A Greek Legend
by Sylvia Wechsel
I was always fascinated by Greek mythology. Stories about gods,
demi-gods, monsters and heroes followed me and kept my imagination
busy since my childhood. Being "a lazy bum" as my mother used to say,
I had plenty of time to dedicate to this hobby. In fact, I was "a
lucky lazy bum" since an uncle had passed away some years before,
leaving me with about DM500,000.00 in a bank account. I was not
properly rich, but needed not to have a job either, so I spent my days
sleeping until almost it was lunch time and increasing my collection
of books, illustrations and small objects about the Greek myths. For
those who asked, I said I was a "B?rse" investor, which meant that
some employee of the bank administered my investments and that I
cashed a part of the interests each month.
I was not alone in this interest about ancient Greek matters. Phillip
was a friend on mine who also loved Greek mythology. Being the owner
of an antiquity and old book shop (inherited, of course) he had broad
access to the artifacts we both loved and about so much free time to
dedicate to them. Even the fact that he was a hardcore homosexual (the
kind that goes every year to the Love Parade in K?ln, dressed as
Scheherazade) did not disturb our friendship.
Once Phillip disappeared for a certain amount of days. This was not
properly strange, since he had already gone to "field trips" before
(saying he would acquire goods for his shop, but I suspected it was
mostly an excuse to practice sex tourism in Southeast Asia). What
really worried me was the phone call I receive from him after he
-"Richard, come to my shop today, after the working hours."
-"Hello Phillip, how was your trip?" I asked in return, ignoring his
-"What do you want to say to me? Can?t you give me a hint?"
-"I cannot say it in the telephone, please come here today!"
-"Knock three times at the door and I will open to you," he completed.
He disconnected after that leaving me with many unanswered questions.
I found this behavior quite strange, but it was not the first time
that Phillip exaggerated about some artifact he had acquired in his
trips. As I told you above, I had plenty of time and I decided to
amuse me and do as my friend asked. After that I continued doing what
I had done before Phillips call, that is, absolutely nothing.
Latter that day I went to Phillip?s shop and did what he asked,
knocked three times at his door. I thought that maybe this was some
kind of prank and that I would find Phillip laughing in his apartment,
comfortably watching the "Abendjournal." I was taken out of these
daydreams by a voice at the other side of the door (Phillip):
-"Richard, is that you?"
-"No, it is Santa Claus, open this damn door!" I answered irritated.
He unlocked the door and asked me to quickly enter, locking the door
behind me. I was already tired of this 007 atmosphere. He took a small
artifact over his balcony, a ring, and gave to me, saying:
-"What do you think about this?"
I examined the ring. Suddenly my respect for Phillip?s fears grew. It
was a bronze ring of irregular shape, I thought "if it dated from the
Greek bronze age, this would be worth a fortune!" I continued my exam.
The upper part of the ring had a flat area and in this flat area one
could see a bass relief showing three female figures joined by what
seemed to be some kind of rope. The image was already worn out, but
the allusion to the myth of the Moirae was evident. I returned the
ring to Phillip and said with all my Germanic coldness:
-"Niece piece, is this really a bronze age ring?"
He ignored my question and said:
-"This ring is magic!"
This took me by surprise, I answered:
-"Phillip! You are already a grown up, you should not believe in fairy
tales anymore!"
-"It is true, I tested it myself!"
I tried to remains serious, having a hard time not to laugh, and let
my friend explain, what was the "magic" about the ring. He told that
whoever put that ring in his hand would be transported to the magic
world of the Greek legends and would be the main character in it,
coming back to the real world only when the legend consummated (that
is, finished). He told more, saying the if you put the ring in your
right hand you would live the legend as a male character, while
putting in the left hand would make you live the legend as a female
character. He finished this bullshit saying:
-"People says that this ring belonged to Homer, himself, that is how
he wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey."
Then he described his own "experiments" saying that he tested the ring
twice in the right hand, the first time experimenting the death of
Hector as Achilles, and the second time conquering the Golden Fleece
as Jason. The third time he tried in the left hand and lived the
legend of the birth of Aphrodite as the goddess herself, then he said
with tears in his eyes:
-"You cannot imagine how it is to be formed from the foam of the waves
and rising from the sea as the most beautiful woman in the universe."
Sure I could imagine what effect this kind of fantasy would have over
my friend. Hearing all that, and considering whether it would be a
case for a psychiatrist, I asked him:
-"What do you want me to do with this ring?"
-"I must be sure that I am not crazy, I want you to test the ring for
I was happy to see that my friend at least considered the possibility
that he was delusional and I promised to do as he asked. He gave me
the ring and I went home. He said to me that I should do the
experiment in a controlled environment, since the transition between
the two worlds could be rather violent.
I went home, undressed as Phillip had recommended (he said that at the
first experiment he did put the ring with his clothes on, arriving at
a battle using them, that is, without an armor, it was a luck that he
was in Achilles skin, or else he would be slaughtered right on the
place). I considered not doing this and just say to Phillip that the
experiment failed, but then decided to put the ring in my finger,
being sure that nothing would happen. I picked up the ring with my
right hand and put it in my left annular finger and immediately felt
dizzy ... suddenly all went black.
I was naked and barefoot in a forest. I could not see a thing, but
"sensed" that it was a forest and felt the fallen leaves under my
feet. I concluded it was a temperate forest in fall (what was
surprising, since we were in the middle of Summer in the "real"
world). Since Phillip?s "delusion" was clearly true, I had to believe
that I had been somehow transported to (mythical) Greece. My body felt
strange, but I did not found the reason for that feeling at that
When my eyes adapted to the darkness I noticed it was not so complete
after all and that in some spots the moonshine went through the tree
I walked fast between the trees, surprisingly not hitting anything in
my way, until I reached the shore of a small lake. It was about 100 m
in diameter and quite calm, since there was no wind that night. The
Full Moon allowed me to see something and then I felt my blond hair
slipping from my shoulder, "my hair!?", I thought, I did not have long
blond hair! My hair had always been short and dark! Suddenly I
realized what was the origin of that strangeness: I was a woman, with
large breasts and butt. I explored my genital area with my fingers and
found the characteristic lips surrounding the opening of a vagina. I
looked at my reflection in the lake and saw a beautiful young lady.
Only then I remembered what Phillip told about which hand I should put
the ring on. My error was due to my disbelief in Phillip?s story and
so I did not pay attention to that point. After some time I realized
this error was not so bad, after all, since I would later, after I
discovered the ring was real of course, want to explore this
possibility too. After all, I was stuck in this body until the
legend consummated. I decided to forget the gender change and to enjoy
the different feelings.
As I went away from the forest towards the lake I noticed something
else: I could " sense" the trees. I payed more attention to this
feeling and noticed that I could feel each tree individually, from the
small bushes to the high trees. I noticed also that the trees
interacted with me, changing their "mood" when they realized that I
was sensing them. I was communicating with the trees! Understand me
right, it was not like they "spoke" to me. It was more like a little
dog, which waves his tail to tell that he likes us. I sensed this as
something like a "color" and the color of the trees changed to
brighter and warmer "colors" as I interacted with them. It was
inebriating! I started running along the edge of the forest feeling
this symphony of good feelings. At a given moment I noticed a tall
tree which seemed to shine in a bright white color. I could not
resist, I went there and embraced the high tree.
After that I managed to separate from the trees and to return to the
border of the lake. I needed to understand in which legend I had
landed. First I thought about Artemis or Atalanta, who used to walk
naked in the forests, but these characters had clear huntress
attributes and I had no weapon with me. I concluded, therefore, that I
was a Nymph, more specifically, a Hamadryad, or a Nymph of the High
I was concentrated in these thoughts when I noticed a change in the
mood of the trees on the other side of the lake. The feelings they
transmitted to me were translated by my "tree sense" as "Attention,
Danger!." I looked to that point and noticed something moving between
the trees. I could not say what it was, but it was surely monstrous.
That instinctively frightened me and I started running, entering again
in the forest. The "thing" on the other side of the lake started
chasing me. He was faster than me, but the trees helped me, going out
of my way when I passed and blocking his way as he tried to reach me.
We kept in this hunting for about half an hour, until I made my worse
decision ever. I entered in a clearance spot in the forest, thinking
that I could run faster without the trees. With the absence of the
obstacles, however, he soon reached me and threw me with violence to
the ground. I felt about 5 meters ahead of him and protected me with
my right arm, which got hurt.
I turned myself toward him and had a partial view of my pursuer for
the first time. He was tall, sure had more than 2 m of height. He was
naked above the waist and used some kind of pants made of animal fur.
The stranger feature was that he used some kind of stick attached to
his waist. This all took only a few miliseconds, since I had no
intention to have a closer look at that monster. I turned again and
could stand on my feet to start running again, but he prevented that
by catching my left leg and pushing me. I felt again and this time he
was already over me and pinned me to the ground with his legs. Only
then I realized that it was not animal fur, they were goat legs! It
was also no stick, it was a huge phalus. The monster was a Satyr. I
knew very well the old Greek legends to predict what would be the
"consummation" of that legend: I was going to be raped!
I tried to get loose, but he was too strong and I could not even move
my shoulders from the place. He, then, forced my legs to open and as I
noticed, for my horror, that thing was as thick as a fist and had at
least 30 cm of length. I tried to fight that violence and started to
scream, but it was useless. He began pressing that monstrous thing
against the opening on my vagina and penetrated me at once, with
violence. The pain I felt was enormous and I lost my breath.
He began pumping and I started to scream louder. To my horror,
however, I noticed that my body reacted to that violence in a quite
disgusting way, I was getting aroused. I noticed that my legs had
embraced the Satyr?s legs against my conscious will and started
helping with the movement. Then I felt the orgasm taking over my body.
My mind rejected that thing, but my body acted like I was a slut.
He kept going on until, with a giant roar, he got his own orgasm. He
kept ejaculating inside me for a long time. When he finished he left
me and went away. I was free again. I tried to get on my feet, but I
was too weak due to the running and to the fight against the violence
I had suffered, as well as to the pain. I felt to the ground again and
remained there as I was. I knew some of the Greek legends (most of
them , in fact) were full of sex and violence, but I never expected it
to be like that. I kept lying there, crying, with no strength to
again, until I fell asleep.
Chapter 2 - Adaptation
I woke up the next day feeling a giant headache and a undefined pain
in my guts. I remained as I was, meditating about that stupid
nightmare I had that evening. Under the influence of Phillip?s
delusions I dreamed of using that ring and being transformed into some
Nymph which was raped by a monstrous Satyr. I thought, "where do our
mind get munition for this kind of dream?"
It was clearly very early in the morning, long before my usual wake up
time so I tried to roll over, but I felt something pinning my head to
the mattress. It was my hair, which was partially stuck under my
"My hair!? Not again!", I thought. I was suddenly well awaken, in
panic. I stood up, turned on the light and looked at the mirror in the
closet?s door. The face of the Nymph returned my look.
In despair, I started thinking how was it possible that could be real.
Should not the ring return me to my body as the legend was consumed?
So why was I still stuck in the Nymph?s body, although it was clear
that I had returned to the real world? I needed help to understand
what went wrong and to correct it, and the only person who could help
me was Phillip.
I was taken out of these thoughts by a pressure in the bladder. I went
to the bathroom and, feeling helpless, sat in the toilet. With the
urine I felt something else falling in the water, with a noise like a
"ploc, ploc...." As I finished to pee I took a piece of toilet paper
to clean my vagina. When I looked at the paper I noticed a kind of
white-yellowish slime covering it. I stood up and saw that the whole
toilet was covered with that thing. I was puzzled by that, but then I
understood that it was the product of the Satyr?s ejaculation. I felt
sick and started vomiting. After I had nothing more to vomit I went to
my knees and began crying. Only then I noticed that my left arm was
hurt. It was ALL true!
After some time I recovered the control over myself and took a shower.
I felt dirty both from inside and from outside. I scratched
until my skin almost bleed and then I abandoned myself, letting the
warm water run in my face and in my back. I stopped at once: I had
moisten my hair! I shivered only by thinking about the complicate
ritual linked to washing a long hair like the one I now possessed. An
ex-girlfriend, which had hair half as long as mine, took 30 to 40
minutes only for washing, which required a large number of shampoos,
conditioners, combing creams and else. I barely had a shampoo and a
conditioner, the last one which I had once bought by mistake at the
supermarket. I thought that now there was no other way, and continued
with what I was doing. I had to use the whole shampoo bottle to wash
all my hair. After I rinsed the shampoo out, I turned out the water
and applied the whole bottle of conditioner. For the first time in my
life I obeyed the instructions and did not rinsed out the conditioner.
I hoped to minimize the effect that the absence of the creams with
I started thinking rationally again and concluded that I was in a bad
situation. I did not posses a hairbrush or a dryer and my hair would
take at least two days to dry naturally. Besides that, I could not go
out to the streets using my male clothes, unless I wanted to be
arrested as a lunatic. As a male I was about 1.80m tall, but now I was
only about 1.60m. Unless I wanted to attract attention I needed to
wear more convenient (female) clothes.
I reminded that my next door?s neighbor, a petite blond with body as
sensual as mine, had asked me to water her plants during her three
weeks vacations in the Canarias. I agreed hoping to end under her
blankets. As I remembered she was about my actual height and body type
(this is why I wanted to end up under her blankets). I covered my
with a towel, and was successful in building a kind of dress, like I
saw many times my girlfriends do. I tried, then, to roll my wet hair
with another towel, in an attempt to build a kind of turban, but did
not succeed. I gave up and simply let my hair rolled in the towel.
Then I went to her apartment, carefully taking both hers and my own
keys ( the last thing I wanted was to get locked outside my apartment,
I went to the hall that separated our apartments and opened her door.
I went straight to the bathroom, where I found what I needed: a
hairbrush and a dryer. I found also a combing cream, which I applied
just to be sure. After drying my hair I went to her sleeping room.
Desolate I realized that she literally took the entire closet to her
trip. The only exception was that she left a pair of high heel
sandals. I experimented it and they fitted perfectly.
Next I searched in the nearby dresser. The first drawer was a hit. It
contained a sufficient number of panties and bras. I tested the
panties and bras and my first impression was confirmed: the owner of
those pieces was of my (present) size and body type. I selected a
matching pair and put them on. I had seen many of my girlfriends
putting bras, so it was no mystery to me that I had to close it in
front of me and then to turn it 180 degrees and to put my arms inside
the straps. In the second drawer I found a supplement of shorts and
miniskirts. I tried one of the shorts, but got scandalized for how
much it displayed from my pubic area and my butt. I decided then to
chose the longest miniskirt of the collection, it was loose and went
to about 10 cm over my knees, so it would not constrain my movements.
The third drawer contained, as I expected, t-shirts. I selected a sort
of a female looking t-shirt, which fitted nice with the miniskirt. I
had no reason to try to look less feminine, especially because I did
not want to call attentions to me. Finally the fourth drawer contained
a collection of purses, bracelets, rings, earrings and other
accessories. I selected a small purse, since these clothes came with
no pocket and I had to carry money and keys with me. I decided not to
try any of the other accessories, especially because I was not going
to make-up and using bracelets or other things could appear dissonant.
I went out of her room and entered my own. I opened my wallet and took
the DM500,00 and some change I had there. I collected the items to
fill the purse (money and keys) and then I remembered the ring, which
I had thrown to the ground as I reminded that last night?s experience
were real. I found it and put inside the purse. When I was ready I
took a deep breath and went out of my room in direction to the
parkway. As in most many-family houses in Germany, my neighbors did
not give a damn about who got in or got out my apartment, so log I did
not make noises. So I had no fear to meet someone at the stairs, but
it was a relief to make all the way to the front door without meeting
I went out of my building and took the path to the parkway, where I
parked my car. I hesitated a bit, thinking whether it was a good idea
to drive my car, since I had no documents as female and I was surely
not the Richard Hoffmann of my driver?s license. I decide that the
risk was worth, since the path to Phillip?s shop was short and it
seemed unlikely that I would run in to some police control at that
hour of the day.
Initially it was hard to drive my car. Everything seemed bigger than I
remembered (probably due to my shrinking act) and those sandals did
not help either. I drove to Phillip?s shop and parked correctly in an
allowed parking place. I did not want to receive a ticket or attract
undesired attentions.
I walked to the door and entered. The shop was empty. I always though
how Phillip made money, since I never saw a single customer inside his
shop. I suspected that he was involved in smuggling archaeological
treasures and that his shop was merely a money laundry, but never
wanted to be sure, since I did not want to loose the friend. He came
from the back of the shop and asked:
-"How can I serve you, madam?"
-"Phillip, it?s me, Richard!" I answered, this heard ridiculous with
my new voice.
-"Is that some kind of joke?" he asked suspicious.
I remembered the ring, which I took out of my purse and gave to him.
He examined the ring and then, surprised, asked:
-"How is this possible?"
-"I hope you can help me to discover!" I answered, irritated.
Then I told him all my experience. First I thought about omitting the
last part (the rape), but then I concluded that if I was going to need
his help I should be honest and tell him everything. When I finished
my story he said:
-"Hmm, so thick as a fist?"
I had a hand near an ashtray. I took it and threw against his head. He
ducked and the ashtray smashed a Chinese-looking vase behind him, I
hope it was fake. I was there, telling him about being raped by a
mythological monster and he was surely practicing mental masturbation,
fantasizing being in my shoes! I would for sure prefer that! When I
controlled myself, he started walking from one side of the other of
the shop. He considered hypotheses like, if the ring had some amount
of energy, which had to be recharged before working again. He tried
even using the ring. I noticed that he put the ring in his left hand.
With all this happening to me, he, probably all excited, was trying to
see if there was something for him too. The deception in his look,
however, was a nectar to me. He said:
-"Nothing happened, it is blocked!"
We continued formulating hypotheses, until he said:
-"Maybe there is nothing wrong and it is working properly."
-"What do you mean, working properly? I asked.
-"Should not I have reversed to my body with the consummation of the
-"What if the legend did not consummate yet?" he theorized.
-"What do you mean?"
-"Which kind of legend would require transporting a Nymph to the real
world?" I asked again.
-"An untold one?" he speculated.
I froze under that perspective. A known legend would have a
predictable ending, but who would know what was the end of an untold
tale? I could be stuck in this body for who knows how much time.
Anyway, this line of action was not helping. We concentrated in the
task of determining which Nymph I was. We reviewed all we knew about
the hamadryades. We knew, for example, that each one of them was
associated with a given tree species. He then asked:
-"Did you notice something special about the trees last night?"
Surely I remembered the bright tree in the forest, it was probably my
tree, but who said I could by then identify the species of a plant
just by looking at it? A tree for me at that time was only a bunch of
roots, a trunk, branches and leaves. It was another dead end!
Phillip then remembered something, waiting for me to get distracted he
rapidly ordered me in Greek:
-"Declare your name!"
Being caught by surprise, something clicked in my head and I
instinctively answered (in ancient Greek):
-"Dryope, Dryop?s daughter."
Finally we had something to work with, but I was not sure how it
worked. Phillip told me that he remembered an ancient legend were a
given hero revealed a disguised god by using this trick. He decided to
try, thinking that it was some sort of safety button for magical
creatures. It was a long shot, but at least it worked. It showed me
also that I, even thinking of myself as Richard Hoffmann, could access
the essence of the Nymph, and that was a quite useful information for
the future.
We started the internet research and this was my specialty. Phillip
was almost analphabet in computing. I, on the other hand, was training
to become a cracker before winning that inheritance from my uncle
world was safe due to a miracle!). The search was rapid. Dryope was
the Nymph of the black poplar and there were some legends involving
her rape by some mystic creature. In one of them her rapist was
Apollo, who, disguised as turtle, cheated the girl into taking him to
her chest, and then transformed into a serpent to penetrate her
against her will. This was positively NOT what happened to me. In
another legend she was the mother of the god Pan and the father would
be either Hermes or Zeus, but academic research suggested that Pan, as
a nature god, was older that the Olympians. These scholars attributed
Pan?s fatherhood to Cronus, who sometimes was depicted as a monstrous
Satyr. That was it, I was in the legend of Pan?s birth after my rape
by the god Cronus. The only question was, why I had been transported
to the real world. There were also, of course, practical concerns. If
this was true, this meant that I was pregnant and this was not very
pleasant, since the child would have goat legs and horns (but he would
probably play the flute very well).
We were entertained in this manner, tired and concentrated, when I
made the mistake to ask Phillip to look at something in the computer.
He leaned over my shoulder and suddenly his behavior became very
strange. I asked:
-"Phillip, what is happening?"
He was in some kind of trance, without saying anything he grabbed me
from behind, dominated me with ease, lowered my panty, raised my
skirt, opened his zipper, took his hard dick out and, without saying a
word, raped me. I screamed to him to stop, but there was no effect,
was deaf. He continued until he was ready and had an orgasm, filling
my vagina with cum. Only then he came out of his trance, asking:
-"What happened?"
My body, as in the previous night, got aroused as soon as I perceived
what would happen. I had at least two orgasm while he raped me. My
mind was against that violence, but my body did not corresponded to my
will. After all was finished I was crying and said:
-"What happened! you rapped me, you bastard! how could you do this to
-"Me, are you crazy? the only time I made sex with a girl I was 15
years old and had no clear idea yet that I was a queer."
It seemed that he was the victim and not me. He apologized and said
that he had no idea of what happened to him. He was taken over by some
irresistible will to fuck me and could not control himself. I
concluded that I emitted some magic aura or maybe some pheromone
(maybe both) which had this kind of effect over the males. God! How I
hated this body! Rationally I could not blame him for that, but I was
in no mood to stay with him together, at least for that day. We had
also found all informations we could retrieve from this source and I
decided to go home.
I drove to the next department store, one that was famous for the
cheap clothes. If I was really trapped in the legend of the birth of
Pan, this would take at least nine months and I could not live only
with my neighbor?s clothes. Therefore I went shopping. The DM500,00 I
brought with me were not too much, but I decided not to use bank cards
or credit cards in the name of Richard Hoffmann, at least for now. I
went to the lingeries sector and bought some cheap panties and bras
(the kind of "buy three for the price of one"). I was really enjoying
how practical the miniskirts were. Instead of insisting in pants or
shorts I decided to buy a few more skirts. I bought also some t-shirts
and blouses and then went to the shoes section. If I wanted to remain
invisible to my neighbors in the next days I had to blend in, so I
bought three sandals and one shoe, but with lower heels as the one I
was using. I saved a lot of money with those things.
I went out of the store and entered a fancy department store nearby. I
knew that this store had a a make-up section near the entrance, with
lady who did the make-up in the customers to test the products. If I
was going to remain female for some time I had to have a crash course
on how to do my own make-up, so I went to that section, used my recent
learned Greek accent to German, and asked the lady to show me the
products. I let her work in my face, telling me how good her products
were. I payed all my attention and tried to keep in my memory
everything she was doing. As she finished, the result in the mirror
was quite good. I bought a double set of make-up stuff, plus the
material needed to remove the make-up (I was going to practice at
home). Then I went to the accessories section and bought some
bracelets, rings and earrings. I asked them to pierce my ears and came
out of the store using a pair of hoop earrings. After that, with make
up, earrings, bracelets, rings and dressed as I was, no one would
believe me, even if I said so, that I was a man in a woman?s body.
I came out of the store and went to the underground parking place were
I parked my car. Going to my car, I had to squeeze between one parked
car and the wall. At the same time a young man was coming from the
other direction and we squeezed together. Suddenly he changed his
behavior. I thought "No, not again!." To my luck (if I could consider
that luck) there was a nearby door to a stairway hall. I grabbed him
before he could do anything and brought him to that stairway hall and
closed the door. I lowered his pants and started to suck his dick. My
reasoning was that if I was fast enough he could have his orgasm soon
and would go out of his trance. I did not count, however, on my own
reaction. As my own body got aroused I felt a growing need to engage
in the intercourse. After some time I could not resist anymore and
took the poor guy, lowered my panty and offered my vagina to him. He
penetrated me and soon we both had orgasms. So I was raped for the
third time in less than 24 hours, in the stairway of a public parking
place (if we could call that rape, after all I had offered myself to
him). When he was finished he came back to his reason.
-"Lady, I am sorry, I did not know what I had in my head!"
-"How will I face my girlfriend now? We had sworn to each other to
remain pure until we married!"
I was sorry for that guy, who just finished raping me. I said:
-"Do not worry, it was not your fault!"
However he continued crying and was genuinely despaired. Somehow I
accessed my Nymph "intuition" and placed my hand over his right
shoulder, saying:
-"Forget all that happened, look for your girlfriend and give her,
gently, the best sex she will ever have in her life."
He changed his behavior again, his penis got hard, minutes after he
had delivered all his load in me. The difference from his previous
trance was that now he started walking like a sleepwalker and went out
of that hall. At least he was awake enough to raise his pants. I saw
that and thought "I hope the lady enjoys my gift.."
In spite of the discomfort this third rape caused me (my panty was
soaped in Phillip?s and the guy?s semen, no way I would return that to
the owner), I had learned that I could redirect my sexual energies to
other targets. This would show to be useful in the future, if other
men caused me trouble.
I entered in my car and went to my home and started going up the
stairs in the way to my (I mean, Richard?s) apartment. In one of the
floors there was a little palm tree in a vase at the hall, quite out
of her natural sunny environment. When I passed she sensed my approach
and directed me a "feeling" that I could only describe as a puppy
waving his tail. The "feeling" I returned to that poor plant left her
in the mood of a howling dog. I had no time or patience for little
trees. Later I regretted that and promised to seek her and to cherish
I entered my room, undressed, separated the pieces of cloth I would
wash and return to the owner and those I would throw in the trashcan
and went to the bathroom to have another shower, this time taking care
not to wet my hair. I needed to eliminate the residues of my two
Chapter 3 - Identity
As I told before, my neighbors usually give a damn about what happens
outside their doors, but this would soon change if a beautiful lady
kept going in or going out my apartment everyday. My neighbors, of
course, were familiar with my "conquests", but my absence would soon
be perceived. I could not remain there for more than a few days.
Thanks God my late grandfather, that Ol? bastard Hittlerjugend, had
taught me the value of cash. I had DM50,000.00 of that inheritance in
an anonymous safe storage box at a local bank, for an emergency
situation. This would surely qualify as an emergency. The means for
living in the near future were warranted, but for longer times I
needed to access my investment funds. Hence I needed to go out of my
apartment, probably to a hotel, and needed to go to the bank to
retrieve my money, which was not possible since I would not be able to
identify myself as Richard Hoffmann (and any attempt to access the
money without identification, even by internet, would surely alert the
authorities that something was wrong, and I did not need that kind of
attention). Both problems, of course, required that I had documents
and, somehow, right to access and use "Richard?s" goods. A plan
started to form in my evil mind.
First I had to justify "Richard?s" absence. I began e-mailing my
friends, telling about a 10 days "vacation" I was starting at an
unspecified location and that I had sub-located my apartment to a
foreigner exchange student. This would allow me to stay in my
apartment a little bit longer. I called Phillip and asked him, of
course, to confirm both the trip and that he had seen me in person, if
someone got suspicious. I programmed the automatic response of my
e-mail server and I was safe for a while.
I had about 10 days to go to a hotel or to rent an apartment. This
was, of course, impossible without documents and principally, a
passport, for registering myself in the mayor?s office. My plan
required to report my passport as stolen and then to request a
substitute in the next consulate. For that, however, I needed a valid
number for the "stolen" passport. It was an "egg or chicken"
situation. Here my former training as a cracker was useful, this was
not too much different from identity theft, the only difference was
that I had to create a new identity from scratch.
Fist I considered doing this in the consulate of some non-EU country,
since the task would be supposedly easier. I concluded, however, this
logic was fault, a less developed country would be also less connected
and I did not want to risk being treated as an illegal in Germany,
since I would not dare invading the government?s servers to give me a
valid visa. I decided then to attack the nearest Greek consulate to
get a community passport.
After a quick research I discovered a registry office in central
Thessalia, which had been destroyed by a fire 15 years before. I
faked, therefore, a birth registration from that registry office for
"Dryope Hamadriadis", born 18 years before the date I was transformed
into her. Why would I need to invent something different? I had no
clue what was the real age of Dryope?s, being a Nymph she would be
probably immortal, but this does not matter, I decided to give me a
legal majority age, compatible with my look and with the story I was
constructing. I scanned the ports in the local orthodox church and
found a low protected computer in a small church near this office. I
did a falsification of the records for the baptism of Dryope, and this
was the easiest part. Next I had to produce some public records about
her school years. Again I found a low protected server in a public
school and could introduce the records, including some complains about
indiscipline. The secondary education year were more difficult. I
could not locate a vulnerable server in the same region of Dryope?s
"birth town", but I found one in the periphery of a bigger city. I
prepared the records such that I just "had received" the degree needed
for admission in the university. I searched again the churches and
luckily found an unprotected server near the secondary school. I
prepared the records for the Confirmation. For developing my plans I
needed nice relation with the church, so I decided to make Dryope a
Christian devote. So I created Dryope?s "history." The falsifications
would remain undetected unless someone looked with care and I had no
intention to provoke this. Then I started working on the passport.
The most secure internet systems are always vulnerable due to a
critical part of the "hardware": the user. There is always someone who
forgets to actualize the Operating System or the Anti-virus programs
and leave open doors for the invasions by an expert like me. I scanned
the ports in the local Greek consulate and, as I expected, found an
unprotected door. From that I gained access to the whole local
network. I installed a trojan horse (laughing about the irony) and
after sometime I had a nice set of usernames and passwords. I entered
again in that network, removed all the traces of that trojan horse
(including in the logs) and looked for the passport registration
files. I selected an existing passport and changed the records to
comply with mine. I installed also a time bomb to erase the fake
registration and restore the old passport after some time. There was
still the danger that the rightful owner of that passport would need
to access his records before the time bomb exploded, but this was
minimal since he was over 80 years old and it would be very unlikely
that he would be just in that part of Germany at that time. Next I
went to the German police and, using my Ancient Greek accent, reported
that I had been mugged and that my purse, including all my documents
and the passport, had been stolen. With the Police?s report I went to
the same consulate I had invaded and requested a new passport. All
went perfect. Now, at least, I could move out of my apartment to a
Dryope Hamadriadis had now legal existence. I registered myself in the
mayor?s office and wrote a letter to a nearby University asking for
the "Zula?ung" to enter the major specialty of Biology and minor
specialty in Anthropology. It was weird, but not forbidden. I expected
to use the Nymph?s intuition for the first course and my knowledge of
myths for the second. All this movement took two weeks. When I was
busy hacking computers or dealing with the administrations I was
shopping. I had by now quite an extensive closet. If someone looked at
that, this someone would not guess that I had been a man some weeks
before. My closet consisted exclusively of very feminine clothes. Most
of the time I was wearing skirts or dresses, although I had bought
some pants too. My shoes collection had also increased, as the size of
the heels. I was in denial at that time and used to think that I was
doing this in order to blend in in my female role, but in fact I was
already enjoying dressing up to show all my femininity. I also trained
the make up when it was possible and by that time I was quite good in
it. With the time I discovered how annoying loose long hair can be.
Observing the other women I noticed that the ones who had long hairs
always used to comb somehow. I spent a whole day trying to produce a
passable hairstyle, until I learned. My accessory collection also
grew. I considered even tattooing a small rose on my shoulder, but
could not go through with it at that time. Now that I wasted the
reader?s patience I can tell what was the essence of my evil plan: I
was going to marry Richard Hoffmann!
Chapter 4 - Marriage
Obviously Richard was not "available" for marriage, but Phillip had a
similar build as my male me and, provided he dyed his hair to a darker
color, he could be mistaken for Richard at a distance. He would be
groom. First I had to "send" him far away. There where DM500,000.00 at
stake and I could not afford that someone decided to investigate this
sudden marriage. Phillip made quite a noise telling everybody that he
won a three months vacation in Southeast Asia and that the shop would
be close. He had his criminal friends, so it was not difficult to him
to get a fake passport. He took the airplane and after one day of
rest, he bought a new ticket and returned to Germany using the new
name. I was there in the airport to pick him up. I had a surprise when
I saw him. He was in drag! When I asked him why he had done this, he
said that if he was spending the next three months playing a straight
male, he wanted to feel his woman side a little bit more. I laughed at
such a demonstration of queerness.
Next he dyed his hair and took possession of my male wardrobe. Then he
bought a holiday in a resort in Herakleion and went there. He found
difficulty in the border control, my German passport had been accepted
as his. As he arrived there he called me, using a public telephone,
telling he was in position. It was time for me to do the same trip,
only that I did it by train, since I was "a poor student" returning
for my last vacations home before the start of the classes at the
German University.
When I arrived we faked an occasional "meeting" at the restaurant and
I started sending letters to my mother and e-mails to my friends
telling about the "hot girl" I had found in Greece. I underlined the
"coincidence" that she was an exchange student living in Germany, in
the same city as me. With the days, the letters and e-mails became
more serious and intense. My mother was all happy. I never had been an
exemplary son to her, and now I was sending letters practically
everyday and was implying that I wanted to marry! She was in the
seventh heaven. She was so happy the she never questioned why I did
not phone her in all this time. When I decided to start talking
seriously about marriage, Dryope started sending her also some lines.
In order to get a different handwriting, Phillip wrote this part. He
had a lot of fun pretending to be a woman in love.
I bought a pregnancy test in the pharmacy and confirmed: I was
pregnant! I communicated immediately the fact to my mother and
announced that I would marry Dryope. From time to time I sent photos
showing Richard (Phillip) holding Dryope (me). These photos were
edited, of course, so no one would discover our farce. We set the
marriage for one month after that date and then we went to "meet"
Dryope?s family in the northern mountains. We used this expedient to
have some time under the radar. Phillip needed that to prepare the
terrain for the end of our plan. I, on the other hand, decided to go
in search for some answers.
I went alone to Delphi, the well known Oracle from Apollo. If I was a
magic creature, maybe I could get some answers by magical means too. I
visited the temple by the day, as a regular tourist and at night I
invaded the area. I was alone at the place were the Pythia used to
seat and suddenly I did not know what to do. After some hesitation I
-"Apollo, you lame turtle, come here to visit your lover!"
Nothing happened at first, then I noticed that a light smoke was
coming out of a crack in the stones and was started assuming the shape
a woman, dressed in ancient Greek clothes. I could not believe it had
worked! The woman said:
-"Hail, Dryops daughter, the impostor is long gone, but I am the Sybil
and I remained here expecting you."
The Sybil, wow, I thought, this was the legendary character that
delivered prophecies about the Trojan war!
She continued:
-"Tell me what do you want to know!"
This direct approach confused me. Everything I knew about oracles was
that they delivered their messages in a cryptic fashion. I was there,
in front of a character that was at least 3000 years old, and did not
know what to do. I had searched for answers, so, I decided simply to
-"I want to know why I was transformed and came to this world."
Sybil started a long story:
-"After the Great God from Orient has risen, most magical beings, the
ones addicted to human worship, migrated out of this realm."
-"Some of them, however, decided to remain here and become His
Vassals, among those, the most powerful: Gaia, the spirit of earth and
Nyx, the spirit of night."
-"Gaia has some prescience powers and she knew that she would get into
trouble in some future."
-"She then asked Nyx to order her daughters, the Moirae, Clotho,
Lachesis and Atropos, the handlers of one man?s life thread, to make
the destiny ring you worn."
-"The destiny ring was disguised as a futile instrument, until the
right time came, and this is the time."
-"Gaia is sick, Mankind makes her sick."
-"You have been chosen for the task of bringing to this world the
being who will heal Gaia and bring balance in her relationships with
Finishing this long speech, she faded in a smoke cloud again. I said
"Wait, I have more questions...", but it was useless.
So, that was it! I was caught in this mess to bring Pan to the world,
as a sort of ecology champion. There was no hope that this would
finish this before my son?s birth.
Before returning to my story, I have to tell how I got rid from my
"men" problem. My experiment with the boy told me that I had the means
to control the sexual impulses I irradiated, in the same way I
communicated with the trees. When I was still in Germany, waiting for
Phillip?s news to depart towards Greece, I tested this hypothesis.
It was a sunny afternoon, the first signs of fall were showing, so it
was not too hot anymore. I decided to dress accordingly. I had a full
bath, washing also my hair without fear. By that time I already had an
entire pharmacy in my possession and, of course, also a brush and a
dryer. I selected a nice white blouse with details of yellow flowers.
I did not wear a bra this day on purpose, but the blouse was not tight
and my nipples could only be implicitly seen. I considered that this
would have quite a sensual effect. I chose a long orange skirt,
matching the blouse, a sensual panty (I was not ready yet to go out to
the street without panty), calf high suede boots with stilleto heels
had bought specially for this occasion. I arranged my hair in my usual
hairstyle and did a light make-up. I looked marvelous.
I went out to the nearest coffee shop, which had some tables in the
walkway. I sat outside, enjoying the sun and showing my body in
display. I ordered a cappuccino and stayed there drinking it. I was
playing the role of some bored secretary having some free time before
going home. There were some men in the coffee shop, including the
waiter, and I did not want that any of them decided to jump over me
for sex. So I concentrate hardly not to send sexual impulses to the
ones present. It worked. The waiter could come near me and he was
clearly not attempting to rape me (although he looked at me from top
to bottom). The first part of the test was a success.
Next I started concentrating in the nearby males, at the other tables,
just as I did with the trees (I agree this does not speak well for my
old gender). A handsome one was sitting about 5 m at my back and read
the newspaper. I started slowly concentrating at his site. I could
sense that he was raising his eyes from the newspaper and looked at me
from time to time. I started modulating these impulses and sensed his
indecision. From time to time I relaxed and he returned to the paper.
Finally he made a bold move and came to my table, saying:
-"Miss, can I sit here? I could not prevent to notice how beautiful
you are!"
I answered:
-"Of course, thank you for the compliment, please, sit down!"
We started an animated conversation. I continued modulating the
impulses. The last thing I wanted was that he jumped over the table to
make sex with me. Finally we reached the point in which we kissed.
needed moderation now was me! We agreed to get out of there to a hotel
nearby (not the one where I was living, of course). We registered as
husband and wife (the suspicious desk employee was used to this kind
of deception) and we went to a room. I had to concentrate very hard
not to tear out our clothes. We rapidly undressed and made animal sex.
I learned that I could play the man like a "toreador" plays a bull.
was quite hard, but sending him impulses I could make him wait a lot
of time without reaching the orgasm. Meanwhile I was having a lot of
orgasms myself. Finally I liberated him and he unloaded his cum
inside me.
After finishing he turned to the other side, tired. I was tired too.
Then he said something that worried me:
-"My God, how hot you are, much more than my wife!"
-"Tell me your name, we need to do this again!"
I understood in what a mess I was entering. I used the same approach
as with the boy, put my hand over his right shoulder, and said:
-"Forget everything about me, go home, give your wife the best sex she
ever had and remain faithful to her!"
He raised, and his penis raised as well, put his clothes like a
sleepwalker and went out of the room in trance towards home. The
bastard was trying to turn me into his mistress!
Back to Greece, after visiting Delphi I met Phillip again, returning
from his "mission." We were going to do our marriage in a small
village of an equally small island in the middle of the Aegean see,
which had a little chapel dedicated to some obscure orthodox female
saint. I told everybody that I was devote to that saint, this is why I
decided to marry there. The truth was that the island was so small
that they did not have even a proper hotel. We found a place as guests
in a family house, who rented one room to tourists in the hot season.
As I expected we became friends to the entire village very soon. A
story about how my parents died in a car crash years ago and how I
desired to have someone representing them in my marriage made wonders.
The father and the mother of that family accepted to play the role of
my father and my mother. The whole village was invited to my marriage
and they played, unwilling, the part of my numerous Greek family.
I hired a local kid to film the whole event, telling him to film it
from distance. The filming was so bad that no one would be able to say
that Phillip was not me. We married in the beautiful orthodox
and also did the civilian marriage. I was now Mrs. Richard Hoffmann,
specifically, Dryope Hamadriadis Hoffmann. During the ceremony Phillip
had to kiss me. He was afraid, but when he noticed that he could kiss
me without feeling the need to rape me he was so relieved that I
hear it.
After the marriage we went separate ways. I had to return to Germany,
supposedly, for my matriculation at the university. Phillip stayed in
Greece to finish his "vacations." The last part of my plan was
starting. I was supposed to return to Greece after the matriculation
to continue our vacations, better said, honeymoon. I had send e-mails
to my friends for a quite long time telling how I wanted to practice
hiking in the trails of a nature park in northern Greece. Officially I
received the new of his "disappearance." Showing a fake despair I
joined the search party, but nothing was found (except some clues
strategically left by Phillip, to show that "Richard" had gone through
that trail). Ten days latter the search was officially ended and
Richard was declared "missing person."
In fact we had planned all this. Phillip used his "out of radar" time
to run that trail, learning all that he could learn about the path
that normally took three days to complete. Phillip was very good in
"wandering" and he could finish the trail in one day and a half if he
wanted. The second time he did the trail in high velocity, leaving the
already mentioned clues at some strategic places. He left the trail
near the original starting point, dyed his hair using his natural
color, dressed in his drag number and went to Southeast Asia to finish
the vacations he had "won." He still had 15 days left from the three
months period.
The worse part of this plan was to see how my mother reacted to this.
Every time she cried, I cried too, sorry that I was not able to tell
her the truth. The disappearance was, of course, fundamental for my
plan: when (and if) I returned to my male body, I could justify my
absence by some convenient amnesia after a fall in that trail. To
speak about my mother. The fact that I (Dryope) was Greek, Southern
European, therefore allowed to display feelings, finally broke the
emotional barriers we have built during our entire lives. I became
"the daughter she always wished, but never had." I was allowed to hug
her, to kiss her and to love her, this was a sort of compensation for
the sorrow I caused.
Chapter 5 - Aftermath
The legal part of my marriage caused no trouble. There was, of course,
an inquiry, but soon my marriage was declared legal in Germany and I
was allowed to access Richard?s assets. I had, of course,
strategically sent a letter in my handwriting and using my signature,
telling the Bank Manager to give full assistance to my "wife."
My worry was then the pregnancy. I searched medical assistance and was
concerned until the first ultra-sound exam could be made. I asked the
doctor to film specifically the legs and the head. The doctor, at
first, said that this was not usual, but I told that the father had
some malformations in these areas and I wanted to be sure that the
fetus did not inherit those. The image showed a perfectly normal male
fetus, with no sign of goat legs or horns. I was not satisfied though.
I importunated the obstetrician until he ordered a quite expensive
genetic profile exam from samples of the amniotic fluid. It was
confirmed that my son was fully human. The power that was behind this
was at least wise enough not to let a satyr to be born in the modern
The childbirth was easy. I guess that the fact that I was a
mythological being had advantages after all. Soon I realized that I
did not return to be Richard Hoffmann. To be honest, at that time I
was already very happy as Dryope and did not truly wish to return to
my male body. I could not lie to myself: not only the sex as a woman
was phenomenal, but also I enjoyed displaying my femininity to the
whole world. I learned, for example, the pleasure of breastfeeding my
son (not even for a joke I would feed him with this shit they sell in
the supermarkets!). I named him Peter Hamadriadis Hoffmann. This was
an allusion to another kind of legend (I always loved irony and
Time passed by and I graduated at the university. I wrote my doctor
thesis in Ecology, the title was "Ecology concepts and nature
preservation in the old Greek myths" and the main characters were, of
course, the Nymphs. As my investment funds started to diminish
dangerously I began working for a Nature Preservation NGO. Soon I
became known as the most combative militant in this foundation. Ten
years after the Peter?s birth have passed and I am already
vice-president of this foundation. I get particularly angry when I
discover some trick with the funds for preservation of the rain
forest, once I discovered that a politician had stolen a lot of money
form the rain forest preservation funds without being held
responsible. I turned him into a crazy transvestite who enjoys
practicing anal sex in public (yes, I can do that!).
My son has some empathy with animals, similar to what I have with the
plants, but nowadays I really doubt that he is the Satyr?s son. When I
look at him, I see Phillip. Of course I never told Phillip anything
about these doubts. He would surely have a nerve breakdown if he
discovered that he is in fact Peter?s father. I have Peter?s DNA
results, of course, but I never brought myself to ask a sample of
Phillip?s DNA. No, it was better that he remains "Uncle Phillip", at
least for now.
Nowadays my greatest happiness comes from the friendship that my
mother has with her grandson and the love they show for each other. My
"disappearance" still puts some weight into my mother?s heart, but
with our influence, I mean, Dryope?s and my son?s, she finally found
some love. She is better without that boring German son, who never
gave her a hug or a kiss.
I think very much about what Sybil told me in Delphi. We (me and
Phillip) have assumed that the magical being I should bring to this
world was Peter, but looking back at my environmental militancy and
the obvious fact that I am the one with magical powers, I am starting
to believe that the magical being is me. I see the news and get sad
that H. did not win the indication. Not that I am her fan, but with
her at power I would have a chance to involve the First Husband into
some scandal (not that I would need magical powers for that, if all
that I have heard about him is true) and to blackmail them, for
example, to sign the Kyoto protocols. The other had a better political
platform. I gave him a chance. Of course, after this DW thing I am
considering if I should visit America, M. prepare yourself!