Yearbook 2005 ow ym
- 5 years ago
- 50
- 0
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
Ch 1
In the 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas, there were the usual sections, the graduating class of 2005, followed by the Junior, Sophomore, Freshmen, and Eighth Grade class pictures, both as individuals, and as a group.
The faculty photographs followed that, and the intramural sports. The various clubs and groups followed the sports, and then the assorted photographs that showed the casual viewer slices of life, slices of activity in and around the school brought up the rear of the thin hardcover volume.
One photograph in that section commanded almost immediate attention. Two of the senior class are standing next to a 1959 Chevy, a somewhat unusual automobile, its large tail fins prominently displayed in the photograph. The two seniors are dancing to an unheard song playing on the car’s non-standard stereo system, the tinted windows down so that they can hear the music.
Her face has a goofy smile as she bends at the waist, pushing her ample rear end toward him and he bends at the waist to mimic her movement, putting his slimmer backside toward her. The sleeves of his sweater dangle over the girl’s hands, obscuring her small hands from sight. He doesn’t look cold, though, even though his girlfriend is wearing his sweater. His long sleeve flannel shirt has some warmth in it, and the strenuous dancing generates enough heat too.
The caption of the page read ‘Casual Day.’ There were five other photographs on that page, showing others dressed in their best ‘casual’ clothes for ‘Casual Day.’
‘Brother Dominick, I got a way we can raise money,’ Elise Beatrice Simone announced as she bustled into his office.
‘I HAVE,’ he corrected. ‘Not ‘I got,’ I have a way we can raise some money.’
‘Oh, yeah,’ the blonde senior giggled, flashing her braces at him. ‘Brother Dominick, I have a way we can raise some money.’
‘He sat, waiting. The girl had been elected, against her wishes, to the post of Treasurer of the Senior Class, but despite not wanting to be treasurer, she was dedicated to a fault.
‘Shouldn’t have gone to the dentist on Election Day,’ Kaitlin had shrugged when Elise protested.
‘Casual Day,’ Elise said. ‘See, we got to wear…’
‘HAVE,’ he corrected again.
‘We have to wear these stupid uniforms all year,’ Elise pressed on.
‘Wasn’t aware they were stupid,’ Brother Dominick interrupted.
‘You know what I mean,’ she giggled again.
She outlined her idea, on the last Friday of every month, the students would be allowed to wear casual clothing, rather than the school uniforms, but they had to pay two dollars for the privilege.
‘You ain’t got…’
You DON’T HAVE,’ he corrected her again. ‘Good God, Miss Simone, are you sure you’re a Senior, on the cusp of graduating High School?’
‘You don’t have the two bucks, too bad, you got, you have to go home and put on your uniform, none of this ‘oh, I’ll pay you tomorrow,’ ’cause I know these dorks, they’ll NEVER pay up,’ Elise finished her pitch.
‘Wow, that last sentence was almost grammatically correct,’ Brother Dominick said.
‘Well?’ Elise demanded.
‘Nothing racy, revealing, inappropriate. No mini-skirts, no, oh, what do you call them, the shirts that don’t go down all the way?’
‘Crop tops? Belly shirts?’ Elise asked.
‘Those,’ Brother Dominick agreed. ‘No tank tops, no shorts.’
‘Got it,’ Elise promised.
‘Good. Actually, I think this could be fun,’ Brother Dominick said. ‘I’m glad I thought of it.’
‘You!?’ Elise screeched, and then giggled again as Brother Dominick smiled playfully at her.
She presented the idea to each of the classes. The twenty eight students in the Senior class, the twenty four in the Junior class, the thirty one in the Sophomore class and the forty nine in the Freshmen classes and the forty four in the Eighth Grade classes were enthusiastic about the new privilege.
‘I wonder why there’s like twice as many kids in the Freshmen and Eight Grade,’ she mused aloud at the dinner table.
‘Easy, Dick shrugged. ‘What happened thirteen years ago?’
‘Yeah, yeah, the biggest mistake America ever made,’ Elise rolled her eyes. ‘Bill Clinton gets elected to the White House.’
Dick Davis’ dislike of liberal politics was well known in the Davis household.
Once, Elise was trying to get her stepfather’s attention. In a huff, after being ignored for several minutes, she finally huffed, ‘I’m so glad I’m a registered Democrat.’
‘What!’ Dick yelled.
‘Oh, good, now that I got your attention, I need…’ Elise said.
‘Very funny, young lady,’ Dick said, waggling a finger at her.
‘And then eight years later, America almost makes an even bigger mistake, God damned Gore,’ Dick said tightly. ‘Even after getting caught, bold faced lying! ‘I invented the Internet,’ my ass! But no, no, Honey, think. Something else happened.’
‘I don’t know,’ she finally said, shrugging her shoulders.
‘Elise,’ Carmen laughed. ‘The First Gulf War?’
‘Oh yeah,’ Elise said, then shrugged her shoulders again. ‘So?’
‘So. Soldiers coming home, haven’t seen their wives, their girlfriends in a couple of months, come home heroes?’ Dick said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
‘Ew, Dad! You’re gross!’ Elise screeched.
Ch 2
Julie Vogel stood, in all of her blonde glory and smiled as Marlon Dublachon hemmed, hawed and stammered his way through asking the beautiful Junior for a date.
‘You got to ask Jack, you know that,’ the girl finally said, ending his babbling.
Jack was Julie’s older brother, who had taken on the role of her ‘father’ when their father committed suicide a few years earlier. He took the role seriously, Julie and Marnie Vogel, Jack and Julie’s mother indulged him this.
Marlon smiled. He and Jack weren’t buddies but Jack knew Marlon was one of the good guys. He had even said so himself.
Marlon found Jack just where he knew he’d find him, in the gym, practicing basketball. Coach Blanchard didn’t like Jack, said Jack was not a team player, but grudgingly admitted that Jack was the best player on the team.
‘Hey, Jack, ‘Marlon said and grabbed the ball.
‘Tell you what,’ Jack said, after hearing Marlon’s case. ‘I’ll make you a bet.’
‘No, Dude,’ Marlon said. ‘We ain’t playing ‘Pick Up,’ you’ll beat the snot out of me, Dude.’
‘No, no, nothing like that,’ Jack said, retrieving a rebound.
His massive ego was well-stroked by Marlon’s concession of his greatness on the court. ‘Got a trick shot I been working on. I miss it, you and Julie? Have fun, see you.’
‘And if you make it?’ Marlon pressed.
‘You got to go out on a date with….’ Jack thought.
‘No, dude,’ Marlon objected. ‘I ain’t going nowhere near Gretchen, man.’
‘Aw, why not?’ Jack laughed. ‘At least you’d get you some!’
‘Rather do my hand, dude,’ Marlon said, shuddering at the thought of sleeping with the unattractive Gretchen Dunbar.
Just then, Roberta ‘Bobbi’ Quarveros strolled by.
‘Her,’ Jack said, pointing to the dark skinned girl.
‘No way!’ Marlon protested loudly, making the girl look at the two boys.
Her face darkened and she scowled at Marlon. She brushed her long hair back with her hand, tucking it behind her ear and quickened her pace.
‘See, man, she freaking hates me,’ Marlon said.
‘Too bad, man,’ Jack shrugged. ‘Never know, I might miss this shot. It’s a hard one.’
‘Okay, what is it?’ Marlon asked, challengingly.
‘Bounce the ball off the floor, into the basket, from the free throw line,’ Jack said.
‘Bounce the… From the free throw line?’ Marlon asked.
‘Yep,’ Jack said. ‘I miss, you
and Julie, have fun. Just get her home before midnight.’
‘You’re on,’ Marlon said.
There was no way he’d make such an impossible shot. Jack smirked as he steeped up to the free throw line, bounced the ball a couple of times, testing the ball’s velocity, then heaved the ball downward.
‘You and Bobbi have a lovely time,’ Jack said as the ball swished through, barely disturbing the net.
‘Aw, you mother fucker!’ Marlon had to laugh.
‘Tell you what, dude,’ Jack said as he clasped Marlon’s hand in congratulations. ‘Go out on a date with Bobbi, I’ll let you take Julie out next time, okay?’
‘Yeah, yeah,’ Marlon said half-heartedly.
‘Bobbi says no, though shot with Julie,’ Jack said and bounced the ball though the hoop again, again not even touching the net.
‘You’re an ass hole, Vogel, you know that?’ Marlon said.
Bobbi looked up as Marlon slowly made his way toward her table. She did not like him, had not liked him from their first day of school at St. Thomas Aquinas when the two Eight Graders had collided in the hall.
‘N*gger!’ Marlon had spat contemptuously as he picked his books up.
Her father, mother and she sat in Brother Dominick’s office while Marlon, his mother and father pleaded with Brother Dominick not to expel Marlon. Her mother and father tightly accepted the frightened boy’s apology, but Marlon was aware he was on thin ice.
Five years later, she still held the resentment. She resented the majority of the students, but Marlon received the bulk of her anger, he was the only one that had ever given voice to what she was sure the largely white population of St. Thomas Aquinas really felt. What the majority of the largely white, lower middle class of Bender, Louisiana thought.
‘What you want, Cracker?’ she hissed as he sat down across from her.
‘Sitting down, eating my lunch,’ he shrugged.
‘I didn’t say you could sit here,’ she spat.
He got up, looked at the seat, looked behind it, looked underneath it, then shrugged and sat down again.
‘Don’t see no sign on it says I can’t sit here,’ he said and began eating again.
He looked up and smiled almost apologetically as the pretty girl stared murderous daggers at him.
She was pretty, when she wasn’t glaring in hatred. Her face was round, framed by the long, cark hair. Her eyes weren’t dark brown, but were rather a soft, caramel brown, as was the hue of her skin. Actually, she looked more Latin than African American. Her best feature was her smile, a rare sight, but a beautiful one when it was seen.
Her body was slightly pudgy, her breasts were definitely noticeable, but weren’t huge. They certainly weren’t on the same scale as Kaitlin Monroe’s that was for sure. Being short, her legs were a little on the stubby side, emphasized by their thickness, and her rear end was rather pronounced.
Once, David Leblanc had affixed a strip of paper to a bent paper clip and hung it on the waistband of Bobbi’s skirt. She walked around for nearly a half an hour with ‘Wide Load’ prominently displayed on her rear end until Sister Beatrice yanked the paper off of the girl’s waistband. Then the entire school had to go into the gymnasium/auditorium to endure an hour long lecture on political correctness and respecting others’ bodies.
She ignored his attempts at conversation and he smiled when he’d finished his lunch.
‘See you later,’ he said and she glared daggers at his retreating back.
She could barely contain her giggles as he made his way toward her table. He put his tray down across from her again, and then looked at the seat.
She had taped a piece of paper to the backrest of the chair. ‘Marlon Dublachon can’t sit here.’ He looked at the six other chairs around the table. All of them had similar papers taped to them. He looked at her and burst out laughing
‘Here,’ she said, giggling and pulled the paper off of the chair to her right.
She turned and pulled the paper off of the chair to her left and turned around again. She was very surprised to see that he’d taken the seat to her right, next to her.
She’d expected him to just pull the sheet of paper off of the chair across from her when he saw her taking the papers off of the chairs.
He was good looking. That was part of the reason it had hurt her feelings so much when he called her that word.
He had sandy blonde hair, warm brown eyes, and an easy smile. His chin and jaw line were square, strong looking, and his body, scrawny as an eight-grader, had filled out very nicely.
He was tall, six foot one or two, to her short five foot stature.
‘Hey, um, I was um, kind of hoping, you ever been to Manny’s?’ he asked between bites of the school lunch.
‘Ha ha, very funny,’ she spat at him, scowling again.
‘What?’ he asked, frowning.
‘Manny’s?’ she said. ‘Manuel Quarveros? My dad is Manny’s, dummy.’
‘No kidding?’ Marlon asked and smiled. ‘Dude, your dad’s got the best Mexican anywhere!’
‘I ain’t a ‘dude,” she said, slightly mollified.
At least he hadn’t been trying to be funny, or derogatory about her family’s business. Kaitlin and the other snotty bitches Kaitlin hung out with were always making rude, snide comments about her being a waitress.
She brushed her long black hair back with her hand, a nervous habit of hers. He made her nervous, sitting right next to her, she could see some of the students looking over, slightly curious.
‘So, um, I guess you wouldn’t want to eat there, huh?’ he asked, a slow blush beginning and spreading.
‘No. Not really. Why?’ she asked, and stuck a forkful of the school spaghetti in her mouth.
‘I um, I was kind of, hey, you ever eat at Bombay’s? Out in Kimble?’ Marlon asked. ‘Um, it’s right there on nineteen?’
‘No, well, I mean, my cousin got married and Bombay’s did the catering, man my dad was so mad! He does catering too, you know? We almost didn’t go to the wedding because of that,’ Bobbi said.
‘So um, you want to go?’ Marlon asked hopefully.
‘Wait, what?’ Bobbi asked him, realization setting in.
He was blushing hotly now, his entire face a bright red. She looked at him for a long moment.
‘You mean, like on a date or something?’ she finally asked.
‘Look, I know we didn’t get off on the right foot and stuff, but that was like, what? Five years ago?’ Marlon said quickly, almost pleading.
‘I um, I got to ask my mom,’ Bobbi said, her own face darkening with a hot blush.
‘Um, okay,’ Marlon said. ‘Um, can I get your number, I’ll call you um, later tonight?’
‘That boy, the one that called you…?’ Maria asked,
‘Yes ma’am,’ Bobbi said.
‘Is fine with me, but you know how your father is,’ Maria agreed.
‘Can YOU ask him?’ Bobbi begged.
‘Roberta, what you think?’ Maria asked. ‘When that little boy, what was his name, Tyrone? When that boy wanted to take you to the Sweetheart Dance, who asked your father, huh?’
‘You did,’ Bobbi said and hugged her mother tightly.
‘This might be a little different, though,’ Maria warned. ‘This boy’s white, right? And he did call you…’
‘Five years ago!’ Bobbi protested.
‘You know your father,’ Maria said. ‘An elephant! Never forget nothing! Oh, except the anniversary. Or my birthday? That, that he forget all the time!’
Manuel glared pure hatred as the boy pulled to a stop in front of the house.
Bad enough his little Roberta wanted to go out on a date, and wanted to go out on a Friday night. Friday and Saturday nights were the busiest at the restaurant, she was sorely needed there. But she wanted to go out on a date with a white boy. THAT white boy.
‘Manuel, sit down,’ Maria demanded. ‘Like a bull, ready to charge!’
A flurry of Spanish shot back and forth between husband and wife and Manuel’s
mood was even darker when Marlon knocked on the door.
‘Yeah?’ he demanded when he yanked open the door.
‘Hi, I’m um, I’m Marlon? Um, I’m here to pick up Bobbi?’ Marlon stammered.
‘Yeah?’ Manuel snarled. ‘Want to call ME ‘n*gger?’ Huh? Want to call me that, to my face?’
‘Sir,’ Marlon said, regaining his composure. ‘That was five years ago, when I was a stupid little kid. I was sorry then, I told you I was sorry, you said you accepted my apology, didn’t you?’
Manuel looked up at the youth, Marlon was at least six inches taller than him and grudgingly nodded his head.
‘Daddy, please,’ Bobbi begged from behind him.
‘What time you going to have her home?’ Manuel demanded.
‘When would you like her home?’ Marlon countered. ‘I’ll make sure she’s back in plenty of time.’
‘Six thirty,’ Manuel snapped.
‘Okay,’ Marlon agreed, then glanced at his watch. ‘That’s fine, fifteen minutes’ better than nothing.’
Bobbi’s heart did a little flutter. Maria smiled, despite her anger with her husband.
‘Manuel, let the boy in,’ she demanded.
Marlon nodded his thanks to Maria and again introduced himself.
Husband and wife were nearly the same height and stocky build. Manuel was very dark skinned, being half Haitian and Half Guatemalan. Maria, being full Guatemalan was darker than Marlon, but lighter skinned than her husband. The husband still scowled at him, but the wife actually smiled.
‘Um, actually, um, I was um thinking we’d go to Bombay, then um, there’s that ‘Saw’ movie playing, oh, hey, you okay with that? I mean, it’s supposed to be scary,’ Marlon said.
‘No, no, that’s fine,’ Bobbi agreed.
‘So um, that gets out at, the next showing is at like ten thirty, so ten thirty okay?’ Marlon asked Manuel.
‘Ten thirty,’ Manuel said tightly. ‘Not eleven, not eleven thirty. TEN THIRTY, got it?’
‘Yes sir,’ Marlon agreed.
‘What you whispering about over there?’ Manuel demanded of his wife as the mother whispered something to Bobbi.
‘Telling her behaves herself,’ Maria claimed, looking her husband in the eye, daring him to say otherwise.
‘Uh huh,’ Manuel said, not believing his wife.
‘Bye Daddy,’ Bobbi said.
‘Good Bye Mr. Quarveros, Mrs. Quarveros,’ Marlon said politely.
‘Uh huh,’ Manuel snapped.
‘Whew!’ Marlon let out his breath when the door closed behind them.
‘You um, you look real nice,’ Marlon said as he opened the car door for her.
‘Thanks,’ she said and got into his mother’s car.
She was wearing a pair of distressed jeans (they were ‘borderline’ on Casual Day) and a red cotton blouse. She had changed several times, trying to find just the right outfit for her date.
He was dressed in slightly baggy jeans and a flannel shirt, even though it was ninety degrees on this September evening. He also had on his favorite tennis shoes, his Air Jordans. The size thirteen shoes were still gleaming white, he wore them only on dates.
‘I mean, we see each other all the time, but we always got on those stupid uniforms and stuff,’ Marlon said as he started the car.
‘Yeah,’ Bobbi agreed.
‘But you look um, you look real nice out of your uniform,’ Marlon went on.
‘I bet I do!’ she laughed out loud. ‘But how would YOU know?’
‘That’s not what I mean!’ Marlon protested. ‘You know what I mean!’
Both eighteen year olds enjoyed a good laugh at Marlon’s slip of the tongue.
Hashim showed the couple to a small table. If he thought anything about a white youth and a black youth together, his face did not register it.
‘So um, what’s good here?’ Bobbi asked, looking at the menu.
‘I um, I really don’t know, I never ate here before,’ Marlon admitted. ‘I hear a lot of this stuff is spicy though, my mom and dad eat here all the time.’
‘Ah, maybe you like the chicken Tika,’ Hashim suggested as he pointed it out on the menu. ‘It’s not too spicy, goes very good with the saffron rice.’
‘At my cousin’s wedding, y’all had this um, this lamb stuff, it was like almost a sausage kind of thing,’ Bobbi asked.
‘Ah yes, yes, the shiskabob, you like that?’ Hashim said, smiling.
‘Yes,’ Bobbi enthusiastically agreed. ‘Y’all ran out, we was just shoveling that stuff down!’
‘Where’s that at?’ Marlon asked, looking at the menu.
‘Lamb dishes, here,’ Hashim said, pointing.
‘Oh, oh, and y’all had that, oh man! What was that, it was this all vegetable stuff, real hot,” Bobbi went on.
‘Hot like spicy or hot like have to blow on it?’ Hashim asked.
*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas, in Bender Louisiana, are the usual groups of photographs. The first few pages are dedicated to the graduating seniors, Individual photographs of each senior in cap and gown, then the entire group of the seniors and Sister Andrea, the Homeroom teacher of the Seniors of St. Thomas Aquinas. The last two pages are dedicated to the seniors that won...
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xmoviesforyou[This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.][***Special Author Note: This is the back-story of a character in another story of mine, The Perfect Vengeance Fuck Plot.? If you like his character...
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xmoviesforyou"Honey, I am home!" I heard the voice of my mother as she locked the door behind her.I quickly closed the fridge and and wiped my mouth clean of the delicious, cream filled cake that Robert had brought home earlier. I loved cakes and I loved Robert, my mother's boyfriend. About 15 years older than mom, Robert was a good, decent man with a steady job, a house and retirement plan. Even at age 11, I understood well why these things are important.For almost 2 years before mom met Robert, we lived...
That was my third part of slavery please send me yours feedback on that my id is 9Clyde explained that this was his pleasure room. Staff was only allowed in here naked. The interview would be completed in this room and, as a potential member of staff, 99Jean could only enter without her clothes so if she wanted to complete the interview she knew what to do. Clyde opened a locker for her to put her clothing in. Jean felt that she had already committed herself enough and there wasn’t really...
The two succulent cunts lightly touched in a gentle cunt kiss, then separated. The initial kiss was tentative. It was the first full pussy to pussy contact between these two beautiful women. Both cunts were full lipped, shaved and had been lightly lubricated for this highly anticipated encounter. Two luscious cunts that had, for several months, been on a collision course. Tonight, they would clash. Tonight, these two well endowed pussies would finally square off in the flesh. Two beautiful...
I have been entertained by love about as much as I care to, thank you. You see I'm a two time loser at the relatively young age of 26. That's right I've been married and divorced and had another marriage annulled in a period of time that most guys are still looking for "the one". I'm James William Kelly by the way. Alexi Dennis and I met in high school and dated for about a year before graduating. She was tall at 5 feet 9 with a mane of long auburn hair, green eyes and a body that caused...
Hi every body this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian submission. It some what thrills me when the readers give in their feed back on the lesbian stories from their comments I can feel the way they feel about the story and many women actually masturbate or reach their orgasm as they read the stories. Well let me get straight down to business and of course this is once again one of those golden memories from my PG days and as revealed by my beloved Malathi my English tutor and her lover...
LesbianI spoke with Joyce about the letter and envelope Aunt Clara had left for me in Bunny's carrier seat, saying that it had surprised me that she'd be willing to break her promise to Bea. "She didn't break her promise. I'm sure she never promised not to leave Bea's letters where someone might find them. She never told you where Bea was." Joyce and I both knew that what Aunt Clara had done, violated, at the very least, the spirit of her promise to Bea. In spite of that, I was very happy...
I was approaching the shop, having changed/modified my school uniform quickly at home on the way. I was the only one in, so changing was easy, and I had made sure of packing a bag with jeans etc in for going home later. As I got near to the shop my stomach was churning with butterflies and also my fanny was feeling decidedly damp. As I turned the corner I noticed that the shutters were already down on the windows, an unusual thing at only 4 in the afternoon. As I got nearer, Mr R came out...
Chapter 15 Mr. Dodds pulled out of his pocket a small vial, and opening it, dropped several large pink and blue capsules onto his palm. "I hope you enjoy this my love," he muttered under his breath, "it was a deal of trouble getting these." He opened each capsule and poured the contents into the funnel at the end of Mandy's stomach-tube. This done, he picked up the plastic pitcher he had brought downstairs. He poured the thick liquid into the funnel. "Carnation's best, my love, bon...
The sun would rise up over the mountain tops, casting the valley into long shadows as the hues of red and orange splayed across the land. Slowly as the bright sphere of light rose higher and higher into the sky, the shadows would begin to vanish, the morning mist dissipating a little at a time until none remained. Bird would be waking up, chirping and singing along to a song that only they seemed to know, a few insects buzzing about and frogs croaking in the distance. It was a...
“You’re a horny boy, aren’t you?” she said between her breaths. I didn’t respond, I didn’t even look up. With her cum on my face and it’s flavor coating my mouth. I continued to concentrate on her beautiful, cum leaking cock. I had never tasted cum before, let alone from a Tgirl, and found it’s thick, creamy texture and unusual taste so strangely addicting, so wonderful and erotic. Her firm, beautiful shaft felt so incredible as it filled my mouth and hit the back of my throat. My own cock was...
“Are you talking to me?” I asked, looking up from my book and seeing a beautiful girl standing near me. I was laying out at my complexes swimming pool when I heard the soft feminine voice of a goddess speaking. “I think you would look good either way” I said, not very smooth, but it was the best I could think of being caught so off guard. With a laugh, she said, “You’re sweet” and layed down on the lounge chair next to me. “I think I’m going to go with no tan lines.” I tried not to stare as she...
Hi my ISS readers, this is Atul with a brand new story. This was happened just a couple of days before and is purely fresh in my mind. I therefore thought that I should pine it down for my ISS reading fans and so here I go. Currently, I am on my annual leave, as my leaves are accumulated in too much volume and my boss told me that if I don’t take atleast 15 days off, then those leaves will go waste. So, I am on leave from 24th December, 2011 until 15th January, 2012. I had not planned anything...
Desert before Dinner It was a late Monday night when I arrived home to see Marry preparing dinner. I empty my pockets and turn the television as my normal routine. I’m sitting in the chair relaxing when a commercial comes on, so I get up to get something to drink. I entered the kitchen only to find Marry standing near the stove. “You know we have the place to ourselves for a while,” Marry said smiling seductively at me. “Maybe we should skip dinner and go straight for desert.” A smile comes...
Hello guys/girls. My name is gautam, from pune. I’m 6 feet tall, have athletic body, 25 years old. From beginning I liked elder girls (now aunties ). This is really happened ( as all say this is true story, its all up to you to believe it or not). Forgive me for any mistakes Do give me feedback Coming to the story. When I was in college I have had a gf. Our relation was good, going smooth. We have enjoyed a lot together. We used to have sex weekly or twice a week. She was a horny girl. She...
Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...
Turnabout Trip By Heather St. Claire Patrick and Stephanie had been married almost nine years when they made their fateful visit to the Pleasure Palace, Las Vegas' Mecca for techno- sexuals and lovers of all kinds. They were both approaching their 30th birthdays, and at first glance, both were still quite attractive. Stephanie's long red hair was still thick and full and shiny; her green eyes still flashed with a sexual hunger; her 38 D breasts didn't show a bit of sag; and there...
I live in a quiet neighbourhood. My house is surrounded by grass for the most part, but quite a lot of vegetation is present on the edges of the garden, so I'm completely shielded from the street. The only place from where people can have a look at me is when I'm sitting in the garden, from a window on the upper level of my neighbour's house. The same goes for my neighbour's garden and boy, I've been peeking a lot at that garden since I moved to this area... My neighbour Doe is a rather small...
MatureHer name was Darlene Dimpledale, which is perhaps why she'd gone by the name Dee Dee, or simply Dee, for about as long as I'd known her. Which by now had been a very, very long time indeed. My parents and I had lived next door to Dee and her husband Frank for years. I was an only child, and as I came to find out early on, Frank and Dee Dee never had any either. Though the reason for that was something I never found out as to why. But as such, Dee had taken to me as a second mother of sorts,...
Since that night Alice was a regular companion in our bed. I must say that I admired her decision to not to take part in it every night. She had restrained herself to weekends only (and once in a while when the urges got to strong in a weekday) so her schoolwork wouldn't suffer. As for alcohol she only drank a glass of whine to dinner at Friday night. The women had decided that she was to young to be on the pill so after the first nights bareback-rides David and I always wore a condom when...
She was assigned a room with a stranger. It would be fun to get to know the young lady. They met at the dinner meeting and talked for quite a while. She noticed the lady had large tits and wore no bra. She could not take her eyes off them and the lady noticed. As they chatted the lady’s skirt seemed to raise higher on her legs. She kept watching it go higher and higher. The lady seemed to want to show her body, as much as she dared in the public place. She did have a very sexy body, and both...
© June 1996 Shirley was a true blonde, and tiny -- 4' 11", maybe. At 19, almost 20, her skin was tight, smooth and flawless. She liked to keep a light tan because she knew I liked the tan lines. I told her the tan lines pleased me, which was enough for Shirley. Well, not all the time dammit, but it sounds good. With five years of college plus three years in the Army, I was twenty-six when I started dating the young woman. In addition to working for the railroad, I owned a bar that a...
Tracey always watched with curiosity, from a safe and sometimes not so safe distance. What would it feel like to be screwed by an older man? She didn't mean like 10 or 15 years older; but a man almost old enough to be her father. She was 24 and he was 55. He didn't look his 55 years either, he was tall, broad shouldered and in great shape; not muscular or tough looking but strong. His hair was thinning but his eyes were deep brown and his face well-defined, and his skin with a healthy glow (not...
Straight SexAfter a bit of relaxation and recovery, I announced to the group that I had plans for Joey and Patty together. I wanted them to know exactly what I had in mind ... this was Joey’s chance to back out if he didn’t want any part of helping to raise Carver’s and Patty’s love child ... Though it wasn’t as if Carver would be out of his life ... not really, since Carver and Candy would be around a lot. Joey would be the legal father and Carver the biological father ... both would be...
1st of the four, was this young guy. OMG he was absolutely perfect in every way from the moment I got a glimpse of him getting out of his truck. His look, his aditude, clothes, perfect. I sat him in my chair and pulled his shorts off immediately. I sucked him the best I could considering his size, like a fiend. He gave me some direction, and really responded when i'd push it down my throat. But he seemed to prefer to have me work his head, and stroke his balls more than anything. Now and then...
I came out of the en-suite bathroom in the master bedroom I shared with my loving husband who was sitting just where I left him; gagged and handcuffed naked to the chair in front of the computer. He looked at me as I stood before him naked as well, rubbing some lotion into my skin. A grin formed on my face, as I look at him watching me so desperately. I saw his caged cock twitch as his eyes followed my hands working the lotion into my breasts and my grin grew larger.Retrieving my lotion bottle...
"To the three of us," Bart said with a leer, and we clicked our champagne glasses together, the first time I'd ever tasted that. Something I would probably be able to say about several things before the night was through. So far they'd done a good job of keeping the evening moving, with a combination of genuine friendship and lewd double entendres. But now was the moment of truth. I was going to finally lose my virginity. I just hoped it would be in a heterosexual fashion first. "Lana,...
I have a small job that consists of babysitting four young kids, three girls and one boy, all of which are crazy and sometimes make me want to pull my hair out. But when they are all settled down watching the same cartoon they pick each night, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. AND it is well worth it when their mother, thirty years of age, comes home from work. MM! Ok ok settle down. So I sit on the couch after the kids are asleep and wait for this goddess to walk through her door. Each...
Is My Name Tammy? By : Girl pup Email : [email protected] ? To be perfectly honest the few months have been a complete blur for me. My name is Rich, oh; excuse me it used to be Rich. Now my name is Tammy, or Tam for short. It all started when I got evicted from my old apartment. I needed a cheap place to stay so I called on own of my old friends Jenn. She lived with three other girls, but one was moving out in two days. She said that she would talk it over with the other girls. I said...
Author’s note: This story is written by Cocokisses. If you are reading it anywhere other than Lush Stories, it has been posted without the author’s permission. LeAndra drove up to her place of business and parked her plush, black BMW 740i in its assigned space. She glanced at the building as she considered her good fortune. Her husband, her sexy, tall, Adonis of a husband, had assisted in her acquirement of this exclusive salon. Stepping out of the vehicle, she found her footing in four inch...
Peeper's Punishment VII By PJD The ladies followed Lady Ann into the dining room, where they saw the dining table had been laid out awaiting their arrival. Lady Ann's servants stood prepared to wait on the assembled ladies, but what caught the ladies attention was a large steel cage in which a elderly plump sissy dressed in a white bra, white nylon panties, suspender belt, black nylon stockings and pink six inch high heeled shoes stood sobbing. The ladies surrounded the...
They entered an office which looked like a Fu Manchu set out of Hollywood. An elderly Chinese man was dressed in flowing robes and seated on what had to be a throne. Even though the room was air conditioned, two naked Chinese women were standing beside him wafting a breeze toward him with huge ostrich-feather fans. Small bells hanging from their pierced nipples made a kind of tinkling music as they moved their arms with the motion of the fans. The atmosphere was heavy with incense, and...
I didn't expect this to happen. I mean, I was hoping but I thought he was going to reject me. That look on his face, the body language, he had me fooled.. He knew exactly what I wanted and I knew exactly what he was wishing for. We made our way to his room, took a minute to look at each other, then ripped each others clothing off. He was a decent looking man under those clothes. He had a nice chest with slight abs and a rock solid 10 inch cock. I needed him, I needed him NOW. I jumped at him...
The fireworks are hotter inside the condo!I had watched her for several days at the beach resort we both were guests at in Ft. Walton Beach. Her name was Kate, a retired school teacher out for a week of sun and fun with her son and daughter’s small family. There appeared to be two children to each family who were a handful - that’s all I knew until tonight.She was very pretty, wore great fitting bathing suits and carried herself like a lady. Her legs were slender and had that nice separation at...
Quickie Sex"I need a truck and license plates for a night," Uncle Rodrigo said to Brendan. Brendan put down his small cup of espresso and looked across the table at Rodrigo. Behind the older man, his wife and Jacinta were washing the lunch dishes and making quiet small talk. "Oscar has a truck," Brendan said. "You already knew that. Do you want me to make an introduction?" "I'd rather you get the truck and drive it over. If that's not possible, then you can arrange an introduction. How...
I’m running late for work! “Yaaaa!” I scramble throughout my closet and grab a white buttoned up dress shirt and a black pencil skirt. I quickly brush my long brunette hair up in a bun, put on my red lipstick and rush through the door with my heels.I’ve been working as a secretary for a large corporation for about 5 years now. My life has been nothing but plain and structured. It’s a typical normal day running errands, taking minutes in back to back board meetings, and scheduling calls for my...
A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day One - Linda's Arrival With butterflies in her stomach and clammy palms, Linda pulled into the driveway of the woman she had been conversing with for the past few weeks. As she checked her lipstick and hair in the visor mirror, she mentally checked off the requirements her soon-to-be domme had demanded. Her boy clit had been caged for the past week, the keys mailed to her Mistress and daily pictures demanded at random times had been provided...
I remember the day it all began as if it were just yesterday. It was nine in the morning when I met my first period students. There were ten students in all, a total of five boys and five girls. All of them were sophomores and seniors, ranging from the ages of sixteen to seventeen. I looked my students over as most teachers do when we meet them for the first time. I saw rebels, jocks, boys and girls of all shapes sizes. One attractive blue eyed red haird girl stood out from the...