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Slots by Julie O It started out with all the ingredients for an incredible time, a hot car, a pocket full of cash and a long weekend off. I hit the road to Vegas immediately as I got off from work. I figured I would be in "Lost Wages" by midnight and that I would be drinking, gambling and hopefully getting laid shortly thereafter. The initial part of the trip was uneventful. I missed the worse of the traffic around LA and stopped at some little town for gas and a burger. I changed into more casual clothes and tossed my suit in the trunk. What had inspired this trip was an unbelievable run of luck. First I had received a promotion at work and a huge bonus and raise. At 25, I was the youngest district manager in company history. It was quite a thrill seeing my name Edward Sharpe on the door of my office. No more cubicles for me! I was just ready to go out and blow the bonus on a new car to replace my 8 year old Saturn when out of the blue I was notified that a distant relative had died and left me a absolute cherry 68 Mustang. I received the car the previous week and decided that it was definitely time for a big road trip. I crossed the Nevada border around 10:00 and that is when I began to lose power. I guess I should have had the car checked out before the trip. I coasted to the side of the road. "This sucks" I thought as found myself on a deserted highway in the middle of no- where. I sat on the side of the road for 20 minutes and never once saw another car. I was just about to start walking down the road when I saw a set of headlights. I began to wave my arms like an idiot and saw it pulling off the highway in front of me. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw it was a tow truck. The operator got out of the truck and walked over to me. He looked like a character out of a B-grade movie. He was old with a wrinkled filled face. He looked like he hadn't shaved in a week. But it didn't matter to me, as I was so happy to see him. "So what seems to be the problem?" he asked as he walked up to my car. "To be honest I'm not sure, it just lost power and died. " I replied. "Well it's too dark to tell anything here, let me tow it back to my shop and we'll check it out" He offered. I began to wonder about the cost, but I was in no position to haggle. Besides what's a road trip without some misadventures? " Well OK. How far is your shop?" I responded. He just smiled and said "Don't worry, I'll have you back on the road before you know it" He quickly hooked up the car and I jumped in his truck. We drove down the road a few miles and then pulled off on a small side road. He told me that I was lucky that there are not many car repair places out this way. I found out that he made a few extra bucks patrolling the highway looking people like me. When we reached his shop he told me that it would take a while to trouble shoot and that I that I should go to his waiting room. It wasn't much, a few old chairs, a couch, a Coke machine and an old radio. There were both men's and ladies rooms, although I couldn't imagine that the ladies room got much use. Well this wasn't how I expected to start my weekend. I expected to be gambling instead of looking at 6-month-old magazines. I was just about to try and get a few Z's when the tow truck operator came in pulling a handcart. There was a large crate on the handcart. "I should be able to fix your car, but it will take a couple of hours" he said. "You are lucky that it is an older car, otherwise you'd have to wait until I could get the right parts. Since you were going to Vegas I figured you might want to start gambling now" He then opened the crate and took out a slot machine. "I found this a few months ago on the side of the road," he said. "Don't worry it works and it has money in it, I don't leave it out in the open as the original owners might show up" He said with a wicked grim. I decided why not, as it beat sleeping on a crummy old couch. I looked at the machine; it was new and appeared to be in pretty good shape. It took dollars and I fed in a few to start playing. I suddenly noticed that it didn't have the normal fruit images that I was used to seeing. Instead there were pictures of beautiful women. Well this was a pleasant surprise. When I first grabbed the handle I felt a slight shock, almost like static electricity, it startled me more than it hurt. I pulled the arm and up came a pair of huge tits, a pair of long sexy legs and a vagina. Well I didn't win but it was better than seeing a cherry, a lemon and some grapes. I played for a while getting a few pairs but nothing too big. All the symbols seemed to be parts of the female anatomy. There was no key on the machine so I had no idea of what symbols were worth more. After an hour I was about even, it beat doing nothing. I put some more money in the machine and pulled the arm. Up came 3 identical sets of breasts! Out came $20.00 in quarters. Actually the money wasn't that important it was the trill of winning. As I pulled the arm again I began to notice a warm feeling spreading out of my chest. On my next pull I noticed that my arm was now rubbing against my chest. I looked down in horror as I saw my chest growing. Before my eyes I was growing a pair of tits! I pulled up my shirt to see a pair of beautiful D-cup breasts on my once flat chest. I reached down and began to explore these changes and was startled by the sensitivity of my nipples. I am amazed by the added weight to my frame. I am fascinated by the way they moved. What surprised me even more was that I didn't seem to be panicked this sudden change. My shirt was barely able to contain my breasts. Without thinking I reached down and unbuttoned my shirt. I was both fascinated and turned on by the sight of my cleavage. I kept looking at my breasts and by force of habit I continued to feed money into the machine and pull the handle. I had to admit it was a turn on watching my breasts bounce as I pulled back the arm of the machine. I didn't even see what was happening with the machine until it began to shoot out more money. I looked up to see 3 perfect sexy female asses all in a row. Suddenly I could feel the same sensation of warmth spreading out around my ass and hips. I stood up and saw that like my chest, my ass was transforming. My jeans became too tight and I quickly pulled them off. I tossed them on the floor next to the couch. I now had the curves a very hot woman. I noticed my waist had also slimmed down and I now had a very sexy figure. I had always wanted to get my hands on a body like this, but I didn't expect that it would be my body. The rest of me was still male. This couldn't be happening; people don't just change their sex. I looked over at my reflection in the window. What I saw transfixed me. There I was sitting there on a stool wearing just my boxers and shirt. The face was still mine, but the body was unreal. I was torn between exploring my new body and the urge to continue playing the cursed machine. There was no way I could hide this body. And yet part of me said, "Why hide it?" With one hand I unbuttoned my shirt. Actually that isn't really accurate, as I actually ripped the buttons off to get at my hard nipples. I slipped off the shirt completely and tossed it near my jeans. I began to stroke and massage my nipples. I couldn't believe how big they were! So big and hard! Just looking at them made me hot! The way they hardened and the growing sensation of pleasure was completely new to me. As a guy I had never thought that other parts of the body could give such intense pleasure. No wonder women loved foreplay so much. The sensations got me so hot and horny, I couldn't stop playing with them, even if I wanted to. I was so caught up in my transformations and their wonderful new sensations that I failed hear the old man enter the room. When he spoke I nearly jumped through the roof. "So it's happening to you too," he said with a bit of a chuckle. My hands went up instinctively to cover my exposed tits. I could only nod. Before I could speak he said, "If you want to return to normal you have to keep playing. Unless you want to stay the way you are right now. " He turned and walked away. "By the way I think that your changes are a big improvement," he said with a slight laugh. His laugh snapped me back into reality. I looked at the cursed machine and noticed that there were now male parts on the dials in addition to the female symbols. The tits were gone and replaced by a male chest. I had no choice but to keep playing. I would use up all my whole stash if I had to in order to return to normal. Yet there was a part of me that was not just accepting of these changes, but craved even more feminization. Without thinking one hand began to gently play with my harden nipples as the other hand put money into the machine I pulled the arm down and continued playing. The next "triple" I hit was another step in the wrong direction. Up came 3 feminine hands and arms. Before my eyes my arms became smooth and thin. My nails grew out and changed colors. The color of my nails was bright red and looked very sexy. The new length on my nails made it even easier to excite my nipples A few minutes later I hit my next triple. It was 3 female faces. I got up and ran over to the mirror in the ladies room and watched my face transform before my eyes. My lips grew puffy and luscious, my cheeks changed became more pronounced. My nose became smaller before my eyes and looked very petite. My facial hair disappeared. While my face changed my hair grew longer and changed color. My nondescript brown hair was now a stunning auburn. Luckily my hair not only grew in length but it seemed to form an actual hairstyle. I now had shoulder length hair that arraigned itself into flowing curves. My eyebrows became slim and shifted color to match my new hair color. I found myself staring at a stunning woman. I had to drag myself away from the sight to try and play my way back to being a guy. However I began to think about how my new looks would turn on men. I involuntarily licked my lips thinking about the idea of some big cock sliding in and out of my mouth. I was shocked by this idea and I tried to clear my mind and get back to work. The next couple of pulls were uneventful. I was becoming obsessed with beating this machine. Yet I also kept looking at myself in the windows reflection. What I saw was a nearly nude sexy woman. Maybe this isn't so bad I thought and again I had to try and focus my mind. Was I trying to beat the machine or did I want to take this further? I was close several times to getting "triples" of male parts. I just missed getting the male face two times in a row. I poured dollar after dollar into the machine. Suddenly I hit another "triple" and it was 3 sets of long sensual legs. I watched with a sense of fascination as my legs began to change before my eyes. My once muscular runner's legs grew slim and very sexy. The hair on legs seemed to disappear. My toenails now matched my fingernails. I stood up and looked at myself in the window's reflection. I now looked like my dream girl, with one exception. The only remaining masculine part of me was my cock. There was something very erotic about seeming myself as a beautiful woman while at the same time having a cock. I pulled on my boxers and tossed them on the pile of clothes. I was surprised to see that my public hair was also auburn. "So at least I know I am naturally auburn!" I said to myself with a smile. I admired by body. I obviously kept myself in great shape. I noticed that I was tanned all over. Not a single tan line! Well I definitely wasn't afraid to show off this lovely body. As I played with my cock I began to wonder how much longer I would keep it and I also began to wonder did I want to keep it. A battle was being fought in my mind and my male side was definitely losing. I began to wonder why was I continuing to play the machine. I certainly didn't want to become more masculine! I began to think the strangest thoughts, yet were they all that strange? I wondered how much money a she-male prostitutes could earn in night? Why was I thinking about that? I tried to push the ideas out of my mind, but instead they only became stronger. My mind became filled with ideas and thoughts about being a call girl. No that isn't exactly right, they weren't thoughts they were more like memories, my memories. I mean I had been I selling my body since high school and I earned good money at it. I could actually remember taking my sister's clothes and dressing up. I could remember the trill of sneaking out of the house and finding my way to the part of town where I knew there were hookers. The memories became stronger I could remember what it was like when I sucked my first cock. I remembered turning tricks on the weekend. I remember giving my High School Principal a blowjob after school. I then remembered that the reason I became a call girl wasn't for the money, but because I loved having sex and that I loved being a slut. My hands were rubbing both my nipples and my cock. I was snapped out of my daze by the old man. He smiled at me and asked "Having fun?" He walked up to me and announced; "Your car will be ready in a hour Miss." He smiled at me and I could feel his eyes on my body. I just smiled back at him and said "Thank you love." I pulled the slot again and noticed that I hit another triple; this time it was three gym bags. That seemed kind of odd. I then noticed that my old male clothing had disappeared and had been replaced by a black nylon gym bag. I emptied the bag on the couch. There was a black short skirt, a red tube top, a thong, a pair of 5" heels and a purse. I found myself drawn to them. I put on the clothes and heels. Surprisingly they felt "normal". I opened the purse and saw that it had makeup and jewelry in it. I went into the bathroom and began to make up my face. It was as if I had been doing this my whole life. Soon my already feminine face was made up and looking very sexy. I put on the earrings and other pieces of jewelry. As I walked out to the machine I noticed the sway of my ass, the feel of the heels and the way my breasts moved. It all felt so normal and natural. I went back to playing the machine, now hoping for the completion of my transformation to total femininity. I no longer had any desire to return to being a male. I just wanted to complete my transformation and become a complete woman. True shemales could earn some good money, but there were much more open doors to a natural woman, especially in the sex trade. As I pulled the arm I found myself thinking about sex. I began to fantasize about being fucked and sucking cock. My nipples were so hard and showed through the thin material of my top. I was soon rewarded with another triple, this was what I wanted; it was three beautiful vaginas. With that, the remaining masculinity in my mind and body slipped away. I felt a wonderful sensation of warmth between my legs, I felt my now unwanted male organ shrink and withdrawn in the growing opening. I was so excited as I watched this completion of my transformation. My hand slipped down and I began to finger my newly created pussy. I continued to stroke and finger myself until I was all wet. It felt so good. I explored and found just the right spot. I began to finger my clit faster and faster. I retreated to the couch and continued to finger myself. I growing sensation of pleasure swept through me as I experienced my first female orgasm. I lay there for a while and regained control. I looked at the machine and it was now flashing " High Score. Please Enter Name" Without hesitation I moved the cursor. I finished with the name "Trisha Edwards." I pressed enter and it was accepted. There was some electronic noises and music and down into the tray dropped a small packet I picked it up and saw that it contained my Nevada Drivers License which now had my new gender and identity. I picked up my purse and put my new ID inside. My life started to some into focus. I became aware that I was on my way back to my home in Vegas after spending some time with a very generous customer back in L.A. Being a fulltime call girl wasn't so bad. I made great money and besides I really loved having sex. Deep down I vaguely remembered my old life and identity, but it no longer mattered. The memories were like a dream. I looked at the machine and saw my name flashing in the winner's column. I could barely remember my old name or even what I used to look like. But that didn't matter as I eyed my body in the reflection of the window. Suddenly the old man walked in and said, "Your car is ready Honey. It was just a loose wire, that can happen with old cars" I felt his eyes on me as he handed me the bill. They look at my lovely body from my beautiful auburn hair to my pretty toes. He had an evil sexy grim on his face and he licked his lips as he looks me over. Instinctively I looked to his crotch and see the growing bulge. I decided to give him a big tip. But my motives were also selfish as I had a strong craving to feel a cock in my mouth. I walked over and gave him a long sensual kiss. For an old man, he is a very good kisser. I feel his tongue move into my willing mouth. My nipples harden and I feel my pussy getting wet. My hand slipped down to his pants and I began to massage his growing cock. With a move, perfected by years of practice, I smoothly unzipped his pants and slipped his cock out. I glided down to my knees and went to work with my awaiting mouth. I start my kissing and licking it all over. I felt it grow as I teased it with my tongue and lips. I licked the head with a skill perfected by many nights of work. When I wanted to I could get a man off very quickly. My lips engulfed his hard cock and my head bobbed up and down. It didn't take long before he came. As I licked him clean I have the strangest sensation that this is the first time I have done this, when I know that this isn't true. As I signed the bill I noticed him attaching a sign to the top of the slot machine. He looked at me and said, "I really should keep this part attached, but it is so much fun letting the player discover what a special machine this is." He then stepped back and I see what he is talking about. I broke out in a slight laugh and then leaned over and kissed him good-bye. He was right, it was much more fun discovering I had been playing a "Slut Machine" all night.

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Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding sister

Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding sisterThe story starts from the time my mom caught me fucking my sister. She was very angry with both of us. She beat me like anything but I could not say a word. Next day my brother in law was summoned and by evening my sister Tanya was packed off to her place. I do not know what mom told my brother in law but she achieved her goal.The atmosphere in the house was too charged from that day. Not to mention we were not talking to each other. Then I stopped eating...

1 year ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 15

Agents Radcliff and Bolson didn’t say anything as they drove me through town. I didn’t feel the need to fill the silence with mindless chatter, so I held my tongue too. We didn’t go far. They took me to the Arlington Police station on the corner of South Cooper and West Division. The building was an off white with several flags flying out front, but we didn’t go to the front. We pulled into the parking lot in the back. I wasn’t handcuffed, but I found my door locked when we were parked and...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 26

Ed followed Nick and Ernie up the hill to the green. The mayor and fire chief were directing ... I suppose they thought they were. After a couple of minutes Ed asked Ernie where people had the boards from the last storm. "Most of 'em burn 'em over the winter." "That'll never do ... someone needs to take a truck to the mill an get slab wood. John? You have that big truck ... Here's fifty dollars ... go buy all the slab that's window size the mill will sell ... make trips. Eight foot...

2 years ago
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Just Call Her Angel In the Morning

Hey My name is Bob from California I have found that Women might say size doesn't matter, but lets be honest, it does. I wanted my lady to experience a large cock, eight or more inches, but more importantly thick. I wanted to see her pleased. I wanted her to cum multiple times and get a little dirty in bed. I really wanted her to just enjoy sex with another man. I did have some reservations. What if when it started I became enraged with jeoulosy. What if after experiencing another man, a...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kylie Rocket Nano Nerd Nookie

When nerdy nympho Kylie Rocket comes over for a study date with her favorite boy toy, his pervy dad answers the door. Turns out the little guy is not home, so Kylie waits around and reads his journal while he is out. As she reads, she discovers that the impudent guy has been cheating on her, and she wants to get back at him! She approaches the cheaters dad, yanking down his pants and feasting her eyes on his meaty dong. The tiny chick wraps her fingers around his rod and sucks seductively. He...

3 years ago
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Never Met You

I met Eric online, we had never met in person but we agreed we wanted to. We didn’t live too close to each other, which made it hard to meet up. We did the best we could though, we messaged each other, called each other, talked over web cam, and sent heaps of pictures. I woke up thinking about him, I reached for my phone and went to the pictures he had sent me the previous night. I put my phone up on the bedside table so I had both hands free, then put my right hand down my black short shorts...

First Time
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My bookstore fantasy

I pass by a pretty well frequented book store every day and every day, I fantasize about how great of a time I'd have in there. On Craigslist, there's always open invitations to stop in to satisfy anyone you want - boys, girls and boys who want to be girls. One morning, after having worked all night, and figuring I wouldn't see the Mrs. until late in the day, I got the cajones to stop in and check it out.Even at an early hour, the parking lot was pretty full. Figured this was a good sign. I was...

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Physical Exam Gone South Part 1

So, I made the appointment, and went. I got called (finally) to go back in the room. The nurse proceeded to do her thing, blood pressure, temperature, etc. She soon told me that the doctor would be back soon. My doctor and I have always had a good relationship. When I’ve been there, I’ve always joked around with her, and made her laugh. The joking often veered into the sexual realm, which made her laugh even more, and occasionally blush. She never joked back sexually to maintain...

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions Gabi Gold Blonde Girl Next Store Gabi Gold Rough Anal Fuck in Brutal Bondage

Gabi Gold is all too eager to serve under the boot of sadistic male dom. She is the kind of wanton slut that only feels complete when she is catering to his cruel whims. Gabi starts her day shackled to a Saint Andrew’s Cross with stiff leather ankle and wrist cuffs. Her natural perky breasts are completely vulnerable and exposed to the brutal smacks of a heavy leather flogger and a stiff leather riding crop. Her nipples and inner thighs are beaten mercilessly until she is gasping and...

1 year ago
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one on one is good but one and two is even better

Max enjoyed his work as a professor at a small college. He especially enjoyed watching the girls in his class show off themselves either accidentally or on purpose. Right now as he looked out over the class he could see up the dresses of at least a half dozen girls. White cotton panties, sheer pink panties and lacy panties with holes were among this mornings selection. One girl, Sheri, absent-mindedly was scratching her leg. Her pussy must have been itching as she put her finger under the band...

Group Sex
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Daughter becomes a Cumslave pt3

"Here's the little whore...Just like I said. Are you and your boys ready to fuckmy little pig-cunt of a daughter?" Lucy's mother said waking the bound Lucy.Lucy's eyes focused on the room as she kept sucking on her soaked panties.Lucy recognized whom her mother was speaking to. It was Mr. Hammer from a coupleof houses down. He wasn't alone. Lucy was surprised he had his three little boyswith him. They were identical triplets.The three boys were cute, with curly blonde hair. Lucy couldn't...

3 years ago
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Cindys First Bukkake Gang Bang Party Part 2

We walked to a nearby parking area. John used a remote to wake up his Cadillac Escalade. I saw the lights flash and heard the beeps, signaling where we were going. At the SUV, Jack embraced me, then asked, "Get in the back seat with me, OK?" Jack and I entered the back, John got in the driver's position. As the big vehicle left the parking lot, Jack pulled me to him, we began kissing. We entwined tongues as I pressed my breasts against his wide chest. His hands explored me, I couldn't help but...

Group Sex
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Wild Deflowering In The Meadow

The dog nudged my crotch as I stopped to catch my breath after walking up the steep hillside. I walked this every day for exercise. It made my endurance for basketball much better. The dog always came with me, today he was a little rambunctious. Every time I stopped he nosed my crotch to keep walking. I guess he was great motivation for me to keep my ass moving. I continued up the hillside till I reached the top. When I hit the meadow at the top I flopped down on the tall grass and wildflowers...

4 years ago
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Secondary Education Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 8 Making Up My Incomplete I cinch a belt around the baggy waist of my Dockers. The pants' seat and thighs are just as tight as the waist is loose. My old boy clothes don't fit my new body. It is as Tyler, rather than Tyla, that I am re- enrolling, two weeks late, in Fairfax High's summer program. I wrap my boobs with an Ace bandage to squeeze them flat, and cover up my curves with tee shirt and a faded Kobe...

1 year ago
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I Finally Got Up The Nerve

We met online. I had posted a free personal ad and he, "Jackie" wrote to me telling me that he liked the way I described myself and was interested in knowing more. Over the next few weeks we emailed sometimes as many as three times a day, often with pictures and always very descriptive. He knew I was new at this and very eager to meet. He was a beautiful tall crossdresser with incredible legs, ass and taste in clothing. He lived out of town but was coming to San Diego on business. He...

3 years ago
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The Devils Equinox Ch 01

‘You don’t suppose your uncle was kidding?’ Baxter wondered, peering through the gray and empty wood suspiciously. If there was a house there, he couldn’t see it. Neither could she, but she had followed these directions precisely. She was not used to making mistakes. ‘He’s not the kind of man to kid around,’ Shari said. ‘Based on what I’ve read in the papers.’ She glanced down uncertainly at the slip in her hand. ‘But the fellow back at the gas station confirmed it was back here.’ ‘Yes, but...

1 year ago
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Amateur Sex Show

After our night of fun at my local pub a couple of weeks ago, Annie, Emma and myself were wanting to do something similar but with more interaction with the guys.I chatted with Bill, the landlord, a few days later as to whether it would be okay if we arranged to do something one evening after closing hours. Bill was completely in agreement with my request, extra bar sales no doubt being a great incentive.We decided on Easter Sunday as it suited us girls and also Bill, whose lady wife was away...

Group Sex
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They Take Her

This Is Just A Brief Put Together Of What Happened, But I Think You Can Get The Idea, Dont Come Posting Hating Comments Now Poeple As They Dont Bother Me What So Ever. Enjoy People. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He spots her walking up the street, he was told by his boss he has to get her today, the clients want a party and the kind of party they want only she can do. He...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 6

Chapter 13 continued from Episode 5Once Kyle sensed that Erik was trembling with anticipation and fully ready to be fucked, he rolled a condom onto Erik’s boner of an erection before donning a rubber himself and applying a liberal dose of anal lubricant to his own cock. By now, his own formidable cannon of man-meat was at maximum size and so as Erik lay there on his back and allowed Kyle to lift and his legs in the air holding one against each of his shoulders, he saw a superb, ten-inch,...

Gay Male
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Maggies Adventures for a horny Boss

maggie's adventures at work Chapter 1 Larry is a banker, and he enjoys his life. The job pays him nicely, and he has a gorgeous girlfriend. He also has a nice home in a good neighborhood. Wheat he likes most is the fact that he usually gets off the afternoon, as his tasks are normally complete. This gives him ample time to pursue other things in the afternoon. He has taken to writing a book, as he hopes that he will someday become published.While on the computer in the den, he hears...

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Its Not a Fetish

I tried to look away, I really tried, but my eyes kept sneaking between my best friend’s legs. She had slumped back in the comfy chair, her legs pulled up, her knees slightly splayed, and beneath the hem of the white nightie I could glimpse the neon green yumminess of her thong crying out at me. I took another glance while she told me something about one of our classmates. Yes, it was a unicorn, small and cute and done in orange stitching, that sat right in the middle of Alice’s crotch. They...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 13 Funeral

The image of Ardalf’s face as the sword slipped into his body would not leave me and I dreaded going to sleep even more than before. When I finally was so tiered I had to sleep I would dream and see the scene all over. One particular dream was especially disturbing as I saw my mother standing by the dead boy and shaking her head. Father was busy integrating the Steiner clan and he left me completely alone, even when I was at the burg and he was there. I spend most of my time at Uncle Hogun’s...

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iXXX Group Sex

How often have you found yourself in your mom's basement lying horny as you wish you could access good smut that has more than the vanilla shit you are used to from the freest tube sites? I don't know much about you, but if I can make a perverted guess, everyone likes not-so-orthodox smut. Well, look no further, moron. Aggregator site IXXX presents material incomparable – from Ass Fucking, Big Cocks, Ebony Sex, Lesbian Shit, et cetera – from other sites. Porn by IXXX is far better and unique,...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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Losing My Virginity

I was chatting to someone the other day sharing experiences of losing our virginities. It was obvious, after a little while though, that we were talking about two different things. He was describing the first time he fucked someone whereas I, as a gay bottom, was describing the first time I had anal sex!In describing my experiences, I skipped the very first time it happened to me. Yes, I was curious and allowed it to happen, but it was not with someone I wanted it to happen with. It was more an...

Gay Male
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Bimbotech X Y

BimboTech: XY by Jack Andrews (This is a story in the BimboTech universe. It was created by The Sympathetic Devil on a mind control story site. I have permission to play in the TSD's sandbox.) Chapter 1 "Are you sure you want to go up there, sir?" The elderly elevator operator inquired of me. "BTI is on 32, correct?" I asked. "Yes." "Then I'm sure." He looked at me, down and up and back again, and almost sadly and muttered something under his breath. He closed the...

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SHY INDIAN WIFE SUCKED AND FUCKED BY NEPHEWHi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple housewife residing in Bangalore and married for 5 years having unsatisfied sex life with my husband without any k**s..When I watch porn I always see these young sexy porn stars with shaven pussies. My husband loves...

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The Innocent Cuckold Part 3

The Innocent Cuckold Part 3 The next morning I awoke feeling exhausted, hurt, and angry. For the life of me I could not imagine what had got into Beth to make her act this way. Granted we have had some problems in our marriage in the past but I felt we were over the difficult parts and were really handling life in a positive, loving manner. So what happened? I mean we have one night of indulgence at an adult video store and Beth loses her mind and starts treating me like shit. It's...

3 years ago
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Hospital Main Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hi dosto mera nam pankaj hain aur main 22 sal ka hu main punjab se hu aur jalander main rahta hu ye mari life ke real store hain meri ye pahle story hain is liya agar koi mistek ho to maf karna agar aap ko mari story pasand aaye muje is id par mail kare Baat un dino ke hain mere dost ke girne se laat tut gai ur ko hospital main ma dekne gaya use ganral ward main shift kiya tha waha par kafi log dakil the hamare samne ek bhabhi apane sass ko opration kar wane aaye thi kay bhabhi thi vo bahot...

2 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 41

Saturday Morning, 19 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville, Virginia I awoke and wasn’t alone, of course, but that was especially common on weekends, including the sight of my naked and heavily pregnant wives with me in bed. Just because Autumn and Hannah, in this instance, were almost ready to give birth didn’t mean that they lacked a libido. Far from it, in fact. As I might have noted before, they were even hornier than in the past. My blonde nymph and my...

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Naughty mom

I was 14 years old when my mother and father were divorced. My mother was very young when she had me, so she was only 33 at the time of the split. I was an only child, and also a mistake, ending up in marriage. It’s a big surprise that they made it as far as they did. I can always remember them in an argument about something or other. My mother was a beautiful woman. As I grew older and began to realize that my penis was for a few things more than just pissing out of, I began to try and see my...

1 year ago
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He Is Such a Good Daddy

It was such a good night for Daddy. I'm spending this morning in bed now just thinking all about it again. We don't live together. Not yet. I know we will someday but now I get to dream about Him being here for me. He always is when I need Him. The best Master ever. Daddy put the plug in last night when I left his apartment. He told me to keep it in until He calls me today. I like it a lot. It makes me feel like my Master is still inside me. Making me feel so good and so happy. My little kitten...

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as niki and i sat on the sofa fondling each other niki whispered,"you know jay that last time in the treehouse when we gave eachother hand jobs i wanted so much to have your hard-on in my mouthand have you cum in my mouth, and i still do. am i sexy enough foryou that you'll let me suck on your cock?" i gasped in reply, "ohyeah niki you are very sexy and i want you to do whatever you wantwith me. but first i'd like to fulfill a fantasy of mine first.""you have a fantasy concerning me jay?" niki...

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Julie My Very First

Julie Julie and I had been next door neighbors since we were four years old. Julie was not just my first girlfriend, but my first friend period. We both had older brothers who generally wanted nothing to do with us, so we spent most of our time together. Of course, we didn’t call ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend back then, that didn’t start until we were about 8 years old, when Julie blurted it out to a cousin one day. The cousin said something mean to me and Julie replied, “Leave him...

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