13year old boy 15 year old girl
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
Friday November 26th
Watched television this evening, more government stuff. They do drone on. Except this time Angie said, “You’d better listen to this.”
It was Marie Cripps who is the new head of the Bank of England, explaining their latest plans to cut down on illicit money movements. She’s making it compulsory for all bank accounts to have a female signatory and where a man has a sponsor, the sponsor has to be the signatory on any credit cards or bank accounts too.
Angie was complaining before Cripps had even finished. “How am I supposed to keep track of all this? I can’t be arsed worrying about your finances.” I said I was sure we could sort something out. The last thing I want is for her to decide that being my sponsor is too much trouble. We talked about it for a bit and in the end she’s agreed to keep all my cards and chequebooks and just to let me have a cash allowance. She reckons that at least that way it’s not too much bother and she’d still be doing what she’s supposed to. She reckons her New Order group in the village will be discussing this next week.
I asked Angie if she’d heard any more about Norm. Apparently not. And she was still annoyed that she couldn’t get Beth interested in picking up my sponsorship.
Anyway at the end of what Cripps was saying she mentioned that sponsorship tax breaks might be improved in the next budget. “Oh well, Angie,” said, “maybe its worth hanging on to you after all.”
Saturday November 27th
I was in to work today to make up the time I’d taken off for the course on Thursday. The place was empty apart from the receptionist that checked me in, so I actually had a fairly productive morning, catching up with emails and going through the performance data on each of our services so that Lucy would have an up-to-date picture for her management meeting on Monday. By 12 o’clock I was feeling quite pleased with myself and headed back out to find a sandwich for lunch.
There’s a place not far from the office where I’ve been going since my new card came through but it was shut – seems they only open weekdays for the office customers – and I went off looking for somewhere else. It was funny how all the stuff from Thursday kept coming back. “New Street, New Rules,” I heard myself saying as I turned the corner at the end of the block and looked up to check if there were any restriction signs. The first two places had “males only if accompanied” signs on them – all the major chains seem to have opted for that. I read somewhere that it’s cheaper for their insurance or something. Still, I finally managed to find a place that wasn’t restricted even if it was a bit scruffy. I got a cup of coffee and a sandwich and sat down to enjoy them.
Who should come in but Harry!
“Still in the country, then,” I said with a smile. “Sorry I couldn’t help.”
He looked furtive. “Yeah, well, I decided it was better to stick around.” I wondered how much of a decision it had been on his side. “I can’t chat, I’m meeting someone. You still at that services company?”
I nodded. Then this scruffy-looking bloke came in and nodded to the man at the counter. Him and Harry went through to a back room. It all looked a bit sinister.
Got back home late but before curfew, thank goodness. Angie had been at a meeting of the local New Order party members. She seemed in a good mood. After dinner she asked me how my back was, and then said, if I wasn’t too stiff perhaps I might like to help her relax. Lucy has been off this week, so I said I was fine, knowing that “helping her relax” meant Angie was looking to having me spend the rest of the evening using my tongue on her nether parts. Not that I mind, but I do miss let’s say the way we used to do sex. I didn’t say anything though. No point in starting an argument, I thought.
Anyway after a while Angie was obviously enjoying herself and I was stiff as anything. Then she says, “Want to try something new?”
It turns out, that one of the discussions she’s had at the meeting has been around the whole subject of prick sex and that quite a few of the girls agree that while penetration is obviously a political act that flies in the face of New Order principles, they actually quite like it. However, it’s all politically OK, apparently, as long as the man is “unable to enforce the patriarchal imperative”.
I should know by now that when she starts spouting this sort of guff it’s time to find somewhere else to be but in my defence I did have my head clamped between her thighs at the time.
So, “something new” turned out to be her having prick sex while I’m tied up. Well, it’s certainly difficult to “enforce the patriarchal imperative” if your wrists are tied behind your back with your girlfriend’s dressing-gown cord and she’s sat astride you bouncing up and down like she hasn’t had any in month’s (which is possibly the case). But, on the plus side, I got to cum – which is the first time in a couple of weeks – and Angie ended up collapsed happily alongside me with a big grin on her face. It would have been better if she’d untied me before she fell asleep, but I managed to wriggle free without disturbing her.
She didn’t say anything next morning but I’ve got a feeling this might turn out to be a feature of our future sex lives.
Tuesday November 30th
I wondered if I was in trouble this morning. I suppose it was about 11 o’clock. Two Male Control Force officers were shown in to Lucy’s office and were talking to her for quite a while. I was feeling smug, thinking, “Ah, red epaulettes, Public Order officers.” Then they called me in. It was only when they introduced themselves that I realised it was Katherine and Jill from the course. I was about to make some joke about not recognising them with their uniforms on when I realised that they hadn’t remembered me and it probably wouldn’t fit too well with the Respect Agenda.
Turns out they were looking for information about Harry. They showed me a photograph that looked like it had been taken in a police cell. Did I know him? Did I know his current whereabouts? Had I seen him lately?
I don’t know why but I said, “No.” I asked what it was about but they just said if I hadn’t seen him it wouldn’t matter and if it turned out that I had they’d be back to talk to me about it later. Well, that scared me, you can imagine but I managed to hold my nerve. I’m worried now in case they go looking at CCTV and see me and Harry going into the same coffee shop. They asked if I’d mind them looking at my mobile phone. At least I knew there was nothing incriminating on it. I said, that would be fine. Katherine smiled and said to Jill, “Like he thinks he has the choice!”
Jill put the phone in a bag and sealed it. “We’ll get it back to you when we can. We’re sure your sponsor won’t want you to be without it for long.”
It was only after I’d gone that I realised what they meant. I hadn’t thought that Angie might be using it to keep track of where I was.
I got home from work pretty much on time. Angie was working late. I watched a bit of television – riots on the news. They weren’t far from my office. Must have started up just after I left for home. You don’t expect that sort of thing outside of London but there was a group of men protesting the sponsorship regulations and a group of policewomen tried to stop them getting through to the local branch of DOSA.
Turns out placards aren’t much of a match for riot shields and tear gas. There was someone that looked a lot like Harry in one of the shots. He was wearing a scarf across his face but I recognised his scruffy, ex-miltary, parka from when I saw him in the coffee shop. I’m keeping quiet about that though.
I told Angie about the MCF interview and my phone being confiscated. “Yeah, I know,” she said. DOSA told me. Good boy for owning up though.”
Thursday December 2nd
Angie says she wants to change things around the house. Apparently they had a talk at her Party meeting on Saturday. The title was “Gender Assumptions in the Assignment of Domestic Tasks”. She showed me a pamphlet they had given her and said I should read it. On the cover it had a picture of a perfect 1950’s style housewife and with a speech bubble saying, “Who said women had to clean house?”
It was written in a pretty straight-forward way – the introduction said “We hope you won’t mind us woman-splaining this, but we know that sometimes it’s not easy for men to understand what we mean” - and basically went on to say that domestic jobs had always been assumed to be women’s work.
I said to Angie that I thought we’d shared things out fairly and I’d always done what she asked me to do.
“Exactly,” she said. “I had to ask you. Why do I have to ask you? Because it’s assumed that, as the woman, I am the one that is thinking about what needs to be done around the house all the time. See look at this...” She turned a page in the pamphlet. The same 50’s housewife, in her shirt-waister dress with a flared skirt was standing with her arms folded, chastising an unhappy-looking man. A whole series of speech bubbles were saying “Have you done the dishes?”, “What about the dusting?”, Why haven’t you emptied the rubbish bins?”, “Are the beds made yet?” and a whole lot more.
“Can you see?” Angie said. “If we have to ask it’s because you think it’s our job to worry about it.”
I suppose that made some sort of sense but I couldn’t really see how to solve the problem. “That’s all right,” Angie replied, “There’s some ideas in here.” She opened out the pamphlet to show a double page spread titled, ‘House Care Schedule’. “If we had something like this, then you’d know just what was your share and I wouldn’t have to bother nagging you.”
“Well, I guess so,” I responded.
“Good,” said Angie, “that’s agreed. I’ve worked out a schedule. I’ve put it up in the back room. I thought it would be better if you moved in there. You’re going to be getting up early and you know how I hate being disturbed in the mornings. Besides, I think Lucy’s going to be coming over more often, so this way I won’t have to kick you out when she does.”
So now I am living in a small room, up at the back of the house. I just used to use it as a junk room so there’s quite a few boxes piled up along one wall. On the other wall there’s an old-fashioned bedstead where I’m sleeping. There’s a small window looking out onto the back garden and up beside the window, Angie has stuck my work schedule. Looking at the schedule, I needn’t worry about the room because I’ll have sod-all time in it. I did try asking if it was a bit one-sided but Angie just said we had to re-set expectations and that means the pendulum needed to swing back the other way for a while at least. I’m not sure I see it swinging back towards her anytime soon.
Friday December 3rdd
Up early this morning as the “Friday Tasks” list is a long one and I didn’t want to be behind from the first day. I got most of it done before I had to leave for work. Angie looked up from her breakfast – she doesn’t have to leave until after me; she’s got a better choice of buses – and said, “Don’t forget Friday tasks are as well as everyday tasks.” Just as well she mentioned it as I hadn’t realised, so I had all the rest of it to look forward to when I got back.
I’d just about finished when Angie got in – she’d was late because she’d been to a party meeting down in the village. She was feeling pretty pleased with herself. Apparently she’d been telling her friends in the office about how she’d got on board with the whole Domestic Task Gender Stereotyping thing, and lots of them want to know about it too. She spoken to the person who’d done the talk for her meeting and now she’s been co-opted onto a Party Policy Implementation Team or something. “I feel like celebrating,” she said. “Why don’t you get me a drink. There’s some white wine in the fridge, unless you’ve been sneaking some.”
Anyway, I got her a glass but that wasn’t good enough. “No, I feel like being waited on properly. Bring the bottle and glass on a tray and kneel down here.”
I was about to object but she gave me one of her don’t-disagree-with-me looks and said, “I’m in a good mood. If you’re nice, I might be interested in some play at bed time.”
To be honest, I was just grateful to be doing nothing for a while, so I did what she asked. I felt a fool kneeling there while she sat sipping her wine and reading some party bulletin or other. She didn’t seem to notice that I was finding it quite uncomfortable on my knees apart from one point where I tried shifting my weight and she just looked up and scowled. She had me pour her another glass and fetch the TV remote, once she’d finished her reading. I don’t think she noticed that I sat back on my haunches after that, which gave me a bit of relief.
Still it was going to be worth it, I thought. I was getting stiff at the idea of us getting some bedroom time together for the first time in a while, even if it did involve her dressing gown belt again. Then the door bell went.
Angie sent me to answer it and who should be there but Lucy. I showed her in. Angie just laughed and said it must be my unlucky day and I could get off to bed.
Saturday December 4th
Lucy was still here when I got up to start the day’s chores. They were obviously enjoying a lay in. I could hear them giggling and laughing from downstairs in the lounge where I was cleaning up.
I was getting together the pile of newspapers and other stuff to go down to the recycling point when I came across some papers Angie was throwing out after her meeting last week. I suppose I shouldn’t have read them but I did and now I’m worried that I can’t “un-read” them. Some of it was quite scary stuff. “Consultation on Future Policy Proposals” one of them was headed. It seemed to have been produced by some think tank or other calling itself “Males at Home”. I just caught some of the headlines, stuff like “Economic Impact of Further Restricting Male Involvement in the Workplace”, “Domestic Role Models for Males” and “Legislation or Leverage”. Another one seemed concerned with the politics of sexual preferences for women and how to balance women’s desire for sex with a need to keep men out of areas where what Angie calls “shit MDDM” might cause problems. I managed to smuggle them up to my room before Angie and Lucy got up. I’ve put them under the mattress. I think it’s the sort of thing Harry might be interested in if I bump into him again.
Angie asked me later if I’d taken the recycling out. I said “yes” which was only partly true.
Monday December 6th
“I wanted to ask your opinion,” Angie said, which got my curiosity going, since I can’t remember the last time she had done that in a long time. “Which of these would you prefer for housework?” She flipped open a catalogue from a company called “Alex Workwear”; the page was headed “Housekeeping Uniforms.”
“These are all outfits for women,” I said, though I thought I could see where she was going with it.
“That’s just how they’ve done the photographs. I know it’s not a helpful stereotype but they come in men’s sizes too, look.”
“But they’re all dresses.”
“Well, they look like that but they’re really just practical overalls for cleaning work and other tasks around the house. You ruined that pair of trousers spilling cleaner on them and even if you hadn’t done that kneeling down to clean floors doesn’t do them any good. One of these uniforms would be much better. An apron to take the worst of the muck and something that’s cheap and easily laundered too. I can’t see what your problem is. It will actually save you work. These things don’t need ironing. Well, maybe the apron.”
“I don’t want to wear a dress.”
“Don’t be silly. It’s not a dress, it’s a housekeeping overall. You can choose the colour. That’s what I wanted your opinion on. Or is that too difficult a decision for a man? I do hope that I haven’t got to mention the words ‘no sponsor’.”
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas, there were the usual sections, the graduating class of 2005, followed by the Junior, Sophomore, Freshmen, and Eighth Grade class pictures, both as individuals, and as a group. The faculty photographs followed that, and the intramural sports. The various clubs and groups followed the sports, and then the assorted photographs that showed the casual...
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the St. Thomas Aquinas yearbook of the 2004-2005 school years, the thin volume held the usual groupings. The graduating class of 2005, followed by the various seniors that won various awards, such as ‘Best Christian Example,’ (Elise Simone) and ‘Friendliest,’ (Rayne Sneed) and so forth. Then there are the other classes, the faculty, the intramural sports and extra curricular clubs. The rear of...
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas, in Bender Louisiana, are the usual groups of photographs. The first few pages are dedicated to the graduating seniors, Individual photographs of each senior in cap and gown, then the entire group of the seniors and Sister Andrea, the Homeroom teacher of the Seniors of St. Thomas Aquinas. The last two pages are dedicated to the seniors that won...
Yearly Physical IV That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate stimulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me. “Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I...
During this trip I was only 14 years old. I had grown, in every way shape or form, tremendousley since the last time my family saw me. Puberty had finally ended. No more squeaky voice, a full bush, and my face was actually starting to clear up. I was only a month away from turning 15 and its like my hormones knew it. Since my last visit up my dick had grown from approximatley 5 1/2 to a full 7 inches when erect. When I came, It was no longer just a dribble of jizz, it was spurt after...
I was 15 now, closing in on 16. My dick had gone from 7 inches to just under 8, not a very dramatic change and I wondered if that would disappoint Maddi. We arrived around 5:30. As usual the family was so happy to see us. I looked around and didn't see Maddi, I only saw my Aunt and Uncle. "Sorry guys, but Madison's father wouldn't let her go all weekend, she will be back Sunday so you at least get to spend some time with her before you go," my Aunt Cindy announced. It was...
That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate simulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me. “Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I did what I was told and she lubed my anus...
That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate simulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me.“Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I did what I was told and she lubed my anus and...
11- 2nd (13th) email from Brenda to me From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Thu 5/9/13 6:30am To: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Dearest Muff Are you OK? You said you would write a couple of days ago. I hope you are not ill. I have sent you a couple of emails since. I hope I have not disappointed you in some way. Please tell me that I have not done that because it would crush me if I have. I'm so worried honey. Please let me know something even just a short note...
Author's note: I never planned on continuing the story and I don't know how it will turn out, but for what it's worth here is a continuation. Comments and suggestions would be appreciated. ----------------------------- "He certainly can't take care of himself. We'd better call someone," Dr. Pantano stated matter of factly referring to Desiree. "He has an ex-wife, we could call her," Detective Sathre joked. "I guess the next in line would be his mother.' "I suppose that is all we...
As New Year’s Eve approached Sam told me that he had been in contact with his friend Gerry who threw the Mistletoe party we went to last year and met new swapping partners Ashley and Nick. Gerry contacted Sam to invite us again this year. When we met Gerry and his wife Amanda last year they told us that they were thinking about swinging and last year’s party was their way of an introduction. Gerry had told Sam that they had done a little swinging and told Sam that the party could be a little...
As New Year’s Eve approached Sam told me that he had been in contact with his friend Gerry who threw the Mistletoe party we went to last year and met new swapping partners Ashley and Nick. Gerry contacted Sam to invite us again this year. When we met Gerry and his wife Amanda last year they told us that they were thinking about swinging and last year’s party was their way of an introduction. Gerry had told Sam that they had done a little swinging and told Sam that the party could be a little...
Wife LoversYear of the Oar By Clare Seven Part 1 ?Name?? She asked me again as I glanced about the drab office. ?Justine?Justine Laing. It?s written on the form.? The large bespectacled woman looked up from the pink form in front of me, her manner betraying the fact that she was having a bad day, in a bad week, perhaps in a bad life. ?Thank you Miss Laing,? she replied, her voice dripping with venom. ?Now,? she continued. ?You are out of work yes? And what was it you?ve been doing?? She glanced at the...
This is not really a sex story I involves sex, it involves a destructive year with my husband. But here goes Last year my husband of three decades caught me in an affair, because of family concerns about his mental stability, it was decided many years ago that if I let my husband enjoy being married he would not be compliant with other peoples wish, he would be wanting to get off work and come straight home. This was a plan that was developed by my father in law, I found out it was developed by...
The following is a translated quote from the Tablets of Prophecy beginning on tablet 12 side 1 and ending on side 2 of the same. The world of Light and Darkness, Hikarino'Yami, has been battled for many times since the beginning. The three Great Ones: Light, Darkness, and Balance all want to control this world as it is the heart of Manabio's spirit field, the spirit field controls the very essence of this Plane and this means that if one of the three has complete control of it they have...
Non-EroticYear Zero: My Violent Heart "Did you get it?" Brian asked his friend Peter. "I got it. No problem." "Great I have wanted to try this thing out. This is going to be so funny." "If you pick the right target it'll be." "What did you get exactly?" "I got it from a woman at the salon I work at. Everything she thinks about her appearance." "No one knows?" "Of course not. I put the collector into the hair dryer. No one suspects a thing," "Great." Peter and Brian...
Chapter 1 - Discoveries ? -Him- ? Once again I was waiting for him.? Naked, except for the leather cuffs on my ankles and wrists, and the thick leather collar encircling my neck.? Hard in anticipation of the punishment that would soon be visited upon me, kneeling before the front door, legs spread.? He had warned me that in our next session would be particularly hard on me, a test to see if I was worthy of continuing in his service.? He was to bring a selection of his new "toys" from his...
Year Zero: The Warning (Reverse Angle) The Warning whose lyrics are used as part of this work was written by Nine Inch Nails All rights reserved Nine Inch Nails. As with the original story. This still uses the lyrics of the song. But this time we look at the events from the opposite perspective. -------------------------- Prologue Still in my bra and panties, I selected a floral top that narrowed to my waist and then widen into a pleated skirt bottom. That was OK. ...
Inspired by some views, some videos and some imagination 2018, mid summer in Victoria Park, Stratford Road, Salisbury UK. Yin Kim Chow sat reading a book under a beech tree enjoying the part dapple shaded heat, nothing like her home town of HongKong of course, but hot. Her large floppy white hat was throwing a big shadow over her white shrouded shoulders, chest and much of her white cheesecloth, ankle length skirt. She wore simple yellow slip-on shoes. Two British infantry soldiers of the...
Gigi began to salivate as she watched the girl pull down the zipper of her shorts. She looked on intently as the girl slid them down her slim legs and struggled to pull her boots through the holes. When she managed to free herself, she tossed the shorts behind her at the base of her tree. "Get down," she commanded, pointing a finger to the ground. Gigi complied and crouched down, leaning her back against the tree. The girl strutted towards Gigi, swaying her hips widely. The leggings clung...
WatersportsGigi’s eyes watered as she waddled along the tree-lined path. Her short steps weren’t granting her much progress, but she didn't dare spread her thighs and release the pressure. Gigi had to pee, badly. Right then, she really regretted that second glass of wine she downed before leaving her friend's apartment. She noted the landmarks of the familiar path and deduced she was still fifteen minutes from her place. She wasn’t going to make it. The party girl that she was, she wasn't a stranger to...
WatersportsIt started when I was a teenager and living alone with my mother. I was the youngest of five and all my siblings had moved on after my parent’s divorce. We lived in an apartment complex with a lot of young couples and divorced women with k**s. The pool was a gathering place for everyone, mom was part of a group of backgammon playing, wine drinking ladies. It was during this time when I started to grow. I lifted weights for football and was looking good at 185lbs. and 6′ tall. Sue, one of the...
It started when I was a teenager and living alone with my mother. I was the youngest of five and all my siblings had moved on after my parent's divorce. We lived in an apartment complex with a lot of young couples and divorced women with k**s. The pool was a gathering place for everyone, mom was part of a group of backgammon playing, wine drinking ladies. It was during this time when I started to grow. I lifted weights for football and was looking good at 185lbs. and 6' tall. Sue, one of the...
"Mmmmmm. What I'd give for this moment to last forever. Lynn, you'll never know how much I appreciate the way you braid my hair. Talk about pampering!!" "Hey, Angie, what do you think a best friend is for?" I responded. "I think this is just an added bonus. I'm lousy at braiding my own hair, and my mom is anything but gentle." "I hate to admit it, Angie, but I'm actually being selfish, as I love running my fingers through your long silky hair." "Now, if I could only find a guy...
3rd email from me to Brenda responding to her 3rd email From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: Sat 4/20/13 8:09am To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Hi Bren, I am so relieved to get your response. You have been so quick with your earlier responses that when I hadn't heard from you for almost three days after my last email making that suggestion about writing an erotic story based on your experience that I was afraid that I had indeed scared you off with that...
5th email from Brenda: responding to my 4-1th email From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 4/22/13 8:31pm To: Harvey Landers ([email protected] Dear Mr Landers, Golly, I don't know what to think now. I was so pleased to get another email from you and it started off lovely. I thought you were really trying to be open and everything with me and I felt real good and thought your email was quite hot. I understood what you were saying about slut not being a bad term as my...
6th email from me responding to Brenda's 6th email From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: Tue 4/23/13 1:23pm To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) My dearest Brenda, I can't tell you how relieved and overjoyed I was to receive your latest message. I am presuming that you have accepted my apology and will be willing to exchange emails with me going forward. I was starting to descend into a pit of depression because your emails have really been the best part of my day....
8th email from Brenda: responding to my 7th email From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 4/29/13 6:25am To: Harvey Landers ([email protected] Dearest Muff, Oh I do love getting your emails. It was so arousing to hear of your wife being so nice to you by bringing you home what you love - a nice well used vagina full of spunk. I do feel sorry that you have to beat your cock off and waste all that lovely hot spunk when I know and have learned that the proper place for...
9th email from me responding to Brenda's 9th email From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: 4/29/13 6:45pm To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Bren baby, Thank you, thank you for the huge compliment you have paid me by using "my words" in your reply when you said- " ... I love more the feeling of joy and great satisfaction I get when the men who invade my cunt with their hard cocks have more powerful erotic, exquisite orgasms as they pump their cum deep into my...
10th email from Brenda responding to my 9th email before she has read my 9-1 email. From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Wed 5/01/13 6:15pm To: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Dearest Muff, You are so good to me sending me your lovely emails, and I am so pleased you now understand the 'proper ' words like cunt and cock and tits are what I use because those to me are proper words taught me by daddy and mother, and later my dear counselor, who is I suppose, my...
My last (12-2) email to Brenda acknowledging the termination of our email correspondence From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 11/11/13 7:55 To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Well Brenda, It looks like our torrid long distance erotic romance is over since it has been at least six months now since I sent you my last email with the solution that Lydia helped me to develop to find a way for me to finally experience the reality of your hot, tight sexy cunt and...
Rodney this is how I became as you know…it’s a true but short story. The year 1965 I was 12 years old. My neighbour across the road had asked if we could go to the swimming baths over the river. My mum told him that would be good as it was school holidays. Ian! Was in his 20’s and his parents managed the cemetery opposite our house. We left in the morning and got the ferry, nothing but laughs and his arm around me as we left the boat. He told me he had to pee so we went into the toilet...
Monday January 3rd 2022 Well, it’s New Year and definitely NOT a happy one. Lucy called me into her office this morning, soon after I got in. She definitely isn’t going to sponsor me. Angie phoned her over the weekend several times apparently, trying to persuade her, but she says she has made up her mind. She doesn’t want to take on the extra responsibility, especially while there’s so much going on at work. I tried saying that I could help with that, but she just said, “Well, that’s your...
Year Zero: The Warning The Warning whose lyrics are used as part of this work was written by Nine Inch Nails All rights reserved Nine Inch Nails. I included the entire song lyrics in the story, in order, without changing a word. I just added 'context'. -------------------------- Prologue I looked down at the summons. I knew what my ex-wife wanted, she wanted more money. "Well if she wanted more, then she should get a job and earn it," I thought angrily. "It's a good...
Tuesday October 12th I’m in serious trouble with Angie. I was in town yesterday, heading back to the bus from my office. It was raining, so I took a short cut along one of the back streets. I didn’t notice the new signs that they’d put up. Some streets have been designated “accompanied males only” and some are “no males allowed”. There are even some saying “locked males only” - some sponsors have started using locked chastity devices on their charges, with the Government’s encouragement, and...
Friday November 12th Angie took me to the pub this evening. She’s bought one of those “Barks” collar and leash sets and insisted that I wear it. “This way there’s no risk of you getting caught for curfew breaking again on CCTV,” she said. I asked if it was really necessary as she was going to be with me all the way, especially since it wasn’t even eight o’clock yet. She said she didn’t want to take the chance that I’d suddenly get sidetracked by something or she might not be noticed in the...
Tuesday, February 15th At lunchtime I managed to head down to the phone box. Cue a dose of extreme paranoia every step of the way. I guess it was understandable when I spotted a couple of MCF officers on the other side of the street but in all honesty there were more interested in the guy they had stopped and spread-eagled against a wall for a search than they were in me. I just put my head down and carried on. What was harder to explain was the nervousness I felt passing any woman. I got...
Sunday March 13th Angie came over to see Jill this afternoon. She didn’t seem interested in seeing me, which I thought was a bit tough after the way she had been up in London. I did try to talk to her though while Jill was out of the room at one point. “Did you hear, I got fired?” “Yeah, Jill just mentioned it but I’d already heard you really fucked up at the Department.” “I wondered if there was anything you could do?” “What to get your job back?” She shook her head. “Life’s complicated...
Friday May 13th 2022. The conference was taking place in one of the golf club’s big meeting rooms. There are high windows looking out over the eighteenth green and the gentle slopes of the course beyond. French windows open out on to a patio with tables and multi-coloured umbrellas. It was sunny. On the far side of the patio, half a dozen golf carts were lined up, waiting to be taken out. Everybody at the club was on edge – it was obviously a big thing for them hosting this and I guess that...
Thursday December 16th Lucy was in a fowl mood first thing this morning. She was obviously hungover from the party last night. She certainly wasn’t talking about it and spent the whole morning staring at a glass of water. Then, when I got back from lunch she seemed to have cheered up a bit. She came over and sat on my desk – always a bad sign. She had on a short kilt that left a lot of leg on display, although that’s nothing special these days. The women in the office seem to think they can...
Tuesday February 1st I got a phone call about half way through the morning. That was unusual in itself, normally if anything needs doing Lucy just puts her head round the door and tells me. A voice at the other end, which I didn’t recognise, just said, “Are you coming to the cafe at lunchtime? They’ve got some interesting specials on.” I guessed it had something to do with Harry, so I said, “Yeah, that sounds interesting.” I spent the rest of the morning feeling as nervous as hell and...
Wednesday April 20th Watched a documentary on TV this evening. Jill insisted. Said it was something that DOSA had recommended all sponsors get their men to watch. It was about the Merryfield Detention Centre and how they were working “to rehabilitate those that have a distorted view of recent changes in society”. By the end of it I wasn’t convinced that it was quite as benign a place as the BBC would have us believe. There were a few interviews with inmates but I had the impression right...
I am from Mumbai 27 years of age, Athletic build and engineer. I would like to satisfy girl and ladies. So please feel free to reach out to me. Wherever you are I will reach there to satisfy you. This all started a few years back when I was studying engineering in Mumbai. I used to travel by bus and very often bus used to be crowded. On one such day, a lady boarded the bus and came stood next to me. She was not very good looking thin lady with not so big boobs, appeared to be simple middle...
When I was very young, a sucked a friend’s cock. No one made me, I wanted to and it was amazing. They way it felt on my lips, the way it filled my mouth. So erotic and lustful, I licked it, and loved every second of it. I have always had these feelings and desires, even now, so many years later, but have buried them. I have kept them hidden. Family and Professional life took over, but my lust and love of cock remained. Along with my overwhelming desire to suck it, to love it and to taste its...
After becoming single at fifty and my children having flown the nest, I finally went online and met a lovely lady. This is the story of our sexual voyage together. Our first meeting was at a dog walk in the woods, she was attractive, bright, but a little reserved and I feared 'boring' as the talk was all about the difficult men she'd met. I didn't expect to see her again but I wanted to. This is her story. Now in my mid forties, I married whilst in my very early twenties. Although day to day...
MatureAt 100 words exactly discounting title and byline, have I finally found a story format with which I can contribute to this wonderful community? With thanks to Dove for instigating the stream of drabbles and the usual disclaimers as well as permission for Saphire, Fictionmania, and any free site I present: Years Of Pain by Robin Foster The years of pain were finally over. After hormones and therapy and electrolysis and surgery and more therapy and sexual reassignment surgery,...
So here's the second part of our story. The thing to remember is that we are both mature, a bit bruised by life and perhaps a little behind in our sexual experience. As S explains, she was invisible in her marriage and my sex life was once a month and boring. If you read through this amazing story, see if you can spot the one thing missing? The New Girlfriend's TaleI hadn’t intended to continue the story, but the gentleman concerned rather liked our story being public, and I confess I found it...
Straight SexLately, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. It’s been years since I did it, but I keep fantasizing about sucking cock. I don't recall when I actually started thinking about it. In truth, it’s probably always been there, lurking in the back of my mind.Anyway, the thoughts have been passing through my mind more and more lately. I'm not sure if it’s because of a desire to try it again or whether it’s the influence of my internet browsing.I remember having curiosity thoughts about a gay lifestyle as...
Oral SexLately I have been thinking about it a lot. It has been years but I keep fantasizing about sucking cock again. I don't remember the first time I thought about it. It's just kind of been there, lurking in the back of my mind, wondering what it would be like. This thought had been happening more and more lately. I'm not sure if it was my desire to try it that was growing, or just the influence of the internet on my mind. I can remember having gay/curious thoughts as far back as my teens. Once...
After becoming single at fifty and my children having flown the nest, I finally went online and met a lovely lady. This is the story of our sexual voyage together. Our first meeting was at a dog walk in the woods, she was attractive, bright, but a little reserved and I feared ‘boring’ as the talk was all about the difficult men she’d met. I didn’t expect to see her again but I wanted to. This is her story. Now in my mid forties, I married whilst in my very early twenties. Although day to...
So here’s the second part of our story. The thing to remember is that we are both mature, a bit bruised by life and perhaps a little behind in our sexual experience. As S explains, she was invisible in her marriage and my sex life was once a month and boring. If you read through this amazing story, see if you can spot the one thing missing? The New Girlfriend’s Tale I hadn’t intended to continue the story, but the gentleman concerned rather liked our story being public, and I confess I...
That night as my late father,s guests of honour at the veterans club was a Wednesday I go might, a full house guaranteed as the “giant jackpot” of 500$ was up to 60. numbers having started ten weeks before with 50 numbers! My Mom , Dad, half sister Anna, brother Austin, Sarah and I were sat at one table each playing three bingo cards. The evening began brilliantly as my ticket issued at the start won our table a round of drinks. Sarah cracked everyone up when she ordered her favourite “Bloody...
Note. No person or character in the following fictional story is under the adult age of consent. He was young, but not that young. He felt that he was too old for a baby sitter, that was for sure.The arguments with his parents were long and bitter. Ultimately a compromise was reached. The lady from the house next door would stop in and check on him from time to time during his parents vacation.It was great, although a virgin, he had a large stash of porn hidden under his bed which gave him...
I was in the office finishing up some odds and ends, it had been a long day, and I was taking a leave of absence for the next two months. I had a lot happen all at the same time, a death in the f****y, my husband and I were temporarily separated, not to mention that I had been working 12 hour days for the last three weeks. I was the last one in the office, and it was quite, and most of the lights were already off. Everything was quite, and slightly eerie, I hate being by myself. So I put my...
Hi i’m raj,20 years old and i love crossdressing.i love wearing baggy salwars,tight churidars and sarees.i like fucking girls but i was also fascinated at the thought of being fucked in my ass.in this story i fucked a lady and was also fucked.one as i was returning from college it started raining.i stopped my bike near a house and went and stood in the verandah.i was totally wet and shivering a little.after some time a lady came outside.her name was shalini.she was wearing a yellow saree and a...
Let me preface by saying I’m a skinny, white, 18 year old male. I’m not particularly tall - average height I guess? My style is kinda rocker/skater/alternative, with longish hair.I grew up and spent most of my teen years in Greenfield Massachusetts, which has a rural, small town community vibe.Anyway, last year, my dad found a new job in downtown Boston – so we moved to a suburb just outside of Boston, Winthrop. It is a nice coastal town – quiet and clean compared to other cities surrounding...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...
It was a Saturday night and I was going down in the lift, I met Sameera, a woman I had known for a couple of years. She’s around 25, she has a beautiful face brown eyes and a gorgeous smile. I had been attracted to her simply because she was a ‘larger’ woman. We used to be friendly, but never got to know each other better. She had a bag slung over her shoulder. The strap was angled down between her breasts and the weight of the bag meant that her top was pulled tight over the contours of her...