Verde County
- 2 years ago
- 27
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Introduction: This is not written by a woman, but from a womans perspective. I thought I would try to stretch myself. Ladies, let me know if I got it right. Why the hell do they call this Verde County? I thought. Doesnt verde mean green in Spanish? If it wasnt for the corn there wouldnt be any green. All I see are various shades of brown.
I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. Im lost in their beauty and my mind wanders to the future.
I am really looking forward to meeting up and spending the weekend with Karen, in Estes Park. It really sounds like fun. Especially now that I am rid of that loser, Joshua. I cant believe I wasted one of my 28 years on that jealous, cheap, son of a bitch. I should have dumped him after the first week. I supposed if he wasnt so cute and had such a big cock, I would have.
That thought made me chuckle to myself. Oh my God, Connie. What a slutty thing to say. Is that really the only reason you stayed with Joshua? I supposed when I think about it, yeah, the sex was pretty much it.
I glanced down at the dash. Oops. 80 miles per hour (130 km/h). I have always had a lead foot. I need to slow it down. I dont need another ticket. Especially not one from out of state. Its a long drive from Sioux City, Iowa. I supposed they would let me mail in the fee, or maybe pay it on-line.
I wonder if I will meet anyone in Colorado? Karen says its a great state to live in, especially if you like the outdoors. She said there are tons of nice guys. Denver attracts a lot of professionals and she said someone as pretty as I am would have my pick.
Shes probably right. I dont talk it about constantly, that would be conceited, but all the guys say Im pretty. They love the red hair, but they arent usually crazy about the temper that comes with it. I dont have to ask if they like my bust. My 36 D-cups (14D) usually catch their attention pretty quick. I just wish men werent so damn obvious. It seems like my emerald green eyes would have to be where my nipples are, to get them to look at me when we talk. Ive gotten compliments on my butt, too. Well, if you call some jerk yelling Nice Ass! as he drives past when I am jogging. But, a girl knows. A girl knows when she is getting stared at&hellip,.
Woooooooooooo! Woooooooooooo!
Shit! I checked the rearview mirror. A cop! Damn! I thought, as I glanced back at the dash. Fuck! I was back up to 80 (130 km/h) again. Man, I am so busted.
I pulled over and stopped on the side of US-34 and continued the narrative in my head.
How fucking much is this going to cost? I wonder if I can talk my way out of it? Maybe if its a guy? Should I maybe undo a button or two, to show some cleavage? Fuck! Im wearing a t-shirt! Dammit! Stay calm. Smile. Oh, I need my license and stuff! Shit, where is my purse! Oh, Yeah. Floor.
I glanced up and see the policeman get out of his cruiser. Its a man. Well, at least I have a shot. I watch him walk over and I look through my window as he speaks.
Hello, Maam. Said the policeman Do you know why I pulled you over?
Jeeze. I thought. Hes cute. Hes about 35, Id say. Short black hair. Dark eyes. Very handsome. Broad shoulders.
Umm I started, trying desperately to come up with something clever
You wanted my phone number? I tried.
That earned me a smile. Brilliant white teeth. Hes too perfect. He must be married. I checked his left hand. No ring. Gay? God, I hope not. His name badge said Ellis
Officer Ellis chuckled.
No, Maam. I clocked you going 79 (130 km/h) and the speed limit is 65 (105 km/h). I need your license, registration, and proof of insurance. He said, casually and with a big smile.
I fumbled in my purse, but eventually came up with two of the three. I didnt have car insurance. I handed them to him and explained.
I have insurance. Really. I just dont know where my card is. I lied
Maam insurance is mandatory in the state of Colorado. I have to write you up for that. Im sorry, but its a $500 fine. The state will waive that if you provide proof that you are insured. The hot looking Officer Ellis said conversationally.
The whole time he is telling me this, I cant help but notice how good he looks in that dark blue uniform. The way his shoulders stretch the wool fabric across themselves, how the short sleeves reveal his rippled forearms and his thick upper arms. I imagined those strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.
Maam? I heard him say. Maam. Do you understand?
I wasnt sure I did. But I nodded stupidly and I watched him turn around and head back to his car. Even a nice butt, too. Small and tight. I wanted to get out of the car and bite it.
He went back to his car and spent a few minutes doing something. I watched in the rearview as I saw his strong shoulders move while he did something below my view. I thought maybe he was writing out a ticket, and then I remembered I was supposed to be talking him out of this ticket, not fantasying about jumping his bones.
He got out, walked back over and came to my window.
Officer, pleaeeese. I started in my most sweet voice Is there something we could work out on this? If I promise not to do it again&hellip,
But he interrupted me, and did so in his official police voice.
Work out? That sounds like you are offering me a bribe. Thats a serious offence. I need you to step out of the car, Maam
Bribe? What? No! You misunderstood me. I stammer out, completely surprised.
Im gonna need you to step out of you car, Maam. He said more forceful.
I fumbled with the car handle, as my heart beat a million miles an hour and the adrenaline put my stomach in my throat. As I got out and was about to try to explain, Ellis took me by the shoulders, spun me around, and shoved me towards my car.
Heyyyyy! I exclaimed
Get up against the car, maam. I need to check you for weapons and contraband.
I was wearing tight running shorts that hugged ever curve down to just past my ass. Not wanting any panty lines I had opted to go with thong panties this morning. I had a bra under my tight t-shirt. There was no place for me to hide a weapon.
I dont have a weapon&hellip,. I began, but he cut me off.
Hands up against your car and spread your legs! he barked in his official voice.
I jumped when he said that and for some reason the words spread you legs gave me an uneasy feeling in my still fluttery stomach.
I moved into the position I had seen on TV so many times, leaning forward onto my car. Officer Ellis kicked my left leg father apart, nearly causing me to fall.
He started a slow search by placing one hand just above my knee, inside my thigh and the other on the outside and moved them all the way up until his hand impacted with my covered pussy.
Watch the hands! I yelled at him. Shouldnt a lady officer do this?
We dont have any lady officers in Verde County. And if you arent quiet, I can arrange for a body cavity search. Officer Ellis said with menace in his voice.
I knew what that was, and the thought of some guy (would it really be a guy?) sticking his fingers in my most private areas scared me.
I was quiet as he moved his hands to my other thigh and repeated the motion. This time going much slower, and moving both hands up and down, and pausing at the top to rub my pussy through my clothes.
P..please dont do that I said with a tremor in my voice.
I was praying another car would stop, but there were none evident, way out here on the prairie.
Quiet! He barked again.
Ellis moved his hands back down my leg, still using the same up and down action, like he thought he had missed something the first time. As he got below my shorts, Id hoped he was done, but it was soon clear he was just getting started.
He twisted his hands so his thumbs met in the back of my legs and began moving them up. When he encountered my shorts, his thumbs went underneath and he began to pull them up, exposing my lower ass to his gaze.
Please I said, but the rest of my sentence was interrupted by a hard slap against my bare thigh.
Owwwww I cried out and then was still
Office Ellis continued to pull my tight shorts up exposing more and more of my ass. He withdrew his thumbs, but left me with half of my right butt cheek exposed. Officer Ellis then moved over to my left leg and did the same thing. I was almost in tears as I felt him drag my shorts up further exposing half of my ass for his eyes to lust over.
After taking his hands off of my ass, he gave my shorts a tug, completing the wedgie and pulling them tight into my pussy. I was so embarrassed, leaning up against my car, legs spread and my ass hanging out. I felt so vulnerable. To my further embarrassement and shock, I noticed my pussy had gotten wet.
He placed both hands on my hips and traced my hips down to below my hiked up shorts, moved his hands to my bottom and firmly squeezed each cheek a few times. I was now very worried about what he was going to do. I started to wonder if he was going to rape me here on the side of the highway. If he did that would he kill me, too? I had to say something.
P..please let me go I stammered
I jumped as the sound of Officer Ellis nightstick impacted on the top of my car, inches from my hand.
This is the last time I am going to tell you to be quiet he said menacingly.
I saw him move his stick back and I was praying that he would not hit me. I felt the cool wood of his bludgeon touch the inside of my leg and begin to move slowly up between my legs. I felt the goose bumps appear as the contrast of hard, cool wood, on my hot inner thigh combined with the anticipation.
He dragged the stick up slowly, but steadily until it was resting against the lips of my even wetter pussy. I was so ashamed, being aroused by this. Then he began to move it back and forth, massaging my clit and vulva through my shorts. I took in a quick breath and held it, not knowing what else to do. Then he pulled it back, and I was half expecting to feel it impact with my head, so he could take me while I was dazed and concused. My senses were on edge, every hair sticking up. I heard him put the nightstick back into its loop and I let out my breath.
That takes care of the bottom half. Now lets see if you are hiding anything up top the bastard said with a cruel twist to his voice.
My half-bare ass was not letting me forget that he was interested in not what my body concealed, but what was concealing my body. His hands found their way under my shirt and began to move up my stomach, there destination completely clear. His touch was soft and I felt my nipples constrict as he touched my lower breasts, gently. He slowly traced the outline of my boobs with the edge of his hands, barely touching the cloth, but nonetheless setting my heart racing.
When he found my erect nipples, he caressed them, up, down, up, down, feeling their hardness, and making me lightheaded. As the top of his hands cleared my areolas, he gave both breasts a firm squeeze and kneaded them like dough. He released both breasts only long enough to reposition his hands underneath and to squeeze my breasts from that angle.
He had pulled himself in close to me, while he conducted his search and I could feel his warm breath on my neck and ear. It smelled of mint and I caught myself enjoying the fondling he was giving my boobs.
Officer Ellis leisurely withdrew his right hand and continued to knead my left breast and rub that nipple. His right hand came back underneath my shirt, but it felt different, half closed. He touched my breast with that hand and then said brightly
What do we have here?
He pulled both hands out from under my shirt and I turned to see him holding a ziplock bag with white powder in it. He was smiling triumphantly.
Thats not mine! I said finding not only my voice, but some red headed anger.
Oh, I think it is. Thats what the arrest record is going to show. And with your prior drug conviction Ill bet we are talking significant jail time for possession of a controlled substance. He said smugly
What fucking drug conviction I said
He gave me a second and he saw my expression change as I remember the suspended sentence I received just out of high school for getting busted with a single joint.
Thats wasnt a drug charge. That was just a joint I argued and mindlessly pulled my shorts out of my ass.
Thats ten years in Canon City. Turn around and put your hands on your head
I started to argue, but he spoke loud and sharp, ordering me to do as he told me. I turned around and put my hands on the back of my head. He took one, spun it down, and I felt the cold steel of his handcuffs grip my wrist. A second later I was shackled.
Then he grabbed my shorts and pulled them up, hard, giving my back my wedgie, exposing my ass, and burying them deep in my pussy. I jumped and felt one of his hands caress and squeeze the bare part of my butt, while his other hand reached around to grab my breast again.
Its really a shame you dont have a friend in Verde County.
He said as he continued to feel me up. I was trying not to enjoy having my erogenous zones stimulated. He is a bastard and I hated him. But he wasnt groping like a 16 year old boy. He was squeezing gently, rubbing, swirling his hand, caressing, and then repeating all of that, the whole talking in a low soft voice.
Yes, you need a friend. A friend in this situation would be a good thing.
My head was swimming. This was so much so fast. He hands felt good. My nipples seemed to pulse each time he touched them. My pussy ached and the cloth between my pussy lips transferred each movement directly to my clit. He moved his hand from my ass and underneath to directly stimulate me. God, it felt good.
A friend in Verde County is what you need. Someone&hellip,
S..s.someone like you? I half moaned out
Exactly he said with a smile in his voice as he moved both hands to my breasts and continued to arouse my body.
I felt his hands move from my breasts down to my hips, and he gently turned me around. Then he hooked his fingers into my shorts and as he slowly began to pull them, and my panties, down. As slow as he moved my shorts down, he said with that same soft voice.
Ive always been curious about red heads. Is it true about their pussy hair?
Please I again found my voice and slightly scared I continued Someone will see
Someone will see? I thought. I just agreed to show him my pussy. Hes molesting me and I was going to let him! But, I dont want to fight this drug thing. He is so cute, and those hands&hellip,..
He moved me around to the other side of the cars and to a spot between them. A few cars had passed while I was being searched, but I had no idea if they noticed exactly what was happening. Here on this side, we were mostly hidden. With the way he had parked his car, it even shielded us partially from on coming traffic. Had he done that on purpose, I wondered?
I faced him, with my back against my own car, my manacled hands up against the door. Officer Ellis got down on his knees and began to pull down my shorts again. I closed my eyes and tried to hide from the embarrassment and my own arousal. He moved them down slowly. I swallowed as the waistband cleared the swell of my hips, and any resistance to exposing my pussy to the open air evaporated.
I heard him take in a deep breath, as if to smell my scent. I could tell I was very wet and he could likely sense it as well.
It is true. He said in awe as he marveled at my neatly trimmed red pubic hair.
He continued to take my shorts and panties down and I felt the warm metal of my car, on my now bare backside. When they were at my feet he nudged me to lift my shoes, so he could remove them, leaving me naked below the waist.
My embarrassment had vanished, and I felt myself move my legs further apart, and then actually lift one leg up, at his nudging, to give Officer Ellis unrestricted access to my most private area. I felt his tongue touch my labia and a shiver went up my back. He moved his tongue inside me and began to lap at the juices oozing from my pussy. It took him only a few seconds to find my love button and I shivered again with the jolt of pleasure that brought.
He spent a heavenly amount of time using his tongue on all parts of my pussy, licking the inside, nibbling on my outer lips, and flicking at my clit, until he had me openly moaning like a whore, on the side of the road.
I felt him withdraw and say
Your turn.
Take the cuffs off me, please. Ill be good.
He got up, put his hands on my naked hips and moved them up slowly to my waist, then ribs, and then to my shoulders. He looked me in the eyes the whole time. His soft, confident smile melted my brain, but I was jolted back to reality when he aggressively spun me to face the car once again. I felt the cuffs on one wrist, and then the other, release their cold grip, only to be replaced by his own steel-like embrace.
Officer Ellis moved my hands to the top of my car, found my full breasts, and squeezed them firmly as he ground his erect organ into my bare ass. He felt large through his pants, his cock straining to get out. He continued to knead my breasts for a few moments, then as before, he spun me to face him.
Strip he ordered.
I was naked from the waist down already, but he wanted to see all of me. I thought of telling him No, but I did not think he would accept that answer. I looked both ways, checking for traffic. A car zoomed by, but seamed to pay little heed. I was wondering why people were not staring.
Quit stalling he said impatiently I want you naked
That statement drove the point home. I knew I would be naked shortly and I thought I knew what was going to happen, but him speaking it seemed to make it fact. I trembled a bit as I pulled my top off, leaving only my red lace bra between me and his hungry gaze. As I reached behind my back, I once again realized, with both dismay and embarrassment that I was soaking wet. My body seemed to understand what my mind could barely comprehend. I closed my eyes, as I let my bra fall to the ground through my arms.
He looked at my heavy breast, admiring my erect nubs, on top of my brown areolas. I thought I saw a dark look come into his eyes, as he reached out to hold my bare breast and then to worry my nipple with his thumb.
Put your hands behind your back, and keep them there. He ordered.
I felt so defenseless and he leaned in to take my left nipple into his mouth. He sucked gently on it, teasing it with his tongue. My other breast was soon under assault with his other hand, squeezing it firmly, and kneading it, feeling its fullness and weight.
I moaned out softly, in spite of my self. What kind of slut am I? Im being felt up against my will, and Im enjoying it. But, his touch is sooo nice.
He withdrew from my breast, rose up, and pulled me into a wet kiss. I resisted for just a moment, until my own pleasure beat down my will to disobey. I wrapped my arms around him feeling the tight muscles in his back and the strength of his arms around me.
His hand traveled down my back, tracing the contours until he felt the rise of my bottom. He paused to caress the top, and then grabbed a handful of my ass, eliciting a moan from me. He continued to kiss me deeply, passionately and to fondle my ass for what seemed an eternity. Each squeeze was felt in my pussy, and it so ached. He pulled back.
Your turn Officer Ellis reminded me.
I got down on my knees while Officer Ellis took off his gun belt, and undid his pants.
Take it out he ordered while motioning towards his very erect cock.
I closed the distance between us, and hooked his briefs with my thumbs and pulled his underwear down to his knees. His cock sprang out in a bouncy way that would have been humorous if not for how tense this situation was.
I took him hesitantly into my mouth feeling him push his way steadily to the back of my throat. I had given blow jobs before and Joshua was bigger. But, this man did not care for my comfort and would take charge if I did not please him. I applied as much suction as I could and began to bob back and forth at a steady pace. I paused occasionally to lick around the crown of his organ, and I used my tongue to apply as much pressure to the bottom of his shaft as I could.
Ohhhhhh Yeah! Youre a good little cocksucker, arent you?
He threaded his hands into my hair and began to control the tempo of my pace, forcing his cock a little deeper each time. I knew what he wanted, but I had never taken a man all the way. I knew I had to, or risk his wrath. On the next in stroke I fought as hard as could against my gag reflex and tried to swallow him whole.
Ohhhhhhhh Fffuck! he groaned as his penis went all the way in and my nose was buried in his coarse pubic hair.
He held me there, not letting me withdraw. He gently pumped my mouth trying to go just another millimeter deeper, but it was not possible. He held steady, letting his tiny thrusts massage his cock.
Fuck he exclaimed. Youll make me cum, if we dont stop. Get on all fours and point your ass this way He demanded.
I was so torn. This was so wrong to be made to fuck this strange man. But, my body ached for its own relief. I had never become so hot from giving head in my life. My pussy ached to have him fill me. I was wet, I could feel my own juice on my leg. I did as I was told.
He finished removing his pants, leaving him clothed above the waist, and knelt beside me. I waited with every nerve on edge for him to take me and release the unbearable tension that was building in my body. He nuzzled his hips against mine, and his cock teased my pussy, going between my legs and barely parting my lips. I began to notice my breathing and how heavy it was.
His hands, which had been on my hips moved steadily up my body and underneath to take hold of each breast. I felt him pull back, adjust his angle of attack and then thrust himself into me in one violent motion. The suddenness startled me, but that was overwhelmed by the feeling of having his cock inside me.
He pumped me quickly, but being taken from behind avoided my clit. I yearned to have it touched, while he hammered me from behind. I reached underneath and found my pussy and began to rub myself closer to orgasm.
The sound of a passing car added tension with the thought of being discovered and to the eroticism of being taken in the bright Colorado sun. Officer Ellis continued to pump me, fucking me hard and deep, each thrust seeming to go deeper into my aching cunt. My own hand was helping to build me to climax
Fuck! Are you tight! I hear him exclaim.
Officer Ellis is still using my breasts as his handles. That thought arouses me for a reason I can not comprehend. I am disappointed when he releases them, to grasp my hips. But, his more violent thrusts soon have me forgetting about my dangling and bouncing tits.
Fuck! He exclaims once again.
I am sure he is about to fill my pussy with his lust, when he stops and pulls out.
Do you have lotion in your purse!? he asks excitedly and breathing hard.
My mind is muddled. I am slow to pick up on why he wants my lotion. I nod my head and he gets up and opens my passenger side door.
It begins to dawn on my why he would want it and I cry out.
No! Please! Dont do that to me! Not there! Please not there!
He tells me to be quiet as he searches my purse. I am afraid of anal sex. I had only tried it once, with Joshua. But, he was too big. It hurt. I dont want to be torn. But I am frozen into place as he returns and kneels behind me. I hear a snap as the bottle opens. I jump as the cool liquid touches my little bunghole.
Please. Dont. It will hurt. I stammer.
He is silent as he works the lotion into my ass with his thumb and the knuckle of one hand. It feels strange as I am slowly spread open. The pain is not intense. I relax and let him work. I hear the bottle burp as he squeezes a large amount of lotion out, and I imagine him stoking his own cock, as it hovers over me. I am scared. I try once more.
P.pp..please. Dont
He ignores me and touches my forbidden hole with the head of his cock. I jump and yell
I feel the hot sting of the slap to my ass and he says in voice that drips of lust and excitement.
Look, bitch. Im fucking you in the ass. You can either relax and let it hurt a little, or you dont and I shred your ass. Which will it be?
I do not reply, but I put my head down to the ground and offer him my most private orifice. I relax as best as I can, but its little use. I feel him once again touch my tiny hole, and this time I hold still as he forces his way inside me. The pain stabs, I jump, and then will my body to relax. I feel his head pop in. He is more gentle than I expect, giving me a moment to accommodate his girth. Then he takes my hips and pushes steadily.
My breath catches several times. I need him to stop, to give me a moment. But he does not. My butthole is stretched and I feel like it will rip. I try very hard to relax and I feel him bottom out.
Ohhhh, Fuckkkk! I hear him cry out.
His manhood is deep in my bowel and I feel him shiver with pleasure. I breathe shallowly, not wanting to put anymore tension on my on staining ass. His pause lasts longer than I dared hope, but not long enough. I feel his hips pull back and then he slides back in. It hurts marginally less, as my ass stretches to allow his assault.
Rub your cunt, like you did before.
I dont want to. I dont want to cum. Only a whore would come with a dick in her ass.
He strikes me once again. I jump and pain stabs me again as my ass tightens. I concentrate on relaxing while I move my hand underneath me, and find my pussy. I think, for just a moment of only pretending to masturbate for this bastard, but I feel myself become aroused again as he steadily pumps my ass and moans loudly.
I touch my clit, and the electric jolt of pleasure pushes the pain out of my mind and I begin to pleasure myself. It takes only a few seconds of this before I moan audibly.
You like this, dont you bitch? the bastard says as he pounds my sore ass.
I feel him move in and out, gaining confidence and momentum. He is drunk with the power of having my body under his control and that spurs him to pump harder. His breaths come in quick gasps and I know he is close.
Awwwwwwww! he yells as I feel him shoot hot liquid deep inside my ass, and drive his hips into mine.
I can feel his balls against my pussy and I work my pussy harder trying to cum before he pulls out and leaves me frustrated. He is still pushing into my ass, trying to drive just a little deeper as he finishes his own orgasm, when I explode.
Ohhhhhhh. I say as quiet as I can manage.
It shames me to know this bastard is making me cum by fucking my ass. But, my body will not lie and I go rigid as my orgasm takes me. It is more intense than any Joshua had ever given me. I quiver slightly as the climax invades every fiber of my body, and pushes everything else out. I am paralyzed with the intense pleasure of it, and it purges me of all reality. I give myself completely to the feeling and let it wash me clean.
Time stands still and slowly the pleasure dissipates and the ugly reality of the situation comes creeping back in. I exhale and take in a deep sustaining breath as I become aware of my heart beat slowing and returning to normal.
I am still on my hands and knees. My head is on the ground, turned to face one side, and I am still touching my pussy. I realize the full feeling in my ass is gone and I can feel his liquid oozing out of my ass and down to my pussy. A piece of paper flutters down in front of me.
Have a nice day, Maam I hear Officer Ellis say.
He walks away as I ease myself up. By the time I am on my knees he is in his car and pulling away in cloud of dust. I can now be seen by approaching vehicles and that reality brings me fully to my senses. I gather up my nearby clothes and open the passenger door. I quickly pull my tee on to give the illusion I am properly dressed and can pause for a second.
Adrenaline once again retreats and I relax. What do I do now? Ive been raped. I should report him. I feel so many things at once, not the least of which is the afterglow of my orgasm. I look down and see the paper. Its a ticket!
I pick it up and read it. Its not a ticket. Its just a warning for a burned out tail light. It wont even affect my insurance. This warning has another warning handwritten at the bottom.
Come back and visit Verde County again. Wed love to see you.
That single underline made my decision for me. I didnt know exactly what it meant, but I did not want to find out. I cleaned myself up, got dressed, and headed for the county line.
Authors note: There is no Verde County, Colorado, nor do I know any policeman who would behave in this way. This was pure fiction written for a single special person. I hope she and the rest of you enjoy it.
Comments and positive ratings are my only payment and constructive criticism is welcome. If you leave a negative rating, drop me a line with how to improve.
The White Hat
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! I the author reserves the right to repost this work. Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Holly and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County ...
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A few years ago I traveled to New York to attend a seminar for my company. The first day I sat about three rows back from the speaker so I would be able to hear. Several seats over in the row in front of me, I noticed one particular female who seemed very interested in the topical matter. She was a blonde, shapely, well groomed woman and she was obviously intelligent. Nobody at the seminar knew each other so I had an opportunity to speak with her during breaks and sat with her on at lunch. I...
Straight SexHi fellow ISS readers, My name is rahulgonzalez, a made up name that I selected for my sleaze profile as a 18 year old kid in Hyderabad.I am now a single 27 year old man and would be bending to societal pressure in a couple of years. I would like to share my sexual incidents, the little that I have had till now. I have been a big fan of this site and have read many stories and saving them as pdf’s for many years. This is my humble contribution which i have been planning to pen down for many...
IncestAfter my son's birthdayMy son is 17 years old. For his birthday he organized near Warsaw on the Zegrze reservoir. We rented lagoon villas for the whole weekend and the k**s had fun alone all night. The next day, the son returned home very sad. I saw that he had some stress and something bothers him. I asked several times what happened, but he would dispose of me and answer some nonsense. The next day was school and work day. That day, my husband went to Brussels for a few days, and I had an...
I walked out of Chemistry and right into a bunch of footballers. "Hey, Randahl, you did quite a job on Jay yesterday." Oh, shit. Well, it was a nice life while it lasted. "Uh, I never touched him!" Lame, Tommy, lame. "No, but thanks to you our quarterback is out for two weeks." I couldn't argue with that. Well, I suppose I could say he started it, but that line of reasoning stopped working in first grade. "Do you know what's going to happen Friday?" Chuck Miller, our star end,...
I remember that day. I was working for the college, finishing out the last years of my degree and picking up work at the gym. It was boring as all hell, checking the sign in sheet, orienting the new students, cleaning up after the students. It was a special type of hell, but hell, it payed. Not near enough, but it payed.It was another boring afternoon, and i noticed you coming in for your workout. You had never been in before, but that isn't why i noticed you. you were attractive, but for a...
Most of our conversations ended up being filled with subtle hints, plenty of innuendo, and plain basic thoughts of what we would do to each other given the chance. So, when she told me that she was coming to town I couldn't wait to get together with her. We met at a fast food place about halfway between where she was staying and where I lived. I knew she was there when I pulled into the lot because I saw her truck with the out of state plates on it. I was surprisingly calm knowing what was...
The First AppointmentI told Gail until we knew how much she was going to handle I would book appointments for one day and the next day she would have off. She pouted and looked disappointed but I said try it first and see.The six men arrived at 8:00 am to pick Gail up for their appointment. Gail was wearing a trench coat and the men told her to take it off. Gail was naked except for her high heel shoes. The men examined her, slapping her ass and squeezing her tits. They laughingly said yeah I...
I'd waited too long, and one morning I woke up and my TV didn't work- nothing but static. I'd heard the public service commercials, but I always put it off, and now I was watching static instead of the Today Show. I had cable hooked up on my big TV in the living room, but my older TV in my bedroom had been using the trusty rabbit ears for years. Until today, anyway. I resolved to hit the local Best Buy after work, but when I got there they were out of stock. I was just about to...
Jon was awakened a short time later with warm moist lips on his cock. Opening his eyes, to see Genja was the owner and she gave him a very nice smile. “She tastes good on you,” she commented as she continued to tongue all around his tool. Cleaning all the secretions that Gail had left combined with Jon’s cum that had left a sticky sheen to his skin. “How long have I been asleep?” He asked. “Only thirty minutes, it’s just after 6pm.” She responded, still enjoying the job she had taken...
A couple of weeks ago I was in my room surfing around the web when mom called me. She had been chatting to our neighbour who was having trouble with his PC and she volunteered me to go round to try to fix it. I was a bit pissed that she had said I would do this without even asking me but then I thought he was quite cute. He always made a point of talking to me and he’d call out “Hi Becky!” whenever he saw me. I’d always chip back “Hi Mr C!” and he would grin and remind me to just call him...
Greg Baron was feeling much better. So good in fact, that he was chopping his way through a cord of wood. While his wound still bothered him, he was not a person to lie around when things had to be done. Adam was still worse off than he was. The poor kid had developed a severe infection and that had set his recovery back for weeks. For the next fifteen minutes, Greg chopped away at the pile. After all, it was a huge fire place that had a voracious appetite. That was a good line for a novel....
Hello readers and I am fond of reading and enjoying sex stories and became fan of ISS after this incident which I am going to narrate for you. That happened before 3 years before proceeding let me introduce myself. I am 43 years old at the time of this incident I was 40. I am good looking plum woman with fair skin and with height 5’3 weight 70 Kgs and having vital statistics 38 32 36. I am a housewife having 2 daughters studying in college. My husband is a businessman and he is cool, calm and...
ALEJANDRA’S VOICE WAS STEADY when she telephoned on a Friday about a month after that evening when she discovered me with her mother. “Michael, will you meet me for coffee?” “Sure.” It was a hesitant Alejandra who waited for me at the sidewalk bar near the plaza. She rose when I arrived and leaned forward for a hug. I kissed her cheek and held her face in my hands for a moment. “Thanks for coming, Michael.” I smiled. “My pleasure, Alex.” I ordered coffee for both of us. After it came I...
It had all happened faster than she could have imagined, and she was still wondering how she could be so lucky that her biggest fantasy would come true; but it did. Jo was a 17 year old teenager with the hots for her brother. But not merely the hots, she also felt a nasty lust for him. Jo had been reading filthy porno stories on the net for a while, and as time passed her fantasies about her older bro shifted to match the content in the porno stories she enjoyed most; filthy, depraved...
Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...
Historical252. Just a few precious months 5 As her skin needed the time to heal we put old Fred back a week or more and Dennis and I fitted more hidden cameras. So, it was on a wet Wednesday when old Fred pottered up in his antique Morris Oxford car, his dog `Nelson’ turned out to be a gigantic St Bernard, soft and loveable. And he made himself at home in Nans kitchen immediately. Fred was everything Lucy had not been, a laid-back gentle but firm old lad, who had a twinkle in his eye and a spring in...
My wife's friend Jess has been living with us for the last two months. She and her ex split and he basically threw her out on the street. She was living in her car until Michelle my wife talked me into letting her stay with us. Now my wife is a straight-laced professional woman. Five foot-seven, one hundred ten pounds, long dark hair, and tits that stop traffic. She knows that every straight guy in the office would jump at the chance to bang her. Sometimes, I think she enjoys the attention a...
Wife LoversI had some time to kill today, I'm a little frustrated with my wife and with work, so I cruised my favorite cruise spot, the cross at the top of the hill in Ventura. I go up to the parking lot in the middle lot and park facing out at a beautiful view of the coastline where I can see from santa Barbara to Malibu out to the channel islands. As soon as I park several cars pull up. Not to be modest, but I have a nice cut 8" cock that these guys love to suck and follow me around and line up when...
GayLex and I were out to dinner at our favorite steak house. Lex hates to cook and by the end of a long day of talking on the phone, meeting after meeting, and paperwork there is no way that I want to go home and cook a meal. We were sitting in our corner, a booth that is usually waiting for us because we go in here so much. We were wrapping up and I was just about to pay the bill when from across the room I hear my name yelled out… “Matthew, Matthew from Westchester High, is that you.” I looked...
Jenifer was working the swing shift so I had the place to myself. One nice thing about Jenifer’s apartment is that her bedroom has a big sliding glass door that goes out onto a deck that overlooks a deep narrow canyon filled with a jungle of vegetation. On a clear day, you could probably see the ocean from there if there wasn’t an apartment complex on the other side of the ravine right in the way. I kicked off my pumps, slid the door open all the way to catch some breeze, and walked out to...
This story was written as an assignment for my former Mentor, a wonderful Dom in Florida named Jack. i met Him online when i began exploring BDSM 5 years ago, before I met Master Falcon. Jack would give me writing assignments with specific topics as a way to help me learn about various aspects of BDSM. He would critique my writing as a way to help me learn from what i had written. This story was written to help me explore anal sex....
Saturday nights are officially my favorite nights again! I am not USUALLY such a slut, but something came over me last night....I hope it was just the alchol, the long period of abstinence and overall horniness rather than something sinister, but either way...I'm not walking too well this morning! ;)It started with me and two friends, Sara and Jenni, going to dinner at a pizza place -- its called the Rock and they cook the pizza in a giant wood oven or something made out of river rocks. ...
Donna and Nellie’s Indiscretion I arrived late one evening at the pub which we always refer to as the Jill and Whistle. I was rather taken aback when I saw Nellie standing beside Donna. This would not normally arouse my indignation but on this occasion I was surprised because Nellie was holding the front of her skirt raised above her waist and Donna was staring intently at the revealed parts. I could not share the view because Nellie had her back to me. Nellie’s skirts are so short that...
After the wedding, my wife flew to vacation in Spain, the happy couple, all as expected. Upon arrival at the place, a little rest, Katya suggested we go take a walk around the hotel while I was in the shower, Katya is dressed up-shorts barely covering the elastic rolls and tank top WITHOUT a BRA! before she went without a bra ever! I don't really liked it because her Breasts were big (despite the General thinness of his wife) and to put it mildly not in the form of, a bit saggy though she's...
Kendra is a frustrated housewife who’s sick of her misogynist pig of a husband. She’s going to get him really good though-Kendra and her side piece, Dixie, are stealing all his money and making it look like they were robbed while he was out playing golf. And after the dust settles, she’s escaping to Cuba to live with her lesbian lover. But first they need to stage a robbery to make it look like Kendra had nothing to do with it, which includes Kendra being tied and gagged. While...
xmoviesforyouHaving married an older man with an adult offspring Ms Ryouko Murakami has many issues to contend with. She has not had to live with two grown men before and this is strange for her. She feels comfortable with her new family but it has taken some adjustment to get used to another man in the house. She has gotten the feeling that her husband’s offspring has some feelings for her as he often watches her when she is doing chores around the house. Today was very strange for her as she was doing...
xmoviesforyouSunday - Day 30 I awoke on Sunday to the familiar feel of Becky giving me a blow job. I opened my eyes and looked to the left to see Jamie sleeping beside me, the covers kicked off and her gloriously nude body displayed for my pleasure. A glance towards the bottom of the bed showed Chrissy's head peeking over the foot of the bed. All was right in the world. Isn't it funny how in such a short time the amazing becomes the usual? If you had told me thirty one days ago that I would wake up...
My wife decided that we should take some pictures of the four of us together and suggested that I get the camera. We had just purchased a new digital camera and she wanted to see what the pictures it took, would look like. I went and pulled the camera down from the shelf and returned to the living room. The three of them were sitting waiting for me and as I entered the room, my wife took charge of the poses. “Take one of the three of us first,” she said as they moved closer together on the...
As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...
The man calling himself Arlade Tinsto remained half-sprawled where he had collapsed, the upper half of his back resting uncomfortably against the front of his hard, wooden desk. Thick dust blew around in the wind of his passing, filling his nose and mouth with the dry taste of dirty cotton. Even without the dust, there was an air of disuse in the room, the dry air of a room long forgotten. Only the sound of his ragged breathing broke through the utter silence. Though there was no light, his...
Hi everyone. Well, the story’s coming to a close. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Look out for more stories from me soon. Happy reading. As always, all characters are 18 years or over. * Chapter 14 The next couple of days went by like a dream for Sam. Although she was new at the whole relationship thing, she was eager to explore and learn. Chase, knowing her inexperience, was slow and gentle with her, not wanting to spook her away, but he was amazed at...
This short story is an entry for the 2015 Literotica April Fools’ Day story contest. All characters involved in sexual situations in this story are eighteen years of age or older. * * * * She took one last sip of coffee, grabbed her lunch bag and picked up the thick stack of papers she’d worked all night on. But as she hurried to leave, she noticed the calendar on the kitchen wall still said March. She shifted her lunch to her other hand, the same one securing the papers under her arm, and...
One day during school my friend Daryl and I skip class and sit in the bathroom and we were talking and he starts talking about sex I said when was your first time he said in August I said tell me about. Before I say about it Daryl is Australian really tan and boner tell me because it gave my brother a boner. So it all happened one day when I invited her over and no one was home she walks into my room and kisses me and she has the sexiest warmest lips I didn't think this would happen but she...
EroticSaturday was no better than Friday for the couple who'd been married only a year and a few days. They didn't try to avoid each other, but neither did they seek each other out. They spoke politely to each other, discussing inconsequential topics, but the passion between them was dead. Sunday flowed into Monday and the weekly work schedule reasserted itself. Brad slept on the living room sofa more often than not. Ashley slept in a cold bed upstairs with the door closed so no one would hear...
I've been watching the various boards for a couple of years, wondering if anyone writing some of the erotic Vampire stories had it right. I don't really think so, based on my own experience, though occasionally one of them sounds close. The thing is, I guess I can't say I'm an expert, since there's no guarantee that others are like Brad. But it's hard to believe they could be very different, since when I think about him, everything seems so logical. I was between marriages, the first a...
As I lay here gently stroking her face, listening to her breathing, I think back to how we became one. We met in a chat room of all places, or a sex chat room to be more precise. We started flirting, speaking of fetishes and desires, and quickly formed a friendship. Through our conversations online and other places this friendship grew into something neither of us had ever experienced. A feeling so deep, as though we had been lovers in many other lifetimes, slaves to one another’s soul for...
Hi my name is Vipin Garg from Delhi again with my real story. I am 24 years. In our culture incest is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life, I am cool and very good looking guy with well built and fair complexion. I never thought that it would happen with me. The names involved, excluding mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me; it is all true, though it happened just 2 days before. My mom is 44 years and she is very...
IncestIt was Sunday morning and Terry woke up, rubbing his eyes, blearily. He could feel something warm and wet on his rapidly hardening dick. He looked down his body and saw his wife, Marge eagerly licking and kissing his length. As he felt his cock growing under her ministrations, he couldn’t help but let out a small moan, it felt so good. Marge heard him and looked back up at him. She stopped what she was doing and gently wanked his cock as she said, ‘Sorry, for waking you up, love. But I...
The Ogusi Fusans had witnessed the preparation of Jenaya and her departure. Obviously disapproving of what had happened they were frowning at Roban and the remaining women. “So the mystical might of the Norgar Chieftains lies in his blood and you use it to task a woman with the job of a warrior. The legends of the Norgar never spoke of such cowardice,” Fusan Djargis said. All the women spun around, their furious glares colliding with the Ogusi’s condemnation. “You are lucky that I know...
There was always someone in our Pirate Den. It had become the most popular recreation room of the ship. Even more than the actual R Deck facilities. It had become a second mess hall and if needed with dividing curtains raised there was plenty of room for the entire crew to eat. Of course it also provided a challenge for the galley, as this was a Hangar and not meant for food service. While there were vent-matics and drink dispensers on pretty much every deck. There weren’t any down here as...
Juliet had always enjoyed masturbation but was yet to try out the real thing, partly because she believed in waiting for the right guy and partly because she went to an all girl's high school, so lacked opportunity. It wasn't until her 16th birthday that she had her first kiss and at the age of 18 had her first proper make-out session and got the feel of a man's cock in her hand, but that did not lead to sex - due to lack of protection. Juliet was petite, green eyes, blonde hair and pale...
The last time Dr. India Summer made an appearance here, she was helping a young lady named Kira Noir deal with her complicated sexuality. Today, Dr. Summer’s task isn’t much easier: she’s got a small-group therapy session on tap, and the three young men (almost half her age!) have a common problem: all three feel women just use them for their over-sized dicks. Laugh as you may, but it gets discouraging when all a lady wants you for is one thing…and that thing ain’t...
xmoviesforyouBrandon felt the mattress push down as Fred climbed on to the bed behind him, his hand spreading gobs of creamy lube around the young mans asshole, pushing it in with his fingers and making Brandon moan in pleasure as his body warmed up and relaxed around Fred's probing fingers. "oooh that feels so good, dont stop"Fred smiled as he felt the white asshole suck on his finger hungry for more, born to be here with his face buried in the pillow and his lilly white ass propped up in the air exposed,...
Hello Everyone! I am very sorry to keep you waiting but your wait is now over as I am back with the fourth and the last part of the Didi Tera Devar Deewana series. The story concludes in this part. So my man i.e. Hammad cummed in my mouth and I was arousing him again by licking his hard body which was turning me on. So to pleasure myself I came in 69 position and asked him to suck my pussy while I suck his cock. It was just amazing as I was sucking his hard cock and balls while he was thrusting...
IncestHe’s your roommate, I thought irritably to myself. Your relationship is platonic. But somehow, watching him walk out the door with Amelia, the busty blonde from next door, all of that logic flew out with them. I had been living with Max for a year now. We’d gotten close in an AbPsych class our sophomore year. Neither of us wealthy enough to support ourselves and pay for college, we had decided to move in together. We got along well and shared similar interests. Studying was also a lot...
RIBBON.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation You are a closet crossdresser. You are too embarrassed to dress publicly, so you satisfy your urges during the working day by tying a little ribbon to your cock and wearing it all day at work under your suit and underwear. A harmless little ribbon. In fact the cheapest article of feminization there is - 15 cents for a tiny piece of ribbon. But you can feel it all day, and it makes you feel wonderful and sinful that you can wear it and nobody...
Camila’s new boyfriend, Peter, comes by the house to pick her up for a date. Her step mom, Carmela, answers the door and finally meets her step daughters new boyfriend, but she immediately has some concerns. Carmela thinks Peter is way too old for Camila, but after Camila insists that he’s a good guy, Carmela puts him to the test. She seduces him to see how he’ll react. Peter fails the test and ends up getting caught with a boner while looking at Carmela’s booty. She...
xmoviesforyou“But I have a class in about an hour,” I tried to reason, as I got dressed.“It wasn’t a question. Go home and rest. You’ll feel better, you won’t be sore.”“Okay,” I answered and left the room.I walked out of the office, feeling satisfied. Though as I walked, I asked myself what the hell had just happened.I was really sore, but I wanted to disobey him to see what would happen. So, I went to my next class, then left to go home and relax.——————————It was the next day, and I headed for my favourite...
College SexSo I picked up the cup of coffee and tipped it to my lips. Even the taste was divine. Strong, rich and exquisitely divine. It felt wonderful on my tongue and lingers even after the first sip. It kept me alert, my senses awake. I could feel the presence of the the other angels of death in Tartarus. I could count each and every one of them and could tell exactly what they were doing. I closed my eyes, enjoying the brew's wonderful effect on my mind, heightening my senses as I started to get...
Kelly’s eyes widen at the thought of what Grace was going to do but she was up for anything. Kelly felt she had waited long enough to be Grace who was her best friend. Grace moved down as she unbuttoned Kelly’s jean shorts slowly pulling them off her long legs. Kelly was fit from volleyball in high school as well as bicycling few miles everyday, running, and swimming. Grace smiled because she couldn’t help but admire Kelly’s firm body. Kelly was virgin with women but she moaned in anticipation...
LesbianMy name is Pattie, and my husband and I have been married for five years. My husband treats me like a princess. He buys me all sorts of clothes and loves to dress me up. Every day he picks out my outfits. He especially loves to pick out my intimate items that I wear. He’s most fascinated with my panties. He loves the fabrics and wonders how they’ll look on my pussy. The man is in love with my beautiful, bald pussy. Often, my husband Bobby loves to shave my pussy. He loves for me to be bald and...
Wife LoversFirstly we are a normal couple mid 20s, Jane very pretty with small pert breasts . I have had a fantasy for a long time about watching jane with another guy but didn't know how to bring it up. I was worried she would think that i was wanting an excuse to have another woman or that she was not enough for me or that i was just wierd. so one night when we where talking about sex and fantasies she said that she had one about being with two guys so i told her about mine. she was a little shocked and...
Cheating Wifes