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I am a poker player, but not a gambler. Gamblers are people who play blackjack, craps, or the lotto—these people cannot win in the long term. It is a statistical certainty that they will lose, therefore, they are gambling. Good poker players only play those cards that statistically win over the long term, therefore, since I’m in that group, I am not a gambler.

‘OK, smart ass. If you are not a gambler, why were you sitting in front of a quarter slot machine preparing to throw away your first coin, especially since a slot machine is one of the biggest sucker games of chance in Las Vegas?’

Good question, but I have an excellent answer, I was not playing to win money, nor was I bored, and my gambling philosophy had not taken a vacation from me. I was playing the slots for only one, logically consistent reason—to try to pick up the beautiful woman who was playing the slot machine on my right.

My quest had started innocently enough. I was strolling through the casino floor on my way to work—the card room—when my thoughts were interrupted by a piercing scream that rattled my eardrums. A three hundred pound female tourist had just won a fortune on her slot machine—a ten-dollar jackpot. Her husband, who weighed in at ninety pounds, had glanced at her and then quickened his pace as he put quarters into his machine even faster.

I thought, ‘Why can’t they have a back door into the card room to keep the gamblers separate from the rest of us?’

My eyes almost made it back to my intended path when they locked onto a vision sitting in the middle of a row of slot machines. She was blond and maybe about five feet five inches tall. She was wearing one of those tops that leaves her shoulders bare down to the beginning of her breasts and then leaves six inches or so bare skin at her waist. The top accented some very nice breasts—medium-large size, and certainly a fantastic handful, and the six inches of skin at her waist showed a sensual, flat stomach. She had a cute pixie nose with a hint of an upturn. Another jackpot went off and she looked in my direction—blue eyes, high cheekbones, and a gold trinket on a thin chain against her chest again confirmed my earlier observation that she had the breasts of a goddess.

I was between girlfriends, which was my usual condition. You can only do two things late at night—make love or play poker. Most…no I have to be honest…all of my past girlfriends had failed to realize the purity of my quest for statistical perfection as it related to poker playing. They somehow had elevated the ‘cheap physical stuff’ one does with the opposite sex at night to a pedestal much higher than my intellectual investment in poker playing. I suggested many times that we do the ‘cheap physical stuff’ in the morning when I got back from the card room. The answer was usually the same, ‘It is not romantic to roll around at nine o’clock in the morning versus doing the same physical deed at nine o’clock at night.’

And sometimes another highly unfair accusation was hurled at me, ‘You just want to get off so you can get to sleep easier!’ I always became highly outraged at that crude character assassination of my sexual intent—that there was, on occasion, a tiny germ of truth in the comment made me even more indignant.

So I was between girlfriends and for the last two months or so my body was arguing with my brain that the cheap physical stuff at night might be of equal importance as trying to extract money from not-too-bright tourists and tough locals at the card table…I hate to use the word ‘horny’ when there is a better way to describe the same physical condition.

I stopped a change lady and gave her a gift of twenty dollars in exchange for an equal value of quarters. After mentally discarding several approaches, I walked up to my goddess, pointed at the slot machine on her left and asked, ‘Are you playing this machine too?’

She looked at me with a small grin and answered, ‘I donated five dollars to that little sucker without a single winner. It’s yours if you want to waste your money.’

I said, ‘Thanks a lot. I’m always careful when I sit down at a slot machine, I’ve witnessed some terrible fights on the slot machine floor that rivals the last Tyson fight. Last week someone ‘stole’ a machine that the other person was playing. It was horrible—beer throwing, hair pulling, and that was even before they really got mad at each other.’

She was laughing now and said, ‘I promise no beer throwing, I’m too smart to waste a valuable commodity.’

I continued, ‘Well good luck to the both of us. My name is Paul by the way. I’m a no good, rotten to the core person known as a local. I live in this city of sin and sex.’

She answered, ‘Good luck to you too. My name is Darla Robinson and I am one of those not too bright people you call a tourist.’

I grinned back at her and put in my first quarter. Jackpot—ten dollars!

Darla yelped, ‘Look at that, I warmed up the machine for you with five dollars and with one quarter, you hit a jackpot. Are you always that good.’

My brain did a somersault with a half twist. You cannot be ‘good’ in playing the slots. Good implies there is a skill element involved, and that you used the skill correctly. In this case my skill element was pushing a button—I was too lazy to pull the handle. Statistically, there is no way to make money in the long term in games of chance. My jackpot was a mere random fluctuation.

I answered Darla, ‘Well now you see why I’m so careful when I sit down at a slot machine. When you told me that you had the machine warmed up, I had a strong hunch that I was going to hit it. My hunches are usually pretty good when I play the slots, they are even better at Spin the Wheel.

‘I’ve got an idea that might interest you. The ten dollars is really half yours since you warmed up the machine for me. I’ll donate the ten dollars into a pot and we could each put in ten dollars more and play these two machines. We will split any profits.

‘Now I have to admit, I’m being a little selfish here. You have warmed up your machine and statistically it is probably ready to pay off just like this one, so I’m taking advantage of you a little.’

Darla answered, ‘But you are putting twenty dollars into the pot and I am only putting in ten. That’s a good deal for me. I’ll do it partner.’

I grabbed one of those ubiquitous plastic cups that are synonymous with slot machines and put in the forty quarters I had just won plus added another forty quarters. Darla put in her forty quarters as I thought, ‘I can’t believe I said that garbage with a straight face. Machines are not warmed up, nor are they statistically ready to pay off—it’s random chance with no way of winning. But if that’s what it takes to talk to Darla, I’ll lower my intellectual principles and say whatever sounds good’

I told Darla, ‘We will alternate machines, I just played, so it’s your turn.’

She put in a quarter, turned to me and said, ‘I win much more by pulling the handle than by pushing the button.’

My brain did another belly flop as I grinned and answered, ‘I’ve heard people say that a lot, so there must be something to it.’

She turned back to the machine and pulled the handle. She stared at the slot reels turning. I stared at her breasts.

I almost ducked as a piercing scream once again assaulted my eardrums—’JACKPOT…fifty dollars!’

It was Darla and she was alternating between hugging me with those splendid breasts pressed against me, and those same breasts sliding up and down my chest as her feet left the floor during her jumps.

I looked at her machine, it really was a fifty-dollar winner. ‘Absolute, blind luck,’ I thought. On the other hand there was a certain pleasure watching 200 quarters clinking down into the coin box at the base of the machine.

Darla had pushed the button to cash out. She told me that a really good slot machine player s
aid never let the credits build up in the machine, always make the machine pay. I thought my brain was doing a swan dive at this latest revelation.

For the next hour we played the slots and talked. Darla had graduated from college a few years earlier and was now a teacher of junior high kids in a suburb of Chicago, while earning a masters degree at night. She had been to Las Vegas three or four times with friends, but when her girlfriend backed out at the last minute, Darla had decided to come anyway. Although it was the summer break from her teaching, she could only afford to be here for a week. With adroit questions I found out that she had broken up a few months previous with her boyfriend of many years. He had a choice to make—marry Darla or marry the boss’s daughter. ‘I came in second,’ said Darla, ‘And after thinking about it, I’m glad I lost.’

Darla performed her own inquisition on me and managed to extract information on every ex-girlfriend I had in the last three years, along with her name, and length of service. Her inquisition was unfair and brutal—she smiled, she giggled, and she never let her breasts stray too far from my sight.

She asked a key question, ‘Are all professional poker players nuts, or do they act nuts to show people that they are professional poker players?’

I defended my poker clique with a question of my own: ‘What is so nuts about playing cards all night, sleeping all day, and going through girlfriends at a pace of three or four per year?’

My brilliant answered obviously stumped her. She stared at me and then broke into a sidesplitting laugh as she punched my arm. She gasped, ‘What a great sense of humor. You said that totally dead serious. I kept looking for you to start grinning at such a nonsensical statement, but you kept your poker face. If only my ex boyfriend had such a sense of humor.’

I took the chicken’s way out and said, ‘Darla, we ran our thirty dollar bankroll to over a hundred dollars. Let’s go to a quiet bar in the casino and count our quarters and have a drink?’

She readily agreed and I led the way to my favorite bar in the casino—relatively dark, no singers and few tourists.

We counted the quarters. I know, you go to the cashier and she throws your bucket of quarters into a machine and in mille-seconds the machine says how much money you are to be paid. However, tourists like to count their quarters, so we counted, drank, and talked.

I thought, ‘This is a completely dysfunctional relationship. She believes in luck and I believe luck is the narcotic of a tourist. She talks to slot machines, I hate them. She thinks poker playing all night is idiotic, but that is my vocation. Why am I talking to this female?’

I rationalized, ‘Because, you idiot, she is the most beautiful female you have met in the last three years, her breasts are not man made, and when she grins at you, you melt.

‘I can continue to pretend that luck is part of gambling, that I have a ‘feel’ for slot machines, and that maybe I could discipline myself to play cards only half a night, if my reward was this goddess in my bed doing the ‘cheap physical stuff’ when I came home from the tables.

‘No way, I can’t lower my standards that much,’ the right side of my brain side.

The left side of my brain, which controlled the lower part of me said, ‘Don’t be so quick to kick this beauty out of your bed…don’t be a chump.’

The center part of my brain said, ‘You got to be shitting me, you are already kicking her out of bed when the most you got so far is some breast pushing when she won a jackpot…give me a break.’

To say the least, I was confused.

We sipped our drinks and counted our quarters. We had run thirty dollars of quarters into one hundred and three dollars. Darla was excited and said, ‘This is the most I have won in Las Vegas ever! It was really a lot of fun, and you made it happen. How can I thank you Paul?’

I answered, ‘That’s easy. We take these quarters to the cashier and turn them into real money. We take this real money to a small, local’s restaurant and have the best dinner in Las Vegas that you will ever experience.’

Darla gave me a grin that I already had named ‘that look.’ She said, ‘Fantastic, I agree.’

I paid the bill and we left with our quarters to cash in. I was thinking that I had to dispel her idiotic idea that slot machines could be beat. I knew a relationship based on the belief that playing slots was a game of skill was doomed to a very unsatisfactory conclusion.

I spotted my beginning tactic—the progressive slot machine isle was located next to the cashier’s cage where our quarters were going to be changed to real money. The flashing sign said that the progressive jackpot was now $212,169. I pointed at the flashing sign to Darla and said, ‘Last week the jackpot was up to eight million plus dollars. A little old lady with a walker and bottle of oxygen put in three dollars and won the jackpot. It is amazing how luck is everything in playing slots.’

Darla said, ‘That’s not completely true Paul. You played our two machines like an expert. You knew that they were ready to pay off, and they did! Some people have the feel for that, but most don’t. You have a gift.’

I thought, ‘Fantastic! What a great opportunity to show her how silly this whole ‘skill’ thing is. Really ham this one up Paul.’

I turned to Darla and said, ‘I rarely get a strong feeling on something like this, but right now I just know the progressive jackpot is going to pay off. Normally it takes months before another winner comes along, but this thing is going to pay off soon.

‘We have one hundred and three dollars in our partnership. Let’s each donate a dollar fifty and play the progressive for one pull. We will be partners on this—right down the middle. It’s just this strong hunch I have, and of course we probably won’t win, but what the heck.’

I thought, ‘What absolute bullshit I am putting out to stay close to this goddess.’

Darla looked at me and grinned as she said, ‘Go for it partner.’

I fed the machine three dollars, but just before I pushed the button to get the reels turning, I looked at Darla and said, ‘You told me it’s much more profitable to pull the handle then push the button, so why don’t you pull the handle?’

She reached for the handle as I thought, ‘This is just one small step to show her that there is no skill in playing the slots. Three dollars down the drain is such a cheap lesson.’

Now those of you who are afflicted with the slot machine disease know that when you pull the handle, the reels turn. When the first reel stops, the others stop so fast that you see them, but your brain doesn’t connect immediately. So when the first reel stopped on the jackpot symbol, the siren noise and the lights flashing hit me before my brain registered that all the reels had stopped on the jackpot symbol. We hit the jackpot!

Darla was screaming and doing that thing with her breasts against my body again. This time she added a kiss that must have shattered some world record somewhere for intensity.

The manager of slot machines quickly walked up to us and introduced himself. He said, ‘Folks, this is always a bit of a production, so let me explain what is going to happen. The first thing we will do is a physical check of the machine to verify that there really was a jackpot and not a machine malfunction. At the same time we will be looking at the film of you winning the jackpot to make sure everything was on the up and up. Then we get into the paperwork phase—are you two married?’

I answered, ‘No, just friends.’

He asked, ‘Did one of you win the jackpot or were you partners?

Darla said, ‘We are partners right down the middle.’ She squeezed my hand and then grinned and gave me another kiss. ‘But close partners,’ she continued.

The manager said, ‘Well that means we will have two 1064 forms made out for the IRS. We will need t
o see picture identification, get your social security numbers, legal address, and full names. Once all that information is completed, we will cut you a check for eighty percent of the winnings for each of you—twenty percent is withheld for tax purposes. And of course you will have to report your winnings at the end of your tax year to the Internal Revenue Service.

‘Let’ see…the jackpot was $212,169 which means each of you won a bit over $106,000 and that means you will each receive a check for about $85,000 after we withhold Uncle’s share.

‘Finally, our public relations department will want to take a picture of you for the newspaper. You don’t have to agree, but generally most winners don’t mind it—we never give your address or home town, we just give an approximate location where you live.’

The manager suggested we go back to the quiet bar and he would join us once the machine check, film review, and the IRS forms were completed.

Darla was in absolute ecstasy. She never let go of my hand and every time we looked at each other, she kissed me. She repeatedly said, ‘I just knew you were an expert on slot machines. It’s almost not fair that I have taken advantage of your slot machine skills by being your partner.’

I said, ‘Darla, we are partners, so none of that talk.’

I thought, ‘I just won $85,000 on pure luck in an attempt to teach Darla that there is no skill in playing slots. The money is fantastic, but the guys in the poker room are going to tease the shit out of me—professional poker player wasting money on the slots. And then there is Darla, not only is she beautiful, but also, she hasn’t taken her hands off me. If we weren’t in a public place, this could have gone to a much higher sexual level.’

I continued speaking, ‘Darla, this has never happened to me before. What a day—from the quarter slots to a progressive jackpot. I’m overwhelmed by it all.’

She grinned again and leaned over to give me another kiss.

Just then the slot machine manager came to our table followed by a woman and a man carrying a camera. The manager said, ‘Congratulations, you are now official winners of the jackpot. As soon as you sign this tax form, I will give you the checks.’

We signed and he gave a check to each of us made out for $84,867.60. He said, ‘I would like to introduce you to the head of public relations—Rita Wilson—she would like to take a few pictures of you.’

Rita smiled at us and said, ‘The casino would really like to have pictures of you two that we can use for promotional purposes. We won’t reveal your address or any other private information.

‘Oh, by the way, are you two staying at the casino?’

Darla said, ‘I am staying here for a week, but Paul isn’t, since he lives in Las Vegas.’

Rita responded, ‘Traditionally, if a jackpot winner is staying with us, as an added bonus for letting us take their picture for promotional use, we upgrade the room and comp you.’

Darla asked, ‘Comp me? What does that mean?’

Rita answered, ‘It means we will move you into one of the smaller suites at no charge to you—you are a guest of the casino for the rest of the week.’

Darla squealed in excitement as I thought, ‘I really was going to try to talk Darla out of the picture taking, I’m going to be embarrassed enough in the poker room. I don’t need pictures. But that squeal tells me that Darla is going to want the pictures for sure—a suite for free is a hell of an enticement.’

Darla squeezed my hand and looked into my eyes as she pleaded, ‘You don’t mind if they take our picture, do you?’

I lost the battle before it started and surrendered without a fight, ‘Of course not partner, why would I mind?’

We went back to the progressive slot machine area and posed for the pictures. First Rita had us facing each other with our hands on each other’s waist kissing, while staring into each other’s eyes. My hands touched part of Darla’s semi-naked hips—they felt wonderful. Next I stood behind her with my hands on her bare stomach and her hands on top of mine as we both looked at the camera. Her skin was cool to the touch as my hands pressed into her tight stomach. Of course, I had an erection, which Darla had to feel as her butt was touching my pelvis.

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Hi dosto kaise hain aap aapka sexy sam aa gaya.mail me after read my real story at . Story pe aata hoon. Uska name. Anjali tha patiala main rahati hai aur wo service karti hai.uski age 30 ya 31 ke aas pass mere friend ki sister thi main apne official tour par pti ja raha tha to mere friend ne kaha ki wahan meri sister rahati hai.main tumko uska kuch saman le jao apni kisi friend ke saath room lekar rehati hai maine kaha ki teek hai tum mujhe saaman de jana station par dost aya aur ek...

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Go Down On Me Day

It’s your birthday, and you leap out of bed, looking forward to everything the new day will bring--because, for you, it’s Go Down On Me Day. Go Down On Me Day is the result of a Saturday Night Live sketch that went viral and inspired a cultural phenomenon. The principles of Go Down On Me Day encourage friends, acquaintances, and strangers to give you oral sex on your birthday, free of any of the usual social boundaries. Participants may sometimes stretch the rules of the event to extend to hand...

4 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 13

Once the Beechcraft Baron was past Lithgow there was little to see. Flat is flat. It was only a bit over an hour to Parkes. The next leg ... Parkes to the Darling was even less fascinating. Eddie had been a bushpilot for a decade, then worked for the Flying Doctor Service [the RFDS one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world. It provides emergency and primary health care services for those living in rural, remote and regional areas of Australia]; “now I’m...

1 year ago
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Not Even Rags To Riches Conclusion

Not even Rags, to Riches, an Arduous Journey Conclusion. And then things became routine, mundane, and boring. I became Sofia and took care of myself and my remaining family. Sofia's income provided their comfort. How much could I moisturize and primp and decorate my feminine body before things got boring? The twenty minutes a night letting my boys shove their rod in and out of my lubed-up hole was becoming ordinary. It felt nice, don't get me wrong. The aspirations of sexual release...

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girls on film

If you’ve never had more than one naked pussy laid out in front of you to choose between, you probably can’t imagine the feeling in my cock as I looked down at the three naked girls on the bed in front of me. I told them to spread their legs wider for me as I stroked myself and thought about which one to fuck next. I’d spent weeks setting this up. Putting an ad online for new glamour models, emailing fake applications to the respondents and reeling them in until they’d each come over for an...

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While You Sleep

Hi Folks. This is another longer story. It is an LW story in that there is a wife cheating on her husband as the backbone of the story. But there is also much mote going on here. So those of you who just want the usual strange car in the driveway story might want to pass on this one. Those of you want the whole thing to be resolved in three pages also might want to keep it moving. Those of you who have a pacifistic nature might not like this story. Those of you who want a burn the bitch story...

2 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 04

The next morning, Eva felt him with her before she became aware of herself. She yawned and stretched. A happy contented sigh escaped. She heard him chuckle. ‘Now wouldn’t it have been better if we were waking up together?’ ‘Mmmm, but we are together.’ Eva purred. ‘What time is it?’ ‘Don’t change the subject. 6:00 in the morning, God, you’re a difficult woman to pin down. What is your last name, what is your phone number, when can I see you in the flesh? Tell me all that right now before...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Angel Smalls G88

As promised friends, the second part in Episode 88 of GangBangCreampie, the gangbang of Angel! We pick up where we left off, (which you’ll see in a few days) with Elmo carrying our little Angel over his shoulder like a viking carrying his trophy. As he lays her on the bench, we try a little picture in picture action (let us know what you think in the comments section!) because with GangBangCreampie there is no chill, there’s no time for chill when there are pussies that need to be...

3 years ago
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I opened the door to her cell and let myself in, closing the privacy curtain behind me. She was sitting on the single bed against the wall. With the exception of the handcuffs on her wrists in front of her, she was completely nude. I always prefer the girl to be nude and handcuffed on our first meeting. It makes her feel vulnerable and completely available. It makes her very afraid and very easy to connect with on a very deep basis. I think they feel that if they connect with me, I will have...

1 year ago
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Payal Ka Body Massage Aur Sex

Hello dosto, Toh story ka next part payal ka massage aur foreplay ke bad .Humne mobile no exchange kiya.Aur payal chale gaya.Mai uska call ka wait karne laga. 02 din ke bad friday ka din ta dophar 2.30 baje payal ka call aaya.Puchne lagi kaha ho kaise hio? Normal baate chal rah ta. Payal: raj mere body bahut pain kar raha hai.Kya tum ghar aa sakte ho. Mai: haa aa sakte ho lekin kal saturday hai aur mera week off hai.Lekin Payal: lekin kya? Mai: tumre pati ? Payal:uske fikra mat karo.Mere pati 9...

4 years ago
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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 5

All of a sudden, my cousin Nancy started to change her entire attitude. She was hanging out with a bunch of prima donna bullshit artists from downtown that thought their poop didn’t stink like the rest of us. One minute she was our Queen in residence and the next she was off with the upper class and wanted nothing to do with us commoners. I really wanted to lock her bedroom door and give her a good spanking before I taught her a memorable lesson with no lube straight up the rear door. That...

3 years ago
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Dominique Takes Control

Related to an earlier story, Dominique Leads the Way. A few days after my brief, sweet and so naughty encounter with a young French woman, Dominique, I am driving up the lane to the house I am renting for a few weeks in the South of France. As I near the entrance to the house's drive, I see three people walking up the hill that I instantly recognise: it is Dominique and her parents, with whom I had met when I gave up my table to them at the café on the village square. I'd got to know Dominique...

Quickie Sex
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Moms a menber loke it or not

Moms a member, like it or not. You may want to read the first part of this story, Moms joined like it or not. It will put some perceptive of the events. Donna was making coffee when eric her son cam in the kitchen, hi mom hi hon, want breakfast? Think Ill have cereal. He got a bowl and sat down. Donna got her coffee and sat down when the phone rang. Hello, Donald whats up? Your kidding right? Well when will you be home, ok I understand call me when your leaving tomorrow. Donalds call was to...

1 year ago
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My grown up bride

My little wife is such a big girl now. She wasn't a couple weeks ago. We have been married two years, almost, with her just out of highschool. There was a bit of flack from her family, most old aunts thinking I must have knocked her up, but that had died down now with no baby and both of us still happy with each other. Besides, we had moved to another town and had little contact with the family. I was almost ten years older and when the ages are 18 and 28, thats quite a spread, not so much in...

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DiaryOfANanny Kylie Page 22389

What’s the best way to get your employer’s attention? Fall off your bike! That’s what nanny Kylie Page does to get her boss Johnny to look at her — especially when his wife’s out of town! Poor Kylie arrives at his house all bruised up with her bike and tells him what happened, in hopes that he’ll take care of her. Lucky for her, Johnny goes straight for the ice pack and soothes her pain. And with her big natural tits and bubble butt busting out everywhere, he can’t help but soothe his aching...

1 year ago
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Wet Dream

I knew it was a dream. I felt like I was right there. I wasn't gay or bi but I saw me kissing Ryan. He was a year younger then me and he was gay. Why could I feel his lips on mine. It was only a dream. I took off his shirt. I kissed his neck and started to go down to his chest. I licked his hard nipples as he made a really cute face . Why was i having this dream i thought. Through his jeans I could see his fully erect cock. He wasn't wearing underwear. He never was one to wear any. I reached...

3 years ago
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Break Up Sex

This is it. He watched Mel enter their apartment – now his apartment – for the final time, her long wavy blonde hair hanging in her face. She tucked the rogue strand behind her ear and leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen and watched him drum his fingertips against the Formica countertop.“All packed up,” she murmured. “Just came back to give you this,” she placed a single key on the table between them. Seeing the key on the table brought back the memory of when he had asked her to move...

Straight Sex
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Storm Shelter Sex

In April of 2011 several areas of my state were devastated by tornados which seem to have become more prevalent here in the past few years. I began to think about my own safety if one of those twisters hit the area I live in, so I went on the internet and searched for information about storm shelters. After a great deal of searching (you know how that goes) I found a contractor in my area who specializes in installing underground storm shelters. I contacted him and he came to my home and...

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Anu Me And Hersheys Story Of A Male Escort

Hello everyone, my name is Nik, I’m a 19 year old btech student currently in Bangalore. Since puberty,I’ve been one of those people who have a high sex drive. My mind is constantly on sex,and being bisexual, my dirty mind doesn’t spare anyone ;) However I’ve never met anyone for real until this incident which is a true story.. This happened a couple of weeks back when in an extremely horny mood i decided to post an ad of me as a male escort along with my photo on locanto. This story is 100%...

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The OHara

We met when I was eighteen and Brittney Stockholm was seventeen. It was the last dance of the school year at East Side High and we were both graduating in just two weeks. I was from the poorer section of town where the dance was being held. Brittney went to Lincoln on the west side. I guess she and her fellow students decided to crash the dance and be as obnoxious as possible. Things would have been all right except for her date, Brad Doyle. We had heard of the Doyles even down here in the...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 65

“Ok, Slave Jess, Slave Aaron,” Emma said, saving Brent from having to respond, “I think this has been enough fun for one night. Brent and I should probably leave you two alone.” “As you wish, Mistress,” Jess said. I repeated the phrase a beat later. Jess knelt down in front of Brent. “Thank you, Master Brent, for playing with this slave’s ass, mouth, and pussy tonight. I hope you will do so again in the future,” she said to him. She wasn’t going to let him off the hook and she got Brent to...

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Robbies Revelation part 6

I wish I could say I had a destination or even that I drove around for hours trying to work things out. Starkville just wasn't that big, after 40 minutes I had circled the town 3 times and crossed it maybe 4 and was no better off than when I started. I had so much energy running through me, I'm not saying I was energetic but the stress, anxiety, shame, and anger was fueling my emotions and thoughts. They were all over the place, and I only could think of one way to burn off that energy...

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Sex Studio Secrets 18 Sasha and Ashtyn1

Sasha is as sexy as tall towering an inch over me, she introduces attractive Ashtyn tasty teen to meAshtyn is still a virgin till one evening suddenly something very sexy hot happens to the tasty teenHer first erotic experience is a triple tongue fuck from sexy Sasha after her baby-sitting evening!She is too amazed to repay that debt the same night but she soon plans to even their mutual accountAshtyn invites Sasha for a common coffee to seduce her further and get her first fuck from...

1 year ago
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Ros: "Oh dear! What a day! Why do we always have to cramp a 24hours' revision period into only 6 hours? Can't Miss Leen sees that we have to revise every topic carefully and not just to skimp it through? If we keep on doing this, we would not do well in our exams! We might not pull through." Cool: "I agree with you. This is just too much. My head is hurting now, trying to remember all the facts and figures. I know we should not be memorising anything. But we also need the time to understand the...

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My Cousin Sister Priyanka

Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 51st story. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or Dear readers this might be my last posting, as I might be taking break for two weeks from writing since I would be getting busy in few days with my wife’s treatments. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with suspected case of kidney failure. We do not know the exact extend of damage so I might take her to Chandigarh for further investigation. I...

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Park bench adventure

Instruction manual for LTI work in an office in the centre of a small town and at lunchtimes, I like to get out of the office and go for a walk. I like to go down to the nearby park, picking up a sandwich on the way and sit on a bench till it's time to get back.Now, I admit that I can be a horny bitch and from time to time I get those feelings. This is especially true when its a hot day and my mind has been wandering as I watch people go by. I think about how people look without their clothes...

4 years ago
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The Neighbours Knickers Part 1

It was a sultry summer night but it wasn’t the muggy air that was making me hot. It was my clothes. I’d felt the urge to dress up in a very sexy outfit. My preparations had started much earlier in the day, and they had been thorough: my whole body was clean and smooth, shaved so that there was not the slightest hint of hair anywhere other than on my head. My heart thumped wildly as I made my selection: a schoolgirl gym skirt and top, with bra, blue panties and stiletto heels. I felt sexier...

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Laura With A Friend

Laura closed the door behind Tonya, walked back to the couch and crashed down. She smelled her fingers.Yes, it had happened!Finally, or maybe already, she had been laid by a woman again. She always knew this day would come, and it had surpassed expectations. Laura inhaled again. The fragrance was so similar to solo-sex, yet so much better. She stretched her tired body.God, this had been good.Laura’s thoughts turned to her husband. She pushed them away. Eric could have been more attentive the...

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A Walk Through the Woods

We arrive at the campsite and it’s crowded! People are everywhere, tents are everywhere, and a band is already playing. It’s metal- fest and we’re here for some sun, music, booze, and fun. My lover and I set up our tent and head out into the crowd. I am amazed at all the people, some are topless, some are naked, some have painted on bikini’s. A deeply tanned brunette walks by and her tits are glistening with glittery paint that is painted over her nips to look like a sweet flower. She winks at...

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This Is Going To Be Pretty

Kate sighed, staring into the reflection. Barely clothed she let her hair fall to the sides of her neck, her makeup remained content upon her skin although her lipstick was smudged near her cheek. Before she could lift her hand he was already behind her, wrapping his arms round her bare waist. ‘I read in between the lines,’ he sighed, nuzzling his nose into the cave of her neck, his fingers twiddling beneath her bra straps. ‘You do that a lot lately,’ she sighed. Her life with him had...

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Ngorro StrikesChapter 2

Hayley had been fretting in her room when she heard Jacky cry out. She turned as if looking through the wall she could see what was going on in their living room. They had been in Africa six months now and Hayley loved the way the black men looked at her. She had been shocked the first time she had been groped, but the strange tingling sensations the fondling had created had been very interesting. After the first few times it had happened she had, when she could get away with it, slipped...

2 years ago
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Die Nachbarschaft

Du wachst auf als die Sonne durch dein Fenster fällt. Heute beginnt der erste Tag deines Sommerurlaubs, und du weisst jetzt schon daß du dir einiges einfallen lassen musst um die Zeit hier irgendwie totzuschlagen. Eigentlich bist du daran auch selbst schuld. Mit deinen Eltern wolltest du nicht wegfahren und einen Großteil deines eigenen Geldes gibst du für Gras und Bier aus. Wenigstens ist davon genug da, und weil du das Haus zwei Wochen lang für dich allein hast beschließt du, es dir erstmal...

3 years ago
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A Just RewardChapter 1

At fifteen Rosie O'Donovan was an embittered girl, at war with the world. Her mother had been a prostitute who died after one of her johns had beaten her up in a back alley because she had refused to let him bugger her. That and her daughter's name and address were all she told the hospital staff before she died. Rosie was taken into care at the age of five. She was not told the cause of her mother's death but she resented the fact that she had died without a thought for Rosie. She also...

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Haunted by the PastChapter 13

Charles and Diana Richards spent a Sunday afternoon in early November 1956 with her parents. Retired Air Force Colonel John G. Maitland and Josephine VanDorn Maitland enjoyed the interesting sights around Los Angeles. They had come for Charles and Diana's birthday party the night before and were only in town for a few days. Then they took them to their home in Brentwood. Her parents spent the late afternoon resting on the patio in the warm sun, enjoying the view of the ocean in the distance...

4 years ago
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Story Eight Cum Slut White Holes for Black PolesChapter 2

Bernard ordered me into the bedroom and told me to wear what he had placed on the bed. I entered the bedroom to find a tube top, short skirt and heels similar to the outfit he had me wear at the adult theater. This time he added a pair of white silk panties. I blushed as I looked at myself in the mirror but I could also feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I looked like a slutty preteen girl. Without a word, Bernard led me to his car and we drove into the warehouse district. Just...

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SRU Time and Place

SRU: Time & Place By Ingrid Halb 16 Feb 2007, Tarzana, CA Trevor Brinson was upset at the musical proficiency of his friends Jeffrey and David. Together, the three of them formed a garage band of sorts and, as far as Trevor was concerned, his band was not playing up to the potential he saw in himself. In his estimation, they were probably holding him back. "You guys suck!" he said, angrily letting his annoyance show. "Lighten up, dog," Jeffrey Parker, the bass player...

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