A Bedtime Story From Robin (Timmy Or Missy( free porn video

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A bedtime tale from Robin (Timmy or Missy! Which is it?) By Robin Y. Today I was shopping for lingerie when I ran into an old friend. She and I attended Beauty College together but drifted apart when she graduated. I had not seen her in over 5 years....the last time we met was for coffee and she told me about this incident that she observed at the salon she was working at. It seems that one of the salons good clients would always come in at closing time (I think her business interests prevented an earlier appointment) and sometimes my friend Toni would stay and do a manicure or help with a perm if she was needed to help expedite the appointment (everyone was ready to go home including the client). This is the story she told me. This client, whose name is Lori sometimes brings her young son with her to her appointment....I think she was picking him up from daycare on her way home from work......at the time of this event Timmy was 8 or maybe 9 years old. This evening he was especially rambunctious and was running around the salon. There were only me, Lori and Maddie, her stylist and Timmy, but after a while it grated on everyone's nerves. I had given Lori a manicure while her hair was drying and I was waiting for Maddie to finish her hair so we could leave. Well, Timmy is touching everything in the salon....when he got to the nail station he was handling bottles of polish and dropped one. Fortunately it didn't break, but Lori was at her wits end and began to scold poor Timmy. I went over and picked up the bottle of red polish and tried to relieve the tension by teasing little Timmy.....not in a way to embarrass him, but to ease his mothers rant. I'm glad she was in Maddie's chair with her hair only half done or she well might have spanked the poor child right there in front of us. Anyway, she says to him..... "Timmy, shame on you! That nice girl makes her living with those items you are playing with....they are not toys. I have a mind to have her polish your nails so you would understand." I got the distinct sense that she was threatening him and was hoping to scare him into quieting down. But to the contrary! Little Timmy started begging his mom to let me do his nails. "Please mom, please mom, please mom! I thought my head would explode....over and over again he said the same thing. Finally, and I don't know what possessed me, but I just blurted out. "Oh, for goodness sakes! Let me put a little polish on his nails!" It got quite in the salon....you could have heard a pin drop. Little Timmy is looking at me with his mouth open and then he turned to his mother. "Please mama, please, please! Please Mama, Please, please!" So Lori relents and says to me, "Do whatever the little monster wants." So I painted his nails a cute little girl pink and he was completely enthralled. He smiled the entire time and never made a sound. After that, every time Lori came in she requested that I do her nails. Before long Timmy was getting a weekly manicure himself. It kept him quiet and it seemed harmless. As Timmy got older I began to wonder if it was as harmless as I first thought. He was twelve I believe the next time there was a turning point. It seems Timmy had been letting his hair grow and it was the start of summer vacation. It now seems ridiculous that a 12 year old boy would be accompanying his mother to the beauty salon....and even more so that he got his weekly manicure. Except for the occasional little goofing off when he asked me to put some blue polish on him so he could make his mother freak out, for the most part I used a nail hardener and maybe a little clear polish. His nails always looked good...especially for a 12 year old boy, but they were healthy and he took good care of them. What's the harm? This particular evening his mother was urging him to get a haircut. "Timmy, summer is almost here and it is going to be hot this year. Wouldn't you like to have hair that would be cooler and not all sweaty?" I was putting his usual hardener on his nails and I was watching his reaction closely. "Aw mom, I like it long....I don't want to cut it.....it's taken a long time to get it this way and school is out....and..." Lori almost screamed. "I should have Toni give you a girls style....if you want to go around with polish on your nails and long hair....maybe she can give you a perm so it doesn't look so raggedy all the time." It was obvious Lori was trying to humiliate him into cutting his hair, but again she chose the wrong avenue. Timmy looked up at me with those big green eyes and said.....'would you give me a proper hair trim...would you Toni?" Well, I truly didn't know what to say. I really didn't want to be caught in their mother son ordeal. I looked at Lori in Maddie's chair and she just sort of indicated she had given up. "Do what he wants.....just keep it neat looking." I turned to Timmy and said...'Okay, Timmy....I'm through with your nails...hop up into the chair by the sink and I'll wash your hair first." After I finished washing and conditioning his hair (which I must say is a lovely brown color with almost bronze natural highlights....Very much like his mother's natural color) I moved him over to my styling chair where I put a cape over him and then looked at him and asked. "So Timmy, I'm just going to trim the split ends...I won't take much off. Unless you have something else in mind of course?" Timmy was looking at the large pictures of models with various hairstyles that adorned the opposite wall. "I like that one there" he said pointing to a model with long straight hair and bangs cut straight across and coming down to her eyebrows. I wasn't sure what he was asking. "You mean the one with the straight black hair and the bangs?" "Yeah, that's the one." "Yes, she is very pretty! So, I'll just trim up....." Timmy's face dropped. "You can't make my hair like that?....Is it because it's a girls hair?" "Well, Timmy...it is a girls style. Is that what you really want?" I looked over at Lori and Maddie who had ceased their conversation and were watching intently. Timmy looked at his mother and then back at me. "I think I would like it if you could....I mean if you think its okay." He was obviously concerned about what I thought....he didn't seem to care what his mother thought.....just me. It really put me in a pickle and I wasn't sure what to do. "I guess I could do a boy version.....what do you think?" I asked looking first at Timmy and then Lori. Lori looked away....I think she was kind of embarrassed. "I know you can fix it so it will look good. Please, Toni....could you do that?" Timmy was really pleading and my heart went out to the boy. So for the last two years he has kept his hairstyle which seems to have gotten a little more feminine as we go. I certainly haven't purposely femininized it and I don't know if he's doing something between appointments, but it definitely has gotten feminine looking. That brings me to my dilemma. Lori called me last week and told me that she caught him in her makeup....he was wearing lipstick and attempting to put on mascara when she walked in on him. She says it was traumatic for the both of them. Since Timmy's father is out of the picture, Lori is fearful that he hasn't spent enough time with males. She thinks he is just confused, but she isn't sure how to proceed. A friend of hers told her that she should just dress him up like a girl and bring him to the mall in front of kids his own age.....you know shock him into realizing he is a boy and not a girl.....like ripping a band aid off quickly, all at once to get the pain over with. She asked what I thought and I said I thought that a bad idea. "Well, what about just making him up so he can see how ridiculous it looks?" Lori asked me. Again, I didn't want to get involved, but I said that I thought that would be a lot less harmful to him if she did it in private. "Oh! I could never do it....he is my son. I was hoping that you might agree to fix him up sometime?" What could I say? So I told her I would think about it and call her back. So this is where you come in Robin. I thought that maybe I could bring him around to your salon one evening and you might agree to do him up and then everyone can move on. The reason I am asking you this is because I know you are sensitive to these kinds of situations and if we do it at your salon it won't tarnish Timmy and Lori as much as if it was done at our place where everyone knows them....even after hours it could be risky. Lori asked if I would do it at her house, but I really don't want to get more involved and familiar than I already am. What about it Robin? Will you do it?" Of course I said yes! The Makeover Since prom and graduation were over, business had slowed to a reasonable pace. We agreed to do the makeover on Timmy on a Saturday evening....it was June 4th.....after I closed early at 7:00 pm rather than the usual 8 o'clock Saturday hours. Toni agreed to be there to help me and to make Timmy feel more comfortable....also to intervene if Lori and Timmy got into it again. I had just finished putting the day's business to rest and Toni had set up the nail kit at my manicure station, the kit she brought....and was in the back washing her hands. I looked up and saw a woman and what looked like a teenage girl or androgynous boy knocking at the glass front door of the salon. I opened the door and said...."You must be Lori....and this must be Timmy?" The woman looked me up and down and responded. "Yes I am Lori Carmichael and this is my son Timmy.....we are here to allow Timmy a real makeover so he can see what he looks like." Lori was holding a garment bag in addition to her purse and Timmy was holding a large tote that had a large rose emblazoned on either side. "I'm Robin and this is my salon. I am pleased that Toni asked me to help.....and Timmy we are going to have some fun." I looked at Timmy and he seemed a bit nervous so I smiled as warmly as I could. "Toni! Lori and Timmy are here!" Toni came back up front and hugged Timmy and shook hands with Lori. "Now my understanding is that I am going to style Timmy's hair and do a makeover and Toni will give him a manicure with nail extensions....is that correct?" I asked just to make sure everyone was in agreement. "No one said anything about extensions! Well if we are going to do this....we may as well go all the way.....let me think about it." Lori seemed reluctant to approve too much frou frou. "What do you have in the bag, Lori?" Toni asked her. "A little dress of mine that I never wear. It is really too young for me....I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it." Said Lori taking the dress from the garment bag. Toni recognized the dress from having seen Lori wearing it. "I remember that dress....oh and I remember why you bought it.....you came in wearing it one evening to have your nails done for a date you had....I believe it was a man from your office.....am I mistaken?" Lori looked at Timmy and blushed. "No, I believe you're right." Then in an attempt to change the subject she continued. "Anyway, I don't wear it anymore and I want Timmy to have the full image of what he looks like as a female....so I brought it for him to wear. We are pretty close to the same size and we can at least try it." The as an afterthought she reached and took the tote from Timmy. She reached in the tote and pulled out a pair of beige pumps that matched the dress. They appeared to have between 3 and 4 inch heels.....she set them off to the side and reached in again and pulled out a cute little nude colored bra. It was very delicate looking with lots of lace and a cute little ribbon detail between the cups. I assumed it was part of the package she had worn for her date with the man she was apparently taken with. As she held up the bra for us to see, I looked at Timmy to see his reaction. His eyes were opened so wide I thought his eyeball might fall out of their sockets. "Timmy is wearing panties and pantyhose already....should he dress before we start?" asked Lori. "No, I think we should do the makeover first and then when he dresses, he will already look and feel like a girl." I responded. I could tell Timmy was very excited. "Timmy! Come with me to the dressing room in back and take off your hose. I will give you a smock to wear and you can remove your t-shirt and jeans as well. Timmy looked a little disappointed over having to remove his hose until Toni explained she was going to give him a pedicure as well as a manicure. He brightened up at that prospect. While Toni and Timmy were in the back I spoke with Lori. "Lori, I know this is difficult for you. Toni has told me that things have been leading up to this for quite a while. I have a good bit of experience with this type of thing and I can assure you that all will be fine." "Oh, Robin....I hope so. If he could just see that this isn't normal....maybe seeing himself dressed completely like a girl he will give up and just be my son." "Lori...I will be honest with you. He might react like you hope, but he might also like it and be captivated with the image he sees. It is a possibility." I told her. Lori seemed a bit shaken when I told her he might want to continue of a path of feminization. "I know Robin....I have thought of that, but I have to know so we can move forward either way." Toni and Timmy returned and we decided that after washing and conditioning his hair I would shape it up a bit and then set it. I suggested a perm, but Lori would not agree.....to Timmy's obvious chagrin. Toni would do his pedicure while I worked on his hair and then she would do his manicure when he was under the dryer. Toni did the honors and washed and conditioned his lovely long hair. Toni was correct about the lovely color and he came in wearing it perfectly straight down to his shoulders and all one length. He still wore the bangs, but they were kind of brushed to one side. When I got him in my chair I sat in front of him for a few minutes and talked about what I was going to do. "Lori, if you don't mind I think we should give Timmy a different name....just for tonight." She nodded okay and I looked at Timmy. "Timmy, do you have a girl's name you would like to use?" He started to say something then he just nodded no. "How about Missy? I have a niece named Missy and you kind of remind me of her. He smiled broadly and was clearly happy with the name. "Okay! Now Missy I am going to shape up the style you have now and set in on rollers so that we can give it a little pizzazz. We don't have enough time to add highlights, but I think you will love what I have in mind. Now just sit back and enjoy while we make you beautiful." He sighed in relief and in anticipation. I looked at Lori and she seemed a bit nervous, but resigned to follow through. I didn't trim much as he already had a feminine head of hair. I began setting his hair on large rollers because I wanted to keep the sleek look he was accustomed to, but which would allow me to get some fullness and maybe a few girlie twists into it. I knew the process would be as important to him as the end result. As I rolled the first few curlers I could feel him tremble in the chair. I surveyed his fine facial features as I worked. He had nice full cheeks which was a little surprising being that he had such high and deliberate cheekbones...the two together are not that common, but are certainly a cosmeticians playground. His green eyes were graced with long dark lashes and a slight eyebrow that would have looked appropriate on a young girl his age. I looked closely and I could tell they had not been plucked or waxed.....they were just naturally feminine looking. As I worked, Toni was doing his toenails. When she was ready to polish them she looked up at me. "What color do you think, Robin? Pink?" She asked me. "Since this is a one off, I was thinking something more mature...something an 18 year old might wear on a date. A dark red might be perfect for what I had in mind. After all, his dress is a bit mature as well and we want to present a consistent image. As we talked I watched Missy breathing in the smell of the polish as Toni began to stroke his toenails with a crimson polish with dark undertones. When I had his head about half full with curlers Missy began to squirm around in the chair. Toni had completed his pedicure and was outside smoking a cigarette with Lori. I asked Missy if she was uncomfortable. "Oh no Miss Robin.....but I have to go to the bathroom....really bad." He told me. "Okay, Missy. I think it is time for a break. Toni showed you where the dressing rooms are and the bathroom is right across the hall from them. Why don't you do what you have to do and we'll pick back up in a few minutes." I removed his cape and I watched as he slipped along in the flip flops we provide our pedicure clients. After stretching, I went to our kitchenette to get a cup of coffee. The coffee machine is at the door and the bathroom is adjacent to the kitchen. I swear I could hear him in there talking to himself in a high girly voice. I took my coffee and went outside to have a cigarette with Toni and Lori. As I walked up I noticed they were deep in conversation that seemed of importance to Lori. "Hey Robin....How is it coming in there?" asked Toni. "Fine! Missy just needed a little girl's room break." As I said it noticed Lori react to my calling her son Missy and when I said the little girl's room I thought she was going to say something....but she didn't. After my cigarette we walked back in together just as Missy was coming back from the potty. Even in the flip flops there was a girly sway to his hips and when he turned and bent to sit in the chair I caught a quick glimpse of his cute little bubble butt. Honestly, with his head half in rollers and with his smock and the crimson toenails on display....he didn't need makeup to look the epitome" of a female. I looked at Lori and she saw it too. "Alright young lady, this is the final lap. We will be on to your makeup in just a little bit.....so what do you think so far?" I asked Missy. "Oh! Miss Robin it is wonderful.....I know it seems I am nervous, but really it is just excitement. I have watched mother have all this done to her and she is so beautiful. I always wanted to look like her.....everybody has always said the there is a strong resemblance....except that I am a boy." Suddenly his face went from joyous to a resigned sadness. "Well! Tonight you are going to look like twins," I said trying to pick his spirits up. "Oh I know and I really appreciate all that you are doing for me." He was precious....as sincere as a preacher and as cute as a teen model. I finished up with the curlers and as he stood in front of the mirror patting his head full of the cylinders of torture we subjext ourselves to....just to look beautiful...he looked like a young housewife getting ready for a special occasion with her hubby. I think it was the crimson polish, but there was something else...I just couldn't put my finger on it. I settled him under a dryer and gave him a Marie Claire to look through while he waited. I explained that he should set the magazine in his lap and turn the pages with one hand while Toni did his nails on the other hand. I also said that he might have to wait to finish any article he was reading after Toni finished the first hand and went to the next. It was not worth smudging the polish to finish an article he could read any other time. I lowered the dryer and turned it on and left him to his Marie Claire while Toni began on his finger nails. I had looked at his nails and Toni was right....he took very good care of them. If my math is correct, he should be 14 now.....not many fourteen year olds have nails as nice as his.....no boys anyhow. Because of the condition of his nails all Toni did was to strip off his old clear polish, prep the nail and add the extensions. Once in place securely she put a new base coat on and then began polishing each nail with the precise stroke of a professional. They were both accustomed to Toni working on Missy's nails so they both seemed relaxed and a little detached. It was a sight! Missy under the dryer with her Marie Claire and Toni concentrating on giving her nail extensions (that must have been what they were talking about outside when I joined Lori and Toni). Thirty minutes later, Toni had just applied the last coat of the crimson polish to Missy's fingernails and sweet Missy was staring at them as though they were diamonds. Well, they did sparkle and reflect the light like diamonds so his reaction was understandable. I checked Missy's hair and it was dry enough to move on to makeup. It was getting late and even though I was energized with helping Missy look pretty...I was getting a little tired on my feet. It had been a long day. "I love your nails Missy....they are gorgeous! Toni is a real artist." I looked at Missy and then at Toni and they were equally proud of the results. I looked to Lori. "Don't you think so, Lori?" I asked. Lori staring at her son's pretty and feminine red nails looked up, as if startled from sleep. "Oh yes....they are lovely Toni." Then she looked at Missy/Timmy and I saw her spirit relent. It was impossible not to see how much Missy enjoyed being a girl and Lori could not deny what her eyes could clearly see. I began the makeup with a cleansing and then moisturizing....explaining what and why I was doing everything....talking to Missy like she were a real girl. I noticed that Lori was now participating and seemed to be having as much fun as Missy. "You have beautiful skin, Missy. All I am going to use is a sheer foundation base. Normally we girls use foundation to cover irregularities in our skin tone, but you really don't have any. Still it will give a nice texture and a palette on which to work. As I spread the whipped foundation onto her skin and blended it with a sponge I wondered how Lori would react when she saw my finished product. After having set the foundation with a light powdering, I used a pencil to define her brows. As I said before she has nice feminine brows so I just filled in a little and then extended them out a little...coming to a point a little past the corner of her eyes. Then I used gel eyeliner in black (I think it was called Midnight Rendezvous). I applied it to look like the eyeliner Katie Perry is wearing in her second Video....I think it is the second, but don't hold me to that. Anyway, I used a Kohl pencil on her lower inner lash line and then used the Kohl pencil to accentuate the corners...smudging a little both at the bottom and top. It gave her a smoky look that helped to disguise that she was only 14. "You see how I blend it here in the crease....that gives your eyes depth and you can use this technique to widen or narrow your eyes slightly. Here I am making them look as wide as I can." As I spoke I noticed that Lori was paying as much attention to me as was her son Missy. "Now normally, I would never use a shadow that shimmers unless I was going out to a club or for a fancy date. Tonight I am going to make an exception for you, sweetheart. I want to see what you would look like if you were going on a date. Missy seemed to sit up a little straighter when I mentioned a date and I noticed that Lori leaned in a little to catch what I was saying. "Alright! Your eyes are done and they are beautiful and sexy if I say so myself." Lori kind of looked at me with a frown and I added. "Of course young ladies don't normally get to look sexy until they get a little older....I was just thinking how much older you look." Missy beamed and Lori looked satisfied. I worked the blush to compliment her high cheekbones and then put a puff of red right on the flush apples of her cheeks. She looked ready for the runway if I do say so myself. "Missy, we are going to wait and put your lipstick on when we've finished dressing you, okay! I've got a perfect red that will make you weak in the knees." Of course we all knew he couldn't be any weaker in the knees than he already was....not and continue standing. "Is his dress pullover or will he step into it?" I asked Lori. "The back unbuttons to the waist in back....he...(she paused).... she can step into it," replied Lori. "Okay! Then I'll do your hair now." As I unrolled the curlers I checked and his hair was now completely dry. The setting lotion I had used without consulting Lori had done its job and the body created from the curlers was strong and it had bounce to it. "Again, this look is a bit old for you Missy. But with your mother's dress, the heels and all I thought it would be appropriate. It could be worn on the date we spoke about a while ago." I looked at Lori and I saw no change of expression. As each roller was removed the anticipation and excitement that both Missy and Lori exhibited told me this had been a good idea. I finished smoothing out the hair and turned her toward the mirror so she could see the whole package. At first I thought she was disappointed because she didn't say anything or have any expression on her face. Finally she turned to me. "Oh! Miss Robin....I can't believe it....is it really me." She was turning this way and that as she spoke...admiring the young woman looking back. Her pretty white teeth begged for red lips, but I resisted. I wanted adding the lipstick to be the cherry on top. "Let's get you dressed. Lori would you like to be the one...or...Toni or I could help her?" I asked Lori. "Yes, thank you....I believe I would like to help her." Lori had used "her" in referring to her son Missy. Hmmmm! Interesting turn of events. Toni and I stood outside and smoked a cigarette and talked about the makeover and how we felt it had been a success. As we walked back in Lori was escorting Missy back up front. Missy looked a little unsure of herself in the high heels, but she seemed to improve from the back of the salon to the front. The beige opened toed pumps turned out to be 3 ?" heels and I am amazed that Missy could handle them so easily. Apparently, Lori had the same notion and had initially assumed that Timmy would give up and not try the heels. Again she miscalculated. Not only did Missy look comfortable in her heels, she began to strut....posing like a shoe model might....hand on hip...far away look on her face with her shoulders brought forward in a manner that cries out GIRL! He really camped it up a bit. Lori was laughing and clapping...the same as Toni and I. I walked Missy over to the large mirror and handed her the crimson lipstick I intended her to use. I stood beside and slightly behind her watching in the mirror and as I explained the correct application of lipstick. It was a slow and deliberate lesson and she was focused on accomplishing it with expert precision. After lining with a lip pencil for her I removed the cap from the creamy stick of women's seduction and I slowly rolled it up to a proper height for use and then handed to Missy. Her hands were shaking a little as she reached for the case, but when it touched her fingers she steadied like a rock. She confidently pulled the red delight across first her top then bottom lips. She pursed them together gently. I am sure she learned that from watching her mother....it was too practiced for this inexperienced boy/girl. She expertly used a tissue to blot and then added a second coat. The lipstick is an expensive brand that it worth the money. It is a long lasting lipstick (it claims 18 hours, but 10 is realistic). What I like most about it is that you don't have to keep glossing to give it shine or moisturize. It is truly all in one and one touchup over the course of drinks at a party is sufficient to keep your lips looking soft and full. Missy's lips made me nervous. She was so pretty and those lips were so kissable I had to keep refocusing on the fact that she was only 14 and still a child in so many ways. She just didn't look like a child. As we stared in the mirror....I saw she was smiling like she had just been asked to her first prom. I looked over to see Lori's reaction and it looked as though she was crying I asked somewhat alarmed. "Lori, are you all right?" Lori looked at her new daughter....standing in the heels with the flippy pleated skirt of the dress resting at mid thigh. The top was sleeveless and accented Missy's narrow shoulders (they seem so much narrower with the well tailored, high neck collar and open shoulders than they did in his Tee). It was cream colored beige with lace accents at the top of the collar and again at the hem of the skirt. Definitely dressy and appropriate for a night on the town for some young woman. Lace on the hem of a pleated skirt really results in a frou frou effect and I wondered just how much of a girly girl Lori might be. "I'm fine Robin.....it's just that in that dress she looks just like I did when I was her age....except....(everyone in the room leaned in to hear what she would say).... Except that she is more beautiful than I ever was." The air became lighter or at least it felt that way. Toni was smiling like the cat that ate the canary, Lori and Missy were hugging as mother and daughter and I was feeling satisfied....and if you want the truth....a little horny. But that is a story for a different night. After congratulations to everyone I closed up and Toni and I went clubbing. We watched as mother and daughter crossing the parking lot....the familiar tapping of heels on the concrete... arm in arm. I wondered how there evening might evolve....would they go out for dinner....it was late, but there would be nice restaurants open to accommodate the weekend party crowd. Maybe they just picked up a pizza on the way home and then talked all night about what has happened. I don't know what happened, but I am confident that sweet Timmy....er....I mean Missy slept in a pretty nightgown. Oh! Can you imagine the dreams she must have had? And what about her mother Lori? What would she do and how would she cope with the difficulties of having a son who wants to look like a girl. She told herself that this would be a perfect time to have the talk about the birds and the bees and see which he preferred...the bees who are the boys or the birds who are the girls. I guess I'll never know....unless of course, they come in for a mother daughter makeover sometime. I'd love to add some copper highlights to their hair....I did tell you that they have the same color hair, didn't I? Well, that is what Toni told me and what I experienced myself. Life is full of grey (and by grey I mean a rainbow of color) and should not be forced to choose black or white to give allegiance to. I hope that we can all be like Lori and open to the realities around us. I have to remember to email Toni and ask her to send me email updates on Missy and Lori's progress. I wonder if they ever have mother daughter appointments at Toni's salon. I can't wait until she responds with the newest stories. I hope you sleep well tonight and have dreams that carry you to mysterious and exciting places. I hope your dreams result in an evolution of spirit that brings comfort through the difficult times. Night night! Hugs and kisses, Robin

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Kerries Journey Chapter 8 Timmy And I Enjoy Sara And Sara Enjoys Us

If you have read my earlier stories you will know that Timmy, my seventeen-year-old step-nephew, and I have been having an affair. I was concerned that, by having such a regular affair with me, he wouldn’t develop relationships with his peers. Thus one afternoon, as we lay on the bed, recovering from our usual very satisfying fuck, I asked him whether he was having sex with any girls his age. He told me that his girlfriend, Sara, let him feel her breasts and pussy but wouldn’t let him fuck her....

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Kerries Journey Chapter 12Surprise Timmy and I get caught by Amy and Becca

The morning after my tryst with my eighteen-year-old twin daughters, Amy and Becca, we woke late. The girls were still in my bed. We had fallen asleep cuddled up with one on either side of me. During the night, they’d rolled away and now lay beside me—Amy on her back and Becca on her tummy. Both were nude. I couldn’t resist rubbing Becca’s back. She stirred, murmured, woke and smiled.“Oh Mom, are we going to make love again?”I smacked her ass, laughed and said, “As tempting as that would be,...

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Timmys Prison Cavity Search Ch 03

Johnny led Timmy through "D"-tier. "D"-tier was a section of the prison claimed, owned and run by a dangerous black prison gang known as The Spooks. Sane white boys stayed away from it if they had a choice. Timmy didn't. Johnny used to have a choice once upon a time, but then he crossed race lines and made a couple of deals he thought would be scores. They weren't; in fact the deals had blown up in his face and now Johnny was indebted to The Spooks; plus no white gangs, or any other gangs for...

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"Timmy" Timmy had been spending summers with his aunt Madge for several years. She had caught him in her lingerie drawer when he was nine and after a spanking and a severe scolding she had thought the episode was now in the past. But the next summer when he was ten it happened again! After another scolding and a few threats to expose him as a little sissy Madge was confident her nephew was now back in line. And for the next few summers it seemed so. But now, this year with little...

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Madge and Timmy Halloween Belle

Madge and Timmy: 'Halloween Belle' loosely based on the 'Madge and Timmy' stories by A.W. (Anonymous Writer) It has only been 5 months now since his estranged parents ugly divorce and since Timmy landed into Madge's care on a permanent basis and there was already not much of the boy left in our heroin. Tim's initial almost violent protests against Madge's disturbing plans and ministrations had virtually stopped or had been silenced by now. Madge commanding ways and natural dominance...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 3

Timmy came around slowly. He tried to rub his eyes and discovered he couldn't move. He was dry as dust and there was something strapped in his mouth. His nose ached. He looked around. With growing shock, he saw that there were silver cuffs on his wrists, just above his elbows, just above his knees and around his ankles. Taut cables ran from the cuffs to a metal frame. He was naked, hanging just off the ground. Timmy struggled, trying to get free as the fear and panic rose in him. It was no...

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Dave ndash Meet Timmy

It was so interesting hearing of Trish’s relationship with her father, I had only met him the once and he figured quite high on the pervy scale watching him wanking over Sam, I would have done the same but then I openly admit I am a fully-fledged pervert, I think there is a lot of similarities between Geeky Gary and myself.We both have a love of panties and that is always a good one to have in common but I am long from being embarrassed about it, nothing better than sniffing panties while they...

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Dave ndash Meet Timmy Part 2

It was Sam’s game and although she was excited to see her brother on his knees in front of me about to remove my shorts she was definitely flagging, apart from the smoke I think it was drinking the two beers quickly that had done her in, Timmy was looking pretty fucked up and he only had one.Sam was trying to concentrate but was fighting a losing battle as Timmy looked up at me, “I never seen another man sir, is it ok to look sir?” he asked looking back down at the angled bulge inside my silky...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 7 I give in and resume my affair with Timmy

While this story is reasonably standalone, for some background you may care to read Chapters 5 and 6.My less than satisfactory encounter with Robbie, plus Jennifer’s insistent reminders, led to me feeling that I maybe I should see Timmy again. Hopefully he’d still be interested sexually in me. The question was how. I couldn’t just ring him up and invite him over that would look a bit odd.Heather, my sister and his step-mom, finally gave me the perfect excuse. She mentioned that since he had now...

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Petticoat Punishment of Timmy

"The Petticoat Punishment of Timmy" Timmy hurried home after being dropped by the school bus. His grandmother was coming by this afternoon to drop off a few things and he needed to get his homework done as fast as he could. "Is that you Timmy?" his mother called out from the other room when he opened the front door. "Yes mom, it's me." "Grandma is coming over, you might want get a move on it if you don't want her to see you doing your homework dressed like a girl," she...

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Timmy And Jessica Part 2

It was lunch, Jess Walked down the corridor and turned left, towards the canteen, as she passed the girls toilets she heard a noise, a very familiar noise, she stealthily crept inside, knowing what the sound was, as she came up to the cubicle the sounds were coming from she froze, jess peeked up over the partition as saw none other than Suzie miller Sucking on her little brother’s huge cock, Suzie’s face was already covered In cum, Timmy suddenly looked up, and saw jess, he instantly blew...

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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia The Complete Story

Chapter One: Prelude I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 5 I Reflect On Timmy And Tom Comes Home

In my last story, I described how Jennifer, an online friend, challenged me to flash myself at and possibly seduce my sixteen-year-old step-nephew, Timmy, who was staying with us while his parents were away. At the time, I was feeling a bit lonely, bored and horny. Both Tom, my husband, and Julie, my lesbian lover, were away. I’d had no sex for over ten days. Somewhat to my surprise, I did as Jennifer instructed and ended up fucking Timmy. That led to three days of almost continual sexual...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 2

The girls were insatiable after that. Timmy fucked them both regularly for all of June, until it was time for them to go to Spain with the family for two weeks. They went to Barcelona first and Timmy loved it. The girls were exotic and very sexy. The Spanish men hit on Rachel constantly. The coolest thing was the Gaudi park in the hills above the city. Next, we went to Majorca. I was in the hotel amusement room, playing a video game, when a girl walked in. She looked about my age, and was...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 4

His dreams had been torture, nightmares and sex scenes all mixed up. He had an erection when they woke him in the morning. They took him to the bathroom and made him wash and use the toilet. Breakfast was eggs and oatmeal in a bowl, on the floor, with the water bowl next to it. While he ate, the trainer toyed with the cane on the upraised ass. Timmy was very frightened at what the day held. They took him to the first room. He almost pissed himself with fright. Claire was there. "This is...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 3 Jamies story

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 3 Jamie's story by Tawny Suede The few days before the date in Part 1... The car pulled up at the curb and Jamie got out of the passenger side door. She was a bit wobbly on her three inch heels. The car sped away fast, as if the driver was feeling guilty about what he and Jamie had just done. Jamie opened her purse and tucked away the fifty dollars she had stuck in her bra shortly after getting into the car. She also pulled out a cigarette and lit...

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Big Timmy The College Years

(The following is a work of fan-fiction for an erotica author who was very inspirational for me when I was starting out, "Big" Timy Donehy. If you would like to hear me reading it aloud, please feel free to contact me) "Mrs. Divine?" he asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. "For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it's 'Ms'. I am unmarried." I've known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I've busted their balls down to a size nothing in no...

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Big Timmy The College Years

"Mrs. Divine?" He asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. "For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it's 'Ms'. I am unmarried." I've known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I've busted their balls down to a size nothing in no time at all. It's not hard, college freshmen are simply not men yet. I just level my intimidating FF cups at them and watch their egos melt away. "Yeah, but I have to at least pretend that there's a guy I'm making...

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Big Timmy The College Years

‘Mrs. Divine?’ He asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. ‘For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it’s ‘Ms’. I am unmarried.’ I’ve known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I’ve busted their balls down to a size nothing in no time at all. It’s not hard, college freshmen are simply not men yet. I just level my intimidating FF cups at them and watch their egos melt away. ‘Yeah, but I have to at least pretend that there’s a guy I’m making...

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Let Timmy Johnson tell his story in his own words: Introduction Hi Everyone. First off, "Timmy Johnson" is not my real name. So, don't try looking me up in any catalogues or registers. When I was born, too long ago to think about now, my loving parents named me; Timothy Andrew Johnson. But, for some reason, ever since all those changes, they call me Timmy. I suppose, after all these years, I'm okay with that. ...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 5

Weeks later. They woke him from his exhausted sleep. He had been dreaming of Beevis fucking his ass. He was fully erect. Beevis smacked his erection with a crop as Butthead gripped his upper arms from behind. "Go soft!" Beevis ordered him. "Yes sir." Timmy thought about clubbed seals, dead babies, anything to lose his erection. It worked, but took a few minutes. Beevis smacked his cock until he was soft. Then Beevis ordered him, "Grow hard!" and smacked him until he did, fantasizing...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 6

Weeks later They woke Timmy as usual and made him get hard and soft, as usual. Chained by his nose ring, they took him to the bathroom and then to breakfast. He was enjoying the Tai Chi and the exercise. His body was changing. He moved smoothly now and he was lean and getting sculpted from the weight lifting. He ran five miles everyday. The soreness from the vasectomy was long gone. He knew he should be outraged that it was done without his consent, but obedience had been caned into him and...

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Robin Crusoe

ROBIN CRUSOE by Victoria Crane CHAPTER 1 - TARIQ The first time I laid eyes on Robin he was on the slave auction block in Tripoli. I later learned that he was a young sailor in the English navy, and his ship had been captured by pirates. The entire crew was sold as slaves here in the most important city of the Barbary Coast. He was just a scrawny young man. His only notable feature was his nearly white blond hair, but that wasn't enough to generate interest in him from the...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 10 Robin in the Beginning part 2

Remember, please leave me feedback! The more you comment on my stories the more it encourages me to write more!! Love from your caramel skinned goddess, Tawny! Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 10 Robin - In the Beginning, Part 2 by Mistress Tawny Suede Robin sat in the back seat of the car, smoking a cigarette. He shifted his ass on the seat, not to get more comfortable, but to feel the delightful squelch and rumble of the cum that was rolling around in his ass. Just before...

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From Batmans Robin to Catwomens Robin A Vignette

From Batman's Robin to Catwomen's Robin (A vignette) By Belinda Batman and Robin are finishing solving another crime. This time Catwomen and King Tutt, were working together. With the help of Tutt's Mirrors, Catwomen and Tutt escape, but before they do, one thing is set... At home, Bruce and Robin Ward are in the library. Robin is studying for his speech tomorrow. His speech is one on relationships.... Based on his crime fighting career, it is sometimes difficult to be...

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Robin and the Doctor

Robin and The Doctor       by Abe      Robin stood staring out the window of the maternity ward, watching the huge snowflakes blowing past the window. Already, she had put in three hours of overtime, since the evening shift was so slow getting in. Traffic crawled, when it moved at all. A bus, full of standees, took five minutes to go one block. "Robin, how are you going to get home?" "Oh, Dr. Kreuzer. I can't possibly get home. It takes an hour when the weather is clear. I guess I'll just sleep...

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Robin reflects on high school

Robin reflects on High School Robin Jacobson and his cousin Beth were in the cafeteria of their Pennsylvania High School, both wearing the white robes and mortarboards of graduating senior girls. Underneath their robes they were both wearing pastel colored dresses, required by their high school dress code for graduation. Both girls were of course wearing heels, as they were both eighteen years old. Like every other girl in their graduating class, they had their purse makeup bags...

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Robin Red Breast

My sister Robin is a gorgeous girl. She has a beautiful face, long blonde hair to her ass, and a figure that is absolutely outrageous. For a fourteen-year-old she has that Marilyn Monroe look with hips, tiny waist, and big tits. Honest to God she wears a 32-H bra. Mom has a hell of a time finding them for her. Out on the Internet mom found a place called HerRoom that actually had fourteen styles in Robin’s size. They aren’t cheap either. They range from forty-five dollars to eighty-four...

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Written for me by spanksalothttp://xhamster.com/user/spanksalotI have a few days off and it's hot and muggy outside. So, I'm walking through the mall, because its cooler here. They've said there are a lot of people using electricity for a/c units and fans and there have been power outages. When I see "her" walking ahead of me. She's got this walk that just says "Take me, I'm yours to do with as you please!" And all these kinky thoughts start running through my head. She's strutting along....

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Robin Girl Wonder Part 1 Body and Mind

ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 1 - BODY AND MIND This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. If you'd like some background on the characters in this story, please see their "biographies" at WikiPedia. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Tim Drake was in bed thinking about his plan; wondering if he could really carry it out. It was daybreak and the birds outside sang a...

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Robin By Belinda Robin has been transformed to live her life fully; an unexpected gift from King Tut and Catwoman. It is a few week after Robin return to Gotham from the Ancient Egyptian city she was able to grow and mature... Robin is at Wayne manner. She likes her true role and life. Previously, Robin was glad to be a part of the dynamic duo. Even, the villains both Batman and her battled knew Robin was accommodating too much as a the boy wonder. There was an uneasiness,...

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Robin in Middle School

Robin's Continuing Story - Middle School It was the beginning of August and cheerleader practice was about to start. Twelve year old Robin Jacobson and her also twelve year old cousin Beth were let out at the school field by Robin's mom. Beth was wearing a pink t-shirt with a pair of blue shorts, with white sneakers. Robin was wearing a red t-shirt with a blue denim skort. Both of the girls were wearing nail polish, Beth with pink and Robin sporting a bright red. In actuality,...

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Timmys Prison Cavity Search Ch 04

After Sheba pumped her spunk into Timmy's suck hole and had him swallow her load, she shaved him smooth and hairless like a woman should be. She then dressed him up in a patchwork of lacy lingerie similar to the way Madonna used to dress when she started her career. She even put a bow in his hair and had him put on the lacy fingerless elbow length gloves. A lacy garter held his fishnet stockings thigh high for a nice sexy effect. There was no need for a skirt or panties. They wouldn't be on...

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The Old Reality Bar and Grill PropLittle Timmy the Time Machine

Character sketch / Design notes. "Little Timmy" is a character in the various ads and sketches being put together for the Detroit 2015 campaign. It is a hand brushed pain job old refrigerator with various hockey team stickers, a Molson's decal stuck to the door, a Canadian flag decal and a bumper sticker for Barnaby Canada on it: "Barnaby! Home To The Future!" is what it reads. "Little Timmy" is the type of thing you'd find in any guy's garage that works on cars, or back stage at...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 4 the date continues

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 4 The Date Continues (finally) by Tawny Suede Just as Ollie and John began to wonder what was keeping their dates, they spotted the delectable pair of sissies returning from the rest room. When they reached the table, both men stood. Their politeness was rewarded by a brief kisses from the pretty lads. Each girlyboy also managed to run her hands across the crotch of her date and give each cock a gentle stroke! Robin and Jamie looked at each other and...

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Robin and Dee

"Have you ever tested your own cum before?" We were at a suburban dinner party and I was sitting next to a lovely woman about my age, mid-50s, wearing a high-necked, glittery dress that was very short indeed, with dangling earrings and a silver necklace. She was blonde with streaks of pink and was very impertinent with her questioning. I was there because my neighbors needed a single man to accompany this forthright guest, and the rest of the guests were couples. "Uh, well, not to...

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Robin Girl Wonder Part 3 Secrets and Gardens

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - part 3 - SECRETS AND GARDENS (Read parts 1 and 2 before this part, or you won't understand what's going on.) "You've been a very bad girl, Robin," Ivy said. "I don't appreciate you messing up my drug deal after all I've done for you." "That's not all I'm going to mess up if you don't let me go!" Robin snarled. Ivy laughed, "You're just adorable when you're angry, little one!" Robin fumed. "Okay, Ivy. You've caught me again. Now will you please tell me...

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Robin Girl Wonder Part 2 Knights and Lovers

ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 2 - KNIGHTS AND LOVERS This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Note: Read part 1 first or this won't make sense. The feminized Tim Drake stretched out in the sun by the pool at Wayne Manor. She was nude. Alfred appeared and cleared his throat to get her attention. "Would the lady like me to fetch her...

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Beth meets robins friend Part 2

Beth's story.From the moment I saw robins friend I knew I liked him, he's handsome although not as good looking as robin.Lovely warm smile, a twinkle in his wise old eyes and a charm that only an older man seems to possess.During our conversation in the pub, he couldn't take his eyes off me, none of them could really, oh to be the centre of attention, now there's an aphrodisiac.I knew I wanted him after just a few minutes but held back, playing the situation.Hard to get? Not likely but I don't...

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Robin The Nanny

Robin The Nanny It was possibly the most incredible climax of my life. Cum kept shooting up into her forever. I lost track of how many squirts I had shot into her very talented pussy. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. I was totally mesmerized by her. At first all I could focus on were her big beautiful C-cup breasts. They were a full C-cup and they hung from their massive weight. They were capped with nice light brown areolas with hard nipples that begged for me to suck on them....

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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. The chairperson was finishing up the announcements and then introducing her and the knot in her stomach tightened even tighter. She silently prayed to God to help her, to speak through her. ‘If I can help at least one person here tonight,’ she prayed. ‘Then it will be worth it, God. Please let me help someone else.’ She realized, with a smile, that the simple little prayer was so vastly different...

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Beth Simon and Robin too part3

After I left robin I went back next door and found beth anxiously waiting in the kitchen eager to know how it had gone.My broad smile told her everything, she came to me and threw her arms around me, pressing herself tightly against me."Oh thank you, this is going to be the best thing ever!" She was like a giddy school girl so excited and wouldn't stop asking questions about robin and our recent conversation, it was all fine and he would be here at 8.The next hour actually went quite fast! Beth...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 2 Robin prepares Alfred beware

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 2 Robin prepares, Alfred beware! by Tawny Suede The evening before the date in Part 1... Sitting in her resplendent suite of rooms in the Manor, Robin inhaled a slow drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled the stream of smoke, she admired her lipstick on the filter of the cigarette. It was funny. More than a year ago, when "he" was just "Dick", he was appalled by the idea of smoking. But then the big change had hit him and now he thought the sight of any...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 6 Commissioned

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 6 Commissioned! by Tawny Suede "Miss Robin! Surely you can't be serious!" "Introduce us, Alfred! Just like any other guest arriving, we deserve to be introduced to the crowd!" demanded the lovely sissy! Robin and Jamie were dressed in very attractive summer dresses - Robin in blue and Jamie in green which accentuated his green eyes and emphasized his bright red hair! The dresses would have been beautiful on two young women, but were startlingly erotic...

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Justice For Robin

JUSTICE FOR ROBIN by Susan Fantasy CHAPTER ONE: TROUBLE IN THE BUSBIE CLAN 1. Tennis pro turned math teacher Dr. Busbie's forty-one year old Lesbianite sister, Helen, was a very attractive woman. The slight Mongol element she had that came from a Russian ancestor was hardly noticeable; it was not nearly as evident as it was in the case of her brother. Not that this would necessarily spoil her looks if it showed, for Eurasian people can be good looking - and her...

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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. http://tgcaps.com/caps/fanart/fraylim/robin01.jpg.php if the link...

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Robin on Patrol

A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime that would end in eleven. “Looks like it’s time to call it a night.” The dark-haired youth said to himself as he pushed forward a green glove on his hand and checked the time on the watch...

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Beth meets robins friend

Author's note.This is an addition to the Beth, Simon and Robin stories and involves my mature wife beth and her adventures with older lover robin. To recap, we are Simon and Beth, mature couple in our 40's. We have befriended the nice older gentleman next door, robin, who is 75. My wife has a thing for much older men, and so the friendship blossoms into our current threesome situation. All previous 'robin and beth' stories can be found on our profile. This is a 2 part story, the first part will...

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Beth Simon and Robin too part 2

2 weeks had past since I revealed beths pic's to an all too eager robin. It had been more difficult at first to 'pluck up the courage' to show him those initial photos but all had gone much better than imagined.Robin, despite being a perfect gentleman outwardly, hid a dark secret, he was the original dirty old man!As I said it was difficult at first.Yes I got to talk to him alone and yes we did talk about the opposite sex, I learned early on that he, like myself, was a fan of bbws or the...

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Robin part 1

The following story is essentially true. The first part is recounted from an earlier story, and the rest continues the story of my long affair with my first cousin. The events happened pretty much as described, though some parts occurred when I was very young, and I cant remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. Just a bit of background first… My grandfather molested my mother and her oldest sister when they were in their teens. Her older sister,...

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Robin Was Easy

The very moment I saw her, I knew she’d be easy.I was attending a local dinner party when I saw an attractive brunette standing alone in the corner of the room. She looked bored and a little rebellious as well, but I suspected that if she were to smile, she’d be gorgeous. So, before I went to meet her, I shot a few pictures with my iPhone.Then I walked over and said, “Hi! I’m Bill. You look bored.”“Robin. I am bored, but my parents won’t let me leave.”“Oh! Sorry to hear that. Maybe they’d let...

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Fly Robin Fly

I thought of this tale while I was at work. I do make an apology to DC Comics. The characters of Joker, Batgirl, and Robin are theirs. I use them only in jest and for a tale. Fly Robin Fly Robin awoke in a deep pit. The Joker had got him with a knockout dart. He could stand up and look around. The Joker spoke, "Good Morning Robin. I will make you a deal. You climb out that pit on your own; you can go back to your nest. If you do not after three days, I will haul you out and fuck...

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Robert to Robin

Robert is Robin By Robin Young This story is a combination of fiction and truth....some of the people and events are based on true experiences and contain many accurate details. Some major events have been disguised to protect the innocent and names have been changed. Some things are exaggerated. Some parts are a consolidation of events to help speed the story along (which covers about 8 years of my life). This is the story of how I came to terms with being a feminine male and how I...

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