- 4 years ago
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It's tough getting dates when your body is bent and twisted. Ben knew all about it. Ever since the accident three years back, women had given him a wide berth.
He had been a letterman in both high school and college. Football, baseball, wrestling, and even lacrosse one year. Picking up women had never been a problem. He'd always had a steady, and usually three or four others in reserve when his main squeeze was unavailable. He'd left a trail of broken hearts behind him when he moved to Boston to enter law school.
If he hadn't been blind drunk that night, he probably could have avoided the patch of ice. If he hadn't been doing 90 on a two-lane country road, he probably wouldn't have lost control and gone over the embankment when he hit the ice. It was sleeting heavily when his Hummer skidded and went through the guard rail, and the next thing he knew he was hurtling toward a dark shape and...
The surgeons had saved his eyesight and fixed up his mangled arms and legs. But they couldn't do much about a shattered spine. He was lucky he could still walk, even if only with a cane. But his back would aways be twisted and contorted. At 28, with all his life in front of him, Ben hobbled along like an old man, bent over and facing the ground. Bent-over and bent.
Benjie Bubbles his friends had called him in an earlier and happier time. He had been the golden boy, the intelligent jock, the guy who got all the girls, the man most likely to succeed. He had succeeded all right. Succeeded in destroying his life.
No career, no money, no prospects. Obviously he couldn't practice law when even a small flight of stairs could defeat him, and when he got bone-tired after sitting upright in a chair for more than a few minutes at a time. Not to mention that clients looked at him with a mixture of horror and pity. The partners at the law firm had, in effect, pensioned him off with what had at the time seemed like a generous cash settlement. A generous cash settlement that the hospitals and the doctors had greedily carved up among themselves.
The hardest part of it all was the lack of female companionship. He used to love the feel of a soft woman in his arms. It wasn't even so much the sex, though that had been delightful, too. It was the kissing, the talking, the interplay and the touching, even the occasional nuzzle and playful grab-ass. The sense of being part of a twosome, of something greater than himself... And here he lay confined in this nonfunctional wreck of a body, in his prison of isolation, cut off from the rest of the whole damned human race.
There was a new person coming later in the afternoon. The state agency sent nurse's aides and caretakers to check up on him, to change the bed linens, to do food shopping for him, and to help him with all the small tasks he needed to do for basic survival.
The bell chimed and Ben painfully limped to the door. Whoa! That was one hell of a good-looking redhead standing there. It was too much to hope for that this was the agency person, but she was in nurse's uniform, and hey, why not take in an eyeful while he had the chance.
"Hi! I'm Corliss Marlowe from the agency, and you're Benjamin Daniel Pinchbeck, right?" She had a bright, cheery voice and a luminous smile.
"C-come in, please," he managed. Man, was this broad built! Big-breasted, wide-hipped, curves out the wazoo. She had to be 5'10" easily, or maybe even a bit more, and she towered over his pitifully bent-over, twisted frame.
"Now, if you'd just sign and date this form, Ben, we can get right to business. It's a standard consent for treatment. Don't bother reading the fine print; it would only put you to sleep."
Corliss was a rehab specialist, she said. She had been assigned to try out on him an experimental type of physical therapy that sometimes proved helpful in cases of severe spinal nerve damage.
"First, a deep massage to relax and loosen you up. Here, let me help you turn over."
Ah, that felt good. Her strong hands kneaded and rubbed lotion into his neck and upper lower back. Ben was undressed, down to boxer shorts and Corliss leaned over him as he lay facedown on the bed.
"Now, stay as you are, Ben. The second phase of today's treatment involves a prostate massage. But first we'll need to get you clean inside. Squeaky clean. That means a full course of enemas."
Enemas? Ben wasn't sure he wanted any part of this. He groaned and started struggle upright.
"Sorry, Ben, that's not an option any more. I can't let you back out at this point. You did sign a consent, after all. Don't force me to use restraints."
Restraints? What was going on here?
"Please, be gentle, will you? My mother gave me an enema once when I was little, and it hurt."
"I'm very good at this, Ben. Just remember who's the professional here."
She put a firm hand on the small of his back and pressed him back down.
"Here, let's make you comfortable," she said as she slipped a pillow under his chin. He felt his shorts being pulled from the waist down to the knees, then she was rubbing some kind of aromatic cream into his bare buttocks. It did feel good, and he let himself sink into the mattress.
"This type of enema nozzle is specially designed to minimize discomfort, and I'll apply a dab of ointment to your opening to make things go even smoother."
Ben felt her gently probing the valley between his butt cheeks, then there was a cold and wet sensation on his bum hole... and something had slipped inside him. He jerked backwards, involuntarily.
"Relax, Ben. That was just my finger. I was lubricating your sphincter and checking the muscle tone there. Now I'm ready to insert the nozzle."
It didn't hurt at all going in. He was rather shocked when he found himself actually starting to enjoy the experience -- the sense of being cared for and nurtured, of having Corliss's free hand caressing his bare hind cheeks while she seated the business end of the enema hose in his bum hole. Of listening to her hum in a low murmur words he could almost, but not quite understand. Of sensing the warm liquid slowly trickle into him and feeling his guts gurgle and roil in response. It was comforting, and he was starting to get hard underneath. Strange. He couldn't remember getting an erection since before the accident. It was an unexpected affirmation of his manhood. It felt good.
"This is an infusion of mild Castile soap to clean you out. Since you're a beginner at this sort of thing, we're starting with half a quart. Now, see if you can hold it in for ten minutes."
His stomach had begun to cramp before she finished speaking. He gasped, then clamped down with his abdominal muscles.
"Good, Ben. Just a little longer. You're doing fine."
She helped support him as he limped into the bathroom, then stood watch as he noisily expelled fluid and gas and solid matter. Somehow, it didn't seem at all unnatural or intrusive to see her there in the doorway, looking down at him, witnessing his noisy bowel movement, hearing his defecation sounds and smelling the stench of his waste. He was still erect as he sat there naked on the toilet seat but it didn't occur to him to feel embarrassment. It was as if he had regressed back to a young child, and Corliss was the mother...
Ben was lying flat on his stomach on the bed again. Two more enemas, one of saline solution to "rinse out any remaining residue" and one of "electrolytes" had left him completely exhausted and he was starting to drift into sleep. Then he felt her comforting hands massaging his buttocks once more.
"We'll end today's treatment with a prostate massage. You'll find it rather enjoyable, I think."
Her finger found its way into him with almost no resistance and he felt himself being palpated and stroked from inside. It was both soothing and intense in a way that he had never before experienced -- being penetrated, opened up and turned inside out -- and there was an unfamiliar tingling sensation in his gut. It was as if an electric current were coursing through him. Then his body was releasing its aching need in a gentle, explosionless orgasm as the liquid seeped out from his softly throbbing organ underneath.
Corliss was massaging his neck, then she whispered goodbye into his ear and softly kissed him on the cheek. He heard the front door click shut.
"WHAT? There's no such person on your staff? That's impossible! She was here just a couple of hours ago!"
"In fact, Mr. Pinchbeck, it has been determined that you are no longer eligible for services and accordingly, your account has been closed. You would be well advised to apply for an emergency grant from Welfare."
Something very strange was going on here, Ben thought as he hung up the phone. The treatment had helped him, as his back pains were less intense and he could actually unbend a bit further than before when he stood up. But who the bloody hell was Corliss Marlowe, and what was she doing to him?
Four days later the bell rang. Damned if it wasn't that Corliss woman again. Should he let her in? Ben hesitated, torn between suspicion of her motives -- she was an impostor, after all -- and the uncontrollable urge to submit himself to her and her compelling touch. Oh, all right, he'd give her a chance to explain... but before he could unlock the door, Corliss had inserted a key in the lock and was letting herself in. Where in hell had she gotten a hold of a door key?
"What do you think you're -- "
"Ben," she said, "it's so good to see you again! I would have been back sooner, but I was called away on an emergency. No matter. Well, it seems we've got something very special planned for today's treatment. You won't believe how much it will help you. Ready to start?"
She had unbuttoned her coat and beneath it her nurse's uniform seemed even more tight-fitting and revealing than the last time. Ben gaped open-mouthed at the ripe lushness of her form.
Ben was bent over forward, facedown on the bed. Surprisingly, this posture caused him no discomfort at all. Corliss had simply pressed certain spots on his lower spine, and this had instantly unlimbered stiff muscles and tendons enough to enable him to bend. His broken body responded to her magic hands.
When he felt his buttocks being parted it sent chills down his ravaged spine. This was an essential part of the treatment, he now understood.
He felt her finger enter him, then probe deeper. Ah, yes, now she was tickling his prostate, but just when it was starting to arouse him, she withdrew. Now something else was pressing into him, something larger. Something cold and slippery.
"Two fingers," Corliss said. "This session will involve different techniques, but first we need to stretch you. How are you holding up?"
He felt her fingers rotating inside him, then stretching his hole sideways.
"I'll manage," he said.
"Let's try a third finger. Remember to exhale and gently push outward with your sphincter muscles, as if you were evacuating a stool."
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Hello, main hun nidhi sharma par mere chahne waale call me rupa. Mai 34 28 35 hu..Ab main aapke saamne apna naya experience batane jaa rahi hun hamara ab exams ka time tha.maine to poora saal padai nahin ki thi.aur ab mujhe darr lag raha hai ki pass kaise hungi.lakin mujhe khayal aaya ki main apne teacher se kyun na keh kar dekhun.uski duty bhi hai hamari class mein aur unki kaafi chalti haiwoh pehle bhi nakal karwa chuke hain.woh hume tution bhi padha te hain.waise to main jyada unse tution...
Hannah's disagreements with 'Left Ward' in general and Dr. Hamilton-Smythe in particular came to a head on Friday of that same week. She was tending to one of her small charges - a tiny, tiny boy - whose not-so-young parents were both present. On Hannah's urging they kept an almost constant vigil. Hannah had come to like them very much and the feeling was mutual. In fact, they adored her. Unlike most of the rest of the staff, the doctor in particular, this sweet and pretty Australian...
CHAPTER 5: BBQ & BBC“Jean and Abby … what will it be today, ladies?”“Hi, Wendy.” Jean and Abby called out at the same time as they entered ForePlay, the erotic women’s shop. They had been in enough lately, especially since Jacob had provided them with an account there, that they were on first name basis with the shop owner. “We’re undecided. We’ll look around for a bit.”Ten minutes later Wendy found them, again. “Anything I can maybe help with? Do you think you are interested in intimate,...
We had woken up to the sound of rain. Kelly kissed me and said that she would make the tea. She slipped out of bed, into her little green camisole and disappeared into the kitchen. Ten minutes later she reappeared carrying a tray on which there were three cups. She looked like a little French maid, except that she wasn't wearing the frilly knickers; in fact she wasn't wearing any knickers. She gave me a cup and said that she would take Carl's in personally, the notional reason being so...
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Amongst all of the doctors at Chestnut Grove Medical Practice, Dr Erickson was the individual whom most of the patients most hoped to see. As a GP he was excellent, friendly, informative and patient with all of the patients alike, however, he was also six foot two, broad shouldered and toned with a perfectly formed behind and well cut, suggestive trousers. The nurses were fond of him for his kind disposition while discreetly admiring his arse from behind and the other doctors couldn’t help but...
VoyeurEmshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) back in 2001. I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a- goodie. Becoming Wendy-Whore For those of you just joining in on this story, please allow me a moment to recuperate before I catch you up to speed on my tale. After all, so much had happened to me in the short span of just a few days, that I felt certain at times that I...
i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything._______________________________Part 2Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk.“Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature...
Hello readers! I have been waiting to write this for a long time now. The story is real, this happened around a decade back when I was in my 2nd year of graduation. Myself ‘V’, my aunt who was a neighbour let’s call her ‘L’. She was around 39 years. Back then, my neighbour aunty was short, heavy, and around 4.8 ft. This is how it all started, like anyone in their 20s even I enjoyed watching porn and reading stories. These started filling the head with the thought of sex and wanted to experience...
The day had finally arrived, he had planned everything, Anthony was finally going to do what he always wanted. One last look at his backpack, everything was there. He zips it and throws it on one shoulder, grabs the post-it he had already written on his way out for his roommates and landlord, which he sticks on the door of his room after leaving. It reads : " Going on vacation, I won't be here for a week. You can contact me at : -email- " .
BDSMGrabbing his cock in her hand she began to lick it feverishly as if she couldn’t get enough of his hard member. Letting her lips smack against the head of his cock, as she inserted it in her mouth that was hot and wet just like her pussy. She looked up at him as she knelt there on the floor, his pants pulled down to his knees and he had the look of full bliss of the sensation of her mouth on his cock. He ran his fingers through her hair dark hair, keeping it away from her face so he could...
Ainsley woke up on the couch to a knock on the door and blinked as fear chilled her veins for a few moments. She glanced around the apartment rapidly, trying to see what time it was until she remembered her phone. The knock grew louder when she realized it was midnight and Ainsley stood up slowly. She leaned up to peek through the hole in the door, frowning when she saw Connor standing there. Ainsley took a deep breath and smoothed out her yoga pants and hair heavily with one hand. “What are...
Love StoriesI woke with a start as the front door slammed shut. I lay for a minute, listening, and I heard my stepmother moving around the house. She was late again and from her slurred voice, I knew she was drunk again. She had been drinking an awful lot these last few months after my dad had left with a younger woman. Now it was just my stepmom and me, and I guess I wasn’t much company for her. I was in my last year of high school. It looked like I would have to find a job when I finished, instead of...
TabooTiny blonde temptress Rebel Ryder stretches her long legs in revealing pink lingerie. Experienced porn studs Mark Wood, Michael Stefano and John Strong surround the adventurous girl, boners at the ready. Hungry Rebel gives blowjobs, spit dripping from her chin down onto her tight body. She kneels, and John slides his hard dick into her cunt from behind. Mark porks her eager asshole, making her squeal in anal lust. The foursome intensifies: Rebel revels in intense, orgasmic double-pussy...
xmoviesforyouVanakam enathu peyar santhosh naan kalluriyil padithu mudithuvittu irunthen. Ennudaya vayathu 25, naan oru naal enathu kalluriyil function nadathugiraargal endru ennku azhaipu vanthathu piragu unavum tharugiraargal endru sonnargal. Naan kalluriyil padithu mudithu 2 varudangal aagugirathu appozhuthu nan paarpathrku sumarana paiyan than. Aanal ippozhuthu paarpatharku azhagaga irupen pinbu enathu maarbu matrum thudaigal annithum konjam perithaga irunthathu. Intha vayathil ennai annaivarum ooka...
The night all started when i decided I was gonna play with my self. His Strict word was I AM NOT ALOUD UNLESS ITS HAND. I tough i would test him. First he decided to Duck tape me. Witch After i decided to struggle alil bit i was able to get my hands out of it. He decided to cuff my hands behind my back. I behaved at that point. I feel asleep and he got some of his thing done that he need to do. When i woke up, I can say I decided to be a brat and try to use my foot to play. It seemed like he...
The obsession started when I was just a boy. I would be in the bathroom, brushing my teeth or getting ready for the day in some fashion, and Mother would just waltz on in. She’d hike her skirt, or pull down her pants, plop herself down on the toilet, and pee, as if it were perfectly natural to do that in front of her young son. Finished, she would smile, wipe, and wash her hands, often giving me a peck on the cheek as she left. She did this right up till the day she left us for another man,...
African customs Part IIThe Official Makes a DealAfter several minutes with them just out of earshot, apparently gazing out the window, Anne turned and stood looking at me with a strange expression on her face.Before I had chance to consider the implications of this, The Official moved directly behind my wife, snaked an arm over her shoulder, and plunged a hand down the front of her blouse to blatantly fondle her breast. My head exploded, without thinking, I launched myself at him only to be...
This is the first time I have ever posted. It was 5 days ago. I was sitting there at college waiting on my ride and a really good friend sat down with me. We started talking and one thing let to another. We went back to her house and fucked each other hard. We started by me jsut kissing her and touching her all over. I then took off her shirt exposing some of the biggest tits I have ever seen. I took off her pretty pink bra. The she took out my cock and started giving me head. It lasted that...
Here is 19yr old 1 st timer Isabelle Ryan in her debut scene showing her goods to the world with fan favorite Amina Fara. This girl has a knockout body and SPECTACULAR tits, and I mean SPECTACULAR! This girl is not so innocent but oh so slutty and the JJay puts her through the paces as she sucks her first cock and licks her first slit on camera. This scene is hot and you know we brought her back to exploit all her holes on Who doesn’t love getting their cock sucked by...
xmoviesforyouJames leant forward over his desk and picked up the phone, dialling the extension for his secretary, Tori. Asking her to come in he leaned back in his chair, steeling himself for the chat they were about to have. He did not want to fire her, but the order had come from higher up in the organisation, and a refusal could’ve put his own job at risk; what choice did he have? She strode into the office within a minute and not for the first time James was forced to reflect on just how damn fine she...
They all got up bright and early on Wednesday morning and after their cleanups headed out to get some breakfast. Tom had also predicted that the jury wouldn't take long and if this were a capital case, they'd want to strap him in the chair right then and there. He was reminded a couple of times that it wasn't a capital case, and he just got a knowing smile. He'd raise his eyebrows and nod at whomever was giving him the lecture. After the third "lecture" he looked around the table and...
My Sister Tonya When my sister Tonya turned thirteen years old she changed overnight. She instantly went from a little girl to a young woman. She threw out her ‘boy band’ posters, her dolls, and her stuffed animals. Mom basically bought her a new wardrobe. Tonya started wearing makeup, painting her fingernails, and styling her hair. Her taste in music and movies changed. I could not believe the change in her. Tonya started wearing sexy neglig? with matching panties around the house...
Given the choice, I'd rather have large breasts And a high bimboish voice A cute and pert little nose Painted fingers and matching toes My face framed with cascading hair Bending over to show my lack of underwear Oh to be a slut in heat And suck on some tasty meat No more standing up to pee All the guys would lust after me Impossible this may seem But hey, a girl can dream - That Guy
Under a cloudless morning sky decorated only by the occasional hawk wheeling high in the air, the Dwarven army marched, the Sorral Plain stretching away to the north and west, and the Emerin Forest looming darkly in the south, the vast wood home to as many myths and fables as there were trees. Riding alongside Noah near the head of the long column of mounted soldiers, Elaina stared off to her left wistfully, smiling sadly as she recalled the long years she’d spent there, alone most of the...
Amber Chase is a possessive step mom. So, when her boy comes home and tells her that he has a new girlfriend, Claire Black, she is not too happy. In fact, she does not take it seriously at all! She rushes him into the bedroom and rips down his pants, slipping his thick cock into her mouth for a slobbery, MILF blowjob. Later on, she sits next to Claire on the couch and intimidates her with her aggressive sexuality. She tells Claire she must be approved to date her step son, and that requires...