Being Myself with Marian
- 3 years ago
- 36
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I was just sitting on my bed reading when my little sister burst into my room. She had a big smile and her face was glowing like the sun. "I have a great idea!" she announced.
For siblings, we got along pretty well, and though I didn't like to puncture her balloon, I was startled enough to exclaim, "Geez Marian, how about a knock first?"
That stopped her in her tracks, barely inside my room. She regrouped. "It's not like your door was shut."
True, but it's not like it was wide open either.
"And it's not like you're doing anything naughty," she continued, "unless that's a naughty book you're reading."
I rolled my eyes and showed her the cover. A stupid looking cyborg was in the foreground, against the backdrop of a futuristic looking city, enveloped in flames. My sister rolled her eyes. I could hardly blame her.
I plowed through a lot of science fiction. A couple chapters back some robots had been having sex. That idea was so ridiculous that not only had I not gotten hard, but I'd decided I wasn't going to bother buying any of the author's other books. Maybe I was just growing up, or maybe I'd read all the good books; the genre had started seeming kind of lame to me of late.
"So what's your great idea?" I asked sarcastically.
She refused to be deflated. "What we'll go as ... to the Anderson's party."
"Who cares about that stupid thing?" I was sixteen, and had quit trick-or-treating when I was twelve--the idea of getting up in a costume again held zero appeal to me.
"But I want to go to the party," she pleaded, "I don't want to get stuck at home handing out candy to all the brats."
Though she was just a year younger, she'd continued the tradition a lot longer. "You mean like you and your friends last year?" I asked.
She drew up and got a haughty look. "We were being ironic."
Fair enough. They'd gone as Marie Antoinette, the Tsarina Alexandra, and one of Henry the Eighth's ex-wives, I forget which one. All the moms manning the candy bowls had thought they were a gaggle of pretty princesses, when in fact they were a bunch of murdered queens.
Thinking back on that gave me a smile, which she misinterpreted. "See! You think it'll be fun, too! I've got these light green tights that'll probably fit you. I'll go as Batman, and you can be the Boy Wonder. Get it? Since you're really Robin..."
I started seething, an anger flaring up from my core. I slammed my book down and scrambled off my bed. "No way!" What sadism had possessed my parents to give me a name that was also a girl's name? Plus what with being a smart and nerdy boy, I'd been teased with that Boy Wonder crap for most my life. "If I'm Robin," I hissed, "then you have to go as Buttman."
She blanched in astonishment, unconsciously moving her hands to her hips. I was ready to be really cruel. From the way she filled her pants, I could tell my sister had a very pretty ass; I could tell I was right by the way other boys liked to look at it. But of course my sister was self-conscious about her rear, certain that her butt was too big, particularly compared to her less curvaceous friends.
I advanced upon her, "Get out of my room. That's a stupid idea." Her eyes were welling up, but her desire to go to the party was so strong that she tried to slip further into my room in a desperate attempt to stay and persuade me. I'd learned a bad lesson from my father when we were a lot younger that I was never to lay a hand on my sister, so I spread my arms wide to corral her out of my room. Soon I was chest-bumping her towards the door, which was actually pretty weird, feeling her breasts striking against my chest.
That was another thing she was embarrassed about--she had a much fuller bosom than any of her friends. Shoot, I wasn't a virgin, and hers seemed bigger than either of the two girls I'd gotten to fuck. I was right in her face. "Batman can't be shorter than Robin. And besides, Batman doesn't have boobs."
That was enough. My sister started crying and turned and ran off to her own damn room.
Dinner that night was pretty awkward, so I had to spout on and on about stupid school stuff to keep our parents from noticing how quiet Marian was being. I got some help from our little brother Johnny, who was barely five. He started babbling on and on about cars and trucks, his favorite subject. Towards the end of dinner he declared, "The reason firetrucks are so bright red is 'cause that way they're even redder than the fires so all the fires get scared and want to go away!"
"Oh, Little John," Mom started laughing, "you're so funny!"
After dinner, Marian went straight to her room while the rest of us settled in the livingroom to watch some t.v.
At one point, Mom turned to me. "Do you know why your sister is so grumpy tonight?"
"What comes at the end of a sentence?" I shrugged.
Dad guffawed, then immediately composed himself when he saw the stern look she was giving me.
"Just guessing," I said. "You're the one who asked."
Once again, my smart mouth got me sent to my room. That was okay, since the runt was getting restless about the dummy t.v. and whining about getting to watch his stupid trucks videotape. The baby always got his way. I'd seen the damn thing about a million times and had the narration memorized. My favorite thing to do when I was forced to watch it was to recite the exact words with the wrong trucks. Which always made my little brother start screaming and shrieking and crying, so I would've been sent to my room anyway.
In the quiet of my room I began feeling bad about how I'd treated my sister. Not enough that I felt like capitulating and dressing up for some dumb party. She really was a sweet and smart girl; it wasn't her fault she'd developed ahead of her friends. She was also rather funny. Three or four years ago, when I'd first begun understanding about such things, I'd started privately, between the two of us, referring to Johnny as The Mistake. She was the one who'd shortened it to Stake. And then the time Mom overheard us, Marian was the one to bail us out. "Steak, Mom, like sirloin or T-bone, 'cause he's so luscious don't you just wanna eat him up?"
As I sat on my bed, thinking back to dinner, a thought struck me about us kids. Me, Robin. Poor Marian was just a vowel away from being a boy's name. And then Little John? Were our parents really that twisted? What if they wound up having another mistake--would they name him/her Tucker, Tuck for short?
And then I had a brilliant idea. Of course it would mean going to the party after all, but by that point I was so steeped in contrition I wanted to make my sister happy, or at least make her quit being mad at me. Make her quit thinking her big brother was a total ogre.
I left my room and padded silently down the hall. I noticed that Stake's room was dark; not even the nightlight was on. I proceeded at a snail's pace, until I had just the peep enough to see my father was alone in the livingroom watching the late news.
"Hey, Dad?" I quietly spoke.
"What's up, champ?"
"May I leave my room long enough to grab a snack and something to drink from the kitchen?"
He nodded and smiled. "Your punishment is hereby commuted to time already served. But nothing with caffeine, understood?"
"Yes sir," I saluted.
"And Robin?"
"End of a sentence," he chortled, "that was a good one. But you really need to watch your mouth."
"I know, I know," I nodded, "think first, and then speak. It'll save me a lot of grief. I'm trying to work on it."
I came back from the kitchen with a handful of hard pretzels and a glass of juice. "So is Johnny already in the big bed?" I jerked my head in the direction of the other hall leading to the master bedroom.
Dad gave a resigned nod. He'd probably fall asleep on the sofa tonight. I suddenly saw that in a new light. Stake's insistence on climbing into the mommydaddy bed was great insurance against there ever being a Tucker in the house.
Nevertheless, I rolled my eyes in sympathy. "Okay, goodnight Dad--see you in the morning."
Just as I was about to leave the room, he interrupted me. "And Robin? Were you mean to your sister earlier?"
I sheepishly looked at my feet. "Yea."
"Would you please apologize to her tonight, so she won't still be all sullen tomorrow. Keeping the peace, you know. A happy little household."
"That was next on my agenda. Before I have my snack. I was just going to put this stuff in my room and then go say I'm sorry."
"Smart boy!"
I stowed my snacks in my room, stepped back out into the hall, and took a deep breath. Time to go eat some humble pie. I took the few steps and tapped lightly on my sister's door.
"Who is it?" came her muffled response.
"It's me, your horrible brother."
"Go away!" she said much more distinctly.
"Marian, may I please come in? I want to apologize."
She gave no reply.
"Please," I begged.
I heard a big exaggerated sigh, sounding like a gust of wind in a huge storm. "Okay," she eventually said, as though it was a torture and she didn't at all mean it.
I opened the door, entered her room, and closed the door behind me, though I hung back by the door.
She was in bed and dressed for it in a long t-shirt. The covers were kicked down and she was sitting up reading. Her knees were bent but she quickly lowered her legs flat and tugged down the hem of her shirt. My sister had really lovely legs, and I tried not to look at them. "Well?" she stared me in the eyes.
"May I come in in?"
She shrugged, so I walked over to the foot of her bed. I looked down and around, staring at my feet until I finally worked up the nerve to meet her eyes. "Marian, I'm truly sorry about those mean and hateful things I said to you earlier. If I didn't want to go to the Anderson's party, I should have just said so and left it that. What I don't understand is why you think there's anything wrong with your body. You're a really cute girl, and if you're a bit curvier than your friends, it's just because they haven't caught up yet."
"You think I'm cute?" she asked in a tiny voice.
I was sailing in dangerous waters, so I charted my course most carefully. I sat down on the foot of the bed and gave her foot a little squeeze. "I don't want you to think your brother is some creepy pervert or anything, but hell, yea. You're way more than just cute. I know there are guys who think you're a total babe."
"Really?" she looked at me in astonishment.
I had an ace up my sleeve, but I wasn't sure if I should play it. I knew for a fact that she wasn't a virgin, that she'd done it with a couple different guys.
"I know that those pills you take aren't just for cramps anymore."
Marian blushed deeply and she got fire in her eyes. I tried waving that away. "And all that is totally none of my business. I'm just saying that there are obviously guys who find you very attractive."
"Those jerks," she spat out. And then she attacked. "Are you as big a jerk to the girls you have sex with?!!"
I sighed and looked away, shaking my head. After awhile, I felt her foot nudging my thigh. When I looked back, her face had softened completely and she was slowly nodding her head. "I guess girls can be jerks, too, huh?"
I gave a wan smile.
"Anyway," I gave her foot a pat, "do you think those green tights of yours would really fit me?"
Marian looked confused, surprised. Then she got a funny little smile and poked me with her toe again. "What? So you can prance around the house in them?--I thought you said you weren't a pervert!"
I smacked her foot. "Ow!" she cried in exaggeration, pulling her foot away at enough of an angle that I caught a brief glimpse of her panties. I quickly glanced away as though deep in thought, giving her time to move her leg back and tuck the hem of her shirt between her thighs.
"Well," I continued, "I still think your idea was terrible--you're much too pretty a girl to go dressed as some dumb superdude. So I came up with a truly great idea."
"Well, given our names, let's go as Robin Hood and Maid Marian! I have a green t-shirt, and there's that roll of green felt Mom has leftover from Stake's Christmas pageant last year ... I don't know how to sew or anything but there should be enough material that I could use safety pins or something to fake up a tunic..."
Marian scooted and sat up straight, cross-legged, her eyes bright with excitement. "I could sew that for you easy, make you the cute little hat."
The way she was now sitting, I could clearly see her panties, how they were a light turquoise patterned with little magenta flowers. I could even see the little indentation the fabric made in the exact midpoint between her thighs, at the very bottom. Knowing what girls looked like, and even though it was my sister, some part of my brain started thinking about pussy, which of course got me stirring between my legs. But I wasn't really a pervert! It was just that the last time I'd gotten lucky with a girl had been way back in the summer. I quickly started trying to distract myself, looking away and babbling, "And I still have that old bow and arrow set from when I was a kid--I could spray-paint the quiver green ... and ... and..."
Fortunately my sister's hands had come to rest in her lap, pushing her shirt deep between her thighs, returning modesty to the room. "But aren't those arrows tipped with suction cups?"
"Sure, but no one will see that. It'll be sort of ironic, don't you see? Any arrows I might let fly couldn't hurt a fly, unless they hit you in the eye."
After all that excitement, silence descended into the room, broken only by our twin sighs.
But then I remembered something else. "I have no idea what we'll do for your costume."
"Don't you worry, I'll get all that figured out," she smiled sweetly. "Girls are good at things like that."
Her face changed and she gave me a quizzical look. "But I thought you didn't want to go to the party."
I wobbled my head and shrugged. "Why stay holed up in the house all the time? Besides, who wants to sit around and listen to that dumb ding-dong ding-dong all night long? And who knows? Maybe I'll meet a girl who's not a jerk."
Marian pouted her lips. "Uh, uh, buster. You're my date--you have to leave the party with me!"
"Oh, absolutely! But maybe I'll get a phone number for later. And who knows, maybe you'll meet a guy who's not a jerk."
My sister cocked her head and got a wry little smile. "Maybe so."
I stood up. "Well, now that we've got that all settled, I guess it's probably time to go hit the hay. Goodnight, and see you in the morning!"
I thought I'd be turning and leaving her room, but instead my sister was rocking up onto her knees and moving across the mattress towards me. She held her arms out for a hug so I leaned down to accept the embrace, my arms moving around to her back. Once again her breasts were pressed against my chest, but I relaxed and simply enjoyed the sensation. "Thank you so much Robin. I know you're just doing this for me."
"Oh ... no, I'm doing it for both of us."
"No you're not. You're a terrible liar. You're doing it just to please me."
"Well, I'm sure we'll both have lots of fun at the party."
"I'm sure we will."
Marian hugged me even tighter, crushing her breasts against me. I started getting a little turgid. One of my hands gave a little circular rub to her back, a couple quick pats as I kissed the top of her head. She released me from the embrace, beaming as she watched me head to the door. As I closed the door behind me she lifted a forearm and gave me a cute finger wave.
Safely in the hall, I went and brushed my teeth before returning to my room, closing that door behind me. I looked where I'd left my snacks, but I wasn't at all interested. I was suddenly overwhelmed and utterly exhausted. I slung off my clothes and slipped on a pair of sleep boxers and crawled into bed.
See, I wasn't such a terrible brother after all. Except I was. Especially after I turned off my bedside lamp. I was the worst brother in the world, and I was heartily ashamed of it. But I couldn't help myself. My cock was throbbing and wasn't to be denied. I shucked my shorts down past my hips and grabbed my shaft. I was an awful, awful brother, stroking myself as I thought of my sweet little sister. The way her soft breasts had felt mashed against me. That pretty patch of panties between her legs. The heavenly scent of her hair when I'd kissed the top of her head. I barely had time to find my discarded shirt on the floor before I soaked it with spurts of my spunk. They just kept coming and coming and coming until finally I was left gasping in the darkness, my chest thumping so hard I was sure I was going to have a heart attack as punishment for my evil thoughts and deed.
I thought I would never be able to go to sleep, as did my cock--I wound up having to do it again. Finally I was able to drift off, feeling like an utter wretch.
The very next evening we were all in the livingroom watching t.v., except for Marian. Stake wasn't exactly watching--he was sitting on the floor with a big pile of Lego's, building these stupid little things he called trucks. At least he was too preoccupied to be thinking about his dumb video, though the subject matter was dangerously close.
"Where's your sister?" Mom asked.
"I dunno," I shrugged.
As though on cue, she waltzed into the room, dumping the bolt of green felt in an empty chair and laying scissors, needles, pins and spools of threads on top. She advanced towards me with Mom's cloth measuring tape in one hand, a notebook and pen in the other. "Okay buster, stand up so I can take some measurements."
I did as told, and then it was weird having my sister touching me and pressing against me, using the tape and writing down numbers.
It was easy to see that Mom was totally focused on the fact that Marian was using her sewing supplies. That left Dad the most baffled. "What're you doing?" he asked.
"I'm going to sew Robin a costume: we're going to the Anderson's Halloween party."
"I'm going to the party, too! I'm going to be a truck!" Stake announced.
"It's not a party for babies," my sister dared say aloud.
"I'm NOT a baby," he started.
Dad was quick-thinking, "You don't want to go to that dumb party anyway--you'd miss trick-or-treat."
The little troll got that stupid squared face he always got when he was determined. "Sorry, I don't want to go to your dumb party anyway."
Dad addressed Marian directly, "Honey, the Anderson's ... that's a grown-ups only party."
"Well, yea, duh! But their parents said it was okay them to have some of us kids over for our own costume party in the basement."
"In the basement?" Mom looked horrified.
"Mom," I interjected, "it's the kind of basement with wall-to-wall carpet-- the expensive kind. The t.v. down there makes the one we're watching look like a portable. They have genuine leather sofas, plural, down there."
"How do you know all that?" Dad asked genuinely puzzled.
"Um, um, I was down there a couple times in the early summer." Just thinking about the leather sofas got me blushing.
Mom ran through her mental calendar. "Oh, right, so that was it. You were so happy for a couple weeks it was almost sickening, and then you got all mopey for a month."
"Mom!" I exclaimed.
"I don't blame you--she is a pretty girl. Maybe a little stuck-up if you ask me. And speaking of asking, how come we haven't heard anything about this party before?"
I watched my sister freeze. She managed to gather up all her stuff while still looking cornered. "You can call Mrs. Anderson and ask if you don't believe me."
"I believe the proper thing would be for Mrs. Anderson to call me and ask."
"What?" Marian lost it. "I'm supposed to call up Mrs. Anderson and say, 'Could you please hold on, my Mommy wants to talk to you?'" She bolted out of the room, bolt and all, thundering down the hall, into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her so hard the pictures on the wall in the livingroom rattled lightly.
Guess we wouldn't be going to the party after all. That thought left me standing there in the middle of the room smiling like a dummy. Which left everyone else in the room, even Stake, giving me accusing looks.
I held up my hands. "Whoa! First I heard was yesterday when she came into my room babbling about it. That's why she was so mad yesterday--because I'd been mean when I told her no way." I nodded at Dad, "And then I apologized to her and told her I would go. That's all I know about it. Honestly, it's no skin off my nose if we don't get to go to the party."
Mom puffed out her cheeks. "What a typical boy response. Don't you even see how excited your little sister is about going to a party with her big brother--for heaven's sake, she's making you a costume."
I was astonished! And too deep in to reverse. "Hey, I'm the big brother who said yes I'll go to the party. I'm not the one who's going to be saying you can't go to the party because you didn't tell us and then you got all smart-mouthed about it."
Dad gave me a secret thumbs-up. "Point well-taken, son."
I'd set the stage, inadvertently. Guess maybe we might be going to the party after all.
My sister was no dummy. She knew she had only one hand to play. And she'd been standing quietly in the hall long enough to know exactly how to play it. She walked into the room with her hands behind her back, wearing her best contrite costume. "I'm sorry about getting so mouthy. And I know I should have said something about the party sooner, but I just got so excited I forgot to. Here's the invitation."
She pulled the trump card out from behind her back. It was my first view of it, too. I saw enough to see it'd been properly mailed, and had a prominent RSVP number. Mom handed it back with a gracious smile. She telegraphed the decision to Dad.
Even little Stake got in on the activity, standing there swiveling like a retarded toy you wanted to just rip the batteries out. He stood there on his stocky legs, turning at the waist to wag his finger at everyone. I wanted to dress him up in a Santa suit and stick him out on the lawn, with the hope that some drunken guys might drive by and decide to steal him.
"You can go to the party, on one condition," she declared with a stern twist.
We waited. "When you're done making costumes, I want you to put all my sewing stuff back exactly where you found it."
We were going to the party. Marian ran and gave Mom a hug, crossed the room to give Dad a hug, and even stopped to stoop and give the fireplug one, too. She smacked my shoulder, "Well, I better get crackin'!" and ran back to her room.
It only took them a couple minutes to then start making little snide remarks about the Andersons. It was like Stake and his trucks video. I'd heard the conversation a million times, so before I made a smart remark, I decided to go hang out in my room. My parents thought the Andersons were snobs, what with all their money. Which they were, even the kids. I certainly didn't want to hear any more about the leather sofas in the basement.
The Anderson's annual party had gotten to be a big deal. Who got invited and attended was a neighborhood bone of contention. While the lines had something to do with society, there were also the practical aspects. It was a grown-up only party. The Andersons had had their two children, and then stopped. Unlike some families in the neighborhood who just kept popping them out every year or two--no wonder they didn't have any money! Unlike some other families in the neighborhood, their kids didn't, years later, have to suddenly deal with a third Stake.
At long last I did see the silver lining. Thank god they thought the Andersons were snobs. If they'd ever gone to the parties and become friends, one guess who'd get stuck at home dealing with the trick-or-treat crap?!!
I decided to drop across the hall and share my revelation with Marian. Her door was half open and I could see her measuring out fabric on her bed, but I stopped to knock.
She waved me in and I told her what I'd been thinking.
My sister paused and got a pensive look. "I never thought about it like that. Imagine that, saved by the Stake."
There was something else that was itching at me.
"Spit it out," she said.
"Are you sure I'm invited. It looked like just your name on the address."
"Are you trying to pull out?"
"No, no, no, I'm just saying ... I don't want to show up unless I'm actually invited."
"Silly, it says so right on the invitation. In fact, I can't go if you don't." She handed me the invitation. "Kelly sent them out to just us girls."
I'd never seen an invitation with rules. Rule number one was You have to bring your brother. The other one was You two must dress as some sort of pair. The bonus was that there was a fifty dollar prize for Best Couple.
"I... " I hesitated, "I still feel sort of awkward about going."
"Because of the leather sofas?" she laughed. "So you and Kelly hooked up a couple times last summer, big deal. Stuff like that happens all the time. And then she was a jerk and dumped you. Like that's something unique. Your best revenge would be to go to the party and act like it never happened, that it wasn't a big deal to you, that you don't really care anymore. Which you shouldn't, 'cause it was like six months ago, geez!"
"B-b-but," I spluttered, "I don't care. I'm just saying it might be a little awkward."
"It'll only be awkward if you make it awkward," she looked at me sternly. "You're not planning on making it awkward, are you? Because if you are, I'll just go ahead and put all of Mom's sewing stuff back right now."
"Not at all." I hadn't even thought about it. And having listened to my sister's wise words, no way would I entertain such a thing.
"Good! Then let's go have fun, eat all their food, and then win fifty bucks off them rich snobs!"
It was just two evenings later that my sister snuck up on me in my room. I'd already brushed teeth and was thinking if I wanted to grab something to read in bed for a little while. I was just standing there, and suddenly she popped up behind me. "Time for a fitting," she announced.
"A what?"
"A fitting," she turned and went to her room and back, returning with my finished tunic, except it was inside out.
"Is it done?" I asked in amazement.
"Close, but I want to do a final fitting before I sew the finished seams."
I just stood there. "Ahem," she declared, tugging at my hoody, "you need to lose this."
"Can I keep my t-shirt on?"
"Of course! You'll be wearing your green t-shirt underneath this." She tugged the tunic over my head and let me wrestle my way into the armholes. As she tried to pull it fully down, she got a dissatisfied look. "Your jeans are way too lumpy." My jeans were getting a little lumpy. "Drop your drawers, boy, otherwise this'll wind up making you look like you have womanly hips. And that'd be worse than Batman-with-boobs."
I couldn't believe my sister was telling me to take off my pants. I mean, it was for the sake of the fitting and all, but still. I reached up under the skirty part and undid my belt. I pushed my pants down to my knees. I did not want womanly hips, but I sure as hell wasn't stepping out of my pants. "Good enough," she announced and then started running her hands all over my body, smoothing and cinching the felt. She was just doing it for the fitting, but still. She made some marks with a piece of chalk, and closed some gaps with straight pins. She finished facing me. After a couple last adjustments, she jerked her head. "Done," she called brightly. Then her face cracked and she looked down laughing.
"You look so silly with your pants like that!"
She started to try tugging the tunic up and off, but I interrupted, pulling my pants up first. She got the garment, and headed out of my room. In the doorway, she started laughing again. "You looked like you'd just let someone molest you!"
I fast grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, but she was even faster. The pillow just made my door slam shut. I locked the door and got ready for bed. With my pants and underwear off, I looked like I was ready to molest someone. I got into jams and got into bed and turned out the light. It didn't take me a minute to start thinking about how what if after she first laughed at me, she'd then crept a hand up under the tunic and touched me. I touched myself lightly, the way I thought it would feel if it were her small soft hands doing the touching.
I was a terrible terrible brother until I finally managed to fall asleep.
It was the Friday the weekend before the party, after dinner, and we were all hanging out in the livingroom watching the t.v. Actually, the t.v. was mostly being ignored. Dad was in control of the remote, so we were banging between news and sports. I was idly watching. Mom was flipping through a magazine while Stake was busy on the floor with his collection of tiny vehicles, creating a world that was doomed to either cause someone less observant to slip and trip or step and crush.
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Robin By Belinda Robin has been transformed to live her life fully; an unexpected gift from King Tut and Catwoman. It is a few week after Robin return to Gotham from the Ancient Egyptian city she was able to grow and mature... Robin is at Wayne manner. She likes her true role and life. Previously, Robin was glad to be a part of the dynamic duo. Even, the villains both Batman and her battled knew Robin was accommodating too much as a the boy wonder. There was an uneasiness,...
Robin's Continuing Story - Middle School It was the beginning of August and cheerleader practice was about to start. Twelve year old Robin Jacobson and her also twelve year old cousin Beth were let out at the school field by Robin's mom. Beth was wearing a pink t-shirt with a pair of blue shorts, with white sneakers. Robin was wearing a red t-shirt with a blue denim skort. Both of the girls were wearing nail polish, Beth with pink and Robin sporting a bright red. In actuality,...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 4 The Date Continues (finally) by Tawny Suede Just as Ollie and John began to wonder what was keeping their dates, they spotted the delectable pair of sissies returning from the rest room. When they reached the table, both men stood. Their politeness was rewarded by a brief kisses from the pretty lads. Each girlyboy also managed to run her hands across the crotch of her date and give each cock a gentle stroke! Robin and Jamie looked at each other and...
"Have you ever tested your own cum before?" We were at a suburban dinner party and I was sitting next to a lovely woman about my age, mid-50s, wearing a high-necked, glittery dress that was very short indeed, with dangling earrings and a silver necklace. She was blonde with streaks of pink and was very impertinent with her questioning. I was there because my neighbors needed a single man to accompany this forthright guest, and the rest of the guests were couples. "Uh, well, not to...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER - part 3 - SECRETS AND GARDENS (Read parts 1 and 2 before this part, or you won't understand what's going on.) "You've been a very bad girl, Robin," Ivy said. "I don't appreciate you messing up my drug deal after all I've done for you." "That's not all I'm going to mess up if you don't let me go!" Robin snarled. Ivy laughed, "You're just adorable when you're angry, little one!" Robin fumed. "Okay, Ivy. You've caught me again. Now will you please tell me...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 2 - KNIGHTS AND LOVERS This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Note: Read part 1 first or this won't make sense. The feminized Tim Drake stretched out in the sun by the pool at Wayne Manor. She was nude. Alfred appeared and cleared his throat to get her attention. "Would the lady like me to fetch her...
Robin The Nanny It was possibly the most incredible climax of my life. Cum kept shooting up into her forever. I lost track of how many squirts I had shot into her very talented pussy. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. I was totally mesmerized by her. At first all I could focus on were her big beautiful C-cup breasts. They were a full C-cup and they hung from their massive weight. They were capped with nice light brown areolas with hard nipples that begged for me to suck on them....
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. The chairperson was finishing up the announcements and then introducing her and the knot in her stomach tightened even tighter. She silently prayed to God to help her, to speak through her. ‘If I can help at least one person here tonight,’ she prayed. ‘Then it will be worth it, God. Please let me help someone else.’ She realized, with a smile, that the simple little prayer was so vastly different...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 2 Robin prepares, Alfred beware! by Tawny Suede The evening before the date in Part 1... Sitting in her resplendent suite of rooms in the Manor, Robin inhaled a slow drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled the stream of smoke, she admired her lipstick on the filter of the cigarette. It was funny. More than a year ago, when "he" was just "Dick", he was appalled by the idea of smoking. But then the big change had hit him and now he thought the sight of any...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 6 Commissioned! by Tawny Suede "Miss Robin! Surely you can't be serious!" "Introduce us, Alfred! Just like any other guest arriving, we deserve to be introduced to the crowd!" demanded the lovely sissy! Robin and Jamie were dressed in very attractive summer dresses - Robin in blue and Jamie in green which accentuated his green eyes and emphasized his bright red hair! The dresses would have been beautiful on two young women, but were startlingly erotic...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...
A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime that would end in eleven. “Looks like it’s time to call it a night.” The dark-haired youth said to himself as he pushed forward a green glove on his hand and checked the time on the watch...
The following story is essentially true. The first part is recounted from an earlier story, and the rest continues the story of my long affair with my first cousin. The events happened pretty much as described, though some parts occurred when I was very young, and I cant remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. Just a bit of background first… My grandfather molested my mother and her oldest sister when they were in their teens. Her older sister,...
The very moment I saw her, I knew she’d be easy.I was attending a local dinner party when I saw an attractive brunette standing alone in the corner of the room. She looked bored and a little rebellious as well, but I suspected that if she were to smile, she’d be gorgeous. So, before I went to meet her, I shot a few pictures with my iPhone.Then I walked over and said, “Hi! I’m Bill. You look bored.”“Robin. I am bored, but my parents won’t let me leave.”“Oh! Sorry to hear that. Maybe they’d let...
Robin - Friday morning before school I had spent part of the night tossing and turning. I know I spent much of it thinking about what Pat and I had done in the context of what we had overheard last night. Eventually I managed to fall asleep. I woke up with Pat singing a duet in the shower. I didn't hear the alarm going off in Robert's room so they either didn't use one or they turned it off before it woke me up. I needed to pee badly so I knocked on the bathroom door. Pat said come on...
“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...
Robin Four By Robin Y. My name is Robin and I am a male (at least I was born that way) who lives as a woman. In my business I meet a lot of people, most of whom are quite wealthy. Most of the people I come into contact with through my business are women and I would like to tell you of a recent conversation I had with one of these women. I will call her Martha, (although I am changing the names of all the people in the story to protect their privacy)....Well, Martha comes to me one day...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 5 Jimmy gets fired - Jamie takes charge by Tawny Suede Jamie Olsen hated Mondays, because on Monday morning she had to go back to being boring Jimmy Olsen after having spent all of the weekend as Jamie! Sunday evening had been disappointing. As usual she had been out on her street corner on the stroll. Last night she had chosen to look extra trampy, wearing torn stockings, her five inch heels, and her black leather shorty shorts and bra set. But it had...
Robin - Waking up I woke up still snuggling with Pat. As I looked at Patricia and Patrick sleeping facing me, I started thinking about all the changes in my life that have happened this week. One of the first things that occurred to me was that several of the changes that have happened to me were started directly or indirectly because I was placed into The Naked in School Program his week. A week ago last Monday was the first day of school, and because of that, we had an assembly. During...
Robin - Thursday morning before school I woke up with the new sensation of someone laying down next to me. Now that in itself is not unusual, since many of the times that both of my bodies sleep in the same bed I wake up with them pressed against each other. The unusual part was that I had never woken up with Robert's cock against a girl's ass and Roberta's tits against a guy's chest. Still half asleep I raised up Robert's head. Looking at the alarm clock, I saw that it was about half...
Robin - Experiment Results I woke up in two strange rooms this morning and realized something. For the first time in my life, I had not gotten sick in spite of not sleeping with my Twin at least in the same room or in rooms fixed up like mine. Of course, the fact that I woke up next to Pat might have something to do with that. When I woke up, Robert was snuggling against Patricia's back and holding her tit in her parent's bedroom. At the same time, Roberta was feeling Patrick against her...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER - Part 4 - YIN AND YANG This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. NOTE: Thank you to readers who leave comments! I've tried to incorporate some of your suggestions in this final chapter -- a little less rushed (I hope), a little more description. It's still a quick read; sort of like a comic book. The loose ends are...
Robin Moves Uptown By Robin Young My name is Robin and for the last three years I have managed a full service boutique in Houston, Texas. The mother (Susan) of a friend (Rene') is the primary owner of the establishment, but has given me a 25% ownership of the business as part of my three year compensation plan. Susan is well fixed financially. Since I've known her she has sold her stock in the beauty school where I met her (for a nice sum of money), received a Life Insurance payment...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 3 Jamie's story by Tawny Suede The few days before the date in Part 1... The car pulled up at the curb and Jamie got out of the passenger side door. She was a bit wobbly on her three inch heels. The car sped away fast, as if the driver was feeling guilty about what he and Jamie had just done. Jamie opened her purse and tucked away the fifty dollars she had stuck in her bra shortly after getting into the car. She also pulled out a cigarette and lit...
Robin - Monday morning before school Today was the first day of my second week of school here in Abilene and I still had not met anyone who I felt I could call a friend. Actually, because of my situation I am somewhat shy with most people. I know that not everyone can accept people like me that have two bodies sharing the same brain. Jason has never mentioned it to me, but the way he talks to me about his luck with dates, I sometimes think that I might be partially to blame for that. My...
Robin - Varsity initiation After the game, the team Captain and MVP, Melissa Anderson, invited Patrick and Robert to join the varsity team in their post-game shower. Patrick and I told her that we would have to talk about that with our girlfriends before giving her an answer. Melissa then went back inside the locker room. Inside she told Patricia and Roberta that Patrick and Robert wanted to talk to them. Since they had been talking with some of the varsity players they were still dry when...
To a casual observer that afternoon in May, Robin looked liked just another yuppie wife, collecting her husband's dry cleaning at their well-heeled suburban shopping mall. And this was partly true. Her husband Julius was a successful lawyer and indeed, it was her custom to do his dry cleaning every week.However, one day, getting one of his suits ready for cleaning, as she went through the pockets - he had an annoying habit of leaving handkerchiefs inside - she had found a blue thong bunched in...
Here is "Robin Goodgirl". Comments welcome. Archivists may use this version in any free adult archive. This is a rough story with bondage and humiliation and forced cross-dressing, etc. Don't read it if you think you would be offended. I wrote this story for the amusement of adults. -- Elaine B. +++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 1998 by Elaine Blankenship. Permission is granted for free archival on adult based websites and usenet newsgroups. Do not allow access for minors or other...
Robin By r. gold I was twelve when I confessed to my sister that I enjoyed wearing her clothes. I was lying in her bed as she got dressed. It was Saturday and I was still in my pajamas. "Really? How come?" I explained that it made me feel pretty and special. I described how I felt all warm and tingly inside whenever I danced around the apartment with her clothes on. "Do you get an erection and masturbate when you are in my clothes?" I pulled the covers up to my...
Robin - Early Morning I woke up next to Pat thinking about how I could get used to this. Who was I kidding? I am already used to waking up next to them, and I would definitely miss doing that if we were apart. When my alarm went off it occurred to me that today I could get dressed before going to school. Unlike last week, I could actually keep my clothes on all day today. After taking a quick shower with Pat I returned to my rooms to get dressed. I decided to wear a green polo shirt and a...
Robin The X-rated Movie Star Robin was thirty and she and her twenty-three-year-old sister Jenny decided to check out “The Swallows Sun Island Resort” the most famous nudist camp in all of California. It just happened to be in Robin’s close vicinity just outside of town at 1631 Harbison Canyon Road. Well it was not very hard to find out that this nudist resort had changed drastically and that it had closed down. New people had bought it but the word around town was that it was...
Robin - Study Hall Pat and I got to the room used as a study hall without being asked for reasonable requests more than a couple of times. When we entered, I saw Ms. Gold look up at us and write something down. She then returned to a book she had been reading. Because of how she was holding it I could not tell much, but it looked like there was a couple skating on the cover. The classroom is set up with groups of one table and four chairs instead of the usual desks. Pat and I sat down...
Roberta - Study Hall Since our study hall is near the lunchroom, we only got stopped a couple of times for reasonable requests while going to our study hall. Today we actually came prepared to study. We had realized on Tuesday that we were taking both Spanish and French. Since Pat had some Spanish-speaking friends, they ended up learning Spanish as a pre-teen. They decided to try to learn French as a third language, while taking Spanish as well for the GPA. My story was pretty much the...
Robin - Wednesday morning before school I had gotten used to sleeping in two adjacent and connecting rooms for several years before we had moved here to Abilene. It took me a few moments to remember why both of my bodies were in the same bed last night. When I remembered that Pat was sleeping in my other bed, I was glad that I had woken up before the alarm had gone off. Pat and I would have to share a bathroom in getting ready. While I did not mind sharing a shower with Pat, I wanted to...
It is a well known fact that Robin LaRouge and his company travel the world liberating the wealth of the rich and freeing chains of bureaucracy that encumber the good and innocent folks. Warding off monsters and slaying dragons, all in a days work for this cloaked company. As to how all this evil is fought has always been a mystery, one left to fire side tales by drunken warriors and tipsy barmaids, secreted in the bedchambers of the elite, and whispered by squires that hope to someday run away...
Robin - Tuesday morning before school I woke up thinking that I dreamed sometime during the night that I had gone to school naked yesterday. I took my morning shower and had gone downstairs to eat breakfast. When I sat down at the table I remembered that I actually went to all my classes yesterday in my birthday suit. It was not a mistake of forgetting to get dressed but The Program of course. Oh well, at the very least I have a new friend that knows how things are being a Twin. My brother...
Robert - Wednesday after lunch We finished our lunches a few minutes before the bell rang indicating that we would need to go to our first afternoon class. I remembered something I had thought about asking Patricia before all the excitement this morning. "Would you want to go out to eat with me after the game Saturday afternoon?" I asked Patricia. "Only if you will go with me to the football game." She replied. Now all I needed to do was think of someplace we could walk to. "Do you...
Robert - Late afternoon After getting out of the van, I walked in my house. My parents were in the living room watching TV nude. I saw a relieved look on their faces as they saw us walk in. "We saw a news flash that your school was evacuated." Dad told us, "They mentioned that when the fire alarm went off most of the students had already gone home with only a few after school programs and the some of the athletic teams still in the building." "Why did you not call?" Mom asked...
****************************************** A Romantic FanFic of the Crime Fighting Duo ****************************************** Author’s Note As I was cleaning out a folder of old story ideas, I found this one. A guy I had worked with, a half-dozen jobs or so ago, was a real Batman fanatic. Long before the movies came out. He belonged to one of the early online fanzine groups. At lunch, we would talk about the stories he wrote. This story we sort of collaborated possibilities together...
His hand had made his way up my thigh until his fingers were brushing the white cotton of my panties where they covered my sex. I grabbed his forearm and held it with all of my strength to keep him from working his fingers inside of the elastic band where they would meet with my freshly shaven sex. His other hand had worked my left breast out of its bra cup where he was rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I wanted to tell him to stop but his mouth was clamped onto my mouth and...
by bodaciousbob © His hand had made his way up my thigh until his fingers were brushing the white cotton of my panties where they covered my sex. I grabbed his forearm and held it with all of my strength to keep him from working his fingers inside of the elastic band where they would meet with my freshly shaven sex. His other hand had worked my left breast out of its bra cup where he was rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I wanted to tell him to stop but his mouth was...
The Judge asks a favor of Robin By Robin Young As my salon's reputation grew the first three years our clientele of wealthy women also grew. Houston has some very wealthy areas of the city where the men drive Mercedes Benz automobiles and the women stay beautiful, well dressed and perfectly coiffed. We specialize in pampering our clients with champagne and fine wines while we attended to their beauty needs. My lead stylist Andie has gained a reputation for giving the full treatment. By...
Robert - Home Economics Shortly after our encounter with the cheerleaders, it was time to head off to class again. When Patricia and I walked into home economics, we found out that today we would be making pizzas instead of some sort of desert. Due to time constraints, the pizza crust was provided for us. Basically, all we would have to do is to select the toppings we wanted, put the pizza pie in the oven. Then we had to just make sure that we did not overcook it or make it come out raw. I...
Robin - Football Game After an early supper, Pat and I were told to clean off the table before we got ready to go to the game. Jason and Amanda went up to their room while we started to clean up. Knowing we did not have much time, we quickly cleared off the table, rinsing off the dishes and loading them up in the dishwasher. When the dishwasher was full, Patricia started it, and then we went upstairs to put on our warpaint. As we passed the door to the room our half-siblings have been...
Robin - Memories. Robin was watching the Summer Olympic Games. For the first time, there were exhibition events for 'Neo Homo Sapiens'. Specifically they included three competitions for Mermaids and four for Centaurs. For the Mermaids they had 1600m and 3 km races and synchronized swimming. The competitions for the Centaurs used the same courses and rules of the equestrian competitions - Dressage, which is basically a four legged ballet, jumping, where the Centaur would have to jump...
Jeff never figured out why his wife of two years went “postal;” actually it was more like “bank berserk” but that term was coined just to describe her activities, so when it started happening the only name he could come up with was “postal.” From Jeff’s perspective – maybe one a neutral observer might find flawed – he thought he had a decent marriage. What an unlikely woman, he thought, to do what she was doing. Maybe he just didn’t know her as well as he thought. Kate sure seemed sweet when...
Wife LoversRobin - Monday morning going to school As my older brother Jason was driving me to school in his electric hybrid van, I started thinking about how my life has changed in the past few weeks. Last May, my biggest concern was how many parties my friends and I could convince our parents to let us have before classes started up again. We would be sophomores, but that really would not affect how we stood in the pecking order at Caultron Public Academy. True, we would be going to a new building...
Robert - Home Economics I knew that taking this class -- at least as Robert -- would single me out. I had no idea how much when I enrolled in it, or that things would be made worse by being naked this week. At least we do get to wear aprons when we are cooking like we are this week. Mrs. Dewitt asked me if I needed relief and I told her no, not that I would not have had plenty of volunteers since I am one of four guys in this class of twenty students. She then had the rest of the class put...
She could smell the unmistakable odors of Nottingham long before the edge of the city came into her view. It was so much nicer to be camped out in the pristine forest away from such reminders of congested humanity. The wood fires in the numerous huts and shacks that were outside the walls of the city laid a haze of low hanging thickness that irritated the nostrils and made it difficult to even see the sun on high. (* See Note 2-1) Dressed in the garb of a humble squire, Rowena attracted no...
Rowena was much dedicated to the simple premise of robbing the rich to give to the needy and poor of the region. It might be simplistic to equate the accumulation of wealth to happiness but it was easy to see that the lack of coin was tantamount to economic ruin and social suicide. She was under the control of a knight who was a bit long in the tooth and partnered with a cleric of degenerate impulses but her intent was well-intentioned and her motive was pure. Sir Roland was becoming much...
The retinue of the small contingent of Knights Templar numbered slightly less than a score of individuals. They were mostly male but some were of the female persuasion without the guise of femininity that would tempt dedicated warriors of Christ from their appointed tasks. Judging from their demeanor, Rowena suspected the females were displaced former nuns similar to her own situation. They all appeared noticeably literate with quills, ink and scrolls forever in their sphere like the...
The small group of resistance fighters moved into the forest mounted on steeds provided by the good Lady Cordelia in a display of good will to their cause. They managed to cover most of the distance at a sharp trot but had to dismount and lead their horses when the undergrowth grew too dense for mounted progress. The knights took turns in clearing the way with their long swords and eventually they reached the fast-flowing river that marked the boundary of Rowena’s hidden realm. Those in the...