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Prologue Note: The events in this story occur during Book 3 Chapter 23 of Nick Scipio's story Summer Camp. However, the author recommends reading Summer Camp through Book 4 Chapter 13 before reading this story.

Chris Coulter let out a loud sigh as he entered the kitchen.

"Oh?" Beth Hughes asked, turning from the stove.

"The best laid plans for getting laid..." he said, grinning at his own pun. "Kara and Gina and the guys have decided to celebrate New Year's with the Frohmans. So Elizabeth won't get to enjoy Master Paul."

His wife mock-glared at him from her station at the cutting board and sniffed. "If you think my sole interest in partying is Master Paul, then perhaps you need to spend some time with Mistress Elizabeth." She looked past Chris's shoulder as he heard footsteps behind him. "We can always leave you tied up while I play with David."

Chris grinned as David Hughes stopped by his side.

"Better be careful," David teased. "He might like that."

"True," Elizabeth said. "If he misbehaves, I'll have to come up with a more suitable punishment."

"If?" David said, and nudged Chris in the ribs.

Chris threw up his hands. "I'll behave! I'll behave!"

Elizabeth grinned and motioned to the seat next to her, where another knife and cutting board lay. Chris took his cue and started slicing bread while David retrieved the fondue pot from the cabinet and set it up in the middle of the table. They worked in comfortable silence fixing dinner. David set up a makeshift bar on the counter. Beth finished frying the sausage and moved on to the salad.

Chris grinned. He enjoyed the way the two families worked together so well. Not as much as he enjoyed the way they played together, but still...

"So," Beth said, "are we doing anything special tonight?"

"Besides the usual fun?" Chris asked.

"Yes, besides," Beth said. "You guys have a game planned?"

Chris grinned. After last summer's Blindfold Bingo Blowjob game where the blindfolded men had had to guess which woman was blowing them, the women had wanted their own turn receiving. Unfortunately, with Kara's boyfriend and Paul partying elsewhere ... well, it wasn't hard to guess between two men.

"We'll come up with something," David said. "Or we can wing it."

"What about Leah and Erin?" Elizabeth asked. "Do they join us?"

"Well," Beth said, "we usually bend the rules on New Year's."

Chris chuckled. If Leah got to play, she would certainly try to screw David silly. Chris realized he wasn't the only one who thought so—Elizabeth and Beth both grinned at David as well.

David let out an exaggerated sigh. "I know. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it."

Chris grinned. "It's always a tough job keeping up with a Coulter woman."

Elizabeth pointedly ignored him. "As long as she doesn't monopolize you this time," she said to David.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Beth said, and then grinned. "Or something." In response to Elizabeth's raised eyebrows, she added, "She's an attractive young woman. If she has your energy, it'll be fun."

Chris smiled. He truly enjoyed watching his wife and Beth sixty-nine, bringing each other to orgasm after orgasm. Wouldn't it be fun to watch his daughter with Beth?

That thought gave him pause. It had taken him a while to accept that there was nothing wrong with risqué thoughts about his daughters—particularly when they'd started joining the orgies. As long as he didn't act on it. But there were still moments when he felt uneasy and a little guilty about his fantasies.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow and looked at him. "We could have fun with Erin."

"Within limits," Chris said. He looked at Beth. "Is she still saving herself for Sean?"

Beth nodded. "He's all she talks about." She and David exchanged knowing smiles.

"In any case," David said, "it's up to them whether to join us or not."

Chris chuckled to himself. How many families could openly talk about their daughter's plans to lose her virginity? Not that being a virgin prevented Erin from having a lot of naughty fun.

They were almost done preparing dinner when the girls bounded in. Elizabeth put them to work setting the table. Leah paused when Elizabeth handed her only six plates.

"Where are the others?" she asked.

"Kara and Gina and the guys," Elizabeth said, "are going to celebrate with Bennie and Debbie."

"The Frohmans?" Erin looked mildly impressed. "Yeah, I guess they've spent a lot of time together since we got here."

"Paul said they're pretty open-minded." Beth gave David a knowing look. "They really hit it off."

"I doubt they'll be doing any hitting tonight," Chris said with a grin. "Something else, but not hitting."

Elizabeth shook her head. "You're incorrigible."

Chris shrugged. "Hey, if they're passing up our party..."

"Um ... speaking of parties... ?" Leah asked. "Can we be part of yours tonight?"

Elizabeth dramatically glanced at Beth before meeting her daughter's gaze.

"Yes," Elizabeth said, "but this is a special occasion. All right?"

Leah nodded vigorously, and then looked at David. "Um ... can I... ?"

David smiled. "Sure. But only because it's a special occasion."

Leah let out a happy sigh, to the amusement of the others.

"The rules from last summer apply," Beth said, pointedly looking at Erin.

The teenager shrugged her acknowledgement and continued placing silverware on the table.

Chris grinned. Given how loose the rules were—only touching genitals between parents and their own children was out of bounds—Erin had little reason for concern. They'd have to work to break them.

When the fondue began to bubble, David poured the wine into glasses.

"Can I have some?" Erin asked.

David and Beth held a silent conversation and then David nodded. "Some," he said.

Erin nodded and accepted David's glass. He mixed himself a vodka martini as a replacement.

"One for me too," Chris said, as he passed his wine to Leah.

"When I was growing up," Elizabeth said, "we'd have eggnog with a little rum at the holidays. Of course, my father never put much rum in Ellen's or my glasses, but I really enjoyed the taste. Sometimes I miss it."

"I miss cocktail hour," David said. "Remember back in the navy days," he looked at Beth, "how dinner parties always started with cocktail hour?"

Beth looked at him and smiled.

"We used to have Irish Cocoa," Chris said, "once I was old enough. My mom liked it, even though I thought it was a bit sweet."

"We have cocoa," Leah said.

"True. Are you asking?"


"You've got wine," he said.

Leah choked back her next argument and took a quick sip out of her glass. Her eyes darted from adult to adult.

Elizabeth and Beth shared a silent conversation and then Elizabeth turned to the girls. "Maybe after dinner," she said. She looked at David. "I think I'd like one then."

David nodded. "Sure."

"Well," Beth said, "are we ready to eat?"

With some general murmurs of assent, they dug in.

Dinner conversation was light—mostly about the day's skiing and other adventures, but with a few stories thrown in from their pasts. Even after all these years, Chris marveled to learn new things about his friends. David talked about some of the parties they'd had back when he was in the Navy, cocktail hour and all. Beth told them about a misadventure she and her sister Ginny had gotten into growing up, involving a bottle of rum and what they thought was a hiding place their mother didn't know about. Chris smiled in recognition and let his eyes rest on his wife. Elizabeth had been a hellion herself when they'd met and all the years had done since was channel her energy into more socially acceptable outlets.

That is, he mused, if nudism and swinging can be considered "socially acceptable!"

Beth pulled her fondue fork out of the pot, sans bread. She held it up and looked at it.

"You know," David said, "you're supposed to kiss your partner if you lose your bread in the pot."

Beth smiled and leaned forward, pressing her lips against her husband's.

"What do you get if you fish it out?" Chris asked as he speared Beth's errant food.

"Who knows?" David said.

"Too bad." Chris popped the cheese-saturated morsel in his mouth.

"So make one up," Erin said. "Maybe you should get a kiss, too. From Mom."

Beth turned to Chris. "When did my little girl become so bold?"

"When she started dating Sean," Leah muttered.

"Who cares?" Chris replied. He smiled at Beth and tilted his head, fluttering his eyelashes.

She laughed lightly and pressed her lips against his.

When they pulled apart, Chris smiled at his wife. "Good thing I like brunettes as well as blondes."

"Mmm hmm," she said, sweeping her dark locks back. "You'd better. If you know what's good for you..."

"Blondes, brunettes, redheads ... I like 'em all." He grinned at David, who just smiled and shook his head.

Elizabeth let out an exaggerated sigh. "Boys. What do we do with them?"

Chris leered at her. "Do you really need to ask that question?"

Elizabeth just stabbed some bread and thrust it into the cheese.

Chris grinned. He'd long ago learned when to be the carefree jokester his wife loved, and when to put the motley away and be the rock on which she leaned. He reached across the table, his palm open. Elizabeth met his eyes, hers acknowledging and warm. She put her hand in his and he gave hers a squeeze. They smiled together again, connecting, before he gently released her and they turned back to their food.

The silence bubble popped as they did, with the babble about the day. Chris looked from David to Beth, both of whom smiled at him. They understand. Which was one of the reasons he loved being with them.

The girls, though, had missed the interplay and were discussing Sean. Erin was arguing that he wasn't the reason for her increased confidence, but rather the reverse. Leah countered that Sean had to be a big part of it because not much else had changed. Erin looked to her mom for help, but Beth just smiled and shook her head. Erin frowned and stabbed a new piece of bread onto her fork.

"At least you're teaching him how to go down," Leah said.

"He's getting better," Erin said as she swirled her fork through the cheese. "But you know that."

Leah pinkened as the adults chuckled.

Erin pulled her fork up and discovered it bare. She blinked and looked at Chris. "May I?" she asked.

"Sure," he said and leaned forward.

When their mouths met, Erin pressed her tongue against his lips. He parted them and let her into his mouth for just a moment before pulling back.

"I think I like this tradition," he said, and smiled at the younger blonde. Then he smiled at his wife.

Elizabeth grinned back, the warmth still in her eyes. "I hope you do." She turned to David and kissed him.

"You're supposed to lose the bread first," Chris teased.

"Rules, rules." She tossed a bread cube into the cheese. "There."

Chris laughed. "That's not 'before.'"

Elizabeth shrugged. "So I bent the rules." She tossed another in and then puckered her lips at her husband.

Chris leaned in and claimed his kiss.

Leah gingerly slid new bread onto the tip of her fork. When she tilted it, the bread fell off. She retrieved it and tried again. Again, it fell off.

"You want to lose it, don't you?" Chris teased.

Leah blushed. Her eyes darted to David and then down to her fork.

"We could make it a game," Erin suggested.

"Not as good as the other game," Elizabeth said quietly, but not quietly enough.

Leah swung around and looked at her. "What game?" she asked. She read her mother's expression. "Like Bingo?"

Elizabeth and Beth exchanged a look.

"Something like it," Beth said. "Except for the ladies instead of the men."

"BBC," Chris said. "Not the news agency. Blindfold Bingo Cunnilingus."

Leah raised an eyebrow. "And we could play?"

Beth nodded. "Well, you could, but we don't have enough men without Paul and Victor."

Erin shrugged. "Leah's actually better than the guys."

David cleared his throat. "It might be a bit more than that, and ... well ... she doesn't have all the equipment."

Leah's eyes widened. "You mean ... actual sex? You, Paul, and Victor?" She took her mother's small nod as confirmation.

"Can we get them to come back?" Leah pleaded. "Or do it tomorrow?"

"Stop right there, young lady," Elizabeth said firmly. "This is a special occasion. Don't push for more."

Leah shrank in her chair and poked at her food.

"We can still fool around," David said. He smiled at Leah.

She brightened and stabbed her fork deep into her bread. Her smile remained even when her bread didn't fall off into the pot and ended up on her plate instead.

"Remember the fun we had at the disco club?" Chris said.

David picked up the conversational ball. "Who knew you could dance?"

"That was totally embarrassing," Leah said.

Chris shrugged. "Hey, I had fun."

Going into the club after dinner the night before had been a spur of the moment thing. Chris had enjoyed strutting his stuff, even if the teenagers hadn't wanted to be seen with him.

Erin's eyes sparkled. "What about those guys who thought we were college girls?"

"Are you kidding?" Leah blurted. "They were totally lying through their teeth. They just wanted to score."

"So?" Erin shot back. "You didn't seem to mind. Besides..."

Elizabeth smiled at Chris appreciatively. Distraction achieved.

The conversation continued through dinner and then in the hot tub. David and Chris brought Irish Cocoa to the ladies before shedding their own clothes and joining them. They joked and laughed, with the teasing turning slowly into flirtation as they drained their drinks.

"Refresh our cocoa, Master Chris?" Elizabeth called, waving her empty glass.

"If I'm the master," he shot back, "shouldn't you be the one getting the drinks?"

"Ah," Elizabeth said with a grin, "but we've got something you want." She raised her chest out of the water and teased a nipple. "Something you definitely want to play with."

Chris chuckled and shook his head, but hoisted himself out of the tub. After drying off, he turned and made a moue. "Your wish is my command, Mistress."

Peals of laughter followed him as he entered the condo.

When he returned with Elizabeth's drink, the other women held up empty glasses as well. He just made exaggerated bows and scrapes, before accepting them and returning to the makeshift bar in the kitchen. This time David joined him and helped carry the multiple glasses back.

After they'd distributed all the drinks and climbed back into the tub, Chris slid through the water until he was in front of Elizabeth. She looked a question at him.

"Time to pay up, Mistress." he said, putting on his best expectant eyes.

The women cracked up, but that didn't stop Chris from motioning for her to rise out of the water. With a shake of her head, Elizabeth eased her breasts above the surface. Chris let out a long exaggerated sigh and buried his face in her cleavage. She laughed, pulled his head in tight, and squeezed her breasts around his face.

When he pulled back, Leah and Erin were both half out of the water, with Leah looking hungrily at David. He rolled his eyes but then went toward the teenager.

Chris winked at Elizabeth and moved in front of Erin. He motioned for the blonde to sit on the edge of the tub. When she parted her legs, he trailed kisses up one thigh to her pussy. She murmured in pleasure when he ran his tongue through her folds. With a little effort on his part, her taste soon changed from the chlorine of the water to the tang of her own juices.

He felt a hand on his back and looked up. Elizabeth had moved beside him and was now kissing Erin, using one hand to caress the girl's back while the other steadied herself on Chris. Erin played with the darker woman's breasts in return. He returned to licking and kissing the pussy before him.

Elizabeth tapped him on the shoulder. "I'm getting a bit chilly. Do you want to go inside?"

He nodded and the three of them disentangled and climbed out of the tub. As they headed in, Chris looked back. Beth sat on the edge of the tub with Leah's head buried between her thighs. Meanwhile, David stood behind her, slowly screwing her. Leah whimpered in pleasure.

Chris chuckled. Like mother, like daughter. She gets her sex drive honestly.

Elizabeth motioned for Erin to sit in the middle of the couch with Chris on the other side. His wife turned the blonde girl's head and gently leaned in for a kiss. When they broke it off, Elizabeth put her hand on Erin's cheek and turned her face to Chris. He smiled and kissed her in turn.

Then Elizabeth and Chris started running their hands over Erin. Still alternating kisses, they slid their fingers across her belly, her breasts, her inner thighs. Erin jumped when Chris lightly caressed her clit, but then moaned when Elizabeth slid a finger into her pussy.

They continued caressing and teasing Erin until, with a wordless cry, she arched her back and shuddered. She collapsed back, pushed away their hands, and panted for breath. Elizabeth and Chris exchanged a smug smile.

"Wow, that was nice," Erin said once she'd regained her composure. "What's next?"

"I want to watch you two together," Chris said.

Erin nodded and slid onto the floor. Elizabeth straddled the blonde's head and slowly lowered her pussy to Erin's mouth. Then she eased herself forward and lowered her own head between the girl's thighs.

Chris quickly stole into the kitchen to get a new drink. He sipped his screwdriver slowly as he watched the two women pleasure each other. When their quiet cries of delight became too much, he set his drink down and knelt behind his wife. Erin helped guide his erection into Elizabeth's hot depths.

He fucked his wife slow and steady, occasionally pulling out so Erin could suck his cock before sliding it back in. Erin concentrated on Elizabeth's clit, until the older woman shuddered and cried out. When she disengaged and rolled to the side, Erin wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. Chris stroked the base of his shaft until he exploded down her throat. He sat back and caught his breath as the other three came in from the tub.

"Looks like they exhausted you," David teased, though he wore a similar tired smile.

Chris nodded and pulled himself up into a chair. He waited until his wife had stood.

"Oh, Mistress Elizabeth," he said, "would you be so kind as to refresh my drink?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "And why should I do that?"

"Well," he said, "we do have something you want," he gestured at David's flaccid penis and then his own. "Something I know you want to play with."

David chuckled. "It's almost like you... need it."

"Oh, we don't need you," Elizabeth said, arching her eyebrow.

Chris and David exchange innocent looks.

"Ladies?" she called, and then walked to the center of the room. "Care to show these, ahem, gentlemen, how much we do not need them?"

With some chuckles and smiles, the other women joined her.

"Leah, would you care to be the first?" Elizabeth asked, and gestured toward the floor.

Leah almost bounced in excitement before dropping to the floor and stretching out on the carpet. Elizabeth sank to her knees on Leah's right and motioned for Beth to join her. Erin knelt between Leah's spread knees. She leaned forward and began to lick the darker girl, sweeping her hair out of the way so everyone could see.

Elizabeth reached out and caressed her daughter's right breast while Beth played with her left. Elizabeth and Leah exchanged a long smile and Elizabeth stroked her hair. When Leah closed her eyes, Elizabeth and Beth shared a knowing look.

Then Beth lowered her head and kissed Leah lightly on the lips. The younger girl didn't open her eyes as she returned the kiss, first lightly and then with heat. She also moaned and arched her back as Erin sucked hard on her clit. Beth trailed kisses down Leah's neck to her breast and began lightly sucking her nipple.

Elizabeth rocked back on her haunches and shot the men a smug look. When Chris silently chuckled, she arched her eyebrows and then looked at the other ladies pleasuring her daughter. She met Chris's eyes and slowly licked her lips. With a Cheshire grin, she lowered her head and took Leah's other breast into her mouth.

Under the combined assault of three tongues, it didn't take Leah long to explode. With a cry, she arched her back and shuddered. The other women backed off and looked at the men.

Chris slow clapped and, after a moment, David joined him.

"Oh," Elizabeth said, "we're not done. Erin?"

Leah rolled to the side and the blonde girl took her place. Elizabeth crouched between her legs. She swished her hair to the slide and, with a flourish, lowered her tongue to Erin's wet and glistening pussy.

Leah wasted no time in latching her lips around Erin's hard right nipple. After an amused look at the other two women, Beth bent over and captured Erin's left nipple in her mouth.

Chris couldn't help quietly chuckling. His cock was responding to the scene in front of him, slowly stiffening as he watched. It was just too hot, particularly when Leah and Beth scattered kisses up and down Erin's torso and neck in addition to her breasts.

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So ive caught you. I spun around and there was my wife. I was wearing black lace panties a Black Bra and a Red silk dress. I knew you was doing this, thats why my best knickers are getting stretched. Get changed and I will wait in the car for you. We went shopping and I tried to talk but was shushed and ignored. Wait in the car!! The shop took her longer than normal and I was desperate to explain it was just fun. We arrived home in silence and she went in the bedroom. A while later I was called...

4 years ago
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Katsumis mission

The plan had succeeded. Ayaka and Hikari had set the fire in the north garden, and Kei had made a fake attempt at the lord's life. Naturally, they would be quickly sending guards to make sure that his daughters were safe, but they had opened up a brief window where princess Takara was almost unprotected. Just two guards were with her now, and Katsumi could take care of them without trouble. Katsumi didn't know the reason for this mission. She didn't need to, and it wasn't her place to know....

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 592 Beti Ne Jaana Apni Maa Ka Chupa Roop

Narrated by Author Sarika ghutno pe chalti hui Rahul ke chehre ke paas gayi aur boli: Kya khana hai tumhe pahle? Rahul: Matlab? Sarika: Kya khaoge meri? Aage ya peeche? Rahul muskurata hua bola: Dono kyu nahi mom? Neeche Kavita inki baate sun uthi aur wapas Rahul ke lund ko apne muh mein lekar choosne lagi. Ab Bharti ko saaf dikh rahi thi ki uski maa kaise Rahul ke lund ko choos rahi thi. Tabhi aage dekhi to Sarika Rahul ke muh par chahad kar baith gayi aur apni choot aur gand uske muh par...

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First of Many

We were originally supposed to have a band practice that Saturday, but I was told Dan and Rochelle, our drummer and other guitarist weren’t going to be able to come. Sophie told me to come over anyway to practice some acoustic stuff together. We had been up in her room for about 20 minutes or so, working on some songs that we would be playing at some coffee shop in two weeks. We generally played our acoustic performances just as us two, so it sort of worked out. She was a talented person,...

3 years ago
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Made My Neighbor Horny 8211 Part 4

Hi guys, I am back again with a new part of the story, ‘Made My Neighbor Horny.’ I received many positive responses from you people, and thank you so much for this gesture. I will share the next part of we enjoyed. Some assholes were trying to get the pics and videos of my heroine with fake names. Let me just tell you all, fuck you, I am not going to share anything related to her. Let me introduce myself. I am Akhil Bisla, age is 26, and my dick size is 6″inch, which can satisfy any female....

4 years ago
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Sell That House

I am realtor, I sell houses for living. I am very good at it. I am 52 years old, I work out, divorced, have nice c-cup tities, blonde hair and I am not fat. I get hit on alot so I know I am attractive. I have an assistant named Judy who is an attractive married woman, 46, nice boobs, not overweight, blonde hair also. We had a client set up an appointment to view some high end homes. This man was around 70, he brought a partner who was probably the same age and they each brought a son, I would...

2 years ago
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When she could think coherently, which to be honest wasn't that often, shetried to spot the exact moment when her life had derailed, and ended up inhere. Maybe it'd been that time in high school, during biology when her best friendhad whispered that scandalous bit of gossip to her, or maybe it was when shechucked Paul for suggesting it. But as usual she settled on going to university,more precisely taking part in that psychology test. It'd been towards the end of the month, and money was tight,...

3 years ago
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My Wife Is Out Of ControlChapter 12

The next morning, Ann and I discussed what had happened at the party and my concern that this whole thing was getting out of control. "I told you when we started with Alex that there would be no turning back and I meant it," she explained. "I have never felt so alive. So sexually satisfied and I have no intention of going back to the so-called "good old days". Like it or not this is the way I want it to be," she finished. "Ann, we have got to be careful. This could blow sky high...

1 year ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 21

Hayden suggested we sleep in her mother’s bed since Betty wouldn’t be using it tonight. Hayden made this suggestion with this excited “Oh my god! We can fuck in a good bed for once! I can’t wait!!!” look on her face and it was hard to resist thinking the same thing. My guest bed at home was pretty comfortable but Betty’s room and her bed definitely seemed like it would be much more pleasurable for tonight! I felt a little strange at first about using it but Hayden’s bed was broken in the...

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Beech Mountain 5 Debra

Introduction: Debra -the red head I left Donna in the sauna to soak away the exhaustion .. I planned to stay at the resort till the weekend.... I arrived and had a shower, and dressed for a late dinner. With an unaccustomed amount of cash in my wallet, I felt I deserved a steak dinner, which I had. I tipped heavily, and made my way to the bar in the next room. The young lady I had met earlier took my order.."I"m Debra -- Wha'cha having ?" " A double please, Black Jack over ice. I remember you.....

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Rickey Part 1 A New Neighbor

Ricky eased up his driveway and pulled back on the parking brake of his Subaru. He stared curiously down the hill to the house next door with the moving van in the driveway. Finally, someone is moving into Mrs. Martin’s house. His elderly neighbor had died six or seven months ago and her son cleaned it up, painted and put it on the market within a month. Home sales sucked in this small town Ohio, and evidently after five months he now had a buyer. He swung open the door, and eased his pudgy...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 31 Wersquore Only Speculating

July 19, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Got a minute?” Terry asked from the door to my office mid-morning on Wednesday, “Sure. Here? Or your place?” “Pennyfull is OK!” he grinned. “You guys are fucking hilarious,” Penny deadpanned. “Nose to the grindstone, Penelope,” I said. “You aren’t my boss, asshole!” Penny growled. “Must be that time of the month,” I chuckled. “One word out of you, Terry,” Penny threatened, “and you’ll be sleeping with Pete!” Terry and I laughed, then I got up and we...

2 years ago
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Quick Rules

This agency only employs men who prefer to be ladies, so certain standards are required so everyone realizes it is serious and not part time. Some of the rules are to stop easy swapping between gender, others for pleasure. The work can be in any sort of environment, and you should dress according to that place. YOU SHALL FOLLOW THIS CODE OF DRESS. The penis will always be taped out of sight unless it is needed for other than urinating. If required stitches can be used to keep these...

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The NeighborhoodChapter 10

A lot has happened in the seven years since Bret won the lotto. Most of what has happened has been for the good. There had been some bad with Kim's passing being the prominent event. Bret still misses seeing her and being with her. He fondly remembers the time he spent with her and the excitement he saw in her when she discovered there was more to making love than what she had experienced with her husband. In looking back at his life and what has happen, he acknowledges there have been...

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The JobChapter 24 Preparation

Travis wanted to know the local gossip first. So, we filled him in on recent events to a point. He knew we had magical items just as we knew he had one. I didn’t tell him where I had stumbled across mine or where their items had come from. I was getting a bit embarrassed when everyone was saying Tris did this and then he did that. I was starting to wonder if my family did think I was some sort of super-person the way they were describing me. It didn’t seem to fit in with my image of...

2 years ago
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Happenstance Part Three

Happenstance - Part Three By: Light Clark Synopsis: Now that she has put Reggie behind her, Rhea faces the life that was left to her, trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered self and put them together into new, cohesive whole. Chapter 11 "Get up, Rhea." The words weren't from George, badgering me into activity. My roommate wasn't even home at that moment. No, those words were mine and said only to me as I lay on my bed facing my first day as an official woman. Not...

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Night after Wales won the Grand Slam

A couple of years ago, we had seats for the Wales vs France match in the six nation’s championship, and so booked a small cottage that we sometimes use near Cardiff. My lovely wife Mandy, dressed for the forthcoming evening in her new white studded blouse, under her favourite black tux style jacket and jeans. Then got well wrapped for the match up in her warm Puffa jacket. We were on such a high after the match, with Wales securing the Grand Slam, we joined fellow supporters in St Mary Street...

1 year ago
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Private Alexis Crystal Doubles Up with a DP Threesome

Forever young, forever beautiful, Alexis Crystal has been with us for over 10 years now, and she’s still as stunning as the first time we met her! We’re running out of words to describe this beauty, but there’s no need for words today on, because our number one star is back to give you the real deal in Private Gold, Cherry Kiss Home Parties where she takes on the big cocks of Vince Karter and Yanick Shaft in a stunning DP threesome full of deepthroat blowjobs, anal, DP, and two...

3 years ago
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Long Days Journey Into SusanChapter 3

“From now on, it’s gonna be different. We’re gonna find a little heaven on Earth. I don’t care what it is that you did when you lived in Ft. Worth.” -Cornell Hurd Band, “I Don’t Care What It Is That You Did When You Lived In Ft. Worth” Julie texted back. “OMG, Susan, that was fucking hot, and I’m so fucking happy you’ve agreed! (I knew what Troy was going to talk to you about, and I was worried as hell. Luckily, Claire was here to help me relax. :P ) When he texted me you were on board,...

4 years ago
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Magic InkChapter 9

The following characters appear in the next few chapters: Aengus Patrick Sean Michael O’Brien “himself”, half owner of the Pub, 5’-10” tall, 86 years old, stoop shouldered, silver gray hair, watery blue eyes Patrick O’Brien Aengus’s youngest son, 5’-10” tall, thin, 52 years old dark blond hair, blue eyes Michael O’Brien Aengus’s grandson, Patrick’s son, 5’-9” tall, thin, 24 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Monday morning dawned bright and sunny. We were up shortly after 6:00, having...

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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 2

Those last few minutes before we left my room at the B&B were moments of sheer comedy. Barry, the big rugby player with whom I had offered to share my room, had just put an end to my virginity after I had come out of the shower. The other seven of his team mates had arrived at the door ready to go off for their evening meal but at a most inconvenient moment. (See Part1) Barry had claimed he was asleep but was clearly in a state of disorderly undress and he looked suspiciously flushed as he...

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His special secretary Part 3

I went home like a ghost, my wife asked me what was wrong and I just told her that it's hard at work and that I'm stressed and we have a mostly silent dinner. I see that it does not seem much better for her and ask how she goes. It's also hard in her work and the restructuration is not going well, the employees are pressured like hell and she's afraid for her job too.I go to work the next morning and Sir Vatier is already there, he welcomes me and I sit at my desk to start my work when he calls...

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Celebrity Survey

Celebrity Survey A drabble by Jezzi Belle Stewart Jennifer Aniston woke up bald. Goldie Hawn stepped out of the shower and groped for her bra. When she looked, what she had grabbed was little more than a training bra. Carmen Electra found that her slacks, while still tight at the waist, had suddenly become baggy around the hips and butt. Brooke Shields screamed as her upper body fell to the floor, her legs and feet having vanished. Her eyebrows, however, remained securely on...

2 years ago
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Young Hippie Wanted to Experience a Creampie Pt 1

So the title is a little abrupt but the experience is one I will never forget. I've never bothered to write down my experiences until now, but only because my experience this weekend was AMAZING.I went down to my local hot springs this weekend, Saturday to be specific. It is winter here in California but we have had a very pleasant and warm winter. Saturday was wonderful. The sun was shining, temps were in the high 60's to low 70's, perfect weather for a trip to the hot springs.I arrived about...

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Pousse Valoure Pushes Valor bravery to attempt

Cold hard tingling pressed against my right cheek, a delicate mist of white slowly grows into a flossy circle on the window's glass. My whisps of hair stuck to the chill glass,moistening as heat from my head formed a halo against the passenger's window. Beside me is my father,silent but smiling, as usual, his eyes on the road , his thoughts turned inward. I feel a slight ruffle like a bird's wing at my thigh as his large knuckly hand shifts gears.I tuck my skirt under my thigh and recross my...

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Banged My Cousin8217s Wife 8211 Part 2

Hi this his Mini again with part 2. Now, you’re mine. Well, ours, actually, but you don’t know that yet, do you Mini? He said by taking his cock out, then he put Mini into missinory, and placed a couple of pillows under mini’s bums. Too many thoughts tried to force their way to forefront of my mind all at once and none of them made it, where I could do nothing but stand and stare dumbly at the gratuitous sex scene in front of me. Her legs were flung wide apart, bent at the knees, and Soori held...

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Peach and Daisys Day Out

It was a normal summer day in the Mushroom Kingdom, things were quiet on the political front and Princess Peach was spending the day with her cousin Princess Daisy on a private beach. It had been close to a month since they had been able to visit each other so this was a welcome respite for the both of them. On the beach of golden sand and salty sea air Peach took in a deep breath enjoying the sound of the crashing waves, she smiled broadly before a beach towel smacked her in the side of the...

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  You’re beautiful,” he murmured standing behind her as she stood naked at the balcony doors of her hotel room looking out over the mountains. His hands cupped her small breasts, his thumbs playing with her stiffening nipples. She could feel his arousal against her buttocks and turned round smiling as she reached for his erection. ‘You’re not so bad yourself.’ She looked down pulling back his foreskin, partially revealing the purple head of his cock. He pushed forward pressing it against her...

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Along Came A Spider Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Milfty Chanel Preston Stepmoms Special Frosting

Busty Chanel Preston has been waiting for bake day all week long. And its not any old bake day. There is a big bake off tomorrow! But when her stepson is less than enthusiastic about hanging around to lend a helping hand, Chanel finds a way to motivate him. She takes her skin tight shirt off and flashes her beautiful headlights his way, giving him just the jumpstart he needs. He hops right up as she chokes on his thick cock, getting it wet and slippery before shoving it into her hungry MILF...

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Shadows Of Fright The Goblin

Goblins. Short moldy skinned monsters that fed off of rats and roadkill. Night time they would sometimes attack humans and make it seem like human or animal attacks. The smart ones would recreate events made by humans. Such as the missing kidney in a bathtub of ice. The cretins were devious and sadistic. Gaul was one such goblin. An extremely clever goblin who stalked people at night and attacked homeless in alley ways. Gaul was a bit taller then most of the members of his race. Standing at...

4 years ago
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Say CheezeChapter 2

Madelon came back, with big news. She was getting married, to a guy ... get this, a guy not even in the business, not directly. An investor, for what that’s worth. And what he was worth? Hundreds of millions, apparently. I was happy for her, a little cynical, but happy. I hoped, against all odds, that it worked out. She left for the states and his West Coast mansion, and later some movers came and boxed all her shit up and left with it. This is fate, I thought. With some wrangling we got the...

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Dating Kelly Part IIIParents out of Town Part 1

About 2 months after the dance my parents went out of town for the week, taking my younger twin brothers and little sister with them. Since I didn’t have off school like my siblings did, my parents decided to let me stay home alone. After warning me that the neighbors were watching to make sure I didn’t have any parties, they left. I was kind of laid up, because during the state semifinals football game, some defensive end on the other team got in a dirty hit. He got a ‘roughing the passer’,...

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Public Panty Jacking

This kind of relates to the two videos I posted of me cumming in my pink bra and panty set. (there will be more to follow soon)When my birthday came and I enjoyed my new panties, I decided to go a step further - wearing them in my car.. with nothing else! I waited until it got colder so it would be dark longer (I want to cum in public, but not get arrested), and I grabbed my black crotchless thong and loose jeans and jacket and left home. I went driving and got nice and aroused letting porn...

4 years ago
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My Life Part 17 Sowing Seeds

As we were winding down on Monday evening, I told Katie and Reagan what I planned. Katie smiled, "That's a lot. Maybe making you cum three times tonight was too much. I can not wait to hear about it though." I kissed my beautiful wife. "I love you making me cum." as I rubbed her cum filled pussy. She squirmed as we kissed. She then whispered "I love you!" before continuing kissing. Reagan asked "Why don't you ever spend the night with those girls? You know we don't mind as...

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Transformation Of My Wife

Hello friends. My name is Sushant. This is the real story of my life, which changed my shy wife and made her a hot romantic life partner. My wife Neha was very conservative in nature. She always preferred to wear Saree or salwar suit. I insisted several times to wear Top with jeans or some other modern dresses, but she always refused to. It took me two years to convince to wear occasionally top with skirt or jeans. But whenever she used to wear modern clothes I can see that, she is not very...

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I am a 26 year old married woman living in the South. Typical for the Southern U.S. sex was always somewhat of a taboo subject. The small town that I lived in was big on getting married young, going to church, and having babies. I am tall, blonde, and a tan complexion with brown eyes. I had always been in touch with my own sexuality. The subject was one of fascination for me. I spent my free time surfing the internet for all different types of porn to see what was in the world outside of my...

Straight Sex
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Hardintown Glory Hole ndash Lisarsquos Story

I was shocked as she was when I came face to face with Connie the mother of my daughter’s best friend. We were both standing in the hallway behind the video booths that had glory holes.I could see that Connie had seamen on her chin and I could see additional stains on her dress. I knew that she had been enjoying anonymous sex just like me. I suddenly wondered which of us had sex with the most cocks.Jeff laughed as he realized that we knew each other. He opened the door and we both stepped into...

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