Yearbook 2005–n/c free porn video

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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Ch 1

In the St. Thomas Aquinas yearbook of the 2004-2005 school years, the thin volume held the usual groupings. The graduating class of 2005, followed by the various seniors that won various awards, such as ‘Best Christian Example,’ (Elise Simone) and ‘Friendliest,’ (Rayne Sneed) and so forth. Then there are the other classes, the faculty, the intramural sports and extra curricular clubs. The rear of the book is filled with various groupings highlighting various activities, highlights of day to day life at St. Thomas Aquinas.

Bernie Melancon’s shy smile and David Melancon’s sullen scowl were one of the four photographs on the page titled ‘New Friends.’ Richard Boudreaux had been standing next to Bernie, part of the reason for her shy smile, when the photograph had been taken, but he was cropped out, only his forearm visible. He was not a ‘new Friend’ at St. Thomas Aquinas.

Bernadette ‘Bernie’ has short red hair, very thick and very tightly coiled. Even though the photograph is black and white, there is no mistaking the fact that her hair is a carrot orange in color. Her hazel eyes are large and expressive, and her nose a snub little Bulb above thin lips and a receding chin.

She stood at four foot eleven (she swore she was five feet tall) and sported a thirty four C chest, which looked substantially larger on such a small frame, a twenty five inch waist, and thirty inch hips.

A few of the boys asked the new girl out, but the eighteen year old had eyes for only one boy in the Senior Class, the eighteen year old Richard Boudreaux. Besides, she noticed, that when the boys asked her out, their eyes never went above her chest.


‘Ah come on, boy, Aunt Maggie’ll pay you for it,’ his dad had said, growing irritated with his sullen son. ‘And what you got better to do anyway? Hanging out with Mike and what’s that little loser’s name, Jack?’

‘And Bernie will be right there, she’ll probably do most of the work anyway,’ Beth had said, knowing little smirk on her lips.

‘Yay, whoopee,’ Richard had sullenly muttered.

He remembered Bernadette Melancon from the wedding when dad and Beth got married, she had been a scrawny ugly little fourteen year old red head that followed him everywhere at the reception, wanting to dance, wanting to eat, wanting to have his attention.

Beth and Aunt Maggie and Uncle Joe had thought it was so cute, ‘Puppy Love,’ they kept calling it.

Then his mother had moved to Houston, Texas and he very rarely got to see his dad or Beth or his new Aunt and Uncle and their seven children.

Two years later, his mother, fighting a losing battle with clinical depression and chemical addiction finally succumbed to the disease and slashed her wrists. Her latest boyfriend found her lifeless body in the bathtub, sparing Richard that horrific ordeal.

Richard moved back to Bender, Louisiana, moved in with Dad and Beth. They tried to help him, but he withdrew from them and from anyone else that tried to reach out to him.

At St. Thomas Aquinas, a welcome change from the hostile public school of Houston, he gravitated toward Jack Vogel, whose own father had committed suicide, and Mike Chamblee, another boy that felt like no one understood, or cared about him.

At least Bernie wasn’t there, stuck up his butt the whole time. Uncle Joe had moved Maggie, Bernadette, and the other six Melancon brats nearly one thousand miles away to Atlanta, Georgia.

‘Good riddance,’ Richard thought, smirking to himself.

Bernadette and her six brothers and sisters were brats, noisy and irritating brats as far as Richard was concerned. The whole world was full of brats and people that deserved to hurt as much as he was hurting.

Whenever Joe and Maggie and the Melancon clan trekked the one thousand mile drive for holidays or summer breaks, Richard made sure he was anywhere else but home.

‘Hey, don’t you need like, gas money, or insurance money for that car I bought you?’ Beth snapped, also tiring of Richard’s sullen behavior.

‘Yeah, fine,’ Richard snapped and slammed his way out of the house.

Maggie and the kids had moved back to Bender two weeks ago, when Uncle Joe had come home and announced to the submissive, docile Maggie that ‘he’d found the love of his life’ and was leaving them for his twenty two year old secretary.

Georgia is a ‘No Fault’ state so the meek Maggie would not be awarded alimony of any sort. They’d not been able to afford a home big enough for all of their children and themselves, so they were still renting. The remainder of the marital assets was split up easily enough, Maggie got the large van and Joe ran out and bought a brand new Lexus for himself.

Child support, however, was a non-negotiable expense and Joe was stunned to find out just how much he would be paying for several more years.

His girlfriend, once she deduced how little of his meager income would be left after child support, saw that she would be expected to help out with the household expenses and ‘fell out of love’ with Joe Melancon.

In a rare moment of strength and fortitude, Maggie Melancon told Joe she wished him well, but he would not be living with her and her children. She packed the children into the van, hooked up a trailer to the vehicle, and carted them back to Bender, leaving Joe to fend for himself.

That sort of determination was rare indeed for Maggie Melancon and even Richard had to nod his head in admiration of her for standing up for her and her children.

{‘How many Maggies does it take to change a light bulb?’ his dad would joke.

‘How many?’ Richard would ask, Beth wouldn’t ask, she’d just glare daggers at the two of them.

‘Oh no, don’t bother, really, I don’t mind, it’s all right, we can just sit her in the dark, really, it’s no trouble, I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out,’ his dad would answer and they would laugh.

‘Y’all aren’t funny, you know that?’ Beth would hiss at the two of them.}

All of Joe’s e-mails were deleted, his phone messages erased, and, on the rare occasions that Maggie would answer the constantly ringing telephone, she’d tell him she wished him all the happiness in the world, but she wasn’t coming back and he wasn’t welcome there.

‘Plus that,’ Beth said. ‘Bernie’s quite the cutie-pie.’

Richard groaned, Beth’s idea of ‘cute’ left a lot to be desired. And of course she would think her own niece was cute.

‘And she’s still carrying a torch for you,’ Dad said, smirking.

He cranked up Rage against the Machine’s Bulls on Parade, knowing that Beth really hated the way his subwoofer shook and rattled the windows, then drove away. She would tell him it sounded like that gang down the street, the Angels 270.

Dad and Beth thought it was so cute, an ugly little bitch having the hots for him.

‘Wonder how fucking cute they’d think it was if they came in and caught me jamming the stupid cunt ups her ass?’ Richard muttered to himself as he drove to the address Beth had given him.

He had a bit of an anal fetish, searched for pictures and mpeg clips on the internet all the time. He’d even taken Gretchen Dunbar out on a date, she was easy enough, fucking anyone who asked, but she balked at anal sex.

‘No, that shit fucking hurts,’ she said. ‘Why we can’t just fuck, huh?’

”Cause I got to look at your fucking ugly face when we just fuck,’ Richard had spat at her. ‘Least if I fuck your fat ass, I ain’t got to see your face looking at me.’

‘What the fuck ever, ass hole, just takes me home, huh?’ she demanded.

She told everyone at school about his ‘weird’ desire and very few girls would accept dates with him, most of them wouldn’t even talk to him.

He rolled his eyes, h
e could hear the cacophony as he walked up the steps to the front door. He had to knock twice, the second time almost pounding his fist on the door before it was yanked open.

He looked at a somewhat homely girl, about his age, sporting a really nice set of boobs in a snug tee shirt. He’d do her. He just wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he’d do her.

‘Mom!’ the girl screamed out. ‘Richard’s here!’

‘Okay, I won’t be long, we’re just going out to that new casino, y’all behave yourselves, y’all pay attention to Richard, I better not hear that y’all was bad or you’ll really get it when I get home, my goodness, Richard, you’ve really grown! You’re eighteen, right? My God, you’re just as handsome as your father, oh you’re going to be quite the heartbreaker, come give me a kiss, Philip I’m talking to you, come give Momma a kiss, y’all behave, you hear me, we’ll probably be back about eleven, no later than eleven thirty, okay, your dad said you can sleep on the couch if you’re tired before I get back, love you, it’s so good to see you again, bye,’ and the short red headed woman left a cloud of her overly done perfume and was gone.

True to Beth’s prediction, Bernadette did do most of the work, Richard just provided the muscle to back up her demands.

‘Aw, why I got to take a bath?’ five year old Philip whined.

‘Yeah, huh?’ his twin sister, Phyllis joined in.

”Cause neither one of you knows how to wipe your butts and you stink,’ Richard said, which sparked loud raucous laughter out of all of them.

‘Yeah, come on, stinky butts, bath time,’ Bernadette ordered and marched the children up the stairs.

‘I’m going to be taller than you,’ David, the sixteen year old, challenged.

‘Uh huh, and I care why?’ Richard shrugged.

‘Okay, David, Bee, Tammy, Patty,’ Bernadette barked, clapping her hands to get their attention.

‘Don’t call me that!’ Patrick screamed.

‘Whatever, Patricia,’ David sneered.

‘See? See?’ Patrick screamed.

‘Sorry, Patrick,’ Bernadette said. ‘Come on, dinner.’

Dinner was hot dogs, chili, and macaroni and cheese and Bernadette was an expert at separating the portions so that each child got the right amount and no one child seemed to get more than any other child.

‘You want some?’ Bernadette asked, already fixing Richard a plate.

‘Um, yeah, sure,’ Richard agreed.

‘Okay, what you want to drink?’ she asked, swinging open the refrigerator door.

Richard looked at her round little bottom in her cut off jeans.

‘We got strawberry, orange, this stupid grape stuff…’ Bernadette itemized.

‘Hey, I like that grape stuff!’ Patrick screeched.

‘You want some?’ Bernadette asked him.

‘Yes ma’am,’ he said, prompting David to comment about what a sissy Patty was.

‘Shut up,’ Richard ordered.

‘I want some grape stuff too,’ Bee demanded.

‘Orange for me,’ David demanded.

‘Orange for me, what?’ Bernadette prompted.

‘Please,’ David said, and then paused for a long moment. ‘Fart face.’

‘Uh huh, now you get nothing,’ Bernadette said, serving the others their drinks.

‘I’m bigger than you,’ David threatened.

‘And I’m bigger than you,’ Richard threatened back.

‘Not for long,’ David shot back.

‘Then I guess I better kill you now so you don’t get bigger than me, huh?’ Richard said.

‘Richard, that’s not nice,’ Bernadette chided him lightly, touching his arm to let him know she wasn’t really angry with him.

Richard scowled into her large hazel eyes. Her eyes held him for a long moment and he finally looked away.

‘Now, what you want to drink?’ she asked him. ‘Orange, grape, strawberry?’

Then she mouthed the word ‘beer’ and he smiled and nodded his head yes.

‘Oh damn it!’ she shrieked. ‘Forgot about Philip and Phyllis!’

She dashed out of the kitchen-dining area and Richard heard her feet as she ran up the stairs.

‘Hey,’ Bee whispered to Richard.

‘What?’ he snapped.

‘Bernie likes you,’ Bee said, prompting giggles from herself, Tammy and Patrick.

‘Yeah?’ Richard said. ‘And?’

‘What is going on in here?’ he heard Bernadette demand. ‘The soap isn’t even wet!’

‘Do you like her?’ Tammy prodded.

‘Um, I don’t remember that being any of your business,’ Richard said, prompting more squeals and shrieks from the three younger children.

‘I swear to Jesus, y’all better get busy or you’ll be seeing Him real soon,’ he heard Bernadette yell.

‘She says that all the time,’ Patrick confided to Richard.

‘Yeah, but she don’t mean it,’ Tammy assured him.

‘And?’ Richard said again.

‘Richard!’ Bernadette yelled out and he got to his feet.

‘Yeah?’ he called back.

‘Need an extra hand,’ she called out.

‘Just fucking great,’ he muttered, earning gasps from Bee, Tammy, and Patrick.

Richard roughly dried an uncooperative Philip while Bernadette dried a docile Phyllis. Then they helped the twins into their pajamas.

‘Now, who’s hungry?’ Bernadette asked the two and herded them out of the disaster area.

‘I’ll get that,’ Bernadette hastened as Richard began to mop up the massive amount of water the twins had splashed onto the floor.

‘Fine,’ Richard sullenly said.

‘I mean, I do appreciate it, but I can do it,’ Bernadette hastened to placate his feelings.

‘Whatever,’ he said and stomped back down the stairs.

Typical. Even when he tried to help, tried to be a part of the team, he was pushed away.

Ch 2

‘What?’ Patrick screamed. ‘Why I got to go to bed? Mom ain’t home yet!’

‘Because it’s ten o’clock,’ Bernadette screamed back.

‘So? You ain’t my mom, you don’t tell me what to do!’ Patrick argued back.

‘No, but I do,’ Richard said, getting to his feet.

‘Then Tammy and Bee got to go to bed too,’ Patrick whined as Bernadette marched him up the stairs.

‘What, you the bed time police now?’ Bernadette asked.

‘Yeah!’ Patrick yelled, giggling. ‘You’re under arrest!’

‘What time you got to go to bed?’ Richard asked David.

‘When Mom gets here,’ David snapped, matching Richard’s sullen attitude.

‘Nuh uh!’ Bee said. ‘Ten thirty!’

‘Tattle tale,’ David yelled.

Richard grabbed another beer out of the refrigerator and drank from it quickly, even though he didn’t particularly like the taste of it.

‘Give me some,’ Bernie begged, pressing herself tightly against him.

He gave her the can and she took a hefty gulp, and then smiled up at him.

Despite his bad mood, he couldn’t help but return her smile.

‘Thanks,’ she whispered after taking a second hefty gulp.

He finished off the beer and jammed it into the recycling bin Aunt Maggie had set up in the kitchen.

A quick survey of the pantry revealed a half gallon of whiskey, a half gallon of vodka and a couple of smaller bottles of rum, gin, and tequila.

‘That’s for when Mom and Dad was having parties when we was in Atlanta,’ Bernie said from behind him, startling him.

‘Oops, sorry!’ she giggled then lost her smile as he scowled darkly at her.


‘What you want to watch?’ Bernie asked when David finally fussed and whined and stomped his way upstairs to his bedroom.

Anything but you, bitch,’ he thought.

He’d drank enough of the whiskey, that bottle held the most liquid and would most likely not be noticed to give himself a bit of a buzz and a bit of a headache.

‘We got, um, I’m still trying to learn these channels, in Atlanta we had this satellite stuff and their numbers were all different than this cable junk, man, they ain’t got anything here, huh?’ Bernie rattled, very nervous, finally alone with Richard.

He was so handsome, dirty blonde hair cut short, light blue eyes, strong square face and a
nice smile, when he did smile. He was taller than her, easily six feet tall, and muscular. Not overly muscular like a body builder, but you could see his muscles in his nice polo shirt and cargo shorts.

She found MTB and they watched a rerun of a reality show and both sat, watched, and groaned at the stupid antics of the show’s stars.

‘So, um, we’re going to be going to St. Thomas you know?’ Bernie suddenly said.

‘Yeah? School year’s already started,’ Richard said, not really paying her any attention.

‘Um, yeah, but all our records transferred. I’m a senior,’ Bernie pressed on.

‘Yeah, me too,’ Richard said, only slightly interested.

‘Yeah, It a big school?’ Bernie asked. ‘We were at Holy Cross? In Atlanta? And that school was HUGE! I mean, got lost just going from one class to the next!’

‘Nah, St. Thomas’s like this real little bitty shit whole dump,’ Richard groused.

‘There any, um they got lots of cute boys?’ Bernie asked.

‘Yeah, like I pay any fucking attention to how many cute GUYS they got there,’ Richard spat.

‘Well, I’d tell you if they had any hotties there,’ Bernie shrilled in response.

‘Don’t need you to tell me, they got a bunch of them,’ Richard grumbled.

‘Yeah?’ Bernie asked. ‘Um, they cuter than me?’

‘They all are,’ Richard said, not thinking.

It took a moment for his alcohol addled brain to register why, all of a sudden, Bernie was running up the stairs, sobbing.

‘Really smooth, sport,’ his dad would have said.

‘Yeah, well fuck her,’ he answered his father’s voice, answered out loud.

‘Double bag her,’ Jack Vogel would laugh. Put one over her face, one for you in case herb’s falls off!’

‘Put a fucking bucket over her head, swing from the handle,’ Mike Chamblee would say.

He poured himself some more of Aunt Maggie’s whiskey, adding quite a bit of diet cola. Diet cola was the only soft drink he could find, other than the strawberry, orange, and grape juices. Even as inexperienced as he was at drinking, he didn’t think any of those would mix very well with whiskey.

He shuddered as he drank the foul tasting drink, but drank all of it, and then put the glass in the sink. A thought came and he put the glass into the dishwasher, toward the rear. Wouldn’t do for Aunt Maggie to know he’d been in her liquor.


Maggie’s face burned in shame. She wasn’t even divorced yet, and yet she’d just had sex with a man she just met tonight.

Carl had looked so handsome in his baby blue sport shirt and khakis and had bought her a couple of drinks, then suggested they have a little bite to eat in the casino’s restaurant.

Her cheeks burned even hotter when she reminded herself that sex was the very reason she’d gone there tonight, the very reason she’d put her diaphragm in before leaving the house.

She wiggled her bottom slightly, she could feel Carl’s semen pooling in the crotch of her panties.

‘Damn you, Joe Melancon,’ she thought as she turned the van into the driveway of her house.

‘But Carl was a whole lot better than you’ve been in years,’ she smiled to herself as she opened the door to the house.

Richard lay on the couch, afghan covering him. Impulsively, she bent down and kissed his cheek before staggering up the stairs.

Richard felt his mother’s lips touch his cheek, felt his mother’s loving hand on his shoulder and softly began crying.

Maggie went into her bathroom and gingerly tried to retrieve her diaphragm. She felt around and could not locate it. She looked on the vanity and felt sick, it was still in the case.

Tammy had distracted her, whining about being left behind, and she’d comforted the child, intending to put the birth control device after she hustled Tammy out of the bedroom.

‘Oh well, she half giggled, half sobbed. ‘What’s one more?’


Breakfast was a loud, disorganized chaotic ordeal and Richard was grateful to finally be free of the Melancon Household. He and Bernie had been the only quiet ones, she avoided speaking to him, avoided even looking at him.

‘Um, listen, I might need you again tonight that are all right?’ Aunt Maggie had asked as she fished a ten and twenty out of her purse.

‘Um, yeah, yeah, I guess so,’ Richard mumbled.

He felt guilty about how much Aunt Maggie had given him, Bernie did all the work. All he did was sit there. The hardest part was putting up with that snotty David.

He didn’t even turn his stereo on as he drove the half mile to his own house.

‘Loser, I mean Jack called for you,’ was his father’s greeting.

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Lenore used the last fifteen minutes to write Ben. Don't forget to send Sandy a birthday card, Ben. Don't you ever take her for granted. Lenore thought for a moment, and then added, You probably think it's girly stuff, but you always did understand your sisters better than most boys would. Deb and Chief Kostowe are together, and she's changed so much, she's so much happier than when you were here. I'll write more next week, I've got this silly duty to 'accommodate' some French Navy...

1 year ago
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In Daddys Strong Arms

Note : This story is completely fictional!!! Part 1: My name is Jenna Clark. I just turned twenty last fall. I have dark brown hair, green eyes and a pale complexion, almost alabaster. I have 36 C breasts. My parents are still together, though I know for certain that they haven"t had sex for at least a year. My mother is usually out late at night, and when she does come home, she smells of sex and cologne that isn't my fathers, so she"s obviously out screwing around with other men. While she"s...

3 years ago
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Cousin Fuck

I was maybe 18 then with raging hormones as they say. The summer came and in moved my cousin Nivedita. She was 3 years my senior and was going to join a professional college in my city. Well I was going to have to share my room wit her and i was not complaining. She was a sexy girl with a lovely figure. Though short she had nice thighs and a round arse, so round that even a latina might go green with envy. I spent many nights wanking thinking of her pussy and her sexy bod. I wasn't bad...

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Mean Girls Torture Club

The pic was the deal breaker: he was about to meet the wrong girls. So they'd set up a date. They had sent Sarah, the youngest of them with the innocent face and the curly, semi-long, strawberry-blonde locks. She'd met him, her tattoos carefully hidden by long sleeves, at a cafe downtown. She had used all the skills learnt in high school drama classes beguiling him. Her guise made her look perfectly innocent, save maybe for her long, black-painted nails. She'd led him through an empty...

1 year ago
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Murder Misstery Redux

Murder Misstery Redux © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did.... After faking her death, Maddy is enjoying her life as the mistress of the Parisian doctor who is turning her into a woman. The next few months were among the happiest of my life. Long, lazy mornings puttering around my apartment, fixing myself breakfast while I picked up French...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Mona Wales Mothers And Stepsons

Mona spends the day reading romance novels on the couch, ever since her step-son, Nathan, moved home, he likes to spend the day on the couch too, watching football on mute and yelling at the screen. Mona grows to enjoy reading about hyper masculine men as she listens to her muscular step son yell at the television. He says he loves how in romance novels the heroine always leaves the good guy to fuck the bad boy, because the sex is always better. Just as she starts to argue, Nathan kisses her....

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Escort Services0

Chapter 1. At last, she allowed him to cum, letting his seed spurt into her mouth in almost painful spasms of ejaculation. Her tight grip at the base of his cock released, allowing the pent up seed to pass, so that it shot through his urethra at blast velocity. His hips bucked involuntarily, raising his narrow cheeks off the stone slab of the poolside paving, his orgasm ripped through his body. Her lips, locked around his purple head, creating a seal, trapping his viscous fluids until...

4 years ago
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A cold windy day and a sauna

That late afternoon Victor and I were in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping. That day the city was really cold and windy.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and were welcomed by a friendly, nice looking dressed blonde who was...

2 years ago
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Camping trip

When I just turned 16 I went a weekend long camping trip with scouts to the black hills in Bingley bradford West Yorkshire UK.As per normal we all met at the church on haworth road at mid day that friday.Few of the guys helped pack the mini bus and I help adele.Adele was an adventure scout and she was a blonde haired 18 year old she was also an ice skater and also into gymnastics which meant she had a very hot body she also had the amazing pair of blue eyes. The kind that penetrate your...

3 years ago
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The Bar

Scotty came down stairs to see me and daddy laying in my bed stark naked. He stared for a minute, before coming over to where I was laying. I had a blanket over my hips, with my erect nipples being exposed. Scotty bent down to suck on my nipples when I woke up. I smiled at him and told him told him to be gentle with his nibbles. Pulling and nibbling on each nipple was making me to finger my wet pussy.I pulled the cover back and spread my legs to insert my new vibrator. I didn't turn it...

3 years ago
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December at the coast part 3

December at the coast Part 3Waking up Saturday morning, once again I got up to go for the morning piss and yet once again I bumped into Samantha in the passage. This time she covered her nipples and I teasingly said, no poking nipple view this morning. She smiled at me as she blushed and headed back into her room. Taking a good long morning piss thinking about the pleasurable blowjob from sexy Jessica, my cock started growing as I finished pissing. I washed my face to wake up properly and then...

2 years ago
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Bad Day in Toulary Chapter 1

Saturday morning dawns bright and clear in the small town of Toulary. Vance Traynor stands on his front porch, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. He sits the coffee on the table by the porch swing and goes down the steps to retrieve the morning paper. He sees a sharp looking blue Ford pickup parked in front of his house.Hearing his name, he looks around to see his best friend and neighbor, Tyler Wisdole. "Good morning Vance, I thought you were going to spend the night at the lake and catch...

4 years ago
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RedTails The Paddled Princess Chapter 2

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter II: Party Crasher"Good evening to you too, Allisson," Arlin growled. His body shuddered, and his aching, still stiff maleness flexed at the Raccoon's touch. "I trust that you and Amanda are having a profitable night?"She nodded and flashed him a coy smile, "Yep-yep, our tails have been remarkably busy. And we have only been working for not even two hours so far tonight." She snuggled up against the Tiger, sighed, and rested her head...

2 years ago
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Aunty Made To Pay

My name is Gabhi, 19 yrs of age. I had some bad habits, the most severe was that of betting in IPL matches. During last season of IPL I lost massively. My debt raised to 40,000 Rs. I had to pay that much amount to Qureshi bhai within 1 month. I had no idea from where I would be managing this huge amount. I made a plan to use my aunty for this purpose. My aunt name is Anju. She is 38 yrs old. She is fair, sexy . Her boobs are big, blooby perfect size , they were so attractive that whosoever saw...

3 years ago
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My wifethe cum whore Part 3

Introduction: Part 3 of these stories. Check out the first 2 for a full background. All comments welcomed! Part 3: As you recall, I caught my slut of wife sleeping with my then best friend and while waiting for the PI to come back with his report she surprised me with a threesome with a woman who she knew I thought was hot. Then come to find out my wife truly is a whore who has been sleeping around every time she gets a chance. My wife and I have always had a healthy sex life. We had sex at...

1 year ago
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Junglie love

My friend Kamini narrated this to me. I am narrating this in her words. Girl’s horny girls n housewives interested to get the same type of experience can mail me at Hi all of you!! I here am Mrs. Kamini Bhatt. Don’t be surprised but I’m 37 years old and stay in Mumbai. My husband is a rich businessman having not enough time for me. Actually he isn’t interested in me coz he down there. You see, I have a big cunt. He just can’t satisfy me with his dick. So he just blames me. But, I don’t care. I...

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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 4

Molly held the mastiff's mighty prick by the base, not stroking his cock yet, enjoying the thrill of the anticipation. She gazed at his swollen cockhead, thinking what a real turn on it would be when she saw the jism spurt out of it. She knew that it was going to make her so hot that the doggy would have to lap her cunt again, but she didn't think that the doggy would object. Molly thought she would jerk him off on her tits. She wasn't sure how far a dog's ejaculation would shoot,...

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Cat FightChapter 30

TERMS tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p’uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k’aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in – gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s...

1 year ago
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Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume Ch 02

by floridaguy2001 © Two straight friends share a halloween costume Part 2 This is a continuation of part one, it really does not stand on it’s own so the reader will get more out of the story if you read part one first. So Tom and I headed out of the bathroom, and as we walked into the living room and ran into Mandy. ‘Hey Dave where have you been, I have been looking for you?’ ‘I was in the bathroom’ As I said this, she took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. ‘Wait a minute...

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Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 02

We watched our friends grow up togetherAnd we watched them as they fell.Some of them fell into Heaven.Some of them fell into Hell. -The Pogues ‘A Rainy Night in Soho’ ‘Let’s go ouuuu-wwoooooooo—out tonight!!’ I’m dead. ‘Oh, take me ouuuu-wwoooooooow—out tonight!!’ I am dead and I am in Hell and I’m being tortured for my ‘sinful’ ways. I can hear mom saying, ‘I told you so’ from here. Miranda opened one, bleary, violet eye and scowled as she lay face down upon the mattress. Sam was busy...

4 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 29

The remaining portion of Nuka-World was the most dangerous. There were robots that were set up in automatic defense mode all over the place. The whole facility had been built around something called Star Control and Star Cores, which was a computerized operating facility for the entire park. We found the remains of a trader with a note that explaining the situation outside of the main entrance. Apparently someone had thought that parts being redundant meant they weren’t actually needed, so...

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Annies surprise

Robert slipped out of the house early leaving Annie in bed, Kay was also at home and as he drove to work he wondered what they would make of the little surprise he had arranged for them. He had left the front door on the latch so Danny would have no problem getting into the house, in fact he saw Danny park up just as he was leaving…. ………… Danny slipped into the house quietly and locked the door behind him, he slipped the key into his pocket so even if either of the sluts were to try to leave...

3 years ago
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My favorite time with a man as a Tgirl

I was in the dance clubs with my friends and we were very sexy dressed in heels and low tops and I was in high heels and a mini dress that was flowers all around it. My ass looked so big and round in that dress. It was low on my big boobs and very tight so my boobs looked like they have coming out. I was told by my friends I looked hot and like a real girl.I felltd like a real girl. Very girly and my hair was long wavy and reach just above my butt. I was sitting down drinking with my girl...

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Fucking my mums friend on holiday

Hi I'm Kyle 19 m uk . This is a true story about how I fucked my mums friend on holiday , hope you enjoy ;) ..................Not too long ago my Mum and her boyfriend James had planned to go on holiday with her friend Karen and her husband Mike.They was also taking Their son michael with them , he was 2 years younger than me and they had to persuade me to come with them just so I could keep michael company .I had met michael before he was very quiet and a bit of a nerd to be honest . I wasn't...

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Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1

Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1 Andrew led me up some stairs and into a small lounge area lit only by gas lamps and the light from the open fire in the corner. It was late, only 30 minutes or so from closing time, I noticed a noisy group of young black guys playing pool in the corner. Stoping at the bar momentarily to order drinks, Andrew and I then made our way over to a bench seat in the far corner of the room. Taking a long slow sip of red wine, I couldn’t help wondering what Andrew had in...

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Carters Exploits Part One The One Night Stand

The all too familiar story seemed so close to Carter's life that he could've sworn that he wasn't alone. But even he knew that was, unfortunately, his existence. How he was meant to be. And he had come to like it that way. The Gothic Lounge was bustling with the spirits of those raving around it. Everyone was jumping, singing, dancing and having a good time. It was a nice sight, seeing so many people happy over his efforts. He was sure to make his money back from the renovations to this place:...

2 years ago
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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

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NubileFilms Anastasia Brokelyn Keep Her Cumming

Renato has promised to keep his eyes closed for a surprise from Anastasia Brokelyn, and he does as he is asked. When he opens them, he sees his love wearing lingerie that invites him to stare. Her legs are encased in thigh high stockings and made longer by high heels. After putting on a show for Renato with a few flashes of titty and ass, Anastasia crawls over to where Renato is waiting patiently. She pops his dick from his jeans. When it springs free, she settles in to lick away at her salty...

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A Gay FantasySex With My Driver

Hi..This is Vijay..I’m a final year college student…I’m a lover of sex..I like every bit of gay sex…a bit afraid to try it but I love it…always had a weakness for super cute asses and big hard dicks….love public exhibitionism and guys groping in public.. I’m 21 years old…pretty slim body…nice chest with brown nipples..I like it hard always…I shave my body when I’m horny..and its super sexy..gotta nice bouncy ass that like to dance with every step..always been proud of my ass…I have a...

Gay Male
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Imperfect Ch 12

The house was still not going to be available to move into for almost 6 months. Zoë’s house was beautiful, and we had plenty of room there, but we had such big dreams and I was so anxious to begin. The baby was born, and we named her Emily Estelle Keys. I gave her Zoë’s last name in order to tie them together in some way. We set up a rough nursery in the rental house. Unable to paint or make any renovations we just made do with curtains which we could bring into the new house with us,...

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hot hot tub

I had just gotten home from my weekend job at the supermarket. It was a Friday night, and I was tired and ready to go to bed. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and brush my teeth, and I found my mother in our giant bathtub. She had her neck leaned back against the wall, her feet sticking out over the edge, and the tops of her breasts were just visible over the bubbles. Just looking at them turned me on. I cleared my throat and she opened her eyes."Hi honey, how was work?" she asked...

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The Cummoner

Totempole666! You fucks are always coming to me looking for recommendations. I get. I have excellent taste in bitches, porn, and, well, everything else. But one question I get more often than anything else is “Who is your favorite hentai artist?” And I feel like my answer changes every fucking time. Some days I feel like jerking off to some busty babes getting fucked by tentacles in a traditional hentai style. Other days I like seeing some slut get fucked by orcs in 3D SFM. And sometimes I’ll...

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My Vivid Memory of Sex with a Shemale Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a lonely man in his forties. I love to travel, dine and explore new places by myself. But I often wish for a partner. I got divorced early, so the little chance of being with someone was also ruined in my memory. So, each morning I would go to work, do my mundane bank job and visit my nearest LGBT bar. I am sharing my memory of sex with a Shemale and how I found pleasure in it. I am not gay or have any element of pride in me but what really fascinates me is Shemales. I believe they have...

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Sister and I take a break

*** 100% Fiction Last summer holiday my sister and I decided to go and visit the countryside as we were getting bored at home with not much to do. We both packed our bags and decided to head south, taking the train from the city centre. After heavy delays, we reached the south and decided to check into a motel as we were both in need of a shower. The hot summer’s day and the walking around from one station to another had taken its toll on both of us. The receptionist took my name down and...

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Fun with Vanessa in the lab

It was going to be like any other day at the lab. Everyone was in a hurry since it was Friday and wanted to get his/her experiments done in time, so to go home and start the weekend early on. However, it didn’t turn out that way…The week before the boss had accepted this new student from Italy. Her name was Vanessa. She was not so tall, had blond hair and a nice body. Since she just joined, she was still a bit shy, but nevertheless she was very attractive and I had noticed this early on after...

4 years ago
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Night at the Movies

My problem was that I was too shy. Take the time when Mum and I kissed under the mistletoe at Christmas. Admittedly, she'd had a few glasses of wine, but we'd never kissed like that before. She pulled me under the mistletoe, laughing, and took my face in her hands and kissed me on the lips. She was wearing a shortish skirt and a sleeveless silk blouse, with a sprig of holly in her hair, and it felt marvellous when I put my arms round her. But then I felt her soft lips moving on...

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First Encounter With My Girlfriend

Hey Indian sex stories. This is Kashwick (name changed). M a huge fan of Indian sex stories and usually read stories on ISS when I was 18 years old. This is the story of my first encounter with my girlfriend. Her name is Swati(name changed). She is like a sex goddess. Very active in sexual chats and fucking sessions. Her figure was real charm (36-28-32).. By god her melons where the best. When I hug her I usually poke her pussy with my dick. :d :p and she says control your feeling my boy you...

3 years ago
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How showing the wife began

Soon after moving in with my then girlfriend (now wife) Cathy, we soon settled into our daily routine. Always leaving the house around an hour or so before her, she always saw me off by the front door with a hug and kiss. What she wore during these farewells varied as to how far she had prepared her makeup and things.One particular day, she arrived to see me off wearing just her bra and panties and as always, planted a sweet little kiss on my cheek as we opened the door. As I left the house,...

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