Yearbook 2005–ow/ym free porn video

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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

CH 1

Other than in the group photograph of the St. Thomas Aquinas graduating seniors, his individual photograph, and the St. Thomas Aquinas Basketball team, there were no photographs of Jack Vogel in the St. Thomas Aquinas yearbook of the school year for 2004-2005.

There were a few of his beautiful younger sister, Julie Vogel (she always seemed to be around whenever the two male students on the Yearbook staff had the Yearbook camera.)

‘Y’all are such dorks,’ Elise good-naturedly teased them.

‘Ooh, here’s a good one of you,’ Tommy McElroy said and enlarged the digital photograph of Elise Simone, pulling her gym shorts out of the crack of her buttocks.

‘Tommy! Don’t you dare!’ Elise screeched and attempted to strangle the laughing eighteen year old.

‘Miss Simone!’ Sister Beatrice hissed as Tommy easily pulled the girl onto his lap.

‘But, but,’ Elise sputtered. ‘HE did it!’

‘Uh huh, both of you behave,’ Sister Beatrice said and resumed her task of cropping the digital photographs that had already been selected for inclusion.

‘Butt hole,’ Elise hissed to the smirking Tommy.

‘Whole butt,’ he hissed back and tried to cut and paste yet another photograph of his girlfriend, Kaitlin Monroe into the file that Sister Beatrice was working on.

‘Uh uh, drop it,’ Elise warned.


Jack did notice the lack of photographs of himself in the yearbook and was hurt by his exclusion. He had been the star basketball player, surely they could have found at least one photograph of him as he scored a basket? He had dated many of the girls in the senior class and many of the girls in the junior class as well, didn’t three of the senior girls work on the Yearbook committee?

He joined Mike Chamblee outside of the school office as Mike glumly looked at the glossy pages of his own copy of the yearbook.

Both boys sneered at Gretchen Dunbar as the unattractive girl waddled out of the office, carrying two yearbooks, hers and Becky’s.

‘Fucking ugly ass cum dumpster. Any of you in it?’ Jack asked.

‘Ain’t seen none yet,’ Mike admitted.

‘Man, what the fuck, huh?’ Jack asked. ‘I mean, you and me was the best fucking basketball players on the team, and nothing?’

‘Sucks, but you know what? Fuck them,’ Mike said, slapping the book shut.

‘Want to go shoot a few?’ Jack asked.

‘Your house, my mom’s got another one of her migraines,’ Mike said.

The summer sun bore down on them and the humidity made the air almost too thick to breathe as they dribbled the ball and shot baskets on the goal Jack’s father had hung for his son.


‘Son, you’re probably one of the best basketball players, at least for a white kid,’ the scout from LSU had said.

Jack smirked, this guy wasn’t telling him anything new.

‘But your attitude sucks,’ the scout said, closing his notebook.

‘Uh huh?’ Jack said, not seeing any point to the man’s comment.

‘You’re not a team player, you’re a hot dog,’ the scout went on. ‘Your grades are bottom of the barrel, barely enough to get by, and you’re a discipline problem, how many times you been in detention this year?’

‘Um, I don’t know,’ Jack admitted.

‘Make it easier on you, how many times you got a detention this month?’ the scout went on, walking toward the door of the guidance counselor’s office.

‘Three,’ Jack admitted.

‘Uh huh,’ the man said and nodded with his head toward the door, indicating that the interview was over.

‘Aw, kiss my ass, ass hole,’ Jack sneered. ‘Go play for the Ragin’ Cajuns, beat LSU any day of the week.’

‘What’d you call me?’ the man yelled, getting right in Jack’s face.

‘You heard me,’ a frightened Jack bluffed, not backing down.

‘Uh huh, and that’s why you’re not coming to LSU in the fall, punk,’ the man sneered.

But the University of Louisiana at Lafayette didn’t want him either.

True, he could have gone to any of the colleges that would accept him, the University of New Orleans had agreed to put him on academic probation for the first semester, as had the University of Louisiana at Monroe and the University of Louisiana at Shreveport.

The problem was, Marnie Vogel didn’t have the money to send her son to college and she made too much as an insurance agent for Jack to qualify for a grant, he was in that limbo of too rich to get assistance and too poor to go without assistance.


Anna Gimmeli loved the Kawasaki 900cc crotch rocket. Her niece and niece’s husband, Alicia and Cris Dumas rode Harleys, and Cris also rode a vintage Indian Chief from time to time. The two of them scoffed at her Japanese bike, but Anna didn’t care, she loved her bike.

She zipped up the leather shorts and pulled on her white tee shirt and headed to the door.

‘Where you going?’ Paul Gimmeli asked.

‘For a ride,’ she said, glad the visor of her helmet hid her face from view, she was rolling her eyes at his stupid question.

Where did he think she was going, dressed in her tight tee shirt and leather shorts and leather boots? The helmet alone should have been a dead giveaway.

‘I can see that,’ he snapped. ‘I mean, ‘where are you going?”

‘Out. For. A. Ride. Out for a ride,’ she said, exasperated at his behavior.

Paul Gimmeli was one of the most insecure men she’d ever met. She’d been engaged to him when she was nineteen and him a twenty year old man-boy. His immaturity, coupled with his boorish arrogance, along with her drunkenness had thrown her into the bed of Tony Clark. She gave Tony her virginity and then discovered that she was pregnant.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome took Lucille from her and a string of affairs took Tony from her. Her second husband committed suicide, leaving her with a stack of bills and very little possibility of paying them off.

Paul hadn’t spent his time pining after Anna Scandurro, he’d gotten married as well.


Paul had met Nellie Skovinski when she applied for a credit card at DeGarde National Bank and asked the stunning blonde for a date.

‘I’ll be honest with you,’ Nellie said over dinner at Radcliffe’s, the trendy restaurant of DeGarde, Louisiana. ‘Don’t expect me to fall madly, hopelessly head over heels in love with you.’

‘Oh, okay,’ Paul said, dejectedly.

‘As long as you can keep me happy,’ Nellie went on, smiling and showing her perfect teeth. ‘As long as you’re bringing home the bacon, I’ll make sure you’re happy.’

‘Oh, okay,’ Paul said, brightening a little.

‘Do we have a deal, Mr. Gimmeli?’ Nellie smiled lecherously.

‘I think we can make some arrangements,’ Paul agreed.

She was true to her word, as long as Paul kept the money flowing, Nellie kept the pussy flowing. Paul found out that nothing was off limits with Nellie, as long as he could buy a ring, or a bracelet, or a Mercedes-Benz for his wife.

‘Ooh, a diamond necklace?’ she’d croon. ‘Does Paulie want to stick his great big thingie up my little bitty butt?’

Tony Clark came back into the lives of the Scandurros and the Gimmelis and in a very short amount of time, Paul found himself bankrupt.

‘I was completely up front with you,’ Nellie said coldly when Paul announced the state of their finances. ‘As long as you bring home the bacon, I’d make you happy. You can’t bring home the bacon? I’ll find myself someone who can.’


Last he’d heard, Nellie was now Nellie Gamble, married to a Texas oilman.

But marriage and divorce had done little to help Paul Gimmeli grow up.

Anna had found that quality somewhat endearing, cute when she ran into him at the Yellow Rose nightclub in Lafayette.

She was there with a group of women from her A.A. home group in DeGarde, Amber was getting married on Saturday, so the girls were ‘cutting loose.’ As they were all recovering alcoholics, none were drinking anything stronger than coca cola, but they were the loudest in the nightclub, shrieking, squealing and laughing.

‘Hey!’ Paul said as Anna turned back around and ran right into his chest.

‘Hey!’ she laughed and surprised him by giving him a light little kiss on his lips. ‘How you doing?’

‘I’m good, I guess,’ he agreed. ‘Buy you a drink?’

‘Don’t drink, but thanks,’ she smiled.

‘Wait, what?’ Paul laughed out loud. ‘You’re kidding, right?’

‘Nope, got three years,’ Anna said and proudly showed him her three year medallion.

‘Um, wow, okay,’ Paul said and then glanced over her head to his date. ‘Well, um, I got to go, but hey, great seeing you again, you living here in Lafayette now?’

‘Nope, still in DeGarde, still with Mom and Dada,’ she said, losing her smile. ‘But great seeing you again too. See you around, okay?’

‘Who was that?’ Amber asked. ‘He’s kind of cute.’

‘Yeah, old boyfriend,’ Anna said, her happy mood gone. ‘Soon as he found out I don’t drink no more, he wanted to get the fuck away from me as quick as he could, though.’

‘Really?’ Amber said, smiling. ‘Then why’s he keeping looking over here?’

‘What?’ Anna said and quickly glanced over her shoulder at Paul, who quickly looked away.

They spent the rest of the night making eye contact and quickly breaking eye contact with each other.

‘Oh my God!’ Amber screeched. ‘Want me to go over and see if he likes you? Or you want to pass him a note or what?’

‘Shut up,’ Anna demanded, and then giggled.

Nearly three years later, the insecurity was driving her crazy. That and his small penis.

‘Why I can’t fuck around?’ Anna asked Jamie, her A.A. sponsor. ‘I mean, Come on, he’s a shitty fuck.’

‘Because, Anna,’ Jamie Baggett explained patiently. ‘We’re trying to live our lives on a spiritual basis now, that means ‘rigorous honesty,’ remember? And you ain’t going to tell me that fifteen minutes of fun is worth throwing your sobriety and your marriage away, huh?’

‘Yeah?’ Anna asked, ‘How the fuck you make it last fifteen minutes?’

‘Do it twice,’ Jamie said and the two women laughed.


The high pitched whine of the motor, the vibration of the road, the heat beating down on her and Anna forgot all about Paul Gimmeli, his constant whining and his small cock. On Highway 19, she really opened the bike up and felt her heart beating inside her head as the scenery around her became a blur.

She hit the railroad tracks at one hundred and nine miles an hour and screamed in exhilaration as the bike became airborne. She laughed as the bike again made contact with the road and she continued until she came to Highway fifty four and had to slow down. The town of Ellgee was no place to speed, speeding tickets were the town’s main source of income and Anna was in no hurry to make another contribution to the town’s coffers. She made a careful turn, making sure to use all appropriate signals, and then made her way back onto Highway 19.

The red flag on the fence post indicated that she was now safely out of Ellgee and she did not hesitate to twist the throttle of the powerful Japanese bike and raced back toward DeGarde.


‘Dude, you suck!’ Jack screamed in triumph as he watched Mike miss yet another basket.

‘Aw, fuck you, ass hole,’ Mike spat. ‘It’s just too fucking hot, man!’

Anna decided to see what was on Highway fifty two and whipped the bike around the turn, laying the bike nearly horizontal with the road as she did so.

She righted herself and then saw the slow moving flatbed truck ahead of her and, coming toward them, a fast moving mini van. She lay the bike down again and turned left onto King street, nearly laughing at the horrified expression of the young mother behind the wheel of the mini van.

‘Let’s see Cris or Alicia do THAT on their Harleys,’ Anna thought as she righted herself.

‘Dude, did you see that?’ Jack said as the bike screamed past the house.

‘Oh my God!’ Elaine LaPointe gasped as the bike turned directly in front of her, before she could even react.

A split second later, her foot reacted and she lurched to a stop, and then slammed her hand down on the horn of the mini van, but the bike was already too far away to even hear the horn.

‘God damned idiot!’ she screamed at the rider’s back.

‘God Dammed idiot,’ Charles LaPointe the third echoed from his car seat.

‘Trey, that’s enough,’ she warned.

King street was a dead end and Anna had to slow down, pull into a driveway and turn the powerful bike around.

‘Dude, she’s coming back,’ Jack said.

‘How you know it’s a, never mind,’ Mike said as the rider’s impressive chest was now visible, straining against the white tee shirt.

Anna glanced over as the two young men, both shirtless stood in front of the house.

She slowed down and then stopped, millimeters away from Jack. She flipped the visor up on her full face helmet, revealing her pretty face and warm brown eyes.

‘Hey, where’s Highway 52 go to?’ she asked, pointing toward Lafayette.

‘Basin,’ Jack smirked, thrusting his crotch forward.

‘Stops there?’ Anna asked.

‘Well, no, I mean, once you get past the Basin, there’s Flowers, and then past that’s Lafayette,’ Jack said, losing some of his bravado.

‘And what’s the Basin?’ Anna asked, more amused than curious.

‘Oh, you know, where you go when you want to come,’ Jack said, smirking again.

‘And do you want to come?’ Anna asked, enjoying herself.

The kid had no idea how old she was, the helmet, even with the visor up, hid most of her face. And he wasn’t looking at her face anyway, his eyes had not gotten above her thirty four D breasts. The shirt was so tight she had not seen the need for a bra and Jack drank in the sight of her breasts and hard nipples.

‘You?’ he challenged.

Anna liked the lump she could see in the kid’s shorts. Her pussy throbbed and she made a snap decision.

‘Where was God in all this?’ Jamie would have asked, but Jamie wasn’t there.

‘Uh, yeah, yeah, I guess,’ Jack said, looking at his friend for validation.

Mike had walked off, disgusted. It was like he wasn’t even there, but it was always that way with Jack. Jack got what Jack wanted, and then if there was any left, then he would share.

‘Where’s your buddy going?’ Anna asked.

‘Fuck, how’m I supposed to know?’ Jack spat, a little irritated at Mike.

‘So, back to this Basin thing,’ Anna said, starting up the bike. ‘Where’s it at?’

‘Up Highway 52, right there on the left,’ Jack said.

‘Put your shirt on,’ Anna ordered.

He did, and then looked at her. Impatiently, she nodded with her head to the rear of the bike.

Jack got on, found the foot pegs, and then held on for dear life as Anna whipped the bike down King Street and onto Highway 52.

She was sure that they could have simply gone into his house, but there was little thrill in that, especially since his friend left.

She slowed as she felt his left hand leave her hip and saw him pointing to a grassy strip of land.

She eased the bike through a small thicket of trees and stopped the bike short of the water’s edge.

‘Here?’ she asked, looking around at the natural seclusion afforded by the trees and the water.

‘Yeah,’ Jack said, voice shaking slightly.

The woman drove the bike like a woman possessed. He had no helmet on and could have envisioned his brains splattered on the hot, sticky asphalt of Highway 52.

‘Nice,’ Anna said and jammed the kickstand down.

She got off the bike and pulled her helmet off. She smiled wid
ely at Jack and he nervously returned her smile.

‘Fucking she’s a bit old for me,’ Jack thought as her face came into view. ‘But she ain’t half bad for an old bitch.’

She unlocked the small storage compartment behind the seat. She pulled out the blue tarp that she normally used to cover her bike and flicked it open and spread it on the ground.

‘Now, let’s see what we got here,’ she said and pulled the tight tee shirt off.

‘Fucking nice,’ Jack said, looking at her large breasts with the large dark aureoles.

‘Yeah?’ she smiled, revealing the fine lines at the corners of her mouth and around her eyes.

‘Yeah,’ Jack said as she unzipped her leather shorts, revealing the lack of panties as well.

She gripped his cock through his shorts and used it to pull him to her. He closed his eyes and imagined it was Elise Simone pulling on his cock, Elise’s lips he was kissing, and Elise’s hot tongue he was sucking on.

He felt the woman pull his shorts and briefs over his erection, and then felt the woman’s hands cup his balls and squeezed them firmly.

Anna laughed as his semen splattered across her chest.

‘Aw, man! Shit! I’m so fucking sorry about that shit,’ Jack gasped, horrified.

‘No biggie,’ Anna laughed, wiping the semen off and flicking the strands off of her hand onto the ground.

I, I um,’ Jack mumbled, pulling his shorts up over his wilted cock.

‘Aw, come on now, you ain’t done, huh?’ Anna asked, dropping her leather shorts to the ground.

‘Well, yeah for a while, I mean, when I blow a load like that,’ Jack stammered.

‘How are you at eating pussy?’ Anna asked, preparing to lay down on the tarp.

‘Uh uh!’ Jack smirked. ‘I ain’t putting my mouth on no pussy, fucking shit smells, know what I’m saying?’

‘Mother fucker, I ain’t got myself all hot and bothered here for nothing!’ Anna snapped and grabbed Jack’s scrotum n a fierce grip.

‘Fucking bitch!’ Jack screamed and raised his hands to push her away.

‘Uh uh,’ Anna said, hooking a leg behind Jack’s knee and bringing him down onto the tarp. ‘Better learn, boy, when a lady tells you ‘eat,’ you eat.’

‘Fucking bitch, get your fat ass off me!’ Jack screamed, indignant as she covered his mouth and nose with her slimy pussy.

Fortunately for his testicles, Anna did not hear ‘fat ass,’ it all sounded garbled.

‘Kid, you ain’t getting up ’til I get off, better start eating, hear me?’ Anna demanded, pushing her pussy hard against his face, and continuing her death grip on his balls.

Her pudgy thighs pressed tightly against is ears, but he’d heard enough to know he better begin licking her crotch or else.

‘Aw yeah, that’s it,’ Anna laughed maliciously as the boy’s inexperienced tongue began to lap at her slit.

‘See?’ she cooed as she stroked his resurgent erection, and eased her weight up slightly so he could breath again. ‘It ain’t so bad, now is it?’

He wanted to tell her she smelled like dead fish, but her hand on his testicles told him he’d better keep his smart ass comments to himself.

‘Aw, yeah,’ she laughed and stroked his cock through his shorts. ‘I think somebody LIKES eating hair pie!’

She wiggled her hips, rubbing her pubic hair against his face.

‘Give me a good one, I’ll make it all right, okay?’ she giggled.

He found her clitoris and she groaned happily.

‘That’s it, kiss it, baby,’ she groaned.

When she finished coming, she eased his erection out of his shorts and briefs again. She twisted around and smiled at his panting face. She licked her own essence from his face as she lowered her hot pussy on his cock.

‘God damn, going to break the fucking things, grab them like that,’ she complained as he gripped her large breasts.

‘Fuck! I know they big and all, but they like to be treated like this, okay?’ she said, grabbing his hands and showing him how to caress her breasts and nipples.

She used her vaginal muscles to clamp down on his cock and shuddered in orgasm. She reached behind her and gently, but firmly twisted his cock at the base, stopping his impending ejaculation. She kissed him hotly and laughed as he groaned into her mouth. She milked him to two more orgasms before finally letting him come inside of her.

‘Hey, how old are you, any way?’ Jack asked as they dressed.

‘Thirty one, going to be thirty two in a few months,’ she laughed.

‘Oh, well, um, happy birthday,’ he said.

‘Thanks,’ she smiled. ‘Why? How old you think I am?’

‘I don’t know, thirty, thirty one, I guess,’ Jack shrugged.

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It´s been quite a funny night so far. You and your collegues at the office were having your annual summer´s party. Like every yoear, the boss took all employees to a fine restaurant - Drinks were boozed, drinner was eaten. Afterwards most of the collegues went home. Just you and 4 more guys continued to party and went to a club near the restaurant. You all had some drinks and time was flying. As you look at your watch, you realize it´s already 2 am. Time to go home. But what for? Like the...

2 years ago
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The door in the mirror

The door in the mirror By QModo -- I was in a traffic jam. It was a dead jam, not even crawling. There was no way to escape while it was a one-way street. Like most streets in the neighborhood of Portland High School where I'd worked. One way streets usually worked well to prevent traffic jam to form but not today. The only exit from employees parking opened into Chestnut Street. It was a one-way street. I was driving down the Chestnut Street then the right turn into Congress...

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On The Eve Of Blooming Daffodils

Had it really been 15 years? The house looked the same and her skeleton key still fit the lock. More importantly, the locking mechanism still worked. The wood and glass-paned door swung inward, a gust of wind creating a blanket of dust that rolled across the beaten linoleum floor, raising ghosts with it. That was fifteen years ago. She knew it but she still trembled as if her father was sitting in the dark living room waiting for her to come home. There was no one in the house now. It had been...

4 years ago
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The Ice Queen

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex

Hi mera naam faizan hai aur mai kanpur ka rehne wala hun. Mere ghar mein mere papa(45) mummy(40) badi behen(25) aur mai(22) hun. Mere papa govt. Offce mein hain, mummy housewife hai. Meri behen shreya master degree kar rahi hai. Jyada na bolte hue mai sidha story par aata hun. Ye pichle mahine ki baat hai jab meri behen k liye mera najariya hi badal gaya . Meri behen 25 saal ki mast maal hai uski chuchi 34d aur gand 36 hai mujhe baad mein pata chala. Mai apne kamre mei leta hua tha tabhi meri...

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The Bitchbreaker

It's funny how popularity works. This time last year Richard Flynn was one of the more popular guys in school. He was the new guy and shrouded mystery. Before the end of the first semester there were dozens of rumors about him spreading around the campus. But that was before last years Junior-Senior basketball game. The game itself was a joke. Five seniors from the varsity basketball team would take on a team of juniors voted in by the entire school. At some point the seniors would pull a prank...

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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 13 Morning After

“Let’s all agree to never speak of this again,” Reid sighed, hefting her rucksack onto her back as her team loitered around her. Her face was burning, Dubois seemed similarly embarrassed but Sousa and Webber were beaming. Clayton was hard to read, avoiding eye contact with his colleagues as he tightened the straps on his bag and inspected his boots, trying to keep himself occupied in order to avoid talking to them. It seemed as if everyone had slept with one or more Krell the night prior,...

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Behind the Green Veil Ch 01

Chapter 01 A Persian Woman Unveils a Hidden Passion after a Chance Encounter ———– Orkideh ———— ‘Fucking hell!’ I exclaimed as I slapped at my I-phone with dread. Four a.m. was just a cruel and inhuman time to have to wake up. I was tired and also frustrated wondering why all the good dreams always seem to wait until the last few minutes of deep sleep before they come into our consciousness. I was dreaming of my fiancé waiting for me back in Boston and dreading the twenty three hours of...

1 year ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 11 Its Evolution Baby

The train car sped towards the city, the bands of greenery and the clusters of white structures flying past below. Jaeger watched the high-rise buildings race towards them, the mag-lev track passing between two of the curved structures. Maza and her friends were wearing the same loose-fitting tunics and knee-length shorts that seemed to be the fashion on Valbara. It was the most revealing thing that he had seen her wear. He was only interested in her anatomy, of course, which had previously...

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My New Bed and The Sales Lady

New BedI'm 65 years old and in not to bad a shape. I hadn't had much sex for a few months as my wife wasn't in the mood and for the past week she's been down at my sons place in the city. I had just bought a new bed and about three weeks after buying it, the mattress had sunk down excessively so I called the store and they said they would send someone out to check it up. A couple of days later the sales woman I bought it from turned up at the door. She was quite short with long blonde hair, and...

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I Wanted it in My Tight Ass

I loved my boyfriend more than anything and he knew it. I was willing to do anything in bed to show him I loved him but I wanted one favor. I wanted to be fucked in the ass. Right as my birthday was only days away I finally decided to tell him what I wanted. When I told him what I wanted for my birthday, he was all too happy to give it too me. That night after dinner we when to a sex toy shop and bought lube and latex free condoms. Then we went back to his house as fast as we could. He picked...

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A Match for the el Maiens Ch 11

Please give feedback if you have a moment. I’m very keen to improve this story. Public comments or Anonymous feedback using the ‘Send Feedback’ button are both great :). I relish critical comments and am not at all sensitive about having weaknesses in my writing pointed out. ***** Anna! Anna!’ a quick husky voice was saying in her ear. ‘Mm-mm?’ she murmured, turning her head in her pillows and opening one sleepy eye. ‘O-oh Tashka! What time is it? It is still dark.’ Tashka’s lean tanned...

2 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 10 The Wrath of the Queen

The girls all started to scream as they all came furiously together. They had often been able to hold off cumming until all were at the edge and then let themselves go. They were so worked up by the scene they were watching in Pietro's room that they're orgasms literally knocked them off their feet. Well, it knocked Lana over; anyway, she had been bent over the desk chair, using its back to support her as Hannah pumped her from behind with her strap-on. When Lana saw the powerful orgasm Amy...

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Togetherness Part 1

Early June 2042, Interstate 95 one mile north of Danvers State Police Barracks Sergeant Oscar Pierce was stuck doing another shift for one of the lazier troopers. This was the norm for him as he took the worst shifts for the troop due to having a wife whose work hours were erratic and a family who had to be told to back away at times from helping them cope with parenthood. Today was different. Today there was a car stopped on the side of the highway causing a backup that he had...

1 year ago
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Megan Teaches Her Prize Student He Passes with an A

Back sixty years ago, Howard was a very shy, six foot tall, skinny, sixteen-year-old high school student. He had been in an English class when he told the teacher that he couldn’t see the black board. She came and stood behind him and said, “I can see the board perfectly.” He told his single mother and she was barely able to afford the eye exam and fill the prescription. Now he was called four eyes because of the horn-rimmed glasses he wore for extreme nearsightedness. Howard was smitten with...

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IHaveAWife Stephanie West 23661

Happy New Year! But what happened? Stephanie West and Tony blacked out and have no idea! But Tony – waking up on his floor amid a gigantic mess – apparently made an ass of himself, as evidenced by the note his wife put on him before she left the house for brunch with her parents. Stephanie, who woke up in a separate room, is trying to piece together what happened the last night of 2017, but they have no video or photos from it to jog their minds! Well, why not re-create the celebration so you...

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How I Became A Swinger

How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

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First time kind of

I was a soccer player in my highschool very fit decent looking white guy..I went to a religious based highschool. Boys wore ties and sport coats. Girls wore skirts and sweaters. I was a very shy guy, but I could talk a good game with girls when I tried. I always was interested in this chick In my history class(final class of the day). I would trying to flirt with this girl and finally I said "truthfully I wanna go on a date with you sometime" she replied with "truthfully you aren't my type." I...

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DaughterSwap Reyna DeLaCruz Honey Hayes Swap And Punishment

Alex Puller and his stepdaughter Honey Hayes knock on Peter Green’s door one morning saying that Honey wanted to go to school with Reyna Delacruz, her best friend, that morning. When their stepdads leave, it turns out the girls are much closer than they seem, because Honey starts eating Reyna out! After school, Peter and Alex overhear them talking about sexual dreams they’ve had with their stepdads and so they decide to release all their sexual tension by swapping their stepdaughters and having...

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Flashing First Time Round II

I received a surprise by text message. Remember Buffie - from my Flashing First Time story? She sent me a text and asked me if I was in a hotel or not. I replied with a "I'll be checking in later in the day." She said, "Cool - can I call you?" Of course, I indicated she could.Later in the evening, my mobile phone rang - it was Buffie. We talked for awhile, she reflecting on our little escapade of days before. I suggested a web video call - she agreed.After she pinged me on a web call, I waited...

2 years ago
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Another Married Lady

Well do you really want to know about the Married Ladies that I have fucked? I told you about how I lost my virginity well the Lady that broke me in turned up with a friend about a month after she had fucked me they where having a girls week away and she had told her how we had met and how she had broke me in. Then she asked me if I would fuck her friend for her as she had only ever fucked her husband before, she lost her virginity on her wedding night and had never had another cock fuck her!...

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Beginning Of My Sex Life With My Brother 8211 Part 2

Hey guys this is Deepika again, Thank for your responses for my first part and that made me submit this one for you..If you have missed my first story the link is given above. As i mentioned in the first part my mom and dad had to visit my sick aunt and they will return only the next day..This meant that i had one full night with my bro..Yay!!..I couldn’t wait to go back to home from college..At last i reached home by 4pm.. I had a shower and wore a pink t-shirt without any bra..I was ready for...

3 years ago
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The Crystal Rose

“The ancient town of Arpeggio lies at the base of Mt. Zabanya. Legend has it that a thousand years ago, Arpeggio was being attacked by a group of bandits. The villagers took whatever they could and tried to escape up the mountain to escape the marauders. The bandits chased the villagers up the mountain and so the villagers were desperate to climb the mountain so they could flee to the other side. After days of climbing, the villagers found that the peak seemed no closer and the bandits were...

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30 years from Tease to Sleaze

The fun part is much later, this is about how I led my aunt into experiencing being a slut late in life.His wife, my aunt Saru, was a tease. She may not have had much in the breast department but she had very luscious hips and a cute slightly plumpy ass. Living in a remote town frustrated her. She was in her 30’s loved getting out and about and loved flirting with us. We never took it seriously but she was brazen, nicknaming me her boyfriend etc. Being my aunt, I avoided getting too involved....

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How Helen Learns to Love AnalChapter 3

Dawn’s light through the bedroom window roused me. Helen had rolled over and was lying facing away from me. I regarded her back and shoulder blades; then I kissed her shoulder. “I’m not asleep,” she said. “Did you sleep well?” “Wonderfully well.” I began caressing her. “You have a pretty back, Helen.” “Mmm ... That feels nice. I love backrubs. God, Eric -- I can’t believe it. I can’t believe how our relationship has grown in just a couple weeks. I keep thinking I’ll wake up from some...

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Tender Elf MeatChapter 3

The orc encampment was a shambles – like any structure associated with the greenskin races. Most of the so-called tents were just pieces of material held up by sticks. Narfath’s tent was different. Though consisting of multi-colored and badly cut material the whole structure did at least resemble a tent. It into this place Brienne was carried. Narfath ordered some goblins to clear away evidence of quite a boozy feast and to light some candles. Brienne was tossed groundwards. She landed on...

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brother and sister fuck mum p1

brother and sister fuck Mum, Part 1.His sister Sharon is one hell of a horny slut. She first fucked her brother when she was sixteen and Tom was f******n and it was the time they both lost their virginity. They started playing with each other earlier on in their younger lives when she first caught him masturbating in his room and wanted to watch him doing it. When he told her that he always thinks of her when he does it she told him that she does the same while thinking of him. Tom asked her,...

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My First Incest Relation With Cousin Elder Sister 8211 Part 2

A big thanks and tight hug to all my story readers for their overwhelming likes, personal messages (hangouts) and email. Your appreciations gave me a kick to write the next part of incest with Ritu (cousin elder sister). I would suggest that you read the first part before continuing this one. So beginning with the session directly. After our first sex on the terrace, we came to our rooms and slept very relaxingly. Next day, I saw her when I came for breakfast. Ritu was glowing with full of...

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forced at school part 2

I was so tired that I fell asleep again but I was not asleep for long before I was woken up by my teacher untying me and turn me round onto my back and then tie me up again.He then went out of the room and was gone for a few minutes before he came walking in with Sammy in his arms because she was still u*********s.He put her on top of me and then I felt hm grab my cock and put some lube on it before forcing Sammy down on to it.He slid her up and down on my cock for a few minutes before saying -...

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For Neneh I drive into Susan with an animal hunger and she rises against me and around me with an adept grace. Her hands, which had been caressing my back, claw at my shoulder. The constriction of her incipient orgasm brings me to mine. We explode together. For an immeasurable moment, it is heavenly ecstasy. Then I return to mundane reality. I roll off her and hug her to me. "You are wonderful," I say. "You're not so bad yourself," she replies. Lying there in the fatuous lethargy of a...

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The Surprise Party

When I returned home, I found my wife in the living room with a cake, and nine of the most beautiful women I?d ever seen THE SURPRISE PARTY?When Earl walked into the living room, he was astounded. Hope was sitting there with a cake, and six beautiful women. ?Hello, darling? Hope said, giggling ?Happy birthday.? Hope?s boobs heaved in her little striped top. Earl grinned. This was great, and today he was a real guy, not Hope?s little slaveboy. It was his birthday?and look at all the...

4 years ago
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Want Me to Brush Your Hair

I was home from college for the summer, for the third year. My sister Cecilia was on her first. We both vaguely thought about getting summer jobs, but the first couple weeks melted away without much effort. We were smart kids, both on full scholarships, with stipends, so we were equally lazy about it. We spent our days like sloths. The main problem for me was my serious girlfriend, who summered with her family, a thousand miles away from me. We'd been together for two years, having...

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Maine Uski Pyass Bujhai

Baat us dino ki hai jab mai 12 class me tha jaisa mai aapko pehle apne bare me bata du ,, meri height 6ft hau meri body built aur bahut hi attractive hai koi bhi ladki mujhe dekhte hi,, mujhsese chudne ke liye taiyar ho jayegi aur mere tool ka size 7″ hai …..Ab wapass story me aata hu mere class me bahut si ladkiya hai jinme se ek hai anamika vo bahut hi jyada sexy hai aur uska figure (35b 28 34) jo ki mujhe baad me malum pada ….Vo aksar mujhe dekha karti thi aur mujhe dekhte hi ek smile dedeti...

1 year ago
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My Dearest Aunty

Hi all ISS readers this is Raju from Talimnadu, Coimbatore doing my college I am 20 years old .this is my first sex experience that I want to share with u . I got encouraged by reading the stories posted here to post mine. This story is a short one but includes every sex accept . this happened just two month ago with my aunt. Her name is Mythili she is around 37 looking sexy . mostly in saree she looks damn sexy as she is a malayali she wore saree in their style that she exposes her one breast...

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Sarah was a good friend of my girlfriend. They had been friends throughout high school, and were now good friends in college. Sarah came down to stay with Jeni (my girlfriend) for a weekend. They had planned to just do some shopping and a little bit of partying.Jeni and I had been dating quite some time. We had a wonderful sex life together, in part because both of us enjoyed being kinky, though Jeni was shy. I had taken her virginity at 17 as far as I know she has only been with me since we...

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Summer of 89Chapter 10 Smooth Criminal

I'd like to say that after Cindy and I had sex for the third time that night, that I rushed home and immediately confronted Janet about what Cindy had told me. That I'd gone over there and demanded to know if Nathan really knew about us being together, that she was kinky, that I laid it all out and found out the answer. I'd like to say that, but I didn't. What can I say? I was fifteen years old, and I did what most fifteen year old boys would do when confronted with two women who were...

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Young boy and the bbw

Here I was at 26. Bored, broke and worst of all single. I lived alone in a one bed room apartment downtown, the one thing I did have going for me and spent my nights working a dreadful factory gig manufacturing pickled foods. Pigs feet, pig lips, pigs ears, eggs, sausages, you name it. If it could be soaked in salt and vinegar I was stuck there mass producing it. The checks were cool but the hours and the smell were a real nuisance. My time spent away from work was typically devoted to...

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Fertility Down Chapter 2 Viable

Chapter 2: ViableWe all went to a diner. At first we didn’t talk much, but eventually we started joking around. Dan seemed to be a little better. That was the thing about the whole situation, very few people expected to be fertile, so it was a little bit of an easier blow after a little while. Especially after you sit down in a public place like the diner. There was a lot of couples and friends, and literally no c***dren. And something like that probably helped Dan. He knew he was in the same...

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