Knox County Ch. 07 free porn video

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The Asian girl was nervous. Aimee could see it in her face, in the hesitation to talk.

‘What’s wrong?’ Sean asked, putting down his pencil and looking at her. Aimee kept drawing, focusing on the knots in Elizabeth’s jawline.

She said nothing. Her eyes darted from Aimee to Sean and back again.

‘You know how this works, Elizabeth. You need to talk to me, to open up. That’s how we get somewhere, capture you. You understand that, right?’

She nodded, but said nothing. Aimee thought Sean was nuts. Her nervousness was clearly etched in her face, in the tension in her body.

‘Is it Aimee?’

Elizabeth nodded.

‘Well you can open up around her,’ he pleaded. ‘Aimee, talk to her, will you?’

She looked up and saw his eyes boring a hole into her, his face telling her to do something.

‘Why are you uncomfortable around me?’ Aimee asked, putting her pencil down and looking at Elizabeth.

She avoided Aimee’s eyes, looking back to Sean. A lonely tear trailed down her cheek. ‘It’s different with just you. You know who I am, what I was.’

Sean nodded, and Aimee saw a lightbulb go off in his head. ‘Okay, I can understand that. You don’t want her to know. She’ll think less of you, right?’

Elizabeth nodded. Aimee started drawing again, trying to capture the fear and tension in the beautiful girl’s reluctance, quickly drawing in and shading the lonely tear trailing down her face.

‘She won’t, Elizabeth. Will you Aimee?’

‘You’re wrong,’ Elizabeth said.

‘I’m not wrong. You need to tell us, and to get Aimee to understand. And she won’t think any less of you. I promise.’

In the week since she’d met him, Aimee had come to Sean’s house every afternoon after school and spent hours in his studio, drawing together, drawing him while he painted, and chatting. This was the first time she’d joined him to work with a model, and she had looked forward to it. She wanted to see how he got them to reveal themselves, but this was going nowhere fast.

‘Sean,’ she said, ‘why don’t you go make us some tea? Leave us alone for a minute.’

He looked from her to Elizabeth and back again. Without a word, he walked from the room and closed the door behind him.

Elizabeth looked at her nervously, and Aimee sighed and put down her pencil. She got up and walked around the easel, dragging a stool along and placing it next to the girl’s chair. She sat on the stool and looked down at her, deciding to wait her out.

Neither spoke for a few minutes, then she heard Elizabeth’s soft voice. ‘It’s not you. If you hate me, that’s fine. But I can’t have this getting out. I live in this town. With my son. I can’t have him starting school and being picked on because of me.’

‘For what?’

She shook her head. ‘Don’t you see? He wants me to tell you. With him it was different. He’s a hermit, doesn’t know anyone. You’re from here, you live in town, know all the parents and everything.’

‘How do you know Sean hasn’t already told me?’

She shook her head again. ‘He hasn’t.’

‘How do you know?’ she said, raising the bluff.

‘Because he wouldn’t do that. And because you’d be looking at me different.’ Bluff called.

‘Okay,’ Aimee said, ‘then I’ll leave. It’ll be just you and Sean, okay?’

She expected assent, but she got an argument. ‘You can’t do that.’

‘Why not? He needs you to open up to him. You know how this works. If you won’t do it in front of me, we’re all wasting our time.’

‘But he needs you here. If you leave, he’ll get pissed with me.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ She leaned in close. ‘I just wish you’d trust me to keep quiet, is all.’

Elizabeth looked into her lap. Aimee didn’t hear her at first. ‘What?’

‘I was a whore. That’s how he met me. I was hired to . . . .’

Aimee admitted to herself she didn’t see this coming. Elizabeth looked up, then her eyes shot back to her lap. ‘I told you. It’s different with women. Guys don’t care as much.’

Aimee processed this. She couldn’t think of anything to say, so she said nothing.

‘Tell me what you’re thinking now?’ Aimee finally asked.

‘That you see me as a cheap whore. That you have no respect for me. That you may tell someone in town and I’ll have to move.’ She looked up, her eyes pleading. ‘I just got together with someone. Someone who may love me. Who knows all about me and still wants to be with me. And if this gets out, it could ruin him around here. I’d have to leave to protect him. I don’t want to do that.’

Aimee smiled. ‘Your secret’s safe with me.’ She crossed her finger over her heart. ‘Swear on a stack of bibles, okay?’

Elizabeth seemed unsure.

‘Did you sleep with him when you were hired?’ Elizabeth looked at her, not understanding. ‘Sean,’ she said. ‘You were hired to sleep with him. Did you?’

She shook her head. ‘He just wanted to draw me and paint me.’

‘Damn,’ Aimee said. ‘I’ve been wondering how he’d be. He’s so, I don’t know, almost childlike. Be just my luck I finally find someone and he’d be a bum lay.’

Aimee saw a grin creep over Elizabeth’s face, her hand brushing the tears from her face.

‘What?’ Aimee said.

‘Cynthia saw him naked once, when she first got here. In the bath.’


Elizabeth’s head lifted and her eyes met her. She held her hands in front of her about eight inches apart.

Aimee’s eyes widened. ‘No.’

Elizabeth nodded, the tension gone.

‘Then maybe it’s worth a try, huh? Don’t really have to know what you’re doing with a weapon like that, right?’

Elizabeth laughed just as Sean entered the room, carrying a tray with teapot and mugs.

Aimee joined in the laughter.

‘What?’ Sean said, putting down the tea service.

Aimee looked at Elizabeth and put her finger to her mouth. ‘Our secrets,’ she whispered.

Elizabeth looked at Sean and nodded, still giggling.

* * *

When David awoke, he heard a vacuum. He listened for a few moments, the sleep leaving his eyes, a smile creeping over his face. As the vacuum drew more near, he pulled himself from the bed and slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms. When he entered the hallway, she was drawing the vacuum cleaner back and forth, her back to him.

He tiptoed and leaned in as he drew near. He reached his hands out and placed them on her shoulders. She jumped. ‘Goddamnit,’ she said. ‘You scared the hell out of me.’

‘Good morning,’ he said. He gave her a peck on the cheek.

She pushed back on his chest. ‘None of that. I’m busy. This place is filthy.’

‘Just needs a good woman to keep it clean.’

‘Or a good man,’ she said, flipping off the vacuum and raising an eyebrow.

‘What can I say? I’m lost without you.’

She snorted. ‘Whatever. Get in the shower, brush your teeth. I’ll finish up here and make you some breakfast.’

He pulled her in to him, hugging her close. She put her arms around him and leaned her head into his chest. ‘I don’t want any breakfast,’ he said. ‘I’d rather have you.’

‘Well, you’ll get breakfast and like it. And maybe if you eat it all, and clean up after yourself, and help me get this place cleaned up, then maybe–maybe–you can have me.’

‘Fair enough,’ he said, kissing the top of her head.

Twenty minutes later, he entered the kitchen. She was finishing up with a cheese omelette, and he joined her in buttering the toast before applying strawberry jam for him, grape jelly for her.

‘This is nice,’ he said between bites at the table.

‘I make a mean omelette.’ ‘You do,’ he agreed, ‘but that’s not what I meant. I meant waking up with you here.’

She put down her fork and picked up her coffee, staring at him. After a moment, she spoke. ‘Frankly, I was surprised to find you here. Thought you’d be at work.’

He shook his head. ‘No. We hired someone a few w
eeks ago. Someone to help me.’ He saw the surprise in her face. ‘Just after you and I talked again for the first time, when I knew we maybe had a chance, I went to Mike. Told him I needed an assistant. He didn’t blink–hell, he has two assistants with design–so we placed some ads and finally found someone.’

She sipped her coffee, staring at him. He couldn’t read her face. He needed her to say something.


‘You think you’ll be able to be home more?’

He nodded. ‘That’s the whole point. I’m not gonna get back together just to set it up to fail again. I’ll be home earlier, five-thirty every night. And we’ll have weekends together.’ She was licking her lips, trying to hold back her emotions, and he saw her hands were clenched on the mug. ‘Please tell me I did the right thing here.’

She picked up her mug and plate to the sink, scraping her uneaten food into the garbage can and putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Her back was to him, and he was getting scared. She just stood there, her back to him, her arms fiddling with something in front of her.

He picked up his dishes and put them on the counter next to the sink. ‘Cyn?’ She didn’t move and he approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. ‘Cyn, is everything okay? I thought this was what you wanted.’

The shirt fell loose and slipped down her shoulder, exposing her bare skin. He started to pull it up, but she turned into him. There were tears on her face, and he could see from the shining in her eyes and the smile on her lips that they were tears of joy. Then he saw that her blouse was unbuttoned and she was wearing no bra. ‘It is what I wanted,’ she said, pulling him close and squeezing him, her wet face resting against his chest.

He hugged her close and rested his face on top of her head, enjoying the softness of her hair, the clean scent of shampoo lingering in his nostrils. Then her hand took his arm, grabbing his wrist and guiding his hand to her breast. ‘It’s exactly what I wanted,’ she sniffled into his t-shirt. ‘I just never thought, hoped against hope, that you’d do it.’

He squeezed her breast, feeling her nipple harden between his thumb and forefinger. ‘I keep telling you we’ve both made a lot of mistake here, right?’ He felt her nod into his chest, his t-shirt now warm and damp from her tears. ‘I’ve been telling you since we first met again that night that I needed to cut back. You’ve promised me you’ll never repeat your mistakes, so what kind of shit would I be to turn around and keep on the same track, too?’

She looked up at him. ‘But I was afraid to ask, to set the condition. Afraid you’d throw it all back at me. So I didn’t.’

His hand left her breast and went to her chin, holding it up to him with his fingertips. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. They were soft and puffy, salty from her tears. ‘Does this mean you’ll give it another try?’

She said nothing, only pulled him in closer to her.

‘Cyn, please tell me you’ll give us another chance.’

He heard a muffled response, but he couldn’t make it out. He backed away and looked down at her. ‘What?’

‘I want a baby, David,’ she said, looking down. He lifted her chin again, and he saw that her eyes were scared. ‘I want to start a family.’

He was floored. They’d discussed this repeatedly, both before and after their marriage. David wanted a family, and Cynthia always resisted. He knew she’d had a bad childhood, and he was convinced she was terrified of making a mess of it as her parents had. He’d learned through the years to accept this, and now she was telling him she’d changed her mind?

‘I’m forty years old, hon,’ he said. He couldn’t help himself. He’d wanted this for so long, and now that she was making it a condition of their return, he wasn’t sure he still wanted it.

She nodded. ‘I know. I’m sorry.’ She looked back down, pulling him back into her. He heard her voice from his chest, felt her lips moving against his heart.

‘I always thought just taking care of you would be enough for me. But these last four months, taking care of Sean . . . . David, he’s like a little boy in a lot of ways. He needed me way more than you ever did.’

David felt a hollowness in his stomach. She’d convinced him there was nothing between her and Sean, but now he was having doubts. He felt her head move and looked down, into her eyes. He saw the disappointment in them, was convinced she’d read his mind.

‘I love him, David,’ she said. ‘Not the way I love you, though. Can you understand that?’ She looked into his eyes. ‘It wasn’t sexual–except that one time I told you about, and that wasn’t really sexual, either. It was more than that. It was taking care of him, trying to mend him. He’s not like you. He’s so . . . so vulnerable. So inadequate in so many ways. He couldn’t care for himself. You can. I need you, and I know you need me. But I need more, can you understand that?’

His jitters had gone away. He understood, he was just amazed that she finally understood why people had families. ‘You want a baby, someone you can care for and nurture and protect and raise.’

She nodded, her eyes softening again. ‘I know you’re forty, and I know I’m a little old to start. But I want to try. I want a family. Us, our baby. I need more in my life. Not just you, but you and a baby. A family.’

He kissed her. ‘Then you’ll stay?’

‘Is that a yes?’

He nodded. ‘An enthusiastic yes.’

Her tears increased, her eyes sparkling. He felt the tension leave her body and she melted into him. He held her tight, stroking her hair, feeling for the first time that this was really all going to be okay. He swept her into his arms.

‘I’ve got an idea,’ he said, grinning and walking toward the bedroom with her in his arms, her arms around his. ‘How about we get started on that baby now?’

* * *

Tim was parked at the Tastee Freeze, shooting the speeds of the passing autos. He’d be off shift in an hour, and it had been a quiet Monday night.

He watched the car fly past, heard the radar beep, and looked at the readout. The car was doing fourteen over the limit, and he flipped on the cherries and pulled out. The car was already pulled over when he got to it.

‘So how’s it going, stud?’ Jenny Silverman beamed from the car.

‘Goddamnit, Jenny, I told you to cut this shit out.’

She kept smiling. ‘You gonna give me a ticket?’

He sighed. ‘Yes.’

‘You sure you can’t find some other way to punish me?’ She was leering, her hand rubbing her breast.

‘I told you that was over.’

The door flew open and she was standing before him, her hands on her hips. ‘For fuck’s sake Tim, I don’t want it to be over. I enjoyed our little sessions.’ He looked at her. She was always his favorite. Adventurous, insatiable, funny, cute. But she was also seven years younger than him and still in college. Still, there was the problem with her father, who he was and what his reaction would be.

‘I don’t wanna fuck you in parking lots anymore, Jenny.’

Her lower lip pouted out, her eyes blazing at him.

He smiled. ‘But I’d like to see you again. Maybe dinner?’

‘You mean, like, a fuckin’ date? You and me?’ She laughed.

‘Yeah, I guess that’s what I mean.’ He stared at her, angered at her reaction. ‘You still dating Andy?’

She shook her head. ‘As a matter of fact, I’m free at the moment. That’s why I decided to see if you were interested.’

He nodded. ‘Well, I am. But I’m interested in dating you.’

She smiled, her eyes challenging him. ‘And what about Dad? He’ll kick your ass if he finds out you’re dating me.’

‘Fuck him,’ Tim said. ‘He’ll do nothing.’

‘What’s your wife gonna think about this?’

‘We’re separated.’

‘And you live?’

‘I just got an apartment.’

She nodded, then held out her hand. ‘Okay, stud, give me the keys and the address.’


e laughed. ‘You can take me out to dinner tomorrow. But tonight you’re gonna fuck my brains out. Indoors if you prefer. Take it or leave it.’

He grinned. She was nothing like Aimee–or his mother, he suddenly realized. She was forward, a tart, funny and open, not a shy bone in her body. He fumbled in his pockets, finding his key ring and extracting the key from the ring. He put it in her palm.

‘When you gonna get back?’ ‘Bout an hour.’

She hopped in her car and drove away.

An hour and fifteen minutes later, he walked through the door of his apartment. It was unlocked, and the apartment was dark. He saw light under the door of his bedroom, and he walked there, shedding his clothes as he went.

He was fumbling with his belt with one hand and he opened the door with his other. The lamp on the nightstand illuminated the hottest sight he’d ever seen. She was naked, spreadeagled in the middle of his bed, her hands cuffed together over the headboard and her ankles tied with socks to the opposite corners of the footboard. He gazed over her and sucked in his breath when his eyes reached the opening between her thighs. There was something protruding a few inches from the lips of her pussy, and he heard the faint hum of the vibrator. He saw the sheets beneath were soaked with her juices, and she was writhing in ecstasy.

‘Please,’ she gasped, ‘help me. I’ve been kidnapped, and they left me like this.’

He tore off the rest of his clothes and strode to the bed. He reached down and tweaked her hardened nipples, and she arched off the bed toward his hands.

‘You’re going to help me, aren’t you? You’re going to get me out of here before they come back, right?’ He kept pinching her nipples and squeezing her breasts with one hand, his other trailing down to the swell of her bare mound.

‘You’re not going to rape me, are you? While I’m all helpless here? Totally powerless to stop you?’ She was panting, and he felt her stomach ripple with an orgasm.

His cock was engorged, almost painful with its swelling and throbbing.

He looked at her face. She was heaving with the sensations rushing through her body, and he saw the need in her face, in the way her tongue darted out of her mouth. He’d never played this game–with anyone–and he didn’t know what to do.

‘I’m a virgin,’ she pleaded through her lust. ‘I’ve never been used before. Please let me go.’

‘Then this isn’t going to go well for you,’ he said. His lust was rushing through is veins, and he needed relief. He kneeled on the bed and grabbed the back of her head, pulling her face toward him.

‘What are you doing?’ she said, opening her mouth as his head drew near.

He felt her neck stiffen and realized she wanted this to be realistic. He yanked her hair, tilting her head back to face him. ‘First,’ he said, ‘I’m going to teach you how to suck a cock. Then,’ he reached across her and jerked the vibrator in and out a few times, ‘I’m going to break that cherry. I’m going to fuck you ’til you scream. Then, when you think you can’t take anymore,’ he moved his hand down and pressed against her anus, his finger sliding in easily with the help of the accumulated juices streaming from her pussy, ‘when you beg me to stop, I’m going to take your ass cherry. And I’m going to fuck you so hard there you won’t be able to sit for a week.’

Her panting increased, and he pushed his sensitive, spongy head against her lips. He felt her mouth open, the warm wetness enveloping him, and still he pushed in. He heard her moan around his cock, sucking as he continued in, and he didn’t stop until he felt his head bump against the back of her throat. He held her there for a moment until he heard her breathing increase, then he pulled her head back off. She coughed, gasping for air. He saw her saliva dripping from his hardness and the sides of her mouth, then her eyes looking into his and glazed with lust.

‘You’re pretty good at this,’ he growled. ‘I’ll see just how much more you can take.’

She whimpered around him, straining at her bonds, as he pushed back into her mouth and began pumping. She held her mouth open, her tongue pressing up against the veined underside, her lips sucking for all she was worth. He groaned, feeling the familiar tingling begin. As he got close, he pulled from her mouth, hearing a loud slurp as he did so.

‘Oh no,’ he said, looking down at her disappointed face. ‘I’ve got more in store.’

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Gf K 7 Pahli Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto main prem..Meri umar 22 sal hai aur main final year engg me pdhta hu..12 sal ki umar se hi muje muthi marne ki aadat pad gayi thi.. Muth mare bina mera din nhi gujarta tha pahle muje bahoot sare porn dekhne ki aadat thi aur main roj porn dekh kar muth marta tha jis wajah se mera lund kafi lamba aur chouda ho gaya hai main apne lund ko handsome lund smjta hu aur muje apne lund pr naj hai.Pichle kuch dino se muje bf dekhne me intrest nhi aa raha tha balki sex...

2 years ago
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You little dirty young man

Tonight, with my new camera, I wanted do something that I wasn’t brave enough to do before. I brought my camera out, to a street that full of bars and clubs. My purpose wasn’t to enter any of these bars or clubs, but to stand on the street and take some hot photos. I followed different hot girls who wore gorgeously stunning. I wondered how many of them were wearing thongs tonight. So I took a lot of photos of those women who have sexy asses. I was standing and following them for almost two...

4 years ago
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The adventures of Holly Whore Part 2 scene 3 The

The week was almost up and Matt’s birthday was drawing ever closer. I had taken Katie’s orders and not showered or changed my pants for the week I felt absolutely disgusting and was trying my best to hide it. I was beginning to think that Katie was winding me up but then the text arrived. Katie: Meet me at Matt’s tonight 8pm, bring nothing and just walk in don’t knock, kk? xx Me: Ok xI went over to Matt’s feeling really nervous though I had no idea why. I approached his front door and...

1 year ago
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Mein Zweites Leben 2

Mein Zweites Leben (2) - Die Schule Die ist die Fortsetzung von Mein Zweites Leben (1) ( =1382959938277653391). Ich empfehle, zuerst den Anfang zu lesen. Die Schule Ich halte kurz an, als ich die Einfahrt passiert habe. Vor mir liegt ein gr??eres Anwesen mit einem Haupthaus und zwei Nebengeb?uden, alles in freundlichem Wei? gestrichen. An der Seite ein kleiner, gut gef?llter Parkplatz, den ich dann auch vorsichtshalber ans...

2 years ago
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My Vanilla Mistress

Switch   Cindy and I had first met on the internet and had chatted for some time.   Finally the topic changed to sex and eventually to bondage.   Over the years, I had some experience with binding my dates but it had always been pretty simple – handcuffs and using my necktie to tie their hands behind them.   And that was about it.   But, Cindy and I began talking about stricter bondage.   She told me that she had never been tied and didn’t think she would like to be...

2 years ago
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My First Sex

Hii guys today m sharing the story of my first sex with you. Hope you will enjoy it.If you like it please feel free to like, comment or drop an email to given Id.. Your comments and emails are most welcome. He was my cousin’s friend and that’s how we got to know each other. At the start, we just used to forward messages to each other and one fine day some how started talking to each other and that’s how it all begin. From start only we started liking each other.The late night chats, long phone...

3 years ago
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Karen and I went on to spend the rest of that summer providing each other with sexual favors on a near daily basis. During the last week of vacation I experienced a sexual session with Karen that has been one of my all time favorite memories. Early one morning we were out at our fort in the field andin no time at all I developed a raging Hard-on. We played around a little with Karen first squatting on my face and letting me smell her fantastic little pussy. As soon as she sat down next to me I...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 34

Cockatoo Part 34 Nikkie Silk I woke to find Alex already up and talking with Nin. My shoulder was still aching, so I swallowed a couple of painkillers with some orange juice before remembering to ask Alex about Pao. She was improving fast, and would be discharged either today or tomorrow. Alex wanted to stay in Bangkok, but I told her to go back to Samui to be with Areeya. In the back of my mind I had the idea that it would be safer there. I also said to Nin that she should also...

1 year ago
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Family gal and stranger

Hi everyone this is story about This story is about a family gal and stranger. This happened to my friends wife . Her name is shanthi . And her husband name is not needed. This story happened before two weeks . Shanthi is married before twenty four years . Her age is 45. But she is very beautiful and she has two children one is a gal her age is twenty . She is fair and bulge . Her name is meena . She is also included in this story . My friend was in abroad . So shanthi her daughter meena and...

1 year ago
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My Hentai! Searching for a place that offers the best hentai? Well, I was as well, until I saw this wonderful place filled with all kinds of naughty hentai clips; I mean, we all have different tastes when it comes to this shit, and what I dislike might be the crap you were searching for and vice versa. Personally, I enjoyed my stay here, but whether you will like browsing for naughty content on or not, is completely up to you.I am here to tell you everything you need to...

Hentai Streaming Sites
3 years ago
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Mommys New Bed

A whole lot of good luck came showering down on my mom in one week, and some of it splattered onto me as well, making me feel very lucky and very happy. She went to work one Monday morning and by mid-afternoon she had in her possession a letter promoting her to a managerial position with a considerable hike in pay. Two days later one year’s retroactive pay of sixty percent was paid out to workers of her company following a two year dispute between the company and the representing union which...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 6

Session 18: “Would you tell me what you dream about?” “Yes.” “What do you dream about?” “When?” Damn it, Lucy. Marcie was so much more obedient, in so many ways. If Lucy was half as pliable as Marcie, I’d have been fucking her a long time ago. Though I had to admit—the challenge was half the fun. “What did you dream about last night?” “I don’t really remember many of the details. I think I bought a dog, or found a dog, or something like that. And I was taking it past a bakery, or...

1 year ago
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Undiscovered CountriesChapter 5

Matt tapped Kathy on her shoulder. Kathy began her ride down, Matt two seconds behind. Both their throats were now so dry that it was too painful to talk. Matt and Kathy were still counting the flights mentally and marking off the 100's, but they hadn't spoken to each other in hours. It was nearing the end of a very long second day, the time about 11:30 pm. Life had seemed a lot more cheerful in the morning, Kathy awaking in happiness from sleeping for the very first time in her life with...

4 years ago
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Caught by My Neighbor

A week ago, I hurt my leg and so I've been sleeping on the couch every night. I soon found out that it's too hard for me to make it into the bathroom in time so my wife bought me a urinal that I keep next to the couch and use whenever needed. This morning, my wife was getting ready to go out for coffee with some girlfriends and our neighbor, Barbara kept popping in and out to talk to her. I was getting annoyed with her because the urge to pee was creeping up on me little by little. Finally,...

2 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 2

Chris used his cell phone to call home but gave up when he got the answering machine for the third time. He wanted to tell his mother that he was coming home tonight instead of staying with Jeff. He had come down with the flu and was sick in bed. Chris didn't leave a message for his mother, assuming that she wasn't home from work yet. It was dark when he pulled into the driveway. There was a car sitting in front of the garage that he didn't recognize it. He parked next to it and got out,...

3 years ago
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Saffron Gets Hit by a CarChapter 4

The next morning daddy was up bright and early and we went trough my morning routine,. After shaving my pussy he asked me if I needed some relief and I nodded, then told him that I was full of energy after a good nights sleep but that I was frustrated that I couldn’t even move. Daddy brought me off then asked me if I was more relaxed. I actually was so I told him so. What I didn’t tell him was that I was hopeful that Trisha would take me to the park again, but this time I’d try to keep a...

2 years ago
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Kevin and I Seconds

[10/23/2011 7:39:40 AM] kevin6666: :) [10/23/2011 7:39:46 AM] Jon: lol, yep [10/23/2011 7:39:52 AM] Jon: forgot that was fucking hot [10/23/2011 7:40:07 AM] kevin6666: lol yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:14 AM] kevin6666: did you cum hard? :) [10/23/2011 7:40:20 AM] Jon: mmmm fuck yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:35 AM] Jon: damn ur such a slut for black cock, u find me every time [10/23/2011 7:40:47 AM] kevin6666: hehe yeah. fuck yesssss, i need it bad [10/23/2011 7:41:11 AM] kevin6666: you hard...

1 year ago
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Eleanor Rigby

I’m sure that by now many have heard of Eileen Nearne, an eighty-nine year old woman who died alone in her flat in southwest England on September 2, 2010. With no known friends or relatives, the town of Torquay entered Miss. Nearne’s tiny flat to search for records of someone to notify of the impending funeral. No living relative or friend was found, her only sibling Jacqueline had died in 1982 and Miss. Nearne had been alone ever since. Yet what the authorities did turn up was an astounding...

4 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 17

Richard woke up the next morning to the feeling of Susie unzipping his pajamas. She untaped his diaper and began to rub his penis slowly, and then she moved down and gently took his rapidly hardening length in her mouth. He rolled his eyes back, the rest of his body seemingly placid, his mittens over his head and quietly suckling on his pacifier, and she withdrew her mouth and climbed on top of him, sliding his whole, uncut length inside her with a single, smooth motion. She was...

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MY PANTYHOSE FETISH GROWS – PART 6My pantyhose fetish is an integral part of life now as play with Nick intensifies…Months later, I still had Nick’s white t-shirt from when he had finger fucked me. Sometimes I would wear it to bed along with a pair of pantyhose. I felt so sexy wearing it and often wondered if he realized it was missing. I had seen Nick several times since our last encounter either at his home or mine but it was always due to either a cookout or dinner being hosted by his Mom or...

2 years ago
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Call me megan

I was in high school, and i was about to go on the school trip to germany.I was really excited to go and enjoy my week off, until i found out one previously unmentioned fact in the trip meeting, that we would be sharing rooms with two other boys.I had recently started masturbating about guys, and was desperate to feel the thrill of giving another guy head, so desperate i had spent the last two weeks in my room every evening, sucking on the rounded back handle of a hairbrush whilst my dick grew...

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Son You Know We Shouldnt Part Two

Son You Know We Shouldn’t – Part 2By Michele NylonsMichele hardly spoke to her son for the next three weeks. She was ashamed and confused by what she had done and blamed David for it to a large extent. As far as she was concerned he had cajoled her into masturbating him. “God! What about if he brags about it at school!!!” she said to herself, worried almost sick.But she couldn’t control her desires or her fantasies. She masturbated with her vibrator at least once a day and sometimes more often....

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A Night To Remember

Hi all, my name is Aaryan. I’m from Pune. I’m a tall, dark, handsome, 6.1 feet tall guy. I work as software engineer in IBM and I go to gym daily. Ok, enough about me. This is my first story here at ISS and this was my first sexperience as well. :) I stay with my uncle aunt. So its just 3 member family. There is one more flat on the same floor where Mehta’s stay.Their family has 3 members as well. Rajiv-Komal and their 2 year old son. One fine winter evening, I was alone at my place. My uncle...

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The Deal1

I jotted down Sandy's office number and called her the next day. I pretended to be someone who was looking for a second vacation home in the area. This was not entirely untrue, as I frequented this area to take care of my business interests and had enough money to buy a vacation home. Sandy was happy to help me, and she arranged to meet me the next day to show me some homes. Her sweet phone voice along with the images of her from the magazine ad fueled my excitement. We met the next day...

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Before the Barbeque a lust story

You asked her how much longer she’d be. She just batted her eyes at you. Her cuteness overpowered you. You chatted her up and tried to do some “innocent” flirting. You heard the sound of a shower starting down the hall. “thought your roomie was away this weekend Sarah” “OH, she is but Meg my friend is here. I let her crash in the spare room” Meg sighed. “she’ll be gone before I get home later.” She let a little smile and sideways glance go your way. You could almost taste her...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 296

With the mess outside contained I entered the embassy. With the adrenalin rush gone I realized my chest hurt like hell. My pain reminded that Vicky had been shot also I found Vicky in the security control center with both the agency and the JGB people. They had watched and filmed the whole thing on the state department video system and were watching the CZZN world news special broadcast on the events happening outside. CZZN reporters were a real piece of work. Apparently they were mixed in...

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WildOnCam Kenna James Comes Back Ready To Fuck Nathan Bronson LIVE

If there is one thing Kenna James loves; it is cock and especially loves getting to fuck and feel Nathan Bronson’s hard dick fucking her so deep hitting her spot in all the right ways. Kenna is eager to cum over and over. It doesn’t matter in what position it is; chances are that dick will hit the spot that makes her shake and cum hard. Kenna rubs her hands over her big juicy fake tits and runs her fingers over her clit while Nathan drills into her tight pussy. Sorry if Kenna lost...

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It Started On Skull Island Chapter 2

“Jeff! Over here! Someone’s gone through the bush here . . . and it looks fresh!” All four teens froze as the words floated through the air. They knew they were in trouble but had no idea how many of the hoods were chasing them. All they knew was that one of them, Jeff Hansen, was reputed to be a rapist. Unfortunately, there had never been enough evidence to convict the son of a rich industrialist, and his victim claimed to be too afraid to testify. As a result, he had gone free, his...

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Chocolate Cupcake

Marvella James owns and operates a cupcake bakery/shop in Tampa called Cupcake Cravings. There, she makes cupcakes in several different flavors. Not only that, she also caters for parties and social gatherings too. She recently made cupcakes for a breast cancer awareness benefit last October, which was a success. As she started baking cupcakes at the shop, Marvella got a call from Mrs. Tiffany Gaston, president of the Tampa Junior League. Mrs. Gaston was planning a social gathering to benefit...

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The ProdigalFortyone

“THANK YOU, TONY,” Kate said as she slipped her hand into mine. We walked toward the wall Kate had helped me paint. “You’re welcome. For what?” “For making me talk to Clarice. I feel like a stupid kid.” “That’s how I feel all the time,” I chuckled. “I mean, really, have you ever met such a spoiled brat as Tony Ames?” “Tony...” “Look,” I said. “Look at that wall. A twenty-year old kid was handed a commission to paint a fucking wall! If it hadn’t been for you standing next to me, I...

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Of My Teacher Part 3

I got a call from Neeru after some days at 11 at night. She told me that she wanted t see me tomorrow at 10 as she is taking off from her school and she want to be with me for whole day and there is treat for me also but that was surprise. I was excited to hear about the treat because it was quite clear that I will be having some nice time tom…I got in the morning and started preparation for our meting. I reached her house at 10 am sharp. As I entered her house I found her friend Ranjana, her...

4 years ago
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Meri Mami Hawas Ki Pujaran

Namaskar dosto.. Ye meri pehli aur sachii ghatna haii… Mai ek middle class family ka ladka hu or meri umar 19 saal hai mai sports m acha hu isliye mera badan bhot tandrust haii or mere lund bhi kafi lamba or mota hai… Ye kahani meri mami ke sath hui meri pehli chudayi ka hai. Meri mami ki umar 38 saal hai or unka figure 36-34-38 hoga. To kahani pr aate hai mere mama ki tabiyt bhot zyada kharab thi to meri mama ka phone aaya ghar pr or mere papa se kaha ki aap abhay{changed} yani ki mujhe thode...

3 years ago
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My Most Memorable Experience

Hi guys I am new to this story posting site but having just gone through my most memorable experience lately I thought of sharing this with all you guys. My friend from school was down on holiday in my city , my story will take you through my 12 hours that I spent with her. She called me as soon as she arrived in the city and I was not quite expecting to hear from her. Anyway we planned to meet up after I finished work and would take her home on my way back, once freshened we planned to go out....

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Ride Along

I was jittery, so jittery. My index finger tapped out an unknown melody to which my heavy boots provided a rumbling bass beat in the aisle of the plane, much to the dismay of the woman sitting on the other side. I smiled uneasily and turned away, trying to force myself to stop fidgeting so much. I had just finished my first tour of Afghanistan as a Marine. I had been stationed in about a million other places; South Korea, Germany, Japan, the UK and my favorite, the good old Down Under. The...

Straight Sex
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Model Behavior

Joanna sat in her car, rigorously reading through the piece of paper in her hands. 'Subject: LADS MAG SHOOT' it read at the top. Nervously, she ran through the checklist to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. "Well conditioned hair, check. No excessive fake nails or makeup, check. Body piercings removed, check. Identification, check Waxed pubic hair, check.... if shaving counts," she murmured to herself. There was no use going through the email now anyway; she was there, and already a few...

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Babysitter and the Wife at the Gloryhole

Fiction, there are previous parts to this, read them if you can be bothered.Well, it’d been a couple of weeks since we’d last seen Danielle. Kim’s sex drive had taken a huge boost, suddenly we were at it like rabbits whenever we got a chance. Setting up the babysitter to dominate my wife had been a great idea. We’d not heard from Dani, and we hadn’t needed a babysitter, so when my phone rang with her number it came as a bit of a surprise. “Hey stud,” she greeted me. “Long time no fuck. What’re...

3 years ago
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Staying With Erin

“But you haven’t met them before! We know nothing about them. For all we know, they could be criminals!” my mother protested, getting seriously worked up. “I’m almost eighteen, I could stay here on my own! It’s my thing if I want to move somewhere else. In three weeks I’ll legally be allowed to anyway! I’ll not go to some African bush camp with you! They have spiders and lions and whatnot!” In hindsight, neither my hysteric voice nor me stamping my foot like a petulant child helped my...

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Bhabhi8217s Double Penetration Sex With Husband8217s Drunk Friends

Hey hunks! This is Simraan and I have wrote the following incident for my horny readers while sitting on my husband’s lap. Enjoy the surprise you find in the end that my husband is still unaware of! I am totally against my husband’s habit of bringing home his drunkard friends. And I despise him for taking the liberty of drinking in the house. But, on one occasion when he invited his two friends at home, I ended up having a super orgasmic Sunday evening! My husband went to open the door for...

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