Robin And The Doctor free porn video

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Robin and The Doctor

      by Abe


Robin stood staring out the window of the maternity ward, watching the huge

snowflakes blowing past the window. Already, she had put in three hours of

overtime, since the evening shift was so slow getting in. Traffic crawled, when

it moved at all. A bus, full of standees, took five minutes to go one block.

"Robin, how are you going to get home?"

"Oh, Dr. Kreuzer. I can't possibly get home. It takes an hour when the weather

is clear. I guess I'll just sleep in a chair somewhere."

"Then you'd be in no shape to work tomorrow. Why don't you come home with me? I

only live two and a half blocks from here. Don't shake your head, no. Get your

coat and come with me."

On a side street, Dr. Kreuzer's place was a renovated century-old brick

building. The ground floor display windows were covered on the inside with heavy

drapes and on the outside with iron bars. The door had a brass plate: Katherine

Kreuzer, M.D., gynecology and obstetrics. As they entered, a big dog, a

Weimaraner with short gray hair and eyes like opals, bounded up and started

nuzzling Dr. Kreuzer. "This is Clem, my companion and guard dog." Downstairs,

there were waiting rooms and offices and examination rooms. Upstairs was a

spacious loft-style apartment.

"It's beautiful, Dr. Kreuzer. It's really nice."

"Now, Robin, you look cold and wet. Here's a robe you can wear. There's the

bathroom, with fresh towels and anything else you will need. Help yourself to a

new toothbrush. I need to take Clem outside to do his business, so you just take

a nice long hot bath. You can wash out your things and hang them on the rack

over the hot air vent. That way, you will have clean underwear for tomorrow. Go

on, and take your time."

The bathroom was larger than Robin's rented room, with a tile floor and central

drain, a wash bowl, toilet, bidet, a large glassed-in shower with multiple

heads, and a big tub with "whirlpool" jets. There were several large mirrors.

Robin took a long, relaxing bath, and watched herself in the mirrors as she

dried herself with thick, luxurious towels. She washed her undies and socks, and

her white nylon uniform slacks, too, since they'd been splashed with gray slush

by a passing car. She wiped her white shoes as best she could and combed out her

long, blonde hair. She looked at the bidet next to the toilet; she had never

seen one in an apartment before. The dressing gown was rather clingy, and short.

Surely it wouldn't have fit Dr. Kreuzer, who stood two inches taller than Robin

and must have weighed half again as much. To see them together, the doctor might

have been Robin's mother, or older sister, for she probably wasn't much over 30.

She, too, had blonde hair and blue eyes. When Robin emerged from the bathroom,

the apartment was transformed. It was lit by candles.

A table was set for two with hot soup, french bread and cheese, and glasses of

red wine. Soft instrumental music played in the background. The doctor was also

in a bathrobe, with Clem's head resting on her lap. She held up her glass and

said, "Come sit with me, Robin, and chow down."

The meal was delicious, though the wine was very powerful. After three glasses,

Robin felt quite at ease and a little tipsy. The doctor cleared the table and

sat, looking at Robin. Robin felt a bit embarrassed. "Doctor, you seem to be

staring at me."

The doctor shifted in her seat. Her robe gaped open a bit,

displaying her cleavage. Robin thought she was very attractive and wondered why

she was still unmarried. "Robin, of course I was staring. You are a very pretty

girl... young woman. You have particularly pretty breasts. A C-cup, right."


"On a girl as slender as you are, they are quite impressive. You must

have men asking you out all the time, right?"

"No. Well, yes, but I seldom say yes."

"You have a steady boy friend."

"Oh, no. No, I don't date much. There was school, and now my job."

"I understand. As a women's physician, I have a professional interest in breasts.

Would you mind showing me yours?"

"Uh, I suppose that would be OK."

The doctor got up and went to Robin, who stood up. The doctor undid the belt of

the robe and pulled the front open and off Robin's shoulders, exposing her

breasts. Robin just stood there, confused. "Oh, yes, simply beautiful. You must

let me take pictures." In seconds, Robin found herself stark naked. "Just stand

over by that white wall, while I get my camera. You needn't worry. I'll

safeguard your privacy. In fact, just to be sure that no one will recognize you,

you can put your hands over your face." Robin placed an open hand each side of

her nose, covering her eyes. "That's right. Raise your elbows a bit, please."

She heard the doctor moving around, taking a couple dozen shots from various

angles. "Yes, very nice. Thank you, Robin. I have one more request. You won't

mind, will you?"

"I guess not. You've been very nice to me. The soup was delicious."

"I just want to make a plaster cast of your breasts. It won't hurt a

bit. OK?"


"I'll just run downstairs for a moment to get some things."

The doctor brought up a box of plaster and such and then a low bench, like a

piano bench, and a padded board. She led Robin into the bathroom and had her

kneel down on the padded board in front of the bench. "There, now just put your

head on the seat of the bench, so your beautiful breasts can hang free. Now, you

can't move while the plaster is setting, so you won't mind if I just make sure."

Robin found her arms strapped to the bench with "Velcro" and her knees similarly

fastened two feet apart to the padded board, so she really couldn't move much.

"Now, we'll have to oil your skin, so the plaster doesn't stick." Reaching

around Robin's slender body, the doctor used her hands to rub baby oil over

Robin's breasts. The nipples hardened, and the doctor seemed to pay particular

attention to them. "There, that didn't hurt, did it?"

"Not at all."

"You rather liked it, didn't you, Robin."


"Now, breathe in shallow breaths, so your ribs don't move." Robin tried.

The doctor took surgical gauze and soaked it in plaster. She wound the gauze

around Robin's upper body, from her arm pits to her floating ribs, enclosing

her breasts in thick plaster. The plaster, as it set, generated considerable

heat, which Robin found rather exciting, as it "cooked" her breasts. The doctor

talked softly to her as the plaster set, and the doctor's finger tips roamed

over the bare skin of Robin's body, over her rump and down the insides of her


She felt the doctor's fingers sliding along her bare bottom, and feeling between

her legs. A finger tip parted her hairy labia and slid forward, parting Robin's

inner labia. It came to rest on the little ridge beyond the juncture of the thin

inner lips. The doctor pressed lightly. Robin wriggled. The doctor moved her

finger tip from side to side, rolling the hidden organ below. "Eewww!" squealed

Robin. "That feels funny."

"You've never done that to yourself?"

"Not like that."

The doctor expertly fingered Robin's hooded clitoris, until Robin writhed and panted.

"Naughty girl! You'll ruin the cast," the doctor scolded, as she spanked Robin's

right buttock, leaving a pink hand print. She repeated with a slap to the other buttock.


"Then keep still." Robin tried, but she was overwhelmed by the doctor's manipulation

of the hidden clitoris, and her spanking and scolding. Suddenly, Robin shuddered with

an orgasm, more intense and exciting than anything she had experienced when she had

surreptitiously fingered her panties.

"Oh, my goodness!" Robin said, after she had recovered from the novel experience.

"I think the plaster has set sufficiently," said the doctor. She unzipped the

Velcro straps that bound Robin and helped her to sit up on the toilet seat,

still a bit shaky from the mighty orgasm. She cut the cast up sides and pulled

the rigid gauze away, noting approvingly that the plaster seemed to have

faithfully represented the beautiful breasts. "Well, we have to wash that oil

off you. Come, get in the shower with me." The doctor soaped Robin's chest and

used her hands to scrub the oil away. Robin squirmed and made incoherent noises

as her breasts were squeezed and stroked. The doctor took one of the special

shower heads on a hose and washed away the soap at close range, the pulsating

water teasing Robin's breasts. Then Robin's pubic region was soaped and the

doctor rinsed Robin's vulva with a powerful pulsating jet of body-temperature

water. Robin squealed and tried to pull away, but the doctor backed her into a

corner and trapped her with the pressure of her body, breast to breast. In

seconds, it seemed, the pulsing water, blasting against Robin's hooded clitoris,

pushed Robin over the edge. "Oh, oh, Oh God!" she cried over and over again,

until she collapsed in the doctor's arms.

The doctor carried a semiconscious, unresisting Robin to the big four poster bed

and put her on her back. Robin was hardly recovering when she realized that the

doctor was between Robin's knees, and she was licking Robin's vulva. Those

delicious tingles radiated from Robin's swollen clitoris, making Robin thrash

and moan. Yet another overwhelming orgasm drained her strength. This time, when

Robin regained her senses, she found she was between the doctor's knees, and the

doctor said, "Now it's your turn to do me." Robin had never "done" a woman, but

under the circumstances she couldn't refuse. The doctor lay back, her legs

spread, and Robin tried to imitate her. Fresh from the shower, the scent of sex

was muted. The doctor's pubes were hairless, and her labia minora, which were

inconspicuous in Robin's vulva, stood out between the labia majora and looked,

to Robin's eye, like slices of luncheon meat. Robin parted the lips and saw

that, unlike her own smooth vulva, there was a tent-like fold of flesh at the

apex of the inner lips and a little nubbin, like a pencil eraser. Gingerly,

Robin touched the thing. "Careful, girl. That's very sensitive. Use your

tongue." Robin did as she was told, until the doctor writhed and ejaculated in

Robin's face. "That was good, girl. Go wash your face and come to bed." They

slept side by side, skin to skin.

After breakfast, Robin showered and got dressed in her now dry uniform. Sober

now, she reflected on what had happened last night, and the special relationship

that she supposed must exist after such unexpected intimacy. She didn't think of

her being in love with Dr. Kreuzer. It never occurred to Robin that she might

prefer women --- she dearly wanted to be near her. "I'll drive you to the

hospital," said the doctor, "as the sidewalks aren't clear of snow yet. I'd like

you to come over here after work and have supper with me. OK?"

"Uh, OK, Doctor. Yes, I'd like that."

That evening, over small steaks, asparagus, and a spinach salad, Dr. Kreuzer put

forth a proposal. "Robin, would you like to live here with me and Clem?"

"I think that would be nice. I don't think I could afford my share of the rent,


"Oh, I'll pay for the rent and provide you with food, when we are here

together. You can pay for your keep in services."


"Well, I'll be in charge, and I expect you will help around the house, washing

dishes, things like that. When you are off work, and I have patients here at

my office, you could help out as my office nurse. Would that be all right?"

"Sure, I guess so."

"After all, you will save a couple of hours a day by not having to take a bus to

work. It's not as if you won't have time."

"Yes, doctor, that makes sense."

"As far as the Internal Revenue Service is concerned, you won't be an employee, but

I expect to be treated respectfully, as your boss, right? You will always

address me as doctor and you'll do what I say."


"If you misbehave or disobey, I reserve the right to punish you. Understood?"

Robin wondered what that might involve, another spanking,perhaps, with another

wonderful orgasm.

"OK, doctor, I'll be good."

"Here, sign this contract." Robin scanned the typed document.

"It says I will grant you access to my body at any time."

"Of course. I can't ask for your consent every time I want to examine you for disease,

or spank you for misbehaving."

"Um, OK." Robin signed two copies. The doctor signed one and gave it to Robin.

"We have time. Why don't I drive you to your room, and you can get your things and

give notice that you are leaving. You don't have a lease, do you?"

"No." By midnight, Robin was all moved in. All that remained was the change of

address cards.

"Before we go to bed, we'll take a shower together," said the doctor. Robin

could not object. They soaped each other and rinsed each other. The doctor took

one of the showers on a hose and unscrewed the head, so a solid stream of water

shot forth. She pushed Robin into a corner and held her there with the pressure

of her body against Robin's. She directed the stream of water at the apex of

Robin's labia, so the water gushed through her vulva like a raging river through

a canyon. Robin struggled and writhed and moaned and screamed as clitoral

orgasms came one after another. When the doctor finally stopped, Robin was too

spent to resist. The doctor laid her on the floor and lathered Robin's pubic

hair. With a razor, she removed Robin's sparse, blonde pubic hair, leaving her

soft labia as hairless as her breasts. The doctor carried her to bed, put her on

her back, and spread her legs. She knelt between Robin's knees and put her lips

against the invisible clitoris, sucking gently. Robin moaned and wriggled and

again returned the favor, licking and sucking the doctor. Robin slept well.

Before breakfast, the doctor taught Robin about breast sucking. Again they ate

in the nude, and before Robin left for work, the doctor gave her her first enema

and inserted a slender rubber device into Robin's anus. "That, girl, is to

remind you, all day, that you belong to me now. Can you do that?"

"Yes, doctor, whatever you want."

All day, Robin was aware of that symbol of her submission to the will of Dr.

Kreuzer. She knew there was no good reason for the anal plug, except as a

reminder of her... humiliation at the hands of the older woman. As she worked,

she was aware of it. When, at lunchtime, she was able to sit, she was even more

aware of it. Once, in the nurses' toilet, she pulled it most of the way out, but

then thought better of it and pushed it back in. She worked it in and out, back

and forth, noting the strange sensation, not unpleasant, as it teased her anus.

At one point, if felt as if she should have a bowel movement, but of course

there was no fecal matter to expel.

After work, the doctor said, "Leave your uniform on, girl. I'll need you as

receptionist tonight. Robin greeted a middle-aged woman, Mrs. Kelly, who arrived

at the office, and Robin recorded that she was on time for her appointment. As

instructed, Robin had the woman disrobe and put on one of those ridiculous

disposable paper gowns. She led her into an examining room and had her lie on a

table, with her feet in the stirrups. Robin had to stand by as Dr. Kreuzer

performed a gynecological examination. "Now, Mrs. Kelly, you have been married

for six months now, after years of being divorced. You say that your second

marriage isn't as satisfactory as your first."

"Yes, doctor."

"You have been taking the Premarin, the hormone replacement therapy I prescribed.

I can see that the health of your genital tissues has improved. You find you are

not as dry down there, right?"

"Well, I suppose so, doctor, but still... I mean our bed time activities, they...


"Your husband can't satisfy you?"

"It's not his fault. He tries. But...well, it's not very exciting."

"When was the last time you had a good orgasm?"

"Oh, ten years ago."

"Well, Mrs. Kelly, I don't see any organic problem that would account for that.

You are not ill. Wait here for a while, while I arrange for my nurse to give you

some treatment." She took Robin aside and gave her some orders.

"No, Doctor, I couldn't," protested Robin.

"You do not say no to my orders, girl. You have earned yourself a spanking for

that, and if you do not do as I say, a more severe punishment."

"Yes, Doctor." Robin went back to the examining room and put straps around Mrs.

Kelly's feet, locking them in the stirrups, and passed a strap around her upper

body and arms, so she could not sit up. Robin put on surgical rubber gloves.

She tore away part of the paper gown that was in the way and wet a sponge with

fluid. She sponged off Mrs. Kelly's vulva, first outside and then, with the outer

lips held apart, she sponged off the pink mucous membranes.

"I don't understand," said Mrs. Kelly.

"Shhh. I'm only following the doctor's orders." Robin inserted one gloved finger

into Mrs. Kelly's vagina, curling her finger toward the pubic arch and feeling

for the G-spot. With the fingers of her other hand, she parted the woman's hairy

outer labia, holding a sheet of thin rubber stretched across the clitoral region.

With both hands busy, Robin had to use her tongue and lips, pressing and sucking

on the rubber membrane, along with two fingers on the G-spot, to stimulate Mrs.

Kelly to an orgasm.

In a few minutes the patient was yelling, "Oh, God, that's it. Oh, that's

wonderful! Oh, don't stop."

The doctor entered the room and said, "Well, Mrs. Kelly, are you feeling


"Oh, yes, much better. Better than I have in ten years."

"Do you think you will require any follow-up treatment, or is your problem cured?"

"Oh, doctor, it's so much better, but I do think I'd better come back again, soon."

Dr. Kreuzer turned to Robin and said, "See if you can make another evening

appointment for Mrs. Kelly, next week, if there's an opening."

"Yes, doctor."

There was another patient that evening, a twelve year old girl, Janet, who was

brought in by her mother, Mrs. Pasquali. Taking the doctor aside, the mother

said, in a loud whisper, "Janet, my daughter, she...she keeps playing with

herself. I catch her in strange places, like behind an arm chair or in the

basement, with her hand between her legs. You know, rubbing the crotch of her


"You want me to treat her for that?"

"Well, it is unnatural. She's only twelve. It's... perverted what she's doing."

"I'll examine her, Mrs. Pasquali, to see if there is anything wrong, a vaginal

infection or something like that that would make her uncomfortable. You know,

an itch that she has to scratch or something like that. Is that what you want?"

"Yes, doctor, whatever it takes to make her stop."

"Well, if you will please wait in the waiting room, I'll examine Janet. My nurse

will give you some paperwork and a medical history questionnaire to fill out."

Janet looked a little frightened as Robin led her into the examination room.

"Janet, I'm Dr. Kreuzer, and this is my nurse Robin. I'm going to have to

examine your body, all right? Ok, then would you please take off all your

clothes?" Robin folded them and put them aside as the girl took off everything

but her socks. She noted that Janet was on the threshold of maturity. Her

nipples extended from puffy areolae, with not much fatty breast tissue behind

them, but that would be only a matter of time. The girlish slit between Janet's

legs had barely a fuzz of pubic hair. The doctor looked in her ears and down her

throat and listened to her chest and did all the other standard things. Then, as

the girl sat on the edge of the examination table, the doctor said, "Janet

please lie back and raise your knees. That's the way. I'm going to look between

your legs, all right? Good. Have you ever had blood come from your slit, what's

called your vulva? No? Well, someday you will see some blood. Don't worry about

it. I'll have Nurse Robin give you a little booklet that explains everything,

OK?" Then, to Robin, she said, "Her hymen is present, quite intact. I don't

think a vaginal examination is needed." To Janet: "Janet, your mother says you

touch yourself down there. Is that right? Yes? Would you show me how you touch

yourself?" Janet hesitated and then reached down between her legs and sort of

pressed on her puffy little labia. "I know you haven't been putting anything

inside there, and that's good. Why do you rub yourself there?" Janet shook her

head but said nothing. "Does it feel good to touch yourself there?"

Janet nodded. "Your mother doesn't like to see you do that. Of course, it does

feel good, but you need to touch yourself when your mother isn't watching. You

know, if you know how, you can do that." Janet grinned. "First, Janet, I want

you to cross your legs and squeeze." Janet did that. "Does that feel good?"

"Sort of. Not as good as when I rub."

"Here, give me your hand. Extend your first finger. Good." Gently, the doctor

parted the girl's legs and guided Janet's finger tip between her girlish labia.

Slowly, she guided the finger toward the clitoris. "Does that feel good?"

"Mmm. Yes."

"You practice a while and see if you can't make it feel better." Robin and the

doctor watched as the girl explored and experimented, smiling when she found

how good it could feel. "Now, Janet, it's OK for you to do that when you are alone,

and your mother won't find out, perhaps in bed. Wash you hands, first, and

afterward. If you are comfortable with it, you can do it with one of your girl

friends, or even do it to each other. But I want you to remember; you must never

do that with a boy or let him do it to you, until you are married. Boys can hurt

you, even if they don't mean it. Never let one see between your legs or touch you

there, OK?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Robin, do you think you could do as you did with Mrs. Kelly"

"Doctor, she's only... of course, Doctor, if you order it."

The doctor left the room, and Robin said, "Janet, I'm going to show you something

only another girl can do, OK? You can use your fingers alone, but this is special.

You tell me if you like it."

Robin didn't bother with the sponge or the rubber sheet; she wasn't afraid of

infection. Very gently, she parted Janet's labia and applied her tongue to the

tiny nubbin of her clit. "Oh, yes, Nurse Robin, that's nice!" Robin continued,

and in five minutes or less, Janet experienced the first orgasm of her young

life. "Oh, thank you. That's wonderful."

Robin stood up straight and said,"Remember, Janet. Wash your hands. Don't get

caught. Don't let boys touch you there. OK?"

"Yes, I'll remember."

"OK, get dressed now."

When Robin let Janet out to her mother in the waiting room, Dr. Kreuzer explained,

"Mrs. Pasquali, your daughter seems to be in excellent health. I've explained to

her that if she wants to stay healthy she shouldn't rub her panties. That's dirty.

She says she understands, and you won't see her doing it any more."

Back upstairs, Robin began to undress and get ready for bed. The doctor watched

her, until Robin was naked. "Robin," she said, "you remember that I promised you


"Yes, Doctor."

"Remove the object from your anus and give yourself a soapy enema, to clean

yourself out." Somewhat reluctantly, Robin prepared a bag of warm, soapy water.

She had no interest in "scat", and she was not anally oriented. For her, an enema

was punishment. The doctor watched her, making her continue until the water she

expelled into the toilet was clear and clean. Doctor Kreuzer took a rubber glove

and put the opening over a shower hose, fastening it with a rubber band. She

lubricated Robin's anus and inserted the hose and glove, as Robin stood with her

hands on her knees. Slowly, hot water flowed into the glove. It unfolded and

stretched and the fingers made their way deeper and deeper into Robin's rectum.

"Getting ass-fucked with a glove is a lot easier on you than having some man inside

you. Consider yourself lucky." The doctor made sure the glove was tied shut,

leakproof, and then she pushed the end past the anal sphincter and replaced the

plug Robin had worn all day. "I know you feel full and want to expel it, but you

will hold it in until morning, when I tell you you can pass it. Understand?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Now, go bend over the bed." Robin pressed her breasts against the sheet and raised

her rump as she stood beside the bed. The doctor used a hairbrush, the smooth back

striking the ass cheeks alternately. The warm mass in Robin's rectum was jarred with

each blow, exciting her perineal nerve, which serves the inner thighs, the vulva and

vagina, and the anal region. The water in her rectum pushed the rectal walls

against her vaginal walls, pressing on the G-spot.

On the sixteenth swat, Robin shook with an orgasm. "That's enough, girl. Get

into bed and lick my clit."

All day at work, Robin was excited just to think of what Dr. Kreuzer might

demand of her, and by supper time Robin was pressing her thighs together in

anticipation. There were no patients that night, so they had time to play. They

ate together in the nude, and the doctor said, "Robin, you have such a pretty

vulva. I want a cast of it."

"Yes, doctor."

The bench and padded board were still in the bathroom, and Robin was quickly

strapped down, with her knees spread and her rump upthrust. Of course she must

be oiled, and she nearly had an orgasm just feeling the doctor's oily hands sliding

over her belly and labia and perineum, all the way up over the anus. Then came

the plaster bandages, almost like rigid thong panties, and a long wait while the

warm plaster set. The doctor massaged Robin's breasts while they waited, teasing

her to the brink of an orgasm but not over the edge.

When the doctor finally cut the plaster panties off and washed away the oily

residue, she did not release Robin. "I have a treat for you, Robin." She spread

a towel over Robin's back. Then she took a small plastic squeeze bottle. The

label read, "Eau d' Estrus", manufactured by Synbiotics, of Malvern, PA., a

veterinarians' supply company. The doctor sprayed a single squirt into Robin's

vulva. She opened the door and Clem bounded into the bathroom. Robin could see

in one of the mirrors that Clem's penis, the size and shape of a carrot and

bright pink, suddenly stood forth, with a golf-ball sized lump at the base.

Clem instantly mounted Robin, his head behind hers, his forelegs grasping her

body over the protective towel.

The doctor guided Clem's red penis, and he thrust it deep into Robin's sodden

pussy. "Ah! I was a virgin!" she cried, as the long red member plunged into her.

"Oh, God!" The doctor kept her hand between Robin's vulva and Clem's body, but

even then the penis plunged so deeply that Robin could feel her cervix, her

womb, being pushed out of place. She shuddered with another orgasm, and then the

doctor removed her hand. The pointed red penis plunged even deeper, and the ball

at it's base ravaged Robin's virginal vagina, stretching it beyond belief. Robin

made incoherent sounds as Clem thrust into her with short rapid strokes,

obliterating her hymen, stretching her vaginal walls. She felt him squirt

seminal fluid into her. Then it felt as if he was expanding inside her like a

balloon; the ball at the base of his penis grew to the size of a tennis ball! It

was as if Robin were giving birth, with a baby's head inside her, too big to get

out. Clem now squirted even more, filling whatever volume was left inside her

with clear seminal fluid. He tried to get off her, but the doctor restrained

him, and he continued to hug her body with his forelegs, unable to withdraw his

penis. When he struggled to withdraw that huge thing in her cunt, it pressed her

G- spot, caressed the hidden roots of her clitoris, provided orgasms, one after

another, for perhaps twenty or thirty minutes, until Clem's penis finally

shrank. When, at last, the doctor separated the two and released Clem's new

bitch, Robin lay on her stomach, softly sobbing. "Raped by a dog!" she wailed.

"There, there, you enjoyed it, didn't you? Now, get up and sit on the bidet."

With the doctor's guidance, Robin positioned herself over the fountain of warm

water which spewed straight up from the bowl of the bidet. It flushed out her

trembling vagina and spilled over to impinge on her still swollen clitoris,

bringing on another devastating orgasm. Robin was truly spent, as weary as if

she had run a mile. She was glad when the doctor picked her up and carried her

to bed.

Robin awoke to see light coming through the sky light. She heard the doctor in

the kitchen and smelled fresh coffee and toast. Naked, Robin wandered out to see

the doctor, similarly naked, setting the table for breakfast. "Good morning,

Robin. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a corpse."

"And did you enjoy your adventure last night?"

"Oh, yes. I'm a bit sore down there, though. Is that what sex is

like? I mean with a man?"

"No, there isn't one man in a hundred could do you like Clem. A man's penis is

small by comparison, and it doesn't stay hard as long."


"But, you don't need a boy friend, if you have Clem."


"Sit. Have some coffee. Sugar and milk?"

After breakfast, the doctor said, "You have a while before you have to go to

work. Clem likes you. I think you should let him pleasure you."

"I don't think I could handle another session like last night."

"No, just lie on your back on the bath mat and spread your knees. Don't move.

I'll be right back." She returned with a can of condensed milk, and she slowly

let the sweet, viscous liquid flow over Robin's labia. The next thing Robin

knew, Clem was licking it up!

"Hey! What's he doing?"

"Shush, Robin. Just hold still and enjoy. Move your knees a bit farther apart."

Clem's cold nose pressed her mons as his tongue parted her outer lips and lapped

up her suddenly copious fluids.

"Oh, oh my!" Robin gasped. She clenched her teeth and hugged herself as

delicious sensations raged in her pelvis. "OH, Oh, OH God!" she cried, as she

shuddered and shook and finally relaxed, limp and sweaty. Clem, however, didn't

stop. Clem still lapped at her vagina, his tongue rasping over her excited

clitoris. Twice more she writhed and moaned as indescribable, unstoppable spasms

raged inside her. She effectively lost consciousness for a moment.

"Now," said the doctor, "we'll shower and plug you and get you to work." The

shower was another occasion for "hydrotherapy", more water-induced orgasms, and

a quickie enema, and a new anal plug. However, just before she dressed, the

doctor inserted into Robin's vagina two white plastic ping pong balls, connected

with clear, monofilament fish line. "These are home-made ben-wa balls, better

than the store- bought ones. Each plastic ball has a lead musket ball inside,

which can roll around freely."

As Robin walked the two and a half blocks to work, the little balls rolled

inside the bigger balls, feeling almost as if a little animal was inside her

vagina. At work, when she walked or climbed stairs, the sensation was very

distracting. When she had some time alone, she found herself rehearsing dance

steps, enjoying the "living" objects inside her.

After six days working, Robin got three days off, a scheme the hospital had

devised to let three teams of nurses provide continuous coverage by two thirds

of them. Dr. Kreuzer, by now, had Robin's complete obedience, submission, to her

direction. Robin resisted not at all when the doctor told her they were taking a

little overnight trip upstate. "I've already packed some things for you, but

I'll dress you for the trip. Just stand there naked and let me work." The doctor

brought up from the basement plaster casts of Robin's breasts and vulva, made by

pouring plaster into the cavities formed in the plaster-soaked bandages by the

convex parts of Robin's anatomy. Dr. Kreuzer had painted the casts with a clear,

translucent latex, which conformed like skin to the plaster replicas of Robin.

The doctor moistened Robin's right breast with a clear solution, mostly

glycerine. Then she lifted the latex cover from the cast of the breast and

carefully applied it to Robin's real breast, guiding the nipple into cavity

formed by the plaster nipple and smoothing the thin edges of latex down over

Robin's breast. She applied some "instant glue" to the edges and stood back to

admire the effect. She repeated the application of latex to the left breast.

"Look at yourself and tell me what you see." Robin stood before a mirror and

shook herself. Her latex breasts jiggled like real ones. "My breasts are a

little bigger, but I look as if I'm naked." Dr. Kreuzer touched up the areolas

and nipples with a bit of color. Then, similarly, she applied the latex copy of

Robin's vulva. In back, a small anal plug anchored the latex second skin between

her buttocks, and in front the latex flared out, covering approximately where

the pubic hair would have been, had Robin not been shaved. Some adhesive on her

mons held the feathered edge of the latex, forming an invisible seam with

Robin's skin. The coloring was perfect, and the slight added thickness of the

latex, perfectly molded to Robin's actual flesh, made her labia look a little

poutier, more full, and her mount of Venus a little sexier. While Robin's

clitoris was hidden under mucous membrane, the replica twat displayed a

realistic, penis-like clitoris peeping out between her succulent latex labia.

Unless one knew what to look for, from a foot away she looked totally nude.

"What do you think, Robin?"



"Like a second skin." She did a little dance in front of the mirror.

"If you need to go to the bathroom, you can pull the plug in back and and pull

it up between your legs. Then , when the paperwork is done, smooth it down over

your labia again and re-insert the plug to hold everything snug. Let me see you

do that now, for practice." It was easy, no difficulty at all, and Robin replaced

the latex lips over her own. The smooth rubber clung to the skin perfectly.

"You look, Robin, as if you are totally naked, but, in fact, you are legally

covered. You could walk through a mall like that, and they couldn't arrest you

for indecent exposure,inciting a riot, maybe. I got the idea from reading about

the Columbian Exposition, more than a century ago, where the police objected to

one of the tableau vivant exhibits with a bare-breasted woman. They painted her

with latex and carried on as before. I really do like the effect."

It was cold out, so Robin wore fleece lined boots and a fake fur coat, and

nothing else. Driving up the interstate, Dr. Kreuzer told her to take off the

coat and let the truckers have a look as she passed them. The doctor listened on

a CB radio, laughing softly as the word went around about the naked babe in the

black Mercedes. After fifty miles, a state trooper waved them over, but, after

being told to touch the latex, he left, shaking his head and warning them not to

cause an accident. Later, they stopped for food at a truck stop, and Robin let

her coat gape open. The doctor laughed and laughed.

Their destination that night was a private party at an otherwise deserted resort

hotel, busy in summer, empty in winter. There must have been two hundred guests,

a lot wearing leather, mistresses and their slaves, transsexuals and

transvestites, dykes and lipstick lesbians, gay male couples, every sort except

straight heterosexual men. The doctor checked the coats and boots, leading Robin

by a ribbon around her throat, with her wrists bound behind her back with a

matching ribbon. Unable to use her hands, Robin was obliged to let others feed

her, and sometimes feel her up, amazed that her juicy cunt was rubber and

glycerine. One guest, wearing a low cut red evening gown, insisted that he

should pierce Robin's latex nipples, but the doctor objected, pointing out that

underneath the thin pink latex nipples were real pink nipples, not sterile.

For entertainment, the various submissives were required to compete with each

other in certain tasks. There was naked mud-wrestling and tugs of war in shallow

pools of Jello. In one contest, female slaves inserted ever larger objects into

their vaginas. A beer can was just the entry qualification. The winner held a

small football inside her while climbing the stairs onto the stage. Robin, of

course, was not able to compete in that contest. She did win a ribbon for

prettiest tits, but was disqualified when the runner up complained that no one

had actually seen Robin's tits. There was a "wooden pony" game, where women, and

one transsexual, were made to straddle a horizontal bar, facing each other, and

fight with pillows. Robin won her first match, when her opponent banged her clit

on the bar and retired in tears. Robin's second opponent tried to twist Robin's

nipples with her free hand. Robin just laughed and retaliated, winning easily.

Robin lost her third match, however, when her opponent pulled her forward on the

bar so that it pressed against her protruding latex clitoris. It was not

painful, as with her first opponent, but the pressure of the artificial clit on

the real one underneath had Robin giggling and panting and forgetting to fight.

The judge, giggling herself, disqualified Robin for excessive public orgasms and

decreed that Robin must therefore compete for the de Sade Cup. That was the

prize awarded to the subbie who could withstand the most whacks with a

perforated paddle wielded by the owner of her competitor. Dr. Kreuzer did a

magnificent job of decorating Robin's opponent's buttocks with countless red

circles, where the flesh was squeezed into the holes of the paddle.

Unfortunately for Robin, the petite brunette was a real pain slut, who just sank

into sub space and dreamily accepted the worst of spankings. Robin wasn't used

to the pain and almost gave up, but then her torturer tried to enhance the pain

by aiming between the legs, paddling those pretty puffy labia. Robin's response

was a series of orgasms which left her wanting more. Dr. Kreuzer finally called

the match, as Robin's backside was bright purple and starting to bleed. The

eventual winner was a BBW who took her whacks with her DD breasts in a tit press

and an electrical shocker in her vagina. The doctor supposed that, with such

strong sexual stimulation, the paddling was hardly noticed.

In their room, in the early hours of the morning, the doctor praised Robin for

her performances and lovingly rubbed her lacerated ass cheeks with topical

anesthetic. When, well after sun up, they prepared to go out for breakfast, the

doctor laid out some ordinary street clothes for Robin. "Please, doctor," she

said, "may I wear the clothes I came up her in?" After a moment of thought, the

doctor said she could wear a T-shirt and shorts over the latex for breakfast,

and take off the shirt for the ride home.

- The End -


Same as Robin and the Doctor Videos

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Robin on Patrol

A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime that would end in eleven. “Looks like it’s time to call it a night.” The dark-haired youth said to himself as he pushed forward a green glove on his hand and checked the time on the watch...

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Robin part 1

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Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Robin meets Martha and Elle

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 8 Thursday Morning

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 15 Sunday

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Robin Girl Wonder part 4 Yin and Yang

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - Part 4 - YIN AND YANG This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. NOTE: Thank you to readers who leave comments! I've tried to incorporate some of your suggestions in this final chapter -- a little less rushed (I hope), a little more description. It's still a quick read; sort of like a comic book. The loose ends are...

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Robin moves Uptown

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 3 Jamies story

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 1 Monday Morning

Robin - Monday morning before school Today was the first day of my second week of school here in Abilene and I still had not met anyone who I felt I could call a friend. Actually, because of my situation I am somewhat shy with most people. I know that not everyone can accept people like me that have two bodies sharing the same brain. Jason has never mentioned it to me, but the way he talks to me about his luck with dates, I sometimes think that I might be partially to blame for that. My...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 14 Saturday Evening

Robin - Varsity initiation After the game, the team Captain and MVP, Melissa Anderson, invited Patrick and Robert to join the varsity team in their post-game shower. Patrick and I told her that we would have to talk about that with our girlfriends before giving her an answer. Melissa then went back inside the locker room. Inside she told Patricia and Roberta that Patrick and Robert wanted to talk to them. Since they had been talking with some of the varsity players they were still dry when...

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Robin Made Marian

I was just sitting on my bed reading when my little sister burst into my room. She had a big smile and her face was glowing like the sun. "I have a great idea!" she announced. For siblings, we got along pretty well, and though I didn't like to puncture her balloon, I was startled enough to exclaim, "Geez Marian, how about a knock first?" That stopped her in her tracks, barely inside my room. She regrouped. "It's not like your door was shut." True, but it's not like it was wide open...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 16 Monday After NiS

Robin - Early Morning I woke up next to Pat thinking about how I could get used to this. Who was I kidding? I am already used to waking up next to them, and I would definitely miss doing that if we were apart. When my alarm went off it occurred to me that today I could get dressed before going to school. Unlike last week, I could actually keep my clothes on all day today. After taking a quick shower with Pat I returned to my rooms to get dressed. I decided to wear a green polo shirt and a...

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Robins Revenge

To a casual observer that afternoon in May, Robin looked liked just another yuppie wife, collecting her husband's dry cleaning at their well-heeled suburban shopping mall. And this was partly true. Her husband Julius was a successful lawyer and indeed, it was her custom to do his dry cleaning every week.However, one day, getting one of his suits ready for cleaning, as she went through the pockets - he had an annoying habit of leaving handkerchiefs inside - she had found a blue thong bunched in...

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Robin GoodGirl

Here is "Robin Goodgirl". Comments welcome. Archivists may use this version in any free adult archive. This is a rough story with bondage and humiliation and forced cross-dressing, etc. Don't read it if you think you would be offended. I wrote this story for the amusement of adults. -- Elaine B. +++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 1998 by Elaine Blankenship. Permission is granted for free archival on adult based websites and usenet newsgroups. Do not allow access for minors or other...

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Robin By r. gold I was twelve when I confessed to my sister that I enjoyed wearing her clothes. I was lying in her bed as she got dressed. It was Saturday and I was still in my pajamas. "Really? How come?" I explained that it made me feel pretty and special. I described how I felt all warm and tingly inside whenever I danced around the apartment with her clothes on. "Do you get an erection and masturbate when you are in my clothes?" I pulled the covers up to my...

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Robin The Xrated Movie Star

Robin The X-rated Movie Star Robin was thirty and she and her twenty-three-year-old sister Jenny decided to check out “The Swallows Sun Island Resort” the most famous nudist camp in all of California. It just happened to be in Robin’s close vicinity just outside of town at 1631 Harbison Canyon Road. Well it was not very hard to find out that this nudist resort had changed drastically and that it had closed down. New people had bought it but the word around town was that it was...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Thursday After Lunch

Roberta - Study Hall Since our study hall is near the lunchroom, we only got stopped a couple of times for reasonable requests while going to our study hall. Today we actually came prepared to study. We had realized on Tuesday that we were taking both Spanish and French. Since Pat had some Spanish-speaking friends, they ended up learning Spanish as a pre-teen. They decided to try to learn French as a third language, while taking Spanish as well for the GPA. My story was pretty much the...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 4 Tuesday After Lunch

Robin - Study Hall Pat and I got to the room used as a study hall without being asked for reasonable requests more than a couple of times. When we entered, I saw Ms. Gold look up at us and write something down. She then returned to a book she had been reading. Because of how she was holding it I could not tell much, but it looked like there was a couple skating on the cover. The classroom is set up with groups of one table and four chairs instead of the usual desks. Pat and I sat down...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 5 Wednesday Morning

Robin - Wednesday morning before school I had gotten used to sleeping in two adjacent and connecting rooms for several years before we had moved here to Abilene. It took me a few moments to remember why both of my bodies were in the same bed last night. When I remembered that Pat was sleeping in my other bed, I was glad that I had woken up before the alarm had gone off. Pat and I would have to share a bathroom in getting ready. While I did not mind sharing a shower with Pat, I wanted to...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 6 Wednesday Afternoon

Robert - Wednesday after lunch We finished our lunches a few minutes before the bell rang indicating that we would need to go to our first afternoon class. I remembered something I had thought about asking Patricia before all the excitement this morning. "Would you want to go out to eat with me after the game Saturday afternoon?" I asked Patricia. "Only if you will go with me to the football game." She replied. Now all I needed to do was think of someplace we could walk to. "Do you...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 3 Tuesday Morning

Robin - Tuesday morning before school I woke up thinking that I dreamed sometime during the night that I had gone to school naked yesterday. I took my morning shower and had gone downstairs to eat breakfast. When I sat down at the table I remembered that I actually went to all my classes yesterday in my birthday suit. It was not a mistake of forgetting to get dressed but The Program of course. Oh well, at the very least I have a new friend that knows how things are being a Twin. My brother...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 7 Wednesday Evening

Robert - Late afternoon After getting out of the van, I walked in my house. My parents were in the living room watching TV nude. I saw a relieved look on their faces as they saw us walk in. "We saw a news flash that your school was evacuated." Dad told us, "They mentioned that when the fire alarm went off most of the students had already gone home with only a few after school programs and the some of the athletic teams still in the building." "Why did you not call?" Mom asked...

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Robin LaRouges Posse

It is a well known fact that Robin LaRouge and his company travel the world liberating the wealth of the rich and freeing chains of bureaucracy that encumber the good and innocent folks. Warding off monsters and slaying dragons, all in a days work for this cloaked company. As to how all this evil is fought has always been a mystery, one left to fire side tales by drunken warriors and tipsy barmaids, secreted in the bedchambers of the elite, and whispered by squires that hope to someday run away...

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Robin Bedeviled by Mystery Woman

****************************************** A Romantic FanFic of the Crime Fighting Duo ****************************************** Author’s Note As I was cleaning out a folder of old story ideas, I found this one. A guy I had worked with, a half-dozen jobs or so ago, was a real Batman fanatic. Long before the movies came out. He belonged to one of the early online fanzine groups. At lunch, we would talk about the stories he wrote. This story we sort of collaborated possibilities together...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Robin helps out a judge and a young man too

The Judge asks a favor of Robin By Robin Young As my salon's reputation grew the first three years our clientele of wealthy women also grew. Houston has some very wealthy areas of the city where the men drive Mercedes Benz automobiles and the women stay beautiful, well dressed and perfectly coiffed. We specialize in pampering our clients with champagne and fine wines while we attended to their beauty needs. My lead stylist Andie has gained a reputation for giving the full treatment. By...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 11 Friday Afternoon

Robert - Home Economics Shortly after our encounter with the cheerleaders, it was time to head off to class again. When Patricia and I walked into home economics, we found out that today we would be making pizzas instead of some sort of desert. Due to time constraints, the pizza crust was provided for us. Basically, all we would have to do is to select the toppings we wanted, put the pizza pie in the oven. Then we had to just make sure that we did not overcook it or make it come out raw. I...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 12 Friday Evening

Robin - Football Game After an early supper, Pat and I were told to clean off the table before we got ready to go to the game. Jason and Amanda went up to their room while we started to clean up. Knowing we did not have much time, we quickly cleared off the table, rinsing off the dishes and loading them up in the dishwasher. When the dishwasher was full, Patricia started it, and then we went upstairs to put on our warpaint. As we passed the door to the room our half-siblings have been...

2 years ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolEpilogue 25 years later

Robin - Memories. Robin was watching the Summer Olympic Games. For the first time, there were exhibition events for 'Neo Homo Sapiens'. Specifically they included three competitions for Mermaids and four for Centaurs. For the Mermaids they had 1600m and 3 km races and synchronized swimming. The competitions for the Centaurs used the same courses and rules of the equestrian competitions - Dressage, which is basically a four legged ballet, jumping, where the Centaur would have to jump...

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