Urban Legend
- 3 years ago
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Officer Joe Stevenson was a happy man. He sat sipping his post-dinner coffee across the table from his beautiful eighteen year old daughter. She was still dressed in her prep school skirt as she absent mindedly twirled a strand of blonde hair that had fallen loose from the bun on her head. She was intently studying her school work oblivious to everything else. He was proud of her, she was a good, decent girl, not a straight A student, but close.
He glanced over at his wife, Mary doing the dishes. She was a loving, supportive, and compassionate woman who devoted her free time to various community and church activities. Even after twenty years of marriage, he still got a stiffy watching her ass shake while she scrubbed the dishes. Why, if his daughter wasn't here, he'd throw his wife over the table and fuck the shit out of her right this moment. She was still a knock-out at forty and they had an active and satisfyng sex life. Yeah, life is good, he thought. He had a wonderful, sexual wife and a decent daughter with a bright future.
He was ten years older then his wife and set to retire in five years. They planned to do a lot of traveling then, as their daughter would probably still be away at college. The only thing he was unhappy about was working the 8-4 night shift with his new partner. Jackson. His partner was a handsome well-built black man, with an arrogant, cocky attitude and Joe thought he might even be a little corrupt, not to mention the fact that he smoked. Jackson was always bragging about his sexual exploits and his favorite story was how he made some married woman blow into his 10" black breathalizer to get out of a DUI. He said that after five minutes she was begging him to fuck her with his giant black cock and he did just that. He wished Jackson was exagerating, but he had seen his partner's dick in the shower and knew he wasn't lying. Stevenson glanced at his watch, he was supposed to drop his daughter off at the library and his wife had a church meeting to attend, so they were both coming with him.
"Ok family, lets get a move on it."
His wife and daughter both ran to gather up their things and joined him in the car. Joe drove his daughter to the library first and she said she'd walk home as her mom was going to be at church late. Joe wasn't worried as they lived in a very nice neighborhood and it was only a few blocks. His daughter kissed him and his wife on their cheeks and headed into the library, grabbing her bag along the way.
Their next stop was the police station. Jackson was waiting for him in the parking lot. Joe and his wife got out of the car and Joe introduced his wife to his new partner. He saw Jackson run his eyes up and down Mary's body and he felt that his partner held onto her hand a little too long to be polite. Mary seemed a little flustered by the big black man openly staring at her, and she quickly kissed her husband goodbye as she got into the car and drove off. Jackson's eyes never left her until she was gone.
"Man, that sure is one hot wife, you got there partner," Jackson said as they began walking into the station.
"Thanks," Joe grunted.
"What's she doing with an old guy like you?" the black man said jokingly.
"Fuck you Jackson."
"You know buddy, partners are supposed to share everything." Jackson said. "Why don't you let me introduce your wife to some black cock, so she can have some good sex for a change."
"Fuck you Jackson," he replied again. "Now shut the fuck up."
"Just kidding partner," Jackson said.
He wasn't though. Jackson vowed that if he ever got the chance, he'd fuck Mary Stevenson until she begged to be his cock-slut and that would bring old Joe "fucking" Stevenson down a notch or two. The two gathered their gear in silence and within a few minutes were on patrol.
What a long fucking night, thought Jackson. They'd only been patroling for two hours but it felt like forever as Joe wasn't saying much. I must have really pissed him off tonight talking about his wife. His cock stiffened a little as he thought about Mary's hot body. He hadn't gotten any pussy in three days and was horny as hell.
They were driving along the edge of the dismal swamp and Jackson motioned for his partner to drive through the boat launch area. Teens would hang out there from time to time, making out or drinking beer.
They cut their lights to sneak up on anyone and were plunged into an almost complete darkness expect for a little light from the moon. They saw the moon light reflecting off a solitary pickup truck parked in the far corner and they headed that way.
Joe stopped the car about a hundred feet away so that whoever was in the pickup wouldn't hear the engines. Not that those two could hear anything, he thought, as he and Jackson got out of the car. The truck was bouncing up and down from the intense fucking going on in back. Joe stayed with the car, close to the radio and Jackson crept up to investigate. Jackson drew his billy club and peered in the back. He watched the two teens fuck for a few minutes before beating the sides of the truck with his club and yelling at the top of his lungs.
Joe laughed as he heard the two kids screaming in fear. He watched Jackson haul the boy out while ordering the girl to stay in back. The boy was naked from the waist down and it looked like all he had on was a shirt but, Joe couldn't tell in the darkness.
Jackson leaned the boy across the side of the truck and patted him down around his shirt, before handcuffing him. Jackson sat the boy on the back of the pick up and looked down at the girl. He turned his flashlight on and shined it on her body. She was heavily made up and looked to be in her early twenties though she was probably much younger. She had long blonde hair that framed her face prettily and had the nicest tits he had ever seen. They were big, firm and perfectly shaped. She had almost no aureola's but her nipples were big and long, about as long as that little boys cock she had just been fucking, he thought with a grin. She had managed to pull on a pair of lacy white see thru panties. The panties revealed that she was a natural blonde. Jackson had never fucked a girl with blonde pubes before and figured she'd have to be his first.
Jackson pulled the girl out of the truck and made her assume the position.
"Bitch, I didn't give you permission to put them pantes on," he barked at her. "I'm gonna have to frisk you now."
Jackson heard her sobbing as he ran his hands down her naked sides. She gasped as he reached around and pinched her nipples. He ran his hands down over her lean, flat stomach and felt her suck it in as he ran his hand down her panty covered crotch. He ran his hands down the outsides of her legs and then up the insides of her thighs.
"Sorry, but I gotta check you for drugs, it's the law."
Jackson pulled down her panties and shined his light at her wet pussy. "Wait I think I see something," he said and pushed one of his long black fingers in her to the joint. She gasped and he pushed it in to the knucklte. He pushed a second finger into her and was rewarded by a soft moan escaping her lips. Both his fingers were bigger then her boyfreinds little prick and he moved them in and out of her pretending to feel around for drugs. Her tight young pussy was clamping down on his fingers and he was panting at the thought of getting his cock in her. She whimpered a little when he pulled out and he stood back up and pushed his crotch against her ass.
Joe wated to know what his partner was doing and turned the patrol car's spotlght on them. The girls head was down and her hands were tightly holding onto the truck. Joe was in awe at the sight of her big breasts and that firm young ass arched upward as Jackson pressed his crotch into her like he was fucking her. For some reason he found himself becoming aroused at the sight of the big black cop in uniform pushing his crotch against such a well bilt naked white girl.
"Do you feel how big that black cock is?"
The girl nodded and Jackson grinned to himself. He noticed that Stevenson had blinked the search light at him to get his attention, before turning it off completely. Disgusted, he let the girl get in the back of the truck with her boyfriend and did a quick search of the front of the pick up. He chuckled with glee when his search turned up a roach clip with a half smoked joint and an open bottle of cheap wine. He grabbed the boy and hauled him back to the police car.
"What the hell do you think you were doing back there," Joe asked?
"Just checking her for drugs partner," responded Jackson as he pushed the boy in the back seat.
Joe was getting ready to call the station when Jackson stopped him with a wink.
"Lets see some I.D. boy."
The teenager handed over his drivers licence and Jackson read the name Ryan Anderson on it.
"Ryan, I have you on possesion, underage consumption, open container, indecent exposure and a lot of other charges that can have you spending some time in prison," said the big black cop.
He watched the scared boy's little penis shrink back into his scrotum from his fear.
"Is any of the booze or drugs your girlfriends," Jackson asked?
"N.no Sir,"
"You know boy, I don't feel like doing all the paperwork to send you to jail tonight," said Jackson and he saw the boys eyes light up with hope. "So I'll tell you what. If you let me fuck that hot young girlfriend of yours, I'll let you go with a warning."
"Jackson, what the f... ," Joe said.
"Shut up Joe," Jackson barked back at his partner.
Jackson looked back at the wimpy little teenager. He looked crestfallen again. "Well," growled the big black man threateningly.
"I... I can't do that sir," stuttered the boy.
"Well why the fuck not"
"Cause I love her, sir"
Jackson laughed at that and opened the car door. "Well we'll just have to see if she loves you enough to keep you out of prison. She is over eighteen right?"
Jackson left the car when the boy nodded yes. Joe ran out of the car to catch his partner.
"Jackson you can't do this, It's wrong."
"Joe," he replied. "I'm going to get me some pussy tonight and unless you want to take me home to your wife, I'm gonna fuck this girl." Jackson watched his parter step back in shock. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna make her do anything she don't consent to and you can even get a crack at her if you want, though she won't even notice your fucking her after I get done with her."
Jackson left his partner standing there with his mouth open and headed for the kids pick-up.
Stevenson cursed to himself and got back in the squad car. He looked back at the dejected looking teenager in the back seat. He was still naked from the waist down and wore a black tee shirt with some crazy band he had never heard of printed on it. He had a peirced nose and a tatoo on one arm. Just the kind of punk kid I hate, thought officer Joe Stevenson. How'd this loser ever score a babe with a body like that? Still, he was kind of noble in a way, sticking up for his girlfriend like that.
Jackson peeked into the back of the truck and saw the girl, still naked, sitting with her arms around her knees and rocking back and forth as she sobbed.
"What's your name girl"
"Well Jenny, it's like this. I found drugs and alcohol in the truck and your boyfriend back there says that they belong to you." he paused to let his words sink in. The girl looked horrified and started crying in fear for herself and at her lovers betrayal. "I'm going to have to arrest you and call your parents..."
The mention of her parents had her begging him to let her go. Jackson saw her eyes light up when he said he'd let her off with a warning and then her look of disbelief when he told what she'd have to do for it. Jenny just nodded her head reluctantly and he climbed into the back with her. Jackson stepped over the air matress in the back and removed his shirt as he leaned back against the cab.
"Come take my pants off, bitch and I'll show you what a real mans cock looks like."
Jenny was confused. She didn't want to cheat on her boyfriend, but being naked before this good looking black giant had her turned on. He was so strong and dominant and she found herself wanting to obey him. She had wanted to see his dick ever since she had felt it through his uniform when he frisked her. It had felt so much larger then her boyfriends and so powerful.
Jenny crawled over to the cop and looked up his muscular chest at the black face grinning down at her lustfully, his white teeth shining in the moonlight. She reached out a trembling hand and unbuckeled his belt. She saw his large cock shifting under his trousers and licked her lips in fear and anticipation. Jenny unbuttoned his trousers and slowly pulled the zipper down. The weight of the equipment on his belt caused his pants to fall to the floor of the truck leaving him clad only in a pair of white briefs. The bulge in his underwear was simply unbelievable. It was completely beyond the teenage girls comprehension, that a penis could be that big. Ryan's dick was the only one she had ever seen and he had told her how lucky she was for it was considered well above average at five inches. She couldn't wait any longer and grabbing the waist band of his briefs, she pulled them down.
She gasped in fear at the black monster that revealed itself to her. It had been coiled up like a snake and when she freed it from it's prison the big head had leaped at her like it was getting ready to strike. The giant cock hung down half hard before her pointing right at her lips. The fat head was throbbing with desire for her and she flushed with pride at the thought of causing him to react this way. It was so beautiful, so big, and hard, she thought as it continued to grow before her eyes... The cop's black cock was at least twice as big as Ryan's and three times as thick. The tip was lighter in color then the rest and was about half the size of her fist.
She tentatively reached out to touch it and felt it leap beneath her fingers. Jenny put her hand under his black cock amazed at it's weight.
"You have the right to suck on my cock," said Jackson reaching out for her.
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Read chapter 1 first to get caught upThe door flies open as lil Rob is caught off guard. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights as the sun from outside blocks the view of who's standing at the door. As a crackling voice says a cuddy we gotta talk like right now. It's Stacy play brother phat boy - (a 4'11 14 year brown skin chubby delinquent that runs packs for Lil Rob). Lil Rob yells close the door fool as Stacy basically caught up a lung from vicious throat fucks she just received.You...
All you can hear is the banging in the fighting going on in the room. Lil Rob is trying to convince his girlfriend jalisa that he's not cheating. As she pushes him away she tells him that this is her last time. Jalisa stands at 5-2 165 lb curvy in all the right places with a little push stomach due to a baby 19 with brown skin and long permed hair. Lil Rob is 5-6 110 pounds soaking wet with medium dreads chocolate tone skin 26.They're arguing over typical things she saying he's cheating he's...
It wasn't easy to find the right spot - but I looked and looked - it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...
BDSMThis be my concrete jungle. Its many brick buildings, the tall grass of the Serengeti; its glass and mortar towers, those majestic umbrella trees; its people, the mighty Crocodile, the sneaking Jackal, the thieving Hyena. Giraffe stroll through streets, Elephant lumber through crowds, the Hawk, Eagle, and Condor coast along as though flying, and Vipers lay in wait for their next victim. But this be my concrete jungle. I am King, I am the Lion. Bronze skinned, steely muscled, towering frame. My...
By that evening I had orders for fourth battalion to the east. They were actually on a regular base with two other battalions that were part of the second cavalry. Plus there was a squadron of vertical lift attack birds or warbirds and another battalion of marines. I went to check the other quarters and packed belongings for those that had died. Well except for weapons, those were not allowed or considered property of the dead man. I did get a cut down ten gauge magnum over and under. The...
Mark Brita, KC, and I were up early. We went to the kitchen and started to make a large buffet breakfast for everyone. By some magic, the house larder and refrigerator were restocked everyday. KC cooked up about ten packages of bacon. I used four-dozen eggs, along with spices, shredded cheese, spices, and cream, to make scrambled eggs a la Worthington. Brita was doing both regular toast and French toast. KC also produced two huge bowls of mixed fruit and set the large dining room table for...
Julie and Jill talked for hours. In the previous days, they didn't have much time to talk, but that Thursday, knowing that they would end up fucking, they took their time to get closer. During the day, they just talked. The sex would only happen at night, after Roger, Lucy and Linda were sleeping. It was too risky to try to fuck while they were awake; they couldn't be caught. But they spent their time talking. Julie was interested on Jill's career. Jill wrote for a big magazine in New...
Note : This story is completely fictional! 1.0: Palea felt warm, secure, enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and dampness. She breathed into her mask and curled up into a fetal position relishing the sense of security. She had awoken…Later under the glare of bright lights as hands roughly examine and probe her body. She shrieked in terror as she is invaded by needles and tubes while a cloth cleans off the fluid from her incubation chamber. The voices were much less comforting than she was used to,...
Erotic1.0: Palea felt warm, secure, enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and dampness. She breathed into her mask and curled up into a fetal position relishing the sense of security. She had awoken…Later under the glare of bright lights as hands roughly examine and probe her body. She shrieked in terror as she is invaded by needles and tubes while a cloth cleans off the fluid from her incubation chamber. The voices were much less comforting than she was used to, She was alone, Scared, and unable to...
Erotichad been drinking. I wasn’t thinking very well and let them attempt to drive. Well we got into an accident. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but their car was totaled. My friends were taken to jail for drinking and driving. I hadn’t been drinking and was free to go home. Unfortunately, I had no way home. My parents would not have picked me up. Under these circumstances. One of the officers, was actually off duty and offered to take me home. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart....
POLICEMAN'S BOYChapter 3Nick was disappointed at having to work a day shift on Saturday - the dayhe was due to move in with Ross and Colin. Fortunately it was quiet day andhis mind often turned to thoughts of sex with Colin. And that meant havingto hide a hard-on more than once. He was hard again now as he waited forRoss.Ross's car pulled up outside the police station and Nick climbed insideafter placing his bags in the boot. "Thanks for picking me up," saidNick. "I plan to buy a motor bike...
Police Sergeant Ross MacTavish hadn't been planning on taking in a lodgerbut he had heard that the new constable was having trouble finding suitableaccommodation. He'd also heard that the new constable was gay.Ross was adjusting his uniform when Nick came in to the locker room. "HiNick. Are you settling in all right?""Yes thanks, Sarge. I'm getting to know the area and the other lads seemfine," replied Nick."That's good," said Ross as the younger man started to strip out of hiscivilian clothes....
“Shit” Janet cursed as she noticed the flashing red lights in her corvette’s rear view mirror. Eight o’clock on a Sunday morning, not a car on the road, and some dumb ass highway patrolman had to clock her doing better than 80. “I’m fucked!” she thought as she pulled the car over to the side in response to a quick burst of the police cruiser’s siren. “One more moving violation and there goes my license.” If only she had left...
Master Jo met us the next night at our new camp site. He had soft words for all of us, but as we took care of the horses and gathered firewood, he walked with Alianna, and the two of them spoke quietly to each other. I saw Alianna nodding her head several times, and there were obvious signs of tears having been shed, but she wore a brave smile when they returned, and she gave him a parting hug as she went to help Trunk get their furs arranged. "How are the horses?" Master Jo...
this story is about Henry, a Millionaire who genuinely wants to be a playboy. He has an abandoned Adopted younger brother who never really lived in the spoils of the parent. they need to deal with their issues and help each other. Sascha is a Russian mobster who is a 3rd generation Russian mafia who also shares the same luxurious dream as Henry since his new to money but an old school practitioner of his type of kink. though his a support character. we take roles in various ways including the...
Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...
Gregorio stood on the hill watching the British civilians walking towards the great stone circle. The druids chanting as they moved clearly in the middle of religious fervour while their chanting built in crescendo. Gregorio gripped the hilt of his Gladius as he watched the people bringing forward a youngish woman. He tightened his Lorica Segmentata as he prepared to rescue the woman. The old druid at his side gripped his staff as he knew what was coming. The rear of the procession was brought...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was my own fault; I had known for thousands of years that the man could not be trusted. Priests never can be. It was my own foolishness to fall in love with a priest. Their duties often include sexual congress thus finding naked slaves writhing beneath them is to be expected. Seto's personal carnal appetites had always lent themselves to the occupation. In his current incarnation, he had lost none of his libidinous nature. Sex was still a tool for him – although he seemed to think it was...
Wake up sleepyhead, it’s time for lunch, Alyssa whispered, her soft telepathic voice meandering through John’s mind like a lover’s caress as she roused him from his slumber. John felt a warm curvy body next to him and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying next to Irillith’s luscious azure figure. With a start, he suddenly remembered that this wasn’t his alluring cyber-security expert he had his arms around, but her twin sister instead! He allowed himself a broad smile of...