Foolish April free porn video

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This short story is an entry for the 2015 Literotica April Fools’ Day story contest.

All characters involved in sexual situations in this story are eighteen years of age or older.

* * * *

She took one last sip of coffee, grabbed her lunch bag and picked up the thick stack of papers she’d worked all night on. But as she hurried to leave, she noticed the calendar on the kitchen wall still said March. She shifted her lunch to her other hand, the same one securing the papers under her arm, and took a deep breath as she changed the month to April.

As if on cue, raindrops started to patter against the window. She stared in disbelief at the shower that had appeared out of nowhere, and then felt the stack squeezed against her side start to slip. She frantically tried to stop it but was too late and seconds later all of her work and the contents of her broken lunch bag, which had also fallen, were scattered across the kitchen floor.

And as April stared at the gray day awaiting her, she caught her reflection in the window. ‘Happy birthday,’ she said, to the small sad face staring back at her. ‘Happy fucking birthday.’

She swore again as she knelt and picked up the papers as fast as she could. She ignored the broken remains of her lunch, there was no time to try to save it or make another. She couldn’t be late today.

Carrying the papers in a haphazard heap, she hurried to the front door. And when she opened it she saw the shower had turned into an outright downpour. April wasn’t surprised. Birthdays had never been nice to her.

She always heard people complain about having their birthday on Christmas or Halloween — try being born on April Fools’ Day. Her parents were the first to get in on the fun, naming her April. She hated the name, a constant reminder of the month and day she’d been unfortunate enough to have been born on.

And then there were the birthday parties. When you’re born on the first of April, kids feel almost obligated to play a prank with your present. She still had nightmares of unwrapping them, wondering what kind of cruel gift was hidden inside.

But as she hurried toward her car, the papers hidden under her coat as she desperately tried to keep them dry, she knew nature had given her the cruelest birthday present of all.

She opened the door, placed the papers on the passenger seat, climbed onto her custom cushion, pulled her seatbelt across and put the key in the ignition. And as she turned it and heard the engine catch she reached her tiny feet down toward the metal extenders that allowed her to reach the pedals on the floor.

April was a midget. At least, that’s what the kids at school had called her. The teachers had told them they weren’t allowed to use that word and said the proper term for people like her was little person, but that just made the M word stick that much harder.

She honestly didn’t care what they called her, she hated both terms equally. Sure, she was the shortest person in her class, if not the entire school, but she never understood why they had to come up with a special name for her. Why couldn’t she just be a girl?

By the time she pulled into the office parking lot, the rain had mercifully stopped. April mumbled a thank you for small miracles, and then swore when she checked her hair in the mirror. The rain had ruined a morning’s worth of work.

Dark clouds still filled the sky far above her, menacingly rolling back and forth as if waiting for her to step outside so they could soak her again. She cursed at them as she hurriedly tried to straighten out the tangled mess, but it was no use. She growled in frustration as she shook her head, whipping her wet brown hair back and forth until her small shoulders slumped in resignation.

‘Why worry about it?’ she thought. ‘When you’re not even four feet tall the last thing people are going to be looking at is your hair.’

April grabbed the papers, climbed down from the custom cushion that allowed her to see over the steering wheel and closed the car door. And as she hurried toward the entrance of the graphic design firm she worked for, dodging every puddle that appeared in her path, she threw one last glare at the clouds as if daring them to try to soak her again.

She looked up as she neared the front door and winced when she saw tall, blonde Rebecca waiting for her on the other side. She pulled the door open and as April hurried through, finally safe from the raindrops that had started to fall again, she prayed no one knew it was her birthday.

‘Hey, there’s my little princess,’ Rebecca said. ‘I was starting to get worried. You’re late.’

April glanced at her watch: two minutes to eight. She didn’t say anything. She knew better than to argue with Rebecca.

‘Oh, look at your hair,’ she said. ‘It’s a mess. Here, let me fix it.’

April flinched as Rebecca towered over her, tugging and fussing at her hair like she was a toy doll. When she was done she smoothed her hands across April’s head and smiled.

‘There you go, much better. We need to make sure everything’s perfect for your big day.’

April stiffened, suddenly worried that she’d somehow discovered it was her birthday. ‘What do you mean? What’s so big about today?’

Rebecca arched an eyebrow. ‘You didn’t forget that I’m taking you in the meeting with me today, did you?’

April exhaled, sighing in relief. Her secret was safe. ‘No, I didn’t forget, and I made sure to get everything you need for the meeting finished. I was up working on them until two in the morning.’

‘Good,’ Rebecca said, without bothering to take or even look at the stack of papers April was holding out toward her. ‘I can always count on you, my favorite little girl. And that’s why I want you with me in the meeting today when they make me the lead artist on this project. I want you to be my letterer.’

April blinked in surprise. ‘Me? I’m just a proofreader. I’m not an artist.’

Rebecca smiled as she smoothed a loose lock of April’s hair back into place. ‘Don’t worry about that, lettering doesn’t take any talent.’

‘Umm…I’m not sure that’s true.’

‘Of course it is, and that’s why I know you’ll be perfect for it.’

Before April could respond, Rebecca continued: ‘We all know how important it is that this firm wins the bid to illustrate this project, this could be one of the biggest children’s books of the year. And when we make our proposal and the client sees we’re letting someone like you work on it, we’re sure to be a shoo-in. Maybe they’ll even want to use you in the marketing campaign. I bet the kids would love you.’

April stared up at her, speechless. Then Rebecca patted her on the head, and said, ‘The meeting is in half an hour, try not to be late again.’ She turned, strutting away with a self-satisfied smile on her face as her high heels clicked against the tiled floor, echoing down the hallway as she disappeared through a door.

* * *

A half hour later April was behind Rebecca as they headed toward the conference room. Every one of her steps was twice the size of April’s, who felt a twinge of envy as she hurried to keep up.

Rebecca’s flawless, impossibly long legs seemed to be the same height as April at times, and the high heels and dangerously short skirts she always wore only added to the illusion. April grimaced as an image of herself in the same attire crossed her thoughts.

Rebecca strutted into the conference room and smiled as she sat in the seat that Ryan, the new assistant art director, pulled out for her. April headed to the far side of the table where there was only one seat left right beside Zander, the creative director and president of the firm.

‘April,’ he said, watching as she seated herself, ‘I’m so glad you’re joining us today. We can always use a fresh pair of eyes.’

April smiled weakly. She’d never been in one of these meetings before, never realized how
cavernous the conference room seemed compared to her own cramped cubicle. Seated opposite her on either side of Rebecca were Susan, another of the firm’s graphic artists, and Ryan.

He’d only been at the firm a few weeks, replacing the last assistant art director who had suddenly and unexpectedly quit. April wasn’t sure if Ryan had noticed her since he’d started — she normally did everything she could to keep people from noticing her — but she’d sure noticed him.

He was young, tall and so good looking. April couldn’t help noticing his flawless smile, his short, styled dirty-blonde hair or the way his tailored button-down shirt fit his lean frame perfectly. She also couldn’t help noticing Rebecca’s arm beneath the table, her hand caressing the inside of his thigh as she leaned close and whispered in his ear.

His lips curved into a smile as he listened, and when his eyes flicked toward April she knew they were talking about her. She looked away, twisting the cap of her pen back and forth and wishing she could just sink beneath the table and disappear, anything to stop him from staring at her. She’d spent her whole life trying not to be noticed, and now was no exception.

But no one needed to worry about being noticed as long as Rebecca was in the room. Without even waiting for Zander to start the meeting she stood up, launching into her vision of their proposal as she proudly spread her preliminary artwork and layouts across the table for everyone to admire.

She was already starting on her plans for the marketing campaign when Zander held up his hand to stop her. ‘Hold on a second, Rebecca. I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. We haven’t even finalized the proposal we want to take to our client, let alone the artwork we’ll be using.’

She stared at him, taken aback. ‘What the hell are you talking about? This is the artwork we’re using.’

Zander rolled his eyes. ‘Rebecca, I’ve already told you — ‘

‘No,’ she said, her voice rising as she cut him off, ‘this is bullshit! I’ve worked my ass off on these, and there’s no one else in this firm with a tenth of the talent that I have. So if you think I’m going to let anyone else — ‘

‘Rebecca, please,’ he said, holding his hand up to try to shut her up. ‘No one said we won’t be using your art for the proposal, but the whole point of having this meeting is to make sure we’re all in agreement before we do. You’ve done your job now, please, let me do mine.’

She fell back into her seat and crossed her arms, glaring at him as he tilted his glasses lower and studied the preliminary artwork spread across the table. Susan was the next to look at it and April shrunk deeper into her chair when she noticed the glower on Rebecca’s face, her eyes like smoldering coals as they scorched the table, daring every person who checked her work to say even one word of criticism. Ryan was the last to look at it, and he gave it only a brief glance before passing it back.

‘It looks good,’ he said, with Susan nodding in agreement. ‘It looks really good.’

‘Well, now that we’re all in agreement,’ Rebecca said with a smug grin as she went to gather up her artwork, ‘I’d like to — ‘

‘Hold on,’ Zander said, interrupting her again. ‘We haven’t heard from April yet.’

‘April?’ Rebecca said with a barely disguised laugh. ‘She’s only a proofreader.’

‘She’s also part of this meeting and, like I said, we can always use a fresh pair of eyes.’

April had tried to slide even lower into her seat as soon as her name had been mentioned but now, with Zander pushing the preliminary artwork in front of her, she was forced to sit up. She tried to ignore Rebecca, knowing her eyes were burning into her as she stared at each piece. She spread them across the table in front of her, looking at them as a series. She knew what she should have said. She should have said it looks good, it looks really good.

But the words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. ‘I think the color scheme’s wrong.’

‘Thank you,’ Rebecca said icily, and April flinched as she jerked the pages away from in front of her. ‘We all appreciate your honest, even if completely ignorant, opinion.’

‘One second,’ Zander said, stopping Rebecca as she tried to put her artwork away. ‘I think April’s right. I didn’t even see it at first, but there is something wrong with the color scheme.’

Rebecca laughed. ‘Are you fucking kidding me? There are four people in this room with art degrees and we’re supposed to listen to the only person who doesn’t have one?!’

‘It was you who insisted she be included in this meeting,’ Zander said. ‘Why even invite her if you don’t want her opinion?’

‘Because I need a letterer that knows how to fucking spell! I’m sure no one has forgotten how well our proposal for our client’s last book about the shy spoon and his best friend the happy little bowel was received?’

Susan crossed her arms and grumbled, ‘How many times do you have to keep bringing that up? How was I supposed to know that bowl isn’t spelled with an e?’

‘You see?’ Rebecca said, throwing her hands up in frustration. ‘That’s why I need April. And I hope the firm appreciates the sacrifice I’m making, working with someone like her just to make sure we land this project.’

On the other side of the table April had shrunk down in her seat again, nearly disappearing underneath the table in an attempt to avoid Rebecca’s glare as Zander tried to calm her down.

He said, ‘Rebecca, just listen to me for — ‘

‘No,’ she shouted, ‘you listen to me. I busted my ass to get this done and everyone in this meeting agrees that it’s some of the best work they’ve ever seen. I’m an award-winning artist, and I refuse to sit here and have my work criticized by you and this little — ‘

‘Rebecca!’ he shouted, slamming his palm against the table to shut her up. ‘I’m the creative director and the owner of this firm, and I’m telling you the color scheme’s wrong. And I’m not even sure that’s the only thing. I want new artwork by Friday. And if you don’t want to do it I’ll find an artist who does. Understood?’

She hesitated a moment, her eyes seething with anger, and then gave him the briefest nod before snatching her artwork off the table and storming out of the room.

April, who had sunk so low in her chair she may as well have been underneath it, was also about to leave when she heard her name.

‘April,’ Zander said, ‘I wanted to apologize for Rebecca’s theatrics. I know she gets carried away at times. And I also wanted to let you know I appreciate your offer to try your hand at lettering, but are you sure you’re up to it?

‘I mean, it isn’t that I doubt your ability. I know you’re one of the people here I can always count on. It’s just that I don’t want to see you getting overworked. Someone said you’ve been taking work home with you?’

April nodded. ‘I have been, but it’s okay. I don’t mind. I like the extra work and, if you’ll let me try lettering, it would be nice to have something to do other than proofreading all day.’

‘Of course,’ Zander said, ‘and your comment on Rebecca’s color scheme was spot on. Frankly, I’m impressed.’

She couldn’t help smiling, feeling like she was floating a foot off the floor as she left the room and went back to her desk. She was halfway there when a hand snatched her arm and pulled her back down to earth.

‘We need to talk,’ Rebecca said, as she dragged her into an unoccupied office and closed the door.

April went to fumble an apology but Rebecca stopped her.

‘No, cupcake,’ she said, as she ran her fingers through April’s hair. ‘I’m the one who needs to apologize, not you. I should have never brought you into that meeting, should have never forced you to have to watch that idiot attack my work.’

Rebecca shook her head. ‘I don’t know what’s gotten into Zander, but he’s had it out for me ever since Mark left, like he blames me for the fact t
hat his assistant art director decided to quit. He’s jealous of my work, and I think we both know who he wants to take over this project.’

April hesitated, not sure if she was supposed to answer.

‘That’s right,’ Rebecca said, ‘Janelle — that little slut Janelle. Do you even know how many promotions she’s had in the last year? And I bet there’s a bump on the back of her head for every single one.’

April blinked in confusion. ‘Bumps?’

‘Yeah, bumps, from spending all day beneath Zander’s desk with his tiny dick in her mouth, trying to steal all of my projects away from me.’

She took April’s hands and squeezed them hard. ‘You saw how good my art was, right?’

April knew better than to do anything but nod.

Rebecca continued: ‘And don’t worry, I’m not mad at you. I know you don’t know anything about art or color schemes. You were just trying to say something so you wouldn’t look stupid after he put you on the spot. I just wish you could have been smarter and kept your mouth shut. Can’t you see how he’s going to use that against me now so he can take this project away from me and give it to Janelle?’

April smiled weakly and pulled her hands away. ‘I’m sorry, but I should really get back to work. I’ve got a lot of pages to proofread.’

As she opened the door, Rebecca strode past her and glanced down the hallway toward the lunch room. ‘That can wait, let’s get a coffee first.’

‘But I don’t drink — ‘

‘Come on,’ Rebecca said, nearly pulling her off her feet as she grabbed her sleeve and dragged her down the hallway. And as they walked through the door the shout from inside the lunch room made April jump nearly three feet off the floor.

‘Surprise!’ the room full of people screamed.

April stiffened, watching in stunned silence as her co-workers gathered around the candle-covered cake on the table and sang Happy Birthday to her. When they were done, and after everyone had taken the opportunity to congratulate her, Rebecca brought her a piece of cake.

April stared at it in dismay. Of course it was chocolate, she hated chocolate. ‘How did they know it was my birthday?’

‘I told them,’ Rebecca said, as she picked a piece of lint from April’s sweater. ‘I was looking through some of the personnel folders a few weeks ago and noticed today was your birthday.’

‘Umm…aren’t those supposed to be confidential?’

Rebecca rolled her eyes. ‘Please, you sound just like Denise. You should have seen what a bitch she was when she found me in her office, acting like all of her files were top secret. But come on, who wouldn’t want everyone to know it was their birthday?’

April forced a smile as she put down the uneaten cake. ‘I really better get back to work. I do have a lot to get done.’

She turned to leave but Rebecca grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Leaning down, she whispered, ‘By the way, cupcake, don’t think I’ve forgotten.’

April flinched. ‘Pardon me?’

And then Rebecca smiled like a cat with a mouse under its claw. ‘Don’t think I’ve forgotten your present. You won’t get it until later, but I’ve got a big surprise planned for you.’

April winced. She hated surprises. ‘I don’t need a present. The cake was more than enough.’

‘Nonsense, I’ve got something special picked out for you. And when you see it,’ she said, as her lips curved into a cruel smile, ‘you’re never going to forget it.’

* * *

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully and as the clock neared four April hoped that Rebecca had forgotten about her present. But when she heard the tell-tale click of those high heels coming toward her cubicle she also heard her hopes come crashing down.

Rebecca looked around, making sure she couldn’t be overheard. ‘It’s time for your big surprise, shortstuff. Let’s go.’

‘I — I really shouldn’t,’ April said. ‘I’ve got to finish this work and then I — ‘

‘Nonsense,’ Rebecca said, as she lifted her off her chair like she was a child. ‘Our little birthday girl is going to get just what she deserves.’

She strode down the hall and kept a tight grip on April’s hand, pulling her after her as she struggled to keep up. Soon, they were at the door to the art storage room.

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My first time with April

After high school we went our separate ways, she was going to Northern Arizona University, and I opted for a local community college. I finished my associates degree at the community college then transferred to Arizona State’s West Campus. My first semester there I took an acting class, because I had always wanted to give that a try and never had a chance to until then. First day of class was one of the biggest surprises of my life; April was in that same class. We chatted catching up...

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Janeys April

Well, that's not exactly true, as you'll see in a minute. The thing is, I couldn't have written anything this month, anyhow, especially since I didn't do a thing that you'd be interested in. My daughter got sick. She's only eight years old, and all kinds of awful things have been going around in the Boston suburbs all this winter. We went on holiday, and as soon as we got back she got something. She had a bad sore throat, and she was allergic to the antibiotics. She had to go to the...

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RecoveryChapter 3 April

By the beginning of April Greg's life was busy. He bounced between Bonner and Aspen. It was no secret. He brought Evan, Tyler and Alden along one time or another. Alden made some friends but Evan and Tyler simply tolerated it for Greg's sake. The cousins seemed to tag-team him throughout the rest of the week. They rarely phoned him. Usually he would find one or the other at his door with an invitation to spend a few hours hanging out. It was flattering in its way, but it left Greg slightly...

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Foolish White Knight

I was one of several people invited to a private poker game. Not an average poker-night-with-the-boys kind of game. No, an exclusive high stakes game, played on the estate of one on my good friends. Guests arrived in formal evening wear. Our host’s home was stately and beautiful. Servers and staff were precisely guided by one of the best butlers in the business. It was a classy gathering of power and influence. I knew many of the guests from my own business dealings. These men and women were...

2 years ago
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Foolish Weatherman

Everyone who worked at the Weather Institute, which was located just outside Fortree City in the Hoenn region, were passionate about their job, but none more so than the young manager Bart. Despite being younger than nearly everyone else who worked there, Bart was polite, kind, driven, modest, trusting, and selfless to a fault. No one doubted Bart's abilities, and everyone liked him for his personality. Bart was also incredibly open and easy to read, almost embarrassingly so. For...

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Foolish The Tables Are Turned

Emma Peyton was feeling really pleased with herself as she stood in front of the headmistress’s secretary’s desk who was noting on the punishment log that she was due to receive twelve strokes of the cane. Six previously had been the maximum that she had earned, but Emma had pressed several buttons and ended up with a twelve.What no one knew, except Miss Hargreaves, was that every time Emma attended the headmistress’s study to be caned, it was in fact Emma who caned Miss Hargreaves because of...

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This story examines another angle of the theme Smith laid out in two earlier tales: "The Abattoir" and "The Culling Lottery."Most anthropologists agree that many prehistoric human tribes practiced cannibalism; the premise here is that in a world ravaged by overpopulation and hunger, desperation has brought it back and profiteering has turned it into big business.With a high demand for young female flesh, huge breeding farms have sprung up to provide not only meat products, but other services...

3 years ago
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My Moms friend Ms April

It was a Friday night and I been home all day. Normally I’m alone on Friday nights unless a friend calls and wants to hang out. I mostly like to stay home on Fridays because that’s when I would have the house to myself. My mom goes out of town every Friday so I’m used to being alone most of the time. But tonight was different, something unexpected happened. So later when my mom left the house, I went to take a shower and most likely flop on the couch and watch some TV. I was sitting there...

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I’d been out all morning. I deposited a check into our bank account, then went out for breakfast, then got an overdue oil change, and then went shopping at a ladieswear place called Just Hers, which had opened about a month earlier. A friend of mine named Rita told me she shops there and raved about the place. I bought a few pairs of super-tiny see-through panties, a minidress, and a pair of very figure-hugging faux leather pants. I’d always wanted a pair of tight leather pants, but they were...

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Matts Adventures April01

Bill's Adventures - April01 by Bun2bch(mf, cons)### This work should only be read if it is legal for you to do so. This is a work of fiction, please do not read it if you may be offended. Comments are welcome at the above email address. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. This story is set in the UK where driving is legal at 17 and sex is legal at 16. ================================I sat at the kitchen...

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Foolish Games

A woman and her boyfriend get into deep trouble when he has to leave her helpless and alone for just a short while. I happened to hit your site accidentally when looking for something totally unrelated. I’m not into bondage or any other fetish but I do have a story that I could add to your library. I was sworn to secrecy but as no real names are mentioned it is not such a big deal. In fact it may be a lesson to others not to be so careless. My sister was a police officer in Florida and...

2 years ago
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Foolish Flashing Fantasy

It is just after 10:00 at night.  After an exhausting seven hour trip I have finally make it to my fourth-floor room.  I am really pissed off that I have had to undertake this emergency business trip. Especially since it is to a city that I have never visited before.  As an avid flasher, I normally research the hotel where I am going to stay to make sure that it is amenable to my hobby.  This time though, with less than a days notice, I did not have the time.  My first meeting is at 8:00 in the...

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Foolish Fights

The old air conditioner was just a machine, it couldn't have known it picked the worst day of the year to break down. Still, Annie gave it a murderous look as the compressor coughed and died.It hadn't been able to keep up for a while, really. As a result, the apartment that Annie shared with her husband, Phillip, was already too warm to be truly comfortable. Now that the A/C had died, the temperature was sure to skyrocket. Phillip sat in an armchair on the other side of the living room,...

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PROMOTE.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation "So it's settled, George," Louise said triumphantly to me. Denise starts working in Sales for me in two weeks. "Yes," I replied reluctantly. "I guess it's a better long term career opportunity. I cursed under my breath. I had only been with the company for four months as head of the two-person Marketing Research department (Denise and me), and now Louise was taking my entire staff. Louise smiled at me sweetly. She was one of the...

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My servant Seeta

This is a relation which happened between my servant Seeta and me. This happened when I was on working in Bombay. My servant was alone and was of age 38. I still remember that night when I came from party, she opened the door and me came slowly she had come from her room and was in blouse and dhoti. So I went to bathroom, while coming outside that time saw her in the room adjusting her dhoti and blouse, after changing she came to my room with glass of milk. I had removed my underwear and was...

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owned life p2

Its useless to think i could get away after the 1st monthwhat was only secret play session alone in my room was now my only purpose when school is done if my classmate knew i am wearing a chastity panty pink leather, locked tight , boy clit locked in a cage and a plug always inside. no way for me to remove itthey would all make fun off me , the cock slut boy princessmy friends think he his my mom bf , its what i had to told them since his black suv is always infront of the school everyone...

4 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 35 Building on Success

Colonel Gotti was surprised by the swelling ranks of the Home Guard Militia. Shortly after his units began training with Commanders Kehoe, Porter, Rawlings and Diego at Camp Timmons, Governor Grayson declared that concubines with scores of six point zero and higher could volunteer for militia service. They would be granted sponsor privileges after six month's service and retain them for as long as they remained in the militia on Azahar. The qualified concubine volunteers would be required to...

1 year ago
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Wife addicted to her ex boyfriend

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Another year older... not a whole lot to celebrate, however there is one particular birthday tradition that you still... really. Enjoy. You were recently married to your dream woman Sarah, she's a true lady. Generous, caring, giving, sexy and smart, but more importantly. Gives amazing birthday head. The clock strike's 10PM, usually way too early for you to sleep however tonight you can make an exception, after all you know you're getting a special treat. "Hey Sarah you wouldn't...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 119

Hailey waited outside the hotel for Randi Raver and Meredith Miller. Phil was going to spend the morning at the studio. He said he would probably spend the afternoon getting rip-roaring drunk. A black SUV with tinted windows pulled up outside of the hotel and Randi Raver hopped out wearing a huge smile. She wore a sundress, a straw hat and a pair of oversized sunglasses. “Come on in,” she said, gesturing to the rear of the SUV where she exited. Hailey saw a brunette woman driving and a...

2 years ago
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Shopping Escapades In Dubai

Hi friends, this is Samar here. This is my first story on this platform and I am sure it won’t be my last. This incident happened to me about 2 years ago when I was in Dubai. Dubai is a beautiful place with a lot of good sites. Man made creation are plenty and all of them can be adored. The only thing which is more beautiful then the structures is the woman of dubai. People from across the globe are settled in dubai and due to this women from across the globe are also part of dubai. Single,...

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A Special Threesome for Cindy

After I finished my tour in Vietnam, I had the opportunity to be assigned to Germany where I was worked in the S-3 shop in a supply and services battalion... an "S & S" battalion. Shortly after I got there, Dave came into the battalion and took over as the commander of the GS maintenance company and we began our friendship. We met again a few years later when we sat next to each other at the officers' advanced course at Fort Lee. Dave had also been “RIFfed” from the army at the same...

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My Colleagues Wife 4

I went down and poured myself some water. I was glad to find a can of Power-horse. Jim's taste was obviously as good as taste for women. Marie was definitely top shelf. About half an hour later they came downstairs chatting happily and holding hands like the love birds they were. Jim went to sit in his recliner as Marie took her place on the sofa beside me.There was no awkwardness or even the "pregnant pause." We all talked about our sexcapade and our future action and laughed at that, even...

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HorseLoving NieceChapter 9

"Damn!" Janice rolled onto her ass once more, one arm draped over her face. It was going to be a long, long night. Chad had made her cum violently, with a passion she hadn't known for a long, long time. But now, as she lay naked on her bed, the sheets having been kicked off long ago, the brunette thought once more about looking for the dog. It was nearly midnight. Her sister wasn't home yet. That dance must have been quite an affair. Janice laughed a little bitterly, again imagining the...

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Beetlesmiths Ch 11

My fears lessened when Karen and I were at the mall. We were in her favorite store, and Karen spent a lovely time, at least for her, modeling different outfits for me. I played along as she wanted me to, throwing in my opinion about each outfit she tried on. I could tell she was getting aroused, but I didn’t think it was due to residual effects of the elixir. It was just her normal, turned-on conditioning whenever I played fashion critic to her fashion show. One of the store clerks was...

4 years ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt5 Lifes a beach

She threw on a floral print sundress and some pink thong panties then crossed the hall and poked her head into Jennifer’s room and, not finding her there, made her way to the common area of the villa. Spotting her on the deck she headed out there and took a seat on the lounger next to her. “Hey.” Jennifer acknowledged. “Hey. Where’s Daddy?” “Not sure. I think he went out and came back. I didn’t check his room or anything.” Jennifer shrugged. “How you going?” “Feeling pretty chill. Just...

3 years ago
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The Life and Times of Bethany Clark Chapter 8 Birthday Sex

The Life and Times of Bethany Clark By LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 8 - Birthday Sex The ride wasn't nearly as steamy as I thought it might've been. I somehow managed to keep my raging hormones in check during the entire trip. The last song that played on the radio before they got to Dan's apartment, however, was "Birthday Sex". How convenient, I smiled to myself. Dan walked me to the door of his apartment, opened the door, led me inside, and turned on the main...

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FamilyStrokes Alana Cruise Liz Jordan Day Dreamer Part 2

Day Dreamer: A Liz Jordan Mini-Series [Part 2 of 3] – In our last scene with Liz Jordan, she had sexy daydreams in class with friends Demi and Oliver. Now, her stepparents, Alana and Bobby, get a call from the school counselor informing them of Liz’s poor attention in class. When Liz gets home, Bobby and Alana confront her and try to figure out what’s making her so tired. The truth comes out, and Liz confesses to Bobby about her raunchy dreams – including the one where he’s the one...

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My Minotaur Part VII

After that nasty business at the glade, we wandered on. As we moved ever northward, we began to hear a curious noise at night, and it wasn’t until we were within sight of the source that we understood what it was. The noise of a thousand thousand voices all crying out as one, a constant din and roar. Before us there lay a vast Arena. Saela’s eyes widened at the sight of such marvelous architecture, and even Valsivale seemed vaguely impressed. I myself have never enjoyed The Games, but on...

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An Accidental Woman 3

I stepped out of the shower with one foot onto the bathmat, grabbing my towel in one movement. I dried my hair a bit at first, getting most of the water dripping, then down my chest, lifting my breasts and drying underneath, eventually leaning over and moving the towel from my crotch down my thigh and back around my calf to my foot. Shaving my legs had been a chore at first, but now it was just something that had to be done. What I had not gotten use to were the suttle movements of my body....

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The Alley

We attended one of those typical art openings, you were asked to assist and perform your usual magic for both the staff and clients. No wonder, you were your normal stunning self, dressed in a fitted black backless dress, black stockings, a small strand of pearls and little else. Your hair was down, catching the halogen lighting in the gallery, made it positively glow. Very few in attendance failed to notice, myself included. People flocked around you like moths to a flame, both men and women...

Wife Lovers
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Amateur Dramatics

So, those of you who read my first post will know about Dale who took a fancy to me in my first job after school.One of his other passions was being a member of an Amateur Dramatic group and one time they were putting on a show in the local halls I agreed to go along, although I have to admit I was given a free ticket :)The show was Princess Ida and in fairness, it was a well put together performance by the group and Dale certainly put his heart and soul into his role. But the really fun bit...

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My Brother and I Get Closer Chapter 6

My brother Tommy and I have become closer than most siblings. We fuck like rabbits, and now we brought his girlfriend into the act. Jennifer just didn’t know it yet. My brother and I were plotting her first lesbian experience. It would be my first too. I was attracted to Jennifer, and Tommy was more than willing to feed my pussy lust. I had gotten past casually thinking of her. I wanted to see those beautiful tits, spread her legs and have the full experience in return. He clearly wanted to...

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Paulas FantasiesChapter 5

Friday morning. The big day! I fully expect that by the time this day is over I'll have all the evidence I'll ever need to protect my hard earned assets from my crazy wife. I hurried through my morning routine and left the house a little earlier than usual. I decided to stop for breakfast instead of just grabbing a bagel or a breakfast sandwich. It wasn't until I was sipping my coffee and waiting for my food that the anger I've been feeling ... well, it didn't go away, not really. It...

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Service SocietyChapter 19 Cumulative Effects

Dexter sat at the computer reading an article about the new climate of business. It was a fascinating chronicle of the changes that had taken place in the business community over the past two years. According to the article, it had all started with a workers revolt, triggered by some guy by the name of Dexter James. After he finished reading the article, Dexter sat back, looking thoughtful. It had been interesting ... not because it had given him a lot of credit for the changes, but for the...

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The Other Side

The Other Side By scremnkikn Friday Night I was sitting at the bar at O'Malley's feeling rather depressed. I had just had a confrontation with Dee whom I had been dating for almost a year. Seems she found out about Melissa, whom I had been seeing for the last few months, and ended things between us immediately. How do I get myself into these messes I thought as I ordered another drink. I really did care about Dee. I don't know why I did what I did. Well, then again that's...

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Alan Ch 06

Chapter 6 New Kinks That evening Alan sat at his computer and began the process of Googling the proper nouns he read in his notebook. ‘Your search – Devaryesh – did not match any documents. No pages were found containing ‘devaryesh’.’ ‘Your search – Paishiya’uvada – did not match any documents. No pages were found containing ‘paishiya’uvada’.’ Hyrcanus returned 4,180 hits, but as he clicked on the links he read that Hyrcanus was one of the Macabees, the Hasmonean kings of Israel in the...

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