A Greek Legend
- 4 years ago
- 35
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I just want to go on record right now, in front of God and everybody, that I never, ever planned it to wind up the way it did. Things just happened.
In the end, though, I’m glad it all worked out.
See, Jared and I always wanted to play basketball. He was too skinny and I was too short for football, and neither one of us could throw or hit or run very well to play baseball or track.
There were endless nights playing half-court in the driveway of Jared’s family farm, shooting hoops until his mom finally flashed the outside light to let him know it was time to come in. I would take a last shot, he’d grab the rebound and score. We’d say our good-byes, then I’d walk down that driveway, cross over State Highway 58, and then take the slow walk up to our farmhouse on the other side.
That was how we grew up. We did that for years and years. Then, when I was in eighth grade, things started to change. And the next five years of my life would be completely different.
The first thing that happened was the farm. My mom had died a few years before, and my dad had to sell off some of our cattle to make ends meet. Jared’s parents had helped out in that respect. However, two things happened simultaneously (almost, I don’t know which happened first): my dad met Mary Lee, and we started having flooding problems on the farm.
Mary Lee lived in the city of Whitburn. Whitburn was the county seat of (surprise, surprise) Whitburn County, but in realistic terms, it wasn’t much of a city. If I remember my civics courses right, Whitburn had a population in the last census of 8,343. It was the largest city in the county, mostly because Whitburn County had only 28,000 or so people in the entire county. Anyway, my dad fell in love with Mary Lee, and they were married in our equipment shed (basically, a barn with aluminum siding and a concrete slab that could house three tractors and a combine).
We were going to have the wedding outside on the side lawn, but in late April we had an absolutely torrential downpour that flooded part of our planting area and the entire side lawn. After it had dried up a bit, we discovered that the rain had eroded part of the soil in the one part of the crops, and had actually opened an underground spring. Pretty soon, a good twenty percent of our farm was a huge pond.
The problem with the flooding led to an obvious decision: We were going to have to sell the farm. My dad sat down with me, explained what was happening, why we had to do this, and all the reasons why it was going to be all right. We would move to Whitburn with Mary Lee, who owned a house given to her by her parents, the old family homestead.
It wasn’t bad living in Whitburn – a lot of my friends lived in Whitburn, actually, and it was a really nice house – but it was the other thing that happened that really affected me.
You see, the entire county is one large school district. There are four different elementary schools, Kindergarten through 8th grade, and then there were two High Schools. One was for the southern part of the county (Thompsonville High School, the ‘Fightin’ Tigers’), the other was for the northern part of the county (Whitburn High School, the ‘Panthers’). They always were a little loose on which school you went to, though. The rules stated that wherever you went to elementary school for eighth grade was where you’d go to High School. Jared and I both went to Plainview Elementary, located in Plainview (which was exactly halfway between Whitburn and Thompsonville).
My dad knew I wanted to still go to Plainview, so I could go to Thompsonville High with Jared. I still was enrolled at Plainview, and because of the rules, I’d have to stay where I was, or I’d end up going to Whitburn. So we worked out this arrangement with Jared’s parents where I’d stay with them during the week, help out with chores and what not, and on the weekends I’d go up to Whitburn and stay at Mary Lee’s house.
It actually wasn’t a bad situation, since Jared and I were playing eighth-grade basketball for Plainview, and it gave me a ‘break-in’ period with Mary Lee. By the time the school year ended, I was comfortable with my new step-mom, and actually looked forward to moving in to the house full-time. Mary Lee’s daughter, Luann, was amiable and outgoing, and we grew close over the next few years.
My dad managed to get the farm sold the first week in September, exactly three months after he got remarried. We had a big moving day, and Jared helped me move my stuff in to his family’s back bedroom, and then he and his dad helped us move our stuff up to Whitburn. It was a beautiful day, right in the middle of Indian Summer, and everything looked like it was going to be all right.
Or so we thought.
Now, I’ll admit that I didn’t hear much about what was going on with the Whitburn School District. I knew that they were building a second campus, right next to the existing Whitburn High School building. And I kinda knew that Thompsonville High was dwindling in numbers, but Thompsonville had always been the smaller of the two county high schools.
I’d only been staying with Jared’s family for a few weeks when his dad told me that there was a big school board meeting scheduled for the first week in October. The board had a new chairman – Mark Petroski – who had gone to Morgantown State University, the biggest college in the state, for his Ph.D. in Education. He had all these ideas on how to improve things, and finally, in the last round of School Board elections, he had managed to get elected to the chair. The old school board chairman, Christian Wilson, had died of a heart attack after serving on the board for something like 40 years.
Everyone thought that the big school board meeting was going to be about renaming the elementary school in Whitburn after Wilson. My mom had been good friends with Mr. Wilson, and had even worked under him when he was both school board chair and principal of Whitburn Elementary.
What actually happened was a shock. I watched it at Jared’s house on the cable access channel. Petroski opened the meeting by making a statement that there were going to be some changes in how the school district was going to operate. First, he said, he had found a way to pay for the cost of the new addition to Whitburn High, and still have finances left over to keep the district well in the black financially.
This was greeted by applause, since the district had always been close to the financial edge for the last several years. When he explained how he had done it, thought, the applause turned to shocked gasps.
‘The District,’ he stated, ‘has entered into an agreement with the Diocese of St. George’s Catholic Church in Thompsonville, and with Riverton Developments, to sell the buildings and land of Thompsonville High School. The original main building of Thompsonville High will be sold to St. George’s, for the purpose of opening a Catholic School, the newer building will be sold to Riverton Developments for the purpose of building a retail and office center.’
Then Petroski dropped the bombshell – ‘Since Whitburn High School will have double the capacity for the next school year, all students grades 9 through 12 in Whitburn County will go to Whitburn High, starting the next academic year.’
‘WHAT???’ screamed Jared’s dad at the TV set. Jared and I just exchanged blank looks.
Petroski, oblivious of Jared’s dad’s ranting, presented the proposal to the board. Then, one of the other members – I think he was the financial officer – called for a vote on the proposal. There was a massive outcry from those observing the meeting in Whitburn. The voice vote on the issue, not surprisingly, was 5-4 in favor. All five votes for the measure were from Whitburn-based board members, the other four were from Thompsonville.
‘So approved,’ Petroski gaveled on the table. ‘The proposal will be put forth on the November ballot for final approval by the entire school dis
And then, after all the noise had died down, did he announce that the Whitburn Elementary School would be renamed for Wilson.
Jared’s dad went ballistic. He started cursing left and right at Petroski.
He had a good reason to curse. See, something I didn’t tell you about Jared – his last name is Thompson. His great-great-grandfather was the man who Thompsonville is named for. His great-grandfather was the mayor who built Thompsonville High School. And his uncle was the current mayor of the city (his grandfather never went into politics – he was a farmer whose land Jared and his parents lived on today).
When the phone rang, Jared knew instantly who it was. ‘Uncle Jerry,’ he said without missing a beat as he grabbed his coat and a basketball. He motioned for me to come with outside – he knew that we wouldn’t want to hear all the cursing and swearing.
Jared’s dad and his uncle talked on the phone for a long time. I know they were, because when we came back in, he was just hanging up the phone.
‘It’s settled,’ his dad told Jared. ‘If this measure passes, you’re going to St. George’s School.’
I asked him if he knew whether or not the measure would pass.
‘It’ll pass,’ he said bluntly. ‘There’s too many people in Whitburn who would rather consolidate the entire school district instead of paying to send half the county to a smaller high school.’ He sighed and shook his head. ‘We’ll talk about it more in the morning, Jared. Why don’t you and Billy get your homework done.’
As the weeks went on, it was clear that Jared’s dad was right. Too many people in the northern part of the county wanted the cost reductions, a poll by the Whitburn Intelligencer projected the measure to pass with a 60 percent approval. It wasn’t quite that big. The measure was passed by about 3,000 votes, with the approval only topping 9,000 votes.
But it was settled. Thompsonville High would no longer be a public high school. Saint George’s, which to that point had run a small elementary school out of their parish hall, would actually have room to expand their classes.
The change was going to affect a lot of things – most of all, the Northern Lakes Athletic Conference. The conference was an eight-team conglomerate of high schools from the four counties around Whitburn – Woodfield (Woodfield and Newsburg), Shoreland (Shoreland and Oxford Lakes), Chemequon, and Marshall. The Conference was aligned with the state High School Athletic Association, which was strictly for the public schools in the state. Private schools were in the Inter-Scholastic Athletic Association.
In December, just as we were starting our eighth-grade basketball season, the ISAA and HSAA came to an agreement to allow the Northern Lakes Conference to keep St. George’s as a member. It made sense, since there was only one other private school in the five-county area – St. Michael’s in Woodfield, which was a good two hour drive away, and they didn’t have an athletic program. The ISAA announced that the new school would only be allowed to play in their state tournament if they qualified for the conference tournament. The HSAA, however, stated that if St. George’s qualified for the Northern Lakes Conference tournament, they would not be allowed to play, since the winner of the tournament automatically would advance to the HSAA state tournament.
Jared’s dad still was insisting that he’d be going to St. George’s. For the first time since we were in first grade, we’d be going to separate schools. At the end of the school year, I was going to move up to Whitburn with my Dad and my step-sister Luann.
I was feeling sad about it, but Luann (who was two years older than me) agreed to drive me down to see Jared on a regular basis. I found out later that Luann actually had a crush on Jared’s older brother, Jerry – something that was confirmed when they got married after I graduated from Whitburn.
Basketball was a pleasant distraction during this tumultuous time in my life. It was basketball that had helped me through the pain of losing my mom years ago, and it helped me again in this whole whirlwind of changes. But there was something that I noticed as I played endless one-on-ones with Jared – he was getting better and stronger and faster.
The year my mom died, I had a decided advantage on him in ability. I could shoot, he couldn’t. I could hit those outside jumpers, where he was having trouble laying it in on me. He kept working, though. When we played a pickup game with me and a few of my cousins before the wedding, he put moves on me that were just incredible. He head faked, drove, pulled up and put a little jumper right in, nothing but net. He did a few other things to me, like nailing an outside 20-footer, even hooking one right over me. Now, I knew he’d grown faster than me (he was already 5-foot-11 when we entered eighth grade, I was only 5-4 on a good day), but he finally realized that he could outmaneuver me. My cousins were making comments, like, ‘Billy, I thought you were a better player than this!’ And ‘Jeez, Billy, where’d you find this guy, the NBA?’
I didn’t think much of that game until Jared, Jerry and I entered in this three-on-three tournament down at Lakeside. Lakeside Tech was a NCAA Division II school that was big for its basketball, and they were sponsoring this tournament. The premise was that Jerry (who was going to be a senior at the new St. George’s High that year) was going down to Lakeside Tech to check out the campus, since Jerry wasn’t a bad basketball player himself. Jerry also knew we’d be able to test ourselves against other players throughout the state.
Jared and I were the youngest kids in that tournament. The bracket we were in was open to anyone 14-18 who lived in the state, and there were some kids who played for the best teams in the HSAA. We took them all on, and kept winning and winning and winning. Finally, we went up against the only other undefeated team in the bracket, a threesome from Riverton (the largest city in the state) with two players from Riverton North and a kid who was the only other kid close to our age – Mitch Jordan. The two older kids would end up going to Morgan State University (the NCAA Division I powerhouse in the state). In that game, though, we just demolished them. They kept waiting for Jared to dish the ball off to Jerry inside, leaving him wide open at the three-point arc. He nailed about three treys before they started getting in his face. Then he just started dishing it to me and to Jerry, and pretty soon we were up by about a dozen. We won the game, then defeated the winner of the consolation bracket game to take the tournament title. One of the organizers was the head coach of the Lakeside Tech basketball team, and he asked Jared how old he was. When he told him he was only 14, the coach’s eyes popped open wide.
‘Kid, keep your grades up,’ he told him. ‘You keep playing like that, and we’ll definitely find you a place at Lakeside Tech.’
Jerry told me later that while he was talking to the coach about possibly coming to LTU, he kept saying, ‘That brother of yours could start for me right now. That’s how good he is.’
My freshman year at Whitburn was interesting, to say the least. Some of the classrooms in the new building hadn’t been completely finished when we started school in late August, so I had some of my classes in the cafeteria. They sectioned off parts of the cafeteria with these cubicle-type walls, and you’d hear one class talking about algebra and equations while another class was talking about the Punic Wars – and yet another class was listening to a French-speaking lesson from a videotape. It was distracting, to say the least.
Making the basketball team looked like it was going to be hard sailing – there were at least thirty kids there for the tryouts in late October. Whitburn, however, had lost five seniors to graduation, and two of the junior players from last year were academically ineligible after flunking two classes last y
ear. That left the head coach, Roger Mason with one senior, one junior and four sophomores with a total number of seven games played between all of them. The JV was even worse – all of the players on the team had been freshmen, and they went 0-14 on the season. Half of the JV from last year weren’t coming back (some of them because they just couldn’t, or didn’t want to, play). So there we all were, thirty guys wanting to take 13 spots on the JV and varsity roster.
Half of the players were from Thompsonville, who had maybe one decent player and a lot of so-so players. Thompsonville hadn’t played in the Northern Lakes tournament in over a decade, and last year had only two wins on the season – one against a non-conference team from Oxford Falls, and the other against Whitburn.
During the tryouts, I made a good impression on the coach by nailing a few treys and doing some quality driving down the lane. I even tried to dish a few passes out for shots, but the guys on the receiving end either dropped the ball or missed the jumpers. At the end of the tryout, he rattled off the names of 15 guys who would be back for varsity practice on Friday. I was on that list.
I was so excited, I talked about it all the way home with Luann. She was happy for me, and so were dad and Mary Lee. After dinner, I called up Jared and told him the news. He wasn’t as happy, though.
‘You remember we thought Coach Halvorsen was going to stay on as the coach here at Thom… Saint George’s?’ he told me over the phone. ‘Well, turns out Halvorsen only stayed on to collect his pension. The team’s going to be coached by some guy named MacGwire. He’s got a policy that says no underclassmen will play on the varsity team.’
MacGwire, apparently, didn’t know his head from his posterior region. Jared tried his best to show off his talents during the drills, but after MacGwire laid down his policy about underclassmen before even starting the tryouts, Jared’s heart wasn’t exactly in it.
‘He didn’t want me to come back for practice, but he only had 21 kids there, besides me,’ he told me. He told me that I had to improve my game if I wanted to play. Improve my play! This guy never saw me play, dammit! He doesn’t know crap about anything. I asked him if he’d seen any of the YMCA 8th grade league games in Thompsonville – he didn’t even realize there was a YMCA league!
Jared and I had played in the YMCA boys 8th grade league. There was no state-wide association for elementary school basketball, so we had to play in the Thompsonville YMCA league. Jared had just torn things up on occasion – I seem to recall a 50-point night once – and Halvorsen had seen it and liked what he saw in Jared.
We found out later that Halvorsen was forced out as coach at the new Saint George’s for one very significant reason – he wasn’t Catholic. Shaun MacGwire was not only Catholic, but he was a Notre Dame graduate, with a Masters Degree in Coaching. He probably was looking to eventually take on a coaching job at St. Mary’s Immaculate University in Riverton, if their coach (Roger Mayers) ever retired. He didn’t have time for a kid’s league in a podunk town.
Jared was so caught up in his furor over MacGwire that he never did ask me how I did in my tryouts. It’s a good thing, he probably would have never spoken to me again if he had found out just then.
I managed to stick with the Whitburn varsity as a freshman, but I didn’t really get into a whole lot of games. The varsity had gone 10-10 the year before, but we were going to be lucky if we won four games this year. We won two non-conference games, one with Oxford Falls and another with Washura. Washura had a two-hour bus trip, and were physically wiped when we whipped them, 85-14. Unfortunately, it was something they wouldn’t forget when they beat us at their fieldhouse the next week… and the next six games we played against them…). We hit the conference schedule, and couldn’t buy a win. MacGwire refused to schedule Whitburn until March, for some slightly irrational reason, so we played everyone else in the Northern Lakes conference – and lost. By the time we faced the St. George’s varsity, we were 2-16, and in last place in the conference.
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LesbianIt was around half-past-eleven as Judith left her cottage and set off for the church. The full moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky, and she had no difficulty in finding her way. For reasons no-one could quite remember, the church was situated on a small hill well outside the village itself, and the last part of the journey took her down a narrow lane overshadowed by high hedges of blackthorn. She tried to ignore the strange rustlings and squeaks in the undergrowth, although the loud...
Mind ControlThe Legend of the Medallion of Zulo By Ellie of Dauber (c) 2003 A little something I found doing research. From _Gruswald's Encyclopedia of the Occult_ volume 11, Ly-Mor (Isham Gruswald; Oxford, England; Oxford University Press; 1964) MEDALLION OF ZULO: One of a set of an estimated fifty transformative devices created for self-defense by the M'barduu tribe of Central Africa in the ninth century. The expanding Islamic empire of Timbuktu began to encroach on M'barduu...
Hi this is not a story but i had an idea i am 21 an bisexuali love shemales and i play league of legends on eune server why dont we add each other and play and chat ;-)So you know if you like shemales or guys or you are a foot fetish lover and you play games lets add each other Please DO NOT send me friend request if you are u******e.Hi this is not a story but i had an idea i am 21 an bisexuali love shemales and i play league of legends on eune server why dont we add each other and play and...
SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Eight: And In The End by Mark McDonald I can't remember the atmosphere in the warehouse. I was rung out like an old dishtowel. My breath came in shuddering gasps and I was weeping uncontrollably. I have a dim memory winding my way in among the boxes and racks of clothes as we had done just two nights ago when I was a different person. That night I had wanted only to return to the life that had been stolen from me. This night, I was already...
ONE FINE DAY IN COCONINO COUNTY by Laika Pupkino Somewhere out in the desert, a shifty little rodent stands leaning up against a funny looking rock. Up in the sky behind him a trio of pudgy bell-shaped UFOs sails past, perhaps on their way to some other story. A moment later a stout blue sillhouette carrying a night stick passes by... "Yo! How's it hangin' dawg?" The police dog stops, "Beg pardon?" The smaller figure shuffles obsequiously, "Er, I meant 'Good day, Officer!'...
This story hopefully sets up an alternate reality series, and is inspired by and owes a lot to Michael Moorcock and his Jerry Cornelius stories. Enjoy. Tyrone Slothrop (An obvious alias) presents: The Legend of Hair House Jim blinks his eyes and realizes he is riding a bicycle. It is a fall day in what appears to be a small American town. It looks like the early 1970s from the cars. Jim is about age fourteen and dressed like a normal fourteen year old boy of the era- hair just...
Dawn broke through the porthole in my cabin. I could feel the slow, steady rocking of the ship just like the past two days. We were bound for Monserrat, the last leg of our long voyage from England. I or should I say we, since my companion Felicity was with me. We're going to live with my father. He was the garrison commander of the island and had sent for me after my mother's passing.We'd encountered a squall three days prior; it sheared one of the masts in half, killing two unfortunate...
LesbianMy name is Christine Kelly, or more infamously, because of my red hair, Captain Red Kelly. I am a pirate, in command of the Crimson Orchid.I was the daughter of an English Colonel stationed in the British West Indies. My mother and I were going with him, most likely never to return to Mother England.Unfortunately, my mother got ill on the voyage, passing away before we arrived. I was a mere child of five and didn't understand why, if there were a God why he'd take her away from us.My father was...
LesbianIt was a dark and stormy night. I was reminded of that fact by a beagle glaring down at me, hunched over like a vulture, perched on the porch of my destination. I pulled my raspberry beret down snugly for protection from the bitter New York wind.I glanced at the decaying house before me. The years had not been kind. Whereas it once stood majestically on a hill radiating beauty now it was an eyesore; the real estate equivalent of Kathleen Turner. Still, it was precious to me. Full of wonderful...
Fantasy & Sci-FiCarole Gallacher's tits were the stuff of local legend when I was at College. Perfect in every way, they were the reference point to which all other tits would be compared by the guys in our accommodation block. In the winter, these enormous breasts would protrude majestically from Carole's figure-hugging roll neck sweaters; in the summer, they would jutt out spectacularly from beneath her tight T-shirts. Like a National Park, their appearance changed with the seasons but always remained...
EroticLife in the Sleepy Village went on. Katrina spent her days helping Ichabod with school and letting him play with her afterward. His favorite activity was laying her on the table in front of the classroom, crawling up under her skirts, and tasting her, until she swooned in blissful orgasm. Then he would flip up her skirts, drop his breeches and fuck her to another one, pulling out at the last minute, and ejaculating all over her blonde bush. Even though she could not seem to gain control over...
HistoricalLife in the Sleepy Village went on. Katrina spent her days helping Ichabod with school and letting him play with her afterward. His favorite activity was laying her on the table in front of the classroom, crawling up under her skirts, and tasting her, until she swooned in blissful orgasm. Then he would flip up her skirts, drop his breeches and fuck her to another one, pulling out at the last minute, and ejaculating all over her blonde bush. Even though she could not seem to gain control over...
HistoricalAs we resume ‘The Legend of Eli Crow’, we return to the closing scene of Part 3. We left Eli sitting before the fire in the new easy chair his girls had given him for Christmas. As he sat holding his new grandsons, his thoughts turned to the events of the past few years in his life and all the changes that had taken place... Eli looked over at his new rifle hanging on the pegs over the mantel. He saw the U.S. Marshal engraving on the side, and his thoughts turned to that part of his life....
The legend of “Tornado tongue”byThere Once was a k** , nicknamed “Tornado tongue” He got the nickname, because when he was a k**, his family and friends noticed that every time he was a eating a bowl of cereal or a bowl of Mashed Potatoes or, any dish really,..to finish off the meal, his tongue would stick out 7 – 8 inches , and in a Whipping, swirling, twisting frenzy, he’d “tornado” his tongue around and around, inside the crater of the bowl, swirling and slurping- up every last bit of food...
It was a typical, ordinary night for young Mason; dropping by the local bar and ordering his tall glass of beer before going straight home. Tonight, turned out to be a different occasion. His lady, of a few months, called it quits without giving him any kind of warning. One little text from her was enough to send him into a state of depression. He tried sharing his story with Bob the bartender, but it turned out he had his own problems of the female kind.Mason ordered one more before calling it...
There is a legend of five angels who fell from heaven because they wanted to live on earth. There were five of them. Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and Spirit. All of them beautiful, all different in their own ways. The angels wanted to be part of the great plan for heaven was not as fascinating as the plan. So the divine one set them on earth to find and keep peace with the plan. Soon they split up after they all decided to explore on their own. But instead of make peace, they shot the plan out...
The Legend of Super Dick #Nastyjournal entry 6Diamond part 1I'll call her diamond since I'm not using real names...i first saw her dancing in one of Atlanta most popular strip clubs,this was in 2014.i was in a private booth smoking a blunt when i saw her walk by,as I've said i like women of all races and sizes,but my weakness is a blonde with a big ass,When I see blonde hair i get a feeling over my body like a naughty sensation,but when i lay my eyes on a blonde girl with a big ass i can't...
The Legend of Super Dick #Nastyjournal entry 4 It was around 4pm on a monday..i was browsing this very same site when i came across a video of webcam model sucking a dildo while her bf was doing her doggy style..she was a red head with a huge white ass..i fast foward about 5 minutes into the video and shes fucking herself in the ass with the dildo while her bf is in her pussy what caught me was what she yelled out "i love being a slut doll!!" "USE YOUR SLUT DOLL" next she pulls the dildo out of...
The Legend of Super Dick #Nastyjournal entry 5Miss TittsIt was around 4am when i returned to my suite,i had spent the last few hours having sex with a stripper,one of the most popular ones in Atlanta at this time,her body was amazing but her performance didnt please me.Once inside i took a shower afterwards i sat on the balcony of my suite and lit a joint,i had taken X early and the joint started making me horny again,i thought about jerking off to porn but it would take me too long to find a...
Esta historia se basará en The legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Donde exploraremos más de Hyrule, a través de otros personajes, dejando de lado a los personajes principales, me refiero a la princesa Zelda y el héroe Link. En el reino de Hyrule habitan muchas chicas hermosas y únicas, así como muchos individuos con oscuros secretos, en esta historia encarnaras diferentes personajes y exploraras los diferentes lugares del reino con otros ojos, como el hermoso lago Hylia, la ardiente montaña de la...
We were sixteen when my twin brother Russell and I were sent to spend the summer with our grandmother. Our parents had taken a six-week European tour and rather than drag us along they shipped us off to Grandma's house which was an hour north of Green Bay. She had a three-bedroom cottage on Lake Michigan complete with dock, canoes and absolute privacy for a half mile in any direction. My brother and I hated it. Don't get me wrong, my grandma was one of the coolest old people I knew and we...
Chapter 19 (Revival) ‘I have Numchucks. Please get in touch with me. IMPORTANT.’ Was the message on my E-mail. Thirteen messages from Sandra. I was back in Riverside and she was still at The Pines. Separated but kept in contact through e-mail a few random calls. Two years later and get a message like that. I was trying to shake the idea that this was possible. All the messages said the same thing pretty much just sent at different times. I E-mailed her back with my ‘Doubt it’s Numchuck’s’...
Numchucks, the Legend Chapter 11 Marshall, Texas~ I pulled up in front of Sandra’s house with my truck pulling a sixteen foot flat bed trailer. Numchucks was in the bed of truck wagging his tail for he knew where Shinkers lived. It was March and the weather was nice, spring was in the air. ‘What’s the trailer for?’ Sandra asked as she came out to greet Chucks and I. ‘This is my last trip to Marshall. Your coming back with me.’ I had teased her for the last few trips that I was going to do...
Chapter 19: Revival ‘I have Numchucks. Please get in touch with me. IMPORTANT.’ Was the message on my E-mail. Thirteen messages from Sandra. I was back in Riverside and she was still at The Pines. Separated but kept in contact through e-mail a few random calls. Two years later and get a message like that. I was trying to shake the idea that this was possible. All the messages said the same thing pretty much just sent at different times. I E-mailed her back with my ‘Doubt it’s Numchuck’s’...
In a move that has shocked the political world at large; the governments of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have concluded and signed a treaty of mutual non-aggression. The released statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from ones of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking more information or are involved in a series of ‘intense discussions’ with allied...
I have been reading the stories of Mystic forest and the legend of the lost princess. It is rumored that she appears during the times of full moons and some have been trying to prove that it is just an old folk tale that started back in the 1800’s. I have been retired for about 7 years and decided that I needed a change in my life. I have always loved mountains and the forests and the beautiful rivers, streams, and lakes. I also have a thing for taking pictures of nature in the wild. So after...
"Hallo! Bevor ich mit der legendären Geschichte meines Lebens beginne, sollte ich mich wohl kurz vorstellen. Mein Name ist Anton Schmidt. Ich bin 32 Jahre alt und arbeite als Junior Partner in einer Großkanzlei mit dem Schwerpunkt auf geistigem Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht. Mein Studium habe ich schnell und effizient durchgezogen und so stand meiner Karriere nach den Examen nichts mehr im Weg. Der Verdienst ist exzellent aber die ersten Jahre hatte ich quasi kein Leben mehr. Unter der Woche um...
This is the Legend of Zelda, but before we begin, lets start with customizing our hero. To begin with, lets figure out what gender our hero will be.
Having just read, “cock and cum cravings.” by the Good Lady Tang. The inspiring story of her love of cock and cum. It did rather put me in mind of my very own cock and cum loving friend whilst at collage.We were at the time about three weeks into our first term of collage, all of us in the mist of finding our way around and eyeing each other up regarding future friends, acquaintances and those little fuckers we need to avoid at all cost. Ha ha.Wednesday afternoons were free, so on this...
SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Three: Sleeping Arrangements by Mark McDonald Now that I was back in my own room, I began to feel a bit more like my old self. The pain from cushioning my fall against the brick wall with my tits was wearing off and I was able to breathe freely. Of course, the sun was preparing to make an appearance, but both windows faced north and would not allow direct sunlight into the room. I had been able to sleep many afternoons straight through...
SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Five: Out on the Town by Mark McDonald As I may have mentioned earlier, my folks weren't very well off. Any money they had saved was spent on my sister's funeral. Funerals can be very expensive. When I decided I wanted to go to college I didn't go to my parents. I probably wouldn't have gone to them even if my sister hadn't been killed. There just wasn't any money. I looked into school loan programs and scholarships. I found that loan...