on my face. She first applied some wax, stripping away hair around my eyebrows. Like the peroxide, this work worried me as it seemed she was removing quite a bit of hair. Completing her work on my brows, Carla began to work on my eyelashes. She had me close my eyes and could feel her carefully applying something to my eyelashes. This work continued for nearly two hours and except for the tension I felt about not knowing what was happening I might have fallen asleep. When she had me sit up, she took some makeup and began to do my face. Foundation, blusher, eye shadow, brow color, and lipstick, she applied it quickly and quietly. Once that was done, she removed my rollers, brushed out my hair a little and sprayed it in place with hairspray. Smiling at me, she turned the chair around so I could see what she had done. I was shocked. My hair, although in a very similar style, was a very light blonde, as light as possible. In contrast my eyebrows were darker, but thin and arched. I could see the hair actually ended about midway over my eye. She had used a pencil to create the feminine shape and had made them very dark. My eyelashes were now thick and long, even without mascara they were very noticeable. Carla could see the questioning look on my face, and in a broken combination of Spanish and English, she explained that my hair was so light that it was obviously not natural, so although darker colors for my brows and eyelashes did not match or look natural, they did give me a more feminine facial appearance. My lashes were enhanced by extensions and would be good for about 3 months. I could even make them thicker if I wanted by using mascara after I had allowed the glue to completely seal the extension to my natural lash. Smiling she told me my new look should be pleasing to the men I would be serving, such as Eduardo. Summing it up, she said it was a servant's duty to please her superiors. As I looked at my new image, I realized she had made me much more feminine looking. It would be hard to connect this new face to my old masculine one. But I also realized that I couldn't just pull my hair back and revert to my male persona. My hair color, thick eyelashes and severely shaped eye brows would be a direct contradiction to a masculine appearance. Juanita had done as she had promised, making my identity more secure, but only when I was dressed as a woman. I was now worried about how I would appear as Jansen when I didn't want to be feminized. As I pondered this dilemma, Juanita entered the shop. She was very pleased and spoke in Spanish, rapidly to Carla and slower to me. I had to admit to her that I was more feminine now. She thanked Carla and paid her. I could tell that the bill would be added to my debt to be worked off. She also handed me an appointment card; apparently my nails would be re-done every couple of weeks and likely some sort of color touch-up made for my roots. Juanita indicated we needed to leave as we had another appointment. We drove a couple of miles to a small neatly kept wood frame house. A sign in front indicated that this was the office of Dr. Hector Ramirez. I followed Juanita in and stood silently as she talked, in Spanish to the nurse at the front desk. I looked around and could see the office was adapted from an old house, with the front desk in what had been the living room. As there were no other patients, I was shown right in to a waiting room, which looked to be a converted bedroom. The nurse took a few vitals and filled in a patient form. I was a little worried as I didn't know what kind of doctor this was and why I was here. Finally after a 10 minute wait, a short plump doctor with dark hair and a mustache entered the room. He began to talk in Spanish with Juanita; they both glanced at me as she talked. When she had finished, she turned to me and told me to remove my shirt and bra. I blushed at the order, but followed through. I knew I had to look like a freak, with my overly feminine face and hair and a masculine or at least neutral body. The doctor didn't seem to notice or perhaps not care. He gently manipulated my breasts, hefting each one, like he was assessing them for weight or size. After a few moments, he turned back toward Juanita and asked her a couple of questions, the whole time his fingers were tracing over my breasts, teasing my nipples. Finally satisfied, he stepped over to a side table and opened a door. Riffling through some boxes, he brought out two. He opened each one and took out pair of life-like breast forms; both pairs were large. He showed them to Juanita and they talked again. Finally he handed me the box with the smaller pair. She told me to put my bra back on and insert the forms. I did as she said, blushing furiously the whole time. I could tell a difference right away from her foam pads. These were more than just padding. They were false breasts, with nipples and real skin coloring. They had a presence both in the cup and on my chest. Most noticeable was their weight, I could feel them at all times. She told me to slip my shirt back on too and they looked and talked more. I could see myself in a small wall mirror, and the forms gave me much more of a bust. After a few minutes, Juanita told me to get undressed again. She reached in her purse and brought out a small bag. It contained a white lace bra. When I was naked again from the waist up she gave me the bra and Dr. Ramirez exchanged the boxes. I put on the new bra, seeing it was a D cup, and then inserted the new forms. They were even heavier and in the bra seemed to really push outward from my chest. As I stood there, Juanita began to smile and nod her head. She talked a little with the doctor, both ignoring me. Finally, he looked at me with a weak smile, and in broken English asked, "you like?" I was not sure what else to do, so I nodded my head yes and gave him an uneasy smile back. Satisfied, he had me unclasp the bra. He took the large forms and applied a thin coat of glue to the inside. As the glue set, he took an alcohol pad and wiped down my chest. Finally, he carefully placed each breast from against my chest. Once in place he put my hands on them and just said the word hold, in Spanish. My actions showed him I understood, so he turned to talk again with Juanita. After about 5 minutes, the doctor pulled my hands down. I immediately felt the weight of the forms on my chest. They remained fully in place. I glanced at Juanita who was grinning broadly. I was now more worried than ever, and softly asked her about how I would remove these. The doctor understood my Spanish and merely replied that he had a remover, which he would give to my boss, Mr. Benitez. I wanted to be mad and ask for it myself, but I lacked the confidence seeing as how I was now a half-way female. I just nodded, took the shirt that he handed to me and started to get dressed. They left the room and when I was fully clothed I followed them out. I was a bit in shock and couldn't help but feel different given the way my new breast forms changed my appearance. They were looking over some papers at the front desk, and signed them as I approached. Juanita told me to sign too, indicating a couple of lines, saying these were to cover the forms and visit costs. Fully embarrassed by the visit, I signed without looking at all at the forms. We left the office, with Juanita beaming at me. In the car, she told me I was lucky, that many women would love to have such pretty breasts. She immediately drove to a lingerie shop, where she picked out new bras and all-in-one girdles that featured my new cup size. On top of feeling particularly feminine with my new bust, I was worried about all these additional costs. How much work would they require to pay these off? The whole day was becoming my worst nightmare. If I was worried about cost, I was terrified about my new feminine look. I might have been able to disguise my face and hair, with hats, big sunglasses, something, but with these attached breasts I would need to wear a flak jacket to hide them. Plus I was already beginning to tire of the weight pulling down on my chest and shoulders. I never really thought about what real breasts would be like. Now I understood why women were so focused on them. Even with a bra I could not forget about them. I remained lost in despair as we returned to the mountain top. Reaching our street, my panic began to peak. I looked so different, with my feminized hair, face and large bust, but I was not dressed very femininely. I was worried about entering my house like this during the day. What's more, the schedule Juanita had set for the weekend, called for me to come over again in the morning and then leave before evening. I would be traipsing back and forth, fully feminized as a maid. I had to find a way out of this. "Ms. Juanita, I know you want me to come over at set times this weekend, but I'm scared being outside dressed like a woman during the day. I mean, I've gone to extra effort to keep my identity as Jansen separate from my appearance as Janice. I don't want my neighbors to make that connection. Isn't there something we can do to avoid these trips back and forth? I don't mind coming over earlier or staying past sunset. Please, can't you help me? Even now, I don't want to walk up my driveway like this. I'm petrified." She turned toward me, chuckled a little, and smiled. Juanita patted my leg in a soothing way. She then pulled the car up the drive, so that I could enter my back door while shielded from the road by her SUV. "Janice, I understand your trepidation. I will talk to Eduardo, and see what we might do to help you out. I do feel like you've become a very good servant with lots of potential. Based on what we did today, I'm totally convinced you won't have any problems convincing people you are female and what you appear to be. I also know you now owe us lots of work to compensate for our generosity. I mean your desire for a prominent bust and realistic female face will be major costs for you to pay back. So, I know you will be working for me for some time. Given that, I agree that having you dash back and forth is not ideal. I'll call you later after I talk with him." I smiled and thanked her, before scurrying from her SUV to my house. I was both relieved at her how she seemed to understand my fears, but worried at how much work she implied I owed them. Although I also thought I would be very passable now, it meant I was trapped as woman much more than I had planned for. I was even more worried once inside. I looked closer at my appearance. It was worse than I had feared. There was virtually no way, I could appear masculine now, unless I cut my hair off, removed the false lashes, fingernails, and attached breasts. If I did that, I wouldn't look feminine when I waited on the Benitez's. Given my extreme feminized look, I decided that dressing as a woman would be my best approach, even at home. I slipped into a simple nightgown and robe, with bra and panties underneath, while I ate dinner and tried to figure out an alternative. I was about to take a shower and clean up, when the phone rang. The display showed it was Juanita. "Hello Janice. I think Eduardo found a solution for yo

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Sue took a long time under her morning shower. She had spent a restless night thinking about what had happened the day before. The session with Don and Janice had made one point very definite in her mind; she liked it, and she wanted more. The conflict started when she realized that Ben, despite the fact that he'd said he'd think it over for a week, had already made up his mind to squash any further sessions. He had refused to confront her on the point directly, brushing it aside with a...

2 years ago
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Hide and Seek

Every year, a group of my husband's university friends get together, rent a house in the ski hills in northern Quebec, and enjoy a week of skiing, drinking, and whatever else comes along. This year, however, the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, and instead of snow gently falling, it's raining out. We've taken the day off, and have replaced it with silly games and lots of drinking in between.I am hiding from the others. We are playing a game of Hide and Seek and we've been given time to...

Quickie Sex
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 06

Everyone is woken up for an enjoyable breakfast at 6:30 a.m. After breakfast the girls wash up and change into culottes - a one piece cross between a skirt and shorts that works like shorts and looks like a skirt. They go to the barn to select horses and saddles for use over the weekend. With all of the horses saddled and settled to their riders by 9:30 a.m. the girls go back for packed lunches, drinks, and fishing lines. They’re going to the river to spend most of the day trying to catch...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable First Time Revised

Now after working for a while and have gotten to know everyone personally in the office, I was now an official employee and actually getting a paycheck. I was now working with new employees by showing them around and introducing them to everyone. After just a few weeks of doing this I found her. You can’t even imagine how beautiful she was. Long, black, curly hair, dark skin, and beautiful green eyes. The best way I could describe it was “exotic.” “J I’d like to meet our newest...

3 years ago
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My wifes other sister

My wife has 2 sisters, one older and one younger, I already told the story of me and Stacey and now it was Peggy's turn. Peggy came down for a week end, luckily for all of us with out her douche husband, which most of us thought was gay. Well unlike Stacey, Peggy had giant boobs and a nice ass. She had been working out to get ready for her wedding, good thing she kept it up afterwards. So after dinner we all started drinking and some of us had way more than we can handle...Peggy the 2 beer...

3 years ago
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My moms so sexy

My name is Keith and I am in my early twenties and I live alone with my mom. For as long as I have known it has just been the both of us. Dad disappeared when I was still young, not young enough that I don’t remember him. He was a bit of a prick if I remember.Dad was a high-powered lawyer who ran away with his secretary, leaving mom and me alone. Mom won the custody settlement and a substantial portion of dad’s money in the process. Mom is a businesswoman with money of her own, so shortly after...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Yudi Pineda Dirty Nun Fucks The Gardener

Yudi Pineda finds it hard to suppress her urges. This time, she started spying on the gardener and began to masturbate to him. She got so into it that she closed her eyes and never realized that he was approaching her. Once he noticed what she was doing, he snuck up behind her and started eating her pussy from behind. Soon, his cock was deep down her throat. Eventually Yudi’s pussy was being stretched further than ever before. She took the gardener’s cock in several different positions before...

2 years ago
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iSummer chapter 7

"What's up Carls?" Sam asked as she came into the door.Carly was sitting on the couch. She turned to face Sam and patted the couch where she wanted Sam to sit.Sam took a seat next to Carly."Mel keeps changing the subject to just making up some excuse and leaving whenever I try to talk to her about her and me." Carly blurted out."Oh." Sam said. "So?""So?" Carly asked as she quickly stood up. "Sam, I'm trying to talk to her about something serious.""Maybe Mel doesn't want to talk about it. Think...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 10

I was awakened by Sean's voice as he pounded on our bedroom door a couple of weeks later. "Gus, Gus! Wake up!" he was shouting. I sat up and that was when the knowledge hit me. It was like someone had suddenly opened a door and all of the Magical knowledge that I had been absorbing for the last five weeks plus was suddenly right there in my mind - whole and in exacting detail. I just sat there stunned at the magnitude of it all for several seconds. I was brought back to reality by...

1 year ago
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Second Comings Sex Type Thing

Sex Type Thing ‘This snow is, like, totally outrageous, dude!’ ‘Outrageous? How so?’ ‘What? Dude! Look at the snow, wouldya? It’s coming down so hard, it’s like so totally bogus, ya know?!’ ‘Bogus. Ah. So, what was your question?’ ‘That thing in your last lecture? You called it the romantic impulse. I just don’t get it.’ ‘Ah, I see, what has you confused?’ ‘Well, the whole romanticism thing? The whole concept has me, like, bummed out, man.’ ‘Indeed. You said you were a History major,...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 31

I'm looking through you, where did you go? I thought I knew you, what did I know? You don't look different, but you have changed I'm looking through you, you're not the same Your lips are moving, I cannot hear Your voice is soothing, but the words aren't clear You don't sound different, I've learned the game I'm looking through you, you're not the same. Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right? Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight... (From "I'm looking through...

1 year ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 10

Day 7: The stairs went on for miles. They weren’t steep, but twisted and turned such that John quickly lost his bearings. He kept their pace slow, to give Hal time to scout and kept them from stumbling into a situation they couldn’t handle. Several times the Cambion returned with news that the stairs ended at a naturally occurring cavern before resuming. They cautiously examined each one, but all appeared to be natural voids in the rock. After Mason informed John that he’d been walking for...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Guests

I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I tried to shake the cobwebs from my brain. Did I really experience what I think I experienced? The soreness of my rectum confirmed it. I opened the drawer of my nightstand to find the dog collar right where Lisa had placed it after removing it from my neck. Lisa was in the shower when I went in to piss. She called out to me, ‘Don’t you dare flush the toilet or there will be hell to pay.’ I could see her gorgeous outline through the shower curtain...

1 year ago
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Anjum Khala Ke Saath Suhagraat

Hello readers , main saahil app ki khidmat mein phir se haazir hoon , mainne kaha tha na ki agle 5 din aur 5 raaton ki kahani main agle parts mein sunaoonga , woh meri aur khala ki chudai ki pehli raat ki kahani thi. Doosre din main office se shamm ko lauta , jub mainne door bell bajai , to khala ne door open kiya , khala ne ek sundar si muskurahat ke sath door open kiya aur jab mainne khala ko dekha to dekhta hi reh gaya , unhonne doosre din red color ka lehenga aur us par short kurta well...

2 years ago
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Na peru Prabhu, na wife peru Jeevitha. Madi vizag. Kottaga pelli chesukunnam. Kotta kapuram pedathamu anukuni. Kotta kotta alochanalatho. Kotta bangla konukuni. Andulo sukamga jeevishtunna rojulu avi. Maku Kamala pillalu(Rohan, Swetha) Iddariki 8 years vacchesayi… The Story Begins: Ma jeevitham chala saradaga saguthundi.Kani appude. Na jeevitham lo yeppudu voohinchani oka sangatana jarigindi. Adi chali kalam. Aa roju Sunday. Aa roju andaram yeppati lagane rojanta santosham ga gadapali ani...

3 years ago
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Glyph 3 Ink in her Veins

Glyph 3: Ink in her Veins By Morpheus Part 1 Kirby Hall, Friday afternoon, Sept 30th, 2016 "It's ALIVE," I cried out, as if I was some mad-scientist from an old horror movie. Bending over, I took a closer look at the vial of black liquid that was bubbling over a bunsen burner. It looked gross and disgusting, just like something out of one of those movies, hence the dramatic exclamation. There were several other containers of similar liquids spread out on the work station,...

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Auditing my neighbor

I am an accounts student studying in an outstation college. I have a neighbor female, married with no kids and her hubby is always on the road. Being a student of accounts, figures are a second nature to me, I know when I see a good figure and this female is no exception. She has a 36-28-38 classic figure, fair, tall long legs, filled boobs and a well grown arse. Her body contours are very evident when she wears a saree mostly. I regularly shag thinking about her. I had returned mid term home...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 4 Getting Foster Parents

Child Services finally picks me up. I’m not expecting much. This is the same offices that in two years will have two screw-ups that will be so bad it causes the complete overhaul of how our nation deals with child welfare cases. The first mistake was that a large group of children were taken out of their homes when there was no reason. If, for any reason, a child’s name came across their desk, the child was removed from the home. Most cases brought to child services are/were false alarms;...

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Baby Boomers TaleChapter 17

We were all up early next morning and after breakfast I headed out to give the farm a last check over before our departure. Mum and Wendy were busy giving the house a good going over and packing the last of the consumables into the van. We were in no mad rush to get away but managed to head out mid-morning, as we had hoped. The night before we had pencilled out a rough trip but set no fixed routes or destinations. We had highlighted a number of sights and places that were of interest to us...

2 years ago
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Breaking The Ice With Mom Once Again

In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...

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My tranny friend Kim had an idea, as she often has. She wanted to dress me up as a sissyslut and take me down do some party as her sissy slave. I always enjoy playing the part of being surrendered to the lusts of anonymous others, whatever their gender may be. She had me on hormones for a while and saw with delight my perky boobs emerging and my facial features growing finer in a feminime shape. The whole afternoon we spent shaving, deciding on clothes what already was such a turn-on that I...

4 years ago
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Time Machine Voyage 2 Roman in the Gloamin

Cleopatra was a chubby little tart with something of a moustache. She had a single eyebrow that seemed to be crawling across her forehead like a demented millipede and a bloody great nose. In short, she was the kind only a brother could love - but that was the Ptolemys all over. Yes, you've guessed it: the Prof and I were at it again. We spent a few days working on the Temporal Interface Terminal - T.I.T. for short. Well to be honest, the Prof did all the real work - I just supplied the...

2 years ago
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Moving ForwardChapter 2

The three of them arrived to find the foyer of the CAP testing center a mass of color. A large Hispanic family in their brightest clothes was there for a fourteen-year-old girl’s first CAP test on her cuatroceañera. The Confederacy weren’t taking any chances with Earth First terrorists, so they had to wait while the whole family from her younger cousins to both her grandmothers went through the security checks. Once inside, Craig led the way to reception. “Craig Kirkman, Claudia Borducci and...

1 year ago
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Mameluke Affairs Part 1

Uluch al-Rashid was a Mameluke, a member of the great warrior elite that had ruled Egypt for centuries. He had a great reputation as a tactician and disciplinarian, knowing to command and inspire his troops. He also had a terribly dangerous secret, which he could ill afford to have revealed in Islamic Egypt- he was a homosexual. The penalty for sodomy under Sharia law was death by stoning, and it was quite eagerly enforced for someone whose behavior "disgraced" the great Mameluke army. When...

Group Sex
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Entertainment For The Bosses

Working in an office can be a lot of fun, I've learned from previous experiences. But the office that I'm a secretary for--for almost a year now--has to be the greatest, and most fulfilling one there is. The escapades I've been involved in have opened my sexual delights to heights beyond measure. Here is my first such sensual act; it happened on the first day I got the job, and I still masturbate to it to this very day. My name is Trisha, and I just finished my first day of work at the offices...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 53 The Fall of Rome

My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants' daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. –Excerpt from 'The Tyrants' Daughter: An Autobiography' by Saint Chasity Alberta Glassner Mark Glassner – May 9th, 2053 "I'm ready, Grandpa," little Liza smiled at me. Well, she wasn't really that little at fifteen. She was my youngest grandchild, daughter of Marcelo and...

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My homies sister

She looked so good in them I always wanted to just grab her and press my body against her. In fact one time before any one had awoken she invited me into her room and was talking to me and one her tits were hanging out I assumed she knew and didn't point it out just kept staring. We conversated for a bit longer than I left her room and waited for her brother to wake up. Some years went on and one night we start messaging catching up by now her brother is at military school. Any ways she...

2 years ago
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Cheering up Mom

Introduction: Ryan visits his widowed mother for Valentines Day. All holidays are tough but none of them hit quite as hard as Valentines Day. Thats when it really hits me that Im alone. I couldnt get those words from my mom out of my head. It had been three years since my father died and, while it was certainly tough on me and my siblings, I believe that it was hardest on my mom. My parents had a great relationship. Of course, they fought with each other from time to time but it was always...

1 year ago
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BFFS Gabriela Lopez Bobbi Dylan Natalie Knight Track And Feel

Bobbi Dylan, Gabriela Lopez, and Natalie Knight are training for their upcoming relay race, and they are making really great time with the help of their coach. But when they head back to his place to take a shower, they want to pass around more than just a baton. They manage to trick the poor guy, pantsing him to expose his fat cock! Then, they kneel down together and pass around his penis like a peace pipe, licking and sucking with hungry enthusiasm. The girls moan as they bend over and let...

3 years ago
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Axiom Ch 04

‘Lunch with the berg,’ Dylan gave a low whistle as Gwyneth finally plopped herself down at her desk. ‘Someone’s becoming the new teacher’s pet.’ She felt a little flustered when he said that, but she kept her cool and refused to let the comment weigh down on the endorphin rush she was currently experiencing. Lunch had been delightful and completely unexpected – she was mentally prepared for a stilted charade of formality between her and Aidan while they talked business with Marty, but...

4 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 6

I saw Theresa twice the next day. Not a word was said, although I was sure she was looking at me in a slightly different way. I didn't know what it was, or what it meant. There was something, though. I might not have caught on to the subtle difference; but, as I had little to do, I had become more in tune to the people around me. Of course, there were others on the staff that showed up. They had me fill out this form and that. I signed my name so many times, and frankly, I had no idea what...

2 years ago
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The taking of Lynn Shell

I had found out where Lynn Shell lived. I had staked out her house looking for a way and time to take her as my bitch. One night it was unusually busy at her house. All kinds of men entering. This must be one of her famous parties. So I tagged along. Nobody noticed I wasn't invited.And there she was. In all her naked, lustful glory. Men where fucking her. She was sucking. But I was not there to be just one of the men. So I scouted the house. Get to know here her bedroom was. Where here bathroom...

4 years ago
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Meri sexy behan anita

This is a story about my sister Anita and me. I am Anuz, a young and impressionable male, and was eighteen when my parents divorced six years ago. My sister Anita was a little girl twelve years old at that time. After the break up, I went to stay with my father, and Anita went to stay with mom. Six years later my mom passed away and my little sister came to stay with dad and me. We met after six years and now she is longer the little sister that I knew. She is a young and sweet lady of...

3 years ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 2

Our first full day on Kauai is spent unpacking, settling in at the condo, buying groceries to stock the fridge, and a short walk to a restaurant for lunch. The unpacking doesn’t take long as we each brought only one small bag of clothing to wear, consisting of mostly shorts, t-shirts and such. Talia had bought a few tank tops and crop tops for the trip. Little do we know at this point what little use we’ll have for even the clothes we had packed. Talia brought only one bikini because she had...

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Teen Lust 2 Lori Makes Lexie her Slut

Lori and Lexie ran up the stairs of the deck and through the back door of Lori’s house trying hard not to make too much noise. They didn’t want Lori’s mom seeing them at this moment. They were drenched after running from the pier in the rain. They were also still naked from their adventure under the pier. Lori had demanded that Lexie open her legs for her and she had fucked Lexie’s hot little cunt with her hairbrush till she had exploded. But Lori had made her beg, and Lexie had agreed to do...

1 year ago
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You wake up and sit up, the room's still pitch black. You glance across at your alarm clock, the fluorescent green is almost blinding as you read, "4:27am". You sigh and roll back over, pulling the blanket onto your shoulder as you settle back into bed. Just as you drifting back off to sleep a piercing beeping sound resonates around the room, causing you to sit straight back up. That's the sound you've been waiting for. You jump eagerly out of bed and quickly sit in your computer chair,...

Mind Control
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Bangalore lady wants to get fucked hard

Hi, my name is Aryan. I am a consistent writer of my real-time experience of sex and make-outs over ISS. Please read my here. I am a 26-year-old guy currently residing in Bangalore. I have the wildest fun and eroticism in bed by meeting real horny, wild, erotic women. This story happened way back in the initial days of lockdown. I was constantly on the lookout for a horny woman who liked exploring sex and having fun. I met one such woman online called Pallavi. Pallavi was a married woman in...

2 years ago
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You would close your eyes, as the water caresses us, my fingertips following the water drops. Tracing the curves of your beautiful body, as lips would be softly touching your skin, kissing your shoulders, and nape of your neck. Relishing in touching your body with my fingertips, making your breathing heavier by the second. They slowly move around your breasts, in circular motions, gently squeezing them. While one hand lingers there, the other one caresses your tummy, tracking the flow of the...

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Fucking my Mom part 2

My mom is a nurse in a clinic and works very hard and sincerely. She also got promoted to senior nurse but she is only 36. She looks good and is really bright in her nature. After having to fuck her two times in the same day I always wondered what she did after that because in just 3 days we were back to normal. We just watched TV, had dinner together but sometimes I caught her walking naked in her room as she came from the clinic, she always takes a shower and changes into her pajamas, so...

1 year ago
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My first experience

My first experience was rather not what I had in mind but otherwise fulfilling. I live in a small town with a population of about ten thousand and almost everyone knows everybody. School was tough for me and that is why I was given extra tuition after regular school hours by a Mrs B who live two blocks from our house. She is a kind woman, soft spoken and well mannered. She is a tall woman too, not , huge boobs and looks kinda of like Mimi Rogers (the actress). Anyway, Mrs B's children are all...

First Time
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 59

Little Eli half turned in his seat, cutting his eyes back to see the young woman he’d seen hurrying to the passenger car. Sammy took her bag and held the door as she shook her skirts, looking all around the car before walking between the empty seats to sit just ahead of, and across from where he sat. She made a big show of shaking her skirts once more, then dusting her arms before she sat in the seat. Just as she turned to sit down, she looked back at Little Eli. She smiled a tight smile,...

2 years ago
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The reason why im and probably many are attracted

I think the main reason i came here and registered to post stories was to tell this exact one, which i hope will shed some light from a different angle onto the whole topic, which, as you know who read my previous, my deepest kink... bestiality. As much i was excited and turned on so much by just the thought the act and the fact that its such a huge taboo, ive never seen and never heard any discussion about the "why"s and "how"s about it. Why people get turned on by that so much, and what...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 7

Author’s Note: The following section has scenes including cuckolding, slut wife, wimp husband. If you don’t enjoy those kinds of stories, please skip to the next chapter to continue. Graduation was finally over and students and faculty hung around with family members, congratulating each other and saying goodbye. Some of these people you would never see again. I was leaving in a week to start my summer work. It was Friday night and I didn’t want to go to some high school party and get...

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My Nurse Ana

I was traveling overseas on business when i developed an infection in my foot that started to hurt and i noticed it slowly going up my leg. It had happened once before a few years ago so i stopped in the nearest hospital for a look at. A doctor looked it over and agreed with my assessment and admitted me for a few nights stay to receive IV antibiotics. He was certain we had caught it early and should be much better in a few days. I had a private room(wanted one so paid for it) so I could...

3 years ago
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Jeans Surprise

It was a warm spring midday in a large city in the desert southwest. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She asked me, "Would you meet me somewhere for a drink? I want to ask you something very personal." Having nothing pressing to do at the time, I agreed to meet with her. "Sure Jean, I'll meet with you. Will The Hanger be alright?" The Hanger I suggested is a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective...

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PlushChapter 29

Molly, the love of my life, the bringer of joy to this most undeserving soul leans over my chair and asks, "Done yet?" "With the past," I explain. She sits on my lap. I rub her emerging tummy mound and admire her heavier breasts. "You're writing what I say," she exclaims. "Like dictation. So I'm the boss." "Always," I say and give her a quick kiss. "Sonja called," she says. "Hey, stop that." "Nope. How is she? How is Anna?" "They're arriving in like ten...

4 years ago
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mdash Daughter gets the best of her father

"Oh hi daddy," she said giving me a wink and in that instant her one side of her towel fell from her hand exposing her to me. I hadn't seen her naked since she was very young and now at 19 she had matured into a beautiful young lady. She had large full breasts and a totally shaved pussy. My eyes darted from her breasts to her pussy and back to her breasts. Natalie tried to pull her towel quickly back around her, failed and then caught me staring at her."Daddy! You're not supposed to look at me...

3 years ago
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Me Ani Kaku

Me, Anish, Punyala rahato majha way 27 warsh ahe ani majhi kaku ticha nav vaishali te 38 varshan chi ahe. Khara tar amhi sagale ekach gharat rahato, ekatra (join family) mee aai baba, kaka kaku ani tyancha mulaga. Me ata job karato, kaka n cha swataha cha business ahe tya mule most of the time baher asatat. Ani tyancha mulga 9th la ahe. Majhi kaku, tila me Vaishu kaku mhanun bolawato khup mast disate 5:4 height, Sawali, thodishi jad, jasti nahi lamb kamare paryant kes. Tiche kes colour kelele...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 40 Safe and Secure

The rescue operations ended before noon. Hank commanded that full communications be restored to the USR and Aztlan from the bridge of the Wacky Wench, Jim Mackerel's yacht. Within minutes all the USR communications channels cleared, but that served only to increase the chaos as frustrated bureaucrats jammed all channels with demands for information, for action, for revenge. The other 276 Capitallian captives were taken to pre designated zones and turned over to Capitallian federal marshals....

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I was visiting my sick aunt in Rapid City, SD. I was there a week, when one night at the supper table she suggested I drive down to Keystone, after all she wasn’t ill enough for me to be twenty-four-seven. She handed me a brochure and said, “It’s a trip back in time, on an authentic 1880 train, check it out, I know you’ll enjoy it. The train took one back in time to the old west, through the Black Hills of South Dakota from Keystone to Hill City and back. One could relax in coach, and watch the...

Love Stories
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Movie Night7

Instead, she looks back at the screen, wondering what Mitch will do. When she feels his hand on her leg, she knows what he has in mind. She immediately feels her pussy gush with excitement. She'd taken a sweater into the theater, because sometimes they kept it too cold. It sure came in handy as she put it over her lap. Mitch slipped his hand underneath the sweater and felt Kandy spread her legs in anticipation. She was wearing a dress, which made access easy for him. His fingers went...

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