Knox County Ch. 09 free porn video

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Before I start this, the final chapter of Knox County, I’d like to make a few comments. First, my most sincere apologies for taking so long to get this out. Yep, six months is inexcusable, but funny how life gets in the way sometimes. Second, thanks to all who have read and commented, both good and bad. Hey, even bad criticism is better than none at all. Third, this is a first for me. I have tried to tackle some tough subjects and do so in a compelling, believable manner. To do so, I have had to juggle numerous major characters, and it was important to give each character a finish to their respective stories. Thus, the major reason this final chapter was so long in coming: It took at least eight tries to conclude this in a satisfactory manner and do justice to all of the characters. There will remain, though, some questions that remain unanswered. Some of the whys and hows and where-did-that-come-froms will be there. I am aware of most of them, and these gaps were left intentionally. Simply put, life doesn’t have an answer to most questions. If you really want some of them, though, read this through to the author’s comment at the end and I will fill you in on at least my thoughts.

Thanks again.


Elizabeth was walking down University Avenue in Madison, on her way to her third, and last, class of the day. The autumn air was crisp, a gentle breeze making it seem cooler than the predicted high of sixty degrees.

As she turned to enter the massive building, her cell phone rang. She glanced at her watch, decided she had enough time, and grabbed the phone from her pocket. It was Aimee. She smiled and pressed the green talk button.

‘Hello, Aimee.’

‘Elizabeth, where are you?’ Aimee sounded frantic, sniffling and excited at the same time.

‘I’m at school,’ she said. ‘What’s wrong?’ She didn’t have time for this.

‘Elizabeth, you need to get to University Medical Center,’ Aimee said. ‘It’s Sean. And Will. They’ve . . . they’ve . . . .’ She heard Aimee’s voice breaking, sobs overtaking her.

‘What Aimee? What’s happened?’ Elizabeth felt queasy and dizzy.

‘They’ve been shot,’ Aimee sobbed, and Elizabeth gasped. ‘They were flown out from the courthouse. They’re going to University Medical Center in Madison. They should be there any minute.’

‘Are they going to be okay?’ Elizabeth asked, dreading the answer.

Aimee’s sobbing got louder before she could choke out her answer. ‘I don’t know.’

Elizabeth promised to meet her there, then she turned and ran the four blocks to her car.

Ten minutes later, she was in the lobby of the University of Wisconsin Hospital.

‘May I help you?’ a young girl behind the desk asked.

‘My boyfriend’s been shot,’ Elizabeth said, trying to speak slowly and relax her racing heart rate. ‘He’s . . . they . . . helicopter–’

The girl nodded and picked up a phone, pressed three numbers, murmured into the speaker, nodded, and hung up. She turned back to Elizabeth. ‘What’s your boyfriend’s name?’

‘Will. Will Sherman. He’s an attorney in Knox County. Armitage.’

‘And your name, please?’

‘Elizabeth Han. I’m his girlfriend.’

‘Ms. Han,’ a voice from behind her said.

Elizabeth turned to the voice. It was a woman, maybe fifty, with short, dark, curly hair and tired eyes. She was in green surgical scrubs. ‘I’m Doctor Reynolds,’ she said, keeping her hands unmoving and held up in front of her. ‘Come with me.’ With that, Doctor Reynolds turned and strode down the hallway.

‘How long have you known Mr. Sherman?’ the doctor asked.

‘Maybe a year,’ Elizabeth answered.

‘Does he have any allergies? To medicines? Penicillin?’

Elizabeth thought for a moment. ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘He’s never mentioned any.’ Elizabeth was trying to catch up and draw level, but the short doctor was nearly sprinting through the maze of hallways.

‘Doctor, how is he? Is he going to be all right?’

Doctor Reynolds ignored the question, instead posing one of her own. ‘Do you know where his family is? How to reach them?’

‘They’re in Iowa. He’s got a sister there, I have her number on my cell phone.’

‘Call her please. Get her on the phone.’ Doctor Reynolds reached a door and pushed it open with her hip, stepping inside and calling, ‘Nurse Wozniewski, come here please.’ Elizabeth tried to follow the doctor in, but she was stopped. ‘You can’t come in here,’ she said.

‘How is he?’ she repeated.

The doctor’s look became more weary. ‘I don’t know yet,’ she said. ‘He’s lost a lot of blood and they’re prepping him now.’

A tall, solidly built blonde man, about thirty-five years old and also in green surgical scrubs strode over. ‘Bill,’ the doctor said, ‘Ms. Han is going to try and reach some family. When she does, see if you can get a history, okay?’

The man nodded at the doctor, then looked at Elizabeth and tilted his head down the hallway. ‘Let’s go outside,’ he said. ‘Cell phone reception is better.’ He grabbed a clipboard off the wall and led the way.

‘The other man who came in,’ Elizabeth said, ‘Sean. How’s he doing.’

‘Don’t know,’ the nurse replied. ‘He’s down the hall in the other operating room.’

‘Are they both still alive?’

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t know. I know the one in our operating room is still with us, but I don’t know about the other victim.’

The nurse opened a door and led the way out front. Elizabeth retrieved her phone from her purse and scrolled through the list of contacts. Finding SUE, she pressed dial. Sue Sherman answered on the third ring.


‘Sue, it’s Elizabeth. Will’s girlfriend.’

Sue’s voice was cheery. ‘Hey Elizabeth, how’s–’

‘Will’s been shot,’ Elizabeth said. ‘We need a–’

‘Is he okay?’

‘He’s in surgery, Sue. They need a history. That’s why I called.’

‘Where are you? Where’s Will?’

‘He’s in Madison, at the University Hospital.’

Sue was silent for a moment. Elizabeth figured she was calculating the driving time from Iowa City to Madison.

‘Sue, they need that history,’ Elizabeth prompted when the nurse started tapping his pen against the clipboard. ‘Here, I’m going to put you on with someone. Answer his questions, okay?’

Elizabeth didn’t wait for a response before handing the phone over to the nurse.

The tall man began asking questions, cradling the phone between ear and shoulder while checking off boxes and jotting down notes on the patient history. Elizabeth watched him, not paying attention to what he was saying. Rather, she was fidgeting, trying to keep her nerves in check until she knew more.

The nudge on her shoulder broke Elizabeth’s trance. ‘Here,’ the nurse said, holding the closed cell phone out. She put the cell phone in her purse, then followed the nurse back into the hospital.

‘Follow me,’ he said, over his shoulder. ‘You can wait in the surgical waiting room. We’ll come get you when we know something, okay?’

Elizabeth nodded, not speaking. The nurse looked at her face and stopped. ‘Listen,’ he said, ‘relax for now. We know they were both alive when they got here, okay?’ She nodded. ‘That means they’ve got a real good chance of coming through this, okay?’ She nodded again, but his words didn’t relieve her anxiety.

The nurse walked down the hall a little further before stopping and opening a door, holding it for her. She entered and saw Aimee huddled in a chair, crying while trying to brush the tears from her cheeks, answering questions being posed by what Elizabeth assumed was another nurse.

When Aimee saw Elizabeth, her tears increased. Elizabeth saw her try to say something, but no words came out. She looked so small and frail, helpless and alone. Elizabeth fought the emotions rising within her. She knew that battle was lost when she felt the tears streaming down her own cheeks.

* * *

Cynthia was dusting Sean’s studio when she heard a phone ring in the hallway. She left the room and answered on the third ring.

‘Mr. McMahon’s residence,’ she said.

‘Cynthia, it’s Tim. Rogers. Tim–’

‘I know who it is, Tim. What do you want.’ She tried to control her anger. She knew she shouldn’t hate him. Her past was her own fault, and God knows she had little room to be judgmental on the matter. Still, she thought he was a complete pig for what he’d done to his own wife. After all, she’d just cheated on David with the one man–Tim–but he’d cheated on his own wife with a veritable harem.

Tim must have been put aback by the venom in her voice, the line was silent. Cynthia calmed her voice, speaking softer. ‘Tim, what do you want? Aimee’s not here.’

She heard an expulsion of breath. ‘I know. She’s at the hospital. In Madison.’ Cynthia felt her hand clutching the phone tighter. ‘It’s Sean, Cynthia. And Aimee’s lawyer. Will.’

‘What about them?’

‘They’ve been shot,’ he said. ‘George Silverman. He came at us as we left the courthouse today.’

‘George Silverman?’ she said. She was confused.

‘Long story,’ he replied. His voice was cracking, and she realized he was under a lot of stress. ‘Listen, I’ve got to go. They’re interviewing everyone now, doing the investigation. I just wanted to call and tell you, see if you could call whoever you can think of for Sean and Will.’

Before she could say more, Tim had hung up the phone.

Her first call was to David, who agreed to leave work immediately and meet her at home. Next, she phoned Roger Hollister’s office and spoke with Emily. Emily’s initial shock was soon replaced by chirping efficiency as she ran down a list of things to be done immediately. Finally, Cynthia tried phoning Elizabeth, but the cell went immediately to voice mail. She left a message imploring Elizabeth to call immediately. Then she set the alarms, locked up the house, and drove home.

An hour later, Cynthia and David entered the surgical waiting room. Elizabeth looked up, tears streaming down her face.

‘Elizabeth,’ Cynthia said, walking to her and bending down, placing her hands on Elizabeth’s knees. Elizabeth sniffled, trying to stop her tears. ‘Any word yet?’

Elizabeth shook her head.

‘Where’s Aimee?’

‘The police,’ she said. ‘They’re interviewing her.’

‘Do we know what happened?’

Elizabeth shook her head. ‘Just that they were shot at the courthouse.’

‘By George Silverman,’ Cynthia told her.

Elizabeth had a quizzical look on her face at this, it was obvious she had never heard of George Silverman.

‘Ms. Han?’ a voice said behind Cynthia.

Cynthia turned around and saw a short, tired woman in surgical scrubs, a few smears of blood on her smock.

‘Yes, Doctor,’ Elizabeth said, a hopeful look coming over her face.

The doctor made an effort at a smile. ‘He’s out of surgery. The bullet’s been removed, and the bleeding has all been stopped.’

‘Will he be okay?’

The doctor nodded. ‘He should make a full recovery.’

‘What happened to him?’

The doctor shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t really tell you more unless he or a family member consents.’

‘Where is he now?’

‘Post-op recovery. He’ll be there for at least a day.’

‘When can I–we–see him?’

‘Give him a few hours to rest and come out of the anaesthesia. We’ll send someone around to get you.’

‘What about Sean?’ Cynthia asked.

The doctor looked at her. She pursed her lips and paused. ‘Well,’ she began, ‘I’m not in there. I do know, though, that his injuries are far more severe. He was hit twice, whereas Mr. Sherman was only hit once. He’s still in surgery. Has anyone contacted family?’

A voice cleared behind the doctor. ‘He has no family,’ Cynthia heard Roger Hollister intone. ‘He does, however, have a medical power of attorney, of which I am the agent.’

The doctor turned to him. Hollister handed her an envelope, which the doctor opened. She scanned the contents of the papers within, then handed them back to Hollister.

‘I’ll try to get someone out here to fill you in,’ she said. With a nod at the others, she was gone.

* * *

Ten minutes later, a plump man of middle years entered the waiting room. He pulled off his surgical cap and wiped sweat from his bald, shining dome as he looked around the room. ‘I’m here to discuss Mr. McMahon,’ he said. ‘Someone here is his agent for health care?’

Hollister rose. ‘That would be me,’ he said, reaching into his jacket and retrieving the form.

The doctor took the papers, scanned them, folded them, then handed them back to Hollister. ‘Is there someplace we can talk?’

Hollister looked around the room, at the expectant eyes and faces locked on him. He cleared his throat. ‘That won’t be necessary, sir. We’re all . . . how do I say . . . everyone here is Sean’s family in one way or another. We’re all he has, and we’d all like to know how he is doing.’

The doctor scanned the faces, nodded, folded his arms, and leaned into the doorframe, crossing his legs as he did so. ‘First off, I’m Doctor Stanley Levin. I’m the Chief of Thoracic Surgery here.’

David looked around, watching everyone’s faces go grim at the same time. The chief of any department wasn’t going to be good news.

‘Mr. McMahon suffered two gunshot wounds. The first–at least what we believe was the first–entered his chest about right here,’ he said, placing a finger in the area of his left chest. ‘That bullet struck and broke the rib, then fragmented into three pieces. The two largest pieces lodged in his left lung, causing damage and bleeding. That lung collapsed shortly thereafter. The third, and smallest, bullet fragment caromed into the lining of the heart itself.’

David’s eyes were glued to the doctor. At the last bit, he heard himself gasp. Then he saw Aimee, standing just outside the door next to what he assumed were detectives. Her eyes were wide, tears cascading down her cheeks.

‘The fragment had lost much of its velocity by that time. Thank God for that. It has caused some damage to the lining, but it was finally removed and the tear repaired about ten minutes ago.’

‘What about the lung, Doctor?’ Aimee whispered.

Doctor Levin turned to Aimee, then turned to Hollister, raising his eyebrows.

Hollister nodded in response to the silent query. ‘You may speak freely with anyone here.’

The surgeon nodded and turned back to Aimee. ‘When I left, they were trying to reinflate the lung. I’m afraid they’re having difficulties. The damage there was extensive, and it could be awhile before we know.’

Aimee’s hand went over her mouth, choking back a sob. David watched as her knees began to buckle just as the taller detective behind reached out and grabbed her, holding her up and pulling her closer to him.

‘And the second bullet?’ Hollister said.

‘Glanced off a rib,’ Doctor Levin answered. ‘Here.’ He pointed lower, in the middle of his abdomen. ‘Entered here, hit the rib squarely. Broke the rib, then exited here.’ His finger moved six inches around his waist toward the back. ‘We surmise that this is the bullet that struck the other victim.’

At that, Elizabeth buried her face in her hands and lowered her head toward her lap.

‘What’s the prognosis, Doctor?’ David said.

The man looked at him. ‘We don’t know yet. There’s been major blood loss, and the damage to the lung is extensive. Also, we don’t know how much trauma the heart received. We got the bullet out, and we believe the damage is localized to the outer ventricular wall. Still, any trauma to the heart is serious and usually raises unexpected complications.’

Doctor Levin raised his eyebrows and looked around the room to see if there were any more questions. Seeing there were none, he forced a tight smile. ‘I’ll let you know
as soon as–’

David heard a beeper sound at the surgeon’s waist, then he saw people running down the hall behind him. Running, he realized, toward Sean’s operating room. He heard Aimee scream and try to pull free from the detective as the surgeon looked at the beeper before turning and running after the others.

* * *

Elizabeth was standing out front, holding Aimee and watching Hollister speak to a bank of microphones that were being shoved in his face. It wasn’t every day a major artist was shot outside a courtroom, she thought, and the jackals were trying to make the most of it.

‘I am going to make a short statement about what we have learned. I will not be taking any questions afterward.’ Hollister reached into his pocket and withdrew a scrap of paper, stared at it, then stared at the cameras. ‘Sean McMahon and another man, a local attorney named William Sherman, were shot today as they exited the Knox County Courthouse.’

‘Do you know who shot them?’ a voice called out from the back.

‘Why was he shot?’ another voice shouted.

Hollister fixed the crowd with an icy stare, and after a moment the reporters went silent.

‘I have not yet spoken with Mr. Sherman’s family, so I will not comment on his medical condition,’ Hollister continued. ‘I can tell you that Mr. McMahon was struck by two shots, one in the chest and one in the abdomen. The bullet in his chest caused significant damage to his lungs, and a fragment lodged in the lining of his heart. The second bullet glanced off of a rib, exited, and–we believe–is the bullet that then struck Mr. Sherman.’

Elizabeth felt Aimee go stiff in her arms at the latter. She looked down and saw Aimee staring at Hollister, transfixed by the scene.

‘The doctors and nurses here at University Hospital have worked valiantly on both Mr. McMahon and Mr. Sherman.’ Hollister looked at the piece of paper in his hands and cleared his throat. ‘We are told that Mr. McMahon’s heart stopped on the helicopter ride to the hospital and he was revived. His heart again stopped at three forty this afternoon, and he was again revived.’

Hollister looked up and stared at the crowd. Elizabeth saw a tear running down his cheek. He cleared his throat and started to say something. His lips moved, searching for words, but nothing came out. After a minute or more of total silence, Hollister turned and walked past Aimee and Elizabeth and back into the hospital.

The moment the door closed behind him, Elizabeth heard a frenzy of shouted questions from the press corps. She turned and watched them, disgusted. One reporter spotted her with Aimee. ‘Ladies,’ he called out. From the corner of her eye, she watched Aimee turn and bolt into the building, leaving her alone with them as they all descended on her.

Elizabeth could only stand rooted in place as the questions assaulted her. It was a high pitched drone, shouts and queries, and microphones were being stuck in close to her face. She couldn’t move, and she found that she couldn’t talk, either. She was frozen.

* * *

It was a dream, and she knew it was a dream. Faceless, sexless people in bloody green surgical scrubs darted in droves up and down the hallways, and she could see a mass of faces and microphones pressed against the glass doors, screaming questions and trying to get in. But no one would answer her questions. No one would tell her whether Sean was alive or dead. She was screaming at them, but they wouldn’t answer.

‘He’s out of it,’ she heard a voice say, and she knew that he was dead. The voice was tugging on her shoulder, still speaking. Aimee was amazed she could hear him over the screaming questions and the constant loudspeaker messages and beeps. ‘Did you hear?’ the voice continued. ‘He’s out of surgery. They say he’s going to make it.’

It was Tim, she realized. What was he doing in my dream?

‘Aimee,’ he continued, ‘c’mon, get up. Sean’s out of surgery.’

The screaming was dying away, and Aimee could hear him clearly now. She tried to open her eyes, but they were caked with the salt of a day’s worth of tears. When her eyelids cracked open, she saw a blurry Tim kneeling before her. He was wearing his police uniform, but there was no badge or name tag.

‘When did you get here?’

‘Couple of hours ago.’ He took her hand in his. ‘Did you hear what I said?’

She shook her head, not trusting the dream.

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Dr Gillman Part One

Laying here in this dim room waiting on my OB staring up at the ceiling, anxiety, and embarrassment washed over me as I anticipated him to walk through the door at any moment. As excited as I was to see my baby girl, the last 3 months of doctor appointments have been embarrassing for me. During my vaginal exams, I cream, and cum all over my doctor’s fingers every time. Call it a natural reaction. I mean, I get it, my doctor gets it, I’m pregnant, extra sensitive, hormones are through the...

3 years ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 7

Blaster collected some horses for us in the morning and we rode off, before most of the shops had opened. Business was bad, fewer customers, less money. Fewer citizens, fewer monthly taxes being paid, fewer constables, more crime... it was a vicious cycle. The 'taint' effected just about everything. The merchants had my sympathy, but I lost a wife... top that. With barely a break for lunch, we took every King's Gate we could. Magically eating the leagues that would have taken days of...

2 years ago
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The Spice of Life Chapter 10

Louise had been moved in with Jacob and Holly for about two weeks. All of the events and details around Holly's dad dying had been cleared up and resolved and the new threesome had begun to settle into a new normal, which routinely included Jacob's one on one with his wife or mother-in-law and plenty of the three-way variety as well. He considered himself a pretty lucky man. He had readily available sex with two very attractive women with the understanding among all parties that it was good no...

2 years ago
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Christina and Cheryl part 2

‘Pedicure?!’ I was alarmed. This had all been fun and very sexy, but a pedicure? That would mean I would be venturing in to the public, something I had previously barely even considered. Would I pass? Would I be ridiculed? Would I be verbally abused? Would I be physically abused? These were the things that crossed my mind at first. But then I considered a different scenario. Would I be hot? Would I be sexy? Would I be admired? Would I be whistled at? I started to become turned on. ‘Baby, I...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Midnight Swim

Bikini Beach: Midnight Swim By Elrod W Mark turned away from the ticket booth, his face a mix of disgust and disappointment. Slowly, he trudged across the hot asphalt toward the car. He opened the door, frowning. "Well?" Mark Wilson shook his head as he slid into the seat. "No dice. It's way to expensive." Bill Jennings leaned forward from the back seat. "It can't be that much," he protested. " Mark turned his head. "You want to give up beer for the next month?" Bill...

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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 4

By the end of the first week I had fucked a total of 6 guys... and by my calculation:41 and a half inches of cock and 8 loads of spunk... The next week would see me take my tally to 17 different guys, with the waiter fucking me a second time making my total 18 sessions for the fortnight. I had one further threesome with two black lads from Nottingham and a single day when I was fucked by eight guys, one after the other... The next guy was a pretty straightforward fuck. Another meet from...

3 years ago
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Clit Crazy Jeannes Pool PartyPart 2

Jeanne pulled her wet swimsuit away from her body. She looked around the camp cafeteria and didn’t know how to feel. She knew it was wrong to be there. The empty room mocked her, echoing every nervous step she took, until she leaned against a long table. Jeanne’s navy blue bathing suit outlined her breasts. Jeanne noticed them when she was fully clothed and definitely noticed them when she was half dressed and wet. Her nipples stuck out through the thin fabric. “My boobs are so huge.” She...

4 years ago
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Masturbating Teen Sister

Hello, guys… welcome to the world of fantasies where all your crazy horny shitty sex fantasies are met. I am a new writer member at Indian Sex Stories and with this first story of mine, I just thought to deliver my fantasies as well. So here comes the first story of Jack and his teenage sister Eve. Hope you guys would like it. Jack, 16 and his younger sister Eve, 18 years old lived along with their dad in Mumbai. It had been 2 years that their mom passed away in an accident. Since then their...

1 year ago
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Sixteen, and just a girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I slipped the dress over my head and zipped it up, then looked in the mirror. No makeup, my hair a mess, no shoes, and I was flat chested. But I saw her, and I was captivated by her. Not the ugly broad staring back at me, but the cute girl that she could become, if only I knew how, and tried a little harder. As I took the dress off I just knew that my parents wouldn't understand if they saw me all dressed up as a...

3 years ago
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Tom Ch 04

An upset Melissa come running to find Tom who was just emerging from the women’s restroom with the company’s librarian. ‘Tom, Tom.’ ‘Melissa, calm down. Armageddon is not scheduled for today.’ ‘Tom, Tom. Mrs Stokes has arrived and is with the partners. You and I have been called to them.’ ‘Oh good. We can snare this one for you darling.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’ll do the work. I’m employed as the ideas guy. I’m not required to work.’ ‘Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Will we survive this?’ ...

2 years ago
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The Car Trade

The story is fiction but based on a fantasy my wife and I share. The characters are based on actual people we know. Yes, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. My wife and I have always known our relationship is more than most. More exciting. More intense. And most certainly more inclusive than your average couple. Our relationship is above average for many reasons. My love for her has no boundaries. I live for her happiness and pleasure, and as a man, I realize women last...

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 26

Present – Byron – At the cabin Thom suggests, "Sirs, I think Mabel was going to prepare a meal, we should go in and eat." Glen asks, "Didn't you just return from eating?" I answer, "Yes Sir, we did but with Mabel cooking, I could eat all the time." We head into the kitchen and everyone has started eating already, Glen looks around and asks, "Where's Evelyn?" Liz answers, "She got mouthy with Mabel and got chased out of the kitchen." Glen says, "Not again! Mabel may I please...

4 years ago
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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 4

The ambient light from the windows grew brighter with dawn's twilight. Hollis opened his eyes and regarded Annie. "Good morning," he said. "Morning." "Sleep well?" "Mmm ... Never better." She swung her feet to the floor. "I gotta take my shower and get ready for school." Hollis shook his head. "I just had a flash of cognitive dissonance. I spent the night with you like that and now you have to go to school." "Help me straighten the bed." He tugged on the covers. Annie...

4 years ago
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VirgilChapter 3

Well, darned if Virgil didn't take me seriously! I'll explain that in a minute. I started letting him out in the morning to feed him. I didn't see any reason to keep him all penned up when he wanted to be out so bad, and he'd been doing OK, so far. Of course, at the first raindrop, he wanted back inside and NOW! I wasn't sure, but he looked like he might have lost weight over the last couple of weeks. I knew he wasn't eating near as much as he used to. I heard about people eating...

4 years ago
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Wersquore Not in High School Anymore Marsquoam

I was at my friend’s house when he told me that a guy from high school’s mom would be stopping by to pick up some weed from him. It’s always funny to find out that some of the parents we grew up around were heavy weed smokers. When she came over she was excited to see us both, especially me because it had been a few years since I was back around. She’s white, in her early 50’s I think, very short, maybe 5’2 with very curvy body, about c cup breasts in her tank top with wide hips and a plump ass...

3 years ago
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I could use a lady to help me continue this story

It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...

1 year ago
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Mrs Ellis

True to his word, it was not long before Sam introduced me to his wife at an intimate level. I had seen her quite often at the farm when visiting there with Uncle Charlie - she was always a very welcoming woman and seemed rather jolly and happy all the time. She was well built with big broad hips, a large arse an ample tummy and a really huge bosom which seemed to rest on her tummy under the apron she always wore. I had noticed her underwear on the washing line from time to time. Her bras...

2 years ago
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If the Broom FitsChapter 25

Penelope reaches the landing at the top of the stair and pauses before a large, heavy door. This is where God said Starkey spends the majority of his days. The castle if large with many, many rooms, but this room is the only he uses. In fact, according to the golem, it is the only one decorated with anything. The rest lack tapestries, furniture and anything else one might expect in a castle. What are we waiting for? It’s not like were meeting royalty. You didn’t even act this way for King...

3 years ago
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 27

Stix was not impressed by the current High Queen Lillian when she did finally meet her. After the long trek to get to Mt Ant, Stix, Jagger and Stone had to wait for four weeks to get an audience with the Queen. Every time they asked, there was some bureaucratic reason why it couldn’t happen sooner. Stix was not happy to see the increased presence of soldier ants as the weeks went by and suspected the Queen was more preoccupied with the thought of war. As much as Stix enjoyed Stone and...

2 years ago
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My girlfriends best mate0

At the moment, Lisa, my girlfriends best friend, is staying with us. She is going to Australia soon and left her old rented house to live with us for 3 months before she leaves. Lisa is a tall (5ft 8') blonde woman (34) with a fantastic figure. She runs every day almost and she has the most amazing toned ass you will ever see. Seriously! Anyhoo, for the last 3 months or so, I have been flashing her or attempting to flash her. Now, I wasn't sure if she had seen me. You see, there is...

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Elder bahbhi and her brother8217s wife

Hello! Pabby here again with my new experiences. If ladies, girls, couples or groups wanna contact me they can mail me at We together can have the pleasure which you wouldn’t have imagined for. Satisfaction is granted. Secrecy in demanded and assured. I haven’t been to the villages in Madhaya Pardesh till now. But during the final year I have to go to some MP village due to my some project. My bhabhi was from the village and she took me to her village. My brother was out of country for 2...

1 year ago
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Kamini Bhabhi K Saath Pehla Sex Experience 8211 Part I

Hello my name is Rohit, dehradun (uttarakhand) ka rehne wala hun.Aaj mey aapko apni ek sachi kahani sunane ja rha hu. Maine b socha apni kahani share krta hun. Aap mey se saree logo ne yahan pe bahut saari kahani padhi hongi but mujhe jyadatar fake lagti h. Wo jyada tar copy paste hi lagti h mujhe but kher chodo maje to lene hi h isliye mey aap ko apni ek sachi kahani sunane ja rha hun.Jise vishwas krna woh kare warna mat kare. Pehle mey apna intro deta hun mera name aap ko pta hi h ,my age is...

3 years ago
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JoJo Sex Story 2

“Shit, the flight’s been canceled,” JoJo swore as the reader board changed to reflect the toll the snowstorm had taken on the airport. “Should we find a hotel or stay here and hope things improve?” James Nixon, JoJo’s drummer on this tour, asked her. “I’ll go see if they think the weather will improve,” JoJo volunteered. “Fuck, I knew this wasn’t a good idea,” Fred Williams, the guitarist, said when JoJo was out of earshot. “We should be at home playing with the band and playing music that...

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The Paper RouteChapter 3

“Eddie, your cock is nearly hard again, let me get a rubber so you can fuck me like a dog ... just like they were doing in that picture I showed you,” Becky told me. “You mean you have the pictures the boy showed you? You didn’t tell me he gave them to you,” Justine fussed. “Well I just got them this morning early. It wasn’t like I got them last week or anything.” “I want to see them.” “You can see them when you get naked in our truck with me and Eddie.” “We’re getting naked when we go...

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Fallen Girls and Holidays Ch 04

Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...

3 years ago
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Wife goes to a club

I'm a respectable, middle aged(48) suburban housewife and have always been faithful for my 26 year marriage.We have 2 daughters, chrissie 19 and emily 18. I get so bored when my husband goes out of town. Actually, it gets very boring when he's in town. Both my girls, Chrissie and Emily, have gone off to college, and mom has a lot of time on her hands. I have a couple of drinks in my living room and decide to go out to kick up my heels. I head downtown to a find a some excitement and park in...

2 years ago
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Gang Banged By Village 8211 Part II

Ab mai aapko apni aage ki story batane jaa rahi hoon jinhone iska pichla part nahi read kiya hai kripiya wo pejle usse read karein. Abhi mai so rahi thi ki vishal ne aa kar mujhe utha diya aur kehne laga agar ab ki baar kuch bhi boli to saza aur badha di jayegi isliye jo kehta hoon chup chap karti ja. Mai kuch bhi nahi bloi aur chup rahi. Ab dopehar ke takriban 1 baj chuke the aur abhi bhi mai nangi hi thi. Vishal ne mujhe kaha aaj tujhe aur bahut jano se chudna hai. Ab to mai besharam ban...

4 years ago
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Hot sex with my aunt in hot Chennai

Hi all to the readers of this great site. I am herusen from the beautiful city Chennai. I am a great fan of this wonderful site as all of you here. I am a person about 22 years of age now. As you know that every young person in this world has an urge to have sex in his life. I got introduced to sex very early, but I could not have cream of sex experience until last year. I belong to those category of young boys who fantasize elder women. I really don’t know, what’s there in them, but whenever I...

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The escort 5 A new experience

My summer job as an escort for Marchmont Ladies was going much better than I could have expected: I was getting very well paid for hanging out with some interesting clients and the sex had turned out to be very enjoyable too. If my life as a student resulted in nothing but a dead-end, I now knew that I had a profitable line of work to fall back on. I might have trouble explaining to friends and relations that I was in effect a call-girl, an up-market prostitute, but I'd cross that bridge when I...

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Under the desk

I sit in the darkness, knowing you will be in soon. I hide under your desk, kneeling, my neck bent, and not thinking about the cramped space I’ve squeezed my 6ft 3 frame into. I’m not here for my comfort, I’m here for your secret pleasure. Just before eight I hear voices from somewhere in the office. I squeeze back against the up stand of the desk as a pair of sexy heels pull the leather chair back from the desk. They stop, your voice becoming clearer as you sit down and pull yourself in. ...

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Jizzy Brain

"Oh, yes," Mike groaned. "Shhh!" Mandy said for what felt like the millionth time. They didn't want someone to hear. Why couldn't he be quiet? Mike partially sat up in the corner of the wall where it met the head of Mandy's bed. He had two bed pillows stuffed behind his back for support. He was in a comfortable position to watch. "That's so good, Mandy," he complimented as she licked up his hard shaft. She was glad her boyfriend liked it but she couldn't understand why he...

2 years ago
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GeraldineChapter 4

I woke at ten fifteen, but was still bone tired. I got up, showered, dressed in my work clothes, and headed to the bank. Thank goodness they were open till noon on Saturdays. By the time I had something to eat, it was time to go to work. Gladys was there and I asked her, "Don't you take a day off? You have to have some time for yourself." Gladys smiled and said, "I usually take Sunday and Monday off as they are the slowest days. When Joe needs me though, I work seven days. The last time...

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Fucking Beth

the parents had togo away for the weekend and needed a sitter, ben and beth both asked for me. I wasnt even there first choice but after enough pressure from the kids they reluctantly asked me to look after them. pretending i wasnt that bothered i said yes.They left friday night, werecoming back sunday evening. i thought about takingmy time with beth, not rushing into anything. fuck it, i never had any self control. i encouraged ben to take his oportunity and get out of the house and go see his...

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Star Wars Episode 65 A Vital Exchange

Star Wars Episode 6.5 A Vital Exchange By Caleb Jones Hans Solo and his wife Leia Organa Solo went to bed after Han returned from a month-long secret mission. They chatted a bit about the day's events and then they began to make passionate space love. Meanwhile, Leia's brother Luke was trying to contact her from the distant planet Xeoiwu-3 using his abilities with the Force. As twins, they could often communicate with each other on a level beyond that of ordinary humans and as...

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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] “Thank you, Isabel. I am expecting you to try out for LES MISÉRABLES. I need a pretty little blonde girl just like you to sing that song in front of everyone who can hear you.” “Thank you, Michael. That is a wonderful song. I must go on to my next class. Goodbye,” my future Little Cosette said to me. She was running. Clara walked in and said, “She is fabulous, Michael. A perfect Little...

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Dick Pic Cock Sucking Club Gay

Several years ago, I worked for the same company as a guy called Tony. His nickname was 'Tony D' and occasionally I would be invited to his house, either to watch a game or for a party. Tony was a classic Italian man with dark olive skin, black hair and big, wide shoulders. He had a hairy chest and a stocky build.Tony was married with older k**s. I had been married for nineteen years with one c***d.One day I got a text from him on my cell phone: 'missed you last night'. I thought, that was...

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Bad Night for Brandi

Brandi knew she was in trouble. The 18-year old college student had been out partying at her friend Jessica's house to celebrate the start of spring break, and as was often the case she'd consumed one wine cooler too many. Her friend Naomi had offered to drive her home but Brandi had refused, knowing she'd be needing her car the next day. When she first saw the police cruiser behind her she had unwisely opted to avoid getting pulled over by making a break for it, and at first it looked as...

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