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POPPY (c) 2001, 2016 by Anthony Durrant I was celebrating my birthday on the planet Aseusenbalad with my dear friend Brannigan and his daughter Poppy; Brannigan was a retired bounty hunter and had a goodly number of kills to his credit. "I have a special treat for you both!" Brannigan told me. "A special guest is coming here. I've invited a Tagagonian seer, Madame Diamondella, here to tell you your fortunes." A few minutes later, a woman came into the room. Tall and slim, she wore a veil and had black eyes. Her dress was rather skimpy, consisting of a dress and an ornate bra. Taking hold of Brannigan's hand, she stared at him. "I see... I see a terrible secret in your past. Would you please share that secret with us, so that we may know what it is?" "Some other time," Brannigan said, "and now, if you don't mind, I'm going to my office." Madame Diamondella then read our palms and left just as quietly as she had come in. "That was fun!" Poppy cried. "Yes," I told her, "and I really enjoyed it." At that point a blaster shot rang out. We raced to the office and found Brannigan's body sitting in the chair behind the desk, his head blown off and a red knight from a chess set, clutched in his right hand. There was a pot of gold coins and a booklet lying on the burnished top of the desk. Grabbing the booklet, I found it was to a place called the Redding Knights Augmentation Castle. I picked up the pot of gold and tucked it safely away. "Poppy," I told the girl, "we've got to get out of here before the authorities arrive." "Okay, Dan!" Poppy cried. * * * "We want a full aug," I told the girl at the desk at Redding Knights, "strength, spreed, the works." "For you or for the girl?" she asked. "For the girl!" I said, and she replied: "That will be 10,000 credits, sir!" "Will this gold cover it?" I asked, pouring the gold out of the pot onto her desk. "Certainly, sir!" she said, tucking the gold away and snapping her fingers. Two men came up and led Poppy away to the Augmentation Chamber. I sat in the waiting room to wait for her; a holograph in the middle of the waiting room had a plaque that read: Celestial Serenity: Our First Augmentation The holograph of a huge woman with white hair, surprised me. Looking around the room, I noticed a tall man sitting in front of me - Belis Lugoph, the horror vid star. "Good afternoon!" I told him. Lugoph asked, "That's right!" I replied, and he told me: The man had spoken in Nebulan, and what's more, in a voice completely different than the one I'd first heard when he played the role of the Peregrine in his most famous movie, The Peregrine. "It's a surprise to see you here, Mr. Lugoph," I told him, "especially as you've been dead for the past 34 years!" As I spoke, I grabbed my blaster's handle. He was much faster, drawing his own blaster and pointing it directly at my chest. My idea of using the augmentation parlour as a cover while I searched for the people who had driven Brannigan to suicide by attempting to blackmail him had backfired. "nice try!" I cried and drew my blaster. Before he could fire, I shot the blaster out of his hand, then blew a hole through his chest and watced as green blood spurted out of his mouth and he fell to the ground dying. Before he died, though, Lugoph pulled out a remote control and pushed the button on its top, then died smiling evilly at me. "hwy!" the girl cried. "no brawling!" 'sorry about that!" I said, "but someone went to great lengths to cover up this Nebulan's true identity, before banishing him from Nebulos, his home planet. They put out his eyes, replaced them with human models, amputated the claws on the tips of his hands, cut off his wings, then covered his face with a technomask and his hands with technogloves. Don"t try to remoe them - they"re premanently fused to his body - but there's an easy way to make sure that he's a Nebulan." With that, I pulled open his tunic, revealing purple skin and a white breast. There was tattooing all about the blaster wound, but I saw that most of the skin was still intact. His human skin ended at his chest. I told the men who came running up: "this is Creedo, an old enemy of mine, and a sample of DNA taken from his belly will prove it. A sample from his neck will give you a phony reading as Lugoph's." I searched the body and found a data padd with Brannigan's face and a reward of 50,000 credits on the screen below his face on it. I hit a button and Brannigan's face disappeared and was replaced by my own face, also with a bounty of 50,000 credits! Upon hitting the button again, I saw Creedo's face - or, rather the face of his assumed identity, Belis Lugoph, aso with a bounty of 50,000 credits on him. I also found the technokey for his spaceship, which he used to unlock and start the vehicle. "vehicle... " I muttered, then I cried: 'mY SHIP!" I cried. "that crazy fool's done something to my ship!" I rushed outside to find the droids hosing down the exploded remnamts of my ship. Now the meaning of Creedo's last act was clear - if he wasn"t leaving this asteroid alive then neither were we. His intention was to force me to remain behind on the planet... but he never realized I would search his body. Using the technokey, I pushed the button and watched as the Nebulan ship lit up like a Christmas tree. The girl walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "excuse me, sir," she said, "but the girl is ready." "thank you!" I cried as I kissed her hand warmly. She then led me into the augmentation chamber itself after we reentered the building, just as the large pod inside it opened like the bud of a flower in the springtime. Poppy climbed down out of of the pod, her body having been greatly enhanced by the augmentation process. "am I -" she whispered, and I replied: "yes, Poppy, you are. Your physical strength has been augmented by a factor of ten, and your five senses have also been enhanced. The technology derives from that used during the Robot War to create the Evolved, superbeings who are the perfect combination of human being and machine. Despite this, your physical appearance is the same as it always is. Now all we have to do is get out of this augmentation parlour alive and healthy!" We were stunned when we met Brannigan on our way out of the parlour. "how -" I asked, and he replied: "the dead man was my twin brother, Timothy Brannigan - he took my place and committed suicide in order to protect my secrets. The red knight, I left behind on the desk myself." The three of us raced for the door - just as it began to slide closed on us. The three of us got up to the door just as it slammed shut in our faces. "poppy? Brannigan asked Poppy wearily. "yeah, Dad?" Poppy asked him, and he replied: "could you please kick this door in for us?" "no problemo!" she cried, and then hit the door with a flying kick, knocking it out of its frame. "let's go, let's go, let's real-ly go!" I shouted as we charged though the door frame and into the hallway. There, we were met by guards sent by Creedo's brother Quacko - I recognized his sigil on their breastplates. Quacko must"ve sensed his brother's death and sent these people to apprehend us. Charging toward them with out blasters primed and ready while Poppy leaped forward and threw herself into the fight. "WOO HOO HOO!" she cried as she high kicked s female guard on the chin and knocked her unconscious. A second female guard then hit Brannigan in the chest with a blaster shot, causing his vest to smoulder in the area where he"d been shot. Their leader pointed his gun at me and shouted: 'sTOP! If you don"t stand down, I"ll kill him!" "very well, big guy!" Brannigan said as he dropped his blaster and raised his hand. "I know when I'm licked. Tell Quacko that I don"t want to fight anymore and will accede to his terms." Quacko's guards then cuffed us behind our backs and led us directly down the hallway to an elevator at the very end. We rode the elevator all the way to the penthouse, and when the doors opened and we got off, the guards led us into a chamber in which all three of us were stripped and searched. I was alarmed when a guard tore off Brannigan's shirt and I saw that his body was composed of parts donated from other people, including both arms and both legs. Poppy was stunned by the sight and cried: "papa! What the hell are you?" "just remember, darling," he replied, "that there is always tomorrow, and that true love is not far away. Remember, also, that I love you and always will!" After the strip search was complete, we were ushered through a kitchen area into an office with a large ebony desk, and I saw a tall man seated in the desk - none other than "belis Lugoph" himself. "what is an actor like you doing here?" I shouted, knowing full well the real Lugoph was dead. "can"t you guess?" "lugoph" replied with a smile. "I am Quacko, the twin brother of Creedo, whom you killed earlier at the augmentation parlour. Now, Brannigan, you and your friend and daughter will suffer for that act by being turned over to my partner in crime, Chief Maglan, the planetary head of security." "you bastard!" I cried angrily. 'maglan has more than enough ways to deal with you murderers, and will be only too happy to give me the bounty that has been placed on your heads by her personally. Congratulations, Brannigan - it appears you have finally hit the big time!" He then contacted Maglan, who sent her troop of robotic officers to collect us. As soon as they entered, one of the robots read us our legal rights before taking us directly into their custody. We were then taken to an aircar and spirited away to a precinct on the edge of town, where we were once again stripped and searched. One of the robots shouted: "gods of Space, Brannigan, what are you" I was stunned to see that Brannigan's blaster injury had completely healed, He smiled and said to the robot in his usual quiet way: "i'm just a little old flesh golem. Once, however, I was a human performer in the Galactic Circus. I left the circus after the accident tthat claimed a number of performers" lives twenty yeara ago." "around the time Poppy was born!" I shouted. We were then taken by a robot into Chief Maglan's office. Seated at the desk was a slender woman who bore an incredibly strong resemblance to Poppy herself. This had to be Maglan: no one else could possibly wear a uniform with a Marshal's stars, at least on this out of the way, run-down planet. Maglan herself fingerprinted Brannigan and said: "according to this, your right hand is that of my husband Ankle Maglan, who disappeared years ago with our baby daughter after our divorce!" "he was one of the performers caught in the autocar explosion twenty years ago!" Brannigan replied. 'mortally injured, he was taken to the back of the Big Top along with me. I had been horribly injured in that same explosion, and he agreed to give me his right arm if I took care of his little girl. I agreed, and have honoured his wishes to this very day!" "then that means Poppy is -" "that;s right!" Brannigan replied. "poppy is the baby girl old Ankle took from you all those years * ago. I came back specifically to this planet so I could return her to you before I myself passed away." "you"re my mom?" Poppy asked Maglan. "it looks that way, yes!" Maglan cried joyfully, and I gasped in utter amazement when the two of them embraced joyfully. Brannigan said: "the company producing the serjum keeping me alive went belly-up a few months ago, so I'm done for. That's why I was willing to go through so much trouble to bring her right back to you." Maglan threw her head back and laughed. "brannigan," she replied, "that company didn"t just go belly-up: it was shut down by the Marshal Service for distributing an illegal substance - the very drug you believed kept you alive after that explosion. I can assure you that you are in the very flush of health, Brannigan, and would like to invite you all to join Poppy and I for Christmas Dinner this vert evening at my home in the heart of Central City itself. Thank you so much for bringing the two of us together after all these many years apart!" "you"re very welcome, Ma"am!" he cried happily. * * * That evening, dressed in our best, Brannigan and I followed Poppy into Magdan's dining room, where we met not only with her, but also with her assistant Stephen Malgaunt, as well. I sat at the foor of the table and Magden sat at its head. Just as Magden and Poppy were starting to carve the turkey, Quacko and his guards shattered a window nearby and marched into the dining room. He pointed the wickedest looking blaster pistol at Poppy's head and then turned to face Maglan and said: "where is the bounty for Brannigan?" "you will never be receiving any bounty from me ever again, Quacko, because he has reunited me with a daughter taken from me twenty years ago!" "liar!" Quacko shouted. "i'm your partner-in-crime!" "not now, and never again!" Maglan retorted as she vaulted from the table. Poppy, being augmented, was much faster, however, and within a few minutes, she had subdued Quacko and bound his arms behind his back. Maglan then had her robots take Quacko into custody and read him his rights. "now that Quacko has been captured, I should be honoured to propose a toast to Brannigan, the man who today has returned my little girl to me, and to Daniel Coopah, his friend and chronicler - I hope! - who followed Brannigan through hell to bring Poppy back into my arms for a wonderful Christmas surprise!" "thank you so kmuch, Madame Maglen!" I cried. She and Poppy then doled out the turkey and its trimmings to each and every one of us, including Stephen and myself? Then, before we were to eat our dinner, all of us said the Grace: "for what we are about to receie, may the Lord make us truly thankful. Amen." "AMEN!" we all cried, and then we dug into our wonderful Christmas dinner! "i'm so glad to have you back in my life again, Poppy!" Maglen cried as she put some of her helping of the stuffing on Poppy's plante then asked her: "wherever did you learn those fighting moves?" "from Papa!" Poppy cried. "he taught me everything I know abour fighting my own battles!" "then, Brannigan," Maglan said, "you are hereby sworn into the Space Force Marshal's service as an honourary member, to train others in your brand of fighting!" "thank you kindly, Ma"am!" Brannigan cried. "and to all of those who will read this adventure as Dan Hoopah's next story, I should like to go ahead and wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!" THE END

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The graduate assistant

Jason was in deep trouble and he knew it, he was on the verge of flunking Economics 1! Jesus Christ, why did he even take this stupid course, it had absolutely nothing to do with his major, and if he didn't get at least a passing grade, he wouldn't graduate this spring with his class, and what's worse, he'd have to stay for the summer session and take it over again and he had plans to tour Europe with a couple of his buddies as kind of a last fling. While Professor Watters was known for his...

4 years ago
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I was dreaming that my legs were spread and that there was someone between them I could feel his hardness rubbing against my vulva and I thought how nice that felt and I could feel myself getting wet in anticipation of having sex until it wasn't a dream and I was awake and someone was really between my legs! At first I froze I was thinking fast don't scream you might scare him and he'll hurt you then I felt him still rubbing my vulva with his really big cock well I haven't gotten laid in a...

3 years ago
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Card Game

I'm a late forties married milf with an overactive sex drive. I have a job that takes me out of town some with overnight travel. That's my playtime. I had been playing some online card games for a few years on a site where you can chat with other players during the games. I'd been flirting with a man named Jerry for a couple of years. We'd always talked about what it would be like if I traveled to his town and the things we would do; flirtatious sexy talk. So when I found out I would be going...

1 year ago
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Delayed brothersister

This started some years ago when I was 15 years old and my sister, Vera, was 16. Our parents had gone shopping with, I thought, my sister, so I reckoned the house was empty. About a year before I had discovered the pleasure of masturbation as I now know it, but then I called it "tossing off" which was the term used by my school mates.I was in my bedroom and had stripped naked to masturbate because I had quickly learned that if I was dressed my cum could get on my clothes unless I was careful....

3 years ago
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drunk And Horny The Night She Came Calling

Those that have read my other stories know that I do not have a very good relationship with my stepson or his girlfriend for that matter even though last year I had sex with her a couple of times.After she moved out and back with her mother we did'nt see her for almost 6 months, Craig would dissapear over to her place every weekend which made me some what happy as I did not really want to see either of them. Then one day out of the blue she just walked in the door and barely let out a hello...

1 year ago
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The garden lesson with my maid

*** Well this story will surely make u want more. It was a sunday morning when I decided not to go to church. I stayed in be not doing anything except to stare at the open roof, trying to thing how I was to spend my day. I am a consultant and I work with this big organization that deals with the manufacture of cancer machines. I rare get time to be home and so I had a maid rather some prefer to caller a cleaner who came in everyday and does the cleaning I had only met this lady twice since she...

Erotic Fiction
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The Cable Slave Chapter 4

It took me most of the next two days to recover, and cable man left me alone, so I hung around the house naked and looked at my wounds. The whipping was not too bad and the red patches were all going down by the end of the day. I guess they knew what they were doing. I had read of women being marked for weeks but maybe that leather cat was designed to sting and not mark. The next day I got my instructions about the underwear party. The guests would come part way through the morning. Some...

1 year ago
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The Bearded Clam MysteryChapter 4

Nancy thought about getting dressed and returning to River Heights and the safety of home but that would have meant waking up everyone and explaining what happened. The girl detective felt too humiliated. It would just have to wait until morning. Nancy finally drifted off into a restless sleep. When she awoke the sun was up and Brianna wasn’t in her bed. In her compact mirror Nancy could see the ugly red mark left by Beulah was still there. If anything, it looked worse. How could she cover...

4 years ago
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Birthday Bang With Ananya

This is Aditya, 26 from Bangalore. I’m back. Hope you guys haven’t forgotten me. Hope you enjoyed my previous two stories BANG BANG IN BANGALORE and BANG BANG RELOADED..Here I’m going to share a new experience of mine which I had in recent days. After Mitali left for Pune, I was left a bit lonely. I used to have occasional night outs with my office gals. Though I enjoyed every bit of it but the devil in me wanted more and something different. And the different thing happened very soon. Around...

3 years ago
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Oh how I miss it

Well it all was back right before I got my first car. I had been watching Kaitie for years just wanting to throw her down and have my way with her. My step sister had just turned t****e and man her body was just amazing. Her breast bloomed early so she was already in a 36b. She was about 5' 3" 110 pounds natural blonde hair and the deepest blue eyes you could look into. After school everyday I would ride my bike and pick her up from her school and then we would walk home. Typically we had the...

2 years ago
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Amazing SisterInLaw

I met my wife, Laura in 1988, while attending college. She came from a small little town about an hour's drive away from the university. She was very cute, petite, nicely shaped and definitely a small town girl.She sat in front of me in one of our classes, and we started to chat about our class material and assignments. After one of our classes, I asked if she wanted to come to a party that we were having that night. She was busy that night, so we made plans to meet later on. We started seeing...

3 years ago
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My Dear Rebecca

Rebecca was her name, a very pretty girl. Slim and well fit; perfect curves, tits that really can attract most boys. And the lust in her eyes told me, she wants me. So one day, as a normal day at school came to an end. She brought me back to her house. We jumped off the bus together and made our way. We arrive at her house and She says, "Wait a minute." She opens her front door and enters the house. She comes back and tells me. "All clear." I take her hand while smiling. She...

2 years ago
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The Paper Bag Girl

Have you ever been in a position where your sexual desires totally over-ruled your sensibility? Where you knew it was wrong, but oh boy, it feel so right, so multi-orgasmic right? Well, tonight was one of those times! When Eric asked/pleaded for me to wear a bag, I thought he was just kidding. I was about to tell him, he was out of his fucking, fucked up, drug induced, schizophrenic mind, but that was until I looked into his eyes and saw that this was not the case, and I could read Eric better...

4 years ago
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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 7

I took the flank of the wagon to the East and Mick ranged to the West while we continued to travel South to Fountain City. We had one more night to make camp before we would hit the town. If the outriders had bad intentions, then they would make their move tonight. When we stopped for the night, it was just as the sun was going down. We had enough time to light our lanterns before the sun went below the mountains and darkness immediately fell. The ladies started the fire and began cooking...

1 year ago
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The Games Afoot

I have a picture of her in my office. She’s smiling and looking up at me as if I’ve just cracked a joke. My arm is around her waist and I have a look on my face like I’m the most content guy in the world. It was taken when we were still getting to know each other. In our twenties, finishing up college and with nothing but future plans on our minds. I have a picture of her on my phone. Well, actuallyI have SEVERAL pictures of her. There are the one’s she knows I took… that show her being the...

2 years ago
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Mia Matsumiya Her Rapists BabyPt 2 Wedding Bell Blues

Against her better judgement, Mia allowed Stan to come back to her apartment, since he already knew where she lived, and had been secretly stashing monthly child support payments in her mailbox, out of some twisted desire to prove himself as a good father. Once there, he forced himself upon Mia once more in spite of her protests, spooning with her on the bed and gently fucking her in the ass. However to her own surprise, Mia found herself more receptive to him this time, and not only...

2 years ago
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Daddys new sex slave

“Coming” I replied and hurried to him, everyone knows you don’t disobey dad. My father is large man, with bald head and a beard. My two younger sisters were sitting in front of my father on the floor. My sisters are 10 and 12 and look just like our mother, with blue eyes and blonde hair. I’m 18 and my colouring is completely different, brown eyes and brown hair, more like my father. “Sit down”, dad said. I sat down and crossed my legs. “I want to play a little game with you guys today”, he...

2 years ago
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Dont Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead Sexy Style

This story is old, but I changed it realizing that I never explained it. It started after watching "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead". I know it's weird, but it was when Christina Applegate was REALLY hot! The idea of her young character and the sleazeball guy at work is hot! See the movie, then you'll understand the characters. I'm the only one who would write DTMBD fanfiction. ENJOY! Sue-Ellen couldn't believe her bad luck. Not only did she have to attend the conference for the entire...

3 years ago
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The Ride

“If you could sleep with any of my friends, with no fear of me getting mad, who would it be?” she asked. "There’s nobody I want more than you,” he replied. “No fair,” she said.  “It’s a hypothetical question, babe, I’m not giving you permission. I just want to see if you say who I think you will say.” “You’re right, it’s not fair,” he replied. “You’re my wife and if I answer it at all then that means I’ve actually thought about it, which I haven’t. It’s never going to happen, I’m only...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior DVP And Bukakke Surprise

Poolside in a sheer purple bikini, Asian cum slut Kianna Dior teases. The busty MILF narrates a kinky intro, spreading her sweet holes to initiate a decadent threesome. In the pool, Kianna welcomes director Jonni Darkko and stud Rob Piper with slobbering blowjobs. Indoors, the guys have their way with her, culminating in a furious double-vaginal penetration! Intense action includes big Black cock, crude cunt gaping, messy ball lapping, and a surprise climax: Five more studs show up to slather...

2 years ago
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I came home one afternoon after a nice bike ride. I grabbed a cold soda from the fridge and went to my room. As I past the bathroom I heard the sound of the shower running. I wasn't expecting anyone to be home, Mom and Dad were at work. Maybe it was my sister home early, she didn't ussualy come home till a bit later. The door was partly open so I quietly peeked around it, thinking I might sneak a peek at my s*s.When I looked in I was surprized, it wasn't my sister at all. I had not idea who...

1 year ago
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Penthouse Kira Noir Nurse For The Birthday Boy

Nurse Kira Noir is the special XXX cure that Van Wylde so desperately needs on his birthday, which is why his buddies gifted him with a house visit from the seductive Penthouse starlet. The horny stud can’t believe his luck – to be able to live out his hot black nurse fucking fantasy, as well as a bonus blowjob. Watch the ebony-skinned babe shake her curvy ass thang while riding cock cowgirl or when getting rammed from behind in doggy style until her hairy pussy is covered with...

3 years ago
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Randis Return

Randi's Return Randall reached over and silenced the alarm clock that had brought him out of his sleep. He lay there looking around his room trying to get completely awake. He felt a little saddened looking around his own bedroom; it wasn't the bright place that was Denise's where he had woken up just yesterday. At last he decided he best get ready for work and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He sat there for just a minute longer looking down at himself sitting there in his...

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Part 2 of the Cousin

The last was deleted so I will have to edit this a bit. So it had been years since I had seen my C....n Katie. I Had gone into the Marines, and was getting out. I was now divorced and had a son I would see on the weekends. I got an apartment in a very hot part of the city (NY) with a strip of Irish pubs. This area gets wild around St. Pats. Katie, now 19 was just moving back, but to a suburb. She now really didn't have friends in the area, and the burbs are boring. I invited her to come over...

2 years ago
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Chatwhore pt 3

Chatwhore - Pt. 3 3 weeks later...I am just back from the hair salon standing in front of my mirror. My hair is now cut in a bob style. It is beginning to grow out and the girls won't allow me to cut it anymore. It was embarrassing asking the woman at the hair salon for this haircut but it was already in a pixie cut so it wasn't so bad. At least when I went to work I could comb it differently and make it look a little bit like how a man's hair usually looks. I have an hour until I...

4 years ago
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Allisons Story Part 1

I hope this first installment meets with your approval. Based on reader feedback I will modify the next chapters. Death is an ever present spectre that awaits those who cross Jack. Let me know your thoughts. This Fictional Story takes place fifty years in our future, the year: 2063 My name is Jack Dahl, and I am a reaper, well that what we call ourselves. Technically I guess I could be called an expediter. Not a glorious job, but one that pays the bills. Some people believe that...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Brooklyn Gray Family Favors

Convinced that her daughter, Brooklyn is a sex addict, a concerned mother sends Step-uncle Eric over to help her. Eric works as a sex therapist and she’s certain he’ll be able to help. But after reading Brooklyn’s explicit sexual diary, Eric quickly realizes there is nothing that can be done to save his deviant niece – she is clearly a sex addict through and through. So when Brooklyn walks in and demands that HE fuck her, Eric finds it difficult to resist the temptation of a horny young...

3 years ago
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So I

  ??????????? So I?m a single mom.? I got pregnant in high school and luckily, with the support of my parents, was able to have my daughter and still finish getting my GED and my AA for the junior college in town.? I was 24 y/o and my daughter, Kalie, was entering 3rd grade.? I had my own apartment and car and had a pretty good job working at a small law firm as an office manager. It was a good job and my life was pretty fulfilled.? The only thing I really missed was a relationship.? I...

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