Incestia --- [2] free porn video

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i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.



Part 2

Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk.

“Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature will suffice.”
The judge raised the four-page document and flipped to the last page. “Here. On the bottom. And date it too.”

Avan squirmed. “Your Honor, it will take me some time to read all of this, much less understand it.”

“Time!” Nikolai challenged. “I don’t have all day. If you want this family out of the danger it faces in Kassan, you’ll sign it and do it now!”


“Do you want those pretty nieces safe?”


“Then you should be willing to sign it now. You can read it later.”
Desperation led Avan to sign and date the document.

“Is...Is that it? Can we go?” he asked.

“No you can’t go!,” the judge retorted. “We still have some unfinished business.”

“Unfinished business? I mean, I already signed it so doesn’t that mean the family has already been admitted into i****tia?”

“Hell no!”

“But, why not?”

“Because I haven’t signed it.” The judge challenged Avan with a stare.

“So, will you sign it?” Avan asked.

“I might. But you see Volka, there’s a bit of a problem here.”

“Problem? I thought all of the forensic evidence and witnesses were enough for you to see that this is a family of i****t and they are in danger.”

“Maybe they are a family of i****t. But, maybe you all staged it. Maybe they weren’t a family of i****t until their pa got himself in trouble and then you all arranged for him to screw his boy’s mouth. I could make an issue of that but for now, it’s neither here nor there to me.”

“Then, what---”

“Their father. He’s my problem. You see Volka, you’re aski
ng me to let Yuri become a part of i****tia when he’s a criminal.”

“But, there hasn’t been a trial. And besides, even though touching young girls is a crime in Kassan, it isn’t a crime in i****tia.”

“It is if she wasn’t agreeable and as things stand now, there’s not been a verdict. So, you’re asking me to take a helluva leap to sign Yuri into i****tia when what he did there would also be a crime here.”

“But Your Honor, you know what will happen if the family isn’t allowed to immigrate now.”

“So, maybe I should grant immigration to everyone but Yuri.”

Avan panicked. If Yuri wasn’t permitted into i****tia, then his youngest daughter Cambria would never go!

“Your Honor, that wont work. Maybe I could sign something to be responsible for my brother. There has to be some way to get them all in.”

The judge looked at Avan for a few seconds. “Well, there might just be. But, why would I take such a risk? What’s in it for me?”

“Money? You want money? I’m sure I could raise---”

“No Volka.”

“Then, what?”

The judge smiled. “The boy, Volka. I want the boy.”

“You mean to keep?”

“No. To suck my dick!”


The judge stood and came to their side of the desk and stood next to Caci.

“Said yourself you thought he was a cocksucker long before he got with his dad.”

“You’re...You’re saying the only way you will sign the papers and let the family immigrate is---”

“Yeah. I fuck his mouth. Any boy who would lay with his father and swallow his jizz six times is pretty much a whore to begin with. The question is, how bad do you all want immigration.”

Avan was conflicted but after weighing the family’s situation, he turned to the boy and whispered.

Caci’s nature was one of peculiar passivity. He smiled slightly. Avan told him he didn’t have to but the boy slowly slipped to his knees.
“Ahhhh yeah!” Nikolai leered with triumph. He pulled off his robe to reveal street clothes. He unzipped his pants and brought out a full hard-on and said, “Suck it boy! This is how you get your sisters into i****tia boy. You suck my dick!”

Caci stared at the judge’s cock for several seconds, then moved his head forward, opened his mouth, and pushed his snug lips onto the appendage.

The judge groaned and his eyes closed eyes as his head tilted back. “Ahhhh yeah, boy. Nice and slow. Nice and slow.”

Caci knew how to suck. Maybe he’d only done it six times and only with his father, but without others suspecting, he had imagined it thousands of times with all sorts of men and his uncle Avan had also trained his mouth with a dildo. He held his soft mouth in one place and softly nursed on just the head of the judge’s erection.

Nikolai looked down. “Ahh, now that’s a cocksucker,” he swooned, then tapped the back of the boy’s head. Caci moved more onto the cock and with the assistance of the judge’s hands, he began sliding his mouth forward and back in slow-motion fellatio.

“Ahhh yeah, Volka. A boy like this is likely to give you just what you want. Suck it, boy!”

Avan resented the judge for how he talked and for making such a requirement even though the boy seemed to be okay with it. In time, the judge’s his hands held the boy’s head in place while his hips pushed forward.

“Judge, can’t do that. You said he only had to suck---”

“Shut up, Volka. A blowjob is a blowjob and I want it deep, like his daddy did!”

Avan was helpless as he watched the judge slowly push his hard manhood deep into Caci’s throat and minutes later, Nikolai began fucking and nearly growling with lust. For five minutes and then ten, Judge Ciro T. Nikolai took advantage of his power and position and he fucked Caci’s mouth.

His passions grew and the pace of his fucking increased and then Avan watched like a defeated cuck as the judge buried his cock balls-deep and his body jerked and he reached an intense orgasm that sent spurt after spurt of rich, thick, i****tian seed into Caci’s depths.

It was over.

But, Avan’s humiliation wasn’t. He had been powerless. All he could do was watch Nikolai fuck his nephew’s mouth and pump jizz into him while Avan was resigned to let it happen.

Caci’s face was slightly flushed from the ordeal and it was apparent he was trying to cope with the thick i****tian sperm that had just been deposited in him. Yet, the boy seemed unharmed and, to some extent, unfazed. He had just been mouthfucked by a strange man in a strange land yet he showed no signs of it mattering.

The judge dressed himself and pulled his robe on. He sat behind his big desk and said, “You’ll bring the boy to me twice a week.”


“Just what I said, Volka! Bring him twice a week so I can fuck his mouth. It’s in the agreement you signed. See...right here. Twice a week.”

“But, if I would have known---”

“Not my fault you didn’t read it.”

“You wouldn’t let me read it! This can’t be legal!”

“Of course it’s legal. It’s legal because you agreed to it with your signature and anything people agree to is legal in i****tia. You had control of the pen, not me. Twice a week, Volka.”

“I can’t believe you would do this.”

The judge smiled. “For a gurly cocksucker, hell yes. Tell me you agree and I will finally sign the temporary immigration document. If you don’t agree, then I don’t sign it and you can just take your chances with Yuri’s trial in Kassan. I’m sure you don’t want that for those pretty little nieces?”

There was nothing left for Avan but to agree.

The judge picked up a pen from his desk and signed the last page.

“You can pick up your copy when you leave court.”

Avan’s brow was tight as he considered his dilemma. Maybe there was one last hope.

“Your Honor,” he began, “who’s to say that once the family has a copy with your signature, that they have to bring the boy back? I mean, if you’ve already signed it, then why couldn’t the family just go off and enjoy their new life in i****tia and never come back here? I mean, it’s a done deal, isn’t it?”

The judge laughed. “Don’t be silly, Volka. This is a Form D. It’s only good for four weeks.”

“W...What? You’re only granting immigration for four weeks?”

“Probationary, Volka. I’m not going to sign the family in permanently given the situation.”

“You mean given your horniness for Caci’s mouth?”

“Heh-hey yeah. But that wouldn’t look very good, would it? So, I’m saying I need to see that Yuri behaves himself for four weeks, just like I had to make sure the boy is a good cocksucker. If he wasn’t, I would have pulled out a standard form and you would be on your way.”

“So, because you want to fuck Caci in the mouth, we’re only getting a temporary agreement.”

“No Volka. It would have been temporary either way, but since he’s as good a deep-throat cocksucker as I was told, we’re going with some special conditions. You’re desperate so why wouldn’t I?”

The judge dismissed them and commanded them and the others to be in the courtroom promptly at 11 a.m.

Avan led Caci and his nieces, Verity and Cambria, to a bench in the shade of a giant oak tree and explained the temporary grant of immigration.

Verity panicked, “But where will we go when the four weeks is up?”

“Don’t worry, Verity,” Avan replied. “It becomes permanent if your father behaves himself. But...” His head shook slowly.

“But? But what?”

“This is hard to say,” he replied. “There’s a special condition to all of this. Caci has to see the judge twice a week.”

“What’s so bad about that?” she asked.

“He...He wants your brother suck him off each time.”

“No!” Verity cried. “That’s not right!”

“I know, but we don’t have a choice. The judge...well...he likes your brother. Sexually I mean. And, he wouldn’t sign the papers any other way.”

“But, he can’t demand that! There must be someone we can tell who will stop this!”

“I don’t think---”

“I will,” Caci said softly.

The others looked at the boy with curiosity because it wasn’t like him to speak, much less to interrupt.

“You...You will what?” Avan asked.

“Suck his cock,” Caci replied.

“No Caci. You don’t have to,” Avan said. “We’ll find someone to stop this. Unless...Unless you want to.”

The boy nodded.

“You...You want to? You want to suck the judge’s cock?”

“I knew he was a cocksucker!” Cambria said. “He’s always liked being girly like us.”

Avan had never known any of them to talk in a demeaning manner like Cambria just had but he understood that she was probably still seething because Caci had been the one to engage in i****t with their father instead of her. Avan had promised her it would happen and he would help her but that promise hadn’t seemed to quell her anger.

“Caci, are you sure?” he asked.

Again, the boy nodded.

The glazed and distant appearance of Caci’s eyes convinced Avan that the boy actually wanted to and that Caci was much more of a cocksucker than he had imagined.

With 11am approaching, they returned to the courthouse and were seated with Xia Zan, the Asian forensic witness. Court was called into session and Judge Nikolai began shuffling through papers. He whispered to the court recorder who responded with a smile.

“Now,” the judge began, “this court was concerned with a matter that cannot be resolved immediately. We will not go into specifics, but it will take four weeks for this court to establish that all members of the Volka family will conduct themselves in the manner deemed by this court.”

He turned his stare to the family members, then proceeded.
“I have met with Avan Volka and his nephew Caci to see for myself what kind of person Avan is and if Caci measures up to what has been said of him. I then explained my expectations and I can say that I am satisfied.” He smiled. “Heh-heh yes. Quite satisfied.”

The court recorder shielded her giggle.

Avan couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The recorder knew? How could such things happen in a court of law?

Nikolai continued. “So, I have signed the temporary Grant of Immigrtion that will extend refugee status to the Volkas for four weeks. If Yuri Volka violates i****tian law or if Caci Volka does not come in twice a week for...for a status check, then the Grant will be terminated and the lot of them will be sent back to Kassan. If they do as they are told, I will sign a grant of citizenship papers thirty days from today. Mr. Volka, do you agree with these terms?”

Avan replied, “Y...Yes, Your Honor.”

“And Caci, do you understand what you are to do in the next four weeks? Answer yes or no. Don’t just nod your head.”


“And Caci, are you agreeable to what I expect of you?”

Even as the judge’s last syllable was be spoken, the boy said, “Yes.”

Of course he was agreeable! Were they k**ding? He had waited years to be a cocksucker and now, instead of wondering when it would ever happen, a court of law was actually mandating that he do it. Twice a week! For an entire month! If this was how life was in i****tia, then he figured he would like his new country very much.

Judge Ciro T. Nikolai smiled. Ahhh, very good. Let it be recorded that Avan Volka has agreed to these terms and, especially, that Caci Volka has agreed also.”

“Yes, Your Honor,” the recorder said. “I have it recorded.”

The judge continued, “The Volkas are to stay in the immigrant housing for the next thirty days. Mr. Volka, you will find that housing three blocks north of the courthouse. Everything will be provided for the family while they are there. Are there any questions?”

Avan answered, “No, Your Honor.”

“Very well, this matter has been decided. You are dismissed and Miss Zan, so are you. Thank you for your forensics with the sperm evidence and for your expert testimony. You’re all free to go. It’s lunch time. This court is dismissed. We’ll reconvene for the next case at 1pm.”

The immigration housing was clean and comfortable although small and older. The girls moved into one bedroom while Yuri was led to the other. Caci would sleep on a fold-out sofa.

Verity was concerned that their father was not emerging from his months-long stupor but Avan assured her that the combination of finally having sex, albeit in his son’s mouth, plus a new elixir to replace passion berry in his alcohol would bring him back to normal before long.

Cambria said, “But, if sex is part of getting him back to normal, then I should sleep with him and have sex with him now.”

“No Cambria,” her uncle responded. “Your purity must be preserved. Besides, you don’t want to have sex with him when he has no idea what is going on.”

“I don’t care about that!” she protested.

“Yes you do, Cambria. Think about it. You lay with your father and he screws you without knowing what he’s doing and then when he comes to his senses, he will probably resent the whole thing. Just wait, Cambria. I want you to sleep with him but too but in the right situation and time.”

Cambria frowned but seemed to understand.

“Now girls, here is the new elixir. Mix it with his bottles of alcohol and give him a bottle today. Come tomorrow, he should start showing signs of coming around.”

Avan left for his home about a mile from the immigration center and he returned the next afternoon. His brother seemed only slightly more cognizant, but at least there had been progress.

Two days later, Yuri was noticeably better although still only halfway back to what he had been weeks before. The following day, he seemed almost like the brother Avan had grown up with and he felt the time had come to tell his brother all that had transpired.

“Yuri,” he began. “A lot has happened since you started drinking and hiding yourself in that dark bedroom in Kassan. We’re in i****tia now and if you behave, you and your k**s will be able to stay here for good and you’ll never have to worry about that court case in Kassan and your k**s will never be auctioned to the sex traders of Talamira. Do you understand so far?”

Yuri brushed his hand through his thick hair and nodded. “Yes. I think. It feels like I’ve been in a long dream.”

“I’m sure it does, but while you’ve been in that long dream, I’ve taken care of things for you. Yuri, it’s important for you keep in mind the most important thing and that is that you and your family are safe. We had to do some extraordinary things, but you’re safe. Please tell me that you will keep that foremost in your thoughts because I have a lot to tell you and some of it is strange and might not be easy to hear.”

[part 3 follows]

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The ACT workshop met from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon for the first two of six weeks, hours expanding in the later weeks to accomplish our final goal of performance. The length modeled itself after a typical rehearsal period readying actors for a production for the public. Although the actual planning for a "real" production, the set and costume designs for instance, often happened prior to rehearsal extending the readying often for several weeks, and auditions would add time...

3 years ago
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Engaging The Babysitter

I walked towards the door and saw her through the small window. 'Oh, there she is the barely legal dazzling brunette I have babysitting my son. What I wouldn't do to give a ride, and I don't mean in my car. Shit, she is wearing a dress like that to a babysitting gig? Is she trying to turn me on now?'I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor.I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking...

2 years ago
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Kathy Flashing At The Indy 500

Yes, a few weeks after turning sixteen, I flashed for the very first time at the national drag races. Now just eight months later, I flashed for the very first time at the Indy 500. Only a lot more happened than simply flashing this time, a whole lot more. Since I was sixteen, I've written my sexual exploits in private diaries. I wrote down all the juicy details: what I did, what happened to me, my emotions and the dialog. While reading those diaries it really surprised me how much all of...

3 years ago
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Body Corporate Chapter 10

2098 words - 1.05Chapter 10The Fishing LodgeThe next day was a wonder to Cindi as she woke up in what felt and sounded like an airplane. She was sitting naked, tied and blindfolded with a seatbelt around her. She couldn’t figure out how she got there. She found out later that she had been put to sleep by d**gs. It was very apparent that this was a small aircraft with the amount of noise and bouncing around. She could hear her master and a stranger talking. It was just a casual conversation...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood fun part 4 The daughters

So about a week after I left the moms gaping and cum covered, I came home from work to find Hayleigh and her friends sun tanning in the back yard. I popped my head out the door and said hi to all the girls. They said hi back and Hayleigh said "glad ya made it home!" I asked if they were doing ok and having fun, they said yes and Mindy said she was starting to get hungry. All the girls agreed, and I asked what they wanted. "Burgers!" Is all I heard. I told them ok, and that they needed to make...

3 years ago
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Late Start 2

Pat walked over to Dave and gave him a kiss not the normal peck.Last night my wife Pat had just had her first sexual experience with another man, she had performed oral sex on Dave. Then just after in her excitement walked outside in just her panties, showing the taxi driver her naked breasts.As the taxi drove away Pat pulled me inside and immediately began taking my clothes off. By the time we got to the bedroom I was already naked. She seemed to be in so much of a hurry, pushing me onto the...

First Time
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A Time for Work A Time for Ch 02

I had come to Japan to complete negotiations for a large deal for my company. The love of my life, Niki, accompanied me on this trip. We landed in Tokyo after an overnight trip and hit the ground running. I went off to the golf course to negotiate with the COB of the Japanese company, and Niki went sight seeing with his daughter. We had dinner with the COB, his wife and daughter at their home that evening. After returning to our hotel, Niki and I spent half the night making love before...

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Ebony tease

The idea of it had always got me hot, always gave me a stirring feeling, but until that weekend, never before had I imagined it would become a reality…. My husband Harry’s little brother was in his second year at Nottingham university. He had planned to come home for the Christmas break but being as students usually are, broke, he had made the decision to stay in Nottingham and work the break to get some extra cash. So we decided to take the weekend off and pay him a visit instead. Chris was...

2 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Dad Daughter

Hi guys and gals I am Venkat and my dad have a friend and he is Naresh uncle and Dad has good understanding in the business and both of them have been best friends since college days. Uncle’s daughter name is Kavana after her schooling she went to Pune to her grandparents for college after that she came to Hyd she lives in guest room with us. We started becoming very good friends. She was very jovial fun loving girl hard working too even loved working out in gym with to keep her fit. Dad used...

1 year ago
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The bakery fun

It was a summer part time job while I was in university in Strasburg. I started to work at a bakery to cover some of my living expenses. It was a small shop with not many employees. In fact, we were all university students, working in swifts of 2 each time. I used to work in the afternoons with a guy from Poland. Around August, he had some final exams to recover, so he left the job to focus on his studies. So they brought a girl from Check Republic to do the swift with me. I used to like to...

2 years ago
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My Boy Callum Part 2

Introduction: Thanks for the great feedback on part one.. I had to bring the next part to you guys! Be sure to go read part 1 if you havent already. Hope you enjoy, please remember to leave any feedback you may have.. positive or negative! Three days had now passed since I had met Callum. Three days ago Id got to know him a bit, went round his house, played Xbox with him.. oh yeah and had his mouth wrapped around my dick. In all honesty he was all I could think about from the very second I...

3 years ago
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Pizza and Pussy

It was late one spring evening in this busy southern university town. The night air was already hot and humid. Sounds of the night echoed in the background as Josh stood in the doorway. The hot humid air did not circulate and hung heavy like an encompassing weight draped over his body. The musty aroma of sex and sweat mixed with the lingering sweet scent of cannabis stirred in his nostrils. Standing before Josh just inside the doorway was a girl clad only in sheer lacy panties and a cut off...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Gina Valentina 03072017

She’s a cheater. She’s a Size Queen. She’s a petite hottie. She’s Brazilian. She’s Gina Valentina, and she’s making her debut on the Dogfart Network today with the one-and-only Mandingo! Everything we’ve just mentioned is absolutely true. Gina’s always struggled with monogamy, especially with small-dicked boyfriends. Even though she’s tiny, Gina loves them big. The bigger the better! Add a little color into the mix, and Gina turns into a...

2 years ago
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A Night in the Gynarch HotelChapter 7 Waiting For The Call

Daniel Waring was halfway through the week's duty. Seven days on, two days off; that was the cycle. For the seven days he was on call twenty-four hours a day. Daniel was one of the small group of staff that provided the Gynarch's personal pampering services in the guest rooms. It was a skilled job in a hotel like the Gynarch and it had taken him a long time to become proficient. Now it meant that, as long as he did a good job, he could be reasonably certain of continued sponsorship. The...

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Kausi Chitti Sealing The Deal

This is a continuation from the first part of Kausi Chitti How it Began It was around 5 pm and my uncle was leaving for his shift just as my cousin entered the house I watched her come in covered in sweat from the heat. Her under boobs having a distinct outline and her armpits having small almost cute wet patches. The weight of her school bag made her body convex and arch in the sexiest way imaginable. She is only 18 but is so developed that if it was not for her cute innocent face she would...

4 years ago
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I got a call from my friend Larry on a Tuesday. His father died suddenly and he needed my help. He was left with the the job of running his fathers company and had not a clue what he was going to do. Since I was also in the construction business I was the only one he could think of to call. A week later I was on a plane from Arkansas to Seattle Washington. I told Larry I would give him a few months and we would see how it went. I was ready for an adventure and this seemed the perfect time to...

3 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 31

“You’re going to love the rooms I got us,” I told Lauren as she marvelled at the fact we had a private elevator. “This is crazy,” she said quietly as we sped upwards. “Seems like a day for crazy things, doesn’t it?” I asked. “That’s an understatement.” As the elevator ascended, I wondered about Maria, Lauren’s roommate. How would she and Lauren adjust to their sudden separation? Both Lauren’s and Maria’s bubbles had said they were single, so I guess theirs was a relationship of...

1 year ago
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Life Under MistressChapter 12

When Peter Pan and Wendy meet for the first time, Peter was attempting to reattach his shadow to himself. Since soap failed to glue his shadow back onto himself, Wendy offers to sew his shadow onto Peter with a needle and thread. Peter crows at his reunion with his shadow and Wendy sulks as Peter acts as if she had nothing to do with it. But when Peter tells her that “one girl is more use than twenty boys,” Wendy is so excited by his compliment that she offers to give him a kiss. So Wendy...

1 year ago
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 18

The Cube, as Eddie’s working vacation home had been appropriately dubbed, was designed by a mad genius with a sense of humor. A Barbadian, as were all who worked on it, whose design process had included smoking excessive amounts of ganja with Eddie. An impressively large cube had been the result, made of concrete, glass and steel. But it had a façade that pretended to be an English Colonial mansion. Being that Barbados had been an English colony, and had gained its independence as a part of...

3 years ago
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Underage Drinking

I own a pretty good chunk of woods on the outskirts of town. There are several logging roads running through it. One road in particular goes up to a pretty nice clearing. The local kids like to go up there and party, get drunk, and smoke some pot. There is a small pond there and it has a very nice view. I have often thought about building a log cabin there. Since I know the teenagers use it I cut down some trees and put the trunks around in a circle with a big fire pit in the middle. I...

2 years ago
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A night to remember

A night to remember    A night to remember   ???? As I came into the house, you were headed into the bedroom wrapped in a towel just after showering. You told me that I should get a shower too. When I came into the bedroom from taking my shower, you were dressed and sitting on the end of the bed. I saw you watching me as I dried off. After I had dried off, you called me over to you.???? You had me stand in front of you, between your spread legs. You ran your hands up the outside of my...

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 5

PART FIVE: THE RESTAURANT 100% fiction We arrived at the restaurant and were greeted by a handsome man who informed us that no tables were currently available. Carla looked and saw a table at the far end and asked “What about that table?” “That is reserved.” “Well,” Carla said, whispering “Do you have a private room?” “Yes,” the man softly grunted. “Well, my slut here,” pointing to my mom, “will suck your cock and swallow every drop, if you give us that table back there.” The guy wrote our name...

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Eleanors Descent 02

Chapter 2 --- Disturbed. On the Tuesday, I picked Eleanor up from where she worked, because her car was being serviced. I expected her to dress for more formally at work because of the status of her job, but no. She came out wearing a short mini skirt, and a neat blue blouse. She climbed in the car and reached across to kiss me. As we pulled away from the kerb, she waved to a woman on the street. “Goodnight Janet!” she yelled. Janet gave her a thumbs up and blew a kiss. “That was Janet, my...

4 years ago
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My kinky wife likes to watch Part 2

There wasn’t a lot more talk about her watching me with another man. She so wanted it, but I was hesitant. Although I had a Gay encounter with another guy back in college, it seemed too outrageous to actually explore this again, and with my wife watching, of all things!I didn’t think anything of it when she told me she had reserved us a room for the night at a nice hotel. It was on the beach, which we both loved. Something about the sun and the sand. Something about the beautiful bodies and sun...

4 years ago
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Double Dog Dare

Here is the genesis of this story: I sent a letter to DeeDee18 first thing in the morning on the 4th about me being too tired and sore from a masturbation marathon she and I were having. Here is an exerpt from my letter to her: "Well darlin - I am done for the 4th. No way I am even trying to touch myself today! I have a couple of parties I have been asked to attend... I will let you know how they were. Lots of sexy people, wearing very little on a hot day like today! I am gonna wear...

3 years ago
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The Sight of Her Legs

He saw the brown-haired girl sitting at the front. She was the only girl in the room wearing shorts, and her legs were perfect. Her skin appeared so soft and smooth that he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the long shining limbs of perfection. She had on a blue sweater above it, a sweater with a gold zipper drawing a beeline to her bright red lips. He wondered what it would be like to kiss those bright red lips, gaze into those shining blue eyes, stroke those legs, caress that...

2 years ago
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Nokeri Versus Chudayee

I was jobless and had not enough money to ride a bus from town to my home. I was living in a remote township of Bhagalpur. It was about 10 Km from city to my place. I used to find a job in the city and in the evening return hopelessly. I was quite young and smart, but there was no job matching to my qualification. One day I was walking along the road, going back to my home. I was tired and hungry. It was the last working day. The next day was weekly holiday. I was very depressed and worried for...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Tiffany Rousso Wetter Pleasures

Bigtit babe Tiffany Rousso has indulged in a bit of a swim in her halter bikini. When she gets out of the water, she spies Sam Bourne with his head tipped back and his eyes closed in a nap. Squeezing and kneading at her own jugs, Tiffany works her nipples to hard peaks before shoving them into Sam’s face to give him a surprise wake up. Once Sam gets over the surprise of them titties right in his face, he is more than open to Tiffany’s advances. He happily accepts those lovely globes...

4 years ago
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Narisa 1 A Life Changing EventChapter 4

As Narisa and I walked the few steps from the living room to what would now become our bedroom, she began to tremble. I gently gave her shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze as I opened the bedroom door. She gave a sudden start when I opened the door and she saw the bed. I gently led her inside, closed the door and we came to stop next to the bed near the bathroom doorway. She stopped, turned and looked up at me with questioning, tearful eyes when I remembered something I'd forgotten. I...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Scarlett Anal

SCARLETT.IS.BACK! That’s right, one of the hottest (IMO) chicks we’ve had on our couch this year is back for more. You should remember this beautiful, naive girl from a few weeks ago. She came in and did a great job letting me fuck her pussy. As usual we sent her on her way anxiously awaiting a call from our producers, that of course never came. So she hit up my homie Rick wondering what she could do to speed up the process. His answer was simple, “ANAL.” So here she is, back to see if she’s...

2 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 28 Coming Clean

“I see you are still hurting over this,” Janna said. My psychotherapist. We’d been meeting for six months. Lily was due in three weeks. I had to get to the point. “You are making progress with your relationship counselor. Sometimes I think you are simply repeating yourself with me. Why?” This was it. I was shaking. I knew I had to go through with it or I could never look my mates in the eye again. Or my daughter. Or our son. I would never again know that intense feeling of love when the...

3 years ago
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The Injury

A mom friend of mine whispered this story to me while we were in the kitchen making dinner. Her son was on a flag football team and took a game stopping hit in the balls. A few days later he came into the kitchen as she was doing dishes and said they still really hurt, and wondered if he should go to the doctor. She didn't want to make an unnecessary trip, so wanted to see them first. She asked him to drop his pants. He did. As she was getting down on her knees, she remembered they were in the...

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Andy TaylorChapter 24

When the conversation again became more general, Sally Duncan spoke up for the first time. Turning towards Andy Taylor at the end of the table she said, "Mrs. Taylor, I think it's about time we cleared the air around here." Sitting up straight in her chair, Sally looked exquisitely beautiful. As Andy had been doing earlier, now Sally was idly toying with her wine glass. She seemed preoccupied by the brilliant burgundy-red color. The people around the table watched her as she seemed to lose...

4 years ago
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April Fools Diary HiMen

8 May 2021Oh, diary where should I begin? I woke to find everything as normal as can be, by which I mean the 'new normal', the normal everyday world of a newly constitutional adult. My teen-angel breasts were resplendent in the morning light, so yummily perky and their nipples so impressively pokie, that before I knew what was happening my mischievous fingers were caressing and tugging and pinching and massaging them every-which-way. Which is how I discovered that my shower-head cunny had...


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