The Astounding Adventures Of Timmy Johnson - Part 2 free porn video

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name is Timmy Johnson and I am currently waiting for a Resettlement Officer to come and find some new guardians to look after me. I have been waiting around for nearly two weeks now and there hasn't been a sign of anybody so far. If you want to know the truth, I'm beginning to get a bit scared. The weather is cold and the streets are no place for a rejuvie who looks like a 13-year-old boy. In the previous part of my adventures I told you how, as an offensively- wealthy corporate bastard I had spent a few years, living in luxury, on a private island with a lot of other wealthy 'rejuvies'. I had been on a course of drugs to turn me back into a ripped stud with a rampant libido. Except it hadn't worked and regressed me back to a young kid. In the event, I didn't mind too much and had a lot of fun being waited- on hand-and-foot and being fussed over. But that's all finished and done with now. So, here's the next part of my story. I had been woken in the middle of the night, along with the other young rejuvies. We were the ones who had regressed back to our early puberty. We looked, and behaved, like twelve or thirteen-year-old kids. Also, for reasons I can't explain or understand, some of us had lost our heterosexuality and had formed attractions to other boys. I certainly had. I was much happier making-out with other boys nowadays. Luckily, lots of other boys seemed to like making-out with me as well, so that was one good thing. And then one night, us juvenile rejuvies (juvie-rejuvies) had been kidnapped! We had been shanghaied! Pirates had snatched us from our beds and swept us away to their pirate ship! Actually, what really happened was the staff on the island had roused us to say that we were probably in some sort of danger and were to be sent to a 'place-of-safety'. I loved that expression: "Place-of-Safety." I wondered what that was. I woke-up the following morning aboard a luxury motor yacht, sharing a cabin with three other boys. Two were juvie-rejuvies like myself and the other boy was a member of the crew. We were roused and instructed to assemble in the main lounge for a full briefing, which I thought was very kind of them. After all, it would be nice to find out what was going on and what was going to happen to us. That was the first time I encountered members of the new 'Dominant- Gender'. All of the senior crew-members were 'New-Men', which is to say, females who had taken courses of various drugs and therapy to transition into the new dominant-masculine gender. I would go so far as to say they were almost hyper-masculine. They were much manlier than any of the males on board. Most of the males had transitioned into 'new-women'. In fact, a better description might be 'new-girls'. The majority of them were simpering sissies and the 'new-men' treated them as such. Back on the island this reality hadn't hit us yet. We had been one of the dwindling pockets of the old normality. I later came to wonder just how far the gender revolution had extended across the world. I discovered that most of the old nations had come under matriarchal governments but I was sure it couldn't have been completely global. There must have been stiff resistance in some of the more macho countries. Who knew? Not me. The First Officer addressed us: "Welcome aboard the MV Saint Joan. I am First Officer Jake. You will address me as 'Sir'. She was tall and broad-shouldered with a flat chest. No sign of boobs, you understand. Her starched, white uniform fitted perfectly with evidence of a crotch-bulge. She went on to explain our new circumstances. While we were aboard we would be treated as junior members of the crew and assigned suitable work. We would be issued uniforms befitting our new status and we would be given our 'new-girl' names. From now on I was to be called 'Timmykin'. If you want to know the truth, I didn't mind all that much. Robby was to be called 'Robbykin', which he adored. He had really embraced his femininity. Poor Simon was to become 'Simmykin', which he hated. The new world order had upset him a lot and he was struggling to come to terms with things. The First Officer continued droning on about something-or-other but I was having difficulty following her. I was tired and confused and had a nasty headache. If you want to know the truth, I was feeling a bit ill. Actually, I was feeling a lot ill. In fact, I was feeling so ill that I threw-up and then fainted. When I recovered from my fainting fit I found I had been installed in the sick-bay. I was lying in a bunk with crisp, fresh linen and crisp, fresh nightclothes. But I was still feeling ill. The Medical Officer was a New-Man. All brisk efficiency. No Nonsense. "Now, young lady. Let's see what's the matter with you." She called me 'young-lady'. That was something I would have to get used to. She lifted me, bodily, out of the bunk and onto an examination table without the least difficulty. She then raised my arms and slipped my nightgown off, leaving me clad only in a pair of white, cotton knickers. "Slip those off so I can do a full examination." Obediently, I complied and slid the knickers down my smooth legs. I should tell you, they were quite plain, with modest frilled trim at the waist and leg-holes. They were completely unlike my normal frilly panties. I was to find out that they were standard underwear for us New-Girls. And we were also to wear matching boys'-bras. The Medical Officer seemed to be particularly interested in my boy-bits. She tutted as she fondled my little nuggets. "I see you've still got these things." She complained as she rolled them between her fingers. "We will need to do something about them in the near future." I confess, I was unnerved to hear that. I couldn't see anything wrong with my testicles. I quite liked having them and any talk about 'doing something' about them worried me. On the other hand, she approved of my little penis. It seemed that New- Girls were allowed to keep their little pricklets provided they were small enough and didn't become erect. She tried masturbating me with her thumb and forefinger to see if she could get me stiff. I could have told her not to waste her time. I hadn't had a proper 'stiffy' in ages. Next thing she did was to pull on a latex glove and grease her finger. I think I knew what was about to happen and tensed myself. Sure enough, she poked her finger up my bottom. The coldness of the lube shocked me a little and I squeaked in alarm. Then she started massaging my prostate gland. Now, that I did enjoy, despite feeling ill. She took her time over it and, after a few minutes, I felt myself coming to a climax. My eyes rolled back and my eyelids fluttered as I shot two little squirts of boy-juice onto my tummy. I should probably tell you that the fluid I ejaculated these days was kind-of watery and a bit sticky. I usually only managed a couple of droplets. But it was enough to get me off. That seemed to satisfy her. She smacked my bottom, playfully, and instructed me to put my knickers and nighty on and get back into bed. I did so gratefully. I really just wanted to go back to sleep. I was woken-up a bit later by one of the cabin attendants. He was one of the New-Girls. He was wearing a cute, nautical uniform comprising a white shirt with a square sailor's collar, a pleated white mini-skirt that showed-off his knickers. They were just like the ones I was wearing. He also wore a pair of white deck-shoes and ankle-socks. That was the uniform I would be wearing once I got well again. He asked me how I was feeling. I told him I still felt ill and he wrote it down on his clip-board. Next thing, he instructed me to roll-over onto my tummy. He moved the sheets down to the bottom of the bunk, lifted my nighty and pulled my knickers down so he could take my temperature. He greased the thermometer up and inserted it into my bottom. I wasn't sure I liked that very much. But it wasn't any worse than what the Medical Officer had done. I had a temperature. He said they thought I had caught a nasty bug and would have to stay in the sick-bay to make sure no-one else caught it. That was a bit sad. I wouldn't be able to have any visitors for the next few days. Instead, I would only have him and the Medical Officer for company. He looked after me really well. I was his only patient, so I got all the attention. When he came on duty in the morning he would give me a nice kiss on the lips, which I enjoyed. I also enjoyed it when he gave me a bed-bath. To start-off with I lay in the bunk and he stripped my nighty and knickers off. Then, he sponged me all over. I loved the way he lingered on my nubbin and nuggets. After a few days, I was well enough to get out of bed and have visitors. Robbykins came to see me when he had time-off from his duties. He was wearing the jaunty uniform and looked really, really cute. His mini- skirt was so short you could see his knickers. Also, I could see his bra-strap next to his shirt collar. It looked like I would be wearing the full outfit very soon. He got me up to date with everything that was going on for us juvie- rejuvies. We were being taken to some institution that was prepared to care for us properly without becoming victims of some of the worst excesses of the new regime. The various world governments had almost all been taken-over the 'Radical-Gynarchy'. I wasn't entirely sure I understood what that was. However, Robbykins was happy to explain. Apparently, the old order of misogynistic men who had been accustomed to being in power had been 'coasting-along' for a good few decades. What had happened was that a vast conspiracy of women, including some radical feminists, doctors, scientists and many, many others had set-up the Radical-Gynarchy. Without any effort or stealth, they had ousted the male governments and completely taken over. It was amazing. Obviously, there must have been more to it than that, but I didn't really understand even that much. All I know is that I was now a junior member of the crew of a ship run by the new generation of New-Men. And they were a scary lot. I was discharged from the sick-bay after a week and returned to the cabin I shared with Robbykins, Simmykins and the other boy. I think I ought to tell you about him. His name was Jason. That was it. Just Jason and nothing else. I would guess he was probably about sixteen but it was hard to tell. In any event, he hadn't been regressed and he hadn't been feminised. Not that it made much difference. Apart from being a 'whole-boy' (if you understand me), he was ever so effeminate. He was slender and short and spoke with a lisp. He had floppy hair, which he kept playing with. His uniform was similar to ours, except he wore white shorts and boy's briefs instead of boy's girly knickers. He was very friendly and helped us learn our duties and how to behave as members of the crew. My first duty was as Junior Cabin Girl in the Senior Officer's Wardroom. The Wardroom was the private lounge for the Captain and the officers. The ratings and the new-girl crew members had a separate mess room. I reported to the Wardroom at the appointed hour. Before doing so, I had to stand for inspection. The Chief Steward, a New-Man, inspected me minutely. She checked that I was wearing clean bra and knickers and that my collar was straight and that I had brushed my teeth and hair. She also inspected my fingernails. It was at this point she found fault with me. "Junior Stewardess Timmykins! Dirty nails. Captain's orders." She made a note in her book. It was booked for Captain's Orders. I wondered what that was. Oh well, I was sure I would find out. Having reported to the Wardroom, I found the Captain and First Officer taking their ease there. My task was to stand in attention and serve them from the refreshments table or run errands, as requested. The rest of the time, I had to stand beside the Captain's arm chair. I discovered the reason for this was so the Captain could have me close to hand for fondling purposes. She reached under my short-skirt and started stroking my bottom as she chatted with the First Officer about ship matters. I tried to stand still as she slipped her hand down the back of my knickers but couldn't help squirming. "Stand-still, girl!" the Captain ordered. I did try to stand still, honest. But when she slipped a finger up inside me I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. "Aren't they adorable like this?" the Captain asked the First Officer. "I think we ought to regress the rest of the stewardesses. Then we could have them to hand whenever we wanted." "Ah, but who would do the work?" My shift in the Wardroom lasted two hours. During that time, a number of the senior officers made use of my bottom. I even had to sit on the Navigator's lap while she stroked my boy-bits through the front of my knickers. "This one still has her cherries," she announced to the rest of the officers. "She won't be keeping them for much longer," said one of the others. At the end of my watch I had to report to the Captain's Cabin for 'Orders'. The Senior Steward was there with her notebook. "What is the misdemeanour?" asked the Captain. "Junior Stewardess Timmykins reported for duty with dirty fingernails." "Show me your fingernails, Girl," the Captain ordered. I held out my hands as requested. If you were to ask me the truth, my nails were perfectly clean. But the Captain pronounced that I was not up to the required standard and would have to be punished. She got a book off the shelf to look-up the required punishment for junior crew-members. I don't think they were allowed to clap us in irons or be keel-hauled, whatever that was. Neither could they put us on a bread-and-water diet. Instead, I would receive a bare-bottomed spanking. The Captain announced that she would undertake the punishment in the Junior Mess, for all to see. It was nearly time for supper, so the mess room was quite full with other crew-members. There were about twenty of us, in-all. Mostly new- girls. But there were a few new-men, curious to see some naval discipline. I was led in front of the mess-table and the charge was read-out, then the punishment. An audible sigh went around the room. By all accounts, this was the first time an example of naval discipline had taken place and they were all keen to see what would happen. I wasn't very keen. In fact, I was a bit upset. I didn't want to be spanked. And not in front of the whole crew. The Steward instructed me to lean over the table. She raised my short- skirt over my back and pulled my knickers down to expose my bare bottom. At this point, the Captain took over. She raised her hand and brought it down firmly with a 'Smack!" sound. "Ow!" I cried out and wriggled my bum. I got six firm smacks on my bottom and, by the end, I was crying my eyes out. I was allowed to stand-up but I had to leave my knickers off. Then the Captain ordered me to return to her cabin for the second part of the punishment. I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that I was upset and humiliated and everyone else had seen me being spanked on my bare bottom. I could see Robbykins looking sympathetic. He gave me a small wave as I was led away. When I reached the Captain's Cabin I was ordered to get completely undressed. I knew enough to make sure I folded my clothes neatly and placed them on a chair. The Captain took her uniform off. Starched white shirt and shorts, masculine boxer-shorts with deck-shoes and long, white socks. Every inch a smart naval officer. When she took her underwear off my eyes nearly popped out. She had a penis. And it was not a small, cuddly one like Simon's used to be. It was huge. At least nine inches long and too wide for me to get my hand around. She instructed me to take the tip into my mouth and start sucking. You may think it a little bit odd but I had never taken a penis in my mouth before. With all my games on the island, I had only ever take a cock up my ass. I didn't really know what to do, taking something like this in my mouth. The Captain put a hand on the back of my head and got me to start bobbing up-and-down on the tip of the thing. It was far too big for me to do much else. I think I should try to describe the thing in my mouth. I wasn't like a male penis. Most cocks I'd ever seen were pale pink and had a loose foreskin that covered the glans-penis at the head. This member had a kind-of helmet at the tip, but it didn't have the arrow on the underside. And it was a purple, bloodshot colour. The texture was soft and silky but it was more rigid than any boy-cock I'd ever handled. It seemed to be protruding from her vagina. I didn't see anything in the way of testicles, but there did appear to be some things in the vagina lips. After a while, she decided it was time for me to take it inside. The first thing she did was to get something from the ensuite bathroom. It was a small, cellophane package, which she peeled open. It contained a waxy, lubricated bullet-shaped item about an inch long and the same in diameter. I later discovered it was called a 'Femivass'. I had to bend over while she pushed it up into my bottom. It was actually a bit painful, but I only made a few tears. "This is the next official part of your punishment, young lady," she explained to me. She had pumped her penis to its full, rigid condition and then raised me up so that I would be sitting down in her lap with the thing up inside me. I cried out as it pushed my ring open and slid up inside me. I think the 'Femivass' had lubricated me inside, so it wasn't too painful, but I didn't enjoy it. Not at all. The Captain fucked me hard for about fifteen minutes before she shuddered and ejaculated something up inside me. It couldn't have been spunk, but it was thick and milky. She slid her female-cock out of my poor, stretched hole and found something to put up inside me to prevent he juice from leaking out. I can't tell you how upset I was. I had been spanked in front of the rest of the crew and then fucked by the Captain. I was crying quite a lot by this time. "What's the matter, you silly little girl?" "I'm sorry, Sir," I replied, giving her the correct form of address, "I never meant to go on parade in a substandard condition. I'll make sure it never happens again!" And I meant it. Honest. She ordered me to get dressed and go and get some supper. I really found the whole ordeal frightening and humiliating beyond anything I could have imagined. By the time I got back to my cabin, Robbykin and Jason were there, waiting for me. Robbykin hugged me and helped me get undressed. Jason took my uniform away to get it cleaned and ironed while Robbykin just cuddled me and soothed me. So, that was how I got to be a Cabin-Girl. I was half-expecting to be punished on a regular basis after that. But that's not what happened. About a week later it was Robbykin's turn for the disciplinary treatment. I had been helping out in the galley, preparing supper for the crew. We were called to the junior mess and Robbykin was standing there with tears in his eyes while the Senior Stewards and Captain were looking stern. The charge and punishment were read out in front of us all. Robbykin had been negligent in his duty and was to receive a public spanking. I think I knew what was coming next. Robbykin was instructed to lean over the table and drop his knickers so we could all see his bare bottom. Then the Captin took position and gave him 6 smart smacks with the flat of her hand. Robbykin yelped and cried out, pathetically. "Ow! Sir! Please stop. I beg you, please stop. It hurts so much." It did hurt. I knew from my own experience. Robbykin's bare behind had gone a bright red colour and he was crying in pain and humiliation. Poor Robbykin. Once she had finished the public part of the punishment, the Captain took Robbykin away for the private bit. I only hoped Robbykin was up to it. He had adjusted to things much more than the rest of us. I hope he was able to adjust to what was to come next. By the time he joined us in the cabin his eyes were red-raw from crying. His sobs were pitiful. The Captain had rogered him rigid and it had completely broken the poor boy. And that's another question: How come I'd become so concerned and sympathetic? I think it had been growing on me over the last couple of years. I had lost the burden of the world of high-finance and being a corporate bastard. In its place, I had become more concerned for my fellow man. Or, in this case, my fellow boy. Anyway, I wouldn't like you to think the cruise was relentlessly morbid and horrible. It's not like we were aboard a sailing ship with Captain Bligh. My suspicion is that they were trying to teach us some lessons about our new status. Each of us went through the whole 'punishment- and-pounding' procedure. Thus, we were left in no doubt as to our new status. The other thing was that they would show these propaganda films. They would set the Junior Mess up with a screen and put on a film night. The programme would start with some cartoons featuring a cat and a mouse. I thought they were hysterically funny and laughed my head off. Next there would be a boring feature about the importance of doing your laundry. Big yawn! Then, would come the main feature. It was always made by the "Radical Gynarchy Film Production Unit." The first one we saw featured a small village. It was split between the girls and the boys. The girls were shown to be managing the place with efficiency and business-like rectitude. The boys, meanwhile, had started reverting to a kind-of stone-age condition. They had stopped wearing civilised clothes and dressed themselves in ragged skins and fleeces. If it was cold, the girls would go indoors and turn the central heating up. The boys, meanwhile, would gather in a shed and cuddle-up together, keeping warm with the heat of their bodies. The commentary talked about "Organised Development" as opposed to "Unnatural-Disorganised-Development." I'm not sure I understood what they meant by that. As the movie progressed, the girls became more masculine in appearance. They started wearing men's clothing and generally carried on like they had always been in charge. This was a result of "Organised-Development." At the same time, the boys stopped managing to look after themselves and became less masculine. This would be "Unnatural-Disorganised- Development." There was one scene that quite excited me. It showed two of the boys, dressed only in a kind of animal skin around their upper bodies and nothing else at all. They were obviously close friends because they walked around the village, holding hands. Occasionally, they would pause and kiss each other, except they would just flick the tips of their tongues together. I thought it was very sexy. I was sitting beside Robbykin. We looked at each other and started flicking the tips of our tongues together. It was very sexy. I think the point of the movie was to demonstrate that females were really the dominant gender, while boys were silly and couldn't be trusted to look after themselves. I suppose I was okay with that. Just so long as they continued to show cute boys kissing and cuddling. That was the bit I liked. Without knowing it, our cruise was coming to an end. We had been on board, as junior members of the crew, for just over three weeks and we were nearing our destination. The pirates who had kidnapped us were now fed-up with us and had decided to make us walk the plank. Actually, we had arrived at a big port somewhere-or-other. A minibus was waiting to take us away to a new 'place-of-safety'. We were still dressed in our nautical uniforms. And our group included Jason, the ship's boy. He would be joining us on the next part of our adventures. I just remembered, I forgot to tell you about me becoming a bridesmaid. Never-mind. That comes in the next part of my story.

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Petticoat Punishment of Timmy

"The Petticoat Punishment of Timmy" Timmy hurried home after being dropped by the school bus. His grandmother was coming by this afternoon to drop off a few things and he needed to get his homework done as fast as he could. "Is that you Timmy?" his mother called out from the other room when he opened the front door. "Yes mom, it's me." "Grandma is coming over, you might want get a move on it if you don't want her to see you doing your homework dressed like a girl," she...

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Timmy And Jessica Part 2

It was lunch, Jess Walked down the corridor and turned left, towards the canteen, as she passed the girls toilets she heard a noise, a very familiar noise, she stealthily crept inside, knowing what the sound was, as she came up to the cubicle the sounds were coming from she froze, jess peeked up over the partition as saw none other than Suzie miller Sucking on her little brother’s huge cock, Suzie’s face was already covered In cum, Timmy suddenly looked up, and saw jess, he instantly blew...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 5 I Reflect On Timmy And Tom Comes Home

In my last story, I described how Jennifer, an online friend, challenged me to flash myself at and possibly seduce my sixteen-year-old step-nephew, Timmy, who was staying with us while his parents were away. At the time, I was feeling a bit lonely, bored and horny. Both Tom, my husband, and Julie, my lesbian lover, were away. I’d had no sex for over ten days. Somewhat to my surprise, I did as Jennifer instructed and ended up fucking Timmy. That led to three days of almost continual sexual...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 2

The girls were insatiable after that. Timmy fucked them both regularly for all of June, until it was time for them to go to Spain with the family for two weeks. They went to Barcelona first and Timmy loved it. The girls were exotic and very sexy. The Spanish men hit on Rachel constantly. The coolest thing was the Gaudi park in the hills above the city. Next, we went to Majorca. I was in the hotel amusement room, playing a video game, when a girl walked in. She looked about my age, and was...

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The Seduction of Mr Johnson Charlies Adventures 1

Introduction: This is a story about a 17-year-old girl seducing her best friends father. This is my first sex story–ever, and Ive read a lot of great ones on XNXX. Please review and rate, Id really like to know what everyone thinks about my writing. I had a lot of fun writing this, and Id be happy to take requests, constructive criticism and even if youd like this to have a sequel or be a series, maybe including Alison in it ,) Please dont be rude, if you dont like my story you dont have to...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 4

His dreams had been torture, nightmares and sex scenes all mixed up. He had an erection when they woke him in the morning. They took him to the bathroom and made him wash and use the toilet. Breakfast was eggs and oatmeal in a bowl, on the floor, with the water bowl next to it. While he ate, the trainer toyed with the cane on the upraised ass. Timmy was very frightened at what the day held. They took him to the first room. He almost pissed himself with fright. Claire was there. "This is...

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Big Timmy The College Years

(The following is a work of fan-fiction for an erotica author who was very inspirational for me when I was starting out, "Big" Timy Donehy. If you would like to hear me reading it aloud, please feel free to contact me) "Mrs. Divine?" he asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. "For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it's 'Ms'. I am unmarried." I've known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I've busted their balls down to a size nothing in no...

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Big Timmy The College Years

"Mrs. Divine?" He asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. "For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it's 'Ms'. I am unmarried." I've known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I've busted their balls down to a size nothing in no time at all. It's not hard, college freshmen are simply not men yet. I just level my intimidating FF cups at them and watch their egos melt away. "Yeah, but I have to at least pretend that there's a guy I'm making...

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Big Timmy The College Years

‘Mrs. Divine?’ He asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. ‘For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it’s ‘Ms’. I am unmarried.’ I’ve known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I’ve busted their balls down to a size nothing in no time at all. It’s not hard, college freshmen are simply not men yet. I just level my intimidating FF cups at them and watch their egos melt away. ‘Yeah, but I have to at least pretend that there’s a guy I’m making...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 5

Weeks later. They woke him from his exhausted sleep. He had been dreaming of Beevis fucking his ass. He was fully erect. Beevis smacked his erection with a crop as Butthead gripped his upper arms from behind. "Go soft!" Beevis ordered him. "Yes sir." Timmy thought about clubbed seals, dead babies, anything to lose his erection. It worked, but took a few minutes. Beevis smacked his cock until he was soft. Then Beevis ordered him, "Grow hard!" and smacked him until he did, fantasizing...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 6

Weeks later They woke Timmy as usual and made him get hard and soft, as usual. Chained by his nose ring, they took him to the bathroom and then to breakfast. He was enjoying the Tai Chi and the exercise. His body was changing. He moved smoothly now and he was lean and getting sculpted from the weight lifting. He ran five miles everyday. The soreness from the vasectomy was long gone. He knew he should be outraged that it was done without his consent, but obedience had been caned into him and...

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My Vacation with the Johnsons Charlies Adventures 3

Introduction: Charlie goes on vacation with Alison and Mr. Johnson, and Josh. Heres another part to Charlie and Mr. Johnsons adventures ,) like before, feel free to rate, review and PM me suggestions. It had been almost two months since Michael and I had had sex. We had continued having wonderful sex at least twice a week since then. Sneaking around Alison and doing it whatever chance we got. It was extremely exciting, and he was my first love. My crush had completely gone from being a mere...

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The Old Reality Bar and Grill PropLittle Timmy the Time Machine

Character sketch / Design notes. "Little Timmy" is a character in the various ads and sketches being put together for the Detroit 2015 campaign. It is a hand brushed pain job old refrigerator with various hockey team stickers, a Molson's decal stuck to the door, a Canadian flag decal and a bumper sticker for Barnaby Canada on it: "Barnaby! Home To The Future!" is what it reads. "Little Timmy" is the type of thing you'd find in any guy's garage that works on cars, or back stage at...

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Timmys Prison Cavity Search Ch 04

After Sheba pumped her spunk into Timmy's suck hole and had him swallow her load, she shaved him smooth and hairless like a woman should be. She then dressed him up in a patchwork of lacy lingerie similar to the way Madonna used to dress when she started her career. She even put a bow in his hair and had him put on the lacy fingerless elbow length gloves. A lacy garter held his fishnet stockings thigh high for a nice sexy effect. There was no need for a skirt or panties. They wouldn't be on...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 4

Saturday, July 3, 1976 The nurse stepping into the room awakens me, I must have heard her open the door. It is the same nurse I met when I awoke from my coma. I was relieved to see her, but also slightly disappointed that it wasn’t Eve. The nurse stepped to the side of my bed. I read her nametag, and it read ‘Shirly Maxwell RN’ now I had a name to go with the face. I greeted her by saying, “I missed you yesterday.” “Oh, wow! It was my day off; I’ll be here throughout the holiday weekend....

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Uncle Timmy Takes ControlPart 1

Before coming over we lived in a village outside Middleton...I say village but it was two houses either side of a road really.It would take mammy and daddy about 20 minutes into town for the shopping or the cinema or whatever.When they went out for the night I would babysit.I don't know if it was that daddy was a civilised man or that mammy had trouble inside but unlike others we knew,there was only me and the baby and a good few years between us too....Nice peaceful house.Hahahaha.I came home...

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Madge and Timmy Resistance is futile

Madge & Timmy : Resistance is Futile When mrs. Madge Dubois told my mum she could cure me of my nasty habbits and unwanted behaviours, she didn't tell her she actually considered being an unruly adolescent boy an especially nasty habbit in itself... And now, after almost two years under her matronly supervision, she says i'm almost cured....Meanwhile mum and dad had gotten divorced and as mum moved away to live with her new boyfriend and my dad had no time to take care of a...

5 years ago
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Teaching Timmy

‘Timmy, what’s the problem?’ He blushed and lowered his head until the tip of his nose was almost in his cereal bowl. ‘Nothing Mommy.’ She tightened the tie around her silk dressing gown and walked over to the breakfast bar. ‘You’ve had your hand inside your pajamas ever since you came down to breakfast. There must be something wrong.’ ‘It’s my ... my ... my thingie ... it won’t stop itching.’ ‘Let me see.’ ‘Mom!!!!’ ‘Look at me, son.’ Timmy raised a reluctant face, but couldn’t meet her...

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The Making of Rosie Chapter Two ldquoTimmy becomes Ro

The Making of RosieBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a young boy and his whore mother. The young boy has sexual desires for his slut of a mother and also longs to be like her. This is the second instalment documenting his journey to becoming a shemale whore. (Fb, M+F, prost, whore, size, tv, toys, creampie, strap-on, ws) Chapter Two “Timmy becomes Rosie”Tim woke up at nine o’clock with his morning hard on tenting the duvet and his mum at the bedroom door looking sexy as ever...

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Turned into a Slut Ch 01 Timmy is turned into

My girlfriend and I have always been a little kinky. We liked to tie each other up every now and then. We both enjoyed it every time we did it. I didn't realize that it was only the start of something that would land me in the position I am in now, on my knees dressed in a slutty skirt and panties with makeup and a wig, taking her friend's dick in my ass while I ate another guy's cum out of her freshly fucked pussy.I guess it all started a few months back on my birthday. I had wanted to fuck my...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 17

Friday, November 5, 1976 I remember bits and pieces. Like little flashes. They’re not real. Or was I insane? I not sure which. I died, I died and died and died. Each death was more horrible and painful than the last. Each made less sense. I was unable to recall how many times my death occurred. Suffice to say I was dead. I took it as a fact; I was dead, I wasn’t in Heaven, nor with The Guardians. Where were they anyway? Weren’t they supposed to protect me? They gave me a mission. I can’t...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 20

Monday, November 8, 1976 “Michael, I am going to discharge you this morning, all of your test results have come back negative, there are no traces of toxins in your blood. You have active antibodies for the many diseases you were afflicted with. I am amazed by your recovery. I have honestly never seen anything like it. I talked to Dr. Albright about your case and your earlier hospital stay, he told me about your previous remarkable recovery. So, I think holding you any longer would be...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 3

Friday, July 2, 1976 I woke up just in time to see Eve enter the room with my breakfast. “Good morning Michael,” she said with a smile. “Good morning, Eve. Is that my breakfast?” I asked as she placed it on the rollaway table. It consists of unappealing plain yogurt and apple juice. I looked at it. I am not impressed by the doctor’s idea for my dietary needs. “This food will be the death of me,” I jokingly say. Eve has a horrified look on her face. “Oh, please don’t say that. It’s bad...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 11

Saturday, July 10, 1976 I woke up early, the sun was just rising on the horizon. I dressed for my morning run, and I decided to tempt fate by running at the park once again. I also decided to up my run this morning to three miles instead of two. I didn’t feel that it was much more difficult, but I didn’t want to push too hard too soon. I did my usual cool-down exercises and went back to the hotel. Today I decided I was going to enjoy myself. I got back to the suite, took my shower, and...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 25

Winter Term, 1977 Monday morning, school was back in session. The Christmas Break was over. I needed a vacation from my vacation. The uproar surrounding my pending lawsuit had quieted down. There weren’t any reporters screaming out questions or taking photographs around the school or trying to talk to me. Everyone close to me was curious as to how much I was going to receive from my lawsuit. I told them I was not sure. Finals were a week away, I had yet to hear from the school concerning if...

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Big Timmy The College Years

(The following is a work of fan-fiction for an erotica author who was very inspirational for me when I was starting out, ‘Big’ Timy Donehy. If you would like to hear me reading it aloud, please feel free to contact me) ‘Mrs. Divine?’ he asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. ‘For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it’s ‘Ms’. I am unmarried.’ I’ve known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I’ve busted their balls down to a size nothing in no...

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Mr Johnson And I

Finally it was summer. Not just any summer. The summer after my senior year in high school. The summer I, Cassandra Marie Wiles, would be eighteen and start the rest of my life. Graduation was two days in the past. Michelle Curran, my absolutely best friend in the world, and I spent the day together, reminiscing about what our life had been and dreaming of what was to come. I slept over at her house that night, but she got sick, running a fever and throwing up in the middle of the night, so I...

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Miss Johnson Part One

Miss Johnson FF/M By [email protected] I look back at my early education, one teacher who met a lot to me was Miss Johnson. She taught my sixth grade class, and she helped me get serious about my education. Up until that time, school to me was just something you had to sit through. Until I had Miss Johnson as a teacher, I didn't do my homework, and I didn't pay attention in class.When and where I went to school, corporal punishment was allowed. All of the teachers had a paddle that hung...

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Miss Johnson Part Two

Miss Johnson Part 2 F/MWhen I was in sixth grade, my teacher, Miss Johnson, would spank me. I felt that it turned around my life and helped me do better in school. Now I am a freshman in college and I am studying to become an accountant. My grades currently aren't so good, and I seem to have trouble concentrating. So on spring break, I went back to the old school and had Miss Johnson spank me again. Before I left the old school, we set it up where I would go to Miss Johnson's home every...

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Mr Johnsonplz call me Nettie

NettieShe was so beautiful and so young.The power she had over me was immediate and irresistible. I tried to avert my attention, but she sparkled in the August sunlight. My wife and I were greeting our new neighbors shortly after the moving van pulled away on Friday. They were from Connecticut, an attractive couple with a high-school daughter that was a heavenly vision.It was the coquettish way she delighted in the effect she had on me that let me know she was trouble. At least I should have...

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Riding Mr Johnson

My sexual relationship with my boss, Mr. Johnson, began with a sizzling hot blowjob in his office, the door locked and the blinds drawn. Despite not being very physically attracted to him (he was balding and meaty) I took up his offer to get on my knees and suck his cock on a particularly stressful day. I had to discovered that I quite enjoyed servicing him with my mouth. His dick, although only five inches, was thick and fat, and his balls were big and a joy to suck on. After the first...

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My Eyes His Johnson Her Lady Parts

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Mable. I have lived on our street for a long time and I like to keep a close eye on things. My husband, Walter, wrongly accuses me of being too nosy. I am curious, not nosy, and there is a difference. I do admit, sometimes I get a little tingly in my lady parts when I watch my neighbors. And underneath my proper floral dress with coordinating cardigan, I like to rub my swollen little hot button. I remember when I first spied Elizabeth out my window....

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The Absolutely Astounding Adventures of Angelica Ahsmacker

Short Story #22 - © Copyright 1997 IMPORTANT! This program is being narrated. Pick the speaker of your choice - the guy that did The Perils Of Penelope Pureheart, the guy that did the Batman t.v. series, or the guy that did Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous - and have him read it to you. I've got all three under contract, so there's no problem getting one of them to your place. Just let me know what address they should be at and when they should be there. Failing that, you'll just...

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Blowing Mr Johnson

I'd been working at Mr. Johnson's office for about three months while I was going to school for my MBA. I figured having an office job and observing my superiors would be good for me. I never knew that my relationship with Mr. Johnson would become what it did. It was a chaotic day in the office that Monay morning. I was running around, photocopying and faxing things and making phone calls. Mr. Johnson asked me to call his wife and tell her he'd be home late. I felt bad for the man; he worked...

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Timmys Tagebcher German

Timmys Tageb?cher Timmys Tageb?cher------------------------------ Kapitel?bersicht: I) Auf der Schule??????????? - Kapitel 1: Der Spion??????????? - Kapitel 2: Die Dusche ??????????? - Kapitel 3: Der Hausmeister ??????????? - Kapitel 4: Das erste Mal II) In der Klinik??????????? - Kapitel 5: Die Anw?ltin ??????????? - Kapitel 6: Die Klinik??????????? - Kapitel 7: Die Maschine III) Im Jugendheim:??????????? - Kapitel 8: Die Leiterin des Jugendamtes    Kapitel 1: Der S...

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Snaring Brad Johnson

When Karen Evans started working for Johnson Homes, she was married to Gary Evans, who worked for the Great Southern Banks. That was five years ago. Now, Karen was newly divorced. Gary was always so prim and proper. Not a hair was out of place. He would push her away before he left for work so as to not get her lipstick or powder on his clothes. As you might imagine, he was a lousy lover. Karen wanted more out of life, but wasn't quite sure how to go about it. She had never really been in the...

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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...

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Miss Johnson Part Three

Miss Johnson P 3 Sue F/MI had first met Sue under some very embarrassing conditions. I'm in my first year of college and I had driven an hour to visit my old sixth grade teacher. She had agreed to spank me to help me improve my grades and concentration in college. I was completely naked and bent over her desk for my spanking. Sue arrived in the middle of my spanking, and my old teacher also allowed Sue to spank me. Also, I found out that Sue attended the same college that I was...

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Ms No Dr Bobby Johnson

It was much like the tricycle in Laugh In, a decidedly non-spectacular accident but enough to break my right leg below the knee. Oh, the acute pain was long since over with, but then, weeks later, I'd been reduced to the chronic malaise of boredom. The doctors--the "orthopods" -- had done a magnificent job of patching me, but it required a couple of operations and a long-leg cast only a little lighter than the Staten Island Ferry. I was mostly confined to a lumpy day bed that'd been set up...

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Turned into a Slut Ch 03 Timmy takes it from two

"Something special" turned out to be an adult novelty shop. I was amused at first but when the saleswoman behind the counter appeared to know Jennifer I became a little worried."Hey Jennifer, I haven't seen you in a few weeks. How have you been girl?" the saleswoman said, giving Jennifer a friendly hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. The woman was tall, taller than me at least. She looked very fit. It was obvious she worked out from the toned arms and legs she was showing. She was wearing a...

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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart 2

....My young cunny instinctively and spontaneously tightened on his finger which he almost immediately pulled from me in surprise,standing and spilling me onto the floor in the process."Aaah! Fuck you" says I...."Why you dirty little...." says heHe raised his hand to me again as I rose to my knees before him and I found myself face to face,as it were,with a large bulge in his trousers.My mouth fell open and my cunt gave a little leap.He saw the half smile on my face and knew what I was thinking...

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Mrs Sara Johnson

It was a long two week after my little love session with Mr and Mrs Johnson, my best friend’s parents. They made me feel so good, so wanted. I had a great time and loved the feeling of Kelly’s dad fucking me hard. But to tell the truth, what really turned me on was getting touched and played with by Sara, my best friend’s mother.My name is Briana and I am seventeen years old. I have long blond hair and sharp blue eyes. I am very into my body and keep fit through exercise. My best friend Kelly...

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My Amy Jo Johnson Obsession

This is Amy Jo Johnson. Isn’t she beautiful? She played Kimberly Hart who was the pink ranger on the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. She also started in a few other shows shortly after. She was my first crush. She was also the first girl I ever masturbated to. One of the things I noticed about her when I was in my teens was…Below is a few pics of Amy doing a back flip on power rangers. Notice how big her butt looks and how broad her hips are.Also notice her figure in the pics below... I always...

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